#magical weight gain
fatguarddog · 5 months
You're the heir to the royal family of a kingdom besieged by demons and during a surrender, are offered up to one of the Demon Lords as a prize of battle. Don't worry, he assures you with a warm yet devious smile, you'll soon 'grow' to love your new life with him
You're taken back to his manor and draped in a lavish, yet skimpy outfit, one that really shows off your body and highlights the slight curves of your features. Your new Lord sits you down at a huge banquet table and takes his seat across from you. All manner of succulent and delicious foods are lined up before you, you take a moment to really take in the size of this hulking, handsome demon and assume he must eat like a beast. But when his impish servants are done setting the table, he just brings his elbows onto the table to rest his head in his hands. He smiles at you,
"You've nothing to fear. Eat."
His voice is so commanding. Nervously, you load up your plate with foods that seem the most familiar to you. Roast chicken, potatoes, various vegetables and a bread roll. It's delicious. With the effect the war has had on your kingdom, you can't remember the last time event he royal family could assemble such a sumptuous selection to feast upon... so you end up forgetting yourself a little and eating until you're quite stuffed. You lean back in your chair and graciously thank your Lord for the meal, shyly paying your compliments to the chef
"Good," he smiles wider and snaps his fingers. "Eat."
A surge of warmth courses through your body. With some demonic intervention, everything you'e just eaten rapidly digests within you and you feel hungry again. Your frame even grows a little bit softer, though not enough for you to notice just yet. You blush and oblige his order, you brain trying to rationalise what's happening. A display of dominance, perhaps? Or did he notice how much you were enjoying the food after having had so little for so long and just wanted you to get to enjoy that more? Was something bad coming after this, or was he actually a good demon somehow?
All of your questions seemed to melt away as you dug in to the feast again, this time trying the honey roasted ham, sweet fruits, leg shank and more. Once again you eat until you feel completely stuffed. Once again you thank your Lord for such a wonderful meal... and once again he smiles at you with fiery eyes from across the table, his own plate still empty and untouched,
"Good," another snap of his fingers. "Eat."
That familiar surge of warmth strikes again, but this time you notice how much plumper you look after, especially in your skimpy clothes. You look up at your Lord in shock and confusion, but he just gestures to the food in front of him. You timidly shake your head, yet your stomach growls audibly in the large dining hall
"Perhaps you'd be more in the mood for wine and cheese?" the demon snaps and the feast before you changes to a decadent cheese plate with crackers and dried meats abound. "Or would my royal prize prefer dessert?" Another snap and the table becomes stacked with cakes, pies and pastries alongside jugs filled with custards and creams, all so sweetly mouth watering The look of disbelief doesn't leave your face. Your stomach growls louder, more painfully as your owner laughs
"Better not to ignore your hunger, my dear. It'll be much more pleasurable for you if you just. Eat."
The command rings through you and sends shivers down your spine, you want nothing more than to stuff your face with every dessert in sight. Your hands reach forward greedily and you begin to eat your fill as your Lord looks on, almost lovingly at you
"So good, so obedient, I'm going to like you a lot," he stands and gently makes his way all around the table to your side, his towering form standing behind you, gently rubbing your now slightly pudgy shoulders. "I'll spoil you so much, feast after feast, night after night of pure pleasure to make you into the perfectly fattened up image of hedonism," his hands feels so good and warm on your soft skin as you gorge yourself. "Just think how demoralising it'll be for your kingdom, to see how easily their royal heir fell to demonic corruption... but I must say from a personal standpoint, I do just think you look so beautiful enjoying yourself like this. I'll have a bath ready for us after I think you're done here, there we can really relax and get to know each other, my dear. But for now, please keep eating. I told you you would grow to love it here."
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chubunited · 3 months
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In this house, we turn our friends into fat dragontaurs for @feybeasts!
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softartemisart · 9 months
in terms of cursed objects that make you fat, a large leather harness is nice.
if you don't fasten it tight enough, then your body will grow to fill the available space. if you only leave a little bit of extra breathing room, then it's not too noticeable. just a small layer of pudge all-over, easily brushed off as some pounds you just didn't notice creeping on until now. looser still, and you'd feel the weight hit you, feel the doughy flesh ooze between your fingers until you fit snugly into the garment. if you fastened it at the loosest setting? well. unless you get it off quickly, it won't stop until you're straining the leather, new stretch-marked skin bulging out around the tight straps, every inch of you soft and swollen and wobbling and fat
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horzagobuchul · 9 months
What are other things you'd be willing to have the AI try?
Breast expansion is something I've thought about for a long time~
Would that be of interest to the people of tumblr?
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tastescomics · 10 months
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CW/noncon After a friendly year and a half of passing by one another, Token always there to add more to his plate at the diner, Cole always there to listen and eat- the night finally came that Cole had been waiting for. A chance to invite Token in and have a more meaningful moment than the chance encounters he had been setting up.
Token was happy to hang out for a bit, the guy had been nothing but friendly. But he didn't anticipate the extent to which Cole's feelings were for him >-> And they lived happily ever after, the end! :D
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fattlestacks · 11 months
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TammyTwoPaws Commission July 2023
This is a commission for @tammy-two-paws I hope you like it, thanks so much for commissioning me!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Jaymz Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/jaymzeecat
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greenlotusleaf · 11 months
What if you were a knight, and you were on a brave mission to rescue your princess from a terrible dragon. The quest is perilous, but you had to volunteer: you've always been secretly in love with the princess, though the difference in your station means you can never be together.
After your long and dangerous travel, you run up the stairs, reaching the lair at the top of an ancient, ruined tower. The starlight though the missing roof lights the massive pile of golden treasure with an otherworldly gleam. No dragon is in sight.
But wait! Lounging on the pile of stolen treasure is a huge, swollen figure. You step forward cautiously, hand on the hilt of your sword. Then, a cloud uncovers the moon and in the new light, you see the figure is not a dragon, but a vast, bloated woman, wearing nothing but gold jewellery.
At your approach, she turns heavily on her bed of gold. There's a clink and scrape of coins as the motion of her enormity sends bits of treasure cascading down the pile. Her gravid belly is impossibly, obscenely round; each dimpled, wobbling thigh is wider than your entire body. Each swollen breast is as large as most pregnant women's bellies ever grow, and as she rolls over to face you, they flop down beside her, leaking milk that runs in thin trickles down her body, moistening the treasure beneath her.
You are stunned at the sight of her like this, so she breaks the silence. "My brave knight," she intones, jiggling as she speaks. Broad, golden necklaces ripple over her enormous breasts and down into the vast valley of her cleavage. You know you should look away, sparing her royal dignity, but you can't. You've often imagined her body, bared for you... but that was before. The princess was slender, then. Now? Your body is flooded with a mix of conflicting feelings, but lust is still among them. You feel yourself growing weak with it.
"My brave knight, I knew you'd come for me." You are mesmerized by the way her hand rubs lazy circles on her enormous belly. You kneel and lower your eyes, as is proper with royalty, but you can't stop yourself from flicking little glances back up, astonished. "It's unfortunate, my champion, that despite your bravery, I cannot return with you to the castle. Not anymore. But...." Coins jingle, and you realize the princess is slowly spreading her vast thighs, opening for you. "...If you still wish to be of service to your princess, I can give you one final quest, of personal urgency."
You've dreamed about this too many times. You couldn't possibly refuse her.
Kneeling reverently before her, you kiss her delicately, at first. You crave to see the look on the princess's face, but her enormous, swollen belly blocks your view, leaving you only her gasps and sighs and pleas as encouragement. Her hugeness, her heaviness, is a new kind of regality, and it mesmerizes you, drawing you in like gravity. You pleasure her more fervently, as if possessed.
So absorbed in your service, you don't mind when the princess twines her fingers into you hair, holding your head in place between her thighs-- why shouldn't she command her most devoted knight thus? You don't even notice the spreading shadow of wings over you, or hear the quiet landing of the creature behind you over the sound of your princess's words of encouragement. When the talon moves with exquisite slowness, shearing through the straps of your armor, you are frozen with fear, but your princess soothes you, begs you not to stop, to grant her relief.
When the dragon enters you, hot breath on your back, the princess shudders in ecstasy, crying out your name like you always imagined she would. When the dragon fills you, floods you, she strokes your hair, praising your bravery and steadfastness. When the dragon departs, wordless as it arrived, its seed spilling out of you in a molten gush, the princess sits up with a great effort, bends over you, kisses you chastely on the forehead. "Now you cannot return to the castle, either, my perfect knight. Now you must stay with me...."
As the princess pulls you up beside her onto the bed of treasure, you finally understand. She lays a plump hand protectively on your still-toned belly, many rings glittering, as she smiles a peculiar smile. She gathers herself onto all fours, swollen breasts pressed together between her fat arms, overripe belly dragging on the bed of coins, as she retrieves gold bangles and chains to adorn you, all far too loose.
You don't even mind the coins digging into your back as she climbs on top of you, crushing you into the treasure heap. A pulsing warmth rises within you, and it's more than just your desire. "My valorous hero is going to be so irresistible," she muses. "Now I must give you a reward befitting my *greatest* knight...."
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exponentialmass · 8 months
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Definitely one of the more unique weight gain commissions I've done, but I've definitely had a good time drawing this anime gal getting bigger!
Commissions remain open and ongoing!
Crossposted from: https://twitter.com/ExponentialMass
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mylevisdontfitanymore · 3 months
I am... fully obsessed with the magic doll story you wrote. Is there any possibility one day getting an expansion (heh) that included other aspects of the ask, like getting Bucky drunk or making him horny and cum from a distance?? Sorry, I had no idea I would like it that much 👀
This magic doll
I'm not sure how much this expands on the original idea, but... I just blacked out and came back with this, so 🤷🏻‍♂️ have it 😂😂
(Also, tagging @bnb-atnite because she went feral for that story 👀)
Warning for unbeta'd stucky belly kink. Mostly rapid and magical weight gain, some vague dubious concent vibes but not really, etc.
I’d like to think that Steve likes to take his boy toy out on the town, showing him off, the media thinks they’re dating, but they don’t know that this pretty, young twink is Steve’s toy. Paid for and still pampered by Steve’s wealth.
As a result of Steve taking him out to the most lavish, expensive dinners, showing him off, alongside Steve’s need to keep his reputation (relatively) controversy-free… Steve has to unstuff the magic doll when they go out for the aforementioned high society vanity and practical reasons. For vanity, paparazzi would ruin them (as hot as it would get Steve) if Bucky waddled out of their building, thighs not only rubbing together but spilling out against each other, all that fat jiggling and forcing his legs further apart than they normally would be when he walks, turning his smooth walk into a wide-legged, ponderous staggering. The whole time he would need Steve to hold onto, his balance so fickle when he’s that fucking big. Steve’s arm fighting to make it all the way around his thick, soft waist and getting lost in between those heavy, overflowing rolls; Bucky’s chubby hand tight on his muscular forearm, clinging to him, complete contrast; Bucky huffing and puffing, his chubby cheeks red and misted with sweat, pure exertion from all that weight packed onto his frame and being forced to walk the short distance from the elevator to the lobby to their waiting, chauffeured car where he needs Steve to help stuff him into the backseat, fighting all his blubber, it’s a good thing that they don’t buckle up in the back because even with an extender… Bucky wouldn’t fit, meanwhile, Steve isn’t out of breath at all, not a hair out of place, nothing but a cocky smile on his lips, after all, with his workout regime he could skip the elevator down from their top floor penthouse, run the flights of stairs, down, up, then down again, and still be fine. But not Bucky. Bucky’s overburdened frame, overflowing with this soft, luxurious blubber, would cause quite the media frenzy, feeding off of him. And God knows there’s enough to feed off of. Steve would get off on it, but he doesn’t do it. For practicality, they can’t leave the penthouse with the magic doll, and subsequently with Bucky so round and heavy, because Bucky can’t move very well when his body is stuffed with fat. When the magic doll - always in Steve’s pocket, ready to be manipulated and played with whenever Steve feels like it - nearly bursting at the seams with so much fiberfill, Bucky can hardly maneuver around the penthouse, much less the outside world. In the penthouse, he knocks stuff over with his shelf-ass, he gets stuck in doorways (and even in Steve’s impressive, huge shower stall), he finds it difficult to waddle more than a few inches before becoming exhausted, he complains about having to use his arms because when he does his heavy, big tits get in the way, and, just, anything that isn’t sitting on his ass, mounding out underneath him like a thick cushion, is hard. So, when he’s so huge, he sits and lets himself be pampered. However Steve wants him, so long as it’s resting, he’s good.
However, as much as it makes Bucky pout when he’s unstuffed, returning to that little twink he was when Steve first bought him, it’s totally worth it once they’re done with their little date and he gets to experience being supersized all over again. There’s nothing like a public dinner date filled with foreplay, knowing that the real fun begins when they get home where Steve can have him to himself and mold his body into whatever form he wants, all for him to play with him. Touch him, fatten him, grope him, spank him, fuck him, even fuck his rolls. Whatever he wants. It’s about what he wants. Bucky is a toy, his needs don’t matter, he’s just here to be Steve’s. And Steve’s going to play with him. Roughly or softly, he’ll play however he wants.
So, their date is foreplay in the form of Steve buying courses and courses and courses of expensive, fancy food that come in tiny portions that Bucky always swears will never fill him up, only to sing (pant, really) a different tune in an hour when the plates are still coming and he’s not so sure he has any more room. If not for Steve demanding that he keep eating - he paid for it, didn’t he? Bucky isn’t sure if he’s talking about the food or Bucky himself. Jesus Christ, that’s hot. - claiming he wants to have to hold him close to his side when they leave so the cameras don’t catch that Bucky’s popped at least one button off of his shirt, the pressure of his swollen belly just too much for the expensive cloth and thread. And if he doesn’t pop a button, if he doesn’t finish all his food, well, maybe he’ll have to go to bed without an orgasm and without all the fat he so desperately wants to be packed back onto him, addicted to how soft he’s grown (ha) used to being under Steve’s pampering care.
Bucky eats.
He eats and eats and eats, always moaning at the rich tastes of the decadent foods, easily letting Steve continue to fill his wine glass until he’s satisfied with Bucky making a pig of himself in public. Stuffing his face. The evidence is clear on his body - his belly distended into a tight, pregnant-looking globe.
In the bathroom before they leave, Steve slaps his tender gut a handful of times, weakening Bucky’s knees until he’s leaning against Steve’s chest, panting hard, his eyes rolling to the back of his head with a whimper as he feels all the food inside him shift and churn, he’s so full and Steve’s being so mean. The burn of his slaps is barely diffused by his tight, tight shirt. The smacks are just to make him focus, though, Steve knows how dumb his spoiled toy gets, and he needs a reminder to suck in as much as he can while they walk to the car. Keep up the reputation. Then, once they’re inside, he can let his greedy belly bloat back out. Nearly moaning into his collar, practically drooling on him, Bucky nods and struggles to right himself.
They stumble through camera flashes into the car to go home.
Bucky whines and moans through the car ride, Steve’s heavy, hot palm resting possessively on his starter belly for the night, the bulk of his body close, leaning into him. His lips are pressed close to Bucky’s ear, whispering about how he can’t wait to watch this chubby belly swell into a real fat gut and… hmm, y’know, maybe he can’t wait. Maybe he’ll pull out the magic doll in the interior pocket of his suit jacket and start puffing him up right here. Wouldn’t that be fun? He could give Bucky huge, big tits again and then force him to walk from the car to the doors of their building with them wobbling and spilling out of his shirt. Wouldn’t the gossip rags have fun with that? Talking about how this tiny little twink went and got himself big, mommy milkers… or maybe, maybe he should stuff his ass, make it huge and give everyone in the city, hell, with Steve’s business being a household name, everyone in the country something to jerk off to. That big, fat ass.
Bucky is panting. Forget foreplay, this is… it’s midplay? Just play? It’s so much more than simple foreplay to get him riled up. He's past riled.
His belly is stuffed to the point that he might burst and he’s so hard in his slacks, his belt biting into his waist, that he’s achy. He wants Steve to play with his dick right now. He doesn’t care that he’s pretty sure Steve wouldn’t do any of that, and he’s just talking. He doesn’t know 100%. And he could. Bucky is his to play with. He could do whatever he wanted to him. If he wanted he could take his clothes and make him do the walk of shame up to their building, streaking with his stuffed, glutted middle bulging out in front of him like Steve’s fucked him so good, so often, that he’s defied the laws of biology and impregnated him despite his lack of uterus.
Steve caresses his tender middle, dragging his fingertips just hard enough over him, that he shudders. A soft, “please,” comes out in a whine.
Steve just nips his ear, hushing him.
Bucky swears that he nearly dies, his heart pounding so hard in his chest, on the way back to the penthouse. He’s too turned on. He’s gonna explode. Anticipation and fullness are so overwhelming together.
Once they’re behind the heavy, solid wood door of the penthouse Steve stops dragging him along, possessive but also reasonable because Bucky’s not sure how he’s still walking, he’s not even that heavy, he’s just too turned on, there’s nothing going on in his head. So, Bucky stops in his tracks, Steve goes to the kitchen for… something, meanwhile, he sticks to the door, leaning against the cool surface, trying to catch his breath.
It doesn’t hit Bucky that it’s intentional on Steve’s part until, oh, God -
He’s squirming in pleasure with the tingling, stretching feeling of his body expanding. It’s magical. Literally. But it feels magical, too. It’s so much better, after a break of being back in his “normal” body, he’s fucking dying here, feeling himself balloon right back up. It will never get old. It’s tight and tingly, his skin fighting to keep up with the pure lard that’s exponentially filling him, almost like the sensation of pins and needles. So, so intense. It’s hot like fire spreading through him. It’s such a stretch that it takes his breath away, he feels like an inflatable parade balloon. Fuck, he’s about to be the size of one, too.
Bucky moans, tortured by the sensation and by the fact that he can hear Steve, his footsteps on the wooden floor, chuckling as he waltzes out of the kitchen and further away from Bucky - it sounds like he’s heading for the bedroom, which, fuck yeah, but Bucky can’t move! He’s still expanding!
Heavier and heavier, wider and wider.
It feels like he’s swelling to fill the whole door frame. Like he’s gonna get stuck again! He moans loudly at the thought, there’s really nothing as sexy as Steve coming up behind him to unstick him, teasing him for “letting” himself get so big (as if he has any choice with the power Steve has over him), and then getting his hands all over his body, sinking into his soft, plush fat, grunting with the effort of shoving and shoving, making the parts of his body that aren’t wedged in tight jiggle and wobble in waves until he stumbles forward, dazed from how turned on it all makes him.
Bucky’s still swelling.
What’s better or worse-? Getting fattened in the blink of an eye, suddenly woomph, hugely obese and incredibly off-balance and so aroused, or having it accumulate just fast enough for him to feel his body struggling to keep up, his heart pounding as he knows what’s coming.
“Buck?” Steve calls, beckoning him forward.
He struggles through a few steps, his new weight making his muscles tremble while his mind weakens. He’s shaking. He’s already so close to begging out loud. He just wants more already. He wants it fast. He wants it now! Fatten meeee! Swell me!
Bucky uses the walls and furniture along the way to the bedroom to steady himself, fighting to keep walking when he really just wants to fall to his knees to enjoy the sensation that’s overtaking his whole body.
Filling out.
Shit, it’s so good.
By the time he gets to the end of the hall that leads back to the master bedroom and bathroom, he’s sweating. Steve is standing there, leaning against the door frame, smirking at him, eyes dark as he watches his struggles. He’s holding that fucking doll and a mass wad of stuffing. Bucky’s heart leaps into his throat, his dick twitching like an excitable pet hearing the word “dinner.”
Then -
Steve forces all of the huge mass of stuffing into the little magic doll, making it bulge.
At first, it all settles right into the doll’s belly, the biggest open space available. It’s so much that Bucky stumbles and falls onto his suddenly massively, massively round gut. The thump sound of his impact would be laughable if it weren’t so fucking obscene. He is so excessive. SO fat. The air is knocked out of him. His head is spinning. He’s so fucking turned on. He could come like this. He could. He’s on top of his gut, his legs forced to spread so wide around the massive shape of his gut, and -
A whole long moan that’s almost more like a wail leaves Bucky, emptying his lungs of all oxygen as Steve takes the ungodly huge chunk of stuffing straining the doll’s limits in its tummy and massages it. He smooths the big ball of fiberfill out, distributing it more evenly throughout Bucky’s frame. Bucky can’t breathe. It feels like there are hands all over him, touching him, touching him, touching him, squishing, squeezing, and groping his fat. He feels like a pillow being fluffed. But a heavy pillow. It's so heavy that he doesn’t think he’s ever going to walk again. Guh. How does he ever get used to this feeling between their public outings? It’s mind-melting. With Steve touching him without touching him, his belly shrinks, but the whole rest of his body thickens, evening out, leaving Bucky much chunkier, but on all-fours rather than resting on top of his gut.
Of course, once he’s done massaging him, Steve stuffs him more. Filling the freed-up space.
He makes his body so thick, his arms and legs blubbery and his belly nearly sagging to the floor while he trembles on his hands and knees. To deal with the weight, Bucky arches his back, but it doesn’t help him deal with how turned on he is - if anything, it makes him hornier because he can feel how his thick ass jiggles and pops out more. He could get fucked like this; if he’s not too fat for Steve’s dick to reach his hole yet, he could get fucked like this; he wants to be fucked like this. So bad. He wants Steve to fuck him, grope him, jiggle him, and fatten him.
He’s so fucking spoiled. Weakly, plaintively whining, begging without words as his arms and legs slide farther apart under the still-increasing weight of his body. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meee. If Steve keeps pushing him he’s gonna be laying on top of his fat rather than crawling on all fours soon. He’s too soft and weak! Absolutely spoiled.
“Buck, honey-”
Steve’s voice makes Bucky stretch his head up, blearily looking at him through the haze of arousal.
His voice has softened “-quit playing around and come to bed, baby. I know your tummy hurts after dinner, c’mere and I’ll rub your belly in bed, don’t you want me to make it better?” he’s too good at playing the doting, innocent husband of an overdue wife considering that he’s the one doing this to Bucky, fattening him, driving him insane with too much and not enough pleasure.
With a whimper Bucky tries to crawl forward again, wobbling, his body fighting so hard to do something so simple that’s so hard when he’s so fucking heavy. He can’t make it and he opens his mouth to beg for help, he can’t do it! He’s too big! When -
A truly shameless, obscene sound comes out of Bucky. Before he knows what’s happened and why he’s suddenly so hot and so sweaty and so close to coming, Bucky is going down. He’s suddenly crumbling onto the floor face first, putting his weight on his tender gut and belching through another desperate moan. He can’t take it. He can’t -
Fucking! Steve! So mean!
Just barely, Bucky can make out that Steve is holding the doll, not passively stuffing whisps of fiberfill into its body but now rubbing it. He’s rubbing the, the…
Oh, Jesus, just looking at what he’s doing to the doll, and thus doing to Bucky, makes embarrassment riot inside him. It’s so dirty!
He’s rubbing the crotch of the magic doll. He’s pleasuring it! Pleasuring Bucky!
His eyes roll to the back of his head, going limp in stunned arousal.
It fucking feels like he’s pouring pleasure straight into his body through his dick. It’s like being jerked off and sucked off and humping his own fat all at the same time. It’s like nothing else, he’s never felt something so good. It’s melting his mind. It’s ruining him for any other pleasure that doesn’t come from being so gluttonous and out of control.
Bucky can feel himself quivering on top of the cushion of his squished, fat belly. He can feel his dick, trapped where he can’t reach it under all his heavy, thick blubber twitching and leaking. He’s sweating so much, running the hottest fever. He’s wailing, voice breaking, when without fucking touching him Steve jerks him off to orgasm. It’s hot and wet against his own skin but Bucky can’t see it, the dirty evidence is hidden by his swollen body. The whole time, Bucky can feel Steve’s eyes on him, focused and burning, as captivated with him as a cat that’s just spotted an impressively fat mouse, deepened with the sadism of a predator whose only pleasure is unraveling its prey like a spool of thread. And just to make it worse, dragging him through the last twitches of his orgasm, Steve pinches the doll’s belly, undeniably delighted to hear how Bucky’s moans change tune.
It hurts to be groped so hard - his belly is under so much pressure already with him on top of it, and adding to it is… it’s, it’s unbearable. It feels so good. All he wants is to be touched and he is being touched but he wants Steve to actually touch him, he doesn’t want magic, he wants it to be real, and he’s already aching for more. Spoiled. He wants to be hefted into bed and turned over, rolled onto his back where he’s pinned and made into a bloated, swollen playground for Steve to touch, grope, hump, and climb all over. He wants Steve on top of him, grabbing handfuls of his thick blubber, jiggling it, and grinding into it, getting red in the face as he reaches his own high, getting off on what he’s done to Bucky. How he’s ruined and perverted him. How he owns him. He can do anything he wants to him, and Bucky will lick it up and beg for more like the greedy boy toy he is.
Me rn:
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Did I realize AFTER I wrote this whole thing that I neglected to talk about Bucky's clothes tearing off of him as he got fatter? Yes. Is that evidence of my brain being horny scrambled? You bet your ass it is 😂
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fatguarddog · 5 months
The idea of rapidly fattening up but being totally oblivious to it?? On your own is fine, but it's especially great when someone else is causing it with food or magic and hungrily eyeing you up and down as your whole body gently swells without you noticing
How many buttons will pop, seams will split, how much can your fat ass grow before you finally realise what a huge swollen fatty you've become?
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chubunited · 3 months
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Whups! @feybeasts got derg'd
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softartemisart · 7 months
magical weight gain over the course of one working day. trying to work a customer service job as you become less and less professional, feeling yourself grow and spill out of your clothes a bit more with every customer
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horzagobuchul · 6 months
This one might hit a bit too close to home with the semirealistic model~
I guess having a magical table full of desserts every evening can't be too good for your figure...
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tastescomics · 4 months
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BELATED HAPPY NEW YEARS! This is my attempt at an excuse to share some character designs for District 96 c; Their body types for the new series are not final in this image, just the general designs. Above we've got Finn, Kieran, Tedrick, Jules, Token, Ferris, Penny and Mason~
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Looks like Token and partner-in-crime Penny had some fun spiking the drinks -w-" At least everyone is having a good enough time that not many noticed… Tedrick and Ferris belong to the lovely @chubberbaria ♥
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tummy-stuffing-king · 11 months
concept: a magician or noble who has a particular dignity and figure to maintain. Their duties often come with extended formal dinners and salons, and they simply can't afford to be unruffled in any way. Being seen not finishing their food, or somewhat indisposed after indulging, would be a sign of weakness to their enemies. So instead they simply outsource the strain to someone below them. They craft or commission a spell that allows them to consume as much as they desire, and once they have had their fill, their bonded servant becomes the one to bear the weight.
so while the master effortlessly negotiates and politicks, the servant is left standing at their post, feeling their uniform grow tighter and their middle heavier as the night goes on, filled with someone else's feast. They continue to serve drinks and clear plates and stand in perfect poise even as their skin grows taut and their breath becomes short. The master, with no indication of when to stop, simply continues to clear course after course, filling their poor servant far beyond what they thought they could handle.
By the end of the night, the servant is sweaty and redfaced with the effort of simply continuing to stand at attention, yet still they are forced to gracefully and demurely attend to their master and escort them back to their rooms.
Maybe the master begins to use their servant even when they have no need for keeping up a facade, enjoying the taste and experience of lavish meals without any of the discomfort. Maybe they even begin to share their servant with trusted allies or companions, so the servant is forced to bear the intake of not one, but several people over the course of an hours long engagement.
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thefatisland · 5 months
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So... I have been sitting on this one for a WHILE now. I first discovered this instance thanks to celtic_deer's twitter account, which takes note of various interesting male weight gains in Chinese media. And this one just clicked in.
This is from episode 3 of a fantasy animated Chinese web-series called "斩兽之刃" (which is roughly translated as "Beast Slayers" or "Blade of Avengers" depending on who you ask?). The character here is called 科林 (Colin? as you can see I am very poor in Chinese). He is this skinny handsome dude who uses energy-based attacks to fight (summoning a bow made of energy to shoot energy-arrows for example). But his specific technique actually needs him to burn his own body fat to produce all these energy weapons and attacks. Meaning... yep, he stuffs himself with food until he grows enormous, so that he can attack his ennemies as much as possible, resulting in him slimming back to his regular size. A bit of a Fatgum situation, if you like.
This scene in particular is his introduction, as he enters an eating frenzy and immediately grows from skinny to enormous (there is however an in-between state of him looking thicker and chubbier than usual, but not fully round - it is apparently the only time this "in-between" state appears throughout the entire series, all the other episodes have him switching from skinny to enormous).
Here is a link to the original post celtic_deer made about him, and among the many things deer posted, these three screenshots perfectly summarize the three moments of his weight gain in this episode (my own screenshots are in complete disorder):
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