Minding your own business is an art one that i've mastered. I suggest you try learning how to do that, so you too can do that and stay the fuck out of mine.
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chipsy · 2 months
I am mastering the art to be silent even though there's a lot to be said.
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frommyfavoritebooks · 6 months
what inner peace really is: the understanding that no matter what is happening around you, there is a place of total knowing and calmness within you.
- the mountain is you, brianna weist
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Mastering Chris Evans
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Eric Micheal Lance is an old past submissive I just happen to see on the road to see on the road one day walking with Tom on the street.
I find myself in shock as I can feel his hand land on my arm when I pass him on purpose he pulls me back into the alley way and blocks Tom.
Tom fumes waving his hand at me while Eric continues to hold him off and shoves a bin from the restaurant at the exit door of the alley way.
Eric Michael pins me to the wall covering my body with his holding me in place with his his stalling me and stares deeply into my eyes.
He leans into kiss me slowly in a very sexy kind of movement, I can feel his hot heavy breath in my nose and he kisses me a bit tenderly.
I grab hold of his jacket collar yanking it into the wall with a rare force looking in to his weak eyes betraying his muscular body weighing on me.
I knew this is a momentous activity I could not let go of, each of his hands on to his face his left then his right and grabbing his face tightly.
Eric could not even attempt to move, make an escape or fight me when I take hold of both waist yanking him to my side and we kiss leading him down. He falls faint off of his balance dropping to floor his body begins to change.
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“Eric! Wake up ! Get up now!” I say slapping his face a bit getting his attention back on me.
“Yyyyeeeesss! I feel so groggy!” He states a hand on his forehead.
“Because I am in control of your soul!” I add kneeling in front of him.
“What the fuck? Why did you do that to me?” He questions me.
“You pinned me to the wall, so hard pressed to have me.” I remind him.
“It’s true! I am weak” he continues his eyes dart down.
“Oh! I am aware”
“Yes Master!”
“Face me!”
“Take me as yours please”
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“Who am I? Why do I feel differently?”
“Is that me?”
“A million and one answers to that”
“You once promised me “
“I don’t know…I can’t “
“Help me”
“Fuck off!”
“Please “
“Give in”
“Wait! What?”
“The void”
“Yyeeesss…must jump”
“Take one more step”
“A leap faith”
“I’m ready”
“You are Chris Evans”
“A actor “
“Reprogramming at three”
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“Hello! I am Chris Evans”
“Watch this video “
“Sir Yes Sir”
The end
Mastering Hemsworth Brothers
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@Mctf21 is someone I know very well with a little bit effort I help him by getting someone to pay for a trip for him to Australia with a huge surprise waiting for him.
The door pulls open he walks onto the stair case he descends down the staircase to a shock he cannot believe his eyes as a hot guy waves at him.
The closer he gets the man’s image burns on to his eyes even brighter because it is his crush Chris Hemsworth posing down where he is.
Chris eyes sparkle a bit through his eyes it shocks him making @MCTF21 cocks springs up pushing outward of his pants the pang of pain imminent.
Hitting the bottom of the stairs his right foot touches the ground Chris grabs onto his waist guiding him to the side of the room kissing him.
Mr. Hemsworth smirks taking his hand and leads him to his limousine parked outside to carry them to the hotel room preparing him for the day.
“We are alone finally!”
“I cannot believe this”
“Ok shut down”
“This is a clone essentially “
“He is all yours”
“You can do as you like with him”
“No baggage “
“No family or kids”
“And there is much more “
“The real Chris Hemsworth and his family”
“What did you do with them?”
“I can’t tell you all the details let’s say they are essentially on witness protection.”
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“Are you kidding me?”
“Zip it! “
“Do you want Liam and Luke as well?”
“Yes or no?”
“They love you too”
“They want you”
“You own them”
“Show them control”
“Show then disdain”
“Make them a bitch”
“Love them”
“Then fuck them”
“Ok then”
“I’m in”
“Excellent! Guys come in”
“All three of you “
“Immediately “
“Yes Sire”
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The end
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elixir · 3 months
Mastering is so much more fun than mixing IMO. It's a lot more fulfilling bringing out the details and the meat of a track than trying to balance/gel a mix. (esp when you receive a track to mix that has no regards for the frequency spectrum/arranging. kill me. now)
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wayti-blog · 11 months
Each truth you learn will be, for you, as new as if it had never been written.
ancient egyptian proverb
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I know I can’t be the only one who feels weird about the whole Taylor Swift Version thing with some of her songs/albums? I’m no TS fan and get wanting to re-record or do something else with a previously released song, like it’s not that uncommon to find the word “remastered” on some tracks/albums/etc, but from what I've gathered, it's coming across very much like TS wasn't aware that she wouldn't own the rights to the mastering or the recording and that she would only own the rights to the lyrics if she wrote the songs and the vocals by going to a recording studio to put it simply? If you don't know much about releasing songs, I get that you're not necessarily going to understand the ins and outs of it, I definitely didn't a few years ago, and I'm aware she was kinda young when she started out so I get why at the time she wouldn't know, but she's been in the industry long enough to understand that she wasn't the one who recorded or mastered those things before the Taylor version?
Like I said, I'm no TS fan and this is coming from an outsiders perspective but it seems almost bratty. I get that there were apparently some things going on which is apparently why she did the Taylor Versions of albums, but at the same time there seems to be something else that I can't quite place my finger on. I saw a post on instagram about how TS sent Kelly Clarkson flowers and the vast majority of the comments was basically along the lines of women supporting women and women empowering women predominantly by what I can only assume are TS fans and it felt very weird. I don't mind some of her songs, it just doesn't sit right with me about the way her and her fans (at least the hard core fans) are going about the recording and remastering thing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing either of those things, but it's just the stuff surrounding it that doesn't sit right with me
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089dj · 12 days
Die besten Software-Tools für DJs und Musikproduzenten
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Software Tools – DJs und Musikproduzenten – In der dynamischen Welt der Musikproduktion und DJing spielen Software-Tools eine entscheidende Rolle. Sie ermöglichen es Künstlern, ihre Kreativität voll auszuschöpfen, komplexe Tracks zu erstellen und nahtlose Mixe zu gestalten. Ob du ein aufstrebender DJ oder ein erfahrener Musikproduzent bist, die richtigen Tools…
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masoud-jamshidi1 · 23 days
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masteringanalogico · 2 months
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theaudiophileman · 4 months
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doll-days · 1 year
So, this post was a banger.
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Thank you all so much for that, I genuinely appreciate it. 🫶
However, there is something I’d like to add that’s kind of a misconception in the vocal synth community BUT still relates to the original post:
I’m feel that people reading this will have no idea what “mixing/mastering” even is, but basically, it’s like the icing on a cake; it binds everything together & makes it complete.
If you listen to some songs & their remastered versions, you’ll hear it! My favourite example is Way Deeper Down by The Stupendium.
Anyways, the relevance mixing/mastering has to the original post is because some people lump mixing Vocaloid songs with tuning them. Honestly, I thought that too! Sometimes I go back to thinking that, like in the original post I made.
So, I’d like to make a small correction:
It’s not just tuning that matches the instruments, but also the mixing/mastering (since that does tie everything together).
Another audio example here, but listen to how DECO*27 mixes needLe versus their cover of God-ish:
Obviously, mixing is perceptive, so when I say that DECO*27’s tuning style makes the vocals sound more bombastic (which fits with their instrumentation style), that’s just my opinion.
I mean, I thought that my IDSMILE cover was mixed well (it’s not). I get shudders listening to it (not really, but exaggeration feels necessary).
ANYWAYS, I’m very autistic & should probably stop talking about this subject before this post becomes way too long. Uhh thanks for reading, I guess??
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sdws · 1 year
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Beautiful Moments shooting pianist Olivia Belli and her team at the wonderful Galaxy Studios
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Mastering Tom Hardy
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I met this guy who for some reason reminds me of Tom Hardy I mean he is not a exact copy or clone by any stretch of imagination but he could be everything and more with my help.
Obviously it is not all that promising with his weight six foot and two hundred pounds of fat that need to be chiseled down to a nice fit body I could admire and show off to the world.
He picks me up by my house I think deeply in all seriousness to myself who our image is crafted so well without us even knowing it often we give up or we fight but to no avail it has to stop.
We drive off to his apartment with my mind drifting to his processing as we speak I am happily able to admit my one imperfections is driving me to make him perfect just for me.
He uses one of this light bulbs with a blue tinted light for one reason or the other I don’t ask him because I am more focused on the image I want from him even though
I feel bad partly.
He is smiling back at me causing me to feel good yet my insecurities over take me i am the worthy one here and that is to all people dominate come in all types as well as subs so there.
“Come here Al! Kneel In between my legs yes right now, be a good boi for me so you can listen carefully and hear me.” I forcefully push him down.
“Guide your eyes towards the mirror you see that beautiful spiral in the midst of the clear middle of it you can’t look away or around it.” I firmly state.”
“All you can do it stare, surrender, and open up your mind to me like a sponge does go soak all the liquid it submerges into you will do with the knowledge I impart.” I command.
“Fall into the void Alex, drop into the glowing beautiful white and black spiral it’s wide and welcoming like the ocean calling into you.” I tell him.
“No hesitation, no resistance, no fighting it is strong like a electrical current running from within you.”I add on more visuals.
“My voice is the overseer constantly propels you forward in to the breach you are prey to me.” I command.
I leave him lost in the spiral spread on the mirror his mouth left wide and agape with a stupefied expression covers his face as the drool rolls out.
His body gives in collapsing on the couch his head first all according to plan his mind I slowly deteriorating one level at a time to he is nothing but clay.
“Subconscious is ready.” He states sloppy sound more like a drawl alerting me to the next stage.
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Quickly I walk over to him tapping the back of his shoulder he lifts upward on his knees his back stands straight up.
Cupping his chin i rush him onto his feet and guide him to face the mirror, my back turns to grab a chair I place behind him and tap his forehead.
He falls back onto the chair finding himself in the spiral now poor guy his brain is like a ticking time bomb now.
Kneeling over I bend down to whisper in his ear.” Subconscious, you are crumbling into the abyss.”
“You are empty, void of anything.”
“At the count of thirty Alexander no longer exist.”
“One hear me and only me…two no only my voice….three slip away in to the lights of freedom.”
“Four I am all you can think about….five I am all you want…six feels so good to be free”
“Seven freedom is slavery…eight Alexander is no more…eight you are my property”
“Ten you have all of Alexander’s mind to draw from…eleven you are a blank slate…twelve your name is Tom Hardy.”
“Thirteen you are my personal life long piece of property….fourteen you are my personal bank account…fifteen I am your God.”
“Sixteen hold on to me…seventeen you can’t ever lose me….eighteen my will is yours.”
“Nineteen you exits for me…..twenty I am the one who created you…twenty one you
depend on me.”
“Twenty two you call me Daddy…twenty three you no despite my age I am your dad…twenty four you long to please me.”
“Twenty five I am your endgame…twenty six you do everything for me…twenty seven I am your everything.”
“Twenty eight…surrender to my power…twenty nine completely collapse and thirty initiate reprogramming.”
“Initiating complete shut down…..processing
“Entering factory settings”
“He will be transformed in eight hours”
“I’ll wait”
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The end
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musicjpn · 4 months
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エラーチェック中🩻 まだまだDDPは無くならないぞ。💿
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wayti-blog · 1 year
truth be told, real truth needs to be lived, felt and realised
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