#mer reader
aylish91 · 4 months
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Thank you so much @aoi-kanna for letting me commission you for this absolutely lovely art peice for my story!!! I have always loved your leviathantale art so this has brought me great of joy.
Thank you!!!
Gaurdian's of the Deep
Your grandmother had always told you stories of The Guardians and their servants, great beings of untold power that protected your island. They used to be everything to your people. Now, with every fallen elder and new face coming in, they faded to nothing. But you knew. Your grandmother made sure you'd know. You had to honor those memories and old gods. Give one last prayer before the mainland took everything. It was the least you could do.
After all, if you honor, thank, and give; one day, something might just be given back...
One life, for the eternity of another.
Grand Master Post
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selineram3421 · 2 months
*is now craving sushi* Dang. 🍣
Other Worldly
Part 2
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Part 1
Alastor X Shy Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ selectively mute reader, food mentions-seaweed, song lyrics Drift Away-Trillian ⚠
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Alastor took the mer up to their hotel room, the halls empty as he made another water pun, which earned him a fin slap to the face.
"I could drop you, you know?", he said but continued to carry them towards the bathtub.
Setting them down gently, he made sure to get a towel and put it somewhere within reach for them to take when their legs returned.
"There you are dear!", he said before standing up straight. "I'll leave you here now. Don't try to get up too soon, you'll just flop right over!", he laughed and turned to leave.
"Wait.", they spoke softly.
Like an exciting rush, he felt chills run down his back as his body followed the command.
"Don't tell anyone about what you saw..", they paused. "Or what you heard from me. Please."
As soon as they were finished, the 'spell' had broken and he was able to move again. Glancing over his shoulder, the Radio Demon snapped his fingers and his coat was clear of the water spots they had left on him.
"Very well.", he said and began closing the bathroom door. "This will stay our little secret~", he placed a finger over his lips before shutting the door.
He stood there for a moment, hearing the mer let out a sigh before the water turned on.
Satisfied with his findings, the deer demon left their hotel room, making sure to lock the door before closing it.
As he made his way to his radio tower, he thought of ways to get the aquatic demon to sing around him.
I should ease their worries somehow.. He thought. I wonder if there is a way to lure a siren.
You hated the transition of your legs returning.
Every time, you felt like your tail was being torn apart. Your scales felt like needles piercing into you when they sunk back into your skin. The webbing on your fingers was the only thing that didn't hurt much, but your hands would cramp a few times the day after.
This is annoying. You thought as you dried yourself completely after taking a bath.
Next was the hard part.
Grabbing the edge of the tub, you slowly stood up. Your feet feeling like you walked many miles without rest, aching as you stepped onto the tile floor.
It hurt.
Step by step, it felt like you were walking on glass, thorns, or hot coal as you made your way into your room to get dressed.
As soon as you could, you dropped onto your bed with a whine, staying there for a moment before crawling under the covers. After turning off the lamp on the nightstand, you hoped that the red dressed demon wouldn't say anything of what he saw.
Yes, you told him a command but the other half was a plea.
Let's not worry about it. He did say it would be our secret. You thought before going to sleep.
The next day was a little odd.
After getting breakfast, the smiling demon began talking to you like you were old friends.
It confused you.
What did he have to gain from talking to a quiet person? There was nothing you could say without hypnotizing him.
It was simple.
All he had to do was get them used to him and they'd be comfortable enough to let their guard down.
What better way to do it other than talking?
Throughout a few weeks, the Radio Demon experimented with all kinds of food. Taking notice of their expressions and the amount of food that they left on their plate. Later, he noticed that they enjoyed snacking on seaweed.
He wasn't sure where they had got it from, but it was something that he made sure was kept stocked in the kitchen and at the bar.
"The fuck? Why seaweed?", Husker grumbled.
"One of our guests enjoys it and the Princess ordered a surplus of the snack.", Alastor said as he watched the cat demon put the box under the bar counter.
Of course, it didn't really work out like he wanted. They were still quiet, still just out of reach, wary of him and his every action.
So he tried a different tactic.
Continuing to talk to them in open spaces but once they left, he hid in the shadows and observed them.
And then it happened.
It was exactly what he was waiting for.
Though he was hiding within the shadows of a dark theater room, he still was able to catch them, to listen to them sing.
Dark brown wood and red velvet from the room had made the area darker than it really was, but they still managed to find a ledge to sit on. They started off with soft hums before a real note came out from their lips.
"Here in the garden
Let's play a game
I'll show you how it's done
Here in the garden
Stand very still
This will be so much fun"
Like before, he felt the pull in his chest, the daze their voice submerged his mind into.
"And then she smiled
That's what I'm after
A smile in her eyes
The sound of her laughter
Happy to listen
Happy to play
Happily watching her drift away"
His shadows held him back from crawling out of the darkness. Something he was quite grateful for as he didn't want to disturb their singing.
"You keep on turning pages, for people who don't care
People who don't care about you
And still it takes you ages, to see that no one's there
See that no one's there
See that no one's there
Everyone's gone on with out you.."
Such a peculiar thing. To feel what they felt through their song, waves of sadness brushing against his mind.
"And aren't I the fool to have
Happily listened
Happy to stay
Happy to watch her drift
They finished their song and sighed, wearing a frown.
Something Alastor couldn't just stand by for.
"You have such a lovely voice.", the deer demon spoke up.
They let out a noise of surprise and stood quickly , looking around the room like a frightened animal.
"It's a shame you hide it.", he continued.
He could hear how quick their breathing became as they backed away towards the nearest exit. Before the mer could touch the door, the Radio Demon came out of the shadows behind them and took their wrist.
They gasped and froze, not daring to look at him as he held them close.
Now is his grasp, he hummed in content and put a finger under their chin, lifting it up so they could look him in the eye.
His smile grew wider once they made eye contact.
"Let's make a deal~"
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I did not have sushi but I did get to eat seaweed.
~Seline, the person.
Part 3
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @preciousbabypeter @poppingaround @bishiglomper @darifes @random-3455 @+?
ML I Alastor🎙 | ChL OW🦀
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bkbubble · 5 months
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@naffeclipse 's Leopard Seal Y/N: So you have chosen...death
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kakushino · 22 days
Meet cute
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Tomioka Giyuu x Mer! GN! Reader
Nothing was more terrifying than having Death on your tail.
Tags: Modern AU, Mer AU (human char x mer reader) Word count: 489
Main Masterlist
AN: First in a series of drabbles/snippets of Mer AU I brainrotted with my friends hehe~ Water painted by Ivan Aivazovsky (1817 - 1900)
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Nothing was more terrifying than having Death on your tail.
It was just your luck that a pod of Death happened upon your coral reef, and you had just offered your abode to a kind octopus with fries to her name.
Weaving between the kelp off the side of your reef seemed to have confused them enough to allow you to swim to the shallows. You knew that would hardly stop them, powerful fins and agile bodies giving them the ability to strike right to the tide line – no further, lest they beach themselves-
A high-pitched sound reached your ears, interrupting your current of thought, and your heart fell into your stomach.
You poured all your energy into speed. Time was of the essence, they were getting closer, you could hear them now. You were surrounded. The only way out was out.
With the last of your power, and what the shallow water allowed you, you slid up the sandbank, just barely at the high tide line.
It wouldn’t keep you safe.
Strange echo of waves spurred your panicked crawling up the sand – the surface broke, water crashed – your keening song short, cut off – scorching hot hands grabbed your biceps and pulled.
Your back stung in direct sunlight, dorsal fin flapping to the side uncomfortably, pelvic fins scratched up. The sand hurt against your scales as they dried against the heated ground, much quicker than what was natural, but it was better than being torn apart for sport by Death.
You didn’t even look at what pulled you ashore, just rolled up, up, up the beach away from Death. You caught the sight of it retreating to the waters, and shade covered you as the heated hands dropped your arms.
Now far on land, your gills stuck closed, and you breathed hard through your mouth. The adrenaline made your limbs shake. Mind scrambled, eyes searching the surface for the damned black fins that were sure to appear when a pod of Death was nearby.
The sand near your hands moved.
Your head whipped around to look at what – who – dragged you from your demise.
A beautiful human was at your side, its own breathing slowing down from the mad dash to freedom. Long dark hair - messy, as if seawater caused it to dry like that; ruddy blush high on his cheeks – from the sun? from helping you? Skin so light and bright, covered in salt from your home, sparkly even in the shade.
Its eyes opened and the colour of the sea stared back at you.
You were speechless. Had you seen such a mer back home, you would have stayed.
“What are you?” it spoke at last – or he? His voice was deeper than a female mer, so you would say it was a he. The information helped you none because you didn’t understand a lick of his human song.
Well, you beached yourself. Now what?
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Thanks for reading! Leave a comment or reblog if you liked it :3
Legend: Death = orca / killer whale (TBA)
Networks: @enchantedforest-network @themovingcastlez
Honorary mentions: @starrierknight-main @aikugo @arlertdarling @mydarlingdahlia @glitchtricks94 (lmk if you want to be untagged)
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vivisols · 3 months
HI!! I like your art!
Can you draw Vanessa and Moon holding hands? With any of your AU’s!
I just think it’d be cute, we get so little Vanessa love
Thats about it! Thank youuuuuuu!!! :3
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the SILLIES!!!!!
(and a bonus because y/n totally put them up to this teehee :3)
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can yall tell im in a mermaid mood?
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CSTF - (y/n)s mermaid form-color is left blank for the fic but this is what i imagine in my head-shes a lure mermaid so she doesn't need super duper strong or powerful tail fins (attack mers have sharp fins that can boost them for miles with ease, Harry has a attack fin.) shes meant to be very pretty and almost beta fish like-but she is just as dangerous as any other mermaid.
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robinette-green · 2 years
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Doing some sketches and tail design for Fish Fry.
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cutiecattr · 1 year
Moonlit waves chapter 3
This one took awhile to make because finals are quickly approaching and I had to work on plenty of school stuff. But I threw one together and let’s just say a few interesting things are about to go down soon.
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glambots · 2 years
omg building on that idea- I love that merpeople attract partners much like birds do! singing, flashly displays, bright colors, and maybe even nest building (not sure what the fish term would be for that tho ghgjfgf)
and it would be REALLY funny if Sun, in order to get y/n's attention and impress them, lied in a panic about being able to 'turn into' moon at night and later begs him to go along with it because he really wants y/n as a mate hgjkfgdf
When you realize you've got TWO boyfriends instead of one:
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sinisrebloggin · 2 years
Thinking about another mer story :^
“Once upon a time there was a human who foolishly fell in love with a siren. On the day of the confession, the mer kissed the human, then drowned them and now you’re bound to that mer for the rest of eternity.
Two years later you’re still REALLY upset that he drowned you. “
The story is to start when Readz and Moon aren’t getting along, because of the whole drowning, and they are arguing. They have times of separation to have space but because their souls are bound together they can’t stray away for too long otherwise it becomes painful.
Sun, being the good brother he is, tries to keep their bad blood from escalating and takes time to sit with both of them. When he’s with Readz they are further away from their territory than usual and Sun has a hard time coaxing them back in. While they are so focused on working through emotions they miss the netting that surrounds them before its too late. Humans are ecstatic to have caught sirens even if one is looking weirder than usual, gets them sold for big money and the sirens are used for display.
Some horrors happen, involving accidents with the human workers and another very large siren. More whoopsie daisies and nothing is going well and its getting deadly. And something big and surprising happens that even Sun is shocked by.
But there should be a happy ending.
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aylish91 · 4 months
Its a late night and i had a scenario for the Leviathan Au…
Reader was born a mer, and actually the last of their species due to the unfortunate involvement of humans, and nightmare decides to take in reader because of this.
Maybe a comfort scene where reader is grieving over the loss of the members from her pod and the loss of her species in general and nightmare finds them alone? I would love to see what your take on this would be..
A morsel for your soul dear Anon. I may have misread it the first time, but we got there! hahaha! Have some first meetings and hurt/comfort.
Thank you for reading and requesting!
Why do you Weep?
The deep was… different. The pressure made your fins heavy and breath hard. You knew in time your body would become more accustomed to it and work out its difficulties, but for now, it was one more reminder of how much things had changed.
You missed the shallows and the reef. You missed your reef. You missed the laughter and anticipation of waiting for hunting parties returning with jellies and siphonophores.
You missed everything.
Sometimes you wonder if it would have been better if you had stayed behind. At least then you could have been lost with all the others. As it was, your mother’s panicked pleas were the only thing keeping you going. She and your father had given up so much that you might survive…
It hurt.
Flaring the soft ridges of your spine and fins, you forced yourself to dive deeper. You weren’t sure how far you had swum to reach the trench, but your mother was adamant that your safety hinged on descending “past the edge of day”.
Humans couldn’t follow unaided.
You knew you had reached it when a thin barrier of dark magic barred your path.
Though you were still cautious, crossing the border had been an immense relief. The waters had turned far too dark from the addition of nightfall and you were on the verge of collapse. Finally being able to search for a place to rest gave you hope.
The ledge you eventually found was large enough to lay but not inlaid enough for any sort of proper protection, but you made it work. Your pitiful nest may have lacked material, but it was enough to sleep on for a night. Besides, in the end, it didn’t really matter.
Your fins bristled.
If it had been any darker, you would never have noticed the massive tentacles creeping around the ledge ready to encase you. Quickly dodging, a growled reverberating voice sent true fear gripping your soul.
 “Why do you weep, little fish? What causes you such trepidation?” Though the words were that of concerned question, their tone and the intent boiling the water proved otherwise. Any genuine concern was replaced with that of mistrust and hunger.
You were nothing more than a trespasser. Prey to be chased and hunted.
Instincts had you darting up and away, but what you thought was an exit quickly turned into a trap. The tentacles were merely a distraction for the dark leviathan before you, his large skeletal hands loosely surrounding your escape. All you could do was flair your fins in hopes the flash of blue and white would warn against attack or consumption.
The titan only gave a pleased hum, a single slit of an orb casting eerie shadows. It made you distinctly aware of other flashes just out of sight of its light.
“Oh my~ A Sea Swallow? It has been quite the amount of time since I’ve had the pleasure of seeing one of your kind. What brings one this far into my territory? And in such a state? Pushing boundaries again, or simply a mistake? Please, do tell.”
A spot of jittering red passed overhead.
You couldn’t speak, terror allowing your poison to coat your body. At your silence, the titan leaned closer with a growl.
“What’s the matter? Has my appearance truly been this much of a surprise as to capture your tongue?”
The silhouette of a very large shark passed on the right. You flinched at the movement, the giant’s eyelight dilating to flick over you. Your soul was pounded in your chest as you shook but your words remained locked away.
Slowly, he leaned back.
“Pity. These circumstances have been less than appealing. Perhaps… a gentler touch is needed…” His fingers closed around you. “Come. I wish to know what has driven a Blue Angel this deep.”
You didn’t fight. You couldn’t. You were helpless as he dragged you further into the dark unknown.
You found yourself wandering back to the rim. Time had played a big part in your return, but it didn’t make the journey any easier. However, once there, you couldn’t bring yourself to cross the precipice of the deep. You stayed at its mouth, gazing back toward the reefs and shallows up ahead.
The silence was deafening.
Despite everything you had gone through, the growth and strides you had made, the water felt heavier now than in the depths. The colors were too bright, sunshine overwhelming instead of warm. Everything felt like it was too much.
There was no one to greet you home.
You couldn’t do it.
As tears burned the corner of your eyes, you found yourself wishing you had never taken the trip. Flashes of your past had you breaking. Sobs wracked with heavy tears filled the silence. In your grief, your fins paled in their droop as you floated freely in the open water. They pulled you slowly down to drift past the cliffs and crags as you sank.
You were numb, watching the light above dim the further you fell. One moment became two, two became four until time drifted with you into nothingness. It took a sudden uplift in the water for you to regain any sense of reality. A familiar glow cutting through your metaphorical darkness.
Nightmare’s face hovered above you, his tentacles flaring below. The subtle brush against your fins had you registering his hands carefully cupping your form. In a way, it reminded you of the very first time you passed into the realm of the deep, the soft rumble of his voice pulling you further from the oblivion.
“Where are you, little fish? Your mind has taken you beyond my reach.”
His words were oddly quiet, eyelight dim as it searched. It stirred something within you, helping you feel for the first time just how cold you had become. Slowly, you moved enough to grip one of his clawed fingers. His thumb, though hesitant, came to stroke your soft underbelly.
You felt muted and far away.
“Everyone is gone... It’s too quiet.”
“Something tells me it's not the boys to which you refer.”
Tears once again threatened to spill. “My family. My pod... They—”
“Are down in the deep.” You felt the water shift from his shuddered intake of breath. “Those that came before might not be with you Angel, but that does not mean there can’t be others. Has our time meant so little that you cannot see them for what they truly are? What we, are?” You had never heard him take such a gentle but firm tone. So quiet. Reserved for only the two of you. You could feel the overwhelming intent in each word. It spread comfort with promises of so much more.
“We may not be able to bring back your past, but do not forget your future in your grief. The present is still here, waiting. The shiver would be very disappointed if you forgot that.”
“All this time I was just— How? How do I keep going? It hurts! Nothing’s the same anymore!”
His giant skull came to bonk and nuzzle into yours. “With time, nothing ever is. There is always change, no matter how subtle. We grow, we love, we lose. Currents move and sands pass. It is unfortunate you should have to face such things so soon, but we are here, and we can help carry the burden.” A claw caressed your tear-stained cheek. “Share your sorrows, that I might ease your pain. You are not alone.”
For the first time since the incident, you felt a deep sense of release. The ache in your soul softened. Gripping tighter, you pressed back with a desperation you didn’t know you had.
“I wish you could roam in the shallows. If you were… Should I ever get the courage to go back, I would have liked you to be there.”
“Perhaps…” He hesitated, eyelight darting away as a hint of color bloomed on his skull. “Perhaps when you are ready, I will be.”
You met his gaze in confusion. “But, how—”
A gentle claw pressed against your lips with a mischievous chuckle, water rushing from Nightmare’s sudden descent. “Now now, my Angel. All in due time. For now, let us return. The others await your return home.”
… You smiled, leaning more into the giant. It looked like there would be someone to greet you after all.
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selineram3421 · 3 months
*in feral mermaid mode* Araghafjk-!
Other Worldly
Part 1
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Alastor X Shy Reader
(Oneshot turned short story)
Warnings ⚠
⚠ selectively mute reader, signing-ASL, shaking head = no, italics = thoughts ⚠
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Alastor curiosity grew after that encounter with the shy demon in the library.
So much so that he went to the Princess for more information.
"Oh uh..what would you like to know?", Charlie asked, turning away from activity plans.
"Nothing too important!", he said with a closed eyed smile. "Just wondering why they don't speak, such a quiet thing they are."
"I-", the blonde stuttered. "It's not my place to say, you'd have to ask them yourself.", she said firmly.
Oh? So the Princess knows exactly why..
"Hm..", he hummed and turned away to face the door. "Fair enough! I'll leave you to go back to your planning.", he said before walking out of the office.
Now all I have to do is find the interesting demon. He thought.
With a pep in his step, the deer demon used the shadows to travel around the hotel in search of them.
You were anxious.
Fiddling with the collar of your top as you walked down the stone path of the hotel's garden.
It was an accident. You thought, glancing at the red rose bush. Still, I should have at least checked to see if anyone was in the room.
Sighing, you made your way over to the pond. Watching the odd glowing fish swim around in the water.
Maybe I should check to see if he's ok? You shake your head soon after. No, Vaggie said to be careful around that demon.
The lingering feeling of guilt still sat in the pit of your stomach. You wanted to make sure he was alright but the previous warnings told you to stay away, now you were at war with your choices.
Being too distracted by your thoughts, you didn't notice the figure conjuring up behind you from the shadows.
"AH!", you jumped in shock and turned to see the demon, but your foot hit the edge of a rock and you lost balance.
Now Alastor did enjoy giving them a good scare but he didn't try to do that this time.
Perhaps they were too occupied with their thoughts.
He saw a flicker of fear in their eyes as they fell back into the water. Now there was some slight concern on his end but it was just water, he knew there was nothing in the pond that could harm them in any way.
Then there was an odd bright green glow coming from the water, causing him to lift his hand to block some of the light.
Once it stopped, he heard a splash of water.
Lowering his hand, he saw them clawing their way out of the pond.
"Apologies, I did not mean to frighten you so-", the deer demon started, kneeling down to help them out but he paused once noticing something red peeking out of the water.
Red fins and scales, a fish tail where their legs once were, then when he looked down at their hands. Seeing that it also changed, now having webbing between their fingers. The scales were vibrant. Red, scarlet, and speckles of candy apple red littered here and there.
It was quite the sight to behold.
Then he noticed them shaking. In fear or of cold, he was not sure but the Radio Demon lifted them out of the water and carried them back to the hotel.
"As I was saying dear, I apologize. I didn't know you were swimming in your thoughts.", he glanced at the mer and grinned when finding them peek up at him. "You had quite the splash."
They pouted and looked away from him.
Moving their hands, the left palm flat and facing up, while the right was similar to the left, it was vertical as it went down on their open palm like a knife on a cutting board. (Stop)
"You'll have to communicate with me another way dear.", he replied.
They let out a click of annoyance and remained quiet.
Maybe I could keep them.. Alastor thought as he entered the hotel. I wouldn't mind a pretty fish in my room.
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I am excited for MerMay. More mer fics for me to read! 🪼
~Seline, the person.
Part 2
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @+?
ML I Alastor🎙 | ChL OW🦀
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chimkin-samich · 23 days
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MerMay hitting like crazy lately...
Expect more, and I mean m o r e ... SOON! 👀
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xitsensunmoon · 6 months
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Something something sushi were rotating in my brain
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alexmcxa · 2 years
Check it ouuuuut
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vivisols · 5 months
The FIRST chapter of The Future Stares Back is out!!!!
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