buckysbarnes · 1 year
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“You were calling for his head when his only crime was intimidation. - What has changed, Lord M’Baku?”
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mdmcduff · 2 years
“the world has taken too much from you for you to be considered a child”
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dippy-ecks · 2 years
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M’baku was an absolute gem as usual during this film
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fromevertonow · 2 years
M’Baku’s first scene in the movie was him coming into the throne room while chomping down a carrot, called the general of one of the world’s most lethal armies a “bald headed she demon,” continued to minimize a potential dangerous enemy to Wakanda by calling him a “fish man” and I support him for doing all that. What a vegetarian icon, truly✨
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chadwickswidowspeak · 2 years
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The Black Panther Wakanda Forever Cast for Ebony Magazine.💜💫
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xblackreader · 1 year
✧₊∘ black women deserve representation in fanfiction and fiction in general ✧₊∘
✧ ᯓ★ ༺☆༻ ★ ᯓ ✧
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ᯓ★ I have opened my tip jar at the top of my homepage! feel free to tip the chef 💋🍸
✧ ᯓ★ ༺☆༻ ★ ᯓ ✧
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accras · 2 years
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Michaela and the Duke
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
Lord of the Mountains
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M'Baku x F!Reader
2.2k words
Summary: After Namor's attack on the Golden City, you are sent to Jabari for safety. You're not sure if you could ever feel safe again after what you endured a few days ago, until you finally meet the kind eyes of the Jabari Tribe's leader...
Warnings: Reader is claustrophobic, has an episode, mentions of nightmares, almost drowning, loss of loved ones, spoilers for Wakanda Forever.
Water. There was water everywhere.
Flooding the streets, tidal waves taking people out left and right.
It barreled down each and every pathway, racing toward you as you desperately tried to run towards safety, the splashing sounds taunting you from behind.
The water bit at your heels before crashing over you-
You woke with a gasp, body covered in sweat, crawling along your skin.
Even though you knew you had just woken up from a nightmare, you couldn’t manage to even out your breathing.
Because it wasn’t totally a nightmare.
It was a memory. From just a few days ago when Wakanda was attacked.
You looked around at all of the sleeping bodies around you, their mats covering nearly every inch of the floor. There was no empty space. Nowhere to breathe. 
The walls of the small refuge created in the caves of the Jabari Tribe headquarters began to close in on you, and the space suddenly became too crowded.
And then you were drowning all over again, chest constricting, air refusing to reach your lungs.
Without thinking, you jumped out of your mat, maneuvering around all of the sleeping Wakandan refugees, black spots forming in your vision as the panic continued to rise in you.
Why did it feel like the path out of this room went on for miles and miles? Why was there no end in sight?
Finally, you made it through the sea of people and toward the dim hallway.
Before you could let out a sigh of relief, you heard it.
The splashing. The devastating waves.
They had found you once again.
You turned to look over your shoulder as you picked up your pace, sprinting down the hall to run away from the phantom tidal wave that chased you in your mind-
Until you crashed into something.
Something large, sturdy.
Someone, you gathered - as massive hands wrapped around your arms to keep you from stumbling to the ground. 
You looked up, eyes fighting the black spots to focus on the concerned brown eyes staring down at you.
A small voice in the back of your brain screamed to you that this man was important, a person of great respect, someone who deserved a bow or some sort of recognition.
Lord M’Baku, leader of the Jabari Tribe, the Great Gorilla. One of the fiercest warriors in all of Wakanda.
But the larger part of your mind was still breaking down, so for right now, he was someone you could cling to for support.
“Outside,” you gasped, your head growing dizzy. You needed to be out in the open fast or else you were going to pass out. “I need to get outside.”
He didn’t say anything, just nodded. His hands held onto you a little tighter as your legs grew wobbly beneath you.
“Can you walk?” he asked, low voice echoing through the hallway and deep inside your chest. 
You nodded, unable to speak, and it was all he needed. He shifted his hold to grab the small of your back and led you down the hall, holding you closely to his side to make sure you didn’t fall over.
“This way,” he murmured, veering off the main path and down a smaller corridor, and you almost protested being in the more confining space, but something told you to trust the man fighting to keep you upright.
A few seconds later, he was opening a large stone door built into the wall of the mountain. As you felt the cool night air hit your face, your body sagged further into him in relief before running out of his hold and toward the balcony ahead. 
It took a handful of heaving gulps before you managed to put enough air in your lungs to get rid of the black spots. You looked up from the stone below your hands and toward the view in front of you and let out a small gasp.
You must have been close to the peak of the mountain for a view like this, to see the entirety of Jabari, the neighboring mountains glittering with snow, the full moon illuminating every surface with a mesmerizing glow, millions of stars twinkling above.
The sounds of water were gone from your mind, and you were met with the peaceful silence of night.
Even though you had just gotten air back into your lungs, the scene before you momentarily took your breath away again once more, but in a much less terrifying way.
“Here,” M’Baku’s low voice came from behind. You turned around to see a glass of water held out in front of you. Looking up to meet those comforting brown eyes, you nodded a quick thanks and took the glass, knocking half of it back in one go.
When you looked back, you saw two large, empty hands fiddling together in front of the giant warrior, as if anxious.
“What else can I do?” he asked, desperate to help in any way.
Something in the protective tone in his voice put knots in your stomach and you shook your head. “I-I’m f-f-f-fine,” you replied, the shivers escaping from you exposing the fact that your sweat-covered body was now open to the freezing cold air and you were not, in fact, fine.
The lord of the mountain shook his head, a light huff escaping his chest as he took the fur off his back.
“No, n-no, you don’t have to-” you tried to protest, but before you could say another word the wrap was over your shoulders, and the sudden warmth radiating through your body was so  intoxicating that it brought a small smile to your face.
 M’Baku let out a grizzly laugh that brought even more warmth to your insides. “There it is,” he said.
Your brows furrowed. “There what is?”
“I was not going to find an ounce of rest this night if I did not get you to smile,” he replied.
You let out a small laugh, taking more of him in now that your nerves had settled.
Though he now stood a couple of feet away from you, you still needed to crane your neck back in order to look at his face. The man completely towered over you, his presence commanding the entire space.
And yet, you didn’t feel any fear around him, or like you were being looked down on by someone of high status in these lands.
You felt comforted, protected, safe, which had not been the case in the days since Namor attacked the Golden City. Since then, all you had known was fear.
His dark skin glowed under the moonlight, making his features even more breathtaking. Without the cover of his fur, you could see the bulging muscles from his bare shoulders all the way down his arms.
There had been many times during your time in Wakanda that you heard whispers of the lord of the mountains, and how M’Baku’s strength could only be met with that of the Black Panther themself.
You imagined him lifting your body into the air with complete ease, a thought you never inherently had with any other man you had encountered. 
“How are you not cold right now, Your Lordship?” you asked, shivering at the thought of him being so exposed in such cold weather. 
He tsk’ed, taking a step forward and extending his arm out. “I am the heart of these mountains, my lady. There is a fire in my veins that no cold can put out.”
You rested a hand on his large bicep, the warmth radiating from it sending a shiver down your spine. Had you been able to focus on anything other than the feeling of his smooth, muscled skin, you would have heard the small hitch in his breath from your touch.
“M’Baku,” he said softly, and you looked back up at him. “Call me M’Baku.”
How could you say no to such a request, with the way his eyes bore into yours?
You gave him your name, and he mouthed it to himself, feeling the string of letters along his lips.
“You are not from Wakanda,” he said after a beat. A statement rather than a question.
“I am not,” you still responded.
“You chose a terrible time to visit.” The joking tone in his voice made you laugh.
“I suppose not,” you said, finally noticing that your hand was still on his arm. You forced yourself to remove it. “I’ve been here for a few years, actually. Used to work for Shield as a scientist, and was assigned here by Steve Rogers for a few months to work with the Wakandan scientists and Bucky Barnes. After everything with…Thanos, I was officially out of a job. Bruce Banner pulled a few strings with Shuri and allowed me to continue working here.”
“I wish our paths had crossed sooner.”
Your throat constricted, tears welling in your eyes and you nodded. “Me, too.”
Concern returned to his expression and he rested a hand on your cheek. “What is wrong?”
A scoff escaped from your lips before you could remind yourself that you were speaking with practically royalty. 
“I’m sorry.” Your bottom lip began quivering. “I mean, what isn’t wrong right now? Wakanda is under attack, and I lost friends who have been my family these last few years. I also don’t know if I’ll ever be able to sleep without having nightmares of almost drowning ever again-”
Strong arms wrapped around you, cutting off your rambling as they completely consumed you in warmth and security as you cried into the chest of the great leader.
Some unknown number of minutes passed before he pulled away, your composure returning. His hand went back to your cheek, thumb wiping away a tear.
“I know things appear grim right now, but I swear on Hanuman himself that I will do everything in my power to protect Wakanda and its people…” his serious expression turned sly and he winked, “especially its visitors with the most radiant of smiles.”
Your smile returned, and so did your laugh.
“Thank you, M’Baku.”
With a nod, he lowered his hand to grab yours. “Come. Let’s get you to bed.”
Panic arose in you once more at the thought of being in the small room with so many other people. “I think I’d rather stay out here-”
“Nonsense. I have a private room in my chambers where you can rest.” He waved his free hand behind him to show off the giant glass window, behind it a cozy bedroom.
“Oh no, I don’t want to intrude.”
He rolled his eyes. “Y/n, the whole of Wakanda is intruding on my lands this evening. Now, please stop trying to argue with the Great Gorilla before I show you how I got that name.”
Your feet slowed, stomach dropping at the threat. But when he turned around, there was a mischievous look on his face, and a grin from ear to ear. He winked at you again and you found yourself laughing at the powerful warrior before you.
“My apologies, Mr. Great Gorilla,” you retorted, pulling a low, rumbly laugh from him.
He escorted you into the room, remaining at the doorway, his back turned away from you as you sat on the bed.
“I will leave you to rest,” he said, hand going to the door.
“Wait-” you called, unable to stop yourself. His hand paused. “This is definitely too much to ask, and I’m sure you have a million other things to take care of…but is there any chance you could stay?”
M’Baku turned back to you, and you immediately opened your mouth to try and take back your request.
But the look in those kind eyes halted your words, and without hesitation he nodded.
“Anything you need.”
All I need is you, you thought. 
You swallowed. “Thank you.”
He walked over, sitting on the bed next to you, your backs pressed against the headboard, gazes toward the wall in front of you.
The two of you sat there in silence for a few moments, your thumbs twiddling on your lap as a newfound awkwardness slowly ate at you.
M’Baku cleared his throat, clearly in the same state of discomfort as you were.
“So,” you finally said, “how did you earn the title of Great Gorilla?”
His lips curved upward as he looked over at you. “I am so glad you asked. It all started when…”
The two of you stayed awake for hours, sharing stories and asking each other questions.
Finally, as your lids grew heavier and heavier, gravity pulled your head to the muscular shoulder next to you as sleep pulled you under.
When you awoke, the sun was shining, and you felt rested for the first time in days.
You also felt a familiar sturdiness underneath your cheek, as well as a large arm wrapped around your waist.
Looking up, you found M’Baku staring down on you, a serious - almost nervous - look on his face.
He smiled. “Good morning, Y/n. How did you sleep?”
Thank you so much for reading! Feedback is always appreciated. :)
If you'd like to read more of my works, check out my Masterlist! <3
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6lack6rutha · 1 month
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lis-likes-fics · 8 months
Obere Òké
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Pairings: M'Baku x black!Reader Word Count: 2.4k words Kink: Cunnilingus Warnings: NSFW, oral (f!receving), praise, size kink, p in v, multiple orgasms, creampie... A/N: I'm like....really late, guys. But I managed to get this done early enough to post it today so I hope you enjoy. Also, in this fic, M'Baku speaks Igbo and the reader speaks Xhosa but they understand both languages. Thank you and happy reading!
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You hold on tight to the furs and fabrics strewn across the bed, your back arches out and your dark skin stretches tight over your knuckles. You grind your hips against your husband's face as his strong hands keep you in place on top of him.
"F-Fuck," you stutter as his nose digs into your clit, his tongue licking inside of you as he works you toward another orgasm. You've already cum twice, but M'Baku is insistent. "M'Baku, my love, you feel so good," you moan, your thighs quivering around his head as you try to keep yourself controlled.
He hums deeply into you, and a shudder runs through your body at the sensation. "Bast," you moan.
M'Baku devours you, feeding off your moans like they are the essence of his being. His hands grip your flesh and his tongue delves inside of you like licking inside an ice cream cone.
You feel another release creeping in on you as he shifts to suck on your clit. His eyes are closed and he's enjoying you like a feast. Your hips jerk and the sparks of pleasure are felt in every limb. "Sithandwa sam," you moan as you grind your hips against his face. His tongue digs deeper inside of you as he licks up every drop of slick you give him. You're practically shaking as you cum, moaning his name and riding his face.
You feel his hands travel up your sides, taking hold of you before he's moving his big body and laying you on your back. He leans over you, his domineering stature only intimidating in the pleasurable way as he stares down at you with a deep smile.
You wrap your hands around his head and bring him down to kiss you, your lips melding together as you moan against his, which taste like you. "Nwunye mara mma," he breathes into you, kissing your neck.
You close your eyes and breathe as he treats you. "Are you,” a breath, “quite done with that yet?" you ask, sighing when he wraps his lips around your nipple.
With a light smack, he pulls away and looks up at your face. "Actually, no," he says, "I don’t think I’ve tasted enough yet."
He finishes licking your nipple before going back down on you, wrapping your thighs around his shoulders to hold you steady. He licks and sucks on your folds, tasting your arousal and making himself messy with you. His beard scratches your thighs in the best way, and your hips jerk when he suckles around your clit.
His tongue thrusts as deeply inside of you as he can manage. And it's not like he can't use his fingers to fill the space his tongue can't reach. He just refuses to. He'd told you that he could make you cum with only his mouth, and he was right. He was continuing to be right; not that you had challenged him in the first place…
His hands caressed your thighs, addicted to the doughy feeling of them around his head. You're still grinding up against his face, chasing the feeling of his tongue on you.
He lifted your thighs, pulling away from you for just a moment to say, "Hold these for me, ihunanya."
You hold your thighs, wrapping your arms around them like he'd directed so you're open and on perfect display for him. He hums appreciatively, staring at your cunt with his dark gaze and licking his bottom lip between his teeth.
He sets his hands on the underside of your thighs and digs in again, licking you with his hot tongue and then licking into you when you moan deliciously.
He grinds his hips into the bed. He’s had you spread out over the bed for over half an hour, kissing you and tasting you and making you cum. His hands haven’t left you once to deal with himself, and he won’t let you do it for him. In fact, he grips you tighter to pull you in closer. He can never get enough of you.
You whisper his name again like a prayer, the usually pale light now golden with the morning hours. As M’Baku glances at you for a moment, his breath becomes shallow at the sight to behold. You’re beautiful, with smooth, dark skin made richer by the golden light. You shudder, both from his lips on your clit and the warm glow of the Sun through the chilly air of the Jabari Mountains.
His tongue plunges inside of you, addicted to your sweet taste. Your head spins as the mind-numbing pleasure continues to conquer you. As his relentless tongue and his relentless lips carried on, you could feel yourself building toward another release.
You moan his name when you cum for the fourth time, your poor clit throbbing and sore but so ready to accept more of him at a moment’s notice. Your back arches off the bed, and he pushes you back down with his hands on the backs of your thighs.
He licks you through your orgasm, pulling away and feeling your body trembling in his grasp. “Oh, look at you, obere òké,” he coos. “You should see yourself shake.” He strokes his large hands along your sides, letting your legs down so he can kiss you properly.
His lips slot against yours, and you sigh at the feeling of his teeth tugging on your bottom lip. You wrap your arms around his neck to bring him in closer, and he catches you by surprise when he pushes a thick finger between your folds, as deep as he can get it inside of you. You clench around it, breaking the kiss to moan as he curls his finger inside of you and huffs.
“Yes, this will do just fine,” he mutters, feeling how drenched you are as your dripping cunt sucks his finger in. He pulls it out of you, pressing it at your lips as you part them to taste yourself. He smiles and watches as you do it. “Such a beauty, you are,” he chuckles. “My beautiful woman.”
He pulls his hand from you, nudging your chin with his knuckles. “Now let me give you what you really want,” he says. “I know you have been waiting for me, haven’t you?”
You nod. “Of course. You make it hard to resist, myeni wam.”
He smiles, chuckling deeply as he spreads your legs wider, taking a look at your pussy as he does it. He groans deeply at the sight, shaking his head gently. “Glory to Hanuman,” he mutters, earning an eye roll from you as you chuckle.
“Are you going to fuck me, gorilla man, or are you going to sit there and stare at me while you praise your gods, eh?” you raise a brow.
He lightly smacks your thigh as he takes his cock in his hand, thick and hard. “You’ve still got quite the mouth for someone who will not be walking today.”
You laugh. “Likewise.”
He kisses his teeth, muttering under his breath at you. Rolling your eyes, you press your hand to his chest and actually have to push in order for him to get the hint that you’re trying to move him. If he wanted, you wouldn’t have been able to move him an inch, hovering over you like a beast. Your beast.
You guide him to lay on his back once more, sitting on top of him as you straddle his body. He’s so big, you look tiny in comparison to him. But, to be fair, you are tiny in comparison to him. His hands fall on your thighs as he looks up appreciatively at you.
“You’re taking too long,” you smile, lifting your hips and taking his cock in your own hand. You position him at your weeping hole, his tip nudging at your pussy as you slowly sink down onto him. You’re so wet, he slips inside with ease as he stretches you out around his cock. You close your eyes and moan, easing your head back as you roll your hips slowly.
M’Baku’s eyes flutter shut as well, a deep grunt sitting in his chest as he feels you take him into your cunt, warm and tight and so wet. He curses under his breath, caressing your skin without guiding your hips.
You begin to build a steady pace just grinding on top of him, circling your hips as you put your hands behind your head. M'Baku watches you, takes in the sight of you feeling yourself, your cunt sucking him in. He thinks you're beautiful.
"Look at yourself, obere òké. Such a small thing taking me all in." He lays his head back against the furs and groans deeply.
You urge your hips back and forth, feeling his cock so deep within you. "You always stretch me so wide," you moan, your words broken with lust. "Fuck, M'Baku, you feel so good inside me."
You set your hands on his shoulders, holding on top as you begin to lift yourself slowly off of him. When you've got him just to the tip, you drop back down on top of him with a loud moan. You throw your head back, gasping for breath at the feeling of the wonderful stretch, the throbbing of his cock, his hands tightening around your hips, your clit pulsing.
You do it again, and again, building another rhythm as the sound of your slick sticking to his body and yours creates a loud smack of wet skin on skin. Your pace is quick, your body moving in a perfect dance that lets his cock fill you with each move. He thrusts up into you, his hands moving from your hips to your ass, groping you and squeezing the supple flesh like he's going to rip you apart. His hands smack your ass, feeling the ripple of the flesh with a grunt.
"Just like that, my queen," he breathes. "Take it all."
Your moans have climbed higher, loud whimpers, almost squeaks, that tear from your throat with each pound of his cock inside of you. Your hands fall to M'Baku's neck, stroking your thumbs along the thick column of it. Another whimper makes your limbs weak and your arms almost give out as you stare into his eyes, dark with lust but just as brown and just as beautiful as anything you've ever seen. Some of the light that pours in shines across his face. He squints his eyes just a little, and you smile at the deep pools of honey reflecting back at you. You bend down to kiss him, your bodies pressed flush together as you continue to thrust your hips against his.
It's not until his thumb has begun rubbing your clit that you pull back again, moaning at the feeling of your aching clit being touched again. You're going to burst, your bodies smacking together again in a desperate search for another mind-numbing release. He watches your breasts bounce with every move.
You clench around his thick cock, looking down to watch your cunt take him in with each fall of your hips to his. He's doing the same, enjoying the show from his perfect view. "I can tell you are close," he grunts. "Are you going to cum for your king, woman?"
You nod, grasping his shoulders tight. "Yes," you sigh, rolling your hips a little harder. "Yes, I'm going to cum for you."
He grasps your hip tight with his free hand, helping you keep up with him as his thumb continues to circle your clit. "Good girl," he says. "Keep squeezing me like that." He's starting to get close, too. How could he not? With how tight you are, how wet you are, how well you moan for him and fuck yourself on top of him.
You're so small compared to him, and everything about him is just so big. His hands, his thighs, his cock. He dwarves you, and he knows how much you enjoy it as you continue to seek out your high on top of him.
"I should put you up there more often. You are so cute, fucking yourself on me like that." He grunts as you slam yourself down on him once, picking up your weight again to keep going. "Fuck."
"I'm so close," you gasp, squeezing his cock.
He keeps at your clit, feeling how your walls flutter around him. "Cum for me, nwunye mara mma," he commands. "Cum for your king."
Your mouth falls open as loud, breathy moans leave you. You can't keep up the steady pace as your release hits you, spreading along your spine and branching out to your weakening limbs. It feels magnificent, the way he helps you through your orgasm with his circling thumb and his thrusting hips. You clench around him, though it's hard to control it with the way your pussy flutters. "M'Baku, myeni wam!" you cry out, rolling your hips on top of him once more. "Ewe, uziva umangalisa!"
M'Baku's body tenses when he cums. He grasps your hips tighter and pulls you down on top of him, thrusting his cock as deep as he'll go and groaning roughly. It's almost a growl of a sound as he spills inside of you, the warmth spreading in your belly as you milk his cock, taking every drop as you do it.
Your back arches as you ride your high before ultimately falling limp as the waves of pleasure die down to a gentle ripple. You lay on his chest, catching your breath as you close your eyes. You wrap your arms around his neck, your thumbs stroking his skin as you sigh deeply. He's still so deep inside of you, so hot and so filling.
"Kedu ka ị mere, ihunanya m?" he asks gently, his large hand stroking your back and keeping you warm as the winter air begins to set around you again.
"Emangalisayo," you sigh.
"Good." He cups your cheek to encourage you to look at him.
You lift your head, moving your hands to cup his own face. "I have to tell you something."
He smiles gently, "Hm?"
You kisses you deeply, his tongue licking your bottom lip. As you part from his lips, you hum. "Ndiyakuthanda."
He chuckles, bringing you in to kiss you again. "A hụrụ m gị n'anya," he says, his voice barely above a whisper but still so deep as it vibrates in his chest and into yours.
You melt against him, his hot body warming your own. "Well," you smile. "Glory to Bast."
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True Believer taglist: @activebliss @xxromanoffxx @thelastpyle @likefirenrain @babypink224221 @autisticbrie @alexxavicry @evabalexeeva @dumb-fawkin-bitch @hatterripper31  @kmc1989 @urmomsgirlfriend1 Tag yourself here...
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buckysbarnes · 1 year
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BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER 2022 • dir. ryan coogler
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dilfcontent · 11 months
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WINSTON DUKE as M'Baku in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022).
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M’Baku legit running around Wakanda like “How in the astral plane did I become the only rational adult here”
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xblackreader · 9 months
Namora: I sleep with a knife under my pillow.
Shuri: Weak. I sleep with my blasters.
Attuma: …(scoffs)
Mbaku: what’s so funny, Attuma?
Attuma: I sleep with Okoye.
Namor: … he wins.
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shmaltato · 6 months
"Snow-day Shenanigans"
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Merry Christmas, #Nashuri fandom!!!🎄🎄🎄🎄
A quick doodle compilation of snow day chaos amongst the Wakandans and Talokanils.
I know I've been silent for a long time. The hyperfixation has worn off and I'm dipping into many things. But I still love this ship and fandom, and I'll still post from time to time.
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minmiin1d · 2 years
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