#morally grey Steve Harrington
No Regrets - Part Six
Part One🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six
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Eddie hasn't spoken a word since they found him in the boat house. Chief Powell told Nancy this on the phone, calling on Eddie's behalf, and another officer tells them again when they say they're here to pick him up.
Steve has a vague memory of this. He didn't go with to pick up Eddie last time, it was... Wayne? Maybe? The ache in Steve's head, the sign he's come to realize means he's changed something, is the indicator that's true. It means Wayne didn't go pick up El and the others last time, the original time?
Whatever. Steve can't be worried about that; it doesn't matter anymore how it went last time. Last timeline ended with him dead, dying?, so he's fine with forgetting it.
"Hey Eddie," Nancy greets as she stands in front of Eddie. He's just sat in a chair in the lobby area, staring straight ahead but not looking at anything. His eyes are vacant in a way that brings a sense of déjà vu to Steve. "Wayne asked us to pick you up."
Eddie doesn't even acknowledge that she's there.
"Eddie?" Nancy asks, leaning down just a little to put her face in Eddie's view. "Come on. Let's go."
"Nance," Steve says, digging the keys from his pocket, "can you get the car and park closer to the front door? I'll get Eddie."
Nancy turns to look at him, eyes flitting about his face before she nods, reaching out to take the keys.
Steve steps into the place she vacated in front of Eddie and squats. Gets eye level even if Eddie isn't looking back. "Hey, Eddie. It's Steve. Uh, Steve Harrington. Wayne couldn't come get you, he has something else he had to do, but I'm here to take you home."
It's barely there, but Eddie flinches at 'home.' It looks more like a twitch of his shoulder, and it could have been, but Steve thinks it's more than that.
"We don't have to go in. There's- across the road from you is Max Mayfield's house. You ever meet her?" Steve just talks, tries to keep his voice calm, conversational. "We can wait at Max's place for your uncle to get home. Just. We gotta go, man. Can't sit here in the police station all day." Steve reaches for Eddie's hand, to grab and try to coax him into standing. Except, as soon as Steve's fingers make contact, Eddie jerks back and Eddie finally looks at him, eyes snapping to Steve's face. He's not present, not really; he still kind of looks like he's looking beyond Steve rather than at him.
"Sorry, sorry," Steve says, just as softly. "I won't touch. But your uncle asked us to get you, so, please. We gotta go."
Oh. Oh no. It's only now that he's faced with looking directly at Eddie, faced with having Eddie looking directly at him that he thinks he might not be ready. He's not it turns out. He's not ready to face Eddie, not when he has memories of- of-
"And Buckley," Robin is suddenly here, pushing into Steve's space. Getting in Eddie's face. "And we are going to be heading to Forest Hills. So, unless you, like, want to spend the day the lovely police force of Hawkins, I suggest getting out of that chair and following us."
How can she have ever been worried about not being able to read his mind anymore?
"Right," Eddie says, more to himself than to Robin. He does go to stand, though, so Steve does, too. Puts some distance between himself and Eddie.
Steve leads the way to the car as Eddie follows behind like a ghost.
Except, it's Steve that's the ghost, isn't it? Does- does the future continue to go even without Steve there? Even as he changes how things went, or are going?
If it keeps going how long was Eddie trapped in his hold? Held by a selfish dead man who wasn't kind enough to not tell Eddie how he feels. Felt?
He looks to Eddie from the corner of his eye before he climbs into the passenger seat. Definitely how he still feels.
"I used your radio to get a hold of Dustin," Nancy says as they pull away from the curb. "He's on his way back to Max's from Cerebro. He got through to the walkie we sent with Wayne. We should all be together in an hour."
"Where'd you send my uncle? Why did he agree to go?" Eddie asks from the backseat.
"That's a loaded question, Munson," Robin answers, "but we'll explain it. Just, uh, just know that we believe you, and we know you didn't do anything to Chrissy."
"I didn't!"
"We know!" Robin placates, and Steve twists in his seat to he can see her. She's behind the driver's seat so he can see her without looking at Eddie. "We know. I swear we'll explain everything. Just when your uncle gets back, okay?"
Eddie doesn't verbally respond but Steve sees Robin nodding back to him so that's that.
There isn't any more talking the rest of the drive. Nancy parks next to her mom's car in front of Max's place and hands Steve's keys back to him before she climbs out. Eddie and Robin are next. Steve remains seated, listens as Robin says something about 'going home later' before he sees Eddie head towards Max's front door. He doesn't even pause to look in at Steve as he walks by.
Why would he? This Eddie doesn't know him. They're not bonded by five years of surviving hell together. This Eddie doesn't know anything about him, and Steve knows his whole life.
Robin startles him by pulling open his door to say, "you coming in?"
He looks from Robin to where Nancy and Eddie have disappeared into the trailer. "I don't- I can't. Robin, I can't."
"Hey, it's okay," Robin assures him, "it's okay. We can stay out here until you're ready."
Steve swallows thickly before nodding. She's squat beside the door, hand on the roof for support and the other on Steve. Also for support, but of the emotional kind. "I think I'm in love with him, and he barely tolerates me. It took a couple months for him to warm up to me, and that was with the help of an apocalypse. Will he even-" like me without it? He doesn't finish but the frown that comes to Robin's face lets him know he doesn't need to.
"Of course, he will. He did once before."
Steve turns from Robin to look out the front windshield. "Yeah. Maybe."
"I'll go in and let them know you need some time. Come in when you're ready," she squeezes his knee and then she's gone.
This time will be different. Vecna has to die today, because tomorrow he goes after Max and that's not acceptable. He won't let that happen. He's going to stop the end of the world before it begins. And then he doesn't know what will happen.
Will life just go on? Will he still remember a future that never was?
If he doesn't remember, will his feelings for Eddie go with the memories? That thought hurts, but if it's true, the pain is only temporary.
Steve doesn't know how long he just sits in the passenger seat of his car, staring off into space, just knows it was long enough that Wayne and the Cali crew arrive. It's the slamming of the van doors that brings him back to himself.
He twists to look over his shoulder and the first person he sees is Mike, who is, Steve thinks, not glaring at him for the first time in his life. Jonathan is standing next to him. He and Mike have a short conversation before Mike walks across the street, coming to a stop about 5 feet from Steve.
"Why are you just sitting in the passenger seat of your car with the door open?" Mike asks, voice full of his usual judgement. "Are you buckled in?"
Steve looks down and frowns. Yes, he is still buckled in. He unbuckles and climbs from his car. Mike eyes Steve warily the whole time.
"He not out yet?" Wayne's voice carries across the way and Steve looks to the Munson's home. Wayne is on the front step, the door behind him open.
"Over here! We're at Max's," Steve throws a thumb over his shoulder and it brings Wayne quickly. He's not running, but it's damn close. "Just let yourself in."
Wayne speed walks passed. Steve stays and watches as Will and El round the van and join Jonathan. Will looks like he wants to barf. Steve's not surprised by that; he's still got some sort of connection to the Upside Down. It's El who looks different.
Her entire demeanor is unlike Steve's ever known her. For the first time ever, she just looks like a scared little girl.
She takes the first step towards Steve and her brothers follow.
She stops in front of Steve, cocking her head at him. Steve looks down at her and mimics the motion. Her hair is the longest he's seen it and her face has turned serious. "You're different."
Steve nods. "So are you."
El lifts a hand up and touches it to Steve's temple. She looks confused for having done it, about as confused as Steve feels, but her confusion turns into a surprised gasp and a trickle of blood slides out her nose.
"El," Mike rushes in, shoving at Steve to make him take a step back and break their contact.
"I am fine," El says, though she looks like whole new person. Her shoulders square and she stands taller. Her eyes look as haunted as Steve remembers.
"Oh shit. You're my El," Steve says, which gets all the boys to give him odd looks.
"I am sorry for what I have done to you," she says, as no-nonsense and militant as he remembers her. "I could not go back myself, but I could piggyback on someone."
"Why me?"
"You were in Hawkins, and I knew you would do what needed to be done."
"What is happening?" Jonathan asks.
El turns to Jonathan and says, "we are going to stop the end of the world."
@skepsiss @i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems @a-little-unsteddie @steviesummer @queenie-ofthe-void @lololol-1234 @synonym-for-strange @tchackdaw @blackpanzy @goodolefashionedloverboi
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imfinereallyy · 29 days
cw: drugs, morally grey characters
The bathroom doesn’t give the kind of quiet Steve needs right now.
What should have he expected in a club on Friday night?
Fuck, think Harrington. What would Robin do?
She probably wouldn’t have gotten caught in the first place, that’s what. God she is going to kill him if he doesn’t check in later.
Steve takes a deep breath, trying to get comfortable on his spot on the toilet. His jeans are going to be disgusting later.
The bass thumped loudly throughout the bathroom. The walls shook as the music makes its way in as the door swings open with each patron rushing in out.
He is never going to get the kind of privacy he needs to get out of this.
The red glow of the lights seems more fitting for a place for people to fuck in rather than take a piss, but Steve supposes that maybe it’s the point.
Coming to blank, the point was to either get fucked or get fucked up.
Running his hands through his hair, Steve went over his options.
1. He has a knife in his boot. Steve isn’t afraid of the consequences of killing a man, his soul lost the right to be saved a long time ago. But he doesn’t feel too good about killing someone at random. Death should have a point if it is coming from the hands of a man. He’ll leave the pointless deaths up to a god he doesn’t believe in.
2. He can try and make a break for it. He only has a sea of partiers to get through, at least half of them on coke or molly. And make it to the parking lot without getting caught by security, and then find a way to get home.
3. Dump the drugs, flush them down the toilet. Worry about money later.
Considering the guy after him is a fucking FBI agent, and Steve would love nothing more to get rid of a glorified cop, he doesn’t feel like putting his face on the top of FBI’s most wanted list.
Flushing it is.
Steve takes the baggies of coke out of his pockets. Sure, he won’t go away for long if the agent caught him with it, but it will give the bureau an opportunity to try and get him to talk, and Steve despite popular belief isn’t fucking stupid. He isn’t going to talk.
Even if he wants to, Steve is sure that his head would have a pretty little bullet hole in it before he even steps into court for arraignment.
No matter who his father is. Maybe especially cause so.
Steve can feel the sweat start to pool at the bottom of his shirt. He hasn’t taken anything tonight, maybe he should thank that mythical god he doesn’t believe in for that one. But Steve’s stress is going up with the temperature of the room.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Steve stands and kicks up the rim of the toliet, he can’t afford to miss.
His head starts to pound with the base.
Bump. Bump. Bump. Slam.
The world crashes with noise. Steve has no time before his stall door is thrown open. Steve forgot to lock the fucking door.
Steve throws his hands up, baggies still in his hands, sweat dripping down his back. Chest heaving up and down, Steve is frozen at the sight in front of him.
It’s not the FBI, which is good.
It’s not his boss, which is better.
But in front of him, is one of the most beautiful men he has ever seen. A dark shadow lit up but the red lights. Long, curly black hair falls upon a red silk shirt. Tattoos, rings, piercings…everywhere. Big brown eyes staring directly at Steve.
Unfortunately he’s not only one of the most beautiful men out there….
“Hey there princess.”
…but also the most dangerous..
“I believe you have something that interests me.” The man all but growls.
Eddie fucking Munson.
Steve finds the courage to speak, “Yea, what’s that?”
A wicked grin spreads across his lips, “A ticket in.”
Steve’s worried he might have to make a deal with the devil.
🪩🫧🍸 🔪🥂🫧✧˖°
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"Contagion" by BritChick91
Vecna offers a transformed Eddie a deal - turn his friends and Vecna will spare them.
Eddie doesn't trust Vecna at all, but he has no idea what he's going to do. And in one case the choice may have already been taken from him.
Tags under the cut:
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Vecna (Stranger Things)
Henry Creel | One | Vecna
Jim "Chief" Hopper
Dustin Henderson
Murray Bauman
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Additional Tags:
Vampire Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson Lives
Eddie Munson Needs a Hug
Vecna's Curse (Stranger Things)
the steddie will be slow burn and low level
fair warning
Vampire Steve Harrington
The Fruity Four
Mind Control
steve and eddie go a bit murder boyfriends
Morally Grey Steve Harrington
morally grey eddie munson
Bittersweet Ending
Note: The tropes/Tags/Kinks in these fics do not always represent my personal likes/dislikes. I will post fics that are Friendly/Neutral or Critically Positive to this site regardless of my own opinion of the fic.
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little-annie · 4 months
Tape N⁰1
Steddie | 4.6k 🔞
Read on ao3 ⤵️
Okay, so maybe Steve Harrington was a little, just a touch, Bi- Curious. 
A term he'd learnt from Robin when he'd mentioned his curious thoughts from his teen years- 
Everyone feels this way, right? Like, guys dream about other guys but also girls, so that's not gay, right? And it's totally normal to feel my heartbeat pick up when a man gets naked on TV, right? Everyone feels that way about Johnny Depp, he's a good looking guy.
-and she explained to him, quite simply, "Steve, honey, that's kinda gay." To which he responded with a simple "Huh," and then was instructed to maybe watch a gay porn and see how it makes him feel. He supposed it was the safest option anyway. Going out to a bar and picking up a guy could go wrong in more ways than one. He liked his face, thought it was quite pretty actually and didn't want to have it rearranged along with his brain for yet another time. At least with watching a tape, he was safe and not using another person for his self exploration. Well, like with porn that's what the actors expected and consented to upon filming. Right? So what's the harm?
Their morning was the usual, Steve waking up at the ass crack of dawn to go out for a run, getting home just in time to witness Eddie shuffling from the kitchen to the living room, settling onto the couch with his feet tucked beneath him, holding a large mug that contained probably a pound of sugar and a few dozen ounces of coffee. His hair was ungodly, smashed flat on one side and frizzy to all hell on the other. Always ringless and clad in simple grey sweatpants or sometimes just his boxers. The sight alone made Steve's stomach flutter, let alone the fact that he was the only person on the planet that got to witness Eddie in this form.
Sleepy and a touch grumpy because "Jesus H. Christ, Steve, close the damn blinds, it's too early for sunshine,” Eddie was never a morning person or for as long as Steve knew him anyway. The young metalhead getting out of bed and wanting pure silence and dim lighting to slowly ease him into the land of the living, plus needing a terrifying amount of caffeine and sugar to consider him a functional human being, maybe some people would think he was a dick in the morning but if Steve was honest with himself, he kinda loved it.
On the mornings where Eddie didn't come shuffling out of his room like a grumpy gremlin, maybe because he had a nightmare and couldn't sleep and didn't want to wake Steve up for the third time that week to climb into his bed for moral support, Steve would brew him a cup of coffee, make his favourite for breakfast (chocolate chip pancakes) and knock gently on his door, to say a quiet good morning and set the tray of goodies on the floor in front of Eddie's door for when he got up.
But this morning, the pair had some time for each other, a rare occurrence for their mornings. Steve's classes didn't start until 1pm and Eddie was up before he'd left. Steve drew the blinds closed, allowing only a gentle flow of sunshine to enter the room and sat on the opposite end of the couch before taking a chance to talk to Eddie before 9am. 
Gently nudging the other man's thigh with his socked foot, Steve gained Eddie's attention, though his expression with something combined of a scowl and smile, like he was trying to keep up his grumpy morning routine but didn't entirely hate Steve. 
"You sleep alright last night?"
The doe eyed man simply shook his head before he took a long sigh, slouching deeper into the couch and spoke, voice still gravely from sleep or more likely the lack of, "No, but I have to mail a few packages and actually have shit to do today, so here I am, amongst the living far too early for a man who only just fell asleep at 4am."
That wasn't totally out of the ordinary, Eddie was a bit of a night owl, but he looked exhausted, dark circles under his eyes and complexion somehow whiter than usual. "Nightmares?" Steve asked, knowing the answer was more likely than not a yes.
Eddie hummed an affirmative, taking another sip of his coffee and scowling out the window when he heard a car alarm outside begin to go off
"You know, if it still helps, you're always more than welcome to wake me up or join me. I don't mind. I'd rather lose a few minutes myself while you climb into bed versus you losing several hours." If anything, it made Steve's nights easier too, he still had nightmares but after years of coping with them on his own, he had a system down. Wake up, have a shower, maybe go for a walk and just start his day from there, as long as it was after 4 am anyway. But with Eddie by his side, he felt safe, hardly had nightmares when the man was in his bed and conscious of it or not, Eddie always seemed to know when they did occur. Rolling over in bed to pull Steve against his chest or carding his fingers through his hair.
But last time that happened, they woke up nothing short of tangled together, morning wood ever present and Eddie quite literally springing from bed upon the realisation. At first Steve was hurt, but like he kinda gets it now, he knows Eddie's gay, the guy probably felt guilty or something of that sort upon realising their predicament. But it's not like he knew Steve was (probably/ realising he was at the time) Bi-Sexual and honestly was kinda into the metalhead. Hell, if Steve woke up hard and cuddled into a friend he thought was straight, his reaction would probably be the same.
"Eddie I mean it,-" Steve persisted after receiving a noncommittal nod as an answer, "-if you're worried about last time,-" Eddie's gaze shifted to meet his once again, amber eyes hooded by dark thick lashes, a subtle blush creeping up the young man's cheeks, "- don't be, I didn't mind."
"You didn't mind," Eddie quietly scoffs, "-you didn't mind your raging homosexual of a roommate getting a stiffy in your bed? Ha, sure Harrington. Let alone it digging into your thigh?" He scoffs again, averting his eyes back to a random stain on the carpet in front of him, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks behind his coffee mug.
Shrugging, feigning confidence and totally not freaking out over his minor confession, Steve remains persistent, "Didn't mind it."
It was then that he watched Eddie's nose crinkle and brow furrow, an indecipherable look on his face that only grew more puzzling to understand as his eyes shifted back to meet Steve's. Almost like he was searching for something but wasn't quite sure what.
They remained silent for a few minutes, the ambient sound of the city bleeding through their brick walls and into their bones, the sound of coffee being sipped and shallow almost anxious breathing. 
Then it occurred to Steve, if Eddie was going to be out this morning maybe he'd finally have time to watch one of those tapes Robin suggested. "Hey, um, wh- when are you gonna be back?"
Eddie hummed in question, taking a sip of his coffee, refusing to look at the man next to him.
"When will you be back? I uh, I could try to have lunch ready for you before I leave for class." Not that he wasn't asking an honest question, he was, he'd probably pop a frozen lasagna in the oven to be ready for when Eddie got home, but he also wanted to know how much time he had to himself for his 'research' while Eddie was out.
"Eleven, maybe." Eddie quietly spoke into his mug, downing the rest of his coffee, getting up and quietly padding back to the kitchen. 
Before Eddie could disappear back into his room, Steve spoke up glancing at the stack of boxes piled by their front door, "Okay, well, I'll have something ready for lunch before I leave then. Hey, uh, you need some help getting those boxes down to your van?”
Eddie worked his jaw, seeming to consider the offer before drawing in a silent breath and waving Steve off with a flick of the wrist, "Don't you worry your pretty little head Harrington, I got it."
Twenty minutes later Eddie was making his way out the door, boxes in hand as he smiled and wished Steve a good rest of his morning.
And okay, so maybe the indication of how excited Steve was to watch those tapes should have been proof enough. 
Perched by the window his heart hammered in his chest as he waited to watch Eddie drive off in his van. No more than seconds later did Steve find himself scrambling to his room, digging out the tape from under his bed and popping it into the VCR in the living room. 
Much too eager to even take the extra few steps to the couch, Steve plopped down feet from the TV and sat crisscrossed, waiting for the tape to roll.
Whoever had the tape before (which ew, now that Steve thought about that, hopefully the guy washed his hands) neglected to rewind the tape and apparently so did the video store. Without much warning the deep growl of moans began to pour from the TV in front of him and a blur of bare, tanned, hairy skin danced across the TV. It took a moment for Steve to process what was actually happening, but at least he wasn't appalled so that meant something he guessed and the sound of a man's deep groan made his briefs tighten, but immediately he knew this specific tape wasn't for him. He supposed he didn't find the men attractive, they were good looking, sure, but cookie cutter and lacking anything that he'd consider to be unique, alluring. No tattoos, pricing, scarring. Nothing that set them apart from the rest he supposed.
With less reservation then he probably should have had, Steve popped the tape out and without a thought pushed to look back in his and Eddie's tape collection. Behind the mix of horror, action and rom-coms,  Steve found Eddie's not so secret, secret stash of porn tapes. 
Was this over stepping some boundary ... maybe… but Eddie was a gay man, supposedly one with taste so it couldn't hurt to look. Out of the handful of tapes, they were surprisingly similar to the one Steve just ejected. Tanned, muscular, hairy men, some in gym shorts or cropped sports jerseys, but there was one, unmarked black case and a sticky tab on the tape that read "N⁰. 1" . It was weird but weird had to mean something other than cookie cutter right?
So Steve popped the tape in.
Sitting on the floor in front of the TV, Steve watched as the static turned to a dark, poorly lit bedroom, the only light being that of a lamp covered with a hanky. The low droll of metal music played in the background, audible enough to drown out the steps of the man walking into the frame. He was hardly visible, the dark glow of the room set a beautiful cast of shadows over his toned back and mess of long dark curls. 
Already Steve was intrigued, this tape had a set of mystery, darkness and need. He felt his heart hammer in his chest sending the blood rushing south and he hadn't even seen anything other than this man's backside. But what he had seen was breathtaking.
Yeah this would do.
Before he missed anything too important Steve checked the clock, he still had over an hour until Eddie got home. With more haste than necessary, he ran to his bedroom, retrieving a box of tissues and a bottle of lube. By the time he settled back on the floor in front of the TV, the man on the screen was laying on a bed, leaning back on his elbow as his one hand lazily stroked his generous length. Steve wished he could see the guy's face, wanted to watch his eyes and the twist of his lips as he let subtle gasps escape into the air, but the man's identity was hidden in the shadows. His lower abdomen to toes only visible in the frame.
Fucking good enough though.
Soon enough Steve mirrored the man's position, leaning back on an elbow, sweatpants wrangled just low enough to expose himself, heavily lubed hand matching the steady pace in front of him. Breathy gasps began to climb their way up his chest while he continued to take in the body before him. A slender toned frame and subtle muscles flexing with every twist of a wrist. 
'Fuckin’… Christ …' followed by louder gasps and shaky breaths, the voice on the screen groaned, its owner's pace quickening once again, the bed beginning to gently shake under his haste.
The man's voice alone nearly sent Steve over the edge, for some reason it sounded so familiar but good god did it do  something to him. "Oh fuck," Steve gasped, digging his nails into the carpet below him, toes curling and ecstacy boiling in his veins. He was so close. Moving quickly Steve pulled his shirt up his chest, exposing a blank canvas ready to be painted. Biting his lip, until nearly painful, he moaned along with the man on the screen, hardly being able to keep his eyes open from pleasure alone. 
He wanted to watch the other man come goddammit, he wasn't going to finish until he did. Thankfully he didn't need to wait much longer, staggered movements and a deep rattling groan later Steve joined the man in toppling over the edge. The sound alone made his bones ache for more. 
Chest and stomach painted white, air hot and breaths staggered, Steve took a minute to collect himself. Listening to the man on the screen pant, barely catching the smattering across his lower abdomen, Steve wanted to crawl through the TV screen and lick the dark haired beauty clean. Though apparently he was capable of that himself, moving into the light enough to expose a dim shadow of his lower face the man lifted his hand to his mouth, licking off any and all traces of his own release with a deep groan of satisfaction.
"Holy fuck," Steve gasped, out of breath and taking more effort than he deemed typically necessary to lean forward and stop the tape to rewind it. As the VHS spun back to its beginning, Steve took his time lazily cleaning his chest and stomach, come getting stuck in his copious amounts of body hair as he went. He'd have to shower before he went to class for sure.
With a groan and shaky knees Steve got off the floor, tucking himself back into his sweats when he remembered he'd promised Eddie lunch. "Fuckin' Munson," he huffed to himself, knowing for a fact if he didn’t feed Eddie the man would forget to himself. Making his way to the bathroom to wash his hands and start a shower, Steve soon found his way back to the kitchen, popping the frozen lasagna into the oven and heading back into the living room to clean up the disaster he left behind.
Shoving the tapes back in their designated spots, porn in the back, rom-coms in the front, it eventually looked as if Steve was never there. Minus the image burned into his brain of his dick in hand and another man's body on TV.
Carrying on like normal, almost an hour later Steve found himself in the shower thinking of the man again. Long dark hair, lean and toned figure, a raspy groan that'll forever be ringing in his ears and how badly he'd wished he could have seen his face and feel his skin beneath his fingertips. Maybe the guy had more tapes. Oof, imagine that. Would it be weird to ask Eddie if he had any more of this guy?
After painting the walls of the shower white and gasping so aggressively his throat was sore, Steve wrapped a towel around his waist, the fabric irritating his overly spent cock and padded back into the main living area. 
Perched on a bar stool at the kitchen island he couldn't help but chuckle to himself knowing he'd have to give Robin an update on his research findings. That'd make for an interesting conversation. But before he could even begin to dwell on the topic the buzzer to the oven sounded  signalling the Lasagna was ready. 
Hair damp and still only in a towel, Steve made his way to the stove where he pulled on a pair of oven mitts and opened the oven door to feel the rush of heat wash over him. Typically soothing, the warmth was a bit much after his recent activities so with a huff of lingering exhaustion Steve removed the lasagna. And because his mind was too preoccupied with 'Holy Shit, I'm 100% Bi-Sexual & Jesus I just watched Eddie's porn,' he didn't quite hear the door to the apartment open but he sure heard as Eddie's loud, sing songy voice bellowed, "Honey, I'm-"
Though he heard it, it scared the shit out of him too, causing him to jump and brush the metal pan against his gut. Searing his skin he tossed the pan on the stove top with a yelp, "Ah! FUCK!" 
The motion of the jump in pain also caused his towel to hit the floor.
"Steve you alright?" Eddie called from the entryway where he was probably toeing off his shoes, voice bleeding concern before he rushed to the kitchen.
Buttass naked and cursing under his breath at the pain blooming on his stomach, Steve tried to gather his bearings before Eddie entered the room, "Don't come in here, give me a sec."
But of course it was too late, Steve was bent over grabbing his towel, ass facing out of the kitchen, pointing directly to Eddie who was rounding the corner and stifled a rather obvious giggle at the sight before him.
"Fuck man," Steve huffed in embarrassment, standing upright  wrapping his towel securely around his waist, wincing when the fabric brushed his fresh burn.
Cheeks growing redder by the second, it took Eddie a moment to meet Steve's eye but when he did, he couldn't help but appear concerned, "You okay there, Big Boy?"
Steve deadpanned, moving to the sink to get a cool cloth to soothe his burn, "Please do not call me Big Boy after you just saw me naked"
"All I saw was your ass! Nothing else, I swear!"
"Uh-Huh," Steve laughed to himself, wincing once again as the miniscule movement of his skin pulled at his new brand.
The room silent for all of two seconds, Eddie took the time to glance over Steve's nearly nude form while he searched for the source of the younger's outcry, only noticing the blooming red mark above Steve's towel as the man moved to drench a rag in the running water.
"Oh, you burnt yourself," Eddie's voice was concerned, caring, almost soothing in itself. With careful steps he approached Steve who was now leaning against the sink, cool cloth pressed to his scorched skin. Eddie was close, his breath would have ghosted Steve's skin if he stepped any closer, the atmosphere suddenly felt so intimate, the wooden floorboards creaking under his feet with every motion. Eddie's hand hovered mere inches from Steve's that held the cloth, "Let me take a look?" He asked, looking up at Steve through thick eye lashes.
Butterflies swarming in his gut, Steve nodded, eyes never once leaving Eddie's face while he pulled the cool cloth back to reveal his burn. He watched as Eddie's lips turned down and he quietly spoke, "Oh Stevie," the man's eyes remained on the brand as he gently squeezed Steve's wrist and continued, "wait right here, I think I have some burn cream in my room."
What Eddie had burn cream for, Steve didn't entirely know, but he didn't question it, the man was a walking hazard so he supposed it made sense to have precautionary supplies. Before he could ponder the thought much longer Eddie had returned with a small tube in hand.
He was back in Steve's space once again, but now his eyes were focused on Steve's, watery from the pain and pupils still blown wide from his post release bliss. Eddie pursed his lips into a flat line, waving the tube of burn cream between them before he quietly spoke, a nervous tinge to his voice and a blush to his cheeks, "You, uh, you want to do this or you want me to?"
Really Steve should have thought about it more, he was still only wrapped in a towel, dick and balls, a gentle breeze from being revealed or truthfully jolted back to life in what would be an even more embarrassing turn of events, but he didn't think about it much more than that. The want to have Eddie take care of him, forcing the word from his lips before he could second guess himself.
"You," he quietly breathed, knowing his cheeks probably matched the colour of the burn on his tummy.
Eddie swallowed, eyes searching Steve's, working his jaw for a beat before he confirmed, "Yeah?"
Steve nodded, the feeling of butterflies in his gut feeling comparable to a tornado.
"Okay," Eddie gave a single tight nod, eyes focusing on the sink while he waved Steve off to the side, "scooch over then Sugar, I need to wash my hands first."
The nicknames weren't anything new, but they still made the blood in Steve's cheeks churn, he loved them, probably more than he should honestly. But he listened, stepping off to the side while Eddie scrubbed his hands clean, tube of burn cream pinched between his front teeth.
And then he turned towards Steve, cheeks red while he gave him a nervous smile and softly spoken, "Let me know if it hurts too much, ‘kay?"
Steve nodded and tried his damndest to suppress the shiver that racked his body as Eddie stepped back into his space, placing one hand on his bare hip, cool rings a welcome contrast to his flushing skin while he steadied Steve. With soft, gentle movements, Eddie brushed the cream over Steve's burn, if it didn't hurt so much he'd probably be suppressing a moan as opposed to a wince.
Eddie bent closer to the abrasion, checking it over, dull breath barely ghosting over Steve's abs, "You're staying home today okay? I want to keep an eye on that."
And if Eddie was being selfish, wanting to take care of Steve for a day, that was his own secret to keep.
Standing up, Eddie turned to wash his hands in the sink, looking over his shoulder to talk to Steve, "Go put on some sweats, no shirt, we don't want fabric clinging to that and I'll pop in a movie for us."
Steve knew there was no point in arguing but if he remembered right, Eddie had shit to do and he voiced that concern, to which the metalhead responded, "Don't worry your pretty little head. I got my stuff mailed, everything else can wait. Now go get changed, I'll meet you back in the living room."
So that's what Steve did, changed into a pair of sweats he wasn't entirely sure were his or Eddie's, passed on a shirt and settled onto the couch to wait for his roommate. A few minutes later the older man returned in comfy clothes himself, a beer in each pocket, weighing his sweat pants down to a dangerous depth, dark hair peeking out from between the cropped band shirt and hemline of Eddie pants. He deposited two plates and beer onto the coffee table then proceeded to move towards the TV, evidently plopping down where Steve jacked off an hour ago. He picked through the movies until he settled on some Rom-Com.
He turned back to Steve with a smile, "I know, not quite my jam, but you're injured so I guess I'll concede."
Eddie joined Steve on the couch where they cracked a beer and watched the movie in silence until the lasagna had cooled enough to the point where they could actually eat, to which Steve groaned and teased Eddie about his odd choice of topping his own lasagna with Ranch, like a psychopath.
They continued to playfully banter back and forth for the remainder of the movie, Steve nudging Eddie with a socked foot anytime he said something dumb (read: something that made the butterflies in Steve's stomach worse.) 
And that's how they spent their day, watching movies, teasing one another and eventually doing the dishes and laundry together. Several movies and a few loads of laundry in, they found themselves perched on the fire escape, night sky hanging above them, backs against the warm brick wall and asses aching from the metal grate beneath them. Shoulders and thighs pressed against one another they smoked in silence, taking in the sounds of the city around them.
"Today was nice," Steve softly spoke, shuffling to sleepily lean his head on Eddie's shoulder, wincing as his burn rubbed against the fabric of his sweatpants in the confined position.
Eddie stilled for a moment, breath hitching while Steve sunk deeper into his position. Eventually taking a shaky breath, he settled and replied, "Aside from burning yourself?"
"Yeah it was hey?" Eddie's hand found its way to Steve's hair where he gently carded through Steve's once famous locks, "Wish we could do this more often."
Leaning into the touch and ever so slowly melting from the sensation alone, Steve quietly asked,  "Why don't we?"
Eddie shrugged, jostling all of the parts of Steve that rested against him until he came up with an answer, "Guess we're both just so busy."
"Well let's not be so busy." Steve yawned before drifting into a momentary slumber, nuzzling deeper into Eddie's shoulder as the city around them soon joined.
Later that night Eddie helped to wash Steve's burn and reapply the burn cream, adding a bandage to it for the night to shield it from the blankets that could potentially rub against it and cause irritation. With burning cheeks and a whirlwind of butterflies in their tummies both men found their ways to their own bedrooms, settling in for the evening, reminiscing the last several hours they'd spent with one another. They couldn't remember the last time they'd had a day like that, if they'd even had. But they both knew it was nice, something they could get used to, something they wanted more than just in a blue moon.
That night Steve dreamt of calloused hands brushing over his skin and the moans of a man he'd only heard on the TV.
While Eddie, the night owl, stayed up until the early hours of the morning, withering in his bed under the dark glow of a hanky covered lamp, hand clasped over his mouth to silence his sounds. Simultaneously completing his 'work' for the day and adding to his (and now Steve's) not so secret porn stash beneath the living room TV.
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1donoow · 11 months
[Fanfics that I've read for the past years]
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
Latest update: 07/01/23
Edited: 01/10/24
PT.1 (edited)
richard alonzo muñoz
Alma peregrine • Enoch O'Connor
the madrigals • camilo madrigal
klaus baudelaire • violet baudelaire
weasley twins • neville longbottom • luna lovegood
Edmund pevensie
santiago garcia
Pt.2 (edited)
newt scamander • wolfstar • remus lupin • regulus black • james potter
vance hopper
sherlock holmes
glenn rhee
peter pan • felix
newt • gally
duke leto atreides
jack frost • bunnymund
tadashi hamada • hiro hamada
Pt.3 on going (edited)
camilo madrigal
vance hopper
eleventh doctor • twelve doctor
dan torrance
miguel diaz • eli "hawk" moskowitz
wayne mccullough
on going (edited)
Sam(Trick r' treat)
micheal myers
polite leader
jennifer check
art the clown
brahms heelshire
PT.1 (edited)
peter ballard • robin buckley • dustin henderson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.2 (edited)
robin buckley • dustin henderson • alexei smirnoff • steve harrington • billy hargrove • eddie munson
PT.3 (edited)
steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.4 (edited)
peter ballard • chrissy cunningham • max mayfield • billy hargrove • gareth emerson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.5 (edited)
chrissy cunningham • gareth emerson • eddie munson
PT.1 (edited)
Ranboo • technoblade • tommyinnit • quackity • sapnap • jschaltt
Pt.2 (edited)
Corpse husband • Tommyinnit • technoblade
Pt.3 on going (edited)
Technoblade • wilbur soot • quackity • ranboo
PT.1 (edited)
peter(pietro) maximoff • erik lehnsherr • warren worthington • alex summers • scott summers • kurt wagner • jean grey
druig • loki laufeyson • bucky barnes • peter parker
Moon knight • kate bishop • stephen strange • Peter parker • Miles morales
alex summers • Warren Worthington •Sean cassidy • peter(pietro) maximoff
PT 3
Peter(pietro) maximoff • miles morales • moon knight • khonshu • stephen strange • wade wilson • eddie brock (venom) • kate bishop
Wanda maximoff • Warren Worthington • Moon knight
stephen strange • Loki laufeyson • wade wilson • peter parker • moon knight
kurt wagner • warren worthington • peter(pietro) maximoff
pavitr prabhakar • miles morales • peter parker • eddie 'venom' brock • tony stark • druig • kate bishop • moon knight • frank castle
obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Anakin Skywalker • obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Link soon...
on going
ben hargreeves • five hargreeves
montgomery gator • sunnydrop/moondrop
poppy playtime
ellie williams • joel miller
task force 141 • alejandro vargas • simon 'ghost' riley
joel miller
simon riley • könig
batmom • batfam • batsis • Bruce wayne • Tim drake • Dick Grayson • Jason todd • Damian wayne
Garfield logan • Rachel roth
batmom • batfam • batsis • bruce wayne • garfield logan • Jason todd • alfred pennyworth
on going
jervis tetch • the valeska twins • roman sionis
Link soon...
On going
Pedro pascal • timothee chalamet • harry style
marc spector • peter parker • bruce wayne • damian wayne
stray kids
timothee chalamet • ryan reynolds • bella ramsey • oscar issac • pedro pascal • justin h. min • joseph quinn • harry styles • tom holland
Pt.2 on going
Chris evans • Sebastian Stan • Paul raud
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hotdamnitsmoony · 4 months
what i think the marauders favourite tv show would be - based on my favs :)
james - stranger things. he’d watch it because everyone was raving about it and then become emotionally invested in the characters. he thinks the concept of the monsters is really cool but also very terrifying. he’d definitely make everyone else watch it too, and he’d be mouthing along the lines while they did. his favourite character would be steve harrington, because i think they’re pretty similar. the episode he’d like the most would be s4 ep6.
regulus - the rain on netflix. it’s a kinda disturbing show about an apocalyptic world where the rain literally kills you if it touches you and there’s a whole thing with sibling betrayal and i just feel like he’d eat it up. his favourite character would be lea or kira. he would really love dystopian and apocalyptic shows in general tbh. his favourite episode would be the cult one, because it explores religion in an apocalyptic world.
sirius - greys anatomy. i’ve said this before but he would secretly LOVE greys, even if he won’t admit it. his favourite character is addison montgomery, closely followed by mark sloan. the episode he likes the most is the musical episode but if you ask him, he hates it. also he would so do the superhero pose amelia shepherd does before her surgeries before he does anything important.
remus - the society. it’s a dark, weird and kinda obscure show that only had one season because of covid but he’d love it. he’d bring it up in conversation with everyone and ask them what they’d do if all adults suddenly disappeared, which would obviously have varying responses. he’d complain about not getting a satisfying ending to it all the time. his favourite character is sam or kelly definitely. he can’t choose a favourite episode because literally so much happens in every one.
lily - the good place. i’ve also said this before, but i just genuinely think she’d love it. it’s a show that she would watch while knitting or studying, because it’s easy to follow and funny. she’d definitely quote it a lot and it’d create some great & healthy conversations between the marauders about mortality, morals and death. her favourite character is janet!
pandora - a series of unfortunate events. she’d love this show wholeheartedly. it’s so messy and reminds her of the odd things that seem to keep happening to her. she’d know the “that’s not how the story goes” song and sing it all the time, though she’d change the lyrics to fit whatever situation or drama is going on. her favourite character is sunny, and she started wearing more bows in her hair because of violet! her favourite episode would be s2 ep3!
mary - desperate housewives. she would love the drama, the betrayals and the overall storylines. she’d know every little thing about it, from all the names of lynette’s children to mrs mccluskey’s backstory. her favourite character is gabby solis and she will take no criticism. her favourite episode is the one where carlos’ mum falls down the stairs.
marlene - glee. i genuinely believe she’d know every single big song and wouldn’t stop singing them. you hear “Don’t Stop Belivin’” being sung (badly) in the hallway? it’s marlene. her favourite character is santana lopez and she knows the entire monologue that she says to kurt in season 6. she constantly complains about this show but really does love it. her favourite episode is the klaine & brittana wedding!
dorcas - heartbreak high! she’d love the petty drama and storylines that happen in this show, and she’d so create her own “map” but put concealment charms on it because unlike harper and amerie she’s smart enough not to get caught. her favourite character would be ca$h or harper, and the episode she likes the most would be ep4.
barty - how to sell drugs online (fast)! this show is so hilarious and i really think he’d enjoy it. he’d smell the plot twists coming a mile away but he’d still love it, and probably make evan watch it with him. his favourite character is moritz because he’s just such an idiot and he sort of reminds him of himself, though i feel like he’d love lisa too. he would say that he doesn’t have a favourite episode because he loved it all.
evan - the umbrella academy. he would compare the dysfunctional family to the marauders nonstop. he’d love the way it explores time travel and superpowers, and would spend hours in the library researching if it was possible because he’d get hyper fixated on it of course. his favourite character is klaus (no surprise there lol) and he literally cried during that one episode in season 3. his favourite episode is the first ever one.
(as always, these are my own opinions!! i’ve personally watched all these shows and love them all very much!! this took a while to make but we move who needs a sleep schedule anyway. )
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
The urge to make Steve’s parents good feels like people rebelling from angst sometimes. Like “why can’t he have a normal childhood” type of question. “Not every teenager whining about their dad is actually being abused”, also might be some people trying to protect the status-quo of parenthood.
Except that Steve having negligent parents is so, so normal. Stranger things has various types of parents, from the ideal Sinclairs and maybe overbearing Claudia to very, very grey Karen Wheeler, and of course horrible Hargrove senior and Max’s mom who is an alcoholic. And the same fic writers sometimes try to make Susan Hargrove not an alcoholic, too. Just a single mom.
But the thing is that both Susan being like that and Steve’s parents being like that is actually… well, not to sound cruel, but it’s pretty regular. So is Eddie’s story.
And the three of them (Steve, Max and Eddie) are different from the other kids. And it’s visible. And they sort of have a canon understanding with Max very quickly warming up to Steve and caring for Eddie enough to sound the alarm and believe that he is not a murderer. With Steve and Eddie actually becoming friends super quickly. It’s Eddie immediately calling Max “Red”, it’s Steve saying “why is the only one who’s helping me is this random girl”, it’s canon that they all immediately click, and not with this brotherly love, like with Dustin, no, there is this immediate understanding. And I just don’t get why do some authors want to erase that. Max, the character who suffers from parental abuse and abuse from her family very consistently through the series, trusts Steve and Eddie immediately for a reason. Them immediately acknowledging her and addressing her in a careful and not overbearing way that is probably very flattering for Max (“the only one who helps me”, “Red”, etc) is there for a reason.
I have shitty relationship with my parents, probably similar to Steve’s. I have been dismissed that I’m just a whiny, disrespectful teen, so it hurts me obviously, to see people try and erase Steve’s canon relationship at least with his father. So maybe I’m being unfair.
But like. It’s there for a reason! Otherwise they wouldn’t have had Max, Steve and Eddie gravitate to each other so obviously! They get each other and btw Dustin is not there with them. Dustin is friends with them, loves all thee of them, but he is not always there. Neither is Robin or Nancy.
Max and Will immediately liking each other is there for a reason, too, btw. So is Max being endlessly patient with El. Like. Like it’s canon, it’s just not said implicitly. But I swear to god, no one speaks about parental abuse and neglect openly at Steve’s age if they can hide it, and it’s the 80s, and he is a rich boy in a small town, where everyone knows his father. He’ll get in trouble! Max and Eddie can’t hide it. And they both try, but it’s impossible, their parents just don’t have the same social status that Harringtons enjoy! But Steve can hide it and he can’t speak about it because a) no one is going to believe him, b) he will protect his parents reputation because that’s important to them, c) he does speak about them like that! “Big house, no parents”, come on! To say that it’s debatable unless Steve will be abused on camera is idiotic! Steve’s dad will never abuse him in front of others, and Steve will always try to hide the abuse.
i do think some people giving steve good parents just… want their favourite character to have a happy childhood lmao. but a lot of them just seem to have this hatred over the idea that steve doesn’t have good parents. and i don’t get that. like, more than one character can have bad parents. they come in all shapes and colours!!
i do also see it coming from the fact that people aren’t always great at writing morally grey characters. some people don’t think steve’s parents horrifically beat him, so obviously they’re great parents! and it’s like, they can be neither.
parents, especially in the 80s, aren’t always great. it’s typical that they’ll fuck up in some way! that doesn’t mean they hate their children! like, i’m sure steve’s parents do love him in their own way, they’re just not good at parenting. honestly, even if steve never mentioned his parents, i would think they had some kind of issues, because just look at that boy lmao.
and that’s actually really interesting! i’ve never thought about max, eddie, and steve in that way, but i do see it. all of them have some kind of emotional detachment from their parents, and i could see them totally clicking because of it.
also, el and max are so special to me, and i wish we saw more will and max.
yeah, i really don’t see how you can look at canon and say, we never get concrete proof his dad’s a dick, so obviously steve is just a liar! like, what a jump.
this fandom is just not great at picking up information if it isn’t explicitly given to them. i mean, people forget jonathan is abused and we saw that on screen, though clearly it wasn’t brutal enough for the audience to pick up on lmao. clearly every bad parent needs a scene like neil and billy’s to be able to get that they’re not good parents.
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nakianshuri · 9 months
joe is gonna play an antagonistic role in fargo i believe, so it's gonna be so interesting to see him in this role because in my opinion the roles who are given to antagonists (in fargo specifically) are usually given a more colorful palette in terms of interesting storylines and overall ask for a more entertaining performance i feel like? that's my opinion based on the current four seasons that are out so i'm definitely excited
I'm hoping and expecting he's in an antagonistic role, too, based on what I've been reading about season 5. It looks like his father on the show, named Roy Tillman (Jon Hamm), is going to be some kind of Constitutional Sheriff/far-right religious leader who believes he's above the law, and Gator (Joe Keery) desperately wants his approval but is conflicted as well for whatever reason. Personally, I'm hoping for a bit of that dynamic that was in Succession between Logan and his kids with Roy and Gator.
I'm almost done with the first season of Fargo, but you're right. It's clear that the morally grey/reprehensible characters are the most fascinating, multilayered characters on the show. I love redemption arcs (which is why Steve Harrington is my favorite character on ST), but it's really entertaining to watch a show unravel a character and allow them devolve into their worst, most desperate version of themselves. That's real TV to me. And I'm excited to see Joe in a show that's completely different from ST, where people are still argue that the worst thing a character has done is break another person's camera.
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In defence of Billy Hargrove (part one: the fandom)
Ever since stranger things release it has been a show that has veered towards mainstream popularity, and as is the way with things that are accessible by the mainstream, the fandom has begun to veer towards the side of toxicity, and no character represents this toxicity better than Billy Hargrove.
Despite the characters wrongdoings there are still some who enjoy the character of Billy, myself included, and since the beginning I’ve been of the firm belief that we should not judge those who enjoy characters considered morally grey. To attack someone merely for their character preference is ridiculous, and truthfully the only place I’ve really been comfortable discussing Billy has been on tumblr, as any other place that his character has been bought up in tends to result in a pile up of people who consider him and his fans negatively.
Billy’s character has always been an ambiguous one, he’s erratic, brash, a bit of an ass, but at the end of the day, he is human, and many of his responses have been considered as trauma based. Many trauma victims lash out, myself, as a victim of bullying and multiple other traumas included. People like me, who have experienced trauma, find a relatability in Billy’s behaviours, myself again included. This is one of many reasons people enjoy his character others include, appearance, personality and his arguably queer obsession with Steve Harrington. I have on multiple occasions seen people water down fans defence of Billy Hargrove as attraction based, putting down people caring about his character as because he’s conventionally attractive, this may be true for some, but most of us are fellow trauma/abuse survivors or members of the lgbtq+ who know the feeling of entrapment and misery Billy must have experienced in the time of the show (the 80’s in specific). We’ve been called abuse apologists and more for our character preferences and worse in places like Twitter and tiktok, and honestly it is beginning to become tiresome.
If there was more that I could do, I would stop fans harassment of the small number of us who do still enjoy the character of Billy Hargrove. But I’m afraid that I can’t do anything but share my piece as much as it sucks, and I’ll continue supporting those who like characters on the morally grey side until I lose my voice, because it is fucking RIDICULOUS, to bother someone else for their opinion. This is the first part of three, next I’ll be discussing Billy’s actions, stay tuned it’ll likely be around tomorrow
(Thanks for reading all, hope I didn’t sound to pretentious, but let me know your thoughts so far <3)
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 5 months
by BritChick91
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Character: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Vecna (Stranger Things), Henry Creel | One | Vecna, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Dustin Henderson, Murray Bauman, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler Additional Tags: Vampire Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Lives, Eddie Munson Needs a Hug, Vecna's Curse (Stranger Things), the steddie will be slow burn and low level, fair warning, Vampire Steve Harrington, The Fruity Four, Mind Control, steve and eddie go a bit murder boyfriends, Morally Grey Steve Harrington, morally grey eddie munson, Bittersweet Ending Words: 28,308 Chapters: 13/13
Vecna offers a transformed Eddie a deal - turn his friends and Vecna will spare them. Eddie doesn't trust Vecna at all, but he has no idea what he's going to do. And in one case the choice may have already been taken from him.
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prismuffin · 2 years
Fandoms/Characters I write for:
-Tony Stark
-Steve Rogers
-Bruce Banner
-Clint Barton
-Natasha Romanoff
-Wanda Maximoff
-Yelena Belova
-Kate Bishop
-Sam Wilson
-Bucky Barnes
-Scott Lang
-Loki Laufeyson
-Thor Odinson
-Peter Parker (any version)
-Miles Morales
-Gwen Stacy
-Hobie Brown
-Pavitr Prabhakar
-Peter Quill
-Stephen Strange
-T'challa Udaku
-K'uk'ulkan // Namor
-MoonKnight System (all three or Individual)
-any of the guardians (GOTG)
Stranger Things:
-Robin Buckley (fem!reader only)
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Dustin Henderson
-Lucas Sinclair
-Max Mayfield
The Umbrella Academy:
-Luther Hargreeves
-Allison Hargreeves
-Diego Hargreeves
-Klaus Hargreeves
-Five Hargreeves
-Ben Hargreeves (Brelly Ver.)
-Viktor Hargreeves
-Marcus Hargreeves
-Ben Hargreeves (Sparrow Ver.)
-Fei Hargreeves
-Alphonso Hargreeves
-Sloane Hargreeves
-Jayme Hargreeves
Criminal Minds:
-Aaron Hotchner
-David Rossi (mostly platonic but I can write romantic for him)
-Derek Morgan
-Spencer Reid
-Luke Alvez
-Matt Simmons
-Tara Lewis
-Penelope Garcia
-Emily Prentiss
-Jennifer Jareau
Hitman Trilogy:
-Agent 47
-Lucas Grey
Mission: Impossible:
-Ethan Hunt
-Benji Dunn
-Luther Stickell
-William Brandt
-August Walker
FarCry 5:
-Jacob Seed
-Joseph Seed
-John Seed
-Sharky Boshaw
-Nick Rye (can write poly Nick Rye and Kim)
-Brimstone (mostly platonic but can write romantic)
Detroit Become Human:
-Connor (Rk800)
-Hank Anderson (Platonic or Romantic)
-Elijah Kamski
Our Life Beginnings & Always:
-Cove Holden
-Cliff Holden (platonic or romantic)
-Kyra Preece (platonic or romantic)
-Poly!Noelani & Pamela
-Elizabeth Last
-Lee Last
-Derek Suarez
-Baxter Ward
-Nicholas (Nico) Suarez
Error 143:
Micah Yujin
Sally Face:
-Sal Fisher
-Larry Johnson
WatchDogs Trilogy:
-Aiden Pearce
-Marcus Holloway
-Raymond Kennedy
COD: Modern Warfare 2:
-John Price
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-John “Soap” McTavish
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Alejandro Vargas
-Rodolfo Parra
-Phillip Graves
The Imperfects:
-Abbi Singh
-Tilda Webber
-Juan Ruiz
-Dr. Alex Sarkov
-Poly!Agustin & Julieta (Romantic or Platonic)
-Poly!Felix & Pepa (Romantic or Platonic)
-Antonio (Only Platonic)
Girl From Nowhere:
Metal Lords:
-Hunter Sylvester
-Kevin Schlieb
If you wish to request a character that isn’t here feel free to!!
I’ll probably still write for them! But if I don’t I’ll let you know why!
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a-strange-inkling · 2 years
(for the rec ask game. not to stab you with.)
Honestly, I would consider it an honor lol
I have been waiting for this one because everyone is sleeping on:
break those chains that bind you - by lampshadecrown
So, this is an AU based loosely off of Crush by Ethel Cain and...
It is so good; I have reread it like thirty times! So UNIQUE, poignant atmospheric, and poetic. The pining in this, the PINING, it makes you just want to die in the best way. There are morally grey leads, midnight meetings, prolonged eye contact, yearning, trysts in the library, bad boy Eddie Munson, like really bad boy, and as a bonus bad boy Steve Harrington too.
It's just an exhilarating read, and I desperately wait for more!
break those chains that bind you (11320 words) by lampshadecrown Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Chrissy Cunningham/Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham & Eddie Munson Characters: Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson's Mother, Steve Harrington, Jason Carver Additional Tags: AU, still high school just different, no one is a good person in this lol, Morally Grey Characters, lots of pining, based loosely off of crush by ethel cain, bad boy eddie munson, like for real, he's a bad boy, Yearning, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), bad boy steve harrington, Car Sex, Smut Summary: She doesn’t know what she’s doing. She’s tied up in knots. She wants him to unravel her like a spool of thread. It's lust matched with her sick fascination of wanting what isn’t good for her. This is not a good idea.
Also, for more of a historical AU, it's no secret that I adore:
And the Devil Makes Three - by Em_Jaye
Salem Witch Trials AU It is amazing, well researched, and just written so effortlessly! The romance is so sweet and intimate and the plot so thrilling and eerie, I absolutely love it!! @idontgettechnology
And the Devil Makes Three (25459 words) by Em_Jaye Chapters: 4/7 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Chrissy Cunningham/Eddie Munson, Jason Carver/Chrissy Cunningham Characters: Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, The Party (Stranger Things), Jason Carver, Laura Cunningham, Victor Creel, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Eleven | Jane Hopper Additional Tags: Witchcraft, Puritans, Religious Fanaticism, 1600s au, Witch Hunts, Alternate Universe - Historical, Historical Inaccuracy, Period Typical Attitudes, Period-Typical Sexism, Blood and Violence, Murder-Suicide, Loss of Virginity, Vaginal Sex, First Time, Domestic Violence Summary: There was something in the forest. Something more than the wolves and bobcats the elders warned them about. And whatever it was… It was whispering to her.
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midweastindigo · 2 years
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or; an Eddie Munson Meta slash ST 5 Prediction™ slash Future Plot of My Fic so Don't Get Any Ideas:
The goals of Eddie's character, in my opinion, are: 1. to be a foil for Steve, who is still trying to be his own person and distance his present self from his past self; this is obvious in the fact that while Eddie explicitly admits he is jealous of Steve, we are explicitly shown that Steve is just as jealous of Eddie. He is afraid of being replaced in the kids' (Dustin's especially) lives by this new adult-ish person that the kids admire and idolize, an admiration that Steve has no control over, and 2. to show the kids (and everyone) that it's okay to be 100% yourself even when people are against you; that there are those out there willing to accept the risk and fight for you. This is evident in his outspoken personality, the starry-eyed looks he gets from both Mike and Dustin in the cafeteria where it's clear that he's gone on similar rants before, and his acceptance of Erica into Hellfire so quickly - he collects the misfits to protect them and give them a safe space. (And a secret third thing which is to give Mike the universal queer experience of crushing on an older friend and feel safe in the space Eddie created to accept that part of him to then accept his feelings for Will, evident, again in the starry-eyed looks Mike gives Eddie. And even though! Steve is right there! Mike "hates" Steve and I don't think he'd even subconsciously have a crush on his sister's ex lol. This secret third thing has an even more elusive secret branch of 'Eddie's character was introduced to be both Mike and Steve's bi awakenings' and Steve Harrington is no longer just a cool ally!!!!!)
I think what his arc did in ST4 is going to come full circle in ST5: that arc being as follows:
Eddie runs away -> Eddie dies after he stops running -> Eddie accepts it's okay to run and lives
Mostly because as is, his arc feels incomplete and depressing. Eddie is a morally grey character who ran away from the things that scared him the most, but as the season progressed it seemed like he started to move into more of a chaotic good alignment because he found people who believed him and believed in his goodness regardless of what the outside said, and regardless of what he portrays himself to be. He didn't run in the end. By deciding to stand and fight - a term I use loosely because how in the ever living fuck did he think he could give the bats the old runaround and come out unscathed?
On the other side, he did it to protect the people he's grown to care about. To give Steve, Robin, and Nancy more time to kill Vecna and save Max, and to keep the bats away from Dustin. So, by giving his life to protect the people who's Most Important to him, Eddie became a hero. But goddamn, at what cost? You finally face your fears and you get killed for it? You finally take a stand and get eaten alive by demon bats? It doesn't seem finished. It leaves such an open wound in both the show and the character. (Literally LOL). By completing his arc with 'it's okay to run', to me, it'll feel finished. Like this character who is flawed but is unapologetically himself finally accepts all of him, not just most of him. Not just the good parts.
So I think when he comes back Different, we're going to see this internal struggle Eddie deals with externally when he's fighting to get control back of his body (if that's the case) - like he struggled with his want to run vs. his desire to stay, and I think it'll be like that at first. He'll give in and let Vecna have full control, because what's the point? He's basically dead. He's wanted for murder. He doesn't matter. But then maybe the kids, more likely Steve, will be like 'Eddie, are you still in there?' I think there's a greater possibility that it will be Steve that recognizes Eddie is still in there, fighting. Steve can recognize an internal struggle, and I think he'll see that Eddie isn't completely gone because of two scenes. The first being where Eddie tells Steve that the ladies, Nancy in particular, didn't hesitate to jump in after him. But neither did Eddie - he may have been last to go in, sure, but he still followed them all into the pits of hell without any real knowledge of what he was swimming toward. The second is going back to ST2 when Nancy calls Steve, and their relationship 'bullshit'. It's ben shown through this that Steve believes he doesn't matter, that he's bullshit. And I think a lot of his character growth is just trying to prove to both the world and himself that he does matter.
I also think Eddie's explanation to Steve as to why he isn't a hero is precisely why A. Steve argues that Eddie is being hard on himself because again, he followed them into Mordor regardless of how it happened, B. is part of the reason why Steve will be the first to believe Eddie is still in his mind somewhere, and C. proves to Steve that Eddie wants to fight, wants to win back his autonomy, and is willing to stand by the party and fight along side them even when he didn't understand the dangers.
Eddie will try to push his way to the surface to scream 'yes! I'm here and I'm stuck!' and Steve will tell him to fight. Steve's actions, in Eddie's eyes, have always been super heroic, and something Eddie is shown to be jealous of. So, Steve urging him to fight against Vecna's control will once again motivate him to stay and fight for control rather than 'let go' or run away, and 'betray' Vecna by going against him in his own mind.
However, I also think that because it was explicit in the fact that Eddie dying did nothing to prevent Vecna's plans; Max died and was resurrected, the clock chimed, the gates were opened, that there is no possible way it is the end of his arc. Whether or not the bats ended up in the right-side up didn't actually matter, because the entire upside down is now filtering into Hawkins. Giving Steve, Nancy, and Robin "extra time" didn't actually benefit any of the party, because everything bad that could have happened, happened. So, I think in the end, it will be a parallel to Max's Kate Bush scene, with Eddie in his own mind, held hostage by Vecna, running back to his friends, that will complete this arc of self-acceptance and finding a place among friends.
Because running isn't always a bad thing, especially when you're running to something. And I think that's what his character essentially boils down to. He's been running away for so long; he just needed something to run toward - and even with him running from Chrissy, he was running towards safety. He didn't know what was happening. He kept running towards safety because an angry group of homophobes were after him, trying to kill him. He runs to safety, maybe because he never felt safe as a kid. This brings it back to him creating a safe environment for the kids that don't necessarily fit in. He wants to create a safe space because he didn't have any when he needed it the most.
I think we'll get a similar scene to when El went into Billy's mind, but I think it'll be Will, not El, to venture into Eddie's. Eddie is very similar to both Jonathan and Will in the fact that the word 'freak' is used to describe them; the differences are that Eddie embraces his title while Jonathan kind of lets it roll off his shoulders, and Will actively tried to fight against it at first. Since it's highly theorized that Will has more power than currently displayed and known, it would make sense for him to finally want to tap into that power and embrace what makes him a 'freak'. Will going into Eddie's mind to save him and protect the party is exactly who Will is as a person, and I think this is where we see why Eddie has the desire to run to safety.
Most likely, with the comment he made while hot wiring the RV, it's from his dad, because if the show wasn't called Stranger Things it'd be called daddy issues (duffle bags r u ok?) and it would give Will another reason to urge Eddie to fight, because they have similar pasts and problems with their fathers.
And I think Will will tell him it's okay to run sometimes. This will directly parallel the scenes where Bob told Will that he stopped running away in his dream, and the scene where Will stopped running and the Mind Flayer possessed him. (Something something, Will actively fighting against being a freak vs. actively fighting against the Mind Flayer, vs. him finally accepting that while what happened to him might make him a 'freak' he is still Will motherfucking Byers who survived the Upside Down and inter-dimensional demon possession. Yeah he's a freak but what makes him a freak also makes him a goddamn superhero which is precisely when his powers will kick in, when he accepts all the bad that happened to him in order to protect the party) "Sometimes it's smarter to run," he'd say. "You have to run because Vecna is coming, and he won't give up."
So Eddie does. He'll run, and run, and run while his favorite song plays in the distance because Dustin told Steve what it was and they could only hope it would help him like it helped Max. And he runs to where he sees himself as something inherently Not Eddie trying to kill Dustin or El, Steve or Will, or any of them really, but it'll most likely be Dustin to parallel Eddie's death scene with the two of them on the ground. He'll run until he doesn't think he can anymore, but Vecna is reaching out behind him and he hears everyone screaming for him and he's so close so he reaches out and suddenly he's staring down at whoever he pinned to the ground, back in his body, alone, in full control. Because he ran. Not because he ran away, but because he ran toward.
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1, 4 & 5
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
oh god, there are a lot of them. tori spring, micheal holden, inej ghafa, nikolai lantsov, zoya nazyalensky, charlie kelmeciks, the whole raven cycle gang, anne shirley, percy jackson, annabeth chase, cordelia carstairs, natasha romanoff, thor, steve rogers, peter parker (every version of this guy), miles morales, yelena belova, wonder woman, steve harrington, nancy wheeler, robin buckley, wanda maximoff, kamala khan, rory gilmore... i could go on and on.
4. which cryptyd being do you believe in?
the loch ness monster maybe? why not?
5. what color are your eyes?
dark grey.
thanks for the ask! <3
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glass-dahlia · 2 years
Misc. info for requests
Requests: CLOSED
✰You can call me Dahlia✰
Feel free to send me an ask or message me with any requests or ideas! Always feel free to ask for a character if they aren't listed or you're unsure. I promise I won't judge you for any request! I really only write x reader clearly, so there’s that. My only limit is that I don't wrote descriptive smut, I will however write something spicy but non-descriptive of any acts.
Some characters I'll write for (off the top of my head and likely missing some)
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Steve Rogers/ Captain America
Yelena Belenova
Harry Potter/FBAWTFT
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Any Maurauder (pls not Peter tho, I can’t😭)
Newt Scamander
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Nancy Wheeler
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Sherlock Holmes
Jim Moriarty
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
Din Djarin/Mando
Cassian Andor
Jyn Erso
Newt (TMR)
Dallas Winston (The Outsiders)
Darry Curtis (The Outsiders)
Sodapop Curtis (The Outsiders)
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (Top Gun)
Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out)
Lloyd Hansen (The Grey Man)
Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier)
Francisco “Catfish” Morales (Triple Frontier)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
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creamecafe · 2 years
Will you put up a list on who would you write for?
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫
Last Updated: 05/27/24 3:54 AM EST
Of course!
I would write for:
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Tony Stark
Matthew Murdock
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Helmut Zemo
MCU!Tom!Peter Parker
TASM!Peter Parker
Sam Raimi!Tobey!Peter Parker
Miles Morales
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Bruce Banner
Jennifer Walters
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Carol Danvers
Kamala Khan
Monica Rambeau
Darcy Lewis
Jimmy Woo
Scott Lang
Hope Van Dyne
Joaquin Torres
Mobius M. Mobius
Xu Shang-Chi
Xu Wenwu
Katy Chen
Xu Xialing
Foggy Nelson
Aunt May
Michelle Jones
Ned Leeds
TASM!Gwen Stacy
Sam Raimi!Harry Osborn
TASM!Harry Osborn
Otto Octavius
Hela Odinsdottir
Lady Sif
Peggy Carter
Agatha Harkness
Pepper Potts
Stephen Strange
America Chavez
Bruno Carrelli
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
T'Challa Udaku
Erik Killmonger
Shuri Udaku
Everett K. Ross
Baron Mordo
Wade Wilson
Maya Lopez
Kazi Kazimierczak
Maria Hill
Jack Russell
Elsa Bloodstone
Eddie Brock
Maria Hill
[𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲]
Peter Quill
Dane Whitman
[𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫]
Reed Richards
Sue Storm
Johnny Storm
Ben Grimm
Peter Maximoff
Charles Xaiver
Erik Lehnsherr
Jean Grey
Kurt Wagner
Alex Summers
Sheridan!Scott Summers
Marsden!Scott Summers
Bobby Drake
St. John Allerdyce
Kitty Pryde
[𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐀 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞]
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Killian Hook
Prince Charming
Snow White
Jefferson Hatter
Henry Mills
Wendy Darling
Peter Pan
[𝐂𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐢]
Miguel Diaz
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Tory Nichols
Young!Daniel Larusso
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Robby Keene
Anthony Larusso
Young!Johnny Lawrence
[𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬]
Steve Harrington
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Robin Buckely
Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson
Chrissy Cunningham
Dustin Henderson
Harry Hook
Mal Bertha Maleficent
Evie Evil
Jay Jafar
Uma Ursula
Gil Gaston
Carlos De Vil
Bruno Madrigal
Camilo Madrigal
Flynn Eugene Ryder
Maribel Madrigal
Isabela Madrigal
Luisa Madrigal
Félix Madrigal
Pepa Madrigal
Hiro Hamada
Tadashi Hamada
GoGo Tomato
Honey Lemon
Dolores Madrigal
Julieta Madrigal
Agustín Madrigal
Fix-It Felix
Helen Parr
 Lokius (Loki Laufeyson x Mobius M. Mobius)
 Petergwen (TASM!Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy)
 Drukkari (Druig x Makkari)
 Starmora (Peter Quill/Star Lord x Gamora)
 Shuriri (Shuri Udaku x Riri Williams)
 WandaVision (Wanda x Vision)
 Cherik (Charles x Erik)
 SamBucky (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes)
 SpideyChelle (MCU!Peter Parker x Michelle Jones)
Sleeping Warrior (Mulan x Aurora OUAT)
StarkStrange (Tony Stark x Stephen Strange)
ValCarol (Valkyrie x Carol Danvers)
ThorBruce (Thor Odinson x Bruce Banner)
Zenmasters (Jackie Burkhart x Steven Hyde)
Wenclair (Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair)
[𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬]
Wednesday Addams
Xaiver Trope
Tyler Galpin
Enid Sinclair
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
Bianca Barclay
Yoko Tanaka
Rowan Laslow
[𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞]
Tim Bradford
Lucy Chen
John Nolan
Angela Lopez
[𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐧 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞]
Jake Peralta
Any Santiago
Rosa Sanchez
Basically, I write a LOT of different characters from different fandoms. I'll update this list if I watch a new show or movie or have an interest in a character
You can also add inserts like in my Request Guidelines to these characters.
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