#my favorite inclusions
nuvamata · 8 months
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artseuki · 9 months
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Digging up some more cosplay shenanigans with the Knight Squad from last sdcc anfjdgj--would have had more but we sadly ran out of time! Maybe next con though who knows :p
Meta Knight: @alagaesia-overlord
Galacta Knight: @humming-fly
Morpho Knight: @aseuki
Photography: @nymphofnovels
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scrimbler · 11 months
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
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The back is done!
Joey messed up a lot of people's lives w/ his company, but Sammy is my favorite of them, so he gets Art Privileges♡
(For anyone who missed the first one, I decided to draw scenes from the End Credits of batim in the front/back of my copy of The Illusion of Living! Sammy is in the back cover.)
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Doing this was so much fun! Serotonin to level ten!
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Home For The Holidays
Summary: Eddie's band is on tour and can't make it home for the holidays.
Characters: Eddie Munson x Reader (can be read as gender neutral)
Word Count: 2.3k
Trigger Warning: Eddie and Dustin are conniving, per my usual works.
Author’s Note: Happy birthday, Sam (@felteppsters). This is the first part of your birthday/Christmas gift.
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He said, "I'm not going to be able to make it."
When Eddie left for his first headlining tour, he made a promise to you that he would be home for just five days out of the six months that he would be on the road; a short break the week of Christmas so that the bands and crew were able to spend time with their families.
"They added more dates to the tour," he continued after a few moments of silence. He was calling from a payphone somewhere near Kansas City, and he could sense your disappointment even though he was over five hundred miles away.
You knew that it wasn't his fault. Corroded Coffin gained significant popularity after their last tour opening up for Metallica and the demand to see them was overwhelming. There were four new dates; Kansas City, Minneapolis, Denver, and Salt Lake, before the band got a one-day break for Christmas Day and were to be in Seattle on December 26th.
"Y/N," he sighed. "Say something."
"I know how much this means to you, Eddie." You told him, your voice doing nothing to hide the fact that your heart was in your stomach. "I'm so proud of you."
The line went quiet and you could hear the faint sound of static and Eddie's breathing in your ear. Your burning eyes fluttered shut at the sound, forcing a tear to drop to your cheek. You were proud of him. You at least hoped that he believed that. In the ten years that you had known Eddie and the four years that you had been dating, he had never once disappointed you- and the one time that he had, today, was out of his control.
"When I get ho-" You could hear Gareth's voice in the background yelling for Eddie to hurry up. "Shit, I have to go." He said, there was more yelling. "Shut the hell up! I'm coming! Gareth and Jeff need to call their folks."
"It's okay." You frowned.
"I love you," he said sincerely. "And Y/N? Nothing means more to me than you." The corners of your lips pulled up into a small smile.
"I love you, too!"
The phone line disconnected and you felt empty. All you could do was stare at the little Christmas tree that you had put up and decorated yourself and the presents underneath, all with his name on them. You had argued about whether or not you would put up the tree without him, as it had been a little tradition of yours since you had moved into this house with him three years ago. He wanted you to wait, you wanted him to come home to presents under the tree. You remember him laughing to himself over the phone, could practically picture him shaking his head, knowing that it was pointless to argue about it- you were going to do what you want.
A sigh escaped your lips as you wiped your dampened cheeks. It was a little past noon, and you were still in your pajamas. You had cleaned the house spotless for Eddie's arrival, leaving you nothing to keep your mind busy now that he wasn't going to be here.
You picked up the phone and dialed Robin, but her line immediately went busy. So you dialed Steve, but it should have been obvious to you that his line would also be busy. You dialed Nancy and Jonathan answered only to tell you that she was at work. Your head fell back with a frustrated groan.
"I think everyone forgot that it is my birthday." You muttered to yourself. "Even my own boyfriend."
The moment that you had conceded to spending the day on the couch, wallowing in your misery, in the same pajamas you had been wearing for two days while watching VHS Christmas movies, there was a knock on the front door. You hurried to the door and peered through the glass to see a very familiar head of curly hair standing on your front porch with his hands in his pockets.
"Dustin?" You asked as you hurriedly opened the door. "What are you doing here, wait- how did you get here?"
The younger boy looked at you quizzically before holding up a set of car keys. "I'm eighteen and I can drive."
"Shit," you laughed rubbing your eyes. "I sometimes forget that you're not fourteen anymore."
"So does my mom," he replied and shoved past you, making himself at home in your kitchen before you could even say 'come in'.
"Well, what's up?" You asked. "You know Eddie isn't going to make it home this week, right?"
"I heard", Dustin replied from inside your refrigerator. Your eyes narrowed. "I figured you were going to be super depressed since it's your birthday and all, so here I am!" He said turning to you and holding out his arms. "Damnit, all you have to eat is leftovers?" He moved over to your cabinets. "And cereal?"
"Sorry to disappoint you?"
That was when Dustin turned back to you and really took in your appearance. "You really are depressed, aren't you?"
"No, no." You huffed. "I'm not depressed. It's just early."
"It's almost one!" He objected. "Go change out of your PJ's and we can go get a pizza. My treat." You narrowed your eyes once more, wondering when this boy became an adult who felt like he could tell you what to do. "Well, go!"
Not wanting to argue with him, you made a beeline to your bedroom and threw together an outfit. You emerged a few moments later and the younger boy was staring at your Christmas tree and shoving a handful of Froot Loops in his mouth.
"There's something missing." He said with his mouth full.
"I was waiting for Eddie to get home to put the star on top since I couldn't reach." You replied with a frown. "Maybe later I can get the step-stool out and you can put it on, Short-Stack."
"Screw you," he sneered. "I don't see anyone else offering to take you out to lunch on your birthday."
"You're absolutely right, kiddo." You laughed. "Let's go."
Dustin was able to keep your mind off Eddie for most of the day. He had taken you to the brand new Surfer Boy Pizza that had just opened up near the new mall in Hawkins before you both met up with Mike and El for a movie. Once Nancy had gotten off from work, she and Jonathan joined the four of you for dinner at Antonio's. She had asked about Steve and Robin, but Dustin made an excuse for the two of them. Truth be told, you had no clue where they were other than what Dustin told you, "they were otherwise engaged, but wished they were able to make it." The whole thing was odd, but you were just happy to not be alone on your birthday.
Jonathan had the idea to check out Christmas lights in Loch Nora as the sun began to set. You stopped at a gas station for some cheap hot chocolate which probably wasn't the best idea after the fact. Once you had driven through the entire neighborhood and the one over, you mentioned making your way home, but Dustin and Mike had other ideas.
"Why don't we all come over and play a game or something?" Dustin mentioned, inviting the entire party over to your house.
"Dustin, it's getting late, I don't think we have time for a D&D campaign tonight." You replied with a yawn.
"Come on, Y/N." Mike urged. "We're having such a great time, don't you want to end it on a high note?"
At this point you realized that something was up, you could not accept the fact that your jerky friends really just didn't want you to spend any part of your birthday alone, despite what they said.
"What the hell, sure!" You replied, throwing your hands up in defeat.
Dustin decided to take the long way home through another neighborhood because El mentioned that she would like to see more Christmas lights. Jonathan and Nancy followed closely behind in their own car as Dustin made his way through not one, not two, but three additional neighborhoods to see the lights.
When he finally pulled up to the curb outside of your house, you were exhausted. Keeping up with a bunch of teenagers took the life right out of you.
"I don't know how much fun I'm going to be," you mentioned as you unlocked the deadbolt. "But you're all welcome to stay for as long as you-"
The lights flickered on to reveal Robin, Steve, Lucas, Max, Erica, and Will with balloons and party hats and a cake that had way, too many candles on it.
"Before anything else happens," Robin stated. "Please blow out these candles so that they are no longer a fire hazard!"
You were utterly speechless as Steve ushered you over to the cake. "Make a wish!" He said softly as he put his arm around you.
You closed your eyes and made your wish.
And even though you knew that it was impossible, you still wished that Eddie could have been there.
"Happy Birthday!" Max yelled when you opened your eyes.
"How did you guys even get in here?" You said as you wrapped her up in a hug.
"I picked the lock, obviously." She shrugged as you moved to hug Lucas and Erica.
"She did not pick the lock," Steve added. "Because that would be breaking and entering and that's illegal, even if it would have been for a good cause." Max rolled her eyes and went to refill her cup.
"Where have you two been?" You asked Steve and Robin.
"We had to go pick up your gift!" Robin replied, hopping up on your counter and sticking her finger in the cake frosting.
"My gift?" You asked. "You didn't have to get me anything, your company is enough."
"Oh, we know." She replied with a sly smile. "This gift kind of forced our hand."
You looked at Steve for answers but he was looking over your shoulder. Your heart was hammering against your chest as you turned slowly to see Eddie standing in the middle of your living room with a silver bow sitting atop his head.
"How?" You gasped and before he could say anything, you leaped for him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his middle.
"Hi," was all that he was able to say in between the hundred kisses that you placed upon his lips. "I missed you, too."
"You said that you weren't going to be able to make it!" You exclaimed. "You had a show tonight!"
"We were able to postpone it," he replied. "Another band took our place and we're going to honor the tickets on another date." He took your chin in between his index finger and thumb and made you look at him. "I made a promise to you, and even though I have to be at the airport at 6:00 AM tomorrow, I couldn't miss your birthday."
"I love you so much." You told him.
"I love you, too." He replied as he sealed a kiss to your lips.
One by one, your friends filtered out of your home. You thanked each and every one of them for the best birthday that you could have ever asked for and made plans for them to come over on Christmas Eve for dinner and presents.
"You planned this didn't you?" You asked Dustin as you stood at the front door with him. "You knew the whole time." He only shrugged before winking terribly. You pulled him in for a hug and raked your knuckles over his scalp before letting him go. "See ya later, Shorty."
He stepped out onto the front porch and turned back to give you the middle finger. "Happy birthday, Asshole."
You closed the door behind him and locked the deadbolt, turning to see Eddie standing at the Christmas tree. You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his middle, your head resting on his back. If you could just stay in this moment forever, and live in this happiness that you felt, you would. You would never let him go if you didn't have to.
"Babe, where's the star?" He asked curiously, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I couldn't reach it," you replied. "And it didn't feel right to finish without you."
He turned around to face you with your arms still wrapped around him. "You are so cute, you know?" He asked as he removed your arms from him and placed a kiss on the top of your head.
Eddie bent down to the box of Christmas decorations still sitting next to the tree and pulled out the star. He stuck it on top of the tree and plugged it into the outlet and suddenly the living room was filled with a beautiful yellow glow.
"Wait a minute," Eddie said, bending back down to the box of decorations. "You didn't want to put this ornament on the tree? But it's my favorite one!"
"Hm?" You turned to him to see Eddie on one knee with a dainty, diamond ring in his hands. "Oh," the breath was taken right out of your lungs. "Eddie-"
"Y/N," He began. "I wasn't planning on doing this until I got home from the tour, but I couldn't wait. When I said that there is nothing more important to me than you, I meant it. Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"
"I was already planning on it." You replied excitedly, meeting his lips with yours.
Eddie slipped the ring over your finger and laced his fingers with yours. "Happy birthday, Y/N. I love you."
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lilidawnonthemoon · 2 months
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luanneclatterbuck · 8 months
My only bitch about work today is going to be this:
There is a bakery in my building and today the hallways smell like fresh bread, but their website has references to their religious affiliation and I don’t think that’s appropriate so I’ve boycotted them on principle (and I don’t want to make a bakery habit so I’ve avoided them altogether).
So anyway I’m suffering and might just bake some bread when I get home.
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zappkisser · 1 month
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This is how I imagine Liam would look at me if I sat there and told him the full lore on Warner Classics & The Great Gremlin Adventure/Gremlins Invasion, including the separate versions from Warner Bros. Movie World in both Australia and Germany. He will be forced to listen to how they randomly included Beetlejuice in one and Alf in the other, and how the Australian version was replaced with a Scooby Doo Indoor Rollercoaster and how tragic I find it despite Gremlin Adventure's cars crashing into others various times and the animatronics literally falling apart and melting-
And then we'd make out-
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captain-k8kat · 7 months
So far, I don't like lies of p as much as I like bloodborne, though that's not saying much because I love bloodborne more than any other game. Lies of P is still a really excellent game.
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isfjmel-phleg · 4 months
My friends came over to watch the first episode of the new A T L A, and maybe it wasn't perfect, but I liked it a lot! The characters are very much like themselves (@awesomebutunpractical have no fears for Aang, his light-heartedness has remained!), and I felt it was in the right spirit.
It's going to take a tremendous amount of restraint for me to not binge it all this weekend. We'll take it one episode a week.
Not major, but this Zuko is something of an artist, sketching portraits in his journal and for his conspiracy-board wall, and honestly I love that for him. He has a random skill that has nothing to do with fighting! Something that in better circumstances he could develop more and find an outlet in.
(And if they keep in Sokka's utter lack of art skill, it might be a fun contrast to make.)
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todaysromano · 9 months
Today, Romano went to the circus and watched the clowns do their act
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trashlie · 1 year
Hi!!💖 Have you ever read Seasons of Blossom? I started it some months ago and now I'm literally obsessed, it's so good! It's sweet, yet tragic, and overall super enjoyable. The characters are very likable and it made me cry so much (both for joy and for sadness lol)
Ohohoho you must know me well for this recommendation because you are right - it is SO good! In fact... let me show you how much I love this one 😅
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I bought the Spring box set in Korean lmaoooooooo
Seasons of Blossom is, hands down, one over my favorite webtoons and I absolutely recommend it go everyone! You are very correct in how it manages to be sweet AND tragic. I'm behind on Winter because, frankly, I'm not good with things I love ending, but I just know I'll binge and catch up soon!
Something I really love about this series is the way all of the characters are, in some way, connected, whether it's because their friend groups overlap or relatives or something drawing them in, so it's never truly goodbye when we move on to the next season. I have definitely cried a LOT. Summer is just.... lmao look just trying to talk about it has me tearing up. Summer is very personally relatable to me, in how thick and choking the summer humidity is, and how it held such a painful, tragic story. And I know some people have issues with Autumn but I personally have a soft spot for angry, wounded girls lol
I even started the kdrama and despite some of the changes they made to the story, I was really enjoying it! I just had tp stop because while it was well done how they tied in Spring and Summer, my heart couldn't take it and I needed to take a break and I just haven't steeled myself lol
(Fair warning, because I think it's important to let potential readers know, Summer heavily deals with loved ones still struggling to come to terms with the suicide of someone they loved. I think it's incredibly well done; it's empathetic and understanding, it doesn't downplay the grief or confusion, or what compelled someone to make that choice. It's just also such a heavy, oppressive topic. I lmao binged it and just sobbed through the night lol ;~;)
Anyway YES YES genuinely 10/10 for Seasons of Blossom from me. I love it SO much and recommend it to anyone and everyone! Each season tells their own story and I find the writing so good! Spring is set up to be a sweet, little cliche which would be fine, but the writing didn't give in to the cliches and I love how it turned out!
Waaaahhhh I'm delighted you guys are suddenly giving me webtoon recommendations, I love this! I love discovering a diamond in the rough or getting to crow about how much I love something!!!!! 🥰
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sunnykeysmash · 2 years
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joleneghoul · 8 months
I think the themes of disability, illness, and lack of bodily control/control of ones life/death in the new spider-man game are really interesting, honestly
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goatpunches · 2 years
Does everyone who wears corpse paint in your band au have acne? Not that I'm complaining. I'm just wondering if there's even a single man who washes his face properly 😂
HAH, that’s a good question :’) I feel like Wei Ying is at a point (at least, in this era of the band au I’ve drawn him in so far) where self care is the LEAST of his concerns. Wen Ning tags along as a result
now when he meets Lan Zhan …. that boy will get introduced to some cleanser and moisturizer, don’t you worry
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
Sidious: “When my new apprentice Darth Vader arrives, he will...take care of you.” 😈😤😏
Nute Gunray and the Separatists, who apparently thought that being ‘taken care of’ by a Sith Lord meant something other than being sliced up: “Wow that sounds like fun! We’ll roll out the welcome wagon!” 😄🥳🤩
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#Revenge of the Sith is probably my favorite movie of all time#and I watch it religiously#but that bit has started to crack me up#Sidious says it so menacingly too#and Nute is like “oh sure sounds fun! can’t wait to meet him! does he have any allergies because Poggle was gonna make some mini-muffins?”#PACK YOUR BAGS AND GTFO#WHY WOULD YOU NEED TO BE TAKEN CARE OF BY A SITH LORD#THE SITH ARE TYING UP LOOSE ENDS#YOU AND YOUR BROSKIS ARE ALL LOOSE ENDS#JUST A BUNCHA LOOSE ENDS HANGING OUT TOGETHER IN THE SAME ROOM#and I know they aren’t sympathetic characters#but Palps played them and Dooku and Grievous like fiddles#“Clone intelligence has reported that General Greivous is… yeah yeah yeah you just got off a holocall with him ya Loth-snake#(wtf even is “clone intelligence”…are they spies??? they’re the most dubious guys in the galaxy! they all look alike!)#sometimes I think about those deleted scenes where Padmé meets with Separatist leaders#and basically kickstarts the Rebel Alliance#makes me think about if Nute and some of those guys had lived and joined the Alliance…lots of comedic potential#Nute: “I feel like ‘Alliance to Restore the Republic’ isn’t a very inclusive name for our cause. I don’t want to restore the Republic.”#Padmé: “Well we’re gonna have better luck piecing the Republic back together than Count Dooku aren’t we?”#Grievous: *uncontrollable cough-sobbing*#revenge of the sith#darth sidious#anakin skywalker#star wars incorrect quotes#nute gunray
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