moonmanstan · 6 months
oh girlie, please
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noirleo · 11 months
confessions pt. 2
(bayverse & reader are all adults <3)
leonardo has saved the city of new york—and the world, by association, because what kind of world would be left without his precious city—twice before even entering adulthood. since the age of fifteen he’s saved countless lives and can tell stories that would leave even the most seasoned police officers lying awake at night.
nothing in his repertoire of harrowing life experiences has prepared him for the gut-wrenching experience of catching feelings for his best friend.
leo had been the last of the brothers to trust you after mikey had cheerily, thoughtlessly, brought you unannounced to the lair one night. his decision had led to several hours in the hashi after you’d left, but leo couldn’t stop you from coming back. eventually, reluctant trust transformed into a friendship, easygoing and natural in a way that he didn’t know friendships could be.
when you first met leo, he could count everything he cared about in the world on one hand—his family, his training, and his city, in that order. the world he lived in was small, but it was his. his to understand, to care for and protect. he would never have dreamed of describing himself as lonely until meeting you. how infuriating, then, was your insistence on worming your way into that shadow-hidden world, cracking it wide open and exposing that loneliness to the sunlight of your smile.
so here he was, laying on the floor of his own bedroom, hugging a pillow while you painted gentle brush strokes across his shell.
you’d been begging him to let you paint his shell for ages, promising not to listening to any of mikey’s explicit suggestions of what to paint. after years of experience telling his brother’s ‘no’, he’d thought he was immune to pouting.
evidently not.
“you still awake?” you paused for a moment, looking up from your work to check on him, and received a muffled hum in response from where leo’s face was buried into the crook of his elbow. you were kneeling at his side, one hand on his shell to support your weight as you focused on the task at hand.
for the first several minutes, his entire body had been tensed up. leo was never more aware of his hulking size and strength than when he was next to you. however, he had quickly melted into your touch, hypnotized by the swirling brush strokes and comfortable silence in the room.
how long had he been laying here? seconds, hours, years—leo had no idea, and he didn’t care. nirvana was definitely a real thing, he decided, and he’d found it under your gentle touch against his shell.
“alright, i’m finished,” your voice broke through his thoughts and he lifted his head to look at you. paint bottles and cups of water surrounded where you were kneeling at his side, and were all being whisked away to the side.
“wait, wait, wait, don’t move yet—it still has to dry,” you urged him as he began to lift himself up on his elbows. he huffed in response, letting his face hit the pillow he had been laying on unceremoniously, and side-eyed you.
“i didn’t realize this would be an all-day event, or i would have brought some entertainment,” he mumbled dryly. you laid on the ground next to him, arms folded under the back of your head, and looked over to grin at him. he tried to ignore the crackle of electricity under his skin as your arm grazed his, your faces just inches away from each other.
“i’m pretty sure i’m all the entertainment you need, actually,” you replied cheekily, making him smile and roll his eyes.
his gaze lingered on you just a moment too long. it had taken him ages to slow down his racing heartbeat when you had first begun, and now it threatened to beat out of his chest again as he listened to you begin to delve into your creative thought process, careful not to give away all of the details of your work before he could see it for himself. he watched the corners of your eyes crinkle, the furrow of your brow and the way your fingers traced the air as you always did when you started talking about the things you love. where leo was collected and calculated, you were animated and colorful. all of the best parts of being alive begin and end behind your eyes, he thought to himself.
“i think it should be good now,” you decided, leaning up on one elbow to gingerly touch the paint on his shell before nodding, a look of excitement and nervousness crossing your face as you crouched down and extended your hands. “wanna take a look?”
he accepted, taking your small hands in his, rose to his feet and walked over to the mirror propped up against the wall.
leo stood in awe of the swirl of colors painted across the back of his shell. a city skyline in shades of blues and purples was splashed against a dark sky, and he could make out four small figures standing side by side on a rooftop in familiar colors.
“it’s new york,” he breathed, eyebrow ridges raised as he craned his neck, trying to see it more clearly in the mirror.
“you like it?” you asked in a hopeful voice, swaying in place as one hand tapped your cheek in anticipation.
“it’s fine,” he said finally, earning a smack on his bicep from you. he turned to you, grinning ear to ear. “it’s amazing. you’re amazing. the guys are gonna be so jealous.”
he turned down to look at you, towering over you as you beamed that sunshine smile at the praise. amused, he noticed a splatter of bright blue on your cheek and gently wiped it away with his thumb. had he imagined the scarlet blush of your cheeks as you turned your eyes away from him?
did it matter?
“c’mon, i wanna go show the others,” you decided, turning past him towards his bedroom door. without thinking, his hand shot out of its own volition to grab yours. you froze at the large hand gently holding your wrist, rooting you to the spot.
“wait, just…wait,” leo rasped, immediately ashamed at the edge of desperation creeping into his voice. you turned to face him, brow furrowed slightly in curiosity. that familiar stinging that he felt every time you left the lair bubbled up in his chest. he didn’t want to go back to the others and have to see them crowd around you, begging you to do the same for them. for once, just once, he wanted a moment that he didn’t have to share with his brothers. he wanted something to just be his.
he wanted that something to be you.
he wasn’t thinking properly, he knew it, but he never really was thinking clearly around you.
you began to ask if he was okay, your lips forming around the words, but never made it to the end of the sentence as his hands reached up to your face, cradling you in his hands. your eyes widened a little at the touch, but you made no effort to pull away.
the sound of his name rolled off of your tongue so easily, so effortlessly breaking down his usual barriers of self discipline that dictated his every waking moment, and finally he released himself to his impulses as he leaned down to kiss you.
you tensed up in surprise the moment his lips touched yours, and he pulled away as quickly as it began. his fearful thoughts began to race, screaming at him for being so selfish. the one friend he’d ever made for himself, and he’d ruined it.
“i—shit, i’m sorry. i don’t know why i…”
his regretful rambling was stopped midsentence by your hand on his plastron, his chest heaving as your gaze followed a trail from his eyes to his lips.
“leo. shut up.”
it was his turn to be surprised as you stood on your toes, pressing your lips against his.
he poured all of his feelings, the long months of pining and languishing over his certainly-unrequited feelings into the kiss, grabbing you by the waist with one arm and moving the other to quietly shut the door again.
the others could wait a little longer.
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upathos · 27 days
saijo claudine in the fridge
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moonlightcookie · 2 months
i need more of him
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shogas · 1 year
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hmooncreates · 3 months
EXTENDED - The Fool Who Got Married
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The Year is 1848...
...and gold has been struck in California. Your husband has decided now would be the time to catch his fortune, and he wants you to come with him. Of course. you agree, you love him after all. 
...and your family member's husband is on the hunt for gold. What's she going to do? Say no? This could be the key to their better life. You have to let her go. 
The Extended Edition...
...allows you to play one of five different types of characters. 
The game is about historical female hardship and how women stay connected even when they become members of their husbands family before their own. 
The game and story is told through writing letters. This is a two- or more- player game where each person plays a female familial archetype. Someone has to be the bride leaving her family, but there are four options for the other player(s).
The Four Options:
Mother, Sister, Aunt, and Mother-in-Law
This game is played by using music as the storytelling and mechanical device. To play you will need a way to send letters to each other, access to the albums, and something to write with.
Let The Music Lead You.
Music You Will Need Access To: The Crane Wives discography and Through the Deep, Dark Valley by The Oh Hellos.
Get the Game Now on Itch.io!
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fairydrowning · 2 years
"Some pretend to be the moonlight, some themselves are moon."
-Ayushi Goswami
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iridescentclaws · 6 months
Capcom: *breathes*
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tofumoons · 9 months
the moment in the flashback where sanji finds out that zeff lied to him abt the food...that he ate his own leg so sanji wouldn't starve..i was actually floored like what an awful act of kindness. look what he lost in the name of your survival. you cannot let yourself waste this life after that. i think it is also a neat little encapsulation of their rlxnship. in that. like being shipwrecked on that rock made sanji antagonistic and desperate and their relationship angry and suffocating bc of the what they did and did not have. and also a little bit bc a profound lack of understanding on sanjis part for why zeff might be so selfless for a selfish kid if selfish means survival.but deeply rooted in love and kindness and the desire for the other to achieve their dream. and it's so fucked up but what else do u do but try ur best to help your kid grow up well . what else cna u do to repay that sacrifice other than live well. what else can you do but let go when leaving is hard bt the only place u can get what u both need is somewhere else.
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flustereddykefag · 7 months
in a rare Dom mood 😌 want to lay back on the bed wearing only underwear and have them kneeling in front of me, fully clothed. I want to yank their hair while I kiss them, pull their head back while I bite and kiss their collarbones. I want to hold them by the throat and rise up on my knees so I'm above them, and stare at their beautiful dark eyes while they gasp and their pupils dilate. I want to lay back down, still holding them by the hair, and guide their open mouth to my clothed tdick bulge and tell them to lick me through my underwear.
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moon-down · 1 year
was going through an expo and found a pup! Named them Innocence because they reminded me of @flecks-of-stardust's [correction, it was actually @transgenderfivepebbles'] Innocence design
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Some images of the goober, I also recorded some likes and dislikes if anyone is interested, I didn't get to them all cause my game crashed
Innocence - 10187 Likes: jellyfish, lily puck, bubble fruit, batfly Dislikes: blue fruit, slime mold, glow weed, popcorn seed, neuron fly, needle fly, eggbug egg Neutral: dandelion puff, goodie duck, firebug egg, vulture grub, centipede
Also, little doodle page, as a treat :)
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moonmanstan · 15 days
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putting him in my pocket as we speak
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noirleo · 11 months
leo has spent his entire life curating an image for himself. the Leader with the plan, who always knows the right thing to do, who always has the exact words his brothers need to hear at just the right time. a firm hand to guide, an ear to listen, a voice to inspire hope.
even when he stumbles, it’s controlled. quiet in such a way that not even his brothers, who share a roof and food and clothes and blood, realize it. leo doesn’t fall apart, he can’t, because the foundation that crumbles brings down the entire house.
maybe it’s your outsider perspective that gives you insight. you see it in the way he doesn’t bother to wrap his still-bleeding knuckles after hours in the dojo, silently sliding over the last slice of pizza to his orange-clad baby brother, forgoing fun nighttime outings in exchange for more training, suddenly excusing himself from conversations of harrowing night patrols so that no one can see the hiccup in his breathing growing and growing until the memories threatens to engulf him.
the way he rejects himself over and over is so familiar, a mirror reflection that moves in time with your own movements, and oh, it hurts to see it. but you do it anyway because you have never met someone more worth looking at than him.
maybe he sees it in you too—or maybe he just needs something, someone, to notice him, even if he would rather die than admit it. but eventually, he allows you to silently bandage his bleeding knuckles and kiss the spaces between his fingers until their trembling ceases and the shudder of his breathing quiets. when you find him pacing at night, restlessly walking between his brothers bedrooms, he stops resisting you as you gently pull him back to bed and drown out his racing thoughts with the sound of your own rhythmic heartbeat.
you don’t fix him, you wouldn’t dream of it because you love him and loving isn’t the same as fixing—but you kiss his scars with as much tenderness as his lips, and something in him heals each time.
he confesses to you one sleepless night under a hazy new york sky that he doesn’t know the difference between being loved and being used.
i don’t either, you admit. but i would like to learn.
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upathos · 11 months
is it just me or does the artstyle of the revstar stageplay mangas feel like it lowkey wants to be horror sometimes
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moonlightcookie · 4 months
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shogas · 3 months
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