#my friends please consider that he has inexplicably not been able to get a single dagger of his own to himself in the show
worstloki · 2 years
people fr are like "do you expect Loki to always be in armour? 🤨" and I'm here to answer that Yes! Yes I do! In fight situations, at the very least! Take a look at Thor! Take a look at Loki in Thor 1! Or either of them in Avengers 1! Or even - dare I say - Thor 2! Loki's got LOTS of outfits, switching pieces between them and across scenes, even. He goes through the most outfit changes, and they were all cool and detailed and suited to the situations! Even when not armour! So Yes! I either expect him to reflect such bombardment of clothing in the series as well (within bounds of what is reasonable) or armour when he's fighting. Or at the very least for him to be wearing some green.
#'why is it BROWN' 'omg you can't just ask why it's brown...' 'ok. why is he working with the timeline brainwashing genocide fascists?' 'um'#the Loki show#is the mcu for real like we're not going to put loki in his signature colours in a show with his name on it#what kind of clownery#my dude he was in green when he was in a cell on asgard#he got away from thanos in green - albeit hastily modified and a bit worn down - armour#bestie he didn't don a single horned helm in the entire season#my guy that is not loki if he cannot summon a new outfit even when the exact topic is broached in a conversation#my friends please consider that he has inexplicably not been able to get a single dagger of his own to himself in the show#his magic looks like goop and is used twice maybe three times in the series#he calls enchanting an amateur thing and then 3 episodes later needs to be taught by Sylvie and struggles#WHAT IS GOING ON#Thor 1 is shaking in Loki's custom made baby seal leather boots rn#L-Loki can't even do mag-- I can't say it 🤢#THOR has recently done more actual proper magic than Loki#my goodness the lad can't even fight well#what happened to his ridiculously accurate dagger aim and the whole mastery of magic and whatnot#AND THEN THEY ALSO WON'T LET HIM HAVE DECENT CLOTHES?#im losing it#are we sure this is Loki? as in LOKI Loki?#''do you expect Loki to always be in armour'' NO BUT IT WOULD BE NICE FOR HIM TO RESEMBLE THE CHARACTER#don't tell me it's Loki being out of his element he did that in Thor 1 Avengers 1 Thor 2 Thor 3 and Infinity War already#don't tell me they needed to strip him down to build him back up. Thor went through that in Thor 1 and it was respectful#it's not even that it's office wear that bothers me it's that it's BORING office it's unsuited to the character#his whole thing is breaking boxes what do you mean he's worn grey and brown the entire show#Wanda got a glow up and Sam got a glowup and Kate and Clint got new fits#man... Loki got a glow down#and that's saying a LOT since he started the series at the end of Avengers 1 after Thanos and getting beat by the Hulk/Avengers#if Loki being a good guy means everyone keeps calling him evil and he's gotta dress down and get beat up constantly... let him be a bad guy#he's literally got nothing to lose here but a shirt that will expose every blood vessel in his abdomen if attacked with 1 glass of water
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silentprincess17 · 3 years
A Proposal Gone Awry
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Summary: Link has been touring the breadth and width of Hyrule to clear out the remaining monster camps, and soon enough, he reaches Zora’s Domain. Mipha asks him to wait before he heads back to the castle, which he was intending on doing... but some mischievous children may have other plans.
Thank you to @braidy-maidy, @zeldaelmo and @zeldadiarist for your help betaing!
Relationships: Link/Zelda Link/Mipha- Onesided Link & The Zora Children Mipha & Revali (Legend of Zelda)
Contains spoilers for AOC. This is my take on the Heart's Escort Mission- specifically what you get at the end of that.Basically- I turn my angst gun on another character whoopsie but I don't leave Mipha high and dry I promise!
Tags: Unrequited Love, Heartbreak, Healing, Emotional angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending
Link had just got back from the battlefield, and he’d left Mipha there, albeit reluctantly. She insisted she would be the one to check over the Zora troops, alone, “I’ll be able to heal them as I go along Link. Why don’t you go back to the Domain and rest whilst I finish up? You’re not wounded, are you?” He replied in the negative, or well, he’d shaken his head anyway. He’d remained with her still, but she’d sort of stammered for a while, something about final preparations, and it was okay for him to leave. Link wasn’t entirely sure why she didn’t want him to stay, but he hadn’t heard her clearly through what seemed to be perpetual rain on Ploymus mountain, and Mipha had become particularly jumpy around him lately, so he opted to leave her be. He just assumed she meant preparations for the healing she was going to do- and maybe that was a private thing? Or maybe she wanted to ask him to train at some point and it was preparations for that? Not that there was much need for it anymore, with the Calamity destroyed and sealed away, but he missed his childhood friend and would like to help her if she wanted it. Just before he left, she’d clutched his arm, and had asked if he could wait until dinner for her because she wanted to tell him something. He saw no reason to decline, so he’d given her a slight nod and then moved to leave.
As he meandered back through the twisting pathways, he realised that it wasn’t that late, but for some inexplicable reason he felt tired. Sunset had just fallen over the Domain, and now the luminous stones started to glow and fluoresce. It truly was a beautiful place, although… he wasn’t a huge fan of the way the water flowing the walkways had started to creep through his metal boots. He sighed, it had been a spur of the moment decision to wear his Soldier’s Armour, he had put his Champion’s Tunic through the wash multiple times since the Calamity fight and it was still drying in his Guard’s Chamber. He felt strangely bare without it, and he certainly missed the increased perception he had whilst wearing it. And, well, for other, uh, sentimental reasons. No, not because the Princess had made it for him. No. Not at all. He was pulled from his thoughts when his foot squelched uncomfortably in his now soaked socks into the metal plate of his boot. The flow of water had never been a problem as a child because he could run barefoot everywhere and no one would care, but now as the Hero it wouldn’t be seen as proper. He would have to polish them later, to avoid rust forming. And change his socks.
He slowly exhaled, it had been a long week of fighting off the remaining hordes of monsters from Calamity Ganon’s revival, today being the day that he had decided to help clear out the remnants in Zora’s Domain. It was funny, because before he wouldn’t have seen a weeklong absence from the Castle as a bad thing, but now… He blushed slightly, before shaking his head. He still had to go clean up, and then eat dinner, because by the Goddesses he was starving, and then meet Mipha… And perhaps he’d teleport back to the Central Tower and then to the Castle. Just to see her again. He missed being by her side, and it left him restless to know he wasn’t protecting her. Somehow over the course of their journey together those feelings of friendship and wanting to protect her had slowly morphed into something else. Or perhaps, he reflected, his reasoning for wanting to do those things had changed. But he could start to smell the aroma of freshly made hasty meat skewers made using the abundance of fleet lotus seeds around the Domain and Link’s stomach audibly grumbled. Ah, food was close, so he hurried the last few steps to reach the Dining Hall.
Just as he was about to go inside, four small bodies ploughed into him, and he let out a startled gasp. They tugged at his boots, and he only belatedly realised it was the members of The Big Bad Bazz Brigade. Bazz was at the forefront with the sword Link had gifted him when they were children proudly strapped to his back. The sword was barely off the ground, though, with the tip jutting into the passageway with every jump he made.
“LINK!” Bazz shouted, a huge smile plastered across his face.
“Hey Link!” Rivan jostled with Bazz and they flailed their arms at each other, with both of them gripping one of his legs. Link looked down and wasn’t sure what to do exactly. Did he try to separate them? Or peel them off him? He couldn’t help but smile at their antics though.
“You’re coming down to our Domain an awful lot recently, aren’t you?” Gaddison, The Heroine, had both hands on her hips but then moved to pull the two squabbling friends off his poor boots. He hadn’t realised how heavy Zoran children were.
Behind them shyly stood Sidon, he was smaller than all of them, and he gripped his Lightscale Trident with shaking hands.
Link nodded at Gaddison, pointed back towards the mountain where the monsters had been. She nodded sagely, understanding what he meant. Link moved to pick up Sidon, he hadn’t been allowed to join Bazz’s group because he was too young, but he still followed them everywhere. Actually, he tried so hard to prove his worth to be allowed in, he’d even climbed Ploymus mountain to face the Lynel there in an effort to prove his courage. Link found him to be adorable, Sidon reminded him of what he was like at that age, keen to please and prove he was capable, but too reckless for his own good. Sidon smiled his trademark smile and wrapped both arms around Link’s neck. Link smiled; aw he was so cute.
“Hey Link! When will you go swimming up the waterfall with us? You’re older now right, do you have your scales yet?” Rivan asked.
He shook his head. He didn’t have scales, and he wouldn’t ever get them because he wasn’t Zoran.
“HE’S A HYLIAN you ninny! He’s not a Zora! He won’t ever get scales like we will!” Ah Gaddison, ever the voice of reason in the group of rowdy boys. She mothered them all, he could remember that from when he used to play at the Domain, and she sprouted logic that the Zora-equivalent of a ten-year-old Hylian probably shouldn’t have, but who was he to judge.
Rivan looked traumatised. “So, we can never swim up the waterfall with Link then?”
“NO.” She paused, “Well, unless someone gives him armour with their scale on it.”
Bazz shoved his shoulder into hers, “Why don’t you do it then?”
She shoved him back, doubly hard, so much so that he ended up slipping in the water and skidding onto his bum. Link suppressed a bout of laughter at his enraged face. “Do I look like I have a White Scale yet Bazz? I can’t give him one if I don’t have one myself!” She bent down and whacked his arm again. “AND ANYWAY, did you not listen to the history lessons we’ve had- you only give your scale to the person you want to marry, basically as an engagement present.” She fluffed her fins around, “And I guess by association love.” She shuddered, “What a disgusting concept. Imagine loving a boy. How desperate do you have to be?”
Link suddenly felt ridiculously embarrassed. He tried going to the shop on the way here, but they didn’t sell the actual chest plate part of the Zora armour and had looked at him strangely when he’d showed them the Greaves and Helm he already had and pointed at his chest. Then again, maybe he should have actually voiced it. He found it bizarre, considering all the other races seemed fine with selling their complete armour sets. He chalked it off as just a Zora thing. But now he knew better. Farore, he had been such an idiot. How had he apparently missed this piece of information? He hadn’t known the Zora Armour was only given as an engagement gift! And to someone you loved no less. No wonder the staff in the shop had looked at him as if he had grown an extra head!
Bazz looked sheepish, scratching the back of his head. “Well, that was the girl side of things, Heroine.”
Rivan looked confused, “Then you don’t love Link?”
Gaddison blushed bright red, “NOT IN THAT WAY! And I’m only 52! That’s not appropriate at all!” She punched them both, “Do you not remember anything about our plan?”
Bazz scratched his chin. “We want to go swimming up the waterfall.”
Gaddison took a deep breath. “Well done, Bazz, son of Seggin. That’s the whole point of this venture, none of the adults will let us go on the waterfall by ourselves because we aren’t that strong.” She huffed and sat down, her legs crossed and both hands holding her face up in what Link recognised as classic-moody-child-face, “We just need some supervision is all. That is what Link would have been ideal for, but he doesn’t have the armour, it was a longshot really.”
Rivan piped up. “WAIT I remember now! Wasn’t this to do with Kodah?”
Up until that point, Link had been watching the three of them squabbling with amusement mostly. He’d been surprised with the revelation of the Zora Armour but how was he supposed to know the intricacies of Zora… courting (?) rituals. It struck him as weird that they hadn’t changed a single bit since when he was a child and when he played with them. Although, it made sense, that they had remained children whilst he had matured, because Hylians aged much faster compared to the Zora. As soon as Kodah was brought up though, he winced. He could still hear her screeching LINNY when he had walked into the Domain with the Princess who had come to recruit Mipha as a champion. It had been mortifying.
Gaddison sighed. “Yes, she said she was making the armour for a Hylian remember! And then that gossip that my mother heard that she was in fact going to propose to the Hero? In case you’ve been living under a rock- that Hero is sitting right there!” She pointed at him, and Link went red-faced, his eyebrows raised high. Oh, thank the Goddesses Kodah hadn’t done anything. He had no idea what he’d even say. How had she ever thought he’d agree anyway- it wasn’t like he’d talked to her properly since when he was four! But then, time passed differently for the Zora… “I thought she would have given it to him by now.” She huffed, “We should have realised that flaw in our plan.”
Bazz was uncharacteristically silent as the three of them sulked over not being able to go up the waterfall. Link felt bemused that all of their extensive planning was over this armour that apparently a lover, in this case Kodah, was meant to give to their loved one (him haha what a joke) so that he could wear said engagement gift and take them to the waterfall. He shook his head, children’s priorities and means to achieve those were always… entertaining to listen to. Bazz suddenly perked up, “Baby Prince!” Sidon looked up from where he had been resting his head on Link’s shoulder. “Didn’t you go blabbing around the other day to the King that Princess Mipha was making someone armour?”
Rivan enthusiastically nodded, “YEAH- you said that King Dorephan was worried about it, so he commi-ssioned someone to get the materials, and he gave them the Zora Greaves!”
Link swallowed; he had a small inclination of where things were going but he wasn’t sure. He pulled out the Greaves anyway and after a round of ohs and ahs, a hushed silence fell over the group, everyone watching Sidon as the small red spots on his cheeks flared a darker red. He sucked in a small breath and slowly nodded.
Bazz nodded, and immediately stood up. “This is a mission for the The Big Bad Bazz Brigade. We hereby announce that we will go searching for this Armour- this is your pre-pre-liminary mission, Rookie Comrade Sidon. We cannot go find Kodah’s armour because we have no clue where it is so that would waste valuable time, but you know where Mipha’s is don’t you?”
Sidon nodded, much more enthusiastically this time. Link held his hands up, trying to get them to stop.
Gaddison stood up then, “Wait, what if she made it for a Zora?”
Bazz shook his head, “We’ll make do. You want to go swimming tonight, don’t you Heroine?”
Link was vehemently shaking his head, and opened his mouth, but the words died in his throat. What were they doing? What was he agreeing to?! No, he had to say something, he might not know much about courting rituals, but he didn’t want to wear something meant as a present for an engagement!
“Hey!” They all looked at him, “Is this… okay?”
“We need to ask Comrade Gaddison for that information because we, ahem, didn’t, uh, study the particulars.”
Gaddison paused. “Well, I don’t really know. Do you just propose once in your life and that’s it? I mean technically the scales grow back right? It’s not like you have a gaping hole in your chest. And really, everyone seems to be making one at the minute, so it probably doesn’t hold all that fancy meaning anymore. And Lord Jabu Jabu knows we have so many traditions that no one other than the oldies bother with.”
Rivan piped up, “Princess Mipha is nice too, so she won’t mind right?”
Gaddison nodded, “True, and theoretically, we’re just borrowing it. It’s not like Link here will take it forever or something. It’s just so we can practise going up the waterfall a few times on our own, and then we’ll give it back. She probably won’t even know we’ve taken it!” She shook her head, “I surmise no issues Comrade Bazz. We may proceed.”
“Comrade Rivan?”
“Sounds good! It means we can swim with Link, right?”
Bazz sighed, “Yes it does. Good so, last person, Comrade Link?”
Link blinked. This whole situation had gone from zero to one hundred so fast. He wasn’t even sure what he was consenting to, and he was really confused. Did this armour really matter to the Zora? Apparently, it did to the shop keepers, but maybe he’d just confused them? That was highly likely considering he hadn’t even said anything to begin with. And Kodah had made him one and he’d last seen her when he was four- she couldn’t genuinely believe he would agree to marry her right? But even ignoring that, it made the whole thing seem a bit like a joke- surely the Armour doesn’t mean that much if you’d make it for someone who you haven’t talked to in years? Plus, the way Gaddison was talking, and she was really the only source of actual knowledge on the topic, made it seem like it was something all the Zora did in their spare time. But stealing Mipha’s potentially specific armour for her future husband? That felt really wrong. And he knew Mipha was a very serious person, not at all like Kodah, so he had a feeling this meant more to her. Plus, why exactly was he agreeing - because the kids wanted to go surfing vertically? That just felt ridiculous. He shook his head. No. He wasn’t going to ruin Mipha’s gift for her, um, future husband. It’s not what friends would do.
Bazz’s eyes widened, “Please Link. You don’t… play with us anymore. I know you’re all grown up, and you have like responsi-si-”
“Responsibilities you fool.”
“What she said!” and then Bazz opened up his pouch, “AND we got you a gift! Your favourite from the Domain, Hearty Salmon Meuniere!”
Link sighed, about to decline, but his stomach rumbled again and Bazz shoved the plate into his hand. He always was too susceptible to food. And, they made a valid point. He hadn’t spent much time with them lately and they seemed desperate to go up a waterfall. Maybe this was a Zora rite of passage- he knew when he was younger, he’d been desperate to duel with soldiers, but everyone had laughed at him because he was so young. Perhaps this was the same for them. And who was he kidding- he just couldn’t say no. Especially to food children. And he couldn’t deny a small part of him was intrigued as to what the Zora Armour looked like after all. It was the last one he had yet to collect, having received the Greaves from who he now knew was the king, and the Helm from when Mipha had been recruited. So, even though he felt like it was probably not the right thing to do, he agreed, the reckless and hungry side won out. “One ride up the waterfall. And then we return the Armour.”
A series of exclamations and happy cries of “YES! LET’S GO!” rang out through the Domain.
Next (Part 2)
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misscorn · 3 years
Day 5: Roleswap/Formal
This @takaritsuweek prompt inspired me to do something I've been putting off for years: a rewrite of my fic Stalker-Senpai. So, please enjoy the first chapter :D its pretty much the same except third person now lol, we'll see how much I change in the future!
It was such a stupid reason to fall in love with someone. 
Onodera Ritsu had been struggling to reach a high up book on a shelf, wobbling slightly on his tiptoes for a few brief moments before Saga Masamune decided to intervene, mostly just because something about watching the underclassman struggle was both sad and annoying. The older teen grabbed the book for Ritsu, handing it over with a blank expression.
Ritsu returned the simple, polite gesture with such a wide and sincere smile that Masamune's heart reached incredible speeds that he didn't know were possible. Why is he looking at me like that? Masamune wondered, shifting from one foot to the other, feeling warm from Ritsu's gaze.
Masamune swallowed hard as Ritsu took the book out of his hands and said an enthusiastic thank you, one that was way too cheerful considering all Masamune had done was reach up and grab something. The older boy couldn't help but to notice Ritsu's cheeks were a little red from what he assumed was embarrassment and Masamune suddenly wished to see that adorable expression every day. 
God, what am I thinking? Adorable? He's a guy, Masamune hoped none of his thoughts were showing on his face. Apparently they weren't since Ritsu gave a quick and polite nod before scampering off. Masamune found his eyes following the underclassman and his feet almost followed as well. Almost. But Masamune somehow managed to hold on to a string of self control. 
All he did was smile and say thank you, why am I acting like such an idiot? I don't even know his name, Masamune silently scolded himself. It was too late, though. Masamune was already on his way to become a hopeless, lovelorn fool.
It didn't take long for Masamune to notice that Ritsu was in the library as often as he was after their minuscule interaction. It was like Ritsu had suddenly appeared and was now here everyday. Not that Masamune was complaining; he found the underclassman's constant presence very comforting. 
He reads a new book almost every day. Either he has a short attention span or a lot of time on his hands, Masamune noted. It was quite difficult to keep up with Ritsu's appetite for literature, though Masamune did his best. I want to read all the books that he reads, Masamune thought as he grabbed a novel Ritsu had recently finished. The older teen was hoping that he could use this as a way to get to know Ritsu better. Masamune was particularly ecstatic to learn from his book-stalking that his Kouhai's name was Onodera Ritsu. 
The two of them always sat at different tables, but Masamune made sure to keep Ritsu in his sights. Masamune loved seeing the brunette's reactions to what he was reading. At times Masamune would hear a small chuckle leave Ritsu or see Ritsu purse his lips in thought or even see Ritsu rub at his eyes insistently to hide the fact that he was tearing up. I want to know what he's reading, Masamune would think desperately before he was able to get his hands on the book, I want to know what makes him smile and laugh, I want to be the one who makes him smile and laugh. Masamune felt positively pathetic with this train of thought, but he couldn't help himself. 
Yes, it was official: Saga Masamune was in love at fifteen years old. He didn't understand how it happened so fast nor did he fully understand why, but he had enough self awareness to realize he was totally whipped for an underclassman who he hadn't even said a single word to. 
That was precisely Masamune's problem; talking with people wasn't exactly his forte and he feared that he would somehow scare Ritsu off if he approached him. Not to mention, this feeling of want, this inexplicable desire to hold someone through the night and into the day, this need of seeing someone's face just to feel at ease, all of it was new to Masamune. It was scary to be so enraptured in someone. It was terrifying to know that someone else had so much power over him, power that Ritsu didn't even know he had. If Masamune confessed his feelings, he'd be freely handing that power over and Masamune didn't know if he was even capable of being vulnerable and trusting like that. 
It didn't help that watching Ritsu from afar suddenly wasn't entertaining enough for the cruel deity laughing at Masamune's hopelessness. What other possible explanation was there for their paths crossing once again? He had peacefully watched Ritsu and stalked his library cards for three years, but now those days were seemingly over.
Masamune was reaching toward a book when a smaller, more delicate hand came into contact with his. Masamune looked over, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of Ritsu. Ritsu was quick to rip his hand away and met Masamune's eyes with an anxious gaze. Ritsu opened his mouth, looking like he was about to apologize for nothing.
"You can take the book, Onodera." Masamune said quickly before he could speak, not enjoying the sight of Ritsu appearing so guilty and worried. He wanted to alleviate the anxieties clear on Ritsu's face, but he seemed to only make it worse.
"How do you know my name?" Came the quiet, nervous response. The book was quickly forgotten by them both. Masamune felt like he was short-circuiting as he wracked his brain for any possible excuse or lie, but his mouth started moving without his permission.
"I love you."
What the hell did I just say?!
There was a pause between the two of them, the air around Masamune feeling as if it were crushing his bones.
"...eh? Eh?!" Ritsu's face flushed a beautiful shade of red, but Masamune didn't have the time to admire it because he was desperately trying to think of a way to prevent Ritsu from sprinting away.
"What I meant to say was-well-would you want to go out with me sometime?" Masamune asked, watching Ritsu's surprised, flustered expression closely. The brunette shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, as he opened and closed his mouth, grasping at straws for a response.
"Y-Y-You know I-I'm a guy r-right?" Ritsu finally settled on after a few seconds of awkward silence.
Masamune almost wanted to laugh. Out of all the things Ritsu could've said, that was what he decided on? Masamune's lips quirked up ever so slightly in amusement as he started to find it a little easier to breathe.
"Yeah, I'm aware." Masamune replied dryly. "Does it bother you that I'm a guy?" That had been one of the reasons Masamune had been so hesitant to approach. It was possible that Ritsu wasn't even into guys and now maybe the two of them didn't even have a chance of being friends.
"I-no! Not really? I don't-" Ritsu inched closer and closer to retreating, which simply wouldn't do.
"It's alright, Just take a breath, okay? You don't have to say yes." Masamune quickly assured him, though I really, really want him to say yes, Masamune hoped it didn't show. 
"I-I don't even k-know your name..." Ritsu started, seeming to try to find some sort of excuse, perhaps wanting to spare Masamune's feelings instead of outright rejecting him. However, Masamune's heart was stubborn and dead set on Ritsu. He wouldn't be dissuaded easily and not knowing his name was an easy fix. 
"It's Saga. Saga Masamune."
Ritsu nodded slowly, visibly swallowing as he wrung his hands, seeming to be carefully considering his next few words.
"O-O-Okay...I-I'll go out with you...Saga Senpai..."
When an upperclassman grabbed a book for Ritsu and handed it over he was grateful for a few seconds, but forgot about the interaction quickly. It had been nothing particularly special after all. If there was anything he did remember from the brief conversation-if one could even call it that-it was that he felt terribly embarrassed for being too short to reach a book. And then a certain name started to pop up everywhere...
Ritsu scanned the shelves for a new read, not looking for anything in particular, just something unfamiliar and fresh. He started to reach for one when a larger hand met his and he instinctively recoiled away from the touch as if it had burned him. He looked over to see an older student that was often slinking around the library, somehow always seeming to have a certain aura of sadness around him.
"You can take the book, Onodera." He told Ritsu quickly, his expression blank and unreadable.
"How do you know my name?" Ritsu asked hesitantly, though he already knew the answer. This is my stalker. Saga Masamune, Ritsu felt nervous now that he was face to face with him. Ritsu had been ignoring the behavior for the longest time, three years in fact, but now his stalker was right in front of him.
Ritsu often liked to reread books that he particularly connected with and it didn't take long for him to realize a certain name kept appearing and reappearing underneath his own.
Saga Masamune.
Ritsu didn't know anything about this 'Saga' person. He was far too shy to ever venture out to try to talk to many people, especially an upperclassman. He was still young and fresh enough to high school to think that upperclassmen were untouchable Gods. Though, after noticing the name he also noticed that a certain upperclassman was constantly in the library: the one that had helped Ritsu grab a book. Ritsu decided he was as good as a suspect as anyone to be his stalker. It wasn't like many other students spent hours upon hours in the school's library. To confirm his suspicion, Ritsu once quietly walked up to his table when he had fallen asleep sitting up and took the opportunity to look in the back of his book. There was his name: Saga Masamune. The upperclassman shifted and Ritsu took that as his que to quickly put the book back down and retreat.
Ritsu tried to ignore it, not understanding Masamune's motives or actions and wondering if perhaps he was looking a little too much into it. That was, until the two had bumped into each other again. 
"I love you." Masamune said.
Ritsu's heart punched the inside of his rib cage before beating erratically in all directions. A confession had been about the last thing he was expecting. 
"...eh? Eh?!" Is all Ritsu could choke out in response with his legs feeling weak yet also prepared to sprint a mile if necessary.
"What I meant to say was-well-would you want to go out with me sometime?" Masamune asked, but Ritsu's confusion didn't cease. 
"Y-Y-You know I-I'm a guy r-right?" That question sounded much dumber out loud than it did in my head, Ritsu thought as he refrained from facepalming. Masamune smirked a bit at his question and Ritsu tried not to frown, feeling like he was being made fun of and this confession had perhaps been a joke of some sort to mess with him.
"Yeah, I'm aware. Does it bother you that I'm a guy?"
Ritsu struggled to swallow as he started to shake his head. "I-no! Not really? I don't-" He wanted to hide behind the bookshelves at this point and forget this entire conversation.
"It's alright, Just take a breath, okay? You don't have to say yes."
"I-I don't even k-know your name..." Ritsu lied, wanting to somehow escape this situation.
"It's Saga. Saga Masamune." He replied smoothly. The upperclassman obviously didn't see their lack of knowledge of one another as an issue and suddenly Ritsu was out of excuses. 
I should say I don't like guys, or that not interested, or that I have a girlfriend, Ritsu thought, but instead he just gulped nervously and nodded slowly.
"O-O-Okay...I-I'll go out with you...Saga Senpai..."
Why did I say that, why did I agree to this, what am I going to do now, oh God, I bet this really is just a joke and he's going to start laughing at me now, if my parents find out about this I'm completely done for-, Ritsu's panicked thoughts continued to race, but stopped once a gentle hand reached up to ruffle his hair. 
And that was how the wonderful, complicated mess of their relationship started. 
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eleanorbloom · 3 years
Sienna convinces Aurora to go on a date with a dreamy pediatrician. Aurora is not sure about it but she can't think of a good reason not to go. She asks MC to help her pick an outfit. One thing leads to another and MC realizes that she has feelings for Aurora. I'm not sure if you are okay with that idea
Until I Met You
Disclaimer: The characters of this story, except Rosalía, belong to Pixelberry.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Aurora Emery x f! MC (Rosalía Muñoz)
Warnings: Slight angst and some cussing words Rated: T
Word Count: 5.1k
Prompts: @choicesficwriterscreations​ Silly Love Stories Day 1: Friends to Lovers.
Author’s Note: Hello! I'd been wanting to write an Aurora fic for months, but I never really made the time for it, until now. Thank you anon for this amazing idea!! I enjoyed so much writing it and I must confess I squealed more times than I thought I would. Now I love Aurora even more!
I have another fic in the making, but it'll probably see the light in a few weeks, however I'll definitely keep writing about this precious softie 🥺❤️
If you have any more ideas to write about Aurora please let me know!
I hope you enjoy this and happy February for those who love this month 😊
Taglist: @romereadingshop @mercury84choices @starrystarrytrouble @curiousconch @penda-bear @queenelianar @openheartfanfics
No one could stop talking about him since day one. He was dreamy: kind, smart, attractive, incredibly sweet, and as if none of the above were enough, he was doing his residency in pediatrics. Almost every person that felt attracted to him would swoon every time they had to interact with him.
The gang used to tease Bryce that James Woods was his most strong contender in Edenbrook Hospital. The surgical resident would snort right away and say it was impossible that the personification of Prince Charming could compare to him when he was the whole damn Disney package with a triple dose of hotness.
Rosalía didn’t give a damn about him, honestly. It wasn’t her type, and that was surprising considering she had had a little crush (and a fling) on Rafael in the past. She was one of the few that wouldn’t sigh every time she had a glimpse of him. Aurora was among that selected group.
That's why it was extremely strange when Rosalía found her talking to James at the cafeteria one morning. It didn't look like it was a work-related thing, a consultation or anything, it was more personal, as Aurora couldn't stop smiling at whatever James was saying.
Something itched inside her, but she couldn't quite tell what it was. Maybe it was her protective instinct because she didn't want to see her get hurt? Or it was just jealousy because she was making new friends? Both options were completely irrational and overreacting, so she tried to shake the feeling off by buying the damn coffee and keeping with her morning as usual.
Later that week, Rosalia approached the boot at Donahue's where her friends had gathered after work and found Sienna and Aurora in an apparent little discussion.
“But why not?” Sienna asked in her usual cheery convincing tone.
“I don’t know, Si, it’s just I’m not sure if something good can come out of this.”
“What if it does? You'll never know if you don't try!"
“It’s just… I haven’t gone on a date for… years," Aurora confessed, looking down at her jar of beer. "After most of the people only wanted to date me for my Aunt, and people outside Med School simply didn’t click with me, I just stopped.”
“This is your chance! You don’t think he’s inviting you for you Aunt, right?”
“No, I don’t think so, he had never mentioned her.”
“What are you girls up to?” Rosalia asked, after witnessing the exchange in silence, knowing perfectly well what was that about.
“Rosie! Please, I need some back up here.”
“What’s the deal?”
“Woods from Pediatrics invited Aurora out,” Sienna said, leaning towards Rosie in an almost confidential tone. More like a gossipy one.
“Woods… James Woods?”
“Yeah, she invited her to try this new Chinese restaurant in Bay Village.”
That strange and uncomfortable itch resurged again. But why? It was just a date. A friend going on a date.
"How did this happen? I didn't know you were close to him,” she lied, feigning she hadn't seen Aurora a few days ago in the cafeteria with him.
“We are. I mean, not close close,” she rectified, with an almost unnoticeable shake in her voice. “We just chat sometimes, usually at the cafeteria, and every time we bump into each other at the hospital he just… talks to me, so today when he saw me he made this invitation.”
"Aurora, he totally likes you! Come on, say yes!" Sienna squealed, hitting the table repeatedly with her hand in excitement.  
“When is it?”
“This Friday. "
“You should totally go, Aurora, " Rosalía said finally, but the words tasted like metal, "he seems fine, I mean, everyone is always talking wonders about him, you should feel pretty lucky he has his eyes on you. ”
“Well, I guess so,” she mumbled timidly, her cheeks profusely blushing at the implication.
"Come on, text him before you have second thoughts!" Sienna ordered, sliding Aurora's phone in front of her.
The resident in front of her simply chuckled and took her phone to type her response.
The following days were inexplicably difficult for Rosalía, between remembering the date and hearing Sienna talking about it, asking if James had done more advancement. And Rosalia couldn’t understand why it bothered her so much.
That Friday evening, Rosalía was having some rest after a strenuous shift, when a knock on the door startled.
“Rosie? Are you awake?”
"Yeah," she responded as she got up from the bed to open the door, and found Aurora on the other side with a blue dress on and a fuchsia blouse in her hand.
“I can’t decide what to wear, would you… help me, please?”
She felt as if someone had punched her in the stomach.
Rosalía followed her to her bedroom down the hall, and once there, Aurora modeled the blue dress she had on, "I like this, but it's not too comfy, and I feel like it's too formal for a date."
"I agree, it's cute but totally not for Chinese dinner," Rosalía conceded, sitting on the bed, where there were a couple more clothes scattered over the mattress.
Then Aurora approached the bed and took the dress off without worrying she was sitting a few inches from her. It was actually no big deal, they probably had seen each other in underwear at least a hundred times since they started their residency, but her eyes couldn't help but glance at her, at the beautiful white laced underwear she had on, at the curves on her hips and her toned thighs. It was for a brief second, but it was enough. Just that single second made her mouth dry. She wasn't seeing her friend in that white lace underwear, she was seeing…
“How’s this?”
Rosalía looked up at her and observed her new outfit, a pair of white pants and an elegant but chic fuchsia blouse.
She was left speechless for five fine seconds.
“I think it’s too flashy, don’t you think?” she asked, with a bit of self-consciousness in her posture and gestures.
“You look beautiful, Aurora, ” she breathed, completely intoxicated with the view. She didn’t even realize what she said. The words simply went out of her mouth.
“You think so?” Aurora questioned, looking at the mirror and then giving a twirl to see how she looked from behind.
A part of her wanted to say that actually no, she didn’t look that good, because that part of her didn’t want that James Wood could see her this beautiful. But the other part wanted to tell the truth and not be selfish. She deserved to know how astonishing she looked.
Not completely aware of what she was doing, Rosalía got up from the bed and sauntered towards her and stood mere inches behind her, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She was so stunning, she had to fight with all her might to not rest her chin over Aurora's shoulder and wrap her arms around her waist. The only thing she had on her mind was the desire to feel the silkiness of her hair in her cheek, smell the floral notes of her perfume mixed with the warmth of her body, and just feel her body against hers, as simple as it sounded.
Curious about her sudden silence, Aurora turned to her to reiterate her question, but a pair of amber eyes stopped her in her tracks, as they instantly started diving deeply into her chocolate ones, without receding.
For a brief second, Aurora's gaze wandered down, right where it was her mouth, and where her lips parted as a reflex. Rosalía gulped, unable to move, to make a single move. Something inside her was pushing her towards the taller woman, but the confusion for not knowing what was happening was stronger. She stood still in place.
“This is it," Rosalía whispered, her eyes roaming her lips for a millisecond. She had to say something before she could do something she'd regret later. "It’s not flashy, it’s… perfect. It matches amazingly with your skin and your eyes look shinier."
“Thank you," Aurora murmured, not parting her eyes from Rosalia’s, until finally the latter stepped back, feeling her legs wobbling at the feeling of Aurora standing so close to her.
“What time do you meet?” Rosalía asked after clearing her throat.
“He’ll come in twenty, I’ll do my makeup now. ”
“Thanks again, Rosie.”
“Anytime. Good luck tonight.”
Aurora smiled at her before she came back to her room, her chest pounding fast, her mind numb, her hands shaking. What was that? What was she feeling? She couldn't understand it because she’d never felt this for… for a girl before. But how? How could this happen?
She tried to have a logical explanation to what was feeling, that maybe she was experimenting with an aspect of friendship that she had never lived before,  or maybe she was just confusing this with another feeling that was not love.
But the more she tried to pull from the truth, the clearer it became.
This wasn't new, it's just now that she was able to put a name on it. Since the beginning, she'd felt some kind of attraction for her. When Aurora was harsh and ignored her, something pushed her towards her to try to get to know her, to be liked by her. She thought it was just a trait of her personality because she hated that someone didn't like her, at least not without motives, but now Rosalía was realizing it was more than that.
She was always trying to impress her, however she could, because she was brilliant. Every time she had the chance, she wanted to spend time with her, no matter what that could involve, whether it was walking four blocks to have a coffee or lunch, or just getting up earlier than usual so she could go to work in Aurora's car. The excuse she always gave to herself was that it was always good to start the day early, but actually, she just wanted to have alone time with her, just see her first thing in the morning without people around, without the busy routine.
Then that’s what it was? Love? Or was it just infatuation? Maybe nothing of the sort. Maybe she was just confused.
Rosalía couldn't sleep that night. The idea of Aurora having dinner with James, laughing, smiling, and seeing something interesting in him that made her accept a second date, and then maybe have something with him, was too much, even if she was in kind of denial with the whole situation. She didn't want to accept she had feelings for her friend, but at the same time, she hated the idea of her having dinner with James.
She tried to relax by reading a book, but the words before her were like Russian, she didn’t understand a bit.
Hours later,  another knock interrupted her internal fight.
“Rosie, can I come in?”
It was Aurora.
“Yes, come in.”
Aurora opened the door and entered with her purse and jacket in one hand, and a white paper bag in the other.
“Hey,  how was your date?”
“It was… Good. He’s cute,” she replied as she walked toward her bed and handed her the paper bag,  “I brought you this.”
Rosialía took the bag in her hands, surprised. As she opened it, she found half a dozen spring rolls with soja sauce on a small plastic recipient inside.
“I know you like them.”
Her mind numbed again. Her core felt that buzzing and warm sensation that was pushing her to kiss her, but she was fighting it again.
Why she was being so damn cute?
Yeah, she really liked her. There wasn’t another explanation for this.
“You didn’t need to…”
“It’s a thank you gift for your help today.”
Rosalia smiled sadly at her. The nice gesture had quickly turned into a bittersweet one. It was a thank you for helping her with something she didn't want her to do.
What was she supposed to do? She probably didn’t feel the same. She had a date with someone. Hell, maybe she didn’t even like girls. Well, she herself didn’t know she liked girls until it happened, but there’s no way Aurora would be in the same situation. She’ll just have to learn to live with it. Probably with time she’d stop feeling things for her.
"Wanna join me for a bit while I try this?" Rosalía proposed as Aurora kept standing in front of her.
“Sure, why not?“ Aurora beamed at the invitation and sat in the space Rosalía made in her bed beside her, before taking a bite of a spring roll.
“Yuummm, this is amazing, Aurora! One of the best I’ve had.”
“Yeah, the food is pretty great, actually.”
“And the company? I want details!”
If Rosalía wanted to move on, the first thing she had to do was acting normal, like a friend, as if nothing was happening inside her heart. Also, probably she’d have to get used to the idea of Aurora dating James.
“It was great, we talked about a lot of things. James is a dog lover, likes to go hiking, and tries to go to concerts as much as he can, he's really interesting.”
“Oh, dog lover, that’s all we needed! Her fans will faint when they find out!”
Aurora chuckled, “Yeah, I think they might.”
“And he likes hiking, eh? Just like you.”
"Yeah, actually we agreed to go hiking sometime."
“Oooooh, you already planned a second date!” Rosalía hated herself, as she felt her excitement was excessive and maybe overacted.
Aurora blushed, “No! I mean, we didn’t set a date to do it, but...”
“Well, if the night went that well, he definitely is going to ask you out again," she assured, as she felt a pang on her stomach at the last words. She didn’t know how she managed to tease and smile at Aurora while she was dying of jealousy and pain inside.
Rosalía was confident that she could deal with the situation just like that night. That she could pretend everything was fine, show interest in her date, and tease her about it, but she was wrong. Completely wrong.
Ever since she found out she liked Aurora, the days turned into nightmares. Seeing Aurora under a different light, a light of love, complicated everything. She would feel nervous around her, to the point of making her blush sometimes, and frequently she would avoid group chattings to not risk the possibility of having to hear the gang teasing Aurora with James. All those feelings forced her to start spending less and less time with her friend, and the rest of the group as well.
Aurora noticed the change, of course. They were extremely close and above all, she was smart. She noticed Rosalía wasn't joining her early in the morning to go to work together, to which she would respond that she overslept or that she was too tired and preferred sleeping half an hour more. At the question of why she wasn't joining her at lunch, she would argue she had a lot of paperwork to do with the Diagnostics Team. She had a handful of excuses for her sudden change of behavior.
One afternoon she was leaving for her night shift when she found a couple in sportswear outside the building, kissing. When the man leaned his forehead against the woman's, Rosalía realized, to her misfortune, that the couple was no other than Aurora and James.
“This was great, we definitely should do it some other time," he muttered, gently pulling away from her, "maybe Lola can join us if you like. ”
“Yeah, that would be fun,” Aurora replied, smiling shyly.
Rosalía stood motionless at the portal. She was ready for anything except that. Well, no, she wasn't ready for anything that involved Aurora and James actually.
“Rosie!” Aurora exclaimed, embarrassment on her features, as she realized she was looking at them.
“H-Hey! Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Nonsense. Come on!” she reprimanded, gesturing her to approach them with her hand, “let me introduce you to James. I can’t believe I haven’t had the chance in all these weeks! James, she’s Rosie, Rosalía Muñoz.”
Rosalía sauntered down the stairs, her legs feeling like two heavy pillars of concrete crashing against the staircase, “Hi James, nice to meet you,” she said, her throat constricted.
“Rosie, nice to meet you too! Em has said amazing things about you!”
Em? He already had a nickname for her? A pet name?
“She has?”
“Oh yeah, every time she does it she leaves me with the feeling I want to be your friend too, so I hope this is just the first step to that.”
Fuck. She couldn’t even hate him, he was too nice.
"I've heard plenty of good things about you too, James," she responded, forcing a smile and fighting the tears that were forming in her eyes. "Well, I'm not gonna keep interrupting you, besides I'm on my way to work, so, see you later!" she said, waving her hand as she started walking toward the T-station.
She hadn’t had a train ride that shitty in months. Maybe when she found out Teresa Martinez had died, or maybe when she was suspended from her duties after the Preliminary Hearing about Teresa's death. Either way, it was horrific between trying to fight the tears back and forcing herself to think about anything else but that stupid kiss and the way she was smiling at him. But in the end, the tears were stronger.
The image in her head was too much. Things were getting better than she thought. If they were kissing, it meant that Aurora really liked him; she really was interested in pursuing a relationship with him, and that meant there was absolutely no chance for her. Well, who she was trying to kid, she never had a chance, but it's inevitable to build ideas and prospects in the head. Daydream about it. Clearly, she couldn't do it anymore.
The following days just got worse. She kept finding them everywhere, and one day James even joined them at Donahue's. She considered asking a round of tequila to shut her mind down with alcohol, but then she rejected the idea as she feared she would make a scene drunk. Rosalía didn't want her to know by any means, so instead, she waited fifteen minutes, and then she made up an excuse and went home, alone.
Even if she tried to be subtle, soon her friends started to notice she was distant. Sienna asked her if she was okay, if something had happened with Aurora because she had shown her some concerns about it. She alleged again it was just work. No one kept insisting on the topic.
It was the morning of her free day. All of her friends were at work so she sauntered relaxed toward the kitchen to have breakfast, happy with the palpable solitude.
A  few minutes after she sat up to eat her pancakes, Aurora appeared in the hall to make her own breakfast, “Hey Rosie.”
Her name in her mouth made her shiver. She raised her head, startled, her cheeks flushing instantly, "Good morning," she said and kept eating her breakfast in silence as if she wasn't completely crushed that she was there at that moment.
Aurora served a mug of coffee and made a bowl of fruits, oatmeal, and yogurt and then sat across Rosalía, who had her nose practically buried in her pancakes, unable to look at her. "How much time are you gonna be ignoring me?" she asked after staring at her for a few seconds.
Rosalía’s eyes widened but didn’t look up at her, “What are you talking about?”
“Come on, Rosie. You’re better than that. Are you gonna tell me what has you so… frustrated or distant with me?”
“You’re imagining things.”
The woman sighed with a stern expression on her face, "Rosalía, you've spent the last month ignoring me. We're friends, I know something is bothering you."
A month. Just a month. It felt like an eternity. How much time will it take her to extract Aurora out of her mind? Of her heart?
“Nothing to worry about, it will pass soon,” she said, still looking at her plate.
“Is this for the Benitez case?”
Completely confused with the question, Rosalía raised her head and a pair of worried chocolate eyes met hers, “Benitez case? What Benitez case?”
“The Lyme syndrome case Dr. Banerji made us compete to assist a conference in New York.”
Rosalía tried to remember that case until she found the image of Naveen talking to a group of second-year residents about this competition. Between what was happening with Aurora and the work on the Diagnostic Team, she didn't have the time to fight for it, which was unusual. In better times, Aurora and Jackie would've spent the entire day running to find a solution and throwing dirty looks at each other every time they were in their sights.
“Oh, that. No, no, you deserved it, it’s completely fine.”
“Then what is your problem? Are you really not gonna tell me?”
Rosalía sighed.
Aurora wasn't this pushy. Maybe she was truly concerned, and she couldn't blame her. She had been extremely strange the past months, to the point of making Aurora ask her other friends to find out what was happening, but Rosalía kept telling her everything was fine.
Her heart started racing fast, her cheeks flushed. She couldn't do it. She could not tell her. She prohibited herself to do it.
“I can’t tell you,” she whispered before standing up from her chair and sprint towards her room, but she couldn’t go very far, as Aurora stopped her just a few feet from the table.
“Rosie, please tell me what’s happening,” she said in a soft voice. Rosalia melted. Her eyes fluttered shut at the mention of her name in her mouth, once again. “I’m worried about you.”
"I…" she closed her eyes.  She shouldn't, but all her body was begging for her to tell Aurora the truth. She tried to look for another excuse but stopped instantly and resolutely. She didn't deserve to be lied to that way.
Maybe she will understand, she thought. She’s an adult, maybe it will be awkward at first, but they would eventually move on, and maybe that was the best,  to tell her than keep ignoring her and hiding this from her.
Rosalía opened her eyes again, and Aurora was staring at her, waiting.
“Aurora I….” she sighed, her breath was shaking. “I like you. More than a friend.”
Aurora’s eyes widened in shock for a brief second until she forced herself to school her features, probably to not break her heart more than already was, “But Rosie you…”
“Yes, I’ve always liked guys, until I liked you,” she confessed.
Aurora remained silent for a moment, “I’m sorry I… I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. You wanted to know why I was like this with you, there you have. But don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I just hope things don’t get weird between us,” she said before running away, successfully this time, from the kitchen. Once she reached her cove, she slammed the door shut and locked herself for the day.
Rosalía didn't see Aurora again until the next day at the hospital. They said hi awkwardly to one another and then kept with their routines more or less normally. By the end of the day, nervousness invaded her as she realized she'd have to see her for dinner, but lucky for her, Aurora wasn't at home when dinner was ready, so everyone assumed she had a last-minute date with James. Despite feeling internally relieved that she wouldn't face her again that night, the idea of Aurora with James kept itching just as the day of their first date.
She had finally managed to fall asleep when a knock on her door woke her up. Sleepy, she walked to open the door, only to find Aurora in the dark hall.
“Can we talk?” she said, a hand curling around her middle finger.
She looked so nervous and kind of worried, that didn’t give Rosalía a chance to get nervous too for being in front of her after what had happened, “Sure, come in.”
As she turned the lights of her bedroom on, she realized Aurora was blushing and her posture was noticeably stiff, “Aurora, are you okay? Something happened?” she asked, gently stroking her arms, inspecting her carefully.
Aurora’s body trembled at her touch so she parted her hands instantaneously, “I’m sorry…” she muttered, taking a step away.
“No,” she mumbled, grabbing her by the wrist, and gently pulling her to her body.
Now it was Rosalía’s turn to shudder, the coldness of her skin against hers causing tingles in every inch of her body.  
She looked up at her, seeking for any clue that could indicate what was she doing there, if was something was happening to her, but there was nothing more than a pair of chocolate eyes staring at her in a way she'd never seen before, and even if she couldn't tell what it was, it made her stomach flutter.
It was soft but at times it was interrupted by furrowings that denoted fear and maybe some desperation, as if for moments something inside her was pushing her to do something she wasn't ready to do, and then would find the strength, to finally waver again.
Hoping she wasn't reading all the situation wrong, Rosalía tempted fate by getting closer to Aurora until their bodies were now mere inches away from the other, the coolness of one body mixing with the warmth of the other.
At the advancement, Aurora looked at her as if something snapped inside her, all fears and doubts gone, just determination. Determination and… tenderness.
Rosalía felt her breath get caught in her throat as Aurora released her wrist to cup both hands on her cheeks, stroking her so gently, as though she was scared of breaking her. It was dazzling the way Aurora was looking at her, with unrestrained sweetness and warmth. All seemed too good to be true. Most of all, because it was in a way she had been wanting for weeks, and maybe, unknowingly, for months.
It didn’t take her long to mirror her, eyes sparkling at the sight of that precious creature of the universe so close to her, her chocolate eyes exposed to discover the hues and stripes drawn in her irises, her hot breath caressing her lips.
Then, as if something was pulling them, both rested their eyes on their lips and started to shorten the distance.
And for the first time, Rosalía didn’t resist. She let herself go and obeyed the most honest desire of her heart.
Kissing Aurora for the first time felt like floating.
No, it was it was even more mighty than flying. It was freeing and lulling, healing and exciting, and more than that, awakening.
The simple act of kissing her had awakened feelings and desires that she didn't know her heart could harbor. Pure and intense, sincere and encouraging.
Driven by all these sentiments, Rosalía wrapped her arms around her neck as both parted their lips to explore more of one another, and that was the beginning of an addiction that would've lasted hours if it wasn't because they had to catch some breath.
They stared at each other in silence until it was inevitably to giggle as if both were incredulous of what had just happened.
“Rosie I…” she shook her head, blinded by the beautiful smile Rosalía was giving her, “Damn, I like you too. So much. I’ve liked you for a long time.”
Rosalía opened her eyes wide, completely off-guarded by her confession, “You what? Are you serious?”
Aurora closed her eyes as she took a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes again, she looked at her amusingly, "I've liked you for, I don't know, several months now, since we started speaking in civil terms to one another. At that time I told you I was mean to you because I didn't want to trust anybody, and you were a threat to my career, but after a while, I realized part of why I tried to hate you so much was because I liked you."
Rosalía chuckled, blown away by how alike their stories were.
"It was hard for me to acknowledge that because I had never… I had never felt that for a girl. But I tried to ignore it, thinking you probably would never feel the same. Then I met James and I thought it was a sign, that maybe he would help me be over you… and I really liked him, you know? He's nice, he's treated me like anyone did before... but then you told me you liked me and… I couldn't believe it, that's why I reacted that way yesterday. I couldn't believe you felt that for me too. I swear I could've never imagined you were.... jealous. Not for a single moment, I linked your behavior to James and me."
Both shared a sad smile until Rosalía broke the silence, "First, I also thought I hadn't had a chance with you because you had only liked men, and second… If it wasn't for James, I don't know when I'd realized I liked you, but the idea of you dating somebody just… ignited something inside me, and the night of your date I finally could tell what it was."
“Oh my god, Rosie,” she laughed, also blown away by her story.
“What about James?”
“I spoke with him. I told him it wouldn’t work out between us because there was someone else.”
“Oh. So that means I have you all by myself now?”
Aurora gave her a mischievous smile as she tucked a strand of her wavy brown hair behind her ear, “Well, if that’s what you want."
Before that moment, Rosalía thought it would be hard for her to respond to that question, as it was something she had never experienced. Being with a girl. But now that she was in the situation, the answer became so easy because what was happening wasn’t anything unknown or terrifying. It was love, and love was simple. Simple and encouraging, so there was nothing to be afraid of.
Rosalía leaned to kiss her deeply before sweetly whispering:
“It is.”
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game - CH116
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 116: The Dream of the Holy Nun (VI)
Out of habit, Qi Leren went to Chen Baiqi to buy some information about the Holy City. Unfortunately, Chen Baiqi didn't have any details on it, only an old map of the Holy City from decades ago that she made Qi Leren pay for. Chen Baiqi reserved the task information of "The Dream of the Holy Nun" from him, to be sold to her when he finished his task.
Qi Leren also asked her if she had any interest in this task. Although the number for the task was already full, if Chen Baiqi was willing to join, he could consider persuading Dr. Lu to stay safe in the clinic.
Chen Baiqi gave him an inscrutable look: "I’ve been able to  live in this world for eight years by holding a principle."
"What principle?" Qi Leren asked.
"Never die easily unless you have to," Chen Baiqi said.
"This kind of task involving the demon invasion from more than 20 years ago is either epic difficulty or a chain task that will go through eighty-one difficulties before finally becoming epic difficulty. Anyway, it won't be easy. I wouldn't be surprised to see demons all over the city as soon as you enter the Holy City. Please Qi Leren, don't let me sweep your grave again," Chen Baiqi patted Qi Leren on the shoulder and said with a smile.
"Hey, don't give me a flag," Qi Leren said depressedly.
"You'd better hold Su He’s thighs. He may have items that force him out of the task. He would never let himself die from not being able to stand the difficulty. After all, there’s still a long way to go. It's a pity that you are a little poor, otherwise I could sell you some high-quality items. Right now I can only sell you cheap little miniature bombs, I really can't make a lot of money." Although Qi Leren had earned a lot of survival days, he was still a poor wretch in Chen Baiqi's view. She couldn't extort money before he was fattened.
Qi Leren, after paying for the task’s necessities, went home depressed.
The mandatory task for the first month had arrived. In the first month, Qi Leren performed two tasks, namely, Witchcraft Sacrifice and Castle Cry; one was a main world task and the other was a copy world task. During the tasks’ execution, the players’ remaining survival days would not be consumed, but they were still counted as survival time spent by players.
Every mandatory task could be postponed for one week. If a player failed to start after the deadline, he would be forced into the task world. If a player performed a task that lasted for two months, he must complete a mandatory task within one week after the task was finished, and then complete another mandatory task within one week.
Players in the Nightmare World hated the "monthly exam", because there was almost no task reward (unless the degree of completion was extremely high), and the difficulty was also raised every month. By the third year, those players who were not qualified and neglected to improve themselves began to fall off one after another and were eliminated by the cruel monthly exam without the chance of a make up exam.
Qi Leren wasn't worried about his own strength. Ning Zhou said that his skill cards and his own strength were enough to cope with the compulsory tasks of the first three years, but he was often flustered because he frequently met tasks with unusual difficulty.
Dr. Lu, however, looked frightened, fearing that he couldn't pass the first monthly exam, and came to Qi Leren's home to start the task together. Although most of the first compulsory tasks were single-person tasks and starting together didn’t mean they would be in a task together, it made Dr. Lu feel a little safer.
"You, you, you, you, hello*!" After seeing Ning Zhou standing by the window, Dr. Lu suddenly remembered that Su He had talked about a friend in Qi Leren’s home last time.
*{E/N: Dr. Lu is trying to cover up his shock by making “you” (你) into “hello” (你好)}
At the moment when Qi Leren opened the door, he wanted to throw the door in Dr. Lu's face. However, if you thought about it carefully, Ning Zhou and Dr. Lu would meet each other sooner or later. Seeing him early was the same as later since he had to introduce people to Ning Zhou.
"Dr. Lu, this is Ning Zhou, who will participate in the 'Dream of the Holy Nun' task. Ning Zhou, this is Dr. Lu, whose full name is Lu Cangshu, he’s my friend from the same Novice Village who’s a healer," Qi Leren briefly introduced the two men.
Stopped on the sofa, the big black bird cawed angrily, forcing Qi Leren to introduce it to Dr. Lu to get it to stop.
Dr. Lu looked at the person from head to toe with his mouth open, pulled Qi Leren’s ear to him, and asked, "Your goddess?"
Can you not be so quick with this? Qi Leren vomited in his mind and nodded honestly.
So Dr. Lu sat down with a strange smile, looked hard at Ning Zhou, and looked hard at Qi Leren, as if he knew everything. Qi Leren felt that he couldn't explain clearly even if he had one hundred mouths.
Poor Ning Zhou didn't know why he was being scrutinized. He was completely out of the situation and was not used to getting along with strangers. He sat for a while and then went upstairs.
When Ning Zhou left, Dr. Lu tried to suppress the excitement of getting gossip, and forced him to align himself with Qi Leren seriously, saying, "I don't discriminate against homosexuals. Really, I’ve seen many as a doctor. Several little gays came to the anorectal department every day to ask my brother for a finger examination. His technique isn’t bad. It takes 30 seconds to milk a prostate..."
"...You’ve misunderstood, we’re not that kind of relationship."
Dr. Lu had a look of "Excuse me, you are living together".
"Ning Zhou just came to help me train. The training menu I gave you last time was set by him," Qi Leren explained.
"I see..." Dr. Lu suddenly realized, then looked at him askance, and asked, "Do you think I’ll believe this nonsense? Didn't your relationship die as soon as the mission was over? Why is it that now he cordially trains and practices with you? A while ago, you suddenly disappeared. I couldn't find you all over the world. I really wondered if you’d given up and chased your goddess. Now that you’ve finally caught this goddess, you actually say that you have a pure straight man friendship, hehe."
Qi Leren was speechless.
Although it was normal for two men to live together, Qi Leren believed that Ning Zhou didn't think much about it at all, but it was unconvincing in front of Dr. Lu who knew the previous episode... After all, more than half a month ago, they’d fallen in love at first sight and went through fire and water, dying to live... and then died when it was all laid bare. As a result, it took less than half a month for them to live under the same roof. This development didn’t seem quite right…
However, Qi Leren couldn't explain the Slaughter Secret Society undercover task to Dr. Lu - although he feels that after the explanation, Dr. Lu would only be more convinced that they weren’t innocent, and even Qi Leren himself began to wonder if there is something really wrong between him and Ning Zhou.
Qi Leren asked himself, if he had met Ning Zhou as a woman at a different time and place, would he fall in love with her? The answer was: he would. As a woman, Ning Zhou perfectly met all his expectations for the other half. Whenever and wherever he met her, he would definitely fall in love with her.
But if he met Ning Zhou, who was a male, would he still fall in love with him?
Qi Leren thought that the answer was probably no.
He may worship him, yearn for him, want to be friends with him, and even go through life and death for him, but he wouldn't fall in love with him, because he wouldn't consider the possibility of exceeding the limit of friends at all, and Ning Zhou would only be more stubborn than him. Even if they went through hardships and died together, they may have a deeper friendship and even affection than love, but that would never turn into love.
Feelings were so simple and complicated, neither one was deeper than the other, but only a small error would completely change them.
"Although there was something wrong at the beginning, the misunderstanding has been solved now. I think we’ll become good friends, very good friends," Qi Leren said, speaking slowly. Maybe he was a little confused, but he still said so, inexplicably determined.
Dr. Lu looked at him carefully for a long time with disbelief: "...Oh."
"Time is almost up, let's start the mandatory task." Qi Leren cast aside his distractions and concentrated on dealing with the present difficulties.
He opened the system’s menu bar and selected the mandatory task for this month. Qi Leren and Dr. Lu disappeared from the room one after another.
The eagle, who stopped on the sofa, patted its wings and flew up the stairs to return to its master. Ning Zhou, who stood on the stairs, stretched out his arm to let it land. The eagle that understood speech affectionately rubbed the side of Ning Zhou's face and felt it’s master's mood. It was very clever at times.
The two people in the living room had disappeared. Ning Zhou wanted to go downstairs to help them prepare but instead heard Qi Leren and Dr. Lu talking about him, so he had stopped on the stairs.
This should be the most appropriate distance.
Editor’s Notes:
Qi Leren: “I’m not gay.”
Dr. Lu: “Okay but like have you tried having a finger up your ass? For science.”
[<<< Previous Chapter | Table of Contents | Next Chapter >>>]
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its-miichan · 4 years
Why HC is a poorly written character
I will probably delete this tbh.... Look, I know I hate on TGCF a lot, but I actually really enjoyed the book and I respect MXTX for putting so much effort and work into it. It’s just that I find people like me to be underrepresented and want to be the one that starts the “unpopular opinion” movement sort of thing because diversified opinions are lit. I don’t mean any offense to anyone who loves TGCF or the character of Hua Cheng, and definitely no disrespect to MXTX, so please take everything in this as the incoherent rants of an overly stressed out teenager. Now let’s get on into my TGCF/Hua Cheng criticisms
I’ve seen tons of people love HC, but no matter how I tried, I still hated him. So I decided to go all out  and point out all his flaws as a character. I will be making multiple comparisons to Bingge and the Yiling Patriarch because they are very similar in personality, but I like them far better. Obviously, this is my personal opinion, so it’s completely fine that you disagree with me. Feel free to attack me in the comments below and feel free to hate me to oblivion as well. Anyways, without further ado, let’s get into it.
Why HC is the worst character in 4 long points:
He doesn’t have a shred of consideration or respect for people not named Xie Lian  
He is a static and underdeveloped character 
His character arc is very lacking 
He is an overpowered Mary Sue  (it’s almost as if he’s an unkillable protagonist that has a special power of dropping the IQs of all cannon fodders around him to 40 whenever he walks into the room)
Let’s start on point 1, he has no consideration for anyone but XL and is very obnoxious:
Honestly, why is XL fine with what he does? XL’s whole thing is about love, compassion, and righteousness, but then HC is here insulting people, calling them trash, and still flirting while people are legit trying to fight for their lives and he’s just fine with it? Yes, HC is the only person who has listened to him in a long time, but he’s here breaking XL’s morals and all he does is call him out mildly? HC is literally putting other people’s LIVES in danger doing what he does (black water arc), and yet XL is still fine with him?
HC just is more morally black than he is morally gray. His obnoxiousness to other people is so mildly played off that it’s infuriating, and he needs a serious humbling. Nobody has made him able to drop his arrogance and make him stop being annoying, and it’s just so frustrating to see this terrible character be able to do whatever he wants. (and his backstory, though tragic, does not excuse this) With WWX and LBH, they get what was coming to them. LBH is looked down upon and attacked for his arrogance and obnoxiousness and even at the end of the series is still seen as an enemy by CQ peak. WWX’s pride and belief that he could always do the impossible becomes his fatal flaw that ultimately gets him killed as his reckless arrogance gets him too many enemies   HC is wildly arrogant and provocative and the narrative lets him get away with it because he is so OP, no one can do anything about it. 
Despite MXTX trying to make him seem morally gray, the moments where he does something good aren’t on screen and feels forced. It felt, to me, like MXTX was trying to make him a good person when she realized he was a jerk. We get this whole self-indulgent thing about how nobody cared about HC so apparently the world owes him and he is justified to be a terrible person and laugh while people are literally dying. A character like him can be handled well (Taxian-Jun, Bingge, the Yiling Patriarch), but his handling was just such a miss for me. At some points his apathy to other people didn’t feel like part of his character, but just a way for MXTX to advance the plot. If he had just stepped in and done something, a lot of plot points would’ve been solved so much more quickly, and the book wouldn’t drag on as long as it did.
Point two is that he is shallow as heck and doesn’t get any onscreen character development. LBH and WWX have also had an arc in their story where they are arrogant and need a humbling, but it isn’t annoying because we get to see how they become this way. We get to be attached to them before they develop their twisted personalities and we get to see how they grow and develop from that period in time. With HC, he just starts out this way and we are forced to accept it, and his personality doesn’t develop at all. Speaking of personality, he really barely has one. What even are his motives?He just walks around with XL and is dragged into adventures that he really doesn’t care about and does nothing while he’s on these adventures. Everything he does is about XL and he has barely ever done something out of his own agenda. We never even get to see how HC’s love for XL came to this point, we are just forced to accept it. Yes, XL did save HC as a child, but does that necessarily warrant 800 years of complete devotion and 3 deaths? We’ve seen similar stories with kind people adopting children or something of the sort, but we never see those children fall in love with the person or die for them three times. It feels like XL got some cheaply earned loyalty. Some development between XL and HC prior to his death would’ve been nice. 
Again, with LBH and WWX, they have their own thoroughly developed motives and backstories that contribute to the way they act in a natural way. With LBH it’s that he thought his parents had abandoned him as a child, so he thought that he was unwanted and would do anything so that he wouldn’t be abandoned by SQQ. With WWX, he would’ve been dead if it weren’t for the Jiangs which is why he feels that his life is worthless and would throw his life out the window to protect others. With HC, his backstory somewhat explains his behavior but at the same time...not really? There’s such a drastic and inexplicable leap from his personality as a child and his personality now that it’s just weird. (how did he go from that awkwardly silent kid in book 2 to this suddenly super charismatic and chatty teen that we meet in book 1???) For example, why is he so good at flirting? He has essentially been alone for 800 years yet he is still good at flirting? Yes, he is supposedly “insecure” because of his backstory, but this insecurity barely ever manifests, and people in the story never deliberately use it against him (like how LBH’s backstory was used against him or how WWX’s heritage from a servant was used against him) and most of the time he is the exact opposite of being insecure, he is arrogant.
His backstory doesn’t explain his motive for doing things, which is why when he does something good, it doesn’t feel earned. Why did he save the people trapped in Tonglu? We don’t know because the book didn’t care enough to tell us.
Point three is that his character arc is just handled in an atrocious way. Can you really count it as a character arc though? If you can then that would just be the flattest character arc I’ve ever seen. Again, we get to see LBH and WWX grow and develop in the course of the story, changing with their experiences and becoming better people. Bingge is a terrible person, but SV ends with LBH finding redemption from most people and sealing away Xin Mo for the sake of the world and his shizun. WWX is significantly humbled after his first death and ends the story significantly more responsible and considers the consequences of things before charging headfirst into them.
But HC doesn’t have development like that. Throughout the entirety of the story, his character doesn’t grow one bit. When we first meet him in book 1, his personality is no different than way later in book 5. There is no growth or change in his way of thinking, relationships, or world view. Yes, you could say that his character development happened during the period where he went from a child to who he is now, but much of that is off screen and is therefore less...coherent. For example the flirting, which I mentioned in the last point, but also things like suddenly becoming arrogant as hell, despite supposedly being “insecure” or becoming as “mischievous” as he is today. What little character development we have comes off as superficial and very forced. 
Point four is that he is an insufferable Mary Sue in serious need of a nerf. Or rather to quote peerless cucumber “Every single person, when in front of the protagonist, would act like his aura of “awesomeness” had devoured their intelligence”. I don’t understand why people don’t like the term “Mary Sue” to be applied to an international work because as someone who is Chinese and is familiar with the pop culture, I can assure you, the term Mary Sue is definitely used in Chinese culture. People say that HC isn’t a Mary Sue because he has no friends, but the amount of friends a character has does not affect whether they are a Mary Sue or not. Wikipedia defines a Mary Sue as: “...a generic name for any fictional character who is so competent or perfect that this appears unrealistic for the world's settings, even in the context of the fictional setting.” 
It doesn’t mention the amount of friends, only how competent and/or perfect the character is presented to be. Key word: appears. 
Google defines a Mary Sue as: “a type of...character who is depicted as unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses.”
So, what are HC’s flaws and/or weaknesses? His “insecurity”? Yes, that could potentially be a flaw, but is it ever used against him in the story so that it is something that isn’t just there for the sake of “cute romance”? No. Yes, he does have a spot of spiritual weakness in his left eye, but that is only used against him ONCE, and it really doesn’t even advance the plot or affect him. Yes, he doesn’t have friends, but does that bother him? No. Does that affect him negatively? No.
He has a lack of flaws but has so, so many strengths. Personality wise, he is supposedly the most charming, charismatic, and funny person ever. He is extremely handsome and rich, along with his seemingly never ending array of OP powers and abilities that are never foreshadowed or mentioned at all. We know that his butterflies can attack and defend, but they can also be used as recording devices and go COMPLETELY unnoticed even in a court full of powerful gods? Was this ever mentioned before he just pulled it out of nowhere? And HC can also suddenly pull out the red string out of nowhere with no foreshadowing. How did he get the red string? We don’t know and the story doesn’t care. In fact, the red string doesn’t even do much and is just there for the sake of being “romantic.” Also, apparently he can pull out his umbrella and fly and deflect everything and is also powerful enough to break the cursed shackles? Why? (other than because he has the undefeatable protagonist’s golden halo and suffers from a serious case of main character-itis) He is so overpowered that it’s a joke at this point, and because he is so overpowered, the story lacks any sort of narrative stakes and makes everyone else look like a joke. Why worry about what happens next when you know HC will pull something from nowhere to steamroll through whatever problem XL is facing?
Look, with LBH, there is a blatantly obvious nerf to him, and that is that Xin Mo can corrupt him to the point where he virtually goes insane and destroys both himself and others in the process. With WWX, he is essentially useless without corpses or something resentful in the vicinity to control. Additionally, him being overpowered feels more natural than HC because no matter how overpowered he is, he still falls to the schemes of one Jin GuangYao. With HC, there is no such thing. Yes, he does die, but he comes back every time and the plot armor is so thick that all the tension and suspense in the story is completely destroyed.
In short, I think that HC is a terrible character. I find him to be shallow, annoying, and poorly written. It felt as if MXTX tried to make him perfect, and that really bugged me so much. I’ll probably be making a rant on XL next. Again, this is my opinion and none of this is objective fact, and if you agree with me, fine, and if you disagree, great! However, be sure to stay respectful to everyone in the comments as well as MXTX. As always, feel free to attack me in the comments.
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hozier-mp3 · 3 years
destiel au fic recs?
Oh yes.
Once upon a time I made a post of every single one of my Fic Recs, and I’m especially fond of AUs, so I give you a list of just, solely, AU fics.
Let me start with my shameless self promotions. (They’re actually full of shame I’m sorry but those are my three AU fics I’ve written.
Alright, time for the real ones. *cracks knuckles*     A Million Ways To Go by ChasingRabbits on AO3 - Castiel Novak is a preacher's son living in a world of black and white. Pragmatic and dutiful, he doesn't understand why anybody would want to make waves.Then the Winchesters move in down the street. Soon many of the skeletons in the Novak family's closet are exposed, and as the family faces them, Castiel begins to understand that there are many ways to see the world and so many more ways to live than what he's been told. - This is one of the few fics I’ve reread. The summary pretty much covers it, though, so I’ll let that one speak for itself.
Word Count: 91,079
Smiling Out Of Fear by thepinupchemist on AO3- Castiel Novak is a product of the system, having gone through too many foster homes since the age of seven. At fourteen, he lands himself in Sugar Lane Mobile Home Community under the care of Missouri Moseley. There, he meets one Dean Winchester. A story about teenage hooligans, growing up, and finding a home. - Okay, I’m not going to say anything other than the fact that thinking about this fic literally makes me almost start crying happy tears. I adore it. (I pretty much recommend everything thepinupchemist has written, but I haven’t gotten through it all yet.)
Word Count: 117,494
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1007755/chapters/1998660 25¢ Pocket Guardian Angels by hopelessheathen on AO3- Dean walks into his local bank one day and notices that someone has filled the old gumball machine with these tiny, wiggling, sentient angels in individual plastic packaging. Deeply concerned about their air supply and the fact that they're trapped there in the sun, he starts pumping in quarters to rescue them. This is worse than leaving a dog in an overheating car. Now he's got forty of the little guys running all over his house, and god knows how many others might be trapped and dying all over the city. - I love this. I could read it three times a day and still get a smile on my face. It’s just a little one shot, but it’s worth the time it takes. Word Count: 13,325
Burden by riseofthefallenone on AO3 - Mutants are considered second class citizens, or worse. Discriminated against at every turn, mutants are marked and monitored by The Registry and any deemed too dangerous are taken away to The Facility. It’s no surprise that many try to hide or choose a more permanent way out if a mutation develops. Castiel’s parents hid his mutation and hid him away from the world. He’s grown up with the knowledge that the world will hate him, no matter what he does. If he leaves the house, he can only do it with a long, heavy coat that covers the most beautiful part of him. It takes a pair of brothers to help him really spread his wings and live. - Yet another I adore. If you’ll keep a secret for me, I’m actually not caught up, but I oh so desperately want to be. I’m kind of a sucker for wings in general, though, so that helps.
Word Count: 317,582
Out Of The Deep by riseofthefallenone on AO3 - Stay away from the light-beds. Stay in the deep. It is the first thing hatchlings are taught the moment their fans unfurl and they can swim without their parents to buoy them along. It is the first rule, the first law. It is the beginning of every boogey-monster bedtime story told when they settle against the cliffs to sleep. Castiel should have listened better. - Okay, but holy shit. This was one of the first Destiel fics I read, and it heightened my standards to unbelievable places. I adore it. I could write essays.
Word Count: 488,608
https://archiveofourown.org/works/548878/chapters/977676 True As It Can Be by whelvenwings - Growing up in a small town in Kansas, Dean learned from a young age that there was only one rule that couldn’t be broken, one place he couldn’t go - through the forest, to the long-abandoned Angel’s Hollow. But when Sam disappears, Dean’s left with no choice but to follow his brother's tracks through the dangers of the wood; little does he know that the most dangerous creature of all lurks not among the trees, but in the Hollow itself. Dean sets Sam free, at the cost of his own liberty - and, bound by magic, resigns himself to living out the rest of his days in the Hollow, at the mercy of the being within. The angel of Angel’s Hollow, however, has a story - is a prisoner, too, as much as Dean is. Only one thing can free them both - but it is impossible. For, after all: who could ever learn to love a beast? - This was the first, and last, Beauty and the Beast AU I ever read, but for good reason. I’m scared if I read another, that this one will absolutely shit on it and I won’t be able to enjoy it. I loved this fic very much.
Word Count: 71,952 
Okay, before I even mention the next one, please read the tags. There are quite a few possible triggers and the tags, luckily, have accurate trigger warnings. And, of course, archive warnings. (And, of course, be sure to read tags on the others.) If you have issues with that, just scroll past this one, because the others are fine. (I think/hope so. At least. If you have any issues, please, let me know. I’ll put warnings above those too)
Defiant by thestorygirl on AO3 - Dean Winchester has devoted his career as a police officer to helping angel slaves in any way that he can. He even formed and heads the "Angel Welfare Task Force," which involved him being called to consult on any case involving slaves. This passion stemmed from an incident that happened twenty years previously, when a thirteen year old Dean failed to help his friend Castiel escape being sold to a sadistic owner. Dean had never really harbored any hope of finding his friend. He saw his work as something he did in memory of Castiel, to prevent others from suffering the same fate. But, when called out on a routine case one day, Dean was startled to find that he recognized the victim. - So, usually I avoid the Non-Con archive warning at all. But with this one, honestly, I’m lucky I didn’t. I could seriously write essays on this fic. I’m gonna shut up about it, just because I don’t want to talk too much about it. It’s seriously perfect.
Word Count: 133,352
Alright back to the ones that don’t quite need trigger warnings.
Have Love, Will Travel by squeemonster - Castiel Novak is a reclusive writer with a childhood so tragic it's left him terrified to leave his home—until his overbearing brother, Gabriel, drags him out for a night on the town full of booze and strip clubs, and he encounters Dean Winchester, a mesmerizing and mysterious stripper with secrets of his own. Both men find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other, and soon Dean's private dances for Castiel become much more, as both men confess their troubles and find solace in each other's company. But neither can seem to find the courage to take their relationship further than the intimacy of the club's VIP Room—and just when Dean's own brother gives him the excuse he needs to finally admit his feelings, Dean discovers something that brings it all crumbling down. Will they find a way past their demons and their trust issues, and back to each other?- I love Cas in this fic, his agoraphobia fits his usual outsider-ness and it’s just all beautifully characterized. I very much enjoy “the only exception” tropes as well, so....
Word Count: 94,054
https://archiveofourown.org/works/565455/chapters/1011747?view_adult=true Four Letter Word For Intercourse by Bendingsignpost on AO3 - As a grease monkey turned college freshman, Dean's constantly three seconds away from being stressed out of his mind. It hardly helps that he's finally figuring out his sexuality in his thirties. What might help with that stress is a little phone number (and a big credit card bill). If he can't figure out how to be bisexual in person, he can at least give it a go over the phone, right? (It's probably a bad idea, but he really can't help himself.) - Holy shit. That’s... that’s really all I can say. Holy shit. Easily made my top five.
Word Count: 194,739
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16086839/chapters/37568591 Now, onto the one I haven’t finished, but like... so far.
Beck and Call by Soupernabturel on AO3 - 1922: Dean Winchester, eldest heir to the Winchester Estate, has a less than orthodox relationship with his servant, Castiel Novak. - Like I said, I haven’t finished it yet, but I’m vastly enjoying it at the moment.
Wow, it was really hard not to include canon ones lol. Anyways, I hope this helps Anon, and I hope you enjoy! I love all these authors, and you should give them all the love!
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thdorkmagnet · 4 years
Moments in a New World
Hey everyone!! Happy one year anniversary of the “Cleaved” finale and belated Starco day!!! Can't believe it's already been a year! It's still so fresh in my mind it might as well have been yesterday. Star vs has been a huge part of my life for five years now and I hope it continues to be well into the future and that others continue to like and enjoy this series and the fans who help keep it alive and kicking!!
Anyways, I have a little something here for the occasion that I hope and think you'll like. Just a sappy, fluffy Starco story about their lives after the finale. You know the drill. So now I'll leave you to it!! Please enjoy!!
Disclaimer: Star vs and all its characters belong to Daron Nefcy and Disney. All rights go to them.
More post-Earthni fics: Marco's Birthday Blowup Blast, Starco Wedding
One Minute After Cleaving
Star and Marco stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, standing mere inches apart as their eyes gleamed with love and unparalleled joy as they were reunited once more. The world only consisted of the two of them, the sounds of chaos drowned out in the background, their new collided world an afterthought for the young couple, all that mattered was that they were together again, face to face, able to get lost in each other's shimmering eyes. The two had been completely silent save for a simple greeting, both teens too chocked up to produce any word more than “Hey” or “Hi”.
But finally it was as if the spell was broken, Marco inexplicably flinging his arms around the girl, bringing her into a tight hug that he never wanted to end, burying his head into her shoulder as his body shook with relief.
“Marco,” Star whispered out, surprised by the boy's sudden action.
“I thought I-” the hooded teen began, his voice choked and tight, like he was fighting back tears with every word, his grip on Star's small frame tightening. “I thought you were- you were-” Marco let out a shaky breath, unable to even finish the horrifying sentence.
“Shhh,” Star soothed, rubbing her arms up and down his back as tears gently dripped from her blue orbs. “It's okay. I'm here, I've got you and I'm never letting you go again.”
Marco let out what sounded like a cross between a chuckle and a sob as tears now ran down his own cheeks, dripping onto his girlfriend's shoulder, though neither of them cared. “Please don't ever scare me like that again.”
Star giggled before sniffing, finally pulling away as she rubbed tears out of her eyes with the back of her hand. “I won't. Trust me that was probably the most afraid I've ever been in my life!”
“More afraid than that time you got stuck inside of Toffee?” Marco asked, a smile on his face despite the red swelling in his eyes and the tearstains on his cheeks.
Star nodded. “Definitely... but it's a close second.”
The two shared a laugh together, letting all the anxiety and worry that had been plaguing them melt off until only their love remained. Finally, Marco paused, staring thoughtfully at the ground, before meeting his girlfriend's eye again, whispering under his breath, “I love you.”
Star smiled softly at her Marco, repeating in a chocked tone, “I love you, too.”
Then, without warning, Marco moved in for a kiss, catching Star's lips between his own as he poured every inch of his heart and self into the simple affectionate act. Star smiled against him, before closing her eyes and letting it deepen, a spark rising up in her as she cherished this precious moment with the love of her life and Marco happily doing the same. While all around them, the two worlds of Earth and Mewni collided into a beautiful chaos, as the first day of a new world began.
One Day After Cleaving
Star and Marco sat side by side on the couch in the Diaz's living room, as they stared blankly at the TV, watching as the news crew filmed random situations happening all over Earthni: an apartment complex covered in webs from a giant spider, warnicorns and piggoats blocking traffic on busy crossroads, giant Monster footprints crushing poor Principal Skeeves's car. And there were many, many more of these images, all accompanied by the confused ramblings of a startled news crew, struggled to make sense of it all, stuttering out halfhearted explanations and theories. Eventually, Eclipsa appeared on the screen, providing an explanation for this bizarre new world that had been formed, speaking clearly and calmly into the microphone being offered her by a wide-eyed news anchor, who kept casting weary glances at Globgore, who stood at his wife's side. 
Star bit her lip, letting out a low groan as she slumped over some on the couch. Marco looked over to his girlfriend with a puzzled look, before spotting the worry etched into her features and asked, “Hey, you want me to turn this off?”
“What's the point?” Star mumbled out, crossing her arms in front of her chest. 
Marco, sensing how serious this all was picked up the remote and turned off the TV before directing his full attention onto his girlfriend. “Star, c'mon talk to me, what's wrong?”
Star sighed, before giving her boyfriend a lost look, saying brokenheartedly, “I don't know, it just feels like we made things worse instead of better.”
“Do you... regret what we did?” Marco asked nervously, not quite sure if he could stand knowing the answer.
Star shook her head. “No. I'm glad we did what we did,” the blond stated no hesitation in her tone as she gave her boyfriend a small smile. But it quickly turned to a sad frown as she added, “I guess I just thought destroying the magic would fix everything. But things are just as crazy now as they were before, maybe even crazier! How are we gonna fix this?”
Marco put a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder, giving it a small squeeze as he smiled reassuringly down at her. “We'll figure it out, we always do.”
“Uh, did you not see the news report, Marco,” Star asked sarcastically. “Everyone is freaking out!”
Marco laughed, before saying, “Well yeah, it's only been a day, Star, of course they're freaking out. They just need time to adjust is all.” The boy put an arm around his girlfriend's waist, causing both of them to blush a deep red. But the boy added in a confident tone, “They'll come around once they get used to all this, trust me.”
Star raised a skeptical eyebrow at her boyfriend, before asking, “How can you be so sure?”
Marco shrugged, fixing his girlfriend with a loving stare as he said, “Well see, a few years ago, this crazy, magical princess came crashing into my world out of nowhere and I thought that she was gonna ruin my life or something.” 
Star laughed, before playfully elbowing her boyfriend in the ribs, “Heeeyy.” 
Marco smiled, but continued, “But then, the craziest thing happened, I discovered I loved spending time with her and being near her...” Star blushed, staring shyly into Marco's brown orbs as he continued. “And that the magical chaos that I was so afraid was gonna ruin my life, ended up changing it and me for the better. I wouldn't be the same without her and I wouldn't change a single minute of it, no matter how weird or wild it got.”
“Me either,” Star said, moving so her back now rested on his side, giving the arm now wrapped around her frame a tight squeeze. 
“So, you see, if this safe kid could learn to embrace Mewni and all its strangeness, than anyone can,” Marco finished, placing a gentle peck at the top of her head.
Star nodded, letting out a content sigh as she nuzzled Marco's form with the back of her head (causing the boy to blush like crazy), replying softly, “Yeah, I guess you're right.” 
One Month After Cleaving
Marco lay awake in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He didn't know how late it was, though he guessed easily after midnight, yet sleep still continued to evade him. Not that he was actively trying to fall asleep, the concept of a good night's rest about as far from his mind as possible, not when he had a million other things on his mind to worry about, his thoughts running wild and refusing to release him from their cruel hold.
The nights were always the hardest for him, during the day it was easy to distract himself, his life full and busy since Earthni had come to be. He was constantly coming and going from meetings and speeches as he, Star, Moon, and Eclipsa worked hard to create peace amongst the three races that now dwelled on this dimension, trying to appease everyone to the best of their abilities, trying to set up boundaries, a new ruling system and constitution, and most importantly making sure everyone would be considered equal in their new home. All of this alone was exhausting but add in spending time with his friends, taking care of his new baby sister, and regular dates with Star and Marco barely had time to breath, much less think.
So at night, when everything finally quieted down and there was nothing but him and the empty silence of his room, that was when the flashbacks would start. He would lay there for hours on end thinking about that day in the Realm of Magic, the fear and sorrow he had felt when the two had separated for what might have been forever. How, in his moment of despair, he had been incapable of returning to Earth, planning on going to Mewni, to Star, only to find his only way back was now closed, leaving him stranded and alone. He remembered how relieved he had been to see Star, to hug her and cling to her for what might have been the end, only to be separated from her once more.
He could still feel his desperation as he raced across town to the portal, to the last chance he had of being with the one he loved again, only to have his final hope shattered and destroyed in a massive explosion, his own stupid legs incapable of reaching the portal in time.
The boy shuddered, letting out a shaky sigh, as he rolled over onto his side. Every night it was the same thing, Marco would lie there and think about how he almost lost his soulmate, his love, his Star forever. About how close he had come to losing his better half. What would his life even be like without Star in it? He dreaded to think about it and yet, he couldn't quite stifle the thoughts in his head... or the occasional nightmare he had about said topic.
Marco blinked away the few stray tears, before rolling over yet again, staring at his wall as he debated getting up and getting a glass of milk or something. It beat laying there in misery, right?
Suddenly, though Marco was pulled from his depressing thoughts as he heard his door gently squeaking open and a small ray of light shining through the crack, blinding the boy for a moment. Marco sat up, looking in shock at the doorway as a head pocked through the entrance, staring at him with startling blue orbs that made his heart dance.
“Star?” Marco asked, his voice tight and he coughed once to clear it. He moved so he was now sitting off the edge watching as Star slowly sauntered over to him, ignoring how adorable she looked in her nightgown. “What are you doing up so late?”
“Couldn't sleep,” Star admitted, staring down at her hands instead of Marco, biting her lip as her eyes filled with worry. Marco didn't even have to ask to know just what was bothering his girlfriend, her expression a perfect match to his.
“Me either,” Marco confessed, giving her a small smile as he patted a spot next to him on the bed. The girl plopped down beside him, bringing her bare knees up to her chest as the two stared off into space. They let out a simultaneous sigh, but made no other attempts at conversation, simply resigning themselves to their uncomfortable thoughts.
“Will we ever stop doing this?” Star finally asked, her voice so low and soft Marco barely heard it.
“We will,” Marco said as comfortingly as possible. “It's just gonna take a while, it's not gonna happen overnight.”
“I wish it did,” Star grumbled bitterly.
Marco put a hand on top of Star's. “Believe me, I do too.” The two finally locked eyes, as Marco gave his girlfriend a loving smile. “But it'll get easier, I promise.”
Star grinned back, before saying, “Well until it does, I'll be here for you, whenever you need me.”
Marco chuckled a little, before adding, “Me too.” And then he planted the softest kiss on Star's forehead.
“Well I better be getting back to bed,” Star said, reluctantly rising up off the soft mattress, walking slowly toward the door. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Marco replied, watching with suppressed sadness as his girlfriend left his room. The moment she was gone and the door closed, Marco let out a breath to sooth his nerves. It's okay, she's only going to her room, it's right down the hall, she's not going away forever, he reassured himself, using the breathing technique Sensai had taught him. You don't need to get her. You don't need to get her.
You need to get her. Marco whimpered as the panic set in and the boy was unable to stop himself as he jumped to his feet, running to the door and throwing it open, already calling out for his girlfriend. “Star!”
The boy froze as he came face to face with Star who hadn't moved an inch since closing the door, just standing silently out in the hallway unable to return to her own room. Marco panted as he stared into Star's startled eyes and he quickly gasped out, “I need you here with me, I don't want to be alone.”
“Me too!” Star squeaked out, the worry on her face clear.
“You wanna sleep in my room tonight?”
“Yes, please!”
Star quickly wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck, practically hanging off him as Marco pushed the door closed with his foot, slowly shuffling them over to the bed. The boy laid down, pulling Star with him so she was now laying on top of him, Star gently laying her head on his chest, letting the sound of his heartbeat sooth her. Marco pulled the covers up over them, before wrapping his arms around his girlfriend's waist.
“Comfortable?” he asked and Star nodded.
“Mm-hmm,” she replied sweetly.
“Good,” Marco said, kissing the top of her head and causing his girlfriend to grin ear to ear.
The two settled down deeper into their warm sheets, their minds finally calm enough to allow them to rest. The two were asleep within minutes, snoring softly as they held onto one another, dreaming pleasant dreams, safe and secure in the knowledge that against all odds, they were together.
One Year After Cleaving
The loud sound of clashing could be heard echoing through the treetops, alerting everyone to the violent struggle taking place as Star and Marco were engaged in combat with Earthni's most wanted criminal: Mina. The woman, despite no longer having magic, was still putting up quite the fight, even though she was more of a nuisance for the veteran fighters than an actual threat. The crazy woman, armed with a broad sword, was swinging recklessly at them in the hopes of maiming one of her two opponents. While Star and Marco flowed around her attacks with precision and grace, their movements near synchronized, almost as if they were of the same mind.
Marco would do most of the countering for the two, since he was armed with the sword Star had gotten for him for this birthday earlier that year. Which left Star open to lash out at Mina with a brutal kick, her karate lessons from Marco paying off well, her foot practically a lethal weapon at this point. Mina seemed to be growing more and more reckless with every second that passed, clearly running out of steam as she struggled to hold the two off, growling in anger as she lashed out at them. It was obvious the fight was soon drawing to a close.
In a last desperate attempt she tried stabbing at Star, Marco quickly sliding into his girlfriend's rescue, his sword clanging loudly against Mina's, as he held her at bay. Star took this opportunity to strike, ducking low under Marco's arm and catching Mina by surprise as she suddenly rose to full height and punched Mina smack in the face.
The woman cried out in pain, stumbling back away from the two and dropping her sword. Star and Marco shared a look before running at her as one and swinging their legs around and kicking her square in the chest as one, sending Mina flying back and nearly into the rushing river behind her.
Star and Marco panted, the boy sheathing his sword, their exhaustion only as relevant as the joyful smiles on their faces as they shared a loving look. It felt great to be fighting together again like old times, it reminded them of why they fell in love in the first place.
Mina rose awkwardly to her feet, swaying unevenly as she shouted out, “Hey what gives, why are you attacking me, anyways? I didn't do nothin' wrong. Just wait till I tell the proper authorities you two attacked a helpless old lady!”
Star and Marco rolled their eyes, the blond arguing, “Mina, give it up already, we know you've been trying to poison the Monster's water supply.”
“Yeah, we already have multiple eyewitnesses,” Marco added.
Mina crossed her arms, childishly turning her head away from them. “I don't know what you're talking about,” she denied.
The two gave her a deadpanned stare as Marco pointed out, “We can see the vat of toxic waste behind you.”
Mina froze, turning to where a vat sat beside her, green smoke coming out of the top, with a massive symbol for 'biohazzard' was on the front. She scoffed, waving a dismissive hand at the two, before claiming, “Big deal. You monster smoochers can't stop me with your puny fighting technique, I was Queen Solaria's most trusted general, I don't go down so easily!”
“Oh, you mean the queen who helped us destroy the magic to take down you!” Star taunted.
Mina's eyebrow twitched, before exclaiming, “That was probably just a fake you made to fool me with your magic! Oh yeah, I'm onto you, I saw through your act in a heartbeat cause my mind is magic-proof, you see.” She pointed at her head with a superior grin.
“Could have fooled me,” Marco muttered under his breath.
“Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have a river to poison.” With that, Mina blew a sharp whistle, Manfred emerging from the trees a second later. “Manfred, hurry up and knock this over for me, I got two nuisances to take care of.”
“Yes, Lady Mina,” Manfred replied, already pushing on the large container, bringing it closer and closer to the river bed.
Star and Marco gasped, before turning to each other, the boy saying quickly, “You get Mina, I'll stop Manfred.”
Star nodded. “Sounds good.”
With that the two rushed at Mina, the boy in the lead, his sword already raised to strike. Mina, who had picked hers back up, rose to counter him, only to freeze in surprise as the boy dropped his sword.
Just before it hit the ground, Star slid out from under Marco's legs, catching the sword and bouncing to her feet, knocking Mina's sword out of her hands, with a single swing.
Marco altered course, running around the two and now headed for Manfred. Once he was close, he lashed out with a kick, being sure to get at an angle he wouldn't accidentally knock the waste into the river. The man went down with a hurt grunt, laying in a bruised heap on the floor, as Marco towered over him, a hand on the poisonous container to keep it steady.
He looked over to Star who was making quick work of Mina and allowed a grin to spread across his face at how beautiful she looked in combat. Finally, the crazy lady gave up, running for the treetops as she shouted to her partner, “Manfred, let's get out of here!”
“Yes, milady,” the man replied, rising shakily to his feet and running after Mina. Once the two reached the treeline, Mina turned and declared, “You may have won this round, monster smoochers, but next time I'll beat'cha,  I'll beat you all!” She raised an angry fist at them before disappearing from sight with a sinister cackle.
Star and Marco stared blankly at the treeline, before Marco turned to Star and asked, “Should we be worried about that?”
“Marco, it's Mina,” his girlfriend reminded him. “She threatens us every other day.”
“True,” the boy said with a quick nod.
“We should probably call Eclipsa, though and let her know the water is safe,” Star suggested.
“Yeah,” Marco agreed, digging into his pocket for his phone. “Not to mention picking up this toxic waste.” But as the boy turned on his phone, he gasped in shock.
“What, what is it?” Star asked nervously, instantly hovering closer to him with worry.
Marco let out a disappointed sigh, before showing her his phone or more importantly the time display. “It's after six, we'll never make it to the restaurant in time,” the hooded teen muttered sadly.
“Oh no,” Star said in dismay, but seeing the sorrowful look on her boyfriend's face she quickly added, “I'm sorry Marco.” She placed a comforting hand on Marco's shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look. “I know you really wanted to take me.”
“Well yeah,” the boy muttered, sulking as he stared at his feet. “It's our one year anniversary, I wanted to make it special. I even payed big money to hook us up with a table at Chez Platypus. But now it looks like our whole date is ruined.”
Star gently cupped his face in her hand, turning it so he could face her, giving him a bright, loving smile. “Marco, nothing's ruined,” she told him and the boy's eyes widened in surprise.
“Wait, really?” he asked, almost in disbelief she felt that way.
“Of course,” his girlfriend told him, her confident tone causing all his insides to dance. “Sure it would be cool to eat in some fancy restaurant, but all I really want is to spend time with my best friend. I don't care how we spend it, so long as we spend it together.”
Marco smiled, tenderly grabbing her wrists as he stared at his wonderful girlfriend. She was so good to him. There was no way he deserved to be dating someone as cool as Star. And the fact that he was made him happier than anything in the entire world.
“So,” Star continued, finally pulling her hands away from his face. “How about we call Eclipsa, head back to your place, and watch a bunch of cheesy movies and eat nachos until we puke?”
Marco laughed, putting his arm around his girlfriend, the girl hugging his small frame. “Nothing could make me happier,” the boy replied, as he led Star away to finish their date.
Three Years After the Cleaving
Star and Marco sat on the roof of the Diaz's home, a picnic blanket sprawled out underneath, an opened basket beside them and a plate of half eaten eggs next to them.  Star leaned her head against Marco's shoulder, sighing in contentment as the young couple watched the sun setting on the horizon. "Its beautiful," Star whispered and Marco nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, it is," the boy agreed softly.
Star snuggled a little deeper into Marco's arm, her mind reminiscing the wonderful day the two had spent together, saying out loud, "I don't think today could get any better."
Marco hid a smile, the bubbly eagerness in his chest almost making him float. He was about to prove her wrong. What Star didn't know was that he had a very special surprise for his girlfriend in store. So as subtly as he could he reached over to the plate of eggs and lightly tapped them with his hand causing them to slip off the roof and onto the ground, shattering. 
Star looked down in surprise while Marco let out a fake gasp. "Oh no, our roof eggs!" He said, making his voice sound as disappointed as possible. He clicked his tongue, before turning to Star and asking, "Think you can get some more from the basket?"
"Sure," Star said pleasantly, pulling away from her bestie so she could dig around in the basket. "Hmmm," she muttered in concentration. "I'm not seeing it."
"Check the bottom," Marco suggested, barely able to suppress the excited squeak in his voice, a wide smile on his face. 
Star obeyed, rooting around at the bottom of the basket, only for her fingers to brush up against something. Star paused, an eyebrow slowly raising as she looked over to her boyfriend, who was grinning ear to ear as he watched Star, the mischievous look on his face, telling her this had to be his doing. The blond pulled out the small object from the basket and examined it closely for a minute. It was a small velvet box and her mouth dropped open at the sight of it, looking over to Marco with a hopeful expression.
He gave her the tiniest of nods, saying in anticipation, "Why don't you open it up?"
Star grinned and instantly flipped the top open, gasping at what she saw inside. Sitting a tiny pillow was a golden ring with a diamond cut clearly in the center. A hand went to her mouth as tears began welling up in her eyes, muttering out in a chocked tone, "Is this- Are you- Are we really gonna-" 
Marco gently took Stars hand, wrapping his own around hers, as he said in a loving tone, "Yep. Sorry I can't get down on one knee but I though this was the best way to ask." He sucked in a deep breath, gathering his nerves before blurting out, "Star Butterfly, will you marry me?"
Star smiled at the proposal, her eyes shimmering with unparalleled joy, but to Marco's surprise, her answer was simply, "No fair."
"Huh?" Marco replied in confusion, a sudden fear rushing through him. Did I do something wrong? Am I rushing things?  Does she not want to? 
The blond reached into her small cloud purse, pulling out a matching velvet box to his. She waved it around in the air for a moment, shooting him a wink as she explained, "I was going to wait until after dinner, but you beat me to the punch." 
Marco stared at her silently for a second before bursting into laughter, which Star soon shared, tears welling up in their eyes but not quite falling. 
"Now what am I supposed to get you for our anniversary," Star said with a fake huff, her cheeks puffing up in the cutest way.
"Well, you saying yes would be nice," Marco said in a flirting tone.
  Star smiled, moving so their faces were mere inches apart, her fingers gently tracing lines on the front of his hood. "I'll say yes, only if you do," she offered, giving him the gentlest kiss on the lips.
Marco nodded, his cheeks painted pink from the kiss. "On the count of three?" he asked and Star grinned and nodded vigorously. 
"One...." the two said as one, their eyes shimmering with expectation. "Two... THREE!" 
Star and Marco sucked in deep breaths, before pumping their fists in the air and screaming, "Of course I'll marry you!" 
The two just smiled at each other for a moment as the tears finally burst free from their eyes, flowing down their cheeks in streams. Star laughed, throwing her arms around her now-fiance, nearly causing Marco to slide off the roof, his free arm gripping the siding in desperation. "Ah, Star, careful!" the boy screamed in panic.
"Who cares about being careful when I'm going to marry the guy of my dreams!" The blond squealed. 
Marco just laughed clinging onto his girlfriend, listening as she spoke a mile a minute, going on and on about their future wedding plans and how incredible everything was and how much she loved him, while he simply smiled and enjoyed this precious moment with the love of his life.
Five Years After Cleaving
Star and Marco sat across from each other, eating their dinner in silence, enjoying their time together and the delicious food in front of them. It was a simple dinner of just tacos from Britta's but they both were enjoying their meal immensely. It was once again their anniversary but the two had agreed to keep things simple this time, no gifts, no extravagant restaurants, just some take-out and maybe watching a movie or two. Too bad they were both terrible at keeping that promise, both having surprises lined up for their significant other.
Marco looked up from his taco to stare at his loving wife, mesmerized by her beauty even as she stuffed what had to be at least her third taco down her throat, his heart overflowing with love over how adorable Star was. And he couldn't help himself as he laughed at the sight of his wife's puffed up cheeks from cramming yet another taco whole into her mouth, chewing loudly. “Geez, Star, you sure have been eating a lot lately,” he commented playfully. “What are you planning on hibernating this year?”
Star swallowed before sarcastically rolling her eyes and saying, “Oh ha ha, very funny.” She stuck her tongue out at her husband, who laughed again and she soon was giggling along with him. Finally, once the two calmed down, Star quickly asked, “Hey can you pass me the syrup?”
An eyebrow immediately shot up as Marco asked, “Syrup, what do you need that for?”
“My tacos, silly,” Star replied with a scoff, as if the answer should be obvious.
Marco looked confused and slightly disgusted for a second before shrugging and standing up to get her the bottle. The moment the syrup was in her hands, Star was licking her lips and pouring endless amounts of the sugary substance all over her tacos, bathing them in an unhealthy layer of sticky maple. Marco could only watch in awe, he had seen Star have some bizarre food combinations before but this had to take the cake. Finally, once Star had what she believed to be a proper amount of syrup covered tacos, she quickly wolfed them down without a care, her hands soon dripping with syrup.
Marco, after a few seconds of watching her, pushed his plate away, no longer interested in eating as he watched his wife scarfing down more and more tacos until there wasn't a single left on the table.
The two cleaned up the kitchen in record time, working together to form the ultimate cleaning duo, and in less than two minutes the two collapsed on the living room couch, holding their full bellies and groaning in both discomfort and satisfaction. The two sat back to back on the sofa, staring off into space as Star said, “That was delicious! What was a great idea for dinner, Marco!!”
“Thanks,” the boy said brightly. “I mean you can't go wrong with Britta's Tacos!”
“Agreed,” Star said sitting up. She gave her husband a loving smile as she said, “This has been a great date so far! I'm glad we decided to keep things simple for once. Don't want a repeat of last year's anniversary.”
The two shuddered in unison at the memory, Marco nervously whispering, “Soo many pig-goats. I can still see their eyes.”
“It took them a week to put out the fire,” Star added, her own eyes distant and disturbed.
“I told you making it a double date with Tom and Janna was a bad idea,” Marco pointed out, his voice still in a dazed monotone.
But the two seemed to instantly snap out of it, after that, as Star added in her typically cheerful demeanor, “Buutt at least this year we both got to have a great anniversary without causing permanent damage to the city.”
Marco chuckled, before agreeing, “Yeah.” He paused for a moment before, adding sheepishly, “Uh but I do have a bit of a confession to make.”
Star gave him a confused look, watching as he rubbed at the back of his neck in that adorable way he always did whenever he was embarrassed about something. “What's that?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Marco coughed into his hand. “Okay, I know we said no gifts... but I couldn't help myself. I got you something,” he admitted, flashing her an apologetic grin.
But Star just smiled lovingly at her husband, taking his hands into her own as she said, “Aww, Marco you are so sweet! Of course I don't mind.” She hid her mischievous grin as she added cryptically, “Besides, I may have gotten you a little something myself.”
“Guess neither of us could resist, huh?” Marco joked, laughing at their inability to resist spoiling the other.
“Nope, guess not,” Star said, laughing along with her husband, doing her best to hide the knowing glint in her eyes. She wanted to keep her surprise secret right until the last second. Marco could read her like a book most times, if she showed too much emotion she'd give it away before it was time.
“I bet my gift is better than yours,” Marco said in challenge and Star gave him a playful smirk.
“Oh yeah, well prove it then, Mr. Diaz,” the blond replied. I seriously doubt that, she couldn't help but think to herself.
The young man gave his wife a confident smirk, slowly pulling his hands out of his pocket, while muttering, “Booooossshh.” Once, the gift was in sight, Star gasped, a hand flying to her mouth as she whispered, “Oh Marco.”
It was a locket in the perfect shape of a heart, dangling from a golden chain. The inside of the locket was opened, revealing a very familiar picture fit neatly inside: the Beach Day photo. The two smiling faces of their teenage selves, looking happy and blissful together enough to bring tears to her eyes at the wonderful memory. She grabbed the necklace out of her husband's hands in a second, examining it closely as she said in a chocked tone, “It's beautiful.”
“You like it?” Marco asked softly, a feeling of immense joy for making his Star smile like that filling his being and making his insides flutter.
She locked eyes with him, her familiar blue piercing his soul and making permanent residence in his melted heart. “I love it,” she said sweetly.
“I thought you might,” he said, moving over to help put the necklace on, Star moving her long hair out of the way as he did. “Well, nobody knows me better than you,” the blond replied flirtingly and Marco nearly fumbled with the clasp as blood pooled into his flushed cheeks. Once the boy was finished with the necklace, he sat back with a nod of satisfaction, saying, “There, perfect.”
“I hope you know I'm never taking his off, ever,” Star commented, wrapping a hand around the golden heart.
Marco laughed. “I figured as much.” He winked at her adding confidently, “Let's see you top that.”
Star inwardly smirked. Oh just wait and see, Diaz. “I'll try my best,” she said in a fake disheartened tone, putting a hand dramatically to her forehead.
Marco laughed again, before asking impatiently, “Okay but seriously, enough of the suspense already, what'd ya get me?”
“Welll I wasn't the only one who made it,” Star said cryptically. “Let's just say it was a... joint effort.” She winked at him and her husband, to her amusement, only cocked his head cutely to the side.
“Huh? What's that supposed to mean?” Marco asked, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and Star could almost gush over how adorable her husband looked in that moment.
But instead of answering, Star just gently grabbed his hand and placed it over her belly, giving him a knowing and hinting smile.
Marco's eyes darted from his wife's face to her belly than back to her face than to her belly again as his look of confusion slowly turned into realization and then to shock as his mouth fell open in disbelief. He gave Star a hopeful look, as he stuttered out, “Wait, y-you mean y-y-your gonna...”
Star's smile was incapable of growing any wider as she nodded, squealing out, “Yes! We're gonna have a baby, Marco!”
A look of pure joy crossed her husband's face, goofy grin on his face as he stared thoughtfully into the distance. “I'm-I'm gonna be a dad!” he muttered breathlessly.
“And I'm gonna be a mom!” Star shouted enthusiastically, wrapping her arms around him in a bone-crushing hug. “Aren't you excited, Marco?! We're gonna be parents!”
“Uh yeah! Of course I'm excited!” Marco screamed and the two immediately hopped off the couch, jumping up and down as they still clung to each other in a tight hug. “We're gonna be parents! We're gonna be parents!” the two screamed as one. Eventually, Marco lifted Star off the ground and began twirling her around in a circle the two giggling in delight all the while.
But suddenly, Marco stopped, a look of fear crossing his face as he said, “Oh my gosh, Star! I'm so sorry!” He gently set her back down, before asking in a nervous ramble, “Are you okay? Did I hurt the baby? Do you need anything?”
“Marco,” Star spoke up, putting a hand on his cheek, instantly stilling his fears with a warm smile. “It's fine.”
Marco nodded, still looking so completely overwhelmed with emotion, his smile bright and infectious, his eyes filled with protective instincts for his wife and unborn child with tears brimming at the very corner of his vision. Star sat back down on the couch, pulling Marco with her, not releasing his hands for anything. “Everything's gonna be just fine, okay?”
Marco nodded, his eyes drifting down to his wife's stomach unable to keep his eyes off of it now, so many emotions flowing through him at once he nearly lost his breath. “I was wrong, Star,” Marco said, his voice chocked with emotion. “I couldn't have asked for a greater gift. This... this is the happiest day of my life.”
Star smiled, leaning over and planting a loving kiss to his lips. “Diddo,” she said sweetly as she pressed their foreheads together. The two stayed like that for a moment, before Marco asked, “Star?”
“Can-Can I feel?” he asked softly, almost nervously.
Star laughed. “Duh, of course you can, silly,” Star said, pulling away and leaning back so Marco could feel her belly. The boy reached out a shaky hand, setting it gingerly, if not hesitantly down on his wife's stomach. For a few second, Marco just sat there in awe, his eyes shimmering as he stared at Star's belly. He slowly grew more confident as he lay his head against it, his heart swelling with joy as he curled up in Star's lap.
Star just smiled down at her husband, running a hand through his soft, brown hair, her own heart almost bursting at this point.
“I didn't think it was possible,” the boy said in a breathless sigh.
“What was possible?” Star asked curiously.
“To love you any more than I already did,” Marco replied, in the softest, most tender voice Star had ever heard and her heart melted, her cheeks flushing against her will.
Star smiled wrapping her arms around her husband's neck and burying her face into his hair, chuckling softly as she just whispered out, “You dork.”
And the two, soon to be three of them, stayed just like that for what felt like an eternity.
Ten Years After Cleaving
Four-year-old Illumina Angela Diaz-Butterfly slowly crept down the stairs, listening to the sound of her parents chatting in the kitchen of their home. She peeked her head in, seeing her dad hard at work on their dinner, while her mom sat on the counter, the two laughing at some unheard joke. This was their typical routine every evening and sometimes every meal, and as Illumina snuck closer she could see that they were too deep in their conversation to notice her, causing the four-year-old to smile. Perfect.
She eyed her target hungrily, a plate of freshly baked cookies sitting out on a tray opposite her parents and licked her lips in want. Illumina slowly tip-toed over to the plate, keeping a weary eye on her parents in case they spotted her. But as she got closer, her attention was grabbed by the tray of sweets and a hand slowly rose to snatch one up.
“Illy,” came a scolding tone and the little girl flinched. She turned to see her mom and dad had spotted her, her father giving her a stern look, his hands on his hips. “Illy, were you about to eat a cookie without permission?”
Illumina quickly shook her head, giving her dad the most innocent smile she could. “I just wanted a teeny tiny one,” the little girl said with a begging pout.
Marco's eyebrow slowly raised, as he asked knowingly, “And how many have you already had?”
The girl shrugged, before admitting softly, “Umm, maybe one or two.”
“Illy, you know dinner is gonna be soon,” Marco reminded her in a semi-stern voice, trying to reason with his child. “And three cookies is way too much sugar for you.”
“But if your good and eat all your vegetables we'll think about letting you have one more after dinner,” Star spoke up, giving her daughter a bright grin.
“Yeah,” Marco agreed with a nod, smiling proudly at his wife, before turning his attention back to his daughter. “How does that sound, Illy?”
“Okay, I guess,” the little girl muttered sourly.
“That's my girl,” Marco praised, giving Illumina a warm grin. He quickly directed his attention back on the meal he was preparing, stuffing on his oven mitts and sliding the pan into the oven to cook.
The moment her husband's back was turned, Star leaned over and picked up a cookie, shoving it into her daughter’s hands. “Quick before he sees you,” she whispered and Illumina nodded before running off.
Marco watched his daughter run out of the room, before fixing his wife with an accusing glare, while she whistled innocently, staring up at the ceiling. “You know I saw that right?” he asked Star.
“I don't know what your talking about,” Star said with a shrug, feigning ignorance.
Marco sighed, but couldn't stop himself from grinning. He couldn't stay mad at the love of his life, Star had him wrapped around her finger and they both knew it. “You're gonna end up giving her a cavity, y'know,” he said, giving his wife a playful smile.
“No way, if she gets one it'll be your fault for not stopping me,” Star argued, her voice light and bubbly.
Marco rolled his eyes, before saying in a fake annoyed tone, “What am I gonna do with you?”
“Come on, you know you love it,” Star said with a teasing wink.
“Yeah, I do,” Marco admitted, before wrapping an arm around his wife's waist, pulling her closer. Star just laughed, before the two's lips meeting in a passionate, if not playful kiss. The two stayed like that for at least a minute before the smoke detector started going off in the background and Illumina's voice called from upstairs, “Mom, dad, I smell smoke!”
Marco gasped and pulled away rushing over to the oven as he yelled in panic, “Oh no, my casserole!”
Marco managed to recover the casserole without it ending up too burnt and the family happily enjoyed their dinner, Star and Marco listening as little Illumina described her fun time being babysat while her parents were out of their date.
“It was soo much cool, mom and dad!” Illumina exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy as she practically bounced in her seat. “Aunt Janna showed me a bunch of card tricks and then Uncle Tom set them on fire by accident.”
Star nodded. “That sounds like Tom, alright,” she said cheerfully.
“Yeah and then Aunt Janna showed me how to scam suckers out of their cash,” the little girl added innocently and Marco nearly chocked on his water, Star having to pat his back to try and keep him from chocking.
“She did what?!” Marco exclaimed, slamming his cup down on the table.
“No, no, it's okay,” Illumina reassured her dad. “She said that they were a bunch of criminals anyways, so it was fine. Besides, she said if things got really bad she would just have Uncle Tom set everything on fire to cover our tracks!”
Marco face-palmed groaning in disbelief. “Janna, whhhyy?!” the boy muttered, before slamming his head down on the table.
“Well what did you expect, asking those two to babysit Illumina?” Star asked in a clear I-told-you-so tone.
“We didn't have many other options, Star,” Marco pointed out bitterly.
“Look, Marco's it's fine, it could have been a lot worse,” Star reminded him, grabbing his hand and giving it a small squeeze.
“Mommy, daddy, how come you never make me Mewman-man cakes? Gradma Eclipsa and Grampy Globgore let me have it all the time when they babysit and Grampy even let me have the head because he said that's the most delicious part!” Illumina suddenly blurted out, lost in her own little world as she finished her plate.
Star and Marco shared a quick look, before the latter said dryly, “So agree to only ever let Jackie and Chloe babysit her?”
“Agreed,” the blond said with a nod.
Illumina suddenly spoke up again, pushing her plate away before asking, “Daddy I ate all my vegetables, can I please have another cookie now?”
Marco shook his head, saying, “I don't know Illumina, four cookies is way too many.”
“Yeah, I think we should wait until tomorrow for another one,” Star agreed.
“But I reallly want it! I promise I'll be good, please, please, please?!” Illimina begged, giving her parents a pouting lip and shimmering, hopeful eyes.
Star and Marco stared blankly into their daughter's pleading eyes, feeling their resolve instantly crack and they shared a quick look before Marco said, “Just make sure to brush your teeth, afterwards.”
Later that night, in Illumina's room the girl's gentle snoring and soft breathing indicated to the two parents their daughter was truly asleep and they shared a quick smile. Marco turned off the lamp on Illumina's dresser, as well as switching on Illumina's night light (since she had grown an irrational fear of the dark recently) while Star made sure Illumina was nice and tucked in, pulling the covers up to her daughter's chin. Star and Marco took turns planting a kiss on their daughter's forehead, before quietly exiting the room, Star turning for only a moment to whisper softly, “Goodnight Illumina.”
Marco gently shut the door and the two let out a relieved sigh in the safety of the hallway, the two leaning up against the wall, exhausted. “Man, I thought she'd never get to sleep,” Marco commented tiredly.
“Well it was kinda our own fault for letting her eat so many cookies before bed,” Star pointed out.
“Good point,” Marco agreed with a nod. “We should really have a sugar limit for her from now on.”
“Sounds good,” the blond replied, the two now headed for their bedroom. “How about no more than three cookies before bed from now on?”
“Three?” Marco asked skeptically, with an eyebrow slowly raising. “Do you want her bouncing off the walls every night?”
“Okay, Mr. Diaz, how many do you think she should have?” Star inquired with a playful smirk.
Marco thought about it for a moment before replying, “Two, but only if she eats all her dinner first.”
Star nodded in agreement, saying sweetly, “That sounds fair to me.”
The two entered into their bedroom, before collapsing on the bed with tired sighs, Marco's body hanging off the left side and Star's body hanging off the right. “Man, it was a long day today,” Marco muttered.
“Yep, sure was,” Star agreed.
The two paused, staring up at their ceiling deep in thought as a comfortable silence settled over them. Both just laid there thinking about their life together, there was no denying that their life was without problems but they were nothing the two couldn't handle together and the joyful moments easily overshadowed the unpleasant ones and neither would change their lives for a second. And after a moment or two Marco slowly turned his head, so he was now staring at Star, saying, “Hey Star.”
Star turned her head so chocolate brown and sky blue met in a hypnotic dance. “Yeah, Marco.”
“I'm glad I met you,” he said with an affectionate smile.
Star felt her cheeks slightly flush as she added, “I'm glad I met you, too.”
The two leaned closer, giving each other a small kiss on the lips, pouring all their love and tenderness into one single act. As the two parted, both breathless from the wonderful emotion coursing through their bodies, Star asked, “What brought that on, anyways?”
Marco shrugged. “Just thinking out loud. I'm always grateful we found each other when we did. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it.”
“Aww, Marco you are such a sap,” Star said with a  playful wink.
Marco laughed, before admitting, “I'm always a sap when it comes to you, I love you, Star.”
“I love you too, Marco,” the blond said sweetly.
The two sat up before giving each other a loving hug, their minds for just a moment flashing back to all those years ago, when they had embraced for the first time in their new world. “Happy Anniversary, Star,” Marco whispered, squeezing his wife tight, knowing nothing could ever part them again.
“Happy Anniversary, Marco,” Star replied, snuggling deeper into the loving hold of her wonderful husband as a single tear dripped down her cheek.
The two stayed like that for far longer than either of them cared to count. And when the moment finally did come to an end, the two weren't worried knowing they had countless more moments to share, for many years to come.
Thank you for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed!! This actually might be the sappiest thing I've ever written, like seriously I was getting teared up writing this ending but I like to think that Star and Marco get super sentimental and sappy on their anniversaries. I also have a headcannon that they both became extremely clingy for a while after the Cleaving and had trouble being apart, which I of course put in here. Sorry for no big description on my Starco child Illumina, she's a recent idea I had but I don't have many details down for her yet like her looks or outfit so I had to leave it to you guys imagination, she just fit really well in here for the ending. 
Oh also, I drew some heavy inspiration from the second part from my good friend @jcabrera35 fanatstic comic “Lingering Baggage”. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend because it’s amazing and I try my best to promite it every chance I get!! Also huge thank you to my other good friend @kikithefox231 who came up with the idea for the cookie snatching going on in this chapter! If you haven’t seen her stuff go check it out cause it’s great also!! These two are both very talanted individuals and they deserve more love!!!
So anyways I'm gonna sign off now, hope everyone has a great anniversary Stardom!! Stay amazing, guys!! :)
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Eiji and Ankh, M (Ever Ever After by Carrie Underwood)
M is for music, and “Ever Ever After,” by Carrie Underwood, is a blast from the past for me and can be found on YouTube. (That version isn’t on Spotify, but if you want to listen to the song there, they do have a version by Jordan Pruitt.) After you read this, it may be worthwhile to go back and read this previous prompt.
Ankh is not, for the most part, familiar with the stories that humans tell each other for comfort. He couldn't care less about human comfort, honestly. But he does know one thing: fairy tale monsters don't get happy endings. If they're lucky they get to eat whatever sickening ingenue is the supposed hero of the story. Some run with their tails between their legs. Mostly, though, they die, killed by knights and heroes and the stupid sons of farmers.
He doesn't bother with the tales, but he's seen some of the art made to go with them. He knows what he is in this story. Consigned once more to a dull and colorless world in which Hino Eiji is the one inexplicable spot of color is probably the best ending he could have hoped for.
Even so, it’s getting harder to focus.
Initially, in the first few years after his...death, his loss, his shattering, he remains aware at all times. During the day he floats behind Eiji, silent and unseen, disgusted by the grayness of the world after a year of light and color. At night, he stands a useless guard, hovering over the one and only object of his desires as if he would be able to do anything to help should danger come. He sees adventures, triumphs, failures, so much gained and so much loss, many and many another hero coming and going and none of them ever as good.
And once, a single, glorious hour of new life, and the feeling of Eiji’s hand in his again.
It’s after that, really, that he finds things becoming difficult. Being able to manifest physically once more had been a gift, but it took so much energy. He continues to follow Eiji, because what else can he do? What else is there for him? But as time stretches on, he finds himself--blacking out, he supposes he might say, the way he sometimes sees Eiji grow tired and succumb to ever-longer blinks before finally falling asleep. At first the black-outs last for minutes, then hours, then days, eventually stretching out to weeks, or maybe months, or maybe longer. He’s only vaguely aware of the passage of time as it is.
And then, after the longest one yet--he wakes up. And he’s cold.
That’s what gets his attention first, that he’s cold, that he feels cold. It’s all he can think about for a minute or two, and then he shifts slightly and realizes that he has multiple limbs, that his hair is in his eyes, that he is stark naked except for a red silk he’d almost forgotten he once had and he seems to be sitting on the floor in someone’s living room.
The first thing Ankh says, having been resurrected, is, “What the fuck just happened?”
His head whips around. “Eiji? You, I, you’d better not be dead, I swear to fucking--what’s wrong, you’re extremely pale, what’s happened.”
Eiji grins at him, looking dizzy and, yes, pale, and raises his hand despite the quiet scolding of the old man currently wrapping it in bandages. “Well, it took kind of. A lot of blood.” An unsteady shift forward. “Actually, I think I need to take a nap.”
And he passes out, leaving Ankh to turn to the next person he sees--an elderly woman who’s looking very pleased with herself--and saying, “Ok, what the fucking hell just happened here, and what did you do to Eiji?”
Eiji regains consciousness to the sound of Ankh and Dr. Zhakiyanova arguing loudly in German, and Dr. Zhakiyanova‘s husband Dr. Caspari saying, in French, “Here, young man, sit up, you fainted, you need to eat something.”
This is easier said than done, but he does manage to struggle upright after a moment. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me until you’ve eaten, young man. Here, there’s tea, and you should eat at least two cookies, it’ll take a bit to get your strength back up.”
Eiji considers pointing out that he’s hardly a young man, he’s nearly fifty, but then he takes a bite of the cookie Dr. Caspari hands him and decides that it really doesn’t matter.
For a few minutes he just sits there, drinking amazingly good tea and eating what might be the best cookies he’s ever had in his life and watching in joyful disbelief as Ankh continues to yell in German. Dr. Zhakiyanova stands there patiently, waiting until there’s a gap in his tirade, and then says, very clearly even to Eiji’s mostly-incomprehending ear, “Young man, perhaps you should put some clothes on.”
Ankh sputters out something about being older than her and then sits down heavily on the couch next to Eiji with his red silk wrapped around him like a robe of state. “Where the hell am I?”
Eiji swallows his mouthful of tea and says, “Northern Kazakhstan. Cookie?”
More outraged sputtering. “You gave your blood to some witch just to bring me back?”
“Hey, Dr. Zhakiyanova’s not just a witch, she has a PhD. She’s a highly respected academic.”
“Eiji. How much blood did it take?”
“About five hundred milliliters,” Dr. Caspari says cheerfully, pouring a cup of tea for Ankh. “No more than the average blood donation. As long as you eat well and take in plenty of fluids you’ll be fine.”
“He says--”
“I know French, Eiji, I know most human languages, I understood what he said perfectly well.“ Ankh takes a sip of tea, blinks several times, shudders, and then looks up at Dr. Caspari and says, in perfect French, “I haven’t eaten or drunk anything in an extremely long time.”
Dr. Caspari just says, drily, “We had gathered that, yes.”
Dr. Zhakiyanova, meanwhile, is puttering around on the other side of the living room, checking on her instruments and cleaning up the circle she’d drawn on the floor and making notes. She looks enormously pleased with herself, and after a moment says something in Kazakh to her husband, who translates: “My wife says, thank your priest friend, his notes regarding the nature of the soul were very helpful.”
Eiji nods. “I’ll let Takeru know, he’ll be very happy.”
“Good, good. I’ll go get your friend some clothes, we have some of our grandson’s old things that might fit.”
Dr. Caspari bustles off. Ankh fumes into his teacup for a moment before saying, “Takeru? Is that the dead man?”
“Well, he’s not dead anymore, but he was dead. And yeah.” Eiji eats another cookie, probably too fast. “He gave me some helpful information, and Haruto--Wizard--got me some details about the stone that the Core Medals are made of, and Kouta let me have a bottle of sap from Helheim in exchange for some plant cuttings? It’s an amazing adhesive. And I paid Kougami about fifty thousand yen for a hundred Cell Medals, because I wasn’t about to agree to do him any favors.” More tea. “Dr. Zhakiyanova’s the one who figured out how to put it all together, though, she’s been working on it for seven years now.”
Ankh nods slowly and says, “I met Kouta too, didn’t I. He’s the...god.”
“Yeah, that’s him.”
Dr. Caspari comes back with an armful of clothes that he hands to Ankh. “You get dressed, young man.” A long pause to speak to his wife in Kazakh again, and then, “My wife says, your friend is very lucky, he’s like a rat.”
Ankh freezes in the middle of pulling on a t-shirt, nostrils flaring. “Excuse me.”
“No, no!” Dr. Caspari beams at him. “A rat’s a good animal. Resourceful. Rats grow to the size of their enclosures. When you were first created, you were a rat in a small cage. You were constricted. But a human body is no small cage. You should thank the human who once lent you his, it gave you room to grow. She wouldn’t have been able to do this if you hadn’t already grown from what you originally were.” Another comment from Dr. Zhakiyanova. “She also says, please excuse her for not addressing you directly, she’s had a long day and it’s easier for her to think in Kazakh right now.“
“Oh, of course, that’s completely understandable.” Eiji grins at him. “I appreciate her assistance.”
“She’s going to write a paper.” Dr. Caspari looks delighted. “I look forward to proofreading it for her.”
After Eiji’s lunatic alchemist friends give them more cookies, and dinner, and another armload of old clothes that are far too big for Ankh, they’re finally allowed to go home. Or not home, they’re still far from home, but to the hotel in which Eiji is staying because after all this time his back hurts too much to sleep rough.
As soon as the door is locked behind them, Ankh strips off the too-large clothes and stares at himself in the full-length mirror. He is whole again, and more than whole. No longer a parasite on a human body, but a creature in and of himself, and alive. He has blood, he has breath, he can taste and smell and feel and the world is full of colors.
He turns slightly, and a flash of light catches his eye. He leans in closer to inspect it, and sees--a crack, zig-zagging crazily down the center of his in a whisper-thin gleam of gold. Shattered no longer, but he will never again be the creature he was before he was broken.
He’s something new now.
He turns and stalks over to where Eiji is sitting on the bed, knocks him backwards, sits on top of him, and looks for the gleam of gold in his reflection in Eiji’s eyes. And Eiji looks up at him and is real, real, real, and he is, truly, the only object of Ankh’s desires.
Once, the world would not have been enough.
Perhaps he is no longer a fairy tale monster.
Ankh says, slowly, “Eiji, smile for me.”
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doctordisaster · 4 years
Okay, so about the space movie: it is not good. I haven’t come out of a star war feeling this disappointed since the prequels. It’s worse than revenge of the sith. I think it must be better than phantom menace, but I’m not sure. That’s how bad it is: I’d need to rewatch the worst installment in the series to confidently rank the newest.
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I’ve seen some people say they enjoyed it in the theater but liked it less the more they thought about it — which was more or less my experience with Solo. That was not my experience this time. I was numbed, bored, or annoyed for most of the movie’s runtime. There are a few good moments, but it is by and large just not fun to watch.
It also appears to have been plotted by an angry mob of reddit incels. Bad fan theories, unwanted redemption arcs, and pointless throwbacks rule the day. Assholes drove Kelly Marie Tran off of Twitter; JJ Abrams drove Kelly Marie Tran out of Star Wars. Every moment of character development from the previous film was actively and loudly reversed. As a matter of fact, every status quo change in this very film was reversed, usually within seconds of screen time. At every point at which the movie ought to have turned right, it turned left.
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Below the cut I’m going to list things I liked and things I didn’t. Don’t read it if you want to be surprised by the movie's disappointments live in the theater.
Good things in space movie no. 9:
The little goblin who works on droids is cute
Lando’s scenes are all very nice
Chewie trying to hide in a crowd was funny
Wedge! I love Wedge!
I loved the design of Kylo Ren’s space office
The moment where literally every spaceship that has ever been in a star war shows up. Also the moment where literally every person who has ever played a Jedi speaks a line. These are each a nice gimmick, although I am not sure both should have been used, and certainly not that close together.
I like the moment where Poe and The Female Person Poe Put His Definitely Heterosexual Penis Into At Some Point In The Past have a whole conversation just with their facial expressions. It’s especially impressive because The Female Person Poe Put His Definitely Heterosexual Penis Into At Some Point In The Past is wearing a metal helmet that entirely conceals her face.
The scene where Finn and The Female Person Finn Is Going To Put His Definitely Heterosexual Penis Into At Some Point In The Future bond over the shared elements of their history was very nice.
The scene where force ghost Luke explains that he was wrong to isolate himself from the universe is nowhere near as good as any of Luke and Rey’s scenes in TLJ, but it’s definitely necessary considering how confused some fans seemed to be on this point.
Some of the banter between the main three is quite fun
The scene of young Leia and Luke doing Jedi stuff is lovely and I wanted more of it.
Bad things in movie 9 from outer space:
Everything about Palpatine. Bringing him back is stupid. His plan is stupid. His inexplicable motivations are stupid. The fact that he has apparently just been sitting on his ass for 40 years is really stupid. Not explaining how he survived being thrown down a bottomless pit, exploding, and then the station he was on also exploding is extremely stupid.
Speaking of stupid, Rey Palpatine is the single worst idea that has ever been in any of these films. One of the most obnoxious things about JJ Abrams “mystery boxes” is that the mystery he deems the holy grail of box mysteries and buries deep deep down at the bottom of the mystery box is consistently something obvious and bad and not even slightly clever. There were literally two dumb fan theories for Rey’s parentage — Kenobi and Palpatine — and Palpatine was the one that was dumber.
It’s worse than midiclorians, because now Palpy fucks. Palpy canonically fucks.
The only potentially good thing about bringing back Palpy is getting to enjoy Ian McDiarmid’s gloriously campy performance again, but for some goddamn reason they trap him on an empty soundstage lit only by strobes, then color grade everything to pure gray so you can’t fucking see what’s going on.
I get that it’s supposed to be the heart of evil and darkness, but good production design can evoke that without making it impossible to see the actors and unpleasant to look at the frame
Speaking of which, how is this movie so ugly??? There are maybe three visually nice locations and everything else is just hideous. This is a complaint I’d never even consider leveling at a previous star war. Even the shittiest ones were beautiful to look at.
Every Star Destroyer has an onboard death star superlaser now. I started by booing, saw that the superlasers are just a metal cock and balls, and then laughed my ass off through the rest of the supposedly serious scene where it blows up a planet.
The way you kill a star destroyer now is you shoot it in its dick
The only people who will be pleased by this movie are Reylo shippers and that is a horrible thing to be true
The macguffin chase that constitutes the first two thirds of this movie is pointless and boring. I especially loved the multiple times when someone lost a macguffin only to go “oh I forgot I have a spare in the glovebox”
Can we even list all the times something supposedly momentous happened only to be reversed moments later?
chewie dies! wait it was somehow the wrong ship even though they were in the middle of a literal fucking desert and there was no other ship around
The Female Person Poe Put His Definitely Heterosexual Penis Into At Some Point In The Past just got obliterated along with her entire planet by a different penis, this one attached to a star destroyer! oh wait she didn’t. no explanation she just didn’t die.
also the droid gremlin is with her
hux turned spy for the resist— oh wait he’s dead
Rey killed Kylo! But she feels bad so she heals him back
Palpatine just killed Kylo! Oh wait he didn’t. No explanation he just didn’t die, because JJ needed him to immediately reverse another supposedly momentous death.
Kylo smashed the macguffin! we’re doomed oh wait glovebox
Palpatine just electrocuted the entire rebel fleet to death! oh they got better
There’s absolutely no way to get across these waves! Oh wait Rey just... went across them
Well maybe it’s because she has the force and was able to oh wait Finn just went across them too
Well maybe that’s because The Female Person Finn Is Going To Put His Definitely Heterosexual Penis Into At Some Point In The Future is such an expert at navigating the oh wait Kylo is there as well
If only this movie took place in a universe with vehicles that do not touch the ground, we could have skipped this entire stupid subplot
3po makes a massive sacrifice by allowing his memory to be wiped! oh wait he had a backup
I also hate that 3po’s memory wipe is treated, before it happens, with pathos and gravitas, and then the moment he actually loses everything about his life and all his friends, it’s IMMEDIATELY treated as a joke
I love the way Rey is briefly dead but then Kylo goes “oh no!” and uses the last of his life force to bring her back. I wanted her to go “oh no!” and then use the last of her life force to bring him back. And then he’d go “oh no!” and use the last of his life force to
When the emperor dies, they show a montage of star destroyers blowing up elsewhere in the galaxy. Including one over endor? Why did they have a star destroyer over endor. How did the ewoks blow it up? Did they tie a log to one of the other moons and another log to another other moon and then cut the vines and the logs went smoosh
At the start of the movie Palpy promises Kylo his throne and limitless power in exchange for the one thing he wants most desperately in the world, which is for Rey to be dead. Then Rey shows up and Palpy goes “ah good you are here, I need you to kill me so my spirit can transfer to you” as though these demands aren’t utterly contradictory on every level. Then when she refuses he’s like “oh well, I suppose I can suck your and Kylo’s life forces out and rejuvenate myself to rule anew” as though that isn’t vastly preferable to plans A and B from his perspective
why is he in this movie
Having the knights of ren in this movie really justifies Rian Johnson’s choice not to have them in TLJ.
Every time the knights of ren appear, the timpanist bangs out the music cue for the sand people, so I think John Williams just decided that they ARE sand people in different hats.
Remember the eerie moment in TLJ where Rey and Kylo were connected across a vast distance through the force and Rey was in a monsoon and when the connection closed Kylo found some raindrops on his glove? Remember when Luke used a similar ability, without any physical transference, and the strain was so great that it ended his life? Now do you remember when TROS turned that into a totally mundane effortless 3d fax machine so they could pass necklaces and macguffins and lightsabers back and forth constantly, and even have whole physically real saber duels even though the script was too lazy to put them in the same place? Hey that fucking sucked
Remember Rose Tico? JJ doesn’t
The scene of Poe “micro-jumping” the Falcon is awful on so many levels. First of all, it’s just a one-off joke from Guardians of the Galaxy, but played straight for some reason. Second, changing the setting of the chase every few seconds makes the action just as numbing and impossible to follow as Michael Bay’s worst. Third, it makes no sense that the TIEs are following them through the microjumps, and the fact that they can do so makes the microjumps completely pointless. Why are you even microjumping if they can just follow you? Then the characters spend several scenes going on and on about what a big deal microjumps are, only for no one to ever do it or refer to it again.
Rey asks “what was snoke’s deal,” as though reading off a card with questions from our most obnoxious audience members, and Palpy goes “Snoke was my creation” which makes sense, like he trained the guy and equipped him and pulled his strings from the shadows and no, wait, the camera is panning over to a literal Jar O’ Snokes that Palpy just has handy in his empty strobelit soundstage.
I wish the camera had kept panning to show a Jar O’ Phasmas and a Jar O’ Huxes and maybe a Jar O’ Unkar Plutts so that all the characters from TFA could have an Offically Explained Back Story
If he put all the jars in another jar he could have a Jar Jar and the circle would be complete
I liked the part where they were having a lightsaber duel on a pier and the swings got slower and slower and finally they stopped and just kind of stared at each other like “wtf is even the point of this” because that was exactly how I felt at that moment.
tbh that was exactly how I felt for most of the movie
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congrats on 1.5k!!! could i request some romantic royality with “he’s so pretty i think i’m going to faint” and/or “please don’t cry”
Summary: “He wanted to be the person Patton could go to when he was hurt—and he undoubtedly would be; Patton was so, so sensitive and so, so soft, and Roman wouldn’t change that about him for a moment—someone who would make things better.
He wanted to be there for Patton, for the rest of his life. He didn’t want to miss a single second of it.”
Pairing: Royality
Warnings: Mention of kidnapping in a joking context, food mention.
A/N: I went with “Please don’t cry”! It’s 3 am and I am so unbelievably tired! I hope this is coherent, cause I’m sure not!!! I did not mean to write another full fic. I never do. Thank you; hope you enjoy.
It had been something that had been sitting in the back of his head for a while now. He and Patton had been together for coming up on four years at this point—living together for more than two and knowing each other for far longer than that—and it had been the best years of Roman’s life.
He adored Patton. He adored him in the early mornings, while he was still sleepy and refused to let go of Roman so they could get up to start the day, though eventually conceding with a whine and a pout. He adored him in the evenings when he was coaxing Roman to bed with the promise of cuddles and kisses and love, snuggling up beside him, warmth radiating into every fibre of Roman’s being.
He adored him still when he came home from work tired and stressed, collapsing onto the couch with his head in Roman’s lap, seeking reassurance. And he adored him when they fought, two opposing sides always eventually melding into a compromise, trusting that whatever it was they were disagreeing on, it was less important than making sure they were both alright.
Patton made him want to be a better person and Roman could only hope, that in that effort, he’d become good enough for Patton to want to spend the rest of his life with him.
The two of them stumbled their way out of the fairgrounds and into the dim field, giggles steaming up the cold air around them and Roman felt Patton place a hand on his shoulder to steady himself.
“Oh my goodness,” Patton laughed breathlessly, straightening up and giving Roman a smile that made his heart stop in his chest, “That was one of the silliest things I think we’ve ever done. And that’s saying something.”
What had started as a double date to the fair had eventually culminated in the world’s most convoluted and inexplicable game of hide and seek. Logan and Virgil, of course, did not know this game was occurring—they had simply wanted to locate their friends so the four of them could grab some food before saying goodbye—but it had taken very little persuading from Roman for Patton to agree to hide.
The look of confusion on their friends’ faces had been well worth the slight jogging from place to place they’d had to do. And when Roman had texted Logan to ensure they knew the two of them hadn’t been kidnapped, leading to Logan exclaiming, “He just sent a colon and a capital P, Virgil, I don’t know what this means! Is it a hint?” Patton’s responding giggles had nearly given the two of them away. 
They’d managed to escape the fairground undiscovered though—the lights and noise of the world behind them fading away as they walked. Roman hummed amusedly in response to Patton’s statement, feeling the vibration in his chest and the lightness in his heart. 
Once he felt they’d moved far enough away, Roman grabbed Patton’s arm, pulling him to the damp grass in a mess of tired limbs and bright smiles. Patton let out a rush of air he landed on his back on the ground, quickly worming his way under Roman’s arm to rest his head against his chest and gaze up at the stars.
Every single time Patton snuggled up beside him, soft and sleepy and absolutely perfect, Roman couldn’t hold back the thought that his boyfriend was something so incredibly precious, something invaluable that Roman was honoured to be able to hold.
He wanted to protect Patton from anything out in the world that could hurt him, keep him tucked in his arms forever so he never had to be in danger, but he knew that was unrealistic. So, more than that, Roman wanted to be there to fight his battles alongside him. He wanted to be the person Patton could go to when he was hurt—and he undoubtedly would be; Patton was so, so sensitive and so, so soft, and Roman wouldn’t change that about him for a moment—someone who would make things better.
He wanted to be there for Patton, for the rest of his life. He didn’t want to miss a single second of it.
Roman started tracing patterns against Patton’s arm through his coat as he shoved his other hand into his jacket pocket, turning over the box inside it, again and again. No matter how sure he was about his decision, Roman couldn’t help but feel anxiety rising up inside him. It pushed at his throat, causing his breath to catch and his muscles to tense as he tried to work up the courage to finally ask.
Sucking in a deep breath, Roman pushed himself up so he was sitting upright, hearing the way Patton whined at the disruption of his position. He blinked sleepily, giving Roman a curious look. “You alright, sweetie?”
Roman nodded, gazing at the way Patton looked under the stars, a halo around his head from the dim street lamp behind him, tired and flushed from the cold and so incredibly beautiful that Roman could feel himself tearing up simply at the idea that this was something he was allowed to have.
“I love you.”
The words were whispered but in the quiet of the night—still and empty—there was nothing to obscure them. Patton giggled, ducking his head a little. “I love you too, silly!”
Even after all this time, Roman could feel a pleasant warmth in his chest at the declaration, chasing away the last of his nerves.
He wished he’d taken some time to plan out exactly what he wanted to say to Patton but he was a spontaneous person by nature and, as Patton had said when Roman had asked him out for the first time, ‘You just need to say what’s in your heart’. And Roman’s heart was full of love for Patton.
“Patton, you are genuinely the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Patton looked surprised at the admission, appearing as if he was readying to give some kind of response but Roman didn’t let him. “I’m sure that Logan would take offence to that somehow since he is my best friend and I love him too but, of course, I love him differently. Logan is poetry books and staying up working and heated debates; Virgil is clever nicknames and oversized clothing and the sound of tapping.
“You are sweeter than any candy ever made, softer than any blanket you could buy and more beautiful than any work of art ever created. You are my moon, my sun and my stars and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. So… Patton Hart?”
Finally, Roman reached into his pocket, pulling out the little black satin box. Patton’s almost silent gasp was caught up in the breeze, his hands flying to cover his mouth in shock and Roman repositioned himself so one knee was planted firmly in the grass beneath him—though he felt the effect was slightly lessened considering Patton was sitting down also.
The ring was silver, the outside barely textured and engraved on the inside with a zigzag meant to emulate a heartbeat. It was cheesy, yes, but Patton was his heart. He’d needed some way to show that.
“Since the very first time I met you I had been waiting for this moment, even if I hadn’t known it. I never want to you to have to experience another day alone; I want to be able to love you with every breath I have left because if you give me the chance, Patton, I know I will. So, please, will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
Patton drew his hands away from his face, eyes wet and wide and mouth agape. “I… Oh my God.”
Roman watched as Patton’s bottom lip started to wobble in a way that indicated he was seconds away from bursting into tears and he rushed forward, placing the ring box to his side and cupping Patton’s face in his hands as tears threatened to spill down his cheeks.
“Oh, honey, please don’t cry!” He stroked his thumbs over Patton’s cheek, just barely brushing the skin. “If you cry, I’ll start crying and then we’ll be both be a mess.” 
Patton laughed wetly. “I can’t help it! I just-”
He cut himself off, choking on a sob and throwing himself forward into Roman’s arms. Burying his head into the collar of Roman’s coat, he continued to cry, letting it soak up all his tears as Roman simply rocked them back and forth as best as he could, pressing chaste kisses to whatever part of Patton he was able to reach. Eventually, Patton pulled away, sniffing and rubbing at his eyes with the sleeves of his coat.
“I love you so much.” The look in Patton’s eyes was almost incredulous, adoring in a way that reminded Roman so much of the way he looked at Patton. “Yes. In this life and every other, yes. I’ve always been yours.”
Roman leaned in, watching Patton’s eyes flutter closed. “And I am yours, my darling.”
And they kissed—ring forgotten, friends forgotten, the rest of the world melting away—simply caught up in the experience of being in love and hoping with all their hearts that they would get the chance to stay that way forever.
General tag list: @mutechild @super-magical-wizard @shadowsfromthesun @teadays @lovelylogicality @mctaetae613 @autism-goblin @deadlyhuggles6 @romanthestarstruckqueer @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear @that-one-sunfish-with-a-wig-on @sanders-and-sides @spirits-in-my-thoughts @hhhhhhhhhhfjaskfsagfhasfgdsakfsa @autistic-virgil @figurative-falsehood @jadedfantasies231 
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Takes place during and after the alliance negotiation in season 2
"They say that evil expects evil from others. I don't like the idea of allying with you either."
"Are your memories of the port mafia really all that bad?" Mori asked. "You must have some good memories. Like... Oh yes, you had some good friends, didn't you? I recall you had a small quintet you'd go drinking with. Don't you remember?"
Dazai's eyes narrowed "I remember." He said. He'd never actually discussed those times with Mori, but he didn't wonder how he knew.
"You certainly musr remember them fondly. It's such a shame, what happened; it's not often you find friends like that. Gillian was part of your group, wasn't she?" It wasn't really a question. "Poor dear. I know she was so sullen after you took off. Hardly spoke a word unless ordered to for at least a month."
“That’s too bad. I do hope she’s better now.”
“I believe so, although you don’t have to just take my word for it.”
Beneath Mori, his shadow twisted and darkened, and from it a silhouette rose. Wispy pieces of darkness fell off on the wind, and the form of Mori’s personal guard, the living shadow of the port mafia, Gillian was revealed.
“Isn’t it nice? Reunions are always so special. How about it, anything you’d like to say to your oldest friend?” Mori glanced down at the girl beside him.
She frowned, and the ice in her eyes was enough to freeze a lesser man solid. “I have nothing to say to him.” A simple statement, but packed with quiet venom.
“So harsh, dear!” He laughed and patted her on the head. “Come now, not a thing to say at all? Dazai, what about you?”
Dazai bit the inside of his lip, a barely noticeable shift in expression as he felt the myriad of feelings rise within him. Of course he’d known all along that she’d be here, there was no way Mori would allow himself to be even a little vulnerable without his petite bodyguard, it would have been a naïve hope to think she wouldn’t be there. Knowing and seeing are two different things, though. It was obvious Mori was trying to rile him up with this, perhaps even attempting to use Gillian as a tool to entice Dazai back to his side, so he was careful in making sure his expression didn’t change anymore. There was no way he would give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d affected him.
Mori sighed exaggeratedly and clicked his tongue “Kids these days. It's been nice talking to you lot. I do believe we'd best be on our way.”
Gillian turned in step with Ogai, but in that moment, her eyes bore into Dazai’s, an incalculable depth glaring into his very being. A typhoon of thoughts swirling in the icy blue, all centered on him.
The mafia group walked away, the agency watching until they were swallowed by the distance.
Dazai walked down the empty side walk, the setting sun casting long shadows all around him. A wall, just between shoulder and waist height, stood alongside his path. Tall trees rose from behind the wall at regular intervals, their shadows spilling out over the barricade.
He passed one of those trees, and stopped short.
Behind him, Gillian sat on the wall where she hadn’t been just before, right in the middle of the tree’s thick shadow.
Dazai didn’t turn around. Neither said a word.
The silence stretched until Gillian tilted her head back to the sky and said “Hey.”
His lip twitched up for just a second at the simple greeting. “Hey.” He said. He'd missed her soft voice. Even that single word danced through his ears and into his core like a whispered caress.
“Can you believe that was the first time we’ve been face to face in four years?”
“Seems like just yesterday we saw each other nearly everyday.”
“And yet it also feels like a lifetime ago.”
Dazai turned around so he faced Gillian “I thought you had “nothing to say” to me. What brings you here, so chatty all of a sudden?”
She shrugged, still facing the sky “I lied earlier. Truth is, I have so many things to say to you that none of them will come out, certainly nothing to be saying in front of the company we had.”
“Is this where we have that conversation, then?”
Her eyes flicked down to look into his “I thought if I ever saw you again, I’d burst out with everything I’d felt since I saw you last. I thought I’d scream at you. Now, I’m just kind of numb.” Only half a lie, the numbness was created by her sorrow and anger all fighting to get out, clogging her throat and stopping anything from getting through.
“If you’re not here to yell, what were you hoping to accomplish by following me?”
She didn’t respond, her eyes going back to the sunset. When she spoke again, it was to say “Did you know I actually did see you once before today, after you left?”
He raised an eyebrow “Did you, now?”
“It was about a year ago. I was on my way to an assignment, and suddenly there you were, across the street, strolling so casually next to a blond man in glasses. You smiled, and you said something that made him mad, and that only made you smile more. You looked so natural, like that had always been your life, like the mafia had been a bad dream. It made me furious; an awful roaring rage right in my gut, my whole body shook. I think I cracked the brick of the corner I was gripping just to keep myself in place. I’d wanted to storm across the street and make you feel that rage through blood, even if I had to do it without my ability. I ran into the shadows before I did anything regretful. Really, I ran, isn’t that shameful? The living shadow doesn’t run from anyone, that’s not how I was trained. Yet, that’s what happened that day when I saw you.”
“So, you do hate me after all. I kind of figured.”
“Hate... What I hate is that I can’t say yes to that. All these feelings, I wish they were so simple. Really, I might even be a bit jealous of you. Since the moment I joined the Port Mafia, there has been nothing I want more than to quit. You were always content with you place, you even seemed to relish in your position at the times you didn’t just seem bored by everything. You didn’t understand my feelings about the mafia, couldn’t have. I thought one day you might even become my boss, I never thought you’d leave. Without so much as a good bye, even.”
“I did leave a note.” He said.
“A blank piece of paper with just your name signed on the bottom left in the middle of my bed doesn't count as a note, Osamu.”
“I guess it was just like you said, I had so many words to say that none of them would come out.”
Gillian just shook her head at Osamu’s response. “What a loud of crap. Do you remember the last time the four of us were at Lupin’s bar together?” She changed the subject.
“How could I forget?”
“Do you remember how I asked you guys if you wanted any souvenirs from my job? I promised I’d bring you each back something special. None of you gave me a very good answer as to what you wanted, Ango and Odasaku just said whatever, and you said I should look around for any interesting black market poisons, so I said I’d just pick something out. On my very first day there, I was walking around to familiarize myself with the area, when I caught sight of something in a shop window. It was an absolutely adorable set of charms, and something about them just reminded me so much of our little group. I bought them, also because I thought it would be funny for mafia members to have matching keychains. I was so excited to give them to you all…” She reaches into her pocket, and when her hand emerges there are four charms hanging off her fingers. “Ango wouldn’t let me give him his,” She taps one, a small brown cat with an unamused expression on its face, “Oda…” She taps another, a wolf with light gray fur sitting tall, “This one is mine,” She taps a third, a small weasel with eyes that stared deep into a person, and then a fourth, an orange fox with eyes suggesting a sly smile “and this one I picked out for you.”
“It’s very cute, and I must say I can see the resemblance.” He says. His tone is light, and he smiles, but the hand shoved in his pocket is in a tight fist.
She hops down from the stone wall, and in the same motion tosses one of the charms to Dazai, who catches it easily. “Here.”
It’s not his charm she gives him, it’s hers.
He looks at it, cupped in the palm of his hand, for once at a loss for words.
“Why this one?” He finally brings himself to ask.
“Because you may have been able to move on and forget me with ease when you left, but each of you took a part of me with you. I can never let you three go, no matter how much I want to. So take my charm, let it be a reminder, of what you, of me. If I actually ever meant anything to you, that is.” She turned her gaze away from him, towards the path with its ever increasing shadows cast by the day’s setting sun. “It’s getting late; the boss will be expecting me soon. Take care, Osamu.”
Dazai found himself unable to move, the adorable charm in his hand a great weight, burning his skin with a searing pain. Its soft texture may very well have been needle sharp. His head swam, his throat dry. These feelings…
Dimly, he heard her foot step as she turned her body away from him. His head shot up, a look in his eyes bordering on desperation, very unlike himself, a sudden inexplicable emotion taking over. He needed to touch her, needed to say so many things in that moment. The charm branded him, pulled out the twisting, roiling feelings he’d pushed aside and locked up with a delicate key. He hadn’t wanted to leave her, he had to. He would have just lost her anyway if he’d tried to take her with him, everything he values was always taken from him. It was best for her to forget him. He needed her to understand. Dazai hardly considered himself to be a man to make excuses and try and defend himself to others just to please them; Gillian though, he needed, he needed her to understand. He could never forget her. His hand shot forward. He'd held it all in, but the thought of her leaving with all these things left unsaid after so long drive him forward. “Wait!”
His hand passed through a dark haze and was left with air, her ability already taking her into the shadows before he could make contact. He was alone on that stretch of side walk once again.
Slowly, he brought his hand back to his side, watching the place she’d stood, shoulders sagging. The desperation left him as quickly as it’d overtaken him, leaving him with a numb acceptance.
He turned on his heel, and continued on his way, leaving the shadowed path behind.
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willsherjohnkhan · 6 years
An Abominable Scandal
Chapter One: The Dismissal
The door to Holmes' flat flew open to reveal a clearly irritated, and very annoyed Doctor Margaret Hooper. As soon as she crossed the threshold she stormed over to Doctor Watson, who was in the process of evacuating his chair.
"How could you?!" Molly demanded of her erstwhile colleague, as she brandished the latest edition of 'The Strand Magazine' that contained Watson's account of the case he had titled 'The Abominable Bride'. "Thanks to you I've been dismissed from St Bartholomew's."
To the Rescue
There was very little that penetrated Holmes’ sub-conscious while he was deep within his Mind Palace. He was of course well aware of everything going on around him, but he had trained his brain to tune out anything he regarded as irrelevant.
And so, although he was aware of Hooper’s dramatic entrance, he ignored it as he did everything else.
That was until...
“Thanks to you I’ve been dismissed from St Bartholomew’s.”
Holmes’ eyes snapped open. He got to his feet and headed out the door, only to return a moment later when he realised Hooper and Watson hadn’t followed him.
“Come on,” he snapped impatiently. “We haven’t a moment to lose.”
This time when he raced down the stairs, Watson and Hooper were in hot pursuit.
When they entered the mortuary it soon became clear that their presence wasn’t welcome, from the newly promoted Head Pathologist Phillip Anderson at least.
But as he was not the one the detective was here to see, Holmes did what he always did when it came to Anderson, and ignored him. Instead he made his way over to the other gentleman in the room, Stamford, the hospital’s administrator.
“This is intolerable,” he exclaimed. “I refuse to work with that witless, snivelling buffoon,” he stated emphatically as he pointed at an outraged Anderson.
Stamford was entirely sympathetic to Molly’s situation, for it was he who had employed her, in the full knowledge of her gender, and had been complicit in her masquerade as a man. He was a kindly soul, and was well used to the world’s only Consulting Detectives overbearing ways. Totally ignoring Holmes, Stamford turned to Molly. “I am so sorry my dear, but once the Hospital’s Board of Governors became aware of your status, thanks to Watson’s write up of the Ricoletti case, I was given no option but to dismiss you.”
While Molly was more than willing to accept Stamford’s apology, given all that he had risked in allowing her to work as a pathologist in the first place. Holmes was not, and so he continued to rail against the situation.
“I prefer my pathologist to be competent and intelligent. And that is Hooper. I will not work with anyone else.”
“Well that’s fine with me,” Anderson stated smugly. “Because there is no way she will ever be allowed to work here again.”
“Oh you think not?” Holmes replied, an inexplicable solution to the problem at hand taking form in his mind. Without giving himself time to consider all the implications he put voice to his solution. “Hooper may not be able to work as a pathologist as a single woman, but that rule does not apply to a married one. Therefore to ensure that St Bartholomew’s continues to maintain the services of the best and brightest forensic specialist I will apply to my brother to procure a special licence, and use his influence to reinstate Hooper, in her female state.
“And to whom am I to be married?” Molly asked cautiously.
“Me, obviously,” Holmes stated, clearly pleased with himself.
Everybody else however, was understandably stunned by Holmes’ solution, their expressions ranged from shock, confusion, disbelief or horror, depending on how they viewed Holmes’ statement.
Holmes, completely oblivious, swept out of the mortuary, calling over his shoulder. “Come Hooper, come Watson. There is much to organise.”
With little other option, Molly and John followed him.
A Marriage of Inconvenience
24 hours later.
And cold hard logic has reasserted itself...
“Be fair Holmes,” Watson cried his expression a mix of hurt and regret. “I take great pride to ensure that my narrative of our cases is a faithful and accurate one.”
“Yes,” Holmes responded testily. “And it is entirely due to your determination to be so faithful that I now find myself in this damnable position.”
Before Watson could defend himself, the cab came to a halt, and both men exited.
Meanwhile, a few minutes behind her groom, the bride was also having second thoughts.
As much as Molly appreciated Holmes’ gallant offer, she was becoming increasingly worried. For truth be told his hand had been forced, having been more or less goaded into it by Anderson’s assertions that she would never again be allowed to step foot into her beloved mortuary.
With these thoughts whirling around her head, she began restlessly fussing with the small bunch of flowers that were clutched tightly in her hands.
Her companion was Watson’s wife Mary, another woman who refused to allow her gender to define who she was, and what she was capable of when she applied her mind to it.
Mary smiled reassuringly as she placed her hand over Molly’s, effectively preventing her from bolting when the cab came to a halt.
“Everything will work out in the end,” she promised.
The ceremony was brief, but included all that was required to make it legal.
It was witnessed.
Vows were made.
The groom slipped a simple gold band onto his bride’s ring finger, before leaning down to place a chaste kiss upon her lips.
Or at least that had been Holmes’ intention.
But the moment his lips touched Molly’s he was taken off guard by a tingling sensation that began at the point where their lips met, before travelling like wildfire through his body. Its effect most notable as blood rushed to a strategic point between his legs, causing that part of his anatomy to swell, making it rigid and uncomfortably erect within the unfashionably tight trousers that he wore.
His mind that valued cold, hard reason beyond all else shut down, to be replaced by one eager to explore the possibilities of these exquisite sensations that were currently raging through him.
It was only when Molly’s encouraging moan penetrated his subconscious, it was enough to break the spell he was under, snapping him out of his stupor.
The change was instantaneous. Once again in control of his senses Holmes deftly removed Molly’s hands that had become entangled in his hair. With as much dignity as he could muster, he disengaged himself entirely from their embrace, stepping back to ensure a safe distance, in an attempt to avoid the temptation she had so unexpectedly aroused within him.
Holmes ignored the embarrassed expressions of those gathered, the heightened colour in his wife’s cheeks, not to mention his own heavy breathing, Instead he quickly moved to thank the Judge for agreeing to officiate at such short notice. He then took Molly by the arm, and led her briskly from the room.
If Holmes believed that his hasty marriage would be of little interest to the press, he was to be sorely disappointed.
No sooner had he and Molly exited the Courthouse then they found themselves surrounded by reporter’s, who were all attempting to outdo one another in asking inappropriate questions.
“Will Hooper be wearing the pants at home too?”
“Have a thing for women dressed in men’s clothing, eh Holmes?”
“Are we to expect a new addition soon?”
Holmes was certain that the red spots on Molly’s cheeks had more to do with indignation than embarrassment. Nonetheless he did all he could to shield her with his body as they fought their way to the waiting cab.
When the couple were finally safe inside, the cabbie took off.
But as they pulled away Holmes spotted, skulking in the shadows, the two individuals responsible for tipping off the press. Phillip Anderson and Janine Hawkins...
Masquerading, Fakery and Untruths
As soon as the cab pulled up outside 221B, Holmes leapt out, paid the cabbie, and assisted Molly out before hastily getting them both through the front door.
He then ushered Molly upstairs, in order to avoid his landlady, Mrs Hudson and her need to engage in nonsensical chatter.
Once through the door to the sanctuary of his flat, Holmes shut it firmly, leaning his back against it, he let out a sigh of relief.
But that sense of relief was to be short lived as the other person in the room made her presence felt.
“Why was Miss Hawkins at the Courthouse, Sherlock?” the sound of his Christian name on her lips caused Molly’s heart to skip a beat.
But she immediately reprimanded herself. She could not allow such a thing, no matter how thrilling to distract her from finding out the circumstances of the woman’s unexpected appearance.
It was clear she was in league with Anderson, and that they had been responsible for the notifying the press to what was supposed to be a private ceremony. She knew Anderson held a grudge against her. But why was Janine there?
And then she remembered what had happened at the de-sanctified church...
Janine removed her hood, and stepped forward with purpose. “Emelia thought she’d found happiness with Ricoletti, but he was a brute too. Emelia was our friend. You have no idea how that bastard treated her.”
Molly remembered Holmes’ expression when Janine revealed herself. His eyes had widened in shock. And as she spoke, he looked decidedly uncomfortable.
Janine’s words, she realised held another meaning, one that was directed at Holmes, and his discomfort confirmed that he understood exactly to what she referred.
So clearly they had history. And that made her more determined than ever to get to the bottom of it.
She walked directly up to Holmes, and demanded “Why does she bear you ill will?”
Holmes had hoped that Molly wouldn’t spot, yet alone recognise Janine Hawkins. But he should have known better. For ‘Hooper’ never missed anything of importance. In resignation, he indicated the chairs by the fireplace. “I think it best as this explanation may prove a long one it be given sitting down.”
Once seated, Holmes began...
“I doubt you’ll recall the case of ‘The Master Blackmailer’ as Watson termed it, it took place a couple of years before you began working at St Bartholomew’s.”
He paused, to give himself a moment to compose his thoughts, and then continued.
“Charles Augustus Magnussen was a loathsome creature, a cruel and cunning individual who preyed upon the vulnerable. He paid easily motivated maids and valets generously to illicitly obtain letters and private papers that contained the intimate secrets of their masters and mistresses. He then waited for the most opportune time in which to strike. Contacting his victims, and advising them of what he has obtained, and the price, always well in excess of what the victim could afford, to be paid for the return of the documents. One such victim came to me in the hopes that I might be able to obtain better terms. Magnussen was threatening to give her letters to her fiancé’ a few days before they were due to be married. Should her groom read the letters, the end result would see the wedding cancelled.”
“But what does this have to do with Janine?” Molly asked. She knew Janine was not a woman of means, so she was unlikely to be the victim of such a man as Magnussen.
“Janine was Magnussen’s housemaid,” Holmes explained. “After Magnussen rebuffed my proposed offer that I put forward on behalf of my client, I set upon a plan to steal the letters from under his very nose. To do that I needed to learn the plan of his house, Appledore Towers, and Magnussen’s daily routine.”
Molly nodded her understanding, before silently urging him to continue.
“I disguised myself as a plumber, Escort by name. It was then that I cultivated a relationship with Janine, who was always more than willing to tell more than she ought about the goings on of her master. Unfortunately to obtain some of the more pertinent details I was left with no option but to become engaged to her.”
Holmes paused at Molly’s surprised gasp.
“Watson was naturally scandalised by my behaviour, but it was absolutely necessary that I discover the whereabouts of the letters. And once I knew all I needed to know, I allowed Miss Hawkins to discover my true identity, when I visited Magnussen again, this time at his home, as my true self.”
“Hell hath no fury...” Molly murmured.
“Quite so,” Holmes agreed. “Although I think you’ll find Miss Hawkins scorn had more to do with what happened to her after Magnussen’s death.”
“His death?” the concern in Molly’s voice was clear.
Holmes was quick to reassure her. “As much as I would have happily ended that vile little man’s life, that pleasure was left to another.”
“Go on,” Molly encouraged.
“It was my intention that Watson and I perform a little burglary. But our plans went awry when Magnussen instead of being sound asleep, entered his office just as I had successfully opened his safe. We were forced to conceal ourselves behind some curtains. It soon became clear he was waiting for someone. Shortly after his visitor arrived, a woman entered from the outside door. Magnussen believed her to be a ladies maid with incriminating letters, but it was not so. It turned out she was one of his previous victims, and she had come for her revenge. She shot him a number of times, before grinding the heel of her shoe into his monocled eye.”
“Were you able to retrieve your client’s letters?”
“Magnussen’s cries had alerted his household, that didn’t leave us much time. So I grabbed every document and letter that was contained within the safe, and threw them in the fire, destroying them completely. Then Watson and I had to make a run for it.”
“And what of Janine?” Molly queried.
“There are hundreds in this great city that would turn white at the mention of Magnussen’s name. Miss Hawkins was known to be in his employ, so I’m afraid she was tainted by association. That meant finding a new situation difficult, and I have no doubt she fell on hard times, for which she may well have held me responsible.”
By now it was quite late. Mrs Hudson brought the up a cold supper that they both ate in silence.
After they had finished Holmes got to his feet. “I’ve asked Mrs Hudson to prepare Watson’s old room for your use. I’m certain you’ll find it more than adequate.”
Holmes was making his way to his bedroom when he was pulled up short by Molly’s response.
“Certainly not,” she stated adamantly.
“I beg your pardon,” Holmes responded, clearly flummoxed by her vehement outburst.
“I said certainly not,” Molly reiterated sternly. “This may be a marriage of convenience, but it will definitely not be a fake one. We will sleep together in the same room, and the same bed.”
Holmes was left completely stunned, his brain quite unable to come up with a reasonable argument.
Taking his silence as agreement, Molly made her way determinably down the hallway and entered the bedroom at the end, leaving Holmes to follow meekly behind.
Chapter 5: Start As We Mean To Go On
It was a rare occasion indeed that would find Holmes asleep in his bed for the whole night. With a mind as constantly active as his, he was usually too restless to settle enough to allow his mind to calm down for long. A couple of hours on the sofa were usually sufficient to reinvigorate his deductive processing abilities.
So it was with some disorientation that he woke up to find himself in his bed. He closed his eyes to better focus on the most recent memories to assist him in reconstructing the events that had led him there.
The answer chose that moment to snuggle up even closer to him, causing Holmes’ eyes to fly open in realisation.
Hooper... Molly... His wife was currently fast asleep on her side, facing him, her expression one of serenity and peace. It was a feeling Holmes definitely did not share. Now fully awake, he was painfully aware that his body was once again betraying him, his cock was once again erect and, more disturbingly he became aware of how dangerously close Molly’s hand was to it.
Moving cautiously so as not to wake her, Holmes edged his way back to his side of the bed, before getting out and exiting the bedroom. His destination the bathroom, where he intended to rid himself of his extremely inconvenient bodily condition.
The strangled cry was muted by the closed bathroom door. But it was enough to rouse Molly from her fitful sleep.
Far from being embarrassed by the unmistakable sound of Sherlock bringing himself to orgasm, Molly instead felt a spark of hope that Sherlock’s need to find sexual release was a sign that he did have feelings for her, a fact that was further emphasized by her name being wrenched from his cupids bow lips.
Unfortunately it was equally clear that he had stubbornly deemed it necessary to deal with his erectile problem himself, instead of the obvious solution, that of requesting his wife’s participation.
‘But that was Sherlock Holmes for you’, she acknowledged. ‘Completely blind to the obvious, especially when it came to her.’
She should tread carefully was the counsel of her head, her heart however had other ideas. Getting out of bed, Molly grabbed Sherlock’s blue bathrobe, and put it on before making her way to the kitchen.
Holmes stood before the mirror viewing himself now that he had washed his hands, and had tamed with the aid of cream his unruly curls.
Except for a slightly flushed complexion, his reflection showed a man back in control of his faculties.
‘The brain without a heart, the calculating machine.’
That was how Watson described him in the write up of the Ricoletti case. It had been one of the Doctor’s finest descriptive achievements. Not that Holmes would ever admit it out loud.
Satisfied that everything was back to normal, he left the bathroom to return to the bedroom to dress.
When Holmes walked into the kitchen, he found Molly had made breakfast for them both.
However before he could say a word he caught sight of Molly in his bathrobe, and his brain once again shut down, while his traitorous genitalia went into overdrive.
Molly smiled before indicating with a nod of her head that he should sit at the table, in the place she had set for him.
The scene of domesticity was enough to snap Holmes brain back into gear, ignoring Molly’s silent request he grabbed two pieces of toast before making his way to his chair in the sitting room.
Setting the toast aside, he sat back in his chair, his elbows resting on the armrests, his palms pressed together, resting under his chin. He took solace in his Mind Palace, where he came up with the perfect plan of action with regards to his all too distracting wife.
Decision made, he emerged to find Molly sitting in John’s chair, waiting patiently.
Molly braced herself. If the look on Sherlock’s face was any indication, whatever he was about to say she was certain was not going to be to her liking.
In the same cool, detached tone that Hooper was all too used to hearing, Holmes stated. “As you are aware I hold reason and logic in high esteem, and I never allow sentiment to cloud or interfere in my decision making processes. The same is true of my decision to enter into this marriage state,” he paused a moment to allow his words to sink in, before he continued. “My primary concern in marrying you was to ensure that you were reinstated to your position at St Bartholomew’s, so that we could return to our usual routine as quickly as possible. This is purely a business arrangement. If you insist upon our continuing to share a bed, then it is done on the understanding that there will be no expectations of romantic entanglements.”
When Molly made no immediate response, Holmes took this as agreement.
“Well I’m pleased we have that all sorted,” he exclaimed as he got to his feet. “I’ll be out for the rest of the day. Lestrade left a message that he has a case that has him quite baffled.”
And with that he left the flat.
Molly remained where she sat for several minutes. All her hopes that Sherlock might actually feel some affection for her, was now utterly destroyed by his pronouncement.
His words hurt her, and she doubted that he would ever fully comprehend just how much. But she would be damned if she was going to let him see.
Over the next few days, when it became clear that he had indeed returned to his cool and callous ways, both at work and at home, Molly became more and more withdrawn emotionally, and physically.
Holmes either didn’t notice, or was quite unaware, until one night he returned to the flat, to discover that his wife had removed herself, and all her possessions, and moved into Watson’s old room.
It was with some surprise that he felt a little upset with this particular development. But then his cold, hard reason reasserted itself, and he reasoned that it was probably for the best.
And he went to bed, alone.
One week later...
Holmes was reviewing some old, unsolved cases. It was something he rarely did, but he was desperate for the diversion. It was better than allowing his thoughts to drift to his...Molly. She barely spoke to him now, only at Bart’s, and only to give her findings on any particular autopsy he was interested in.
His ears picked up the familiar tread of Inspector Lestrade as he made his way with surprising haste up the stairs.
“What is it Lestrade?” Holmes snapped impatiently. “Another little girl’s rabbit mysteriously vanish from its cage?”
The reminder of the contents of the note he’d used as a means of escaping the uncomfortable situation he’d created between himself and Molly, pulled the Consulting Detective up short.
In an attempt to cover up his sense of shame over this little deceit, he moderated his tone as he again addressed the Scotland Yard Detective. “How can I help you Lestrade?”
Lestrade took a moment or two to regain his breath.
“There’s been an explosion at St Bartholomew’s Mortuary...”
Lestrade got no further before Holmes dropped what he was doing, rushed down the stairs, grabbed his coat, but forgot his hat, then rushed out the front door and hailed a cab.
No sooner had the cab stopped than Sherlock was out, and rushing towards the mortuary.
He was temporarily delayed as he fought his way through the barriers the police had put in place to give the Fire Department easy access, while keeping the hospital staff, and members of the public at a safe distance.
But Sherlock didn’t give a damn about his own life all he cared about was finding Molly...
“Molly! MOLLY!” Sherlock’s voice grew more and more desperate as he rushed towards the Mortuary that even from a distance was clear had suffered substantial damage.
Sherlock’s frantic movements slowed as he heard his wife’s voice. He turned to find her sitting on the floor a few feet away from the mortuary. He rushed over to her, and crouched down so that he could assess whether her injuries, should she have any, were serious or not. To his relief he found her to be completely unharmed.
It was only when he felt Molly’s hands brushing away the tears from his face that he realised he was crying.
“I’m all right,” Molly assured him. “I told Lestrade to let you know there was no need to be concerned. Clearly he didn’t.”
Sherlock felt his cheeks flush.
“Well he might have if I’d given him the chance to explain fully. All I heard was that there had been an explosion at the morgue, and I couldn’t bear the thought that I might have lost you.”
His impassioned words made Molly’s heart sing. Taking his face in her hands she met his incredible aqua coloured eyes head on as she made a solemn vow. “You will never lose me Sherlock, even if you wanted to.”
He pulled her into his arms. “I am such an idiot,” he confessed.
“I know,” she responded, before snuggling into the reassuring warmth of her husband.
Sherlock heard the smile in her voice, and he thanked God, even though he still regarded it as nothing more than a ludicrous fantasy designed purely to provide employment for the village idiot, that this incredible woman was not only in his life, but more importantly his wife.
‘But a wife in name only,’ his conscience chided him.
Breathing in her familiar scent, he felt his heart, and his body respond. This time however he was determined to no longer ignore what he felt for her.
And he intended to leave her in no doubt of his feelings. But he refused to do so here. What he needed to say, and do, required privacy.
A trail of hastily removed clothes littered the floor from the sitting room, down the hall and into the bedroom. An honest proclamation of the need to feel naked skin against naked skin, and to become as close as was humanly possible.
Sherlock and Molly’s ecstatic cries as they finally became intimately acquainted with one another had their landlady, Mrs Hudson rushing to get a sleeping draft to ensure she spent the rest of the night in absolute oblivion...
Chapter 6: Wedded Bliss
The morning found the couple blissfully satiated. Even in repose their limbs remained entwined.
Sherlock lay on his side, Molly’s back against his chest, her bottom pressed into his groin. One of her hands rested on his hipbone, while the other was enclosed by his as he clasped her securely to him, his arm wrapped around her waist. His other hand cupped her left breast.
They awoke languidly. Awareness of each other’s presence confirmation that what happened the previous day was not a dream, or a drug-fuelled hallucination. But fact, an absolute reality, and one that could be explored, and enjoyed over, and over again.
Sherlock was forced to relinquish his hold when it became clear that his wife wished to turn over.
However once they were face-to-face Sherlock felt an immediate renewal of those passionate feelings they had spent the entire night engaging in to their fullest satisfaction.
When Molly reached up to slide her fingers through his unruly curls, grasping them firmly as she pulled his head down so that their lips met, it was clear she felt the same.
But their passionate exchange was interrupted by another form of hunger, one where the nourishment needed to sate it came in the form of food.
Sherlock sat in his chair, a bed-sheet wrapped haphazardly around him, with Molly on his lap, dressed in his blue dressing gown.
They had finally finished eating breakfast. A task that took considerably longer than normal as the couple insisted upon feeding each other, in-between pressing increasingly heated kisses to any area of naked skin within reach.
But when Molly reached up to suck energetically at the mole on Sherlock’s neck, she was made aware of something in one of the pockets of the dressing gown.
Curious, she reached inside and pulled out Sherlock’s pocket-watch. Before he could stop her, Molly had flipped the case open. On one side was the watch, while inserted into the other side was the photograph of a woman, a very beautiful woman.
As Molly gazed at the woman’s striking appearance, she recalled a conversation she had overheard in the mortuary several months before between Sherlock and Doctor Watson. They had been discussing an older case that had revolved around a lady that both men only ever referred to as ‘The Woman’.
Based on the little information being offered up at the time, Molly had formed the opinion that this woman was a high class harlot, come blackmailer. But who was nonetheless someone Sherlock held in high esteem. Something that was extraordinarily rare and practically unheard of when it came to the fairer sex.
Now confronted with a photograph of someone who could only be that woman, Molly felt an overwhelming need to understand.
“Who is she, Sherlock?”
“Her name is Irene Adler,” Sherlock replied honestly, taking the watch from Molly as he continued his explanation. “I have kept her photo because at the time I believed I would never come across another woman who could stimulate me, intellectually,” Sherlock confessed as he removed the photograph and threw it in the fire without a second glance, before placing the watch on the little table by his chair.
He then turned back to Molly. “Since then however I have had the good fortune to meet two others. One, Watson was clever enough to marry, while I have been blessed to marry the other.”
Once he had finished his explanation Sherlock found himself feeling quite nervous. How would Molly respond?
He didn’t have long to wait.
After a minute or two spent in contemplation Molly turned to her husband, a frown marring her brow. “You find me merely intellectually stimulating?” she queried, her tone cool.
But Sherlock caught the teasing glint in her expressive brown eyes, and the tension inside him immediately evaporated.
He had no doubt that his Molly would require a full explanation, but that was for later, much, much later if he had his way. And judging from his wife’s expression he was about to get his wish.
When she ran her hands through his errant curls, her fingers again gripping them firmly as she impatiently pulled his head down to capture his lips with her own. Sherlock let out a groan, as he came to the conclusion that having ones hair follicles grasped in such a fashion by his wife was one the most erotically, stimulating sensation he’d ever encountered, and one that required further and immediate investigation...
“William Sherlock Scott Holmes!”
Caught completely off guard the usually unflappable World’s Only Consulting Detective reacted as one caught by his mother doing something he shouldn’t. In this case the literal truth. Bolting to his feet, while ensuring Molly was not left exposed, as he quickly manoeuvring her so that she was behind him. The same could not be said for himself, as his sheet started to descend at a rapid rate, and it was due entirely to Molly’s quick actions as she grabbed hold of the sheet before it could cause a very public spectacle.
“What the devil are you doing here?” Sherlock spluttered as he gazed wide-eyed at the elderly couple standing in the doorway.
“Don’t use that tone with me young man,” the formidable lady shot back. “Just when were you intending to inform us of your marriage? We had a right to know.”
She was absolutely right of course, Sherlock acknowledged as he gazed into the eyes that were the exact replica of his own. He read the hurt his decision to not inform them immediately had caused.
“My apologies Mother, Father,” he responded, his tone genuinely conciliatory. Standing back to reveal the petite woman who had stolen his heart, “I’d like to introduce you to my wife, Doctor Molly Holmes. As to the circumstances of our marriage...”
“Sherlock was only trying to protect my reputation,” Molly began.
“Your reputation was never in question,” Sherlock protested. “This is all down to Watson’s need to be so damned accurate in his write up of our cases.”
“Perhaps my dear,” Mr Holmes suggested. “It would be better we continue this intriguing tale over dinner tonight. By then I’m certain Sherlock and Molly will be more properly attired.”
“Of course,” Mrs Holmes responded. “A splendid idea, we’ll see you both at Mycroft’s at 8.00pm.”
And with that they turned to leave.
But before Sherlock could shut the door, his mother had other ideas. She turned back to him, a determined expression on her face. “I want grandchildren Sherlock We’re not getting any younger you know.”
Sherlock rolled his eyes in exasperation. “As it so happens,” he informed her. “We were working on it, but were interrupted.”
Satisfied his mother finally headed down the stairs.
With a sigh of relief Sherlock closed the door, before making his way over to Molly.
“Now where were we?” he asked, as he let his sheet fall to the floor.
Chapter 7: Nine Months Later...
“That’s it Molly, one more push. You can do it,” Mary Watson’s reassuring words reached Molly through the exhausting haze of childbirth.
“Ohhhhh.... Awwww... Ahhhhh...”
Sherlock’s right hand was completely numb thanks to the tight grip Molly had on it, but that didn’t stop him moving swiftly to support his wife’s back with his left arm as the final contraction caused her to go from a horizontal position to a semi vertical one.
Not long after their child was announcing its presence to everyone in the room.
“It’s a girl,” Mary informed the new parents, as she wrapped her up in a blanket before handing her back to her mother. “Have you decided on a name for her?”
Molly nodded. “Victoria Margaret,” she responded softly.
Mary made her way to the door, turning back she smiled as she observed the once cold hearted detective, still in his nightshirt, climb onto the bed and take his wife in his arms, cradling her protectively as she cradled their daughter.
Neither could take their eyes off the tiny scrap of humanity they had created together.
Sherlock was vaguely aware of Mary leaving the room. He needed to thank her for coming so quickly when Molly went into labour early. But for now he was content to stay right where he was, cataloguing and committing to memory every single detail about his baby daughter, while knowing Mary would forgive his tardiness.
He was brought out of his revere when Molly made an unexpected suggestion. “If our next child is a boy, I think we should name him John.”
Sherlock paled at the mere suggestion. Not because he didn’t want more children, but because after witnessing Molly going through all she had in delivering Victoria, he didn’t want to put her through it all over again.
But it was clear that Molly appeared to have immediately forgotten all the pain and effort she’d gone through bringing their daughter into the world.
As he watched his wife’s contented expression as Victoria began to suckle eagerly at Molly’s breast, he didn’t have the heart to argue with her. The same could not be said for her choice of name for their future son. “Why does it have to be John?”
“Well if he hadn’t been so accurate in his write up of The Ricoletti Case, we may never have found ourselves where we are now,” his wife pointed out.
Sherlock acknowledged that she had a point, not that he’d ever admit as much to Watson. But that was a discussion for another day.
Because all that mattered right now, as they settled more comfortably in their bed and closed their eyes, was that they had found each other and their lives had become infinitely better for it.
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pinkletterday · 6 years
WiP Week Day 4
Fandom: The Flash
Pairings: Jay Garrick/ Tina McGee, Jay Garrick & Barry Allen, past Jay Garrick/ Joan Williams, past Jay Garrick/ Earth-3 Nora Thompson, background Barry Allen/Iris West
Rating: All Audiences
Summary: Jay is having an existential crisis of his own at Barry and Iris's wedding when he meets a familiar face.
A/N: an Outtake from The Westallen Wedding Album that I didn't know what to do with.
The Road Not Travelled
Jay is nursing his drink by the water fountain looking out at the waves. He is not, whatever Joan might have said of his demeanor, brooding. He was...contemplating. Rationally. Specifically, the thought of leaving early.
“Pardon me. You are...Henry Allen?” A familiar woman interrupts Jay’s...contemplation. She has a business-like white bob and an air of stylish elegance. He had noticed her at the ceremony, wondering whether she would recognize him.
“Jay Garrick, actually,” he replies, “A...relation.”
“From Earth 2?” she queries.
“Earth 3,” he corrects. “So you know as well.”
“About parallel worlds? I’m sure everyone here knows, considering recent events,” she snorts, waving her hand. “I’m sorry. I had a very brief acquaintance with Barry’s father before he was...before he passed, and seeing your face was somewhat disconcerting.”
Ah. “I’m sorry if I startled you. I confess, I didn’t quite think this through when Cindy asked me to come with her here.” Maybe he shouldn’t be lecturing Barry on the subject.
“Must be a speedster trait,” says Tina, but she is smiling. “I’m Dr. Tina McGee. Nice to meet you.”
Doctor Tina McGee? Interesting. “Nice to meet you too, Doctor.”
“Is your son his doppelganger then?” asks Tina, after an awkward silence.
“No,” he says trying to hide a note of regret. “No, Barry doesn’t exist on my earth. My wife wasn’t Nora Allen and we were childless.”
“Ah,” says Tina awkwardly. “That’s...strange isn’t it? How many paths we leave untraversed?”
“Yes,” Jay briefly returns to brooding over his glass. “I sometimes think that we were never meant to be able to see them.”
Tina’s face turns even more curious and Jay groans internally, knowing how that sounded.
“My wife, Joan. She couldn’t have children,” he says quietly. “I loved her more than I wanted kids. We grieved and moved on. Then she passed and...I met Barry.”
He doesn’t know why he’s spilling his guts to a woman he just met. Tina always did have a way with her though. It was one of the things that had made the one on his earth stand out.
“I’m sorry,” says Tina sympathetically.
“I don’t regret my decision,” says Jay firmly. On that point at least he was certain. “The years I had with her - I wouldn’t trade them with anyone for the world. I was content. But you don’t really expect to meet the child who might have been yours, you know, even in the kind of impossible world we live in.”
“I...might understand, actually,” Tina says with a touch of sadness. “I’ve had a similar experience. Although I didn’t have to travel to another earth for it.”
Jay tilts his head questioningly at her. Tina looks wry. “The road not travelled Mr. Garrick. As you say, it can be a mixed blessing.”
Jay huffs a laugh.
“May I ask why you and your doppelganger have different names?’ she continues, her fascination clearly struggling with her British-bred sense of propriety.
“Well, as I understand it, the short version is that we were both conceived out of wedlock and then our fathers went to war. His came back. Mine didn’t,” Jay shrugs. His father issues are long dealt with. “So I got her choice of first names and her surname and Henry got his father’s. And yet we both ended up in our versions of Central City. I even met Nora Thompson once.”
“Really?” Tina asks with open interest.
“Yes. She was teaching school in the Honduras. I was there on a mission for my government,”
“You...work for the government?”
“I’m a scientist by profession. My wife and I both are. But there was a lab experiment, an explosion and I woke up as the Flash, much as Barry did. I joined my own team of superheroes, again like Barry. We are supposed to be a neutral party in world affairs, but. Well, it’s complicated.”
“It always is with the military,” snorts Tina, dismissively. “Which is why I personally don’t let them near my work, money be damned.”
“I didn’t really have a choice at the time,” says Jay a little defensively. “As it happened, there was an unexpected coup and we had to abort. Our team decided to evacuate the civillians instead. Nora wouldn’t leave until we had secured as many of the villagers as we could.”
“She sounds very brave.” says Tina, impressed.
“Yes, she was a helluva woman.,” Jay remembers still the heavy fall of auburn hair, the scent of lilac and wide green eyes, exactly like another pair he now knows. He also remembers the two of them backpedalling from an unexpected, unwelcome yet mutual attraction. “Barry looks a lot more like her than me, actually. It was a high tension, close quarters situation and she was a very beautiful woman but I was already with Joan and I would never do that to her. Joan Williams was the love of my life and always will be.” He says it with conviction. The way Barry had looked at Iris when they exchanged vows - he had looked at Joan that way every day of her life.
It had made his chest ache, both in missing her and something that felt uncomfortably close to love for his doppelganger’s son.
“Is Nora still alive on your earth?” asks Tina, almost as though she was afraid of the answer.
Jay hesitates. “I don’t know,” he exhales finally. “I thought of looking her up after finding out about Barry but...I don’t really want to. If that makes sense?”
“It more than makes sense,” assures Tina. “What happened to your doppelganger on this earth was quite traumatic - being framed for her murder, having his child taken away and locked up for years, then to be freed and reunited for less than a year before being murdered.”
“It’s not that though,” says Jay, looking away. “Fate played Henry a terrible hand, much worse than mine. I’ll own that. But my life has had its share of tragedy. Loss is practically guaranteed in the life of a superhero. And I don’t really have much left to lose anymore. It’s simply...I don’t want to look at her and maybe think of what might have been. I owe my wife more than that.”
Jay thinks of his conflicting feelings for Barry Allen. A speedster like him, born into a life he might have led, although not his son any more than he was Barry’s father. And yet, there is this inexplicable draw toward the young man, as though Henry Allen’s love for his child still echoed within the souls of his counterparts across universes. It feels like a pride and a yearning he could not explain nor quantify, and it disturbs him.
“There is no shame in being fond of Barry,” says Tina as though reading his thoughts. “Even without being related, he is a very endearing young man.” Then, wryly, “Even after he blackmails you into surrendering your prized prototype for a police sting and then loses it.”
Jay mulls this over for a minute. “You know,” he says in amusement, “I wish I could say I was surprised.” He remembers the force of nature that was Nora Thompson. She had shot him in the foot when he had tried to stop her going into a guerrilla camp after her kids.
He suspected later that she may also have done it on general principle.
“Mmm. Well I got it back in the end. And I owe him my life now,” Tina shrugs. “I’ve decided to let it go. But he can be rather single-minded in the pursuit of loftier goals, which is sometimes to his detriment.”
Jay tamps down his instinctive urge to defend Barry. It’s absurd. He knows the kid has a problem with tunnel vision, he has pulled him out of enough holes by now to have seen it first hand. “I may know where he might have got that from,” he says instead, and he does. Nora wasn’t the only one who could get a little...fixated. Hence his poor foot. Joan hadn’t been overly thrilled about that trait of his either, although age had eventually brought with it good sense.
For the most part.
Tina tilts her head, appraisingly. “And how do you know my doppelganger?”
Jay looked up in surprise. “How do you know I know your doppelganger?”
“Because you’ve been speaking to a person who should have been a total stranger as though she were someone very familiar to you?” Tina smiles. "Admit it. You know me well. Or at least my twin in your world.”
“I do,” Jay blushes and ducks his head. “Do you really want to know?”
“Well now I can’t not know can I?” Tina laughs, sitting down on the edge of the fountain.
“All right,” Jay grins. “Your counterpart moved next door to me in Larkspur, she was the prettiest girl in my high school and my first love.”
Tina throws her head back and laughs heartily “Oh my God,” she gasps. “What an American cliche!”
“You know what wasn’t an American cliche?” Jay chuckles, seating himself beside her.
“Do tell.”
“She realized she was a lesbian, dumped me and ran off to Europe to be with an exotic dancer. Last I heard, she and her wife had three children.”
Tina almost hoots in delight. Jay feels warm and pleased listening to her. He had forgotten how wonderfully frank and unselfconscious Tina’s laugh had been.
“Were you crushed?” she chortles, wiping her eyes.
“Absolutely. Moped for a year. But then I met Joan and forgave her. But I never forgot. Antonia McGee is not the kind of woman one forgets.” Jay feels young and light again as he looks at her and Tina grins back and raises her glass. “What about you?”
Tina takes a swig of her drink. “Me?” she says, thoughtfully. “Nothing so...eventful, I’m sad to say. I’m not a lesbian, but I like to think of myself as more equal opportunity. I married science, and it has been a difficult, demanding but very exciting spouse. Like you, I never regretted it. Although,” she levels a glance at him that is distinctly challenging (which Jay recollects is Tina’s way of flirting, because the woman had never understood coquetry), “having young friends like the West-Allens reminds me that there can be much more to life, and of the potentiality the future yet holds.”
“I can drink to that,” agrees Jay, clinking his glass with hers. Suddenly, he feels completely at ease as he and Tina smile at each other.
Maybe he wouldn’t try to escape early after all.
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Open Flames
Chapter 1
Word count-5937
“Tony, I told you I wasn’t gonna join your little boy band. I’ve finally found a job that I like and a boss that doesn’t treat me like shit. I am not gonna be your next charity case.”  Azariah rolls her eyes as she wipes down a table. In two hours, the doors to the state’s most lavish nightclub, Lux, would open, and she needed to make sure the place was ready. She really didn’t have the time to be having this conversation, but if she didn’t, Tony would most likely show up in person, and she reallllyyyyy didn’t want that.
“You mean, the guy that thinks he’s the Devil? Yeah, that’s a winner right there. Come on, Azar, you can do so much better than that. Look, I can pick you up and have you settled in your very own room here within a couple hours. I’ll even set you up in a room between Legolas and Point Break. You’ll be a great addition, Matchstick.” She had to laugh at Tony’s random nicknames, and she considered saying yes for 2.5 seconds before her brain started prioritizing.
“You are not calling me Matchstick. I will burn down everything you own before I let you call me that, and you know it. I really do like this job. Pay is great, the boss is pretty cool, and I get sweet benefits. Plus, the boss looks the other way when I accidentally set things on fire. I call this a win-win.” Azar finishes with the rest of the tables and starts stocking the bar. She glances at her phone briefly before sighing, “Look, I have to finish setting up. Can’t we talk about this later? The club opens in about an hour and a half, and I still have a lot to do.”
The amusement in Tony’s voice was very apparent, and he knew better than to push his hothead friend. “Alright, you win. I’ll think of a better one and get back to you.  I’ll tell you what it is when I show up. I can’t wait to meet your boss. See you in a few Azar.” Without waiting for a reply, Tony ended the call, leaving Azariah staring at her phone. She couldn’t decide if she was angry or amused at the fact that her impulsive and overprotective friend was now on the way to her club. With a sigh of exasperation, she got back to work.
Time seemed to fly by, and soon enough, the place was packed with people. The club was always crowded on the weekend, but this Friday seemed even more packed than before. It would seem that rumors had gotten around about the gothic, redheaded bartender that could set fire to things. People crowded the bar, waiting for a glimpse of this ability. Azariah didn’t mind because it meant more tips coming her way. She had everything under control until some 
asshole threw his drink at her because she wouldn’t give him her number. 
She clenched her teeth and grabbed a few napkins to wipe her face and chest off as she tried not to set the man on fire. The idiot was still yelling obscenities at her until he was abruptly cut off. The sudden silence from him made Azar look up and into the eyes of her boss and owner of the club, Lucifer Morningstar. Her anger seemed to die a little now that Lucifer was here, but it wasn’t gone completely. “Hey boss, what can I get ya to drink?”
Lucifer’s grip on the rude man’s shoulders tightened a smidge more, making the man flinch and look very remorseful. “Why Azariah, it looks as though someone has made a poor mess of you. Who would do such a thing to someone as delectable as you?” Lucifer could flirt and threaten someone in the same sentence as easily as breathing, and it didn’t hurt that he had such a beautiful exotic accent. 
“Some idiot felt I owed him my number and got pissy because I didn’t give it to him. Now I’m covered in alcohol because he threw his drink at me. Good thing you showed up because I was about to show him what it felt like to be in the hot seat.” Opening her fist to a charred and crumbling napkin, she blew the ashes towards the two of them, and it seemed to make the man grow pale and gulp.
Lucifer jerked the man so that he was now facing the angry devil. He grinned, but it wasn’t something someone would want directed at them. “What kind of a sod throws a tantrum just because he doesn’t get a lady’s number. Since you can’t respect a woman’s wishes, you are no longer welcome in my club. Apologize to Azariah before I do something; you’ll very much regret it.” His eyes flashed a bright red for a moment as he stared the man down.
“I... I’m sorry, lady. It’ll never happen again. Sorry for troubling you.” As though a signal had been given, security dragged the troublemaker away and out of Lux.
Sighing, Azariah grabs a few more napkins and tries to wipe off more of the sticky liquid before giving up. She flips her hair back and places her hands on her hips, “Thanks for the save. I was trying really hard to be good, but he was pushing some serious buttons. Now I probably look like shit.”
The Devil leaned over the bar and waggled his finger at Azar, “You could never look like shit. You would look beautiful even in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Why don’t you take the rest of the night off and let Maze finish the night?” His eyes held sympathy and regret, but his smile was full of unspoken suggestions.
“I would love to, but a friend should be showing up here any minute. I’ll never hear the end of it if he shows up after I’ve already left.” Lucifer looks her over for a few minutes in deep thought and then waves over the other bartender. “Look after the bar for a few moments while I take our luscious lady here to go freshen up.” The bartender smiles at him before getting back to work.
“I don’t have any other clothes here, Boss, I’m fi...” Before she can say much else, Lucifer is already interrupting her. 
“You must call me Lucifer, I insist. No need for such formalities.” He holds out a hand for her to take, and with a moment’s hesitation, she lays her hand in his, letting him lead her from behind the bar to his elevator.
“I really am fine. I’ve dealt with much worse, and I didn’t exactly bring a spare set of clothes to change into.” Azar says as they enter the elevator. It made her nervous and awkward being this close to the self-proclaimed Devil, but she did need this job, no matter how weird her boss was.
He turned his full smile on her, and her knees started to shake. Something in her ignited as she stared into his eyes, and pure lust filled her. Something had changed, and now the redhead was inexplicably drawn to him. “Nonsense. I can’t have my employees drenched in alcohol because of some idiot. I have some female clothing that should be to your taste, but by that look, you may not need clothes at all.” It took a moment for his words to register, but when they did, her brain kicked back into gear, and she managed to beat the lust back.
She had started to lean towards Lucifer and quickly straightened back up. “I…ah...I don’t know what happened. I’m not usually like this, especially when it comes to my boss.” Azar looked at the elevator doors in such utter confusion over what happened. She never mixed work and pleasure, but there was just something about Lucifer that made you want to roll all over him, like a cat to catnip. Thankfully, the doors opened, and she quickly walked out into what appeared to be his penthouse.
Lucifer walked out behind her and led her to the bedroom, “Oh, no need to be ashamed. It’s a natural reaction when in my presence. Now, let’s get you out of those clothes and into something clean.” They stopped in front of a massive walk-in closet, and her jaw dropped. Every variation of clothing was stuffed in there, and it was bigger than her bedroom. Everything in there must cost more than her apartment building. 
He started rummaging through the clothes with single-minded determination, mumbling to himself about each item until he had a few articles. When he was satisfied, he turned and handed them all to Azariah, who was still in shock. She shook her head and grabbed the items, “Bo-Lucifer, I can’t do this. They cost way too much, and I can’t afford to pay you if something happens to them.” She tried to hand them back, but he simply walked past her to his private bar. 
Grabbing a glass, he pours himself a drink and walks over to his couch. “Oh, nonsense. Think of these as an apology for what happened. Try them on and keep what you like. As you saw, I have plenty of others, and if I need to, I can buy more.” Lucifer smirks and raises his glass to her as if he is shooing her to the bathroom. Without another word, she turns and quickly heads to the bathroom, her long, dark red hair flying behind her.
Azar slams the door behind her and rests against the door as she takes in the gorgeous bathroom. It looked exactly like she imagined a billionaire bathroom to look like. The tub looked like it could fit 15 people in it easily. She was determined to stay on Lucifer’s good side because if he could afford all this, then he could undoubtedly ruin her. With a sigh, she lays the clothes out on the counter and looks them over. 
It looked like Lucifer had given her a few different styled dresses and a corset/ pant set. Everything was Black with just small splashes of color.  He had been able to nail her style perfectly; of course, it was pretty obvious what she liked, so it wasn’t that hard to figure it out. Not feeling in a dress mood, she undresses and puts on the corset and tight leather pants. Somehow, that sneaky devil had gotten her size just right. The pants had been relatively easy to put on, but the corset would be a problem. She was going to need help with lacing the back up.
“Hey, Lucifer? Do you mind helping me out? This top is a little outside my expertise.” 
“Ooh, is that an invitation to look at that enticing figure of yours? My dear, my hands are yours to use as you please.”
“Psh, not like that, you deviant. I just need help with the back of this corset.” She had to smile and laugh. She had gotten used to these kinds of comments in her short time working at Lux, and her boss had made sure it was all right before he started suggesting the really naughty stuff. He was all about that consent, which was even better.
The door opened, and in popped Lucifer, mischievous smile plastered on his face. “Oh Azariah, that outfit looks absolutely ravishing on you. I dare say, Mazikeen would approve of this. 
Although I think the clothes would look much better on the floor than on you.” He waggled his eyebrows as he walks up behind her and starts to tighten the laces in the back.
Her cheeks turned bright red, and the towel next to the sink caught on fire. She makes a move to throw it in the sink, but Lucifer tugs on the laces, pulling her back into place. Looking up in the mirror, she gives him a questioning look, “Do you want your place to burn to the ground? That’s exactly what’s going to happen if you keep saying things like that. I can’t keep control if you keep getting me all fired up.”
“Perhaps, a loss of control is exactly what you need.” He leaned forward and whispered that into her ear. His nearly black eyes were staring into her bright, emerald green eyes through the mirror, causing her to shiver. Lucifer knew precisely what he was doing, and it was driving her wild. Flames flickered from her fingertips, and wisps of it moved through her hair. Thankfully, her phone went off, saving her from the lust that was running rampant.
Lucifer smiles and winks at Azar as he straightens and moves back, leaving her space to answer her phone. “Well, if you do not wish to take me up on the offer, then I shall leave so you may finish getting ready.”
“Thanks again for letting me borrow the clothes and for the help. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” The bathroom door shut, and Azar scrambles to answer the phone before it goes to voicemail. She never bothered to see who was calling, but the Black Sabbath ringtone gave it away. “Please tell me you’re not here.”
The pounding of music in the background told her everything she needed to know. “In the flesh. The only thing that’s missing is you. Where’s your boss at, Firefly? I want to know what kind of a crazy person calls themselves the Devil and owns the hottest nightclub in LA.” Tony sounded like he was in the thick of the club, and it would only be a matter of time before the ladies started to cling to him like glue. 
“There was a mishap earlier, and I had to change. I’ll be down in a few. Stick to the bar so I can find you. Oh, and Tony, if you try and make firefly stick, I’ll murder you.” It was said with that sickeningly sweet voice that portrayed innocence, but you just knew it meant pain. Hanging up the phone and turning to look in the mirror, Azariah checked herself over one last time before leaving the bathroom.
Lucifer was standing on his balcony, looking out at the busy city. “Are you ready to go back downstairs? I’m assuming that was your friend on the phone letting you know they are here.” He turns towards her, walking to the bar to put his glass down.
“Yeah, he’s waiting for me by the bar. Unfortunately, he wants to meet you. Honestly, you don’t have to meet him if you don’t want to. Tony is such a pain in the ass at times, and I just want to finish my shift and go home. With him here, that won’t happen.” Hands on her hip, she rolls her eyes and sighs. 
“Oh, my dear, if that’s the case, then I’ll gladly distract your friend so you can make a quick getaway.” He drains his glass and puts it on the bar, all while winking at her. She had to laugh at that. Just imagining Lucifer flirting with Tony put a smile on her face. Both of them were playboys; though Lucifer would flirt with everything in sight, Azar was pretty sure that Tony was straight. She couldn’t wait to see this play out.
She laughs as she makes her way back to the elevator. “You’re more than welcome to be my distraction. It’ll be hilarious seeing you try to pick up a straight man.” They both step into the elevator, and a thought pops into her head, causing her to turn to the taller man in concern, “Are you ok? I didn’t burn you earlier or anything? Why aren’t you freaking out about what I can do? Most of the time, when people see the things I do, they either scream in terror or try to use me as the star of some freak show. You don’t even seem phased when I accidentally set something on fire.” 
Lucifer laughed as he hit the button on the elevator that would take them back to the club. “I am the Devil. It would take something more than a little fire to hurt me. You needn’t be concerned about my wellbeing, little Inferno.” She would have asked him more questions, but the doors opened, revealing the ongoing party.
Bodies writhed to the music, and the lights flashed in different colors. The place seemed even more crowded than before, though that was no surprise. LA seemed to come alive at night, and Lux was known for being the safest and best nightclub around. Famous people from all different walks came here to party and have a good time.
Azar walked to the bar without looking to see where Lucifer went and nodded at the bartender, who went back to their side of the bar. She immediately started taking orders and got back into her rhythm. It wasn’t too long before someone whistled and started shouting at her. “Hey Hotrod, what’s a guy gotta do to get a hug from a friend?”
A broad grin crosses her face as she looks in the direction of the voice. Putting a hand on her hip, she sarcastically calls out, “Maybe when said guy stops trying to give his friend a stupid ass nickname.” People at the bar started laughing at that, along with some cheers from the girls. “My shift ends in an hour, and then I’ll introduce you to the boss.” She was already pouring him a glass of whiskey; his taste of alcohol always the same.
Tony winked at her and disappeared into the mass of bodies as though he had never been here. She focused on getting everyone their drinks, and before she knew it, her replacement was tapping her on the shoulders and telling her to go home. With a smile and a thank you, Azar stepped out from behind the bar and started the search for Tony. It would be easier to find him from higher ground, so she made her way to the stairs.  She found Lucifer standing at the top, leaning over the railing, sipping on his drink.
“I’m surprised you’re still here. Usually, you’ve gone up to your penthouse with someone on your arm.” Azar stands next to him and leans over the railing, looking for her missing friend.
He chuckles and takes a drink, “Yes, well, I couldn’t exactly leave before meeting this friend of yours. I assume that’s who you’re looking for now. I believe you’ll find him down there surrounded by women. Why didn’t you tell me that your friend is the great and illustrious Iron Man?”
“Of course, he’s surrounded by women; everyone wants a taste of the billionaire. I didn’t tell you because you would have figured it out when you met him. It’s not like I was keeping it a secret.” Humour laced her voice as she spotted the hero.
“Well, let’s not keep the man waiting. I’m sure he’s eager to catch up with you if he has come all the way from New York. I know I am eager to meet the man.” Lucifer smiled mischievously as he makes his way towards Tony. Azar laughed at his apparent eagerness to meet her old friend and followed close behind. 
The crowd parted for them, and they were eventually standing in front of a small group of women circling Tony like vultures. Clearing Lucifer’s throat to get their attention didn’t work, they were too focused on the man called Iron Man, and Tony was playing to his audience. Azar sighed and gave a shrill whistle, causing everyone to stare her down. “There you are, Red! I thought you would try and sneak out on me, not that you would have gotten very far. I do know where you live after all.” He started making his way towards the duo, but the crowd refused to move. “If you’ll excuse me, ladies, I’ve got a friend to recruit.” If looks could kill, then Azar would have been in some serious trouble. Every woman was glaring at the newcomer, mumbling under their breath to each other.
The crowd dissipated, and the friends hugged each other. “I figured it would be best to get this over with; I’d rather not be hunted down like one of your criminals. I swear to the fucking Devil, if you don’t stop coming up with dumbass nicknames for me, I will melt every one of your metal suits. Try me fly, boy.” She was smiling as they stepped back, and Tony gasped in mock offense.
“You wouldn’t dare! I’ll have you know that I thought long and hard on those nicknames, and you shouldn’t be so judgmental. Every single one of them fit you.” 
“I would do it, and you know it. So, go ahead and keep coming up with them. See what happens.”
Lucifer burst out laughing at the threat. “I think I would tread carefully. As someone who has seen what happens when Azariah is messed with, I would head the threat.” He takes a few steps closer, no longer willing to watch from the background.
“I don’t take advice from some guy who calls himself the Devil. In fact, I have a few psychiatrists on my retainer. Call Claire, and she can help you with your delusion.” Tony sneers and pulls a card out of his wallet and hands it to Lucifer. 
“So hostile towards someone you just met. Tell me, Tony Stark, what is it you desire?” Lucifer cocks his head and smiles as he looks into Tony’s eyes. Tony’s hand lowers slightly as his eyes start to lose focus. He opens his mouth to say something but decides against it, seemingly struggling against an unknown source. “You’re one of the harder ones, I see. Come on, with all your vast riches and knowledge, what is it you truly desire?”
Azar watches as Tony struggles against whatever Lucifer was doing to him. She had seen him do this with a few of the patrons but not up close. It was certainly entertaining to watch Tony struggle not to answer. The Devil in question seemed to be getting a kick out of it too. His smile widened the longer Tony took to respond.
Tony loses the battle, and his hand drops completely. “I... I want to protect the world and right the wrongs that I’ve done.” He takes a step back, blinking as if he was just coming out of a trance. His eyes widen in surprise, and he looks at Azar for confirmation that that did indeed happen.
“A noble man indeed. A much more attractive trait than the one you normally portray.” He had a Cheshire smile on now that his question had a desirable answer. 
Tony collects himself and seems to be thinking hard about something. “That was not the weirdest thing I’ve ever encountered, but it was up there. I know a man that is a god, so I guess meeting the devil isn’t that strange. You got any more abilities hidden in that body of yours?”
“Tony, Lucifer is not joining the Avengers. Don’t try to steal my boss for your boy band. I won’t let it happen.” Azar sighs and smacks him on the arm.
“Let him ask his questions, Azariah. If he wants a demonstration, then I will happily oblige.” Rubbing his hands together, he looks at Azar as if signaling something to her.
It takes her a moment but finally, it dawns on her what her boss was about to do. She doubles over, laughing at the scene that was going to unfold before her. “Tony, I don’t think you want to see what he can do.”
“What? What’s happening? I feel like I’m missing the joke here. See, now I have to know.” Tony looks at the two of them, completely confused, throwing his hands up in the air.
Struggling to get her laughter under control, she shakes her head. “Don’t say I didn't warn you. This is gonna be a sight to see.” She takes a few steps back so that they have more room and so she wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire. 
Whatever Lucifer did up in the penthouse was nothing compared to what he was doing now. Even though his focus was entirely on Tony, Azar could still feel the effects. She backed up even further to try and lessen the blow, breathing deeply. Lucifer took another step towards Tony, 
“Not only can I get people to tell me their deepest, darkest desires, but I can also draw out desire. Just look at me.” He motioned to the full length of himself. “I am just dripping with sin, so it’s only natural that people are drawn to me. Now, tall, arrogant, and handsome, you’ve told me what you desire. Let me tell you what I desire.”
The lust in Lucifer’s eyes was apparent as he took yet another step towards Tony, who was standing his ground with a smirk. His breath hitches as he stares into the devil’s eyes. “What I desire… is you. That luscious body of yours tangled in my sheets. Throw in a few different toys, and we could have an absolutely wonderful time. What do you say?”
The deep breaths weren’t helping, and neither was the imagery that Lucifer was so eloquently putting together. Azar could feel the heat rushing through her body as the pull towards Lucifer became stronger. Everything in her longed to run her hands over his body and do exactly what he wanted. She had taken a few steps towards the men before she caught herself. Thankfully, neither seemed to notice.
Tony leans towards the taller man and licks his lips. He thinks about it for a moment before shaking his head. “I need a drink. You want a drink because I definitely need a drink.” 
A collective sigh draws Lucifer and Tony’s gaze to their surroundings. They had drawn a crowd; men and women alike had gathered to watch the display, hoping to see more. It didn’t help that Lucifer’s amped-up power had drawn them. Tony looked over at his friend, only to see that people were trying to avoid the woman that had flames coming off her skin. 
“You ok over there, Sparks?” Tony’s voice is the ice needed to break the spell over her. Azar takes a deep breath and sighs as the flames vanish. She blinks a few times before giving him a weak grin. “Yeah, I just need some air.”
“Why don’t we continue this conversation upstairs. Azariah will be able to get her much needed air, and we will be able to talk without drawing in such a crowd.” Lucifer motions to Tony and walks off towards the elevator to his penthouse. Tony looks at Azar, who nods, and they both follow after Lucifer. 
Tony and Lucifer talk as they enter the elevator, though Azar pays no attention to them. She’s too focused on trying to control the flames that want to burst free. When the doors open, she rushes out, immediately making a beeline for the balcony. Inhaling the fresh air, she leans over the railing and looks out at the city. Time passes, and she can hear the guys talking, but she tunes it all out. Her skin felt tight, and her nerves were shot from trying to keep such tight control over her power. She was used to keeping her power under lock and key, but she was having a much harder time with everything happening tonight.
“You doing alright, Hot Stuff? You seem tense.” Azar jumps in surprise when Tony walks up behind her. He stands next to her with his arms crossed and a look of concern on his face.
She nods and smiles at her friend. “Yeah, I just needed a moment to myself. I normally don’t have such a hard time, but a lot has happened today. I’m not sure how to explain it without sounding crazy.” A small chuckle escapes her lips.
“I work with a God, spy, super soldier, a guy who turns into a green rage machine, Clint, and I have you as a friend. Not to mention I’ve just met someone who almost has me convinced he's the devil. Nothing you say will sound crazy to me. So, what's on your mind, Kid?” His words ease the tension in her mind. 
“I’ve gotten pretty good at controlling my ability. I don't set things ablaze just by walking by them anymore, but today… I was stupid and let someone guy get me riled up. Then, I’ve felt Lucifer’s power twice, and I just couldn't keep that box shut. I’ve got no way just to let go, and that’s making it harder and harder to keep everything contained. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt someone…. again.” She shudders at the reminder of her childhood.
Nodding his head, Tony wraps Azar in a brief hug. He looks down at her with a sympathetic smile and then smirks. “You know. You wouldn’t have this issue if you just came with me. You need to let loose, and I do know a few people that can help you with that.”
“Tony, I don’t know how many times I have to say this before it sinks into that big head of yours, but I’m not going.” She flips her hair back and waggles her finger at him.
“I’ll make you a deal. If you win, I’ll stop bugging you about coming with me. If I win, then you have to join the Avengers.” He raises an eyebrow and smirks as if he’s already won.
“What’s the deal?”
“It’s a yes or no question.”
“You expect me to just agree to a deal that I know nothing about?”
“Let me think… Yes.”
“How about a big fat no. You either tell what the deal is, or I don’t agree to anything.”
“That’s fine. I hope you get used to hearing my wonderful voice every day.”
“You’re serious? How are you gonna do me like that?”
“Oh, come on, it’s me. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen.”
“Knowing you, a lot.”
“It’s a simple question.”
“FINE! I give. Now, what’s the deal.” 
“You let Devil dude over there use his mojo on you. If you can keep your powers locked down, then you win. I see even a hint of fire, and you have to come with me.” Tony’s smile widens at the exasperated look on Azar’s face. He had her, and he knew it.
She glares at him, “You are such an asshole. You knew I would say no; that’s why you refused to tell me. I can’t believe I fell for it. Of course, you pick something you absolutely know you’re going to win. Watch your back cause I’m getting you back for this.”
Tony holds out his arm and laughs, “After you, M’lady.”
Azar walks inside and finds Lucifer sitting at his piano, playing a beautiful melody. She walks over to it and crosses her arms. “Are you in on this?”
He looks at her briefly before turning his attention back to the song. “If you’re referring to the deal, then yes. If you are referring to something else, then that would be a no. What was your answer?”
“After being tricked, I agreed.” She sighs in resignation and sits on the bench next to Lucifer, watching his fingers expertly move across the keys. “So, what’s next?”
Lucifer doesn’t answer the question, but the melody on the keyboard changes to something darker, more compelling, and that’s when he started to sing.
When I was a child, I'd sit for hours.
Staring into open flame
Something in it had a power.
Could barely tear my eyes away
All you have is your fire.
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash.
Lucifer belts out the lyrics as he continues to play. His voice was going with the ebb and flow of the melody; his body was gently swaying as he played. To Azar, it felt like he was drawing the darkness out of her. She could feel his power drawing her in, calling to her. Another part fought violently to break free of the spell he was weaving.
When I was 16, my senses fooled me.
Thought gasoline was on my clothes
I knew that something would always rule me.
I knew the scent was mine alone.
All you have is your fire.
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash.
She leaned towards him as the song washed over her. She had no idea what he had planned next, but if it was half as beautiful as this, then she didn’t mind in the slightest. Her hair started to rustle as flames flickered in her hair, and the heat began to rise. Neither of them cared, and Tony stayed back, content to watch the scene play out.
When I was a man, I thought it ended
When I knew love's perfect ache
But my peace has always depended
On all the ashes in my wake
All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Lucifer let go of the keys and reached out to Azar, caressing her cheek and pushing back her fiery hair. He leaned towards her, singing the last lines softly. Azar’s breath hitches as he gets nearer, heart racing.
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash.
He sings the last word on her lips and then kisses her. 
An inferno blazed through Azar, and the box flies wide open. The curtains burst into flames, and Lucifer’s glass on the table shatters from the heat. Azar jerks back from the kiss as Tony tries to smother the fire. “Tony, get back.” He quickly does as she says.
Holding her hand upright, the flames leap into her hands where she smothers it. She sighs as she stands up, looking back at Lucifer with the mischievous grin on his face. “I told you I was going to set your place on fire if you kept doing that to me. This was not my fault.”
“I think a few crispy curtains and a broken glass are an even trade for a reaction like that. I’d love to see what happens if we take things farther.” He laughs, and that makes her roll her eyes.
“That is so not happening. No offense, but I can just tell that this would end badly for me.” She turns towards Tony, who was texting someone. “A deal is a deal. When do we leave?”
“We have a flight that leaves in two hours. That gives us enough time to go back to your place and pack what you need. I’ll have somebody come by and collect the rest of your things later.”
“Well, I guess it’s safe to say that I quit. Thanks for all the help. I’ll see you around, I guess.” Azar starts to walk to the elevator when she hears Lucifer call out. “Oh, I should hope so. I’m not letting the two of you leave me behind after a spectacle like that.” She waves goodbye to him and walks into the elevator. The doors shut on the two men arguing about whether Lucifer would be going. Guess she would just have to wait and see when they got to the plane.
0 notes
dragonandtiger · 7 years
Undertale - Risen Child - 06
Spoiler warning for Undertale True Pacifist, Neutral, and No Mercy endings.
Frisk couldn’t help but marvel at how different the trip to Snowdin felt when she wasn’t constantly battling for her life. While her countless resets had boiled each fight down to a science, it was still a stressful affair where one wrong move could result in her death. However, with Toriel by her side, no one dared attack the human child again.
But it wasn’t just Toriel - Frisk had the entire canine sentry squad as her escort. After picking up Greater Dog with very little fuss and a large amount of pettings, the human child was soon completely surrounded by bodyguards - with the strongest of them all standing directly beside her, holding her hand.
Jerry never tried to make a second attempt, nor did any of the denizens of Snowdin that traveled the woods. Gawks and stares accompanied Frisk, safe in her protective bubble, as she was guided through the snowy landscape towards the town proper.
As Toriel carefully escorted Frisk over the bridge, the human child glanced upwards instinctively for signs of Papyrus’ ultimate puzzle - the one he never used on her, regardless of who was the dominant force in her body during that particular run through the underground.
It’s kind of sad, Frisk thought. I didn’t really get to play with Papyrus at all. We would’ve been doing his puzzles by now. Even though she already knew how to solve the puzzles, spending time with Papyrus and Sans was always fun.
A glint caught Frisk’s eye at the end of the bridge, reminding her of a crucial detail that had slipped her mind in all the excitement. She ran ahead of the others, heedless of Toriel’s startled cry, to kneel down in front of the hidden camera embedded into the side of the faux wooden bridge. “Alphys, if you’re watching right now, please tell all the monsters to evacuate to someplace safe. There’s someone dangerous underground who wants to kill everyone!”
There was no response, not that Frisk expected any. Hopefully Alphys was monitoring them at that moment and not getting distracted by Mettaton, or anime, or shitposting online, or…
Frisk sighed and shook her head as she returned to her feet. At least they could get Snowdin evacuated once they got there.
“Please don’t run off on your own like that, my child,” Toriel said a little breathlessly once she caught up to Frisk. After what happened the last time the little human ran off alone, she was relieved to see no threat. “What were you doing there?”
Frisk pointed at the small circle of glass framed by metal that rested in the shadow between two rocks painted to look like wooden boards. “That’s one of Alphys’ hidden cameras. She’s the head scientist for Dad, and she’s always been the one who evacuates monsters all over the underground in case of emergency.”
A small chill ran up Frisk’s spine as she finished speaking. She knew that simple fact that Alphys prevented Chara from killing every single monster personally had been a point of irritation for the fallen child. That made Alphys a major target as well, not just for being one of Frisk’s closest friends.
“We…” Frisk felt her mouth go dry. “We should hurry to Snowdin.” They had to get ahead of Chara before someone else was attacked.
Toriel made a quizzical sound as she looked into the camera, then furrowed her brow. “What an… odd place for a camera. Are there many of these?” After speaking, she paused as realization dawned upon her. “...Ah. I suppose she uses these to help ‘hunt for humans’.” Her eyes narrowed as she glanced at the dog sentries out of the corners of her eyes. “Am I correct?”
The blank look worn by Doggo and the rest of the canines did little to soothe Toriel’s irritation. The dogs looked at each other and then at their surroundings, failing to spot any cameras on a painted canyon. The boss monster let out a heavy sigh before she straightened up. “I see.”
“There’s cameras all the way from the ruins to the castle,” Frisk said as she took Toriel’s hand and gently urged her mother and the others to keep moving.
“And I suppose that idiot allowed her to do it,” Toriel said, stiffly.
Frisk bit back the urge to sigh. It was always sad to see the progress Toriel and Asgore made to reconcile on the surface erased once they returned to the underground. “D… Asgore took her on as royal scientist when she told him she created an artificial soul.” She paused for a moment, considering her words. “He told me, a long time after the barrier broke, before the timeline reset again to this, that he was hoping she could create artificial human souls so he wouldn’t have to kill anymore humans to break the barrier.”
Toriel went quiet for several moments, her expression once again becoming unreadable. But then, just as quickly as before, the look of steel returned. “And yet, for all his wishes, six children were still killed… and he still attempted to kill you.”
Frisk didn’t have a response for that. Her first thought was to recall how Asgore had succeeded in killing her more times than she could count, but there was no way in hell she would ever let Toriel know.
Just like she would never tell how many times Toriel unintentionally burned her to death.
The rest of the trip to Snowdin was made in awkward silence. With Toriel unwilling to relent and Frisk unable to argue, the subject was instead left to linger over the group to the point that even the clueless canines noticed it and could only look at each other in discomfort.
Frisk was more than a little relieved to see Snowdin in the distance, its quaint little buildings and happy decorations a welcome distraction. Of course, that relief was short-lived when she noticed right away that the citizens of the town were still very much present; they hadn’t been evacuated, and appeared to be going about their daily routines without a care in the world.
That fact alone made Frisk very uncomfortable and concerned above all else. It meant that Alphys hadn’t responded to her message, though it didn’t give any indication as to why. There were several options - she hadn’t been paying attention, she didn’t trust Frisk’s warning, or she was unable to do anything. While the first two could easily be rectified, the human child couldn’t entirely put her faith in the hope that either was the case.
Chara wouldn’t allow it.
At the very least, Frisk thought, Alphys can’t be dead… yet. Chara wouldn’t just kill her and be done with it. Not after everything. She wouldn’t go through all this trouble of letting me have control back unless she still planned on making me watch her kill everyone I love.
It was hard to imagine that Chara could have made such quick progress all the way to Hotland, especially when she had just attacked Papyrus outside the ruins. There was no one else who could have done it - the only possible culprit was Chara.
Of course, there was no way to know how long Frisk had been unconscious, and how long Chara had to prepare. The fact that Chara had somehow separated herself from Frisk in and of itself was unimaginable and downright terrifying. There was no telling what the other human could do at this point.
“It doesn’t appear that this Alphys heeded your warning,” Toriel said, drawing Frisk’s attention back to her. “No one has been evacuated.”
Frisk stared up at Toriel, inexplicably off balance. The fact that she had the ability to tell others about what was going on in this part of the timeline was surreal as it was, but for people to actually believe her… it filled her with all sorts of intense emotions.
“Perhaps she simply didn’t know whether or not she could trust you,” Toriel said as she glanced to Frisk. “After all, she would not recognize you at this time, would she? She must have been quite surprised to hear you address her by name.”
Frisk sighed as she rubbed her head, willing to disorientation to disappear; she couldn’t let herself be thrown by such drastic differences to the timeline. “I was hoping that by using her name she’d take me seriously, or at least let D… Asgore know. I think he knows about the resets like Sans does, so he might’ve told everyone to evacuate. Or maybe they would’ve panicked at a human knowing too much?” She trailed off on an awkward note, knowing she was grasping at straws.
Frisk’s eyes drifted away from her mother to the snow crunching beneath her feet as her steps slowed. “Honestly… I’m not used to being able to tell all of you anything about what’s going on. I’m not sure how much I should say without… making you all afraid of me.” The memory of the look Sans gave her sent a chill through her body that had nothing to do with the cold. “Or hate me.”
Toriel made a thoughtful sound in the back of her throat as she looked down at Frisk. “Well, it would seem that everyone’s already worked themselves in a tizzy over you as it is, so you really can’t blame yourself over that, my child. Even if I find it very strange and confusing, I also can not deny… that I feel as though known you for years. I see no reason not to trust you, and even less reason to fear you.”
Tears pricked behind Frisk’s eyes as Toriel’s words grasped tightly at her heart. Moved by the sudden surge of emotion, she threw her arms around her mother’s side and buried her face in the queen’s dress. Words failed her, so she merely embraced her mother’s side.
“Nice to see a human showing some love instead of LOVE,” Sans said, his abrupt appearance startling both Toriel and Frisk out of the hug. “Heh, don’t let me interrupt. I’d rather watch a human hug a monster than stab ‘em. Right, old lady?”
Toriel fixed Sans with a pointed stare. “Indeed. Perhaps monsters could learn from Frisk, present company included.”
Sans chuckled as he gave a casual shrug. “Hey, who am I to complain about being in good company? How about we all catch a bite at Grillby’s while we wait for my bro to get back? I don’t think we need any sentries keeping watch when the human is right here with us.”
Doggo looked over at Toriel, trying to hide how eager he was for a break from all the strangeness. “The food here is good, Your Majesty. The royal guard can attest to that.” The other dogs in his squad made barks or nods of approval.
Toriel’s initial response was to agree but instead she paused. While it was true that Frisk was not a threat, the human child had insisted that there was another that was. And the fact that this other human had attacked the skeleton brothers was the entire reason the one before her showed so much hostility towards Frisk in the first place. It was a threat that she could not ignore, even if she had no physical evidence to support it. The old queen considered her options before she turned to Frisk. “...Perhaps we should order the evacuation instead, and not wait for this ‘Alphys’.”
Sans glanced at Frisk. “You talked to Alphys, huh?”
Frisk could see right through Sans’ casual question. “Though the cameras, but if she was watching at the time, I don’t think she listened when I asked her to evacuate the monsters.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it,” Sans said with a shrug. “I doubt someone like the royal scientist would be interested in taking orders from a random human anyway. Maybe all she needs is to get the order directly from royalty, like, say, the queen.”
Toriel was silent for several moments, before she gave a nod. “Perhaps that is precisely what I should do.”
“Great,” Sans said, his grin widening. “How about I show you the way to the lab while the dog squad here get some treats with the human. They could teach them how to play poker while you go save the underground from the human who wants everyone dead.”
Toriel’s mouth stretched into a thin line. “Thank you for your suggestion, but I believe I will keep the human child with me-”
A terrible scream cut off the queen, though it was a fair distance away. The familiarity of it hit Sans with a terrible sense of déjà vu that had him turn a glowing eye towards the child directly in front of him then in the opposite direction where Papyrus’ scream came from. He disappeared just as the others started moving.
Frisk didn’t hesitate to run, despite what happened the last time Papyrus screamed. Dread overflowed her rapidly beating heart as she reached the border of Snowdin and Waterfall. She expected the worst, a repeat of earlier, but it wasn’t Papyrus on the ground bleeding dust.
It was Undyne.
The heavy armor Undyne wore looked as though it had been thrown into a thresher while she was still wearing it, gashes mangled inward and twisting her limbs until she lay helpless on the ground, hissing through her sharp teeth. Her helmet was gone, crushed by her side and exposing her face covered in cuts, but her gaze wasn’t on her ruined armor or her own wounds. Her attacker stood only a few steps away, facing not her, but Papyrus.
“Chara!” Frisk shouted as she charged at the other human child, only to freeze in her tracks when she saw Chara held a knife, the knife right at Papyrus’ neck. This wasn’t the toy weapon from the ruins - no other knife had the same glow or blood red shadows that constantly rippled and danced across the surface of the blade.
Chara turned to face Frisk, a sadistic smirk spread across her face. At the sight of the other human, her smile grew impossibly wide, showing off her white teeth and glowing red eyes. There was something off about her, her body swaying slightly - jerking involuntarily in ways muscles didn’t move - even as the human child held her ground with her knife a breath away from the skeleton’s neck bone. However, before Frisk could even properly reflect on the unnatural twitching, Chara’s spoke, her words echoing as if it were a chorus of voices rather than her own.
“YoU aLWayS weRe So pREdicTAble, pARTner.”
“Hold it right there, human,” Sans said, startling Frisk. Frisk had been so focused on Undyne and Papyrus she failed to notice his presence. She noticed too how his eye glowed and his hand was extended towards Chara, but nothing was happening save for a bead of sweat forming on his brow. His magic grasped for Chara’s soul, but he could no more grasp it than take hold of the ocean.
In spite of the obvious strain on his face and the sweat beading his brow, Sans tried to sound casual, failing to hide his fear. “Hey, uh, I don’t know what you think you’re gonna accomplish by swinging that thing at my brother all the time, but I promise you, if you don’t put that knife away, you’re going to have a bad time.”
“S-Sans, wait,” Papyrus said, his voice shaking. “I’m sure we can simply talk with this human, just like we did with Frisk, and-”
Papyrus never got to finish his statement, as the knife sliced his neckbone neatly in half, causing his head to fall from his body as it went limp and burst into a cloud of dust. All the while, Chara fixed her gaze firmly on Frisk, her expression never wavering.
Sans’ eyes went dark as, for all his words, the fight left him completely.
“No!” Frisk shrieked as she watched in horror as Papyrus turned to dust.
“What is going on!?” Toriel demanded as she hurried to the scene, having lagged behind the others as the dog sentries followed her. “What is the meaning-” All at once, the wind was knocked out her as her eyes settling on the twisted human before her and recognition hit her harder than any attack. She stumbled to a stop, her expression going blank as her hands fell limply to her sides. “C… Chara?”
“P… Papyrus…!” Undyne gasped, her crushed armor making every breath labored. “Damn you…!”
“S-stand back, your majesty!” Doggo shouted as the guards moved between their queen and this newest threat, all drawing their weapons.
Chara didn’t acknowledge her mother at all, nor any of the other monsters. She kept her gaze firmly on Frisk, a haunting giggle escaping her. Even the humorous sound was distorted, more so than normal, but the feelings behind them were unmistakable.
“I-it’s fine!” Papyrus said even as his head too began to crumble away. “It’s fine, I-I am sure we can still-”
With a sick crunch, Chara stomped on Papyrus’ skull, which crumbled as dust coated her foot.
Frisk’s gaze fell to the dusty orange scarf fluttering in the breeze and the merciless heel grinding it into the snow. There was no question what she needed to do.
Frisk reset.
Before, in the void, Frisk would easily find her save file - a nice and neat font framed in a box hanging in the air. However, as the human child appeared in the blackness of the abyss this time, something was undeniably different. Instead of Chara’s sick representation of a videogame that Frisk had become so familiar with, she instead found nearly a dozen stars - the same golden stars that allowed her to save.
“What is this?” Frisk asked aloud, instinctively expecting to hear Chara respond with some sort of sarcastic or sadistic explanation. Only silence answered her, and even the abyss seemed to swallow her voice almost immediately.
A sickening sense of trepidation weighed down Frisk’s steps as she approached the nearest star. The game had changed and she had no choice but to play.
With determination in her heart, Frisk touched the star and the abyss fell away.
Frisk found herself back at the Ruins, standing before the small mound of ground she regarded as Flowey’s hill. It was disorienting to appear someplace that wasn’t one of her usual save points, particularly one that suggested that she was going to have to confront Flowey again. She fully expected him to pop up out of the ground any second now and taunt her for Papyrus’ death, but he never appeared.
His absence set Frisk on edge, but she couldn’t let it keep her still. As she stepped cautiously forward, her mind raced to figure out how to stop Chara and save everyone when something was amiss with her power to reset.
A single step was all Frisk took into the staircase entryway before she froze dead in her tracks. Upon the blood red pile of leaves was an all too familiar regal purple gown covered in dust.
“Boy howdy, ain’t that a shame?” a familiar voice chirped, seconds before Flowey appeared from beneath the ground to stand beside Frisk. “Getting cut down so ruthlessly like that…” He turned to grin at Frisk, even as the human didn’t look at him. “If only you hadn’t been standing around stupidly, you might have been able to save her.”
Frisk twitched at the cruel barb. Of course Flowey would show up to twist the knife; the only question was when his words would strike. It was pointless to ask him if he cared at all about Toriel’s murder. “Asriel-”
“Aw, you’re still trying to call for him?” Flowey asked as his face warped into a horrifying visage of teeth. “Hate to break it to you, but Asriel’s been dead for a long, long, long time.” In an instant his face turned cartoonishly adorable as he winked. “It’s just little ole me, Flowey.”
Frisk had to pause to take a deep, shuddering breath to calm herself, but her fingers still curled into fists. “Don’t you remember me at all?”
Flowey stared hard at Frisk for several moments before he tilted his head, sticking his tongue out. “Oh, sure I remember you! You’re the idiot who just let someone die~!”
Frisk closed her eyes so that she wouldn’t have to stare at that mocking face out of her peripheral vision. “Just what is it about being on the surface that takes away your memories when we come back?” she muttered more to herself than Flowey, as she knew any answer he gave her would coated in poisonous thorns with nothing of substance at its core.
Flowey barely got a chance to let out a syllable before Frisk turned to him, her brown eyes blazing with determination.
“Even if you forget me a million times, I’ll still save you every time, Asriel!” Frisk shouted. “Even if this cycle goes on forever, I’ll never stop fighting to bring us all to the surface again. I promise.”
Flowey hesitated, taken aback by Frisk’s words. He was quiet for a moment before he gave a derisive snort. “You’re such an idiot.” With that, he disappeared into the ground from whence he came, cutting off any opportunity Frisk had to reply.
Frisk stared at the empty ground covered in dust and leaves as a shuddering breath escaped her. She turned to Toriel’s gown, her gaze lingering on the dust covered gash, always in the same spot.
“I’m sorry, Mom,” Frisk said. For once she was able to say the words aloud after Toriel died instead of only thinking them in a torturous silence.
After wiping the dampness from her eyes, Frisk reset and returned to the abyss.
The next star Frisk touched created a cruel transition not unlike her battles with Omega Flowey. In one instant she stood in blackness and the next she found herself suspended by cold magic seizing her soul, staring down into Sans’ pitch black eye sockets in the snowy woods.
“That’s a weird expression you’ve got there,” Sans noted, his dark eyes scrutinizing the human scathingly. “You’ve got the face of someone who’s been through this before.”
Though initially disoriented, Frisk immediately realized where this reset loaded her and instinctively looked past Sans to see Papyrus sprawled out on the ground, alive, but not yet completely healed.
“N-nevermind that!” Frisk sputtered as she tried to get her bearings in spite of Sans’ dark expression. “I’m not the one who hurt Papyrus! Chara was, and if we don’t work together to defend each other, she’s going to kill him again!”
“‘Again’?” Sans repeated darkly. As deep as his anger was, the shift in the human’s attitude was enough to give him pause. She seemed sincere in her fear, but it was clear that the emotion wasn’t directed at him.
Frisk unsuccessfully suppressed a grimace at how suspicious one word could be, but forced herself to accept Sans’ anger towards her the same as choking down awful medicine. “The timeline keeps repeating because of a human called Chara. She wants to kill everyone, and she won’t stop until she does!”
“That a fact?” Sans said slowly as he assessed Frisk’s words and body language.
“YeS, THat iS a FAct.”
There was no chance for Sans or Frisk to react to the distorted voice beyond a flinch and a glowing eye when the knife streaked past Frisk’s face, carving a notch into her ear and cutting away strands of hair in its deadly path. However, it was clear she was never the target, as the blade buried itself to the hilt into Sans’ left eye socket, extinguishing the dual colored glow as the tip burst through the back of his skull with a spray of dust and bone shards.
Sans didn’t even have the chance to cry out, but Frisk saw a glimpse of his remaining eye carrying shock before he burst to dust. His magic died a second later, dropping Frisk roughly to the ground in a cloud of dust and heavy clothing.
“S-Sans?” Papyrus asked weakly, his disoriented mind grasping to understand what had just transpired. It took him a moment to register the sight before him, tiny fragments of his own brother’s corpse disappearing in the wind and snow, before shock and horror became clear on his face. “Sans-!?”
Another giggle escaped Chara, but her entertainment was not Papyrus’ shock and horror. The sight of Frisk covered in dust was what made her smile widen and twist into a wicked curve of white teeth.
Frisk coughed up the dust and felt like she was going to vomit from knowing what she had breathed in. She sat up, trying to get away from the dust that stuck to her with the melting snow as a black pit of hatred bubbled up inside of her. “Stop it. Just stop it, Chara! You’ve already killed everyone hundreds of times! Thousands! What more do you want?!”
Chara didn’t respond verbally, instead holding Frisk’s gaze as she moved her arm about to point the knife at Papyrus, even as the injured skeleton struggled to get to his feet.
That gesture said it all; Frisk reset before Chara could have the pleasure of murdering Papyrus once again.
Chara’s smirking face disappeared into the darkness as Frisk returned to the abyss, where the twinkling stars awaited her.
Again and again and again Frisk used different stars to load another save, but it all led to death. Doggo was sliced across the eyes as they arrived at his station. Lesser Dog was decapitated while Frisk had her hand on his head. Dogamy and Dogressa’s entrance repeated twice for Chara to kill one then the other with stabs to the chest and back respectively so that each of them could see their lover die. Even Greater Dog had the knife driven into his head before his initial emergence from his hiding spot in the snow.
Each moment was like a stab in to Frisk’s own heart, inflicting an injury that followed her through each reset. It made her dread each one, knowing what was about to happen even as she desperately fought against it. So when the scenery once again changed to the familiar field of flowers where she had first fallen, she instantly leapt to her feet and rushed forward into the darkened cavern to reach Toriel before she had to watch her mother die again.
Frisk found herself immediately greeted by the familiar scene of Flowey on his hill, waiting for her as he always did after every full reset that brought her back to the very beginning.
“Howdy!” Flowey said, with great - and completely false - cheer. “I’m Flowey! Flowey the Flower-”
“Asriel!” Frisk shouted, skidding to a halt just short of the homicidal flower. “Stop it! You don’t have to keep watching people die to feel anything! You don’t have to hurt anyone anymore!”
A slash of the knife ended Flowey’s mockery, carving a jagged cut between his eyes. His entire body twitched, sounds of confusion eeking from his mouth as he belatedly registered the pain, before a cruel heel slammed into the divide, roughly tearing the flower in half through sheer blunt force.
Chara ground her heel into the remnants of Flowey seconds before he burst into dust, her eyes still focused exclusively on Frisk. Her twisted smirk taunted her ‘partner’ as her eyes reflected not only amusement in its crimson surface but defiance - daring Frisk to stop her.
Anger and frustration bubbled over inside of Frisk and she barely managed the willpower needed to fight the urge to lunge at Chara and throttle the demon, screaming and crying. She knew all too well that violence was not the answer.
Unfortunately, when it came to Chara, neither was mercy.
“I’m going to stop you, Chara,” Frisk promised with roughly hewn words ground out between clenched teeth.
Chara’s only response was a giggle, her lips curling up in a sneer.
There was nothing more for Frisk to say before she reset once more.
As the world came into focus, Frisk found herself in the chilly yet familiar surroundings of Snowdin. The disorientation lasted only a second before she realized that Toriel was standing beside her, holding her hand tightly as she glared at the shrugging skeleton in front of them.
“Eh, don’t worry about it,” Sans said. “I doubt someone like the royal scientist would be interested in taking orders from a random human anyway. Maybe all she needs is to get the order directly from royalty, like, say, the queen.”
Toriel’s expression remained just as hard as the last time as she met Sans’ casual barb with suspicious disapproval before she gave a nod. “Perhaps that is precisely what I should do.”
Frisk jerked as she immediately recognized the scenario, and realized what was about to happen next.
“Great,” Sans said, seemingly unperturbed by his queen’s disapproval as his grin widened. “How about I show you-”
Frisk took off, releasing Toriel’s hand. She heard her mother call after her, and glimpsed at Sans’ startled face when she ran past him, but she only shouted. “Chara’s after Papyrus and Undyne!”
There was no time for further explanation. Frisk tore through the town, jumping over presents in the square and dodging past monsters milling about as they stared after in confusion. Only her instincts brought her to a halt once she reached outside of town when a blur of motion and the familiar sound of something sharp cutting through air was the only warning she got before a spear of magic landed in front of her. She barely had a moment to focus on the weapon as she skidded a few extra inches across the snowy ground before she was forced to dodge an entire volley of magical spears.
The black armored profile of Undyne immediately greeted Frisk, her red ponytail sticking out the back like a tassel as she held another spear at the ready, crouched and obviously hostile. She didn’t have to do more than point as her magic created countless jutting spears beneath the human’s surprisingly nimble feet.
“Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait!” came Papyrus’ panicked cries, drawing attention to him as he waved his hands. “There’s been a mistaaaake! That’s the good human!”
Although Frisk was relieved that Undyne wasn’t injured and Papyrus wasn’t dying, she couldn’t give it more than a passing thought before she was forced to jump and run from the magic erupting from the ground and trying to skewer her.
Through the frightening visage of her helmet, Undyne’s voice came with a metallic echo that made her sound grave. “There’s no such thing as a good human, Papyrus. Go home and let me take care of this.”
It was Undyne’s turn to be blindsided this time. A burst of fire flew right by Frisk with deadly accuracy before slamming into the fish woman. It was not the tame sort that Toriel had used against Frisk, but a roaring inferno that promised only pain as it began to melt the armor.
Toriel stood beside Frisk in an instant as the human panted for breath, the boss monster’s fist clenched as it was engulfed in flames. Her eyes seemed to blaze as well as they glared down at the downed Undyne. “You will take care of nothing.”
Undyne let out a groan as her now warped helmet fell off, but she recovered quickly with sharp teeth curving into an almost manic smile. “Oh hell, yeah! And here I thought this fight would be be bor…” She paused as she took another look at Toriel. “Wait, you’re not a human.” Confusion immediately switched to anger as she jumped to her feet. “What’re you doing!? Go home! Don’t you know there’s a couple of dangerous humans running around!?”
Toriel gave a sweeping gesture of her hand, and a burst of fire surged out around her and Frisk. The snow immediately melted, turning into steam, as a ring of fire danced in an obvious threat. “The only dangerous one I see is you.”
Frisk attempted to step forward to get between Toriel and Undyne in case the captain of the guard decided to attack anyway, but the flames provided a barrier that was impossible for her to cross.
The unpleasant heat from the flames made Undyne wary, but she would not give a single inch. She directed the point of her spear directly at Toriel’s face. “Look, I don’t know who you are and what you think you’re doing with that human, but you’re standing in the way of everyone’s hopes and dreams!”
“Waaaaait!” Papyrus shouted again as he hurried over to the armored leader of the Royal Knights. “Undyne, that’s the queen! You can’t fight the queen! That would be...” The skeleton man’s jaw dropped as he clasped his hands to either side of his face. “Very bad!”
“I don’t care if she’s King Asgore!” Undyne snapped. “No one is gonna stop me from…” She paused for a moment to shift her gaze from Papyrus to Toriel and back. “Wait, did you say the queen? The queen? The one who ran off to the ruins forever ago and never came back?”
Toriel’s eyes narrowed. “Who I am does not matter. I will not allow you - or that fool you call a king - to harm my child.”
Undyne outright gawked at Toriel. “Your child? That’s a human!”
“My child,” Toriel repeated, her tone as dangerous as a knife.
Undyne let out a frustrated grunt. “Okay, look, lost queen, adoptive mother, I don’t care! We need seven human souls to break the barrier!” She directed the point of her spear to Frisk. “And that human right there is the last one we need! I’m not about to let anyone get in the way of our freedom.”
“You ‘do not care’?” Toriel asked as she held her hand out towards Undyne, a warning of what was to come if she so much as sneezed in Frisk’s direction. “You ‘do not care’ that you are killing innocent children?”
Undyne let out a snort of laughter. “Right. ‘Innocent’. Like the ‘innocent’ child that nearly killed Papyrus?”
“A-ah, but… they didn’t!” Papyrus said as he raised his fist triumphantly. “As you can see, the great Papyrus is still very much alive, so that does not count!”
“Or ‘innocent’ like the humans that trapped us down here?” Undyne pressed, as though Papyrus hadn’t interrupted. “Or the humans that keep falling down here killing monsters until only King Asgore can put a stop to them?”
“The other humans killed monsters?” Frisk whispered, shocked. Admittedly, she tried not to think of what happened to the six souls who had fallen before her, but the fact that the other humans chose to kill was as surprising as it was completely, tragically heartbreaking.
Not everyone had the determination to refuse to kill anyone.
“You say that as if the humans were not attacked first,” Toriel retorted, with surprising venom in her voice. “You attack those terrified children, then blame them when they defend themselves! Had you not instigated violence from the start, there would have been no bloodshed!” She net out a snort. “But clearly, that does not matter to you. You simply intend to twist the situation in order to defend yourselves - defend Asgore - even as it turns the Royal knights into nothing but murderers... child killers.” She then clenched her hand, the flames flickering about it as they glowed white. “And I suppose the ‘irony’ that you are proving the human’s fear of us to be well founded would be lost on the likes of you.”
Undyne let out a derisive snort, her eye narrowing. “Heh. Figures the queen that ran away and hid for a century instead of standing up for her people would become a human-loving traitor! I’ll bet you armed the humans yourself hoping they’d kill King Asgore so you could take over, you coward!”
Things were spiraling out of control; Frisk she needed to diffuse it somehow, even if she knew that no mere words would ever convince Undyne to trust her. Only actions might prevent her friends from hurting each other and she could only think of one act that might make Undyne pause “H-hold it!” she shouted, raising her hands into the air, palms open. “We don’t need to fight. I’ll give myself up without a fight. You can take me as your prisoner to King Asgo-”
“You will do no such thing,” Toriel said as she moved in front of Frisk, without looking back at her. “I will not allow him - or anyone else - to kill yet another child! Let alone for such a foolish act of suicide!”
Frisk cringed at her failure even as she felt a swell of love for her mother’s fierce protectiveness of her.
“I never planned on taking prisoners anyway,” Undyne snarled as she held her spear in both hands, bouncing on her heels in anticipation of a fight. “Now go back to your hiding place! You heard the human - hand them over so I can bring their soul to King Asgore and finally break the barrier!”
“If you wish to fight, then so be it!” Toriel said, raising her voice as the fire intensified about her, further melting the snow and depriving Snowdin of its namesake as browned blades of grass and dirt appeared beneath the smoldering steam. The citizens who had dared to gather at the edge of town to gawk were quick to scamper from heat as suffocating as the mounting tension. Even the canine royal guard cowered far behind their furious queen, not daring to step between her and their leader. “Let us see how a bullying coward such as you fairs against a true opponent!”
Undyne laughed as she readied her spear. “Fine with me! I’m tired of talking anyway!”
Toriel narrowed her eyes. “As am I.” Without waiting for a response, she threw her hands up and sent another blast of fire at Undyne, blowing her backwards as the very ground itself turned to ash around her.
“This is bad, this is very bad!” Papyrus sputtered as he clasped both his hands over the top of his head. “What am I supposed to do?” He then whirled to his brother, desperate. “Sans! What am I supposed to do!?”
Sans didn’t reply or even seemed to be paying attention. His eyes were closed, his breathing even with his head bowed. At first, Papyrus assumed he was in deep contemplation, but a gentle snore dispelled the illusion.
Papyrus jerked before he grabbed his brother by the collar of the dirty blue hoodie to shake him violently. “Sans! How can you sleep at a time like this?!”
Sans opened an eye with a startled snort, but quickly recovered with an easy smile. “Sorry, bro. All this excitement just wore me out, I guess.”
“You… you lazy good for nothing!” Papyrus snapped before he released his brother and turned back to the fight. Even the other members of the royal guards cowered away from the fight, uncertain and a little afraid to choose between their captain and the queen. “I… it seems that I, the great Papyrus, will be left to… to deal with this situation myself!”
The skeleton’s pomp and posturing would have had more impact, if he hadn’t immediately cringed back with a yelp from a burst of fire as it detonated nearby - though thankfully not near enough to do more than send his scarf fluttering in the aftershock.
“You go, bro,” Sans said placidly. He knew Undyne would never hurt Papyrus and given what he knew of Toriel, the queen would never forgive herself for harming someone as sweet and innocent as Papyrus.
Sans knew he wouldn’t.
Wreathed by flames, Frisk could only watch helplessly as Toriel and Undyne threw magical attacks at one another. There was no turn-based system to slow either of them down now that the facade of a videogame was gone, and the rate of attacks were dizzying. Any spears that came her way or tried to come up from the ground were instantly burned away by fire before she could even dodge. Even as Toriel created a mesmerizing display of complicated dancing flames, she still managed a perfect protection of the human child everyone wanted dead.
It was all too clear to Frisk how much Toriel held back during every battle between them, and even Asgore’s patterns paled in comparison. Her mother showed unimaginable power and control, which had never been more apparent than when Toriel had tried to discourage Frisk from her quest. Despite the constant hail of flames, it was only when Chara usurped control during moments that Frisk dropped her guard and threw them both into the flames to die that she was ever in any true danger.
And often those moments were meant not to torment Frisk, but Toriel herself - to shatter her confidence in her self-control, and make her kill the child she tried so hard to protect. The flames didn’t hurt nearly so much as the look of pure shock and horror Toriel had worn each time she saw Frisk die by her magic.
While Undyne had, in previous resets, exiled the queen back to the ruins during her particularly gruesome failed runs, it was made all the more clear to Frisk that Toriel had gone willingly, without any sort of resistance. She had lacked the motivation - the determination - to keep fighting. But now, that those powers were in full force and aimed at Undyne with intent to save. Toriel was not holding back and fully in her element; she was not resigned or succumbing to nihilism. Her determination glistened in her eyes and the flames she summoned effortlessly with each gesture, focused wholeheartedly in protecting Frisk from the attacker before her.
Undyne may as well have been trying to stab the fire itself, for all the good it did her. Every spear she launched exploded upon collision with fireballs and though she used all her training with Asgore to prepare her for such patterns of attack, there were too many - a hell of flames coming at her on all sides that scorched her armor and skin, regardless of her strength and determination to fight.
Undyne tried to close the distance between them in an effort to physically assault the queen when it was clear distance attacks would fail, but the large boss monster was surprisingly quick to bring up a wall of flames, forcing Undyne to retreat before she ran headlong into it.
It became all the more clear that she was not fighting a monster, but a force of nature itself.
It was too much for Undyne and she knew it, but sheer stubborn pride kept her climbing back to her feet even as the heat seeped into her armor and turned it into an oven that baked her. Even as her back bowed from pain, body smoking, and her movements turned into a crawl, she refused to stay down. “I won’t… give up… on everyone’s dreams!”
A single ball of flame, less deadly than the others, smacked Undyne in the head like a newspaper swatting a dog that piddled on the carpet, and she fell backward.
Frisk felt her heart twist for Undyne, and she tugged on her mother’s robe. “Mom, that’s enough! Please. Undyne isn’t a bad person… I’ve made friends with her too… before time reset.”
Toriel paused at that, though her expression remained serious. However, even as she kept her deadly gaze on the fallen fish warrior, she lowered her hand to take Frisk’s in her own and give the child’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “Leave. Now.”
Undyne let out a hiss as she struggled in the heat as flames surrounded her with menacing promise. She couldn’t speak, but the murderous glare in her eye conveyed her feelings far better than any word could. It was only when the magical fire backed away enough for the air to cool around her that she could return to her feet, unsteady and weak. She shrugged off Papyrus when he offered a helping hand, but muttered a short word of thanks when he healed her wounds.
Toriel met Undyne’s glare with one of her own, neither wavering nor flinching. “And tell Asgore that I am coming for him.”
There were no further words exchanged, just the sound of metal clanking against scorched ground as Undyne turned and stiffly walked away.
Although her life had been spared, Frisk still felt a surge of fear as she watched Undyne leave. “Undyne!” she shouted, causing the captain to halt, but not turn around. “Be careful. There’s another human who is trying to kill monsters, so please warn everyone to take shelter and to not fight her - they won’t be able to beat her, and she won’t show them any mercy!”
A lone eye glared at Frisk from over Undyne’s shoulder, but only for a moment before the captain left. Although there were no words spoken, the look spoke volumes of a hatred of humankind that seeped deep into the underground from wrongs made centuries past, and a cry for justice and revenge that would not end with this defeat.
Toriel breathed heavily through her nose in a sigh. “I am sure she did not believe that you, in fact, are not the human to fear… but I suppose it does not matter. The results will still be the same.”
Frisk nodded ever so slightly as she watched the flames surrounding them wink out one by one. As long as everyone lived and reached the surface, the monsters could think whatever they wanted of her.
No matter the cost she paid in the end, Frisk would save everyone and stop Chara for good.
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