#law of allowing
yourmoonie · 4 months
How to live in the end
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Are you feeling anxious about your upcoming photoshoot? Your exams? Sp? Or maybe an event that hasn't occurred yet?
I have got your back
1. Focus on your end goal and not on the "lack/circumstances"
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Our fave stickman wants to go to Barbados, but instead of focusing on Barbados (aka the end goal) he starts focusing on not having the tickets or not having the money to buy the tickets (circumstances)
His entire attention is on the circumstance and not on the end goal
“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” ― Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune
2. Thinking from THE end
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This is based on the timeline jumping method ( the thread, ♡ the visual thread )
So what do we do here?
Tickets are just the bridge of events for your end goal
We mentally go to Barbados and think FROM Barbados and not OF it
(That's how Neville manifested his trip, btw)
"Thinking from the end is the beginning of all miracles" - Neville Goddard
The art of thinking from the end is about internally seeing the world as you would see it if your desire has already been achieved, even if it hasn't physically manifested yet.
3. Not seeing any movement?
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The stickman has got a photoshoot at MoonMoon studio in 2 weeks
On top of that the stickman is manifesting their desired body
> Out of the blue, the stickman gets anxious about their desired body and how they would look during the photoshoot because they "can't" see the results in the 3D
"The journey is in yourself. You travel along the highways of the inner world. Without inner movement, it is impossible to bring forth anything." - Neville Goddard
4. Think FROM & AFTER your desire
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They become anxious about the photoshoot BUT
How can the stickman get out of that anxious state?
Instead of thinking OF the photoshoot, they will think FROM and AFTER the photoshoot
They will mentally imagine that the event has already occurred
5. How to get into the state
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And they ask themselves this question
"How do I feel now when the photoshoot is done?"
"Wow, I like how the photos have turned out. I look so hot,"
They mentally prepare themselves for the best outcome and it helps them to get out of the anxious state
Inner action is an introverted sensation. If you will construct mentally a drama which implies that you have realised your objective, then close your eyes and drop your thoughts inward, centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action and partake in that action, you will become a self-determined being.
6. You are THE observer
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The Timeline jumping method in nutshell:
This is how you think FROM + After your desire
The observer effect in quantum physics states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy. As a consequence, you affect the material world. - Joe Dispenza
“Imagination is the act of creation. Imagination creates reality." - Neville Goddard
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a-path-by-the-moon · 2 months
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It is already yours.
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themanifestingbrat · 1 year
Are you really persisting??? P.2
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It's easy to live in the end and detach from the desires that you don't think about daily but what about the desires you constantly think about? Like an appearance change, a car, a new home, or better relationships?
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All you need to do is control your imaginal acts relating to it.
There's something you want to change in the 3D, right? Instead, of focusing on the 3D and how to change it, just live in your imagination of how you want it to be.
Your family acting toxic towards you? Imagine them being loving, kind, and supportive.
You want a new home? Imagine yourself inside of your new home.
Want to change your appearance? Imagine looking at your desired features in the mirror.
Imaginal acts = visualization & inner conversations/thoughts
You do not have to do this perfectly. The 3D may trigger your emotions and you might get doubts. Your goal is to do these imaginal acts more than focusing on what you don't like. So, if you have a thought that doesn't align or you catch yourself assuming the worst, it's ok, you're not going to mess up your manifestation. Catch it, then flip it.
Everyone has doubts, negative thoughts, etc. But when successful manifestors do, they redirect them quickly. It's not about completely getting rid of your anxiety, fears, doubts, and intrusive thoughts. It's about lessening/redirecting them.
Also, don't give yourself a headache trying to keep track of how many times you lived in the imagination than your dwelling state. Just do it because it feels good. Isn't it better to feel good more often than not anyways?
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bloodhailvamp · 10 months
Hello lovelies! I have returned after a much needed break and I'm here to share something I think might help you in your journey.
You are pure consciousness.
That's right, you are not really something definitive. You are pure consciousness occupying certain states that give it meaning.
Isn't that a relief? You can simply change your entire life by occupying a different state.
You are free to choose what space your consciousness occupies as it is essentially neutral.
Your I AM can be absolutely anything you want it to be.
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sheismo · 5 months
The New Year Is OTW. Let’s Prepare! 🤎✨🤞🏾
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m4rried2the-moon · 7 months
reflections on manifestation frustration
hello all :) so this is my first text post, i felt very compelled to share a few messages from my journal this morning. just some things to do with struggling with manifestation frustration and some observations to help those who are struggling to remain hopeful and confident!
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✎ impatience
the best comparison, imo, to manifestation is like ordering something offline. you picked it, you 'bought' it and now you must simply wait for it. this waiting can be especially frustrating if you order something from overseas, but i feel like this analogy fits best because you know it's coming eventually and it gives you this room to still live in the moment while you understand that its coming.
✎ lack of confidence
if anyone deserves this, it's you babe, believe that. not only have you brought yourself this far to accept that you can have it, but you know within that it can only materialize if you continue to trust that feeling. after all, why wouldn't you have what makes you happy? trick question, there is no reason!
✎ bleak present reality
because your shipment is already on its way, think about your present reality as that waiting period before you receive your desire. your present reality may feel like a deep energy of lack right now but understand that the state you imagine yourself in while having it and the state of your present reality is synonymous. your desire is as real as your current reality and knowing this creates a protective and assured energy from spiral-prone doubts/beliefs.
✎ reflection on past successful 'deliveries'
i'm almost sure everyone has experienced wanting something and kind of subconsciously end up receiving it through whatever circumstance. times like that i believe are examples of our natural ability to attract what we want into our lives without constantly applied efforts, either. stress can be a huge part of manifestation frustration, but reflecting on these easy times of natural magnetism to the things that belong to you can remind you that you already have it.
tbh i was actually struggling with this before journaling and this is just what i remind myself when i have times like this, bc i'm ngl i cried with frustration earlier but it's about picking yourself back up and knowing that your confidence is bigger than any other energy that could rob you!
anyways, hope this helped!
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hanraemi · 6 months
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Gratitude is the most powerful practice you can do for manifesting and also to increase your vibrations. Every action has equal and opposite reaction. The more you feel grateful, the more reasons you'll get to be grateful!!!
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koda-manifesting · 3 months
𓆩♡𓆪 Manifesting Affirmations 𓆩♡𓆪
I am a master manifestor
I manifest just by breathing
Manifesting is easy and fun
Manifesting is automatic for me
My 3D automatically conforms to my 4D
All I need to do to manifest is accept my desires as mine
I do not need to stress about manifesting
I do not need to check my 3D to have my desires
My reality is completely under my control
I do not have to accept any undesirable 3D circumstances; they do not exist
I am aware only of things that bring me joy and peace
My awareness shapes my reality
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divine555 · 1 year
I am pampered and adored like the divine angel I am. I fully open my heart to the wonderful experiences being bestowed upon my existence.
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selfhealingmoments · 11 months
starting off a clean slate gives you the opportunity to reframe your past to make you the hero in your life story.  it’s time to let go of what hasn’t worked. end what needs to end 🌼
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mintandhoneyy · 8 months
A message to the LOA community
Let’s all collectively try to help people with positive affirmations to better their lives
Let’s all collectively help one another
Just 5 minutes of your day affirming can change the reality of someone in need
We can all have a set of different affirmations share yours too!
First and most importantly we need to clear up the universal belief that life is hard !
My affirmations are gonna be :
Life is easy for everyone around the world
Life is easy and enjoyable
Life is becoming easier and easier each day
Everyone has an easy and good life
Everyone’s life is improving in the best way possible
Health care is accessible for everyone
Everyone is becoming healthier and happier each and every day
Everyone has access to good food and clean water
Everyone has resources for good food and clean water
Everyone has enough money
Earning money is easy
Making money is easy for everyone
Money struggles are less common than ever because everyone has a good and dependable income
The prices of things are lowering divinely
The grocery prices are lowering and that’s wonderful
The apartment prices everywhere are lowering and that’s wonderful
The house prices are lowering wonderfully
The gas prices everywhere are lowering beautifully
It’s finally easy and enjoyable to live again
Everyone is so happy with this new life we are living now
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yourmoonie · 5 months
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Your manifestation can get externalized in infinite ways (based on your beliefs)
Do u want white teeth?
- you might wake up with it
- you might get the money to book an appointment with your dentist
- You might get an offer out of thin air
- etc
So stop beating yourself up over the process and movement
Your life and circumstances are unique to you.
If someone "manifests" $5000 within 5 minutes, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME or with any of my desires because I know that I will have mine and even better.
And YES you getting the money and booking an appointment with your dentist to whiten your teeth is a success story too.
Live your life! Live your best life!
And the same thing goes with appearance changes.
Ask yourself, "What would it be like to have my desired body? How would I feel if I had my desired white teeth?" Stop TRYING and start BEING
Maybe you want a new nose
- someone might offer you a free rhinoplasty or your body might make specific changes & many more
Just because you got an appointment and had a procedure done doesn't erase the fact that it was also a huge success story.
Be proud of yourself and celebrate your achievements.
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audrinawf · 9 months
your current reality is just a reflection of your past thoughts and beliefs. how you think and feel right this moment will manifest in a few weeks. so if you use a manifestation technique like sats, visualization or quantum jumping meditation to visualize your dream life, it will happen. cause whatever you can imagine and feel in your minds eye (third eye) will materialize cause it’s just as real as the 3d. thats just the law of the universe we live in just as there’s a time delay in this universe cause our thoughts can’t just materialize out of thin air, it needs some time to manifest. the 3d just has to catch up. and it will. the current moment is just a culmination and result of your past behaviors, thoughts and beliefs. what you feel and think right this moment will show up in the future. have patience.
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themanifestingbrat · 1 year
You’re not wrong, foolish, or delusional
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If you know the basics of LOA, why the fuck would you claim any of these words to use against yourself...? Like seriously??
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You’re affirming that you're in a loving relationship with your sp even though they just told you they are already dating someone else.
You’re scripting how amazing your desired friends are when in your 3D reality you don’t have any friends.
You’re imagining living in your new home even though you just found out someone else just purchased it.
It might feel dumb or pointless when your 3D reality is showing you the complete opposite of your wish, but don’t let that discourage you.
It might feel like you’re lying to yourself or others because your senses are telling you otherwise but you don’t have to feel that way.
The more you persist in something, it will harden into fact and boom, it’s reflected in your 3D.
Your conscious mind, the logical mind, is the one that tells you you’re lying to yourself, or that something is not true or real. But your subconscious mind has no judgement, it’ll accept anything, and I mean anything, you tell it. Again, only if you repeat or persist in something your subconscious will pick it up, so don't worry about every random little thought manifesting.
You don't have to reason, find a logical solution, or even try to justify what you want. Just focus on living in the end, where you already have your desire and your subconscious will do the rest.
I really want to emphasize to let your subconscious do the work. Honey, we are no longer letting ourselves stress and worry when our subconscious has all the answers.
I don't care what it is, whether it's a new superpower, to live across country, or to even date a celebrity, LIVE IN THE END and fuck all the haters or thoughts that say otherwise.
Go within by completely ignoring anything that contradicts your wish. When your attention is on your desired outcome and NOT on the feeling of being "delusional" or wrong, your external reality will change as a result. That’s the law.
Allow and trust that what you desire will come to fruition. You are not silly or weird or wrong for wanting a certain thing. It is your reality so do whatever the fuck you want like all bad bitches do!
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bloodhailvamp · 1 year
A complete guide to having everything you want in life.
- This is a reminder for me because I feel like I've been overconsuming and really want to get back to the roots. Hope this helps you as well in creating the life of your dreams.
🌷 We'll go in steps, this is the order I like to follow, of course you can switch it up to whatever fits you.
1. Your self-concept (I AM):
Your narrative of yourself creates your entire reality. It's as simple as that. What story do you have of yourself? Is it one of a victim or that of a winner? To change your life for the better, your story, your self-concept needs to change. YOU are the operant power, YOU get to decide your story. Make this work for you. Decide all what you wish to BE AND DECLARE THAT YOU ARE IT. "I AM". Your words and imagination are your biggest tools. You are who you assume yourself to be. If you constantly affirm for an SP but your story of yourself says that you have a difficult time with love, guess what? The affirming is mindless. Do it with intention. Where intention goes, energy flows. No matter what it is, enter the state of I AM. I AM LOVE, I AM ABUNDANCE, I AM PEACE so on and so forth. Be it. Become it. Become one with I AM. Be fulfilled knowing that the power is in you, the kingdom of heaven is in you.
2. Know what you desire (or don't):
You can either have a list of your desires, vague or detailed or just know what you wish to feel. It's up to you. Most people like having a list so they know what to focus on. Knowing what you want can also help you stay strong in your faith which brings me to my next point.
3. Stay strong in your faith:
Stop fucking wavering. You are blessed to know about the law, don't you see how lucky you are? You have the knowledge and power to create your dream life. Don't fucking let it go because of some minor disruption or inconvenience. You need to persist. Not in any particular affirmation but in the belief of the law. In the belief that you are the creator. That you can get anything and everything that you want. Be hardcore. Be relentless till it becomes a part of you. Till you are 110% confident in your power. Step into the state of IAm-ness. Some people call it the neutral spot. Here you let go of limiting beliefs. You completely trust yourself and your power. This is your base, your equilibrium.
4. Learn to meditate, focus and visualise:
Neville Goddard talks about how you need to create in your mind's eye the situation you wish to happen in your reality. Give it to yourself in the 4D because anything and everything is possible in the 4D and the 3D is simply a mirror of the 4D. But remember, NG wrote and spoke about this when he had already reached a point where this was easy and natural for him. As a beginner, practice your ability to imagine. Meditate often to calm your objective mind so you can create peacefully. Be as vivid as possible in your 4D, your reality. You can do absolutely anything in it so why half-ass it? You're the painter and the canvas is all yours to do whatever.
5. Assume it's yours, live in the end:
Once you desire something, it's already yours. Get that into your head. You don't have to "try to bring it to you / create it". It's already yours, in a different timeline. That's why you can even desire it, some version of you has it, you just need to tune into that. You want something? You already have it. It's all yours. Don't check your 3D if you have it. Assume it's yours. It's always been yours to keep. Just accept it's yours already. Act like you have it. Look at it from a place of fulfillment not lack. You already have it in your 4D and like I said, the 3D is just a mirror.
6. Give thanks:
You have your desire the minute you think of it. What does a blessed person do? They give thanks! Be grateful, it's been scientifically proven that consistent feelings of gratitude make you a happier person. Give thanks because you already have your desires.
7. Don't overconsume:
This is a very important one. Like everything else you learn, the law too needs to be implemented. Reading about it is not enough. Implement it in your own life, stop doubting if you know enough. You can make the law work for you. You think God wonders if what he's doing is the right technique? No. Just start doing what feels right. There is no wrong way to manifest. If you've got your basic concepts right, just go for it. You're the one in control, you don't need a 3rd person to hold your hand.
♡ Ending notes:
I want to end by saying that manifesting is something we were born to do. Don't make it harder than it needs to be. Tap into your intuition, connect with your higher self and the path will light up for you. Your subconscious mind is anxiously waiting for you to tap into its creative powers. It's waiting to serve you. Say the word and it is done. Don't overthink it. You are absolutely limitless. The only thing standing between you and living your dream life is you so get out of your own way and go live life to the fullest. You deserve it.
>> Like and reblog to share the message and help more people! Thanks for reading till the end. Hope you enjoyed it. Go create. 🩷
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sheismo · 7 months
From a caterpillar to a butterfly.
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- I’ve been working out HEAVY. I’ve lost over 40lbs but my goal weight is 170lbs meaning I need to lose over 70lbs to get to my goal. I keep seeing my ✨dream✨ body in my head & I’m not stopping until I see it in the mirror. It’s MINE.
Affirmations :
⭒ I love my body.
⭒ I love my shape.
⭒ I wear a size L-XL in shirts & dresses.
⭒ I wear a size 9-12 in jeans.
⭒ My skin is clear.
⭒ My appetite is suppressed.
⭒ I eat very clean.
⭒ My locs are long & healthy.
⭒ My waist is snatched.
⭒ My stomach is flat.
⭒ My booty is round and plump.
⭒ My shape is inspiration.
⭒ I am body goals.
⭒ I weight 170lbs.
⭒ I am be my goal weight
⭒ My arms are toned & slim
⭒ I have my dream body.
⭒ I have a cute gym wardrobe.
⭒ I have a shelf booty.
⭒ My inner thighs are toned & firm.
⭒ My face is slim.
⭒ I lose weight in a healthy manner.
⭒ I eat healthy.
⭒ I eat lots of protein.
⭒ I love my gains.
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