#max gifs
dreamauri · 1 day
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♪ — 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦 𝗥𝗢𝗖𝗞 - part seven max verstappen x fem! driver! reader (fluff) “. . . this is what they call: puppy love.”
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2024 Australian Grand Prix -> Thursday: press conference
"Yeah?" Max whispered, leaning down when you waved him closer so you could whisper in his ear. You cupped his ear so the audience of reporters on the other side of the conference room couldn't lip read. 
"Can you get me a Red Bull, please?" Maybe Max is the one who needed to lip read because he is sure what he heard was not correct since there's no way you just asked for a Red Bull.
He gave you a confused look, before leaning down again. The other drivers talking on the microphone must have made him mishear. "I don't like coffee and we're out of tea. Can you get me a Red Bull? Please?" Max pulled away looking at you even more confused and lost. You stuck your bottom lip out in plead. Max pretended to think for a second, scratching his neck and raising his eyebrow in question and thought.
"What flavour?" He asked quietly.
"Blueberry." You whispered back, a smile lighting up your face. Max felt himself smile upon seeing your smile, going back to looking at the reporters with a proud smile despite them not knowing what he was proud about.
Logan Sergeant who was sitting on your other side noticed. "Blueberries?" he asked, confused from the missing context. You nodded, leaning closer so you could whisper in his ear. From across the couch, Charles felt jealous at the sight of Logan blushing and smiling shyly at the touch of your hand cupping his ear.
"Do you want one too?" you asked before pulling away. The blond tried to suppress his smile, thinking for a moment before shrugging and nodding, not seeing any harm. "Which flavour?"
"Blueberry." he nodded and you nodded back before turning back to Max who automatically leaned down for you to whisper.
Charles huffed lightly at the sight of you and the dutch laughing between yourselves. The Monegasque was clearly displeased that he was left out. He'd arrived at the conference room two seconds late, losing the only other vacant seat beside you to the American blondie and his Dutch Childhood Rival.
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"At the beginning of last year, you guys posted 'my first day' photos. Do you think anything from your list has changed since last year?"
You found yourself blinking confused, bringing your mic to your mouth, but no words leaving from utter confusion.
"She wasn't here last year." Max chuckled, pointing his thumb to the girl sitting beside him. 
You chuckled shyly, "I don't think my brain is here with us today, I'm sorry. I understood nothing."
The conductor of the conference didn't hesitate to start explaining and describing the photos the drivers posted. Max on the other hand wiped out his phone and showed you. "Ohhh, yeah that makes sense now." you chuckled, gently taking Max's phone to see. "He's lying though. Max is lying. He does have a hype song." you pointed to the blond cheekily.
Max gave you an unimpressed look, and you shrugged in innocence as the other drivers started commenting on their changes. "What about you Yn? What do you think you would've written?"
You pursed your lips for a second, racking through your brain for possible answers. Max had unlocked his phone again for you to see what the questions were. "Well, it's obviously my first year in F1, if it counts as a year per se? I'm still from Spain. My favourite food . . . well I'd say burgers. I love burgers. Especially if the patty has cheese- is like cheese stuffed." you shrugged making the American smile and chuckle as he looked at you. "I just don't like the bread."
"As for my hype song I'll go with . . . I have no idea." You laughed sheepishly. 
"See!" Max protested loudly, nudging you playfully. "Then you get angry at me for not picking something." The blond couldn't hold his smile as you pushed him back and he did again. 
"Fein by Travis Scott." You stuck your tongue out at him.
"Thank you, drivers."
"Wait, she's missing one-" Max cut off, holding his finger up in wait. "Yn, what are you going to do this year?" Max asked with a smile, holding up his mic for you. You smile at him glancing at the sea of reporters, 
"Maybe steal a win?" You joke making a few people around the room laugh. "I know that would be very difficult, but I'd like to at least share another podium with Max and Charles, Lando and Nando too." You laughed lightly. "I've also made new friends who I know I'd enjoy a podium with."
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2024 Australian Grand Prix -> Friday
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Standing around the media pen after a long driving session wasn't one of your favourite things. Your body was tired and so were you, feeling like you could nod off and get away with sleeping if the press officer wasn't talking your ear out about what to say about the incident in FP2.
"Señor y salvador." [lord and saviour] You mumbled as the dutch driver approached you with his bottle you could only hope was filled with his endless Red Bull supply. "Bendiga tu alma." [bless your soul] You praise him as you take (more like steal) his bottle for a long sip. Max finds himself chuckling, feeling a small blush creep on cheeks with how comfortable you were drinking from his bottle. He gently placed his hand on the small of your back to guide you out of the way of the preparing reporters.
"I saw what happened in FP2, you're not hurt or anything right?" Max asked, not surprised when Lando inserted himself in the conversation. 
"Yn? Hurt? More like she's the one doing the damage" You glance between the two as you continue to drink from the hollow straw, taking big gulps.
"What is that? Vodka?" Lando scrunched his eyes at the bottle you were hungrily swallowing from. "Gimme that" He reached to take a sip but you pulled away. A few of the other drivers watched as you tried to escape Lando. He did eventually steal the bottle. You watched with a pout as Lando wiped the straw with his sleeve and took a sip.
"That's just Red Bull." Lando stated, disappointed. 
"Yeah, we'll it's her Red Bull now." Max chuckled, taking the bottle back from Lando and handing it to you. Your face lightened up as you continued to drink happily from the straw.
Max tried to hold in a smile, acting normal when Carlos joined the group. "I thought you were going to stay in the garage." You tell him, nudging his abdomen making the Spaniard double over.
"I'll get you back for that." He huffed, nudging your hip back. "This is not yours. Stop stealing people's stuff." Carlos continued to scold, pulling the Red Bull branded bottle from your hands. 
"It's fine, she can keep it." Max tried to defend you but was given a 'no' signal by Lando.
You sighed as Max took back the bottle, taking a sip. You did try to take a sip from Lando's orange one but you were cut short by your press officer. The three men watched as you were the first to enter the pen for an interview. "I saw Leviana." Carlos whispered to his former teammate once you were out of earshot. 
"Leviana- what? What's she doing here?" Lando scrunched his face in confusion.
"Who's-?" Max wanted to ask but found himself left out of the conversation. Max could tell though that whoever that woman was, clearly left a bad taste on the two driver's tongues. It also made him realise how little he knows about you.
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Max pursed his lips as he scrolled through the results page on google, reluctantly pressing on the Wikipedia link. He pursed his lips as he looked at the pronunciation guide. “I mean, I know how to pronounce her name.” He mumbled to himself, trying to ignore the fact that her name is probably pronounced differently in Berber (a branch of Afro-asiatic languages spoken by berber communities who are indigenous to north Africa. If I made a mistake please correct me).
Scrolling down, Max couldn’t help but take a glance at your racing record. He’s seen you around FiA prize giving galas but never really concentrated on the events to know what any of the attendees were awarded with. Now seeing the WEC table littered with golden boxes labelled [1]s was not a surprise to him. You were a three time world champion too, in the same years as him as well.
Max wonders in how many more ways you two are similar. Having fathers who raced in Formula One and took care of their karting career. Scrolling up, Max sunk back into his bed, reading the article uneasily. Like the nerd he is, Max knew wikipedia was not a reliable source so he did the next thing he could think of: opening twitter.
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direct messages: MAX + YN
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proofread by the best best ever @classiclitfreak , the one and only <3
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reareaotaku · 2 days
Max Goof Headcanons
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Very shy and a little awkward
He gets flustered when talking to you
Tries impressing you with his skateboarding abilities, though for some reason, he always tens to fall flat on his butt
His friends, Pj and Bobby, try and help him wingman, but they just end up embarrassing him more
Has a tendency to fiddle with his hair when nervous
Tries to avoid his father, only because he knows his father will embarrass him. Like yeah, he loves his dad, but come on
Though, if you hand with him and his friends, you can always expect an adventure
Though, if he doesn't focus on you watching him, he is really good at skating. He just has to not focus on you, but instead on skating. If he focuses too much on you, he gets lost and loses his mind
He's a daddy's boy and if he ever had kids, they'd be daddy's babies
He's very defensive for you. If anyone even thinks of speaking bad bout you, he's on it
Really chill and likes to hang out
His favorite thing to do with you is relaxing and hanging out together
Pretty willing to do whatever you want, because he likes making you happy
You being happy makes him happy
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nicostiel · 9 months
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#Lovers to enemies
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itsafternoonpast5 · 3 months
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can you believe it max? just a few more days!
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lotrcolors · 4 months
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did you mean: the love of your life
(google search & google template by @cal-kestis)
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kiwistede · 5 months
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Fuck you, HBOMax.
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caro-lines-blog · 4 months
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eskymobee · 24 days
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They’re so cute I love them
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makeagif · 1 month
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samuelroukin · 7 months
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#parallels BLACK SAILS (2014—2017) Chapter XI
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john-silvers · 23 days
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BLACK SAILS, SEASON 2 January 24, 2015 - March 28, 2015 Average IMDB Episode Rating: 8.5/10
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dreamauri · 1 month
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♪ — 𝗪𝗜𝗥𝗘𝗗 𝗜𝗡? - part two max verstappen x reader (fluff) “. . . when he wants to be normal, he can count on you, stranger.”
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“Come on, you can’t say he has so much potential!” Max miserably tried to hold in his laughs as you continued your rant about how much better Max would look if he put a little more effort or thought in how he dressed. 
“I’m honestly starting to think he’s allergic to wearing anything . . . not Red Bull related. Like even in his streams! In his home!” 
Sitting in front of his laptop with a makeshift setup in the hotel room in Japan, Max found himself unwinding from the earlier media day when he gladly accepted to join you for a game of Fifa. It wasn’t until someone brought up Lewis’ outfit from this morning did you start your little ted talk. 
“La, please concentrate on the game, we’re losing!” he couldn’t stop laughing either so your team was toast either way. 
“No, because I bet he's wearing his Red Bull shirt right now wherever he is.”
The reason why Max was no longer able to hold it together was because he was indeed in a Red Bull shirt. He might actually take you up on being allergic to anything not associated with Red Bull.
“I’ll gladly design a few outfits for him, I swear!” 
“La-” Max put his face in his hands, shoulders shaking from laughter as his screen showed the opposing team scoring a goal. The dutch would usually feel frustrated if he were to be losing a Fifa game in any other situation, but not this one with you.
He's ready to lose and lose again, even give up his title as one of the world's top twenty Fifa players if he gets to spend time with you like this, laughing and joking; forgetting the world around, so it's just you and him.
Just two people . . . being people.
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“Since I have no one to show, you're stuck with me.” 
It’s kind of been a routine now, having a private call after a game or upon finding spare time. You two have gotten close. You even considered “amilian” to be a close friend, per say. A close friend who you regularly vent to about work or just randomly ask riddles or dad jokes to bother.
You enjoyed his company. He was a fun person to be around. He made you feel . . . yellow in a type of way too. You never felt left out or unheard. He always had time for you, it's like you were maybe gravitating to being more than close friends . . . it's not like you can do anything about it though.
Surely people make close friends online all the time. 
You stay up on your couch, scrolling through the settings of your laptop to show and rant despite having to get up in the morning. Max crossed his legs on his chair folding his arms and watching the screen as you messed around on your shared screen.
“La, it’s late.” He’s been trying to tell you for the past 10 minutes. It’s 6:30 in Japan, 7 hours ahead of the time in Paris, where you were. 
Not that he’s keeping track of the time where you were, it’s just that you shared the same time zone as Monaco, and he only had the GMT+2 clock displayed on his home screen because he needed to keep track of his cats . . .  not too make sure you got enough sleep or anything of that sort.
“It's only 11:30,” you shushed, pulling up pinterest. Max hung his head, trying to hold in his smile. “I could put together a whole outfit that would suit him right here and now,”
“La,” Max giggled watching you actually start to search and put things together. “I’ll make a deal with you, if you go to sleep, I'll try to get Max Verstappen in baggy jeans,” 
“WHAT?!” the blond flinched at the loud noise, looking around his hotel room to make sure no one heard anything -- despite him being alone. 
“You know I work in F1 right?” Max followed up, trying to hold in his smile at your silence. “La, you forgot?!” 
“I’m sorry!” you pleaded, holding your hands in a begging motion despite him not seeing anything.
Max put his hand on his chest and pretended to be offended when he was smiling really wide to the point his cheeks hurt. “My best friend doesn't know what I do for a living,” he gushed in fake hurt. 
Your mind blanked at the title. Best friend? 
“You do know what my job is, right, La?”
“. . .” You looked away embarrassed, you’ve known the guy for how long and don’t even know what his profession is. 
Max couldn’t stop his giggles. “Go to bed, La. I’ll get Max in baggy jeans for you.”
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“Hey um, million?” 
“I thought I told you to go to bed?” Max chuckled, crouched in front of his suitcase, digging through it in hopes to find a pair of baggy jeans or a white shirt that he probably doesn't own. 
“I am in bed technically . . .” The blond looked over to his laptop on his desk, the call still going. “You work in F1,” Max felt his heart jump in anxiety for a second, there's no way you figured him out. 
 “Well um . . . my boss chose me to go see how things were going with McLaren at the Monaco gp,” 
The dutch perked up at your announcement. “Really? That's great!” 
“Y-Yeah, it is,” you stuttered, agreeing. you crossed your arms, looking at the email congratulating you on your phone screen. “I mean, I'm glad, this is an experience of a lifetime. I get to drag along a few interns with me as well.” Max frowned, your tone did not match with the news you were announcing.
“What's wrong?” He got up, sitting on the desk chair, looking at your profile picture, the concern was clear in voice, as if you could feel him sitting beside you on your bed and gently rubbing your back to comfort you. 
“Well, I don't have anyone to go with - the interns don't count . . . and I don't know anyone in Monaco or the attendees-- except you technically . . . I haven’t been on my own for that long before,” you sighed.
Max furrowed his eyebrows, trying to decipher what you were asking of him.
“Is it-” you cut yourself of with a sigh. “Can I hang out with you sometime? During the weekend?” Max stayed silent, feeling his heart pounding to the point he was scared the organ would explode out of his chest. 
“I mean,” Max cleared his throat to hide the crack in his voice that arose from the anxiety he was drowning in. “I’m not traveling with the team every weekend, so I'm not sure if I'm going to be in Monaco . . . I’ll have to ask my boss.” he replied quietly and slowly, trying to comfort you still. “There’s still a few weeks before Monaco, so . . . I don’t know for sure.” He whispered, scratching the back of his head.
He was digging himself a grave. Asking Horner if he’s going to be in Monaco when he is the driver and already lives in Monaco? It’s too late now to be honest about who he is, he dug this hole himself and now he’s stuck in it.
It’s not like he can be like ‘oh, yeah of course you can hang out with me. Oh, I’m Max Verstappen by the way, the guy who’s driving the best car and winning all the races, so I can get you VIP tickets and a hot lap too if you want.’
“I’ll try my best to be there,” the blond whispered. You could almost feel him brushing your hair comfortingly. “We can get ice cream or go sightseeing. I know this really good cafe you’ll like . . .” Max will just have to keep digging his hole.
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proof reading credits to the lovely and amazing @classiclitfreak <3
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nicostiel · 8 months
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OFMD S2 + text posts
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itsafternoonpast5 · 2 months
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lotrcolors · 4 months
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Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG (2013)
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racewinnerlandonorris · 8 months
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