#nanami i love you
ch6sos · 25 days
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ teen!nanami headcanons
love my emo king so i decided to make headcanons for him because love himso sosooo MUCH <3 I am obsessed with nanami I am sorry guys for the amount of nanami but he is my beloved and my hyperfixation wooooooooooo
lmk if i should make an emo teen nanami as ur bf headcanon ill gladly do it sweetie pies
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He is much quieter as a child and rarely speaks. I believe he will be more reserved as a teenager, not because he is shy, but because he dislikes talking to strangers. He is distant, but not unfriendly.
Haibara is the only person who is allowed in his room, and I do not make the rules. 
Owned an iPod/iPod touch (even though Nanami is the Samsung king) and he would stream his little emo bands.
As a teenager, he appears to be more immature and irrational, displaying difficulty in controlling his emotions sometimes. Despite his calm exterior, he is still a teenage boy so he has regular outbursts here and there.
HATED IT when he tried one of Shoko’s cigarettes; he most likely took one puff and began to cough as though he was going to die.
Sassy king who rolls his eyes and emo hair flips at least 7 times per second, 24/7.
“Nanami, can you do that thing?”
"Do not bother me at this time, Gojo." 
"What did I do."
"The hair flip thing... hahaha you need to cut your bangs."
"I prefer to keep it this way so I can focus on you with one eye and spare the other from seeing more of your face."
Haibara is an extrovert who encourages him to attend events and socialize with others. 
His backpack is tidy. His books are neatly organized, and his papers are not crammed together.
 He was forced to go to karaoke rooms with Shoko, Geto, Gojo, and Haibara, where he would sit and listen to them sing loudly.
"C'mon, Nanami... sing!" 
It turns out he was singing all along, albeit softly and quietly, while they sang along loudly to the screen lyrics.
He spaces out a lot when people talk to him because he just wants to go home.
Haibara is subtly affectionate towards him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder like many guys do. He doesn't push him off, but the other guy freezes and maintains some distance.
He once woke up from a nap and found himself wearing eyeliner, black nail polish, and eyeshadow. He immediately ran out to scold Gojo (it wasn't just him) (but he secretly liked it).
"Gojo, what the fuck is this?"
"This is your culture!" 
"Please refrain from touching me while I am sleeping."
“Hey! Who said it was only me?”
“Jesus Christ.”
Probably got a double helix piercing (that eventually healed when he became an adult) (sorry guys).
(Though he still has his earlobe piercings as an adult, he just never really wears earrings anymore. Though you can see the various holes.)
Geto accompanied him to get piercings, and despite feeling nervous at first, he ended up loving the experience and feeling badass.
"It feels good, right?"
"Oh, yeah, I suppose," he mumbled, trying to suppress a broad smile. As he arrived at his dorm, a dorky grin spread across his face. He stood in front of the mirror for several hours, hyping himself up.
Listens to My Chemical Romance, Nirvana, Van Halen, Metallica, Guns N' Roses, AC/DC, Linkin Park, Green Day, Foo Fighters, The Strokes, and Paramore. And more. :)
He would probably like gothic characters from cartoons or shows, like Raven from Teen Titans.
If you quietly make your way into his dorm room while he's listening to music, you'll catch him singing out the lyrics to his beloved emo songs. As the music moves him, he'll start air guitaring and air drumming with fervor. However, if he catches you witnessing his private performance, you'll see a flicker of embarrassment cross his face.
Gojo once tried to dye one of his hair strands purple or blue, but he failed. Instead of turning the strand the desired color, it only lightened his hair slightly, resulting in a lighter shade of blonde that looked like gray hair.
"Gojo, you made me look like a grandfather. I should've done it myself.”
"Looks great on you, Nanami! Fits you too since you kind of act like a grandpa.”
"Oh you, son of a—"
He secretly owns a Tamagotchi named Helena after remembering it is a My Chemical Romance song.
Wept when they split up.
Has secretly attended several concerts, raves, and gatherings, enjoying the kindness and energy of the events.
Has previously used an Ouija board with Gojo, Geto, and Haibara, and the "spirit" liked him.
He goes to the Japanese equivalent of a Hot Topic to get his clothes.
He smells earthy and musky because he is emo, and he probably has a cologne fragrance bottle shaped like a skull.
He rarely posted on MySpace, and when he did, it was only about his music and book reviews.
Likely wore a fake lip piercing, a silver skull necklace, and one of those spikey emo bracelets.
Read Scott Pilgrim comics for a while. 
He was not too dry, so he used emoticons like "-_-" "-.-" "._. ".-." "^_^"
In his spare time, he enjoys reading books about horror and mystery. 
Owned a black Nintendo DS and always handed it to Haibara so he could play with it. Was not upset when Haibara accidentally dropped it in the water, but was sad that he lost his Pokemon progress.
Never had a genuine crush on someone, though when he does he becomes shy and awkward around the person he has a crush on, often finding himself avoiding them like the plague. Whenever he catches sight of them, uncertainty clouds his mind, nerves all over the place.
Despite his efforts to suppress his feelings, they only seem to intensify. This is his first experience with a serious crush, and his initial reaction is to try to shake off the emotions, but he soon realizes that he can't - he's simply head over heels in love.
Whenever he sees them, he does a cute, dorky thing - he goes to his mirror, fixes his bangs, and hypes himself up. He sprayed more cologne than usual, coughed a little, and made sure his skull necklace, helix piercings, and slight eyeshadow looked good. He gives himself several minutes for a pep talk because he still gets so nervous.
He fidgets a lot, constantly finding ways to occupy his hands even when he appears outwardly calm. It's as if he can't help but engage in some form of repetitive movement, whether it's tapping his fingers, twirling a pen, or adjusting his sleeves.
He also stammers a bit sometimes especially when talking to someone he likes.
Talks to Haibara about how he feels most of the time. Out of everyone he trusts Haibara.
He draws on himself when he is bored. He intended to get a tattoo, so he drew on himself to see how it would look.
He has a journal, emphasizing that it's not a diary, where he writes down his emotions. He finds solace in jotting down his innermost feelings as he often struggles to express them verbally.
In his journal, not a diary, he vents a lot. He is frustrated with himself because he is so bad at expressing his emotions. When he wants to, he can't, and he just pushes people away, which he despises.
"Sometimes I wonder why. Why do I have to be like this? I do want to talk to people and express my emotions to them, but I could never. It genuinely scares me, and that is something I want to fix about myself."
Owns several band shirts and wears them to bed. When he is older, they're smaller on him. I wonder why.
When he's out with Haibara and the group, he always wears his headphones and drifts off while listening to music.
*pretends not to hear gojo*
In the modern world, he would be the quiet student who consistently gets top grades, sits at the back of the class, and rarely participates.
When someone shares the same interests as him he tries not to look too excited but ultimately fails.
As a teenager, he adamantly refuses to pursue a romantic relationship but secretly desires one to fulfill his need for affection.
Thus, he spends his time reading romantic novels, gaining insights into how the male protagonists treat their significant others. This newfound knowledge inspires him to learn how to treat his future significant other.
Even though he is mature for his age, he sometimes wishes he had been raised differently. He genuinely feels like he is wasting his youth by not spending more time being a teenager.
Converse + Vans are his specialty and they’re all beat up.
He sees Geto as a fashion inspiration because he is another emo king.
When he's not in uniform, he enjoys wearing oversized, tucked-in T-shirts paired with sleek black pants and a studded belt. His fingers are adorned with multiple rings, and he complements this look with a sleek black watch.
He always spends an extra dollar to buy someone something from the vending machine. Need a soda? He gotcha.
He always seems to be munching on something, whether it's the crunch of Doritos or potato chips. However, he doesn't seem to have as much of a sweet tooth.
an emo king who deserves the world
a/n: i love my goat
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kentokrazy · 4 months
nanami who peels your orange and then keeps buying them because he thinks you like them, he peels them before he offers them and now you have to keep eating them, it's a never ending cycle
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morzyin · 7 months
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𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐞𝐦 𝐩𝐚𝐳, 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢... 💙
[ Jujutsu Kaisen S2 EP18 ]
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outofcontextfossil · 8 months
mappa giving nanami fans a final hurrah before shit goes downhill holy fuck
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hoonfication · 7 months
i hate jjk
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astreids · 29 days
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just memorized your coffee order because it was the most basic decent thing to do. not because it gave him an excuse to talk to you, even if it was for two minutes.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just always kept a spare hair tie with him because you once mentioned that you always forget to bring an extra with you during missions. not because he always remembered every little thing you had ever said.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just didn't particularly like gojo, especially when he was making you laugh. not because he wanted you to laugh like that with him.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just felt his heart drop to his stomach when you got injured on a mission because that's what he'll feel for any other colleague. not because he couldn't bear the idea of not seeing you ever again or hearing you call him 'kento, my angel.'
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just asked to be paired with you because you spoke the least amount of nonsense and you proved to be a good company. not because he was slowly losing interest in talking to anyone else who wasn't you.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just read the books you recommended because they were already on his reading list. not because he wanted to talk to you all the time about everything and anything under the sun.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just brought you your favourite food whenever you seemed in a bad mood because he needed you to focus on the task. not because he didn't like seeing you upset and the thought of you being all sad and teary-eyed made his heart hurt.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just hated the idea of you loving someone else.
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pilloyz · 2 months
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Every time I think about that shi I giggle
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nevermeyers · 1 month
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“When it's your time to go, make sure you're surrounded by others”
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honoredalone · 18 days
sex life with the jjk men + links
this idea came into my head and i couldn’t resist
my dead dilfs <3 i love them more than anything. let’s pretend the recent leaks didn’t happen because i can’t handle thinking about them.
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𐙚 SATORU GOJO, the strongest and sexiest
how he moans - i think it’s unspoken but agreed upon that satoru is a whiner, a moaner, a VOCALIST. he starts off with deeps groans, grunts but as time passes, he gets more inpatient, more whiney, more desperate.
how he does foreplay - he’s an EATER. for sure. no doubt in my mind. he seems like the type who’d come home from a long exhausting day and just eat you ferociously. he’s obsessed with the way you taste. not just your pussy, but your skin, your lips, your tongue. of course like any man he loves a blowjob but if he had to choose between eating you out or getting blown, he wouldn’t hesitate to pick going down on you.
how he fucks you - fanon gojo is WRONG, he’s not a sex addict. considering his infinity and his trauma from the hidden inventory arc and just aspects of his life in general. he definitely is the type to keep touch sacred so why would he just go around fucking people… right. he wouldn’t. he won’t have sex unless he can look at you, it’s more intimate. you’re special, why wouldn’t he want to look at you.
𐙚 KENTO NANAMI, 7-3 more like 24/7
how he moans - DEEP grunts. deep breaths. small whispers. that’s all. and it’s all hot.
how he does foreplay - he likes to spank. FOR SURE. he’s a sweet lover but he loves the idea of you getting soaked from the sting of his palm and long fingers on your ass. just know after he’ll rub them, kiss them and leave hickeys on them.
how he fucks you - hard but LOVING. he loves missionary, he’ll spice it up though. choking you, tying you up, pinning your hands above your head, lifting your hips off the bed etc. his pace is slow but hard. assertive but gentle.
CHOSO KAMO, death painting womb i’d like to fuck
how he moans - i think regardless of if he’s in control or not he has the WHINIEST moans ever. whimper audio? you got it. he is shamelessly a whimpering god. when he’s on top he’s in your ear practically sobbing and when you’re on top his head is lazily held up while he writhes beneath you. big sweet baby ^o^
how he does foreplay - he loves tits, he loves all of you but he fucking LOVES your tits. sucking on them, kneading them, fucking them. anything to do with your tits gets him hard and sometimes he can’t help but slide a hand down to relieve himself.
how he fucks you - fanon choso is also wrong in MY opinion. let me explain. he has never TRULY lived, so how could he be this subby puppy baby when he hasn’t tried anything like be for real. he likes to be in charge most of the time, but he’ll let you take control. he likes to have you in different positions just to experiment with different things, but he knows he likes to see your face when having sex.
TOJI FUSHIGURO, sorcerer killer? nah. feminist killer
how he moans - i don’t think toji is a big moaner, but more of a dirty talker. BUT if he did moan once in a blue moon, i picture it like this.
how he does foreplay - now this man likes a blowjob, but again i don’t think he’d shove his cock down your throat until you’re gagging uncontrollably and crying. he likes you to take your time while sometimes grabbing your hair and gently guiding your head lower onto his shaft.
how he fucks you - he likes rough but PLEASURABLE sex, folding you in half and fucking you hard. same with gojo, he’s not going around fucking women, maybe as a teen but for sure not after the passing of his wife. he values his time so he’ll take his time with you, prepping you, fucking you and aftercare.
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sorry i’m not a huge fan of fanon characterizations of gojo, choso and toji, sue me. i just think knowing their stories, a lot of things that are “canon” to the jjk fandom are just abundantly wrong and it grinds my gears like no other.
pls don’t hurt me it’s my opinion D:
god forbid someone has an opinion.
feed back is VERY appreciated and if y’all have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to let me know
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kenntolog · 9 days
𝝑𝝔 an: live laugh love nanami kento!!
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“where is the list?”
“i think i took a picture of it before throwing it in the trash. can you look for it? i gotta change real quick.” you point at your phone on the table and once again disappear into your shared room. “you remember the password?”
“yes, darling.” nanami nods, more to himself, and makes his way to your phone, taking it carefully.
your lockscreen is always something that makes him smile. while he himself prefers to not have anything on his lockscreen, just for the sake of some kind of privacy when he is at his work — you don’t care about anything and a perfect picture of you both taken by someone else is proudly chosen to represent your lockscreen.
nanami finds it very very sweet. can’t even fight off the tremble in the corner of his lips every time he sees it.
he opens your gallery, quickly finding the picture of a messily scribbled grocery list, but as he goes to leave his eye catches on something more interesting.
an album named “nami <3”.
intrigued, he taps on it, getting greeted with hundreds of pictures of himself he didn’t even know were being taken.
he taps on one, eyes instantly recognising the place and the day it was taken on. that cute and cosy cafe down the street you chose to go to for a little date before his work was about to steal him away from you. on the frame, nanami is caught frowning down at the coffee spot on his tie that he had no idea he just got; the confused pinch between his eyebrows and displeased purse of his lips that only disappeared when he heard your bubbly laughter.
swiping to the left, he sees another frame with himself. in the grocery store, two packs of something in both of his hands as he inspects them with a very focused look, as if he’s going through his mission reports. nanami faintly recalls reading the labels of cookies he wanted for the tiramisu he was planning on making for you since you whined about craving them for a while then.
a different picture, a selfie, your eyes and the top of your head peeking into the lens while nanami and yuuji stand in the background. a thoughtful yet peaceful expression on his face as he seemingly listened carefully whilst yuuji looked up at him with a smile brighter than the sun itself. he briefly remembers the teenager telling him a story from his most recent mission, hands waving around energetically and eyes shining youthfully. he can’t help the smile that spreads on his lips as he stares at the picture for a little too long before tapping on another one.
a photo of him standing in front of the mirror in your bedroom, focused eyes looking at his reflection, right where his hands were tying his tie. you were standing behind him, but he was so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice you snapping the picture. nanami can see the cute smirk you had on your face behind the phone, though.
as he jumps through the different moments with himself captured with the camera by you, nanami finds himself confused with how many emotions you manage to capture on his usually stern face.
the thought of you always feeling the need to take a picture of him whenever you find the moment suitable is a very welcome one for him.
he also sees the pictures where he smiles favourited. that warms his heart very quickly ;))
“kento? i’m ready, let’s go— huh?” your eye catches onto the screen, quickly realising that he’s found out about the album. nanami watches as your cheeks start dusting with the prettiest shade of pink, looking at him expectantly as you await his answer.
“how come i never notice you taking a picture of me?” he asks with a small smile, putting the phone in your hand in favour of wrapping an arm around your waist to bring you closer.
you giggle, gazing up at him lovingly, “i dunno, baby, you just look so cute sometimes i can’t help myself.”
nanami doesn’t respond, just gives you a knowing look before he shakes his head fondly and makes a note of using his own camera more to take pictures of you.
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periluvr · 16 days
when men offer you drinks in a night club
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female pronouns, mention of being drunk, night club au
sukuna, geto, nanami, toji, gojo
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hanaonesflower · 2 months
“let me do this for you.”
“let me get that for you.”
“don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”
when nanami was around, it was like being watched by a hawk. not in a bad way of course, just not a way you're probably used to. he is always on it, taking care of everything from beginning to end, hell bent on you not ever lifting a finger and actually bar you from doing it, even behind his back.
"seriously, kento, I can do it myself!"
"absolutely not, you worked all day, when you come home, I take care of you."
you try to bargain, dishing out facts that he, too, has a full time job that usually pushes him to the brink of exhaustion that he may or may not recover from, yet, here he is, elbows deep in dough, insistent on making pasta from scratch. according to a recipe that you may have briefly mentioned weeks ago that you wanted to try.
you tried to pick up the knife and dice the tomatoes or turn on the stove, he shoos you away.
"this is getting out of control, kento."
"you can help me by taking a nice warm long bath, honey."
nanami knows what he's doing, the majority of the time. but will he ever express that he fumbles from time to time? never. not that his ego is inflated, but because he has prided himself for being to care for you boundlessly.
so when you leave the bath and find kento with his hand in a bucket of ice water, you realize something have gone south in the kitchen.
"kento! what happened?!"
"nothing to worry about my l-"
"enough! tell me, now."
your stern voice and attitude stun him, he's never seen you like this before. his behavior is downright concerning, he hasn't always been this way though. sure, he loves by serving, but he isn't always this stubborn or ridiculously protective. you have always cooked together, why would it be different this time, or the last few times within the past couple of months. nanami isn't unreasonable, but he can be if something pricked at his pride.
"I may have burned myself with the hot steam."
"may have? your skin is having a terrible reaction! for a smart man you can be so clumsy sometimes."
"it's not that bad."
you glare.
"okay, it's pretty burnt and it hurts."
"I bet it does."
you slowly pull his hand out from the ice bucket and lead him to the kitchen table and command him to sit still when you fetch the first aid. his palm is raw from the burn and his face twists in pain when you apply some pressure.
there isn't much conversation exchanged between you and him, but something is definitely hanging above your heads. kento seems to be closed off to it, but you're willing to get to the root of things.
"you haven't been yourself lately."
"I feel like this is not just about providing for me, something happened, and it affected you."
kento looks saddened by this. you are spot on. something did happen.
a few months ago, during a dinner party amongst friends, kento found himself begrudgingly involved in unpleasant conversations with his colleagues, the way they audaciously questioned his ability to care for his partner when he was always away on work trips or spending extra time at work. he took it to heart, kento questioned himself. he realized, that even though his colleagues were terribly annoying and invasive, they made some considerable points. he made the executive decision to fully take over, spinning a complete 180 on you. at first you thought it was sweet, until it became authoritarian.
"that's really how you feel?"
"have I been absent to you, y/n?"
you contemplate for a while, you truly wish he is around more, but you always understand the nature of his job.
"I do wish I can see you more often, when you had that 2-week long vacation, I was able to spend such amazing quality time with you, and it was awesome, but I also understand how your job is. I didn't want to come in between that."
"so I have been absent." he moaned defeatedly.
"please don't blame it on yourself like this, it's not healthy, I still love you, kento."
"this is all my fault, y/n, I should have been there for you more."
truthfully, you wish he was, but once again, you are both stuck between a rock and a hard place.
"have you been doing all this to somehow compensate?"
"is it working?"
he is trying to humor you, although at quite a horrid time, you still crack a smile.
"I think it's very kind of you."
he sighs.
"please, forgive me, my love. I became what you called a workaholic, I tried to get more hours to provide for you, only to come short in other aspects."
"I'm not an unemployed housewife, kento."
“this isn’t my way of saying that you are incapacitated in any way, i just wish that you didn’t have to worry about anything,” he groaned from the incessant gnawing of the antiseptic on his burnt wound.
“kento, this is a partnership, you’re not my servant and i’m not a spoiled brat,” he felt a little silly, nanami knew this fact yet he felt impotent in this sense. he opened and closed his lips, hoping to get his point across even further but nothing seemed good enough at theis point, he’s done fighting.
“whatever you’re going to say, it’s not going to change the fact that i love you,” you silence him.
“then can i say that i love you, too?”
“that, you can.”
⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒ ⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒ ⭒˚‧
note: PHEEeewww… it’s really good to be back :33 this piece shall be the redebut as it is one of my cuter fics. going back with smut pieces after such a long hiatus didn’t feel right so – soft nanami is always the way to go!! more content will be coming soon (smut included >.>), stay tuned ( ˘ ³˘)
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chososluv · 8 months
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✎₊˚⊹♡ summary: in which i thought of Work Husband!Nanami and how supportive and delicate and how he would be and how i'd want him to ruin me and thus this came along. w.c 2.2k 🏷 tags/warnings: fem!reader, reader has a vagina, office sex, petnames (hun, sweetheart, darling, little work wife), squirting, cremepie, dirty talk, also got excited will proofread fully later
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Work Husband!Nanami: Who saw you your first day in the office and immediately wanted you to succeed greatly amongst the new hires. However you had no idea, taking his mature and direct aura personally and thinking he didn’t like you. You kept your distance.
Work Husband!Nanami: noticed you kept your distance and one day called you over. He sat you down and unprompted gave you pointers on how to succeed. You took the lesson with surprise and attempted to hide your excitement that you had been wrong. The man before you didn’t not like you. He wouldn’t take the time to give you a lesson — that you learned later he did not do to the new hires — if he didn’t like you? Right?
Work Husband!Nanami confirmed he liked you by telling you were the most impressive new hire he has seen. The compliment coming genuinely during a moment where he was admiring your work. A mock proposal and he had no critiques for this one. Versus when you first started — almost a month ago — he had plenty of feedback and concerns.
Work Husband!Nanami has to hide his excitement when you are offered the chance to stay. One of three of the twenty interns that came in, and due to your growth and determination, you earn the opportunity to score your first big person job with generous benefits. One of them being Nanami Kento.
Work Husband!Nanami offers to take you out to lunch as a celebration. Officially colleagues, you begin to let loose and relax around him. Your banter became increasingly witty and Nanami found his pants becoming increasingly tighter than usual whenever in your presence.
Work Husband!Nanami Who is oblivious to your slow testing of boundaries to see how far you could go. Your skirts became tighter on the days you knew Nanami would be working close to you — the shirts became magically one button undone whenever you were surprised with his visits.
Work Husband!Nanami catches on to your passes when you take the first step by verbally flirting with him directly. It was with the help of a little tequila, but you looked longly at his wrist, eyeing his watch one day during an after-work-drink. The pretty silver Cartier bringing attention to his prominent veins in his hand and thick digits. . .
Y/N, are you listening?”
“Sorry, was distracted by your hands.” You admit and he felt the heat flush to his face. Stunned by your words but you don’t flench, you go a step forward to bring his right hand into your delicate pair. Your soft hands running against his and he has to fight with strength to ignore that familiar tightness in his pants.
“Your hands are pretty”
Work Husband!Nanami regrets nothing happened that night between you, but he fucks his cock into his hand furiously that night, wishing it was your tight cunt riding him. Little does he know you’re riding your dildo, fucking your tight cunt on the silicone wishing it him instead.
Work Husband!Nanami plays a cat and mouse game with you. A game of flirty banter and longing gazes and touches. The two of you began building up suspense. Each day a day closer to one of you snap.
Work Husband!Nanami is surprised he snaps first. The day he snaps is the day you show up to work wearing a short skirt and high heels that accentuate your ass. It’s your presentation day too and as you turn to the side to present, your ass faces Nanami and he has trouble focusing on your topic. His brain so frazzled and dazzled by your generous rear he is digging his toes into the leather soles of his loafers. His fists tighten and you bite back a grin when you cast glance to him and see his jaw clenching.
Work Husband!Nanami has to flee as soon as the meeting is over. he quickly runs to his private office, shutting the door and sitting at his desk. he throws his head back, muttering and swearing as he spreads his thighs apart, alleviating the tightness between his legs. his mind began to wonder if he could survive the rest of the day with a hard cock and a pretty devil by the name of y/n.
Work Husband!Nanami begins thrusting his pretty pink cock into his hand. the itch and desire being relived as he thinks of your scent and what you tasted like. if you creamed or if you squirted — or shit, if you did both. he thinks about the recurve of your ass whenever he’d hit it from the back, or how soft your skin would be against his when he took you missionary
Work Husband!Nanami panics when he hears you knocking at the door but nevertheless says you can come in. When you do, you lock the door and immediately walk over to his desk. You sit down in the chair on the opposite side, pouting dramatically.
“How can I help, y/n?” Work Husband!Nanami asks of you and you only continue pouting. A dramatic, and comedic, sigh escapes your mouth and you cross your legs. A sudden cold draft due to your plan you had in motion before you entered his office.
“You left before saying anything to me.” You say rather needy but Work Husband!Nanami can’t help but feel entranced by your tone. A moment he realized he liked this bratty side you were displaying. However, he clears his throat and sighs.
“I wasn’t feeling well. It wasn’t about you, darling.” He assures and you can’t help but feel guilty, oblivious that he was just beating his dick to the thought of your scent. You jump up from the chair, placing your hands on the desk and leaning forward. You unintentionally show him a charitable view of your breast but he tries to remain holding eye contact with you.
“Kento, I’m sorry I’m such a terrible work wife.” The first time you let the phrase fall from your lips and he chuckles. He’s well aware of the phrase, overhearing you loudly proclaim he was your work husband to coworkers not knowing he was on the others side of the wall. He waited for the day you would say it to him and today you finally did. . .
And for some reason, that really did it to him because felt his cock twitch in his trousers and then he finds himself looking at your breast briefly before speaking.
“Work husband, huh?” A soft smirk toying at his lips and you can't help but nod in confirmation.
"Yeah, don't you know?" You toy with him, an attempt to remain in control at the situation and you pass it off as flirty banter. He can only smile at you, tapping his hands along his desk as he speak his next words.
"No. Why don't you come show me, sweet work wife?" The low baritone of his voice went straight to your cunt and you're rubbing your thighs together. A pheromone daze shared between the two of you as you two stare at one another. A brief pause before you reach into your bra, retrieving your panties you departed with earlier and tossing them at Nanami. The dainty material lands on his thigh and he immediately sees the navy lace dark blue and soaked through. His cock jumps, and he looks at you. A cocky smirk is on your lips and he clears his throat before speaking.
"Come here, now" Work Husband!Nanami commands sensually before you and before you can talk yourself out of it you’re rounding his desk. He gets up from his chair, meeting you halfway before grabbing your body swiftly. He places you on his desk and it takes you a minute to register he lifted you like you weighed absolutely nothing. Your cunt fluttering at his brute strength and you stare at him doe eyed.
Work Husband!Nanami has to eat you out after pocketing your soaked through panties. His tongue dipping to collect your arousal that dripped out of you. Your scent clouding his nose as he moans against your wet and swollen clit. He sucks generously on the bud and you bite down hard on the back of your hand to silence yourself. Your eyes roll in the back of your head as his hot tongue circles your cunt like he was starved. Your free hand tugging on his blond locks and you feel like you’re about to cum.
“Kento . . . want to come on your cock, please.” You beg quietly and who is he to be a bad work husband and object?
Work Husband!Nanami rocks gently in you after slipping inside. He holds your legs up by the back of your knees, lewdly exposing yourself to him as he pistons himself inside. Your warm cunt hugging him deliciously and so tightly, yet you were so wet at the same time. Nanami is amazed, and already feels so pussy drunk off you surely he’s addicted. How can he not be? Especially with the way your tits bounced with each stroke and the way you moaned, singing his praises he ached to he able to take his time next time he was intimate with you. However he takes in the moment, casting a gaze to see your fucked out face and he wishes he could take a picture . . .
“Been dreaming of this pretty pussy.” He admits. You answer with a mixture of a giggle and a moan. The sound is beautiful and melodic and its something he can get used to.
“Been riding my toy wishing it was you.” You admit before you can stop yourself, allowing this side of you emerge as you felt drunk off his cock. He groans at your confession, rolling his hips deeper and tip kissing the deeper parts of you. It sends your toes curling and choking back a whimper.
“My poor little work wife been suffering by yourself. Let me make it better, honey.” He coos to you gently, kissing your forehead before rolling his hips harder. His long fingers find your swollen and neglected clit. You twitch harder against him, squirting and surprising both of you. You bite back a squeal as your eyes roll back.
“Kento!” You whispered in a desparate tone. Finds himself asking “Are you going to come, hun?” To which you reply — “mhmm, are you?”
“Fuck if you keep creaming on me like this, fuck yeah sweetheart.” Nanami makes a mistake and casts a look down to see his cock coated in a mix of his cum and your cream. His cock has never looked prettier and he fights the urge to fill you right there.
“Want you to come in me. Please, Kento.” You beg and he clenches his jaw.
Work Husband!Nanami has to shove his face in your neck when cums. His teeth biting hard on your neck as his tongue tastes you and your sweat. He feels you fight screaming as the bite travels straight to your belly, and his fingers circle your clit faster. That thread in your stomach unwinding and snapping. Your grip on him tightens as you cum all over his cock.
Work Husband!Nanami silences you with a kiss as he fills you with his cum. The overstimulation causing you to moan, clamping tightly on his cock as you fight to wrap your legs around his waist. He drops his hands, allowing you to do so and you wrap your arms around him as well. He holds you close to him, chuckling as you fell into the aftershocks of your orgasm.
Work Husband!Nanami has to see his cum trickle out of you and onto his desk. He has to fight getting hard again, but remembers one round was risky enough so he kisses your forehead gently to tell you how good you are for him.
Work Husband!Nanami wipes you down tenderly afterwards. He cleans you delicately before situating himself and his office space. When you fix yourself over he looks at you.
“You were perfect this morning by the way. Never been prouder of my work wife.” Satisfied with his words, his praise, and still in the haze of your orgasm you smile wide. You stand from the chair, fixing yourself to leave before he steps close to you.
"Thank you, Kento." You say, looking up as he looms over you. He brushes your hair back into its normal place, looking you over before you walked back into the office. His eyes are filled with nothing but tenderness as he tends to you, fixing your clothes and checking you over one last time.
"Do you feel better now," you nod at his inquiry, "all you needed was to be stuffed with my cum? Naughty." He shakes his head and you only shrugs before grinning up at him.
"Only for you." You tease Work Husband!Nanami and he clears his throat. He leans down, taking your lips with his deeply. You melt, humming gently before his broad fingers find your ass. He gives it a rough squeeze through your skirt and you blush at his gesture.
"Let me know when you need me to fill you again." Work Husband!Nanami says paired with an ass slap as you nodded. You look up at him beneath your lashes as you do before sauntering sultrily away. You unlock the door and exit his office nonchalantly as if he was not fucking you on his desk moments ago.
Work Husband!Nanami now has to figure out how he has to cope with knowing you're walking around the office stuffed full of his cum . . .
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©chososluv ╰┈┈➤ P A R T T W O [Boyfriend!Nanami] ╰┈┈➤ M A S T E R L I S T !
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lilsillycat · 1 month
jjk men being jealous(?)
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⤷ Gojo Satoru
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⤷ Geto Suguru
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⤷ Nanami Kento
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hajihiko · 6 months
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inspired by a convo with @miggylol, some Peko loving ❤ I wouldn't call it a xmas present but maybe ... a stocking stuffer?
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mysterystarz · 17 days
nanami kento is standing at a wedding. he’s dressed in a dapper suit, fitted and tailored to the contours of his muscular frame — a product of constant dedication and jujitsu sorcery. he’s exchanged his usual glasses for a fresh set of sunglasses that you picked out for him.
he’s at a seat near the altar, watching his old workplace friend stifle tears while he waits for his bride to emerge on the other side. he recalls the way you messily tied his tie and swept his hair aside, swearing that it was just your attempt to get him ready to look stunning in pictures.
he can almost conjure the image of you in front of him, face scrunched up in the cute confused way he loved as you attempted to smooth him out.
“screw your stupid ties,” you huffed, pouting at him in the way that always melted his heart. “they’re too…twisty.”
he hears the bridal fanfare erupt into the venue as his friends bride walks down the aisle. he can smell the scent of the rose petals as they’re thrown about by the toddlers excitedly.
the bride herself seems radiant, and when he takes a glance at his friend, the tears have already started to run down his face.
he paused to picture it then — you walking down the aisle with flowers in your hands. you with that smile he treasured so much, making your way towards him. you and your infectious love that he’d receive at the edge of the altar and seal with a kiss.
the two of you forever, til death do you part.
looks like it was time to buy a ring.
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