#mason mount one shots
errythinisblue · 1 year
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I’m so so sorry I kept you waiting for so long! 💓But finally your requests are here (I hope you won’t mind I put them together 🙈)
Babying a boyfriend.
Mason Mount x Y/N
Summary: Taking care of a needy boyfriend can be tough, especially if said boyfriend is a needy Mason Mount.
Warnings: SMUT (near the end)
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gif credits to @masonmiamor
“Baaaabe!” the muffled voice of your whiny boyfriend called you, for the millionth time in barely five minutes. “Baaaabe c’mere I miss you so so so much!”
You rolled your eyes as your lips curled up in a smile, as you finished cutting the vegetables you’d need to make soup for dinner. You cleaned your hands on a towel while you walked to the sofa, where you found Mason sprawled on its soft cushions.
“What is it that you want now?” you giggled as you spoke to him, staring at his sleepy face. You took a step closer to him, sweetly caressing his hair and running your nails on his scalp making him groan.
“Cuddles.” he stated, still partially under the anaesthesia effect, “I want cuddles. Aaaand, I don’t want to be alone, I don’t want to stay here doing nothing without you.” he almost slurred as he wrapped his arms around your legs, pushing his face in the middle of your thighs and groaning again from the discomfort in his face.
“Mase don’t!” you scolded him, making him whine again as you gently escaped his hold, “I don’t want you to get hurt, so just stay still please!”
“But I want you here!”
“I just left you alone for five minutes!” you giggled again as you saw Mason’s pouty lips and his frown, “I have dinner to cook, what are you gonna eat if you don’t let me go??”
“No! No!” the slight panic in his voice made you laugh out loud this time, “I don’t want to let you go! I- We can order something from Five Guys! I still want that cheeseburger.” he turned serious all of a sudden, a clear sign that the anaesthetic was wearing off.
“You can’t have a cheeseburger babe,” you shook your head, “not when you just removed your wisdom teeth.”
“I can and I will.” he frowned again, crossing his arms on his chest and defying you with all his stubbornness.
“No you won’t,” you kneeled in front of him, feeling as if you were trying to bargain with a moody toddler, “listen to me, will you?”
“No.” his pout turned deeper, before he side eyed you, relaxing his features, “Maybe.” he muttered as he touched his cheeks with his hands, wincing.
“Do you need some more ice?” you asked him, touching his leg, “Are you in pain?”
“I can’t stand to feel like this anymore!” he whined, his glossy eyes tearing at your heartstrings.
“Okay, listen, I’m gonna bring you some more ice for the pain, you just stay put and wait for me,” you softly spoke to him as your fingers draw figures on his forehead and between his eyebrows, “I’m gonna finish making soup and I’ll be back and give you all the cuddles in the world okay?”
“But I don’t want to eat soup!”
“I know baby,” you looked in his droopy eyes, “but do you remember what the doctor told you?”
“Only liquid food is allowed.” You and Mason said as one.
“Yeah baby, only liquid food,” you nodded your head at him, a soft smile gracing your lips as you looked at your boyfriend, “but it won’t be for too long okay? I promise you.”
“Can I help you make soup?”
“You should rest Mase,” your finger now touching his nose, “I’ll think about dinner.”
“Ugh but I wanna be close to you!”
“You can do all you want to me once I’m done I promise you,” you squeezed his thighs, getting back up from your knees and placing a soft kiss on his lips, “now rest!”
“All I want?? Really??” he raised his voice to make sure you heard him from the kitchen.
“Yeah babe!” you chuckled, as you whispered to yourself ‘You’ll probably be asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow anyway’.
“Thanks for cooking dinner babe,” Mason told you, the effects of the anaesthesia completely worn off by the time he had dinner, “I’m sorry I gave you a hard time.”
“You didn’t give me a hard time Mase,” you shrugged, “well, not that much!”
“Looks like I’ll have to cuddle you to repay you,” your boyfriend smirked, slightly wincing for the pain that he still felt in his face, “it’s the least I can do.” he said as he opened his arms to welcome you in his embrace.
“You don’t owe me anything, I love taking care of you,” you sighed as your head found its rest on his chest, “especially if I get free hugs in return!”
“You get free hugs and I get you all to myself,” he whispered in your ear, “I don’t really know who’s the luckiest one between us.”
“I am the lucky one baby, you were so cute all whiny and clingy!” you dreamily said, an awww sound escaping your lips as you thought about the afternoon you had to spend babying your man.
“Shall I remind you that I can make you a whiny mess too?” he breathed in your ear, earning a gasp from you.
“Don’t you even think about it!”
“Okay okay,” he chuckled breathily, “but it was you who told me, and I quote ‘You can do all you want to me once I’m done’, you even promised!”
“I didn’t mean that in a dirty way you perv!”
“You can’t blame me,” Mason shrugged, “when you say things like that I can’t really stop my mind from wandering…”
“Well you should,” you sighed as you got up from your spot on the sofa, “you have to rest and recover.”
“Where are you going now??” the whiny tone in his voice was back, making you laugh once again.
“I’m just gonna take a glass of water from the kitchen babe!”
“Are you thirsty??” he smirked, as he eyed you up and down.
“Mase stop it!” you warned him, pointing your finger at him.
“I was just asking.” he said as he licked his lips.
“And why were you so curious??”
“Because,” he said as he got up, coming to stand in front of you, “I might help with something…”
You laughed as you watched him wiggle his eyebrows in a suggestive way; Mason laughed with you, looking down at your beautiful lips as he caressed your face.
“You’re so beautiful baby,” he whispered, “I’m so lucky- ow-”
“Hey what’s wrong??” you asked him, afraid he might be in pain.
“My head is spinning, it’s better if I sit down…”
“Come on, I’ll help you,” you said, focusing on him, “better now?” you asked him, straddling his lap as you touched his hair.
“So much better,” he smirked, gently stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb, “I wanna kiss you so bad.”
“Did you just trick me??”
“Maybe I did,” he smiled, “but this fucking anaesthetic is making me feel so weak yet so horny at the same time! You look so irresistible right now!”
“Just right now?”
“You know it’s not like that.” he stated, “My attraction to you feels just stronger tonight.”
His hands went under the hoodie you were wearing, his hoodie, travelling from your stomach up to your boobs.
“Oh God your boobs are sooo perfect!” he groaned, “So, so perfect!”
“You like them?” you smirked, clearly feeling his arousal grow beneath you.
“I love them,” he rasped, “how I’d like to push my face in-”
“I told you I’m horny!” he whined loudly.
“Yeah and with no filter still!”
“It’s not my fault you’re making things hard for me!” he shrugged, trying to bite his lip without feeling any pain, “Well you’re technically making me extremely hard by sitting on top of me but-”
“Okay okay! Enough!” you laughed as you stood from his lap, “I don’t want to make things more uncomfortable for you.” you said, suddenly feeling hot.
“Well, help me out then…” he suggested.
“Help you out?” you bit your lip, unable to admit that the feeling of his erection under you didn’t affect you in any way.
He just nodded; his eyes bore into yours, shining with both exhaustion and desire, the look in those dark brown pools making it impossible for you to resist him. While you kneeled in front of him, Mason parted his thighs slowly, making room for you as you crawled in between them; his breath got stuck in his throat while your hands untied his joggers, setting his cock free of any restraints.
“You keep taking care of me so well baby,” his tired smirk made you more aroused in an instant, “look at you, on your knees for me.”
“You like that don’t you?” you bit your lip as you stroked his cock.
“I like that very much.” he nodded, with his hooded eyes and his lips parted.
“Just promise me one thing,” you breathed against his lips, “if it becomes too much you stop me okay?”
“Okay baby…”
“Now just relax,” you mused, “I’ll take care of your needs…” you whispered against the sensitive skin of his dick, before you took him in your mouth.
“Jesus babe, you’re so good at this, fuck…” he groaned, his head spinning for real this time, and for a better reason.
The deep rhythm of his breathing, the sudden jerks of his hips, his soft moans and the cursing, were clear signals that Mason was indeed enjoying your attention, and all those signals only spurred you on.
You guided his dick further into your mouth, keeping a firm yet soft hold around its base as your head bobbed up and down. As Mason’s hand touched the back of your head, his cock hit the back of your throat making you gag around it.
“Oh fuuuck babe!” he whimpered, short of breath, “I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer babe…”
You didn’t waste any time with words, you just gazed up at him; and when your eyes met his, Mason’s rolled in the back of his head at the sight.
“God, babe keep going please,” he urged, “don’t stop, I-I’m cumming!” he stuttered, as you could feel him twitching between your lips as his cum coated your throat.
“Are you still horny now?” you teased him while you rested your cheek on his thigh, watching as he tucked himself back into his underwear.
“Don’t tease me, you know I’m always horny,” he smirked, “but I have to say, I’m just really sleepy right now.”
“Let’s go to bed then.” you sighed as you stood back on your feet, offering him your hands to help him stand.
“You won’t leave me alone this time, right?” he pouted jokingly.
“I won’t, I swear!” you chuckled, as you walked him to your shared bedroom, “Uh uh, undress yourself first mister! I don’t want you sleeping in my bed with your clothes on!”
“Yeah, that’s just another excuse to get me naked!” he giggled sleepily, as he tried to remove his clothes, almost losing his balance in the meantime.
“Can’t you just sit while you undress yourself??” you told him off.
“Okay okay!” he raised his hands, listening to your words as he sat on his side of the bed, “But can you do me a favor babe?”
“What is it?” you asked him from the bathroom, coming out of it as you were still applying some night moisturiser on your face.
“Can you grab me a t-shirt to sleep in?” he asked you as he removed his hoodie, sticking with just his underwear on.
He was already rubbing his sleepy eyes by the time you walked back from the walk-in closet, and that sight made you smile.
“Come on, arms up!” you said as you smiled fondly at him.
“Yes ma’am!” he yawned, lifting his arms up for you to help him put the shirt on.
“Lay down now,” you whispered, holding the covers up for him, “I’ll be back soon baby.” you told him as you covered his body, kissing his forehead as you did so.
“Where are you going?” he sleepily mumbled.
“I just have to brush my teeth and I’ll be back,” you reassured him, “it won’t take long.”
“I’ll wait for you…”
“Okay baby.” you smirked to yourself, knowing full well he would be out like a light in a second.
And you weren’t wrong, his eyes closed and sleep found him as soon as his head hit the pillow.
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pacifierbby · 7 months
Summary ~, you've been living in London since you were born. That's how you met Mason in a small coffee shop but when mason gets a chance to play for his dream team. will moving to Manchester be the right move?
A/N ~ hello my lovelys another story alert this won't be parts just a long imagine you can say? Hope you enjoy it but once again please leave feed back
Warnings ~ sadness, slightly fluff mase
Pairing ~ Mason mount x reader
Location's ~ London, Manchester
Word count ~
Taglist | navi | masterlist
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~ no town does it quiet like my home, so take me back to London
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London, that was where you and Mason grew up since you were both little. You never dreamed of leaving this town it was your home , and your whole family was here. You even met Mason here 3 years ago.
You and Mason met in a small coffee shop. You turned around way too fast, bumping into masons, figure spilling,hot coffee all over his top Yeah yeah very cliche fanfic story, but it stupidly happened even though you felt guilty. You, of course, asked if you could buy him a new top, but Mason, being the kind soul he is just laughed and said it was okay.
And here you are now 3 years on both of you living together In your house In London.
Mason attended his training session tonight. However, for the third night this week, he came home and didn't seem to be himself. He went straight for a shower, got into bed, and didn't greet his family with hugs, hellos, or even kisses. Fortunately, you had a day off today and went to a family meal where you discussed your concerns with your sister while your parents were out. Unfortunately, she dismissed it as stress.
Quietly sighing, I started wiping down the counters after milk had splashed out of the cup. Suddenly, I heard the jingle of keys as the door opened, and I walked over to see Mason looking sad once again. However, he just walked past me as if I was a ghost to him .
I walked into the living room, turning on the TV. It felt like we were strangers living in the same house. After 30 minutes, Mason slowly walked down the stairs and came into the lounge, where he sat down next to me, pulled the throw over his legs, and rubbed his face. I watched his every move, trying to understand what was going on In his own mind.
"What's wrong, Mason?" I whispered quietly, looking at him with concern. He looked so drained that I wondered if it was even him anymore. "I'm fine, my love. Just another stressful day," he replied. I sighed, knowing that I would never get the full and honest answers. I looked back at the TV and watched the movie that I had put on ages ago, not following the story since I was so lost in my own thoughts. Abruptly, Mason said, "I might be leaving Chelsea." He spoke so fast that my mind struggled to keep up. "Pardon?" I said, looking at him questioningly. He sighed and took my hands softy into his"I might not be fully honest with you, please don't hate me," he said. My mind instantly going into the worst "Chelsea doesn't need me anymore. It's been so hard in training. I'm never on the pitch anymore; I'm always benched. They're finding so many ways to what I feel like getting rid of me. However, there have been many football clubs that have been contacting me. One of them was Manchester." He stopped talking my mind instantly relaxing . "I know you've been here all your life, so have I, but Manchester has been my dream club since I was little. I've dreamt about it, and I don't want to turn this down."
I understood what Mason was trying to say. He had been dreaming about this since he was a young lad, and he was right. But when I looked at him, all I saw was confusion. Confused about what's the next step but of course you was going to move to Manchester if everything goes smoothly however you couldn't keep that thought off the back of your head
"I'm happy for you, Mase, but what about us?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, afraid of the answer.
Mason quickly let go of my hands and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me into a hug. "Nothing will happen. I promise you'll be coming with me," he said, exhaling quickly.
"But that means moving away from London, from our family and friends," I replied, my heart heavy. You weren't really worried about leaving London it was more of the fact you have to leave your mother,dad, and sister behind knowing the fact that they wouldn't be around the corner if you wanted a chat
"I know, but we'll get through it together, you and me, like we've done before," Mason said, pulling away from me slightly and kissing the top of my head.
" So when does it start?" Mason, shuck his head."I don't know, my love. A phone call will happen tomorrow after training. I'll ring you straight after. " You just nodded. Staying downstairs for a few more hours the TV in the background you and mason cuddled up on the couch for what seemed like two weeks since you've both had. A moment to yourselves
Both of you gotten up from your couch, turning the TV off by the remote, placed it back on the coffee table mason, turning the lights off in the kitchen, make sure the doors are locked, and secured while you are drawing the curtains. Walking into the hall, making sure the doors were locked while Mason turned the lights off in the living room.
Both of you slowly walked up the stairs and into your guy's room. Stepping inside the bathroom, going over to your sink, turning the taps on putting the toothpaste on your toothbrush, mason copying your actions, both of you doing your nightly routine in silence. Not the silence that was intimating but the silence that you know someone was their If you ever needed to talk
Getting inside yours and masons bed the moon shining through the blinds in the windows making a reflection on the walls behind your bed turning over turning the light off on your side rolling back on your back mason crawling in right after "well pull through this together" kissing your lips lying on his back pulling you a little bit closer "goodnight i love you mase" Letting sleep overtake you just about hearing mason saying I love you back.
The next morning, sunlight streamed through the open curtains that you forgot to close the previous night. Mason had already taken a shower and left for another day of training. Moving to his side of the bed,taking in the scent on his pillows. You procrastinated about getting up, thinking of many reasons to delay, but unfortunately, nothing seemed to come to mind. And to be honest, lying in bed alone with your thoughts didn't really help your anxiety. Eventually, throwing the quilt aside and stepped into your bathroom to start your daily routine..
Stepping inside the kitchen. turning on the kettle and grabbing a cup from the cupboard. While waiting for the water to boil, you checked your phone, hoping to hear from Mason. Once the water finished boiling, you poured it into the cup. Adding the milk and the sugar quickly stirring it up.
Walking back into the lounge opening the curtains letting the light hit the living room.
sitting on your couch, taking the TV remote from your coffee table, and putting on any TV shows. When your phone buzzed on your lap you looked down to see your sister was calling you "Hello" you answered softly "Hello lovely just checking in to see how you and Mason are" "It's just everything with training at the moment" you replied not fully wanting to go into full detail what's happening. Not having the gut to even tell her about the moving process if it happens
You and your sister talked over the phone until your sister's husband came home saying goodbye to each other before making plans when to next go out. Hearing mason walk through the door that odd I thought he was gonna be at training till late and will call me if there was an update "hello babe" you stood up from the sofa walking towards him mason automatically bringing you into a hug "I've had the phone call today" you looked up at him "that's good" kissing his lips knowing that time in London is going to end soon " we need to go down on Thursday to sign everything and look for houses" mason brushed the piece of your hair. "We can invite your family tonight to tell them?" Mason finished already knowing how hard it is for you to leave your town. You nodded, agreeing."I'll have to tell them one way or another this isn't the most easiest thing to hide. " You knew for a fact that your parents would be over joyed for the both of you, having a fresh start for the both of you may do you good
Finishing the last bit of the meal prep for yours and masons parents. Hearing the door knocking mason and you looking at each other then at the door "come on then" you said tiding yourself up a bit walking towards your door seeing yours and masons parents "hello" you said happily pulling them into a hug once they stepped in "hello my darling" Debbie smiled then looking at mason bringing him into a hug "hello my love shall we go into the kitchen" Debbie looked over at you knowing that you wanted to have some time alone with your family once your mum stepped inside you automatically brought her into a hug "hello" you said your mum kissing the top of your head grabbing your hand "Let's go into the kitchen and have our meal don't want your house to get cold" laughing a little letting your mum fully step inside before closing the door.
The dinner was going well you and mason sharing a few laughs about your relationship and the memories that you shared knowing the time was coming up to tell them looking at mason grabbing his hand under the table when you got his attention he knew it was time "so mum, dad" mason started grabbing your hand a little " me and Olivia want to tell you something" everyone looking at you both making you a little nervous
"I'm signing up to play with Manchester United on Thursday. I've had the phone call this morning. This is why me and Olivia wanted to bring you here for dinner, but there's a but we have to move to Manchester. " Your mum and dad looked over to you smiling."Oh sweetie, is that why you've been so nervous we are always here if you need us I know London is your home but sometimes new journeys are more exciting" mason squeezed your hand smiling down at you. "Thanks ma" letting go off mases hand walking around the table where she stood giving her hug.
Thursday couldn't come quick enough. You, jazz,Debbie, and Tony were making your way to Manchester. Mason was already there since he traveled up the night before to get the clear from his test. "How do you feel love?" Debbie said quietly in your ear, "nervous for him, to be honest, it's a big step. A big step for the both of us I mean we officially move here on Sunday night" Debbie grabbed your hand " we may be in London my love but me and your parents will always be beside yours and my sons side please don't forget that" . Masons and your parents have been a god send this past week helping you pack away your London home, ready to move to Manchester. "Thank you, Debbie, for everything," you replied back, smiling down at your hands, grateful that you had a second mother like her. Unfortunately your parent's couldn't come to masons signing today because of work but they did call him this morning and sent him his best wishes, looking up at the car window to see you was pulling up at the stadium
You and masons family stepped out of the car paps already surrounding the area trying get a glimpse of masons family and masons himself not giving you any room to even move
Walking towards the stadium doors seeing Mason through the glass standing next to the desk talking to the resorption lady opening the doors mason having a good line of sight automatically opening his arms so you can run into them.
this was the first time you've slept alone for 3 years. You've always said good morning and good night to each other. Of course, you've had phone calls last night and this morning for updates before you arrived, but you've never slept apart. Letting Mason go so he can give his family a warm welcome.
Seeing Mason sign his contract was the highlight of any moments you both shared together. Even though it's gonna change Mason's life, it's gonna be yours, too. I had a few photos with Mason as well as his family. We also had a few photos on the pitch.
Of course, Mason made sure he added his niece summer in the photos and videos. Some where she was in his arms and some where she was running in front of mase and it was adorable to watch them two together having their special moment. You filmed and took some photos just for yourself
Once Mason finished his photo shoot, it was time to say goodbye. Walking outside of the arena, the taxi was already there waiting for them, exchanging hugs and kisses they all got into a taxi, of course. You and Mason left the best till last summer. It will be hard leaving her she always stayed with you and mason every Friday, but when you and Mason settle here in Manchester, you knew that there will be more memories will be made, helping summer into the taxi. giving them one last wave.
you and Mason watching the taxi leave the area. Grabbing your hand, "Come on, my love, let's see our new house" you nodded walking towards the car that was parked behind the stadium.
Manchester was a big place not as big as London but very close enough however the people here are more apologetic. the hellos are more welcoming people just instantly want to talk to you even if they don't know who you are. people rushing around the city center trying to go places to places. people sitting outside the pubs talking to their friends or other people you sometimes did wish people was like that in London but however your town is more of a tourist city Manchester is a homely town and for what you hope will be forever.
driving up the gravel road. the trees covering up the road the sun shining through the holes of the trees making marks in the middle of the road. "here we are" mason softly said stopping the car outside of the gated house. a lady waiting outside of the house we a clipboard in her hand. getting out of the car shutting the car door softly looking up just about seeing the top of the house because of how high the fencing is. making you instantly secure you knew mason moving to Manchester will be a big hit. the paps will try and turn up trying to get picture of mason
"shall we look inside" the lady said looking at you and mason once you approached her making you both nod. mason grabbing hold of your hand walking into the front garden
the garden big enough for you and mason and the family having little summer running around. many flowers leading up the front door. a small little fountain placed in the middle of the garden. you knew instantly this will be your little place. a peaceful place what may calm your anxiety.
the lady opening the front door walking inside leading into a big open space . a chandelier hanging from the ceiling above. the front door being faced to face with an open kitchen stepping inside. your dream kitchen being face to face with you was honestly was a shock you just wanted to tell mason that this was your forever home but you knew you couldn't do that sadly it was masons home too and you needed to make the decision together.
walking into the living room furniture already placed inside.a big TV on the opposite an LED electric fire underneath the carpets fluffy and silver the new interior that people are going for nowadays which you don't mind. You loved the grey interior ideas in fact you always like the pages on Instagram that has grey themed in. Making you love the home a lot more.
Turning around to see Mason with a smile plastered on his face the same exact smile your wearing right now "do you like" speaking softly in your ear rubbing your back softly which you automatically nodded "its a beautiful house up to now" looking around the living room one last time then back at mason which he agreed "Shall we go upstairs?" The lady asked interrupting yours and masons small conversation.
Standing next to the railing the chandelier next to you the beads hanging from a small thread making a lovely reflection on the doors opposite.
"This is the master bedroom," the lady spoke softly, opening the door and stepping aside, letting you and Mason in together a king-size bed placed in between two windows and draws on their side. A door that leads into a bathroom on the opposite wall, the shower big enough to have a party of ten inside. Each has a sink with drawers underneath like your London home. A big mirror fills the wall. With LED lights glowing behind it. Another open spaced room for a walk-in wardrobe. Not hearing mason coming behind you his arms sneaking around your hips "come on lovely the lady wanting for us in the foyer" kissing the back of your head letting go. Grabbing your hand leading you out of the room.
walking into the foyer. the lady standing near the front door that has frosted glass surrounding it letting in a little of low light "i'm hoping you enjoyed this house and all the small features that comes with it" the lady began with a smile on her face " ill leave you guys for a few minuets while you decide. Mason really didn't give her any chance to walk out of the door "well take it," shocking you and the lady. throughout the tour, Mason really didn't show any facial features, but maybe that's because he was too into the house, you thought. don't take it as you wanted him to show expression because honestly you were really happy that he loved this house as much as you did.
signing the last few paperwork made it even more real. this is your house now. moving from London to Manchester is an actual go-ahead. The lady left an hour ago giving you guys the keys and bottle of champagne with a congratulations.you never thought that at the age of 26, you'll be living in Manchester. you always thought London would be your forever home. your boss wasn't that thrilled when you told him about the move on such short noticed but he was more than happy to transfer you to his offices here in Manchester, which you were delighted about. Your family still comes by every other month so does Mason's.
You're getting used to Manchester life and everyone living here. The Manchester United girlfriends and wives are really lovely, but they sometimes go out to eat on weekends even though you miss London. Manchester is your new home and a different adventure for you and mason.
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i9messi · 11 months
mason mount x enchanted🙏🏻 he is so taylor coded
Enchanted — Mason Mount
After being a regular customer, the owner of the coffee shop tries to get you a cute boyfriend. That's how you met Mason.
Word count — 1,2k
mason's masterlist
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You took your eyes off your phone as you gazed at the cafeteria owner approaching you. Sally was a very kind and nice old woman, she was the first person who had made you feel comfortable entering her store. She always had time to get close to you and ask how you were feeling. Ever since you met that coffee shop, the woman had become like a grandmother to you.
The woman’s eyes settled on the empty place in front of you. "Will you ever come with a handsome man?"
"Is that your way of asking me if I’m still single, Sally? Yeah, I’m still single and I don’t think that’s gonna magically change."
Sally smiled, you could easily tell she was thinking of something else. When the woman had something in her head, it was impossible for her to change her mind. She was too stubborn.
"If you let me, I’ll get you a boyfriend."
"Sally, what? How?"
"There is a customer who comes here all the time and is very friendly. He is handsome and kind, he seems to be someone I would love to meet if I were your age. So it’s your chance. I asked him if he has a girlfriend and he said no, he’s single. He’s perfect for you."
You thought for a while and breathed, What could go wrong? You weren’t denied dating and meeting people, you’d just been so busy with other things in your life, that your love life had generally taken a back seat. Besides, Sally was a good woman and you were sure she wouldn’t throw you into any man’s arms.
"Okay. What’s his name?"
Sally smiled triumphantly.
"His name is Mason and he’s right there."
You followed his finger, noticing a man looking in your direction. Well, you didn’t imagine that Sally was talking about meeting him at that exact moment. So when you saw him get up and come up to you, you freaked out a little. Everything vanished when you saw his face. Mason was handsome, too handsome, so you didn’t know how to react to his presence.
The man stopped in front of Sally and you, the owner of the cafeteria didn't stop smiling.
"Hi." he ended the uncomfortable silence.
"Well, I’ll leave you two alone." the old lady looked at you one last time and winked at you, while whispering a 'tell me everything later'.
"Okay, this is awkward." Finely you said, once you were alone. Mason had sat in the chair in front of you.
"If it’s too awkward I can leave, as if this never happened. Although it’s a shame, I would have loved to meet you."
"No, it’s okay. Stay."
Mason had a smile like spring, but his eyes were autumn with a hint of passing summer.
"Do you come here often?" you asked, because you thought you never saw him before. A face like his was hard to forget.
"I usually come very early in the morning, I’m Sally’s first customer every day."
"I come in the evenings. That must be the reason I’ve never seen you before."
"Well, I’ve never seen you in person, but Sally has told me a lot about you. I’ve practically known you since the first moment she mentioned you."
You grimaced, "I hope she said good things about me and nothing too embarrassing."
"Don’t worry, she has mentioned great things about you. I was the one who told her I’d like to meet you. She just gave me a little help."
"You wanted to meet me?"
"Yes. Now I don't regret, you are as I imagined."
You felt your cheeks warm. Mason genuinely looked like a nice guy and as much as you didn’t know him very well yet, you were enchanted to meet him. Who knew that by meeting someone this day you would change your mind?
Sally reappeared, "What do you want to drink? Same as always?"
"I have an idea, I order a drink for you and you order one for me."
You looked at Mason with a half-closed eye, unsure of his idea.
"Are you sure? I don’t take care of my bad choices."
"I’ll take my chances."
You and Mason started a casual conversation, then he told you about him and you told him about you and your life. The british listened to you very carefully and asked questions when something was interesting for him. Sally appeared again with her cups of hot drinks and the two joked a little, although your choices were right and you liked what you had chosen.
There were no boring or awkward moments, you could laugh like never before and act casually in his presence. Mason was polite, gentle and attentive. He was a gentleman. Now you understood Sally completely, the woman had practically thrown you into his arms and you have no regrets. You were wonderstruck.
"I think we have something special, don’t you think?"
Mason pointed out and you were glad that he would mention that. There was an incredible connection between you, something you didn’t want to end.
You smiled, "Can you feel it too?"
He nodded his head.
"Are you sure we’ve never met before?"
"I’m sure I’d remember you, Mason."
"I’d remember you too."
Sally appeared abruptly for a third time and Mason took his eyes off you, to focus on the old lady. The woman was very smiling, much more than she had been at the time when she introduced you to Mason.
"I know you’re having a good time, but all the customers are gone and it’s too late."
You looked at the watch on your wrist. It had been more than half an hour since the cafeteria used to close. Sally had just kept it open so that you could continue to know each other and not disrupt the chemistry between you and him.
"I must go now, it’s late."
"Let me walk you home. I’d feel better if I knew you got back safe."
Could man be more gentle? He was like a prince and looked like one.
"I would be glad, Mason."
You said goodbye to Sally and both walked to your home, which was not far from that cafeteria. You walked in a comfortable silence, which became too brief. When you least expected it, you were already at the door of your house. You had to say goodbye and you felt a little sorry. You had had a beautiful afternoon and you wanted to see him again.
"So... it was enchanting to meet you, Mason."
Mason kept smiling. The stars were shining in his eyes.
"Let me have another date with you, I don’t want it to end. It was magical."
You nodded and he took out his cell phone. You took it and wrote down your number. Once you were done, you passed the mobile to Mason. He took it in his own hands and put it in his pants. Mason stepped forward and you looked at him. You wanted to kiss him, you wanted him to kiss you. But all you did was look at each other. The time didn’t exist, it was just you two there.
"I think this is the part where you’re meant to kiss me."
"Can I kiss you?"
Mason did not hesitate to approach you and join his lips with yours in a kiss. When your lips joined, you knew that was the beginning of a beautiful story. This was the first page and your thoughts will echo his name, until you see him again.
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footballxixstars · 1 year
Injured Girl • Mason Mount
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Request: Hey, I was wondering if I could request an imagine where you’re dating mason mount, and when at a training session you and Christian are messing around, and then Christian dislocates your shoulder and mason comforts you and then goes all protective and looks after you after you’ve been drugged
The season wasn’t going to plan for Chelsea at all and nobody could say why. They had a good season last season. They were third behind strong Manchester City and Liverpool sides and yes they lost some players at the start of the season due to either them leaving or through various injuries. Obviously, they had brought some incredible new players too but something wasn’t clicking causing them to drop some crucial points. For god's sake they were battling to stay top half of the table and that should never be happening considering the players they have and the money spent.
Graham Potter was at a complete loss for what to do. He has made them train harder and more but that didn’t work. He had given them a longer break away from training but that didn’t work. He spent more time talking about tactics and using them more in training but that didn’t work. He had to find a way to motivate them all. That’s when the idea came to him- a family day. If he throws a family day at the training ground after training maybe just maybe it’ll get them relaxed and more motivated. Either that or a training camp where they are unable to see friends and family. It would be a risk but a risk that is needed and that he is willing to take.
When Mason first heard of the family day he was quite shocked that it was happening considering the performance issues with the team. He wasn’t going to complain though. Since you were dating Mason he begged you to go along with him, not that he had to beg you but it was entertaining to see. Thankfully and luckily it was your day off anyway and you had nothing planned so you were able to tag along with no issues. It would be nice to see some of his teammates and their partners since you hadn’t seen a lot of them for a while or at all. Work had been a bitch meaning you were working long hours and unable to go to any of Mason's games. It would be a nice day out.
When the day came you went to training along with Mason just because it was so much easier as you’ll only have to take one car and saves you money from having to use public transport. The team and coaches didn’t mind you watching the initial training session considering a lot of the families were doing the same thing. If you were honest you weren’t really watching the training session as you were chatting to the other partners and even playing with some of the children to keep them entertained so they don’t run onto the training pitch yet. It was actually nice to see the kids' faces light up when they saw their parents on the pitch. Obviously you also kept one eye on Mason knowing he would complain if you didn’t watch him at all.
As soon as the training session was over Potter called out, finally allowing the children to go onto the pitch to play. Whilst they did you just stayed in your seat as Mason interacted with some of the children. It was adorable to see however it wasn’t long until he made his way over to you. He had this stupid grin on his face so you just knew that he was going to ask you for something or to do something.
“Come play,” Mason asked already dragging you so you couldn’t say no. Not that you would’ve anyway. He grabbed a ball and started doing tricks and dribbling it around whilst you tried to get it and when you did he would attempt to get it back. The two of you did this for a while just giggling like teenagers the whole time. Some of his teammates and the children joined in but it was still fun. Eventually Mason went to sit down so you were playing alone with Christian Pulisic. Not that you minded. Christian was one of your good friends so it's always fun to be around him plus the two of you mess around a lot together. People say that the two of you together is a dangerous matter.
Mason sat to the side watching you and Christian mess about together and when he knew that you were alright he turned to Ben and Kai to talk to them. He knew that you were an adult and could take care of yourself but still, he brought you here so he felt the need to make sure that you are alright. Unfortunately for Mason when he was talking to Ben and Kai, when his eyes were off of you, that’s when the accident occurred. One minute he was talking to them and then the next he heard a scream and Christian shouting something that cannot be repeated with children around. Mason didn’t even take a second to take anything in. He just cut off the conversation without finishing his sentence and sprinted over to you. He never runs that fast on the football pitch.
When he got over to you he saw you sitting on the floor clutching your shoulder and with one look at it he could see the problem. Your shoulder was definitely not in the place where it should be. You had dislocated it. Understandably your face was scrunched up in pain and Mason felt hopeless since he knew there was nothing he could do for you to lower the pain. It needs to be popped back into place and only medical staff could do that and thankfully Kai had run over to get them. Mason meanwhile had kneeled in front of you and placed a comforting hand against your cheek not wanting to move you at all knowing that if he jostles you at all you would be in tremendous amounts of pain. Even more than you are currently in. You were in pain and he hated not being able to do anything to get you out of it. A comforting hand was the most that he could do for you right now.
At first you were in shock from the sudden intense pain that was running through your body. Everything around you was a blur but when you came to it you felt Mason’s warm hand pressed against your cheek before you realised that he was kneeling in front of you. He must have been saying something to you as well because his lips were moving but unfortunately you were unable to concentrate on them because of the pain. Thinking about it you could do with some pain meds or something because the pain is getting unbearable. Like your mind could be read - the medics were in front of you.
Mason had to watch as the medics asked you some questions. Thankfully you were now coherent enough with Mason or Christian butting in occasionally, especially when asked what happened. Once the medics had their questions answered Mason thought that it would be best to get everyone away from you. Especially Christian. If Mason has his way Christian will be going nowhere near you again since he was the one to cause the pain.
“We’ve given her a penthrox inhaler which has some methoxyflurane gas in it which should help with the pain whilst we move here and pop it back into place,” One of the medics said once everyone had been moved away. Mason nodded and relaxed a bit when he heard that you were given pain medication but he knew that the biggest amount of pain was yet to come. Mason knows that he has to remain calm for you.
Mason watched and walked with the medics as they helped you to get inside away from everybody. The pain medicine had finally kicked in so although you were still in pain it was now bearable however because of it you were a babbling mess. A babbling mess spilling absolute nonsense and because you were still sort of around his teammates they could hear what you were saying and were laughing. Wanting to mainly focus on you Mason just glared at them hoping that they got the warning but obviously they didn’t and continued to listen and laugh. Wanting to protect you he hurried you inside knowing that you will be embarrassed about all of this when you are aware of what has happened. He doesn’t want you to be embarrassed by all of this so he will try to protect you from it.
“I’ll look after you,” Mason said softly as you sat down waiting for your arm to be put back into place. He will look after you until you get better.
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charlottemount · 1 year
THE LITTLE THINGS — Mason Mount (y/n ig story part 01)
summary: where a single, young and talented model first meet with mason mount from chelsea in a 🔥 photoshoot for gucci brand, and slowly started to fall in love him. will he has feeling for y/n too?
warning: english not my first language! i’m also not a runway model
smau! series (part 01/?)
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next chapter >
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alltoolewis · 2 years
Stay the night- Mason mount 🦋
Again, this one doesn't really have a clear plot other than pure fluffy boyfriend Mase! I'm sorry it's not the longest but I' hoping to write longer imagines/blurbs soon! 🤍
Summary- When you accidentally fall asleep during a movie, Mason offers you to stay the night...
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Prompt: "I'll feel much better if I walked you home..."
"Please don't tell me you walked again.." Mason sighed as he opened his door, finding you drenched head to toe in the London evening rain. Giving him a shy smile, you shrugged knowing he already knew the answer to his own question. "Gorgeous.." He groaned, pulling you inside as he helped you get out of your damp coat "I've told you if you ever need a lift I'll be there..."
"And I've told you I'm fine.." You sniffled, feeling his glare on you "It's my fault I don't drive, so until I'll pay the consequences..." It was already tough enough being a student in an expensive city like London, never mind being a student who doesn't drive! It wasn't that you didn't want to learn, it would make life so much easier... you were just scared! Even though Mase couldn't see it, you felt more comfortable trusting someone else in public transport than yourself, hence why you never learnt!
"Baby please just get your license..." Mason groaned, guiding you into the living room so he could wrap you in a blanket in hopes to warm you up "It's so much easier for you to get around and I don't have to worry about you travelling down here... I could teach you if you'd like?"
"No thank you.." You said quickly, not hesitating to give your answer as he gave you a puzzling look "I've seen the way you drive... it's one of the reason's why I'd prefer not too!"
"I'm a good driver!" Mason protested, clearly agitated from your tease which made you giggle.
Leaning on your tiptoes you placed a kiss on the tip of his nose "Of course you are handsome.." You sarcastically replied, throwing yourself down on his couch which he prepared for your weekly movie evening "Anyway, away from the topic of me learning to drive... what are we watching tonight?"
"Well, we were going to watch your favorite again?" He sulked, looking across to the screen where 'grown ups' was set up "But seeing as your being a mean girlfriend I'll have to pick something else..."
"No no no… I'm sorry.." You giggled, pulling him down next to you so you could straddle him "Your the best driver... in the world!" You said while repeatedly kissing his face causing him to chuckle "Even better than Lewis Hamilton?" He teased, knowing your obsession with formula one and in particular Lewis.
"If I say yes can we watch grown-ups?" You questioned as Mason nodded his head "Well yes then.. you are ten times better!"
"I'm holding you to that!" Mason chuckled as he pulled you into his arms, grabbing the remote next to you "Now that's settled, let's get this evening started then darling...?"
The evening was spent how it normally would, you and Mason snuggling under the same blanket, a bowl of popcorn placed in the middle of your conjoined bodies as you both never wanted the movie to end knowing you would then have to go home. With only being together for 5 months and being a full-time student you had yet been able to make the next big step in the relationship and stay the night. It's not like neither of you wanted to, Mason was desperate to spend the night with you in his bed not having to worry about you getting home safely or saying goodbye without knowing when the next time he'd properly see you... the time simply hadn't come yet!
You swore you could hear him groan as the end credits rolled on to the screen, making you let out a giggle "Right then handsome, I think it's time I let you have some alone time.." You sighed as you looked at your watch, seeing it say 7pm & although that was early for some, for you and Mase that was the latest time for you.
Just as you were about to get up, his arms pulled you back into him holding you even tighter than he did before. "Mase.." You screeched, holding back a laugh as he made frustrated noises/
"I don't want to have alone time.." He mumbled in the crook of your neck "I don't want you to leave yet..."
"Mason, you know I have to.." You sighed, kissing the top of his head as your finger danced through his freshly cut hair.
Looking up to you, he pouted "Please baby... stay a little longer!"
You hated yourself for not being able to say no to him but how could you when he looked so soft in your arms. "Okay then.." You giggled, allowing your body to once again relax against the overly expensive couch "One episode of the office handsome and then I really have to go..."
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" Mason repeated as he smothered your face in wet kisses, dying to hear your giggles once more echo through his couch. Despite only being together for a short amount of time it was already his favorite sound, desperately wanting to hear it any chance he could get!
"Alright, you big softie.." You laughed, throwing his arm around your shoulder once again "What episode are you choosing?" Although you promised him only one, you knew it wasn't going to be the case as one turned into two, which turned into four, and before you knew it you were fast asleep against his chest.
Mason knew he was being selfish as he glanced across the clock, seeing the time tick away. But he didn't want to disturb you... you looked so peaceful relaxed against his chest, nothing but the soft sounds of your gentle snores and the low hum of the TV being heard.
When the clock struck 10pm he knew he had to wake you up despite his heart telling him not "Baby..." He whispered, combing his fingers through your hair and sighing as you didn't even stir "Gorgeous girl wake up... it's 10 o'clock..." He knew the late time would do the trick as you jolted in his arms, eyes growing wide as they tiredly glanced towards the clock seeing he wasn't lying!
"Shit Mase!" You screeched, jumping off the couch as you went to grab your belongings "Why didn't you wake me up!?!"
"You looked comfy!" He protested, being hot on your tail as he followed you around his house "I didn't want to disturb you..."
Looking through the side panel of his door, your body tensed as you saw the darkness take over the sky. Although you never liked to worry about your protective boyfriend, you were a little afraid of walking home alone at night in London. You tried to wear a brave face as you opened his front door but of course Mason could see right through it.
"Baby please let me drive you home.." Mason sighed, as he placed one of his beanies on your head "I don't want you being out there by yourself this late, especially with it being my fault!"
"It's not your fault Mase.." You smiled nervously, kissing his cheek softly "I wouldn't want to wake you up either... but I'll be okay I promise, I don't you want traveling by yourself either this late, anything could happen to you..."
"I'll be in a safe car (y/n).." He groaned, frustrated by your stubbornness "You'll be by yourself, I won't be able to sleep knowing your out in London this late!"
"Will it make you feel better if I stayed on the phone with you? Then you'll be able to know I'm safe?"
"I'd feel better if you'd let me walk you home..." He mumbled, causing you to roll your eyes "that's even worst Mase! Then you'll be by your self on the way home!"
"Just stay the night then?!?" Mason blurted out without thinking.
"What?" Your eyes grew wide, not expecting him to suggest it at all
Grabbing your hand, he pulled you further into the house, closing the door behind you "You heard me darling... stay the night with me?" This time saying it more confidently as he shot you one of his signature smiles, taking his beanie off your head "Think about it... I'm not in training until later in the day, your off uni and don't need to study anything... plus we both don't have to worry as we'll both be safe here, it's a win win!"
"But what am I going to wear?" You panicked, allowing the anxiety of actually spending the night with your boyfriend to take over you "I haven't got any clothes or my toothbrush? I don't want to embarrass you with my snoring or accidentally hit you in your sleep!?" You knew at this point you were just rambling the most random stuff but you couldn't help it, not when you pictured this moment for so long and it not going the way you had planned it!
Finding your reaction endearing, he placed his arms on your shoulder instantly calming you down "Shhh baby, stop panicking.." He chuckled, pecking your lips gently "You can sleep in some of my clothes & I can give you some to go home in. And as for a toothbrush I have some spares, you are more than welcome to use one it could even be your own for when you stay over again!" He smiled brushing a loose strand of hair out of your eyes as he whispered down your ears "And as for your last comment, I just held you in my arms for 3 hours while you slept... I know all your habits... and I love them all!"
Your cheeks burned as you looked at him nervously, shooting him an unsure smile "You really want me stay?"
Lifting you off the ground, he wrapped his arms around you allowing you to wrap your own legs around his waist as you both gazed into each others eyes "I'd love you to.."
Giving him a more confident look, you smiled "Does that mean we can have an Adam Sandler matharon?"
Throwing his head back laughing he nodded, carrying you back to the couch "Yes baby... we can watch as many comedies as you want.." Placing you gently back into the pile of blankets, he laughed as you let out an exaggerated yawn already loving the sight of you being so comfortable in his home, know not wanting you to ever leave him!
"That's if you stay awake of course" He smiled, as he sat down next to you, feeling you instantly fall back into his arms...
Although it took a while for the jump to be taken, you both knew that the wait made the whole thing more special... and knowing that boxed was ticked you both couldn't wait to tick off the next..
Yours being moving in together.... His being you getting your driver's license!
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blueathens · 2 years
Fine Line
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Summary: ‘He didn’t want to understand, because to understand means talking about it, and talking about it will make them realise that it be best if they let one another go as they weren’t right for one another.’
Song: Fine Line by Harry Styles Quote: ‘He was mesmerised by her.’
A/N: Not proof read - this is a very short blub.
Masterlist//Main Masterlist//Agape Masterlist
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Mason stared at her from where he was sitting on his bed. He was clad in a pair of black boxers, legs spread slightly apart, and hands intertwined together, hanging between his legs as his arms rested on his thighs as he just watched her.
He was mesmerised by her.
She was dancing like the world wasn’t watching in front of him, dressed in only his shirt and one of his white boxers. Her hips were swaying to the slow music that came from the record player next to her and her eyes were closed as she danced around the discarded clothes on the floor surrounding her.
He couldn’t understand, in fact, he didn’t want to understand.
He didn’t want to understand how one moment they could be madly in love, then screaming at each other’s throat, then fucking one another raw and then…and then being like this.
He didn’t want to understand, because to understand means talking about it, and talking about it will make them realise that it be best if they let one another go as they weren’t right for one another.
And Mason didn’t want to let her go, not yet at least.
He be fine with a few more screaming matches that lead to them falling into bed. And he be fine watching her dance in front of him like the world didn’t exist around them.
He be fine, in fact he be alright, with all of that happening for a bit longer if he could just have her all to himself for a few more weeks.
“I can really hate you sometimes,” was one of the things she muttered under her breath when they walked through the front door earlier that day. They just been out for a few drinks with his friends, and he didn’t like the way one of his friends eyed her.
It lead to them him pushing her out of the bar to scream at her from the side of the road, and then she muttered that, and it made Mason’s heart break. But he knew it was trye. The two of them could hate the other one sometimes – and that’s not what love was supposed to be, you weren’t ever supposed to hate the other.
You were meant to love the other, even through all the hard times.
But they didn’t have enough love for each other anymore, and that was something Mason had to expect and be alright with.
He raised from the bed, his muscles flexing as he stretched his arms up to the ceiling to let out a small yawn before he made his way to his girl. He wrapped his arms round her waist, and gently tugged her into his chest.
His lips found it’s place at her neck as they both swayed slowly to the music. S
She hums, eyes remaining closed as she allowed herself just to breath in this moment.
“Why can’t it always be like this,” she whispers, and Mason wished it was. He wished their love was always this gentle, that their love was always this simple. That they could just forever stay swaying to music with one another in their arms and call it love.
He wished it was all that simple.
But it wasn’t, not for them at least.
“Me too, baby, me too,” he whispers make. “You know…you’re like the sun. You’re just always shining.” His lips went up to her ear, allowing her to hear everyone of his whispers very carefully. His eyes quickly flickered over to the bed to think that maybe they should just go there instead.
That he should just lay her down and spread her open so they could forget all their problems again. But this wasn’t healthy. Their relationship wasn’t healthy. They were tearing one another apart and he needed to save them; save her.
So with a shaky breath he tells her, “and I love you very much, but I think it’s time I let you go.”
She spins around in his arm, staring up at him with wide, teary eyes, questioning him if this was what he really wanted. And he wanted nothing more to say he was joking and that they should both go to bed.
But he knew he shouldn’t lay next to her any longer if the two wasn’t happy.
His hands went up to her face, cupping them softly as he gave her a sad smile. “You deserve better than this. I don’t want to break you. But this relationship is hurting you...I-I can see it, and it hurts me to think that I’m the reason for your pain…so I got to let you go, sunshine. I just got to.”
She shakes her head and Mason leans forwards to press his lips to the top of her head, reassuring her it’s okay.
He pulls back, and just stares at her.
He stares into the eyes of the person he once got to call his.
He stares into the eyes of the person he learnt to love.
He stares into the eyes of the person that wasn’t his anymore.
“We’ll be alright,” he utters to her, “we’ll be just alright.”
And despite not wanting to understand…he did for her.
And despite not wanting to let her go, he did…because he loved her.
And they will be alright.
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Writing Rule||Character List||Navigation||Masterlist  
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
unexpected consequences
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words: 700
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, p in v sex, condoms breaking, pregnancy/breeding talk, unprotected p in v sex, established relationship, mention of marriage
“oh fuck, yeah.” you moan out, fingers gripping rafes shoulders. “right-right there.”
your moans are extra loud today, having been apart from rafe for nearly a week after he had business out of the country. rafe is just as pent up as you, thrusting harshly into your cunt to the chorus of his grunts.
“close.” rafe warns, but you could tell anyways by the swelling of his cock that he wouldn’t last long.
“oh my god, yes.” you moan out, back arching off the bed as your release pushes through your body, cumming with a final shout of your boyfriends name.
rafe drops his head into your neck as he cums inside of you, pushing as deeply as he can as your cunt pulses around him. you wrap your arms around his shoulders and press soft kisses to his head while rafe pants through his orgasm, until you shift slightly and feel it inside of you.
“rafe, pull out.” you shove at his shoulder, causing him to look up in concern, but he slips his softening cock out.
“what is it baby?” rafe asks. you look down at the condom he always wears, where theres always a bit of white cum gathered at the tip, but this time it looks practically empty, like he just rolled it on.
“rafe.” you hit his shoulder, causing him to flinch and look down.
“wha-” rafe suddenly realizes the issue, rolling himself off the bed as he walks into the bathroom, no doubt to inspect the condom and tell you what you already know is true.
“it broke.” rafe says when he comes out a moment later.
“i know.” you admit, shifting your hips from side to side again. “i can tell.”
“im so sorry baby.” rafe says with a sigh, laying on the bed next to you but not pulling you into his arms, not sure if you want to be touched.
“its okay.” you hum softly, mind still reeling. “you didn’t know.”
“what are we gonna do?” rafe asks, knowing you’re not on birth control due to affecting other medication you’re on.
“well, i can take a plan b in the morning…” you say quietly. 
“or.” rafe encourages you to continue, able to tell that you aren’t finished.
“or we could wait and see. i mean i probably won’t get pregnant just from one time, right?” you shrug.
“what about if it does take? and you’re pregnant?” rafe asks, looking at your tummy.
as if you’re thinking the same thing, you lay your hand over your stomach, knowing that even if you are pregnant there is nothing in there yet, but the thought alone has you rubbing gently over your skin. “i don’t know.” you admit.
“i want to keep it.” rafe blurts out. “if-if you are pregnant.” rafe can’t take not touching you any longer, pulling you close to him and tangling your limbs together.
“are you sure?” you raise your eyebrows. you think rafe would be an amazing father, knowing how protective he is of you, and how he strives every day to take even better care of you. “we are so young.”
“i love you. i want to be with you, i want a family with you. why not start now?” rafe questions. he won’t admit it to you yet, but he’s been thinking about taking the next step, having even gone ring shopping to see his options. “besides-” rafe smiles, “why are you trying to talk me out of it? you’ve always wanted kids.”
you grin back at him. “i know.” you let a giggle free, feeling giddy about the possibility. you’ve always wanted to become a mom, especially because you have so many younger siblings. “so, are we doing this?”
“yes.” rafe says definitively, pulling you in for a kiss, a comforting one that you truly need.
“oh my god, im so excited.” you break the kiss to mumble against his lips.
rafe nods in agreement, lowering a hand between your bodies to touch your stomach. “probably too early to start talking to your tummy, huh?” 
“definitely. i mean, we don’t even know if i’m pregnant, it may take a couple tries…” you trail off, hoping rafe gets your intention.
“well, i will just have to keep cumming inside you.” rafe shrugs. “in fact, we shouldn’t take any chances and i should fill you up again right now.”
rafes hand lowers from your stomach to your thigh as he grabs your flesh and pulls your leg over his hip, spreading your thighs for him as your cunt rubs up against his quickly hardening cock.
“rafe!” you shout with a laugh, but don’t stop him as he begins to grind his cock into your core.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart
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mountttmase · 2 months
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Not Your Fault
Note - i hope you’re all excited to meet the final bubba 🩷 a few guesses for the name were right but no one guessed the exact spelling 😂 I hope you love them as much as I do though and hopefully I’ll be able to write about them a bit more as we learn about their personality 😌 hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated 😘
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 6k
Warnings - fluff, smut, tiny bit of angst
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Putting the kids to bed with Mason was never an easy task. Mason putting the kids to bed on his own was a recipe for disaster but right now there wasn't much the pair of you could do.
You could hear Mason trying to wrangle your two babies as you sat with your third in the nursery. Ollie trying his hardest to help Mason tame Tilly as she ran riot and you knew Mason was about to explode. You wondered if you should get up to help but Ryley was feeding peacefully in your arms and you didn’t want to disturb him.
‘Welcome to the mad house baby’ you whispered, stroking your finger along his perfect nose all the way down to the end before awkwardly reaching down to kiss his head. ‘You’ll get used to Tills, she’s just excited about you being here’
And she really was.
Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine you’d get pregnant so quickly after agreeing to try again and after your first two pregnancies you thought you knew your body well enough now to know when something had changed. Clearly that wasn’t the case though and it was actually Mason who figured it out first that were pregnant with a little help from Nala.
The kids were at school and Mason came home to find you cuddled up with Nala on the sofa. Her head and paws on your tummy as you scratched her head but as soon as he tried to cuddle you, Nala wasn’t having it. Growling at him when he tried to put his arms around you and pushing him away with her nose.
‘What’s crawled up her arse and died’ Mason laughed. Trying to snake his hands around your middle but Nala would fight him off every time until he gave up and grabbed your boob instead.
‘Mason? Do you mind’
‘Take it up with her, she’s hogging you’ he huffed but you just let it slide. You knew Mason needed to be holding something and if it was your boob then you’d just have to get on with it as he wouldn’t move off. You didn’t think anything of it though, you just knew Nala was protective and after you’d been cuddling for a while she was feeling territorial.
It was two days later that Mason caught you crying in the utility room. Half buried under all of the kids washing and the look of concern on his face just made you cry even harder. You’d been trying to get ontop of the cleaning all day and it the point you just felt overwhelmed.
‘Hey, what’s wrong sweetheart?’ He asked as he helped you up but you didn’t really have an answer for him. Trying to quieten your sobs but you could feel your bottom lip still wobbling as he looked at you softly.
‘Sorry Mase, I don’t even know why I’m crying’ you laughed as he wiped your eyes for you. ‘I’m just a bit emotional at the moment’ you told him and by the small sigh you knew he had something he wanted to say so you raised your eyebrow at him in hopes he’d speak.
‘Baby, you don’t think you might be…’
‘Drowning in washing?’ You laughed but the soft look on his face made you be quiet. He looked genuinely concerned but there was also something behind his eyes you couldn’t quite place.
‘No you wally… pregnant’
Pregnant? You didn’t think so at all. Apart from feeling more emotional than usual you didn’t have any other symptoms that you could think of and you wondered if Mason was just getting ahead of himself.
‘No I don’t think so Mase, I’d know if I was’ you told him but you watched his face soften as he cupped your jaw.
‘Well I know you too, and I think you are’ he teased. ‘You’re all emotional, you’re eating everything in sight and Nala suddenly won’t let me go near you’ he listed off and you blushed at the fact he’d clearly caught you snacking more than usual. ‘Maybe we should check? Just to rule it out’
‘I mean we can but it’ll just be a waste’ you laughed ‘We only started trying a month ago, Mase. I doubt it would have happened that quickly’
‘Don’t doubt my powers of fertility’ he laughed and even though you wanted to smile you were trying your hardest to keep a straight face.
‘You’re insane’ you huffed, grabbing his hand and taking him upstairs to your en-suite. You’d made sure to stock up on tests since you were now trying and you instructed him to wait on the bed while you took it.
‘There you go’ you smiled, walking out of the bathroom and handing him the capped test that was still loading. ‘What do you fancy for dinner? I’ll go get it started’ you told him as you made your way to the door but he grabbed your wrist to hold you in place, looking back at you like you’d lost your mind.
‘You’re not gonna wait?’
‘There's no point, it’ll be negative babe. Now what do you want?�� You told him, shrugging your shoulders as you really believe deep down that you had nothing to worry about as there was no way you were pregnant already.
‘You pick’ he told you quietly, and with a kiss to his forehead you made your way back downstairs and into the kitchen.
Mason was gone for a while, almost to the point where you were about to go and find him but he suddenly appeared in the doorway with his eyes full of tears and a soft smile on his face. You knew he would be upset that it was negative, knowing he wanted a third baby more than anything but you figured at least if he was smiling then he hadn’t taken it too hard.
You didn’t have a chance to say anything though, Mason coming straight over to you so he could cup your face and press gentle kisses over your cheeks which made you blush and your knees weak but you loved his gentle side and you let him shower with you affection.
Before you could reassure him everything would be fine and you had all the time in the world to try for baby number three, he pulled back to look at you and you were frozen in place as you knew what that look in his eye meant.
‘You’re pregnant baby’
‘You’re pregnant’ he laughed, kissing your cheeks again as you froze in his hold. Letting him continue to kiss your face and it’s like his words hadn’t hit you yet until he rested his forehead on top of yours.
‘You're lying’ you whispered, your bottom lip wobbling as your eyes started to burn but he just laughed at you. Reaching into his pocket to pull out the test so he could show you and there it was in black and white. The words pregnant staring you back in the face until you looked up into Masons happy ones. ‘We’re having a baby’
You burst into tears instantly as you fell into Mason's chest. Him holding you close to his body as he rocked you from side to side, letting you know it was okay and that he’d keep you safe, the both of you safe, and when you eventually pulled back he kissed your tears away.
‘I didn’t think it would be this quick, sorry it’s just a bit of a shock’ you laughed, trying to wrap your head around it as your stared back at the word pregnant.
‘It’s alright, baby. Are you feeling okay?’
‘I think so’ you laughed. Letting him grip the back of your thighs so he could place you on the counter and look him in the eye. ‘I just can’t believe it, like I don’t even know what to think’
‘Well It’s still early love, how about we keep it to ourselves for a little while and tell the kids when we’re certain everything’s okay’ he reassured you and you felt yourself relax at how calm and in control he was about everything. ‘We can tell the rest of the world after that when you’re ready but for now it’s just us yeah? You, me and Nala’ he joked before pulling you in for a well needed hug.
So you kept it to yourselves. Telling the kids after your 12 week scan and as soon as Tilly found out you were pregnant she’d barely left your side and was seemingly very quizzical about what was happening. You knew she wanted to come out and ask fully how it had happened but she kept it inside until one night when it was just the three of you.
Ollie was at a friend's house for dinner and after all of you had eaten, you were cuddled up on the sofa with Mason, Tilly nestled in between you. Her head on Mason's chest as you watched whatever was on the tv but soon enough Tilly was ready for a biology lesson.
‘Daddy, how did the baby get in mummy’s belly?’ she asked, her head tilting up to look at him but as soon as you looked up you could see the panic written all over his face.
‘Yeah, how did it happen, Mase?’ You teased wanting to know how he’d worm his way out of this one but you could see he was hating every second of this. Sending you a what the fuck face before looking back down at Tilly who was waiting patiently for him to explain.
‘Okay, so you know how you write a letter to Santa at Christmas?’ He started, Tilly nodding excitedly and you could see the cogs turning in his brain, wondering where the hell he was going with this but let him carry on. ‘Well, when two people who love each other very much want a baby, they write a letter to the stork and then you have to bury it in the garden so they can come and pick it up’
You could see Tilly wasn’t buying it, looking back at him in confusion and you yourself were waiting for what he had to say next.
‘But how?’
‘How what?’
‘His did they get into mummy’s belly’ he asked more firmly this time as Mason was quite clearly skirting around it but knowing Tilly she would ask and ask until she got her answer.
‘Well um… well then the stork, it comes back and uh… and it leaves a seed which is the baby… and uh, that goes in Mummy’s tummy’ he nodded, stuttering the whole way through as he was panicking but you were loving how flustered he was. Trying to hold in a laugh as you covered your mouth with your hand.
‘But how does the seed get in there?’ She persisted, watching Mason now try to hide a smile before his eyes flashed to yours and you knew he was about to say something he shouldn’t.
‘She swallows it’
‘Okay that’s enough for today’ you interrupted, pulling Tilly onto your lap ‘you need to go and pick Ollie up’ you told Mason with a slightly dissatisfied look on your face and he quickly kissed your forehead la with a smile before getting up. ‘Come on missy, let’s get you in the bath, yeah?’
‘Okay mummy,’ she smiled. Reaching over to give Mason a kiss on the cheek before making her way up the stairs and you promised her you’d be right up in a minute.
‘Right I won’t be long’ Mason laughed as he got up, reaching down to help pull you up with him but he must have caught the unimpressed look from you as he began to laugh at your expression. ‘What?’
‘You know what’ you laughed. ‘Maybe If I had swallowed we wouldn’t be in this state would we’
‘I love it when you talk dirty’ Mason laughed. Pulling you into him with his hand on your bum and he squeezed it as he kissed you heavily. ‘I’ll see you soon, maybe when the kids are in bed we can try-‘
‘Mason I swear to god’ you laughed, pulling away and tapping his chest before making a beeline for the stairs but the sound of his giggles as he made his way out the door made you giggle along too.
Things took a turn at the gender reveal though. The four of you not doing anything extravagant but you knew you wanted the kids involved so after you scan you gave your bestie Sid an envelope with the gender inside so she could organise a cake and the next day you were all sat around the kitchen island with wine glasses in hand ready to sink them into the cake and you couldn’t be more excited.
Mason and Ollie didn’t care what the gender was, as did you, but Tilly was gunning for a baby sister. Having already picked out some toys for her to have and she constantly referred to the baby as she. You knew there would be a meltdown if she didn’t get her way but you were trying to distract her as best you could.
‘Okay, are we ready?’ you laughed, popping your hand on Tilly’s glass to help her push down into the cake and after the count of three you shut your eyes and pushed down on both until you hit the board.
It was Tilly crying no that made you realise what had happened. Looking round to see everyone’s glass filled with the blue frosting from the inside of the cake but Tilly’s wails wouldn’t let you enjoy your time just yet.
Mason was trying his hardest to contain his laughter and when you pulled Tilly into a hug to console her, he wrapped his arms around the pair of you whilst Ollie just grabbed a fork and began to dig into his cake.
‘Tilly baby, it’s okay’ you tried to reassure her, holding your laughs in as best you could but she just cried harder.
‘I don’t like boys’ she sobbed into your neck as she held you tight and as much as Mason looked like he was about to lose it, he peeled Tilly away from you and began to talk to her quietly. Eventually taking her out into the garden where you could see him swaying her from side to side as he spoke into the side of her head and eventually she was nodding her head and wiping her eyes
You joined Ollie though, accepting the fork he passed you so you could dig in too while you spoke about the new baby boy on the way and Ollie was very quick to reassure you how excited he was and how much he wanted to help out.
‘Okay, I think we’re on board now’ Mason announced as he walked back in with Tilly on his hip. A smile on her face but her eyes were still red and watery so Mason sat her on the side so you could feed her some cake.
‘Tilly, my new book came today. Shall I read to you for a bit?’ Ollie asked, your heart melting at the way he wanted to cheer her up as Ollie reading to her was their thing. Whenever Tilly was on mad one or overwhelmed he’d often take her over to their little corner to calm down and your heart felt full as she toddled off with her hand in his.
‘So, another boy huh?’ Mason smiled as he came over to you. Resting his hands on your waist as you rested yours on his chest and you were thankful for a little bit of alone time with him.
‘Looks like it. And after two clones of you I’m hoping this one looks a little bit like me’ you told him before he kissed your forehead with a giggle.
‘Are you happy?’
‘Of course, as long as he's healthy I couldn’t care what they are,’ you told him softly and he nodded his head in agreement. ‘What did you say to Tilly?’
‘Told her it’s another boy to boss around. And that if she’s the only girl then she’ll always be my only princess’
‘What about me?’ you pouted, watching Mason roll his eyes but he was leaning down to kiss you just after.
You’d picked a few names out, but just like you’d done with Tilly you wanted to see him before you named him and once you had, the name Ryley seemed to fit him like a glove. Whilst you could tell he was Mason's boy you were constantly told how much he looked like you and it made your heart swell whenever you looked at him.
Tilly also came around as soon as she saw him. Almost bursting into tears at the way her little face softened at the sight of her new brother before she was looking up at you for permission to say hello to him and Ollie was just as perfect as ever with him.
A new baby meant a whole new routine though and lately it meant Ryleys feed came at bed time so Mason had to put the others to bed on his own. Usually he’d love this but clearly the novelty has worn off for Tilly and she was making it as difficult for him as possible.
Soon enough the noise died down. Mason telling Tilly that Ryley won’t want to stay with us if she’s too loud and she finally took the hint and got into bed. Letting Mason read her a very quick story before he went and said goodnight to Ollie with the house falling silent once more.
You felt Mason pop his head into the nursery soon after, his eyes and facial expression soft as he took you in but he couldn’t hide the deep blush on his cheeks. Eyes flicking down to your exposed chest as you fed Ryley and you could see he was debating whether or not he should come in but you nodded your head to motion for him to come over. Watching him carefully make his way over to the pair of you and when he was close enough you lifted your head in hopes he’d lean down and kiss you. Revealing in the feeling of his lips brushing against yours softly and you hummed in delight just before he pulled away.
‘You two alright in here?’ He asked quietly, crouching down so he could kiss Ryley’s head. Your heart fluttering at the adoring way he looked down at him before his gaze was locked on yours.
‘We’re okay. Are you okay?’ You laughed, referring to the nightmare he seemed to have just had with the others and you smiled as he rolled his eyes playfully.
‘Oh you heard that yeah?’ He laughed. ‘Unless you put Tilly to bed she’s a right pain in the arse’ he teased. ‘I love her but my god she’s a handful sometimes’
‘They don’t call her Tilly the tiny terror for nothing’ you winked. ‘You done good though sweet cheeks’
‘Thanks’ he laughed, rolling his eyes again. ‘I’m gonna go sort myself out but I’ll see you in our room in a bit, yeah? Take your time’
‘Okay’ you whispered and with one last heavy kiss to your lips he was making his way out.
You sat Ryley up not too long after so you could wind him. Knowing Mason hadn’t really got to see him all that much today and he’d be itching for a cuddle soon so you made your way back across the hall to your bedroom for some time for just the three of you.
You didn’t questione why the door to your bedroom was shut even though maybe you should have. He never usually shut it as it was harder for you to open with just one hand whilst carrying Ryley and you always kept it open just in case one of the kids needed you but you just shifted Ryley on your chest so he was over your left shoulder and pushed the door open.
You should have known there was a reason why he shut it. Walking around to be met with the sound of his loud breathing and when you rounded the corner and into his view you were shocked by the sight in front of you.
There he was laid on the bed, T-shirt riding high on his perfect body as his boxers had been shuffled down his thighs ever so slightly to free himself and even from the split second view you knew what he was doing as his hand moved up and down. A shocked gasp falling from your lips before you turned and you heard mason fumbling behind you.
‘Shit! Oh god, oh god no’
‘Mase, it’s okay’ you told him, slightly chuckling as you turned back around to face him but the look on his face made your heart drop.
His cheeks were redder than you’d ever seen them, a humiliated look plastered across his face no matter how much he tried to hide it and he looked on the brink of tears.
‘Masey, no don’t get upset it’s alright’
‘I need the bathroom-’
‘No wait’ you called, popping Ryley into his crib as quickly as you could before rushing over to him to stop him from hiding away in the en-suite for the rest of the night and thankfully you caught him before he was able to shut the door. ‘Come here baby, come and talk to me’
‘No I-‘
‘Mase, come on’ you interrupted, pulling him back to bed so you could sit on the edge with him in hopes he’d look at you. He was determined to keep looking down though so in the end you just held him tight and spoke into his hair. ‘It’s okay, you don’t need to be embarrassed or anything. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before’
‘I thought I had more time’ he told you. Holding you tighter but you hated how down he sounded.
‘Look at me’ you whispered, letting him take his own time to gather himself before looking up at you shyly. ‘You don’t need to be embarrassed, it’s perfectly normal’
‘I know I just… it’s still embarrassing’ he laughed. ‘I feel like a teenager who’s just been caught. I just thought you’d be a bit longer with the little man and I’d have time. I haven’t wanted to ask for… you know. I wanted to wait until you’re ready and-‘
‘Who said I’m not ready’ you smiled. ‘I gave birth 8 weeks ago now so that’s two weeks over’
‘I know’ he smiled. I’m just worried that’s all’
‘Worried about what?’
‘I don’t wanna hurt you’ he whispered and your heart broke at his sad face. ‘Remember what happened after Tilly?’ He asked and you nodded solemnly.
It had been six weeks since Tilly had been born and you knew Mason was chomping at the bit to have you. You were too big and uncomfortable towards the end of your pregnancy so it had been months since you’d last been intimate and it was almost as if Mason was counting down the days.
Your night didn’t go as planned though. Unbenounced to you, you still weren’t fully ready and even though Mason had been gentle with you and you’d tried to push through it, it hurt too much and you’d ended up bursting into tears.
Mason felt awful, almost in tears himself as he tried to comfort you but you knew he was blaming himself when he shouldn’t be. In the end you took his face in your hands so you could pepper his cheeks with kisses but your heart was breaking as he repeatedly told you how sorry he was.
‘Masey it’s not your fault’ you told him quietly, but he wasn’t having any of it. Hiding his head into your neck for the rest of the night until the pair of you eventually fell asleep.
He was quiet with you but extra soft for a few days until you could talk it out and let him know it wasn’t his fault. You just had to wait an extra few weeks and everything would go back to normal.
You could see it in his eyes now that he was frightened so you pulled him closer and cupped his jaw so you could look at each other properly.
‘Tilly had a massive head baby’ you laughed. ‘She was a right pain to get out but I don’t feel like I did with Tilly. Ryley was a breeze compared to her and I’m all healed up now. There’s nothing to be afraid of’
‘Yeah?’ He smiled. His body relaxing in your arms as you reassured him everything was okay and the small smile on his lips made you feel a lot better.
‘Yeah, of course. In fact… what do you say we pop Ryley in his nursery for a bit so we can have some time for just us’
‘Wait, what?’ He whispered, his face looking slightly shocked but in all honestly your been craving some alone time with Mason yourself. ‘Are you sure?’
‘100%, Just give me a sec and I’ll be back’ you told him. Slightly untangling yourself from him so you could pick up Ryley and take him over to his nursery. You never left him in here at night but he had his naps in here all the time so you made sure the baby cam was set up properly before dropping a kiss on his head. ‘I’ll be back for you soon, little one. Just keep sleeping for me’ you whispered. Taking one last look before making your way back to Mason.
He was sitting on the bed facing the door when you got back and a sudden wave of anxiety rolled over you as soon as you shut the door. Your body had changed so much since he’d last seen it and you knew you were covered in stretch marks and still sagging in certain places so when he pulled you in between his legs you tried not to look him in the eye.
‘Baby? Everything alright?’ He asked, fingers delicately tracing the backs of your thighs and you just nodded and you pulled him into a hug.
‘I’m okay, just nervous’ you laughed awkwardly. ‘It’s been a while’
‘I know, love. We can go as slowly as you want to though, yeah?’
‘I know’ you smiled, kissing his forehead gently but he could still read your mind and sense how apprehensive you were.
‘And I don’t care what you think your body looks like now. You know that don’t you? I love you and I just wanna make you feel good’
‘I know, Mase’ you smiled, eyes filling at his sweet words. He’d said the same after both your other babies had been born but the words still hit you deep. You didn’t look like you used you, three babies would have an effect on anyone but Mason never cared. He took you as you were and only cared about looking after you, telling you you’d given him everything he’d ever wanted and he’d make sure he looked after you in whatever way you needed.
His hands were trailing all over your bare legs, touching wherever he could as his lips pressed kisses to your chest and you couldn’t help but giggle as he finally got to touch all the places he’d missed for the last few months.
‘What’s so funny?’ He smiled, pinching your bum gently as you steadied yourself but his cheeky smile was melting you.
‘We’ve been together for so many years now, had three kids together and you’re still as horny as ever’ you chuckled, wanting him to know how ridiculous you found him but deep down you knew you were just as bad.
‘That’s what happens when you’ve got the most beautiful wife in the world’ he told you. ‘You know I’ll never not want you. Even when we’re grey and wrinkly I’ll still think you’re hot as fuck’
‘If you’re trying to get me in the mood, talking about old people probably won’t help’ you told him, kneeling onto the mattress and his light laugh made you smile.
‘Noted’ he winked, shuffling back and inviting you to lay with him and once you were next to him he laid you back gently and kissed you with as much passion as he could muster.
He kissed you until you felt dizzy, your hands gripping at him where you could and when when you moaned into his mouth he rolled ontop on you so he could look directly down at you.
‘What do you want baby? You want my fingers?’
‘Yeah? You don’t sound so sure’ he teased but before you could protest he was talking again. ‘I think I know what you really want’
‘What’s that?’
‘You want my mouth, don’t you?’ He whispered lowly into you ear. The sound making you shiver and a gasp to fall from your lip at the sound of his dirty words. ‘Thought so’ he chuckled and before you knew it he was kissing down your neck as he grabbed the hem of your shirt.
You knew it was just Mason and he loved you no matter what, so you let him remove all your clothes as he placed kisses to your exposed skin. Pushing any nervous thoughts out of your head so on you could enjoy the feel of him again.
As soon as his lips touched where they needed to you felt yourself melt. Feeling like you were floating on clouds as he reminded you what you’d been missing out on for months as you tried your hardest to keep your moans at bay and not wake anyone. He made it difficult though. Getting back into the rhythm of things like he’d never been away and soon enough your fingers were getting tangled in his hair as he pushed you over the finish line.
‘Stop biting your lip, I wanna do that’ he laughed, as he made his way back up to your face. Kissing you so you could taste yourself and you let out quiet moan as he gently sunk his teeth into your bottom lip.
‘I’m trying to be quiet’ you laughed, lips against his as you spoke before he stole another kiss from you. Knowing he was ready and raring to go.
‘What do you want now baby?’
‘I want you. All of you,’ you told him. Watching a slight nervousness flicker through him and you wanted to reassure him straight away. Gripping the back of his neck so you could tug him back down for a kiss and as he got into it you began to undress him until you were both naked and needy for each other.
You knew he was watching you the whole time as he pushed his way inside of you. Your face contorting in pleasure as he took his time before bending down to press gentle kisses over your face.
‘Is that okay?’ He whispered, moving his hips slowly so you could adjust to him but you were already seeing stars after not feeling him for so long and all you could muster was a nod. ‘Yeah?’ Breathed, a sense of relief laced through his voice and you nodded as you tried to reassure him further.
‘Yes masey, keep doing that’ you moaned, louder than you’d intended to but it all felt so intense and you knew mason was feeling it too.
‘Should I slow down?’
‘No, just like that’ you sighed. Reaching up to grab his shoulders so you had something to steady yourself but also because you wanted to feel his skin under yours.
‘You wonder why I still can’t keep my hands off of you?’ He moaned, pulling up so he could hold you at your waist and take a bit more control. ‘Fucking look at you, you’re unreal’
‘I know gorgeous. I’m with you, just let go for me’ he told you and you did exactly as he said. Letting him coax you through it until you were spent and he was flopping down gently next to you.
Sometimes you felt like this was your favourite bit. Laying skin to skin with your man as he gently stroked your back and you couldn’t help but nuzzle into him more as you made every second count. You’d missed these moments with him and from the way he was holding you close you knew he’d missed it too.
‘You okay?’ He whispered after a while. Feeling your eyes growing heavier as he lulled you to sleep but you looked up at him with a soft smile as he kissed your nose.
‘I’m perfect’
‘I didn’t hurt you at all did I?’ He questioned quietly but you shook your head so he knew you were fine straight away.
‘I promise you, I’m absolutely fine’ you told him. Pecking his lips softly before sighing. ‘I’m so comfy but I need to go and get Ryley. I don’t like leaving him in there alone for too long’
‘Stay there, okay? I’ll go get little man’ he reassured you. Kissing your head gently before untangling himself from you so he could get dressed and grab your boy.
You got dressed too whilst he was gone and you were just pulling your top over your head as he walked back in with Ryley cuddled into his chest. Your heart thumping at the way they were together and no matter when or where, watching Mason with a tiny human always made your knees weak.
‘Come on boys, mumma needs a cuddle’ you laughed. Jumping up onto the bed and letting Mason pass you Ryley before he laid next to you. His head on your chest as Ryley laid on the other side and you couldn’t stop yourself from looking down at Mason and seeing how happy he was to have some time with Ryley. ‘You okay, Mase?’
‘I’m better than okay’ he smiled, reaching up to give you a quick peck before nuzzling back down into your neck. ‘Thank you for everything, I never thought I could be this happy’
You didn’t have the words for him. Your eyes filling with tears as you kissed his temple but inside you were agreeing with him wholeheartedly. You too never thought you could ever be this happy but as you thought about where you were right now and who you were with, you knew right now your life and your family were complete.
Thank you so much for reading 🩷 I really hoped you enjoyed it and I’d love if you could leave me some feedback if you fancy it 😘
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neverinadream · 6 months
I'm Made For You
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Summary: If there's one thing Mason is certain of, its that Y/N was made for him.
Pairing: Mason Mount x Fem!Reader
Requested: Nope
Song Inspo: Honey (Are You Coming?) - Måneskin
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, smut, dom!mason x sub!reader, dirty talk, pet names (baby, princess, good girl...) praise kink, a small daddy kink, elements of dd/lg, degradation kink, reader is called a whore, breeding kink, big on themes of ownership, body appreciation, nipple play, biting, scratching, slapping, anal play, oral (m receiving), throat fucking, unprotected sex, facial, cum play, cum eating, aftercare, not edited
Notes: me posting a mason smut just as @kepamount returns, seems like fate to me 🤭 once again, this man has got me writing filth, seriously, i need to study him to understand why he has me like this. anyway, couldn't think of summary so that's the best you're gonna get. feedback is always appreciated, so please give some, it really means a lot when you do 🫶🏻
"Look at that," Mason groans, watching his cock brush through her folds. Y/N continued to rock her hips, grinding her cunt softly over his cock, whimpering each time his tip pushed against her clit. "Fuckin’ pretty, baby," he grabs her hips, moulding his hands to their shape, "just sitting there between those pretty lips."
"Feels so good," she whimpers, rubbing the tip of his hard cock against her clit. The pleasure tingled through her body, a moan shuddering from her lips as her whole body shivered.
"You like that, princess?" He caresses her thigh, the tattoo, the head of a stag, its antlers intertwined with her birth flowers, gaining his attention. The ink on her body made her the world's rarest piece of art, and only Mason had the pleasure of viewing it. "Does it make you feel good?"
She nods. "Yes, daddy."
"And what do we say when daddy makes his little girl feel good?"
She grins, biting her lip. "Thank you, daddy."
She dips to kiss across his chest, going from one side to the next, each one soft, purposely teasing him. He waits, his body burning from the anticipation of her next move. A soft whimper rolls off his tongue when she flicks her tongue across his nipple, gnawing at his bottom lip to cage his reaction. When she lifts her hips, he takes a deep breath, just to release a sigh of frustration when he doesn't feel the familiar warmth of her sinking onto him.
"Fuck," he grits his teeth, hissing as she bites down on his nipple, "no more teasing - need to be inside you."
"Beg for it."
A low chuckle ripples through his chest. "I don't beg for anything, princess."
She squeaks, his hand tearing away from her hip to grab her by her chin, dragging her mouth down. He takes control of her in a messy clash of tongues and teeth. Spit drools down her chin when he pushes her away, his cock pulsating against her cunt as he takes in the messy display. Lips swollen. Expression ablaze with pleasure. Nipples perfect and pebbled, waiting for him to tug, twist, and sink his teeth into. And all his.
"Gonna give me what I want?" He asks, running his thumb over her bottom lip, taking her mouth as she parts her lips on a moan. "Or do I need to take it?" He presses the calloused pad flat against her tongue, pushing his thumb back until he starts to feel some resistance. The intrusion makes her gag, but he keeps going, keeps pushing until her nails her digging into his chest, telling him to stop. "That all you can take?" He mocks her with a pout. "Maybe daddy's little girl needs a bit more training?"
She shakes her head. "I'll be a good girl."
"Go on then," he encourages, tipping his head back on a groan, Y/N notching the head of his cock, swollen red with a buildup of pre-cum, against her entrance. He grips her hips tighter, taking a deep breath, filling his lungs with the air she steals as she sinks onto him. "That's it," he grunts, watching the first few inches disappear, "just taking it all like a good girl. Fuck-! That's so fucking hot!"
"Feels so good," Y/N whimpers, lifting her hips and sinking slowly back down, feeling her body stretch as she takes another inch. She keeps going, lifting her hips and sinking back down, taking him inch by inch, until she bottoms out. The feeling of fullness has her looking down at the point where their bodies were joined together. "I was made for you," she says, goosebumps rising on her skin as she feels him throbbing inside her, "made to take you, made to please you. I'm no one else's. Only yours."
"Only yours," Mason repeats, soaking in the warmth and the wetness of her cunt.
She dips, hands caressing his chest, her mouth slotting against his, moaning into his mouth as she rocks her hips back and forth, fucking herself the full length of his shaft. He bites her bottom lip, both of them sharing a grin as the metallic taste of blood burns on their tongues. He pulls away first, aligning his first and middle fingers with her mouth.
"Suck 'em," he orders, panting, his chest rising and falling on a deep breath as she takes the full length of his fingers into her mouth, "get 'em nice and wet for me."
She bobs her head, swirling her tongue around the digits, moaning at the traces of herself she can taste on his fingers.
"That's it," he groans, prying his fingers from her mouth, a string of spit still connecting the two. She quickly wipes it away.
His hand touches her ass, grazing softly over the soft globe of skin, and between her crack. The tip of his finger rubs around the puckered rim, inviting and teasing him to touch. Y/N draws in a sharp breath as he pushes against the tight muscle, whimpering as she grabs his shoulder and rocks back onto him.
"Doing such a good job f'me," he coos, sinking his finger inside. His tongue rests against his bottom lip as he parts his mouth, watching in awe as her face twists with pleasure. "Nice deep breaths," he encourages, withdrawing his finger and pushing deeper in, "that's it."
"So good," Y/N moans, tipping her head back, "and so deep, and so-" She yelps, his teeth pinched around her nipple, tugging at the sensitive bud.
Her hand leaves his shoulder and fists her fingers deep into his hair, caging his head against her chest, pressing her breast to his mouth. "Yes-! Just like that!" She grinds her hips, squeezing her eyes shut as a new wave of arousal gushes onto his cock. "Don't stop, please, don't stop!"
He flicks his tongue back and forth over her nipple, working in tandem with the finger pumping in and out of her ass. A groan sounds as she tugs on his hair, the sharp temporary pain trailing down to his cock.
"Close, baby?" He pulls off her nipple with a loud pop. "Gonna come for me?" He withdraws his finger, ignoring how she whines at the emptiness and caresses his hands over her hips; soft, beautiful skin moulding under his calloused hands. "Lean back for me," he instructs, "I want to watch my pretty girl's face as she comes."
Beads of sweat stick to her skin, slowly trickling down to the base of her neck, from where her hand travels down to her breast. Her fingers pinch and tug on her nipples, the corners of her mouth twisting upwards as the little act has her cunt clenching. He watches her do the same with the other, watching her lips part on a silent moan. The slit between the seam was small, but he knew there would be just enough space for him to slip his tongue into her mouth, to taste every bit of her.
Mason grunts, his cock twitching as she tightens around him. He knew her body, knew when she was about or close to coming. "That's it," he mumbles, hardening his grip, "chase it, baby!"
"Need it so badly," she sobs, pressing her hand back into Mason's thigh. He hisses, her nails stabbing into his skin. "So good!" Her head tips back on another sob, tits bouncing, and hips grinding faster as she feels her orgasm buildup in the pit of her stomach. "There-!" She squeals, grabbing his other thigh with her other hand. "Fuck-! I'm gonna come!"
"Yeah?" He gives her tit a soft slap, enjoying the way it bounces back to him. He does it again, and then again, each slap a little bit harder than the last. Every slap makes her whine and every slap pushes her closer to the edge. "Gonna come all over daddy's cock?"
She bites her lip and nods her head. "Daddy's cock feels so good!"
"You're dripping all over me," he groans, the base of his shaft glistening every time it withdraws from between the walls of her cunt, "so fucking wet and warm! Just perfect for me to breed." Her eyes light up and a chuckle rolls off his tongue. "You'd like, wouldn't you?" He gives her tit another slap, the sound echoing through the room. "Answer me!"
"Yes!" She's panting now, forcing the words out of her mouth as she forces the air back into her lungs.
"You need it, don't you, princess?" He thrusts up, the tip brushing repeatedly against the spot that has her thighs clamping and her walls clenching. "To be treated like a whore, to have your pussy bred, and to be reminded of who owns you?"
"Shush," he interrupts her, "I already know the answer is yes."
He sits up, wrapping his arm around her waist, pressing her firmly against his chest. Dipping his head, he licks the sweat off her neck, moaning as the salty taste bursts on his tongue. Every inch of her tasted like heaven. His mouth trails up the column of her neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses and sucking on her skin, all to tease out broken cries and ragged breaths.
She moans, feeling his hand come between their bodies to squeeze her sore breast. His thumb rolled over her nipple and caressed the underside, groaning at her softness.
"Please," she begs, the ache in her stomach becoming unbearable to last any longer.
"Come for me."
He wrapped her legs around his waist, binding the two together until there was no space or room left between them. Not even the air could fight its way between them.
"Do it," he encourages, his nose pressing into her cheek, the scent of sex, honey and vanilla on her skin. He rocks up into her, hands splayed across her back to keep her from squirming off his lap. "That's it, there you go," he coos, bucking his hips harder, his balls knocking against her bum, "my little girl's taking daddy's cock so well for me." She whimpers at the words leaving his mouth. "C'mon, cutie, just let out," he squished his hand between their bodies, rubbing her clit in hard circles, "gush all over this cock."
It's the last thing she needs to hurtle over the ledge.
The world around her had disappeared, it was just her and the body she was desperately clinging to as pleasure rocketed through her. She dug her nails into his back, scratching down, not hearing Mason hissing in her ear as she pierced the skin. She did feel the way his body throbbed for her, the momentary pain shooting straight to his cock. He could've blown right there and then, but he wasn't done with her yet.
She goes limp, lazily kissing the crook of his neck, nuzzling her face against him. "Wanna suck my cum off your cock, daddy," she whimpers, grinding her hips in slow circles, relishing the last of her high.
He gives her ass a soft slap as she climbs off, crawling to lie down. "Look at you," he grins. admiring her for her eagerness, "don't even need to tell you what to do anymore."
She matches his grin, listening to his feet pad heavily against the bedroom carpet as she waits with her head hanging over the edge. A second later, he comes into line with her vision, his eyes fixed on her, and his cock bobbing next to her head.
Bending down to kiss her, Mason pulls hard on her hair, stuffing his tongue inside her mouth as she gasps. There's nothing sweet or caring about it - just another way of claiming her.
Pulling away, he turns his attention to his cock, wrapping his hand around the base and stroking it a couple of times. A groan rattles around in the back of his throat as he squeezes his fingers tightly around the head with every upstroke, and he has to froce himself into slowing down.
"Open up," he murmurs, tapping the tip against her cheek. She does as she's told and he slides the smooth length of his cock between her lips. "Fuck, baby!" His eyes flutter shut, head tipping back on a silent groan. The angle wasn't new to either of them, but it still amazed him how far he could push back. "Just-Just take it, baby," he grunts, setting a steady rhythm, "take all of it."
She moans around him, eyes straining to look up at him, finding his jaw fixed with tension as he concentrated on fucking her mouth.
"Play with your tits," he mumbles, reaching over to slap her left breast, "give me something to look at." She replaces his hand, tweaking and pulling on her nipples, or pushing them together. "So fucking pretty," he praises, switching to slow thrusts, watching himself bulge inside her throat, "it's like you were born to suck cock."
She hums around him, squeezing her thighs together, feeling her wetness running down them.
"Who does this throat belong to?" He asks, his hand framing the side of her face, holding her mouth in place.
"You, daddy," she mumbles around him.
"And these tits?"
"You, daddy."
"And this pussy - open your legs - whose pussy does this belong to, Y/N?"
"It's yours," she mumbles once again, gagging on his length as he pushes further, "it's all yours."
"That's right," he speaks in a low voice, so low that Y/N almost misses it.
She whimpers as he withdraws from her body, leaving a faint taste of herself behind on her tongue. "Mase-"
"Stay like that, princess." He uses her spit as a lubricant, quickly jerking his hand up and down his cock, it throbbing in his hand as he feels his balls tighten. "Daddy wants to come all over that pretty face."
"Please," she begs, trailing her hand down her belly to play with clit, "please, come all over my face!"
The corners of his lips curve into a half-smile, his nose scrunching as he finally does. "There-!" He jerks his wrist faster, shooting drops of cum onto her mouth and chin. "Take it," he grunts, his thighs and bum both clenching, his hips rutting into his hand, "it's all for you!"
His movements slow down, fingers squeezing around the tip, as the last drops spill out onto his hand.
"Let me look at you," he says a second later, beckoning her up onto her knees.
Her eyes were beginning to look tired, her lips swollen, and the skin around her neck blotchy with hickeys. Parts of himself were there running into her mouth and dripping off her chin.
"My best yet," he mumbles, moulding his hands around her face, dropping to kiss her mouth. He moans, tasting himself on her lips and herself on her tongue. "Wait here," he pulls away, "I'll go get a cloth."
She flops back onto the bed, the ghost of a smile creeping its way onto her lips. She can hear the light switch in the bathroom being flicked on and the sound of the tap running before both are quickly turned off. The bed dips as Mason returns, running the warm cloth up and over her legs, and gently between her thighs.
"You did so good for me tonight," he whispers, dipping to kiss her belly. She shivers, trailing her fingers through the back of his hair. He keeps kissing up her body, cheekily flicking his tongue over her nipple, before stopping at her neck. "It wasn't too much, was it?" He asks, wiping the cloth against her cheek. "I didn't hurt you, or anything?"
She rolls onto her side, half straddling his thigh as he tosses the cloth and lies down. "No, Mason, you didn't hurt me," she shakes her head, caressing her hand over his chest. Her hand comes down to his Champion's League tattoo, tracing the bend of the dragon. "I think you love me too much to hurt me."
"I do," he agrees, circling his arm around her waist, "I love you so much, Y/N. Never forget that."
Football Taglist: @shanoontje @maseandkepa @theblxefox @blueathens  @ofxinnocence @mrschilly @geek-and-proud @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @thoseboysinblue @kickinganddriving @lizzypotter14 @bracedes @chilwellspulisic @notsoattractivearenti @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @masonsrem @landoslover @kathb59 @emcv1427 @afterpills @pulisicsgirl @ricciardhoe3
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someonegoood · 2 months
MY WHOLE LIFE pt. 1 ✫ mason mount
part 1, part 2, final part.
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in which you have a fat crush on your brother’s best friend, without getting much success. (brother’s best friends troop).
CONTAINS: brother’s best friend troop, angst & fluff ! age gap, arguments...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this is my first work here but anyways i hope you guys like it ! maybe I'll do a part 2...
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You watch proudly in his shirt as you clap in the game's first minutes, chanting while taking pictures of him.
The first half was pretty equal, with some shots from both teams but neither could score. You could see that Mason was getting nervous. He stopped his movements abruptly when the referee called for a corner and looked at the crowd, his eyes sparkling with tenseness.
He gazed down at where his family (and therefore also yours) was and licked his lips. You couldn't help but wonder what would your brother think of your little —huge— crush on his childhood best friend.
In the 34th minute, he passed the defenders and tried to score with a pass from Ben Chilwell, making the goalkeeper lose his balance and thus scoring.
You celebrated the goal screaming it to your brother's face and he couldn’t help but smile at you, happy that you were having a good time. Your cheeks were red after Mason approached the stands and celebrated the goal, dedicating a kiss to where you were.
And that was the effect that Mason Mount had on people, especially you.
Mason was your brother's best friend, you had known him for years. It was a stupid crush that all your friends grew out of but not you. You had to keep drooling every time he was near you, that being almost every day because your brother had him over to dinner nearly every night.
You remember the day the Mount family moved next to your house, a loud and proud British family— Debbie and Tony, Stacey, Lewis and Mason. The day after they had moved in, Debbie and Tony turned up outside your door, asking if your older brother was interested in playing football with Mason.
It didn’t take long for your brother to become close to Mason, both at the cusp of boyhood. Their friendship only bloomed from there.
After spending almost every weekend watching your brother and Mason training, to spending most afternoons around the Mount house playing, you felt like family.
You always found yourself drawn to the boy next door although he was away a lot of the time, playing different matches and training. Mason’s natural affinity and talent for the game, ensured the quality of his skills.
He was slightly older so no doubt he found you childish and would always moan when his parents made him spend time with you.
—Mom, not again! I don't want to play with her, she's boring! —Mason exclaimed with an expression of obvious annoyance on his face.
Mason's mother was the first to figure out your crush on the boy. She first noticed it when you joined the Mounts at a family dinner when you were around thirteen.
Both families were playing football, as usual, while the adults were preparing supper. When you had the ball you felt your body lean way too far back and Mason tried to act on impulse, stretching his body to catch you in time.
—Hold on to me! —Mason exclaimed, extending his arms towards you. However, the weight of the fall was too much, and in an instant, they were both on the grass, in some sort of mess.
—Mase, God, I'm so sorry! I dragged you with me! —you apologized, feeling the blood rise to your cheeks, turning them crimson red.
He brushed the grass off his jacket with an angry expression. —Well done. First minutes into the game and you're already annoying.
—Thanks for trying! —you laughed, shyly. When there was a long silence, you realized that Mason was not joking and was serious. —Sorry, I…
Debbie looked from afar at the little girl carefully while she kept her eyes glued to her son's. She watched her cute little cheeks tinted red as Mason scoffed and begged you to stay away from him.
Debbie would soon get used to it as she watched you fall in love with her son over the next few years.
Until your first boyfriend. An age difference of three years was not a big deal since it was a common factor among your friend's partners. You had recently turned sixteen years old and you thought that you had met the boy who could take you out of the charm that had her wrapped around Mase.
Lyon was older, he was eighteen years old, like Mason. You had met him at school on a spring afternoon. You walked through the school hallways, books clutched to your chest. A gust of wind caused some of the books to fly out of your hands, scattering them across the hallway floor.
Lyon was passing by and noticed the scene. He approached you with a smile and that is how the story started.
Your brother didn't approve of your new boyfriend. He knew that her sister just wanted to show his best friend that the age difference wasn't that important.
Being with Lyon was great at first. You knew that he was not the love of your life, but for the moment he seemed to play the role quite well, so that was fine with you. It was a Friday night and you and your brother were at a party at the house of one of your brother's friends.
You were downstairs in the kitchen while your friends watched you drink alcohol like there was no tomorrow. They realized something was bothering you, but decided not to mention it.
—Where is the lover boy anyway? —Spoke one of your friends.
Your lack of response was when they realized that Lyon was the reason for the sadness that was painted on their best friend's face. He abandoned you, once again. This seems routine, they thought.
You slammed your empty red glass against the kitchen counter, wiping the drip from your chin as you decided that was enough.
—I'll go look for him.
From the corner of the room, your brother wished you good luck and with courage, you stumbled through the party. The house was huge. Enormous windows covered the entire house. From the kitchen window you could see the river of lights going down to the beach.
And there he sat, on the stairs leading to the illuminated outdoor pool, Lyon. A thin blonde girl was sitting on his lap, probably older than you. She took the cigarette from Lyon's lips and placed it on top of her painted red lips.
Tears welled in your eyes as you returned to the house with your heels in hand. With all the bad luck in the world, as you returned, you heard in the background:
—Baby, relax. —You ignored your boyfriend's call as you made your way through the crowd to return to the kitchen, hoping that your brother was still there.
You made it to the kitchen before your boyfriend grabbed you by the back of your arm and pushed you against the kitchen island.
—Come on, I didn't even do anything—
—She was on your lap.
—It's not that serious, okay?—
—It's a big problem! I'm humiliated! —You shouted back, creating a scene you desperately wanted to avoid. Lyon's grip tightened around your arm as he tried to wriggle out of your grasp.
—Let go of me, you're hurting me. —That only made his grip tighten around your arms.
—Let her go, mate. —Your vision was too blurry to focus on what happened next, but you felt Lyon back away.
—Oh yeah?… and what are you going to do about it, Mount? —That's when the punches were thrown and Lyon was left hunched over holding his split lip. Your now ex-boyfriend was grabbed by someone else before he could lunge at who you assumed was your brother, but when you turned your head you saw Mason shaking your hand out of pain.
His knuckles were red and his eyes were darker than what you were used to.
—Let's go to the car. —Said Mason, you nodding your head. —Get in the car. —He said. His tone was strong, not what she was used to.
Still, the ride to your house was silent, you sitting in the front with Mase, while your brother passed out in the back seat. Faint English music played on the radio as Mason's eyes were firmly fixed on the road.
Mason finally spoke. —You really don't know how to choose them, don’t you? — You could only sob again, unable to answer him mainly because he was right and you were ashamed. When the car stopped, he unbuckled his seat belt and murmured that he would walk you to your door.
Mase rocked on his heels as he watched the moonlight highlight the tear-stained cheeks of his best friend's sister. He thought you looked beautiful that night even though you had been crying for the last half hour, your hair hadn't been brushed, and you were digging through your purse like crazy.
Although he would never admit it.
—I got them! —You laughed, waving your keys in the air before bumping your nose with the keychain. You paused as you pushed the key into the door, turning to look Mason in the eye for the first time since the party.
—Thank you. —Mason didn't want to hear it. You were just her best friend’s sister.
—It's no big deal. —
—No… really thank you, Mason. —you smiled and Mason listened too, mainly because it was probably the first time you had called him Mason and not Mase.
After a moment, you dropped your bag to the floor and wrapped your arms around the boy's waist, your head resting on his chest as he quickly moved his hand and rubbed your back.
—Just... make sure the next one isn't a complete idiot, yeah? —he whispered, his chin resting on the top of your head.
That sentence broke your poor little heart.
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errythinisblue · 2 years
maybe one where mason has been struggling alot? maybe he’s having a hard time at training and the start of the season hasn’t been working out how he wants it to so you surprise him at a game with his family and then you head home and have a takeaway for dinner and then cuddles on the couch leads to the softest most loving sex ever
This request was E V E R Y T H I N G, thank you so much for sending it to me! I loved writing it (and it shows judging how long it turned out!)! I really hope you’ll like it! 🤍
Mr Goalscorer
Mason Mount x Y/N
Summary: You love Mason with all your heart, and you’re set on demonstrating him that, both “on” and “off” the pitch.
Warnings: things get quite steamy at the end, you’ve been warned!
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gif credits to @packjoker
Each time the moment of international duty came, you weren’t really happy to let Mason go; the days you’d have to spend apart weighed on you very much and you’d miss him dearly while he was away. But this time you were happy to let him go, well kind of.
The season didn’t start in the best way for him at Chelsea, and that was taking a toll on him you could tell. He was so dedicated, always busy training and keeping himself in the best of shapes; but on his face you could read that he felt like everything he did still wasn’t enough.
Your feelings about the whole situation were confirmed one night, a little over a week ago, when Mason came home from training exhausted and didn’t speak a word to you until you begged him to. In that moment you saw him for what he really was, or what he was trying to be; he acted strong, as if nothing was wrong, but when he started talking to you, you discovered that in fact it was just an act. In reality he was pained about the situation at the club, pained that he wasn’t playing like he wanted to, and afraid there was nothing more he could offer to his team.
That same night, while he laid on the sofa with his head in your lap, you reminded him that he could always come to you when something was bothering him. That same night, the night before he was supposed to leave with the National Team, you pushed him to do his best, putting your feelings aside and just thinking about what he needed the most: trusting himself and his talent once again, something you were sure he could do while he was away, with the help of his teammates.
“Do you reckon he can spot us up here??” you anxiously asked Jaz, biting your nails both in fear that he couldn’t see you were all there, ending up with no surprise at all, and in nervousness for the game that was about to start.
“First thing, stop biting those poor nails! You look like my brother when you do it…” she laughed, always keeping her hand on her bump, “Second, we’re pretty close to the pitch so, he’s gonna spot us for sure, don’t worry… our surprise won’t be ruined!” she added, taking your hand in hers.
Jaz’ words seemed to have eased your nerves; you planned this surprise as soon as Mason left your home for Saint George’s Park, and you wanted everything to be perfect of course; you wanted Mason to know you always had his back, always. You didn’t tell him anything, but you and Tony made sure you got some nice seats, not far behind England’s bench, so that Mason could easily see you there and feel your full support.
“I hope you’re right!” you gently smiled at her, leaning your head on her shoulder while Summer sat in your lap and played with the rings on your fingers.
While you were busy playing with the little girl and talking to her mother about her pregnancy, the English players were taking the usual walk around the pitch before the game; people were slowly making their way to their seats, meaning the stadium was still empty, mostly, and quite silent too.
All of a sudden, as Summer saw his favourite uncle getting closer, she shouted at the top of her little lungs for him.
“Uncle Maceyyy!” she screamed as she jumped on your lap, waving at him with her arms.
“Shhh Summer!” Jaz shushed her daughter out of instinct, raising a finger to her own lips, “Uncle Mason doesn’t know we’re here, it’s a surprise!”
“No wait, let her,” Debbie said chuckling, “he has to know we’re here one way or another!”
Mason’s ears perked up upon hearing the echo of a little voice that sounded extremely familiar, and he turned around in a haste, trying to figure out where that voice was coming from; he was sure that his mind was playing tricks on him since he knew no one would be coming to the game that night, so he just shook his head and kept on walking with Ben by his side while they chatted about the match.
As they neared the sideline, Mason laughed at something his teammate said and casually threw his head back, the crinkles by his eyes visible from where you were seated; you smiled upon seeing him so relaxed, thinking that being with the boys at camp was doing him some good, before you turned your attention back to the little girl in your lap.
“That can’t be…” Mason whispered, a shocked expression on his face upon spotting some familiar faces.
“What?” Ben asked dumbfounded, looking in the same direction his friend was looking too, “Wait, y/n’s here?? Your family’s here?? But you told me they couldn’t attend the game?”
“Yeah that’s what I thought too…” he smiled as his eyes were contoured by the usual crinkles once again, as they settled on a precise spot on the stands.
“Well that’s a nice surprise man!” his friend said, patting him on his shoulder.
“Yeah…yeah it is…” Mason chuckled, his heart picking up its pace upon seeing you all there.
“Uhm girls… I think he saw us!” Debbie said out of the blue, pointing at Mason, who had his eyes fixed on all of his family, but just on one person in particular, you.
“Oh…” you breathed once you moved your gaze from Summer to Mason; your eyes locked in those warm brown ones you adored and your mind went blank, “Yeah… he definitely saw us!” you added as you raised your hand and waved at him, finally releasing the breath you didn’t even know you were holding up until that moment.
England vs Germany was a real rollercoaster of emotions! What started like a pretty dull game, ended up like a thrilling one in the second half: especially from the moment Mason was subbed on. He entered the pitch full of energy, and played wonderfully; he not only changed the way England was playing, he even scored a goal himself!
You jumped up and down with Summer in your arms, and you both screamed his name when you saw Mason running towards where you were standing, pointing at you while he celebrated his goal. That only made you want to hug him even more, as you were sure everything was going to be easier for him now.
The moment finally came, as you were waiting for him with his family. He sneaked up behind you and wrapped his strong arms around your waist, making you jump from the scare.
“Mase oh my God!” you laughed however, happy to be in his arms after all those days, even if he almost gave you a heart attack.
“Don’t you dare act surprised now!” he giggled, brushing his nose on the skin of your neck and inhaling your perfume that he missed so much, “I’m the one who should be surprised, why didn’t you tell me you were coming??” he almost whined, leaning his chin on the top of your head, eyes closed as he kept his arms firmly around your body while he relished in the feeling of being close to you once again.
“Because if she told you, it wouldn’t have been a surprise then, genius!” Lewis chided, sticking his tongue out at his little brother.
“Always the funny one you are…” he playfully rolled his eyes at him, “Hey where’s Summer??”
“Boo uncle Macey!!!” she jumped at his side, clinging to his right leg in an attempt to scare him.
“I saw you! You didn’t scare me missy!” Mason laughed, removing himself from you and giving his full attention to the little girl.
“That’s not true! You’re veeery scared!” She shook her head while her uncle took her in his arms, her little ponytails dancing in the air, “Very very scared!”
“Am I??”
“Yes you are!” you turned around to give support to the poor girl in Mason’s hold, “You jumped out of your skin! You can’t tell me otherwise!”
“Hey whose side are you on???” Mason whined, making puppy eyes at you.
“Summer’s of course!” you winked at him, before you high fived his niece, “Us girls gotta stick together!”
“Oh I see how it is!” Mason pouted, before he tickled the both of you, laughing uncontrollably, “You teamed up against me during the game, I saw you two from the pitch!”
The bickering went on under the stare of his family, all of them looking at you with their eyes full of love and their wide smiles; and just as if you felt their stares on you, you both turned around and resumed talking with them. You started from congratulating him on the goal, and went on talking about football and how the camp was this time, all of this while you went to your cars.
After you said your goodbyes to his family you walked to car, with Mason holding tightly on your hand, almost as if he was afraid you would vanish in the air if he let go.
“Give me the keys babe.” he asked while you were helping him putting his bags in the hood of your car.
“I thought I was driving?” you told him dumbfounded, closing the hood of the car before you reached for your car keys in your purse.
“I’m not letting you drive this late at night,” he tutted, his hand opened wide and waiting for the keys in front of you, “especially not with this traffic. Keys now.”
“Okay okay!” you playfully rolled your eyes at him, secretly loving how careful he always was with you, “Here are your keys Mr Goalscorer. Happy now?”
“Yes,” he smiled softly as he closed the space between the two of you, “but I’d be way happier if you’d give me a kiss. You still didn’t give me one.”
“Well I didn’t think it was appropriate to smooch your face in front of your family, Mase…”
“Since when do you care??” he frowned, his voice turning to that cute, whiny tone he always used with you, knowing full well you couldn’t resist it.
“I always care.” you sassed him, “But I just saw you score the hottest goal ever… so, you get why I didn’t think it was appropriate?”
“I think I do…” his signature smirk appeared on his face, before he lowered his face and pressed his lips to yours, “Let’s go home yeah?”
“I thought you’d never ask…”
“Do you wanna order some take out on our way home?” Mason asked while he was reversing and driving out of the Red Parking, his free hand going instinctively on your right thigh.
“I don’t really feel like cooking right now so…” you said as you leaned your head against the headrest, turning to your right to look at your boyfriend, “Why not?”
“What are you in the mood for?” he looked in both directions as he made his way out of the car park, while the answer to his question appeared right in front of your eyes.
“I’d really like some Wagamama you know?” you jumped in your seat at the sight, pointing with your finger at the restaurant.
“You really can’t resist it, can you??” he chuckled at your enthusiasm, “Here, take my phone and order what you want, in that way we won’t have to wait too long for it to be delivered once we’re home…” he added, giving you his phone to do so.
“Fine,” you happily grinned at him, searching in the menu for the best option, “uhm what do I order for you??”
“I trust you with that decision,” he told you as his eyes were glued on the road in front of him, “just, nothing too spicy please… I’d like something more on the sweet side tonight…”
“Okay, nothing too spicy…” you spoke while you scrolled on his phone until you found the perfect dish for him, “I’ve got it! I’m done!”
“Good job babe,” he squeezed your thigh softly, “I can’t wait to be home now…”
“Yeah me too,” you sighed, your thumb brushing over the back of his hand, “I just want to eat our food on our sofa, in front of the tv and share all the cuddles in the world… you know, make up for lost time…”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking about,” he said, “I missed you while I was away…” he raised your now intertwined hands and kissed each and every one of your knuckles.
“I missed you too Mase…” you tightened the hold on his hand while he kissed it, carefully turning around and placing a lingering kiss on his jaw.
“Babe the food has arrived!” Mason called you from downstairs as soon as he closed the front door.
“I’m down in a minute!”
“Hurry up or it’s gonna get cold!” he warned as he carefully put the food on the coffee table, right in front of the sofa.
“Oh my God I could smell it from upstairs, I’m so hungry!” you hummed as soon as you sat down next to him, smelling the food from up close this time.
“You weren’t joking when you said you were gonna wear your pjs!” Mason laughed as he looked at you.
“Can you blame me? I want to be as comfortable as possible!” you explained, “Plus, in that way you can carry me to bed if I fall asleep, and I won’t have to wake up to change my clothes.”
“Just make sure you’re not cold babe,” he joked as he admired the smooth skin that was left uncovered by your silky pjs, “I don’t want your icy feet on me tonight…”
“I’ve got you to keep me warm,” you winked at him before you took your food from the table and leaned your back against the soft cushions, throwing your naked legs on his lap and earning a playful glare from him, “we still have to share all the cuddles in the world remember??”
“How can I forget?” he softly smiled, glad he was back home with you.
In between laughter and chats about the highlights of the game you were watching on tv, you quickly finished your food, just as quickly as you found yourself cuddled up, snug and cozy against Mason’s chest.
“I missed you so much Mason…” you murmured, leaning your head on his shoulder and closing even more the space between the two of you by placing your lips on the soft skin of his neck.
“Is that so?” he smirked before he placed his lips on your forehead, “Because you didn’t mention it to me when I called you, not even once…”
“I didn’t want to be a distraction…” you whined, gently biting on his skin and making him hiss, “You had to keep your mind on football, I didn’t want to be in the way!”
“You’d never be a distraction baby…” he whispered against your temple, pressing a loving kiss to it, “Well, not an unpleasant one…”
“That’s a bit of a contradiction, Mase…”
“Come here…” he instructed as the hand that was caressing your back moved to your hip. He helped you sit in his lap, well he helped you straddling him as your thighs were on both sides of his hips, his hands on them and yours on his face, caressing his beard while you waited for him to talk, “You make me feel good, you bring my feet back on the ground, and if this means I’ll get distracted then so be it… but you’re so much more than just a distraction, you’re my motivation, you’re what keeps me going… and I love you so much for this.”
“I love you too…” you whispered, almost out of breath upon hearing his sweet words.
“I mean every word I said babe,” he looked at you, deep into your eyes, while his thumbs went under the top of your pjs, touching the smooth skin of your tummy that was hidden from it, “you pushed me to do my best, to be confident again, and today I even got to score a goal! It was all thanks to you and the trust you have in me…”
“No chance,” you shushed him with your finger, “you scored because you’re talented Mase, not because of me, I didn’t do anything… it was all on you Mr Goalscorer…” you teased him once again with the nickname.
“You were there, and that’s everything that counts for me…” his voice dropped as his stare was burning into your eyes.
You could feel your faces gravitating towards each other’s, your breathing getting shorter by the minute, your lips grazing until they collided.
What started off as a loving, gentle kiss, turned into a heated one in the blink of an eye; Mason’s hands were cupping your face as he deepened the kiss; your tongues were fighting for dominance as if you were trying to battle on who missed the other more through a kiss.
Your hands started to move from his chest, up to his neck and in his hair, tugging at the short strands as if you wanted to keep him as close as possible.
“Take me to bed, Mase…” you breathed in his ear, hearing him groan back at your request.
“You wanna go to sleep?” he smirked, moving his hands from your waist to your butt and giving it a firm squeeze.
“Sleep is the last thing on my mind right now, honestly.” you bit your lip as the feeling of him getting hard under you was more than enough to keep you fully awake.
“And tell me, what’s on your mind then my love?”
“You.” you said, lowering your face towards his once again before you kissed the corner of his lips and rolled your hips down on his to create some sort of friction that you both were now so needy for.
“I love you…” Mason whispered as he held you tightly against his body.
“I love you too…”
“I gotta have you…” the neediness in his voice was more evident with each second that he was holding you; the close contact between your bodies igniting a fire deep within him, one that he couldn’t control any more.
“I’m not stopping you baby…”
“Hold on tight,” he instructed as his hands were now firmly placed under your butt, “I’m gonna take care of you…”
And he did, he carried you to bed while you just enjoyed the warmth that was radiating off his body; he never stopped leaving small kisses on your exposed shoulder, not even while he walked upstairs with your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He whispered sweet, loving words into your ear that had you giggling from the happiness you were feeling just from having him home once again.
In between laughter, he gently lowered your body on the bed before he erupted in a fit of giggles once he understood you wouldn’t let him go, not even to get undressed.
“I’m not going anywhere…” he chuckled in your neck, nipping carefully on your skin.
“Good, because I don’t want you to.”
“But you have to let me pleasure you babe…” he said as he pressed his body down on yours, eliciting a moan from you.
“I want to make you feel good Mase…” you whined, raising your hips up to meet the slow rolling of his.
“You will, once I’m done with you…” he growled. His pupils were slowly dilating, he was famished for you, and his hunger was quickly making an appearance.
“Please Mason…”
“Please what?”
“I need you…” you breathed, “Please…”
“Where do you need me?” he whispered against your lips. His hand sneaked its way under your silky shorts, and he groaned when he felt how wet you already were for him, “You want me inside you?”
“Yes… please…” your breathing was getting laboured just from the touch of his fingers, “Oh fuck…” your head rolled back into the pillows as Mason’s eyes couldn’t part from the blissful expression painted on your face while he slipped one, then two fingers inside of you.
“I missed this baby,” he rasped, clearly getting more aroused by watching you, “I missed seeing you like this, all mine.”
“Fuck Mase I want more… I need more…” you wrapped your hand around his wrist, the feeling of his fingers inside you doing very little to satiate your need for him.
He stopped his movements, leaving his fingers inside of you while he kissed you fiercely. You bit down on his lower lip, hoping that it would help his resolution crumble, and it did.
He got off the bed but his eyes were still glued to you; his chest was rising and falling harshly, as he was trying to slow his breathing. His hands made quick work of removing his t-shirt, before he kicked off his trousers. He kneeled on the bed once again, unable to keep himself from kissing you any longer.
“You’re so beautiful…” he said in between kisses, “I’m so lucky to have you…” those words were escaping his mouth as he slowly undressed you, starting from your top, and then taking off your shorts.
He stared at you as he sat back on his heels: your naked body, sprawled in front of him, just for his eyes, called him in.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” you blushed under his gaze, “Mase?” you chuckled as he didn’t have it in him to answer your question, he was too busy admiring you.
“You’re perfect,” he breathed as you were now kneeling on the bed in front of him, “I missed this… I know it wasn’t that long of a time but still-”
“Kiss me.” you blurted out. You placed your hands on his chest; your fingers caressed the warm skin on his collarbones and they slowly traced their way up his neck and into his hair while he hungrily put his mouth on yours.
Those words were all he needed to snap out of his trance, because as soon as his lips touched yours he was all over you. His hands moved on your body as if they followed a precise path: they gently touched your face, your jaw, and with each stroke of his tongue on yours they went lower, down to your boobs, grazing your ribcage and earning a whimper directly in his mouth.
As he heard the sounds you were making, he sat back on the bed, wrapping his arms around your middle and bringing you to straddle him once again, just with little to no clothes this time.
Mason’s lips never parted from yours, not when he freed his cock from his Calvin’s, not when he lowered your body enough to slip it inside of you.
“Fuck Mase…” you silently moaned as he stretched you out.
“Oh God… you’re so tight baby,” he groaned, with his mouth still on yours, “I don’t know how I am gonna resist you…”
“Don’t…” you moaned, “I want you to fuck me Mason please...”
“Shhh baby,” he smirked, before he had to bit down on his lower lip to suppress a moan after a particularly deep roll of your hips, “I don’t want to rush things… I want to take my time with you…”
You could only moan back at his words, as Mason was making it really hard for you to form a simple word with the movement of his hips under you. His hands were slowly moving you over him, in a teasing rhythm that had you both whimpering in pleasure.
“You don’t know how much I love you…” Mason groaned in your neck while he helped your movements as he squeezed your butt, “Fuck, you feel so good…”
“I love you more…” you murmured in his ear, out of breath from how deep he was inside of you.
You let your hands slide from his hair to his back, right between his shoulder blades as you pushed his chest closer to yours. Your nails grazed his skin, making him hiss as his hips stilled at the sensation.
“Jesus baby,” he rasped, looking into your eyes with his black pools of desire, “you’re making me go crazy, fuck…” his strangled moan came out against the skin of your shoulder, while he was biting down on it.
“Do it again…”
“You want me to bite you?” Mason smirked up at you as you nodded, while his right hand tangled in your hair as he pulled on them; he had your neck on full display for him, a white canva that waited to be painted by his teeth.
His intention was never to hurt you of course, and it showed in the careful way he let your body down on the bed while he now hovered over you.
He was quick in entering you again, his dick twitching inside of you upon seeing the lust painted on your face. This time he wasn’t holding back, he wanted to let go, and for you to let go with him, under him, at his mercy. He knew you loved it like that.
“Am I fucking you good enough now babygirl?” he groaned as he could feel your nails on his skin once again.
“Yes…” you moaned, wrapping your legs around his hips and keeping him as close to you as possible, “you fuck me so good Mase…”
“Say it again.” he whimpered as he pounded into you, chasing both of your highs.
“Oh fuck Mason…” you whined as you could feel yourself getting closer to the edge under Mason’s thrusts.
“I love it when you moan my name baby…”
“I love you,” you said out of breath, your arms wrapping around his neck, your hands in his hair once again, “I love you so much…”
“I love you more…” he said as he stared down at you, “…so much more.”
He leaned his forehead against yours, as he whispered sweet words to you. The image you had in front of your eyes was one you wished you could keep in your mind forever: his eyes were full of lust, eyelids half closed as he was trying to not let go and cum right there and then; his parted, red lips were so inviting you had to resist every urge to kiss them as you were too busy taking him in; the muscles in his neck, in his shoulders, in his chest were contracting and relaxing under the fast rhythm of his hips.
“Like what you see?” he smirked as he took your lower lip between his teeth, igniting an even bigger fire inside of you, “You can’t lie, I can feel you clenching down on me baby…”
“I’m so close Mase, so so close…”
“Me too baby,” he brushed his lips on yours again, teasing you, “I’m right here with you…”
“Oh fuck!” you moaned as you felt his fingers drawing circles on your clit, giving your body the final jolt it needed to fall over the edge.
Your knuckles turned white as you tugged on the sheets at your sides; you missed this, the ecstatic feeling only Mason could provide you with. You missed Mason, and that was no secret.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you baby…” Mason groaned, caressing your face as he let go, finishing inside of you, “fuck… oh fuck I love you…”
After you both came down from your highs, you took a moment to just lay there in your tangle of limbs; the weight of Mason, that was still laying on top of you fully spent after the game and after your reunion, was comforting you, telling you he was back in your arms.
“Am I crushing you?” he asked out of the blue.
“Nothing I can’t handle…” you giggled.
“I think I’m too tired to move…” he confessed with his adorable, sleepy voice.
“Don’t move then…”
“I don’t wanna hurt you…” he said as he slowly removed himself from you, “C’mere now.” he pouted as he pulled you into his chest, already regretting having to separate your naked bodies.
“I’m not going anywhere that’s not close to you Mase…” you whispered in his ear, as you watched his eyes already falling shut after the intense day, “or should I say Mr Goalscorer?”
He chuckled, already half asleep, wrapping his arms tighter around your body, as he hid his face in your neck, where sleep finally found him.
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pacifierbby · 7 months
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Imagine Mason smiling at you like this 😍 💕
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i9messi · 11 months
Hello can i request with Mason?👀
Mase living his dream, with the reader ( she was his childhood crush, she’s a singer/actress) now they attend the same red carpet and he ask for her number and they get to know eachother
Celebrity crush — Mason Mount
Word count — 931
mason's masterlist
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Mason had been invited to an award show, it wasn't the typical place he usually felt comfortable, but still liked to live a new experience. He had been standing in front of some of the cameras pointing in his direction when he heard the photographers shouting your well-known name. His eyes caught you in the crowd. It was you. His biggest crush. The same person who had captivated him since he had first seen you on TV.
Mason had seen you acting since he was a kid and you were the same age as him, and yet, despite being ten years old, he had fallen in love with you. As time went on, you stopped being a little girl, to become a teenager. And Mason was still in love with you. In the present, you were no longer a teenager, you were now a woman. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen. And you were standing just a few feet away, the closest you’d ever been.
The footballer could feel his heart rate begin to change when you walk through the red carpet, as if it belonged to you. Well, for Mason everyone and everything around him ceased to exist. You were his center of attention, the mirrorball that shone among all those people. And maybe it was the feeling of being seen so intensely, that made you turn to look at him.
You smiled at Mason. The moment seemed to last an eternity, in which the two looked at each other with curiosity.
"Are you okay, Mount?"
Mason finally came to his senses and looked at the man asking him that question. Some of the photographers had noticed the way the player had been standing there staring at you, even some of them had taken some pictures of his reaction. It wouldn’t take long to get those photos circulated around everywhere on social media.
"She looks so beautiful, doesn't she?" asked a member of the press and Mason didn’t even hide the way you made him feel.
"She is beautiful, mate."
However, once the gala started, he took a seat and his eyes found you again among all the lights. For the second time in the night, you also felt the weight of his gaze and decided to wink at him. The moment was interrupted when they announced the category in which you were nominated. Your face seemed to change suddenly, you were nervous about the result.
"And the award for best supporting actress goes to…"
Mason was hoping you’d get the award, wanted to see you smile and get on stage. His eyes closed for a moment waiting to hear your name come out of the presenter’s lips and when the man shouted your name, he saw you rise from your seat, unable to believe it.
He saw you again at the after party. The Brit was ordering a drink, when you suddenly appeared at his side.
"Hi, I’ve seen you before and haven’t had a chance to talk to you, Mason."
His name coming out of your lips nearly choked on the beer he was drinking. The man felt like he was a second away from verbally throwing up how much he admired you. Mason took a breath and calmed his heart,
"Congratulations on winning the award today, I knew you’d make it."
"Thank you, have you seen the movie or are you just being nice?"
Your question was genuine. Mason seemed like an interesting man to you and you hadn’t hesitated to approach him to have a conversation and see if you shared anything in common. During the awards ceremony you had been scared and nervous enough to be able to talk to someone, but now that all the emotional charge had left your body, you were eager to meet him. And to be honest, the looks the footballer had given you had been a little obvious. He caught your attention from the very first moment your eyes met.
"Well, to be honest, I’ve seen your movie more times than it’s normal to admit."
"Really? How many times?"
"I’m not going to say it, it’s embarrassing. You’ll think I’m a weird dude."
"Oh, come on. Tell me, I promise not to judge you."
Mason sighed and finally spoke, "Seven times."
"Wow, that’s a lot."
You let out a laugh. Mason ran his hand through his hair and looked at you. Were you always this pretty or were you even prettier today because of those lights and the happiness in the atmosphere?
"Well, now it is your turn to think I’m a weirdo. I'm a fan of yours."
"Stop, you’re lying."
Mason was internally screaming. His childhood crush, his celebrity crush, was saying that was his fan. It was something he was going to talk about for the rest of his days.
"I’m not lying, it’s the truth. I still haven’t been able to go in person to see you play, but I always watch the matches on TV."
Mason had an amazing idea.
"I’ll invite you to the next match, give me your number and I’ll get you free tickets."
You smiled, you didn’t need free tickets, but you were never gonna refuse to have Mason Mount’s number in your contacts. So when you started typing your number on his cell phone and you looked at him again, everything changed.
"Would you like to hang out?" you asked, expectant of his answer.
Mason smiled.
"Are you free now? I’m a little bored of this party."
That night, you went home with a trophy and Mason Mount.
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pedrithink · 1 year
the other woman ✩ mason mount
summary: you will be always the other woman to some fans, but for mason you are the only one.
faceclaim: dina denoire
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Liked by masonmount, judebellingham, and 45.012 others
ynusername dinner with handsome 🤍
View all 447 comments
masonmount always love to be around you.
ynusername @masonmount same 💕
judebellingham W COUPLE
ynusername @judebellingham heyyyyyy boy miss you
user1 chloe >>>>>> y/n
user2 i really don’t know what mason saw in her
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Liked by masonmount, declanrice, and 47.662 others
ynusername the perfect summer
View all 513 comments
masonmount it’s always perfect when i am with you!!
ynusername @masonmount love you, mase.
declanrice how much i miss this lad… 😪😕🙁☹️😣😖
ynusername @declanrice he misses u too, A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
masonmount @declanrice can’t even explain how i love you, man. 😢
user3 chloe would have put mason's photo first 🧐
user4 it's crazy how she always shows that she only wants mason's fame 😬
user5 @user4 or maybe she’s just posting a picture of her boyfriend…? you guys are sick
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Liked by masonmount, joaofelix79, and 31.237 others
ynusername my only love.
View all 337 comments
masonmount so pretty, literal angel.
liked by ynusername and others
judebellingham amazing guy with an incredible girl, you guys deserve each other!! 🙏🏻
ynusername @judebellingham ❤️
user6 she puts mason in all her pictures because she knows that without him she won't get any likes
user7 how can mason have dropped so low after he and chloe broke up?
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ynusername has added to their story
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ynusername has added to their story
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ynusername has added to their story
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Liked by ynusername, judebellingham, and 1.543.726 others
masonmount i don't care what people think or say about you and our relationship. i am the happiest man in the world to have you and to be able to call you my girlfriend, i love you immeasurably and i hope one day to see you walk into the church and say ‘yes’ to spend the rest of your life by my side.
View all 4.005 comments
ynusername i love you. so much.
user8 they love esch other so much :(
user9 i hope that now people understand that she is the one he loves
user10 i love this couple so much
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charlottemount · 1 year
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