bitchy-craft · 3 days
Success: Affirmation Series
Hello and welcome to this post! In here I will be giving a few success affirmations. I hope you all enjoy and find this useful.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams.
I attract success into my life with every positive thought I think.
I am confident in my abilities and talents.
I deserve success and will work diligently to achieve it.
Challenges are opportunities for growth, and I embrace them with determination.
I am focused, driven, and unstoppable in the pursuit of my goals.
Every setback is a stepping stone to greater success.
I am surrounded by abundance, and success flows to me effortlessly.
I believe in myself and my ability to create the life I desire.
Success is my natural state, and I claim it now with gratitude and joy.
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Tip: The more you repeat the more effective affirmations can be.
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Personal health hacks that have completely changed my life in the last 9 months.
Absolute number one is removing carbs from my diet. I had THE WORST crashes and lethargy every single day after my morning oat meal, after my carb heavy lunch, and carb heavy dinner. Despite being vegan my body lacked nutrients and calories from under-eating being plant-based and carb-overloading. 
Introducing grass-fed meat and high quality eggs into my diet. Red meat gets such bad press in the media, but personally it has given me energy, strength and I feel much better eating this in moderation. 
Little exercise each day. Not killing myself with a hardcore workout and then not being able to move for rest of the week (which I was doing previously). I now do a little each day. 1.5 - 2mile run most days, and daily stretches and weights at home. Nothing crazy, but a little goes a long way and I find it much easier to be consistent doing smaller bouts on my own schedule daily. 
Hormone health, ensuring I am keeping my hormones balanced. I make watermelon juice daily with 1.5 heaped tablespoons of flaxseed. Alongside that. I take omega 3, DIM, Selenium, Iodine, Vitamin D +K2, Evening primrose oil for womens health. I eat foods that support healthy hormones, broccoli, carrots, sunflower seeds and removed the foods that cause imbalances (carbs, sugars).
Removing all stress from my life. Including moving overseas, deleting social media and keeping my circle small but wholesome. 
Quit drinking alcohol. Initially I thought I would have the occasional drink but I truly have no desire anymore. My life is significantly better for not drinking. My body never responded well to booze. 
Sleeping properly for 7-9 hrs per night. Meditating for 1 hour before bed usually puts me in a completely zen mode for relaxation. That means my phone is switched off, I use a lavender pillow spray and light candles to set the mood for a goodnight sleep. 
Zeolite detox for heavy metals (currently in the process). I have Zeolith Med powder each day with water to flush out any toxins. 
Learning about gut microbiome, and probiotics..in the process of obtaining kefir grains to make my own batch. Making sauerkraut on weekends and introducing a wider variety of foods into my diet. 
These are completely personal and I can honestly say I feel better than ever. I wish I had done the above years ago, especially the carbs! I got a continuous glucose monitor of Amazon to see how my body was responding to carbs before I completely cut them off and I recommend doing this if you want to know more about how your body is reacting to glucose. 
*this all took time and effort, but once I removed the distractions, the meaningless socialising, the boozing, the scrolling I’ve had time to invest in myself + my health
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yourmoonie · 1 day
You can try the journaling method if you are into creating routines and then give me updates via dms (Scroll down to read the details)
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☀️In the mornings: When you open your eyes, the 1st thing you can do is affirm -> "Today is a blessed day."Today is going to be a wonderful day filled with my manifestations."
✨️ When you look at yourself into the mirror, 🪞 you can say, "Why am I so hot? Wow, I am so beautiful. "A beautiful and powerful person like me always gets what she wants, I am blessed," etc
📋Journaling in the morning:
☀️ Who am I choosing to be / become today
☀️ What are my goals for today?
☀️ 3 new things I can do today
☀️ What am I grateful for?
✨️ create a manifestation list for the day
✨️ write down your desired affirmations
🌑 At night:
When you are about to fall asleep, mentally tell yourself that you had a blessed day
✨️ You can also revise your day
📋 Journaling at night:
🌑 How am I feeling?
🌑 Lessons I have learned today?
🌑 Is there anything I would like to revise about today?
🌑 How do I make the most out of tomorrow?
🌑 What am I thankful for?
✨️ Write down your desired affirmations
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top-once-pm · 7 hours
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various-avoid · 1 day
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celeste444spacey · 2 days
change starts at home
and most importantly change starts in the mind.
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yogadaily · 2 days
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(via BACKBENDS DRILLS | Sport santé, Santé, Sport  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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happyheidi · 19 days
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚. May will bring blessings.
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succulentsiren · 1 month
Things women should never feel ashamed of:
• Orgasms
• Receiving money
• Receiving compliments
• Pretty privilege
• Being smart
• Dressing up
• Menstrual cycles
• Emotions and being sensitive
• Expressing our sexuality
• Resting and relaxation
• Asserting our sexual needs
• Maintaining our standards
• Saying No
• Wanting or having children
• Choosing to be childfree
• Our body count
• Our nude body
• Wearing makeup or not wearing makeup
• Having boundaries and protecting ourselves
• Our spiritual practices
• Using witchcraft
• Being ambitious
• Going to college
• Being a housewife or stay at home mom
• Loving who and what we love
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heavenangelly · 4 months
Say yes
Do you want that guy/girl? They’re yours. Do you want to lose 50kgs in one day? You’ve already lost it. Do u want to be the most drop dead gorgeous person out there? You’re already them. Do you want to get transferred 30 million dollars right now? The moneys already there.
Manifesting is meant to be light hearted. Yes, sometimes some situations may seem stressful, but when you realise it can be solved instantly from imagination, the problem is gone. When manifesting, you’re not meant to struggle. You’re not meant to cry or whatever. It’s meant to be F U N.
When manifesting something, I notice I naturally say no to things that may seem impossible or something I really want to happen. And then the doubt will come in and I’d stop manifesting it. But as the god/creator of my reality, it literally can be yes. If I want it, why can’t I have it? I’m the only person saying no.
Everything is from you. So nothing cant be a yes unless you say it’s a no. YOU CREATE.
Never bar self. Never say no to yourself. If you want it, claim it as yours and don’t gaf what anyone else says or what the mirror is showing you. This is literally YOUR WORLD. Stop limiting yourself and instead be limitless. You’re literally the creator, the god of your reality. Learn to say yes to yourself. Learn to make yourself happy regardless of how “impossible” or “unrealistic” these things are. Because, who cares? If it makes you happy or it’s something you really want, SAY YES.
Don’t say no.
Say YES.
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sincerelymeee · 1 month
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awhkacey · 8 months
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adviceformefromme · 16 hours
You have your desire. You’ve declared it, you’ve done the vision board, you’ve scripted, you’ve day dreamed, but my question today is - who are you showing up as? What actions are you actually taking that align you with your dreams? Are you expecting your desires to fall into your lap? Are you becoming the woman who is in alignment with her desires ? Are you living and breathing from a place that honours what you are asking to receive ?
If not, time to get out of your head, out for your vision board, out of of wishing and wanting and start moving today in a way that honours who and what you want. No more videos on how to manifest - you’ve already declared it now it’s time to live, breath and show up in alignment with your dreams.
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yourmoonie · 1 day
Hello, I wonder if it is possible that I want the power to create everything from nothing instantly in the way I want in my current reality ?
So how do I get this power?
Everything you see around yourself was once in someone's IMAGINATION
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(The phone you are using📱, the bed you are sleeping on🛌, the shoes you are wearing👟, the taxi that picks you up🚕, your desired company's building🏦, and your desired career,📈 etc)
If we sit down and really think about it, we are ALWAYS manifesting (every second of the day)
You DO have the POWER to 'create' everything from nothing
All you have to do is ASSUME and stand firm in your vision and assumptions (and if you can't do it, that's when you can try different methods to help you with it, since methods just serve as tools)
"An assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact" - Neville
If you are interested in those concepts, you can check out my visual thread about this topic -> link
✨️ An example: When humans wanted to fly, they invented an airplane,🛫 aka manifested an airplane into this reality.
Imagine how bizarre it was like, for a lot of people back then to think that they could fly in the air? But well, the people who manifested the concept of an airplane in their imagination thought otherwise. They believed in their imagination so much that, as a result, it was able to get externalized in the 3D.
Look at this law / manifestation as something effortless and natural (even if it seems "illogical")
"Wilbur and Orville Wright spent four years of research and development to create the first successful powered airplane, the 1903 Wright Flyer. It first flew at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on December 17, 1903, with Orville at the controls."
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dreamlifebunny · 7 months
how to script your dream life and use it with any method!
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hello friends! today i want to share with you how i personally script my dream life, and how this script is both my void list, states list, and precursor to almost every manifestation method i've ever used. i love scripting because it is not only a method in and of itself but it is also a simple list of everything you desire that you can now manifest using any method you love!
check back later for a link to my scripting templates. in the meantime, here are the steps to creating your perfect script from scratch with examples! all you need is a place to write it down.
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step one:
time to brain dump! at the top of your page, write out every desire that comes to your head in list format. don't overthink it and don't worry if they sound silly or unrealistic; remember, absolutely anything is possible! you can write out a few desires to start or go hardcore and write out hundreds, whatever you feel inspired by. you can always come back to this step later. here is my example:
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step two:
now its time to get organized! look at the desires you've written and figure out what subcategories they fall under. for example, "my eyes are light blue and gorgeous" could fall under the category of "appearance," and "i have $100,000 in my bank account" could fall under the category of "wealth and items." feel free to use any category name that makes sense to you.
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step three:
now that you have a couple of categories written out and understand the structure of the script, your mind might start to have even more ideas. "ooh, now that i see revision is a category, there are a couple more things i'd like to revise..." or "why stop at one SP when i could have everyone chasing after me?" for step three, we go a little deeper into these categories and add more details of what our dream life will look like. you can also add new categories that pop into your head - in the example below, i've added "the world and society" and "skills and abilities."
note: the reason why i broke this up into multiple steps instead of just writing "write out all your desires at once" is because our brains can be mean to us and make us procrastinate if something isn't done "perfectly," so that's why adding an extra step is important to bypass the perfectionism.
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optional steps:
because scripting is such a creative and expansive process, we might think of ideas we'd like to manifest in the future but not right now/not instantly. i like to organize my script further by adding another category: "future manifestations." these are ideas that i would love to manifest at some point later on but not necessarily while my dream life is manifesting right now.
another idea is separating categories even further into "instant manifestations" (manifestations that happen right now without things needing to unfold) or "perfect timing manifestations" (manifestations that slowly unfold naturally and linearly), if you want to get specific about how they show up in your life! however, these steps are completely optional and just fun details for specificity, and i can make a more detailed post on this later.
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how you can use your script with any method:
scripting has been used as a successful manifesting and shifting method on its own forever because it specifically addresses one of the most important steps in the manifesting process - deciding what you want! by writing out what you want in your dream life, you can now decide that your script will manifest on its own or you can use any method under the sun to fulfill yourself within:
the void state: if you enter the void state to manifest, you could affirm "i have everything in my dream life script"
affirming: you can affirm "everything in my dream life script has come true"
visualization: you could create an imaginative scene where all of your desires from your script are fulfilled, or you can imagine looking at your script and smiling because everything came true
subliminals: you can create a very simple subliminal where all of your desires are included, or even a sub where the only affirmation is "i have everything in my dream life script"
the possibilities with scripting are absolutely endless. i hope that this guide has given you the inspiration and direction to write your own wonderful and unique script. now, go and get your dream life!
have fun! bunny 💕
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inmyperfectworld · 2 months
People: "What's on your mind?"
Me & my mind:
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