#marauders microfic
outromoony · 3 days
Blind date
@wolfstarmicrofic | Word count: 215
"So... how was the date, mate?" James asked eagerly as soon as he saw Sirius, raising his eyebrows with curiosity. He had been insisting that Sirius try a blind date for a change, and it had been...
"Amazing," Sirius replied honestly, unable to suppress the huge smile spreading across his face. "He was... the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. You know how much I hate Greek mythology, but he loved it. And you know what? For the first time in my life, it sounded like the most interesting thing in the world. He loves books, and—"
"Wait," James interrupted, a confused expression on his face. "You said 'he'?"
Sirius frowned. "Yes... what's wrong with that?"
James's eyes widened. "The blind date I arranged for you... it was with a girl."
It was Sirius's turn to look surprised. He had been so enchanted by the beautiful stranger that he hadn't even checked his phone all night. He pulled it out of his pocket and froze as he read the message from hours ago:
"I am so sorry! I don't think I will make it in time for our date. Do you think we could reschedule?"
He stood there, trying to make sense of it. Who the hell had Sirius gone on a date with then?
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siriuslygay1981 · 20 hours
Word count- 1066
TW- choking, talk of k!ling, Sorta NSFW , obsessed JEGULUS! Based off of this post
A/N this may have gone out of my hands....it went in a direction I didn't intend TBH... But I still like it very much! Thank you SM @tenakiie for letting me do a microfic for it! I've been trying to find inspo for a writing thing and this was perfect! The art is absolutely lovely :))
Read below the cut!
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Regulus let's his hands travel up James's chest, marveling at the way James arches up into his touch. The small gasp that leaves his lips makes regulus groan. He lets out a shaky breath, his chest feels tight with overwhelming emotion.
They had been laying there for a while now, lips touching hands roaming. The two talked and talked and then just laid beside the other.
But as Regulus laid there, thinking of their relationship and how James made him feel, he was angry he was overfilling with love and he couldn't get the thought that he wanted to hurt James. Just a little. Just a small bit of pain. How else could he get this pressure off of his chest but to pinch his arm, bite his shoulder? Maybe...wrap his hands around his neck and squeeze...just for a moment.
Which unsurprisingly is what Regulus ends up doing. He straddles James and loosely wraps his hands around his neck. He frowns down at James who just smiles up at him, eyes trusting and so so soft. It makes the itch harder to resist, he clenches his teeth.
"I want to kill you." He says it softly, says it without even realizing. It's too late to take back now, it's in the air and he's sure James heard it. They're too close to not have.
James rests his hands on Regulus' thighs, squeezes softly before replying
"I'm yours." He says softly "I'm all yours."
His eyes are soft, crinkled at the side, his smile dopey and warm. One hand slides up to his hip and he rubs his thumb comfortingly. Regulus tightens his hands slightly in response and leans down so they're face to face, mere inches apart, but James doesn't even flinch, just traces his eyes across Regulus' face.
"You could...if you wanted to." James whispers, his voice slightly hoarse because of the pale hands still putting pressure on his throat
Regulus tilts his head, he keeps eye contact with James and scoots forward before knocking their foreheads together
"Your friends would kill me if I did..." He says as if he would actually go through with it.
"No." James says his eyes suddenly dark
"I wouldn't let them."
Regulus almost laughs, he tightens his grip again, his thumbs pushing slightly against his Adams apple
"You wouldn't be there to stop them though..." He whispers
Biting his lip he watches James's face twitch, he's angry. Regulus licks his lips and sighs. He can feel James swallow beneath his fingertips, he watches closely as James struggles to speak for a moment.
"You won't be harmed....even if I have to come back from the fucking dead."
Regulus gasps and loosens his hold. Looking down at James, James watches him closely, he rubs a soothing hand up Regulus' back
"No one will touch you.." He says, his voice is thick and scratchy.
Regulus leans closer and tilts his head to the right, his eyes half lidded. Their noses touch, he can feel James's hot breath against his mouth.
"What about you?" He asks huskily
James grips regulus tightly for a moment, conflict briefly flashing in his eyes
"Not even me, not if you don't want me to." He says firmly
Regulus brushes his thumb against James's throat again
"And if I told you right now not to touch me?" He asks, curious to his answer
James let's his hands fall to the side, his breathing heavy and a frown on his face
"Then I won't."
Regulus swallows hard, his eyelashes fluttering
"if I said you never could again?" His voice is low and raspy
James heaves in breath after breath below him, trying to regain some air he must've lost
"If that's what you want love....that's what you'll have."
Regulus watches James' Adams apple bob up and down for a moment he rests his thumb there and almost grins when James stops breathing, stops moving all together.
"I'm going to kiss you now.." Regulus murmurs against James's lips.
He watches the way James's eyes dilate, he groans in the back of his throat.
"God please do-" he whimpers
Regulus leans down and kisses James, his unoccupied hand going to his messy hair and tugging lightly. James gasps and arches up a bit. Regulus grins against his lips and bites James's bottom lip before pulling back slightly.
He lets go and squeezes his hand around James's neck when he sees his bottom lip plump. James makes a small choking sound which makes Regulus immediately loosen his grip, afraid he might've hurt him
James shakes his head lightly, his hand jumping to Regulus' wrist, he pauses before their skin can touch, let's his hand hover for a moment before dropping it
"No...it's ok." He murmurs, his dark eyes staring up at regulus
Regulus tilts his head back and groans, he squeezes his thighs against James's side and let's his head fall back down
"You can touch me James" he whispers, his eyes still closed
James grips the back of Regulus' neck and pulls him down so they're chest to chest again
"I wouldn't be able to live without you. If you told me to never touch you, I wouldn't lay a finger on you baby. Just as long as I can see you, be near you...fuck just hearing your voice would be fine-"
He sucks a breath in, one hand gripping Regulus' hip
"I might not survive it...but if that's what you want...I'd cut my hands off to keep that promise."
Their lips brush against one another, regulus let's out a sigh before kissing James with all the overwhelming, all consuming feelings inside of him. James responds in kind, his hands gripping regulus and pulling him closer, closer,closer as if to weld them together. To have their body stuck together irreversibly.
Neither would mind, some days Regulus is sure he'd let James consume him entirely, pretending as if he hadn't already. They were both willing to do whatever the other wanted, willing to follow one another to the ends of the universe. Destined to intertwine and connect, to never be separated. It would be unkind, would be cruel to rip regulus away from James, to take away the very air he breathes. He would not survive it, Regulus would not live in a world where James wasn't his and vice versa.
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isabel-lillah · 1 month
10 things only James Potter knew about Regulus Black
1) In July 1976, he came to the Potters through their floo together with unconscious Sirius. He left again before Effie and Monty came.
2) After his brother got away from home, he continued to secretly check on him.
3) He threatened Snape into not spreading the information about Remus being a werewolf.
4) He hexed another Slytherin for insulting Pandora.
5) He got punished for it by his mother. That was the second time he came through the Potters's floo.
6) He spent most of his nights at Hogwarts in the astronomy tower.
7) Regulus had violent nightmares that left him shaking. Sometimes, the shakes didn't stop for hours.
8) His touch was like the ocean - engulfing, gentle, but also powerful.
9) Before he left for the cave, he obliviated James in his sleep.
10) The obliviate didn't work.
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ecstarry · 14 days
"The one with only one bed" for you baby @malchai, for always inspiring me
“James, this is not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to live in a book,” Regulus quipped as he stared at the only bed in the middle of their hotel room. 
“I swear this was an honest mistake,” James said, though his words were far from convincing as laughter filled the room.
“I’m not sleeping with my brother’s best friend,” Regulus said firmly, except his mind couldn't help but entertain the scenario of a night sharing a bed with James.
“You should never say never, Reg,” James replied with an exaggerated wink. “It’s just one night. Get over yourself. Besides, you’re not my type.”
“Fuck off, Potter. I’m everyone’s type,” Regulus said, a cocky grin spread across his face. 
“Not mine, though.” James was clearly trying to start a game with Regulus. He knew it, but Regulus Black was prideful, he was always hungry for a victory. 
“Really?” Regulus dropped his bag to the floor, and slowly walked towards James. He could tell that even closing the distance was enough to make the mighty James Potter blush. 
“Yeah,” James said with a sudden shy voice. 
“So you don’t mind if I take my shirt off, right? The weather is kinda shit here.” Regulus stepped closer, their proximity was a territory they had only ventured into while drunk, never sober and never alone.
“Since when are you a man of few words, Jamie?” Regulus grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head, ruining his perfectly arranged curls, almost as if someone had run their fingers through them.
“Are you getting hot too? You look flustered,” Regulus said as his eyes traveled to James’ crotch, he was wearing a pair of sweats that did very little to conceal the bulge forming underneath. 
James took a deep breath and looked back at Regulus with a challenge, or a proposal even. Regulus couldn’t tell yet, but he was curious enough to see where this went. 
“Actually, I am hot. I think I also need fewer layers.” James was wearing a linen white shirt and, instead of giving Regulus the satisfaction of a quick reveal, he slowly started unbuttoning it, allowing Regulus’ gaze to savor every detail of his body.
The sight of that god-like body was enough to make Regulus forget what the game even was. Any coherent thought left his mind as the last button of James’ shirt was undone, revealing the most delicious man he had ever seen standing shirtless in front of him.
“Eyes up here, love,” James teased with a low voice. 
Before Regulus could even process James’ comment he heard a knock on the door, he quickly avoided meeting James’ eyes and walked over to open the door. 
“We are truly sorry for the misunderstanding, we have a room that matches the description you asked for, if you would-”
“This one is fine, thank you,” Regulus replied and closed the door. 
He turned around and saw James waiting eagerly for any sign that confirm exactly what Regulus’ last words meant. Regulus returned to his previous spot, close to James and reached for his own pants and started unbuttoning them, an action mimicked by a very excited James. 
“Rethinking the ‘not sleeping with your brother’s best friend’ thing aren’t you?” James teased. 
“Rethinking the ‘you’re not my type’ thing aren’t you?” Regulus quickly snapped back as James pulled him closer and held Regulus’ face between his hands. 
“Just let me fucking kiss you, Reg.” 
I win, Regulus thought. 
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where-is-vivian · 17 days
poolboy james & summer jegulus?
original idea of @tiredofthehumanlife | microfic (335 words): @my-castles-crumbling (ty again for this unexpected collab it was very fun :)) | comic: me!
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Boring. That was one word for Regulus’s summer thus far. Horribly dull and unstimulating and just…boring.
Laying by the pool, he lasted about five minutes trying to relax before pulling out his phone, giving up on his plan to go screenless for a while. 
‘How’s your summer going so far?’ He texted Barty, hoping his friend would at least provide some entertainment.
But as Barty quickly returned his text with a complaint about some stupid camp his father had shipped him off to, movement in the corner of his eye caught Regulus’s attention.
It was the new poolboy. Mother had warned him earlier that she’d hired someone to care for the pool today, and it had completely slipped Regulus’ mind, or he never would have gone outside. But it was a good thing he had, otherwise he would have missed the view.
The boy- man? He was Regulus’s age, probably around 16 or 17- was shirtless, his muscular, tan body almost gleaming in the sun, like he was meant to be there. Innocently, he was moving the skimmer through the water of the pool, removing the few leaves that sat on the surface, his dark hair shifting in the wind, muscles tightening as he moved. But as he did all of this, he stared.
Right at Regulus.
His eyes bore into him, the tension and heat pouring off of him, and instantly, Regulus felt the air thicken. 
So he stared right back, eyes wide.
And then, the boy grinned, his smile so gorgeous Regulus almost gave an involuntary inhale. 
“Regulus, right? I was told not to bother you under any circumstances,” the boy said with a smirk.
“And…are you going to? Bother me?” Regulus asked, his body twisted slightly, to continue meeting the other boy’s eyes. 
“Depends on what you mean by bother,” he replied with a wink, making Regulus turn red.
After the boy, who introduced himself as James, left a few minutes later, Regulus finally texted Barty back.
‘Mine actually might get interesting…’
CLOSE-UPS! (+ an exclusive bonus ugly sketch x) )
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breadcat-xx · 12 days
22.05.2024 - control - 539 words
“We’ve got everything under control, right Haz?”
Regulus smiles fondly at the screen of his phone when Harry appears next to James. He’s wearing his dinosaur jammies, the blue one with red triceratopses all over it. He smiles widely at the camera. It’s an adorable sight; one of his front teeth is missing and his glasses are a little askew. Regulus wishes he could pull him into a tight hug right then and there.
“Daddy, I learned about stars at school today!” He exclaims excitedly, prying the phone from James’ hands in an attempt to get all of Regulus’ attention. “I told Ms. Jones you’re an astrologist.” Harry puts great care into pronouncing the word, wanting to get it right. It took him a while to get the hang of the exact pronunciation, so he takes pride in being able to say it correctly.
“Did you?” Regulus asks with a smile, shifting against the headboard of his hotel bed. It’s not nearly as comfortable as the bed they have at home, but it does the job.
“Yes! I also told her you’re in America for a big science party.”
It’s endearing how proud Harry seems to be, even if he doesn’t fully understand what it is his dad does. By now, he’s told all of his teachers and all of his friends that Regulus is away for the week. It’s a little embarrassing, but mostly sweet. Harry loves loudly. He really takes after James when it comes to that.
“I know you’d love to talk to dad for hours, but I’m afraid it’s already past your bed time.” James interrupts their conversation. Harry whines and pouts, which makes Regulus smile again. “Come on, darling.” He says. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? I promise we’ll talk longer then.” Harry makes a face, but eventually nods and gets up. “I miss you.” He says. “Not as much as I miss you.” That makes the boy smile a little. They exchange i-love-you’s and then he’s off to brush his teeth.
When James appears on his screen again, his husband looks tired. He can’t blame him; taking care of a six year old all by yourself is one hell of a task. “You’re doing so well, love.” He tells him. James looks at him with warm and loving eyes and doesn’t say anything for a moment. “I can’t wait to pick you up at the airport on Thursday.” He mutters eventually. “Me either.”
They simply look at each other in complete silence for the next minute or so. They’re so far apart, and yet, Regulus feels so loved by the man on the screen. Words can’t describe how much he means to him. The peace is disturbed by Harry’s “I’m ready!”. James chuckles and runs his fingers through his hair. “I’ve got to put the little monkey to bed.” He says. “Text me later?” Regulus nods. “Will do.”
“I love you.”
“Not as much as I love you.”
When the call ends, Regulus feels recharged and ready to go to the fifth stand-up reception he’s attended in three days. He can’t wait for Thursday to come around, but in the meantime, he’s at peace knowing his boys back home are doing perfectly fine.
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@rosekillermicrofic 1st May: Rose (it's actually 30th April 22:35 for me, but I was in the mood to write, so)
Word count: 242
Evan couldn't breathe. He was staring at Barty's arm. There it was, a new tattoo.
It shouldn't have surprised him, honestly. Barty was covered in tattoos almost head to toe.
But this tattoo? It was a rose. A really pretty rose. And it was on his inner arm, the left one. Near the heart.
Was he reading too much into this? Probably.
His best friend was impulsive, and this was exactly the sort of a generic tattoo that every tattoo shop has on their wall.
But Evan couldn't help but wonder if it actually meant something. Barty was driving him crazy, calling him Rosie, and then laughing it off. And now this tattoo? It's too much.
Evan smiled. "Looks nice." He looked up at Barty.
"Glad you like it," Barty nodded, his mischievous grin on his face as always. But there was something else, too. Something softer. Barty was looking for approval from Evan, and he got it.
"Let's go to sleep, Rosie. It's late," Barty yawned.
The next day, Evan went to get his first tattoo - a knife, in the exact same placement as Barty's rose.
When Barty saw it, he smiled softly, uncertainly.
He looked up at Evan and slowly reached his hand out to touch Evan's cheek.
"Rosie…" he whispered.
"Just kiss me already, idiot," Evan sighed.
Why had he said it? It was stupid, it was impulsive, it was something Barty would do.
And Barty kissed him.
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sstarmoon · 1 month
I'm sorry guys but James wasn't Regulus' gay awakening.
It was Remus.
Sirius took it upon himself to show everyone at Hogwarts his little brother as soon as Reggie entered the train in his first year. Reggie was embarrassed, Sirius was loud and talked to everyone, and little eleven year old Reggie wasn't used to talking to people he didn't know, much less crowds. He held his older brother's hand as Sirius went around the train introducing him to every person he met. He was surprised by how many people Sirius knew.
Reggie's cheeks, which were chubby because of how small he still was, were red and he looked like a little strawberry. After his brother introduced him to so many people that he couldn't even remember their names -even though little Reggie tried hard to remember each one of them- Sirius said he would introduce him to his friends. Sirius looked especially excited about that and Reggie couldn't help but feel excited too, copying the smile Sirius had on his face.
The first person Sirius introduced him to was a chubby, blonde boy; his name was Peter. Reggie shook his hand politely, although he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at how sweaty the boy's hand was. Surreptitiously, Reggie wiped his hand on his uniform as he waited for Sirius to introduce him to the second person.
For a second, Reggie thought an adult had stepped between them, but that wasn't the case. Reggie looked up, looking at the boy who was looking over everyone else's heads. Looking down at him, the tall boy Sirius called Rem offered him his hand to shake. Regulus blushed.
There was something; Reggie was too young and too innocent to know what, but there was something that had shaken Reggie's stomach at the sight of that boy. And not in a bad way.
He shook his hand, as he had done before, not taking his eyes off the tall boy until Sirius introduced the third person.
“And this is James” Only then Reggie stopped looking at Remus and saw him. A boy with messy hair, as if he had never combed it in his life, with his tie wrong and with his glasses taped together.
That was the first time Regulus saw James.
“Hi I'm James” The boy said, smiling at him, extending his hand towards him. Regulus couldn't help but notice the dimple that had formed only on his right cheek and his canine tooth that stood out from the others. Regulus looked at his hand and then back at him, and, for some reason, he smiled.
“I'm Regulus” the younger boy said, shaking the other boy's hand. This time, it was James who blushed.
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sixlane · 18 days
james potter fan club
bartylily microfic | 785 words | NSFW | inspired by that one scene in challengers | this is my attempt to introduce the masses to jartylily. you may not see the vision yet, but you will.
special ty to renn @malchai and laurie @itsjaywalkers for letting me yell at you about this <3
“I saw James today,” Lily says from where she’s straddling Barty’s lap, running her fingers through his hair. It’s not overtly sexual, but Barty’s hoping he can get it there in the next two minutes.
“Yeah?” He lets his eyes close, lets himself focus on the sound of her voice and the feel of her soft thighs under his hands. She’s only wearing her underwear and an old t-shirt of his, which isn’t doing much for his self control.
“Mmhm,” she responds, lightly rolling her hips forward. “He was asking about you.”
“I just saw him a few days ago.” Barty moves his hands around to grab Lily’s ass, sliding his fingers under the thin fabric, encouraging the pressure building between them. “What was he asking about?” He’s not really paying attention to the conversation if he’s being honest, but sometimes if Lily is in a chatty mood during sex, the dirty talk can get really nasty, so he tries to encourage it as much as possible.
“Just asking if we’d see him again before you go. He misses you.” She tugs the hem of Barty’s shirt up and over his head, then starts kissing a trail down his neck all the way to his shoulder. She reaches up to run a finger around his nipple, something she knows always gets a shiver out of him.
Barty lets out a groan as Lily rocks into him harder this time. “Fuck me too.” He doesn't even really know what he’s saying, just whatever will keep Lily talking.
“I know baby, I know you do,” Lily says, planting a hand on Barty’s chest to push him down on the bed. She leans forward to kiss him, and it’s slow and smooth as she slides her tongue into his mouth. He just feels himself getting lost in it when she pulls away. “Tell me how much you miss James.”
“Lily—” Barty starts, but he’s cut off as Lily’s hand travels down to his briefs, slipping under the waistband just a bit, teasing. “You want it?” she asks.
“Yes,” he says, grabbing her wrist, always so greedy about the way she touches him. “Come on, princess, no games.”
“No games.” She shakes her head, dips her hand even lower, just grazing the tip of his cock. “Tell me how much you miss him and you can have whatever you want.”
God, she’s intoxicating when she gets like this. Bossy and determined. And Barty is powerless to it.
“Miss him so much, Lily.” It’s not even untrue. It’s been months since he’s come to visit James, and now Lily since they started seeing each other. They call and text here and there but it’s nothing like it used to be, when they were attached at the hip as teenagers.
“Good boy.” She grabs his cock, collecting the precum with her thumb so her palm slides easily over him. “That feel good?”
Barty’s eyes roll back and he bucks his hips up into her hand, always needing more with Lily. “Mmhm fuck, so good. Keep talking, baby.”
Lily smiles, huffs a laugh. “You think about him a lot?” Her hand speeds up, just the right amount of pressure. She’s so fucking good at this.
Barty can barely think through the haze so he just says the first thing that comes to mind, not that he has much of a filter anyway. “All the time.”
“Yeah you do,” Lily says, rewarding him by reattaching to his neck, licking up to his ear where she bites at his earlobe. “Thinking about him right now while I’m touching you.”
Barty moans, letting his mouth fall open as he lets his mind wander. Lets himself imagine just for a second that it’s James on top of him instead of Lily. “Ngh, yeah, fuck. Don’t stop.”
But Lily does stop, just for a second to tug Barty’s briefs down and out of the way, freeing his cock, putting on display the mess she’s made of him.
She sits up over him, hovering just above his hard length. “Now, I want you to imagine, when you’re inside me, that it’s James you’re fucking into. Can you do that for me?”
Barty’s hands squeeze hard at her hips as he takes her in with hungry eyes, but he’ll do what she says. He always does, in the end.
He nods, licks his lips, seals the deal. “Wanna be inside him so bad, Lily.”
Lily reaches down, uses one hand to pull her soaked underwear to the side, and uses the other to line up Barty’s cock with her dripping cunt. “Whatever you want, baby,” she says with a devious smile before sinking down on him.
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outromoony · 14 hours
@wolfstarmicrofic | Word count: 146
"Moony, look!"
Remus lifted his head to see Sirius running towards him with an excited smile and something in his hand. As Sirius got closer, Remus realized it was an oyster.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Remus nodded, though he couldn't help thinking Sirius was prettier. With his disheveled hair and sand-covered skin, he looked like everything Remus had ever wanted.
"You know," Sirius continued, smiling playfully as he opened the oyster in front of Remus, "they say every oyster holds a secret."
Inside the oyster was a small, beautiful white pearl. Sirius took the pearl in his palm and brought it closer to Remus's face so he could see it better.
"You see this pearl, Moony?" Sirius murmured, his gaze shifting nervously. "It's kinda like us, hidden away, waiting to be found. And, well... I think maybe I finally found a little bit of myself in you."
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Apologies-a jegulus microfic
Lily Evans was so confused when in their 6th year when James stopped bothering her. Maybe he'd finally got the message.
She was even more confused when 2 weeks into the term he came up to and apologised for bothering her all this time.
She was super confused when he apologised to barty for punching him when he insulted Remus in first year. And even more when he actually began to take an interest in pandoras weird theories. Regulus was the only one who ever cared about things like narggles.
She was extremely confused when James began trying to make friends with evan and dorcas.
And incredibly confused when he succeeded and became friends with all the Skittles.
But one day she's at a party and there in the corner she sees James and Regulus making out. And she realises that's why this is all happening that's why James apologised.
The next day, she walks up to Regulus and simply says, "I'm so sorry"
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isabel-lillah · 2 months
“Did you hear Frank Longbottom hooked up with Alice last week?”
James stood in an empty classroom’s door barely containing his laughter. Regulus, Barty, Evan, Dorcas and Pandora were gossiping so loud he heard them through the closed door while walking down a corridor. They were in so deep they hadn’t even noticed James walking in two minutes ago.
“Yeah, apparently it happened at the Ravenclaw party last week.”
“But Alice? Seriou- James?”
It was honestly hilarious how quickly the slytherins (and a ravenclaw) paled after realising he was there, listening. However, they had forgotten everyone in the castle is a gossip - James included.
Plus, he's a gryffindor, so he has a bit more information about the situation.
So James just pushed himself off of the doorframe and joined in: “Did you know they’re officially dating now?”
“They’re what?”
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ecstarry · 8 days
@rosekillermicrofic / forever / 183 words / @fromagony
Barty and Evan were 14 years old 
“Are you ready?” Barty hesitantly asked. 
“Are you?” Evan countered in a tone that lacked as much certainty as Barty’s.
“Fuck it. Let’s get this over with.” 
They looked at each other once last time as they walked through the doors that were sure to change everything: High School. 
Then, Barty and Evan were 18 years old 
“Are you ready?” Barty asked, a little eager this time. 
“Are you?” Evan replied with a smirk.
“Fuck it. Let’s get this over with.” 
Once again, they looked at each other once last time as they walked through new doors: College. 
And then, Barty and Evan were 27 years old 
“Are you ready?” Barty asked, excitement all over his body. 
“Are you?” Evan replied with something reserved only for Barty: tenderness.
“Fuck it. Let’s get this over with.” 
They looked at each other again, as they had been doing all their lives. Two boys that grew up with nothing to care for but each other. They were on the other side of a new door, placing a ring in each other’s fingers. A forever. 
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adharastarlight · 6 months
Tis The Season
Eight: Music
Jegulus smut with maybe... some plot? Sirius doesn't know (just like if you know me irl? you dont) about jegulus at all... anyway, there's a reason James always has his music on too loudly
“Turn the music down, James!”
The brunette heard his best friend's yell echo from across the hall but he wasn't listening. He was also one hundred percent sure that Sirius would rather hear the possibly too loud bass of his music than the noises his little brother was making.
“Sh-shit, Jamie, fuck,” Reg managed the words between gasped moans, nails digging into the older boy’s back.
He cursed, “that's it, baby, you're so fucking perfect.”
The younger whimpered, arching into him further and throwing his head back, exposing that beautiful neck. That neck he knew he wasn't meant to mark. But it was right there. It was taunting him. Regulus let out a gasped moan when his boyfriend started sucking and biting at his neck. He would've said something, that it was a bad idea maybe, if he wasn't slowly going insane with bliss. A slightly louder moan tore free from him, almost animalistic, when James reached between them to rub circles against his clit, slowly, faster, faster, fuck.
“So good for me, angel.” James grunted at the nails scratching down his back, his hips stuttering slightly, “I'm so close, fuck.”
“Jamie, merde.”
The brunette moaned into his neck, against the skin he'd probably bruised by now, cursing as his boyfriend came, clenching around him. His hips lost their rhythm as he came, pressing fleeting kisses against Reg's neck and shoulders and collar bones as he slowly lowered himself to lie on top of him.
Regulus let out a soft huff as the older man's weight pressed into him and reached up to card his fingers through his hair gently, “hi sweetheart.”
He smiled and reached over for the remote for the stereo, turning down the music and pressing a kiss to the other's temple, “you need to find a way to be quieter, angel.”
“We've music and you like it when I'm loud.”
“Sirius yelled for me to turn it down, he'll catch on at some point.”
“That's his problem, not mine.”
James laughed softly, “it'll be your problem when your boyfriend is hung drawn and quartered, my love.”
“He wouldn't hurt my boyfriend!”
“I mean in his defence, he has no idea-”
“...Stop making excellent points.” He kissed his nose and tugged on his hair gently, “I liked the new mixed tape.”
“I thought you would.”
Reg smiled, about to reply and ask when he'd made it, but a holler came up the steps again. Followed by impatient stomping on stairs.
“James! You arse! It's your bloody turn to cook dinner! What the fuck are you doing in here?” The handle of his room twisted but the door remained closed, the brunette muffling his laugh in his boyfriend's neck. “Why the fucking hell is your door locked? Prongs! Come and make dinner you arse!”
“Go.” The younger whispered it into his hair, shushing the protest he knew was coming, “I'm fine, my love, I'm great actually. I'll be even better if my brother doesn't come barging in here. Go on.”
“Coming, I'm coming! Chill, Pads.” He pulled away reluctantly and kissed the figure smiling under him before rolling out of the bed and tugging on his boxers and joggers. He chuckled softly when his boyfriend lobbed his tee at him, lowering his voice to a whisper, “what's this for?”
Regulus grinned and tugged the duvet over himself, “you've scratches.”
“You're such a cat.”
“And you're such a stag, now shoo.”
The older boy scoffed and tugged on the tee before slipping out of his door, making sure it closed behind him before his best mate could look in, “you're very impatient, Pads.”
Sirius scanned him curiously, but merely shrugged and started walking downstairs, “what were you even doing? You're all flushed.”
“Pull-ups, sorry about the music, didn't realise how loud it was when I was in the moment.”
“It's alright, you're lucky Reggie doesn't mind that kind of music.”
“Yeah, really lucky.” He smiled to himself and clapped his mate on the back, “right, what d'you want for dinner?
“Reg!!! It's dinner!”
Regulus groaned at his brother's holler and rolled out of the bed he'd buried himself back into after his quick shower. He grabbed his shirt from the side and cursed under his breath at the state of it. They'd maybe been a little frantic to get the clothes off earlier.
“I'm coming you grumpy old dog!” He called back, reaching into his boyfriend's wardrobe for one of his tees which fell just above his knees, foregoing his boxers and trousers because… making said boyfriend suffer was awfully good fun.
James looked up as the younger boy walked into the lounge and almost choked. He also almost dragged him back up to his room. He was starving, but the plate in front of him had never looked so unappetising.
“Finally! What took you so long, étoile?”
He shrugged and settled into his spot, the one between James and the arm of the sofa. Which he honestly had made his, before he actually knew where the man who would become his boyfriend sat. He could feel the probably-not-subtle eyes running over him and smiled, “dinner looks good.”
His brother nodded and flopped into the armchair near them, picking up the remote, “I love mum and dad but I might love eating in front of the tv more.”
Regulus nodded and forced a shiver, tugging the blanket over himself and the brunette, “me too. It's far more relaxed.”
His boyfriend grinned at him and moved his hand to his inner thigh, brushing against where he'd expected to find boxers and stifling a groan by stuffing a mouthful of pasta into his mouth. He glanced at his best friend whose attention was affixed to the screen and dipped his hand between his thighs, brushing lightly against his clit.
“Oh, Reggie, Pandora called.”
He raised an eyebrow at his brother, ignoring the teasing touches as best as he could, “she did?”
“Yeah, asked about going to the city centre tomorrow, the library. I said you'd call if you couldn't go but otherwise meet her there at eleven.”
James waited for the moment his boyfriend opened his mouth to pinch his clit, just hard enough to elicit a sharp inhale.
“Oh, yeah, that's great. I'll definitely g-” he forced back a moan as a finger slipped into him, curling up to brush his gspot, “go-oh.”
Sirius glanced over at the stuttered word and furrowed his brows, “you okay, Reggie?”
“Yeah, yea-” he clenched his jaw when his boyfriend repeated the motion and had a sip of his water, smiling sheepishly at his brother, “hiccups, sorry.”
He shrugged and turned back to the tv. James waited a moment to ensure he wasn't going to turn back around and pushed a second finger into him, curling and stroking until he was fairly certain the it other's teeth were grinding together. He leaned over slightly, whispering against the shell of his ear, “so pretty and desperate for me, angel. In my shirt and nothing else. Practically begging me to fuck you, hm?”
Reg let out a quiet whimper, making sure his voice was just as quiet when he replied, “is this you - fuck - teaching me to be quiet?”
“Mm. You're doing so well, baby.”
“Fuck, Jamie, please.”
The brunette smirked and rubbed his thumb against his clit, moving his fingers just too slowly, “if you're quiet you can come whenever you want, angel.”
He bucked his hips into the contact slightly before nodding, biting his lip hard enough to draw the faintest blood to hold back a moan when his boyfriend sped up. His shoulders slumped into the sofa behind him as he focused on being quiet, only a quiet gasp leaving him when he came, head thrown back slightly, back arched up the tiniest amount.
James drew his hand back and waited until his boyfriend was looking at him to suck his fingers clean. He smirked at the almost silent whimper, mouthing ‘good boy’ and watching the younger boy crumble on the spot.
They were going to need louder music.
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siriuslygay1981 · 10 days
Favorite | @rosekillermicrofic |May 24th| Word Count: 879
Pandora shoves Regulus to the side and plops down on the seat he was just in. Regulus huffs in faux annoyance as if she didn't do this everytime she came over. She ignores him and unscrews her nail polish bottle.
Evan just grins at her and sits on the floor next to Barty. Barty rubs his hands over his knees, a small grin on his face. Evan smelt mischief immediately, he sighs and rolls his eyes before settling in completely.
There wasn't much that could stop Barty, whether he wanted to ask absurd questions, try new spells, even eating a bug at one point. So Evan didn't try to stop whatever it was that Barty decided to do today, maybe for entertainment or something else, doesn't matter. Evan let Barty get away with a lot and rarely stopped him from doing anything, he found it much more entertaining to watch things play out.
"Whose your favorite, Regulus?" Barty asks as he turns around and lays his head on Regulus' lap
He bats his eyes up at him and smirks, his fingers drumming against his own legs. Evan glances at the two, his lips twitching up. He shakes his head and opens his transfiguration homework.
"Pandora says it's her and I say it's me, settle this bet," he licks his lips and tilts his head to the side
Regulus glances down at Barty with annoyance, he lifts his leg a bit to push Barty off. Barty simply throws himself back and lays down, his feet on Evans lap. Evan sighs and moves his work over, his arms resting on Barty's legs.
"You annoy me and she terrorizes me...why, pray tell, would I ever choose either of you?" Regulus asks exasperated
He tries to go back to reading but Pandora gasps and acts betrayed for a total of three seconds before grabbing his book and throwing it. She sticks her tongue out and goes back to ignoring everybody again. She balances a bottle of nail polish on her knee as she paints the rest of her nails slowly, not caring that Regulus is glaring at her.
"oh no...I'm not the emo's favorite...how will I ever survive.." she murmurs
Regulus scowls and shoves her thigh with his socked foot, Barty cackles and sits up on his elbows
"So Rosie is your favorite then?" Barty asks
Evan grins and pats Barty's leg comfortingly
"Awe don't worry b, I was always the first option-"
Regulus simply rolls his eyes and gets up to grab the book that's across the room
"You're my favorite too.." Barty says suddenly
Evans hand twitches where he holds Barty's ankle, his face warms up from the comment. Gulping Evan shakes his head and looks over at Barty nervously, he isn't sure why he's nervous. He likes to lie to himself.
"Yea?..." He murmurs unsure
Barty bites his lips, his cheeks are pink and he avoids eye contact. Evan searches his face for a moment, he glances at Pandora who is too focused on her nails to listen in.
"Yeah..." He lets out breathless, he swallows harshly and pulls himself up completely so they're face to face
"Well....you're ok sometimes.." Evan whispers into the small space between the two
Barty who is bewildered, shoves Evan, Evan laughs, head thrown back and eyes shut.
He can feel his body shake as he cracks up, he leans back against his sister's legs and kicks Barty softly. Barty watches him in awe, his eyes trying to memorize the bright smile on Evans face. It's funny how neither realizes the others feelings.
Regulus plops back into his seat and looks at them fondly, you wouldn't be able to tell with his frown but they know.
"What's with the idiots on the floor?" He asks Pandora
She glances up and hums
"I think they were flirting-"
Evan laughs harder as he watches Barty start to pillow fight Pandora. Pandora rolls her sleeves up and stands. Regulus and Evan scramble up and quickly stand to the side, they watch Barty get obliterated with a pillow.
By the time they're done everyone is tired, Regulus offers to walk Pandora to her common room while Evan and Barty clean up. They don't talk as they clean, only yawning and complaining here and there.
It's when they're getting into bed that Evan says something. He makes sure Regulus has his curtains closed before he turns towards Barty. He wrings his hands together for a moment before clearing his throat, Barty glances over as he shoves books off his bed.
"You're my favorite ...if you- in case you were wondering.." he whispers, he throws a quick glance at Barty to make sure he heard before sending him a small nervous smile.
Evan quickly climbs into bed and shuts his curtains his heart hammering rapidly in his chest. He doesn't hear a single sound from where Barty is, but right before he got in he caught a glimpse of Barty's face. Red , his cheeks and his ears were painted red. His eyes were wide and his lips parted in surprise.
Evan turns over to his side and groans in embarrassment
"iN cAsE yOu WeRe WoNdErIng- you're so stupid Evan..." He whispers to himself harshly, flicking himself on the forehead.
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vini213 · 1 year
@jegulus-microfic’s prompt: Warmth (130 words)
At some point James and Regulus started a habit of sharing a bed, spending their nights together.
Regulus found he enjoyed the warmth of another body beside him, basking in the heat James radiated. He enjoyed how James always cuddled up to him, swaddling him in comfort.
James found he liked how Regulus leaned into him when he wrapped his arms around him. He liked how it was just for him to see past Regulus’, at first impression, cold demeanour.
They would awaken in a tangle of limbs, day starting bright as they met each other’s eyes and a smile was brought to both their faces.
To Regulus, James was the sun, shining as the morning arrived.
To James, Regulus was a star that twinkled even as the daylight appeared.
(thought up most of this in my exam after giving up on attempting more questions, great use of my time)
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