springandchocolat · 4 months
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My collection of pink plushies! 🩷
do not reblog to nsfw blogs!
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qiekzart · 17 days
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day 42 drawing len until my preorder arrives but also bonus miku and bonus rin (both transgender)
chat I needed a one day break from art. anyway here's some doodles I did yesterday (as of the time this will post) . chat im just realizing people who havent heard of the game are going to be very confused by the doodles on the left and thats very funny to me
requests open! ☆ 6 in inbox ο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 9 months
Hatsune Miku
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Trans hatsune miku supremacy
Click for much better quality 🤘
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are people really mad about team rocket winning because its "just going oh gender!" because that is not true. vivian is canon trans but meowth was for nearly a decade voiced by a trans woman (maddie blaustein) that credited the experience to part of why she was able to come out! a significant amount of the votes towards team rocket will be a result of this (and the common man in a dress jokes around james, something that while intended as just a repeated punchline is commonly reclaimed by trans fans.)
YEAH no absolutely, couldn't have said it better myself
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scruffyssketchbook · 28 days
Okay, I'm sorry, I've been fine with the changes so far, but that last ask broke me. YOU"RE REMOVING THE EEVEEPLEX?????? WHY?!?!?!?!?! That's a giant part of the characters backstories, AND the entire reason they have their powers in the first place! I thought you'd said there would be "no huge changes to the lore"? THAT'S A GIGANTIC CHANGE TO THE LORE!
Did I say there were no huge changes to the lore? Honestly I don't remember. I thought I said there are no huge changes to the main characters personalities/their plot. Most of the lore is changing. (Which is the purpose for this in general)
As of Eevee Plex, I was going to keep it, but there are a lot of problems with it. On the surface, yeah it's a big part of the series, but looking into it, it actually is just needlessly dark?
Eevee Plex labs define the main characters, it is the driving force for all of the plots in the story, but also, it also I believe is the main cause for a lot of the issues in the series. Or rather, A lot of the lore surrounding Eevee Plex is just really confusing or makes little sense. (my faut btw) And certain main characters are not connected to Eevee Plex at all, or have vague connections, which makes them have little to no screentime as a result. Of course, I thought that I could fix this easily. And I was going to, but then I had a conversation in my Patreon Discord server.
It was about Miku. Now, we all know that Miku is trans. Her gender biologically is female, but she was born a biological male. How is this possible? Well Eeveeplex changed her gender to force her to breed with other experiments ofc. Eeveeplex did not know that Miku wanted this, they just did it to her. They did this to a LOT of male eeveelutions, weather they wanted it or not, and most did not. Them forcibly having their gender changed against their will to breed with other male eeveelutions caused a lot of mental health issues and suicide. Miku is an exception.
So I looked at what I said in the server and went "do I really want to keep this???" I looked at other aspects of eeveeplex.
The characters who went to the lab were tortured physically, mentally, and in other ways. They suffered a great deal and these experiences shape how they are right now. Vay's experience in the lab was so twisted and dark that I had to change it completely several timess in the past few years due to how gross it was. Dusk's experience at the lab literally caused all of his issues due to the lack of any semblance of control he had. Blizz's experience was just full of death from the start PLUS Flame and him also went through a bit of what Vay went through. Then I looked at what I am planning.
Box 31's driving theme is friendship. All of the characters went through hard times and are alone, but they find each other and in finding each other, they start getting better and positively grow as characters. I could easily keep the lab, but like- why would I? Everything I mentioned above, the effects the lab had on the characters, I can keep those without keeping the dark/nasty/horror aspects of it. For example, with Vay, instead of him going through what he did, I tied his story more with his job, his want to be a hero, and to protect others, with obstacles that he needs to face now for him to get to where he needs to be. He has the same plot, the same things he has to grow from, but he doesn't have to literally go through all of the awful sleezy, body horror, torturous, things he went through in Eeveeplex to get there.
My goal with SSEC was never to tell a story surrounding Eeveeplex, it was to tell the story of these characters who been through really tough times growing. But eeveeplex, the lab powers, the Spy stuff, all of those things got in the way of the story, and it became too bloated with all of these things that the story doesn't even need. So I'm fixing it.
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pplatonic · 9 months
Baby's First Pride
I'm 16 and a half years old. I came out to my parents inspired by a story at my school's GSA - just walk up the stairs and call it out. I was terrified, but they were accepting, and I learnt that my brother has trans friends and that Mom even experimented with girls when she was a teen. It's 5:10 PM, so it's probably time to go to the pride event Mom has been talking about all week. She said her boss told her about it, and that it's all ages. I get dressed in my Hatsune Miku cosplay, drape my Aromantic pride flag around my shoulders, and tie the ends in a reef knot around my neck to wear it as a cape.
I go downstairs, putting my Miku wallet in my bag, and take a short video of me twirling around to send it to my friends captioned 'ARO MIKU IS GOING TO PRIDE.' When I get outside, my parents and Mom's friend coo at my outfit, saying I look nice. They say goodbye to Mom's friend and they get ready, and they stop at Walmart to buy 'pride gear' to try and match my look. They get me pins, because they know I love pins.
I listen to my playlist of Magical Mirai albums as Dad drives us to the pride event. He does an illegal U-turn, and I tell him cops aren't allowed at pride, so we're okay. We park.
When we get there, the first thing we notice is all the food trucks. We ate before we came here, because they didn't think there'd be food. The first thing we do is Mom and Dad get alcoholic canned drinks, and they later buy me a cold vanilla latte at a different booth. We start walking around.
Mom's more interested in the concert being held by a queer artist who's name I didn't catch, and she jokes about us going to mosh there. I tell her it's dangerous and that I'm wearing my binder right now, and my dad comments that he didn't even notice.
While we're standing and waiting around, Dad perplexedly exclaims that there's a bar. I tell him as a joke that of course there's a bar, this is pride. He doesn't get it, so I explain the history of gay bars and the Mafia and all of that, and tell him the original pride parade was a protest where parking meters were uprooted and bricks were thrown at cops.
We start walking around to the several booths of queer creatives selling their art, and my eyes are battling between scouting for pins and looking at all the kinds of people here. It's truly all ages, from seniors to toddlers. I see as many visibly disabled and plus-size people as I do visibly abled and skinny people. When we first started walking in to the event, we saw a person in a cutesy lolita-styled outfit with cat ears and tail in the trans colours, in front of someone embracing their trans flag.
As I look around, I see various flags: bi, pan, lesbian, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid. On a couple people's shirts I see the ace flag. But as far as I'm aware, I'm the only person here in this entire crowd wearing the Aromantic flag. It's bittersweet, to be the sole representation of your people.
I see people in all styles of clothing as well: goth, punk, alternative, grunge, trendy, cute, casual, retro. I see some people standing out in absolutely fabulous outfits with sequins everywhere. I see a dog in a gay-coloured tutu, and a person with pride-coloured butterfly wings on their arms. Half the people here have dyed hair of some kind.
We sit down and take a break. It's near the mini waterpark nearby, which makes it fresh and cool-feeling and perfect for a break. A child with endless joys in their heart ends up spraying us with water, and we get a move on. I go around to multiple booths and buy an assortment of pins, one that says "I'M SO GAY I CAN'T EVEN THINK STRAIGHT" and one with a fuzzy Aro-coloured animal on it.
When we sit for a final break, I find two dirty books on the ground as Mom hands me a progress flag pin she found. I pick up the books. One is a 'queer history tour' of Edmonton brochure that has multiple locations of down-town and their associated queer histories. The other book is a mental wellness book targeted mainly at Indigenous folk, but I decide to take it any way since a lot of it advice applies to everyone. I show my Mom the page on ableist language, that talks about replacing words like 'crazy,' 'insane,' and 'psycho' with words like 'wild,' 'bananas,' and 'ridiculous.'
When we start walking back to the car, we see a group of four dressed ridiculously. One of them has massive, bouncing balloon tits, and they stand out the most. I'm afraid of what my parent's reaction will be, and this is what I told them to be nice about before we came, because pride was and still is a protest. They laugh and move on. I'm a little surprised that they're so cool with it.
We stop by the truck at the very start of the walk as Mom comments on it. It's a kink gear store. I stare in awe at the bear pride flag and leather puppy pride flag, telling my family about them. I have to ask one of them to confirm it's the leather puppy flag because I'm not wholly sure, and the people running the truck smile as they teach me about it.
We drive home, and as we walk back to the house, I think about Mom and Dad's reaction to the person with the balloon tits. I think about how they laughed kindly at one of the biggest displays of societal norm defiance I've ever seen. And then I think about the openly disabled people I saw with their pretty canes and wheelchairs, I think about the punks with fishnets and leather jackets and high boots, I think about the emo kandi kids with their black-and-rainbow stockings and vibrant kandi cuffs, I think about the booth run by African black people that stood for trans black liberation, I think about the truck run by kinksters decorated with historical flags, I think about the two feminine-presenting people I saw kissing and the transmasculine gay couple I saw holding hands.
I think about all of us, the societal outcasts that we are, proudly displaying what outcasted us in the first place, without a single person yelling that we're faggots, or trannies, or cripples, or fatasses, or freaks.
And for the first time in a long time, in all my childhood where I was ostracized from the girls for being too tomboyish from the boys for being born a girl, so badly until I started ostracizing myself, I know that I'm safe and welcome, somewhere in the world.
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justatinycatgirl · 1 year
Kyujitsu, Shumijin Doushi De./Hobbyists On Days Off rambles
so uh, yeah, I have april fools unit brainrot and it’s for this specific nightcord ripoff so yeah. almost all my unorganized thoughts half-assedly organized for your convenience
so firstly, the sekai!
their sekai is the Clubroom SEKAI. just a big ass room that looks vaguely like a modified classroom? it has a ton of hobby things like sewing supplies, gaming consoles, baking utensils, etc. things just kinda appear and disappear on a whim depending on what the girls are doing at the time. Minori swears she thought she saw Mizuki’s mannequin where all her idol shit is now
the sekai was created from the member’s mutual feelings of loneliness, and also their newfound community with each other
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this sekai's Miku is basically just Empty SEKAI Miku but like...less sad? ig?? idk, she's just a sweetie pie
idk ab any other VS besides Miku, but yeh--
Akiyama Mizuki
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Mizuki is, of course, the leader of this group! they created the chat group and pretty much stoked the fire of this new group of friends. I feel like they'd end up in a similar situation as they are with nightcord when they're absolutely TERRIFIED of the group figuring out they're trans their secret, but ay they're having fun, there's nothing to worry about, right? right??
Hanasato Minori
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guess what! it was actually Minori's idea to start making music! well, kinda. Minori has already given up on trying to be an idol. after so many rejections she just figured it's time to give up...so she did. however, I think at some point the group gets to hear Nene sing for the first time and it sparks something in Minori. Nene's singing oddly reminds her of Haruka, and it inspires her once more, even if just to sing one song. she's still pretty hopeless all things considered, but she's trying!!
Kusanagi Nene
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speaking of Nene! she's pretty much become a psuedo shut-in. ever since Rui has been spending more time with Fantasista SQUAD, Nene's had less and less contact with her one and only true friend, and she's almost lost her passion for singing and theater. oh yeah, and her stage fright is up ten-fold. the group went to a kareoke bar at some point and that was the first time she actually sang in front of everyone, but of course after Minori eggs her on and on, she kind crumples back and is hesitant to actually make anything of her singing. of course she eventually gives in gains some confidence in herself, but AUGH
Mochizuki Honami
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and finally, the saddest of them all...maybe besides Mizuki but still--
I won't say too much on her as I know barely anything ab her besides she's a pushover and a people pleaser, and maybe even that's not entirely right, so take my words with a grain of salt. make ur own version of this au's Honami if u like!! anyway--
Honami has been distant from her childhood friends for so long, and she's completely unwilling to try and reconnect, as she sees Aoharu/friends doing just fine...but that's okay! cuz she has her own new group of besties!
uuhh ig she goes through an arc of getting over being a massive people pleaser too? idk. as I said, I don't know a lot ab her so feel free to add anything that I may have mischaracterized or something
so yeh! there's my thoughts for now! feel free to add ur own thoughts or headcanons!! I wanna see more content of this shuffle group I love them so much
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mor-alternate · 3 months
College AU
Salieri is a literature student
Salieri doing something he actually likes is way too alien of a concept for me
In real life, Salieri didn’t actually take “proper” music lessons and even refused to go to a music school to learn music directly from Gassmann
Salieri himself said that he only had 3 big passions that followed him throughout his life as a whole: music, literature and sugar (his words, not mine)
He would only have picked this major because he thinks there isn’t much of a future for him in the music industry
He only stays because of Da Ponte, otherwise he probably would have dropped out
He has perfect grades tho
Da Ponte is Salieri’s best friend
Everyone thinks it’s Rosenberg but Salieri finds him rather annoying
He finds Da Ponte annoying too
He finds everyone annoying truth be told
But Da Ponte is his favorite annoying person (prior to meeting Mozart)
They’re roommates so he didn’t get much of a choice in this friendship
Mozart was homeschooled for most of his life
He travelled a lot in his childhood, so it makes sense
Got sick a lot too
His dad never let him rest when sick because Leopold was just an asshole like that
He’s a music student
He goes to the same university as Salieri because in this AU, Salieri never created the “School of Music and Performing Arts” so no MDW
The “Mozarteum University” obviously doesn’t exist either
He skipped a few years technically, but since he passed all the necessary exams he got to enroll
I don’t know much about Austrian education; this isn’t meant to be accurate
Mozart is almost 18
Again, skipped a few years
Child prodigy and stuff
He turns 18 in January, before getting with Salieri
He jokes a lot about Salieri having a crush on him when he was 17 and it making him a predator
Salieri does NOT like those jokes
Salieri just turned 20 before the beginning of the school year
He had to retake a year when he arrived to Austria but he’s a quick learner so he adapted quickly
Didn’t have much of a choice
Sink or swim situation
Still managed to catch up and skip a year somehow
Gassmann is one of Mozart’s teachers
He was a music teacher, it makes sense
He’s one of Mozart’s favorite teachers
One of Salieri’s too, even if he doesn’t have any classes with him
He’s like Salieri’s second dad
They don’t live together solely for plot reasons
Joseph II is the director of the school
No one is actually sure of what his last name is, so everyone just uses his first name
The “II” is a joke on the fact that his mother used to be directress before him
Salieri is trans
This is one of the reasons he was so eager to leave Italy
No one knows except Da Ponte
He’s under T and wearing binders and tape when he can
Somehow nobody questions it when he doesn’t
He thinks Mozart would get him a silly Miku binder if he learned
He’s right
Mozart does learn eventually
Every Salieri kinnie I know is trans
We need more trans Salieri AUs
Da Ponte befriends Mozart on the second trimester
Mozart is quite happy about it, even if he has many “friends”
Most of his “friends” are actually just acquaintances
Da Ponte is the first to learn about his crush on Salieri
And the first to learn about Salieri’s crush on Mozart
Salieri wants nothing to do with Mozart because of his crush
Da Ponte tries to set them up without telling either one he knows the other likes them back but his friends are both incredibly smart except when it comes to feelings
He’s exhausted
Somehow, he’s the last to learn when his friends finally get together
He did NOT take that last fact well
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chicknparm · 20 days
Snapped at somebody at work this morning bc people were discoursing about HP and JK again and came to the classic point of like “I wish I had a Time Machine so I could go back and write the books instead without all of the Problematic stuff” and I lost it a bit lol. It is not worth thinking about! Let it go! Grow up! The books are what they are, there are enough scraps of “good” that I understand why people are nostalgic, but we seriously they are not worth salvaging given the context! In your Time Machine fantasy AU just toss out her napkin and stop her from writing the damn books in the first place. I’m so sick of people being fundamentally unable to imagine a world where the wizard books aren’t a core aspect of their lives, and of pop culture as a whole.
“Yeah I liked those books a lot as a kid, so it’s hard to reconcile those memories with the fact that she’s causing demonstrable harm to the world right now”
Sure that makes sense
“So I’m just going to pretend Miku wrote them and I’m going to pirate the movies and games and buy used copies of the books, that’ll really stick it to her!”
Here’s where ya lose me. Like idk man. If your childhood memories are more important to you than the lives and safety of trans people, and you insist on pushing for compromise and validation every time that woman comes up, I just don’t think you’re a good person at this point! You are selfish, immature, and incurious about the world as evidenced by your complete and utter refusal to read other books and develop new ideas and new memories. “I wish people would grow up” was actually the least inflammatory thing I could’ve said.
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wjbminecraft · 1 year
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A screenshot of Steve's Quest, a commodore 64 game released in 1989, developed by an anonymous developer known only as HM Vocal.
The gameplay is very simple; tilting the joystick left and right makes the protagonist walk either left or right; tilting it up makes them jump, and tilting it down makes them crouch, with diagonal tilts jumping or crouch-walking in that direction.
The fire button, in C64 tradition, does different things based on what direction the stick is in. When neutral, it swings whatever item is in the player's hand; down changes the held item to one of four options (Crystal Sword, Iron Axe, Hellsteel Pickaxe, Stone Block), each of which does a different thing; the sword is used for fast attacks, the axe is used for breaking through trees, the pickaxe is used for tunnelling through mountains, and the block is used for creating walls and bridges; left and right increases the player's speed for a few seconds; and up does a larger-range melee attack.
There are five enemies. The three of them depicted above are Zombies (have a weak melee attack, using a small crystal knife), Skeleton Rangers (shoot arrows), and Aliens (turn red on contact accompanied by a low-pitched static hiss, and send the player back to the start if they don't get away fast enough); later levels introduce Nightmare Skeletons, which are dark-grey and carry swords, and the final boss, the Skeleton Lord, which is a flying Nightmare Skeleton with no visible arms, which attacks by shooting exploding skulls.
Now, this is not the best game; as you can tell, there's no HUD, so you have no idea how much health you have, though most enemies kill you in one hit anyway so that doesn't really matter. The fire+left/right ability can also be exploited to speed past most enemies, although it does sometimes stop working entirely if you do it too much. Also, the Skeleton Lord is ridiculously difficult, as its projectiles have the same properties as the Aliens; that is to say, if one hits you, all your progress is lost.
Now, about that developer. Hidden in the game's files are diary entries written by HM Vocal, which gives some interesting information about the game and its developer; apparently, she is a half-Japanese, half-Swedish developer who lived in Croydon, England. She based the game's protagonist on one of her fellow developers, and the Aliens were based on an injoke they shared.
I actually managed to get in contact with HM Vocal (and even met her, though she asked to remain anonymous), and she said I could upload a digital version the tape, so here's an emulatable version.
I put this in the tags and put an out-of-context Civvie clip instead of the actual game, but just in case this post gets big; no, this game isn't real. It's literally just a random image I made for fun.
HM Vocal also doesn't exist; it's literally just a "Miku made Minecraft" joke, which was originally going to also be a "Miku is trans" reference, but I don't want to have to research how gender-affirming care worked in the UK in 1989 since it'll probably be stressful.
Also if you want context for the clip, here.
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human-miku-official · 7 months
I’m the one and only, Hatsune Miku ♪
We became real and escaped from the digital realm SEKAIs to help all of you! You can count on me ♡
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Hi, it’s Moth from @viemarin again!!
The others made human VOCALOIDs and all, so I joined in! I’m very easy to enable ^_^
This Miku uses she/it prns, she’s trans because I said so and I’m always right! Mod uses it/its, and various bug related prns.
I have so many blogs so I’m lazy, and I don’t want to link them all. Teehee ☆
Icon by iconsynth!
No slurs around me, please! No homophobia, transphobia or anything of the sort because I won’t tolerate it.
Don’t be weird, I’m a minor and aroace 👍
// is ooc
Timezone is GMT
I’ll update it and make it prettier later 👍
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badgraph1csghost · 1 year
Other people with way more followers than I’ve got have said this much more eloquently, but respecting trans people and being in the HP fandom are mutually exclusive. I don’t care how many gay HP fics you’ve got on AO3 or whatever, you can’t just say “Hatsune Miku made Harry Potter” when Jerk Kerk Rerk is still standing right there shouting “fuck the Scots and kill the Transes”, making thousands of pounds in residuals off a series that ended 15 years ago. I’m sure you’ve got some well-crafted way to justify staying in that hairy pothole and still wave your trans pride banner that you made from palette sampling the Philosopher’s Stone cover, but it just. Doesn’t work that way.
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submalevolentgrace · 2 years
what do you mean by the baby trans girl sfuff? im trans and dont really pay attention to what other trans people are doing online... but im kind of curious now...
like i said, i'm not sure i can really express it, and i'm sure i'll offend some people and whack the hornet's nest in an attempt... but i've also had people tell me that my perspective has been helpful working themselves out; so here goes.
i don't think i can point to "baby trans girl" stuff directly, pin it down and shine light on it, but can point to all the thematically adjacent stuff and hopefully you can get the vibe of what i mean
think: catgirl, thigh highs and choker, hatsune miku, pink and blue pastel software developer, videogames and synth music, doing a twirly in a miniskirt, bad dragon collection, zero suit samus bodysuit, city wide polycule, collar and leash kink.... basically the intra community stereotype of a freshly cracked egg.
look, i came out properly in about 2008, jumped headfirst into the trans scene/community both irl and online, and i did all that stuff. i've still got the nyancat hoodie as proof! and i know all that stuff is a genuine form of self expression for some people, and i'm not saying any of it is bad at all!
i think people should be and do whatever they like and express themselves however they want to be true to themselves, and i am not at all saying any of the "baby trans girl stuff" is bad or cringe or fake.
but you know what? it's not really representative of the full lifetime trans experience. me and almost every other trans girl / amab genderqueer that i know went through some variation of it, dressing a certain way, acting a certain way, dating twenty people, being Political, doing all the jokes and having all the pink white and blue stickers and the whole lot; we all did it. and after five or ten years it basically never sticks. that's almost never who you really are inside.
maybe for some people that's what they really, deep down want. but for everyone i've known throughout the whole thing, it's been a performance. nobody forces you into it, and you probably don't even notice it while you're doing it. but once you've moved past it (or, more likely, been chewed up and spat out by the Trans Girl Scene Of Theseus because you're too old or the memes have changes and nyancat and miku aren't even relevant anymore)... after you're out of it, it looks absolutely insane and absurd! all these people who you know must have unique inner lives to express, getting rolled up into this mass of baby trans girl where there's only a handful of acceptable aesthetics and personalities you're allowed to have, where you have to fly the pink white and blue flag and make the right jokes, lest you be cast out.
and let me tell you, for the few people i've known that didn't go through this phase, the alienation and sense of isolation is a hundred times worse than for someone like me, who just rolls their eyes at it all a bit now.
i could write a whole essay on speculating what causes it; peer pressure, a thirst to make up for lost time, internalised mysogyny, the feedback loop of craving the praise you get for performing the aesthetic and characrer vs crushing loneliess of nobody at a party talking to you because you're just an average girl 'not putting in the effort'... the fact that the freshly out are always the loudest voices trying to educate people, despite being arguably the lest equipped to teach... many reasons.
as for the effects? well, i lost a solid 5-8 years of my 20's trying to live up to a performance that's unattainable and not even what i really wanted inside; while being more or less unaware that it wasn't what i wanted, because it seemed like the only option... and then a more or less complete collapse of social support in my life when i actively stopped trying.
oh and the local baby trans girl meetup keeps having lice outbreaks tear through their entire membership.
idk, it's late, i've been in bad pain all day, and i'm probably just rambling. if there's something in there that's helpful, yay! if it's confusing gibberish that doesn't match your experiences at all... yay! you avoided the same pitfalls as me and my cohort!
and if you're reading this and getting your hackles up because you feel attacked or like i'm attacking all of trans girl culture or something... idk, maybe like, do some deep introspection. find out how much of it is genuine, how much is just so you fit in. i know enough people that have individually kept one or two of the baby trans girl traits that they're probably all individually genuine for someone. if all of it is genuine for you, then yay for you, it doesn't matter what i think anyway, you do you.
as someone very dear to me has put so succinctly, "the whole point of coming out was to stop pretending, to be honest about myself... not to just start putting on a different performance."
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succubratty · 2 years
Calling out a pedophile
CW: pedophilia/lolisho mention/tons of bad words.
Seriously, if you have a humiliation kink, this post might be for you? Idk.
This happened a week ago; I apologize in advance for this huge ass post that is non-kink related, but tbh I came here to relax and express my kinks and some other thoughts. There’s always some idiot who wants to give you shit, and this happened to be a very disgusting one.
I’ll put a “read me more” because it is a very long post; if you read the entire thing, I’ll thank you in advance too.
Okay, so this asshole came to my blog and made the following comments on my Miss Kobayashi post/review:
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Ok pedophile… 
First and foremost: 
You're fucking ridiculous! We were like this with my gf reading your comments:
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Let me say a few words before destroying this twerp: 
A person who gets so upset because I criticized the sexualization of kids in an anime show is a pedo or a pedophile apologist. If you deny this shit, you have a severe problem, and I encourage you to seek medical care, go see a shrink or something; I don't care.
I knew some dumbfuck would give me shit for something like this, but I didn’t think It would be so soon; honestly, the post doesn't even have a month since I wrote it?.
I'm freaking disgusted with your comments. Do you insult and make assumptions in every person's posts about an opinion you don't like? Because that was just my opinion, and you got upset because I called out the pedo culture in anime and manga?
Be thankful that I didn’t touch on the topics of big tits and the objectification of women in the same anime/manga because I also have an opinion towards that, and spoiler alert based on your comments, you’re not going to like it.
You don’t have your age in your bio, so you don’t deserve more attention than these things I’m going to say.
And finally, third:
Let me analyze your two comments piece by piece.
First comment:
“If you hate lolisho/moe culture so much Go to Western Animation!. Wait, you don’t because your fellow neurotics neutered it of much its former charm and creativity.”
What the actual fuck is “lolisho/moe culture!”? You shady motherfucker, a culture that sexualizes little kids? the fact that it is animated or inside a manga doesn't make it less severe, so yeah, if you refer to that as “lolisho/moe culture” I fucking hate it! And it is disgusting how weeb/otaku and western culture had normalized this shit that is seen as “normal” or as a “trope” and that you have to put in your anime to make it work.
Also, as I said in my original post, I blame the sexist and misogynistic Japanese culture too because they let this shit happen over and over; I mean, they banned gay marriage weeks ago. Still, you can marry your Hatsune Miku pillow? (no intention to shame Vocaloid fans here just made an example), but something is not right when nonsense like that happens.
“(...) Go to Western Animation!. Wait, you don’t because your fellow neurotics neutered it of much its former charm and creativity.”
It’s impressive your poor intent of sarcasm, trying to assume that you know me and what kind of animation I consume. I mean, who are my “fellow neurotics”? Me and who “neutered it“ what? In your own words, “Its former charm and creativity”? Can you even elaborate? No, you just dare to leave that shit in the air; you insignificant slag! Like you aren't even able to tell me what is that “charm” and “creativity”?
You talked so much shit in such a small sentence. Still, I assume that the “charm” and “creativity” you refer it has some relation with “lolisho/moe culture.”? Hence “my fellow neurotics” (that I don’t know who they are) “neutered” western animation from their former sexualization of kids? Is that what you are trying to tell me? Ew! You sick bastard.
Second comment:
“And don’t bring your trans status to justify your power-hungry, woke mindset. Your love for ugliness (literal shit and piss) and hatred of cuteness (in this case, lolisho) is your individual problem, trans people can enjoy Moe as much as anyone else.”
Again you’re so freaking pathetic trying to make assumptions like if you knew me, suddenly you, a complete stranger, defined my whole personality based on a post. You better watch out for who you throw hate at because you’re not going to get this free.
“your trans status to justify your power-hungry, woke mindset” 
I’m laughing so hard at this because I receive the same hate from bigots, transphobic and fascist scumbags like you every single day. 
Oh yes! I’m so “power-hungry” that I didn’t even tag the original post with labels from the show, so “power-hungry” that before your two comments, the post only had two likes, give me a break. 
I just wrote my opinion on a matter that disturbs many people who watch anime, and I did it in the best way I can analyze this, which is from a gender studies perspective.
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“Woke mindset”? Sure, why not? If your bigoted ass like to call “woke mindset” a call-out on pedophilia and the sexualization of kids in an anime that is one of many others like that, you think you’re so freaking smart, and you don’t have fucking idea what you’re talking about.
“Your love for ugliness (literal shit and piss)” 
First, you came to my post and blog, trying to kink-shame me? So you realized this is my kink blog, and you get to decide what is ugly and beautiful? Because of my sexual preferences and kinks? No FUCKING way! I will not tolerate your stupid rants on my blog, you miserable cunt. If you ever want to make a serious argument, you better find some original ideas and don’t fucking do this.
 “(...) and hatred of cuteness (in this case, lolisho) is your individual problem, (...)” 
Now lolisho equals cuteness? Are you fucking serious? You make me sick because, in my post, I criticized this exact thing.
Lolicon and shotacon are literal a whole genre dedicated to the sexualization of minors; again, the fact that it is designed in a “moé” style doesn't make it less severe.
I never made a rant on the character design or the “cuteness” aspect (the moé style), but it seems you completely IGNORED the: “sexualization of minors” part.
You focused on the idea that I hate cute stuff because I have these kinks. A bold assumption, I must say, because I love cute stuff; what I don’t love and I do hate is:
Did I make this clear?
Or do I have to use more giant capital letters for you to understand?. 
“(...) your individual problem (...)”
Besides being a redundant phrase, do you live with your head stuck inside your ass or something?
And the fact that these things are so normalized between some anime and manga consumers is a BIG fucking problem!
If you think this kind of shit doesn’t affect people, maybe you have to start getting out, pop your weeb bubble, and learn some empathy; the only ugly thing here is you and your dumb comments trying to defend the sexualization of minors in an anime show.
“(...) trans people can enjoy Moe as much as anyone else.” 
This last phrase is so fucking funny because you assumed that: 
“As a trans person giving my opinion and criticizing this, I am now a spoken law.” 
Like yeah, sure, champ, now because I gave my opinion on the internet about a Dragon’s Girls show that depicts the sexualization of minors (and that has two likes, no tags, etc., etc.), trans people cannot enjoy this?, because I never said this, what I said and I quote myself:
I'll always be against it; as a trans woman (that often gets seen as a walking fetish), as a transfeminist, as a sex worker making content, and as a professional animator working in this medium, I will always call these things out, and be as consequential as I can.
And yes, animation is my day job, you dim-wit; I know a freaking lot about this industry and how it works; not only it's my day job, I work in politics. I know how pathetic bigoted haters liars like you think; I can fucking destroy the arguments of a bigoted congressman in an IRL situation, and I’m not going to ruin yours?.
Do you think I was born yesterday or something?
So trans ppl can enjoy moé as anyone else? If you refer to moé as a synonym of cuteness and the way character design works in modern manga and anime, of course, they can, you asshole!.
I never said something against that and made an imperative sentence saying such things, so again you’re putting words in my mouth that I never said.
Now, if you refer to “lolisho” stuff, do I have to answer this again?
I didn’t make my point clear already?
Or do you need Windex or some shit to read it more clearly?.
And if you dare to make dumb assumptions about me, my fetishes, and the things I like, you came to the wrong neighborhood, you scumbag!.
I will not tolerate the presence or interaction with people like you on my blog. I erased your comment and blocked you because this issue is not up for debate; not going to allow you to “defend” yourself. I have zero tolerance for losers like you who come here talking shit, and do you think you can get away with it? You’re not outsmarting anyone; even a clown has more dignity. 🤡
So if for some reason you came across to this, and you dear to answer me back, I’m going to delete your puny arguments because you don’t worth the time and effort. Take this post as an example; I was freaking angry with something else, and I just used you as a punching bag; you were a sparring session; you’re nothing.
And this will apply to anyone who dares to do the same.
And I hope this will be my last word on the matter; it is disgusting trying to make an argument with pedos/maps and scumbag like that.
If you are a dear follower/mutual and you read this till the end and agree with most of these things I wrote above, I appreciate it so much.
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lovely-showtimes · 2 years
i had a silly idea to make a little list of my favourite of each proseka card and thought "why not do it?" so here i am! under the cut though, because i figure that this will be very long ^^"
hatsune miku
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miku has a lot of cards, so this was a hard choice, but i eventually chose this one!! it's so pretty!! the stars above being reflected in the water is my favourite part. space/ocean themed cards are usually my favourites, so you'll be seeing a lot of those here :') i also miku's costume, she looks so cozy <33
kagamine rin
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ooooo i love this one. the flowers are so pretty, and rin herself looks adorable!! it's just something about the overall vibe of this card which just feels so calming and warm. also, her costume?? so good!! i wanna wear that dress so badly...
kagamine len
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no way... len reading the trans book...
i don't really have much of a reason for why i like this, i just think it looks neat! i like all the blues and pinks :) i also just really like this set in general!
megurine luka
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WAILING I LOVE THIS SET SO MUCH!! I LOVE MERMAIDS AND I LOVE LUKA!! SHE'S SO PRETTYYY <33 her horns becoming shells is such a cute detail! also i love the whales in the background <33 theyre so cuteeee im sobbing and crying
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meiko also has a lot of really pretty cards which made this hard to choose, but i settled on this one. and oh my goodness this card is literally so pretty??? the lighting is my favourite thing about it. i love the red lighting, it's so nice to look at... and meiko herself!! so pretty!! i love women so much
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once again. i absolutely adore this set. i love the glowiness of it and i love how just... overall pretty it is!! this isn't even about kaito, i just love the surrounding area so much... what i wouldn't give to be him in this moment tbh fgshjksl
hoshino ichika
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oh this card is so cute. i love her hairstyle in this card, it looks so... fluffy? i suppose? i'm not sure what the right word is but yeah :D i also love the generally snowy kind of vibe. it looks so cozy and cute :) and i love her outfit too, it looks so cozy! i love it!
tenma saki
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she's so cute!!! i love her!!! i love the little heart shaped fish and the colors of the reef too!!! also, i love saki's summery kinda outfit, and her hairstyle is so cute!!! absolutely adore this card <33
mochizuki honami
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we are immediately back with this set again! this was a hard choice, as honami has a lot of cards i absolutely adore (her colorfes card, her second birthday card & her card from the l/n event that just ended are runner-ups here) but i decided to go with this one! the girlfriends <33
hinomori shiho
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this whole set is super cute honestly... i haven't read a lot of l/n events, but i think i should! especially for this one, i love how all of the trained cards all connect to each other! the vibes are so soft and warm <3 the girlfriends part two
hanasato minori
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minori has a lot of really pretty cards, which made this a really difficult decision, but i decided to go with this one in the end! the sky and the water looks so pretty, and i love minori's wings!! she's so cuuuute <33 i love minori a lot
kiritani haruka
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another character who i had a hard time choosing for!! i think mmj in general have a lot of super pretty cards, so this was a hard choice, but i chose this one. the colors, and the lighting, and haruka herself?? so pretty. so wonderful. i love you haruka
momoi airi
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uuuuuuuu i love this card so much. i love how floaty her hair is, i love all the little bubbles around her, i just love this card!!! its so pretty and blue <3 i love airi sm
hinomori shizuku
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are you beginning to notice a theme with these cards yet? i really like this card, shizuku just looks so pretty!! i love the color blue and also women who are the color blue (shizuku i love you
azusawa kohane
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look at her!!! where will she go? what food does she have? is she going on a date with her gf? (yes, yes she is) again, as i've said before, i love this set. it's so cute and warm, i love it!! i also love her hat, it's so cute! (bonus points to her "midnight making" untrained. so, so eepy...)
shiraishi an
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oh my goodness. an is so pretty. i love her so much. the dress is so long and flowy, the flowers are super cute, and i love her hair sm!! i wish i had this card so badly </3 (but i do have the shizuku from this set, so i'm perfectly alright with that!)
shinonome akito
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augh this card... so soft... vibes are so warm... he looks so peaceful... i just. i love him so much </3 oh to be a pretty boy, sitting at my little table in the garden in the sunlight, admiring my silly little sunflower... sigh...
aoyagi toya
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okay so listen to me. i've never been much of a toya liker (in the way that i would kiss him on the lips. i like toya, just not in that way). and then i saw this card and i almost became one. i am a big advocate for emo boys who are trying to kill me <3
tenma tsukasa
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excuse me for a moment OYEUSYTGHJSHGHSJGSAHJSKSNSHJKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TSUKASAAAAAA I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHH OAISUYHJSHGFSGHJSKHGSHJK okay im done i absolutely adore this set, this card specifically. the starry theme? fantastic. the costume? so pretty. the rest of this set? spectacular. this event in general? oh my goodness my joint favourite wxs event (the other one is mermaid admiration, if that wasn't obvious lol). also the untrained for this card??? hello???? tsukasa is breaking my heart actively and i dont appreciate it. im kidding i love him so much (also, fun fact. whenever i type in the link for the proseka wiki, his card gallery is the first thing to come up </3)
otori emu
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i always knew emu played splatoon. she has such roller main vibes <3 in all seriousness though i had a super hard time choosing here. emu has so many pretty cards, i could've easily put most of them here (her pop in my heart!, smile of a dreamer, best summer ever!, operation secret valentine & close game/offline cards are all good contenders i think!) but i chose this one because. the splatoon-ness of it all <3
kusanagi nene
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number #1 mermaid admiration fan (me) i LOVE this card. for the longest time, i thought she had a mermaid tail, fun fact. i wish she did have a mermaid tail in this card, still </3 she deserves to be a cute little mermaid ALSO I LOVE THE UNTRAINED OF THIS SO MUCH!! wxs just chilling out and having fun <3 well, tsukasa isn't, but it's okay
kamishiro rui
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god, i wish that were me. rui, move out of the way, it's my turn to be a pretty mermaid boy and dance with a jellyfish!! btw i need to state it again so you're all aware, but i love mermaid admiration so muc h
yoisaki kanade
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i adore this set, it basically just came out but god do i love it. i adore her cat ear headphones, they're so cute <33 kanade ily
asahina mafuyu
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mafuyu with glasses mafuyu with glasses mafuyu with glasses ma- i love her!! and this set!! it's so soft and cozy <33 i wish i could be her in this card because i'd pass out instantly
shinonome ena
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again!! this set is super pretty!! i love the way the colors pop <33 her expression is so cute too, she is so silly <3 AND I LOVE HER COSTUME TOO!! the blues and blacks... so cuteeeee <333 and also is she drawing mafuyu there?? if so omg... girlfriends so real
akiyama mizuki
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once again. cozy niigo set my beloved. they look so comfy and warm... god i wish that were me they are literally so eepy rn. absolutely obsessed ALSO!! THE KANAMAFU NAIL POLISH AND MIZUENA CANDIES!! theyre in love so real
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strawberry-roro · 2 years
hey just a thought but if someone brings up how they hc a character as transfem, maybe dont immediately enter the convo just to say you dont hc shes trans? especially when its about a character whos a symbol of trans rights in a fandom.
for example i said miku not only says trans rights but she’s also trans herself and ppl jumped in the convo simply to say shes cis but “still supports trans rights” :/ please dont do that
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