#high value men
succulentsiren · 2 months
Things women should never feel ashamed of:
• Orgasms
• Receiving money
• Receiving compliments
• Pretty privilege
• Being smart
• Dressing up
• Menstrual cycles
• Emotions and being sensitive
• Expressing our sexuality
• Resting and relaxation
• Asserting our sexual needs
• Maintaining our standards
• Saying No
• Wanting or having children
• Choosing to be childfree
• Our body count
• Our nude body
• Wearing makeup or not wearing makeup
• Having boundaries and protecting ourselves
• Our spiritual practices
• Using witchcraft
• Being ambitious
• Going to college
• Being a housewife or stay at home mom
• Loving who and what we love
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
How To Develop Self Respect ✨
Understand your strengths, weaknesses, what you believe, and what you want. This is like the starting point for respecting yourself.
Decide how you want others to treat you. Say "no" when you need to and think about what's best for you.
Stop saying bad things about yourself. Say nice things instead, just like you would to a friend.
Eat healthy food, sleep well, and do things that make you happy and relaxed.
Set things you want to do and finish. When you do them, you'll feel really good about yourself.
When you mess up, don't be too hard on yourself. Think about what you can learn and do better next time.
Be with people who make you feel good and avoid people who make you feel bad.
Say what you want or how you feel in a strong but nice way.
If you do something wrong, don't be mad at yourself forever. Everybody makes mistakes.
Sometimes, think about the things you do and why you do them. This helps you stay true to yourself.
When you do something good, even if it's small, give yourself a pat on the back.
Think about the good things in your life. This can make you feel happier and better about yourself.
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gent-illmatic · 1 year
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Lake Como, 🇮🇹
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thesirencult · 6 months
The further you go, the lonelier it gets.
The road to the top of the mountain is not made for everyone.
Don't keep around baggage that weighs you down.
Then, after you get to the top be a guiding light for those brave and disciplined enough to get to your level.
Let those strong enough accompany you.
Wolves do not hang around dogs, unless they want to start barking.
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red-pill-to-swallow · 9 months
How to be attractive to men and my goals
Hey babes,
like I said – I want to incorporate RPT (Red Pill Theories) into my daily life immediately.
A few things that every women within the community seemed to be content with were:
1. You are never finished with glowing or leveling up. Never stop learning. Never stop trying to better yourself.
2. Pretty privilege is real.
I agree that pretty privilege is very real. I mean, I get affected by pretty people like everybody else, even if I don’t do it on purpose. It’s just something that is ingrained in our brains and I need to learn how to take this to my advantage.
I think I have a decent starting base, because I’m a skinny white woman in her twenties with long blonde hair. I am not really tall – even short men are at least 5-7cms taller than me – but I’m also not extremely short.
I have a petite frame but my body-shape is something between an hourglass and a peach. My face is average – I don’t really have striking features or am a natural beauty model – but my features also aren’t hideous. It’s really just something you can look at without thinking too much.
On a scale, I would rate myself a 5,5-6/10 on an average day and I guess that’s great!
But how can I make myself look better on a daily basis? I really took hours to research how I could make myself more attractive to wealthy and high value men.
Obviously, no man is like the other and every man prefers something different. One man might like tattoos and piercings while another man with the same social status thinks they are hideous. I don’t want to completely change who I am and I don’t want to spend thousands of dollars for it.
However, I really like this whole clean girl and old money aesthetic that is going viral on Tiktok right now – and I think those two aesthetics could fit me and my personality really well.
Most wealthy men seem to like this traits in women:
1. great skin without obvious pimples or enlarged pores
2. long and healthy hair in a natural color
3. straight white teeth
4. clean nails on both hands and feet
5. hairless legs, armpits and at least trimmed pubic hair
6. wearing clean and wrinkle free clothes without any holes
7. wearing a nice smell that is fitting to your overall appearance
I think those are the basics and they can be achieved by almost anyone. If you can’t afford braces make sure that your teeth are always perfectly brushed and that you’re keeping up with your dental hygiene in general.
In fact – if you have problems affording certain beauty procedures, research how to get as close as possible to them with DIYs.
For years, I always wanted to be the mysterious woman in the room. The woman with a dark aura, the woman that doesn’t speak much and remains most of her life a secret.
Well, I am not this woman even if I’m trying very hard. It would be an act that I would put on and I am sure that everyone in the room would notice.
I am naturally very bubbly and I love having conversations with people in general. I would also say that I have a broad knowledge on different topics and that I’m able to talk to almost everyone.
I am also very welcoming and I enjoy making people laugh and have fun in my presence. I tend to have strong opinions and I’m not afraid to take on a discussion.
With everything that I know about myself now, I made some points that I need to tackle in order to level up:
1. stop oversharing. Being bubbly is great but not everyone needs to know everything about my business. Sometimes it’s just better to be silent and to listen.
2. start with exercise again. I am happy with my weight but I am extremely weak and I have almost zero muscle mass. My breath is getting heavy if I have to take the stairs and my legs start to hurt after roughly 15 minutes of walking. I plan on going for a walk every day and doing pilates 3x a week.
3. start doing my hair and makeup again. My hair is long and blonde – so it is an eyecatcher. It’s also very healthy but I usually just throw it up in a bun or in a clawclip, so no one is really seeing it. I have multiple styling tools at home and I need to start using them. The same applies to makeup. I have so much great stuff that looks really beautiful and natural but I am just too lazy to use it. I plan on taking 20 minutes every day to do my makeup and to suck it up – because I usually always do a double cleanse at night, so it’s not really a struggle to take it off in the evening. It’s just inconvenient in the morning.
4. taking better care of my skin and of my dental health. I have high quality skincare and I love doing my skincare but sometimes I’m just too lazy. Let me just say that it doesn’t happen often – but still too much for my liking. Also my dental health – I need to make a dentist appointment asap. I think the last time I went was around 3 years ago!
5. buying better fitting clothes. I don’t like shopping for clothes but it is what it is. Right now I only have cute lounge sets for being at home but when I go out I usually only wear jeans with a basic top and sneakers. I want to look more polished and feminine. I want to stop wearing jeans and focus more on pants, skirts and dresses. Also literally any other shoes than sneakers.
6. go out more. I’m your typical homebody. Movie night? Reading a book? Ordering food? Count me in! I always have fun when I go out but I’m still mostly at home and I want to change that. I want to have a group of like minded friends that want to hang out with me. Maybe even at home. Lol.
I really thought hard about those six points but I think those are the first things that I need to tackle down.
In the end – I was asking myself: what could I do to feel the most comfortable with spontaneous outgoings and meeting new people?
It came down to wanting to look my best. Obviously. I want to make a good first impression and maybe even profit off of pretty privilege.
I’m sure we all know those times when we’re dressed like slobs and suddenly an opportunity to go out arises and we decline because it would take hours to get ready.
That’s the reason why I want to get ready in the morning – so I would only need to touch up if anything came up.
see you soon!
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businessprincess · 5 months
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Old Money x Academia
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monicafinias · 5 months
Because truly the only way to truly enjoy the soft life, is when it comes with commitment!
Most men with money have broken the code, they know if they dangle a few shiny things in front of us, we are sold. But all it os is, he takes what he wants and leaves us empty with just a few high end restaurant experiences, a purse or two and nothing else.
The damage to our hearts can not compare to what we get.
Let’s be sober minded in 2024, and not take the bare minimum.
Like and comment 🙌🙌🙌 if you agree 💖
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subcoolture · 1 year
Men will never understand how heartbreaking it is to realize as women that we love men who can never really love us, because they are raised in a culture that makes them unable to. That culture have made them internalize such an entitlement that it doesn’t even cross their minds that they don’t empathize with women. They feel entitled to everything, even to those women’s love whose mere well-being, safety, and basic rights they don’t even care about. And it is seen as normal that we give our bodies and souls to these men. And it is not normal: it is violent.
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full-timeprincess · 6 months
I only attract high-value, chivalrous, generous men who take good care of me! ₊˚。⋆❆⋆。˚₊
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sk-lumen · 4 months
My ex messaged me today (the day after Valentine’s Day) saying “Happy valentines 👍🏽” and I was like “thanks” and he goes “👍🏽” I didn’t really know how to respond...he messages me pretty often and stalks my page everyday multiple times a day (on tiktok I see through profile views) but I don’t get why he would message me that or how he expected me to respond?
Hi darling,
Here's a secret, there's two kinds of men.
Low value men - emotionally immature, don't know what they want, emotionally unavailable, plays games, hurts people, lacks manners, etc.
High value men - emotionally mature, know what they want (ie. YOU), emotionally available, consistent communication, clear and direct, no mindgames, good manners, etc.
It seems like your ex is the former. If he had serious intentions, he'd be demonstrating his true feelings through action and commitment (apologizing, asking you out on a date, sending you flowers and gifts). He's not. Instead, he's just stalking your page and popping in and out of your life just enough so that you're unable to heal or move on from him. A lot of guys do this because they feel validated when you respond - their ego is flattered, but it's all about them and you're just a pretty wallflower in this scenario.
Please do yourself a favor and leave these men on seen. Block if necessary. Nothing bothers such men more than a classy woman that is unbothered and unaffected and completely ignoring their cheap tricks. And mind you, this applies regardless of gender. I know of women as well that exhibit toxic behaviour like this and classy men that know how to set boundaries and not fall for this nonsense.
I will always encourage women to go no contact with all exes. Leaving a door open, no matter how little, always leads to nostalgia, lingering feelings, blocking your healing and so on.
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succulentsiren · 6 months
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theambitiouswoman · 11 months
Types of relationships that look like love but are not:
Infatuation: This is an intense emotional or sexual attraction to someone that can give the illusion of love. However, infatuation is often based on idealized perceptions rather than a deep emotional connection.
Codependency: Codependent relationships involve one person excessively relying on another for emotional or physical needs. This dependency can mimic love, but it is rooted in the need for validation, control, or a sense of purpose.
Unrequited love: This refers to a situation where one person has romantic feelings for another, but those feelings are not reciprocated. It may involve one-sided affection, longing, or an obsession with someone who does not feel the same way.
Limerence: Limerence is an intense and obsessive form of attraction characterized by intrusive thoughts, longing for reciprocation, and an idealized image of the other person. It can feel like love, but it often lacks a genuine emotional connection.
Conditional love: In relationships based on conditional love, affection and care are only given when certain conditions or expectations are met. This type of relationship lacks unconditional acceptance and can be manipulative or controlling.
Trauma bond: A trauma bond forms when two individuals share intense emotional experiences, often negative or abusive. Despite the harmful dynamics, there may be a strong attachment due to the shared trauma, leading to a mistaken perception of love.
Transactional relationships: These relationships are based on mutual benefit or convenience rather than genuine emotional connection. Partners may stay together for financial security, social status, or other practical reasons, rather than genuine love and affection.
Manipulative relationships: Manipulative relationships involve one person exerting control and power over the other through emotional manipulation, coercion, or gaslighting. The manipulator may feign love and affection to gain control or exploit their partner's vulnerabilities.
Fantasy relationships: In fantasy relationships, one or both partners create an idealized version of the other person, often based on unrealistic expectations or fantasies. The relationship may lack a true emotional connection, as it is based on the person's fantasy rather than the reality of who their partner is.
One-sided relationships: These relationships are characterized by an imbalance of effort, care, or emotional investment. One person may consistently give more while the other takes without reciprocation. It can create an illusion of love, but it lacks equality and mutual respect.
Love addiction: Love addiction refers to a compulsive or obsessive pattern of seeking out relationships and being dependent on the euphoric feeling of being in love. It can lead to a cycle of unhealthy relationships, as the person seeks constant validation and excitement without addressing underlying emotional issues.
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gent-illmatic · 1 year
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💧Custom 2023 Bentley Bentayga ☔️
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thesirencult · 9 months
Men when treated like grown men and not like baby boys are unstoppable. Your boyfriend, brother, father, cousin etc. are perfectly capable of making their own decisions and taking the reigns in their own life. They are also capable of being loyal and loving partners.
I've been spending these past few days with my male cousin. He is a year older than me and we are like siblings. He is an ENFP ball of sunshine, who is always joyful and loves making others laugh. Sadly, it took him 23 years to harness his power and to realize that he needs to MAN UP. Why ? Because no one expected anything out of him, even his own self.
Five years ago we shared an apartment in the city. We were both college students. He played WoW all day long, went to the gym, ate food and slept. He did not know how to cook pasta or wash the dishes. I begun forcing him to do stuff, as I don't like sharing a room with cockroaches. He cheated on a couple girlfriends and I was like a bachelor's Golder Retriever, wiggling my tail good morning and offering a cup of coffee (quick note ; I'm a German Shepherd or Rottweiler kind of girl).
After a bit of thought, I realized that the best way to convince him to do stuff is to help him see what's in it for himself.
The years passed. I moved out and now he has a new girlfriend who is older than him. GUESS WHAT?
She has a Master's degree, now he wants to get one.
She is tidy and takes care of herself and her career. He began cleaning the apartment, cooking and reading BOOKS.
Y'all, I thought I walked into a different apartment.
She is not asking, she is expecting. She is a high value woman and she knows that they shouldn't get too serious cause he is not as mature as her.
But, she still expects the best.
My aunt never ever had him do chores or expected anything out of him. She always told him that he is not able to do this or do that.
He wants to pursue the entrepreneurship path ? I help him by lending him books and showing him how to build his website.
I don't treat him like a baby. I treat him like a dog.
Or be smart enough to let others train them and get them with a pedigree.
Joking xoxo. S.
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red-pill-to-swallow · 9 months
Doing your part in a relationship
Hey babes,
it’s Monday – a new, fresh week and the ultimate opportunity to make some changes.
I don’t know why it feels so much better to start a new routine on a Monday than it does on a random Wednesday.
I took some time after I posted my last two posts and really thought about the relationship dynamic between my man and me.
I thought about changes that I would like to make and what could help us to become a better couple.
Honestly, I was pretty shocked after all my thinking because it turns out that my man is the rock in this relationship and I am not sure why he is still sticking around when he could probably do so much better.
But let me explain:
I gave up working in my full-time job around January 2023 and have been home ever since then.
My man was aware that I was totally burned out from my job and offered me that I could stay at home and take care of the household chores.
Previously we used to split the chores around the house roughly 50/50. It was very fair and in some weeks he did more than me and some weeks I did more than him, like it’s in every relationship.
I would say that I am fairly good at housekeeping. I know how to cook, how to clean and how to do laundry.
However – I never before was responsible for everything. From going grocery shopping and planning meals to cleaning the bathrooms every week – suddenly all of this was on me.
I struggle really bad with organizing myself, this was one of the reasons why I was so burned out from my previous job, and I started slacking.
I would do the laundry one day and take three days before I started folding it. My man literally had no underwear one time and flipped out because that’s obviously disgusting and instead of improving – I started to get mad at him.
It wasn’t only the laundry, it also began affecting my cooking – which I loved doing before – and I would start making only frozen meals or just serving cold meat cuts with bread.
We started fighting a lot more because my man was sad, that instead of relaxing at home he would need to help me with my chores – after a full workday.
I had my epiphany a few weeks ago (when I made this blog) and realized that my man has every right to be mad at me. He does his job. I am not.
So, let’s see – my man works really though hours. He leaves the house early in the morning and comes home in the early evening. He’s usually stressed because his job is very demanding and he is responsible for a lot of people.
Imagine coming home to your girlfriend, who’s staying at home, and almost nothing is done. The fridge isn’t restocked, the floor is dirty and there is no food. After your shower you realize that you have no fresh underwear because your girlfriend didn’t wash any.
I would flip out too.
My behavior was/is borderline disrespectful and I am honestly ashamed because of it. I would have broken up with me if I was him.
But here we are – still together and I don’t plan on dodging this second chance.
I think many girls that want the lifestyle of a spoiled girlfriend or a stay at home girlfriend don’t realize how hard it is to organize a whole household on your own.
Yes, there might be some men out there that are so rich that they don’t mind employing staff to help around the house, but I don’t think that this is achievable for a woman in her twenties without having various high value connections in the right circles. At least I don’t have those connections.
I am responsible for keeping the house clean, making food and going grocery shopping. That takes maybe 5 hours of my day and the rest of the time I can do whatever I want.
My man only wants to come home to a clean, organized house with a stocked fridge and possibly a hot meal on the stove.
Honestly – he is the one that is working his ass off every day, not me.
The worst is, that I even started to neglect my appearance. I used to shave every second day and that slowly progressed to only once a week. I used to color my hair religiously and worked out at least three times a week.
Now I haven’t touched up my hair in over three months, my roots are disgusting and I am very ashamed because of it. I mean, even though my man pays for my beauty appointments – I couldn’t get my ass up.
However, I cleaned our whole house today. From the bottom to the top. It’s spotless. I did laundry and went grocery shopping and I made a plan on how to maintain all of those things.
I won’t share the plan just yet because I want to make sure that I can actually follow it before I share it with you.
What should you take with you after reading this rant?
Be careful that you’re always a responsible partner. Don’t be like me. If you’re telling your partner that you plan on doing something – actually follow through and do it. Don’t disappoint them all the time.
Make sure that you acknowledge what they do for you and thank them for it every once in a while.
It is unattractive to be lazy and not being able to keep up with your standards. It’s unfair to your partner to let yourself go and they have every right to be upset about it.
Think before you speak and start an argument. Are you really right? Is it worth to start an argument about something that is your responsibility?
I mean, my man made it clear in the beginning: If I want to stay at home and live a cozy life – I have to take care of the house while he works and provides for us both.
He does his part of the agreement. Every single day.
I’ve only done my part of the agreement when I felt like it and that is not okay. But I am changing and I know that he has already forgiven me for all the hassle.
See you soon
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