#my angel of gap moe
imaybe5tupid · 14 days
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
— [ 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ] ( full drawing at the end of post )
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𝐇𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐌. This was the norm with idols. Nothing was wrong with such a premise you surmised, as only fools would believe their idols act the same on camera and behind. It was simple. They had an image and a personality, two completely different things in the entertainment world.
Hayate’s image was this brash, straight to the point, no nonsense person. A man who did not care much about looks, but was completely devoted to the art of music. A startling contrast to his angel like singing voice. Gap Moe, as his fans and manager would put it.
Hayate’s personality behind the cameras however, is what you would say an almost complete one-eighty.
The bi-colored haired boy was total skincare fanatic, he loved fashion, planning out his looks, journaling, and working out for the sake of keeping his body in shape. You say almost because he was incredulously meticulous either-way. You never met a man who was so passionate that it often infected you to do the same in your career and life. He enjoyed idol-work, breathed it, and deserved every bit of success he’d gotten so far.
He was also, still brash even behind the scenes.
“Why the hell would you be jealous of me?” To many, Hayate’s voice was intimidating — rough, and quite loud. It was jarring to see him switching from his speaking one to his singing. But to you who had spend far too long with this man, it was normal. And sometimes normal was something to crave for.
And boy did Hayate enjoy those normal moments between you two.
“Hayate, who wouldn’t be jealous of a man whose group had won several awards in their rookie years, now topping every chart.”
“A complete All-Kill, innit?” Your co-worker spoke from a couple of feet away. He was in charge of styling Hayate’s mess of a hair. The two of you are the only people capable of being physically close to him, aside from his members without being mauled. And you mean mauled in every sense of the term.
“Besides that, you’re just so motivated all the time. It’s like you have endless energy to do what you have to do.”
You noticed Hayate visibly relax, his tense posture almost escaping your eyes earlier. You make a mental note to bring him out to rest again one day. Most likely after your pay-day. Hayate always offered to pay for stuff you two bought on an outing but you just couldn’t do him like that.
Your co-worker chimed in again, “Meanwhile [Y/N] is here downing several [Fave Caffeinated Drink] just to get through the day.”
“Why are you here again?” You and Hayate deadpanned in sync, earning a laugh from all three of you in the room.
“I just . . . have a good. . . source of motivation.” The singer gave you a heavy, alluring stare. His muscle tee allowing you to view his neck slowly turning scarlet.
“He’s all red.”
“Fuck, I completely forgot to blend his neck! Wait, where’s my foundation brush?!” You screeched, running out to find wherever it could have gotten to in the building, knowing you most likely forgot it in the another member’s room. Either completely unaware of Hayate’s intense look, or simply too dense to understand the connotation of it.
Your colleague snorted as the door closed behind you, “You’re going to have to be more obvious than that lover boy, they’re worse than a brick wall.”
“. . .”
“Not even a sure, mate?” The British man sighed. It was always like this. Whenever you were out Hayate would just go silent. Only ever speaking to direct the stylist’s actions. You always insisted that your client saw you two as equal as you’ve never witnessed him acting this way, and every time the hair stylist spoke to you about it he could feel the menacing glare down his spine just provoking him to speak so that Hayate would pounce at an excuse to fire and sue him for defamation.
Once he was done styling the idol’s hair, Mr. Co-Worker backed off immediately. Knowing full well of the consequences of lingering around Hayate any longer.
“I’m back!” You hollered, a limp on your step due to a large man glomping you from behind.
“And who’s that behind you?” Your co-worker sighed. With you around his risk of dying goes down by at least 70%.
“Ehe.” But with Eve of all people to rile Hayate up, he’ll have to crank those chances back up again. The visual of the group had apparently stolen it earlier when he came by to do his daily dues in pushing Hayate one step further to an aneurysm. It was an important duty he had to fulfill as a member of Yesterday’s Dawn, and bringing you into the mix happened to annoy the vocalist the most.
“Don’t ehe me, Soo-bitch! Get the hell out of my make-up room!”
Eve smooches you on the cheek before promptly sticking his tongue out, “BLEGHHHHHH!!!”
You froze in response.
You see the veins protruding on Hayate’s temples and neck, reminding you of the job you came into the room to properly finish. Angry Hayate was something you haven’t seen in a while, but experienced has taught you not to react much and proceed with your job as if he isn’t planning several ways of mutilation at the moment.
It worked as moments later he calmed down and began chatting with you again.
Perhaps you should retract your judgment of his character. Hayate didn’t have sides he just had layers, and you his beloved make-up artist, were in the deepest one.
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@yesterdaysdawnofficial just posted something! Check it out?
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❤️ 💬 ✈️
yesterdaysdawnofficial just two pretty bois uwu -eve
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yesterdayssleepfxker✅ nice.
yesterdaysbeauty ✅ there goes our sumsang sponsorship…
maniacforhayate AAAAAAAA OPPAR SaRANGhae
yesterdaysstan in this part of the ydjungle we see hayatus sasakus warding off one of his potential mates via hypnosis. completely uninterested.
_sanctuary_of_flowers_ *fanfic typing intensifies*
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Hayate was pretty much born from my weird obsession with working out and practicing the violin lately. My parents said that I look and sound hella constipated doing both and so an emotionally constipated yandere just came into mind.
also i “referenced” that one photo of jungkook holding a mirror to jimin’s meme face for this in case you thought the artwork looked familiar. tried using a new hair coloring style ehe.
want more content like this? check my masterlist or the first few tags for more specific posts.
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023. artworks, characters, and story belongs to me. please do not redistribute, repost, or translate without permission.
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ewesless · 3 months
Quick little thing! No, I was wrong. It became a Very Long Thing...
We know that Diavolo is operating at an entirely different frequency and level of energy from Barbatos and Lucifer and it isn't just because he's a touch starved extrovert with repressed introverts for parental figures friends.* But he might be 18-21.... As a person from the early 90's this is a traumatic realization. I thought he was an early 30s year old manchild to be quite honest.
*love your takes so so so freaking much RadArchives 😭
Utilizes canon compliant relationship dynamics and Diavolo's Lucifer complex. Luke is aged up to cope with fanservice not facilitate it.
I interpreted it as Diavolo was between 10-13 when Barbatos agreed to be his Butler. OM indicates it was 800 years before Barbatos quit feeling angry at Diavolo for the incident (he was teasing). 10,000 is equal to 10 years, so based off my estimate Diavolo would be 18-21. Unless it was 800 plus years then, since Barbatos had time to cool off which would be much more comfortable to me 😂
The canon chronological ages are vague in order for players to have freedom (dads and mom coded old as dirt option through to bratty youngest brother who seems like an angsty and rebellious teen) so just for reference these are the ages I use:
Solomon - 34 (right there in the middle of adulthood and an older brother age bracket with Diavolo. Asmo is robbing his own cradle!)
Simeon - 40 (peers with Lucifer and they are only a few months apart! Perfect adoptive/group dad age of being mature and comforting without being old-old 😭)
Luke - 16 (Again, comfort level. He's a bratty tween, but I can't tolerate the fanservice with him as a 10 year old at all. 16 is a nice middle ground between emotionally charged, discovering self and independence, "I'm grown!" and the complex realities of the world. Him developing THOSE FRUSTRATING AND CONFUSING NEW FEEEEEEELINNNNNNGS are tolerable as well.)
Barbatos - 42 (the answer to life and everything. I'd place him closer to 60 as a foxy and wicked classy grandma older woman gentleman, but he looks like a pretty, young 30-something so this fits the bill. This also goes into my headcanon that Father made him before the angels and long before humanity.)
Diavolo - 33 (an out of touch with the youth and his peers, but still a youthful soul + gap moe)
Belphie and Beel - 25 (still young enough to do underdeveloped maturity and be doted upon baby brothers, but grown enough that they aren't actually immature and know better they just haven't put the effort into developing impulse control and practicing good judgement)
Asmodeus - 27 (pretty and passes easily for 23 but can hook up with the MILFs and DILFs as well as the young 20s. He's young, but not afraid of becoming older, not just because he's beauty everlasting and that skincare routine is ✨️flawless✨️ but because he sees the beauty and attractiveness of maturity and himself)
Satan - 23 (Personal Favorite + Occultic Number! Even though he's as old as Lucifer I feel like he was born at the age that Lucifer was created for additional headcanon reasons.)
Leviathan - 31 (*scoff* "Look at this old loser with a failure to thrive and manchild tendencies" says an old loser with a failure to thrive and the same tendencies)
Mammon - 32 (okay, this would go on for more than a paragraph or few run on sentences 🤣)
Lucifer - THE BIG 40 (caught up between older than the others brother who had to grow up too fast and never got to be young / middle aged surrogate father figure of a house full of rebellious teenaged adopted kids that never got to have his experimental young adult phase...)
Thirteen is a sensitive, trendy young woman so we DON'T ASK THESE QUESTIONS 35 I like an age gap with my ladies~ Candy is 39 (because 4 is associated with death in Japanese and I have a 4 year age gap with my sister which was a perfect combination of generational difference + ability to rebel from the older sibling, angst about idolization and knowing you aren't the same, but aren't meant to be. There's the possibility of strife caused by disappointment(s)/fallen idol for Thirteen and for Candy the pressure of the expectations of parents as first born and the care, protectiveness and responsibility of older sibling for their younger sibling. They're able to rely on each other even though Thirteen is a wild woman antisocial ambivert with a strong personality and even stronger opinions whereas Candy seems like a serious and violently antisocial introvert who conforms and does what she's expected to in all areas of life. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL US WHAT CAUSED THE SCHISM BETWEEN THEM. WHAT HAPPENED WRITERS? WHAT HAPPENED?)
Mephistopheles - 31/35 (I like the idea of him having an age gap of 2 years with Diavolo either as a more mature junior to senior or a senpai who won't notice him because his eyes are set on a raven haired beauty with eyes like firy rubies that is also a heavily overworked deskworker with difficult teen boys and an involuntarily in a fatherly role for Diavolo too.)
Raphael - 39 (One year the junior of Lucifer and Simeon. Because he never rebelled I thought it had something to do with him being a degree separated from Sime and Lucy to Father, but still being close enough to him to be the devoted, but the most conflicted about it, son.)
Michael - 40 (Either he was created before Simeon and Lucifer or after them. He's got something seriously suspicious going on. I feel that it parallels Diavolo's, but instead of a hopeful vision for the future and further developing what his father started Michael's is in a self-serving manner and his personal agenda is founded on the self-perception that he knows better than his Father.)
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prince-liest · 20 days
I wanted to ask what your opinion on Valentino is. Also Alastor’s opinion of him in your smth smth 666 series and if he feels at all jealous of him.
I love Valentino! He's such a fun character and his voice actor did an absolutely phenomenal job. The charisma on that fucker won me over aggressively, he really owns every single scene he's in. His scene with Angel Dust in the studio and then in the changing room when Charlie tries to intervene in Angel Dust's job is probably my favorite scene in the whole show. It's just such a fantastically terrifying example of the everyday horrors that people experience. Val is a scary motherfucker, and it's not because he's got mind control abilities, or grows to the size of a kaiju, or can suplex the first man. He's scary because he feels very real. Also, the way he looks at Vox is adorable and I am weak to gap moe forever and always (/gestures vaguely at Lucifer, Vox, and Alastor as well).
I also just love Joel Perez's vocal acting range and I desperately want to hear Valentino sing. The single line he got in the finale was NOT enough! <3
As for Alastor in 666: No, Alastor has no jealousy toward Val in that series (and neither does Valentino towards him). They're functionally some flavor of metamours, but their worlds don't really intersect much. Alastor doesn't like Valentino, but it's not for reasons related to his relationship with Vox. He just doesn't like Val's personality, interests, or line of work.
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lovingherrscher · 1 year
Bungou Stray Dogs Otoge
So I saw an earlier post about what BSD characters being the love interests in Diabolik Lovers, so why not make an otoge/otome game for them?
Dazai Yohane proudly presents you... Bungou Stray Dogs Otoge!
Warning: Crack, some angst in the bad endings, OOC even maybe. Random thoughts in a mental breakdown. Spoilers for Storm Bringer. Character deaths mentions.
Notes: None. I just want to distract myself.
Love interests:
Dazai Osamu - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 2 Bad Endings
The mystery type
"Posterboi", yes, he's on the poster for the common version of the game, the limited version ft all 5 love interests (except for Fyodor because he's in the secret route)
Ranked #2 in the popularity poll
Is loved by all the fangirls
Likes to fool around with MC
All of that disappear when you got out of the common route and head for his route
Shout out to Dazai slowly opening up gotta be my favourite genre
Will have a CG where he takes you to Lupin and slowly opens up to you about his past
Best bed scene in the whole game
One of the bad endings is where you two committed a lover's suicide together and succeeded.
Nakahara Chuuya - 1 True Ending, 2 Good Ending and 3 Bad Endings
The rich guy who'd buy you everything as a gift, jewelries, fancy clothes, a store, a building even?!
Candidate for the next mob boss
5/5 (actually 4.5) on these criterias:
The (soon to be) mob boss
Cruel, cold to almost everyone else except for his 'family' aka the mafia
Is actually a nice person
Will treats you gently, like a princess when he's head over heels for you
Gap moe (he likes dogs)
So inevitably, he ranked #1 in the popularity poll
Is almost everything the Italians hates about 'romanticizing the mafiosos'
His route is basically a whole "FUCK GO BACK" like Dazai, since we'll focus on his traumas and his past more.
He will opens up about his fear of not being a human, about the calamity that lives inside him
Has a CG where he takes you to visit Rimbaud's and The Flags' graves.
That one route would make the players put the Switch/PS Vita down and ask themselves why are they here, just to suffer.
Best kiss sounds in the whole fucking game I say. His bed scene makes you went from angsty mood to instant horny.
One of his bad ending is about how Chuuya lost control of the calamity inside him - Arahabaki when he saw you, killed before his eyes by the enemy, and with Dazai out of the picture, there isn't anyone there to stop him anymore.
Nakajima Atsushi - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 1 Bad Ending
That one character make everyone goes 'hell I could adopt him even not flirt with him.'
Cute, shy boy
Is cute when needed and sexy when wanted
Makes you wonder how can an angel like this even exists
Has good kissing sounds *if you know what I mean*
Drifting off the common route we dig deeper into his past, about the beast inside him, about the orphanage and the headmaster
A CG where he'll cry in your arms and you soothing him, reassure the boy that it's all in the past and he isn't alone now
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke - 1 True Ending, 2 Good Ending and 2 Bad Ending
Tsundere type
Eventually will slowly opens up to MC
God he's so cute and precious
Needs a hug for all the traumas he's been through
His route basically focus on his past and how Dazai affected him so much
He has a CG where he sat down and talk with you about Gin and how he grows up in the slum, about why did he crave for power so bad, and why he wanted to be acknowledged by his ex-mentor.
3rd best bed scene in the game.
Kunikida Doppo - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 1 Bad Ending
Workaholic type
A man who dedicates his life to work
The handsome one with glasses
It's really fun watching him slowly falling for you, especially when he has this "58 standards for the ideal woman"
He'll slowly crosses them out just for you 💖
His route focus on the reason he dreams of an ideal world, his ideal world
Will has this 'behind the scene' flashback about The Azure King's case and Azure Apostle's case 2 years ago with the death of Rokuzou and Sasaki.
A CG where he holds you tightly in his arms and speaks with a broken voice, teary eyes about how he's so scare that his ideal might consume him one day like what happened to Azure King. He is whom chases his ideals like the moth chasing flames, but deep down under that perfectionist, workaholic mask is how he's insecure and scared that his ideals will burn him down like the flame that burn down the moth.
2nd best bed scene in the game.
His bad ending is basically when his ideals finally consume him and Kunikida became the 2nd Azure King.
Secret route: Fyodor Dostoevsky - 1 True Ending and 1 Bad Ending
After you finish everyone's route, a new, hidden route will be unlocked. And it's the Russian man, the mastermind behind everything
To be honest, this is quite of a short route. No common, just straight to his route
Also a mystery type
The smart, prodigy type
The one who has this aura goes "run for your life" or either "damn he's hot"
Expect an unhealthy relationship when you're in this route
This man will uses you like a pawn on his chessboard
Gaslighting, manipulation, abusing, you name it. Everything is in this route
What good ending? No good ending with him for you missy. Only true end or bad end.
WORST BAD ENDING IN THE WHOLE GAME. Please don't ask what it's like.
Fandisc: 2 fandisc with one being the current timeline, the other is about when Dazai is still in the mafia.
Bonus contents for 1st fandisc:
An extra route for Fukuzawa
A Bad Ending in common route ft a 3P, a Dazai x MC x Chuuya sandwich *chef's kiss*
An another Bad Ending in common route ft a 3P, an Atsushi x MC x Akutagawa sandwich
And a new Bad Ending in secret route leads you to a Dazai x MC x Fyodor sandwich
Bonus contents for 2nd fandisc:
A Mafia!Dazai route
An Odasaku route
An Ango route
A Bad Ending in common route that's extra spicy ft a 4P with the Dark Era Trio?!!! *chef's kiss*
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 7 months
can you do jeonghan ideal type pls 🥺
Jeonghan's ideal type
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously.
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Cards: disturbance, mask, communication
I think this person must be someone who shakes him up, someone that will make him reconsider a lot of things in his life.
He wants to fall for someone special that will make him feel ready to do something crazy, something he wouldn't normally do for anyone else and that he wouldn't be brave enough to do on his own.
I think this person should also be a bit mysterious, they should tickle his imagination.
It can be an introvert person, or someone with a gap moe, like a person who looks like a boring office worker but who actually knows how to have fun, or someone that looks like a fool but who is actually very smart.
A bit like Jeonghan himself, who looks like an angel, but can be mischievous.
He also values communication, he wouldn't want a long term relationship if the other person is moody and immature or if they can't take criticism.
If there's a problem, he wants to solve it by talking it out.
He probably dislikes dramatic people who lose their sh1t for nothing.
And he might enjoy people who use words of affirmation and maybe leave cute notes here and there or who add an "ily" at the end of each text or something like that.
I think that after an initial phase where he is intrigued by the unknown, all he wants is learning about the other person and be open and honest with each other.
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JJK FF/Royal guard
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Chapter. 1
Chapter. 2
Chapter. 3
Chapter. 4
Chapter. 5
Chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
Chapter. 8
When you keep bumping into your personal royal guard by accident not knowing he is your guardian angel
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook!fallen angel!royal guard! × fem!reader!virgin!princess
Word count: 6.5k
Rating: +18 / hardcore smut with a little of fluff
Genre + warnings: Fluff, smut, dirty talk, princess loses her virginity, first!time, a lot of pussy fingering, biting, nipple play, Jungkook groans a lot, full nakedness, big dick!jk, a little bit of rough pinning and French, neck kissing, missionary, doggy, hard orgasms, bathtub sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, guys :D) - she probably pregnant by the time he is done with her - upss - paranormal romance, historical fanfiction, Kook being cold and mysterious, being his sexy self. Caring and possessive!jk! Really horny towards his princess, being a big seductive tease. A lot of swearing, cursing and a little bit of crying.The story isn’t real, just my imagination running wild so just enjoy reading!
a/n: Sorry for being absent so long. I’ve been on my vocation these past weeks, just enjoying myself with family and friends so I haven’t been able to post anything recently and I have a big change in my career that I haven’t even been on tumblr at all so please excuse me for that, I am finally back and will try to post next chapters sooner than I can! Really love you guys for taking the time for these series and appreciate your love and patience to keep waiting for more! If there is some grammar mistakes, please ignore them, English is not my native language! Hope you all have a great day!!! ^_^
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“Oh God, what are you even saying!” You blush, your body going scarlet in seconds when you realize his meaning. Covering your red cheeks from his eyes, Jungkook can’t help but laugh when he sees you like this.
She is so adorable.
“What? You don’t agree? I thought you will want to please me,” he whispers to her.
When you look back at him, he knows he has won by the look on your face. You were already a soft person, but with Jungkook, that was something else completely.
He didn’t really think much about what he was doing when he decided to confess. He just knew he couldn' wait anymore. He wanted to claim you fully. With no one distracting him.
Just you.
Your fingers intertwine in his own before you both lean forward and close the gap between each other. His hands reach for the hem of your dirty shirt, sliding it up slowly as his lips gently glide across yours.
She’s finally mine, he thinks. You feel so good against him. And he wants more. But not here. Not right now.
Instead, he pulls away, taking in your flushed face and swollen lips with a grin. He leans down and kisses you again before releasing you from his grip, causing you to stumble back slightly.
“You know what,” he whispers as he takes your hand in his. “ We should go to bed. It’s late already.”
“But Moe, we need to wait for him to bring me a shirt first. He will be more upset when he comes back and sees that we are not here anymore.”
Jungook rolls his eyes,” I can give you one of mine so it doesn’t matter anymore.”
You shake your head at him, not believing how rude he is to his servants. Seeing him act like this since he has always been silent around you, it was strange to be honest.
“And what about food? We didn’t even eat anything,” you stare sadly at the prepared dishes on the table.
The look you have made Jungkook imagine a sad kitten with ears down when you continued to stare at the food.
Why is she so fucking cute?
“I will ask my servants to take the food to our chambers instead,” he shrugs at you, his lips tugging up into another grin. He knows he got the best out of you just because you weren't looking. Now that he had you, everything felt perfect.
After a few moments of staring at each other, you start giggling.
“What’s so funny?” Jungkook asks, a smirk spreading onto his features as you cover your mouth.
“Nothing, it’s just... I have never seen you like this before. Is there anything you do differently? Are you more affectionate? More gentle?”
Jungkook chuckles at this. As far as he can remember, he hasn’t ever done anything different than what he has done this moment.
“I guess you could say that,” he answers honestly.
“So…how we are going to sleep? You said your chambers…as in we together in the same room?” You can’t pronounce your words correctly when you’re nervous so you didn’t know what to do but look down when you asked him this.
“It would be a pleasure if we slept together in my bed tonight, yes.”
His smile widens as your cheeks turn bright red. You nod in reply and when you’re about to turn around so you can follow him, behind someone calls you.
“My lady! My lady! Here will be the shirt you requested! I’m sorry for the delay. The maids refused me to give me clothes for her highness, everyone thought that I’m lying when I said them his Majesty’s wife needs a shirt,” Moe comes running into the dining room looking absolutely guilty for being late when you both stop to look at him.
The poor creature looks so embarrassed, it almost makes you giggle but you stop yourself from doing so.
“Moe, it’s fine. Thank you for coming! I appreciate it, and you should also take this food to his Majesty. We will got to our chambers now and eat there, all right?” You smile at the octopus warmly.
Moe bows to you,” Right away, my lady! I will prepare a tray then.” Giving you a shirt, you appreciate his consideration and take it from him.
You thank the servant once more before you turn to Jungkook. Before you leave, you call over your shoulder,” Make sure to get me fresh flowers for the morning, please! Also, make some fruit tea and a hot pot of water!”
As soon as you see the servant bow, Jungkook takes you by the hand and leads you into the big hallway.
From the moment you stepped outside of his chambers, it still surprised you how beautiful this castle is. Everything is in silver color, from the carpets to the walls to the doors, windows, and paintings that decorate the place. There were even shelves made of glass which displayed numerous books, weapons and jewelry like ; diamonds, gold, colored brilliants.
The castle looked like a real fairy tale.
You wonder what Jungkook sees when he walks these halls; does he see all these things too? Or does he think only about the things that happen within those doors?
Jungkook stops by the stairwell and looks over his shoulder at you with a small smile.
Now seeing him in royal noble clothes instead of his usual armor, he looked like a real King. In a navy blue suit and a waistcoat on top with a black cloak, the finishing touch of the accessories because of his title, made him look really handsome. You liked this side of him better too.
Before you could think of it too much, he takes your hand and starts heading upstairs. The stairs are long, but when Jungkook starts making his way up faster, you have to speed walk to keep up with him. Your breath hitches as Jungkook pulls you to him and kisses your forehead as a sign of appreciation. He then puts his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
It feels comfortable. Too comfortable.
You can feel him inhale deeply when you pull away after what feels like hours.
He then continues moving until the two of you arrived at a room with silver doors. In front of it stood three servants. From the looks of their long hair and sharp pointy ears, they were elves. Bowing to you and their Majesty, they step aside to let you in.
Jungkook opens the door wider so you enter first.
The inside of the room is nothing short of breathtaking. The floor is painted in deep royal purple and silver. The ceiling is made of crystal clear glass tiles and the curtains hanging down from there look like they might break off at any second. You’re amazed at everything. So many things that you couldn’t even name.
This was completely a different room comparing to the room when you first woke up. Did he changed his chambers?
“Where do you want to sit? On that large couch or that loveseat?” He nods his head towards where you noticed a few chairs placed near a big window.
“Let's sit on the couch,” you say quietly, now feeling shy all of a sudden.
Once you are in the soft cushion facing the window seeing a Stary night sky above, the room suddenly gives a soft purple light when it eliminates your surroundings around you.
You’re surprised when you notice Jungkook already sitting next to you on the couch, his leg thrown over the other while his chin rests in top of his palms.
He looks at you with hooded eyes, a little bit more serious now.
“Are you alright, my love?”
Your heart skips several beats hearing such a sweet nickname come out of his beautiful mouth. His lips curled upwards ever so slightly when he saw your blush.
“Yea. I am.”
“Alright,” he smiles softly. “Now are you hungry?”
You nod,” A lot.”
When you say that, there is a knock against the door which brings you an idea who it is.
“Your Majesty, I brought the food You requested,” Moe sounds a little scared.
It seems he was afraid Jungkook would be angry at him again for forgetting.
Looking over at the entrance, you see the servant opening the doors, the one you called over earlier, standing nervously under Jungkook’s gaze. He bows quickly before walking further into the room to set down a tray with food on the coffee table.
He then backs away slowly until he finds a corner to stand in waiting patiently for Jungkook.
“Eat,” Jungkook says, not wanting to waste any time with the unnecessary company and grabs your wrist and guides you back into sitting position on the sofa next to him.
You can hear him growl underneath his breath causing your cheeks to heat up. It doesn’t seem like you are getting anything out of him, so you decide that it’s best that you listen to what he has to say without interrupting him. After finishing the last piece of chicken you move to the cupcakes next for the dessert.
Taking your fork, you grab the strawberry filling and try your best to get the amount that you wanted by yourself. It’s not exactly easy because the strawberries are super hard to pick apart. You have to use the tips of your fingers to carefully remove the fruits from their places before eating them. They were a bit tough but you managed to get every single one of them into your mouth and swallowed it whole.
It was delicious, you’ll give it to them that.
Jungkook just stares at you with his full attention, never taking his eyes off you since you started eating.
There’s something about the way he watches you, his dark eyes fixated on yours, almost like he’s hypnotized, you don’t think that it’s normal for anyone else.
You can see him staring at you, not just for a moment here and there, but really looking at you and watching your every action. This is very unlike the man you fell in love with. If he were to continue watching you like that and stare you into submission, you wouldn’t object at all.
You’d gladly accept his affection, your eyes falling into him as well while he continues to watch you.
Then, without warning, his eyes lose focus. You frown at the loss, you didn’t know what caused that reaction but before you could ask him what happened he clears his throat and shifts his gaze to the plate beside him.
“Have you had enough?” He asks quietly, reaching for another piece of cupcake.
You reach for the tea and sip it slowly when you nod,” I think so.”
After drinking the rest of the liquid, you lean back on the chair and put the empty teacup on the end table besides the seat. Jungkook leans forward, holding his face between his hands.
For a moment, you can’t help but stare at him, admiring his beauty for quite a long time.
His hair falls perfectly into place, his golden eyes twinkle beautifully. You wish you could see him like this all the time. All the time.
And as if he sensed you staring at him, he tilts his head and locks eyes with you.
You avert your gaze quickly. When did you become so bold?
You look at the window then back to Jungkook.
Jungkook looks back at you and smirks,” I thought you weren’t going to stare anymore.”
You scoff and roll your eyes playfully, you can’t help yourself.
With his hands, Jungkook lifts the hair behind your ear, then moves a strand of hair aside, placing his palm on either side of your face, caressing it gently with his thumb.
Your heart beats fast when you feel the warmth from his touch.
“I was just thinking of something else,” you reply in a low voice trying not to make eye contact with him.
What should you say? How could you explain your thoughts to him? You can't just blurt out all of your emotions to him.
He moves his thumb down to your neck and gently rubs the spot where your pulse lies.
"How does my collar feel?"
"Mmm…” you groan when your skin comes into contact with his warm finger. “It feels nice.”
He lowers his head close to yours.
“Do you feel it pulsating?”
You bite your lip lightly before nodding slowly.
"Good." He kisses you on the cheek, leaving a trail of tiny kisses all the way down to the edge of your jaw. "I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself.”
Your hands go to hold on his shoulders as he leans closer to you, brushing your nose against his and giving you goosebumps.
You feel your body heating up instantly at his closeness. You're too busy being lost in his intoxicating scent to notice how his pupils start to dilate slowly. The only thing you can focus on right now is the hand on your thigh.
As he begins to lower his hands down to rest in front of you, he presses his cold hands against your heated thighs.
“Kisses are supposed to feel good don’t you agree?” His voice is husky but it sends shivers down your spine.
You don't answer. Instead you open your legs wider for him to slip his hands inside of your skirt. Your panties immediately dampen with your arousal at the thought of him touching you there.
He kisses you softly and runs his tongue along the edge of your lips. You moan when he makes his way down your neck.
Then you feel him biting you gently at the same time sucking slightly on a soft spot below your collarbone, making your eyes flutter closed tightly when the sensations begin to overwhelm you.
"Jungkook,” you whisper, not being able to take it anymore.
The sound of someone clearing their throat by the door causes Jungkook to stop moving.
“Oh, I'm sorry to bother you both. I'll come back later.” It's Moe. His tone much higher than before.
"No problem," Jungkook speaks with a low, sexy tone in his voice as he leans back from your neck while still keeping his hands firmly attached on you. "We finished anyway."
Oh god, my heart!
"You Majesty, I'll leave you two alone then." You hear the door closing after the servant leaves.
You feel embarrassed when you realize that Moe probably saw you with Jungkook doing more than just talking.
"I... I'm sorry," you mumble, feeling extremely shy.
"Don't be." He gives you a gentle smile, making your heart skip a beat.
You look back outside the window and sigh. This whole day has been a big mess and you don’t even know if your father is safe with the vampires attacking your palace.
That is why you find yourself asking, “Jungkook? Why are they attacking my palace? Why are all of these things happening to me?”
You turn towards him again when he gets up.
"Because they want your blood," he states calmly and stands in front of you.
"W..." you don’t understand. What does he mean by that? Is this some kind of sick joke? You need to understand! "What do you mean they want my blood?!”
"The one who attacked the castle. He’s going to attack your family, your friends, your kingdom if he doesn’t get his revenge.”
You’re taken aback, what? That wasn’t possible, surely, your father can stop this from happening? No...it doesn’t make sense. This couldn’t be happening. There must be some mistake.
You shake your head, denying everything that he says. There must be an explanation, maybe it isn’t true. Maybe it will all be okay.
But you can’t deny reality.
“Jungkook...what am I going to do if they harm my father? What will happen to my mother and kingdom?” You can’t keep it in anymore, tears starting to form at the corner of your eyes.
“They won’t hurt him, Y/n. I promise you.” Jungkook assures you, placing a warm hand on your trembling ones.
“I don’t believe you.” You whisper through the tears running down your face.
“Listen to me,” he places his free hand over yours, making your fingers curl around his. “I’m going to make sure that nothing happens to him. Nothing at all.”
“Promise?” You ask desperately.
Jungkook nods and puts his forehead against your own. “On my life and honor, I promise.” He repeats his words, tightening his grip on your small hand.
"Thank you...for everything..." you mumble, feeling the urge to cry again.
Jungkook smiles and pecks your forehead gently, “Your safety and happiness is what matters the most. I would do anything for you. Anything at all, Y/N.” He brings his mouth to meet your own, kissing you deeply, passionately.
When he breaks away from your lips, he cups your face in his hands. You let out a gasp at his sudden movements. Jungkook smirks when he notices this.
“Can I ask you something?”
You nod your head vigorously,” Yes.”
Jungkook takes a deep breath and starts tracing little circles with the pad of his thumb on the bottom of your chin.
“Are you sure that it’s okay if we continue?”
He whispers as he glances down at the red mark his teeth left behind.
You chuckle and press a soft kiss onto his fingertips. “Of course. I trust you.”
"Alright, I have a confession to make," he says as he stares straight into your eyes with his bright orbs glistening under the moonlight.
“Okay...I guess that means I have to confess too then.” You chuckle nervously.
He nods his head.
“Ugh, this is embarrassing...” you laugh awkwardly and try your best to hide your burning blush.
"Go ahead."
“It’s about this morning. When we were...uh, you know...” you stutter, not wanting to bring up the topic.
Jungkook chuckles,“I see.”
"Yeah....so... um.."
"You wanted to give it to me right?" He interrupts you, making you gulp anxiously.
He looks at you for a second before continuing. “If we’re gonna continue, then you shouldn’t have held me off like that. I’ve had enough teasing. We can’t go on like that. Tempting a man such as myself is never good enough when you know my intentions.”
He grabs your cheeks and kisses you hard. He lets his tongue invade your mouth as he wraps both of his arms around your waist and carries you towards your bed.
You gasp as he lowers you onto your bed before unbuttoning his jacket with the waistcoat and removing the cloak from his shoulders. Pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it aside to reveal his muscular tattooed torso underneath. He removes his pants quickly afterwards. He climbs on top of you, straddling your hips before positioning himself in front of your entrance.
"Are you sure you wanna do this again?"
You bite your lips before answering honestly, “Yes.”
His gaze softens. He looks so vulnerable right now. And you’re the one he wants. He reaches down and lifts the hem of your dress above your knees. He slips his hand inside the gap between your thighs and strokes the sensitive skin lightly across your center.
You gasp when your underwear touches his fingers, his touch feeling incredibly soothing.
His other hand moves from your leg up to your breast and squeezes one of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger.
Since it was a dress with layers underneath, there was no bra.
You close your eyes tightly and grab onto his hair, trying to pull him closer to you.
"Please...” you whimper.
He pulls his hand away from your breast and slides it down your stomach until he reaches your panties. He pushes them down your legs and tosses them aside. Before you can protest, he reaches over the bed to retrieve something from his jacket and with wide eyes see him taking a small dagger with diamonds. You were surprised by the move that you didn’t even stop him for tearing your dress down with the knife when the poor clothing came apart before his eyes, reveling your bare body.
Taking the knife in his mouth, you look at him shocked when he pulls the dress off of you completely, leaving you cold.
What the hell just happened?
Grabbing the handle, Jungkook takes it out of his mouth and tosses it aside when you hear the dagger falling to the ground.
When he gives you a dark gaze and catches you watching him with something like desire and daze, he can’t help but smirk.
“Don’t worry about the dress, I will buy you thousands of them if you want.”
He leans forward and kisses you again. His tongue traces your lower lip and his fingers slowly enter you, causing your core to tighten with desire. A shaky moan escapes your lips as you move your hips up, trying to push him further inside of you.
He smiles against your lips before taking a hold of your wrists and pinning them above your head.
“Tell me what you want, little one,” he whispers seductively in a low voice .
"Make love to me," you reply breathlessly, looking up at him.
You notice a wicked smirk forming on his face. "So eager.”
Your brows furrowed together. "What does that mean?"
"Nothing, I love how eager you are. Come here."
After saying this, Jungkook grabs your ankles and pulls your legs apart. You gasp from the pain as he begins to rub your clit with his thumb while his fingers playfully pinch your nipples and tease your inner walls, driving you crazy.
"Mmmmh! Ahhh! Hmfh!" You cry out loud. Jungkook immediately stops once you call for him. He rests his forehead against yours, panting heavily.
"Was that good?"
"Ya! It was amazing!" you say excitedly.
Jungkook laughs softly at your excitement, but then he continues with what you want him to do.
"Do you really want me to fuck you, Y/n?"
You nod eagerly, "Yes! Please! Do whatever you want! Just please..." you trail off, breathing heavily as he takes off his underwear and thrusts his hips slowly into your wet entrance, taking you by surprise how big he is, the size stretching your walls painfully.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, princess. Forgive me, I can’t be gentle. You feel so good,” he apologizes, burying his face deeper into your neck.
“No, it’s ok. Just do as you please,” you assure him as you place your arms around his neck. You feel him smile against your skin.
He picks up a steady pace, thrusting more forcefully into you than before, almost hitting your cervix multiple times, his pace faster and faster as he goes deeper. Your breathing turns heavy, and your body trembles from the pleasure.
“Ah!! Yes... yes…” You scream out loudly as another wave of orgasm hits you, your pussy clenching instinctively and clenching even tighter around him.
The feeling makes him groan when he suddenly grips your neck tightly with his hand as he enters you even more deeply with his thick cock.
He thrusts fast, filling you completely and letting his balls graze against your entrance and sending shivers down your spine. You cling tightly onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his bare back. The sensation is intense, overwhelming. It feels painful but so incredible.
"Fuck!!" You gasp as Jungkook releases deep within your core, coming undone as well. You wrap your legs around his hips, pressing yourself against him. He holds your upper thighs tightly, his head resting against your shoulder.
“Jesus fucking Christ…” He breathes, feeling his heart rate increase exponentially. You could practically see his whole body shaking from holding his release.
You take deep breaths in order to calm yourself. You don't even want to think about how sweaty you both are at this point.
‘I can’t believe I just did that. I just did the things I never thought I'd ever do. But it felt so right.
You can hear his heavy breathing against your ear. “Are you okay?” He asks in a raspy voice.
You smile sheepishly and nod your head, “I am fine.”
Jungkook still haven’t pulled his cock out of you . Instead, he keeps it buried inside of you, rubbing it against your entrance every few minutes.
“Look at you, so good for me," Jungkook praises you quietly.
You blush and turn away shyly.
‘Why is it so hard to look him in the eye now?
“Did I hurt you, angel?” Placing a kiss on your shoulder, he flips you over so you’re laying on your stomach and the angle makes his length push deeper into your folds when he inserts it back in.
“God, you’re so tight,” He moans as he starts moving slowly, carefully.
Your entire body tenses up at the sound of his voice and the realization that he is not done yet. Every drag of his big shaft inside your walls made your core sensitive and aching for more.
He kisses your neck softly and nibbles on the tender flesh with his warm tongue.
“Humm...so tight, princess.”
“Again?” You ask as you close your eyes, allowing him to get even deeper inside of you.
“Again,” he says with lust and passion laced in his tone.
“Oh God….” You let out another shaky breath and relax your body completely.
You're not going to lie; you enjoy this. Being filled up by someone else. Feeling someone touch you in a way that no one has ever touched you before. This isn't just sex anymore - it's something far more intimate, much deeper. Something only Jungkook knows how to do. You could stay like this forever if you want to. All of this...
All of this is what made you realize why you let him do this. Why you were so nervous all morning, scared that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t serious about you. That you wouldn’t mean as much to him as he meant to you.
But you know that isn’t true. He’s given you everything that is needed to know him: his trust, his honesty, his respect, his caring, his gentleness and patience, and above all, his love.
“I love you,” you tell him through the haze of arousal that surrounds your mind.
He suddenly stops when he hears your confession .
"What did you say?" He asks cautiously.
You open your eyes and glance up at him, "I said I love you," you repeat as he pulls his dick out of you slightly and watches as you come undone once more.
He doesn't respond though. Instead, he places both of his hands underneath your ass, lifting you up so you're sitting. He pushes his shaft deep inside of you, making you moan softly. Then, he lowers himself so that he can rest his chin on top of your head.
"Say that again.”
"I love you."
"Again," he says sternly, his thrusts becoming more rougher.
"I love you," you repeat when you whimper from his movements.
A slight grin forms on his lips. "That’s enough,” he whispers kissing your neck softly,” I love you too, little one,” and thrusts harder inside of you, taking you further into his depths each time.
You cry out louder with each passing moment, the sensations intensifying.
His lips press against your ear. "Shh, darling. Relax, we're almost there,” he encourages in a soft voice. He lets go of one of your hip bones with his right hand and uses the other to massage the swollen bud in your clit, causing you to whimper from the pressure and tightening your grip on him.
He continues stroking you and continuing to thrust into you as you come undone for him again and again until you can' stand anymore and you collapse beneath him.
“Jungkook, I'm going to die," you say breathily, trying your best to catch your breath.
He chuckles lightly, "Don't joke, baby,” He assures you with concern lacing his voice.
"Let me help you," he adds while pulling your legs apart to see his cock still stuck deep inside you, your juices leaking out of your hole, the sight so beautiful when he pulls your butt-cheeks apart. ‘’Damn, you’re so tight, princess. Don’t worry, we’ll go slower,’’ he smiles, massaging your pussy.
You close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of having his cock inside of you, the pressure, the warmth, the closeness... the love he has for you.
You start moving your hips to meet his slow strokes. You could literally feel every single muscle inside of him flex and contract when he goes inside of you again and again.
"I'm gonna explode soon," you moan.
"Then let me come inside of you,” Jungkook growls, his voice full of need and desire.
“I want you to come inside of me. Please, Jungkook. Let me feel your dick all inside of me."
Jungkook's eyes flash dark for a second. He looks so intense, and it's all because of you.
His body stiffens for a moment and then relaxes again as he thrusts faster inside of you.
"I've got to fuck you so fucking deep. Let me fill your sweet pussy. Let me fill you."
"Yes!" You beg as he pumps harder inside you, his rhythm becoming faster and faster.
He leans forward as he thrusts in a quick motion. Your fingers dig into the bed sheets as he slams against your clit repeatedly, pushing his erection all the way into you.
“Ah! Ahhh! Oh fuckkk!” You scream out as pleasure overtakes your senses, bringing tears to your eyes.
You can’t hold it in anymore. Every movement of his cock inside of you, every thrust, every loud moan leaving your mouth, it drives you insane.
"Fuckkk! Fucking, oh god. Ohgodohgod," you gasp desperately as the orgasm consumes you.
"My goddess. My angel. My everything. Oh fuckkkkkkk.... I can't take it,” he groans loudly as he comes inside of you one last time, his hot semen filling you to the brim. There was too much of it because you felt it dripping between your cheeks.
Both of you lay together on the bed for a long time afterwards, panting heavily. His cock is still lodged deep inside of you as you feel it twitch, ready to be released at any second but the third time would be too much. You were completely drained from the things he did to you.
But seeing how happy it made him. The pain was worth it.
“Come here.” He mutters softly, turning around in the bed and pulling you toward him, wrapping his arms around your middle.
He rests his head on the crook of your neck and pulls you closer to his chest.
“How was it? Was it everything you thought it would be?” He asks quietly.
“Yes. Thank you, Jungkook.”
“Thank you? For what?”
You sigh deeply as a small smile spreads across your face.
“Everything. You.”
“I love you, angel,” he murmurs softly against your skin as he hugs you tighter,” you don’t have to thank me. Just know that I’m always here for you. Always. I care about you so much.”
A small chuckle escapes your lips as you bury your face into the crook of his neck but then realization hits you.
He hums in question but when there is no reply from you, he glances at you.
“What is it?”
You try to hide your face in the pillow when you murmur back,” I’m now pregnant?”
His hold tightens on you when leans back to look down at you,” Why do you say that?”
You blush deeper,” You came inside of me like from those romance books where the male releases his sperm in the female in order to get her pregnant. So I am now pregnant?”
Your guard chuckles suddenly, the sound becomes louder each second when he sees how innocently you asked that question. If that were another man, he would be already taking an advantage of you for another round but the thought of you pregnant with his child has him feeling hard again even he doesn’t want to.
It isn’t easy for anyone to see how hard his cock is and when you do… it only makes him feel things worse for him.
“You sure are bold today, aren’t we angel?” He mumbles between gritted teeth before leaning up to give you a sweet yet passionate kiss.
As soon as you realize what’s going on, you push Jungkook away from you and scoot over towards the other side of the bed. A few tears spill from your eyes as you watch his handsome features become contorted by rage.
“Why did you push me away? Do you regret it now?” he asks.
You sniffle,” No! It’s not like that at all Jungkook, I just…”
The way he looks at you makes you feel so uncomfortable that you can’t even think straight.
But before you could finish, he has already picked you up bridal style and starts carrying you to the big bathroom.
“Please put me down! Let go of me right now!”
He laughs darkly but does as told,” You should know better angel than to reject my love. After all, we belong together.”
He throws you harshly onto the tub filled with bubbly hot water, startling you enough so that the water slops all over the edges and drips onto you.
The room is filled with heavy silence except for your shaky breathing. He sits on the edge of the bathtub and watches as you lay there, naked breasts heaving from your quick breaths as if it is taking everything in you to keep yourself awake.
“Will you behave now?” Your guard stands up to his full height and you see his dick hardening at the sight of you in the tub.
Ignoring how large and red it is with white specks of cum from earlier activities, that brings you back why you’re mad at him.
“No,” you blankly answer him.
He asks, raising an eyebrow while crossing his arms against his chest. His muscles ripple under his skin and you can feel them tense in irritation.
“Yes!” you scream angrily, causing the temperature in the bathroom to rise,” You forced yourself upon me and now you want to punish me for it. Taking me like you have always wanted, now you can’t take responsibility for it! I might have your baby!”
You point at his dick with every word and he doesn’t seem fazed even though all color had drained from his face and you are now shouting at him without mercy.
“And I hate you for this! I despise-oghhhm,” he doesn’t let you finish when steps into the bath and lifts you up against his body, his wings sprouting from his back making you flinch when you’re embraced in darkness with his scent engulfing you and wet skin pressed against yours. You can feel him shaking under you as he takes your lips, his touch burning your skin.
“If anything happens to our baby, I swear to God,” his voice is hoarse,” I’ll kill everyone involved. Especially myself but never talk to me that way again. You’re fucking mine!” he hisses against your lips before roughly biting your lower lip before pulling away and looking you in the eye.
“Do you understand me?” he whispers huskily against your ear as his hands move around to grab your ass before yanking it forward so that it presses against his hard rock hard dick.
“Yea, I understand,” you whisper breathlessly as you feel him rub against your red folds.
Before long he is inside you, slowly thrusting his hips inside you one slow movement at a time. It drives you crazy when he moves like that in you. You close your eyes to savor his movements. Each thrust feels like a lightning bolt, sending pleasure coursing through your veins until finally, the tension builds and you scream out loud, reaching out to wrap your legs around his waist and digging your nails into his back.
When you feel your orgasm hit, he growls and slams into you harder, harder, faster as he releases deep within you and almost crushes you with his body against the wall when he lazily continues to thrust.
“That wasn’t so bad now, right?” he asks after calming himself down.
“I think I preferred that,” you moan in reply as your hands slide across his naked back until they find their way onto his face, caressing the skin underneath as he lowers himself to rest his forehead against yours. He kisses you passionately for a moment, letting you catch your breathe before pressing light kisses along your jawline to reach your neck and leaving a lingering mark against the spot where he first bit you.
“I think my girl loves it rough.” His words make you lower you eyelashes in embarrassment when you try to cover your flushed cheeks but when his wings retreats back a bit to give you some light, Jungkook runs his thumb over your lips and chuckles deeply,” Who could have thought that the princess from a royal family will act this way,” he purrs softly into your ear as he pulls back and cups your cheek gently before kissing you gently, his tongue teasingly slipping past your parted lips before pulling back to stare you dead in the eye.
“I hope that my little princess likes to stay in shape because this is not the last time that I’d fuck you in a bath,” he growls low and deep as his hands roam over your body and you bite your lip hard to prevent any noises from leaving your mouth.
“But first, let’s get married. Then you won’t need to worry anymore.”
The words made you freeze.
“B-But, Jungkook…my father…you told him that you will ask for my hand in marriage only when I turn twenty one,” you mutter softly when you look at him worriedly.
“Doesn’t matter now. Now, you’re here with me. You will come to live with me. And you’re going to marry me.”
“But..why?” you whimper.
“Because…” he stops speaking for a while.
Looking deeply into your eyes, he smiles and grabs your chin with his fingers, forcing you to look directly into his gaze as he leans down to plant soft yet firm kisses along your jaw line and eventually trailing them downwards towards your neck.
“Because…because… I love you, little one. Because I care about you more than I cared about anything else in my entire life. I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone ever taking you from me.”
His deep raspy voice breaks your heart.
A broken smile forms itself on your lips when he finishes speaking.
‘Is this really happening? Is this really Jungkook?’ you wonder silently as you close your eyes and lean your head against his shoulder, enjoying the moment for what it may be.
Be continued…
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p.s. All images and gifs are not mine, some of the edits are mine edited but not every picture. All the credit goes to their rightful owners
If you like, please reblog or like the post so I can post the next chapters :)
🅒 All rights reserved
191 notes · View notes
idololivine · 1 year
and so we begin again
y'know a remarkable number of the guys do art. Blade... Olivine... Eiden obviously... Garu paints in one of his intimacy rooms... Kuya in this au... idk what's going on in Yakumo's CoD r2 but he might count as well?
anyway what I'm saying is, magical girls art club.
not all of their art makes it into the gallery; most of it doesn't, in fact. but a lot of it ends up in Kuya's personal collection because he's a softie at heart.
Blade's projects end up in the gallery the most often because critics absolutely eat up the avant-garde-ness. none of Eiden's do, because he keeps his for potential inspiration in future designs.
oh my god...... the bodice ripper was there all along.......
gyaru peri / waif ame... terrible. I love it. Kuya gets a real kick out of the ones that make him out to be some teary submissive waif helplessly being taken advantage of by the rest of the clan. in general he's not as fascinated as Blade or Rei by the shitty ooc doujins, but he can appreciate some good comedy. if only the doujin artists knew.
Eiden, watching Sapphire kick a monster's head in: hot damn
Sapphire's transformation has it all... grace, filth, a little cutesiness, a little spice... a full ballet choreo...
Peridot's transformation ranks high on filth with some cutesiness. a lot of boinging. Obsidian's is more cool, especially when he gets more comfortable with his powers. Tourmaline's started off cutesy gap moe, but as he grows into his role as a cool magical girl king, it ends up fucking almost as hard as Sapphire's; he has the regality but not the ballet dancer grace. Moonstone's is cool in the way werewolves are cool.
you know, you did say before that Dante would be a cheetah, but it didn't consciously register until now that it means he's a catboy. catboy Dante. incredible.
I would also actually like to suggest a retcon to lion Dante. I think it fits well, between the king themeing and the mane, and Little Lion Man is a very Dante song. and lion king references, of course.
there are so so many death by snu snu jokes about the Topaz and Peridot titty crush.
Eiden starts making attachments for the evil sex wand. they don't help with like, laser beams, but it's a good way to vary up how he charges the guys up fights. the day he figures out how to use it as a wireless remote controller for other vibrators, it's over.
speaking of wet rained on magical girls
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someday we'll get a magical girl event. someday. I have faith.
the others are so obviously not adapting well to the magical girl life that early on it's hard to gauge when Olivine deserves MMMG, especially since his response to having a bad day is to shut down instead of cry. when he did get MMMG, he'd still make a token effort to turn it down but it never lasted very long because yeah, he would like to get pampered for a bit.
later on he still doesn't get it very much because A) he's honestly enjoying this more than anyone else on the team, and B) he doesn't squabble over the title. but sometimes they'll vote that he gets it (or Kuya makes another extremely biased decision) just because it's been so long since he last got it.
it's like the devil and angel on your shoulders, except they're milfs and instead of giving you life advice they give you dick and hole respectively. hot. it's always A Lot when they decide to sandwich one person (usually Eiden). Olivine prefers to be submissive even while being incredibly needy, so with Kuya directing him... yeah. Yeah.
nodnod. Personal Gender Feelings, I get it. oh to use omegaverse as a medium to process gender feelings.
I didn't expect the sheer amount of citations on yaoi hole...
Quincy has to have Stern Words with the other guys on giving Topper food. Topper's on a diet because he can't run fast enough to avoid danger. do you want Topper to get hurt? no? stop giving him food.
Topper continues to bully the other guys for food, and now he knows who's weak to begging. Yakumo gets very close, but what Quincy said about Topper getting hurt haunts him, so he manages to stay strong. Dante is also surprisingly soft - it is, hilariously, canon that he is not immune to Topper (Forest Carnival). Quincy generally realises what Topper's up to and comes to spirit him away before Dante actually caves.
Olivine, despite his general demeanor, is fully capable of being strict. Edmond sympathizes with Topper, but he has the discipline to resist; ditto for Blade. Topper doesn't even try with Kuya and Rei.
now that Eiden's around, Dante's thighs sure are getting regular workouts... thicc Dante era is coming. I believe in him.
OG Olivine for me ranks fairly low among Olivine SSRs but fairly high among OG SSRs... I don't know if that says that Olivine has really good event SSRs or if it says that I'm wildly biased.
surrounded by flames that warm but don't burn, comforting and protective; the flame of a hearth, of a bonfire. dangerous, but beautiful, and fuel for life itself in the right hands. and then you look up and get an upskirt view of Dante, with his tiny plank ass and monster schlong. we gotta keep some gap moe.
Dante, once he gets more firey, is a popular pick for MMMG cuddling dibs. the heat is amaaaaaazing for sore muscles.
natural redhead Edmond... hold on.
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I can kinda see it! I think the reddish-brown looks nicer than the straight up redhead. definitely very different from the blue hair. this was the best I could do for short hair...
Dante and Edmond going off on the attendee doesn't make it into most of the (very positive) coverage of the gala, but it does feature in some of the less scrupulous gossip rags. some of it frame it as "shocking! 😱 prince and princess ROAST rude guest!" and others frame it as them unfairly tearing into someone who dared criticise them. but the general sentiment across the city is lol that person deserved it
Blade and Rei caught the whole thing on camera. Blade keeps a copy of the footage for posterity.
people watch, fascinated, as Eiden and Olivine approach Quincy and Kuya, expecting them to get smoked by the combo milf-possessive aura. Eiden and Olivine visibly make it out unscathed, but Quincy and Kuya continue to be too intimidating to approach.
man, all the guys would absolutely have the looks for modeling. I imagine Dante's agent is very good at being genuine while taking no shit (had to be, for Dante to stick with her through his entire adolescence and young adulthood) and she manages to fluster Yakumo into saying yes to one photoshoot. and... his looks are amazing, but he's so shy that he's kind of terrible to work with as a model. shame.
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mackjlee9 · 4 months
Im off to bed right now, just set down and put on a video for background noises.
Brain suddenly decided it would be amazing to learn rigging art. Like nothing happened, literally hyperfixated on Elden Ring the whole day and while eating "We could learn to make Vtuber models" Like what, buddy we cant even draw. So yea now that is floating in my brain.
Also what i forgot to tell you, i dont know if you remenber but i said i wanted to give Ruze a chance as my background stream for learning and now i really enjoy his streams. His non stop babbling literally shuts down my own thoughts and i can concentrate better on stuff. So yea project "Giving Ruze a try" was really successful for learning.
Im at my parents over the weekend so you will also get some pet pics. Also thinking about spending most off march at my parents, so i can pay with my mental health for food instead of money, but im not sure yet. Anygays, kissing you. Night night Angel 💚💚
Extra: Handing some songs over, didnt do that in a while. One is german but it is so rent free in my head. Both kinda turn my brain off. 1. Motion Sickness - Vestron Vulture. 2. Sommer in Berlin - $ubria
Sleep well, darling, mwah~
Yep, I usually have this wondering thought in my brain of "making vtuber models" or "being a vtuber" which are both way too stressful but the ideas behind them are fun, in a way.
Yes!! He just goes on tangents after tangents so often that it's like music to my ears. While half of the time I get lost on what he's saying and my brain turns to mush, I've learned so many cool stuff from him and I just love the vibes he has 🥰 and we can't forget the gap moe, that dude is so insanely adorable while simultaneously a dork, love him~ (also have clipped both of his karaoke stream ehe)
Thank you for the cat pic, my eyes have been blessed and my soul has been cleansed from all the evil 😌
Hopefully staying at your parents' house would be a good time. Good night! Have sweet dreams 😚😚
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lost-in-2d · 1 year
i7☆Challenge day 05
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sogo!!! looking at the prompts, it seems that I can discuss my fave boy multiple times 🥰☺🥰
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bby you are my angel....
on first impression, he seemed like the token introvert in i7 😐 I thought the anime adaptation would focus mostly on riku and his issues/arc (as a lot of adaptations tend to do), but I was pleasantly surprised! I thought I was doomed to once again like a side character who doesn't get much screen time. I quickly got invested when Part I dived into sogo's background and anxieties 👀
in plot, there was an event where i7 is the unit in charge of costume design and sogo said he relies on the shopping staff's advice aaaabhjbdscdscbjbcjbckds oh to be the shop staff recommending fits for sogo hbdwefjcfdjvibjdsbvbsvbwjevbe (rolls around)
I'm not sure if this a popular opinion, but I wouldn't agree with the statement that the extreme ends of his personality/gap moe aspect of his character design are purely there for trope sake. We've seen in plot that he 'threatens'/gets way more assertive with Tamaki or Torao when he gets stressed out by circumstances, where he is supposed to fulfil a certain responsibility (cook curry) or maintain his family's image (torao running his mouth 💀). This is in line with his central conflict that he has to suppress certain parts of himself (like his passion for music, his hobbies) to fit within family/society's expectations. So naturally unexpected sides of sogo come out when he is pressured. aaaaa I can relate,, his wishy washy nature that Tamaki dislikes is kinda relatable too, it comes with wanting to please everyone His lack of self-awareness is kind of cute too (blinded by favouritism) But I can agree that his drunken state is written this way for fun or fan service LOL. not that there's something wrong with it
I luv himm 💜💜💜💜💜 his first line in game plot is caring about Riku's condition after playing basketball together, and he is the first person to put faith in Tsumugi/the player character as the manager of iDOLiSH7
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"This has nothing to do with age. I think she seems dependable. I'm in your care from now on, manager."
aaaaa he's so polite and cuuuute!!! not a hater like iori 🙄🙄(big /lh on this, I like iori's growth very much lmao)
I really like sogo☺<333
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kainisticinstincts · 3 months
Honestly I've so far only written like 2 chapters/14 pages of writing and I only write Original Work mostly out of boredom and because it's surprisingly effective against depression but I have this insane dream of publishing my science fantasy original story inspired by Warhammer 40K, Kill six billion demons, Shonen battle Anime, Shoujo Romance, Destiny 1 and 2 and the insane ramblings of my ideas gal and editor Derkow with the hope of publishing and somehow being successful enough to have my own Netflix animated TV show with the same quality as something like Arcane and with me supervising.
I often feel hopeless whenever I revise a chapter because it's not good enough or when I feel like my prose are lacking compared to my idol Seth J. Dickinson or that it's just too niche then I see shit like Colleen Hoover novels be new york times best seller or Fifty Shades of Gray selling more books than the bible or fifty shades Polish Mob Kidnapping getting a trilogy of films under netflix and the FUCK IT WE BALL demons start burning hot in me and I'm like "If people liked a book with the words "We laughed. We laughed at our sons big balls" then mine can't possibly be any worse. FUCK IT I'M HIM. I'M HIMOTHY. THE WORLD WILL READ ABOUT MY TEN DIMENSIONAL TRANSFEM SWORDSMAN CUTTING A SPACE TIME DESTROYIBG BLACK HOLE BEAM IN HALF WITH HER LATINO GAP MOE SPACE ANGEL-KNIGHT BOYFRIEND"
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plutocharons · 11 months
seidans new original song uerhererhehgheghjgherjfhdbghbh THEYRE SO. ok listen its th. ive half let out my thought salready somewhere else so im not gonna talk about hte whole thing but wolpis' solo bit is so fucking pretty oh my god like ok
the gap moe between how chaotic he acts and the whole angel/divine vibe of his solo is rly funny but putting thst aside it just genuinely sounds so fucking beautilfl yasuhiro did so fucking well on that im such a sucker fot thinsg with divine vibes like that and out of everyone in seidan wolpis' voice is definietely most well-fitted for that. aAND LIKE. I DONT KNOW ITS JUTS REALLY NICE LIKE THE WINGS AND ALL (HIDANESAN AND MIYAZAWASAN DID SO WELL ON THAT MV BIT) AND THE LYRICS AND SHHJBRIEWTEITERHJG i llove him i love seijijn dansei sanningumi i fele insane
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marahuyos · 2 years
@okaeri-doktah​ asked: Hiya! 💞 It's me again sbsjhs 👉👈!!
Tysm again for that Executor piece you wrote in reply to my request a lil while back aaa I really can't say ty enough 😭💕
Anywho, I was hoping to request more Executor again sgshhs?
(Since the Guiding Light event on CN kind of officially showed that Laterano and Sanktas are all about guns and sweets lolol) Could I request something with Executor and a reader s/o who has a huge sweet tooth and really wants him to bake Laterano sweets for them aaa 🥺??
And I hope you're doing good 🥰
- Exe 💕
executor x doctor!reader
mara’s words: im back babeyyy!! here’s your request and ty for being patient!
tw: really flirty reader lol i couldn’t help myself
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• You would think that a stoic man such as Executor would equally like boring and stoic things, right? Well, it was a surprise towards non-Laterano Operators that Executor was holding a plate with a slice of angel’s food cake. Now they won’t ask why Exusiai says ‘Apple pie!’ each time she activates her skill because literally any other Sankta will relate to having a sweet-tooth.
• He is adept at the kitchen as well as his job. He’s a fierce contender with Matterhorn when it comes to baking sweet treats. The younger Operators couldn’t help but make contests on which one could make the ‘bestest, sweetest, tastiest treat!’ or so says Ceobe. Executor doesn’t mind, after all, this is sort of a mission for him.
• So why the hell are you here, judging alongside Ceobe, Bubble, and Popukar?!
• His fish eyes stared at your spot, eagerly waiting for the finished product. It’s like you don’t have any shame, sitting alongside the children as you bade Executor good luck as he whipped the cream. As much as he appreciates your support, having you here, instead of looking over the newest Operators to train, was something of concern for him.
• But he has to focus. This is how he was able to survive for so long. He will see this sugary mission through.
• When both Operators presented they’re final dish to the panel of judges, he made a passing glance at you, he bit back a sigh when you winked at him, complete with a tiny finger heart. He didn’t know why he expected too much of this ‘judging’. Especially when the children gouged upon the desserts as if there were no tomorrow as you took a bit of Executor’s piece.
• Since you’re the only one capable of judging, you raised your hand up towards Executor and grinned. “Executor is the winner! And as the winner, you get to be my honorary dessert-maker until I see fit!”
• This isn’t what he signed up for. The Sankta balked, not noticing the pat on the back Matterhorn gave him before inching away from the scene. As you saddled up to Executor, head on his shoulder as you grinned up at him, he can’t help the upwards tilt of his lips.
“So this was all planned, Doctor. How devious, to have you orchestrate this entire mission just for me to succeed.”
“Although... I do not find it within me to hate it.”
• As he is Executor, he makes sure to see your mission through. Even if he has to bear the gap moe of a ruthless angel with a shotgun as an angel with a whisk.
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devilinsheepswool · 4 years
My First Impressions vs My now thoughts on the Obey Me! Babes + Luke
Because I did one for mysme some time back. Spoilers for season 2 and images (not related to the spoilers) ahead, tread with care
First Impression: Jumin Han, but make him a demon
Season 1: *after the attempts on MC's life, and over all ambiguity of his feelings and thoughts on MC* proceed with caution
Season 2: *after Arcadia, Luci being a smug lil shit but such a sweet heart when MC returns to Devildom, the amnesia situation, and willingness to sacrifice himself for MC and his brothers* LUCI, LISTEN TO ME LOVE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU WITHOUT HESITATION BABE
Overall thoughts: listen, I tend to like subs but Luci bae you got me like 💋👀❤👀❤👀💋
First Impression: He kinda reminds me of the guys that used to bully me when I was a kid
Season 1: *always protecting MC and caring for them, being basically attached to their hip* You're the only bitch in the house i ever respected.
Season 2: *Mammon being Mammon* I am proposing 👀💍❤
First Impression: I found my new bottom 😏
Season 1: *Levi still being a gigantic tsundere for a majority of the game, even post pact* Levi, sweetie! 💕 Pspspsps! 💗 Levi, darling! 💖 Come here, baby! 💘 Pspspsps! 💓
Season 2: (plus devilgrams) I'mma have all his sea demon babies, and that's a promise ❤👀
Overall thoughts: Fuck me in your ocean monster demon form
First Impression: 16 year old me's dream man, tbh
Season 1: Such a dapper Cat man~ So posh and chivalrous... Wait, oh?! He gremlin too?! Such gap moe,
Season 2: Any demons here? Got any demons out tonight? Any HORNY 😏 boys? Satan, I know you there babe, pspspsps
Overall thoughts: "Season 2 is over, so I cut off all my shirts sleeves." Why? "Satan was my self control."
First Impression: Okay, now this is interesting... not normally an archetype I'm fond of... but I'm kinda diggin him
Season 1: uhm, excuse me waiter? This season lacked a bit too much Asmo's character development for my liking
Overall thoughts: *Asmo getting cheated out of screen time and MC's love by Solmare* where are my cuddles, where are my kisses? MC, is... evil? MC is unyielding? MC is incapable of love? I am running away. I am packing my rusack and going out to explore the world like a lone vagabond. I can no longer thrive in this house hold.
First Impression: kinda scarey... 😟
Season 1: *after the whole Luke situation* I think we're married? But I don't remember a wedding. We might have adopted Luke too, sooo...? I like him, tho, so it's all Gucci with me tbh A REALLY SWEET DEMON MAN
Season 2: Puppy! Gigantic puppy man! BEELzeBABE sweetie I love you, baby! You're doing amazing sweetheart
Overall thoughts: I've had Beel for two seasons now and if anything ever happened to him, I would kill everyone and then myself
First Impression: ❤👀 Hey there Miss New Booty 👀❤
Season 1: *after he kills MC and there's no development or elaboration on their relationship*
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Season 2: (+ Devilgrams) Listen, everyone gets at least one homicidal psychopathic bad boy, and I've chosen him.
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Overall thoughts: Hello, fellow gremlin should we duel to the death for title of "ultimate sarcastic bastard"
First Impression: *Looks down at Diavolo's chest and then quickly back at him* I am looking respectfully 👀👀👀 *internally though vvvv*
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Season 1: He's cute, it's a shame we didn't see more of him 😔💔
Season 2: *towards the end, when Diavolo keeps trying to get MC alone* oooooooooh, bet? 😏
Overall thoughts: This man brings out the bottom in me like I have never experienced before
First Impression: I know we just met, and I know I hardly know anything about you but do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
Season 1: Listen, you can't give me a man that insanely HOT and then only sprinkle him every here and there in the game!!! That's not right! Gimme the whole slice Solmare!
Season 2: Barbatos, mon cher, they continue to keep us apart, don't they love? But fret not, fate shall not keep us a part for long, I know you'll come for me and I promise I shall be ready for when that day comes
Overall thoughts: He knows how to bake and cook!? Sold, I'm sold! Get me a white dress and him a suit~ 
First impression: He radiates pure bastatd energy, he just looks so pleased with himself... I feel like he's hiding something... I like him tho, I'd be his friend.
Season 1: *when the fandom theorized he was evil and shady* "STOP SAYING HE IS EVIL AND SHADY, you don't have all the facts!!!" and those are? "I LOVE HIM 🥺😭"
Season 2: *revealing he's been working hard to come up with a solution to MC's and the 3 realms problems, being protective of MC in Lesson 38* I KNEW IT, I KNEW YOU WEREN'T GOING TO BE EVIL 🥺😭☺️ THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE U ❤❤❤
Overall thoughts: I would die for u tbh
First Impression: Oh dreamweaver~ 💕❤💗💘💓💖👌💍🥺😏😚
Season 1:  oh holy shoulders give me strength for I know he is a forbidden man, but rather than give me strength you only seem to test my resilience to reach for the forbidden fruit and test my already crumbling sanity
Season 2: *Simeon alluding to feelings for MC with subtle actions and text messages* *high pitched shrieking only audible to dogs*
Overall thoughts: Have you ever seen a man so perfect you cry? Like, God, his beauty is unbelievable!!!
First impression: Yes, operator? I would like the custody of child forms... yeah, I'll hold 💅
Season 1: *when Luke is obviously still afraid and uncomfortable of being in Devildom, and any demon looks at him funny. Especially that one lesson when Lucifer tries to attack him in that catacombs looking place*
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Season 2: *watching Luke get more comfortable and even miss Devildom, watching his relationship with Barbatos and Solomon develop* that's growth
Overall thoughts: *after Luke accepted being MC's guardian Angel*
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First Impression: I know she's supposed to be good... but what if she turns out to be like Rika??? I'm sorry but I can't go through this again, dude
During Season 1: *towards the end when Lilith reveals all the truth to MC* I AM SO SORRY FOR EVER DOUBTING U MAMA LILITH 😭😭😭 U DIDN'T DESERVE THAT I'M SO SORRY
Overall thoughts: Mama Lilith, it's me your bastard great great great descendant. Can you hear me wherever you are? Mama Lilith, I need u girl... come help me again pwease 🙏
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riplever · 3 years
Genshin NCT Dream AU
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This AU brought to you by a decade-old SM Kpop fan. [Image source]
Bennett: The charismatic and responsible leader. Leads by passion and sunny optimism. Not wealthy, but always the first to offer to treat meals. Oldest not in age but by trainee days. A bit insecure about his hoarse boyish voice, and is more confident about his dancing. Will never be caught complaining about leadership burdens. His favorite nickname is Sunny. Had many different pets growing up and wants to adopt one for their dorms. Does not want to admit but does a terrible job of hiding his fear at Chongyun’s ghost stories, much to Xingqiu and their fans’ amusement.  
[Inspired by Johnny, Yunho, Doyoung]
Xingqiu: The cleverest, flower-boy main vocal. In possession of angelic soothing vocals that defines all of their melodies, especially for ballad pieces. Very sharp and quick-witted, often credited as lyricist for their songs. Has a fundamental understanding of the way their fandom operates, and as such can always be found providing acts of fanservice on cameras, whether that be between himself and Chongyun (they share a room at his request) or setting up his other members. His fans know to cherish the truly candid moments when Xingqiu isn’t aware of there being cameras on him. He knows Bennett’s been trying to ask for a pet for their dorm; went out and bought a bunch of fishes without asking or informing anyone. 
[Inspired by Jaemin, Haechan, Kyuhyun] 
Chongyun: The athletic and multi-talented maknae. Doesn’t look like nor act like the youngest (he’s the eldest sibling in his family), but to his chagrin the other members love to dote on him. He grows to be more accepting of their love, but is usually only able tolerate the excessive adoration from one person, and that’s Xingqiu. Has the most number of ghost stories to share, such as from solo practice in the dance rooms during the wee hours of the night. Very diligent and passionate about song-writing, often talking his ideas out with Albedo. Has no opinion on the adopt-a-pet discussion in the dorm as Xingqiu’s fish are basically his fish. 
[Inspired by Jeno, Mark, Winwin]
Razor: The sexy and powerful main dancer. Brings his natural-born sex appeal to all their MVs and live stages. His default expression always looks as though he’s out of somewhat sorts or not paying attention. Quite into cooking and baking. Consumes a lot of protein. Very physical person, literally - into all sports and likes to touch, hold, hug, snuggle, cuddle, squeeze etc. his members. The gap moe between stage-Razor and off stage-Razor is exactly why his fans clamour for him to be acknowledged as NCT’s Cutest. Really likes dogs and hopes to convince Bennett to adopt multiple when the day comes. 
[Inspired by D.O., Yuta, Jessica] 
Albedo: The prodigious singer-songwriter-musician. The only solo act in the original NCT showcase, featuring him in a suit on keys atop a dark stage lit by white flower lights across the floor. He’s been composing many songs for the band, but officially joins for their first full album “LOVEOPATHY”, and also wrote the title track. Has a quiet personality, but is talkative with those that he’s close to, and especially if they have overlapping interests. Has many hobbies: reading, writing, making food for others, and is a big nerd for anime, games, television, movies. 
[Inspired by G-Dragon, Zico, Taeil] 
Xiao: The cool and mysterious rapper. Officially added to the roster for their Valentine’s day single “L I G H T MY LOVE”, and is the oldest member of the band so far. Has an intimidating aura and is misunderstood by many until they actually get to know him. Had tough growing pains that he shares through his writing, be that for song lyrics, rap or poetry. His gap moe can rival Razor’s, as for all his incredible wit and talent, he’s also liable to saying and doing the funkiest things, such as nonchalantly eating the snowball chucked in his face by Chongyun in the now most-viewed promotional clip for the upcoming band documentary. 
[Inspired by Taeyong, Yuta, Lucas]
Bonus non-members (?): 
Scaramouche: A talented, yet-to-debut trainee. Was part of the original NCT showcase in a dance-off with Razor. Instantly adored for his magnetic hips and sharp, swift and precise legwork. Featured extensively in the pre-debut documentary - showing off his collections of caps, sneakers, and toy collectibles, and also visiting a cat café with Albedo - thus fueling rumors that he will be next to join the band. Only known by his stage name, hoarding passion and mischievous grin so far.   
[Inspired by Key, Heechul, Ten]
Venti: Debuted two generations before Genshin NCT Dream in an older band, now promoting as a solo act. Is extremely supportive (protective) of his dongsaengs, having participated as MC for their first showcase concert. Due to that as well as his own Peter Pan syndrome, many fans clamour half-jokingly for him to be added into the band’s ever-expanding roster. Will fight Bennett to treat the team whenever the opportunity comes up.
[Inspired by Taemin, Lucas, Leeteuk]
Are you a Genshin NCT Dream fan? DM any questions you may have for them and see how they answer! Some queries the boys have already tackled include: 
Who’s most scared of the ghost in the haunted practice room? 
Do they read fanfiction of themselves?  
How do they do their idol signatures? 
Are they better playing a handsome prince or a beautiful princess? 
How did they react to winning their first-ever music show? 
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colaloli · 3 years
I know Kasumi is your main but can you tell me anything about Heath like personality or maybe his relationship with other characters cause the wiki stuff doesn't have much. I really wish this fandom was bigger 😭 And thank you for the stuff you have done!
Hi anon! Ah, yes I’m actually Team C and Team B oshi so that’s fine haha (but now I realize it’s actually quite difficult to explain his character coz it’s quite complex) but imma try my best--- -Heath is Team B’s MC and songwriter and he is quite attached to his songs to the point he doesn’t want anyone to sing them/doesn’t want to sing songs that isn’t his -He is introduced midway in the story but is so far revealed to be connected to the heroine’s past. He is very protective of her to the point that he got mad at Kei when he ‘failed to protect her’ and that sparked a whole VS event and him writing Team K a whole diss track lol -GAP MOE. Just--- Team B’s songs be a bop and he’s killing those verses but his talking voice. CUTE. SO PRECIOUS PROTECC HIM. A SWEET BABY--- -As for relationship with other charas... He knows Kei from the past too (it’s a bit spoilery but in the heroine’s cryptic memory flashbacks, two small boys appear, assumed to be Heath and Kei) -With Team B, as a whole, they are actually the only team in this series which has a family vibe and get along well. His team look after him, especially since he’s sickly and could be stubborn at times (like when writing music) -Other characters are also nice to him (coz why would you be mean to this angel--- ww no, but most characters here don’t get along and fight 24/7 so it’s actually rare that a character is treated nicely by everyone lol) -Other misc. info: he sees colors of people’s aura, does tarot and takes care of plants. Overall, he’s one of the goodest boi in this series 
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