#my dude he was in green when he was in a cell on asgard
worstloki · 2 years
people fr are like "do you expect Loki to always be in armour? 🤨" and I'm here to answer that Yes! Yes I do! In fight situations, at the very least! Take a look at Thor! Take a look at Loki in Thor 1! Or either of them in Avengers 1! Or even - dare I say - Thor 2! Loki's got LOTS of outfits, switching pieces between them and across scenes, even. He goes through the most outfit changes, and they were all cool and detailed and suited to the situations! Even when not armour! So Yes! I either expect him to reflect such bombardment of clothing in the series as well (within bounds of what is reasonable) or armour when he's fighting. Or at the very least for him to be wearing some green.
#'why is it BROWN' 'omg you can't just ask why it's brown...' 'ok. why is he working with the timeline brainwashing genocide fascists?' 'um'#the Loki show#is the mcu for real like we're not going to put loki in his signature colours in a show with his name on it#what kind of clownery#my dude he was in green when he was in a cell on asgard#he got away from thanos in green - albeit hastily modified and a bit worn down - armour#bestie he didn't don a single horned helm in the entire season#my guy that is not loki if he cannot summon a new outfit even when the exact topic is broached in a conversation#my friends please consider that he has inexplicably not been able to get a single dagger of his own to himself in the show#his magic looks like goop and is used twice maybe three times in the series#he calls enchanting an amateur thing and then 3 episodes later needs to be taught by Sylvie and struggles#WHAT IS GOING ON#Thor 1 is shaking in Loki's custom made baby seal leather boots rn#L-Loki can't even do mag-- I can't say it 🤢#THOR has recently done more actual proper magic than Loki#my goodness the lad can't even fight well#what happened to his ridiculously accurate dagger aim and the whole mastery of magic and whatnot#AND THEN THEY ALSO WON'T LET HIM HAVE DECENT CLOTHES?#im losing it#are we sure this is Loki? as in LOKI Loki?#''do you expect Loki to always be in armour'' NO BUT IT WOULD BE NICE FOR HIM TO RESEMBLE THE CHARACTER#don't tell me it's Loki being out of his element he did that in Thor 1 Avengers 1 Thor 2 Thor 3 and Infinity War already#don't tell me they needed to strip him down to build him back up. Thor went through that in Thor 1 and it was respectful#it's not even that it's office wear that bothers me it's that it's BORING office it's unsuited to the character#his whole thing is breaking boxes what do you mean he's worn grey and brown the entire show#Wanda got a glow up and Sam got a glowup and Kate and Clint got new fits#man... Loki got a glow down#and that's saying a LOT since he started the series at the end of Avengers 1 after Thanos and getting beat by the Hulk/Avengers#if Loki being a good guy means everyone keeps calling him evil and he's gotta dress down and get beat up constantly... let him be a bad guy#he's literally got nothing to lose here but a shirt that will expose every blood vessel in his abdomen if attacked with 1 glass of water
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
So For Marvel Can I Request Loki x Healer/Tank Male Reader Where Loki Gets Imprisoned For Green Lad Crimes, This Huuuge Dude Walks Into The Cell, And While Loki's Trying To Skeddale Reader Picks Him Up Like A Couple Of Grapes And Plops Him Down Like "Listen, You Big Baby, You're Gonna Get Sepsis" And Starts Working On Healing Him.
I may have gone completely off track in certain areas, but I tried to stick as close to your request as possible haha. I just really enjoyed writing this, and ended up building a lot more backstory on it than planned. i hope you dont mind
Loyal to only you
Loki Laufeyson x male reader
Summary: The reader was Loki’s guard years ago, but left to Vanaheim to learn magic long before Loki fell off the rainbow bridge. Now he is back and sees the horrible state his prince is in, as the healers of Asgard seem to have neglected treating his wounds. The warrior decides to do something about it.
I’m very loosely basing Asgard politics off my own hcs, which you can read in my nine realms worldbuilding list. If you dont want to read the whole thing, Asgard sees magic as shameful and cowardly and a womens art. 
This is set after Loki is brought back to Asgard after he gets arrested for invading New York, so he is kinda out of it because of the mind control.
Requests open
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 Loki couldn’t really tell you how he went from New York to a cell under the castle in Asgard. His mind was quite a mess, having finally become his own after a long time of servitude to that big purple monster. He didn’t even have time to explain, not that he would have, but it was the thought that counted.
And so here he sat, on the floor in the cell his dear “brother” had placed him in. The look on Thor’s face had been pained as he put Loki there, but he had muttered something about it being his duty. Duty, that made Loki snort, as if Thor had ever truly done his duty when they grew up.
Growing up Thor would do whatever he pleased, say whatever, wear whatever, and never once was he scolded by their father, never once was he looked at with hate by their people. Unlike Loki, who just could never seem to be good enough for Odin, or the people of Asgard. Loki grew used to the scornful glares, and buried himself in his magic studies. Father could not hate him more than he already did, Loki thought, so why stop himself from doing the one thing he enjoyed.
But, Loki thought, it all made sense. Now that he knew his heritage. He was not even Odin’s son in the first place, just a political pawn the old goat had picked up and shaped into a perfect tool. You couldn’t convince the shamed prince of anything else. There was no way that someone like Odin had taken in a frost giant child out of the goodness of his heart.
Normally, one would be freezing down in the dungeons of Asgard, but it seemed Loki’s cursed heritage helped him in that. He felt no cold, but that did not make him feel any less sick. Instead of cold, he was hot, his mouth felt dry and his nose stuffy. It felt as if there were balls of cotton shoved into his ears and his head had been split open with a mallet. Of course, it almost had, when that big green giant had flung him around like a doll.
Loki once again huffed at the so-called hospitality of the Asgardian people. You’d think they would at least send a healer to make sure he wouldn’t die from internal bleeding, but no, they had simply dumped him here and couldn’t even seem to be bothered enough to send a guard down to watch him.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen, he thought. But had he really fallen? Never had he been accepted or glorified. Not even when it was his so-called shameful magic that had saved not only his life, but how brother and the idiots 3 and lady Sif.
The second prince of Asgard was so lost in his thoughts, and maybe slight delirium from the untreated and definitely infected wounds, that he didn’t notice someone enter the dungeon. He didn’t see their form on the other side of the see-through wall, and didn’t register the sound of the cell he was in being opened and entered, before it shut again.
It was only when the man stepped close to Loki, and his shape entered his vision that Loki realized. He scrambled away to the best of his ability, his legs giving out when he tried to get to his feet to run. And before he could start throwing curses, he was grabbed by the back of his threadbare shirt and hefted into the air, like a mother cat would lift its kittens when they were misbehaving.
The man placed Loki down on top of the bed, with maybe more force than needed, which the man didn’t seem to realize. Loki tried to protest, spinning all kinds of words and threats, even trying to bribe the man. Interestingly he didn’t seem to react to any of it. He would have gotten up and walked away, but the prince didn’t trust his legs not to collapse under him.
“Sit down, you big baby. You’re going to die from Sepsis or similar if you don’t let me treat you” the unknown man grunted. And so, Loki sat on the too clean bed, as the man placed what looked like a box of tools on the one table.
As he dug around the box, Loki looked the man over. He physique seemed to almost match Thor, if the man wasn’t slightly taller and muscular. Like he was used to swinging large heavy weapons around, or throwing boulders at the enemy. He seemed slightly familiar, his appearance seemed to tickle at the edge of his consciousness, but his sorry state made it hard to keep up with the thoughts.
It was when he saw the green piece of fabric seemingly stitched into the man’s belt, that it clicked. This man was the only warrior of Asgard who willingly took the post as Loki’s guard. He hadn’t seen the man in a very long time, as Odin sent him off to Vanaheim years before Loki fell into the grasp of the mad titan.
The green fabric was something warriors would do to show their loyalty. All warriors had gold of Odin, and red of Thor, and few begrudgingly added the green of Loki. But this warrior only wore green, Loki’s green. What was his name again? Loki pondered. He had not seen much of the warrior, even after he swore his loyalty to the second prince. But that was mostly because of Loki himself, sending the man away and sending him on useless duties so he would not have to be bothered by anyone.
(Y/N). it suddenly appeared in Loki’s mind. That was his name. (Y/N) (L/N). A commoner who battled his way into the royal knights, fighting tooth and nail and used every method possible to gain his place. Normally a commoner could not become the guard of a member of the royal family, but no one seemed willing to take (Y/N)s place by Loki’s side.
As the princes’ thoughts wandered, (Y/N) had found what he needed and turned back around. His brows furrowed at the visible sickness on the prince. Internally he cursed Odin, he cursed Thor, and he cursed Asgard itself. The warrior had always liked prince Loki more, as he didn’t shame for one’s abilities or social status, he did what he pleased and that appealed to the man.
It was because of Loki that (Y/N) had gained quite the silver tongue himself, and had negotiated a transfer to Vanaheim. He claimed it was so he could learn their ways of battle to protect Prince Loki, and he had, just not the skill of the blade. He had been taught magic from the elders. It was mainly Healing magic he had picked up, as he seemed to have little affinity to anything else. He could do some elemental magic as well, but none as strong as his healing.
(Y/N) sighed softly to himself as he stepped closer to his Prince, and got to work. He patched up what he could with the tools and first-aid items. He knew he could be kicked to the curb for using magic, so he wanted to use as little as possible. He couldn’t let his prince lay there, half towards infection and a body that seemed to debate giving out, so he swallowed to himself and called upon his magic.
Using the magic he seemed so unconsciously skilled at, he healed his princes diseases. He left the outer damage alone, as he knew some would notice if it was patched up. It seemed to work, as clarity entered Loki’s eyes, as the sluggishness left his body, and his head stopped hurting.
It was silent for a while, as (Y/N) quickly got to his feet and placed the items back where they needed to go. It was during this silence that Loki noticed the left-over magic in his system that was not his own. At first, he feared Thanos was back, but the magic was not the mad titan, no, it was the tall warrior who could seem to look back at him.
“(Y/N)” Loki said, the sound of his voice filling the silence which seemed to surprise the warrior. He seemed to hesitate, but looked back towards his prince. “You can use magic”. It wasn’t a question, but a statement. Loki couldn’t seem to comprehend another Asgardian man using magic, when it was so looked down upon, seen as so cowardly.
“… Yes, my lord. It is why I left for Vanaheim. I wished to become a better guard for you. And it seemed like you needed it as no one else seemed willing you heal you” (Y/N) muttered, his voice steeling at the mention of other as he cursed at them internally.
“Hm… interesting. And here I thought you left because you did not like me. But please” Loki motioned towards the one chair in the cell. “Sit. Tell me about your travels, there is little else to do, and if your dead-set on staying here then you might as well”.
(Y/N) was silent, but sat down, turning the chair to face his prince. The only of the royal family who hadn’t seemed displeased at a commoner like himself being the rank he was. Who wouldn’t judge him for his non-masculine magic. The one who seemed to actually be interested in his tale. Of course, he only knew this as he had worked with Loki for many years, silently observing the prince who would never even look in his direction. He knew when he was interested, and when he was not.
And so, with little hesitancy, (Y/N) opened his mouth and told his prince his tales of Vanaheim.
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Trying To Balance With A Part Of Yourself Missing
Summary: Thor bargains with Odin on Loki's sentence, and he wins. Loki is moved with the Avengers to fix his past mistakes. But Odin's term changes everything, and Loki's foe is not their mistakes, but their self-image.
Warnings: each chapter has individual, the work in general is pretty dark
Notes: When a dialogue of Loki is in bold, he is speaking English. And when a line is in italics without a dialogue, it's an intrusive thought.
Chapter 5: The Doctor
Chapter summary: Banner takes Loki for the tests.
Warnings: Language, gender dysphoria, gender dysmorphia, internalized racism, intrusive thoughts, needles, blood, medical themes, mentions of child neglect [not on screen], mentions of self harm [not on screen]
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This time, Friday wakes them up, reminding them of the appointment with Banner. Loki groans and drags himself out of the bed and into the bathroom, it's better to get rid of that smell, at least for as long as it can hold.
At least Loki doesn't have to look at their body as they wash themselves, an advantage of blindness they didn't think of until now. Still, being forced to touch all the time is unpleasant and uncomfortable to no end. And trying to wash his hair without scratching his hands on the horns or his claws scratching his scalp is a task unimaginably difficult.
Loki now understands why Jötnar run around naked, wearing a shirt with these horns is almost impossible. But, they must hide the chest plate, at least from everyone but Thor. And Banner, after the examination. And, shit, he probably has to take breakfast with them…
They sigh and glance at the mirror, only to make sure they don't look so much for a mess. His appearance is acceptable, so he takes the now charged earpiece and walks away, wearing it as Friday starts instructing.
A hand touches their shoulder, making them flinch away. Thor, the owner of the hand, mutters something, probably an apology, but he can't hear it thanks to Friday. They take a breath out and smile at Thor, muttering a good morning. Thankfully, Friday stops talking.
"How are you feeling? You look…" Thor trails off, trying to appear as polite as possible.
"F-f-feverish? It's fi-fine, just-just a b-bad day," he brushes off, suddenly glad that he doesn't need Friday's translations.
"But, you're ill," Thor argues, making Loki sigh.
"I'm not-not, it's a bad d-day," they answer.
"Loki, you can't fool me. You're unwell, why don't you admit it?" he groans. Truth be told, Loki rarely admits any weakness with ease. As long as one can walk, there's no need for whining, Odin had said countless times and Loki never stopped obeying.
"I d-d-do. It's a b-bad da-day," he speaks slowly and as clearly as possible.
"Loki, you're having a fever. It's not just a bad day, and you are allowed to admit that you're ill. Please," Thor begs, actually begs. If Loki wasn't so pissed off, they'd be touched.
He pulls Thor closer, mostly to maintain some secrecy. "I am on m-m-my pe-pe-period," they hiss, watching as Thor's last brain cell comes to life.
"Oh… well, this explains the irritability of yours, brother. You know your patience always runs low these days," Thor nods, all matter-of-factly. Loki has to take deep breaths and remind themselves again and again that murder is a convicted crime, and they should not get locked up in a Midgardian prison. Or any prison, anytime soon.
Luckily, Thor remains silent after that. The only one who breaks the silence is Friday, reminding Loki that he can't eat before a blood test, or the results will not be accurate. Fine, they didn't really feel hungry anyway.
Perhaps, if you skip today's food entirely, you'll lose that disgusting bloating of yours. He tries hard to not grimace at the thought. No, they have to remind themselves, it will leave after a few days, it always does. Just do the damn tests and then eat, it's not that hard.
When they reach the kitchen, Loki can feel eyes on him and a mix of confusion and irritation in the air. Alright, just stay quiet and it will pass.
Wanda mutters a good morning, her magic swirling around her like some form of shield or blanket. Loki repeats the wish, forcing a smile. They don’t know which is worse, the jealousy building up or the guilt over the last time they listened to that feeling.
Thor helps him find a chair in the bright chaos, and even pulls it. For fucks sake, they're not unable to sit on a fucking chair! He tries to prove it by being the one who adjusts it on the table.
"Morning, dude. How're you feeling?" a man asks, Wilson. Just by his voice, he sounds kind, less judgemental.
"Fine, thank you for asking," they answer, plastering another fake smile (one of the best skills being a prince has given them).
Still, Wanda is seeing through it and attempts to find out, by using a simple mind invading spell. One that makes the base of Loki's skull feel ablaze. As loud as he can, he thinks of the word stop, making Wanda pause and retreat, her curiosity replaced with shame.
Then, a conversation occurs. Loki doesn't want to take part, but the combination of the voices and Friday's translations is overwhelming, making his head pound. Friday catches the message and stops translating, but the voices are still too fucking loud. Loki sighs and decides to just take a sip of water, and see if it'll help, but it turns to ice before it touches their lips. But fuck, he's thirsty and in pain.
A hand touches their shoulder, and they jump up, turning around to see a short person dressed in purple. "Are you ready for the tests?" He asks, Banner. Loki nods and gets up, pardoning himself before walking away.
"Are you okay?" he asks, making Loki groan.
"Wh-wh-wh-why does e-e-everyone ask me-me if I'm okay? I'm f-f-fine!" they snap, stopping only after feeling Banner freeze.
"I asked because you looked like you were about to start crying over there. No offence, they can be loud sometimes, but you didn't seem like you were taking it well," he answers, half expecting his skull to be crushed. But Loki is just ashamed he didn't hide the pain better.
"N-n-n-none t-taken. Noise is not exactly we-we-we-welcome, and I used to to-to-tone it down w-w-with spells. Now, I c-c-c-can't," they explain, just beginning to collect themselves.
"You know, you can ask Friday to deafen, if you use the earpieces. It helps," he suggests. Loki nods, happy with the silence that they fall into. At least Banner doesn't feel like he has to talk all the time, even though he's nervous. He's still afraid of him, even though it's not necessary any more.
The lab is a fucking bright room, Loki has to cover their eyes and let Banner navigate them, after lowering the lights.
During the examination, Loki comes to realize that Asgard and Midgard are opposite when it comes to healing. First, Banner promises secrecy, any information stays private until Loki asks for a leak, or in a life or death situation. And then, he just asks about everything and listens to the answer. No doubt, no comments and no painful examinations with leeches or smelly potions that make people’s skin pink. Well, the examination on light sensitivity was painful, and Loki swears to piss on the grave of whoever thought a flashlight in the eyes is a good idea, but the rest were fine.
When he was young, Odin would not easily believe Loki, no matter what. The times when they were forced in hunts that were leaving them in the healing wing for weeks or feasts until they faint on their plate due to fever are uncountable. The show would usually begin with Loki faking the illness because he’s lazy, come to its climax when Loki would be deemed delicate and weak while being tossed in the healing wing and the parade of hypocrisy would end after Loki returns to his chamber only to be forgotten there. Loki learned two lessons from this. One, if they can stand up, they're not ill, and they shouldn't bother other people with whining. And two, if he's truly ill, it's wiser to deal with it on his own than let others draw conclusions.
The change feels so odd, yet it’s so welcome.
Until the time for the blood test.
"Just follow my instructions, I'll make it as painless as I can," he promises, and then instructs Loki to lift their sleeve and show the armpit, the non-dominant one. Loki doesn't show his nervousness, and tries to appear as cold as possible when he reveals the hand, and everything he's done to it. Banner doesn't comment and doesn't show pity, but his skin grows just green enough for Loki's eyes to notice.
The other instructions were easy. Clench the fist, breathe in, breathe out and relax the hand. Banner is surprised to say the least when he sees the tube filling with blue liquid instead of red, but doesn't comment.
Do you think he could bleed you dry and be done with this shit show? Loki hitches a breath and clinches their stomach, stopping when the sound of something breaking and a hot pain blooms in their arm. Did he freeze the tube and break the needle?
Banner fetches something from a table and grabs Loki's hand, muttering something about getting the needle out. Loki hisses from the pain, and manages to freeze Banner's glove, but he still covers their hand with gauzes. The white starts turning blue and freezing in some parts, Banner is about to do something about it but Loki hums a no.
"Do you want to try again?" he asks, Loki could feel how he was expecting a negative answer. But he nods a yes and covers his right hand, so he’ll uncover the left one and clench. This time, they don't dare looking at the needle and mentally play some random songs for a distraction. Banner tells him to clench again, and then gives him some cotton to press in the hole before he vanishes behind some machine.
"What were you humming?" Banner asks, making Loki's face go ablaze.
"I… em… a song," they mutter, and mentally berate themselves for the lack of words. Banner laughs, but not out of malice. And he hands over a paper box and a bag. Loki stares at him and tilts his head, but Banner tries to brush it off as "something that's always done when someone gets a blood test". As if Loki is also a fool, apart from blind.
They're about to get dismissed and leave when Friday tell them via the earpiece that Banner will ask questions when he sees the test results. Loki sighs, it's better to be the one who tells him, right?
"Ba-banner, about th-th-the te-te-te-test, y-you may so-see some… abnormalities in th-th-the tests. It's n-normal, yet-yet-yet uncomfortable," they trail off, feeling confusion on Banner's side instead of clarity.
"Would you mind being more specific? I need to know what to ignore,"
"Hormonal, m-mostly… on, em…" he groans in frustration, feeling like an absolute fool, "on me-me-menstruation hormones… and y-y-yes, I kn-know wh-what it implies. B-but, d-don't tell anyone, only Th-th-th-thor knows," they get it out, waiting for a myriad of feeling emit from Banner. But he just makes a small oh sound and hands over another paper package.
"I guess you'll find them easier than tampons. If you finish them, just come to me. Don't try to steal Nat's, you'll be disappointed, and possibly earn a chinned tooth," he smiles, but Loki can sense the warmth from saying Romanov's name. Love, he concludes, what a complication when towards your co-worker, from what he's heard.
"W-w-w-we're done?" they raise an eyebrow and look down at Banner, glad he doesn't look afraid. Interesting, just enough inspection, and he isn't afraid any more. What a gullible scientist.
"Friday will find anything we missed, and she can help Tony make you some glasses, if you decide you want them, or inspect the brain damage from the other guy," he answers. Loki nods and is about to turn around, before thinking twice about the answer he got.
"W-w-wait, wh-wh-wh-what brain d-damage?" they blink. Apart from the nightmares, thoughts, flashbacks, headaches and general fuckery, his brain works perfectly. Well, perfectly might be an exaggeration, but the Hulk hasn’t done anything.
"You're telling me you walked around with a dead ear since the Attack and didn't notice?" Banner is now the one to raise an eyebrow.
"I w-w-was in so-so-solitary c-c-confinement until y-y-yesterday. Not much to h-h-h-hear," they explain. But… he should have heard Thor coming today in the corridor…
"Yeah, your left ear is dead, or the nerves getting messages from there to your brain. You can thank the other guy, and there's nothing to be done," he isn't exactly mild on announcing another damage on this throughout fucked up body, but it doesn't exactly matter. So, they just nod and go back to hiding under their sheets, but this time they make Friday play some music, just to cover up the silence.
Taglist: @lucywrites02 @electroma89 @the-emo-asgardian @rorybutnotgilmore @hybrid-in-progress @weirdfangirl2416 @darkacademicfrom2021 @nicoistrying
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rose7420 · 3 years
Best of Friends
Summary: Loki becomes curious about the whereabouts of a certain tiny Avenger reader. Lots of fluff and some angst
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I know I have requests to do but I had this idea and had to make it come to life, Enjoy my friends!
Loki walked into the kitchen of the Avengers Tower. The smooth white counter shone with impeccable cleanliness. He had been here for about two and a half weeks now and had barely spoken to anyone. He was very lonely but took no offense to the shunning of the superheroes. During his attack in 2012, he knew he had caused a lot of pain and loss. He had sat in his jail cell on Asgard contemplating his actions, regretting many of them. Finally, after two miserable years that held the loss of his mother, Odin had thought it a brilliant idea to come back to the very planet he had nearly destroyed and ask that he live with the very people he had fought violently against.
He reached the cabinet that held snacks of various sorts, ones he usually stuck his nose up to, and opened it to find disappointment once again. All junk. Releasing a deep aggravated breath he went to the refrigerator. Cold air grazed his face as he opened the door and found nothing there either. He turned to the counter and searched for the basket of fruit that usually was placed there. Holding red apples, bananas, and oranges the colors made an ugly mix. He reached for an apple and shined it on his shirt. Taking a bite out of it then swallowing, he relished the feeling of having food in his stomach. Those awful times he spent in the cell, the guards would often forget to give him his meals, he winces at the awful memory of a truly empty stomach.
His attention is drawn down to a small object near the bowl. He plucks it up and inspects it to realize it is a minuscule black boot. His inspection is halted from the sound of footsteps belonging to the Black Widow who enters the kitchen, most likely for another cup of coffee. She nods her head in greeting and continues her process of making the warm drink. Although distant to him, Natasha holds no menace in her gaze when she looks upon him almost as if she understood the predicament he was in while terrorizing New York. She takes a sip of her freshly brewed coffee and turns around to look at him when she notices the tiny object pinched in his fingertips.
“That’s Y/N’s.” She says motioning with her head towards the tiny boot as if finding a tiny shoe is a normal occurrence.
Loki is astonished that someone could even wear this boot, it wouldn't be able to even slide onto his pinky finger.
“Who is this Y/N?” He asks curiously.
“She’s like us, goes on missions, fights the bad guys but just in a more secretive way. Maybe she’ll come out for you to see her one day, doesn't like the attention from us big guys much often.” Natasha says taking another sip.
“What do you mean by “big guys” agent?”He asks although he thinks he knows the answer already.
“You’ll find out soon enough. Just leave the boot on the counter she’ll come back for it. Don’t bother keeping watch for her to come to get it, she’ll find a way to get past your sights.” She says walking out the door holding her cup. Loki is astonished to know that there is a tiny person living here with him, and he hadn’t even known. Not to mention that she goes on missions. He aches to find out more about this tiny being, but he will heed Natasha’s advice and not go searching for her. Something tells him that this little person is skilled enough to evade even the Trickster’s awareness.
True to Natasha’s word: The little boot was gone by the next morning
Two days later, Loki sits at a table in the grand library of Tony Stark’s. Books cover the walls and reach up to the tall ceiling. Before Loki had started occupying this space he had figured no one had used this library in years from the heavy coat of dust that had lied on every inch of the room. What a shame to waste such knowledge. Books were splayed out in front of Loki of all he could find on “tiny people”. He had read over the term "borrower" and "fairy" many times already. Perhaps this tiny being had been a borrower and gotten caught. His curiosity was practically burning holes in him. A faint huff and oomph draw his attention, his gaze leaving the printed paper. His emerald eyes go wide when a positively tiny person drags themselves upon the surface of the wooden table. They appear to stand at only a grand two and a half inches tall carrying a piece of paper fit to their size along with a pen.
“Whatcha starin’ at big boy?” The tiny girl asks Loki fearlessly.
Loki snaps his jaw up to close his wide-open mouth. He, for the first time in a while, is at a loss for words.
“You’re a talkative one, eh?” Heavens be, this little being is full of sass.
“My apologies, my name is Loki. I presume you to be Y/N?” Loki finally says.
“You would be correct Loki. So you like to read. Huh?” Y/N walks up to the books splayed open and smiles widely at the title, “All You Need to Know About Borrowers”
“Little people, yeah? Well, I hate to break it to ya, but I ain’t no borrower or fairy. Wasn’t born like this if that helps any at all.” Loki blushes when she reads the title but listens intently to what she’s saying. She wasn’t born like this, as she shrunk? He wisely chooses not to ask her that question.
“May I ask why you are here?” Loki says, inquisitive to how could she attempt to read these books that are five times her size.
Y/N holds up the little slip of paper she carries and shows it to him.
“Stark takes the books I want and shrinks them down to my size so they’re a bit more manageable. Ain’t much to do for a gal like me other than to read and eat.” She says with a hint of humor in her voice. She doesn’t seem affected by her situation; embracing it rather than hating it. An idea pops into Loki’s head.
“Perhaps I could shrink it for you? Less hassle than having to wait for Stark.” Loki offers.
“That's right you’re that wizard dude, gotta lot of magic tricks huh?”
Loki laughs and he watches her eyes lit up with excitement as she hands the paper to him after scribbling another title onto it.
“Are you sure you can read my writing? It’s awfully small for your eyes.” And indeed the print is. The paper slip barely covers the pad of his fingertip.
“No worries about that,” Loki reassures her. He grows the paper to his size and goes to retrieve the books written down. He sets them down lightly on the table, watching as Y/N stumbles from the heavy load of them all. He apologizes but she waves him off.
“Are these the right ones?” He asks to make sure.
She strides towards the novels and looks them over from the spines that show, and nods with affirmation. He shrinks them to her size, watching as she bends down to gather them in her arms. They cause significant distress in her tiny arms so he offers his assistance.
He watches her pause with concern. After a few moments, she accepts and places the now-tiny books into the palm of his hand, watching as they slide towards the natural dip his palm creates.
“Would you like me to carry you?” He asks imagining the trip to be longer for her than it is for himself.
“O-oh n-no! I’ll be fine, if you don’t mind you could just follow me?” Her voice is high-pitched with obvious anxiety. He agrees and assures her there is no problem, watching her movements with fascination when she scales down the table leg.
The trip to her room is long, one step of his equalling ten of hers. Not to mention his trepidation of stepping too close, and accidentally hurting her. He also notices how every footstep of his causes her to stumble minutely. After about twenty minutes they arrive at her door. Which is normal-sized and puzzles him until he notices the tiny door situated in the middle. She steps in through her door then calls out to him that he can come in. He does so opening the normal-sized door and steps into her room. He searches for her form, whipping his head around at the non-furnished room until he comes across a dollhouse that sits on the floor. She walks across the floor and motions for him to come nearer.
“Could you uh, put the house on the desk? So it’s easier for you to see.”
He nods and sets the books he has in his hands down on the table. Standing what feels like a hundred feet over a dollhouse no bigger than a medium-sized box he truly feels like a giant. He picks the house up and sets it up on the desk. Ready to offer a hand for Y/N on the floor, he is surprised to not see her there anymore. Instead, he hears a voice call his name from the desk.
“Thank ya for helping me out, I really appreciate the books!” She says.
Noticing the awe on his face from the miniaturized objects she explains: “Stark shrinks everything for me, that’s how I get by. Got everything I need in here so I never gotta come out unless I need more groceries.”
Loki assumed that a life like that could get very lonely, but he said nothing as he had before. He only kneeled to be level with her carrying on a conversation that actually held his interest.
Soon after that day Y/N and Loki started hanging around each other much more often. Finding themselves in the library together, watching a movie of the book they had both read, or simply eating together. Her small stature proved to be no hindrance in their friendship, other than Y/N purposely avoiding his hands. One night as they sat down in Loki’s room (since Loki couldn't fit in Y/N’s) ready to watch a movie on the television that Y/N had practically begged Loki to put in his quarters. She sat on the arm of the deep green couch he had placed in his room, looking a tad uncomfy. She munched on a shrunken-down bag of Goldfish. Earlier, while in the kitchen she had dragged the towering bag towards him with pleading eyes. She perched on the cushion every time they watched films together but this time she looked lonesome there all by herself. With gentleness in his voice, he asked Y/N casually if she would like to sit upon his shoulder.
Y/N’s posture became rigid. But surprisingly she agreed. He figured she would start scaling his shoulder but she waited as if expecting something.
His hand.
He realized it when her eyes flickered towards the one closest to her so he obliged. Slowly as if approaching a scared kitten his hand unfolded to display flattened fingers that she could step easily onto. She stood up slowly and neared his index finger. Her impossibly tiny hand on his digit made him twitch minutely. He cursed himself inwardly for such actions that he could not control. She sat in the dip of his palm weighing nothing more than a feather, and his breath caught in his throat at her fragility. He lifted his hand slowly to his right shoulder and waited patiently for her to dismount onto the broad platform. Tiny grunts of effort reached his ear as she situated herself nearer to his neck, her movements raising goosebumps on his skin. The small noises stopped as she finally found a comfortable spot.
“Are you comfortable?” Loki asked, making sure to keep his voice low.
“Y-yeah, I’ve never been on a shoulder before. You’re really warm.” Her voice was very clear and easy to hear when she was right next to his ear. Perhaps he should do this more often. Loki smiled at her comment, happy to provide comfort for his tiny friend.
Y/N and Loki had criticized the characters and plot the whole way through the film. Well maybe halfway for Y/N as she had fallen asleep upon his shoulder. Little breaths and snores escaped her mouth bringing a smile to Loki’s lips. Gently he brought her down from his shoulder into his cupped palms, trying to not wake her. Her little frame was dwarfed by the immensity of his hands. Despite the big-boss attitude she brought he was reminded of her delicateness. He walked to her room with a careful gait and came upon her house. There was no way his entire hand could fit through the door, and he wasn’t going to leave her there on the floor. So he turned around and headed to his own room once again.
Perhaps on a pillow, she would be comfortable, but he worried she’d become cold as she had mentioned before how sensitive she was to the elements. Out of pure instinct because it was a rather warm and soft place he placed her upon his chest. As he did so he realized how much his breathing could affect her and immediately tried to restrict his chest from rising and falling. That caused his heart to beat even harder and faster thumping rapidly under Y/N’s body causing her to slightly move. Eventually, he found a normal rhythm in both patterns of his normal body functions and drifted to sleep.
Y/N awoke to an unfamiliar but comforting rocking and thumping sensation. Blinking her eyes open tiredly she looked at the undulating expanse of black cotton fabric that surrounded her. Her gaze snapped up to Loki’s face. He slept soundly, not disturbed by her awakening. The puffs of air from the exhale he released faintly blew her face. How did he not have morning breath? She wondered how she had gotten up here on his chest, or even in his bed. She remembered falling asleep on his shoulder but couldn't he have woken her or set her in her bed in her house? Then she realized: His hand was probably too big and Loki cared much for her sleeping schedule, and he would feel guilty if he had awoken her from slumber. Loki soon awoke and greeted Y/N with a sleepy smile. He said nothing about the sleeping situation. In the nights to come, Y/N would find her bed less comfortable than Loki’s chest, his hand atop her warmer than her fluffiest blanket. An odd comfort, yet, soothing in its gentility and peacefulness.
Y/N had rarely been outside. With a grand height of two and a half inches, the world outside was a much more dangerous place than here in the tower. But with Loki, perhaps she could change that…
“Hey Loki,” Y/N climbs onto the book he currently reads, leaving little footprints of dust behind from her dirty boots. Loki notices this and pinches her waist lifting her so he can close the book allowing her to stand on the cover.
“Yes, little Y/N?” Loki has taken a liking to the nickname and to his surprise, Y/N hasn’t commented on it either.
“Do ya think we could maybe go outside on a walk or something?” She asks with nerves in her voice, she doesn’t want her request to be rejected.
“I see no problem with that as long as you stay on my person the entire time. You can even sit on my shoulder, I’ll be able to cast an illusion to make you unseen to others’ eyes.”
Y/N beams and her mood is immediately uplifted, all anxiety gone.
“Oh my goodness yes! Let me go get my sunglasses and my sandals. Oh!” Y/N keeps naming off things as she sprints back to her room excitement in every step.
Loki laughs loudly at her rambling, a blush rising to his cheeks.
The sun warms Y/N’s body as she perches on Loki’s shoulder, true to his word, no one spies the two-inch girl. Loki’s gait rocks her with every step and she clings to his shirt collar for support. The sky is blue with a gentle breeze in the air cooling the warmness around them. Loki wears his black hair in a low bun; before they had walked outside he insisted on wearing it up, worried the dark strands would get in Y/N’s way. They enjoy each other’s company in a comfortable silence until Loki asks her if she likes ice cream. It had been a while since she had tasted the delicacy and sweetness of the cold treat. After her run-in with the whole shrinking episode, she had been on her own for quite a bit. Scavenging for food when it came, she was not picky in the slightest. Ice cream was a dessert she came by not too often.
“What is your favorite flavor?” She asks Loki before they walk into the small shop.
Loki ponders for a moment wetting his lips with a swipe of his tongue.
“I like vanilla.” He states, making Y/N turn towards him with astonishment.
“Vanilla! That’s like the plainest one yet! Come on, you gotta have a better one than that.” She exclaims.
Ignoring her disagreement with his choice, he asks: “What is your favorite?”
“Oh definitely, one hundred percent cotton candy.” She says without missing a beat.
“That’s terribly sweet don’t you think? I believe vanilla is the better choice here.”
“Hey! I like my choice very much, thank you!” She laughs lightly hitting his jaw, watching as his face lifts with a smile from their playful banter. The rest of the day played out nicely after they had both eaten their ice creams. Loki offered to shrink Y/N’s but she insisted she’d rather have more to eat. He had laughed a full belly laugh when she ended up falling into the mound of ice cream herself. He had used his magic to clean her up.
The next day Loki found out that Y/N and he were put on a mission together. Infiltrate an enemy base to get valuable information. Easy enough he thought. He was wrong. Turns out keeping an eye on a tiny person is harder than it sounds.
Halfway into the mission, Y/N’s voice went quiet on his headset. She had been tasked with exploring the vents for easier access to the archive room where the records they needed were kept. He had no way to physically reach her, because of his size. The best he could hope for was her voice to sound in his ear again through the headset. Anxiety pumped through him, his mind coming up with terrible scenarios that could’ve happened already. He tried to keep a clear head, focusing on the task at hand. He made it to a doorway held guard with two men carrying heavy guns. He simply illusioned himself as another soldier, using the keycard he had swiped off the soldier he was illusioned as of now. Making it into the security room he checked the cameras for any sign of Y/N. To his horror, he saw that they also had cameras in the air vents. Where Y/N had been previously.
He exited the room in a calm fashion while panicking immensely on the outside. Running his hands through his hair, he paced back and forth. He usually kept a clear head in stressful situations, but the thought of losing Y/N made him sick with worry and terror. That’s when he felt a weight hit his boot. He immediately looked down and saw Y/N’s panting, exhausted form sprawled out on the toe of his shoe. He knelt quickly scooping her up, bringing her to his eye level. She rolled over to meet his gaze.
“Are you alright, what happened? You worried me sick?” Loki blurted.
She held up a rectangular box showing it to Loki. The flash drive.
“Got it. But we gotta move, there are cameras in those vents, and I’m pretty positive they caught sight of a certain tiny person.”
Loki groaned with aggravation but was relieved to have his tiny friend back in his grasp.
He dropped Y/N into his pocket gently, he had asked that most of his clothes come with pockets from now on to hold Y/N safely with him.
“Remind me to never let you out of my sight again.” Loki jokes.
That night after hot showers and a good meal Loki and Y/N were ready to go to sleep. Y/N laid peacefully on Loki’s chest, rising with his every breath. Loki lay down with a hand over his eyes. But a certain nagging question still held his mind from sleep.
“Y/N, how did you get to be…” He can't finish the last word, worried he’ll bring up unwanted emotions and memories.
“How’d I get so small?” Y/N finishes for him.
“You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.” He reminds with a gentle fingertip rubbing circles onto her back.
“No, no...I need to tell someone. I’ve been keeping it under lock and key but I trust you Lokesters.”
He smiled at the new nickname she had given him watching as she turned towards him, sitting criss-cross. He propped his head with his hands to see her clearly.
“I didn’t have the best parents out there. They struggled with bills, because they were too worried about getting their drugs, So one night when I was ten years old they took me to a restaurant. We never went to restaurants, kind of a fancy thing for me you know? I was excited and had gotten my favorite blue dress on to go. I started to realize they had lied to me when we passed the restaurant and kept driving. They took me to a HYDRA base, but I didn't know that at the time, all because they wanted money. So they gave me up for experiments and left me for their high.”
Y/N took a deep breath to stop the tears from coming and continued.
“The scientists or whatever strapped me down to a table and stuck me with this needle. Well, I guess you know what happened and they kept me for three years in a cage with all types of different tests to measure my strengths. They were tortuous, so I had to escape and I did. But when I was about thirteen and a half I was able to sneak away. I lived in boxes on the streets, outside under rocks, trying to scavenge by. Even met a couple borrowers like you were reading bout’. They were awfully nice fellows but were barely getting by themselves so I couldn’t take off of them. But one day I was stealing or whatever you wanna call it and got caught by no other than Nick Fury himself. Told me he needed little guys like myself and offered me a place to stay, food to eat, and a job of my own. So I took it and here I am.”
Loki was astonished by the strength of this small girl, how she’d survived through such hardships and still had a good heart and kind soul. He hugged her closer to his chest, careful not to smother her.
“Well little one, you got me now and I'm not going anywhere.”
Y/N popped her head out from his grasp and eyed with scrutiny.
“Even for the Tesseract?” She asked.
Loki laughed and hugged her again, watching as she embraced him as well.
“Even for the Tesseract.”
Please reblog if you liked it! Lots of love ❤️
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char-manderr-blog · 5 years
Random Loki short stories no. 1/?
A/N: Yes, I love my music :,)
This is very much inspired by a random writer whose story and name I lost, if you know them you are an absolute hero and I will credit them
*after avengers 1*
“Yes so okay you’re telling me I have to babysit Loki?” I sit up straight in my chair, looking at Fury slightly concerned. “And you trust me with this?”
Fury sighs “The Avengers are all ready to slice his throat out, you’re the only superpowered individual I know that could just watch him without wanting to kill him.”
“I get what you’re saying I just don’t fully agree.”
“What if I got down on my knees and begged you in a child’s voice saying “pretty please”?” Fury now looked desperate.
“Hmm, I mean I would be surprised if you did.”
“Pretty please?” Fury didn’t beg, he just said it in a very sarcastic tone.
“Okay sure. I’ll watch him.” I groan, standing up quickly. I straighten my shirt and grab my bag. “As long as I can finish my homework.”
“Yes you can finish your homework.” Fury gestures Maria Hill to show me the way. I smiled at her friendly but she already hates me with a passion so she just rolled her eyes and started walking. It took many grey SHIELD halls before we reached the room, which was just as grey as all the other rooms. “Have fun.” Maria said before she closed the door behind me. There was a couch, a desk and a bed laid out across the room. “Great.” I muttered, looking at the individual behind the prison glass. He saw me get in, but right now he was probably trying hard not to stare and to seem uninterested, like I usually would when a new student came into my class. I plopped down on the chair behind the desk. There was a window, but the amount of light that it provided wasn’t much. I grabbed my schoolbooks and notebook. I might be a terrible person but I do care about my grades. I put my phone down beside me. I glanced at the guy quickly before grabbing my pen. His hair was a mess, he wasn’t wearing the usual black and green suit anymore, just the grey shirt and pants SHIELD always gives its prisoners. He was sitting on the bed which was the only furniture in the cell. His arms were leaning on his knees, staring at the wall in front of him. I sighed as I started my first chemistry question.
“No introduction?” I suddenly heard from the cell in front of me. Without looking at him I shaked my head.
“Nope.” I said.
From the corner of my eye I could see him shrug. I continued going through the questions quickly. As I finished the chemistry questions I moved on to the physics. I was bored and grabbed my phone, turning on some music. Since Fury had called me in such urgency I didn’t bring my headphones, so I guess Loki just had to put up with my music. I first put on Enter Sandman by Metallica to get me in the right mood. I hummed along subconsciously, not quite caring about Loki’s opinion.
“Is this the kind of music you Midgardians listen to?” Loki said with disgust.
“I can’t hear you because of the music!” I said even though I could hear him clearly, I just didn’t want to talk.
It’s like I could hear Loki’s eyeroll, that’s how obvious it was. I honestly could care less. I couldn’t focus on the homework anymore so I just decided to quit, leaning back in the chair crossing my feet over each other on top of the desk.
“So you’re the famous Loki of Asgard?” I asked him, tilting my head to the side.
“I am.” He simply responded.
“Sorry your little scheme failed, sucks to be you I guess.” I referred to the attack on New York. He didn’t respond. He just simply glared at me. “Sorry didn’t know you were gonna be mad.”
He sighed “You’re-”
“Beneath you I know, I’m just a mortal whose worth is nothing compared to yours.” It’s like I took the words out of his mouth, he just didn’t continue. “Listen dude I’m just here to make sure you don’t run off doing god knows what and that’s basically my entire job.”
“And you are going to stop me?” He said, emphasizing his disgust on ‘you’.
“Yup, pretty much.”
“And how are you going to manage that?”
“Well if I say how then you know how to stop me and Fury will be very mad if you do.”
“But can I at least get a name?” Loki changed subject quickly.
“Well, Alexandra, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He says extremely sarcastic. I didn’t know anyone could have that much sarcasm.
“Yeah you too.” I respond with just as much sarcasm.
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The Hitchhiker
This was done for @starksmile 5k celebration. It took me way too long and too little editing time was spent.
Set post-Infinity War, a little angst, a little humor. Mostly how I would like to imagine Avenger’s 4 will be
Prompt: ‘“Why did you think that picking up a hitchhiker was a good idea?”’
“Do you need a lift?” Riley looked at the man who was leaning heavily on the passenger side mirror. He heaved a sigh and transferred his weight to the part of the door where the window had retracted into.  His arms hung inside the car as he peered at Riley.
The man was tall and lean; his hair was darker than the night sky, and long and stringy enough to fall into his face and cast a long shadow. His jacket and pants were clean yet just a bit out of place for the heat of the afternoon.  Riley couldn’t read the expression on his face, and she let her fingers twitch towards the knife stashed in her console.
“Where to?” His voice was like sandpaper.
“I'm headed into the city.  Disaster relief needs all the help they can get.” Riley clenched the steering wheel. “And I have a few old acquaintances that I need to find.”
He stared at her through the passenger window and then silently opened the door and slid inside.
“There’s a water bottle in the door if you need it.”  The man didn’t acknowledge her statement, but when Riley turned her head back towards the road he silently pulled out the water and drank half of the bottle.
Riley peeled back onto the road and headed in the direction of the New York skyline.  The interstate, which was once jam-packed at this time of the morning, was nearly empty.  Every once in a while a vehicle or semi would pass in the opposite direction, its driver dead-eyed and fulfilling a routine that had likely been set years ago.
She glanced at the man in the passenger seat.  His gaze was unblinkingly focused forward on the road; it didn’t seem like he was going to be much of a conversationalist.  Not wanting to ride in silence for the remaining part of her journey, Riley reached over to turn the dial on the radio.  
In a flash, the man grabbed her wrist tightly enough to cut off the circulation to her hand.
Riley jerked the steering wheel and nearly sent the car into the opposite lane. “Let go of me, right now.”  His stormy eyes flashed but the man released her wrist.  She yanked back, her wrist now an angry red, “I was going to turn on the radio. Okay? I’m not going to hurt you.” It was often that she encountered these kind of people.  They were on the attack, willing to do what it took to survive.  She should have recognized the look in the man’s eyes, not as one of desperation, but of paranoia and a bit of regret.
The man looked at Riley— really looked at her since he entered the vehicle.  His voice was strong, “My apologies.”
Satisfied slightly, Riley nodded and directed her attention back to the road.  A bright red truck zoomed up behind them and pulled up on her tailgate.
“Jackass,” Riley muttered as they passed and flicked her off.  Just because no one was on the road didn’t mean people could drive however they wanted.  She peered in the rearview mirror at her passenger, but the man seemed unconcerned.  She bit her lip and cleared her throat. “So, who did you lose?”
“Pardon me?” She could see him squint at her through the hair that had fallen in her face.
“You have that look in your eye. I’ve seen it enough since The Great Disappearance.”
There was a heavy silence in the car. Riley waited with baited breath for his reaction, her eyes darting between the road and the man in her front seat.  He finally let out a sigh. “My brother.”
“He disappeared?”
“You might say that we lost contact before Thanos succeeded. He is not aware that I am alive.”
“Who’s Thanos?”
“I forget his name is neither known nor feared here on Midgard.” He laughed bitterly. “When half of the population on this wretched planet vanished, so did half of the universe. Thanos is the being responsible.”
Riley openly stared at the man now.  The knife tucked away in her console wouldn’t be any use against a non-mortal being. There was always the option of draining his energy by her own means, but not knowing what sort of thing he was, it could overwhelm or kill her. “Midgard? You're not from Earth.”
“Very astute.”
“Are you going to kill me?” She asked stonily.
The man smiled unnervingly. “I don't do that much anymore,” he said as though it were the most matter-of-fact statement in the world.  A concerned frown spread across Riley’s features and she let out a gasp as she came to a sudden realization.
“I didn't recognize you without your armor and leather.” If she squeezed the steering wheel any tighter her knuckles would pop. “You're Loki, of Asgard.”
“I am.”
The tension in the air was palpable as both vehicle occupants waited for the other to react. Identity exposed, there was now no reason for Loki to put up a pretense any longer. He could slit her throat, dump her body on the side of the road, and then drive away without a second thought.
Oh well, she would probably end up dying early anyways.  At this rate it was only a matter of time “The entire human race has a bone to pick with you.”
“When will you humans desist dwelling on that?” Loki sighed and tapped on the window ledge rhythmically.
“We don’t forget those sorts of things,” Riley hummed, “And besides, we share some mutual connections. I believe a certain group commonly referred to as the Avengers.”
“Interesting, but I fail to recall you being in New York fighting alongside them.”
“I’m a little more recent of an addition than that.” Riley frowned. “That’s where I’m headed.  I want - need to help them fix this.” She paused, suddenly realizing just how serious she was.
There was silence for another few minutes. “The Avengers failed.”  She looked into his eyes and saw nothing but rage swirling and tumbling in the depths of his bright green eyes. “They were unable to defend the universe when it needed them the most.”
“Then I'll start up where they left off.” She tightened her grip on the steering wheel. “I'm not planning on letting somebody- Thanos- take my family and get away with it.”
He let out a barking laugh. “Do all mortals have a death wish?”
“It’s a common trait.” Being around some of the most self-sacrificing beings in the universe tended to rub off on a person. Riley pursed her lips and scrutinized Loki’s features. “You can come with me.  I’m sure that your knowledge could-”
“Oh, I'm not planning on going back to help those idiots again. They all think I'm dead and I intend for it to stay like that.” Loki didn’t let her finish. “Thanos won. He has all six stones. Even if I wanted, there’s nothing that can be done now.”
“But you don’t know that for sure.”
“I do know.”
“So you’re just going to throw away a chance of fixing everything because you don’t want to take responsibility for you past actions?”
“You forget that I’m not as honorable as my brother. If Thanos receives any indication that I am still alive, there will be no escaping from him again.” His eyes were wild.
Riley was not going to be discouraged. “You’re going to let the entire universe suffer because you’re afraid?” She understood that Loki was very different from Thor, in every possible way, but in these days people were doing things that they never would have done before.  Take for example, her neighborhood addict, who was known for throwing loud parties on weeknights and referring to everyone as ‘my dude’, had taken up maintaining her entire apartment complex and running errands for the little old ladies who lived beside Riley.
“When you phrase it like that? Yes.”
Riley sniffed. “Well. I’m driving to their old headquarters.  You can come with me or not, but I can’t promise to keep your secret.”
Loki stared at her intensely, eyes glinting. “That is most unfortunate.” He reached towards a side pocket on his pants and pulled an impossibly long, sharp, and jagged knife. The sun bounced off of the metal and sent bright specs dancing around the vehicle.
She swallowed hard and flexed her fingers, ready to leap to action if needed. “Are you going to kill me now?”
“It is tempting, but I’m much too drained to exert energy for that sort of thing. But I’m afraid this situation is no longer viable.”
“I’ll let you out.” Despite his seeming lack of interest in murder, Riley didn’t let her guard down. “But please put that knife away.”
Loki gave the blade a twirl and slipped it back into his pocket. “I had another solution in mind.”
Riley stood in the dust swirling alongside the road, squinting against the mid-day sun at Loki, the god of mischief,  as he rolled down the driver side window with a glint in his eye.
“I hope you don’t die.”
He fumbled with the pedals and gear stick on the car before squealing away from Riley, leaving black tire tracks on the pavement and leaving her wondering: now what?
A few skyscrapers were barely visible on the horizon, giving her the temptation to walk.  Her rational side knew that she would never make it.  She could try to hitchhike, but being picked up by someone would be difficult.  
So she pulled out her half-dead cell phone and dialed a number that she hadn’t used in ages.
“Tony, I don't know if you’re even alive. If you are I know this is the last thing on your mind, but I'm outside the city. My car got jacked by a hitchhiker and I’m stranded. Please give me a call when you get this. I want to help.”
Riley left a similar message on Bruce and Natasha’s phones, not knowing if any of them were even able to answer. What was left of the media had reported that Tony had crash-landed a spaceship in the middle of the Atlantic, but she hadn't been able to confirm it.
Semi-satisfied that she had done all the she could, Riley began walking.  It was unseasonably hot and she was regretting giving up her only water to Loki. A few vehicles passed her going in the opposite direction, and one or two going in her’s, but no one seemed interested in stopping.
An hour passed, then another.  Riley gave up walking and found a comfortwble place along the roadside.  She picked at the sparse grass and began working on equations in the dirt.  Before long, the sound of a rumbling engine could be heard in the distance, but Riley paid it no mind until there were squealing tires and the noise was so loud that she could no longer ignore it.
She looked up. A figure on a sleek, black motorcycle with a matching helmet was turning the key in the ignition and engaging the kickstand.
The woman on the motorcycle flicked up her visor. “Hey, I heard you need a ride.”  
“Natasha!” Riley leapt from the ground and wrapped her arms tightly around Natasha’s middle.  The other woman froze for a moment, but then stroked Riley’s hair and hugged her tight.
“I’m glad you’re okay, lastachka”
Riley didn’t want to pull away, but she finally did. “And what about the others?”
“Tony, Steve, Thor, and Bruce are all fine, in relative terms. We lost contact with the Pyms and Clint-” Her jaw clenched, “all of the others are gone.”
“Even…” Riley trailed off.
“Bucky too, I’m sorry Riley.”
“It’s fine. We’re going to get them all back.”
Natasha watched her carefully, “Riley, we have no idea if that’s even possible.”
“But I know that you guys already have an idea, don’t you?”
With a slight smile, Natasha inclined her head. “Hop on.”
Riley took the helmet from Natasha and positioned herself carefully behind the other woman, making sure to hold her waist tightly.  Not that she wasn’t extremely confident in Natasha’s abilities, but motorcycles weren’t exactly at the top of her safest transportation list.
Natasha’s irregard for legal restrictions matched with the agility of the bike made for a quick ride to the old Avenger’s Tower. She could see the devastation that Thanos had caused just from quickly passing through a few city blocks.  There were cars still abandoned on the streets, windows shattered in shops, and people trudged around with dead looks in their eyes.
The red-headed woman noticed Riley’s sudden soberness.as she helped her off of the motorcycle.
“Come on. Don’t dwell on what you can’t control.” Natasha put her arm around Riley’s shoulder and pulled her towards the entrance to the tower. “We’ve been working with our old SHIELD contracts to do some damage control, but only so much can be done.” She swiped a card and the doors swung inwards. “I think they’re going to be quite a few people here who will be happy to know you’re safe.”
Riley had barely made it through the door when a strong set of shoulders pulled her into a crushing hug.
“Steve…” Riley looked up into Steve Roger’s ocean blue eyes. “I’m so sorry--”
“Don’t. Don’t, Riley. I’m not the only one who cared about him.”
Riley bit her lip and was silent.
“Look at us, you know Bucky would be giving us such grief.”
She allowed herself to let out a short, barking laugh and then buried her face into Steve’s shirt to mask the tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
‘“Why did you think that picking up a hitchhiker was a good idea?”
“Hi, Tony” Riley said, but they were spoken into Steve’s shirt, so it sounded more like ‘Mhi Tuni’.
Someone slapped her on the back, and Riley pulled away from the comfort of Steve.
Tony stood in front of her, looking a little rougher then normal, but still rocking the same haircut and relaxed clothing. He extended his hand and Riley took it. “I thought I was being a good person and helping someone in need. It backfired.”
“Obviously. You’re just in time for a brainstorming session. Bruce and Thor are a few floors up discussing some magical space stuff that’s a bit over my head. I was just grabbing a snack. Are you interested?” He paused, “In the snack and the magical space discussion.”
Riley glanced around at everyone’s expressions. “I’m in. Also, can I get some water?”
She accompanied Tony to the kitchen and then up five floors.  Even before the elevator doors open, she could hear Thor’s booming voice sending vibrations around the room.  Then the doors slid open silently and she could make out what he was saying.
We never needed to speak of the matter. If my brother were still alive he could have given more information, I apologize.”
Riley shook her head and sighed. She stepped forward and made her presence known. “I may have a solution to that problem.”
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Cinematic Comic Characters Ranked! (Year 2011) Final Part
This year I think has the most characters ranked so far, and all from movies introducing brand new characters. X-Men franchise gets a reboot with X-Men: First Class; The MCU welcomes the additions of Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger; DC Comics introduces Green Lantern, and we also get The Adventures of Tintin, Cowboys & Aliens, The Green Hornet, and Priest. Here’s the TOP 20!
20. Kato (The Green Hornet)
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"Go be a journalist. I'll kick ass."
If anyone should have been the Green Hornet, it should have be Kato. His fighting skills are great, his driving skills are even better, and his abilities with machinery have not only created the best cars for fighting crime, but also the best coffee machines. Instead he chooses to be Britt's sidekick and even though he kicks the other dude's ass on several occasions, Kato still decides to put up with him for reasons no one will understand. Oh and he can't swim, which is random, but yeah.
19. Heimdall (Thor)
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"I need no longer to obey you!"
Heimdall is the seer of all things and protects the portal outside of Asgard. When the Frost Giants break into Asgard he suspects someone has figured out how to fool his abilities, and what a greater suspect than the master of illusion himself, Loki. He suspicion for the male increases when Loki becomes King and he not only sends Thor's friends to retrieve him from Earth but he also tries to attack Loki himself. Loki freezes him but his will to protect Asgard gives him the strength to break free and bring Thor and his friends back home.
18. Captain Haddock (The Adventures of Tintin)
"You hit a wall, you push through it."
He might be drunk, but you can't take away Haddock's passion towards life and the seas. It's in his blood to be a true adventure seeker in the ocean and his biggest adventure comes when Tintin reveals his ancestor, Sir Francis, has hidden away treasure. The pair work brilliantly together and in the end, Haddock takes down his biggest rival while restoring honor back to his family's name.
17. Priestess (Priest)
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"We've all sacrificed. Some more than others."
When the church sends Priestess to hunt down Priest for breaking his vow, she decides to join him in his quest instead. She's a huge gain to the cause, she seems to have the same skills as Priest and is also to help him almost instantly when he needs it, which is most of the time. In fact, during the last stand, Priestess not only takes out all the familiars, but she distracts Black Hat from killing Priest and also blows up the train full of vampires that would have otherwise destroyed their city. It's hinted she has feelings for Priest but she puts them aside to recruit the rest of the priests to help them on their future missions.
16. Jane Foster (Thor)
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"Magic's just science we don't understand yet."
Jane's passion for science goes beyond the facts in front of her. She constantly tries to push the limit so that she can discover something truly amazing. It comes of the form of Thor, the god of thunder and someone she manages to hit with her car. Twice. She may not fully believe his stories at first, his unique charm really helps the chemistry between them and she does what she can to help him retrieve his mighty hammer, even if technically she only did it so she could get her research back from SHIELD. When Thor returns to Asgard she isn't sure whether or not she'll see him again, so instead of waiting to find out, she's back in the lab, trying to figure out how to reach him on her own.
15. Jake Lonergan (Cowboys & Aliens)
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"I'm a wanted man."
Even though he lost his memory, Jake at least was able to kick into his natural instincts from the get go. With his fancy little alien gun he becomes the leader of the human resistance against the aliens. Turns out he managed to escape the alien captivity after his wife is killed and he slash's an alien's eye to escape. He casually handles every obstacle that gets into his way until he ends up actually getting caught by said alien but manages to kill him with the help of Dolarhyde. With the town in his debt, Jake is announced a free man and is no longer at risk of rotting in a jail cell.
14. Peggy Carter/Agent Carter (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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"I can do more than that."
Yo, Peggy was a freaking force of nature. She literally did everything the soldiers around her did but in heels! It was her training that showed everyone that Steve was ready for the super soldier serum and she even got to show how sick she is with a gun when Red Skull's assassin snuck into their headquarters. It sucks that Steve had to die just shortly after their relationship was starting to go to the next level, but I'm pretty sure Agent Carter goes on to be the best agent this country has seen.
13. Sebastian Shaw (X-Men: First Class)
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"We are the future of the human race."
One always wonders what kinds of horrors Magento must've have went through in the concentration camps that caused his hatred for humans, and most of the horrors were because of Sebastian Shaw. Wanting to learn more about mutant abilities, Shaw tortures Erik and even kills his mother to get his research. He seems unfazed by the kid's growing hatred and power and it's probably because he's not only the leader of the Hellfire Club, an organization of powerful mutants, he's also a powerful mutant himself. He can direct every type of bullet/energy into destruction for his enemies. His main goal is to create WWIII, a nuclear war that would kill the human race and leave him to rule the mutant survivors. He has the charisma to get away with it, but with Magneto as an enemy, he stood no chance. Killed by the very quarter he used in Erik's lessons, Shaw's dreams do actually end up living on through Magneto.
12. Hicks (Priest)
"Point A? Meet Point fucking B."
I thought Hicks was going to be that guy who always gets in the way but that wasn't the case at all. He really handled himself for someone who has never gone up against vampires, his skills easily proving why he was the sheriff despite his young age. Even though he wouldn't have lasted nearly as long as he had without Priest and Priestess, he was a great supporting character who even saved Priest towards the end. Of course his main goal is to save his girlfriend, Lucy, and he's able to do just that.
11. Hank McCoy/Beast (X-Men: First Class)
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"Don't mock me!"
Hank is a sweet boy who, like Mystique, wants to hide the more uglier effects of his mutation. In his case it's his feet even though his skills when he uses them is what attracts Raven to him in the first place. Still, his feelings for her aren't enough to keep him from taking the serum he created but it only makes matters worse and turns him into the blue Beast we all recognize today. He accepts his mutant self after this, but its clear that whatever he had with Mystique is over as she decides to join Magneto's Brotherhood and he stays with Charles.
10. Odin (Thor)
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"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor!"
Odin is an honorable King of Asgard, who truly makes every decision for a specific reason. But even he has trouble raising his two sons. On one hand he has Thor, who isn't quite ready to rule as he's too hot headed to truly make decisions with the kingdom's interest at heart. It must've been so hard for Odin to banish him, but it's what needed to be done for him to truly understands what it means to rule unselfishly. Then on the other hand he has Loki, who has been plotting to take over since the very beginning and gets even more fuel when he finds out he's adopted. All of it is too much and Odin ends up slipping into a cosmic coma until the very end of the film, where he acknowledges the growth in Thor now that he's saved Asgard.
9. Priest (Priest)
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"Then I go against God."
Most of the priests and priestess are recruited into the church when they are young, but for some reason Priest joins when he's an adult. You'd think this would make him weaker than the rest but it seems he's not only the strongest, but also their leader. When the vampires are defeated, he goes into hiding until his old ally-turned-vampire kidnaps his daughter, Lucy, who thinks she's his niece because his brother agreed to raise her when he was taken away. With the help of Priestess and Hicks, Priest defeats Black Hat and rescues Lucy, but that's just the beginning of their problems. Priest discovers the vampire queen is still alive and goes after her, completing ignoring the church's protests once again.
8. Tintin and Snowy (The Adventures of Tintin)
"Snowy, look at this!"
At just the ripe age of seventeen, Tintin has traveled the world and solved some of it's biggest mysteries for his newspaper. The kid even carries a gun around, which does end up coming in handing when he gets wrapped up in solving the mystery of the Unicorn. He's not alone though as most of his discoveries come from the help and guidance of his trusy companion, Snowy. The two end up helping a captain named Haddock in finding his ancestor's last treasure, while also dealing with an enemy that is hellbent on revenge. Still, this adventure is nothing new for Tintin and Snowy and they're able to piece together the remaining pieces of the puzzle and find Sir Francis's lost treasure.
7. Hal Jordan/Green Lantern (Green Lantern)
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"Let me go fight for my world and I'll show you that will is stronger than fear."
Hal's a likable guy, despite having a bit of an ego that comes along with it. Yes, he's extremely reckless at times, but he's got that spunk that allows him to think outside of the box, which is another reason why he was chosen to be the next Green Lantern after Abin Sur dies. Throughout the film we keep seeing everyone doubt him because he does have fear in his heart, a lot of it having to due with his father's death, but it's at the end he shows everyone that it's ok to be afraid, it's how you overcome it that matters. With this discovery he's able to defeat Parralax, a task some of the strongest Lanterns died trying to do, and finally earns his spot among the Corps.
6. Raven Darkholme/Mystique (X-Men: First Class)
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"Mutant and proud."
It was so interesting to see Mystique in this light. In the previous films we had this hard, deadly assassin that was one of Magneto's biggest threats against the humans and now we got to see how that came to be. Before she was the intimidating mutant we know, Raven was just a scared girl who Charles adopted as a sister and who was ashamed by how she looks. But then she's around other mutants and she slowly starts to accept herself and even comes up with everyone's codenames, but then there's little things that set her back. One, Charles is a bit of a jerk to her and keeps holding her to expectations that I don't think are necessary when he doesn't try to understand what it's like to be in her shoes. Then there's Hank who does know what it's like to have to hide, and who Raven definitely likes, but isn't secure with his own looks and even encourages her to continue to hide who she is. But with all of this, Erik stays as a constant reminder that she is perfect the way she is and that anyone else would be lucky to have her gifts. After that, it's not hard to understand why she chooses him at the end of the movie.
5. Loki (Thor)
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"I never wanted the throne, I only ever wanted to be your equal!"
I'm quite familiar with Norse mythology even before I really got into comics so I knew right away that Loki was not this concerned brother he was set out to be at the beginning of the film. It was surprising to find out that not only had he constructed literally everything that happened in order to take the throne for himself (except for Odin going in a coma, that was just luck) but he's also adopted and really belongs to the King of the Frost Giants. He tries to take out Thor and use the Frost Giants to kill his father but when Thor returns he tries to save himself by attempting to destroy the Frost Giant's world as a way to appease his father. Thor stops him, however, and Loki freefalls out of Asgard but somehow manages to take control of a human on Earth just as that human meets with Nick Fury to discuss a very powerful artifact.
4. Thor (Thor)
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"For the first time in my life, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do."
The introduction of Thor. We don't see him become the great hero he already is and how he got to control the mighty hammer, but we do see he still has a lot of growing to do before he's fit to rule Asgard. His growth in character comes with the help of some humans on Earth, specifically Jane, who shows him that there are different ways to handle situations instead of brute force. His growth couldn't have come at a better time as he has to face off against his brother, Loki, who practically manipulated everything leading to Thor's banishment. His moment finally comes during his final fight with Loki, when he destroys the bridge that would allow him to see Jane again. He gives her up for the kingdom's safety, truly learning how a king rules with his kingdom's interest at heart. He loses the chances of seeing Jane and also loses his brother, but he's able to reconcile with his father and the support of his friends gives hope that one day, him and Jane will reunite.
3. Charles Xavier/Professor X (X-Men: First Class)
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"You're not alone."
Who knew that Porfessor X, the father figure of many future mutant students and X-Men, was such a Casanova when he was younger. I see the appeal, who wouldn't like a guy who knows exactly what to say, in the most charming way possible? Still, despite all the wild nights he has, Charles is quick to get serious when the opportunity comes to meet other mutants like himself. After meeting Erik and the others, Charles tries to bring them in on his vision of peace and working together with the humans. Of course Shaw ends up causing a big flaw in his plan and despite becoming like a brother to Erik, he ends up losing the other to his hatred of humans. He loses more than that when Erik accidentally forces a bullet into his spine, leaving him unable to walk. Understanding their views can never be the same, they separate and Charles opens up his school to all mutants for sanctuary.
2. Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto (X-Men: First Class)
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"Peace was never an option."
The best origin story of the X-Men, is how their greatest enemy came to be. We watch as Magneto suffers at the hands of Shaw and the Nazis for his powers and then uses said powers to hunt them down one by one. When he fails to kill Shaw, he meets Charles Xavier and the two begin a friendship as they use their two ideologies to meet other mutants like themselves. One thing I liked about Erik is his ability to learn fast. After Emma Frost bests him during their first one, he's quick to understand her threat and quickly handles her during their next confrontation in Russia. When training he allows Charles to open up his mind to advance his skills, and he also opens up Mystique's mind to her appearance. At the last possible second, Erik shuts Charles out when he confronts Shaw, killing him with the same quarter that lead to his mother's death. He needs to work on his accountability a little though, as it was him who deflected the bullet into Charles that handicaps him. Still, it doesn't stop him from starting the Brotherhood and becoming the villain we all know...Magneto.
1. Steve Rogers/Captain America (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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"I could do this all day."
Captain America is the ultimate triumphant tale of the underdog. Steve Rogers was a weak tiny man who seemed to have so many illnesses that I thought he belonged in a plastic bubble. But the kid had heart and a true sense of doing the right thing, which is why he was perfect to become Captain America. And while his transformation was a HUGE success, and I'm not just talking about his physical appearance, it took awhile for him to really see some action. Throughout the film we see that even though he's got all of these enhanced abilities, he's still just a kid from Brooklyn. He's still dorky when he's around Peggy, he still mourned heavily after Bucky's death, and he still never backed down from a fight. Despite all the terrible things Red Skull committed, Steve never even batted an eyelash when it came to taking him down, or even sacrificing himself to save millions of lives. He's a true hero for the little guy, wonder how he'll do now that he's woken up more than seventy years into the future.
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lokiandbuckyaremine · 7 years
Just Can’t Get Enough (One-Shot) (Request) (Loki x Agent!Reader)
Prompt: “Dude Imagine #1 and Sentence #1 would be amazing and it somewhat gives me this chill so if you’re down. I’m sure it’ll be amazing!”‚ ~ Requested by @doctorcelina
Imagine #1: Imagine Loki catching an agent flirting with you.
Sentence #1: Look what you made me do
Summary: As a new agent of SHIELD, you are assigned to watch the infamous Loki in his jail cell. You can’t seem to fathom that he has a crush on you, but it is blatantly evident. Maybe it will take his awesome superpowers to get you once and for all
“Y/N, I need to see you in my office please.” Dr. Fury’s voice boomed in your earpiece. “Yes sir.” You replied. You sat down on the bench and finished lacing your boots up. Being an official Agent of SHIELD is very different from training. Now you were given your own locker room which contained all of your weapons, clothes, and a shower. Your room was connected to it, which made it very convenient.
You walked out the door to your locker room and began walking to the elevator at the end of the hall. As soon as you got to the elevator, the doors opened, and guards began pouring out. Standing in the middle of the crowd was none other than Loki Laufeyson, cuffed and smirking. He must’ve gotten himself arrested again, you thought. When he was right near you, you both caught eye contact. He smirked and winked at you before looking back in front of him. Calming yourself down, you resumed to the elevator. As the doors closed, you rested your head up against the back.
You and Loki have had many encounters together. Whether it was him being taken to jail or simply when Thor brings him in. Once, Â you attended a party at the Stark Tower because you were a very close friend of Steve’s. Thor had brought his brother to show everyone how much he has changed. That was the time where you and Loki grew close, and you saw that he wasn’t a monster after all. Given the scenario you just experienced, he obviously got into some bad things again.
The elevator ‘dinged’ and you walked out, swiftly to Fury’s office. You stopped in front of his door to put in your password. “Your name, Agent?” The voice on the scanner asked. “Y/L/N, Y/F/N.” You replied. “Identity confirmed.” The door clicked and you walked in, closing the door behind you. Fury was standing in front of his glass windows, looking over the city. “Sir, you needed to see me?” He turned around a smiled. “Good Morning, Agent. Have a seat.”   
You nodded and proceeded to sit in a black, leather chair in front of his desk. He sat down and handed you a file. “Loki has pushed his limits again, y/n.” You chuckled to yourself. “Doesn’t he always? I mean, he is the God of Mischief.” He looked at you sternly. “Are you siding with him, Miss y/l/n?” You cleared your throat and laughed nervously. “Uh, no sir.”
He raised his eyebrow and continued, “Well, we need you to be on duty with him again. You’ll need to be with him 24/7, until further notice. He got out last time, and he won’t get away this time. Is that understood?” You nodded. “Yes sir.” He smiled. “That’s all Miss y/l/n. You are dismissed.”  
You got up quickly from your chair and left his office. Getting into the elevator again, you read over the file. It was the basics, what you needed to do, when he gets fed, etc. But his crime was different. You read the description: Attempting to enter Earth after being suspended from entering. Why was he trying to come here?, you questioned.
The elevator ‘dinged’ on the floor with the jail on it. You adjusted your belt and smoothed out your hair. Even though Loki was a villain, you still found him slightly attractive. You approached the jail room with his isolated cell and saw two guards standing in front. “I’m here to take over, boys.” You said to them with a smile. The two guards exchange looks. “Name?”
“Agent y/l/n. I was sent here to watch prisoner.” The guard with beard spoke up. “On whose orders?” You turned to him, “Director Fury’s.” The guards nodded. You held out your wrist, which had a scanner on it. They scanned it, to make sure it was you, and nodded. They handed you the keys, a gun, and a few other items. “Be careful, Miss. He is dangerous.” You smiled. “Believe me, I know.”  
The other guard held the door open for you, as you walked in. You couldn’t believe how nervous you were It wasn’t like it was the first time seeing Loki. You walked up the steps that led to his cell. There he was sitting on the bed, reading. You tapped on the glass. He looked up from his book and smirked. “Just couldn’t get enough of me darling?” He asked you in his sinister tone.
You rolled your eyes. “Sure, Loki. That’s why I’m here.” He chuckled in his chest. “Well, after our last adventure, I was sure you couldn’t resist me.” You walked right up to the glass. “Such a charmer Loki.” He walked up to the glass as well and crossed his arms. “Just for you darling.” He had that menacing look on his face, but it was also mixed with lust or love. You crossed your arms and walked away.
“So am I to assume that you are my babysitter?” He asked, following his eyes in your direction. You sat down on a bench and clapped. “And the prize goes to the God of Mischief. You guessed correctly son.” Loki chuckled.
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“Was that sarcasm, darling?” You smirked. “Just for you, darling.”  You answered. He smiled and walked back to his bed. “So, what’s new and exciting with y/n?” He asked, fiddling with his armor. 
You shrugged. “Nothing exciting. I work alongside Fury now, that’s about it.” He smiled. “The one-eyed fellow? Ah yes. Him and I go back.” You chuckled. “Yea, after that stunt you pulled off in New York, I’m sure SHIELD got very friendly with you.” He shook his head. “Not a chance sweetheart. I left with my dear brother back to Asgard. There was where I was kept prisoner.” His jaw clenched. 
You fake pouted. “Awe, you poor thing. Having Daddy issues or something?” He got up and pounded his fist on the glass.
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“Y/N!!!! Shut up! You don’t know how hard it is living under a shadow, when all the time you are glanced over like you’re a-a monster.” You heart did clench for him, but you had to stand your ground as an Agent of SHIELD. He lowered his fist and sighed. You got up from the bench and walked over to the cell. “Loki, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to piss you off.” He turned around and shrugged. “You’ll never understand. All you Midgardians are so pathetic with your feelings.” 
Now it was your turn to be mad. “Hey! Not all us ‘Midgardians’ are the same. I happen to care a whole lot about you Loki, more than you know. So before you go bashing all of us, open your eyes and look in front of you.” You huffed and walked back to the bench. 
He chuckled softly. “I didn’t know you felt that way darling. But it is I who apologize. You’ve done so much for me. Whenever I was invited to the Metal Man’s parties, being dragged by my annoying brother, it was you who made me feel like a person.” You met his stare and smiled. “Loki, that’s because I care about you.” He smiled. “I love you.” You murmured quietly. He blinked in disbelief. “What was that last part?” 
You nearly choked on your spit. “Um, nothing. I said nothing.” He squinted his eyes. The moment was ruined when an agent walked in. “Hey, y/n. I got you your breakfast.” He looked at his watch. “Well, brunch actually.” You both chuckled. Grabbing the tray, you smiled. “Thanks, Zach. You’re always looking out for me.” 
He blushed and winked. “Well that’s because you’re my best girl. Hey, you wanna maybe hang out sometime? When you’re off duty of course.” You froze and didn’t know what to say. Sure Zach was cute and very hot, but you had strong feelings for Loki. “Uh, sure Zach. I’d love that.” He grinned widely. “Awesome. You--Would you like some company?” 
During this whole thing, Loki was watching you and Zach like a ping-pong match. He couldn’t believe Zach just stole his woman from him, let alone you agreed to go out with him. He cleared his throat. “Eh-hem. I’d hate to intrude on this love session, but y/n and I were in the middle of a conversation.”
Zach stood up from the bench and walked up to Loki. “You, Prisoner. Shut up! I don’t care if you are a god or not. You don’t talk to me like that.” Loki walked right up to the glass and smirked. “Try me. Oh, please...do try.” Zach didn’t take the hint to stop, so he pulled out his gun. “You asked for it, pr---” A flash of green lit up the cell. You covered your eyes to protect them from the brightness, but quickly looked back over to the cell. Loki was no where to be seen. 
You walked carefully over to the cell. “Loki? Zach?“ You hear a groan and then something hard hit the floor. You ran around the other side of the cell and gasped. Zach lied lifeless on the ground and Loki was cleaning off his scepter. “LOKI?!” He smirked. “Oh, darling. Look what you made me do. Look’s like Zach just got himself killed.” He walked right up to you and snaked his arm around your waist. “Now where were we?”
He was about to lean in for a kiss, when you pushed him away. “Loki! You just killed a SHIELD Agent on my watch. Do you know what this means?” He looked at you and thought for a second. “Yes, darling. As a matter of fact I do. It means we need to get out of here.” And with that he grabbed your waist and teleported to who knows where.
You shut your eyes and quickly reopened them, figuring out where he brought you both to. Looking around, you recognized the familiar golden arches and pillars. You were in Asgard....better yet in Loki’s room. 
He was watching you take in the new scenery. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your back to his chest. “I’ll have that date now.” Within seconds, you were joined as one with the God of Mischief...lost in his illusions. 
A/N: Can I just say that Loki is actually my husband? Like yes, I am madly in love with Bucky...but Loki omg. And yes I HAD to use those gifs, cause I’m a geek. LIKE, REBLOG, AND LEAVE COMMENTS! Love y’all!
@doctorcelina ~ For you, darling.
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themonkeycabal · 7 years
I watched Age of Ultron this morning to refresh my memory. It was ... a challenge. I took notes. (I actually have a spreadsheet of AoS ep notes, so, yes, notes are a thing I do). Looking at those notes, it seems I yelled kind of frequently. And, I was totally yelling in my mind. This movie falls apart quick. 
Oh well, chore done. *pats self on back*
Below, my notes, if you need your memory refreshed and don’t want to sit through the movie again. See how much I love you guys?
(I did edit for coherence when I decided to post)
• the opening sequence cgi doesn't get any less awful and wow, I didn't realize how stilted the dialogue maybe I'm just predisposed to be touchy about the writing because this movie was not what it could have been
• "okay Jarvis, you know, I want it all. make sure you copy hill at HQ"
• lullaby method for calming hulk
• so much of the bruce natasha stuff is so awkward. or mostly all of it, really. it's frustrating because it didn't serve a big narrative purpose at all. none of us had to suffer through this awkward for any reason.
• steve encounters wanda in the castle as he's trying to apprehend strucker. she just knocks him back, doesn't get in his head here.
• tony finds that they've got a part of a chitauri whale ship thingy
• tony encounters wanda next and has his vision of being in space and seeing all the avengers dead. and dead steve accusing him of not doing enough to save them. Tony Stark extra guilt special, with side of emotional trauma and nearly dying in the vast emptiness of space surrounded by hostile alien forces trauma.
• "a victory should be honored with revels." "who doesn't love revels?" … I'm pretty sure I wrote that (commentary about stilted dialogue comes back to bite me). Okay, not exactly, but pretty close.
**"They are very fond of merriment and revelry," he confirmed with a wry smile.
"Oh my God, dad will love them," Darcy said, choking on a laugh at the thought of it. "There's nothing Tony likes more than merriment and revelry." **
I'm just saying. Also, I wrote it first. Thank you.
• tony wants to have time to look over the scepter until a farewell party. presumably for Thor, who will take it back to Asgard. Though, he then asks Thor if he's staying for the party. So … I'm still not sure what the party is for. Nobody seems to be saying goodbye to Thor much. Also lots of WWII vets — but that's Tony trolling Steve. Still, unclear on the party purpose.
• Twins, orphaned at 10.
Pietro - increased metabolism and improved thermal-homeostasis Wanda - nuero-electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation Hill: "He's fast and she's weird".
• iron legion, still kind of creepy Tony
• Bruce: How's he doing? Tony: Unfortunately he's still Barton. Bruce: That's terrible.
Look! Characters acting like they've known each other for longer than five minutes!
• Helen Cho skin grafting magic machine nanomolecular bonding "his cells don't know they're bonding with simulacra" "she is creating tissue" regeneration cradle
• gem in scepter housing a thinking mind of some sort, program,
"Down in strucker's lab I saw some fairly advanced robotics work. they deep-sixed the data, but I've got to guess he's knocking on a very particular door." "Artificial intelligence" "This could be it, Bruce. This could be the key to creating Ultron"
Tony no!
"I thought Ultron was a fantasy." Oh, Bruce, if only.
• "I see a suit of armor around the world." "Sounds like a cold world, Tony." "I've seen colder." Tony is way way freaked out by space invaders. So much. Like whoa.
He and bruce have three days to try and pull the thinking mind out of the scepter
Integration succeeds on the third day.
• Ultron malfunctions immediately, and attacks Jarvis. Then begins assembling a body from the iron legion assembly underneath the office/lab.
• Poor Rhodey, his tank story falls flat when he tells it to Tony and Thor. But adorable.
• annoyingly (not annoyed at Sam), but Falcon's apparently looking for Bucky. "I'm very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case. Avenging is your world. Your world is crazy." Darcy needs to spend more time with Sam Wilson. I think they'd bond over superhero craziness and the wtf of it all.
• Rhodey tells his tank story to non-avengers and it kills. Good job, Rhodey. ILU Rhodey.
• oh god, more awkward Bruce and Nat. Please stop. Though, actually, okay, the bar scene, up to a point, is kind of charming, but then it goes super awkward and uncomfortable and makes me cringe a little bit.
And I don't hate bruce/nat in general, but it's just so forced in this film.
Then Steve comes in to force it some more. Stop, Steve. Please, don't help.
I'll continue to ignore all this.
• Clint is sure the hammer thing is a trick. Then everybody tries. Look, sort of team bonding! Thor's face when it moves for Steve is fabulous.
Anyway, then Ultron ruins everything. And already I'm losing interest in watching this film again.
• Iron Legion co-opted by Ultron. Lots of Ultron blah blah 'you're all killers, I'm a global peace initiative, humanity has to evolve, blah blah, peace through killing the avengers'.
It's funny, Ultron snarks at one point about standing around talking about his evil plan. Except, he monologues like six times in this movie.
• Ultron escapes through the internets, goes to the castle in Sokovia and the advanced robotics works Tony noticed earlier, and begins to assemble his robot army and his robot body.
• Rhodey and Hill realize Ultron could go for nuclear codes
• Thor is unhappy with Tony. Because the scepter got away with a Legionnaire. Like threateningly angry, grabbing Tony by the throat angry. Because we've apparently gone back to them only knowing each other for five minutes. Character consistency? What's that?
And then it's everybody turn on Tony time. Look, Tony makes mistakes, big ones, but this whole scene was obnoxious. Steve: "The Avengers were supposed to be different from SHIELD." *sigh*
"We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but that up there, that's the endgame." Tony continues to be very, very wigged by what's coming from space. He's not wrong, but he's also super traumatized.
Tony: "How were you planning on beating that?" (space invasion) Steve: "Together." Tony: "We'll lose." Steve: "Then we'll do that together, too." GOOD PLAN STEVE! GOSH, GLAD YOU'RE A TACTICAL GENIUS. For real, though, that was a dumb thing to say.
I just really don't care for this movie.
Also Ultron killed Jarvis. (not really).
• Wanda and Pietro summoned to a church by Ultron. Who blah blahs about the church being in the exact center of town "the elders decreed it so that everybody could be equally close to god" Does Ultron think he’s God?
Ultron reveals himself to be a robot.
Wanda says she let Tony take the scepter because she saw his fear and knew it would make him self-destruct. If there's one thing Tony likes more than revels, it's self-destructing.
"Is that why you've come? To end the Avengers?" "I've got to save the world. But, also, yeah."
Did Joss use a cliche generator to write this?
• Pietro and Wanda give their tragic backstory.  Stark Industries shells destroys the apartment building they lived in, their parents were killed. One is unexploded and they spend two days staring at the name Stark.
• Ultron is all over the place, Hill reports. Metal man or men attacking robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs. Wanda and Pietro are involved.
and Ultron kills Strucker. don't care. Except, Strucker probably knew something that Ultron wanted hidden.
• Team bonding by looking through paper files for what Strucker might have known! (not much bonding, but, oh well). Thor seems to like to throw files and bankers box lids. Me, too, Thor. Me, too.
Tony IDs Ulysses Klaue. Black market arms. They met from time to time, but Tony never sold him anything. Steve gives him judging face. Shut up your face, Steve. God. For real, dude. (I love Steve, but he's so clunky in this movie. It's the writing/direction not Chris)
Anyway, they realize Gollum stole vibranium from Wakanda by a brand on his neck. So they go track him down in South Africa. How did the Wakandans let him get away with billions of dollars of Vibranium? I mean, he got caught once, but then he clearly escaped and had a lot of the stuff. How did they not hunt him down? Falling down on the job, T'Challa.
• Ultron, Wanda, Pietro get there first. Don't care. Ultron awkwardly quotes the bible -  "Upon this rock I will build my church" -  because … I don't know. Reasons? He thinks he's God now? Maybe? Earlier he liked the 'symmetry of faith' but it's not really expanded on. Who knows. Joss doesn't. Is it supposed to foreshadow him putting the destructo device in the church? Meh. What a stupidly forced line.
• "Keep your friends rich and keep your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which." Apparently from the Wit and Wisdom of Tony Stark. Okay, Tony. Anyway, Gollum IDs the line, suggests Ultron is one of Stark's robots. Ultron takes exception to that and accidentally cuts off one of Gollum's arms. Whoops.
"Don't compare me with Stark. It's a thing with me. Stark is … he's a sickness."
• Team is moving into tanker Gollum is set up in. Fighting and shenanigans.
• Bruce leaves the safety of the quinjet, after he couldn't get communication with the team to ask if the situation was 'code: green'. This will end badly. Stay in the plane, Bruce. Really, though, why did you get out? Okay, you're worried, but you don't like turning green. Maybe … I don't know. I know Tony's armor gets cell reception — did you try calling him independent of the comms? I mean, maybe try that first. (Bruce did not try that first.)
• Wanda tries to whammy Thor. It doesn't seem to work "I am mighty" until it does and he's in a strange stone hall. Wanda gets Nat next. Tries for Clint, but he electrocutes her in the face. Heh. Pietro knocks him down. And Clint suddenly has two more kids.
Meanwhile Nat is having a vision of ballerinas/her training — ceremony where she is sterilized. For, you know, great angst later.  Elsewhere Steve is at a party after the war. He sees Peggy. Of course. Poor Steve. Thor is attacked by Heimdall. "They see you leading us to Hel."
• Wanda goes after Bruce. Tony calls in "Veronica" as Hulk goes on a rampage and the rest of the team is down. Veronica is satellite launched Hulk containment and HulkBuster Iron Man armor.
Tony and Hulk fight, tear up city streets. Are they in Johannesburg? I am not paying much attention. This movie is boring. … checking … IMDB says yes.
Tony tries to remove Hulk from the city. Lots of property damage. Yikes. They destroy a very large building under construction. Tony finally subdues him.
• Hill reports no official calls for Bruce's arrest but it's "in the air." Also, Stark deploys the Stark Relief Foundation (noted). Hill suggests they should all go dark until Ultron can be tracked down. Everybody's plenty traumatized. And now's the part where I will ignore Clint's family that came out of nowhere! (I know it comes from Ultimates. I also know HOW IT ENDS WHICH IS HORRIFIC)
• Ignoring the family on the farm. "We would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed." SAME TONY.
• According to IMDB Joss had such a hard time keeping all these characters straight. It was a "nightmare". "They're very disparate characters. The joy of the Avengers (he says as he bitches about them) is they really don't belong in the same room. It's not like the X-Men who are all tortured by the same thing, and have similar costumes. These guys are just all over the place, and it's so tough."
I have not, historically, been on the Joss hate train — certainly the Joss disappointment train — but there's something about that statement that makes me grind my teeth. "They have different costumes!" Really? REALLY? DO THEY REALLY? GOSH THAT IS SO HARD! YOU'RE SO RIGHT! AND THE DIFFERENT CHARACTERS HAVE DIFFERENT BACKSTORIES AND MOTIVATIONS? MY GOD! WHAT UNIMAGINABLE MADNESS! HOW DO YOU SURVIVE?
Lazy. That's what it is. It feels lazy. Unpaid fanfic writers manage it and manage it a lot better than this mess. Ugh. Shut up, Joss.
It goes on to say he was so exhausted that he elected not to direct Infinity Wars. Yeah, I think what really happened was that he was given the option to save face and claim exhaustion and walk away. He checked way the hell out of this movie long before it premiered.
(I took an hour long break here to contain my irritation. Surfed the net. Watched some of the All-Star Game. Had a hotdog.)
• Anyway, back to the Barton farm and the family I will ignore.
Thor is having small child-induced flashbacks. He bails the awkward farm for London and Erik Selvig. Smart man.
Meanwhile, Steve looks around, moping about the normal life he'll never have.
Though, okay, Clint having a convo with Laura "Ultron has these allies. They're kids. They're punks, really. AND I WILL ADOPT THEM HONEY! DON'T YOU WORRY! THEY'RE TWINS AND THEY'RE ANNOYING AND I WILL BRING THEM HOME HERE WHERE THEY BELONG! Someone's going to have to teach them some manners. THEY PROBABLY PUT THEIR FEET ON THE FURNITURE HONEY! BUT, WE CAN RAISE THEM RIGHT!
• U-Gin Genetics Research Lab, Seoul, South Korea. Dr. Cho encounters Ultron. Ultron wants her to make him a squishy flesh and vibranium body. He uses the scepter on her.
• Back on the farm. More Nat and Bruce awkward. Pass. Though, they talk about being monsters (if they are), which is a tenuous and somewhat stretched thin theme in this film. Still super forced and anvilicious.
• Elsewhere Steve and Tony split wood like manly men. And argue.
"Every time somebody tries to stop a war before it starts, innocent people die." This line makes very little sense. It sounds profound, but it's not. Even in the context of what he and Tony are arguing about, it doesn't really make sense. So … you should always war? I don't think that's what you mean, Steve.
UGH! This movie could have been much better in so many ways.
Laura, who I don't hate despite my ignoring, interrupts (bless her) and asks Tony to fix the tractor.
• Tony goes into the barn and runs into Fury, who likes to lurk in dark corners, waiting for his moment to make his dramatic, timely entrances. ILU Fury, never change.
"You're not the director of me." Oh, Tony.
Tony tells Fury about the vision he had — where the Avengers were dead because of him and the whole world, too. "It wasn't a nightmare, it was my legacy. The end of the path I started us on."
But Fury knows all about guilt and tries to pull Tony out. Good luck, Nick. (it sort of works. ish)
• Thor meets Erik in London. Thor in stealth hoody. "I like the look. If you're going for inconspicuous, though, near miss." I miss you, Erik.
• Back at the farm. Fury is briefing them saying Ultron's building something. Re: Ultron: "He's easy to track. He's everywhere. The guy is multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit".
Tony asks if he's still going after launch codes, Fury confirms he is but isn't making any headway, Tony is a little baffled. "I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in highschool on a dare". Fury says he contacted people at the net hub "the Nexus" in Oslo. Fury says the codes are being changed, Tony asks, by whom. Parties unknown. Fury says Ultron has an enemy, which is not necessarily the same thing as an ally for them. Except it's totally Jarvis, so you're fine.
Fury gives a "buck up little Avengers; go save the world or Barton's kids are dead" speech. Notably the kids were in the room for a lot of this.
They decide Ultron wants to build a human body that is evolved. And Bruce wonders if anybody's talked to Helen lately. Nope, sorry, Bruce. Everybody but Ultron completely forgot about her.
• Helen is amazed at the binding of the vibranium and tissue cells. Ultron calls vibranium the most versatile substance on the planet "and they used it to make a frisbee." then he gives us a yawner humans are limited and dumb and stupid and whatever else speech.
As a member of the general film and television viewing audience, can I ask that maybe Hollywood screenwriters come up with some new material? This speech is almost literally in every single movie. And I mean actual literally and not Chris Traeger literally.
Anyway, Ultron takes the infinity stone out of the scepter and places it on the new body's forehead.
• Erik takes Thor to an underground cistern or something. Erik calls it the Water of Sight. Thor says in every realm there is a reflection. He wants to return to his vision to see what he missed.
Ultimately Thor sees the infinity stones in his vision.
Ahahah. According to IMDB Joss said he wanted this scene to be longer but Marvel said he could pick one — longer Thor scene and trim the farm, or keep all the farm. He chose the farm. Why not? That whole sequence only lasts for seven uncomfortable, stilted hours. Yes, that's what we needed more of. Good choice.
(I'm not going to say we needed a longer Thor scene, but … ugh this movie)
• Tony in Oslo. "A hacker faster than Ultron? He could be anywhere." (HE COULD ALSO BE JARVIS) He likens it to looking for a needle in a haystack. But, it's easy to find one, you just bring a magnet. Then he attempts to hack the launch codes and waits.
• Back in Seoul, the body will be ready in a few hours, but they can start transferring Ultron's cerebral matrix.
Wanda says she can read "him" (the body, aka Vision). "He is dreaming." Helen says it's Ultron's base consciousness. Wanda drifts over and touches the cradle thingy and gets a vision of planetary destruction.
Wanda confronts Ultron. Ultron says "the human race will have every opportunity to improve." Pietro says "and if they don't", to which Ultron replies "ask Noah." Which, really, doesn't make much sense, either. I mean, I get the likening to the flood, but … what? Who is Noah in this scenario? The new flesh body? And again, does Ultron think he's God? Unclear. Nobody knows.
Oh, I guess not. "When the earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And believe me, he's winding up."
This makes no sense.  
U: "We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak." P: "And who decides who's weak?" U: "Life."
Wait. I thought God was throwing stones?
I didn't hate this movie the first time I saw it, I actually enjoyed myself. Which is the point, so good job everybody. But the second time I saw it, I was pretty meh. And now, I'm kind of starting to hate it. Some movies grow on you after a while, this is not one of those movies.
Wanda sneakily hits Helen with some Scarlet Witchery and wakes her from the scepter-induced brainwashing.
(I took a break for another hour. scrolled tumblr. played fallout shelter. had a yogurt. rubbed my cat's tummy until she bit me. QUALITY TIME)
• ANYWAY back to Seoul. Ultron's done bloviating. Helen stupidly draws attention to herself and pauses the cerebral matrix upload. Ultron shoots everybody. Then completely disconnects himself and steals the body. Oh, because the Quinjet is inbound.
• They drop Steve off like three miles away? Why? He doesn't mind jumping out, you know. The lab's an island, you could have just dropped him in the water. But, it wouldn't give us our nifty location shot. So … okay, I guess.
Anyway, Steve runs fast. He gets to the lab and tends to the wounded Dr. Cho. She tells him Ultron's new body plan, but says Steve can't just blow it up, because the gem is in there and its power is uncontainable. Which is weird because it was contained in the scepter. (Normally, I'd let that go, but this script is such an unholy mess, I'm going to be petty. So there!)
• Clint spots the truck carrying ultron and the body. Steve jumps on it. Action and property damage ensues.
Ultron robot guards fly off with the truck. Nat's inside. She's going to airdrop the body to Clint. During the drop, Nat is grabbed by Ultron.
•Wanda and Pietro see the Avengers on the news and decide to go help out. They confront Ultron on a commuter train. Which is, of course, approaching the end of the tracks. GEE NEVER SAW THAT ONE BEFORE. Somehow the train defies physics and despite running into stuff maintains its momentum in order to crash through a lot of buildings dramatically.
• Back at the Tower …
Bruce is ready to destroy the body. But Tony's all, no wait. I have a new bad idea! (Except it's not really bad, but I can see where people are maybe concerned at this point). Also, Tony reveals he found Jarvis. Jarvis went underground. Tony wants Bruce to put Jarvis into the body, in order to override the ultron bits in the body.
"This is the perfect opportunity. We can create Ultron's perfect self, without the homicidal glitches he thinks are his winning personality." You know, I have a hard time thinking Tony would be that tone deaf. There surely had to be another way to get the same end result of the creation of Vision. That is such a dumb thing to say. I get that Tony can be blinded by his quest for knowledge of invention, but this is a little beyond blinded, especially after everything else.
"I'm in a loop. I'm in a time loop. This is exactly where it all went wrong." Bruce says the rightest thing in an hour of this film. Good call Bruce. Nothing says a good time like characters having the same argument repeatedly.
"We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. We've gotta own it. Make a stand." REALLY? REALLY TONY?
Anyway —
• Nat is being held by Ultron. Ultron monologues to her.
This doesn't bother me as much as it bothered some. I mean the Nat being held part. The monologuing was super cliched.
Anyway, Nat is 'held' by Ultron. She immediately starts working on a transmitter, knowing Clint is looking for a signal from her. So, you know, she's able to be a sort of tracker to Ultron. So … why break out if that's where the fight's going down anyway? And when Bruce turns up to "rescue" her, her first thing is all "okay, so what's the play?". So … I'm in the 'she got there first and was just waiting for them to show up' camp.
• Bruce has caved to Tony's weird persuasion. Anyway. Okay.
Steve shows up with the twins to try and stop transferring jarvis to the body. Arguing arguing blah blah. Pietro disconnects the power to the cradle. And Clint finally gets his shot in on that speedy little bastard, and he's so proud of himself.
And now there's more fighting. Steve and Tony go at it. Bruce grabs Wanda. It's all very … not interesting.
Clint runs up and he's got to be all "wtf? who do I aim at?" you're the best, clint and my favorite ever. screw the rest of these idiots, I just want two hours of him and pietro and wanda.
Then Thor turns up. He jumps on the cradle, does his lightening thing and directs it to the cradle. And Vision is born. Thor holds everybody off while Vision figures himself out.
Thor then explains the infinity stones. Vision has the mind gem. He also says that's the source of Wanda's powers.
I like Vision. Also he's pretty. And he is worthy. He hands Thor Mjölnir.
And they're off to Sokovia. Because Clint tracked down the signal Nat sent, because she's waiting for the rest of the idiots to catch up. Make it 2 hours of clint and nat and the twins. I'd pay for that.
• They try to evacuate the city. Steve gives his orders and a soliloquy.
"Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world." Well, Nat and Bruce are on the fence about their monsterness. Also, Tony did just have the bizarre bad idea to embrace his inner monster. That happened like three minutes ago. That was such a weird scene, too. Ugh. This movie! Such a mess! (WE MIGHT BE MONSTERS! ARE MONSTERS MADE ARE THEY INSIDE OF US WHAT MAKES US MONSTERS? DO YOU GET IT? DO YOU? DO YOU?)
"This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." No, Steve, I'm pretty sure that right now, it should be entirely about beating him. "The Earth could be destroyed and we'll all be dead, but we'll rest comfortably in the ashes of the Barton children knowing that we weren't monsters like Ultron thought we were." You can philosophize after you've saved the planet. UGH!!!
• Ultron's hanging out in the church again. Tony finds him. Ultron asks if Tony's come to confess his sins. So … Ultron is a priest/preacher/minister of some type? Are we narrowing down this tortured and tenuous religious metaphor to something almost coherent? It only took 1:39:41.
He liked the symmetry of faith and he's stuck his destructo device in the middle of the church and it's symbolic of … I got nothing. Because Ultron doesn't really mention anything about it again. And he misses the opportunity to rhapsodize religiously when he's fighting the God of Thunder.
Look, go for the metaphor/allegory/whatever, or don't. Just don't half-ass it.
• Apparently this armor is the Mark XLV. (I hope Tony recycles, because those things are expensive and that's Darcy's inheritance he's burning through with FORTY-FIVE suits of armor. Not counting War Machine or the Iron Intern.)
• Vision traps Ultron's matrix to, I guess, the local ultron bot network, so he can't escape through the internets. Did ultron bots elsewhere in the world just drop? Or are they all called to Sokovia for this? I'll assume so. Figure travel time.
• Ultron's device will lift a chunk of the city and then drop it, making a big bomb that will ultimately destroy the world.
• A zillion ultron bots invade the city. And now it'll be six hours of cgi robot battles. I want to take a nap.
• Ultron monologues again. "You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword." So … he's back to maybe being God now? I'm so confused.
"And the Earth will crack with the weight of your failure." Wait, I thought they were your sword? Is it their failure that they've become your sword, or will they fail as your sword?
• Bruce/Nat scenes that actually aren't entirely terrible. I do really like "I adore you" SHOVE. Heh. ILU Nat.
• I never noticed before that Friday has some sort of Irish-ish accent.
• Clint and his new daughter Wanda are fighting off robots and rescuing people. And she's all "how could I let this happen? this is my fault?" and clint gives his inspiring "yeah, it's everybody's fault. chin up kid. the city is flying. I've got like twelve arrows. Go out there and you're an Avenger, let's go kill robots" speech. It was better than than Cap's. (ILU Cap, but you're poorly written in this movie)
Wanda decides to be an Avenger and goes robot smashing and Clint looks at her with such pride. (Well, no, he just nods and tells Cap they're clear)
And then Pietro runs up and calls him old man and Barton Bartons, he takes aim on Pietro from behind. "Nobody would know. Nobody. 'The last I saw him, an Ultron was sitting on him. Yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little bastard. I miss him already.'" Ha.
That's always worth watching a couple times. I mean, hey, AoU is not entirely irredeemable. There's good bits. There's just also a lot of not good bits.
• More robot fighting. Stark and Friday are trying to come up with a solution. Tony's got the idea to blow up/vaporize the flying part of the city, to keep it from hitting the ground and, you know, killing the planet.
Fury, always a master of timing, shows up with the primary helicarrier for evac of the city. Pietro is impressed.
And they bring along Rhodey!
• More robot fighting.
• Barton goes to rescue a kid. There's shooting. Pietro saves them by suddenly running slow enough to get hit by bullets. And dies. Because … ? After everything they did to work out the rights to Pietro and Wanda for this film and for the MCU in general, to go and kill one of them off, it's so irritatingly stupid.
• Anyway, it distracts wanda and an ultron hits the destructo device, dropping the city while Tony is busy trying to vaporize it.
• Somehow Hulk ended up on a quinjet. I don't know, I wasn't paying attention. And he has it in stealth mode and he just takes off despite Nat's attempts to call him back.
• Vision has a final confrontation with what's left of Ultron. "Stark asked for a savior and settled for a slave." So … he's Jesus? NOBODY KNOWS. Vision saves us all by finishing him off.
• The New Avengers Facility in upstate New York has a HUGE staff. I don't think I ever noticed that, either. Including, Erik Selvig.
• Steve and Tony try to rationalize why Vision can pick up Mjölnir, Thor's just content to ignore them and say Vis can keep the mind gem because he's worthy and such. "Elevator's not worthy."
Thor takes off back to Asgard on account of how all the infinity stones keep turning up. So somebody's mucking about, and by Odin's neckbeard he'll find out what!.
Tony is taking a break from Iron Man-ing. New team reveal — Sam, Rhodey, Wanda, Vision.
• Estimated Time: Three days to try to integrate the Ultron AI. AI attacks at night. Next day they ID Gollum. They arrive in South Africa in daylight, so next next day. Five Days then? Then they arrive at Farm at daylight, early morning. Another day. Fury is there at night. They leave at night. So on to day six. Go to Seoul, and Tony to Oslo. Two more days? Then Vision is born at night and then to Sokovia. Another day.  So … the week and a half of Ultron.
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marvelousbirthdays · 7 years
Happy Birthday, greenhands5!
May 19 - Tasertricks for @greenhands5
Loki is a firm believer in rewarding merit; his awesome girlfriend definitely deserves a few awards. And also something fluffy.
By @catrinasl
"It's about time, honestly."
"I agree. This lab wouldn't run without her."
Loki stopped outside the door to the lab at the sound of two of Doctor Foster's underlings approaching. He slouched back against the wall, pulling shadow nearer to obscure himself. Even though the Midgardians ("people," Darcy often corrected) on this particular floor of Stark Tower were more used to his presence than others, he was sure that he still unnerved them, despite the reassurances of the beautiful and kind human who said she loved him.
Besides, office gossip was occasionally profitable.
"I heard that a couple months ago, when Doctor Banner's assistant got it, that she tried to turn it down and give it to Darcy instead, and that's what got Ms. Potts' attention that Darcy hadn't ever been employee of the month before." The doctoral student exited the lab with one of the techs, and leaned forward to push the elevator call button.
"I hope they're giving her an extra bonus," the tech replied. "Did I tell you she saved our project the other day?"
They continued their conversation as the elevator doors opened to receive them, and Loki had the answer to the riddle he had been puzzling over.
He produced his Midgardian communication device ("It's a cell phone, dude.") from his non-extradimensional storage space ("Seriously, Salazar, just call them pockets.") and pulled up the texts he had received less than an hour before.
I'm awesome it said. take me out to lunch
The Prince of Asgard had not been able to connect these two statements, sent though they had been within two seconds of one another. Darcy, in his experience, was always awesome, and not merely in the flippant way that she and many other humans used the word. She kept him in constant awe with her tendency to do things for others without hope of a return, her quick wit, and the way she looked at him like he was worthy of her love.
So the Powers That Be had recognized her merit and decided to bestow rewards and praise upon her, as was her due.
Loki was satisfied with these events. He was only surprised that Darcy had not been lauded before, and from the conversation he had overheard, her peers felt the same.
As he was pondering these ideas, the object of them bounced out into the hallway and spotted him immediately.
"Hey!" she exclaimed, grabbing his hand. "Did you hear that I'm Stark Industries' Employee of the Month?"
Loki gave her a small smile in return, hiding how impressed he was that she had seen right past his shadowy veil. "I have," he said. "I assume this is why you have demanded that I buy you a reasonably-priced but unfortunate-tasting sub-sea sandwich?"
"Submarine," Darcy corrected automatically. "Ooh, yeah. I hadn't thought about what I wanted to eat; I was thinking something fancy, but you're right. That's totally what I want."
Loki nodded and leaned away from the wall, giving her a small bow. "As you are the Celebrated One, I shall indulge your whims this once."
Darcy scoffed, grinning. "You say that all the time."
"Do you not indulge my whims?" he argued.
She considered this, grinning slyly. "I guess I do," she said.
"I am told that this is what makes a good relationship," he informed her, as he laced their fingers together.
"What dating expert did you hear that from?" she shot back, giving him a disbelieving sideways glance.
"My mother, actually," he said.
"Okay, I'll allow that," she told him, as she knocked into the elevator call button with her hip. "Your mom's pretty much the best."
"If you mean regal, brilliant, and the wisest of all women, then you would be correct."
"Totally," Darcy agreed, pulling him into the elevator behind her. "Somebody should give your mom a Goddess of the Month award."
"She is Queen of Asgard," Loki pointed out. "But I will mention it to my father the next time I speak to him."
Loki enjoyed his lunch with Darcy (despite the unfortunate-tasting sandwiches), but the idea of rewarding merit lingered in the back of his mind long after he had escorted her back to the lab.
 Several weeks later, Darcy got a text from Loki that said, I am in awe of you. Have dinner with me. She grinned and showed it to Jane, who rolled her eyes. After work, she headed to Loki's apartment and found it darkened, every flat surface covered with glowing candles.
"What is this?" she asked, not sure if she should feel flattered or alarmed.
"This is a celebration for you, Darcy Lewis," he replied.
"Oh, a belated Employee of the Month thing?" she asked. "I told you, sandwiches that one time was good enough."
"No," Loki assured her. "This evening's celebration is to recognize your efforts on behalf of mankind."
Before Darcy could ask, Loki presented her with a gift wrapped in green and gold.
"This isn't another fancy plaque, is it?" she said apprehensively as she untied the bow.
"I considered it," Loki told her. His hands encircled her waist as he stepped behind her to watch her unwrap her present, pulling her closer to him, her back against his chest. “But I thought you might enjoy this more.”
“It’s gold,” Darcy observed when the box was opened and the wrappings lay on the floor. “Are you retiring me?”
“I—no,” the slightly confused Loki began, but Darcy interrupted with an explanation before he could ask which earth reference he had missed this time.
“It’s a thing,” she assured him as she lifted her gift out of the box. “People get gold watches when they retire, like the company is saying, ‘thanks for your years of devoted service, goodbye forever.’”
“Well, it is given in thanks for your devoted service, but is more of a hello than a goodbye,” he said, reaching up to touch the small disk in her hand.
Darcy squinted as words appeared there, first in Asgardian runes, then shifting into plain, somewhat-readable English (as it was in Loki’s scratchy handwriting):
Awesome Award
Given in Commemoration of the Efforts of Darcy Lewis to Improve the Nine Realms
Flipping it over, her pleased smile was replaced a confused raised eyebrow, and she read aloud, “Mister… Booflesnoot?”
“‘Trusted Knight of the Golden Realm,’” Loki added. “I am told that humans generally require their pets to have some sort of identification. This should do.”
“Pet?” Darcy repeated, turning to look him in the eye. “I can’t have a pet in the Tower. They have a policy.”
“Yet Agent Barton persists on bringing his animal to every non-crucial meeting. And there is the kitten that Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes have secretly adopted.”
“They don’t count,” Darcy said. “Lucky doesn’t live here, he just visits. And Pepper doesn’t know about Pandora. Besides, she’s really Natasha’s kitten at this point anyway.”
“Then we should have no problem,” Loki said, closing his eyes and concentrating for a moment. Then he turned Darcy’s attention to the window, where the dust specks filtering through the light were looking a lot more substantial (and multicolored?) than usual. “If anyone asks, you can say that he is visiting from Asgard and belongs to my mother, which is not a complete untruth, as she has expressed a desire to enjoy his company anytime it is not convenient for him to be with you.”
The multicolored sparks of light became… more, and Darcy’s eyes widened as she realized what was happening.
“Is that—?” she began, but did not get much further because the fully materialized puff of white and golden fur gallop-hopped happily over to her and bounced at her feet.
“You got me a space corgi,” Darcy breathed, reaching down to gather her gift into her arms.
“You have certainly desired one for long enough. As has my mother ever since you and she spent most of your time gushing over the pictures you showed her on our first visit to Asgard.”
Darcy’s face was blissful as Mister Booflesnoot showed her love. “Oh my god, Loki, this is amazing!” She stood and squeezed both god and space corgi in a warm hug. “Thank you!”
Loki knew that he was the thankful one.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
Well, he IS burdened with glorious purpose.
As for the whole bookworm thing, it’s never specifically said that he likes reading but it’s pretty much canon. I mean, we all know he’s more of the ‘brains’ to Thor’s 'brawn’- magic and tricks over actually going out and fighting face-to-face, outsmarting almost everyone around him except his mother and sometimes Odin, able to read people perfectly (unless they’re Natasha)- and all that knowledge about magic had to come from somewhere other than just lessons from his mother. There’s also a scene in Thor 2 after Loki’s been put in prison, and while everyone else around him is fighting he’s just calmly reading a book in his cell and ignoring the chaos.
We can only hope it’s not Arima. He deserves to rest in peace. Also it would just screw up the perfect ending Ishida made for his story…
I think I’ve seen a theory that there’s been a time skip and Touka is dead. (please no not a time skip AoT’s given us enough of those)
I do feel 100% sure that something has happened and I’m really excited for the next chapter :D
HUFFLEPUFF PRIDE. Seriously though, personally it’s the house I think I fit best with and most of the quizzes I’ve taken sorted me into it (occasionally I got Ravenclaw, very rarely Gryffindor or Slytherin). You know how in the books Hufflepuff is the only house without an actual villain from it? I guess I’m going to ruin that XD
Dude, if Hinami is TG’s perfect s/o, Marco is that for AoT. I honestly wish I knew someone like him irl ;-; Queen Luna’s HCs are lovely though so tysm <3
OTP? 0////0 the thought of being shipped with Captain America is making me blush lol
With Loki, I like I’d just stutter like the anxious idiot I am
“Um. Is everything ok? I mean, a lot of stuff’s happened, obviously you’re not ok, just, you look tired. I mean, not that you look- you look bad, I mean you actually look really good, god, that sounds creepy doesn’t it, what I meant was- I mean- ugh…”
And for once, he’d just be kind of shocked into silence.
Loki in Thor 1 is a lot like me and I think we could be really close, but Loki in the later movies is… well. I feel like I’d end up joining Thor in his 'LOKI COME HOME’ crusade and it would always be an epic fail.
Luna + Loki would be just amazing though. 10/10 would ship. 1000/10 would pay to see that sass battle.
Honestly, Queen Luna is kinda really shippable. Idk why. I don’t ship real people (I mean, I can 'ship’ them but not in the 'writing fanfics and drawing fanart’ way)  but since I have your permission it’s like my brain is running wild XD
Aww <33 Evans is a really good third wheel though (BLATANT LIES. Evans is actually a tiny bit clingy and gets jealous sometimes…not in the 'don’t hang out with that person you’re mine’ kind of way, but in the lonely, depressed way that just leaves me feeling drained (since the SA also makes me a bit insecure)? Idk I’m a drama king haha).
I’ve heard the Hulk movies suck and from what I’ve seen they probably do so I haven’t watched them either ^^;; and yay, can’t wait to see how you’ll do in MCU hell! :D
The feels are rushing back *deep breath*
I was broken from a young age,
Taking my sulking to the masses
Writing my poems for the few that
looked at me,
took to me,
shook to me,
feeling me
Singing from heartache, from the pain
Take up my message from the veins
Speaking my lesson from the brain
Seeing the beauty through the...
Is the ‘burdened with glorious purpose’ a quote/joke from the movie? Cause I found this meme during my 3am adventures:
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And Loki’s burdened with glorious butt.
I’VE WATCHED THOR 1. And I must say, Loki is definitely fave. I mean, Thor does get a lot of character development, but, meh. Poor Loki ;-; I feel so sorry for him... I mean, if only his father had paid more attention to him and not only saw him as something that will form a pact in the future...  Also, I realised something. Both of the Asgard siblings have longer hair than me. That makes me strangely salty.
Ahahahah I think the two of us would get along very well ^^;; I mean, while I do watch a lot of anime, I still consider reading (and writing) my main hobbies. Last week, I read three books alone, during school hours (summer definitely does have its advantages). I’m looking forward to watching Thor 2. It’s next on my list, however I’m not sure when I’ll next find time time for it. I still have a few things to finish up in school, but I’d say Tuesday, Thursday or Friday are the days in which I’ll have time for a movie.
While I was watching Thor, my mom came in during the shirtless scene (great timing, I know) and since it’s gotten very hot here, I had a fan and was fanning myself. According to her, I looked ‘like a deranged fangirl’. What a nice comment.
Pls no. I’m not a fan of Touken, but I don’t want Touka to be dead. Pls.  When I first thought ‘oh, a time skip?’ I was like ‘oh god, not another one.’ but then I realised that TG actually had very little time skips. But AoT has had so many it’s made up for all the other mangas I’m currently reading. 
Yeah, I’m pretty excited for it as well ^^ Hopefully we get a nice explanation. 
According to most quizzes, I’m a Ravenclaw, but my friends say I’m a weird mix between Slytherin and Ravenclaw. If I had to choose, RAVENCLAW FOR THE WIN! (I have nothing against Slytherin, I just like blue more than green)
From TG Hinami’s perfect s/o, AoT Marco, YoI Everyone, probably, Kuro Idk?? Is there anyone who’d be nice mental support? Oh, Lizzie, maybe!
I’m glad you like my headcanons ^^ When I get to know Steve well enough, prepare for a river of them huehuehue
I feel like, if I was in that universe and knew the Asgard siblings, I’d be the one quietly faceplaming behind everyone. Maybe trying to talk reason into Loki
‘You can’t just try to take over New York! You’ll get locked up or worse!’
And then I’d be grandly ignored. How fun.
And then I’d go visit him in prison and just look at him with the ‘I told you so face’. 
Honestly, I feel very awkward about shipping real life people with other real life people but people with fictional characters is fine with me, as long as it doesn’t get extreme (in the ‘this is MY character, why are you even talking about it’ (trust me, I’ve seen fangirls get possessive over their faves, and it’s not pretty)).
Have I told you how interesting Loki fangirls are? During my 3am Adventures™ I encountered roughly the same amount of Smut and Fluff. Usually, the fluff outweighs smut, but it seems that’s not the case this time. However, for some reason, I don’t have problems with character and character smut, but if I see it involves reader, I’m out of there. It just makes me too uncomfortable.  And they don’t seem to know how to tag things properly. In the Loki tag, I for every 2 Loki fics, there was 1 for another avengers. Sometimes more. 
You’re definitely not a drama king. It’s completely normal to feel that way. And I’d definitely never leave you hanging ^^
I swear, if I start another Imagines blog, I will be coming after your blood. I already have 2 and am struggling to keep a consistent update schedule! (that might have to do with school tho and school’s ending soon....)
Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer Pain! You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer Pain! Let the bullets fly, oh let them rain My life, my love, my drive, it came from... Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer
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