miles-games · 11 hours
Bubble Bobble with totally no differences what so ever.
( There are actually many differences )
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twoandahalfstudios · 14 hours
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There's 12 more days to support A Date with Death on Kickstarter and grab some goodies!
Here's a little preview sketch for our notebook, by @gi_de_off 🌻
Support the campaign here!
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efangamez · 24 hours
Pride TTRPG Bundle Sale: Help a Queer Person Thrive! Buy nearly $70 of games for $25!
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I am a disabled, trans, and queer game designer looking to live again to afford medication, sustained housing, therapy/psychiatry, and some money to save for emergencies.
This sale will help me to support myself as someone who makes less than $15,000 a year. I kinda wanna live a little and heal myself, and sadly, money is a big roadblock for me.
In this bundle, you can obtain:
GRIM, a retro FPS styled TTRPG inspired by Quake.
Neon Nights, a cyberpunk TTRPG with nearly infinite build variety, and it's two MASSIVE expansions!
Wrath of the Undersea, a TTRPG where you play as vengeful Eldritch peoples trying to reclaim the colonized surface.
Disk Master's expansions, where you can live out your Pokemon or Digimon dream on pen and paper!
There are also some stretch goals attached to the sale as well!
$500: This pays for debts and a month of groceries.
Will hold a Trans Rage Game Jam in July!
$1,000: This will pay for debts, groceries, and some cushion.
Will hold Trans Rage Game Jam in July AND will release GRIM: Eldritch Arsenal weapon pack for GRIM in August!
$2,000: This will pay for debts, groceries, cushion, and computer payments.
Will hold Trans Rage Game Jam in July, will release GRIM: Eldritch Arsenal weapon pack for GRIM in August, AND will have all games FREE during the month of October!
$3,000: This will pay for debts, groceries, cushion, computer payments, and gender affirming care.
Will hold Trans Rage Game Jam in July, will release GRIM: Eldritch Arsenal weapon pack for GRIM in August, AND will have all games FREE during the month of October!
$4,000: This will pay for debts, groceries, cushion, computer payments, gender affirming care, and mental health appointments.
Will hold Trans Rage Game Jam in July, will release GRIM: Eldritch Arsenal weapon pack for GRIM in August, will have all games FREE during the month of October, AND will release another one-page PWYW game!
$5,000: This will pay for debts, groceries, cushion, computer payments, gender affirming care, and mental health appointment, and will help SUSTAIN these things that are paid for.
Will hold Trans Rage Game Jam in July, will release GRIM: Eldritch Arsenal weapon pack for GRIM in August, will have all games FREE during the month of October, will release another one-page PWYW game, AND will host monthly game jams for the rest of the year!
$5,000+: Any money after this would be donated to trans non-profits where I reside and GoFundMe's for Palestinian families on the Operation Olive Branch spreadsheet.
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jam2go · 3 days
A bunch of people told me to add a sharpening pass to make it more digicam-y and yeah it looks sick!
[ song is Iglooghost - Dewdrop Signal ]
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miapcain · 19 hours
Style test for Vesna
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girlballs · 3 days
girls have implemented an input buffer and also properly set up attack cancel windows. plus now you can block, and there are attacks now that require you to be blocking in a specific direction. obviously all the animations are still very placeholdery and you currently can't walk while blocking because fuck walk cycles
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sourmiiiilk · 1 day
While there is no intention to offend, the previous front profile was more flattering. The past version seemed to exhibit more detail in the clothing, enhancing the overall appearance.
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puppytruck · 22 hours
There will be "golf"
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menacingmecha · 23 hours
one for all the pasta fans out there
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camera-water-draw · 2 days
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tofupixel · 54 minutes
Hi! Your work is really inspiring, thank you for sharing. I'm an artist who wants to work in the indie game industry, but I have no idea where to start, any tips?
thank you!
i suppose it depends on what kind of art you do, but i can talk about pixel art and what i did
first of all you need a portfolio. it can be tricky cos you need the work to put in there to begin with. i actually had to make tilesets and stuff in my free time because i didn't have much from my jobs i could put in
heres my portfolio btw BUT IF YOU WANT TO WORK ON GAMES, PUT YOUR GAME STUFF AT THE TOP mines at the bottom cos im mostly interested in illustration work
another thing i did was ask people for portfolio reviews, if you know anyone who already works in the industry. if you can find some artists you could even email them and they would prob help you. i got a portfolio crit by a couple people who handle hiring at their studios and it helped a lot
here is an example of a good gameart portfolio they showed me, they hire this guy all the time. if you don't have actual game credits just make that stuff in your free time, they just want to know if you could do what theyre looking for
after you get a portfolio there are a few websites where you can find teams looking to hire, remote and non remote positions
i would really recommend you to start following indie games and studios. you can reach out to them via DM or email etc and there is a good chance they will respond. i was dreaming of working on a particular game before, and I just DMed them and they actually took me on
but mostly people just reach out to me and i do freelance stuff. i would say at about 5-10k followers i was able to consistently find work just through posting regularly
also u should make friends, get involved in communities if possible. twitch is a great place to be. nowadays friends who work on other stuff just reach out to me and offer me to work with them. it takes a while building relationships but that can carry you once you get there
basically just put yourself out there (spread yourself far and wide!!) and keep growing, i think if u post good stuff consistently and make friends u will be fine! there are studios and teams every day looking for artists
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If there's anything Fangst has, its jiggle physics
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nemirutami · 3 days
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HERE: turpentine.work/#play
Meet Strei! She's a peculiar professor with somewhat unusual teaching methods. She's incredibly skilled as an artist, but her interests sometimes take the forefront during her lectures…
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the-giik-games · 2 days
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Settlemoon v2.1 is releasing tomorrow! New buildings, a controls menu, and a whole lot of quality of life. Especially if you're playing on controller or touchscreen!
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girlballs · 1 day
attacking out of stances is possible now after a bit of tweaking for the main attack function
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kcamberart · 2 days
Computer's haunted.
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