#middle east conflict
Israel Continues Attack on Rafah As Hamas Accepts Truce Deal
Israel’s military intensified carpet-bombing of Rafah late on Monday, accompanied by reported ground advances shortly after Hamas agreed to a US-mediated ceasefire proposal. The small town, home to 1.5 million displaced Palestinians, was struck by air strikes and artillery shelling, according to Palestinian news outlets. Several people have been reported killed and wounded.
Source: Middle East Eye
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head-post · 4 months
Hamas rejected a draft truce with Israel
Palestinian movement representatives have refused to accept the terms of a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip proposed at peace talks in Paris, Arab Media reported.
Arab TV channels are reporting live:
“The agreement in Paris included a prisoner exchange but completely ignored the ceasefire and withdrawal from Gaza, while the resistance forces consider these issues key.”
Israel had previously agreed to a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. However, the text of the agreement does not restrict the IDF from carrying out airstrikes on Palestinian territories and does not provide for the withdrawal of Israeli troops.
A new meeting on the situation in Gaza will be held soon in Cairo. Hamas will be briefed on the outcome, after which a final response will be given.
Read more HERE
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workersolidarity · 1 month
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🇮🇱⚔️🇮🇷 🚨
The Zionist media is reporting the Israeli occupation launched a "limited" strike targeting an Iranian military base in Isfahan, in central Iran using a reported combined missile and drone strike.
Air sirens were recorded in the city of Isfahan, while Iranian air defenses were activated and reportedly shot down several drones.
Meanwhile, the NY Times is quoting three Iranian officials as saying a strike targeted an airbase in Isfahan, and also cited two Israeli officials as claiming responsibility for a strike on Iranian military bases.
According to a report in the Hebrew media, the United States was notified beforehand of "Israel's" intention to strike Iran over the following 24-48 hours.
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undbtlone · 15 days
US government's reaction to Free Palestine protests:
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ivygorgon · 27 days
Petition Against Israel's Forced Displacement and Threats of Violence
13 so far! Help us get to 25 signers!
Dear President Biden and Members of Congress,
We, the undersigned, express our deep concern and condemnation of Israel's ongoing acts of forced displacement and threats of violence against those who seek to return home.
The forced displacement of individuals from their homes is a violation of fundamental human rights and international law. It leads to immense suffering, loss of livelihoods, and perpetuates cycles of poverty and instability.
Furthermore, the threats of violence against those who seek to return home are reprehensible and undermine the basic principles of safety and security for all individuals, regardless of their background or beliefs.
We call upon the international community to take immediate and decisive action to pressure Israel to cease these illegal and inhumane practices. We urge governments, international organizations, and civil society to:
1. Condemn Israel's actions in the strongest terms possible and demand an immediate halt to all forced displacement and threats of violence.
2. Provide support and assistance to those affected by forced displacement, including access to shelter, healthcare, and legal aid.
3. Ensure accountability for those responsible for perpetrating and enabling these violations of human rights and international law.
4. Work towards a just and lasting solution based on the principles of equality, justice, and respect for human rights.
We stand in solidarity with the victims of forced displacement and violence and call for justice and accountability for all those affected.
▶ Created on April 16 by Fatima
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Hamas is a tool of Iran and does not necessarily represent the majority of Palestinians in Gaza. When Iran issues an attack order to Hamas they carry it out and then use ordinary Palestinians as human shields. Naturally the Israelis counterattack and the Palestinians suffer due to the actions of Hamas terrorists.
Iran works closely with Putin and Russia. It’s now believed by many that Trump passed information about Israeli defenses to the Russians who in turn have it to Iran which passed it on to Hamas at joint planning sessions.
We know Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is not always fair and our own meddling over the years has not always been beneficial. But as usual Hamas, with the backing of Iran and Russia, and limited assistance from Hezbollah (Iran’s other client militia) launched this unprovoked massive attack.
Those of us on the left should be aware of the optics of denouncing Israel at this time as Hamas is beheading infants and toddlers ISIS style and taking hostages. Hamas is bringing this suffering on both the Palestinians and the Israelis. Hamas is acting as a proxy of Iran whose goal is to destabilize the region and distract from their benefactor Putin’s debacle in Ukraine. No state in the Middle East supports the Palestinians, they are used as pawns for corrupt, failing, theocracies and dictatorships.
Public sentiment in recent years among progressives has switched to supporting the Palestinians and they are in dire straits in need of assistance no doubt about it. But for those who read the state department briefings and dig deeper this switch was made possible by funding from Iran which has been waging a propaganda blitz, usually through public radio, in liberal communities and college towns. The Iranians and duplications Saudis have been spending millions to turn American public sentiment against Israel for their own geopolitical goals and it has been working. This can be described as asymmetrical warfare, turning the tide through disinformation and other non-combat means. We can’t go gung-ho against everything the right supports because sometimes we’ll just be shooting ourselves in the foot.
BLM should reconsider their dubious ties to the Palestinians because frankly it has nothing to do with their own goal or the goals of the rest of the left-leaning resistance against the Republikkkan fascists. Taking sides in Arab-Israeli conflicts is a lose/lose scenario for American progressive reformers. We are on the verge of losing our own democracy and sadly should focus on that until the Trumpian GQP threat has ended. The professionals at the state department will handle the Middle East. It may sound callous or insensitive but if we lose here it’s game over and we won’t even be able to help ourselves let alone others.
I’ve always seen what’s going on at home as a war for the future of this country. The Republikkkans have been waging it for decades against us and even today most of us still aren’t aware of it let alone its scope. I would never advocate abandoning anyone but we have to be cognizant of our end game. As stated we won’t be able to help,ourselves or anyone else if the GQP chaos caucus is calling the shots. The Middle East has been in turmoil for thousands of years and 99% of the public has only the faintest grasp of what’s going on. Don’t let the media or propagandists distract or divide you. We have to make winning on the home front our priority. Ordinarily I wouldn’t type this but we are living through an unprecedented attack on our way of life and the very survival of many of our brethren here at home is on the table.
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simplysiriuslyjoking · 8 months
Proper research is powerful.
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corvids-core-sys · 1 day
i think social media useres need to stop assuming they lose followers after posting about real world issues because people disagree with them. so here are some alternate and very valid reasons someone unfollowed you after posting something like that
- someone unfollowed you because it was triggering for them - someone unfollowed you because hearing about controversy and real world issues is exhausting - someone unfollowed you because they want their social media to be somewhere they can get away from the problems with our world - someone unfollowed you because what you posted made them feel unsafe around you - someone unfollowed you because they might be a victim or feel implicated in the conflict, issue, or controversy you posted about - someone unfollowed you because they genuinely arent obligated to regardless of what you post
not everyone who unfollows you over these things is outright a bad person. hate to break it to you, some of us just want to put our mental health first.
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el-dio · 4 days
*Moxy intentando explicar a Ox porque el rubio ya es bueno y porque está exagerando al no dejarlo quedarse a dormir*
Ox: NO ES NO, mira hermanita, se que te dije que lo perdone por sus actos PERO de verdad me niego se quede en tu habitación, una cosa NO va con la otra.
M: porfavor Oxy, solo será por hoy, piénsalo cómo una pijamada, por mi culpa la mansión se llenó de pegote super pegajoso y hasta mañana la terminan de limpiar.
L: *un tanto incómodo* oigan, si es mucha molestia me puedo ir con suertu-
Ox: la sala tiene un buen sofa
M:¡¿Qué te da miedo?!, He estado por 3 meses a su lado y NUNCA A INTENTADO LASTIMARME!, no me va a pasar nada estando en la misma habitación, Lou ya cambio hermano, he visto cuanto se esfuerza, porfavor.
Ox: No me asusta se quede pero ¿De a fuerza tiene que ser en TU habitación?
L: creo que si me vo-
M:1•Mi cama tiene bastante espacio.
2•Ya me dijo no le incómoda dormir con alguien más.
3•Eres capaz de vigilarlo si se queda en la sala y mañana tienes junta.
¿Te doy más razones?
* Se la pasaron 1h hasta que Moxy logró salirse con la suya y nadie sabe realmente como se consiguió sabiendo lo sobreprotector que es Ox"
La idea me llegó de repente, aclaro que lo de Moxy y Lou es solo amistad, por si pensaron otra cosa como lo hizo Ox.
Ganas de hacerlo cómic no me están faltando he!.
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Blinken's Report is a Slap in the Face of Human Rights System
US finds Israel’s use of weapons in Gaza ‘inconsistent’ with human rights law, but will not cut flow of arms. State department also says not enough concrete evidence to link specific US-supplied weapons to violations. The US says it is “reasonable to assess” that the weapons it has provided to Israel have been used in ways that are “inconsistent” with international human rights law, but that there is not enough concrete evidence to link specific US-supplied weapons to violations or warrant cutting the supply of arms.
In a highly anticipated report to Congress, the state department said that the assurances given by Israel and a handful of other countries under scrutiny that they had been using US-supplied weapons in accordance with international humanitarian law (IHL) were “credible and reliable” Source: Palestine International Broadcast
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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A mass grave was discovered at al-Shifa Medical Complex after a deadly Israeli assault last month left the Gaza City hospital in ruins. Several bodies were found Monday in the hospital’s courtyard, including at least one person wearing underwear who appeared to have been “executed recently” according to an Al Jazeera Arabic reporter at the scene. After Israeli forces withdrew from the hospital on 1 April, teams from several government ministries were deployed to al-Shifa to remove and identify bodies. The searches were initiated after survivors said they witnessed the summary execution of Palestinians by Israeli forces during the two-week raid that started in mid-March.
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tmarshconnors · 13 days
ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders.
Are you serious? The International Criminal Court (ICC) seeks arrest warrants for both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and leaders of Hamas? What kind of parallel universe are we living in? It's absolutely mind-boggling that the ICC, which is supposed to uphold justice, is even contemplating this action.
First of all, let's talk about Netanyahu. Whether you love or hate his politics, he's the democratically elected leader of a SOVEREIGN nation. Israel, a country that is at WAR! If it wasn’t for the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organisation, led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. Where 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed they wouldn’t have had this war they brought it upon themselves! The idea that Netanyahu, a head of state, should be arrested for actions taken in defence of his nation is preposterous and hypocritical. It's not like he's some rogue warlord—he's accountable to the Israeli Knesset, the judiciary, and ultimately, the Israeli people. How about focusing on real war criminals instead of targeting a nation's leadership for making tough decisions in a volatile region??!?!
And Hamas leaders? Let’s get real. Hamas is recognised as a terrorist organisation by many countries around the world, including the United Kingdom and the United States. They routinely launch rockets at civilian populations, use human shields, and perpetrate suicide bombings. These actions are not justifiable under any circumstances, and equating their leaders with a sitting prime minister of a democratic country is not only absurd but also dangerously misleading. 
What message is the ICC sending here? That there's no difference between a democratic leader trying to protect his country and terrorists who deliberately target civilians? I am so sick and tired of this blunt hypocrisy! This false equivalency undermines the credibility of international law and disrespects the victims of real war crimes. The ICC MUST be held accountable! Should have acted on Hamas years ago!! 
The ICC needs to get its act together. Instead of indulging in politically charged prosecutions that do nothing but fan the flames of conflict, it should concentrate on clear-cut cases of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity where there is no ambiguity about the perpetrators. The court's credibility and relevance depend on it acting judiciously, not politically or it has no reason for being whatsoever!
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head-post · 27 days
Surgeon worked in Gaza feels “criminalised” after being refused entry to France
A British surgeon who testified about Israel’s war on Gaza after operating during the conflict said he felt criminalised after being refused entry to France at the weekend, The Guardian reports.
Prof Ghassan Abu-Sitta, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, was due to speak about the war to the upper house of the French parliament on Saturday. However, after arriving at Charles de Gaulle airport north of Paris on a morning flight from London, French authorities informed him that Germany had enforced an all-Schengen ban on his entry to Europe.
Abu-Sitta said he was unaware that German authorities, who had previously refused him entry to Berlin in April, had imposed an administrative visa ban on him for a year, meaning he was barred from entering any Schengen country. Abu-Sitta said on Sunday:
“What I find most difficult to accept is this complete criminalisation.”
He added that he was previously told by authorities he would be unable to enter Germany for the month of April.
Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister and leader of the leftist MEPA25 party, commented on this situation on X:
“Banning an eyewitness from testifying before the French Senate, thus protecting Israel’s right to commit genocide with impunity, is a new low for the EU. The impression is that the EU authorities are doing everything they can to justify Brexiteers. Unprecedented stupidity in action!”
Read more HERE
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workersolidarity · 1 month
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🇮🇷 🚨
Iranian sources say that while air defenses were activated in the skies over Isfahan, no strikes hit Iranian territory.
Instead, Iranian officials said explosions that were widely heard from Isfahan were from the activation of air defenses responding to several "micro air vehicles" flying over Iranian airspace.
Iranian reports also stated that a suspicious object was fired at by Iranian air defenses in the Vadi-e-Rahmat region of Tabriz.
No damage was reported as a result of the strikes.
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quasonn · 17 days
Bringing attention back to this poem by Persian poet Saadi as recited by a local nai player, who became known as Uncle Janan after a snippet of his interview became viral where he recites Saadi's lines to express his deep anguish and sadness over the death of his sons who were ambushed and killed on the same day by the Taliban for being serving police in the city of Ghazni. You can read more about him from this piece in the kabul now: https://kabulnow.com/2020/07/wound-of-war-janan-plays-nai-for-love-of-lost-sons/
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ivygorgon · 2 months
No more arms transfers! Ceasefire now. The hostages must come home.
637 so far! Help us get to 1,000 signers!
Last week, President Biden expressed his outrage over the Israeli military’s killing of seven World Central Kitchen workers directly to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Within hours, the Israeli cabinet voted to increase aid deliveries in Gaza — a welcome sea change in its months-long siege that can help tens of thousands of people avoid famine.
There’s no need to wait for the Israeli military to make another deadly decision for President Biden to do all he can to save lives now. President Biden should enforce U.S. law immediately to suspend U.S. military aid to Israel and ensure the indiscriminate killing of aid workers and mass starvation of Palestinians ends today. We need the focus to shift to peace negotiations, rescuing the hostages, and rebuilding.
The U.S. government is likely the only one capable of swaying the Israeli government from deepening the crisis and tipping the entire region into all-out war. It must do so. Americans overwhelmingly want the carnage to stop.
▶ Created on April 8 by Jess Craven · 636 signers in the past 7 days
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