#madurday night live
Hey girl. I mean they. Let me she/them/itties.
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I was relistening to Ruthlessness and I heard Poseidons “43 left under your command” and I immediately thought of the “558 men who died” part of The Underworld and oh my god he remembered to include that one guy who got drunk and fell off of Circe’s roof that’s amazing
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The curse of no one around me irl knowing or caring about Greek mythology or the odyssey is that no one understands why I’m annoyed about people complaining that one of the songs in the epic ocean saga isn’t the ‘get in the water’ because that’s not how the fucking odyssey works!!!!!
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“There are no websites for kids nowadays” Somebody show gen alpha cool math im begging you
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People who are like “Omg gen z theatre kids only know *proceeds to list every single musical that came out after 1999*” are the most annoying assholes like hey maybe we just don’t like shit from the 1960’s or we have specific tastes have you ever considered that
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I hate you incorrect captions I hate you censoring tiktok captions I hate you wrong captions on purpose I hate you taking longer sentences and shortening them for the caption I hate you twisting words in captions I hate you godawful YouTube automated captions I hate you horrible automated captions I HATE YOU INCORRECT CAPTIONS
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Bro I was just chilling after my dance class waiting for my sister so we could go home and talking to some dance friends and one of them just starts going “guys. Guys” and pointing down the hallway so I go over to see what she’s pointing at and
So me and one of my friends were like “why the hell is there a dog in the STUDIO” and we go down and there’s just a guy with his dog
I got to pet it and I took a photo
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We stan
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Good evening if you are spoiling the Percy Jackson series for people who haven’t read the books on purpose you’re an asshole
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I feel like the vibes of Steven are off where it’s like this is a bit to make like a TikTok comments or just a YouTube comment section laugh and not really a dropout bit? If that makes sense?
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Listen every single book genre is better if it’s sapphic this is not up for debate
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A list of things in Greek mythology that I think are funny:
Bellerophon killing one (☝️) lion and deciding he was a god
Demeter just kinda putting a baby in a fire nightly to try and make him immortal
Niobe going “I’m a better mom than Artemis and Apollo’s mom because I have 18 kids” and the gods going “no you don’t” and killing her kids (stop challenging gods people did we learn nothing from Arachne and Psyche and Marsyas)
The idea that natural disasters were just the gods having a bad day (lowkey the way people explained natural phenomena back then without all the modern day science we have right now is actually pretty cool but also Poseidon is pissy so he leveled my fuckijg town-)
That one guy who was like ‘I’m a god’ and Zeus responded by just turning him into an eagle
Apollo having just fatal levels of negative rizz
Midas being given donkeys ears because his music taste was ass
Athena throwing away the pan pipes because they made her look weird
Medusa getting her head cut off and just like a fucking flying horse popped out
That one guy who came home from the Trojan war only to immediately get killed by his wife and her side piece
The way Dionysus just had a group of fangirls following him around more often than not
The way my study packet called Procrustes a “scoundrel” in one of the questions
The fact that the Milky Way is supposedly just Hera’s breast milk that was supposed to feed Heracles (which is not her child mind you)
Anyways that’s it
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Thank you Auli’i Cravalho for restoring “every asshole has opinions” in I’d Rather Be Me we stan
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Scrolling tiktok and getting frustrated because I saw someone say “sometimes when I get tired (on the treadmill) I keep walking just to prove Orpheus was a slacker and I could have easily saved Eurydice” just say you don’t understand the point of a tragedy and move on
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I’m out here wearing all pink ordering a pink lemonade while on my pink phone and pink glittery phone case
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Hey quick question what the actual fuck is small talk
Like. Do you just talk about…the weather? Idfk???
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I’ve stopped saying I need to shut up and I’ve started saying I won’t shut up and it has done wonders for my mental health
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