#moose rambles
annimoose · 1 day
Oh. That's gore of my favorite comfort character...
More please! 🍽
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mooseonahunt · 2 months
Please for the love of God learn the difference between Latino and Hispanic if you don’t already
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moose-from-animals · 2 months
in poke psych
get to talk about my beloved silly guys
(the Pan-monkey-mon aka the Panpour, Pansage, and Panpour lines)
and intentionality in pokemon communication
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mooseonabreak · 4 months
Forgot film bros existed until my film course lecture today and Dear God. Why did he have to sit right next to me.
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designstack · 1 month
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Dripping moose. Drawing.
White Gel Pens On Black Paper Drawings. More art from Vitaly Medved, on our site.
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aestherians · 3 months
The wolf's fangs are like knives. They are made for killing, but their kills are utilitarian. To the wolf, killing is surviving. Killing is its nature. The wolf's fangs are utensils first and weapons second.
The bison has no pragmatic excuse for its horns. The bison doesn't kill to survive. Killing is not in its nature. The bison's horns are like swords, only there to hurt others in the name of self-defense, or to spar in the name of pride.
Humans fear the wolf's fangs because they understand the effectiveness of a pragmatic utensil. But humans are not the prey of wolves.
Humans should fear the bison's prideful defensiveness, for when your only protection is a sword, your only defense is a swift and ruthless offense.
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ms-scarletwings · 5 months
A scene from Invader Zim I seem to find way creepier than anyone else does
It’s just weirdly good horror to me as a years later rewatch somehow. Dripping with menace.
Long time fans know this is one of the most theatric and chatty characters in the show, alone or not. He also more often than not gets over -ahem, denies- setback and mission fumbles in record time. Not here. Just the silence that lets you truly hear that eerie ass ambience in the background. Just watching him reviewing back collected surveillance, on presumably what’s supposed to be human child behavioral data (this was still season 1 after all), but he’s neither mocking the subjects nor boasting about himself for once. He’s not even complaining or getting into one of his spiels. It’s just that cut back to the reel of a dozen pains he’s suffered at the Skool, cut back to that stone still expression, cut back to the tapes. You don’t know if they’re all from a singularly horrible day or a pile of weeks of humiliations stacking on a camel’s back. You get nothing of explanation except for that quiet seething in his expression- The scariest kind of angry. It’s Zim, ruminating on a god’s honest murderous rage, toward this species that seems to only justify his contempt of them with every single interaction. Almost as if you can watch this and imagine his hatred just getting hotter and hotter for all mankind under the surface, and then narrowing in like a magnifying glass straight onto the worst and most frequent offender of all. Those four consecutive Dib clips are what finally seem to make him feel like he’s seen enough and he’s fully decided on beginning to craft what we later find out was the Moosey wormhole plan. If it was only about Dib standing in the way of the mission, like he frames it, this episode intro wouldn’t serve any purpose. It was about so much more than Dib probably ever thinks about, the axe forgets and all that.
To me this clip is like the one moment where I swear to Tallest Zim was feeling on a kind of Nny wavelength in that isolated instant,
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AND it’s one of many moments where I shake my head remembering how Dib’s average Tuesday is spent more recklessly than poking a sleeping dragon in the eye with a stick.
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starheirxero · 6 months
Yk I still firmly believe that Bloodmoon could make a transition of killing random humans to killing random wild animals.…. Like, I know KC is dead now, but could you imagine how well that could’ve work out for both of them??? Bloodmoon satiates their hunger by hunting game and brings it back to KC so he can make the world’s most kickass meat stew. life could be a dream…….
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missiemoosie · 1 month
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Hello it's 3:40am and I just finished digging through my old ass art because of an ask game over on instagram.
And now it's time for your friendly neighborhood Moosie to remind all my artist buddies that may be struggling with liking their art at the moment, that you should go back at look at art you made when you first started drawing so you can see just how far you've come because it can really bolster your self confidence.
On the left, you have an Emil I painted probably sometime in 2003-04 and on the right is an Emil I painted last summer, in 2023.
There's around 20 years between these two pieces.
I've been struggling with liking my style recently. But after seeing this? Holy fuck have I made massive improvements. Even if these are different mediums, just the base drawings are so entirely different. I learned perspective, anatomy, how to add details, how to make poses look more natural.
20 years between these pieces.
If I live another 20 years, I will definitely do this again just to see how much more I improve.
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imagionary · 9 months
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Car doodles; I guess women were on my mind xD
(Unfinished Belle doodle under cut)
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theelvishscribbler · 3 months
You know that thing that happens when you are driving a little car with normal headlights and a massive oversized truck or suv with eye burning LEDs is behind you and their headlights are exactly level with your rear window and also you can see the shadow of your car in front of you because their headlights are so unreasonably bright and overpower your own?
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annimoose · 2 days
So i got the new malevolent episode and while you were hypersleeping to listen to soon.
Oh boy.
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mooseonahunt · 5 months
Shoutout to everyone who thinks I’m cool. No idea how I managed to trick y’all considering I’m very vocal about being a loser and I post my L’s all the time but 🙏🏼 thanks ??
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moose-from-animals · 1 month
bitches love me for my obsession with pokemon I cannot realistically be partnered with due to their size, prominence in battling circles, and my career path
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mooseonabreak · 6 months
I’ve reached the point of the hyperfixation where thinking about it makes me incredibly upset and wildly frustrated because I feel so damn much and it makes me physically ill. Love that.
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meeeeeeese · 3 months
Was replaying a bit of the early Sylvari story for a key farm earlier and it got me thinking about the dream, and it's connection to Mordremoth.
Like, near as I can tell, the dream is a section of the jungle dragon's overmind cordoned off by Ventari's teachings and the Pale Tree's efforts. Notably, she insists that she's not the dreams creator, only it's caretaker. Anyway, I'm bringing it up because I wanna know, who or what is assigning the wyld hunts?!
In ordinary scenarios I'd imagine Mordy creates the hunt when he special makes a minion for a particular purpose, like he makes a mordrem wyvern to burn down a city, boom that mordrem's wyld hunt is to burn cities. But I can't imagine he'd be influencing regular sylvari's wyld hunts in anyway, because why would he assign the commander a hunt whose explicit goal would be suicide?
So then, who's doing it? It feels too intentional for it to be random chance, a metaphorical throwing of darts at the wheel of fate in absence of a guiding hand, but there's also been no hints of anything that's doing it. It just kinda... is.
So here's where I get to wild speculation based almost entirely off of my flights of fancy. Maybe, the wyld hunts of the sylvari is similar to the crystal dragon's foresight, a sort of view into fate itself. I mean they are dragon minions, so they are indirectly connected with one of the 6 main forces of the all, so maybe its more just a vague sense of knowing what you have to do and when you have to do it. As Aurene's foresight guided her to becoming the worlds filter, so to do wyld hunts guide sylvari towards cleansing the land, or killing dragons, and so forth.
If that is true, I wonder if wyld hunts will cease to be now that the dragon cycle is over like Aurene's future sight did. Might be an interesting plot point but I could also see it not being the case.
Anyway thanks for attending Mooses rambling session, I hope you picked something useful out of that word salad.
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