#my worst fear
vampirehayfever · 18 days
Gorgug has evolved into Podcast guy
this is my first ever ask, and anon, thank you so much for trying to warn me of what's to come.
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g4ydhd · 11 months
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bylersdontcry · 1 year
what if the byler kiss happens in bad lighting and then it’s hard to do cool edits :/
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melody-pearl · 1 year
My worst fear since I watched the Chris-Chan documentaries is to end up like Chris.
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angria · 8 months
Session was a dysregulated mess.
Started straight off with my attachment shit dream of him leaving. Which led to something T said last week that set off the fear. Which spiraled into what happens when he does “leave” because he’s not going to be around forever. He described trying to build my self worth and trust in myself so I don’t feel as dependent on him.
Almost immediately, I curled into myself, breathing in short gasps, face bordering on crumbling. Couldn’t talk. Of course he knew what set me off since he knows me so well. He asked if I thought he was saying that he will change my dependence on him by taking something away. I nodded. He also asked if I was afraid to say anything because I don’t want to give him ideas of what to “take away.” I nodded. He started chuckling and said, “No! I do want to change your feelings of dependence. By helping you gain self worth, confidence in self, building that ego. Not by taking something away”
He continued and said it will take time to develop and adjust, but our goal is for me to improve, not to plan my demise. I flinched at the word “adjust,” which he picked up on and told me “Change is not always bad!” Damn, how he knows me and my reactions. Towards the end of the session, we played our ball game to try and regulate again. Which did help.
Now just exhausted. Didn’t get into how badly I want to SH…idk. Too tired to do anything, which is probably for the best. As much as I don't want to admit that...
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maybeiwasntthere2 · 6 months
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Whys it have to be near a den..
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When your best friend sends you a message saying she has a cervical cancer scan next week... and you lose your fucking mind. I know it's "An easy cancer to cure" like I was told this morning... but I've been through cancer twice in the last year... they did not end well. So this is me telling you all, if this doesn't go the way it's supposed to, it'll be the end of me. I can't lose her.
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carltonlassie · 1 year
Literally the most unsettling thing from Beau is Afraid is when he wakes up in a pink room filled with posters of supposed k-pop idols plastered on the walls
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hmspogue · 1 year
Thinking of future seasons — they better not being any serious romantic rivals into the Jiara sphere. I can’t take that shit. Just give us a couple that is ride or die. Or I swear if they give Rafe some redemption arc (absolutely fucking not) and somehow make him the rival, I’ll go straight to the Pates.
I don’t think they will, but I’ve been burned by enough shoes before.
yeah absolutely not, that would be my least favorite thing ever.
fortunately i (knock on wood) don’t think they’d do that just off of the idea that maybe they’ll feel they technically already did it with the pokie fiasco. let’s count that as a romantic rival and move on.
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elizaellwrites · 2 years
"Oh! You're writing a book what's it about?"
Well, it's complicated. See, there's this culture of magical alien people and there was a genocide and a bunch happened, and the main characters have to relearn their culture and there are more issues because those that committed the genocide are still out there and every character has their own issue and progression and I have no idea how to summarize years of world/plot/character building in 30 seconds for you to not think I'm crazy or the book is really superficial and dumb...
Are you okay?
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Nightmares. Everyday the nightmare of someone I know finding my fanfics become realized everyday.
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My Worst Fear
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Female Character
Characters: Dean Winchester, OFC, Original Female Character(s)
Word Count: 1097 // Rating: Gen
Summary: Dean falls in love, but ends up alone. As usual.
Tags/ Warnings: Angst, Love, Established Relationship, My Writing, announcements of love, song fic, I love yous, vulnerability, Proposals, Implied Sex, Long Term, Lyrics, Relationship, Fluff, SPN fic, pre spn start
Notes: EDITED AND UPDATED 8/22. My very first fic
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Last night you gave me a kiss, You didn't know it, but I was awake when you did, You were quiet, you were gonna let me sleep, So I just laid there pretending to be, You said some things you didn't know I could hear, And the words "I love you" never sounded so sincere.
He could feel her move against him. She shifted slightly, pushing away from his chest. He knew she was checking to see if he was really asleep. He wasn't but he kept his eyes closed pretending to be. She leaned up further a brushed her lips against his before she leaned back down pushing her face into the crook of his neck smiling into his skin. 'I love you,' she muttered. She turned and sighed, adjusting herself before she drifted off to sleep. His chest tightened, that was the first time she'd ever said that to him and it had him like a ton of bricks. He had never intended to get in this deep.
It's gonna make it hard to tell you that I'm leaving, Now that I know just how much you care, You finally gave me one good reason not to go, But staying here is my worst fear.
He was working on a case in North Carolina and he'd met her in a bar. She wasn't the type of girl he'd usually go for, she hadn't been interested in him at all at first. The bar had been quiet that night, it hadn't been what he was looking for after a tough day. A full moon had passed and he'd missed his chance to track down the werewolf he'd been looking for all week. Which meant he'd have to stay in town and get a job for another whole month so he could finish the case. So he was tired, grumpy and looking for some fun at the end of a disappointing week. That was when he had spotted her, well her friend, Danni. Danni was a tall, dyed blonde with big boobs and a short dress, so naturally, his eyes had drifted to her. He'd walked up and used a cheesy pick-up line which had Danni smiling like an idiot but her friend hadn't seemed to notice him at all.
That bothered him.
He'd sat down with them, bought drinks and flirted keeping the conversation going. Danni was eager but her friend wasn't interested in what was going on at all, he'd tried to bring her into the conversation but she'd kept her answers short and continued to keep him at bay. Eventually, Danni had become bored with him, it was because he wasn't really paying attention to her he guessed and had made an excuse to leave, eventually going to flirt with the bartender. It was only then had he finally learned Danni's friend's name.
Once Danni had left she had seemed more at ease. He found it easier to talk to her and the conversation had started to flow. It was early in the morning after the crowd had filtered out before they decided to leave. They had stood outside the bar awkwardly.'Well goodbye then,' Dean grunted, shifting on his feet not knowing what to say.'Yeah goodbye,' she replied, blushing, before turning swiftly around and heading for her car. Dean barely thought before he shouted after her. She turned to stop waiting for him to get to where she was. He jogged up to her. They were now standing right next to her car.'What's wrong?''Well, nothing,' Dean stuttered, 'I was just wondering if I could have your number? If you want to. You don't have to I mean-'
He was rambling and she wasn't stopping him, when he eventually went quiet she spoke.'Are you done?' she joked and he blushed looking at the floor, 'yeah you can have my number, do you have a pen? Or you can give me your phone and I'll put it in directly.'
He handed her his phone and waited whilst she placed her number in before handing it back to him, 'bye.'
She grinned before getting in her car and driving away, leaving Dean standing there watching.
It had gone from there. They had met up the next day and almost every day after that together. He had gotten a job in town whilst simultaneously working the case and they spent their evenings and weekends together. It had been the best month of his life. But I would have to end, no matter how much he wanted to stay. He'd finish the case and his Dad had already given him some hints about some other jobs.
Dean woke up. He lay in bed. Alone. He had thought of their time together, including what she had said last night, whilst trying to figure out what he was going to tell her about leaving. He had no idea how to even start but he had to. No matter how much he wanted to stay, he couldn't. Dad needed him, especially after what had happened with Sam. He stretched, sitting up. He looked around at the bed. She wasn't there. He got up and left the room, shouting for her. The shabby apartment he'd rented whilst being here was small and it only took him a minute to realise she wasn't there. Dean was confused, he knew she didn't have work until later and she wouldn't have left without telling him. That was when he noticed the note resting on the coffee table. He picked it up, opening it tentatively. The only thing written was 'Just leave x'
This morning I rolled out of bed, Recalling all the sweet things you said, This was the day I was gonna hurt you bad, Called out your name, but you didn't answer back, I searched the house to find out what was wrong, Like a ton of bricks, it hit me you were gone.
She knew he was going to leave so she'd left him. He was alone.
All along I knew that there was something missing, And only one thing left to do, I had to leave behind this life that we'd been living, But the only thing that left was you,
It's gonna make it hard to tell you that I'm leaving, Now that I know just how much you care, You finally gave me one good reason not to go, But being alone is my worst fear.
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gabetheunknown · 1 year
bruh i lost my taste and smell HAHAH 😭
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l0v3c0r3e · 2 years
Do you use twitter?
no actually its to toxic for me😰😰
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angria · 8 months
Felt sick most of yesterday because of getting my covid shot, but mood was kind of decent.
Now I’m feeling better, but mood has completely bottomed out because of attachment dream about T. Actually my worst fear of him leaving so probably nightmare level. Tossing and turning all night. Woke up around 4am and afraid to go back to sleep.
Why does my head hate me. Nope gotta ruin that mood! Nothing good for you!
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acidsaladd · 2 years
no time... to...draw.. *vaporizes into the wind*
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