lianhuajing · 2 days
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I can't manipulate 💙 mansplain 💜 malewife 💗 my way out of this one boys
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goblinkingsart · 2 months
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"It's better to sleep at home, don't you think Xiaobao?" part 1
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thesinglelogbridge · 7 months
There is something so iconic about Di Feisheng, upon being betrayed by his subordinates and about to pass out from poison, being like, the obvious best plan of action is to write if found, return to Li Lianhua on his palm, and then to just lay down in a river and hope whoever finds him can get him to Li Lianhua, his mortal enemy who he dreams of killing in battle, and on whom he has what can only be described as a homoerotic fixation.
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potahun · 7 months
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i've been wanting to draw this one for ages they love each other
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monilisasims · 1 year
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Momma Lisa + Momma Lisa Chestbound Conversion - Shorts Jogger x Shirt Tee
credit : @platinumaspiration
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duochougongzi · 2 months
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I also had this idea a while back but I never got around to finishing it lol.
(and if you haven’t seen it yet, this interpretation is very pretty 💕💕)
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letomills · 1 year
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Download all: SFS / Mega
These are the Maxis soccer outfits converted for 16 22 body shapes (if you want Maxis-size elder conversions and Maxis-size TU-AU preg morphs, see my previous post). 
The body shapes I chose include roughly all the shapes in @kaluxsims’s EveryBody project, as well as Melodie9 fat TU-AF-EF, Dummy Thicc TF-AF, MartaXL AF-EF, Lifa’s trans TM, Rio TF-AF-EF and Athletic Girl TF-AF-EF. All have fat morphs, all adults and teens have preg morphs. They recolors are categorized as athleticwear and are BSOK’d. You’ll have to choose if you want them to be standalone or repo’d to the Maxis textures.
Complete previews and details under the cut (the download includes a swatch and an abbreviation guide but no previews).
1. Body shapes with breasts
If you choose the repo’d versions: adult and elders will be linked to the Maxis AF textures, teens will be linked to the TF textures. They will pick up any texture-only default replacement you may use.
❥ AF-EF Momma Lisa (aefML) ↓
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❥ AM-EM Trans Momma Lisa (aemTrML) ↓
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❥ AF-EF MartaXL (aefMartaXL) ↓
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❥ AF Melodie9 Fat (afFat) ↓
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❥ EF Melodie9 Fat (efFat) ↓
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❥ AM-EM Melodie9 Fat Male with Breasts (aemMFMBr) ↓
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❥ TF Melodie9 Fat (tfFat) ↓
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❥ AF-EF Dummy Thicc (aefDT) ↓
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❥ TF Dummy Thicc (tfDT) ↓
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❥ Lifa’s trans AM-EM (aemTr) ↓
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❥ Lifa’s trans TM (tmTr) ↓
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❥ AF-EF Rio (aefRio) ↓
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❥ TF Rio (tfRio) ↓
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✨New  ❥ AF-EF Athletic Girl (aefAG) ↓
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✨New  ❥ TF Athletic Girl (tfAG) ↓
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2. Body shapes without breasts
If you choose the repo’d versions: adult and elders will be linked to the Maxis AM textures, teens will be linked to the TM textures. They will pick up any texture-only default replacement you may use.
★ AF-EF Momma Lisa Chestbound (aefMLCb) ↓
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★ AM-EM Melodie9 Fat (aemFat) ↓
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★ AF-EF Trans Melodie9 Fat Male (aefTrMFM) ↓
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★ TM Melodie9 Fat (tmFat) ↓
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★ AF Androgyny (afAndro) ↓
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★ EF Androgyny (efAndro) ↓
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★ TF Androgyny (tfAndro) ↓
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I hope it’s all clear, let me know if there’s any issue.
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rapha-reads · 2 months
Yo, MLCB fandom, if one of you guys has a link for the special episode 41, subtitles in English, French or Spanish, DM me, pretty please with a cherry on top?
I gotta go to work (ugh), but I just finished episode 40 and my feelings are all over the place. I am crazy about Di Feisheng standing on that rock on the beach, looking over to the sea all anguished like a sailor's wife wondering when her sailor's gonna come back and if he escaped the storm.
And I am insane about Fang Duobing's manic energy going "I don't care about anything emse anymore but finding Li Lianhua dead or alive, nothing else matters". Truly one of the shows.
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asterdust · 9 months
jiao liqiao and xiangyi were literally talking about the bicha poison in ep 27 but fang duoubing heard NONE of it at that time his thoughts were filled with the revelation that the person he had been looking for all these years was right in front of him
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kaluxsims · 2 years
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What better time than Pride Month to launch an inclusivity project? Basically EveryBody is genderfree basics for a variety of bodies. It's not absolutely every body, I'll admit. There aren't any athletic/bodybuilder shapes, for instance. I focused more on trans, androgynous, and fat bodyshapes.
From left to right, these are the bodyshapes/morphs shown: standing - Melodie9's Fat Male (fat), Momma Lisa Chestbound, Trans Momma Lisa, Momma Lisa (fat), Trans Melodie9's Fat Male, EAxis EF (fat) floor - AFAndro, TMAndro
Basically EveryBody will be an ongoing project, beyond just Pride Month. I'll be doing an assortment of genderfree clothes...everyday, PJ's, swim, gym, etc in this series. If you make meshes and want to join in, I'll be releasing some new WSO's soon, and doing some tutorials about boobing and de-boobing. I also need help with something. More on that in a moment.
This is an exceptionally, absurdly long post, even by my standards. There's a lot going on here. If you just want the new stuff in EAxis sizes, scroll down to the downloads, but I hope you're at least curious and will read on.
When I first imagined doing some early version of this project, I went looking for bodyshapes that were fat AND trans. I found basically nothing. I asked if anyone knew of fat trans shapes, and only got likes. Hmm. As a nonbinary person who's also small/mid fat, I felt like I needed to fix this. I didn't feel like I could do it alone. I had help from @hypersaline, but they've had to leave the project. (I hope you're ok!!) I'll be properly introducing two new bodyshapes (Trans Momma Lisa and Trans Melodie9's Fat Male)...well...umm....when they're ready. I'll either need to learn how to make showerproof skintones or hope that someone else comes along to help. (If you want to help, PLEASE let me know.) The two new bodyshapes will get their own post(s?) whenever that happens. For now, you can still download the first clothing offerings for them...you just won't have anything but Everyday yet. Sorry. Undies and other stuff will happen over the next few months.
There are a whole bunch of other options here too though, including EAxis shapes. I've also created two new twists on existing bodyshapes. Momma Lisa Chestbound is the standard Momma Lisa shape, but with a flatter chest. In the other direction, Melodie's Fat Male can now have breasts, if they/you like. I'm prioritizing completion for the two new fat trans shapes, but once that's done, I'll hopefully get these completed too. MLCb will be getting binders in the near future though! And MFMBr will get at least one bra soon! I promise!
Anyway...what do I have for you today?
A tee and jeans seemed like the ideal start for a basics project. Few TS2 t-shirts are more iconic than @fanseelamb's pj tee, separated by @linasims2. They're available for almost every EAxis age and both sexes...and now way more!
The ages and bodyshapes in this project are: Teen: EAxis and Androgyny Adult AFAB: EAxis, Androgyny, Trans Melodie's Fat Male, AFTr, Momma Lisa, and Momma Lisa Chestbound Adult AMAB: EAxis, Androgyny, Trans Momma Lisa, AMTr, Melodie's Fat Male, and Fat Male w/Breasts Elder: EAxis and Androgyny
The adult bodyshape content will show up for elders, but the meshes will be the same. ALL adults will have pregmorphs, and EVERYONE will have fat morphs.
I've also edited the EAxis AM, AF, TF, and EF meshes to reduce clipping. I improved the breast shape on TF-EF too. The mesh edits have the same file names as trapping's and DeeDee's originals. Just let mine overwrite them, if you already have those.
The tees come in fanseelamb/trapping/EAxis' original three colors, these nine recolors by @mikexx2, and three new rainbow patterns.
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The jeans are all ten of @simsontherope's original colors, with sneakers by @missrubybird on a mesh by @theslyd. The jeans and sneakers were initially 4t2 converted by @memento-sims. No swatch, sorry.
Ok, on to the downloads.
READ THIS CAREFULLY BEFORE DOWNLOADING: Almost everything is repositoried, and will not show up without the required AM or EM textures. The bodyshapes aren't BSOK'ed. (I can't figure that out!)
Get trapping's black, white, and gray textures here
Get Mikexx2's textures here
Download Fanseetees:
EAxis: SFS or MediaFire Andro: SFS or MediaFire AFTr, AMTr, TrML, and TrMFM: SFS or MediaFire ML, MLCb, MFM, and MFMBr: SFS or MediaFire
Download Rope Jeans:
EAxis/Andro sizes: SFS or MediaFire ML, MFM, TrML, and TrMFM: SFS or MediaFire (Andro wears the EAxis jeans, MLCb wears ML, and MFMBr wears MFM)
Credits: @fanseelamb, @witheredlilies, @deedee-sims, Eir, and EAxis for tee meshes - @mikexx2 and fanseelamb/EAxis for tee textures - patterns from rawpixel - TS4 jeans mesh and textures by @simsontherope (used with permission), converted by @memento-sims and @deedee-sims - sneakers by @theslyd, recolored by @missrubybird (used with permission), and converted by @memento-sims - Andro bodyshapes by Aquilegia - Fat Male bodyshape by Melodie9 - Momma Lisa by Frannysims - Trans bodyshapes by Lifa - WSO's by Lifa and ocelotekatl - (I hope that's everything!)
I tested the meshes fairly extensively, but PLEASE let me know if you find any problems.
My next post will also be for EveryBody. This time, a previously unconverted dress. (Sneakypeeky.)
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kawouwu · 1 month
Pinned Post - tbe
for my personal purposes - accessing tags on mobile
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lianhuajing · 2 days
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FangHua + Fang Duobing lines + 🌈
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goblinkingsart · 1 month
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"It's better to sleep at home, don't you think Xiaobao?" part 2
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potahun · 7 months
Mysterious Lotus Casebook and the Analogies to Being Queer
this is not breaking new grounds or anything, there seems to be broad consensus in the (tumblr) fandom that LHL is a lot about being queer. there is also this brilliant meta by @seventh-fantasy about the jianghu being a queer space, which i love, and which dealt with the gender perspective for li lianhua in particular
having that in mind, i want to say how much i love that li lianhua and fang duobing's stories feel like analogies to two different queer experiences
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we see li xiangyi in a few flashbacks and in how others viewed him before the east sea battle 10 years ago. we know he became the n°1 swordsman in the world, established a para-judiciary system and order in an otherwise lawless jianghu, that he used to duel just to win the right to pick flowers from someone's garden as gifts for every single lady in the sigu sect, and that he dated qiao wanmian and intended to marry her (judging by that flashback where he's seen drinking with shan gudao and the boys)
a lot of it is very heteronormative, and even a bit performative. and i don't want to say it's not genuine, i actually rly like the idea that many of those actions felt perfectly real to him at the time, and i genuinely think he had that show-off streak in him when he was a teenager
but regardless, everything about li xiangyi follows the heteronormative expectations of society, including his achievements, which command, among other things, admiration for his fighting prowess and his ability to establish rules. which is of course, ironic, as pointed out in the meta referenced above, since the jianghu itself does not follow those rules (and we slowly learn in the story that there was criticism of him for this even in-story).
but then we get to li lianhua, who does not fight, but cooks, learned to sew, to plant flowers, turns down every lady who looks his way, and who does not interfere in jiang hu matters if he can help it. and in particular, we get the conversation he has with qiao wanmian in ep 18, where she confronts him about his identity and asks him:
"if you'd already come back, why did you never reunite with us?"
and his reply is:
"all of this is so far in the past, now. i'm very tired. i just want to be free."
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li lianhua is constantly put in contrast with li xiangyi. where li xiangyi performs, li lianhua just exists in the jianghu. where li xiangyi fulfils expectations and surpasses them, li lianhua turns his back to expectations. where li xiangyi establishes a domain and protects, li lianhua wanders freely, all by himself. where li xiangyi conforms to heteronormative standards, li lianhua doesn't.
we know that li lianhua is an unreliable narrator in that his opinion on his own past is biased, his knowledge incomplete. and he lies. almost compulsively. but there are also truth bombs that he drops between the lies. i personally believe that his willingness to detach himself from all the expectations thrown upon him and to finally exist away from norms, is part of those truths.
and this is very close to a type of queer experience, where you come out of some event or another in your twenties, suddenly realise you're queer and oh my god, it's time to live differently. and you start rejecting the norms and maybe your old friends wonder what got into you.
in the same conversation in ep 18, the following exchange happens between li lianhua and qiao wanmian:
LLH: "when we met each other, I was young and ignorant. I didn't understand what the feelings i felt for you were, either." QWM: "what do you mean? are you saying... you never loved me?" LLH: "back then, we were young. nothing of what we said then can still count now."
it can be interpreted in different ways, but it sure fits a queer narrative extremely well. the feelings were real, but he didn't understand whether they were romantic or not, he just followed the norms. but things are different now.
enters fang duobing
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fang duobing feels like a different queer narrative. by family background, fang duobing is a person who has equal ties to the imperial court as he does to the jiang hu. the emperor and his family wants to engage him to the princess of the court, a perfectly normal thing in the societal context he lives in, and a luck few can hope to have. what does he do?
i often joke that fang duobing's sexuality is to be a detective on the jianghu, but it really does feel like that kind of narrative. fang duobing never has any doubt that his place is away from the rules of the imperial court. In ep. 1, he tells his servants:
don't worry. once your young master makes a name for himself as a renown detective on the jianghu, they {his parents} will understand that, compared to the imperial court, i am much more suited for the jiang hu.
and yes, this is about escaping the rigidity of the court as such, but it's also analogous for the freedom to be who you are, to be queer, to not conform.
and fang duobing never backtracks. his parents want him to conform, and they want him to have the comfort that comes with this lifestyle. he rejects it thoroughly and consistently.
it's also interesting that in ep 25, once they meet the princess and they have gone through a case together, fang duobing still rejects the idea of the wedding. when li lianhua tells him "the jianghu is a place full of grudges and sinister schemes. why not become a carefree consort prince?"
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fang duobing only looks forlorn and retorts "li lianhua, can you never say that again, please?"
in contrast, though, he has no qualms planning his whole life on the jianghu with li lianhua in ep. 15. so this is not about settling down with someone.
it feels very close to being confidently queer and knowing it from a very early age, and then rejecting the heteronormative expectations thrown upon you with assurance.
anyway, so what i want to say is: li lianhua is a tired millenial who discovered he was queer in his mid-twenties after a mild depression; fang duobing is a gen-z baby queer who doesn't know his queer history but is so confidently queer and he's never looking back
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monilisasims · 1 year
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Momma Lisa + Momma Lisa Chestbound Conversion - Wasteland Baby Jumpsuit Edit
credit : @memento-sims / @skeleton-teacup * / kismetsims / semller / simsontherope
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eirenical · 7 months
It's nearly two months after the Bicha poison has been purged from his system before Li Lianhua picks up a sword again.  He'll never be what he once was, will never be able to go toe to toe with Di-mengzhu and fight him to a standstill as he did in his youth.  But he misses it: the grace, the movement, the sheer joy of the dance of blades.  So he picks up Shaoshi, and he walks off into the forest, hyperaware of Di Feisheng following behind, eyes trained on him as though Li Lianhua were the only thing existing in his universe.
But hasn't it always been so?
Reaching a clearing, Li Lianhua slowly begins putting his body through the motions of the dance, weaving in and out through the bamboo, chasing an imaginary enemy as he moves through the steps.  Di Feisheng has come to a stop a safe distance away, leaning against a tree with his arms folding his sword close to his chest, but he steps no closer.  He seems almost afraid to interfere, to interrupt the dance before it's truly begun.  Perhaps even afraid of pushing Li Lianhua back into the protective shell of Lianhualou to never pick up a sword again.  But he can't stay away.  Can't move from that spot.
Many people had called Li XIangyi beautiful and meant it.  But only Di Feisheng had admired the dance as much as the dancer.  Di Feisheng's eyes remain on him throughout the entire dance, barely moving a muscle even to breathe until Li LIanhua sheathes Shaoshi at his side.  Li Lianhua returns to Lianhualou when he's finished, tired from the exertion but happy.
That night, Di Feisheng barely waits until Fang Duobing's footsteps have taken him up the first step to the second floor before pinning Li Lianhua against the wall and kissing him breathless.  He doesn't explain, and Li Lianhua doesn't ask.
He doesn't need to.
The next time Li Xiangyi picks up his sword, Di Feisheng is there, too.  And the next time, and the next.  He never interferes, never unsheathes his own sword to offer to spar, because that isn't the point.  The point is to give Li Xiangyi the space to rediscover what he loved about martial arts before the politics of the jianghu ruined it, before poison and betrayal stole both his strength and his joy in the sword.  The point is the way a soft smile that alights on his face every time this dance comes to a close.
Di Feisheng doesn't want to bring the harsh clash of swords into that ease.
…until the day when he steps outside to follow Li Xiangyi to his practice to find that Li Xiangyi has tied a red ribbon to the hilt of his sword.
He watches, entranced, as Li Xiangyi dances a dance for him that he'd only danced for one other in his life.  He is so absorbed, in fact, that he doesn't notice the red ribbon flicking ever closer and closer towards him until it's wrapped around his wrist, until Li Xiangyi has pulled him across the clearing and into the dance, a sparkle in his eye that has been long absent and deeply missed.
From there, it's easy.  He's been watching Li Xiangyi so long, so often, that he's learned the steps of this dance without trying to.  He knows where Li Xiangyi's imaginary opponent would stand to counter the moves he's making.  It should be a surprise—it really isn't—when he figures out that the moves of the imaginary man in whose footsteps he's walking so closely and naturally resemble the steps of his own swordplay, as though Li Xiangyi has been dancing with him all along.
And from that point on, whenever Li Xiangyi picks up his sword and heads into the woods, Di Feisheng goes too.  And there are very few moments when their swords clash against each other, but when they do, it's just another part of the dance, adding music to the steps, percussion to follow as they move together.
It isn't the fight Di Feisheng thought he wanted when they found each other again...
...somehow, it's even better.
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