#mixed feelings on the outcome but maybe I need to practice more with it
ohno-the-sun · 1 year
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I saw @chandlelures ‘s lineart on the @dca-coloring-book blog and I thought it was so pretty I wanted to color it
But also sorry I had no idea what to do with the background 😭
[ID/ Digital fanart of Sun and Moon from Five Nights At Freddy's Security Breach. They are depicted as a mermaid and jellyfish like creatures respectively. Sun is in the lower half of the drawing, body turned away from the viewer. His head is turned slightly away from the viewer, but he looks towards them with a happy expression. In his hands is a fish with sad, tearful eyes, and implied to become Sun's next meal soon. The upper half of the drawing is of Moon, gazing down upon the viewer with an unreadable expression. Around both characters are moon jellyfish, floating along the ocean's current. They look like they’ve been watercolored, Moon in blue and purple and sun in pinks, yellows, and reds. /End ID]
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girakacheezer · 10 months
Marlowe Devblog #10
I came across an issue in the game where if a box is flush against the wall, I can stand on the floor beneath the box as long as I’m walking into it.
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This issue also occurs sometimes in stacks of boxes, but normally because there’s a very small ledge/difference in position that’s less than 1 pixel and thus not visible to the human eye.
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Since this is similar to the issue I faced in Marlowe Devblog #3, I thought maybe a similar solution would work, where I could just simulate collision in different orders to find the correct outcome.  But with throwing entities into the mix, this would double the number of simulated collision runs in a single entity check, if not increase them further, so this strategy is becoming less appealing.
I looked online to see if anyone else has faced similar issues with tiles or whatnot, and one solution I saw people mention was to “change the player’s collider to a circle”.  In this engine I’m making, collision isn’t really built to the point where it can work with arbitrary geometrical shapes, just rectangles (it makes calculations a lot simpler), but I can still use the idea of a “rounded hitbox” to fix this.
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The issue right now is that as a perfectly rectangular object, when we try to fall down and into the right into this “wall”, the corner of our hitbox hits the hidden corner of the wall below the box and end up getting pushed up as well as to the left outside the wall and box.
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Using a circular hitbox though, the corner of the player’s hitbox wouldn’t get snagged on the hidden corner in the wall anymore, allowing us to “slide” past it.  However I don’t have circular collision programmed into the engine, so instead I’ve opted for a slightly different solution.
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The idea is instead to use a hitbox that behaves more like this, with “rounded” corners to help us slide past things when we’re against a mostly flat surface.
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In practice how I achieved this was by snipping the ends of the collision lines for map collision, so that there was a bit of room to avoid hitting the corner/edge of the line inside the “wall”.  I chose to snip the map lines instead of the player box since in general map lines are bigger than entity hitboxes, and rounding the corners of a very small hitbox could lead to weird interactions.
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However this had an issue where if I jumped into a corner just barely, I could clip the player’s corner into the line and get OOB, since map line collision is permissive in that if you were behind a line the frame before, you’re allowed to be behind the line until you’re in front of it again.
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So I updated the collision such that for the map lines, there was a tiny space behind the line that if the corner/edge of the hit box was in, it would snap the player to the line edge, even if it was on the inside of the line before.  This prevented the issue where the player could clip OOB via corners in geometry.
This update to line collision also meant it fixed the issue I previously had in devblog 3 without the need for multiple collision simulations, so I was able to remove that code from the map collision which will increase the perf of collision code in general.
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This also lets you slide around corners if you bonk into them just barely, which is a nice feature to have to make jumps/collision feel more fair.
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I also applied a slightly modified version of this corner forgiveness to entities, and it works well here too.  It also solves a previous issue I had where you could get snagged on a corner if sliding against a solid flat wall of boxes, which previously I had a solution in place that sorted entities by distance from the target before running collision checks, which was a rather expensive solution performance wise.  I’m able to remove that sort() call now, thanks to this.
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aestheticsarereal · 2 years
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - e.m.
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Summary: In time of despair, best friends have to be there for each other. That counts for any need they have.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 8k (sorry not sorry)
warnings/what to expect: SMUT +18 (MINORS DNI), this is the first time I am ever publishing something as an author but I wanted to do a slow burn sort of friends to lovers. Mentions of: swearing, mentions of death, oral(female receiving), unprotected sex(Wrap your willy, don’t be silly), creampie, pet names, drugs and I think that is it?? if I missed anything let me know! (This also has been edited but again if i missed anything kindly let me know!)
comments/ reblogs are greatly excepted <3
*picture is not mine, photo credit: amyforsythe on instagram
You should have been with him that night. Maybe you could have changed the outcome of this whole fucking mess. Instead of him trembling and screaming out of fear, you could have been smoking and laughing. Instead of Chrissy’s possessed body glued to his ceiling, you could have been watching him practice for his next gig. 
You knew something was off when he hadn’t picked you up for school. For Eddie to come cruising down in his van with some sort of metal music playing as he always said, “Y/N, metal soothes the soul. It’s like an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Even though the paint was rusted and the brakes squealed a bit when he would come to a stop, you loved that van more than anything. Eddie in the driver seat, looking so small compared to the machine he was hauling all over. He would always roll his eyes at any comments you made about painting the van to look like the Mystery Machine as he was a stoner like Shaggy. To which he would reply with a slight smirk on his face causing his dimples to pop out as he would say you would be his Scooby-Doo because you followed him like a little puppy. 
But to your dismay, he hadn’t shown up. 5 minutes passed which turned into 10 and before it could become 15 minutes you grabbed your car keys to your slightly beat up 67’ SS Chevelle that Eddie, the bastard, rear-ended a few months back. It’s not that you were mad at him for not picking you up, you were growing concerned. Never in the three years that Eddie picked you up and drove you to school was late or never showed. Even on the days he ditched, he would park out front and have the passenger seat cleared, all for you. Even in your senior year, Eddie’s third time around, he would always be there at 7:35 a.m. on the dot. 
You would always check on the watch he gifted you for your 17th birthday. It wasn’t a new or even expensive watch, but it was his grandfather’s and on the back of the watch, in the silver plating was ingrained “Darling”. Looking at your right wrist, the face reads “7:50”. You weren’t late by any means as you two would get there at 8 with twenty minutes left to get high off of some random joint in the back of his van or show you some lyrics he came up with and wanted your input on. 
That wasn’t the case though. The car ride to the all too familiar high school was dull and quiet. The trees passing by as you glance out of your mirrors every once and a while feel off. You dared not turn on the radio as you always looked forward to whatever mix Eddie decided to play. You were the only person who had control over music but you always asked him to play as you believed your music taste was not nearly as superior as his. The sound of gravel tumbling and the slight suspension of your car filled your ears for the 10 minute ride you had to endure. 
Taking a left onto Maple St. filled your eyes with a sight you didn’t expect. Cars lined the road and turned into the school with parents, kids, school buses and the police. Wooden blockades were set up to somehow shield the outside world from knowing the truth. You hadn’t seen this much energy and tension since the “fire” at the Starcourt Mall, but you knew the truth. You knew what really killed Billy that night. You were there. Not that Eddie knew this, speaking of which, the clamoring of the crowd brought you back to reality as you heard concerned parents asking what was wrong and students trying to find a single space to park. 
In cases where you had to use your car to drive to school, you parked in the gravel alleyway that students technically couldn’t use but you had become close friends with Ms.Oak, one of the school’s secretaries. You never caused trouble and you two could always chat about dogs for hours. She would let you leave early because of a “headache” or “girl issues” even if you had them or not. Or at times she would bring you cookies from the teacher’s lounge. She had even grown attached to Eddie, contrary to most of her colleagues who wanted him gone. They each hoped they wouldn’t get him for a second or third time. 
Your white Reebok Ex-O-Fits carried you over the crunching stones and pebbles beneath you. Your brows furrowed as you looked around trying to get a gauge on your setting. It was still hard to see a Hawkin’s PD car without seeing the over 6 foot man with an iconic mustache trying to tame a wild crowd. You shuffled through the bickering crowd as you made your way to the two front doors you always dreaded. Taking the first left, you went down to Eddie’s locker where Hellfire always met up. Henderson and everyone else was standing around in their usual attire. The black baseball tee with the all too known logo of the demon you sketched up. Mike had left for sunny and sweltering California and you figured Sinclair wouldn’t be around as he had scored the game’s winning point for the championship. You got an earful of how upset and pissed Eddie was. He would always mock them by taking a pair of socks and dunking them into his laundry basket as he would go onto something else more worth his time.   Except there was a gap in the group. It would usually be filled with the Dungeon Master himself. His shaggy and knotted black mullet that you begged him to brush. 
You didn’t think to quicken your pace but your feet carried you at a faster speed than before. Worry wasn’t only apparent on your face but the rest of the group. You didn’t need to speak a single word as you knew something was wrong. Fighting back the breath that tried to escape your throat, the one where it feels like you’re swallowing barbed wire. You remember turning to your left and physically seeing Dustin’s lips moving but your ears were ringing. Before you knew it, you grabbed his arm and dragged him back out to your car. “Y/N, Y/N, slow down okay you’re pulling my arm. Y/N!” “What Dustin? Eddie is gone.” Dustin stopped in his tracks to pull his flannel sleeve down as you practically ripped it off. “I know Y/N, but I need to tell you something first.” 
It was like you almost blacked out. You faintly remember hearing her name and then storming away from Dustin. It wasn’t true. Someone had set him up. It was just some huge misunderstanding. You said something about Dustin needing to help you find Eddie because the two of you knew Eddie could never be capable of doing something like this, especially to someone like Chrissy Cunningham, the Queen of Hawkins High. Sure he didn’t like the athletic type but not enough to hurt them or worse. With you driving and Dustin in the passenger seat, you sped off down the road to the trailer you knew and loved. 
You weren’t one for breaking traffic laws but in your eyes, it was life or death. You hoped and prayed that you would drive down into the rows of trailers and see his dinged up beige van with the iconic brown stripe wrapped around and him in his ragged Hellfire shirt probably playing with his hair. However, the harsh slap of reality brought police lights and squad cars. Yellow tape wrapped around his uncle’s trailer like some kind of sick present. Before you could drive further, the new chief of police stopped and questioned why you were there. In a panicked voice you explained how close to the uncle you were and you needed to make sure he was okay. Reluctantly he let you through as he knew you were a good kid and seemed awfully concerned. 
Haphazardly parking your car, you sprinted to the older man you had known pretty close over the past few years. You couldn’t help the salty tears that spilled down your cheeks as soon as you felt his arms embrace you. “It can’t be true, it just can’t Wayne,” you sobbed into his shoulder. You never would have imagined in your life that police would be searching high and low for your best friend for murder. His van was there but there was no sign of him at all. It was like he never existed. Poof. It made sense that you weren’t allowed in the trailer in fear of contaminating the crime scene but Jesus you just wanted to curl up in that torn up quilt and fall asleep in his bed like the hundreds of times you had done it before. Hoping that once you woke up it would have all played out to some awful nightmare. 
Yet, that wouldn’t happen because you were in your nightmare. The only person who could save you was the one person that was gone. You could care less about school or anything for that matter. You needed to know where Eddie was and if he was safe. He might walk around school causing a scene and picking a fight with anyone that comes his way but at the end of the day he falls into this guy who just has his own personal demons to battle. Truth be told he was a very sweet person and cared what those he loved thought of him. He would never want to take things too far. He couldn’t even end the life of a moth or an ant. He was your teddy bear and if anybody laid a hand on him, so help them God. 
You needed some time to think, to come up with some sort of plan. Marching off into the woods right behind the trailer park you hear the faint yells on your name but you ignored all of those who were concerned about you. Flashes of the police lights and the tape and the stretcher flooded your brain as if they were taunting you. Trying to pull some fucked up prank to try and get you to crack under pressure. Your feet carried you yards into the woods where Eddie and you visited many times, it had become one of your designated smoking areas. Dodging tree branches that had fallen low and watching your step for any twigs or rocks that could cause you to lose your step. You could care less about the scratches that will show up on your forearms or your shins. Huffs and sighs came out as you kept getting annoyed and you knew you were just frustrated. 
That was when the deserted picnic table came into view. Standing alone looking as if it will collapse any moment but looks are deceiving as you can recall all the times Eddie would stand on the table and jump around like a kid on a sugar high. You couldn’t handle it anymore and your legs gave out from under you. Your body had collapsed to the ground and your hands fisted the earthly mixture of dirt, twigs and leaves. Sobs raked through your body causing you to slightly shake. You could almost feel his arms wrap around and his hair gently getting in your face. It felt so real. You kept hearing your name but as soon as you opened up your eyes it was Dustin and now Max. 
You wiped your tears and shot straight up to your feet, Max rushing to you in case you needed help finding your balance. “Max what are you doing here?” You were completely in shock as the firey red-head made herself completely distant from you and the rest of her friends. You couldn’t blame her because every time you saw her you were somehow transported back to that night. That night in the closed mall. “It’s about Eddie, Y/N. Max said she saw Eddie and Chrissy together,” Dustin rushed out. You turned your head towards him with a look of confusion as she picked back up the story. “But that wasn’t all Y/N, when I went back into my trailer, all the lights–they started to flicker like–well like then it’s back.” Her eyes couldn’t meet yours as you tried to search her face. “Max, are you sure about this?” You needed to know that this wasn’t him, but now this meant that there were more concerns you needed to deal with. This could mean bigger things. 
“Well I don’t know Eddie drives like a maniac and the power goes off all the time at my place. It’s a piece of shit. But this morning I started to think back and I just don’t know. He was scared, Y/N.” Max would never lie to you or say some bullshit thing. You weren’t surprised he took off. You just needed to know where he went and if he was okay. Looking between the two of them you headed off back towards the direction of your car. “Come on, let's go! I have an idea but I need some help.” The sound of Dustin and Max scrambling behind you kept getting quieter as you were taking long strides out of the woods. “Y/N can you slow down and tell us where you are going?” You knew Dustin was out of breath by the sound of his voice but you didn’t care. They always said the first 48 hours were important, right? Time was never on anyone’s side so you needed to find him before anyone else did. 
“Quit fucking around you two and get in the car. I think I know where Eddie is but you can’t say a word to anyone, I just need some resources.” As you hoped in the front of the Chevelle Max and Dustin clamored in the back seat of your car. Before they could even get their seat belts situated as you took off towards the road to head downtown. Dustin screeched up, “Y/N where the hell are you going?” “Before you have another voice crack, I’m going to Family Video. I have an idea of where Eddie could be but I’m not entirely sure where he is. Does that satisfy you Henderson?” If looks could kill, your stare from the rear-view mirror would have slaughtered him. “Wait, why are we going to a Family Video? You think he’s hiding out there?” “Yes Max, I believe he is hiding in the back room watching A New Hope. No Max, but there is a database we can access there for free.” 
Parking was not your best friend today. Not that you cared all that much but your car came to an abrupt stop as you slammed the driver side door and practically marched inside. The two faces you had grown to love came into view as they had been arguing about some girl you were sure. “Y/N,” they cheered in unison. “Don’t get too excited. I need to look someone up. I think I might have a lead on where Eddie might be.” “Woah, hold on Y/L/N, care to explain who you need to look for,” Steve blurts out as he is putting away tapes from his cart. “Reefer Rick. This guy is some sort of legend but all I know is that Eddie would buy from him from time to time. Never met the guy and I have no idea what he looks like.” Robin, in all her curiosity, asks for a last name but you replied that that question was a dead end. “If this guy is a drug dealer, he’s probably been busted.” You sighed and turned your body towards him again. “And what does that have to do with anything?” “It means that he is probably in the system. You know when you get arrested–” ''You want me to go to the cops and ask for the last name of some drug dealer. Am I hearing this correctly Steve?” You could not believe what he was asking of you. “Look before you get your panties in a twist,” to which you scoffed, “All I am saying is that we could fill the cops in on what we know.” Before you have a chance to answer Dustin chirps up, “You believe he is guilty don’t you?”
Now you weren’t sure why Steve was jealous of Dustin hanging out with Eddie, but you found it sort of funny. “I believe in innocence until proven guilty and all that constitutional bullshit.” Dustin and Steve kept going back and forth like this and you gave up on those two as Max, Robin and yourself made use of the precious time you had left. “W-well what if we don’t need a last name,” Robin said quickly. She started typing Rick into the store’s database and 12 potential people already popped up. “Time to narrow it down,” Max whispered. “Rick Alderman- latest rentals were Annie and Dumbo. What are the chances a drug dealer has a family?” You just shook your head no. Robin inhales sharply and continues on. “Rick Conroy- Sixteen Candles, Teen Wolf and Romancing the Stone.” “Hard no.” “Okay then, Rick Joiner- Mask, Footloose and Grease.” A unison ‘nah’ was the reply. “Next up is Rick Lipton- Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie, Cheech and Chong’s Nice Dreams and Cheech and Chong’s Up In Smoke.” “That’s him. It’s gotta be.” Robin giggles and shakes her head. Reaching up to point at the address, “Is that his address? 2121 Holland Road?” “Correct. Rick Lipton, like the tea, lives at 2121 Holland Road.” Dustin looks up at the mention of the address, “That’s out by lover’s lake.” “Middle of nowhere,” shoots Max with a wicked smile on her face. Robin’s lip quirks up into a smirk, “Perfect place to hide.” 
“Okay we gotta lock up, and then we are gonna head over there. Henderson you’re in the back seat,” Steve commands. He just puts his arms up in disbelief and mutters some comeback to himself. “Y/N, you have the address?” You didn’t hear Steve’s question as you were pacing back and forth. “Hey Y/N, it’s gonna be okay. Forget what I said earlier, I believe you believe in Eddie. We are gonna find him at that house okay?” Your nerves were getting the behest of you so all you could was nod and walk out to his car. 
The entire car ride, you just stared outside the passenger side window and watched the trees pass by. For an hour's car ride, you didn’t find the repetition boring. It reminded you of the times Eddie would take you out to the lake to go swimming or lay in the sun while he would play songs for you on his electric red guitar you gifted him last year. Yet, you mentally pointed out blatant differences of the drive in the daytime versus nighttime. You figured you weren’t far from the house when the road turned into dirt. You knew a lot of houses on the shore of Lover’s Lake were on dirt roads. When you were younger you would visit your aunt during the summer and she had the best lake house in all of Hawkins. Except this visit wasn’t one of joy, it was filled to the brim with dread. 
“Hey–uh, Robin are you sure this is the right place?” “Yes Steve I am sure this is the right place. It looks like the house should be just down the roa–”. The headlights of Steve’s car illuminated what looked like a haunted house. It was as if no one had been in that house for years. The wooden exterior gave you flashbacks filled with water splashes and giggles, what a disappointment your current sight was. You were the first one out of the car and thanks to Dustin and Robin, you each had a flashlight to explore your unfamiliar surroundings. For some reason unbeknownst to you, Dustin thought it was a good idea to ring the doorbell as if he thought Eddie would open up the door in an apron ready to hand out freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. “Eddie! It’s Dustin!” Nothing. Just pure silence except all the exasperated sighs that left your mouths. You crept around the side of the house when your light caught something. 
A shed. You clamored down the dirt path that led to what appeared to be some shack or shed made of aluminum or something. There had been a small fluorescent yellow light hanging above the doorway. You knew that had to be where he was, because if you didn’t find him you don’t know what you would do. You tried to find some sort of opening inside when Robin pushed through the door peeking around the frame and using her flashlight to try and guide her eyes. She whispered and motioned over for you to come right behind her and see if you could spot any sign of life inside. The floorboards creaked as you stepped in one by one and looked high and low, light flares emitting all around. The kayaks and canoes and swimming gear, you gathered, was a shack full of supplies. 
“Hello, anyone home,” Robin quietly called out. You didn’t say anything in fear of him not actually being there. Steve turned off his flashlight as he picked off an oar off of the wall as some sort of weapon. He and Dustin began to argue about picking at some tarp that Eddie could be under. Just when you were going to say something, Max nudged your left arm.Her flashlight showed you wrappers and beer bottles. “Someone was definitely here,” she spoke. “Maybe we spooked him off and he ran,” Robin said nonchalantly. “Robin, could you just not.” Again if looks could kill. She just muttered a soft sorry. Sometimes she says things in tense situations because somehow her mouth and her brain can’t keep up. Just as Steve was about to say some ridiculous thing to Dustin about dying, something popped up from under the tarp. You saw the long black hair and the vest and you knew it was him. 
The figure pushed Steve back against the wall as it held something up to his throat. “Woah woah wait wait please!” Steve cried out. Everyone swarmed around Eddie and Steve. “Eddie! Eddie please!” Your voice finally rang out. You pushed yourself ahead so he could get a clear shot of you. “Eddie, it’s Y/N, I'm here. This is Steve and he’s not going to hurt you, isn’t that right Steve?” All he could do was nod his head slightly in hopes his throat would catch the sharp object Eddie had cradled to his hand. This look that washed over his face was one you had never seen before. Somehow fear morphed into this survival mode he had gone into. However, you couldn’t blame him. “Steve please just drop the oar, Eddie he’s cool, okay?” You heard the thud and he pressed the weapon closer. “Eddie don’t!” 
“What are you doing here?” He wanted answers. “We are here for you. I was looking for you Eddie,” you pleaded. “We are here to help. See it’s Henderson, and this is Robin, you know the one from band.” She then imitated her french horn skills. “Th-this is Max, the one who never wants to play D&D. These are my friends Eddie, please.” “Eddie, please it’s me,” all he could do was stare at you, “We are on your side, I am on your side.” He looked back at Steve and finally surrendered. He let Steve go as he took an inhale and Eddie walked over to the wall. He slid down and you rushed over to him, dropping to your knees. Instinctively you pulled him in. Your arms going under and around him as you brought him so close to your body. Neither of you needed to say anything as you felt a bit better being with each other again. “Y/N, I didn’t do it I swear.” You could hear the crack in his voice as he pulled you insanely tighter. Your right hand came up to brush his hair in the back as you oh so gently swayed him. “I know Eds, why do you think I am here?”
You could see out of the corner of your eye that the four of them started inching up to him. You stuck out your hand in the motion of ‘stop’. You just needed to be alone with him and figure out what the hell happened. Max sensed you wanted to be with him, so she grabbed Dustin and Robin who then grabbed Steve as they made their way outside. You pulled away and gently grabbed his hand rubbing your thumb over his knuckles just the way he always liked you to do it. Sobs started racking through body causing him to slightly shake. “You won’t believe me darling.” “Try me Eddie.” 
He started to go into detail as much as he could stomach about the night in his trailer with Chrissy Cunningham. The way her bones snapped and how it was like something was in her head pulling. “I was so scared Y/N, so I–I ran.” He looked defeated for some reason. You used your hand to lift his chin up, “I know Eds and it’s okay. I believe you and to be honest if I were there I would have done the same thing.” You couldn’t help the wave of guilt that washed over you, but you wouldn’t let him know that. “You think I'm crazy right?” “Not at all Eddie,” the tone of his voice alone could have shattered your heart. This wasn’t fair. He already had enough shit to worry about. You engulfed him in another hug, this time cradling his hand in your neck as you let him cry it out softly. “There will come a time soon that I will explain exactly why you aren’t crazy but right now I need to make sure you’re okay. Can I do that Eddie?” He simply just nodded and stood up letting you inspect him for any sort of wound. 
“You know I waited for your van this morning. I waited to hear the loud sound of Ozzy or Zeppelin coming down the cul de sac, but I had been overcome with concern. That was what led me to be here tonight, Eds, for you.” He didn’t say anything as you continued to try and calm him down. “I felt this pit in my stomach drop because you never missed a day. Even if you skipped, you always took care of me. From the first day I walked into Mr.Keith’s calc class, you always took care of me. From driving me to and from school, getting me food and just making sure I'm okay. I still even have your pick on my necklace.” You moved your shirt collar to the side to show the guitar pick that was held up by a chain. It was a gift Eddie gave you after your first Corroded Coffin show. 
Eddie had no idea where all of this was coming from but he knew it had been genuine. “Y/N, please look at me.” He grabbed you by your chin and made you peer into his mesmerizing brown eyes. “I wish you were there. I wish you were at my place, prancing around and screaming Ozzy at the top of your lungs. I probably wouldn’t have been in this fucked up situation if you were at my trailor, baking chocolate chip cookies in my club shirt. But we are here and fuck. I am just so fucking happy you’re here. You were the only thing that I could think about in these past 24 hours. I also started thinking that maybe I’m not good for you.” His voice started to break and his lower lip that you always stared at started to tremble. “Darlin, look at me. I’m a 20 year old on the run from the police for a murder that I didn’t commit. I can’t even pass Ms.O’Donnell’s stupid english class. You have no business being out here for me.” 
His back turned to face you, so all you could see was the Dio shirt sewn onto the back of his jean jacket vest. You could visibly see his shoulders shake slightly as low whimpers left his lips. You had only seen him cry one other time and it was when he thought you were mad at him for hanging out with another girl at his trailer on your birthday. Gently, you brought your hand up to his right shoulder to slowly turn him around. “Eddie, please look at me. Is it the holidays? No so why should I give a fuck about any of that. I care about you because I don’t know a single person who takes care of me like you do. I can’t imagine what the past three years would have looked like without you. You make me complete Eddie Munson.” You took small steps forward until you were pressed against his chest. Your eyes bearing into his, “I come to you for everything, you are in my life for good, for better or worse. You need me now and I’m here. So let me help.” His eyes darted from yours down to your lips and stayed there for a second until they met your eyes again. 
You could feel your breath leave your lungs as you closed the micro-gap and connected your lips to his. His top lip slotted in between your top and bottom, as his bottom lip caressed right under yours. It was soft and light, almost like the two of you weren’t touching. Almost on instinct, your right hand came up and made its home on his left cheek. Your kisses were like dances between your lips, synced and mesmerizing. It felt like time had stopped moving, as if the two of you were trapped in time, in each other’s arms. His arms made their way around your waist as he pulled you extremely closer to his body. His kisses were starting to become more passionate. You could feel his nose scrunched up a bit as he was working hard to not rush anything. Eddie was trying to savor this moment, to savor you.  Your hand slowly worked from his cheek to the back of his neck. Your fingers ran through the strands of hair in the back, slotting themselves to have a bit more control over him. This touch made him whimper ever so slightly. If it weren’t so quiet in the shack, you swore you would have never heard it. 
Stilling your body from his, you pulled back centimeters to gain oxygen. His eyes were still closed and you could see that the tips of his ears were beet red. If only you had a camera, because fuck you wish you could see this 24/7. The two of you barely started and he already looked fucked out. His fingers dug into your hips as he pulled you back but before he could steal a kiss, your lips moved faster to his neck. He had a prominent vein on the left side and you started there. Goosebumps flittered all across his skin at the contact of your lips. He could have sworn that your kisses were works of a phantom as they had been so light on his neck. But he felt his eyes open and close in the pleasure he was receiving. He could feel them slide down to the base of his neck and then glide to where his neck met his ear. 
His first audible gasp was made due to the slight tug on his earlobe you made with your teeth. Your breath was hot in juxtaposition with the slight shivers you sent down his spine as you whispered into his ear. “Can you let me show you how much I want to help you?” It wasn’t out of shock or fear that he was frozen, it was out of pleasure. He just slightly nodded his head, yet not coming off as hesitated. The look in his eyes said it all. They changed from their usual confidence to lust and pure and utter need. Diving back in for another kiss, you still kept it passionate and slow, but this time you knew he wanted you just as much. Your tongue slowly pushed past the barriers of his lips and invaded his mouth. You had been taken a bit  back because he wasn’t quick to fight for dominance as he is usually quick with witty remarks and a smirk plastered to his face. He was fine with you taking control. Again, this was all you needed. Your tongue lapped over his and he followed suit. Meanwhile, his left hand squeezed your hip as his right hand made his way down towards your ass. 
He always admired your ass. The way in which he wasn’t entirely rough, but you could feel the outline of rings and the slight calluses on his fingers from playing the guitar for so long. His hands felt good as they squeezed and rubbed along the fabric of your jeans. The friction that you felt fucking incredble. You knew that there was a wall right behind him, so you started to push his body towards the wall. You both felt the abrupt force and this was your queue to gently push his shoulders down so he could sit down on the floor. This caused him to be in between your legs and looking up at you. His hands ran up your legs, feeling the back of your calves and reaching your things, finally resting on the swell of your ass. He groped and pulled your clothed pussy right to his nose. You stumbled forward and braced yourself against the wall with your hands as he could fucking smell you. The sharp inhale he made went straight to your panties. He groaned into your inner thigh and kissed his way up to your cunt. 
His skilled fingers made quick work on the button of your jeans and sliding the zipper down. Deliberately, he pulled your black distressed jeans down, making sure not to pull down your underwear. He wanted to unwrap every aspect of you like a gift. “Baby, you smell so fucking delicious. May I?” His eyes looked up in a nonverbal way of asking for consent. The small whimper that escaped the back of your throat was all the conformation he needed. The softness of his lips slightly tickled as they made way from your inner thigh to your clothed cunt. You could faintly make out a smirk that was plastered to his face as he made a quiet chuckle that he thought was only to himself. “My sweet girl, have you gotten yourself all worked up for me?” His thumb slid up as it found itself hovering over the wet patch that was insatiably growing by the second. He pressed it gently to your clit and you melwed in pleasure. His eyes shot straight up to your face, seeing as your eyes were glued shut. His smile grew wider as he wanted to see what he could truly do to you. 
“Eddie, baby please. I need more.” He wasn’t a complete asshole that would tease you to no end because lord knows he wanted to feel you just as bad. “Shh, it’s okay baby. You’ll get what you want. I promise princess.” He slid your cotton panties down your legs at an agonizing pace. He gently took your left leg to step out of them and then grabbed the soaked fabric from around your right ankle and stuffed them into his back pocket. That could have possibly been the hottest thing you had ever witnessed. Looking back down, your eyes met his already waiting ones. 
Without breaking any eye contact, he kissed his way up to your dripping pussy. The initial touch felt so lively. The way his tongue parted your lips to lap at your clit made your head fall back. It felt as if he was licking you like a melting ice cream cone. The tip just barely flicking at your clit made your mind go absolutely dizzy. Moans slipped out of your mouth like a prayer. Breathless calls of his name became more frequent as your hands found themselves tangled in that glorious hair of his. Meanwhile, his hands snaked up to your ass as you squeezed and pulled you closer to his face. He nuzzled his nose into your cunt because he couldn't get enough of you. Thank god for the wall stabilizing your frame because your legs began to shake as he moved his lips to suck your clit. 
This was something you had never felt before in receiving head, especially since that in and of itself was a rarity. “Fuck Eddie please. You feel so fucking good.” His responses were slight moans in return. He made sure he was completely and utterly focused on eating you out like you were his last meal. Surely you could feel the intensity of his tongue and the transitions from flicking and sucking, driving you fucking feral. Hips bucking into his face trying to chase your high that had been bubbling in the pit of your stomach. You had wanted nothing more than to cum all over that face of his. To see him pull back with his nose, lips and chin glistening with your juices. 
However, Eddie picked up your body language and put the pieces together that you were on the brink of an orgasm. He slowly started to ease on his actions and at once he pulled back, gasping for oxygen. Your bliss was ripped from you in a matter of seconds as you looked down to see Eddie with a shiny face and a huffing chest. “Well why’d you do that?” You found yourself huffing a little as well. His response was such an Eddie thing to say. “Why do you think you get to cum so easily, sweetheart?” You were completely dumbfounded at his words. You couldn’t believe he did that to you. Scoffing you stepped to the side of him and knelt down to his level. “This is how it’s gonna be?” His eyes searched yours for any humor you might have been hinting at, but you had been dead serious. 
His adam's apple bobbed in fear as he gulped your words. You brought your finger up to  his lips to shush him quietly. You leaned closer to his ear to whisper to him, “It’s okay baby. Unlike you, I'm going to take real good care of you. So much that the pleasure will be too fucking much.” He should have been worried, but he was exhilarated. Your words traveled straight down to his throbbing cock. Control pulsed through your veins as you sat atop of his jean-clad thighs. You made sure to grind down your soaking pussy over the strained erection he caused himself. His sharp inhales made a wide smile prevalent on your face. “Ah-fuck baby. Look princess I’m sorry. It’s just so much fun making you work for your orgasm.” “Oh, I hope it was worth every last second, Eds. Because when I’m through with you, well, you’ll see for yourself.” He couldn’t help rutting up to get into rhythm with your movements. “Please Y/N! I need it.” “What is it that you need Eddie?” You ground harder as your clit caught the right friction against the rough denim. 
Muffled grunts started to spill from your lips as you kept your pace, growing harder as he kept begging you. You wanted him to work for it. To work for your pussy. “Sh-shit baby please.” “Please what?” You reached up to gently move some of his hair out of the way, “Use your words pretty boy.” You could see the veins in his neck appear as he tried to control himself. “Y/N please I need you bouncing on my cock.” You moved closer to his face, your lips centimeters from his. “Now was that so hard, sweetheart?” It was kind of adorable how visibly pink his cheeks were getting at the nickname. `
You didn’t feel the need to say anything else as you moved back to make work on his jeans. You pulled his notorious Hellfire shirt up slightly past his stomach. The dark hairs that clearly led down to his happy trail made you squirm. The toned muscles of his v-lines made something bubble within you. The handcuff buckle that rested on his belt always drove you crazy as scenes of you or him handcuffed to each other’s bed. The rustling of his belt echoed through the shed as your nimble fingers were working fast. Neither of you bothered to fully  shed his clothes as you just wanted his cock to be free. If you hadn’t been so worked up you would have dragged his zipper down at the slowest pace imaginable but you nearly ripped it down, almost breaking it. 
This fucking bastard. Of course he doesn’t wear underwear. You tugged his jeans to the middle of his thigh as you grasp his aching member in your hand. Eddie hissed as your hand wrapped around it. “S-so fucking soft love.” Your eyes met as you slowly went up and down his shaft with your hand. He slightly curved upwards and the mushroom tip made you so fucking happy.He may not have been long but lord knew he made that up in girth. Barely pumping all 6.5 inches as he wreathed underneath you. You relished in the power that this had been giving you. You never thought Eddie “the freak” Munson could submit himself to you like this. Hovering over him, you slightly drug his tip in between your soaking lips, getting him ready to take all of you. “I’m on the pill, don't worry.” As soon as the last word fell off your tongue, you completely engulfed him as he came to the hilt of your pussy. The both of you moaning as you sat there trying to adjust to his size. “You knew you had this amazing cock and you never cared to fuck me with it?” 
Your left hand rested in his shaggy hair as  your right hand braced your body with his chest. He  couldn’t form any words with the way your pussy was clenching him. He merely groaned as his stomach muscles tensed below you. “Eddie baby, you feel so good, can I start to move now?” His head was thrown back and he quickly nodded in fear that you didn’t see his answer to move. Your hips lifted a few inches and dropped back down. This caused him to moan out as his eyes screwed shut. The way his cock massaged your inner walls made your toes curl. His tip was just slightly brushing over that spongy spot that made you cry out and you made it your mission to hit that spot tonight. Lifting back up a bit more this time, you dropped back down more force causing the slapping of skin to ring out and bounce off of the walls around you. 
On instinct, his hands flew to your ass, kneading the flesh in his palms and giving the occasional slap. Your hips raised all the way to the top to the point of his tip being in the only part inside you. Sinking all the way down to the base of his cock. You kept the pace of lifting and sliding for a few more minutes. The ache that started to spread in your legs was becoming more prevalent but you could care less. All that mattered was Eddie’s pleasure. The way his mouth was hung open and beautiful moans kept coming out. “Yea baby, that feels good? Tell me how good it feels.” “Oh god Y/N, your pussy feels incredible. So wet and warm.” You gasp as his  hand delivers a slap to your ass. “That’s it baby, feel how good my cunt is wrapped around you. Such a good boy for me.” His whimpers were like music to your ears. You could see his stomach muscles tensing and flexing more as you continued to ride him. You decided to pick up the pace and come down harder. This caused mewls and whimpers to escape his lips. 
Observing his face, little streaks of tears left the corners of his eyes. It was all so good and he couldn’t contain how good it felt. “Please Y/N, I need to cum.” Those were the joyous words you had been waiting to hear. “Shh, let me take care of you.” You quicken your pace and you didn’t think to muffle the screams that had been coming from you. You had fulfilled your mission in hitting that soft spot as you hit it everytime. So, you found yourself nearing your end too. “Hang on just a little bit longer. Let me use you to make myself cum Eds.” He simply nodded and gripped your ass tighter. You stopped riding and switched to grinding, trying to find the right friction on your clit. “Yes, that’s it Eddie. Make me cum baby.” Your screams rung through his ears and he opens his eyes just in time to see you fall apart in front of him. The way your breast slightly bounced in front of his face and the way your face contorted in pleasure. He could feel you gripping his cock and the way your body shook above him. You are still in place to let your ograsm crash down on you. The build up from before made this much more intense. He watched in awe as you came down from your high just in time to realize he needed his. “Come on baby, use me to cum.” That was all he needed as he started plowing up into you. The way his balls slapped against your ass and you braced yourself fully for him. Screams echoed around the shed walls as he drove into your sensitive pussy. “Almost fucking there baby. That’s it.” His thrusts were becoming more erratic and you knew he was close. “Fuck I-I’m gonna cum.” He brought you down fully on him as you could feel his cum shoot up into you. You gasped as you could feel how much he had been cumming. He groaned in relief as he slumped against the wall. “Holy shit Y/N.” You dryly laughed as you tried to compose yourself. “I know, I bet you didn’t plan for that to happen tonight.” “Yea. no. Maybe getting arrested, definitely not this.” 
You were taken back when he leaned up and trapped your lips in his. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed back. Even though a light layer of sweat covered both of your bodies, neither of you cared. His hands gently picked you up off of him as some of his cum dripped out from you. Before the both of you could say something, a loud knock came from the door as Steve shouted, “Hey can the two of you stop fucking in there and let’s go?” Eddie burst out laughing and doubled over on the floor. “Looks like we gotta go princess.”
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mejomonster · 1 month
Finished sherlock holmes chapter one. In some ways its got the same appeal Drakengard 3, specifically Zero's emotional character journey did. At heart its about Sherlock trying to protect and love himself (and that itself parallels what Mycroft did in a way), hating himself and blaming himself, terrified of caring about anyone again and unsure how to care in a way he's not scared would somehow hurt them. Its a character study of one particular What If version of what makes the man John Watson first met that day looking for a flat. What would that man be like before, perhaps why, and how did that interpretation of a young sherlock grow enough to risk opening up to others to the extent he eventually will. Its all about trauma, childhood, growing up, accepting yourself and fighting to love yourself when your experiences have made you want to abandon yourself, trust, fear. The story's about sherlock holmes the character. Like one big character study of who he might have been, could become, does become, and the emotions and internals driving it.
The way Jon is creative, brave, supportive. Loves the supernatural, stories, mysteries. The escapism, the joy fighting to exist in a scared life, the emotional support ever present (sherlock giving to himself basically) because hes too scared to let anyone else real in. Theres tons to be said about Jon the character, and also his existence for what it says about sherlock's own personality and needs. Thats for more articulate people than me. The main of it is: Frogwares games, if theyre mostly going to be of this writing quality, can handle the characters both faithfully and in adding new ways to view them which was a joy. A heartbreaking joy. I really enjoyed the story.
And the scene at the very end, watson and holmes first meeting. A scene in many adaptations, of course in the original. I loved that sherlocks actor added a raw emotional reaction to the sound of his voice, something thats easy to pretend might always have been able to be there its just from Watsons pov maybe he never would have noticed. And since sherlock holmes chapter one is sherlocks game about his internal emotions, it lets it end with a raw show of emotion we'd notice after seeing everything hes gone through inside. We'd also see it as a potential positive. In that he'd ever open up enough to share even that small part of FEELING with another person, in the presence of another person and trust that its okay to feel it. And the way the game plays with the meaning of art in its interpretation, the world maybe being more mysterious than humans can ever understand (with all the use of supernatural love from Jon, and Matista at the end and her own magic practice in a way paralleling Sherlocks creating of Jon), the game ends with a game model of John Watson with similar eyes to Jon, with John Watson introducing himself and Sherlock comparing the name to Jon. Recognizing the coincidence. Maybe some small part, the part of sherlock that IS Jon and made him and drew comfort from him, seeing the magic in hearing such a meaningful name in a meaningful coincidence of meeting od a real social partner that will end his isolation significantly by living with him. It makes the ending feel almost magical, as mundane as it is, and as much as Watson is not Jon (because Jon was in many ways just Sherlocks own self comforting himself). Its this conclusion of a whole game of realizing its the interpretation that matters at least As Much as the truth (which the game enforces both with cases with multiple possible answers and making You sherlock pick the consequences then seeing the city always reacting mixed to such outcomes). A whole game of seeing sherlock belittle emotions (especially his own), unable to open up to anyone except himself occasionally with the help of Jon (and that easy open emotional expression Jon has), and finally Sherlock is facing his own feelings a bit. Has integrated some of who Jon was, has let himself feel his own feelings, is more self aware and brave, still hurting but also more able to not reject himself. And its just feels so lovely to see played. Its a simple moment, the same scene I expect, but it has emotional payoff from the chapter one story fully realized in seeing sherlocks changes when he finally gets to the moment of meeting watson. Payoff of chapter ones whole character growth of one from childhood to adulthood.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Jeong Yun Ho (Ateez) Ideal Partner Characteristics based on Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: Crow Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Zodiac Sign
Full Name: Jeong Yun Ho
Stage Name: Yunho
Group: Ateez
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Jeong Yun Ho
Yunho (Ateez)
Deck: Crow
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - Ace of Pentacles
Yunho’s ideal partner is likely someone deeply practical. They will dress the way that best fits their life regardless of fashion and trends. They likely have a fine taste in fabrics and in food as well. It might be apparent that they don’t say no to cake. They are likely well groomed and neat but they don’t spend hours in front of the mirror. They have a casual style, walk at a moderate pace and their voice is likely deeper and softer.
Heart - 8 of Swords
While maintaining the well composed image on the outside, Yunho’s perfect match is likely feeling trapped at heart. Maybe they don’t like their job but they need a source of income so they stick to it while feeling miserable. Maybe the people they know are toxic or judgemental and they feel like they can’t speak their mind in front of them freely.
Spirit - 5 of Pentacles
Spiritually speaking, Yunho’s perfect match needs to focus less on the materialistic side of life and more on their own well-being and relationships. They need to cut ties with toxic people, make steps towards a better job so they don’t feel so trapped. They know these things but simply need a little more support to get the courage to actually improve their situation. Yunho could serve as a nice broad-shouldered support, indeed.
Soul - IX The Hermit
Deep down in their soul, Yunho’s special person is a loner. They’re probably so sick of toxic friends and coworkers that all they wish for is a place of solitude for themselve. Safe spot where they could rest, recharge, regroup and reclaim their life, put themselves together. It’s not necessary for them to be there alone, though. They long for a trusty and kind person to share the quiet moments with them.
Time - 3 of Swords
Yunho is likely to meet his ideal partner while they are in the middle of a break up. Either they are finally letting toxic friends go, or it’s the end of a romantic relationship that goes out of proportion and turns into a dangerous scene. It’s likely for Yunho to interfere when feeling that the things are getting out of hand and in a way save his ideal partner from ugly outcome. 
Place - King of Cups
If Yunho and his ideal partner decide to live together, they will build a safe, warm and fair home for themselves. It will be a place filled with mutual affection and understanding each other's needs. Their home is likely to be harmonious and filled with joy and calm. Such a great place to lock themselves in and avoid all the drama and chaos of the outside world.
Zodiac Sign - Scorpio
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mirrortouchedsea · 18 days
hello >:) i was curious about the ghost rinne idea you mentioned a while ago... if you aren't vibing with those thoughts anymore though, i'm still curious about the ink blood sister scribe au, and also the apocalypse au (especially the kaname and tatsumi side. what is Happening there)
okay so this is going to be a long one i think so it's going under the read more. also sorry everyone no wip wednesday today you get whatever this is going to be instead.
Ghost Rinne
So if you've talked to me like. At all you know i just adoreeeeeee ghosts and ghost stories they're my favorite okay so obviously ghost Rinne is such a concept to me. I've talked about him being stuck trying to protect Niki, keep him from making whatever mistakes that originally led to their mutual deaths (I'm still kinda in between what I want that to be but it's probably just gonna be a car accident while they're doing something idol related.). It's like an evil fucked up time loop that lasts years and Rinne is doomed to die in every universe and if he isn't then Niki dies and neither of these are exactly great outcomes. His ghost haunts Niki before he even meets him and maybe if he meets ghost Rinne he'll avoid becoming an idol but he'll never meet the Rinne in this loop. It's convoluted and maybe not really a ghost story but also i need to gnaw on them so so bad.
2. Ink Blood Sister Scribe AU
So since I finished the book since I wrote the original drabble I knowwwwwww that other scribes weren't really a thing until one of the MCs shows up but listen we're not going for super duper canon to the book here Rinne is a scribe his blood can make magic and he had to run away from his hometown to protect them (though they did tell him what he could do and it's something that used to be common in their bloodline as leaders of the village that died out one day for unknown reasons that r revealed in the book.) He ends up with Niki per usual and they end up on the run after the first year where Rinne realizes someone is watching them and trying to chase them down. They spend a year somewhere and then leave on a specific day and go somewhere else. I think when the events of the book end where everything is undone and scribes can actually be born again it takes a while for him to find out from his family and village because suddenly Hiiro can do it too and Rinne slowly loses the feeling that people are watching him. He's been using his magic to write spells to help people pretty much the whole time and Niki helped with the herbal blends to mix into the ink to make the spells more potent so they're still practically inseparable but now they don't have to worry about someone finding them anymore and now Rinne is dying from blood loss since there's nothing stopping him from making spells for everyone to help them out /j. HiMERU and Kohaku definitely fit in here somewhere I think they're mailing spells back to them during the initial period of being on the run all the time to help out with x y z job they have. Probably weird assassin stuff who knows.
3. Tatsukanas in the Post Apocalypse AU
So wrt the fic I posted back in January and I know I told u this on discord already but for everyone else reading here the plan was bc I am a slut for fantasy I did have to include a little bit in this with Tattsun but. After the initial encounter with Tatsumi and Kaname decides to stay with him, Kaname gets bitten and Tatsumi is able to heal him with some magic in the church but it ties Kaname to the church specifically so if he leaves then the disease just. speeds up and will kill him. So Kaname is effectively church bound and can't leave but he's okay for now? At least if his brother is looking for him there's way less possibility that they'll miss each other by going through the same place at slightly different times but oops!! His brother is going to blame Tatsumi for everything that happened to Kaname (even if Kaname insists that's not the case and he would be so much worse off if Tatsumi hadn't taken him in.). The other Alkaloid members are also staying in the church and while Kaname is definitely a lot for any of them to deal with, Mayoi ends up spending the most time with him as protector when the others are out getting food/supplies/etc. I personally think Kaname would end up learning how to sew and cook and such, things he can do in the church that are still useful to everyone else but that's neither here nor there.
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callistolivia · 21 days
Hey! Hope you’re well. What would you say are the characteristics of a scorpio mars in the 5th house? It is my dominant placement along with my Uranus in Aquarius in the 8th house
I’ve heard mixed opinions and strange assumptions like, “masculine ppl are attracted to them”, “they’re angry people”.
Hi there,
A key component to recognize about the fire houses (1, 5, 9) is that they have a lot to do with one's identity. The 5th house illustrates an individual's ability to create as well as parts of themselves that they seek (being the precursor to the 9th house' purpose). Sometimes we seek ourselves through others hence why the 5th house is associated with attraction, it shows desire and what we are drawn to. The things we are drawn to play a part in aiding or building our identity. So with this all in mind, your 5th house says less about this sense of "other" where there's a group or type of person attracted to you, but more so what you're attracted to and people that share a relatability with you. There's a harmony at play because of the 5th house' relationship to your ascendant or 1st house. It would make more sense that you're attracted to martian type people. This could be masculine people, but it can be broader than that– it can be ambitious people, people with a very active lifestyle, maybe someone who's kind of edgy, someone who is willing to take risks, and so on. In response to “they’re angry people,” Mars in Scorpio is a lot more subdued in their expression thanks to being in a water sign. Mars in the water signs makes for expressive complexity for sure though. Aspects would be more telling of what this looks like as an average functioning person isn't likely to be just an angry person. There's usually a root to anger, or a proneness to being angry that I would search for in the chart before labelling a domicile Mars in the chart an angry person signifier. Aspects to any of the other personal planets with Mars for sure tells a story about someone's relationship with anger. In general, Mars in Scorpio when faced with conflict can be cunning and eloquent in their solution. In its negative expression– jealous, vengeful, self-sabotaging, and manipulative. Unlike Mars' other home placement in Aries, Scorpio is NOT reckless. Risks are not taken without very careful consideration of the outcome. Mars represents one's life force as well. So the house its occupying will tell you what you do in order to maintain your life force. Mars being in the 5th house means you need consistent hobbies in order to stay sane and feel good physically. There's likely a strong interest in Martian hobbies (and this is a broad bubble of things... could be cars, sports, fitness, anything that involves building or constructing, martial arts, and so on. With Scorpio being involved, there might be an occult or edgier touch in your hobbies/interests). A strong social life is important too, particularly romantic connections. a watery Mars in the 5th is drawn to substances, particularly alcohol. Despite this feeling great for maintaining one's self, obviously practice caution with this vice.
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alyjojo · 7 months
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Love Reading 🤼‍♀️ - November 2023 - Pisces
Overall energy: The Sun
How you will meet: Ace of Pentacles & 3 Swords
How they will treat you: Page of Wands rev
Long-term Potential: King of Wands
All of the chips are stacked in your corner and you know it 💯 Your preshuffle showed an ex coming around and having several options, it’s like Spirit has handed you the steering wheel this time, and it feels like karmic Justice. There could be ten options for all I know, you have the online dating card here, you can date anyone you want. Maybe you meet this other person in that way. This reading has two main energies, and the potential for you to hurt or string along both, though I don’t think that’s your intention. This is more about the ex, the reading feels like them, but switch it if not idk. You’re realizing what you want and what you deserve vs whatever this shmoe was not giving you to end the relationship in the first place.
Some new person comes in pretty quickly, probably wining and dining, they’re Knight of Cups towards you, which isn’t just flirting or messaging, this is falling in love, going out on dates, having a great time together. Action. The ex is *triggered* by the competition, and they’re coming up as fire so rising to the occasion or battling it out is within their comfort zone - not a stretch. I say it that way because they’re immature and overly combative with how they treat you. Meathead energy. How dare you date other people when they’re telling you they want to work it out, they can’t work it out with other people in the mix! Like you owe that to them, or like your free will is not your own. There lies the Justice - free will is yours.
Long term, you have potential with the ex, that’s here with the messages. This new person could also go somewhere great too. The ex is attractive, magnetic, passionate, probably easily aggressive, competitive, a leader in their own right, an inflated ego. It’s a lot of passion, but idk how much substance. The newer person that comes in, King of Pentacles, this is someone that has their shit together 💯 I don’t get any feelings from you, I do get romantic gestures from them. They’re responsible, reliable, calm (seems like a big plus here), very practical and probably has a 5-year plan or something, *and* they’re romantic? Sounds like a winner, but I don’t know how you feel. The whole point of this is like Spirit sending you one (of many) people, but this one in particular has all of the characteristics you may not have known you were even missing, liked, or needed. And you don’t have to choose them, I’m getting that no matter which decision you make, this person is karmic Justice for the ex, because they’re getting a major wake up call with Phoenix, and the plan moving forward is your decision. It’s about 10 & 9 Cups, Pisces energy, what are your dreams and what does “happily ever after” look like to you? The ex can have a seat while new guy shows you how it’s done (respectably), and you’ll be able to separate yourself from some egotistical demands long enough to be like wow…I really like this, or that, or I sure don’t miss arguing about xyz, and then you call the shots moving forward. Could just be one date, I’m not sure. Even if you pick the ex, they better get a 5-year plan cuz you ain’t playing anymore 😂 Is it mind gamey…yeah. It’s also what you need, or it wouldn’t be here like this.
Messages -
Their side:
- Darker skin tone
- Other Half
Your side:
- I still think of you.
- Long-Term Potential
Oracles -
Their side: PHOENIX 🔥
- New Phase & Rekindle
- Renew & Growth
- Changed Mind
- Rise from Ashes
Your side: DATE 🥂
- Get Back Out There
- Meeting Someone New
- Setting a Date
- Date Online
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Leo & Pisces, Libra & Sagittarius
Overall energy: Ace of Swords
Current: 2 Swords
Challenge: Ace of Wands
How they feel about you: Wheel of Fortune & Justice
How you feel about them: 8 Cups & Ace of Pentacles
Outcome: Judgement
Three Aces and Three majors right off the bat, you two are probably going through something intense & impactful in your relationship. There is a lot of communication regarding shitty communication, if you two have been in conflict lately, which is likely, one of you is waking up to how they’re/you’re communicating & acting, and how that’s making things worse than it needs to be. 5 Swords isn’t just fighting, it’s saying the thing you know cuts deeply, knocking others down a peg, winning at all costs, it doesn’t matter who gets hurt so long as you win, and there are regrets about this. Sadness, loss, the meanness that is shown during conversations or arguments are what’s causing this relationship to be in the state it’s in.
You’d rather address it and bring this point into conscious awareness than just throw the whole relationship away, you don’t want to end it, or do anything “stupid” or reckless. The challenge is exactly that, actions or the desire for impulsivity and spontaneity applied towards destructive means. Could be dealing with a fire sign, or they’re acting like this, they tend to just DO shit impulsively, and when it’s out of motivation or ambition it can be inspiring, attractive & go them 🎉, but when it’s out of anger or a temper tantrum it’s like “what purpose did that serve but to make things worse, thank you”. Which is both true and also condescending - 5 Swords 😆
There will be some sort of temporary break, and I say temporary because there will be communication about whatever impulsive thing is done & whatever conflict happens initially. You’re walking away, probably literally, and as you walk away this person seems to realize things need to change. Could be piggybacking off the single read here 😆 They see you walking away from an opportunity with them, that you don’t even care, you’re ghosting them or not responding to 8 Wands, which could be a lot of messages. It’s like you disappear for a bit, you’re tired of their drama. Then the important conversation happens, eventually. Outcome for mid-Dec is Judgement, which can be a wake up call and that’s what it’s feeling like with their energy having “oh shit” vibes. They have to change their side of things or you’re going to walk and that’s that. Temperance is key, I pull Temperance in my own readings when I’m angry and Spirit is saying “calm down”. They need to calm down 💯 Or learn better ways of expressing themselves, because whatever actions (Knights are actions) are taken during conflicts or disagreements, causes 10 Cups rev. Should be upright. The Sun & 9 Swords show this coming to light in their own consciousness, again it’s a wake up call, either because they’re just realizing it and chasing you down (could be, you’re over it), or you being the one to explain it to them. It’s possible to work through this, but it takes both people, they have to work on it and you have to be willing to let them prove it to you, which I assume you are, with two cards of renewal, revival, and reconciliation. If they have complaints about you, you seem more open to compromise. They haven’t been receptive to you. I pulled messages at the end and when Condescending came out I legitimately laughed out loud.
Messages -
Their side:
- You fascinate me.
- Unrealistic Expectations
Your side:
- Condescending
- I’m exhausted with this 😴
Oracles -
Their side: SHOCK ⚡️
- Sudden Change
- Shocking News
- Surprise & Ephiphany
- Transformation
Your side: SUNGLASSES 🕶️
- Watching/Looking
- Perception
- Stalking
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Libra & Scorpio
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Confliction Between The Brain and The Heart Pt4
Aliyah's POV
After about 20 minutes of looking through my closet I decided on a outfit just a croped tank ripped jeans a flannel and some shoes to match nothing special i decided to do a light makeup look considering i may have or may not have cried once or twice damn this girl I thought as I looked in the mirror
"Who is it" i said as I turned to look at the door
"It's me Becca can I come in"
I got up quickly to go unlock the door just happy to hear her voice
"Hey"I said as opened the door she looks beautiful I should probably tell her that what if she's here to break up with me
"Umm Aliyah"
"Oh sorry" I said as I moved aside to let her in"
"Look Becca I'm sorry I feel like such a asshole for the argument I don't want to rush you and im willing to wait as long as you need me to as long as we're together I'm happy and"
"Baby there's nothing for you to apologize for i understand that its not easy to date someone not out yet and I'm grateful for the time and effort you put into me even when it wasn't easy but I want to be able to go on dates wherever and whenever we want I want to be able to hold your hand in public it would also be nice for everyone to know that you are taken i swear to God if I hear one more person talking about how they would love to"
"Woah babe"
"Oh sorry I got a little off topic but what I was saying was I'm ready to start coming out so I can finally be me we can finally be us i already told Maddie well she kinda told me and we're going to tell the sorority tomorrow and go from there"
"Are you sure you're ready I just want you to do this for you not for me I just want you to be prepared for any outcome"
"I know that i have the support of the people who matter the most in my life and I can finally start bragging about who my girlfriend is and solve the mystery on why you are still single when everyone keeps throwing their self at you and blah blah blah"
"I can say the same for you im friends with the football team,the basketball team and I know a lot of people in frats you have no idea how many times I have heard them talking about how they would love to have you and how hot you are"
"When you hear people say those things does it make you jealous"
"No because I know that they are only wishing they had you but at the end of the day you're with me and I trust you one hundred percent which is something we still have to work on with you and that's okay besides I don't mind when you get jealous it's hot you get all possessive"
"Of course you would think that you asshole"
"Well with that dress you're wearing tonight I'm thinking a lot more "
"Oh really"
I stepped closer and grabbed her waist going in for a kiss that was met with with a face full of air as she turned her head
"Well to bad we still have a party to attend"
"You're such a tease I said with a pout what about later"
"Hmm I don't know maybe we'll see how the night goes"
I looked after her as she closed the door not able to wipe this stupid grin off of my face even after she left Rebecca Davenport what are you doing to me
Becca's POV
I woke up with a mix of feelings nervousness a headache from all the drinks I had last night trying to forget about everything excitement and doubt what if people hate me is what was going through my head over and over I was interrupted by my thoughts as I heard my phone go off
Aliyah:Good Morning beautiful are you doing ok you had a little more to drink than you could handle
I looked at my phone with a slight blush cringing as I remembered the amount of drinks I had last night
Becca:Aside from a headache im a little nervous about the coming out thing and also remind me to never drink again
Aliyah:I can try but we both know you won't listen to me
Aliyah: Do you need me to be there I cancel band practice it won't be a big deal
Becca:No it's fine i have to start doing things for me it's time fir me to take my power back and be who I've always wanted to be
Aliyah:That's my girl im proud of you hit me if you need me
"I'm coming in" I heard Madison say from the other side of the door
"Looks who's up i expected you to be in a lot worse shape after last night"
"I have a little bit of a headache but other than that I feel fine"
"So are you ready to you know"
"As ready as I can be"
"There's nothing to be nervous about it's the sorority after all have you met us we have a couple girls who like girls here why would you think you would be treated any different"
"It's just not knowing what reactions I'm gonna get when I told my dad things didn't go well"
"I can assure that from us none of the reactions are gonna be negative we're a sisterhood who stick together"
"Yea im ready let's do it before I lose my edge and puke"
"So Kappa meeting" Madison said looking at me with a smile
"Kappa meeting" i said as I smiled back
We all sat in the living talking about random things like always the reason whi fell in love with kappa is because it's not like all the other sororities it's a actual sisterhood where you can talk about anything and not be judged
"Umm so we called this meeting because we I have something to tell everyone"
I looked up nervously at everyone looking at me intently I got nervous having everyone's undivided attention
I looked at Madison who was sitting next to me giving me a supportive smile as she placed her hand on mine
"I've been working on being myself lately and finding true happiness and during that time I started seeing someone who has taught me a lot about what it takes to truly be happy and has showed me what it feels like to love someone and actually mean it and not fake it because I feel like that's what I have to do and that someone is a girl
I was looking down as I felt Madison wiping a tear that I didn't know was there
I looked up to a room full of supportive smiles
"Well that explains a lot" I heard Chelsea say from my other side
"Yea we were just waiting on you to tell us"
"What but how"
"The secrecy"
"You dated one guy here and didn't give him the time of day"
"You have looked like you wanted to puke while being hit on at frat parties,everytime we brought up guys you would occupy yourself with literally anything else just like ANYTHING
"My gaydar is just always right"
I looked up wide eyed at the girls "Ok I get"
"Twins so me and Haley now have a new member for our girl gossip groupwhen the others are talkingabout boys" i heard Taylor say another girl from the sorority who is out and has been since she was 13
"So who is it" I heard Chelsea say
"Band Aliyah"
"Yup that's the one I said with a smile"
"Oh damn you have officially won" Hayley said reaching out for a high five
"Trust me I know" I said with a wide grin
Aliyah's POV
"And that's a wrap for today guys good practice"
"We're going to kick ass as always" Deja or basist said as she danced awkwardly
"Of course we couldn't do anything less" Cade said while packing up his drum sticks
If there is anything that this band doesn't lack its ego
"We were going out to get drinks you wanna join cade said as he finished up"
"I would have loved to but im busy tonight"
"Ohhh she's going out with her mystery girl" Zig said as hesat his guitar down
"Shut up I'll catch you guys later"
A couple of minutes later I pulled up to the sorority and did my routine of throwing rocks at her window to get her attention
"Hey dork"
I called out as I climbed the tree that was close to her window
She smiled and rolled her eyes as she opened the window to let me in "you know you don't have to do that anymore I told everyone here"
"Yea I know but it's more fun than using the door"
I smiled at her as I pulled her close to me "so how do you feel"
"I feel free like I can be myself but the sorority was only a start I have a lot more work to do"
"Well I'm proud of you and that star and we can start with everyone else at my show tomorrow night if you would like to come"
"Of course I'll be there"
"Great now i believe we were interrupted by a party last night so I would like to pick up where we left off"
Beccas Pov
I've spent my whole life following my BRAIN being unhappy for the comfort of others it telling me that you have to go to college get married to a man and have kids being told to do things the traditional way expected to be perfect not being able to listen to my HEART which was telling me that tge traditional lifestyle is not for me and you don't have to be perfect and you can love who you want to love your BRAIN can be a great thing to listen to sometimes when you see things in a logical way but your HEART even though it can lead to stupid decisions it can also lead you to amazing things when you follow it so I choose my HEART I choose happiness
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weinsteinpollock0 · 2 years
The Best Bottega Veneta Purses Replica Is Waiting For You
Section of weaved household leather-based, unveiling very good think, and it’s guided by means of Tomas Maier, Bottega Veneta. The genuine counterpart of the bag is compromised of 80% lambskin and 20% brass . The chains on the replica bag are nice and heavy and made from actual brass and not some plastic-y counterpart you’d count on on a faux. The silver hardware has a matte end which adds a cool contact to the bag. I need you to really feel empowered and funky whenever you wear my clothes. The broad and curved long shoulder straps echo the curved bag opening. The slicing and sewing of the big sq. figure leather replaces the earlier fantastic rattan, which is less cute and extra highly effective for girls. The bag isn't solely large sufficient, but even a emblem can't be found. F Jun boldly predicted that this bag may be vital merchandise to prove his good taste this year. Recent years have seen a proliferation of “fast fashion” chains, providing an array of inexpensive, unauthorized copies of designer clothes. Thanks to digital photography and quick manufacturing, these chains can supply almost indistinguishable copies of a designer garment months earlier than the unique even reaches stores. The unique bag has been crafted in two alternative ways, and Dupes have been as well. You can explore which fashion you favor – maybe even have considered one of each! https://skel.io/bottega-veneta.html Alternatively, it is obtainable in leather-based, but with a woven or knotted end. wikipedia handbags Our Replicas or copies are crafted with a lot of care and so they make positive that they give the impression of being pretty much as good as the unique. Black painted edges, stitching and zippers additional improve the line really feel of the bag. The middle of the black nylon deal with on the prime of the bag additionally incorporates the brand’s signature Intrecciato strip. Its perfect shape and practical perform is absolutely Maier and BottegaVeneta artisans in-depth research of the outcomes, the start of a gradual stream of inventive ideas. Often producers get sloppy and make mistakes on the interior the place it is less noticeable. Luckily this Olimpia bag is simply as nicely done on the inside of the bag. Like the unique the inside was lined with a nice beige suede leather-based that's made of real leather-based as properly. Also the interior of the bag is split into two compartments and fitted with a useful zip pocket. You have to be inventive and even more inventive than ordinary to find a way to give you different solutions. I also labored a lot with contrasts, mixing streetwear and couture. In addition to the official web site of Bottega veneta, if you want to know extra about collocation, you should purchase some world-renowned trend magazines. In these magazines, you will introduce the design idea, design ideas, suitable for folks and matching strategies. As for the design, this has been inspired from a conventional coin purse with a wider bottom and a clasp on the centre-top. The larger sized bag and pastel colours to match the present season are the ultimate pair to create an total sophisticated and highly desirable accent to add to any outfit. The Bottega Veneta philosophy is deep-rooted in restraint, intricacy and prudence. It speaks a quite unique language of silence that is audible solely to those that listen. Its signature fashion statement is the Intrecciato and is visible only to those that see it with actually creative eyes. The wonderful craftsmanship, luxurious materials, and sophisticated particulars of Bottega Veneta communicate for themselves. As the most popular, there's the normal clutch type bag with no strap is the closest to the real designer piece and comes in either a steel clasp or tightening side straps to safe the bag shut. Also, the Pouch comes with a wearable, over the shoulder, golden coloured chain or a has a small strap to show off your new bag as a mini carry merchandise. And bear in mind our designer copy baggage are an genuine recreation of a design. Replica aBottega Veneta Handbags subtle craftsmanship and fantastic detailing are also mirrored in the brand’s jewelry assortment. The 2018 Fall Winter Jewelry Collection continues the artistic director Tomas Maier’s architectural inspiration from the skyscrapers of New York – the dice factor. The “BV Inlay Deco” collection has a touch of Art Deco, elegant, surrealist geometry. Sterling silver plated 24K gold setting with onyx and black, transparent cubic zircon; black enamel and Intrecciato engravings are used to highlight the jewel-like texture.
0 notes
aruuq · 3 years
Sakura blossom – Arataki Itto fluff
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characters: itto x gn!reader
genre & style: very fluffy fluff, only sugar, drabble
word count: 1k
notes: i know for a fact that itto is our first full-fledged himbo. i just know it. silly, dorky and indisputably lovingly boi. 
warnings: he can be ooc here, i think it’s a bit cliche
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Spring was his favourite season; the days getting longer with each passing one, time becoming more enjoyable with the fresh wind blowing hair and clothes, weather not too warm, not too cold either, just ideal for spending time outside. Bees were buzzing, fulfilling their bee duties, conveying the pollen from one to another plant and little animals were introducing their offsprings to this pretty world. The smell of fresh grass mixed with tons of flowers he couldn’t even name was hovering in the air. Itto definitely loved spring.
And he wanted to share this feeling with you, showing this in his own, a bit unusual way. This desire has taken root in his heart a long time ago. Exactly a year ago Itto had first seen you, relaxing under a big sakura tree with closed eyelids while napping peacefully on the pink blossom carpet. Your soft features were illuminated by the light penetrating here and there between the thick branches, lashes trembling as the playful wind made your skin shiver. The entirety of this picture made you look divine. It was the moment your person struck him through the heart so hard that he immediately fell for you.
Itto was sitting under the same tree, his hands nervously playing with the strap of the bag he specially took with himself, carrying something for you. He was a nervous wreck, blood rushing in his veins, the heart racing with only a thought of you standing right in front of him.
“Y/N, I have something to tell you… No, no, no, no, no, it’s a bad start… Y/N. Listen. I- It’s even worse…” His shaky voice practicing the way he should greet you. It is a big deal after all. The good start heralds the good outcome, as one of his friends always says. “Maybe I should start with a hello or good morning… But it’s already evening… Good evening then,” the man kept mumbling to himself, his pupils focused on the rough fingers writing in the air his plan. “So once again… Good evening, Y/N. There’s something important on my mind that you should know.”
“I already guessed it after you invited me over here yesterday. You seemed to be in such a rush I was a bit worried that something bad happened, y’know?” Your joyful voice reaches his ears.
Itto yanks his head up just to look at you, his cheeks already painted in embarrassing pink. You stand right above him, a wide smile beaming on your face. With one of your palms rested on your hip, you reach the other one towards him. “Hi, Itto,” you speak in your normal tone, but for him it sounds like a blessing straight from heaven. Oh, the way you affect this poor boy.
“H-hi.” He stutters as your fragile fingers grab his harsh ones to help him get up.
“You already greeted me, silly,” you laugh, and it’s another sound that makes Itto’s heart skip a beat.
He towers over you, much taller and incomparably more muscular than you, the Oni blood in his veins showing. But he doesn’t feel like it. Everytime he is with you, he feels as if he is way smaller than you, the aura around you making him shrink. You are the exact opposite of the man; while he resembles everything that’s scary, menacing and dangerous, you seem to be the archetype of the quiet, gorgeous valley where everything is just beautiful.
“Sooo…” You drag out, bouncing on your feet, both hands hidden behind your back, the smile never leaving your pretty face. “What is it that you wanted to tell me, Itto?”
“Oh. Uh. Um. Yes.” His eyes widen when he realizes that he doesn’t remember the speech he shed his whole heart into yesterday morning. “I- I need a minute, wait a second!”
And with this statement, he turns away and starts rapidly groping all his pockets with a hope of finding the sheet he made sure to take with himself. But all of them seemed to be only filled with useless (only at that moment of course, they could be helpful at any other time) things as a handful of candies, hair ribbons, stained handkerchief and beetles. No letter. When the thought that maybe he threw it into the bag came to his mind, you spoke again.
“Are you looking for this?” You query him, the curiosity in your voice, as you are scanning with your irises the ugly scribbled text.
The man spins around and his heart stops. Itto’s too scared to do anything, no muscles in his body corresponding to his will so he quickly tries to adapt and accept this fate, praying in his mind that you won’t be able to read his jot. His lower lip trembles. He’s one step away from his whole world collapsing right here and right now.
“Itto…” You start slowly, scanning his face. The Oni looks as if he was about to cry. Literally. Tiny tears formed in the corner of his eyes as he, without blinking, looked at you. “Is this what you wanted to tell me?”
So after all you were able to read it, huh? The man was sure that he could hear the clank of the opening coffin, ready for his body after the soul finally leaves his body. His voice stuck in his throat, the fear completely befuddled him. Without any better idea, Itto nodded.
“Could you bend down a little, pretty please?” You ask, and who he is to refuse you.
Squeezing his eyes shut, the boy bows, his jaw clenched tight, fingernails digging in the flash of his palms. What if you want to slap him because he disgusts you? Or worse, you want to scream at him, while looking right into his eyes, filling him with shame, breaking his fragile heart into billions of pieces. No, no, no, no, no. It couldn’t be it, could it? Unpleasant thoughts filling his aching head stopped immediately as he felt a peck directly on his cheek.
“I like you too,” you giggle, gently caressing his cheekbone with your thumb.
Ah, Itto really loved spring and he was more than happy to share most of this love with you.
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zorya-wellness · 3 years
Lammas/Lughnasadh Pagan Holiday
Lammas or Lughnasadh is a Pagan holiday celebrated on August 1st. It symbolizes the end of the summer period (yes, even though you may not want to hear that we are on our way to the end) and the beginning of magical fall.
The Lammas holiday is also closely connected to the harvest season.
It is traditionally believed that the period of Lammas celebration was very important in the religious communities, not only from the perspective of Pagan or Christian traditions  but also due to its agricultural significance.
Lammas versus Lughnasadh. What Is The Difference?
First of all, let’s talk about terminology a bit.
Lammas comes from Anglo-Saxon hlaf-mas, "loaf-mass", therefore also known as Loaf Mass Day and it is a Christian holiday.
The celebration of this holiday by the Christian community is in part similar to what we will be discussing later. The holiday signifies a period of being blessed by the first gifts of the harvest season. The wheat collected is often used to make the Lammas bread that would later be brought to church for a blessing.
Lughnasadh or Lughnasa is the name used by the “Neopagan” community and just as Lammas, marks the beginning of the harvest period. It is the time when we are grateful for the abundance of the Mother Earth.
How to pronounce Lughnasadh?
The term Lughnasadh comes from the Irish spelling of the word. The Modern way of Irish  pronunciation is Lúnasa and pronounced Loo-nuh-suh. The Classical pronunciation is /’luɣ.nə.səð/ like LUGH-nuh-sudh (where “gh” is pronounced as i a word "give" and the “dh” is like the “th” in “that”.) It is probably the most correct pronunciation of Lughnasadh, as Lugh or Lug is the God from Irish mythology and the one this holiday is dedicated to at the first place.
How Lammas Originated?
Lammas came from a desire of people to thank and celebrate the “father” Sun and the Mother Earth for the fruits of their “love” - the harvest.
To bless the marriage of God and Goddess and ask for a buy dance and prosperity in the upcoming months.
It was considered that August 1st marks the first day of fall. And on August 2nd it was already the time to pick up the harvest and so the days of hunger and need would we over.
The holiday was widely celebrated in:
Ireland: the name Lughnasadh comes from the Irish God Lugh and is translated at “the marriage of Lugh.
Isle of Man
In Slavic countries (called “medovyi spas”)
Let’s Talk More About The Harvest.
When we hear “Lammas”, we often think about the period of harvest right away. It is the most talked about moment of Lammas or Lughnasadh but we need to truly understand what stands behind the concept of harvest.
If you are a careful reader, you have noticed I specifically say the beginning of harvest. I also want to explain more what I mean by the time of being grateful.
You see, Lammas is the day of the beginning of the harvest period and NOT the time when we are assessing the outcome and are drawing conclusions of how successful we’ve been (there will be another holiday dedicated to this, called Mabon).
But the first day of harvest is the time when the quality of life changes. It is the time when it becomes predictable what expectations we can have and taste the first ripe fruits.
Simply put, it is the moment when something you worked so hard on, finally becomes tangible and it also becomes YOURS.
A skill you were developing is almost acquired but not to the point when it becomes a reflex. The investments you’ve made are starting to produce some cash flow but still need your attention.
You also need to understand that it is not possible to continuously perfect something or wait for an opportune moment.  At some point, you need to release into the world what you have the way it is and improve things on the go.
Where am I going with this philosophical deviation, you probably are wondering…
This is what Lammas period really is about. It is the time when we transition from preparation to action.
What does it mean for you in real life situation?
Lammas gives you are opportunity of the perfect time to do something you were afraid of doing.
It may be that you were working on a website for your very own blog but we’re too afraid to press that “publish” button, thinking it is not perfect yet.
Or you may have been writing a book but haven’t started to search for a publisher, changing and tweaking things in an attempt for it to be perfect.
You may have been doing research for a new job you always wanted or university program you wanted to apply for but haven’t felt ready to finally made the move and submit an application.
Do you see the pattern?
Lammas is the time when you were ALREADY in the process of doing something but haven’t had the energy for the final step. And this period of the first week of August is for you to pull yourself together and make the move.
And when Mabon comes, we will be assessing the results of our actions.
"Can I celebrate Lughnasadh if I’m not pagan?"
First of all, like I mentioned in my other Blog posts related to the Wheel of the Year, you don’t need to be Pagan to celebrate or acknowledge Wheel of the Year holidays.
RELATED: What Is Pagan Wheel of the Year and How to Celebrate It? Beginner Pagan's Guide
You need to be aware of the existence of the energy of the Mother Earth, it’s changes and shifts and how this affects our lives.
So, What Can You Do To Celebrate Lughnasadh/Lammas?
Lammas/Lughnasadh Traditions and Rituals
Do Some Lammas Divination Work
The period from July 31st to August 6th is the perfect time for divination work. Tarot, Runes and oracles will provide with great messages, especially in career/money (material) and love questions (especially compatibility related).
Don’t forget to show gratitude to the Universe and Mother Earth. It is important to maintain the energy exchange, at the very least with the well known gratitude and love practices.
Show gratitude towards others too, don’t forget to show acknowledgment and say “thank you”.
Make Lammas Bread
During this period, it is the great time to infuse your food and drinks with the energy of love and gratitude, as well as thank the Source and the Planet for its generosity. Of course, the best way to celebrate this holidays is to make Lammas bread. I am giving you this quick bread recipe that does not require a lot of products or special skills
Lammas Abundance Bread Recipe
For this little Ritual you will need to make (not buy!) corn bread.
Lammas Bread Ingredients:
1 1/2 cup of corn flour
1 1/2 cup wheat flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup of sugar 2 tbs of cooled down melted butter
4 cups of milk
2 tsp of baking powder
Mix flour and salt together in a deep bowl.In a separate bowl with milk add baking powder;  then add sugar and butter.Mix all the ingredients together in one bowl until the consistency is that of a sour cream. It will not be similar to regular bread dough you may be making at home.
*While you are mixing, talk into the bowl anything you want to accomplish that is related to the abundance. Whatever the abundance means to YOU. It does not have to be financial. Maybe you will feel abundant and complete when you have a large family. Then go for it.
Pour the Lammas bread dough into a baking dish (don't forget to butter the dish). Bake for about 40-50 minutes at 360 degrees F.When the colour is nice and golden, take the bread out and let it cool.
When you sit down for a meal, break off (not cut) a large piece of Lammas bread and say: "Large piece of bread in my hand will bring me abundance and plenty." Don’t forget to share your food with the Gods (leave some bread in nature, the way you see fit and depending on the type of deity you are working with.)
Lughnasadh Home Blessing and Abundance Ritual
This ritual can be done during the same time as you are making your Lammas bread.
It is done to invite luck and abundance into your home. BUT. You can change your intent to protection, if you’d like.
All you need to do is to set aside some dough when you are making it for your break and create a figure of an animal. My personal suggestion is to select a farm animal due to the nature of the energy of this holiday.
When you are done, you will need to follow basic figure talisman activation steps. I have adapted the suggestions of Vadim Zeland for this.
*If you are interested in who Vadim Zeland is, click here to read more about him. His book Reality Transurfing has changed my life forever.
Animal activation steps:
Come up with a name for your animal
Take a deep breath. Now breathe into the animal, imagining giving it energy and life.
Tell the animal its name. Tell it that you love and care for it and, in exchange, it's helping you with (whatever you want to ask for).
Place the animal anywhere in the house, depending on the task you give it.
Don't forget to revisit daily and remind the animal of your love and the important task it is doing for you.
Don’t forget to check out complete Blog Post on my website for more information on Lammas traditions, as well as my other Blog posts on Pagan holidays, Rune Meanings and more.
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Forms of Witchcraft
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•Dolls and Poppets
Poppets are the English terms for what movies call a ‘voodoo doll’. Voodoo doll is a misnomer, and does nothing for either poppets or Haitian magic.
Poppets can be used for a couple of things – mainly either cursing or healing. This doesn’t always have to be physical curses/cures – poppets can also be used to influence thought patterns.
Dolls can also be used to provide homes for Spirits, or used to create guardians. You can also use a doll as a scapegoat to prevent a curse from latching onto you.
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Shrine making is less a way to create a defined outcome, and more a way of pleasing Spirits who you may later want to call upon. It’s kinda like taking your new neighbours a pie, in case you ever need them to watch the house whilst you’re away. The pie is an overture to a friendly relationship, not direct payment for the house sitting. However, if you just blundered into their garden one day and offered them £100 to watch the house, they’d probably tell you to get lost. Randomly calling up Spirits, Saint or Deities can have the same effect. I mean, would you help someone get a job if they just banged on your door and waved some incense at you? Get your local Spirits pies. Find out what scents, and objects, and offerings that they like. Keep the land around you clean, and pick up after other people if you can. Use your vote and your money to protect the land from logging and fracking. Build a dedicated ‘meeting space’ where you call up Spirits, and fill it full of pictures of them or things they like. It pays dividends in the future.
Shrinemaking can also be used to help bless and protect your home and land. By connecting with the other Spirits that are there, you solidify the relationship, and can work together against intruders.
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•Bottles and Jars
Witch bottles (or spell jars)  are fun, easy ways to create a variety of effects. As a spell base, they can be effective for:
* money
* love
* friendship
* animal work
* protection
Some people define a witch bottle as strictly the traditional version which is used as a scapegoat, and call other spells involving bottles and jars ‘spell jars’. Some people use the term witch bottle to encompass all magics involving jars.
You can learn about all types of bottle magic in the free course which you can sign up for below!
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Candle magic is a much more modern form of magic than you’d think – especially if we’re talking coloured candles. Candles were very precious objects in the past! However, it was not an unusual item to have, like a hunk of crystal or fairy doll, which is why they became an item to use for undetected witchcraft – like brooms, and cauldrons.
As candles have got cheaper and cheaper and less needed to be used for lighting, much more forms and types of magic have sprung up around them. With the addition of coloured waxes or painted candles, the sorts of magic you can do with candles has grown exponentially.
Candles are a subset of fire magic and therefore are fantastic for banishing, but they are often the beginners tool of choice. It’s easy to understand why – easy to get hold of, easy to use, and there’s as much fancy ritual needed as you feel inclined to give it.
When you want to expand your knowledge, you can still stick with candles – but investigate the use of oils, herbs and crystals in conjunction with candles.
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•Crystals and Rocks
Crystals and rocks are often used as ‘ingredients’ in other spells. They are very easy to add to bottles, pouches, dolls and more. However, you can also use crystals in spell work solely on their own by adding them to your pillow, till, money box, plant pot, etc.
Their use goes much further than this, but that enters the realm of energy healing which is a part of many traditions and is a very dedicated and intensive practice all by itself, and too much to explain here.
You can utilize the powers of air in a lot of ways. It’s usually good for cleansing spells – think sweeping with a ritual broom, burning incense (smoke=air, not fire), ringing bells or playing bowls, singing, using flags and wheels. Air methods tend to return quick results.
Earth brings slow results, but they tend to be larger. Earth practices include enchanting seeds that will bring you money as they grow, burying offerings in the Earth, making vessels and spells out of clay, or writing spells in the mud.
Fire can bring things into your life, but is much better used to get rid of them – for beginners, anyway. If there is anything in your life that you wish to get rid of, you can write or draw a representation of it and cast it into the fire to remove it.
Water can take the longest time to bring you what you need. However, think of water pounding against a rock. Drips of water became rivers, became waterfalls. Water can often bring you the biggest results, but it may take a long time.
Water spells can include potions (see below), but can also include ritual baths, leaving offers in water, or giving up bad energy or habits to the ocean.
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Bones are a contentious subject in witchcraft. Some people will never use them, some people’s practice is not complete without them. You can actually get bones in an ethical manner, by either cleaning up roadkill yourself or paying someone to do it for you, or literally keeping the bones from your dinner!
Some uses for bones are:
* Telling the future (casting bones or lots)
* Housing the Spirit of the animal so you can work with them
* Form parts of wands or ritual jewellery or headresses
* Ingredients in pouches
Tarot, Runes and Ogham
You can use all of these fortune telling tools in spells, too! You can choose one of them that has a characteristic or represents an outcome that you’d like. So if you wanted a new job, you might choose the Ace of Pentacles. Then you could do any one of the following with it:
* Use it to focus a candle spell
* Add it to a pouch or bag spell
* Add it to a jar spell
* Use it in lieu of a sigil
* Make a vision board around it
* Even burn it! (You can get single Tarot cards for this purpose on eBay.)
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•Potions and Elixirs
Potion Magic used to be a lot more popular. Whilst elixirs, tisanes and tea blends are still popular for use on yourself, the masses of recipes of potions, philtres and similar recipes have all but died out. That’s because a lot of potion magic is only to be used in desperate circumstances, like love potions and curses. The reason so many old fashioned love potions are beyond creepy and controlling is that woman’s husband was her meal ticket. If he left her, not only would she be blamed, but she would be out of a house, food and her own family probably wouldn’t take her in. She had shamed them all. (Often through no actual fault of her own.) She was literally facing public humiliation, being outcast, perhaps even starving to death – and sometimes her children along with here.
So dousing  a lover or husband’s food with love potion made a lot more sense then, than it does now.
Thankfully, most of us don’t live in those circumstances any more, so a lot of philtre or potion use has died out. However, there are still some amazing things you can make to ingest yourself:
* Tea blends
* Tisanes (herbals teas)
* Bath spells
* Lunar or solar water
* Herbal Oils
Spoken Magic
Spoken Magic can be long and complicated, or very short. It doesn’t have to rhyme (but it can) it doesn’t have to flow like poetry (but it can). You can use spoken incantation to help direct energy when you’re using other methods, but you can also use it on it’s own.
Some examples of spoken magic:
* Affirmations
* Words of power
* Singing
* Ritual Offerings
* Wishes
You can even banish Spirit’s solely through your voice. Shouting ‘Leave!’ with the correct intention can be very powerful.
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•Written Magic
Written magic has existed since we could write. Many cultures view writing AS magic. Think about it – 26 (or thereabouts, depends on your alphabet) tiny squiggles can become anything when placed in the right order. Dumbledore was right about the power of words.
Written magic can include:
* Petitions to Spirits
* Magic squares
* Words of power or protection
* Wishes
* Tattoos
* Rune work
Bag and Pouch Magic
There is all kinds of bag magic – from mojo bags, to more modern spell envelopes. The main idea behind bag or pouch magic is that keeping a carefully curated selection of objects together for a certain time period will produce the effects that you want. A lot of bag magic produces indefinite spells  provided they are charged. Such bags usually grant the wearer protection, prosperity, luck or good health. However, there are bag magics wear a specific time limited spell is wanted – invisibility spells, hex breakers and the like.
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•Enchantments and Glamours
Enchantment covers a variety of spell types, but theme of the spells are pretty much the same. Enchantment covers a lot of the old folklore kind of witchcraft – hidden worlds, changing age, changing into different animals and so on.
Enchanting something fools the viewer into believing something is there when it is not, or isn’t there when it is, or is something completely different.
Think of the Harry Potter scene where Hermione explains that the ceiling of the Great Hall isn’t a real sky, it’s just enchanted to look that way.
Real enchantment can be done for fun, but they can also be useful pieces of magic. You can enchant jewelry, clothes or makeup to bestow certain personality traits upon you. You can enchant your witchy items to look normal if you’re fearful of discovery. The possibilities are just about endless.
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any safehouse crew x bell!reader headcanons? can be fluffy or angsty, whichever you prefer to write 🥺 i adore your work!
Aw, thank you!! Yeah, I'd love to share to some headcannons! These are sort of a mixed bag regarding fluff/angst, but I think they're mostly nicey-nicey :)
Sorry for your wait, but I hope you enjoy 💖
His relationship with you is such a tangled mess
He shouldn't even be doing this, not after all he's done to you and is still doing, but...
He just can't help but fall for you
Your memories of being with him during the war may be fake, but to you they're all too real
You know him better then anyone else, maybe even more then Sims
This whole thing started because you wanted to get to know him, to fill in the gaps and to continue growing the bond that only exists in your mind
Every day he struggles with the knowledge that what he's doing is wrong, along with the constant badgering about it from Hudson, Sims, and Park
But he's never felt this close, let alone wanted, by someone in his entire life
There'll come a day when the lid blows right off all this and explodes in his face for sure
Just... Not yet, he hopes
If there's one person here who should not be getting involved with you... It's him
Adler and Park may be your handlers, but he's the one overseeing the entire operation
You wouldn't even be here if he hadn't passed down the orders from the higher ups
If there's nothing else you take away from this, he would have you know that there is much, much more at risk here then his mere job if he was found messing around with you
Hudson tried everything to resist you
You and your charming voice
You and your beguiling looks
You and your kindness and patient soul
His will was strong, but the flesh is oh so weak
No one has ever treated him like you do
Just an ounce of respect and a surprising, never ending stream of kindness...
What else is a lonely man to do?
Adler and Park know nothing, this is a term you both agreed on
And they never will, because as soon as your work here is done...
He will stop at nothing to keep you safe
He knows, he knows...
He should be doing this
But damn it if you aren't just so... Loveable
Lazar has a big heart that just bursting at the seams with love to give
You'd think such a friendly fellow would be popular in the dating pools, but...
It would seem not so
He'll be honest, he was going to make moves towards Park...
Mostly because, between the two of you, she wasn't strictly off limits
But you were his first choice
And when Helen shut him down, well...
Why not at least try?
He never expected you to actually take to him
He deals with constant reprimands, but he dismisses them every time
No one knows what it's like to be so full of love and have no one to give it too
And now that he has you...
He'll be damned if anyone tries to take you away from him
Geez... All Mason wants is a stable relationship with someone who loves him and has the grit to see past his flaws
He's been taking his meds and seeing his psych, but the numbers and mind jacking still bother him
In fact, they very well might for the rest of his life
He feels so broken
So unlovable and far too damaged to even be an option for anyone else out there
So... Why are you so interested in him?
At first he brushes it off as a star struck kid, and maybe, at first it was, but then...
Things start to get serious
He meet up with you after work hours
You both get to talking and relating to one another through your memories of warfare and the current mission
You tell him you've seen plenty of things just as crazy as what's going on with him, and people that are twice that bad
He doesn't scare you, not one bit
Acceptance is all he's ever wanted, and to have found it in you feels better then anything he ever could've dreamed of
He falls for you so hard, he rarely let's you out of his sight and tries to get on as many of your missions as possible
This whole op is a well oiled machine and she's the one driving it
Hudson and Adler may act like they're in charge, but they'd be nothing without her helping to hold them and you in line
She's a woman of rules, decorum, and conduct
There's a way to do things and a way not to, simple as that
And yet for all that, she still cannot understand how she's fallen in with you
She should be holding you at arms length at best, and yet here she is stealing kisses and playing with your hair when no one is looking
Maybe she's too much of a sucker for a good forbidden romance story
Or maybe there's always been something in you that's spoken to her from the beginning
A certain way you carry and conduct yourself
So brave and strong...
The kind of person she aspires to be, deep down...
Soon she starts saying things like "what's the worst that could happen" and "no one has to know"
And before long, she knows she could never let you go
When this mission is over, she swears to set you free from the mental prison and living hell she helped put you in, no matter the outcome for your relationship
She loves you too much to see you suffer
He has the exact same problem as Adler
You know him too damn well
Except... You don't really know him at all, huh?
It takes him so long to wrap his mind around that one...
But the more and more you keep coming to him, asking about things like 'Nam and his time in the war...
The more and more that line becomes muddled
How much have you been programmed to know, and how much did you learn naturally, just from getting to know him?
It's hard being a Vietnam vet you know...
Everyone blames you for the loss of the war, and no one wants much to do with a soldier in general, he guesses
Too much of a headache when you could just get a nice, normal person, right?
But old Vietnam vets get lonely too you know...
So you know what? Who gives a damn
This whole thing with you and mk ultra was screwed from the start, and who knows where the end will take you
If nothing else, if not even for his own benefit, he may as well give you the respect enough to enjoy a little fling
He treats it seriously. Very seriously.
He even grows to truly love you
Maybe that's why he's so scared for you
Here's a man who'd go his whole life proclaiming he'll never settle down and had no interest in doing so
He's a lone wolf, a life long solider, and far too fucked up for a stable relationship anyhow
At least... That's what he'll say
The truth is he yearns for what Mason and Hudson have
A happy little family and cozy home to protect and care for
He wants to feel needed, wanted even
And he'll never get that from long hours at the practice range and lonely weekend nights spent in his living room
He takes the same approach as Mason would at first
He brushes you off as a starry eyed fan and nothing more
But you know... He's never had anyone care enough to be a "fan" before
Alex laughs at him and keeps saying he's letting his ego get to his head, but what the fuck does he know?
He's got all that shit with the numbers and reznov stuck in his head, and yet he still has someone to go home to each night
So he does it, he gets involved with you
And it's the best damn feeling in the whole world
He loves you relentlessly and soon finds he can't bear to be away from you for too long
Mason will never let him life it down, but you know what?
He's just fine with that
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imkylotrash · 3 years
Pairing: Sky x reader
Requests: The reader is Stella’s sister but Sky is secretly in love with her and he confesses. Anonymous
Could you write where sky is with a princess of solaria (Stellas sister) and they attempt to keep it secret from Stella and set before the summer of the events on the fate the winx saga is set.
A/N I paired these request because they were so similar and would have the exact same plot line. Will be doing this to a couple of the requests since they’re so similar. 
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“Free at last!” you exclaim as you walk out the doors of Alfea with Sky in tow. You’ve finally finished your last exam and now it’s time to just enjoy the summer. 
“So, what’s your plans then?” Sky asks propping his arm around your shoulders. There’s nothing new in this but you still get butterflies. At this point, it’s just a given whenever he touches you. 
“Oh, you know. Travelling through the realms, visiting all my rich friends. I may even buy a yacht just to pass the time.” It’s a bit of an inside joke between you and Sky. He knows you’ll have to return to Solaria and face the dragon. 
“What about you? Will you be alright?” You’re a little worried about leaving him here. Stella had decided to dump him just days before the exams once again proving that the girl had no regard for other people. Needless to say, you weren’t the biggest fan of your sister. She always tried to live up to your mother’s expectations and acted more than royally around school whereas you had decided that the disappointed frown your mother wore every time you saw her actually suited her face. 
“Yeah,” he says shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans, “I’ll be fine. I have Silva.” It’s right then and there you decide that there’s a greater need for you here than hiding away back in Solaria. 
“You know, my mother is already profoundly disappointed in me. I don’t think it would make much of a difference if I were to stay.” Sky’s smile is brighter than the sun when he realises you’ll be staying right here with him. 
“Thank you,” he says hugging you tightly. He’s never been one to share him emotions easily but over the years you’ve learned to decipher his many facial expressions and there was just no way you would leave him right now. Your mother is as delighted as you expected when you tell her of your plans for the summer but you figure she’ll forgive you at some point. The way you see it, there’s a throne waiting for you back at Solaria and you want to enjoy freedom as long as you possibly can. Sometimes, you catch yourself wishing that Stella was the older sister. She’d be much more suited for the royal life but there’s a strict code of conduct when it comes to heirs and you’re the first born so the crown will eventually be placed on your head.  
“You won’t be returning with me?” Stella asks as she’s packing up her suitcase. Her tone in stern already setting you off. 
“I’ll be spending enough time there once I graduate.”
“Oh yes. The ever-repeating speech on how this is your moment of freedom and you won’t give it up for anything,” Stella mocks clearly upset to be facing mother alone. You feel a pang of guilt knowing what you’re sending Stella back to but the two of you have never been able to see eye to eye especially when it came to mother’s expectations of her daughters. 
“You’re welcome to stay here at Alfea if you’d like.” It’s an offer made to be polite because you know she’ll never accept it. 
“Please. Someone has to be responsible and return home. Our people look to the royal family for support. We can’t all pretend to be someone else.” 
“I’m not pretending, Stella. If I could give you the crown, I gladly would. If I had my way, I’d be just another fairy attending Alfea.” It’s a discussion you’ve had more than once and it’s always the same outcome. You don’t want the crown and Stella does but your mother would never allow the two of you to switch. Stella doesn’t say goodbye when she leaves and you’re okay with that. Instead you head out to find Sky. 
“Ready for the summer of your life?” you ask him and he smiles. It passes by too fast. The picnics out on the field, Silva training with you, walks in the forest at night. It’s nothing grand but it becomes the perfect summer on the final day when Sky pulls you aside as all the students start to arrive. 
“I have to tell you something. I’ve been wanting to all summer but I was scared I might ruin it.” Your heart skips a beat but you tell yourself that it’s probably not what you think it is. Rather than making assumptions, you stay quiet waiting for him to speak. 
“When this summer started, I thought I’d spend it alone and heartbroken over Stella but then you stayed. And I know it seems insane since you’re Stella’s sister, but I just can’t help but feel the way I do around you,” he smiles. It’s too good to be true. There has to be some kind of catch or problem in your way but right now everything feels perfect. You carefully take his hand and intertwine your fingers with his and Sky’s cheeks turn red. He’s always so gentle and kind so you know you’ll have to make the first move. As you stare into his eyes, you notice little specks of green mixed with the blue. You finally close your eyes, lean in and kiss him. Something you’ve wanted to do since you laid eyes on him the first time. You pull away with a huge smile plastered on your face thinking this moment is perfect and then you spot her. 
“Stella.” Thankfully, she hasn’t seen you but it’s only a matter of time before she’ll spot the two of you. Hand in his, you drag him with you behind a tree keeping you out of sight. 
“Of all the things I imagined you’d say after our first kiss, Stella wasn’t one of them.” He’s teasing you but you feel horrible. Despite your many differences, you do care about Stella and it would kill her to know that you’re dating her ex-boyfriend. You’re not even sure if she’s properly done with him or not and just thinking about her finding out about the two of you is enough to make your skin crawl. 
“She can’t know,” you plead looking into his eyes. He has to understand the importance of it. She’s not strong enough mentally to handle this. 
“Hey, relax,” he says cupping your cheeks, “how about we keep it to ourselves until we know what this is?” You know you don’t want to give him up but you don’t want to hurt Stella. His offer gives you him and keeps Stella blissfully unaware of the relationship which is good enough for you. 
“Okay. Just you and me, no one else can know.” 
“Please just kiss me,” he whispers leaning in and you don’t know how you could ever refuse him. Over the next few weeks, you and Sky have stolen moments between classes and nights spent wrapped in each other’s arms. You know you shouldn’t but you love him. One night you whisper it when you think he’s sleeping and he almost gives you a heart attack when he whispers it back. 
“I thought you were sleeping,” you whisper-yell trying to hide your face in his chest. 
“You’ve been turning around every two seconds. It’s impossible to fall asleep,” he chuckles wrapping his arms tightly around you. 
“I’m sorry, I have a lot on my mind,” you sigh. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks turning on the lamp by his bedside table. It showers Sky in a golden light making him look more angelic than human. It’s not fair how some people look so beautiful without even trying. 
“Yes. No. Maybe. I don’t know where to start,” you reply sitting up and leaning your back against the wall. You want to tell Stella so you can be done with sneaking around. As much fun as it’s been, you’re getting tired of watching Stella try to flirt with him because she decided he was good enough after all. Of course, he’s been turning her down but it just doesn’t seem to click with her. But you also know it’s a risk telling her since she’s not likely to congratulate you. 
“I guess I’m just tired of sneaking around,” you finally say. He signals for you to lay down with him again and you have no reservation as you crawl into his arms. 
“I’m ready for it when you are. Frankly, I just want to tell everyone you’re mine so the boys leave you alone.” 
“Please, you literally have a whole fan club waiting for you at every corner giggling and blushing if you even look in their direction.” Sky has become very popular now that he appears single and you can’t blame them. He is ridiculously handsome and more importantly, he’s kind and patient and warm. Right about now, he’s your favourite person in the whole world. 
“I do not,” he protests but even he knows it is the truth. His face is serious when he says: “Maybe we should tell her. I know you wanted to protect her but we can’t hide it forever. You’re expected to marry at some point and so am I.” 
“I know. I know. I just feel like a horrible sister.” This feeling of guilt comes as a surprise. You’ve never been that close but you don’t want to be the reason she’s hurting. 
“You’re not a horrible sister. Everything you’ve done these past few weeks has been to make sure she didn’t get hurt. It’s not selfish to want to be happy, Y/N.” But that’s just it. You’re already far too aware of your own happiness. It’s the reason you always stay away from Solaria and the expectations of the crown. It’s why you’re lying in bed with Sky right now. You've always put your own happiness first and you’ve never had a problem with it until now. 
“I’ll talk to her first thing in the morning then.” He kisses you one last time before you both fall asleep. You wake up to a note from him informing you that Silva had added a morning practice which meant you had no reason not to march into Stella’s room right now and tell her about you and Sky. 
“Can I talk to you?” you ask entering Stella’s bedroom. 
“If you must,” she replies not even bothering to look at you. 
“I don’t know how to say this so I’m just going to say it. I’m dating Sky,” you force yourself to keep going even as she goes completely rigid, “and I have been for a while now. I’ve kept it a secret because I never meant for this to happen and I didn’t want to hurt you. But it’s getting serious now and I needed you to know. I promise I’d never ever go for him if I didn’t have feelings for him.” She’s quiet for so long you’re worried she might just never speak to you again. 
“I’m not happy you kept it from me but I suppose if he has to date someone else, it wouldn’t be horrible if it was you.” Relief floods your body as you realise that she’s not breaking and she doesn’t hate you. 
“Thank you.” This is about as heartfelt as it’ll ever be between you and Stella. You share a moment locking eyes with each other before she turns her back to you. 
“I’m going to go then,” you say slowly backing towards the door. Stella doesn’t say anymore but the fact that you’re still breathing is a much better reaction than you’d dared hope for. Immediately after you head to the training grounds to find Sky. Once you spot him, you run right into his arms and he lifts you from the ground. 
“I love you,” you say kissing him in front of everyone. It’s so freeing to know that the secret is out. 
“I love you too.”
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bratkook · 4 years
girls in bikinis. (m) kth.
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pairing: taehyung x reader genre: smut, pwp word count: 5.3k warnings: exhibitionism, unprotected sex, partially clothed sex, fingering, spanking, dirty talk, creampie, he fucks her in roller skates okay and its light and playful author’s note: this came to me as i washed my dishes and listened to this song by poppy and idk what possessed me to write this when i have 2471819 other wips i should be focusing on but i hope u enjoy it lmaooo
As the sun beats down on Taehyung, beads of sweat trickling down his neck while he cruises on his long board along the concrete path right on the beach, he doesn’t think he regrets encouraging your new hobby more than he does right now
You see when you first voiced your desire to learn to roller skate Taehyung had found it endearing, even going as far as purchasing the skates for you as a surprise because you had been so excited watching videos online of other girls gliding around.
When you finally got them and slipped them on, stumbling around like a baby deer discovering they had legs, he thought it would be an adorable hobby. Seeing you bundled up with your knee pads, matching elbow pads ready to catch your fall and a helmet strapped tightly under your chin.
It all screamed cute.
But your determination had set it, constantly practicing out on the sidewalk or in the shoddy parking lot of your apartment complex, not caring how many times you bruised your tailbone with your nasty falls until they slowly minimized.
Soon enough Taehyung had stopped providing you ice packs and comforting words when you took a tumble and instead he had begun to watch in awe as your strides got more confident, no longer afraid to apply pressure onto your toe stops when you caught some speed, mixing in some cool spins as you skated around him in circles.
With that added confidence came the fact that you no longer needed to be wrapped up in safety gear as extensively as you used to be which is what landed him in this situation, watching you glide along beside him with the skimpiest outfit on.
This no longer screamed cute, no this entire thing was currently shouting sexy in his head so loud it was a surprise no one around him could hear it.
Taehyung swallows down a groan when you push out so you’re ahead of him now, the scrape of your wheels mixing in with his own. His eyes trail up your body, seeing how your legs glimmer in the sun thanks to the body oil you had lathered on before you, making your entire body look like its glowing.
The expanse of your legs are out for the world to see and he’s almost positive if you bent over just slightly he’d catch a peak of the underwear you currently had on because these black cut off shorts were purely for aesthetic purposes.
Its not until you whirl around on your skates, gliding backwards with your arms and head bobbing along to the music you had blasting from your phone in your back pocket, that his eyes zero in on your tits. Taehyung can’t hold the groan back this time, not with the way he sees them bounce and jiggle with each stride of your legs, only being caged in by the tiniest triangle bikini top you had so graciously slipped on.
He knew you did this on purpose, did this just for him, color coordinating your orange top to match the suede of your skates and passing it off as a cute notion. Taehyung had gotten drunk a few nights ago, and with the added alcohol came the slip of his tongue, confessing how hot he thought you looked as you rolled around and how much hotter you’d look if you did it in just your underwear.
You, being ever the people pleaser, weren’t going to let him down. Of course you weren’t clad in your bra and panties but this was definitely second best and when you catch his dazed out expression it proves you right.
His foot mindlessly keeps pushing himself forward, coming back onto his board robotically to continue the glide while you shimmy your chest at him tauntingly.
“My eyes are up here.” You quip teasingly, your hand coming up to rake through your hair as you shoot him a dazzling smile. Thats when he finally blinks out of his daze, meeting your eyes with a cheeky smile on his own face.
“Oh I know,” he shrugs, rocking on his board as he glides side to side, his wheels kissing the edge of the path each way as he does so, “prefer staring at your tits though.”
A snort leaves you at his comment, swirling back around to face forward, slowing your pace down until you’re once again right beside him. You turn your head to look at him, smirking when you see him staring at you already, “Figured, that’s kind of why I wore this.”
“Ah,” he sighs out, his hand reaching forward to grab your own in a sweet notion as he matches your speed, “so I fell into your trap?”
The soft laugh you let out makes the horniness that's clouding his brain clear up, paired with the fact that he can no longer see the way your boobs bounce with every crack on the floor, he has a moment to cleanse his impure thoughts. 
“Yeah, it’s all going according to plan.”
Taehyung laughs fully at that now, his eyes crinkling up as he smiles, his ash blonde hair being fluffed up from the wind and the speed at which he pushes off the floor, “Oh yeah?”
A small hum is your only response, mimicking his movements and pushing forward once more to make room for bikers approaching you, once again giving him the glorious view of your ass and legs. 
“And how does this plan of yours end exactly?”
You spin around once more, the action smooth and nothing at all compared to the way you struggled months ago, your hand still grasping his own as he helps guide you from any oncoming people. There's a glint in your eye that he can’t pinpoint but he knows its trouble, it usually always is with you. 
“With you fucking me.”
His brows arch up at your lewd comment, how you said it so nonchalantly, almost as if you were discussing a grocery list. His balance falters slightly as he wobbles on his feet, your hand being the saving grace that stops him from face planting onto the hot cement. That would definitely sober his filthy thoughts up just as quickly as they came, nothing like good road burn to help him stop sinning.
“Well let's go then.” He chokes out, ready to drag you to his awaiting car, maybe you’d let him defile you in his backseat if you were this horny but you shock him once more when your shoulders shrug. A playful frown on your face as you look behind you, your eyes focusing on the surrounding buildings, “Why?”
“What do you mean why, you said you want me to fuck you or am I reading this all wrong?”
Another laugh bubbles out of you, the sound sweet and angelic as if you aren’t currently thinking of him rearranging your guts in the unholiest of places 
“Oh no, I definitely want you to fuck me but why leave?”
That’s when the realization hits him, his eyes widening up as his mouth drops open when he understands just what you’re suggesting, “Here?”
A simple nod is sent his way, your smile widening when he looks around in exasperation, almost as if he can’t fathom that you’d let him do whatever he wanted to you in any location. “But we’re in public!” He hisses out, his cheeks warming up to a blush and its adorable. 
“So, I’m horny and I want you to fuck me. Are you game?”
As adventurous as Taehyung was, he'd never, ever, fooled around in public and as much as he wanted to, the fear of getting caught and possibly being thrown into jail always stopped him. But the way you look right now is making all of his logical thinking go straight into the gutter and he can’t find it in himself to care, not when he can see this whole thing play out in his mind.
With every blink of his eyes he sees flashes of you, pressed against the side of a building as you moan out his name, the feel of your oiled up skin against his fingertips as he grips into your hips and fucks you from behind, the thrill of having to keep quiet.
He feels his cock spur to life in his shorts and that is absolutely the only convincing he needs to make his feet come down with a thump, haphazardly hopping off of his board and yanking you to an abrupt stop, his hands having to catch you before you topple over from the force of it all. 
“Hell yeah I’m game, but if we get caught it’s all your fault.”
He wastes no time scooping his board up and tucking it underneath his arm as he takes off, dragging you behind him while he hauls you off the bike path and onto the crowded boardwalk. His grip on you is secure as your wheels wobble on the uneven path, his pace speeding up when your laughter reaches his ear. 
A smirk spreads onto his face as his eyes bounce along each building, determined to find a location good enough for your rendezvous. The small whispers you send him make him feel like you’re a little devil perched onto his shoulder, luring him into making the worst decisions with the best outcomes.
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“You gotta be quiet Y/N.” Taehyung whispers with a laugh, his hands placed on your ass, pushing you into the small alleyway between two buildings you had both deemed good enough for the scandalous act you were about to perform.
You have to bite your lip to prevent teasing words from slipping through, your heart was currently pounding in your chest as reality hits you, not believing just how easy it was to convince Taehyung do to anything involving sex.
It’s almost comical how he rolls you deeper into the small hiding spot, his board slipping from its spot under his arm and landing on the floor in a loud thunk. The sound echoes all around you but he can’t focus on that right now, completely ignoring the scowl you send his way after he had just shushed you into silence.
“You gotta be quiet–” You mock him, the end of your words being muffled out when he slaps his palm over your mouth, a taunting look on his face as he pushes you against the brick wall. The heels of your boots thud against the building as your back presses flush against it, the gritty texture of the wall digs into your back but any complaints you have get stuck in your throat when you see the look in his face, your breath huffing against his hand, the tiniest smile creeping onto your lips.
“Don’t worry about me baby,” he whispers out, his face inching closer to yours. His eyes sneak a side glance towards the opening of the alley way, seeing the occasional person walking past blissfully unaware that the two of you were tucked away in here, “unless you want people to see how desperate you are for my cock you need to keep that pretty mouth of yours closed okay?”
A stiff nod and a hum against his palm is all you give him, your eyes staring straight into his as he takes a moment to ogle you. His gaze trails down your neck, onto the swells of your chest covered in the tiny orange bikini, his head tilting slightly as he watches the rise and fall as you try to steady your breathing. 
“Nervous?” Taehyung teases, choosing now to remove his palm from your mouth.
“No,” you breathe out a laugh, resting onto your left toe stop as you sag against the wall, “I’m excited.”
Of course you were, this had been your plan after all. Get Taehyung so hot and bothered he’d do anything you asked and he had fallen right into your grasp, not that he had any complaints.
“You fucking minx.” He jokes, pressing his lips against yours in a hard kiss, the smell of the sunscreen he had slathered his face in invades your senses, it reminds you of summer and you know after today it’ll also remind you of this moment.
Your lips drop open as he licks his way into your mouth, groaning when his tongue slithers against yours. Your arms hook around his neck, tugging him closer as he lightly licks the roof of your mouth before pulling back with a hum.
“Gotta be quick yeah?”
“Yeah,” you sigh, letting his hands grip your sides, his thumb softly rubbing your waist on his way down to the button of your shorts, “hurry.”
The bouncing wheels of skateboarders whizzing by a few feet away has you gasping in excitement, Taehyung shooting you a wink when he catches the thrilling look on your face at the prospect of getting caught, “You got it.”
Taehyung pops the button of your shorts open, the sound reaching your ears, aiding in the small rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins. The metallic scrape of your zipper being yanked down joins the air, his long fingers dipping into the waist of them and tugging them down your legs until they catch around your knees from the way your thighs are spread out.
He eyes the tiny pastel orange panties you chose to wear, your entire outfit being carefully thought out for this exact moment and it makes him chuckle under his breath, he really had fallen right into your trap. 
His fingers toy with your underwear, following the edge of it as it curves into your inner thighs, a shiver wracking through your body at the ticklish feeling, a slight detour being taken when his thumb presses into the damp patch decorating the front of it.
A wiggle of your eyebrows is sent his way when he eyes you teasingly, “Who would’ve thought you’d get this wet just thinking about me fucking you out in the open.”
“Please, I get soaked just thinking about you doing literally anything.”
He knew that much to be true, taking pride in being the main reason your panties were ruined.
Its not until the sound of people talking reaches his ears that he remembers he needs to hurry up, the idea of being caught was definitely hot but actually getting caught wasn’t so he once again grips your hips and turns you around.
Your heavy wheels clank against the ground at the change of position, your hands gripping the rough wall to keep you steady as he moves you, the rolling of your wheels only making him laugh.
“Uh, you’re gonna have to lean on your thingy to stop from rolling.”
“My toe stop?” You tease, putting pressure on your right foot to help stabilize you as he places a palm on your back, his fingers tracing the ties of your bikini top as he pushes you forward.
“Yes you smart ass.”
With you no longer rolling back onto him he deems himself ready to continue, his palms roaming over the smooth expanse of your exposed ass. You had clearly covered your entire body in that damn oil, not leaving a single area bare of the jasmine scented liquid which Taehyung had now decided was his new favorite thing.
“Hurry up and fuck me.” You whine out, your hips jutting further back, not at all expecting the swift slap he lands on your left cheek. His large palm swats against your skin so hard it bounces off the walls, the gasp getting stuck in your throat when everything falls into silence once more, half expecting someone to peek their head in from how loud it had been but it luckily never comes. He soothes your warm skin with his palm, kneading your flesh gently as he bit his lip.
“Gotta make sure you’re ready for me baby.” He scolds, his thumb hooking around your underwear and yanking it to the side, revealing your dripping slit to him. His other hand comes forward to let his fingers trail up your folds in a teasing motion, softly tracing up and around, not being able to resist teasing you further. When his index finger glides through your slick with ease his mouth drops open in awe, forever being prideful at the effect he has on you.
The small whine spills out of your lips when he slowly dips his finger in, enjoying the way your walls pulse around the tip of it before he pushes in to the hilt, starting a slow rhythm as he pulls out and thrusts back in, quickly adding a second finger and scissoring them inside of you to properly stretch you out for his cock.
“Mm Taehyung,” you sigh out, your head falling forward to rest against the cool wall as he continues to fuck you open. Each thrust of his long fingers has you keening, more of your arousal gushing out of you in excitement, becoming more and more desperate as he continues, “fuck I’m ready please.”
He playfully hums in thought from behind you, not entirely convinced two fingers would be enough for you to adjust to him. “I don’t think you are Y/N.”
The way your pussy clamps around his third finger when you feel the tip of a prod at your entrance proves his assumption correct, but he could take care of that. He knew you body well enough, having the motions down to a science. The way he curls his fingers, alternating between spreading them out and nudging against the sweet patch inside of you, it doesn’t take long until you’re fully relaxed in his hands, your hips rocking back into him at the feeling of being so full.
“There you go sweetheart,” he coos, his eyes slipping shut for a moment as he focuses on the wet thumping every time his palm hits your ass when he thrusts into you. The softest moans fill the otherwise silent alley, your fingers desperately clutching the wall, no doubt scraping your skin but that was a problem for later on, right now all you could think about was how amazing Taehyung’s fingers felt inside your cunt.
“Fuck, nngh please Tae.” You plead, twisting your body slightly to crane your head over your shoulder, hoping the clear desperation etched onto your features was enough to have him whip his cock out and fuck you like you wanted.
Your wide eyes glimmer with unshed tears from frustration and he takes pity on you, slipping his shiny fingers out of your pussy and popping them into his mouth like second nature. As if you needed him to do more to turn you on he has to go and lick your arousal off of his digits like it was his favorite candy.
“Okay,” he murmurs out, undoing his own shorts and yanking them down just enough for his cock to spring free. The visual of it out in the open almost makes those tears pool over, his large hand wrapping around the girth of it as he lazily pumps his aching length inches away from you, “you ready?” He questions, bringing his palm to his mouth to noisily spit into it, using it to lube up his cock as he steps closer to you.
“Yes.” You breathe out, rolling your lips together as you face the wall again, your head hanging low as you wait, your pussy clenching in anticipation.
Taehyung steps in between your legs, keeping them nice and spread apart, yanking your underwear to the side to reveal your sodden folds to him once more. He licks his lips over as he guides the head of his cock towards your entrance, the slight pressure of it pressing against you has you sighing out, gritting your teeth together to keep from shouting at him to hurry up.
Finally, he eases his way inside, his bulbous head breaching your entrance, the stretch that accompanies it beating the feel of his three fingers from before. This was what you wanted, his thick cock stretching you apart and filling you up the way he knew best.
Taehyung holds in a groan when your walls tighten around him when he bottoms out, his hips fully flushed against yours, the two of you panting as he stills inside of you.
“You okay?” He whispers, his fingers moving to grip your hips once more to help ground himself as he waits for a response from you. The sound of more people approaching has your walls pulsing around him and he groans, “Fuck, of course you’re okay. You fucking love this huh?”
A small whimper of his name is all you let out, the idea of being caught in the act making the words stick to your throat, instead you push back onto him, urging him to move.
Taehyung takes the hint, a smile gracing his face as he slowly inches back, beginning to rock into you in a steady rhythm, his pace increasing every time you let a tiny moan slip out from between your grit teeth, a small reward for being vocal because he wants you to let anyone listening know it was him making you feel good.
“Answer me baby.”
The squelching sounds of his dick hammering into you fill the air, the lewd moans finally leaving you with no qualms about who could possibly hear, “Fuck, yes I love it.”
He hums in appreciation, his hips fucking into you with more force at your admission, new determination settling inside of him to get you to fall apart, not an ounce of shame remains at getting caught.
Taehyunt can’t lie, he knows he loves it too, loves the way you’re letting him claim you in public, the way your moans echo in the space you’re in, your hand gripping the wall. A squeal leaves your lips, mixed in with a breathless laugh, when he angles his hips just right.
“Such a good girl,” he grunts out, gripping your hips tighter when you squeeze him, “letting me fuck you like this. Want everyone to see that you’re mine huh?”
One of his hands curls around your front, trailing up your body until he reaches your skimpy top. He yanks the fabric of your bikini to the side, his palm squeezing a handful of your tits as he continues to thrust into you, the coolness of his palm contrasting with the warmth of your chest.
“Just yours, only yours.” You slur out, your brain turning into putty when his dick curves just right. The way his hand squeezes and tugs at your exposed nipple has your mind spinning, your body being jostled by his thrusts and in turn making the foot that remains flat on the floor roll back and forth from the force.
“Ah, baby,” he laughs as his fingers pinch your pebbled nipple, hearing a small hum in response from you, “you’re rolling again.”
Taehyung slows his thrusts, rocking in to you more calmly as you grunt in frustration, neither of you took into account how inconvenient fucking in roller skates would be.
“My calves are cramping from holding my feet like this.” You admit with a laugh, feeling Taehyung lean his head forward until it rested in the juncture of your neck, his soft breaths hitting your skin as he chuckled.
“Okay, here bring them down flat.” He guides you, holding you steady as you even out the weight on your skates, a tiny yelp escaping you when you begin to roll down on the uneven alley floor. Taehyung repositions his feet to rest right behind the skates to keep you from sliding further, an experimental thrust of his hips being sent your way to test the hold, “Better?”
When you no longer roll back, just bump forward slightly, you sigh in relief, “Yeah, so much better. C’mon keep fucking me.” You plead, your palm coming down to wrap around the hand currently groping your tits, urging him on and he listens.
“Whatever you want baby.” He mumbles against your skin, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder as he pulls his hips back, rearing forward in a brutal pace that has you nearly shouting out. Your body hunches forward more freely now, no longer afraid of rolling away, instead your hand slides down the rough wall as you moan out his name.
His eyes catch on to the way you’re soaking his cock, leaving it slick and shiny with your arousal each time he pulls out. Taehyung feels like his mind is swimming, the whines of his name and the way you rut your hips back on him is the only anchor keeping him in the present.
He releases your nipple, trailing the hand down your front until it dips past your underwear and reaches your clit. Your reaction is instant, a loud gasp filling the air as your walls clamp down at the stimulation when he begins to rub tight circles on your sensitive nub.
“Oh god Taehyung,” you cry out, placing both hands on the wall and throwing your head back in pleasure, “you always fuck me so good.”
He grunts at your confession, the slight ego boost inflating his chest, the tiny licks of pleasure curling in his gut as he feels his release approaching, “Mm yeah? You’re creaming my cock baby, you enjoying yourself?”
Taehyung marvels at the way your back arches further, focusing on the way your ass bounces with every thrust of his hips and he can’t help himself when he delivers another harsh smack onto one of your cheeks, watching as the skin ripples and smarts at the slap.
“Ah,” you mewl, the sting of his palm sending tingles of pleasure up your spine. Your velvety walls pulse around him, always one to enjoy a little pain with your pleasure, “yes! F-fuck, I’m close Tae.”
He can tell, the way you’re sucking him in further every time he pulls out, desperate to keep him buried to the hilt, “You gonna cum like this? Gonna let everyone hear what a filthy girl you are?”
The taunting tone of his voice has your stomach tightening, the small coil of pleasure winding up inside of you with every roll of his hips, every deliberate flick of his finger against your clit. Your head turns to the side, having a clear view of the opening of the alley way, seeing the occasional person walking by. You never thought you’d enjoy the thrill of this as much as you did but the oncoming release you feel is evidence enough that you were thoroughly enjoying yourself.
“C’mon baby, let everyone hear you.” He groans out, a smile gracing his face when he hears the way you instantly do as he says, lewd moans of his name bouncing off the wall as you edge closer to your release. “Good girl.”
Your walls spasm around his cock at the praise, a few more flicks of his finger paired with his length expertly hitting your g spot every time is all it takes for your orgasm to crash over you. Your head falls forward, your mouth dropping open in a silent moan as your mind momentarily blanks, every nerve in your body lighting up as you come undone.
“Oh fuck–“ your moan dies in your throat when your body tenses up, small shocks coursing through you as he continues to roll your clit, enjoying the small twitches your body gives him.
Taehyung gasps when your walls tighten even further around him, his hand retreating from your clit to firmly grasp your hips to continue fucking you through it, seeking his own release now, grunt of pleasure escaping his open mouth and reaching your ears.
“Shit,” the rhythmic pulsing of your pussy is what sends him over, his thrusts getting sloppier until hes surging forward, his cock twitching as he pumps his hot cum inside of you, filling you up to the brim with a sigh of your name.
Your forehead rests against the cold wall as you try to catch your breath, the pounding of your heart can be felt in your ears as you come down. The breathy moans of Taehyung get closer as he tucks his chin over your shoulder, still buried deep inside of you.
“That was...so fucking hot.” He confesses, a wide smile spreading across his face when he feels your body vibrate with laughter.Carefully, he slides out of you, the both of you groaning at the loss of contact.
When Taehyung pulls away and slips his softening length back into his shorts, his eyes stay glued to the way his cum coats your folds, slowly dripping out of you. That was totally unacceptable so he gathers some of it onto his fingers and stuffs it back inside you before he readjusts your underwear to fully cover you, sliding your shorts back up your legs and helping you spin back around, readjusting your top with a grin.
“My legs feel like jello.” You admit when your balance falters, Taehyung having to grip your hips tighter to keep you from toppling over onto the gross floor.
“What can I say, my dicks just that good.”
He dodges the smack he knows is coming, a deep laughing filling the air as he ducks away from you, laughing louder when your horrible aim makes you wobble around.
“Tae!” You whine, an adorable pout on your face when he only laughs some more. Your arms cross over your chest as you stare at him with a slight scowl, “Help me.”
The smile on his face softens as he looks down at you, his hands trailing along your arms to unfold them and gently clasp his fingers around yours. “Of course I’ll help you baby.”
That satisfies you, standing up straighter now that he had a hold of you, “You think we can make it to the car without either of us face planting it?”
His eyes narrow in thought, the odds really weren’t in either of your favor but an idea pops into his mind, the curl of his lips indicating just how evil he was but you miss it, too focused on not catching your wheel on a pebble. Your legs were once again reminiscent of bambi and as much as he acted like he was unaffected, blowing his load in you had made his own legs feel boneless too.
“I mean, if we fall at least we fall together?”
Right, that seemed to be the best outcome but it was fine by you and way better than the two of you staying in this dingy alley way for much longer.
He leads you out of the alley, bending forward to pick up his discarded board before exiting the hiding spot and reentering the real world. It feels like you hadn’t seen the sunlight in ages, your eyesight spotting for a second before you adjusted to the brightness of your surroundings.
Taehyung uses that to his advantage, placing his board back on the floor as he stares at you, not yet noticing that he had let your hand go because the sun was absolutely blinding.
“I’ll race you to the car.” He shouts out, not giving you a moment to respond or argue about it before he hops onto his board and takes off, his foot pushing off the floor in a haste to win.
Your mouth drops open when you see him bolt, your brows furrowing tightly on your forehead, in disbelief that he had abandoned you after claiming he’d help you, “Asshole!” You shout after him, missing the way he smiles when the words reach his ears. With that comes the scraping of your own wheels as you take off after him, a small grimace on your face when you feel the way your ruined underwear sticks to your skin.
Soon enough you’re speeding right past him, your hair flowing behind you and the muscles on your legs flexing from the force of your pushes. Taehyung lets out another loud laugh, a change of position from earlier, this time you had fallen into his trap and everything was going according to plan. With you now a few feet ahead of him Taehyung can freely ogle at your body without a care in the world.
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