#manifest love
thecaffeinatedwitch ยท 2 months
why robotic affirming works!
i am telling you robotic affirming is the key. shut that "feel your desire" theory. i swear. why? 1. not everyone is going to be good or comfortable at visualizing or scripting. 2. with robotic affirming you leave no room for negative thoughts to ruminate in your mind.
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yourwitchmama ยท 7 months
Emoji spell to manifest positivity, self love, and anything you desire in your lifeโœจ
~Like to charge, reblog to cast~
Put energy into this post to give yourself and others maximum benefits! Spells are all about intention~
Feminine positive affirmation manifestation
Masculine positive affirmation manifestation
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thejournallo ยท 1 month
EXPLAIN THE METHOD: it is happening.
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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I was scrolling through Tik Tok looking for new methods to try and topics to study when I came across a really interesting video presenting a basic method. I think it has been a while since I brought something this simple, and I am kind of happy about it!
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How do I do this method?ย 
Close your eyes and think about what you want to manifest; once it is clear in your head, start visualizing it in your head. Say out loud, "I am simply diciding that ___ is happening to me."
A quick example: "I'm simply deciding that $100 is in my bank account."
and every time this thought appears in your head, you are going to reinforce it with "I am simply deciding it is happening."ย  and that's it. All you have to do is do this, and you will keep going with your life with $100 in your bank account.
As soon as I found it, I tried to manifest success, and I will make sure to add to this to give my opinion on it and grade it like I usually do!
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venuslilgirl ยท 8 months
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I love my existence and every detail about myself.
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inmyperfectworld ยท 2 months
๐—”๐—ณ๐—ณ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—บ: ๐—œ ๐—ช๐—œ๐—Ÿ๐—Ÿ ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐—ฒ๐—ถ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜๐˜†๐—ฝ๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—œ ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฉท
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thesensteawitch ยท 4 months
About Your Future Potential Partner!๐ŸŒนโค๏ธ
Pick A Pile Reading
~valentine's special โœจ
(Left to Right - Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, Senstea Souls! ๐ŸŒน
Thank you for the love you gave to my last blog! I am so grateful for all the reblogs!โœจ
Now, this reading is about your future potential partner.
This reading is purely based on your current energy. So the partner that comes out is based on your current energy/life situation.
Valentine's day is coming and if you wish to attract the right kind of love then book โ€œfinding true love readingโ€ only at $10. Below I am sharing the links:
๐Ÿ’ŒBooking Form|My Rate Card|Tip My Blog๐Ÿ’Œ
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- 10 of cups, The Wheel of Fortune, 3 of Cups, 4 of Wands, 10 of Pentacles, Judgement, 5 of Wands
Hello, my beautiful, pile 1. I literally have tears in my eyes right now! I AM FEELING SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU! What I am about to say might feel unbelievable to you too. I just saw 10 of cups I was like wow. And then I saw 10 of pentacles and there was another wow. And then I read in a card, โ€œYou're very close to achieving your goals!โ€ And currently, I hear, โ€œI have waited long enough to finally say โ€˜I doโ€™.....I swear I always knew. It's always been you!โ€ There are other favorable cards too in this pile. So I see one thing very clearly an old relationship or a situation where you already knew this person is being renewed!!!!! My God! And I'll tell you why I had tears in my eyes. It's because I feel you had no hope. For you, it was over. Some of you even felt like or still feel that you have been on a waiting period for a very very very long time now. And even if it hasn't been that long it did feel that way. This person is going to bring the world to your feet. They will be looking for stability and something long-term. You've been in this period of recovery and finding yourself. I see rebirth! Wheels will be turning again and this time will bring a book into your love life. You'll finally have this partner for the long term. The only thing that I feel may stop you is the thought of the past because I see that things didn't go so well with this person in the past. You have so many doubts. You aren't capable of trusting them again. 10s and 20s may be significant. Everything will fall in place with this person again at divine timing. (If any of you guys' relationship has been toxic and you don't want them back in your life then this is not your pile my dear. I suggest you to choose another one.) For some of you, I also see that in the past there was third-party involvement and insecurities from one or both ends. Now let's talk about this person. Though I don't think that I have to tell you about who they are still I'll tell you about their intentions. They are looking for a family with you. They see both of you as an end game. I also sense that they are very emotional. I also sense that they are hardworking and care a lot about financial stability. If nothing's happening right now then know that they are exhausted with their life. But when their true nature is quite playful. I think they are going through something challenging right now and are trying to resolve some things in their personal lives. You're being advised to not think too much and surrender this situation to God. Energetically you need to let go of something from the past to let something new enter. I also hear, โ€œThey didn't even put up a fight. They didn't even make a sound. I found a way to let you in but I never really had doubt. Standing in the light of Halo I got my angel now.โ€ You're just not supposed to do anything about this situation. Just focus on yourself. That's what the universe wants you to do. Don't even stay in the waiting energy. Just surrender! Book a reading with me if you want to manifest your true love. The reading is only for $10.
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Pile 2
Tarot Cards- The Devil, Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, 2 of Wands, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles
The first thing I heard was that your future potential partner is not going to make you wait at all!!!! They are going to be so assertive and will follow you like crazy. Don't worry they won't stalk you, haha! They will have pure intentions! But I see they love to talk and love to say things out loud. They will be the kind of person who is always up to something. They will just see you and they will know that you are their person. You will travel with them a lot. They will be someone who takes no pride in going after what they want. They won't be egoistic at all. They can be quite blunt or brutally honest at times. But as quick they will be it will take a lot of time for them to finally have you. Their manifestations take time to come to fruition. They are someone who will have big dreams! They will be quick learners and will have a lot to talk about. They may also be drawn towards spirituality or their path will take them that road. I also sense that they will be someone who is always outdoors, enjoying life. They are so so so outspoken! Their talk will just blow your mind and your heart will race listening about their wonderland. I also hear a message from them, โ€œIf we go down then we go down together! We'll get away with everything let's show them we are better.โ€ So I also sense that they won't want anything casual with you. Everyone will know about you and them. Participating in their wildest fantasies might scare you off or put you off guard. I also sense that deep down they have this fear of being left alone. That no one will ever join them in their crazy ideas. They won't be delusional. They will be someone who wants different things compared to the crowd. And it will be a quite transforming journey for you if you join them and I don't think you'll regret it. Their view of the world will be quite different. Though they will be fond of the sun there's a sun burning within them that lights up any room they enter. The challenge for you will also be to understand their wounds because that is what will make you irreplaceable in their lives. I also hear from them, โ€œNobody ever knows. Nobody ever sees. I left my soul back then and now I am too weak.โ€ Their past relationships were too damaging for them. They can be someone with abandonment wounds. But I see they'll work through all their wounds they just need genuine connections. Because deep down they hold a lot of past wounds and they know what losing people truly means. Nevertheless, they will be a full package of love and light. Book a reading with me to manifest your person. The reading is only for $10.
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Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Ace of Wands, Page of Wands, 6 of Cups, Ace of Cups, The Devil, The High Priestess, Wheel of Fortune
Hello, my beautiful pile 3. Silence by Marsmello is your future person's vibe. They will have strong water placement. They are so stuck in their past! They just hold onto what happened to them and only reveal bits and crumbs of their life. They will also have trust issues. I hear from them, โ€œHow do I love? How do I love again? How do I trust? How do I trust again? I stay up all night. Tell me I am alright...Every night I am dancing with your ghost.โ€ For some of you, I also sense that this is someone who knows from your past. This future person can be a past life partner too. (If you were attracted to pile 1, do read it. I think it may have a message for you.) This person will look for escape rather than facing their wounds. They will be someone deeply wounded. A wild panther who has been hurt by many people. They can also be an overthinker. They'll be overflowing with emotions but won't know where to navigate them and how to express them. Some days they may burst out with sentimental words and then the other days they may just waste overthinking about every action of yours and theirs. Honestly, they'll be too naive when it comes to love. They will be so lonely and maybe someone who would give in to temptations or will just put themselves into lots and lots of work so that they can run away from their true emotions. You should be cautious dealing with this person, pile 3. There may be parts of yourself that you need to heal to not let this toxicity consume you. Because for some of you, I see that you may end up talking to them because they will be someone from the past, someone who was dear to you. No matter what their experience has been nobody deserves to take in other people's toxicity. So they can be someone who just pulls back their energy as soon as they see a single sign of danger. I do see major shifts happening in this situation when they enter your life. A lesson that you may need to learn from this person will be surfaced. It's very specific but I see that they can be someone who sings or something about their voice will be very captivating. I feel that you'll be someone who will be a blessing from the universe in their lives. They may or may not recognize it. Choosing you will make their lives better but ghosting you and avoiding you will only mean that they are missing out on a blessing they wished to have when they were at their lowest. What a tragedy! You've got nothing to do. You just be yourself. Walk away immediately when you're not valued. Keep yourself elated. You are the light that the world needs perhaps that will be your role in their lives. Wish them well but never let yourself down. Honestly, your light will trigger them because they would have been in darkness for such a long time. Just a warning, that they will change their mind often and you're not supposed to keep getting into on-and-off situations with them. Be very clear while communicating. They may even self-sabotage (already warning you). But it's okay. At least you'll know your answer and walk away. To attract the right kind of connection either through this same person or from someone else book โ€œFinding True Loveโ€ reading with me only at $10.
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manifestingbabe7777 ยท 6 months
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Manifest with me
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manifestationworld6 ยท 21 days
"Believe in the power of your dreams, and watch them materialize into reality."
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euphoriajeon ยท 1 year
Manifesting Is Easy As Breathing
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Manifesting is easy as breathing guys! We've grown up doing things like breathing, No one had taught us to breathe! So is manifesting. We've been affirming and manifesting from our childhood. Don't make things complicated while affirming. If you say that it's gonna happen then, of course, it's gonna happen. You should know that you are the one who is controlling your life, not the 3d. You ARE controlling the 3d.
Your subconscious doesn't have eyes! Remember that! Your subconscious is going to do whatever you are going to say to it. If you see something that you don't like happen then tell your subconscious that it didn't happen, instead be like "omg my sp just saw me! They told me that they like me". Don't be sitting there and spiraling over some negative shit. Ignore the negative thoughts alright! You know what? Negative thoughts don't even exist.
Manifesting is easy as breathing because you know that you are the prime master of it. YOU are the creator of your book and YOU are the author of your book so write your book filled with all your thoughts and be the master of your world.
Be in a mindset like: " It's my World and others are living in it".
- Euphoria ๐ŸŒจ๏ธ
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kcyars99 ยท 1 month
๐—”๐—ณ๐—ณ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—บ: ๐—œ ๐—ช๐—œ๐—Ÿ๐—Ÿ ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐—ฒ๐—ถ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜๐˜†๐—ฝ๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—œ ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฉท
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mindgod555 ยท 5 months
When manifesting a change in a situation, stop asking for other people's opinions. Stick to your own script. Let me give you an example. When manifesting an SP, some of us tend to ask our friends for their opinions about SP and what they think SP feels. "Do you think that they lied?"
"Do you think that they still have feelings for me?"
"Do you think that they will ever message me again?"
How would your friends know? They're not psychic. In fact, you're the one in the situation, not them. What made you think that they know better than you? Most likely, you're going to ask a few friends the same questions and get different answers. You then become confused as to how SP truly feels about you.
What if you had a feeling that SP regrets treating you badly and will try to work their way back into your life and apologize? Then your friend tells you that your SP is an idiot and would not apologize to you. You would start doubting that feeling that SP will apologize to you, right?
Stick to your own feelings and opinions. That is what will manifest. Even if other people don't see it your way, stick to your own script. They don't live in your shoes. Only you know how you feel and only you have control over your life.
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lavendergoddesstarot ยท 6 months
Be delusional if you want to succeed
I see so many post shaming women about being delusional as if it is a bad thing.
The thing is, you have to be a little delusional to get what you want.
Especially if the thing you want is a rarity.
You have to believe.
You have to believe there's a chance for you to get exactly what you want in order to get it.
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I think the problem is that these women do not ALIGN themselves with what they're desiring.
For example, if you want a wealthy man, you have to reflect what they want.
You have to go where they are.
You have to live like a wealthy man's woman. Level it up.
Or if you want to be rich, you have to do what rich people do.
You have to take risk, invest and put yourself out there.
And never listen to people who try to tell you it's impossible.
I've heard these people make every excuse like, "Well that's the 1%", "That's only the top 20% of men, "Most people aren't rich"
But none of that matters if you ALIGN YOURSELF.
For example only 8.8% of Americans are millionaires. But there's no shortage if you go to the correct areas. If you align yourself by putting yourself in the right places, there's an abundance of millionaires.
MILLIONS of millionaires.
And thousands being born EVERY DAY.
It's rare to see a celebrity in real life but you would literally see hundreds, an abundance if you attend something like the MET Gala or an awards show.
So believing is one thing. Don't forget to align yourself in the 3D as well.
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thecaffeinatedwitch ยท 2 months
hey yall. so yesterday was my sp's birthday. i texted him and he had a good old dry reply regarding the same. saying "thank you". we longed the conversation a bit but where i felt that naah this is getting too boring or i am just giving away my power and energy for nothing and for free (CAUSE BABYGIRLS WE ARE THE FUCKING BITCHED AND EVERYONE LITERALLY WORSHIPS THE GROUND WE WALK ON) so i did NOT choose to settle for his mediocre conversation to be honest. we deserve meaningful conversations. AND THAT'S WHAT WE WILL SETTLE FOR. NOTHING LESS. I DESERVE TO BE LOVED THE HELL OUT OF ME. I DESERVE DEVOTION. And he would give that to me. 'cause babygirls, we are the fucking goddesses and queens and our sps are literally just a projection of our thoughts. so know your worth and don't settle and F u c k the 3d. he is going to come back crawling to you. alright????
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thejournallo ยท 4 months
Manifestation Method Masterlist!
This is a master list for every manifestation method because the other one was getting messy, and I don't like messy!
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I want it, i got it:
Tips for manifesting Manifesting Physical Appearance Manifesting overnight (or at a certain time) How do i manifest WITHOUT a method? the diary method the 55x5 or 33x3 the 3-6-9 the 2 cups subliminal scripting vision board the rose quartz the pillow method the movie method the 17-seconds acting as if (Wouldnโ€™t it be nice if) S.A.T.S manifestation box the cross method placebos left/right a love letter robot affirmations "i am" list the void state the void state pt.2 the eavesdrop the Q&A can i please have more? W.I. freauencis and vibrations Energy Exchange HOW-TO LIST How to manifest when you donโ€™t believe The Dream book The Difference between the void and the void state it is happening. How to fight a negative thought Wish-list.
My other lists
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venuslilgirl ยท 9 months
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No one can be me and that's my superpower.
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hexora ยท 6 months
60 Affirmations for Beauty
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I am radiantly beautiful inside and out.
My beauty shines from the inside, reflecting my kindness and compassion.
Every day, I am becoming more beautiful in every way.
I am grateful for the unique beauty that sets me apart.
My beauty is a reflection of my strength and resilience.
I attract beauty and positivity into my life effortlessly.
I am confident in my natural, authentic beauty.
I embrace my flaws and imperfectionsโ€”they make me uniquely beautiful.
Beauty flows through me, enhancing every aspect of my being.
I am worthy of love and admiration just as I am.
I radiate beauty, grace, and charm in everything I do.
My beauty is a gift, and I share it with the world.
I am surrounded by beauty, and I contribute to it.
I nourish my body, mind, and soul to enhance my natural beauty.
My inner beauty reflects on my outer appearance.
I am a masterpiece, a work of art in progress.
I am beautiful, confident, and full of positive energy.
My beauty is timeless, transcending societal standards.
I am comfortable and confident in my own skin.
I appreciate the unique beauty in everyone around me.
I am deserving of all the compliments and admiration that come my way.
I attract beauty, abundance, and love effortlessly.
My beauty is a reflection of the love and joy within me.
I am a beacon of beauty, shining brightly for the world to see.
I am worthy of self-care and pampering to enhance my beauty.
My beauty is a source of inspiration for those around me.
I am becoming more radiant with each passing day.
I am a magnet for positive energy and beautiful experiences.
I am grateful for the beauty that surrounds me in every moment.
I choose to see and appreciate the beauty in all aspects of life.
My confidence enhances my beauty and attractiveness.
I am a vessel of beauty, sharing it with the world.
I celebrate the unique beauty that makes me one-of-a-kind.
My beauty is a reflection of my inner peace and happiness.
I am blessed with beauty that goes beyond physical appearance.
I am a living expression of beauty, grace, and elegance.
My beauty is a reflection of my self-love and self-care.
I am worthy of feeling beautiful and confident at all times.
I am a canvas of beauty, and I choose to paint it with positivity.
My beauty is a reflection of my positive thoughts and actions.
I attract beauty and joy into my life effortlessly.
I am surrounded by beauty, and I am a part of that beauty.
I am grateful for the beauty that comes with each new day.
My beauty is enhanced by the love and kindness I share with others.
I am a unique and beautiful expression of life.
I radiate beauty, strength, and confidence in every situation.
I am a beacon of beauty, inspiring those around me.
I am constantly evolving into a more beautiful version of myself.
I choose to focus on the beauty within myself and others.
My beauty is a reflection of the love and light within me.
I am surrounded by beauty, and it flows through me.
I am deserving of all the compliments and love I receive.
I choose to see the beauty in every person and situation.
My beauty is a reflection of my inner peace and serenity.
I am a source of beauty, joy, and inspiration.
I am grateful for the unique beauty that I bring to the world.
My beauty is a reflection of my positive energy and attitude.
I am confident, bold, and beautifully unique.
I am a magnet for beauty, abundance, and love.
I am a masterpiece, and my beauty is a reflection of my essence.
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