#mark tuan romance
fayeforrosie · 1 year
The Only One I Want
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Part 1
Karina x Fem! Reader
Karina knew she was pretty. She knew she had a chance with everyone, however, she was forever against any romantic relationships ever since she became an idol. Why would she want anyone when all they ever do is love her for her fame and looks? She knew she could never find anyone perfect for her, so she gave up on romance... until she met you
Word Count- 2.8k
Warnings- Mention of men 
Week after week Karina was cursed with yet another blind date set up by her company. She would urgently burst into her managers room, promptly falling down onto her knees, hands speedily racing against each other as if she was bound to make a fire, begging to go at least a month without any blind dates. 
To her dismay, however, not surprise, her manager would always shake her head firmly. “We need you to do this for us Karina. Do you have any idea how much attention would follow us if Yu Jimin was to find the perfect man?” She would say, and all Karina could do was sigh, walking out of the room with her head hung to her feet. 
It was another day in which her company had set up a date once again, this time, they informed her it would be at one of Seoul’s most popular art museums, where she would be meeting the man in about an hour from now. 
Karina couldn’t help but dread the upcoming event, knowing that her members got to stay back at the company and practice whatever they wished with their dance instructor, as there was no schedule for them this day. 
Karina wished she could be apart of that. She wished she could be in the dance practice room, and she reminisced with the feeling of laughter and sweat filling the air of the unreasonably hot place. It was all she wanted... to spend time with her members doing stupid “idol shit" on her days off. 
Yes, she was an idol, not a dating show contestant. Why couldn’t her company see this? 
And on top of everything, she had never been fond of dating, as every possible boy she’s met was only ever after her looks, or how much money was in her pockets. “Why don’t I take you home tonight”, she heard almost constantly after every date. It was upsetting to say the least, and as a result, Karina turned down any possible instance in which a boy could waltz their way into her heart. It wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted her members. She wanted to be on stage. She wanted to be in the studio. 
Instead, Karina found herself in the back of her managers car, mask almost suffocating her face as her hat floated just above her line of vision. Although she went on many dates, she was always forced to cover her identity, as her manager elucidated how bad it would be if the public was to see their sweetheart being accompanied by a new man every week. They wanted her to find the right one, then she could freely express herself to the public (though she knew it would never happen). 
“We’ve almost arrived, make sure you put your glasses on before you step out.” Her manger expressed from the passenger seat, where she responded with a small nod. If her mask was clipped on any tighter, she swore her manger would be able to see her frown seeping through. 
Only a minute later, the car pulled to a stop, just beside an almost identical car in the parking lot. Karina stepped out, her glasses now shielding her eyes as the door to the adjacent car rolled open just in front of her. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Jimin”, a voice could be heard in front of her. 
Karina raised her head, gaze connecting with the man in front of her. 
Lee Jae Wook, I never thought I would meet him, Karina thought to herself.
Despite the immense amount of meetings her company would assemble, they never would tell Karina which man she would be seeing, and she hated it. 
She remembers the time when she had shown up at an excessively fancy restaurant, only to be met with Mark Tuan seated comfortably in the chair ahead of her. Or when Kris Wu sat adequately on the most ugly patterned blanket, with a messy endeavor of a picnic by its side, bottles of alcohol spilling onto the grass, Kris’s attempt at getting Karina drunk and taking her home... god what a terrible date that was. 
“Call me Karina”, she said, ignoring the evident hand reaching out, awaiting to be shaken. Karina didn’t like when anyone other then her members, or family, was to call her by her birth name. She believed that only those who knew her personally were given the ability to call her by something so precious, not some random actor practically drooling as he soaked in her presence. 
“Yes of course, my apologies”, Jae Wook nodded and extended his arm for the girl to take, and if it wasn’t for Karina’s manager lightly pushing her into the man, she would have smacked his arm down instantly. 
With that, the two began into the museum, her arm loosely wrapped around his, and Jae Wook’s excessive amount of cologne being the only thing Karina could smell. 
God this is terrible. I need to get home.
“Welcome! It’s a pleasure to have you two joining us today!” An abnormally tall woman greeted them at the entrance. “Call me Ha-Eun! I’ll be your tour guide for today’s visit”, Karina shook her hand with a fake smile plastered onto her face. 
“Thank you”, Karina expressed, and followed the woman as she took them through security and into the main hall of the museum. The place was exceptionally beautiful, and Karina was sure that if she were to be accompanied by her members instead of this man, her experience would be one to remember. 
But she wasn’t. She was stuck clinging onto the man as they followed the tour guide into the first exhibit, knowingly peering at him as his eyes were trained on the woman’s ass while she walked ahead of them. 
In all honestly, Karina couldn’t care less. She could turn the corner and see Jae Wook kissing another woman and she wouldn’t even bat an eye. He could do whatever he wanted, as long as he didn’t bother her. Nevertheless, she knew that was impossible, because as soon as Karina thought he would leave her alone and take in his surroundings instead, he intertwined his fingers with her, and as she tried to pull away, he gave her hand a tug, almost as if he was warning her to not even try. 
To say Karina was uncomfortable was an understatement. The two of them followed the tour guide throughout the museum, and all Karina could think about was how sweaty and nasty the man’s hand felt in the grasp of hers. 
It has been a half an hour since they began to look around, and as they were stopped in front of a beautiful piece Karina couldn’t help but admire, Jae Wook spoke up. 
“I need to use the bathroom, would you mind staying here?” He directs his attention towards Karina. 
God yes. I'd be more than happy to. Please leave and never come back, Karina thought. 
The tour guide stepped in front of Jae Wook before he could make his way out. 
“I can show you the way! There isn’t one very close to here, it’s a bit of a walk.” She happily spoke, eyes almost unseen as a result of her never-resting smile. It must be tiring having that job, Karina thought, with having to keep a smile on your face without the slightest falter, even in the case of an inconvenience. She could never do that. 
“Thank you, I appreciate it”, Jae Wook spoke formally. “I’ll be right back”, he spoke once more, leaning down and planting a dry kiss atop of Karina’s forehead, and she almost gagged. 
The two made their way to the nearest bathroom, and there Karina stood, still at the fore of the painting. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it, it was truly beautiful. The way the colors complimented each line, as though the picture could truly come to live. It was remarkable. 
Being lost in her own thoughts, Karina failed to notice the woman that walked towards her and stood just about three feet away. 
“It’s beautiful isn’t.”
Karina’s ears chirped at the sound of the feminine voice, and she turned her head to glare at whoever had made the comment, however she was immediately met with the side profile of what seemed to be an angel. 
Karina had never seen anyone so captivating. The way your gaze was held beautifully on the artwork, where the piece couldn’t even compare to how prepossessing your visuals were. It was like she was at a loss of air, and she had never felt this feeling before. Karina has never been so lost for words, as it was usually the other way around, where the man was to look at Karina like they had never seen anyone as stunning as her.
Now, eyes still trained on your profile, she can understand how these men felt when they claimed to be awestruck. 
“...y- yeah”, Karina was still in a trance, making it hard for her to complete a full sentence. 
“I always come back to this piece whenever I visit, its magnificent”, you glanced over to her, and before you could meet her gaze, her eyes flashed back to the wall in an instant. 
“Um...”, she needed to keep talking to you, so she tried to start up a conversation, where she again was never the one to do so. 
“How often do you come here?” Karina asked, this time her eyes on you, and when you turned around to respond, her cheeks began to match the color of your beautifully pink lips. 
How could someone be so engaging? 
“Usually once a month, its like my happy place”, you allow a small chuckle to escape past your lips, as does Karina. 
“That’s really cool”, Karina smiles, her voice wavering as she tried to keep calm, and she continued.
“Do you have any other works that you like?”
Karina watched as your eyes scanned the wall full of beautiful artwork, deciding if there was another that met up to the standard of the one you stood ahead of, however you shake your head. 
“I love them all, but this one is my favorite”, you smile and Karina could practically hear her heart skip a beat. 
Karina has never felt the feeling of butterflies in her stomach until now. She has never been so captivated by someone’s presence until now. She has never wanted to hold a conversation with a stranger until now. You made her want to do everything at this very moment. Karina wanted to grab your hand and walk you outside just to continue to talk about your love for art. She could listen to you all day.
Could a woman feel this way for a woman? Karina never thought of woman in that type of sense, as she was only ever set up with men her entire live, so it was inevitable that her heart was trained to find attraction towards the gender. Maybe meeting you thirty seconds ago was a sign that her heart could possibly open up to someone. And not just anyone... a woman. 
“Want to know why I like this painting so much?” You asked, and began to move a bit closer to her body, still keeping a comfortable distance. 
Come closer, Karina thought. 
You smiled and leaned in, "because I made it”, you uttered faintly. 
And there it was. The exact moment that Karina determined she could truly find romance in somebody. Nobody had ever made Karina feel such a thing, and she thought she might as well die alone, since nobody had ever held her attention. But she was wrong. Here you were, in the flesh, completely ripping the heart of Yu Jimin out of her entire body, unbeknownst to you. 
“Are you serious?” That was all Karina could muster out, otherwise she might as well shout to the world that she found the one for her. 
“Yeah. It was accepted into the gallery about six months ago. Cool right?” 
God you had no idea how many butterflies were roaming the district of Karina insides. 
“Y- yeah... that’s amazing”, she smiled and went on. “What’s your name?” 
You gave her a warm-hearted smile and pointed over to the painting, where Karina was now faced with sign just bellow the piece. 
Y/n Yl/n
How beautiful, was as Karina could think. 
“How about you? What’s your name?” 
It was natural that you didn’t recognize the woman, as she was dressed in the least revealing clothes there ever was to be, a mask on her face accompanied by the hat she had on in the car, and lastly a pair of circular glasses. She didn’t expect you to know who she was with such a disguise, but she hoped you were to realize once she took her mask and glasses off. 
Maybe if Karina showed you who she really was, you would end up being a huge fan, and immediately want to continue talking to her. Nobody could ever pass up on the chance of becoming close with an idol, so it should be the same regarding you, right? 
Karina allowed her thoughts to race ahead of herself, and she pulled her mask down, her glasses following. 
She saw when it clicked in your mind, that you were being faced with the Karina of Aespa, one of the most famous fourth generation idols there is to be. She felt pride, and for the first time, she was happy someone was to recognize who she was. 
Nonetheless, exactly opposite of what Karina had thought would happen, your lips turned upwards into a fair smile, and you nodded your deliberately. 
“Ah”, you stated, “Yu Jimin. I’ve seen your face all over.” 
Is that it? Is that all you had to say? You’re not going to ask for a picture? Or even bow? Karina was beyond confused, she had never met anyone who would react with such ease.
In addition, Karina noticed that her brain, usually trained to correct anyone that was to call her by her birth name, refused to tell you the name in which she preferred for others to call her. In fact, she found herself preferring you to call her Jimin apposed to Karina. You were already special enough to her.   
“So you know who I am?” Karina spoke. 
“Doesn’t everybody?” You laughed. “You are even more beautiful in person, it’s surprising.” 
Hearing those words come out of your mouth, Karina couldn’t help but bring her mask back up to her face. She couldn’t let you see how flustered you made her. It was dehumanizing. 
“Oh... thank you.” She looked anywhere but to you. “You’re beautiful as well.” 
You chuckled and looked down just as she did, and if anyone was to take a look over at your interaction, it’s possible they would think the two of you were to not even be associating with each other. 
But, before you could thank the girl, your eyes glanced over at a man who was making his way towards Karina, and you recognized him to be the one you had seen her with preceding your approach. 
“I think it’s time for me to go now, I believe your boyfriend is here for you.” 
Karina’s eyebrows furrowed, her lips frowning at the thought of you leaving so soon, but she turned around to see what you had been referring to, and was met with Jae Wook and the tour guide side by side, making their way towards her.
“No! He’s not my b-” Karina turned around to reassure you, however, her breath hitched, eyes almost even watering as she found that you were instantly gone. 
She felt like a child that had lost their parents at a crowded event, searching aimlessly throughout the area, double... triple looking around to see where you might have gone. But it was too late. 
Jae Wook had then came up by her side and took her hand, and Karina couldn’t even protest, she was too upset. Her mind was somewhere else at the moment. 
She followed Jae Wook, eyes trained on the wooden floor as she thought of you. 
She thought about how heavenly your voice was, like music played softly in her ears, and how magnificent your side profile was to look at. She could stare at it all day if she could. She needed to see your face again. She needed to find you. 
You were the one for her, she determined it. And she will not leave this museum unless it was hand and hand with you 
Hi everyone!! I’m backkk!!! I’m not sure exactly how many parts this will have, but I’ll just keep going until I feel the story is complete haha. Stay tuned for part two my loves!! 💕💕
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clnlbt · 2 years
TOP 20 KPOP SONGS 2022 (January-June) PART 1
1. Wheein - Make Me Happy
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2. DeVita - Bonnie & Clyde
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3. AleXa - Wonderland
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4. Taeyeon - Can't Control Myself
5. Moonbyul - Lunatic
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6. Song Soowoo - Love Me or Hate Me
7. Ailee - Murder On The Dance Floor
8. Solar - Honey
9. Yuju - Play
10. Moonbyul - C.I.T.T (Cheese in the Trap)
11. Taeyeon - INVU
12. AleXa - Tattoo
13. Hong Ju Hyun - Pass by
14. Jamie - Pity Party
15. Sorn - Sharp Objects
16. Heize - Undo
17. Yezi - Acacia
18. eSNa - Behind The Camera
19. Adora - Trouble ? Travel !
20. HA:TFELT - Left
Honorable Mentions :
Sunmi - Heart Burn
Yein - Plus n Minus
Kik5o - Fall asleep
BIBI - Best Lover
1. Wang Jackson - Blow
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2. Woozi - Ruby
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3. BE'o - LOVE Me
4. Max Changmin - Fever
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6. Dawn - Stupid Cool
7. Mark Tuan - My Life
8. Woodz - I hate you
9. Park Hyun Kyu - Let's End It Here
10. Suho - Hurdle
11. Kang Daniel - Parade
12. Kang Seung Yoon - Born To Love You
13. Wonho - Eye On You
14. Max Changmin - Devil
15. YooJung - begin
16. BamBam - Slow Mo
17. Kim Yo Han - Dessert
18. Kim Woo Seok - Switch
19. Gemini - She lives in Paris
20. Kihyun - Voyager
Honorable Mentions :
Mark Tuan - lonely
Wooks - Demon
eaJ - Car Crash
Gemini - mon amour
1. B.I x DeVita - BTBT
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2. BIG Naughty x Changmo x Jay Park - Romance Symphony
3. Psy x Hwasa - Now
4. Penomeco x YDG - Bolo
5. Taeyong x Jeno x Hendery x Yangyang x Giselle - Zoo
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6. P1Harmony x Pink Sweat$ - Gotta Get Back
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7. Jinjin & Rocky - Just Breath
8. Moon Sujin x tabber - Right Back
9. Yena x BIBI - Smiley
10. Moon Sujin x Jiselle x Penomeco - Only U
11. Jay Park x IU - Ganadara
12. Rad Museum x Dean x Lee Hi - Off-Line
13. Code Kunst x meenoi - Take Me
14. Ravi x Ash Island - Winner
15. Kard - Ring The Alarm
16. Hyolyn x Jooyoung - Layin Low
17. Charlie Puth x Jungkook - Left And Right
18. Psy x Suga - That That
19. Seo In Guk x Ravi - My Love
20. Amber Liu x Jackson Wang - Easier
Honorable Mentions :
Yugyeom x Coogie - Take You Down
YJP X Zuho - We Heung
Giriboy x SOLE - One Snowy Day
Moonbin & Sanha - Who
Moonbin & Sanha - Ghost Town
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Monthly Round-Up : July 2022
Monthly Round-Up : July 2022
July 1st j-hope – MORE #40 Mark Tuan – imysm #44 July 4th ENHYPEN – Future Perfect (Pass the MIC) #24 July 5th Rothy – Changed Number #35 WJSN – Last Sequence #32 WINNER – I LOVE U #13 July 6th IRRIS – WANNA KNOW #25 H1-KEY – RUN #43 VIVIZ – LOVEADE #14 SVT LEADERS – CHEERS #3 July 7th MCND – #MOOD #30 July 8th aespa – Girls #31 July 11th BUSTERS – Tropical Romance #42 CHUNGHA…
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prettywordsyouleft · 2 years
Do It [M] (Just Friends January)
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Pairing: Mark Tuan x female reader
Genre: romance / smut / friends to lovers
Warnings: a bit of angst, a fair amount of cursing, alcohol consumption, vomiting, a whole bucket load of denial and a detailed sex scene (consensual and sober, just for clarification).
Word count: 5060
Nothing Mundane | Do It | Waiting For You | Doctor’s Orders
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“Can’t you just do it?”
“No way, Y/N,” Mark responded, shaking his head incredulously. This was getting beyond a joke now.
When you had first asked him about this, he had been gentle with you. He could see how vulnerable you were explaining the reasoning, and he had let you down gently. “We’re friends, Y/N. I… I couldn’t be responsible for doing that for you.”
“But you’re the person I trust the most in the world with this.”
He had to admit it was hard to turn you down that first time. The way you had widened your eyes, the unshed tears barely kept at bay, Mark had wanted to do everything to take away that pain. But what you were requesting of him was just too big of a deal. Something he shouldn’t ever have the right to take away when you were his best friend.
He thought his denial would have been enough. Yet there had been four other instances since, and the shy and fragile version of you was long gone.
“Surely it would be a good thing for you,” you continued, following Mark as he got up from the table to take out his dirty dishes. He glowered at your persistence, wishing that he didn’t live with you for once.
This was becoming torturous.
“Stop it, now.”
“Guys love sex. Don’t they? You do. I know you do. I’ve heard you talking with Jackson when you think I’m not home. And I’ve heard—”
It felt odd to be the one who was fully exposed by this exchange, and as Mark held up a hand to silence you, a heated flush made its way up his neck to his face. “This is about more than sex, and you know it.”
“I’m done waiting!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in the air. “Who in their right mind is a virgin at this age unless they’re waiting for marriage. I’m not even going to get married at this rate if no one will even touch me. Do you want me to die a spindled old hag with my chastity still intact?!”
“Lord,” Mark expelled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He could feel a headache coming on. “You aren’t old at twenty-nine. You won’t die a virgin. Someone will come along, and it’ll be worth the wait.”
“Says the guy who lost his when he was fifteen to Kelly in the cupboard under the stairs of her house during her birthday party,” you reminded, and a loud groan left him as he headed towards his bedroom.
“Please don’t talk about that. You don’t want that. I didn’t want that. I lasted like, twenty seconds. It was fucking embarrassing.”
“At least you got some. And still do. I’ve heard it through the walls over the years when you’re bedding a moaner.”
“I cannot have this conversation with you,” he complained, shaking his head as he slumped into his gaming chair. “There are boundaries, Y/N.”
“Since when? You know everything about me. It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked, Mark. You know little about clothing when you’re exhausted.”
“Y/N,” he said your name again, a plea for this to be over. “I am not taking your virginity.”
“No one will,” you announced glumly, and he glanced at you, noting the real concern in your gaze. He frowned. You laughed bitterly. “You know, if I batted for the other team, I could have probably had Celia go down on—”
“WHOA!” Mark all but yelled, flashes of the blonde lesbian from downstairs and you getting tangled up in the sheets invading his mind. He didn’t want to think of anything like that. He felt a twitch in his pants despite his best efforts and groaned, slapping a hand over his face. “Please. I don’t want to talk about this a second longer. I’m sorry, Y/N. You’ll thank me for not doing this. You don’t want me to do this for you.”
“If there’s anyone in this world I trust completely with my body and soul, it’s you, Mark,” you admitted quietly before leaving his room, the door shutting with a click behind you.
Leaning back in his chair, Mark stared up at the ceiling until he was unseeing. You had no idea why he couldn’t do this one thing for you.
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“What are you doing?”
You glanced away from the plastic cup you had picked up from the kitchen countertop and towards Mark, who had approached you. “What does it look like?”
“You don’t drink,” he pointed out, reaching for the cup. Keeping a hold on it, Mark cocked his head to the side at you. “Why are you going to tonight?”
“Leave her be, Mark,” Bam announced, grabbing a cup for himself. “It’s about time Y/N lets loose at one of your parties.”
“Let loose?” he repeated, his gaze snapping from his friend to you. “Are you letting loose tonight?”
“Sure. I mean, why not? It’s my house too. It’s not like I have to remain sober for anything, right?”
“You never drink at our parties,” he said, and you shrugged, taking a sip of the beer. You pulled a face before taking a larger gulp.
Mark didn’t like this. He didn’t like you breaking away from the norm, away from your rigid set of rules. You didn’t do things like this, and he respected that about you. Whilst you were happy to have lucid conversations and dance with his friends, you had always drawn the line at getting intoxicated. A flash of the topic from last week had him reaching for the cup again and finishing it off for you. “Mark!”
“No more. I mean it. Don’t do this,” he warned, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m thirty in a month. I’ve long lived away from my parents’ commands, Mark Tuan. There’s no way I’m allowing you to tell me what I can or can’t do either,” you announced, taking a different cup from the countertop, and draining it. Once done, you shot him a challenging stare. “Are you going to continue being an asshole to me, or can I get what I want my own way?”
“This isn’t—”
“Y/N!” Celia’s feminine tone infiltrated the moment, and Mark willed his gaze to the ceiling before any of the dreams he’d been having of late tempted to cloud his thoughts again. By the time he’d calmed the reaction down, you were already gone from his side, nursing yet another cup of beer.
“Fuck,” he murmured, clamping his eyes shut.
“What’s up your nose tonight?”
“Y/N’s going to do something really stupid. I can feel it, Jinyoung.”
“Stupid, how?” Jinyoung wondered, and Mark groaned again, fisting his hair tightly before shaking his head. “Want me to help keep an eye on her?”
Mark imagined you convincing Jinyoung into your bedroom and felt himself pale. “Don’t worry. I’ll do it.”
“Do what?”
“Fuck do I know,” he muttered to himself exasperatedly, not letting you out of his sight for the next hour.
He had barely avoided getting tangled in Rue, one of his usual conquests at parties like these, and came up with a really lame excuse to Jackson when he noticed Mark hadn’t been drinking much all night. But you sure had, and it was clear that you were now beyond tipsy.
Striding across the room, Mark grabbed your upper arms firmly before your face planted into Yugyeom’s lap. He hated this tension more than anything, his wild thoughts causing him to go insane. “Y/N. Time for bed.”
“Bed?!” you crooned, shaking your head freely. You had let your hair down, and your shirt had been unbuttoned lower than usual. Even if Mark trusted his younger friend with you, Yugyeom couldn’t help but dart his eyes over the smooth expanse of skin you normally didn’t share with the world. Mark shot him a reproachful look as he hooked an arm around your waist and pulled you back into his body. You were hot from all the alcohol and wiggled against him.
For fuck sake, he thought internally at his body’s instinctive reaction and tugged you away from the couch. “You’ve had enough of the party.”
“I get to decide that!” you told him, pointing a finger at the space before you instead of at him. When you realised you weren’t directing it at him, you swivelled around clumsily in his grip until you were able to see him. You grinned lazily. “So handsome. So annoying. Stupid buttface!”
“Definitely time for bed,” he reiterated, prodding you along to your room. “Come on, party’s over.”
“It’s over?! No!” you cried with true disappointment, your pouty lips tugging downwards. “I didn’t get a chance to—”
“Don’t you dare finish that,” Mark warned, throwing his hand over your mouth. He was strangely possessive of you right now, not wanting to hear or think of who you would choose from the people within the house tonight. He couldn’t let you do that with any of them, and the people here were the good kind. His closest friends, yours too. Everyone was safe and yet felt completely dangerous to Mark.
He wouldn’t let a single one of them touch you.
You started to gag with his hand against your mouth, and he quickly pulled away, your strength coming back to you as you raced down the hallway to the bathroom. You were uncaring that Youngjae and his wife were lost in one another when you flung the door open and cradled the porcelain bowl, the pair easing out of the room as Mark grimaced. Rubbing your back as the contents of your bad decisions came up, he sighed heavily.
He somehow felt at fault for all of this.
“I just wanted to try,” you moaned to no one in particular, shuddering with the aftereffects of throwing up. “I’m unwantable!”
“That’s not even a word,” he attempted to tease you, and you scowled at him after wiping your mouth clean with some toilet paper. He sighed again. “And it’s not something you should ever think about yourself.”
“No? Only people like you can say something like that.”
“What’s that meant to mean?” he wondered as you shrugged out of his comfort and got up off your knees. You washed your mouth out and then brushed your teeth, avoiding his gaze in the mirror before you both. “Are you saying—”
“Go back to your world, Mark. Your party. Your playthings. Your ability to get what you want when you want it. I’m going to bed before I do or say something I’ll never get to take back.”
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It wasn’t the last time you attempted to drink at outings with your mutual friends. Mark noticed that you had a champagne flute in your hand and a suggestive smile on your face as Jaebum struck up a conversation with you at a work event three weeks later. Jaebum’s hand soon landed on your upper arm, and you angled yourself closer. Mark chugged back the flute of alcohol he held, feeling anger surge throughout him again. Just how often was he going to have to look out for you now?
“Maybe you need to just let it happen.”
Turning to Jinyoung at his side, Mark glowered. “What?”
“Y/N. Something is up between you two, and I’m starting to think I might know what that is. Let her do this.”
“Do this?” Mark wanted to pummel Jinyoung into the column they leaned against. His temper had always been something he walked a fine line with when he was passionate about something or someone. Jinyoung knew nothing, and yet when he squared his friend with a look, Mark realised the observant man was aware of a whole lot more than had been spoken of. It annoyed him further. “Like Jaebum is a good pick to let that happen with.”
“He’ll take care of her.”
“Next you’ll be telling me that you’ll do it too,” Mark gruffly muttered, and Jinyoung shrugged.
“Maybe you should. Y/N’s your best friend. She’ll feel most comfortable around you. Besides, there’s more to it, isn’t there?”
Mark stilled, staring at Jinyoung until his eyes hurt. Noticing movement out of the corner of his eyes, he lurched for another flute of champagne from the tray the server held. Downing it in one gulp, Mark looked back over at you and Jaebum.
He should just stay out of things. Hadn’t he told you that someone would come along? Jaebum was one of his closest friends. If he could trust him with his life, then Mark should trust him with yours too.
The alcohol roiled in his stomach, and he felt sick. Heading for the exit, Mark needed fresh air. He didn’t realise how hot and bothered he was until the chill of the evening consumed him, and he started to shake, fumbling with his phone to send you a message that he was going home.
A hand landed over his, and he turned to look at you. You smiled wryly. “Leaving so early?”
“I don’t feel good,” he admitted and watched as your face pinched with worry. He groaned. “I mean, I’m tired. You can go back in there and—”
“It’s okay, I’m done for the night too,” you replied, slinging your arm through his and smiling. “Let’s go home, shall we?”
By the time the Uber had dropped you both off, Mark was worse for wear. He was leaning against you more than he ought to, but somehow the small amount of alcohol mixed with his conflicting emotions had him more wasted than he had been in a while. He couldn’t fathom it, yet he appreciated your endeavour to keep you both upright during the elevator ride to your apartment and across the living space to the couch. Easing him down, you then placed your purse on the coffee table and walked away from him.
“I’ll get you a glass of water to help you out,” you announced from inside the kitchen, soon returning with the drink. He sipped at it weakly. Reaching for his forehead, you blinked repeatedly.
“You’re feverish.”
“Huh. Maybe that’s why I feel like shit.”
“Come on, take off your coat,” you urged, but his arms felt like they wouldn’t comply. Mark looked at you helplessly, and you chuckled. “You’re always such a baby when you get ill. What would you do without me?”
“Not live,” he admitted, and you stilled for a moment, not catching his gaze before you continued with shedding his layers. You took the coat and suit jacket off him and draped them over the couch before loosening his tie and tugging his shirt free from his slacks. Mark eyed you warily whilst you rolled your own.
“I won’t take it off you, don’t worry. Your virtue is safe with me,” you teased, and Mark watched you through a haze of thoughts.
“Is yours?”
“Always intact, you know that. Long may I live until I’m old, grey, and ever virtuous.”
“Jaebum would have done it tonight. You know that.”
“Is that why you drank more champagne than usual?” you asked, and he blanched. You shook your head. “As if you’re the only one who watches the other. You hate champagne. It makes you sick. Now look at you.”
“It felt like a good idea at the time.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know,” he managed to answer, sipping more of the water. You waited for him to finish it before you pulled him to his feet, Mark slumping against you.
“Hold yourself up before we both fall!” you insisted, and with some assistance, you aided him to the bathroom, where you both got ready for bed. He tried to catch your eye several times whilst you brushed your teeth alongside him, but you were avoiding him again. It made him think back to the night of the party and that unfinished conversation.
Just what was going through your head?
“Reckon you can get yourself down to your room, big boy?” you asked once done, and Mark nodded, leaning down to brush his lips over your forehead. It was something he did often, but tonight, you both stiffened from the action.
Swallowing, Mark stepped back. “Thanks, Y/N.”
“Night, Mark.”
You slipped away from him then, and he sighed heavily, staring at himself in the mirror until he got sick of his appearance. Slumping down the hallway to his room, he misjudged his step and banged into the wall hard.
“Fuck,” he whined, trying to pull himself back upright.
Your door clicked open, and you stepped out in your sleepwear, silently reaching out for his arm and guiding him to his room. Mark felt pathetic. You were always there for him. Every time. And when you had asked for one thing from him, he had taken the cowardly route.
That had to be the only reason why he was falling apart like this.
Shuffling over to his bed, you threw back the covers and eased him down into it, pulling the blankets up to his neck and smiling gently. “Get some rest, huh?”
Capturing your wrist in his hand, he trembled. “Stay with me?”
You brushed over his earnest look and attempted to giggle. “We’ve not had a sleepover since we were fifteen, Mark. And the last time we did that, you told me that sleeping with girls wasn’t the same thing anymore.”
“You’re not a girl to me.”
“I should hope not. I’m far too old to be a girl now,” you remarked sardonically, and Mark’s grip around your wrist tightened. You softened your expression. “You really want me to stay?”
“Mm. I don’t feel good.”
Placing a cool hand to his forehead again, you nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on you. Let me just get a chair—”
“No,” he cut in, tugging you over him. Your upper body connected with his, and he gasped at how good that felt.
You were awkward, though and quickly scrambled over him to the other side of the bed. “I’ll stay here,” you announced, getting under the covers and pulling them up to your chin. “Sleep well, Mark.”
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Mark had always been a cuddler. He loved affection, and after sex, he was always happy to wake up with someone in his arms. But when the next morning arrived, Mark was stunned. He remembered back to when you were kids, you had always ended up in a tangled mess by the time a new day arrived, so this shouldn’t feel so new to him right now.
Yet, it did.
Your legs were coiled around his, your head nestled against one of his arms instead of the pillow. Your even breathing was fanning across his bare skin, and he had no recollection of when he’d lost his shirt, just that he had. In fact, he was only in his boxers, and a very hard part of him was pressed against you, making him swallow roughly. You were entirely flush against each other, and for the first time in years, Mark dared to take this at face value.
The reason he didn’t date anyone. The fact that he hadn’t thought twice about moving in with you when your roommate went overseas, even if the rent was cheaper at his old place. The way he didn’t feel right until he saw you each morning and kissed your forehead goodnight.
The real answer to your request the first time.
He didn’t want to take your virginity. He wanted to have all of you forever. Not just as your best friend, your comrade in this existence. As your man. As your husband, the father of your children, the one who saw you to that old age you kept referring to and told you how beautiful you were when he still made love to you until his body physically couldn’t.
Mark had loved you for years, but the weight of rejection had kept him silent. The worry of losing you spurred on the denial.
And now the risk of you being with someone else made him possessive and irritable. He couldn’t let you do this anymore. He needed to tell you the truth. Maybe with the knowledge, you’d be able to accept all of him too.
And that virginity issue you had? It’d be no longer a plaguing thought before your birthday.
It dawned on him then that you had given yourself a timeline. You’d never spoken about the lack of men in your life, aside from in jest. But these last few months, you had been more active in your attempts to date, to catch the eye of anyone. Had he somehow kept you on the low all these years whilst he bedded women to satiate his carnal urges? Mark had everything he needed in a relationship fulfilled by you except for the physical aspect.
Whilst you had nothing. Even your first kiss had been delayed for too long. Mark furrowed his brow. Who had been the one to kiss you?
“Y/N,” he murmured five minutes later, answerless and growing concerned. “Hey, wake up. I need to ask you something.”
“Why? I’m warm where I am.”
“You don’t have to move.” Mark would prefer if you stayed stock still right now actually.
Of course, your leg shifted further over his thigh, cinching your lower half into his. A moment later, your head was up, and your eyes were wide. “Oh, uh, well. This didn’t happen when we last had sleepovers, Mark.”
“It’s a part of my morning routine,” he managed to wince out as you tried to detangle yourself but only ended up somehow pressed into him further.
Right where he suddenly ached for you to stay.
Gripping your hips so you stopped moving, Mark expelled a heavy breath. “Who was your first kiss?”
“Who did it?”
You stared at him incredulously. “This is what you woke me up for? Can I move, please? I need space before—”
His hips involuntarily moved in efforts to keep you still again, and you bit your lip, your hand on his bare chest curling up tightly.
Mark groaned. “Sorry, I just. Let me finish.”
“Whilst your dick is… there?!”
“It’s not like I can make it go down. Your body against mine was a surefire way for it to get that excited,” he told you, and you slapped his chest. “Ow!”
“Don’t talk like that to me!”
“Who was your first kiss?!”
“You were, you idiot. When we were five and—”
“I meant as an adult. You told me you’d kissed someone. Please tell me you have, and it’s not just your virginity I’ve kept hostage.”
You blushed, averting your eyes away from his. “It was someone.”
“Do I know this someone?”
“Jinyoung,” you whispered, and Mark clamped his eyes shut. Son of a bitch. Now it made sense why he knew things. “It was a very nice kiss. Well, kisses. But—”
“I don’t need the details, Y/N.”
“He didn’t make me feel anything,” you continued as if Mark hadn’t interrupted, and his eyes opened, staring at you widely. “Jinyoung admitted to having a crush on me for years. And I couldn’t… I didn’t feel the same for him.”
“What? This whole time, you could have done more with him, but you didn’t? If you were that—”
“He knows how I feel about you!” you blurted out, burying your face into Mark’s pillow immediately after.
“About me?” he asked distantly, blinking through the waves of confusion until they cleared, and he was staring at you differently. “Wait. That’s why you started to propose I take your virginity?”
“I’d tried everything else to get you to like me, but you’ve friend-zoned me so god damn hard, Mark. What was I meant to do?! Jinyoung insisted that you feel the same about me, but you’re like an immovable ox! I wasn’t sure you even could think of me the way I do you after trying so hard.”
Mark swore under his breath and rocked his hips into yours pointedly. “I’m pretty sure it’s obvious that I do.”
“No, that’s biology. As you said earlier, part of your morning routine and being wrapped up in a female body.”
“Y/N,” he pleaded, shaking his head. “I’m in love with you.”
“No, you’re— Wh-what did you just say?”
“I’m in love with you. I have been for years,” he confessed, and you merely stared at him, dumbfounded. “I didn’t want to take your virginity away from you, I wanted to make love to you. That’s why I said no. Because if it was just sex for you but more for me, I’d lose you, and I couldn’t bear the thought of you being wrapped around someone else’s body when I’d had yours first.”
“You’re in love with me,” you breathed out, a startled laugh escaping you as your eyes grew clear again and stared at him. “You love me.”
“Always have.”
He blinked quickly when your mouth came over his, his eyes shutting as a groan shuddered through him. Mark wanted to savour this moment, yet it was too long overdue, and you were both excessively hungry. Hands touched where they hadn’t before, gasps left mouths, and moans filled the room. He was over you now, clothing removed, and foreheads pressed against the other.
“I want you to make love to me,” you whispered, running your hand down his torso to where he was throbbing for you.
Kissing you again and all the way down your body, Mark then rolled across the bed to his nightstand before returning with a foil package. He noticed you looked nervous.
“Hey. We can take this slow. Okay?”
“I don’t want slow, Mark. I’ve waited almost thirty years for this moment. I want all of you now.”
“Fuck,” he cursed, hurriedly putting the condom on and returning to where he’d been, his hand sinking between your thighs and drawing out more moans from you. “You’re so tight.”
“That’s the whole point to—”
“Don’t you dare snark me when I’m trying to hold myself back from hurting you. I need to do this first. Let me make this pleasurable for you.”
You gasped as he curled a finger inside you before adding a second. “Well, if you don’t hurry up, it’s going to be too much pleasure, and I won’t last.”
“Nuh-uh. You’ll learn that this is just the beginning,” he informed you smugly, looking between your bodies and letting out another string of profanity. This was more than he could ever imagine.
And when you dug your nails into his shoulders, with your head thrown back as your orgasm consumed you, Mark knew he’d have to work fast if he was going to make it inside of you before he joined you in sheer delirium. Removing his hand, he lined himself at your entrance and nudged it softly. Your gaze moved to his, and he held you there as he slid painstakingly slow into you, shifting his weight onto one bracing arm so he could touch your face.
Your brows were furrowed, and he smoothed them out before cupping your jaw. “Take a deep breath for me, baby. I won’t get in any further if you don’t relax.”
You seemed to unravel with the nickname, and the vice grip on him loosened enough that he was able to fill you to the hilt with mutual groans. There Mark waited for a moment, watching your expression for any discomfort. You shifted, and his mouth went dry from the feeling. “Holy shit.”
“Move Mark, please. I need you to move,” you pleaded and with a gentle kiss over your brow, he pitched himself half out before back in, a hiss leaving you as your hands came up to grip his biceps tightly. He set a rhythm, and you soon began to match it, your moans and the heady slap of skin driving him closer to release. His hips grew reckless with wanton need, and you seemed more appreciative than he had anticipated. The noises leaving you, sounds he had only ever imagined before, made him lose all control, and he came with your name on his lips, throaty and desperate.
He felt you clenching around him as he rode out the remaining high and watched as you came undone a second time for him, completely hazed from your orgasm.
Once he’d caught his breath, Mark rolled away from you and took care of the condom, returning with a warm cloth to help clean you up. You were boneless and sated, letting him do it for you as you gazed at him lovingly.
“I never said it.”
Placing the cloth on his nightstand, Mark nestled down beside you and pulled you into his arms. You came willingly, and he wanted to laugh and soak in this moment forever. “Said what?”
“You told me you loved me. I never told you that I love you back.”
Mark grinned, kissing your temple. “I’m pretty sure your body just told me how much you love me.”
“My body is so in love with you,” you agreed with a content sigh before pulling your head out of his embrace to stare at him. “I love you. It’s always been you for me.”
“It’s always going to be you for me too.”
“Took you long enough to realise that,” you said with a roll of your eyes, and Mark gaped at you. “What? I had to ask you to deflower me before you even realised what you were missing out on.”
“Deflower?!” he choked out with a laugh, bundling you up closer to him, holding you tightly. “You’re not a flower.”
“What am I then?”
“My heart. And there’s no way I can survive without one. So be easy on me right now.”
“Don’t you think we’ve got a whole lot of time to catch up on right now?” you wondered, somehow regaining strength, sliding confidently over his waist and prodding him back into the mattress. Mark watched you curiously, hands loosely coming to rest on your hips.
“Aren’t you worried about being able to walk? Your body is going to be sore after today.”
“I know. But I have you to look after me, don’t I?”
Mark smiled, leaning up to kiss you tenderly. “Always.”
Next: Waiting For You
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igotyouniverse · 4 years
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[10.00am]You slowly opened your eyes and could already feel the warmth of the sun on your bare skin. You blinked a few times and gazed outside of the window, where you could see the bright blue sky without a single cloud in it. You smiled softly. What a beautiful morning, you thought and turned around just to see the person next to you peacefully sleeping, making this morning perfect.
The way Mark‘s dark brown hair fell into his eyes, his lips just slighty parted. His face looked so soft, it appeared to be unreal. Your heart filled with this comfortable warmth you always felt even by just the slightest thought of him.
You knew you were lucky to have him, still asking yourself how you‘d managed to have someone like him next to you. Your hand reached out to his face, brushig away his strands of hair to admire his beauty for another second before you sas his brows furrow and eyes slowly opening.
„Were you staring at me?“, Mark asked, a sleepy smile appearing on his perfectly shaped lips.
„You looked so cute.“, you chuckled as Mark scrunched his nose.
„Ah, I‘m so tired. We shouldn’t have played games the whole night.“, a yawn escaped his lips, burying his face in the pillow before looking back at you again.
„It was fun. Plus, it’s your day off so we have whole day to sleep.“, you shuffled closer to your boyfriend, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. A wide smile grazed his face when he wrapped his arms around you, pulling your body closer to his.
„Mhh, I love you, you know that, right?“ he whispered in your ear before placing a kiss on your skin, sending sweet shives through your body.
„I love you, too.“, you replied, slowly falling asleep in the embrace of your love.
I‘m so whipped for Mark Tuan I‘m about to cry
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seungmoroll · 3 years
Fractures | Mark Tuan
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Word count: 1.3k
Genre: angst, fluff
Request: “Y/n didnt tell mark that she was sick/ injured as it was comeback season, until he found out unexpectedly. A fight broke out.”
A/n: this is set during last piece era. I hope all you guys enjoy this!
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        If anyone were to ask you if you were ignoring Mark, you’d simply say no, but rather you were occupying your time with non-Mark related things. Plus, you didn’t want to distract Mark during this time as it was the last GOT7 comeback as GOT7 under JYP. You knew that this was special to Mark, to all of the guys. The last thing he needed was for you to bother him. Even if it meant you had to hold back some information from him.
        Sometime before the comeback, while Mark was busy preparing for it, you had a minor accident that resulted in you fracturing your wrist. You chose to not tell Mark about it, knowing that he would’ve made a big deal about it, and taken his time to take care of you. You knew he didn’t have time for him to take care of you with the comeback and all. However, the last thing you expected was for Mark to barge into your apartment late at night.
        “Mark? What’re you doing here?���
        Gently grabbing your fractured wrist, he asks you, “When were you planning on telling me about this?”
        “After the comeback?” you say innocently. Wanting to change the topic, you question, “How’d you find out anyways?”
        “Youngjae.” Internally you curse Youngjae. You thought you could trust him with this information.
        “Please don’t make a big deal about this. It’s just a fractured wrist.” Although you were happy to see Mark after such a long time, you didn’t necessarily like that fact that he was acting this way towards you.
        “Yeah, a fractured wrist that could get worse if you put too much strain on it. I know you Y/n, you don’t like it when others do things for you, so I know you’ve been doing everything by yourself as if it’s just a normal day, but it’s not. You should’ve told me, so I could’ve been here to take care of you.”
        Pressing a palm against Mark’s chest, signaling for him to stop talking, you go on to say, “First of all, I didn’t tell you because you were too busy with the comeback and I know how much this means to you; and second of all, don’t talk to me as if I’m a child Mark. I can take care of myself.”
        Scoffing, Mark responds, “Obviously not if you’ve managed to fracture your wrist doing such a simple task.”
        “Oh my gosh,” wanting to get away from Mark, you leave the room with Mark following your trail. “Don’t walk away from me Y/n. We’re not done talking.”
        “Well I am,” you say, slamming you bedroom door in Mark’s face.
        Knowing you well enough, Mark doesn’t try to get you to open the door. He knows that the two of you just needed some down to calm down. Retreating from the door, Mark decides to leave and go to the dance studio, thinking that dancing could distract him from his frustrations.
        From the other side of the door, you slowly sink down to the ground, listening to the door slam. You knew that Mark was being irrational, but only because you knew that he cared so much about you and didn’t like the thought of you being hurt.  Neither of you said it, but you knew Mark’s behavior was because he blamed himself for not being able to take care of you.
        Even prior to this comeback, you and Mark had rarely spent time with each other. Of course the time spent apart put a strain on your relationship, so the message was very clear that Mark’s anger was not about your fractured wrist, but about your fractured relationship. And like Mark said, things could get worse if you put too much strain on it.
        Deciding to be the bigger person, you grab your phone and send Mark a text, “Please come back.”
        20 minutes later you hear knocking at your door. Opening up the door, you are met with the sight of Mark with a sadden look on his face. Speaking at the same time, the two of you say, “I’m sorry.”
        Stepping aside to let Mark in, the two of you sit down on your couch to talk. Before you could say your thoughts, Mark speaks up, “Before you say anything, I want to speak first.”
        Gently grabbing your hand, Mark begins to say, “What happened earlier was blown out of proportion. I was too much; I shouldn’t have spoken that way to you. I’m afraid to admit this, but this comeback has taken a toll on me and I was throwing all my emotions at you. I’m sorry.”
        “Mark,” you call out to him, making him look you in the eyes, “It’s okay. I know that things have been rough for you. That’s why I didn’t think it was necessary to talk about my wrist, but you and I both know that this was much more than about my wrist and this comeback. This is about our relationship.”
        Sighing, Mark runs a hand over his tired face, “I know. It’s just that we’ve been so distant lately, and I just miss you. I miss your voice; I miss seeing your face; I miss you.”
        “I miss you too, Mark, but you could’ve just talked to me. I know you don’t like talking about your feelings like this, but you know I would never judge you.”
        “I just thought that once this comeback was over that we could go back to the way things were before. I’m going to have more free time after this, so we’ll be able to spend time with each other more, but I realize now that I shouldn’t have waited. I should’ve just came to you.” Listening to Mark explain everything to you made your heart ache. This moment of time was one of the hardest for Mark and you realize now that instead of ignoring him, you should’ve been there for him.
        “Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry that I haven’t been there for you. I haven’t really been supportive recently, but I just want you to know that, I’m proud of what you’ve done up to this point, and that I’ll support you every step of the way afterwards.”
        Bringing your hand up to his lips, Mark plants a kiss on the back of your hand, “You know I love you, right?”
        “Of course I do, and I love you too.”
        Once the two of you have fully made up, you guys decide to order take out and watch some Disney movies.
        “Don’t you have to go back to the company?” you ask Mark as you snuggle closer into his chest, waiting for your food to arrive.
        “Nah, I told them I wasn’t coming back tonight.” Slightly pulling away from him, you look up at him, “Oh, so you just knew we were going to make up and that you were going to be staying over?”
        “I had a feeling.” Mark says before he presses a kiss on your temple. Gently grabbing your injury, Mark plants a kiss on your wrist.
        “What was that for?” you ask him.
        “I heard kisses made booboos feel better.”
        Feeling playful, you say to him, “Well, if that’s the kiss, I think I have a boohoo on my lips.”
        “Oh? Do you now? Then let me do something for you.” Shutting your eyes, you wait for Mark to plant a kiss on your lips, but when you feel his lips land on the corner of your mouth, you smack Mark on the chest with a big pout on your face. “I think you missed.”
        “Did I now? Here, let me try again.”
        This time, when Mark does plant a kiss on your lips, a smile forms on your face, “Better. Though I think you still need to work on your aim. Why don’t you try again?”
        As the two of you lean in for another kiss, someone begins to knock on your door. Swiftly, Mark removes himself from underneath you, “Food’s here.” Internally, you curse the delivery man and decide that once Mark returns he owed you more kisses, to make up for all the kisses you missed.
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
Anchors & Arrows (Masterlist)
Authors: @yeoldontknow​ & @imdifferentshadesofpurple​ Genre: pirate!au; sea faring!au; historical au; fantasy au; smut; romance Group: Got7
A shipwreck in the night; a siren who herald’s her song; the pirate queen who asked for her lover’s blood; the space pirate who demanded the love of the stars; the lighthouse keeper who fell in love with the wave rider. Welcome to a world of sea shanties, myths, and legends of bold men and brave women. 
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☼ Mark - A Siren’s Agreement - by @imdifferentshadesofpurple​ - Part 1
☼ Jaebeom - Ciperion - by @yeoldontknow​ - Part 1
☼ Jackson - TBD - by @yeoldontknow​ [TBD]
☼ Jinyoung - TBD - by @imdifferentshadesofpurple​ [TBD]
☼ Youngjae - TBD - by @yeoldontknow​ [TBD]
☼ BamBam - TBD - by @imdifferentshadesofpurple​ [TBD]
☼ Yugyeom - TBD - by @yeoldontknow​ [TBD]
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lalalamedown · 4 years
One and Only
requested by anon. feel free to request.
Hi~~~~ #35 & 36 for GOT7 Mark please 🥺🥰 Thank you soooo much🥰🥰
#35 - you are the only one in my heart
#36 - don't compare yourself to them they aren't you love
Word Count: 494
Genre: fluff, maybe a tiny bit angsty
Warnings: mentions of insecurities
Mark Tuan X fem!reader
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You weren’t the jealous type. And Mark never gave you a reason to be. You looked amazing in that dress, you knew it, you felt beautiful.
You took a sip of your drink. You’re amazing, beautiful, nice and smart - the whole package. Mark would agree. But watching that girl who looked just a bit prettier, nicer and that you thought was probably smarter than you hit on your boyfriend did some stuff to your head.
Comments of people on the internet saying that nobody would ever be good enough to be with Mark or even just addressing the amount of hate that his future partner would receive once it becomes public popped up in your mind.
The hate… Of course, there would be a lot of it, and of course it made you nervous. After all, you’re only human. Overall, you were ok with going public one day, however the situation you were in made you question that. Why was he with you if he could do so much better? If you were just holding him back, wouldn’t it be better to simply end things before everybody knew you were ever together? You never thought you’d feel bad for having such a faithful boyfriend.
You snapped off that thought when Mark walked up to you, keeping a polite distance since you were in public.
“Is everything ok? You look a little spaced out.”. He was worried, with a reason.
“Yes, I was just thinking about some work stuff.”, you brushed It off, not wanting to bother him at the party.
After that you were actually able to have a good time. Mark was always by your side and driving away any girl that tried to flirt with him. You were feeling better, but you still had some insecurities pounding at the back of your head, so you decided to talk to him about it once you got home.
“I have something I need to talk about.”, you let out as you sat next to him on the couch.
He threw his arm around your shoulder and pecked you on the lips, he didn’t think much of it as it was a common approach between the two of you.
“What is it, baby?”
“I guess I’m a little insecure”, communication was always the key to your relationship. "Watching all those girls hit on you bothered me."
"Are you jealous?", Mark had a confused frown on his face.
"I wouldn't say jealous... But it made me realize that you could do so much better than me. It feels like I'm holding you back."
“Baby… You are the only one in my heart. You know that, right?”. You nodded. He always managed to say things in a short yet reassuring way. “Don’t compare yourself to them. They aren’t you, love. I could never ask for more. You’re my one and only. I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Mark.”, you couldn’t help but smile.
reblog/follow if you liked.
thank u 💗
-daisy 🌼
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lovub3tter · 4 years
Love Jump
Mark Scenario
Mark Tuan x Female Reader 
1048 words
A/N: So, this is my first scenario and my first time writing in english, I don’t remember if I’ve dreamed about it but I just woke up with this idea and well… here we are. English are not my mother language so sorry if you guys found some errors. Hope you like it!
You almost didn’t believe it when you saw where you both were, the view would be breathtaking if it weren’t for the huge iron platform in front of you where people tied their bodies with cables to jump towards a free fall of several meters.
When Mark suggested going out to celebrate your third anniversary, you envisioned dinner, a romantic getaway, but, then he showed up at your apartment that morning, and now there you were, watching as he spoke to the instructor.
“You really aren’t expecting me to jump out of this thing, are you?” - He approached with a playful smile on his lips and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer.
“I can’t make you, but you won’t regret it,” he said
“I can’t imagine jumping to death willingly.”
One of the people on the platform jumped, and you felt a shiver run down your spine, your legs went limp with nervousness.
“I’ll be with you”- Mark said, giving a kiss on the top of your head - “Please, we never did anything like that together.”
You looked up to face him and knew you had no choice, not when Mark looked at you like that, as if you were the most important person in the world.
That day he was even more beautiful, his black hair was a little longer than normal and fell over his eyes, those brown eyes that you loved so much, every day you wondered how you were with such a beautiful man.
He brought one hand to your face and ran his fingers lightly over your cheek making you close your eyes with that delicate touch. Then he lowered his head until his soft lips were on yours.
Even after so long, each kiss with Mark felt unique, it was as if at that moment nothing else in the world mattered that it wasn’t the two of you there.
His lips moved gently over yours in a calm and gentle kiss, you ran your hands around his neck and smiled as you felt the chill that ran through his body when your nails touched the back of his neck.
“Please?” he asked, separating his mouth from yours, too quickly in your opinion.
When you saw the smile he was giving you at, you knew you were going to jump off that platform.
“If I die, I will come and pull your foot, understand Tuan?”
“Yes ma'am.”
He saluted playfully and intertwined your fingers as he pulled you toward the iron platform.
After listening to the instructions carefully, the equipment was placed on both of you, your heart was racing and you avoided looking down, a few more instructions and then you clung to Mark as if he were a life jacket.
In the count of three you both jumped, in less than a second you were falling in free fall, at first you felt as if your body had no weight and then you dared to open your eyes.
Mark’s laughter filled your ears and the view was beautiful even though you couldn’t appreciate everything since you were hanging upside down.
When you looked at Mark, you saw their lips move into words, but you couldn’t identify what he had said.
And then, it was over, the rope stopped swinging as soon and then you both were on solid ground again.
A new instructor approached and removed the equipment, if it weren’t for Mark’s arm holding your waist you probably would have fallen on the floor, but despite the fear you had to admit that the experience had been good.
“Mark Tuan, I swear I’ll kill you next time.”, You said while resting your hands on your knees catching your breath. Mark walked up to you smiling and ran a hand over your back. “What did you say before? I couldn’t understand.”
“I asked if you want to marry me”, he said with a small smile in his lips
You looked at him in disbelief at what you were hearing.
“Did you propose to me while we were doing bungee-jumping?”
“It was more original than flowers and dinner, admit it”
“I don’t know if I hug you or punch you for it.”
He came closer and pulled his hands around your waist.
“How about saying “yes”?“, he asked with his face close enough for you to feel his breath.
Mark’s heart was racing while he waited for an answer. You looked at him for a moment and a smile slowly appeared on your face.
"I love you, of course I accept to marry you.”
He hugged you tight, taking your body off the floor, you felt like you were able to explode with so much happiness, you loved Mark, and spending the rest of your life by your side was the greatest certainty you had, it was as if every fiber of your body responded to him and he fell the same. You two were able to spend hours talking or a whole night in silence, but it never seemed uncomfortable it was always as if you were exactly where you should be.
Loving Mark, in the beginning, had been a surprise, he arrived when nothing in your life felt right and had given a new meaning to everything.
Once again you felt his lips on yours, this time in a more passionate kiss, in that moment you thanked for having moved a little further away from other people.
Mark’s hands tightened on your waist, pulling you closer as if any distance between the two bodies was too great. Your hands sank into his black hair and you smiled as if no place in the world was more certain to be than in the arms of the man you loved.
He walked away and then took the small box out of the inner pocket of the jacket he wore, you felt your eyes water when he took the ring out of the box and fit it on your finger bringing your hands to his lips and kissing the spot soon after.
Lots and lots of kisses later Mark intertwined his fingers in yours and pulled you back to the platform where the car was waiting. As you were coming home, you wondered if you deserved so much happiness.
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mirkwoood131 · 3 years
Chapters: 4/7 Fandom: GOT7, EXO (Band), (여자)아이들 | (G)I-DLE Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Im Jaebum | JB/Park Jinyoung Characters: Park Jinyoung (GOT7), Im Jaebum | JB, Do Kyungsoo | D.O, Byun Baekhyun, Song Yuqi, Mark Tuan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting, Adventure & Romance, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Space Flight, Humor, Angst, Minor Violence, Blow Jobs, Developing Relationship
When followed by Imperial Troopers, Jinyoung returns to the only place he can call home, in the arms of his ex-lover, Kyungsoo. But things aren't so simple. To avoid rotting in jail, they steal a ship and with it, an Imperial Trooper. And that's when all the trouble begins, because money and love get in the middle, and friendships turn sour too fast.
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c1oud-s · 4 years
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nights like this - kehlani ft ty dolla $ign // too deep - dvsn
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m-yien · 4 years
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PAIRING: Mark Tuan x Female reader GENRE: fluff, romance, s2l RATING: none SUMMARY: Scenarios of boyfriend things with Mark Tuan. From how your relationship started, continued and blossomed into something you thought you would only catch a glimpse of in dreams. WORD COUNT: 1052 (pretty tame this time around hehe)
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: i know it’s kind of slow burn-ish but they’re getting there! bear with them lol and thank you for reading!
If you had known your brother would be annoying, you would not have given him your new phone number. He has been texting you for the past two hours. And during those two hours, you’re working your ass off. The only things that’s relieving you is that he’s just texting. He should know better than to ring you up or else you’d block him. Hey, perhaps you should do that.
One more ding! you’d go crazy.
Brother 💩: hey
Brother 💩: hello???
Brother 💩: hey. I know ur reading this
Brother 💩: HEEEYY!!!
Brother 💩: … come on
You roll your eyes and finally swipe to call him.
“Oh my, you finally answered,” he didn’t even try to hide his sarcasm. “Are you that busy? Lunch time passed; you could have replied during break.”
You ignore his argument. “What do you want?”
“Stop by the restaurant tonight and have dinner with us before we leave for our honeymoon,” he invites. “Jina wants to see you.”
“You could have just said that instead of sending message after message?” You snarl.
“You should have replied the first time I texted,” he barks back. “Tonight, okay? Bye.”
And the line was dead.
Pulling the phone away from your ear, you glare at it. You can’t believe the audacity of this jerk. Well, okay fine! You didn’t answer his text messages because he has been texting you since the day you moved out from his apartment. And honestly, most of his messages are distracting and nonsense anyway. You have every right to ignore them.
He would understand. It’s not that deep.
But since Jina wants to see you, you can’t say no to that.
You waved your assistant goodbye as she dropped you off in front of your brother’s restaurant. You’d love to invite her, but work has been stressful enough, it’s only right you let her have her peace and freedom. A sigh escapes you as you give the restaurant a quick look. A lot of people are still coming in and out. Laughter escapes them as they enjoy their night. You wish to adjust soon and experience something similar.
Lawrence’s restaurant is actually great. You enjoyed a good meal the first time you ate here. The ambiance was comforting and cozy. You love it. It’s just that the owner gets to your nerves from time to time.
The staff greets you as you enter the vicinity. Apparently, they already know that you’re arriving that’s why their first instinct is to lead you to one of the enclosed rooms that some customers reserve if they want a little bit of privacy of their own.
“Lawrence is still in the kitchen with Jina, but they will be joining you guys soon,” Addy, as written on her nameplate, informs you as she opens the door. “Have a great night!”
They? You frown. Who else did they invi---
“Mark?” You blurt out of nowhere and regret it immediately after. You cringe, embarrassed.
“Oh hey!” Mark didn’t hesitate to stand up from chair and walk towards you.
Your eyes widen. What is he doing?
“So nice to see you!” He greets as he dives in to give you the briefest of a hug.
You didn’t have the chance to return it as you froze on the spot. Plus, he let go of you soon. You wish he hadn’t. But then again, regrets come at the end.
“Hi,” you greeted back, bashful. You can’t believe you’re acting like this.
Mark just smiles with his usual loving smile and lead you towards the round table to finally take your sit. You honestly did not expect to see him again. It’s been a while and you never really had contact in the first place. You’d expect that progress happened back during the wedding, but no. The both of you did meet eyes, but it didn’t last a second. He was pulled away fast by his group of friends. Leaving you staring and longing at his retreating back. In short, there was no fairytale ending.
Tonight, you got lucky.
“Haven’t seen you since the wedding,” he talks and leans on his armrest to face you. “How are you?”
His proximity is not that close, but you can still feel your face warming and palms sweating. You try to move back a little so that you can at least give him a good answer, “I’m good. Been busy working.”
He just nods silently. It’s not awkward. Not at all. It’s just that there’s really nothing to talk about.
You try to break the silence and ask him how he’s doing as well, but a knock on the door beats you to it.
“Hey, you made it.” Lawrence peeks his head behind the door. “We’ll be done by five minutes. Mark, do me a favor and tell her what we spoke about earlier.” He didn’t say anything more and takes his leave.
Confused, your eyes go back to Mark. “What is he talking about?”
“Well,” he starts, “He might have told me you’ve been meaning to get a tattoo and… I kind of know how to help you?”
“Oh,” you whisper, now you’re seriously blushing. “I haven’t really made up my mind yet, to be honest.”
“That’s fine!” He assures you. “I’m not really saying you should get one now. But, how about you give me your number and I send you the details about the shop I frequently go to?”
You should pinch yourself instead because you might be way ahead of yourself. Is he seriously asking for your number? Over a tattoo you wish your brother didn’t tell your crush? But, why?
“Or if you want, I can give you mine so you could text or call me instead?”
“No!” You scream and he’s as startled as you are. “I’ll-.. I’ll give you mine instead,” you manage to say amid the embarrassment eating you up. You guess embarrassment is the word of the day.
“Okay!” He replies, smile finally back on his face after screaming at him. He hands you his phone and you hold it delicately as if it’s yours. You can’t make a fool out of yourself anymore.
Once you returned it to him, your brother and Jina enters the room with the food they cooked.
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❉ 139 Dreams (Mark Tuan) Together
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Romance ☁
Word Count: 1,434 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Mark ☁
World: Kpop, Got7 ☁
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
You fidgeted again, staring down at the cup between your hands. Suri, your friend, was sitting across from you, talking animatedly about her most recent date and how cute he had been. It wasn’t that you didn’t care, you did, even if you had heard similar stories a hundred times before, but today your mind just couldn’t focus on anything.
“Y/N~” she whined, pouting at you. “Are you listening to me?”
“Ah, well…” you smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I guess my mind slipped away from me.”
She frowned. “We rarely get to meet up anymore, and when we do you don’t even bother listening to me. What’s the point?”
“I’m sorry, Suri.” You sighed, running your hand through your hair.
“And? Are you gonna tell me or what?” She crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back against the chair.
You bit your lip, suddenly feeling nervous. You were scared to say it because you felt like if you said it out loud, it would finalize the situation and you honestly just wanted it to be a dream. Still, keeping it a secret was eating you alive – You had to tell someone. “I’m pregnant,”
Her nose wrinkled up at the thought of having kids. “Ew, no wonder you’re acting crazy.”
“I just, I don’t know what to do! I’ve always wanted children, but Mark and I have only been dating for a year and a half. Then there’s the age difference…” You were Mark’s noona by a few years, and while he constantly reassured you that it meant nothing to him, you still often worried about it. H was entering the prime of his life and his career was flourishing, how could you possibly ruin that with a child? You didn’t even know if he wanted kids.
“The solution is pretty obvious, Y/N.”
She rolled her eyes. “Get an abortion! You don’t want to ruin his life, right? That’s the only way.”
“Abortion? I -” Your heart pounded in your ribcage painfully. All your life, you had dreamed of becoming a mother and now you had the chance, but… would it be right? What if things with Mark didn’t work out? It felt like your world was slowly starting to crumble.
“Don’t tell me… are you really considering keeping it?”
You frowned at her response. Why was she acting like it was a disease? There was a child within you, made from the love shared between you and Mark. It wasn’t a disgusting insect or piece of trash to just be thrown away. “Oh,” you suddenly realized the weight of those words.
A child born of the love between you and him… the child was just as much his as it was yours. Making such an important decision without him would be incredibly selfish of you.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
When you returned home, you got to work cooking his favorite meal – hamburgers. It was an easy dish to make, one you had prepared a dozen times before, but this time you were careful. You measured the seasonings, following a famous chef’s recipe to the letter. Everything had to be perfect.
Around ten-thirty, you heard keys jingling in the door. You forced yourself to remain calm as you exited the kitchen. Mark locked eyes with you and smiled softly, bringing you into his arms. Even after such a tiring day, seeing you reenergized him and made it all feel worth it.
“Damn, something smells good!”
Your heart dropped when Jackson stepped into the apartment, sending you a grin. You forced a smile, “I didn’t know you were coming over…”
He picked up on your tone but misunderstood as he wriggled his eyebrows. “Oh? Were you planning something freaky?”
‘No, I was just going to drop a bombshell that could change my relationship and life forever.’ You thought with a sigh, rubbing your temple. What were you supposed to do now?
“I’m sorry,” Mark rubbed the back of his head, chewing on his bottom lip for a moment. “He wanted me to help him with his lines, I didn’t think you’d mind.”
“I don’t mind,” ‘I just wish it wasn’t tonight’ You smiled at him, tugging him towards the kitchen. Jackson was already sitting at the table, stuffing his face with a burger.
“Y/N, you’re the best cook ever.” Due to the food in his mouth, his words were muffled, but you understood after years of dealing with him.
“Thanks, Jacks.” You chuckled. “I’m feeling a bit sick, so I’m going to turn in early. Goodnight,” you pecked Mark on the lips before heading down the hall and into the bedroom. It wasn’t a lie, the nerves and stress of everything making you feel sick to your stomach. That and the fact that you had a living creature growing inside of you. You groaned, sitting on the side of the bed.
Jackson, being the worried little shit he is, burst into the room moments later with Mark at his heels. “You’re acting strange tonight. What’s up?”
“Nothing’s up,” you chuckled, hoping he didn’t detect your nervousness.
“Come on~” He whined.
“Jackson, let’s leave Y/N alone.” Mark urged, but the male didn’t budge.
“It can’t be that bad. Did you kill someone? Did you get into a fight with someone online over Mark?” He teased, poking your cheeks.
Your hands fisted around the sheets and your eyes closed. You were starting to get annoyed now. You loved Jackson like a brother, but that boy just didn’t know when to quit.
“Jackson,” Mark’s voice was more firm this time, making him step back.
He frowned, “Fine.”
Mark ushered him out of the room, sending you a worried look before closing the door.
With a sigh, you crawled under the covers and grabbed your phone. Scrolling through Tumblr was a nightly routine that helped you fall asleep. It usually only took about an hour, but this time it wasn’t working out. Although the memes made you laugh and the baby animals made you smile, you still felt worry settled in the pit of your stomach. You weren’t even tired, not in the traditional sense. Your one-hour session soon turned into a three-hour session.
Mark entered the bedroom quietly, pausing when he saw your face lit up by your phone screen. “Baby, why are you still awake?”
You glanced up at him, watching as he changed into his pajamas. “Can’t sleep,”
He frowned, sliding under the covers beside you. His hand rubbed your arm lightly. “I’m worried about you, Y/N,”
You pushed yourself up into a sitting position, taking a deep breath. “I have something to tell you,”
His mind started to race with possibilities, most of them bad. Shaking his head, he sat up and moved closer. “You can tell me anything, you know that.”
“I’m pregnant, Mark.” Finally saying it, it felt as if a weight had lifted off of your shoulders but it was quickly replaced by fear when you felt him stiffen beside you. You peeked over at him, his face blank. “Say something, please.”
“I, uh… are you sure?” Mark’s heart was racing as his brain processed the information. When you nodded, his body acted on its own. He threw his arms around you, the weight of his body sending you back onto the bed as his face found a home in your neck. He breathed in deeply, releasing a shaky breath as he spoke. “I’m going to be a dad?”
“If you want…”
He pulled back to look at you, brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”
You couldn’t look at him, feeling tears prick at your eyes. “If you don’t want to be a dad, I can…”
“Absolutely not!” He rested his hand on your cheek. “How could you think I would want that?”
“You’re young, Mark! And your career… this could ruin everything!”
“Idiot,” he mumbled softly, turning your face to look at him. “This is the best news I’ve ever gotten. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Y/N.”
Your cheeks burned, tears finally falling from your eyes. He kissed them away before pressing his lips to your forehead. The smile on his face made your heart flutter at how happy he looked.
He sat up, gently pushing your shirt up to press butterfly kisses on your belly. “We’re going to be the best parents in the world. I promise we will love you and support you and spoil you,”
You giggled at his promise to your unborn child, feeling relief and happiness mingling together in your chest. He smiled up at you, lacing his hand with your own.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Back Again
Request: #143 + #144 for anon – “You make me feel the happiest I’ve ever been.” & “I am so lucky to have you.”
Anonymous said:
Can I get a Mark Tuan Drabble with #143 and #144 from the prompt list? Thank you!! You’re one of my favorite writers btw!! I love your recent Air Force series it’s soooo good! Have a lovely day!
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Genre: friends to lovers / angst / romance / fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 4396
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Applause filled the garden as the two standing under the archway shared their first kiss as husband and wife. You grinned, wiping away the tears that fell watching one of your closest friends finally secure her Mr Right.
Weddings always made you mushy and hope for your fairytale ending someday soon.
They also brought a lot of people all into one venue, some in which you wouldn’t normally see in day to day life. Especially when you bumped into a man you would have expected to be the last person to receive an invite to this wedding. Blinking rapidly as a warm smile crossed his face; you grabbed onto his lower arm and stepped closer. “Please tell me you didn’t come to crash this, Mark.”
“Now why would I want to do that? Besides, aren’t I a little too late to do such a thing?” he mused, lifting the champagne flute to his lips and you watched the action in a haze for a moment, your eyes soon narrowing on him in confusion.
“You were invited?”
Mark nodded. “The groom’s my cousin, remember?”
“And the bride is your ex,” you muttered, not intending for the man before you to hear but he must have since he chuckled at your concern.
“Ease up, Y/N. It’s a celebration and Lucy and I are well and truly old history.”
It wasn’t as simple as that. Not for you, anyway. It never had been when it came to Mark Tuan. Still, you attempted a smile. He was right, the vows had been exchanged and rings firmly upon their fingers. Lucy and Henry were a match made in heaven, nothing would rock their boat, you were certain of it.
Reaching out for a champagne glass as a waiter walked by, you took a gulp before you relaxed properly. Mark stood there grinning, watching you as if your little panic had given him more enjoyment than the entire day had. Perhaps, it did. All you knew was that someone who you had grieved losing from your world was standing before you.
And you were conflicted as an individual and as a loyal friend of what you should do. Deciding for you, Mark slung an arm over your bare shoulders, pulling you closer to him. “I think we have a lot to catch up on, don’t you?”
“Three years sure went by fast enough,” you agreed, allowing him to lead you over to a vacated table where you spent the rest of the reception catching up. You hadn’t laughed this much in ages, and Mark was just as you remembered him to be.
You sighed, resting your head on your hands. “I have to admit, I’m glad you’re here tonight.”
“Really? I thought you were going to march me out the back door as soon as you could,” he teased and you grinned, nodding softly at his sentence. Mark feigned being offended. “And here I thought we were the best of friends, Y/N. I’m hurt.”
Once, you both had been far closer than tonight. You had grown up in the same suburb, gone to the same schools and even the same university. It was there that you met Lucy and become incredibly close over the first semester with her. She soon joined your gatherings with other friends and set her eyes on Mark.
Their relationship was intense, and although you hadn’t openly shown it, you were jealous of them both. You missed the times where the three of you would just hang out and unwind from the stress of endless studies. Your loneliness was made obvious the deeper they got, and although you had a brief stint dating a friend of Lucy’s, it didn’t last long.
Because you wanted to be with Mark.
“Friends,” you mentioned as you broke out of your memories, nodding in his direction, squashing away the ghost of your feelings. “It’s been odd not seeing you around, Mark.”
He stared at you then, expression unreadable as his smile faded. His umber eyes grew hesitant, blinking a few times as he reached under the table for something. Pulling out his phone, he handed it over to you. “Let’s change that, shall we? Give me your number. Friends should have a way to contact one another, right?”
You took the device and typed in your details, inwardly struggling through the turmoil of your thoughts. You smiled all the same as you handed it back to him, now connected by some digits to see if fate would pull you both back together.
Or if you would remain as fond memories, your lives having drifted too far apart.
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Staring up at the man you had opened the café door into abruptly, you began to smile, a chuckle soon leaving your lips. You had literally just smacked him with it and yet he was laughing as well, which would have seemed a little off to anyone who had watched the incident.
But you were just too happy to bang into him like this.
“The door?” Mark mused and you let go of it suddenly, stepping outside and grinning at him. “It’s been a while, Y/N.”
“I could say the same about you,” you greeted and then he looked into the coffee shop you exited. Finally, you started to connect things together. “Oh! You were going inside there, right?”
He nodded. “Morning fuel is needed.”
“I should buy you a coffee. I did just hit you with a door and all. Are you okay?” you offered, searching him over for obvious signs of injury. Mark laughed at your sudden concern, waving you off immediately.
“I’m stronger than I look.”
“That much I know,” you retorted, a communal smile shared as you thought back to the night you had taken on everyone willing to arm wrestle you at a house party. Only Mark had been fair in the game with you, and although at the time you weren’t completely lucid, given the alcohol in your system, you had been frustrated that the others went easy on you. Then again, you had tumbled around as kids, it made sense there was no hesitation in Mark to do it as an adult either.
“So, this coffee?”
“Right!” you exclaimed, turning back around for the door, only to end up with a similar fate waiting for you when you went to reach for it. Mark pulled you back just in time, your body now within his firm grasp, the other person sending a hasty apology on their way out to the sidewalk. You were certain you had forgotten to breathe, given how close you still were to the man behind you, and you could tell he was stronger than you remembered as well. Mark had always been slender growing up, but despite the clothing between you, it was apparent over the last few years he had been hitting up a gym with how toned his torso and arms were around you.
Springing away from him in heated embarrassment, you dashed up into the coffee shop, ordering him a coffee in the way he used to have it. Mark leaned over your shoulder and you visibly jumped. “Actually, can you change that to an Americano?”
“You don’t like it sweet anymore?” you wondered and he gave you a long hard look before shrugging it off with a smile.
“Tastes can change,” Mark stated, moving away as you paid for his drink. You waited in semi-comfortable silence until the takeout cup was placed in his hand, heading back out into the morning bustle.
“So, I didn’t know you worked over this way,” you said after a couple of minutes of walking still in silence, glancing at Mark and finding him staring at you. It threw you off and you lost your footing, his hand shooting out to save you for the second time today.
Mark smirked. “Since when were you such a damsel in distress?”
“Well, we keep bumping into each other every time we met, it must be the effect you have on me.”
“I make you clumsy?” he concluded with a snort, shaking his head gently. “That’s a new one.”
“You also know how to hold onto a phone number and not contact it once. It’s been, what, six months since Lucy got married?”
“I distinctly remember my number being saved into your contacts list too,” Mark mentioned with a grin, waving his coffee cup around a little as he talked. You smiled; it had always been a quirk of his to talk with his hands when animated.
God, you had missed it.
You missed him.
Still, your brain was all too wily and reminded you instantly as to why Mark hadn’t been around. You sighed. “Perhaps there’s no need for our lives to step so closely back together after all the years. Like you said, taste’s change.”
“You’re the same as I remember you,” Mark murmured and you looked up at him as he had his moment, a playful grin spreading on his lips. “Clumsiness included.”
“I’m not that clumsy!” you complained and Mark laughed, his giggles brightening your mood yet again. You felt as if you were on a wild rollercoaster ride, the ups and downs throwing you off your game.
You were surprised to be relieved when you saw your office up ahead, just so you could get off this ride and be back on stable footing. “Well, this is me.”
“I know.”
“You knew I worked for Archer and Sons?” you questioned suddenly and Mark nodded.
“I know a whole lot of useless information,” he joked, though it didn’t hold the same effect as before. Rocking on his heels, Mark chewed on his bottom lip for a moment. “Are you free tonight?”
“Well, I’m finishing at seven but yeah, why?”
“Should we do dinner?” he offered and your smile faded, his anxious gaze darting between yours and the tree behind you on the sidewalk. He attempted to remain carefree. “You gotta eat, Y/N and so do I.”
“Mark,” you started and it pained you to see his shoulders slump with dreaded anticipation at your denial. You wondered for a split second if you truly were as you had been back then.
He hadn’t known about your crush on him, however.
“Too busy, after all?” he offered and you shook your head. “Right, because of Lucy. Got it.”
“It’d just be weird, you know? What do I tell her when she finds out?”
“Two people shared some food and good times, just like we did at her wedding? Did she pull you up for it then?”
You smiled, reaching out for Mark’s upper arm apologetically. “Maybe another time?”
“Sure, a rain check.” He was ready to escape now, moving away from you and walking backwards, holding up his coffee cup. “Thanks for this.”
“It was nice seeing you!” you called after his departure, your heart thudding heavily in your chest until he rounded the corner out of sight.
It was too good seeing him again.
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You couldn’t believe the odds.
It had been so long since you were actively seeing your childhood friend in your world. Right after breaking up with Lucy, he disappeared, shutting off all contact with you. At least, that was how it felt, and you had assumed you wouldn’t cross paths with Mark again in this lifetime. When you had at the wedding, well, it was a moment in life where it wasn’t a normal setting and so it worked. Since the coffee shop incident, however, you had seen Mark a total of four times in three weeks.
And now, your fifth was in the grocery store.
As a creature of routine, you would do your grocery shopping every Saturday morning. Saturday had always been your day set aside to catch up around your apartment and run any errands you needed to before you spent the entirety of Sunday relaxing and preparing for your return to the working week.
And yet, in all your years of having this engrained schedule, you had never seen Mark enter a grocery store at the same time as you. In fact, you were sure he didn’t even see the morning sun until it was high in the sky and classed as the afternoon sun if he didn’t have to.
So why was he in your grocery store at 10 am of all times?
Mark was genuinely surprised to see you there as well, blinking a few times and hesitating on whether to push his cart your way or not. It came with the awkwardness that had seeped between you, your friendship battling through not knowing what level it was on with every encounter. Still, it was all too easy to talk with one another. Just as you had your whole lives, there was always something to talk about.
And today it seemed it would start with zucchini.
“Do I get a bag of them or just a couple?” he wondered and you smiled at his dilemma, posing your index finger to your lips in thought.
“Well, are you going to use them in a big dish or not?”
“Any recipe ideas? I was told to add them into my morning smoothies since there isn’t a distinctive taste,” Mark explained and you recoiled at how grown up the statement sounded. He laughed at your reaction. “Apparently, I eat too much meat and need to have more of a balanced diet due to high cholesterol.”
“You?” Eying him carefully, you then smiled. “You could make mini pizza bites with them. Or zucchini lasagne. There’s a lot you can do with them, actually.”
“Big bag it is,” Mark confirmed, picking up what he required and placed it in his cart. You reached around him to grab yourself a bag and he arched a questioning eyebrow at you.
“Well, now that I’ve mentioned those ideas, I want to make them.”
“We could do it together if you want? I wouldn’t know the first thing about making them and could use the help.”
“Are you asking me on another dinner date?”
Mark nodded. “This time at my place too. Can you even handle the idea of that?”
You didn’t want to admit the nervous flutters in your stomach that had just erupted felt as if they couldn’t handle that at all. But the way Mark was smiling at you, well, you were nodding before you realised it. “Fine, I’ll come to yours. When do you want me?”
“Uh–” Mark’s happiness was broken as he had a flash of thought, rubbing the back of his neck. “Tonight? Do you have plans?”
“No. But you seem like you do,” you mused, pushing off with your cart to the stack of bananas. Mark followed you hastily, reaching for a bunch himself. You glanced at him bemusedly. “I can come another time if you–”
“No, I’m free tonight. I just need to make sure my housemate Jackson isn’t.”
“He’s welcome to join us,” you offered and Mark shook his head, sending another round of those flutters through your stomach.
With your hope now building, you were certain he was making this a date.
“Just us, and the zucchini,” he confirmed with a laugh and you grinned, nodding in agreement.
“Send me your address and I’ll make sure you’ll be convinced that they’re a staple vegetable for your diet.”
“Deal,” Mark replied, already pulling out his phone to text you the information you required.
And after several panicked hours, many potential excuse messages written and then deleted before pressing send, and finally getting ready, you stood in front of his door and pressed the doorbell gingerly.
Mark appeared shortly after, face flushed as he took your appearance in before inviting you inside. You gasped when you were greeted by an unexpected housemate. Crouching down to pet the dog, you fussed over it whilst Mark watched on with a smile. “His name is Milo.”
“Hey! That was my name. I said I was going to call my pet that if I ever got one.”
“Do you have a dog, Y/N?” he bartered and you huffed at Mark’s thieving ways before smiling back down at the canine nuzzling your hand.
“You’re lucky you’re adorable and suit the name perfectly,” you humoured, petting the dog before standing back up. “Lead the way to your kitchen then.”
You had decided to do mini pizza bites tonight. It was a simple recipe and since the zucchini pack Mark had chosen were all rather large, it made for perfect little pizza bases. You cut several slices before loading them up with pizza sauce and your preferred toppings, and then popped them into the oven you had preheated.
“Wow, that’s really simple to make,” Mark enthused when you pulled them out of the oven shortly after, arranging them all onto the plate he had out for them. You then reached for your bag, retrieving a large container.
“Since the pizza bites on their own are more of an appetiser, I also prepared a salad. I didn’t know what you would have on hand here so I thought to make it ahead of time.”
“Were you always this adept in the kitchen, Y/N?”
“You used to scoff all the cookies I would bake for our classes, remember?”
Mark grinned. “How has nobody wifed you yet?”
It was meant to be a joke, that much you could tell. But when you both glanced at each other, the mood faltered, Mark clearing his throat as your cheeks flushed with colour. Soon recovered, you shrugged. “Maybe Mr Right isn’t ready for me yet.”
You avoided his gaze, not letting on that you had always imagined moments like this in the past. Today hadn’t helped either. Meeting in the grocery store had morphed into a day of imagining Mark doing everything domestic with you. From shopping to cleaning, you had envisioned it all, and now that you had just cooked dinner together, you were feeling a little on edge.
You were grateful when Mark pulled out a bottle of wine. “To say thanks for your cooking skills and to complement our good food choices.”
“One glass shouldn’t hurt,” you agreed, gulping half of it down in one go.
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The night was wearing on and the bottle of wine had been emptied. You conversed over a range of topics, from future goals to funny anecdotes, the laughter and wine flowing effortlessly.
Finally, you had enough liquid courage to ask him why everything happened back then. Mark looked at you, surprised. “What did you just say?”
“Why did you cheat on Lucy?”
“Is that what she told you happened?” Mark asked and you clutched your glass to your chest, brows furrowing together. He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. “I guess I can see why she would.”
“You didn’t cheat on her?”
“Do I seem like the type to do that?”
You hummed an unanswerable tone. “I never thought once I’d lose you from my world, but it happened. So anything’s possible, right?”
“I didn’t cheat on her, Y/N. I broke up with her because I didn’t want to hurt her anymore.”
“But...” you started, scooting closer to Mark with your confusion. “You hurt her when you broke up with her. She was a mess! Do you know how many weeks she cried on my bedroom floor saying she would never find love again? She was broken.”
“It was true that I liked someone else. Which is why I ended things with Lucy,” he admitted, gaze now guarded. “It wasn’t fair to either of us.”
“So you left her for another woman.” Nodding slowly, you lifted the glass to your lips. Still, it felt just as cruel as cheating had, though you were relieved your initial belief that Mark would never cheat on anyone had been right. His parents had raised him up too well to do something that dishonest. Guilt flared in your stomach at your eventual acceptance that he had and you tried to slosh it away with more wine.
Mark took the drink from your hand and you whined.
“I never got the woman either.”
“What?” Sitting up, you pointed in his direction. “Why not?”
“Because she was out of my reach, she always had been.”
“Then she clearly didn’t deserve you.”
“No, I suppose she deserved far better. Though when I saw her dating someone, it made me realise I was in the wrong relationship.” Mark was staring intently at you now and you stopped moving, signs pointing inwardly. Your hand slipped from the table you had rested it on in realisation and thudded onto the floor.
“You know, I really did try. But you’re right, I hurt Lucy. And she made it clear that if she had to lose me, then there was no way she’d let me have you too.”
Even though you had concluded it was you, it still shocked you for the pronoun to change from she to you. “Mark-”
“I figured, I’d never see you again too when all the walls built up around you by Lucy. Then I received the wedding invitation. I don’t know, I held some hope that maybe I’d see you again, that you would be happy to see me too. And then finding out you were still single, well I–”
Perhaps it was the alcohol. Or it was the fact that Mark just told you he got jealous seeing you with someone else like you had him. Maybe you just plain old didn’t need to hear anything more since your heart was beating fast enough. Whatever it was that led you to lean over and kiss him felt worth it when your lips met his. He didn’t hesitate, mouth now moving against yours with a passion you had never experienced before. Soon entangled, both lips and limbs, you were moaning with the heady pleasure of kissing Mark.
This had been a part of your fantasies earlier on too. But you hadn’t expected it to feel this good.
When you finally separated, now breathless and dishevelled, you felt vulnerable and as if you needed to explain yourself. “It’s just that I, well I always… and um–”
“You know, I half-wondered if Lucy kept us apart for more than just her own healing. I don’t hold it against her but I was sure you liked me too.”
“I did,” you announced, nodding softly. “I mean, I do.”
“Even now?”
You nodded again. “I wouldn’t have kissed you if I didn’t.”
“Mind if I kiss you again?” Mark asked and you swooned, smiling as you nodded for the third time.
When his lips found yours, you decided that this time around, you would tell Mark about everything you felt for him. There would be no regrets, no feeble acceptance. You wouldn’t let anyone stop you from being with him.
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“You make me feel the happiest I’ve ever been.”
Rolling over so you could face the man uttering such words, you pressed your hand to Mark’s bare chest, marvelling at the sparkle on your finger before smiling up at him. Mark’s arms encircled you, bringing you closer so he could kiss the tip of your nose. He then moved to your lips whilst mumbling, “I am so lucky to have you.”
You hummed with appreciation, kissing him several times over before stilling again, entrapped with his loving gaze.
Three years had passed again, yet this time, it was spent together. You had dated, fallen deeply in love, moved in together and last night he had finally popped the question.
You would marry next year.
“How lucky?” you asked with a sigh, chewing on your lip giddily. “How happy?”
“Didn’t you just hear me?”
You shook your head innocently. “Hear what?”
“Trust you,” he answered with a chuckle, hugging you tenderly. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you even more.”
“Oh, you’re going to argue this out with me?”
“You didn’t ask me to marry you first,” Mark pointed out and you gaped at your fiancé, poking him firmly in the chest. “Therefore I win.”
“I should’ve said no,” you grumbled and Mark brushed his lips over your forehead, knowing you would melt immediately. Your protests simmered.
“It’s a good thing you said yes.”
“Do you think had you not dated Lucy, we might have been married already?” you wondered, and Mark smiled at your question.
“If I didn’t, do you think you would have spoken up about your crush?”
You glanced away, knowing back then you had been too shy to think of such a thing. And then you pouted. “I should have dated someone first. Then you would have gotten jealous earlier and–”
Mark kissed away your alternate pathways, shaking his head as he did so. “No, this is how we were meant to be. It wouldn’t be as good as it is now had we not had a reason to step toward each other like this. Besides, Lucy is really happy for us. Why do we need to change a thing?”
“Well, we do need to change some things,” you murmured, sitting up, much to Mark’s chagrin. “It’s Saturday morning, after all.”
“Babe, we just got engaged last night. Can’t we spend more of the morning in this bed together?”
You shook your head, slipping out from under the covers. “I can’t wait any longer.”
“Your need for that schedule is really pressing, huh?”
“No, it’s not that,” you corrected, backing up towards the ensuite where you would shower to start your day. Mark eyed you curiously. “I just need to start doing things with my fiancé. The shopping, the house chores, I want to feel what it’s like to do them now I’m engaged.”
“You’re so incredibly adorable,” he told you, getting up from the bed and coming over to you in the threshold. Wrapping his arms around you again, Mark leaned down to kiss you. “Okay, let’s experience it all.”
“Even our first shower together as an engaged couple?” you questioned and his mouth twitched, a giggle leaving you at his sudden eagerness.
“Why didn’t you say so earlier, we have a lot to get through today!”
You had finally found your Mr Right. After losing sight of Mark years ago, you were certain there would be no need to do anything apart from each other now.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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sunkissedjiaer · 5 years
Fling [3] / Jaebeom x Reader
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Pairing: Jaebeom x Reader
Genre: College au
Warnings: strong language, sexual content, angst, & fluff
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: “You definitely will not see me again that’s why it’s called a one night stand.”
Previous Parts: 01, 02,
As you walked out of your last class for the night you felt your shoulders relax and a sigh of relief escape your lips. Silently you scrolled through your phone as you walked towards your locker.
“Hey” a voice sounded
Looking up you saw Jaebeom leaning up against your locker, a smile spread across his face. You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself and grin at the boy.
“Why are you on campus?” you asked as you softly moved him aside
Quickly you tossed your books onto the small shelf within your locker. With a soft bang you shut the metal door and turned to Jaebeom, still waiting for an answer.
“It’s our da- friend date.” he corrected himself “I’m here to pick you up”
“Well duh” you joked “I meant why’d you come to my school and not the apartment?”
“I wanted to see it” he commented “I never actually went to college so to see the campus is weird but exciting”
“Sign up” you stated bluntly
Jaebeom raised an eyebrow and stared at you with a questionable look
“Our fall term starts in four weeks, if you send in an application now I seriously doubt they’d decline. You could go in for business or whatever fancies you”
The two of you stood quietly for a moment. Jaebeom never thought of going to college because he already had everything set up for him. When he turned twenty he was to take over the family business, there was never a need for an education. However, something about being able to see you almost everyday without needing an excuse made Jaebeom warm on the inside.
“I’ll think about it” Jaebeom spoke softly “let’s get going”
Jaebeom began walking out of the school and you quickly followed in step. As you walked all you could feel were eyes on you, something you weren’t use to.
“Don’t mind them” Jaebeom said with a smile as he looked down to you. You nodded not knowing what to say.
You didn’t mind the staring per say, you just didn’t want what was going to come after the staring. Pointless drama was going to come out of this because people can only assume the worst when it comes to Jaebeom. You enjoyed hanging out with Jaebeom as weird as it felt. You and him have only been friends for a short while but you never expected that you, of all people would actually want him around. He was definitely a weird character, everything he did was unexpected.
You went to reach for the passenger door handle when Jaebeom swooped in front of you and opened it swiftly. You eyed the cheeky boy and smiled “thank you”
“Anything for you” he grinned softly.
The two of you drove in silence. The sky began to grow darker and you began to grow more curious. You looked to Jaebeom then out the window and then slowly back to Jaebeom. You eyed his face for a moment before your eyes traveled down to his chest, you stared at his sweatshirt and then to where his hand was. Resting on the shift of the car, you stared at his hands for a moment too long.
They were big but not bulky, his fingers were slender and beautiful. You began to wonder what it would feel like to wrap your hand in his or what it would feel like to have his hands cup your cheeks. Quickly you shook the thoughts off and hoped he hadn’t noticed your staring.
“We’re here” he chimed
Jaebeom pulled the car over to the side of the dirt road and shut the ignition off.
“Is this the part where you kill me?” you joked half heartedly.
“Why do you think I would do that?”
“It’s always the pretty ones” you commented.
“I guess I better be cautious of you then” he grinned “come on let’s go”
The two of you exited the car and with a soft beep and two clicks Jaebeom locked the car up. You followed closely behind Jaebeom as the two of you walked down the dark dirt road. The farther you walked the more you began to hear.
There were faint sounds of laughing and music but most of all you could hear the sound of rushing water. As you came closer to the noise it got brighter, your eyes wandered and you began to make out where you were.
“This is the abandoned railway” you commented
You looked around at all the laughing people enjoying themselves. There were lamps everywhere and small fires for each small group. Different music blared from different areas of the railroad but it all came together in beat.
Jaebeom came to a halt but you were too caught up in the moment to realize, which caused you to smack right into his back. Rubbing your forehead you muttered sorry but he didn’t hear.
Turning to you Jaebeom smirked playfully “you like swimming?”
“Yes?” you said quizzically “why?”
Without warning Jaebeom began to strip right in front of you. Slowly he brought his shirt over his head and tossed it to the ground, his black hair slightly disheveled. You eyed the boy silently, taking in everything he was offering. You wanted to say something, anything, but nothing came out.
With a soft sigh Jaebeom unbuckled his pants and stepped out of them revealing his tight black boxers to you. You kept eye contact with the cheeky boy in front of you.
“Like what you see?” he joked
“I’m not looking at anything but your eyes, perv.”
“You’re missing out”
Two can play at this game.
Grabbing the hem of your shirt you slowly brought the cloth over your head revealing your bra. Throwing the shirt aside you smirked back at Jaebeom who was completely taken back. With a chuckle you unbuttoned your pants and slowly stepped out of them. As you took your legs out of each pant leg you kept direct eye contact with Jaebeom and he with you.
Standing straight up you dropped the pants onto the heap of clothes.
“Like what you see?” you mocked playfully
“Uh” Jaebeom coughed awkwardly “I’m not looking”
“Really? Cause I swear I saw you eyeing my boobs”
“Nope I can’t say that happened” Jaebeom laughed and moved away from you to catch his breath.
You walked closer to him and eyed the water below.
“Is there a place we go to get in the water or?” you asked
“We jump” Jaebeom laughed “from here”
You gulped slightly and eyed the boy standing besides you. You didn’t have a fear of heights but the water looked rough right now but you weren’t about to pussy out especially in front of Jaebeom, he’d never let you live it down.
“Am I going first?” he asked
“Please do the honors”
Jaebeom looked to you and sent an air kiss before jumping into the rushing water. A minute passed and he didn’t come up for air, you squinted but it was too dark to make anything else out except the waves.
“Jaebeom!” you shouted down.
You began to feel a sharp pain in your chest and without thinking you jumped off the rusted railway. The cold air of the night scratched against your body as gravity pulled you into the rushing water. With a loud splash the water devoured your body and the chillness of the river numbed you instantly.
Kicking with your legs you came to the surface quickly, it never felt so good to breathe. You looked around and you still couldn’t see Jaebeom. Cupping your mouth you continued to spin around
“Jaebeom” you shouted
No response.
You felt like you were about to cry from frustration and fear. As you went to yell his name again you felt hands on your hips. Jumping around you saw Jaebeom peeking his head out of the water, a grin playing on his lips.
You felt your lip quiver and your eyes heat up. Jaebeom dropped the grin and stood himself up, his face written in confusion.
“You dick!” you yelled as you slapped Jaebeom’s chest “I was worried about your dumb ass”
Jaebeom couldn’t help but laugh softly “I’m sorry”
Eyeing him you let out a huff “I seriously doubt that.. Maybe you should just go over there and drown I’m seriously mad right now”
With a look of sympathy Jaebeom opened his arms wide and pulled you in for a hug. You felt your senses tingle and even though you were absolutely freezing your body felt hot. You tried to focus on the friendly hug from Jaebeom but you could only think of how his bare arms were wrapped around you and that his bare chest was pressed up against you,  bare skin-to-skin contact was not something you anticipated tonight but you also didn’t think he was gonna have you jump off a bridge.
Pulling away you smiled but your teeth quickly began to chatter uncontrollably.
“Are you really that cold?” Jaebeom asked
“Yep” you breathed “can we go somewhere warm?”
The two of you left the cold water and grabbed your clothes in bunches, as the two of you were too wet to put the clothes on. Your teeth continued to chatter all the way to Jaebeom’s place which is apparently what he thought you meant as ‘somewhere warm’.
“Here put this on” Jaebeom ordered as he threw his sweatshirt at you
“What’re you gonna wear?” you asked as you brought the sweatshirt over your shivering body.
“Nothin” he paused “I’ve walked through the lobby in worse attire”
“You mean the lack thereof?” you asked
“You get what I mean” he laughed “come on, let’s get in before you freeze to death”
The two of you stepped out of the car and semi-ran to the lobby. As you entered the front desk lady chuckled softly and Jaebeom waved to her awkwardly. Stepping lightly on the carpet the two of you entered into the elevator and stood silently. With three silent beeps indicating you were passing levels, the doors opened on level four, Jaebeom’s floor.
Turning his key lightly the door opened and the two of you walked into the dark condo.
“Watch your eyes” Jaebeom commented
Before you could finish Jaebeom flicked the light switches and all the lights within the condo quickly turned on. You winced slightly at the sudden light but your eyes quickly adjusted. You followed Jaebeom into his room silently and stood next to the bed awkwardly.
“I don’t think any of my clothes will actually fit you” Jaebeom grinned at you “so I’ll just grab you a pair of sweatpants and a dry sweatshirt”
“T-this one is fine, really” you commented
“It’s not wet?” he asked as he approached you.
Jaebeom grabbed the sweatshirts collar in his knuckles, he touched the fabric lightly and rubbed it between his fingers slowly. His eyes traveled from his hands to your face and he stood there silently staring at you.
“R-really” you stuttered “it’s fine.. See? All dry..”
“Why’re you stuttering?” Jaebeom chuckled “are you nervous?”
“Why would I be nervous?” you asked
“Because I’m standing here in front of you. Invading your space. I mean our noses could be touching if I bent down slightly”
“Then don’t bend down”
“Ouch” Jaebeom winced as he clutched his chest “that hurts y/n”
“Oh jesus” you breathed “stop being dramatic”
The room fell awkwardly silent, you could sense there was something he wasn’t saying. Looking up at him you paused, what if what he wanted to say was something you weren’t ready for?
“Is there something on your mind?” you asked softly.
“Is it that obvious?” he chuckled “but yeah.. There’s something that’s been weighing on me lately.”
Slowly you sat down on the bed and motioned for Jaebeom to sit next to you. His eyes switched from looking at you to looking at the bed. Moments passed and he finally sat himself down.
“Get talking” you chuckled “we got all night”
Jaebeom began to twiddle with his thumbs nervously. You noticed how he softly would clench and unclench his jaw, as if what he was about to say was too hard for him to put into words.
“y/n.. I know you said you wanted to start out as friends and obviously I’m trying my best because I enjoy being with you but I can’t pretend that my feelings towards you are strictly platonic.”
Looking up from his hands, Jaebeom eyed you softly.
“I understand where you’re coming from, you want to make sure I’m not gonna use you, hurt you, or whatever else runs through your mind when it comes to me. I’ll admit, I don’t have the best reputation when it comes to relationships, I tend to mess around a lot but you’re different in the sense of how you make me feel.”
You felt your face begin to heat up, with every word that Jaebeom slowly spoke you began to realize how you felt towards him.
“All those other girls, they never put me in my place like you do. They never really made me reflect or work for what I wanted. I hope what I’m saying let’s you understand what I’m feeling.. If not I can put it into a simpler perspective for you.”
“I get what you’re saying.. But what’s the simpler perspective?”
Turning his body to you Jaebeom breathed out slowly and looked you dead in the eye.
“I like you a lot and I want more than a friendship with you and I don’t think I can sit here and act like your best bro when I’m not.”
“Okay.” you exhaled slowly, you tried to find your words but you couldn't.
“Is that all you’re going to say?” Jaebeom paused “you’re just gonna say okay? After what I just spilled out to you.. I-”
“Kiss me.”
Jaebeom took a double-take when those words set in “what?”
“I said, kiss me”
Without hesitation Jaebeom quickly leaned in, his hands wrapped around your face, pulling you forward, allowing the two of you to meet in the middle. His lips merged with yours igniting a sensation in your gut that you’ve never felt before. In this moment you felt like melting into Jaebeom’s hands, the way he held your face and kissed your lips made you turn into putty.
Slowly the two of you pulled away, silently gasping for air. You gulped nervously and looked to Jaebeom for words but he was at a loss for them.
“What’s this mean?” he finally spoke, his words slightly shaken.
“Uh” you breathed “I don’t know.”
“I’m okay with that” he chuckled “I just want to be with you.”
“Actually?” you commented “I don’t want to give every fiber of my being to you just to have to watch you walk away from me in the end. I will not set myself up for failure, not with you.”
Jaebeom sat silently taking in your words and understanding what you were saying. He felt confident in himself and with you. He would do better if it meant having you by his side.
“I would be honored to be able to call you mine, officially or behind closed doors. Whatever makes you comfortable.”
“What would be safer?”
“In terms of?” he asked confused
“Do you not realize how popular you are?” you laughed “I don’t want to be eaten alive by journalists or gossip pages.”
“I’ll eat-”
“Jaebeom!” you gasped “I’m being serious..”
The two of you chuckled, “we’ll make it work, I promise.” he spoke warmly
“Okay” you grinned “good”
“Sooo” Jaebeom hummed “do I get to officially ask you to be my girlfriend or is it already kind of set in stone?”
You began to laugh softly “you can if you want to”
“Okay then” Jaebeom smiled as he sat himself up straight “will you, y/n, take the title and duties of being my girlfriend?”
Nodding happily you smiled “yes I would happily do so”
Jaebeom leaned in and planted a soft, warm, kiss onto your forehead.
“Bed time?” he muttered
“Yes please” you nodded.
You slid yourself under the covers and snuggled into the comforter. Jaebeom shut the light off and took a running jump into the bed causing you to fly off the mattress for a second before dropping back into the soft material.
“Did I get some good air with that jump?” he chuckled as he got under the covers
“I couldn’t really see because it’s dark but since I flew for a moment I think you did pretty well”
The two of you chuckled before it fell silent. The only sound was that of your guys’ breathing.
“Hey” Jaebeom piped up “remember when we fucked here in this very bed?”
“Shut up” you joked as you slapped Jaebeom “go to bed”
Rubbing his arm slowly Jaebeom pouted “fine, meanie”
[to be continued]
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d-noona · 4 years
Chaper 6: The Search
"If I'd just gotten my ass kicked by a size three. I might be inclined to mind my own business." - Im Jaebeom
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At his computer console, Jaebeom fast-forwards through a video surveillance tape from the previous day, freezing on Seven as she approaches the adjacent building with a delivery. He blows up the image until Seven's face fills the screen, her eyes looking right into the surveillance camera, right at him. He studies the picture for a long contemplative moment.
Ruben enters the room and looks over his boss and studies the photo his boss seems to be engrossed at "Glad you're getting your money's worth outta that tape. Had to grease the guard a hundred for it."
But with this Jaebeom doesn't hear him. He's utterly lost in the image of the young woman on the screen. Ruben teases him "You trying to ID the perp or a new girlfriend?"
Jaebeom snaps out of it and responds "If I'd just gotten my ass kicked by a size three. I might be inclined to mind my own business."
With this Jaebeom gets up from his seat, grabs his wallet and a 9mm out of his drawer. Heads straight out of his apartment to his SUV and drives off for the day.
Jaebeom arrives at JYPE X-press, he enters and looks around at the motley assortment of messengers, then crosses to the dispatch counter where JYP barks out an order to his not so merry men. "Pick-up at four-eleven going to Gangnam" He tosses out the package to Mark who catches the parcel with ease accompanied by the boys Youngjae and Jackson with deliveries on each of her hands.
Jaebeom approaches the boss "I'm looking for a lady who works here"
Not giving the young man the time of day Jyp arranges the packages for the next deliveries and responds "Ladies would be elsewhere."
With this Jaebeom flashes the picture of Seven which was lifted from the surveillance video. He slides it up to the stubby man "Know where I can find her?"
The man scans and surveys the photo and smirks at Jaebeom.
"You don't want to. Listen brother, she may be easy on the eyes but she's trouble trust me." Then Jyp leaves the station with packages on his arm and calls out for his messengers "Hot run two-oh-two Sansome" the old man kept passing on the packages to his workers with Jaebeom trailing behind him not giving him the peace he needed for work.
"I need to talk to her" says Jaebeom. He feels the patience leaving his body as the old man continues to ignore him. Jaebeom then has had enough, he pulls out an envelope with large sums of money and extends it to him.
"How about you give me her name and address?"
Jyp eyes the money and pockets it. "Seven something. I got no clue where she stays. But she normally hangs out after work with a bunch of these losers at a place called The Crash."
Jaebeom tilts his head and purses his lips. He salutes the man and leaves the building. Putting the coordinates of the place on his GPS. The GPS advises him that it's ready to go, he drives off the night headed to look for the beautiful thief.
As Jaebeom enters the bar, he sees Seven and a friend playing a game of eight ball. He purposely observed her from afar at first. She was wearing nothing but simple black sleeveless shirt, black pants, black gloves and black rubber boots. She had no make-up on yet her skin is tanned and flawless. Her eyes were intense and brown as she concentrates on beating her friend at a game. Black hair flowing beautifully from her back as it sways showing markings on her skin. Tattoos as he scans her carefully. She has a tattoo of an angel on her back with cherry blossom edging on both her left and right shoulder. From a front another tattoo catches his attention on her upper left chest just right below her collar bone. Some sort of an ECG reading.
She seems to be having fun tonight...
As Jaebeom surveys her. There's something about the way she smiles. Her body is relaxed but her eyes are weary, as if she was hiding a secret from everyone else. Jaebeom decides to approach Seven while she was speaking to her friend. Whilst walking towards her Seven looks up and sees him approaching.
"So this guy walks into a bar and says..." as Seven intensely gazing upon Jaebeom's eyes without blinking, he swore when a flash of light from the bar swept by her it looked as if he was staring in to a cat's eye.
He smiled at her and responded "We didn't get a chance to finish our conversation the other night." Without taking her off Jaebeom, he felt compelled to stare into her eyes as well.
Seven unmoving speaks at her friend who seems confused "Summer, say hi to my good friend..." the man cuts her off "Im Jaebeom" he says as he hands his hand to shake the hand of Seven's friend.
Summer being an ever loyal friend just looked at Jaebeom and gave him a brief respond "Hey."
But Seven and Jaebeom just stood there still looking at each other. Sensing that it's time to make herself scarce, Summer looks at her watch "Xena's on", then she splits.
"Sorry about your window" as Seven breaks her gaze upon the handsome man. Jaebeom does the same "Can we go somewhere and talk?" the two then heads out of the bar.
The two walk in silence for a moment, an easy affinity between them. After a moment Seven slightly gave Jaebeom a glance "So...How'd you find me?"
Jaebeom stared at her features ever so softly there was something about her that's enchanting him to no end. Obnoxiously he gave her a smile "It wasn't that hard."
She stops dead at her tracks, eyeing the man who was standing before her "Am I supposed to be flattered by all the attention?" As she snickers at him and walks a bit faster making Jaebeom speed up his pace.
"Well, now you know who I am, where I live. I figured I better find out who I'm dealing with in case you were looking to hurt me." He answers her earnestly.
They continued conversing whilst walking through a forgotten and condemned park. Surrounding them are old rusted rides all long forgotten. Seven sits on one of the old swings as Jaebeom followed the urge to push her slightly. She then turns to her side only seeing the Jaebeom's peripherals.
"So? Now you tracked me. What do you think?" as she continues to just sit by the swing.
Jaebeom moves to her side sitting on the empty space on her right. He looks at her "Hmmm...Too early to tell."
Seven giggles at him, catching the man by surprise. It's hard to think that this girl sitting beside him giggling over nothing actually took down Ruben and broke his window.
She then continues on "How does Mrs. Informant Net like being married to a guy on everyone's hit list?" she asks with a very innocent but serious look on her face. Flustered by her straightforward question he blushes, then she laughs at him obviously catching the man off guard.
"Aww, he blushes, how adorable. For someone who does cyber hacking I must say this is a surprise." As she continues to laugh on her own.
"Janna is not my wife." He replies to her.
"Girlfriend?" she quirks up an eyebrow on him.
"No. Janna Reid is the wife of James Reid. Her husband was murdered. She's one of my sources." As he intently looks at Seven's face to see if he can catch any type of emotion. To his dismay she never changed facade and stood up from where she was sitting as she continued to walk around the park.
"Tell me Im Jaebeom, what's your shot in all this? Being a famous underground pirate slash cyber journalist can't be much of a pay day."
He follows her as she walks around "Fortunately, my needs are met in that department" he says.
"So what, you just like the sound of your own voice?" Seven mocks him.
Jaebeom smiled in amusement. "Look around at all this Seven. This place was built by people till the pandemic and bomb happened on 2020. They blinked and overnight the government, the police, everything intended to protect the people had been turned against them."
Seven stops and turns at Jaebeom "You miss the good old days. Even though there were still poor people who died from diseases when they didn't have to...and rich people spent obscene amounts of money redecorating their houses to match the cat. Those good old days?"
Jaebeom sighs "Well at least people had a choice, even if they took it for granted. And now they obviously don't."
Nonchalantly the girl continues to walk "So what are you gonna do about it?"
"Something..." As Jaebeom answers, they continued to walk in silence for a beat.
Then to break the silence Jaebeom decides to speak up again. "That was a pretty extraordinary display of athleticism the other night. In fact, a little too extra ordinary. You wanna tell me how?" But he looks up at her and she's gone.
Jaebeom was left all alone on an empty park, looking for Seven who seems to have vanished in to thin air. 
At his computer console, Jaebeom fast-forwards through a video surveillance tape from the previous day, freezing on Seven as she approaches the adjacent building with a delivery. He blows up the image until Seven's face fills the screen, her eyes looking right into the surveillance camera, right at him. He studies the picture for a long contemplative moment.
Ruben enters the room and looks over his boss and studies the photo his boss seems to be engrossed at "Glad you're getting your money's worth outta that tape. Had to grease the guard a hundred for it."
But with this Jaebeom doesn't hear him. He's utterly lost in the image of the young woman on the screen. Ruben teases him "You trying to ID the perp or a new girlfriend?"
Jaebeom snaps out of it and responds "If I'd just gotten my ass kicked by a size three. I might be inclined to mind my own business."
With this Jaebeom gets up from his seat, grabs his wallet and a 9mm out of his drawer. Heads straight out of his apartment to his SUV and drives off for the day.
Jaebeom arrives at JYPE X-press, he enters and looks around at the motley assortment of messengers, then crosses to the dispatch counter where JYP barks out an order to his not so merry men. "Pick-up at four-eleven going to Gangnam" He tosses out the package to Mark who catches the parcel with ease accompanied by the boys Youngjae and Jackson with deliveries on each of her hands.
Jaebeom approaches the boss "I'm looking for a lady who works here"
Not giving the young man the time of day Jyp arranges the packages for the next deliveries and responds "Ladies would be elsewhere."
With this Jaebeom flashes the picture of Seven which was lifted from the surveillance video. He slides it up to the stubby man "Know where I can find her?"
The man scans and surveys the photo and smirks at Jaebeom.
"You don't want to. Listen brother, she may be easy on the eyes but she's trouble trust me." Then Jyp leaves the station with packages on his arm and calls out for his messengers "Hot run two-oh-two Sansome" the old man kept passing on the packages to his workers with Jaebeom trailing behind him not giving him the peace he needed for work.
"I need to talk to her" says Jaebeom. He feels the patience leaving his body as the old man continues to ignore him. Jaebeom then has had enough, he pulls out an envelope with large sums of money and extends it to him.
"How about you give me her name and address?"
Jyp eyes the money and pockets it. "Seven something. I got no clue where she stays. But she normally hangs out after work with a bunch of these losers at a place called The Crash."
Jaebeom tilts his head and purses his lips. He salutes the man and leaves the building. Putting the coordinates of the place on his GPS. The GPS advises him that it's ready to go, he drives off the night headed to look for the beautiful thief.
As Jaebeom enters the bar, he sees Seven and a friend playing a game of eight ball. He purposely observed her from afar at first. She was wearing nothing but simple black sleeveless shirt, black pants, black gloves and black rubber boots. She had no make-up on yet her skin is tanned and flawless. Her eyes were intense and brown as she concentrates on beating her friend at a game. Black hair flowing beautifully from her back as it sways showing markings on her skin. Tattoos as he scans her carefully. She has a tattoo of an angel on her back with cherry blossom edging on both her left and right shoulder. From a front another tattoo catches his attention on her upper left chest just right below her collar bone. Some sort of an ECG reading.
She seems to be having fun tonight...
As Jaebeom surveys her. There's something about the way she smiles. Her body is relaxed but her eyes are weary, as if she was hiding a secret from everyone else. Jaebeom decides to approach Seven while she was speaking to her friend. Whilst walking towards her Seven looks up and sees him approaching.
"So this guy walks into a bar and says..." as Seven intensely gazing upon Jaebeom's eyes without blinking, he swore when a flash of light from the bar swept by her it looked as if he was staring in to a cat's eye.
He smiled at her and responded "We didn't get a chance to finish our conversation the other night." Without taking her off Jaebeom, he felt compelled to stare into her eyes as well.
Seven unmoving speaks at her friend who seems confused "Summer, say hi to my good friend..." the man cuts her off "Im Jaebeom" he says as he hands his hand to shake the hand of Seven's friend.
Summer being an ever loyal friend just looked at Jaebeom and gave him a brief respond "Hey."
But Seven and Jaebeom just stood there still looking at each other. Sensing that it's time to make herself scarce, Summer looks at her watch "Xena's on", then she splits.
"Sorry about your window" as Seven breaks her gaze upon the handsome man. Jaebeom does the same "Can we go somewhere and talk?" the two then heads out of the bar.
The two walk in silence for a moment, an easy affinity between them. After a moment Seven slightly gave Jaebeom a glance "So...How'd you find me?"
Jaebeom stared at her features ever so softly there was something about her that's enchanting him to no end. Obnoxiously he gave her a smile "It wasn't that hard."
She stops dead at her tracks, eyeing the man who was standing before her "Am I supposed to be flattered by all the attention?" As she snickers at him and walks a bit faster making Jaebeom speed up his pace.
"Well, now you know who I am, where I live. I figured I better find out who I'm dealing with in case you were looking to hurt me." He answers her earnestly.
They continued conversing whilst walking through a forgotten and condemned park. Surrounding them are old rusted rides all long forgotten. Seven sits on one of the old swings as Jaebeom followed the urge to push her slightly. She then turns to her side only seeing the Jaebeom's peripherals.
"So? Now you tracked me. What do you think?" as she continues to just sit by the swing.
Jaebeom moves to her side sitting on the empty space on her right. He looks at her "Hmmm...Too early to tell."
Seven giggles at him, catching the man by surprise. It's hard to think that this girl sitting beside him giggling over nothing actually took down Ruben and broke his window.
She then continues on "How does Mrs. Informant Net like being married to a guy on everyone's hit list?" she asks with a very innocent but serious look on her face. Flustered by her straightforward question he blushes, then she laughs at him obviously catching the man off guard.
"Aww, he blushes, how adorable. For someone who does cyber hacking I must say this is a surprise." As she continues to laugh on her own.
"Janna is not my wife." He replies to her.
"Girlfriend?" she quirks up an eyebrow on him.
"No. Janna Reid is the wife of James Reid. Her husband was murdered. She's one of my sources." As he intently looks at Seven's face to see if he can catch any type of emotion. To his dismay she never changed facade and stood up from where she was sitting as she continued to walk around the park.
"Tell me Im Jaebeom, what's your shot in all this? Being a famous underground pirate slash cyber journalist can't be much of a pay day."
He follows her as she walks around "Fortunately, my needs are met in that department" he says.
"So what, you just like the sound of your own voice?" Seven mocks him.
Jaebeom smiled in amusement. "Look around at all this Seven. This place was built by people till the pandemic and bomb happened on 2020. They blinked and overnight the government, the police, everything intended to protect the people had been turned against them."
Seven stops and turns at Jaebeom "You miss the good old days. Even though there were still poor people who died from diseases when they didn't have to...and rich people spent obscene amounts of money redecorating their houses to match the cat. Those good old days?"
Jaebeom sighs "Well at least people had a choice, even if they took it for granted. And now they obviously don't."
Nonchalantly the girl continues to walk "So what are you gonna do about it?"
"Something..." As Jaebeom answers, they continued to walk in silence for a beat.
Then to break the silence Jaebeom decides to speak up again. "That was a pretty extraordinary display of athleticism the other night. In fact, a little too extra ordinary. You wanna tell me how?" But he looks up at her and she's gone.
Jaebeom was left all alone on an empty park, looking for Seven who seems to have vanished in to thin air. 
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