#rapid weight gain
quiverdream · 4 months
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A new comic commission! “Bursting With Enthusiasm”.
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mrjgain · 4 months
Been growing so damn huge since the new bulk coach has me on. Just gotta grow this gut even bigger💪🏻
Full 11 video available on Patreon and OF
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fatguarddog · 5 months
You're the heir to the royal family of a kingdom besieged by demons and during a surrender, are offered up to one of the Demon Lords as a prize of battle. Don't worry, he assures you with a warm yet devious smile, you'll soon 'grow' to love your new life with him
You're taken back to his manor and draped in a lavish, yet skimpy outfit, one that really shows off your body and highlights the slight curves of your features. Your new Lord sits you down at a huge banquet table and takes his seat across from you. All manner of succulent and delicious foods are lined up before you, you take a moment to really take in the size of this hulking, handsome demon and assume he must eat like a beast. But when his impish servants are done setting the table, he just brings his elbows onto the table to rest his head in his hands. He smiles at you,
"You've nothing to fear. Eat."
His voice is so commanding. Nervously, you load up your plate with foods that seem the most familiar to you. Roast chicken, potatoes, various vegetables and a bread roll. It's delicious. With the effect the war has had on your kingdom, you can't remember the last time event he royal family could assemble such a sumptuous selection to feast upon... so you end up forgetting yourself a little and eating until you're quite stuffed. You lean back in your chair and graciously thank your Lord for the meal, shyly paying your compliments to the chef
"Good," he smiles wider and snaps his fingers. "Eat."
A surge of warmth courses through your body. With some demonic intervention, everything you'e just eaten rapidly digests within you and you feel hungry again. Your frame even grows a little bit softer, though not enough for you to notice just yet. You blush and oblige his order, you brain trying to rationalise what's happening. A display of dominance, perhaps? Or did he notice how much you were enjoying the food after having had so little for so long and just wanted you to get to enjoy that more? Was something bad coming after this, or was he actually a good demon somehow?
All of your questions seemed to melt away as you dug in to the feast again, this time trying the honey roasted ham, sweet fruits, leg shank and more. Once again you eat until you feel completely stuffed. Once again you thank your Lord for such a wonderful meal... and once again he smiles at you with fiery eyes from across the table, his own plate still empty and untouched,
"Good," another snap of his fingers. "Eat."
That familiar surge of warmth strikes again, but this time you notice how much plumper you look after, especially in your skimpy clothes. You look up at your Lord in shock and confusion, but he just gestures to the food in front of him. You timidly shake your head, yet your stomach growls audibly in the large dining hall
"Perhaps you'd be more in the mood for wine and cheese?" the demon snaps and the feast before you changes to a decadent cheese plate with crackers and dried meats abound. "Or would my royal prize prefer dessert?" Another snap and the table becomes stacked with cakes, pies and pastries alongside jugs filled with custards and creams, all so sweetly mouth watering The look of disbelief doesn't leave your face. Your stomach growls louder, more painfully as your owner laughs
"Better not to ignore your hunger, my dear. It'll be much more pleasurable for you if you just. Eat."
The command rings through you and sends shivers down your spine, you want nothing more than to stuff your face with every dessert in sight. Your hands reach forward greedily and you begin to eat your fill as your Lord looks on, almost lovingly at you
"So good, so obedient, I'm going to like you a lot," he stands and gently makes his way all around the table to your side, his towering form standing behind you, gently rubbing your now slightly pudgy shoulders. "I'll spoil you so much, feast after feast, night after night of pure pleasure to make you into the perfectly fattened up image of hedonism," his hands feels so good and warm on your soft skin as you gorge yourself. "Just think how demoralising it'll be for your kingdom, to see how easily their royal heir fell to demonic corruption... but I must say from a personal standpoint, I do just think you look so beautiful enjoying yourself like this. I'll have a bath ready for us after I think you're done here, there we can really relax and get to know each other, my dear. But for now, please keep eating. I told you you would grow to love it here."
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grosslyghostly · 5 days
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we don't have to talk about the weed that makes you fat
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softartemisart · 7 months
temple to a god of hedonism that gradually changes those inside to best live lives of pleasure and feasting
if you visit once, and stay for only a few minutes, you might get out with only a little extra softness on your frame, easy enough to work off. if you stay for much longer, well...
theres a growing hunger in your stomach, despite not eating that long ago. but it's a temple to a god of parties and feasting - there's plenty of food available. the dishes only seem to grow more aromatic the longer you stand near them and, when you cave and try a mouthful, it's unbelievably delicious.
you're so taken with the taste, you don't notice what's happening to your body. your stomach bloats from your gorging, and then softens into a wobbling belly that tests the durability of your clothes, hanging lower and lower towards your thick thighs. leaning over the table for another plate, your ass sticks out behind you, round and cellulite-ridden. your figure is soft, swelling, a picture of indulgence.
and it's not long before the servants of this god come and show you another kind of pleasure. warm hands make contact with sensitive skin and you moan through mouthfuls of rich food. they guide you to a soft chair, lean you back, make sure your every want in this moment is fulfilled. one continues to feed you all manner of decadent desserts. several more attend to your body, removing the remains of the constricting clothes you entered in and then kissing, massaging, rubbing every growing, jiggling inch of you. your chest is squeezed, nipples toyed with. your gut is oiled and played with. once they're done teasing you, one hefts the blubbery mass up while another finally reaches between your legs.
the next day, you wake up in one of their luxurious beds, the most well rested you've ever been. you're free to leave, of course. but as the heavenly smell of breakfast finds your nose, you also notice the new set of temple robes at the end of your bed, inviting you to join their ranks
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vampgut · 6 months
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I think I might have gained a liiiittle bit of weight…
[May 2023 —> Dec 2023)
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13uckaroo · 7 months
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What’s happening to me!? 🫧 An anonymous commission.
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adiproseprose · 1 month
You expect to wake up to your alarm; maybe your partners arm slinking over your waist, the cat pressing itself into your space. Any of your normal indicators that it's time to wake up.
What you don't expect, however, is to feel the thick underside of a gut brushing against the bottoms of your knees, an unfamiliar dip in your sofa, normally vacant space on the couch filled in by a wide, soft expansion of...you.
The second thing you feel is something cold and wire-like being squeezed by the unfamiliar folds of your throat, coupled with cold air shooting into your nose. You reach with with a newly bloated hand, fingers tight and tingling with a numbness you recognize via hours of horny scrolling through diabetes symptoms pages. You shudder as you pull a sweat greased cord to a nasal cannula from your third or fourth chin, huffing slightly. Most likely from holding your arm up past your chest for longer than a few seconds for the first time in God knows how long.
You move onto to the main issue; hands travel down, sausage fingers wrap themselves around your third to last love handle, right under your saggy f-cups, breathing unconsciously growing harder as you wobble one of your many new slabs of meat. You smooth your hands over your belly, a pale white apron taking up your entire lap, now the size of a park bench and about as soft as a bowl of cool whip, stiff peaks melted down to a flabby mess and dripping off your thighs, burying your crotch and a swollen fupa.
You hold your arms out in front of you, cellulite and blubber dripping off of them as you think about all the times you prayed for this. Fantasizing with weighted suits, peeping at larders in public, eyes closed, hands down your pants as you wondered what it would be like to carry all of *this*. Now you're here, taking up your entire sofa, barely able to turn your blubber packed neck, wheezing from just hardly shifting your arms up and down. Amble pockets of stretch marked flab ripple across your arduous form. There's only one question that wracks your mind after you've half-processed your new reality-
"Good morning, larder."
He strolls in, grease stained plain white box wider than his shoulders gripped in both hands. You inhale through your nose, instinctively starting to scoot over to make room for him on the couch before your fluid-logged hip crashes against the arm. The act leaves your already corroded joints sore and your mouth sucking for air like a fish. He makes eye contact with you like a predator does a wounded boar. "Babe," You wheeze, the ensuing *What's going on, etc etc* cut off by a cream filled doughnut shoved past your lips. Your chins press against your throat and jiggle against your collar bone as you chew it in two big bites, taking it down your throat and sucking the white cream filling off his finger. Gulping it down leaves you panting for breath and he cuts off your struggle with a kiss, groping your right blubberous tit. You close your eyes and reach for another doughnut. Maybe you'll be fatter when you wake up...
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fatguarddog · 7 months
A devil's pact that will allow you to eat as much as you want, whenever you want for a whole year with no consequences. The perfect representation of your eyes being bigger than your stomach... though not big enough to read the fine print
You start out simple. You don't gorge yourself too much, just having a little extra food here and there. But then more people seem to just give you food, or offer it for free somehow. Co-worker's birthdays, extra sides turning up in delivery orders... soon you just became accustomed to eating more and more all the time while still maintaining your slim figure
Soon enough, it became thrilling. Eating the most insane portions at fast food places just to brag about how it never hit your waistline. Having a dozen donuts for lunch at work just because you could. Snacking non-stop for the pure pleasure of eating... all the while the devil you made the pact with sits and waits with a grin on their face
The last hour of your pact finally rolls around and the devil appears to you, conjuring you a celebratory feast to be your last "guilt-free" meal. Full of hubris, you dig in excitedly, completely fixated on gorging yourself to savor every last bite of the delicious spread. You get so absorbed in your eating that you hardly notice when the hours passes and the devil's eyes light up
You lurch back with a gasp as something warm and strange takes hold inside of your stomach. Your belly feels so tight, tighter than it's ever felt before... and it's pushing forwards, surging out with waves of softness. Your body is blowing up in real time with the fattening consequences of everything you ate all year, all at once. You plead with the devil with your eyes, but he only laughs as he produces your contract and makes you re-read the line stating that exactly this would happen. You're utterly helpless as your entire body balloons with sweet seductive softness, the devil touching and enjoying each new curve and roll as it forms on your expanding body. He's even kind enough to keep feeding you more from the feast as you're practically beached by all the new weight, not yet used to the feeling of being so fucking huge
The gain finally settles, your clothes destroyed and your face flush with embarrassment. The devil gives your immense belly a satisfying pat and jiggle as you moan. Next time you'd read the contract more carefully
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fattlestacks · 8 months
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TammyTwoPaws Commission 2 September 2023
Rapid weight gain sequence commission for @tammy-two-paws thanks so much for commissioning me!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Jaymz
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/jaymzeecat
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empress-of-the-north · 8 months
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Swelling up...🫐🫃
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softartemisart · 9 months
in terms of cursed objects that make you fat, a large leather harness is nice.
if you don't fasten it tight enough, then your body will grow to fill the available space. if you only leave a little bit of extra breathing room, then it's not too noticeable. just a small layer of pudge all-over, easily brushed off as some pounds you just didn't notice creeping on until now. looser still, and you'd feel the weight hit you, feel the doughy flesh ooze between your fingers until you fit snugly into the garment. if you fastened it at the loosest setting? well. unless you get it off quickly, it won't stop until you're straining the leather, new stretch-marked skin bulging out around the tight straps, every inch of you soft and swollen and wobbling and fat
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beast-of-gluttony · 2 months
The Office Pig (Rapid WG)
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Hm? Oh we ordered pizza for the office today? Hm, I've been trying to drop some of this weight but...a little junk food won't hurt right? I'll just work it off at the gym later.
Huh? You ordered everyone their own pizza? That seems kinda like overkill...but I guess it'll be good leftovers later.
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Ooof, man two pieces hits harder than it used too...are they making pizzas bigger these days? It is really good though. I'm pretty stuffed, but one more slice couldn't hurt!
Man, everythings starting to feel kinda tight, wish I'd worn something comfier today...
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Oh yeah, that's good *burp* stuff! Is there any left? I could go for a few more slices! Is there still more? I know everyone got one but...
There is more? Great! I'll take a few more pieces.
Diet? Nah, I don't do diets haha. I mean, not like I could ever lose this gut right? Nothing wrong with being a little hefty though.
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Shit, I think one of my buttons may have popped open...but I just have to have more of that pizza...there's still some left right? A whole box? And I can have it all to myself?!
You guys are the best. You know I've always been a hungry guy haha.
Hey don't poke my stomach like that! Yeah yeah, I know I've been waddling more, you don't gotta remind me.
You all keep treating me like this and you'll have to roll me home.
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Mmf...I think...*urp* I might struggle to get home today...it's hard to stand for some reason...I don't remember *huff* struggling this much.
Huh? My weight? Yeah, I've kinda always been the big guy in the office haha. And it's not like I'm gonna haul my fat ass to the gym everyday. I'd rather just relax and enjoy some good food at home ya know?
What? A new promotion?
O-Office Pig?! W-Well, if it pays that good...
My first job is to get rid of all this extra pizza? I think I can *oink* do that...🐽
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growmydarling · 9 months
it's hard to believe what's happening to you. even as the one who's been casually, secretly, adding butter to your meals and weight gain powder and appetite powder, i'm shocked. within 6 weeks of my increased efforts to add some poundage to you, you've truly and totally blimped up. your weight gain hangs in rolls along your arms, your legs, your lower belly. you waddle and jiggle with every step. fat globs hang off you, it seems, while your clothes wrap you tightly like sausage casing. you're oozing out. people gape as you totter by. not that you're walking many places: between car and restaurant, seat to plush seat for your plumpened ass. you grunt quietly just to suck in enough air to recover from your ponderous journey that i simply flit through. my flitting around you only shows further how slow you've become. a fat pig and a hummingbird!
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fatguarddog · 1 year
Demonic food that is just so rich and dense and fattening, but also maddeningly addictive
Poor gluttonous mortals lead into restaurants and diners and bakeries secretly manned by Hell's finest and filled to the brim with so much dangerously delicious food... seemingly an endless supply
You may notice when you enter just how plump and comfortable everyone looks sat in their booths, how the staff smile so warmly at you and always seem to be topping up whatever's in front of their customers, but any concern fades away when the overwhelming smell of mouth-watering food hits you, so you mindlessly float towards the nearest seat a waiter is so kindly pointing out
You look over the menu, but it's hardly needed... before you can think too much, someone is already setting down a stacked plate of your favorite food with a huge drink on your table, encouraging you to dig in and to let them know if you need anything
So you eat. And eat. And grow.
Fat cells instantly begin to multiply within your body with each and every bite. Your shirt starts to ride up as your belly builds up and out, your ass widens beneath you, all of you is getting so plump. As you finish your plate, it sits heavy in your belly... but somehow you still want more. You look around at the other patrons and see how they've all gotten noticeably fatter since you got here, but before that thought can really sink in enough for you to take a look at yourself, the waiter is already putting down a fresh plate in front of you with a wry smile. They reach down and unbutton your pants letting your now fat belly plop out into your lap atop your thickening thighs, giving your belly a quick pat and telling you how good you're looking, but you hardly notice. You just focus in on the food in front of you
So you eat.
And eat.
And grow.
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vampgut · 4 months
This is what gluttony does to a guy ❤️🐷
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