#nanami if you got issues just say that boo
gabzlovesu · 3 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐬 - 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 (𝐩𝐭. 𝟑)
nanami x black!reader
Song: Collide by Tiana Major9 and EARTHGANG
Warnings: blood, mention of self-harm, depression, car accident (let me know if I missed anything)
Summary: Nanami regrets his actions and tries to find Y/N, only for her to be worse off than he thought.
Note: Nanami’s thoughts are in italics. Also, don’t judge me if I got the medical stuff wrong y'all, I literally used the little knowledge I learned from my A&P classes as well as Grey’s Anatomy, so go easy on me...
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Nanami was currently sitting in a dark, empty classroom. After seeing you and having a rather stressful training session with his students, he just needed some time to himself. He’s always been composed, but he was finding it hard to keep up the act when his entire world was crumbling at his feet.
I had no choice but to do what I did -- it was the only responsible decision. If anything were to happen to Y/N because I was a jujutsu sorcerer, I would never be able to forgive myself. She’s better off without me anyway, I know there’s someone out there who could make her happier than I ever could.
To Nanami, this made perfect sense but there was something that made him regret his actions: when he looked at you today, all he saw was pain; the sweet and happy Y/N that he knew was no longer there, instead, he saw a broken woman with a heart full of misery. The sparkle in your eyes that he loved so much was gone.
It’s all my fault. I caused the very thing that I wanted to prevent: you getting hurt. I was an asshole and now you’ll never forgive me, but I don’t deserve you anyway.
Before Nanami could continue berating himself, his phone started ringing. He didn’t need to be pestered by Gojo right now so he declined the call. Yet, his calls didn’t stop, so Nanami gives up and answers the phone.
“What Gojo? I’m not really in the mood for --”
“It’s Y/N. She’s been gone for like three hours. She told me she was going to her father’s grave and I haven’t heard from her. I checked her last location and it was near the school, could you please go check it out?” Hearing this news makes Nanami begin to worry, immediately thinking the worst. “I don’t know what Y/N has been dealing with lately but I do know that she needs you, so please find her.”
“Send me the address.” Without hesitation, Nanami grabs his coat and heads to his car. Nanami could count on one hand the number of times he’s ever been serious, but hearing the concern in his voice and the way he begged, he knew that Gojo meant every word.
When Nanami was about halfway there he had a feeling that something bad happened to you, so he called an ambulance just in case. Why else you be on a road in the middle of nowhere for hours? The closest hospital was twenty minutes away, but he was only ten minutes away from your location so he was preparing himself to provide first-aid until the professionals arrived.
He finally arrived, but you were nowhere to be seen, and the fact that it was dark and raining didn’t help at all. Nanami gets out of the car and starts searching for you, yelling your name and hoping you’ll respond. While his heart fills with panic, he prays to the heavens for your safety.
I’ve already lost her once, I can’t lose her again. Even if I can’t get her back, I just need to tell her how sorry I am and how much I truly love her.
“Y/N please, if you’re out there say something.” He walks a little further down the road and looks into the vast darkness extending past the tree line. He smells something burning over in that direction, so he looks around with his flashlight as he steps into the ditch.
The scene he saw before him made his heart stop: Your car was crumpled and turned on its side. All of the windows were shattered and dark smoke was coming from the engine. “Fuck,” was all Nanami could say before rushing over and checking if you were still in the car. Luckily the heavy rain stopped your car from erupting into flames.
He crouches down and peers through the opening that used to be the sunroof; he can see you lying on the driver’s side windows with your back to him. Your clothes protected your skin from the glass but they were ripped in the process and you managed to get a scar on the back of your neck. His eyes continue to scan your body, then he notices the piece of glass piercing your abdomen.
“No, no, no,” Nanami begins muttering to himself. He was wise enough to not remove the glass, preventing you from bleeding out, but he needed to retrieve you from the car. The glass was too large to fit both you and it through the sun roof; his other option was to try the front window, which had a lot of sharp glass and the possibility of hitting the engine.
Without wasting anymore more time he rips off his jacket, unbothered by the cool air of night, and wraps it around his arm to knock out the rest of the front window. Nanami gently turns your body so you’re laying on your back and begins to slide you through the window while being careful not to move the protruding glass.
The noise of faint sirens disrupts the silence just as Nanami frees you from the car. He checks your pulse which is weak; he checks your breathing next, and it’s also weak. Although your condition could be better, he feels a little relieved that there’s still a chance for you to live.
The ambulance pulls up and two paramedics hop out with a stretcher. “She has a faint pulse and her breathing is weak and irregular. She’s been out here for a few hours.” They thank Nanami for the information as they place your cold body on the stretcher and cover you with a thermal blanket.
“I suspect hypothermia due to the patient being in the cold rain for an extended period of time. Let’s bag her and stabilize her neck in case she sustained trauma to her spine. We’re out of warm compresses so I’ll insert an IV with warm fluids to start reheating her body.” Nanami lets the paramedics work in peace, only speaking to answer their questions.
Nanami watches you through the window in the hall. The paramedics kept your body stable until you reached the hospital to receive treatment. The piece of glass, which narrowly missed your liver, was successfully removed; yet, the fact that you were still unconscious was concerning. The doctors believe you have a concussion since your head CT scans came back clean.
“How’s she doing?,” Gojo asks as he walks up to the blonde man. When you were being treated in the ambulance, Nanami called him and let him know which hospital you were being taken to; he knows how much he cares about you so he’ll endure his presence for now.
“Y/N’s stable, but they don’t know when she’ll wake up.” Both men enter your room, Nanami stands by the wall while Gojo goes right to your side to hold your hand.
“Do you know what’s been going on with Y/N lately? I’ve never seen her like this before, and I don’t know what to do. I’ve been there for her the best I can but nothing I do helps.” The white-haired man looks over to Nanami, eyes desperate for any information or advice he could get from someone he deemed a friend.
Nanami had nothing to offer; all he gave was a sigh and lowered his head in response. “Does it have to do with you, Nanami? I noticed the two of you haven’t really seen each other since I found her in her apartment, and she hasn’t been talking about you like she usually does.” Still, Nanami stares at the ground teeming with guilt.
“You bastard look at me! What did you do to Y/N? Are you the reason all of this happened?” Gojo has never reached this level of anger with Nanami before, after all, he had so much respect for the man. But when it came to you, nobody could hurt you and get away unscathed.
Gojo wasn’t the only one with emotions running high; his outburst pushes Nanami to the breaking point. He punches the wall, shaking with rage, and finally responds. “You think I wanted this to happen? I loved her more than you could ever know. I was just trying to protect her and make sure she ended up being happy!”
With that Gojo releases your hand and gets in Nanami’s face. “Oh really? How many times have you told yourself that lie to feel better?” He grabs Nanami by his shirt. “I could really fuck you up for what you did to her,” he growls through his teeth.
“Why are y’all so loud,” you question softly as you hold your head. You last remember being in the car, but now you’re suddenly in the hospital and awoken by Nanami and Gojo arguing with each other.
“Nanami was just leaving,” Gojo says without even turning to you, instead he kept his eyes on Nanami, daring him to say something. Wanting to avoid further confrontation, Nanami turns to go but you stop him.
“Stay. We need to talk. Could you please give us a few minutes Gojo?” As much as it pained you to look at the man who broke your heart, you couldn’t help but notice his solemn expression and want to try to salvage your relationship.
“Ten minutes, that’s all he gets. I’ll be out in the hall so shout for me if you need me Y/N.” Gojo leaves the two of you to talk, but not without eyeing Nanami as he goes out the door. Although you know his intentions were good, you wish Gojo would stop being so hard on Nanami; the pain he’s feeling is plastered on his face, so how could he not see it?
“Come sit,” you gesture to the chair next to you. He hesitates at first, but Nanami eventually sits, continuing to stare at the floor. “When you came to my place that night, what did you mean that you couldn’t protect me and give me the happy ending I want?”
The man who was always put together and stoic was now breaking down right before your eyes; it was a sight you would never forget. “I was afraid,” he says through his tears. “I was afraid that I could never give you what you wanted, even it was a simple as just being happy. Being with you endangers your life in ways you can’t even begin to imagine, Y/N.” He looks up at you, hoping you’ll believe him while he’s in his most vulnerable state ever; you’re the first person he’s ever let witness this side of him.
“How would I be in danger, Kento?” You see an internal struggle within him after you ask that question like he’s keeping information from you. “I need you to be completely honest with me.”
“There are cursed spirits. I’m a jujutsu sorcerer, so is Gojo; it’s our duty to exorcise those spirits and train future sorcerors. I’ve watched people I know die while fighting cursed spirits. I would never want to expose you to that.”
“That’s not a decision for you to make, Kento. I choose what I want to be exposed to. Why didn’t you tell me this from the beginning? It would’ve made everything so much easier if you were honest with me.” Your tone was soft, afraid to be rash with the man who was already at his emotional limit.
“I didn’t know if you would believe me, you might’ve thought I was crazy,” he says with a soft chuckle. For the first time tonight, he looks you in the eye. “To be honest, I was actually afraid of failing to make you happy, Y/N. I’ve never felt this way about anyone else, it’s scary putting so much love and affection onto one person. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be good enough for you.”
“You could ask for money, cars, houses, whatever materialistic things you want and I can give you that. But a happy ending? I’m not even sure what that is, much less how to provide that.” You’re taken aback, never thinking Nanami would be insecure about something like this; hearing all of this only makes you fall more in love with him and happy that he’s willing to be vulnerable with you.
You fail to hold back a light giggle. “You’re overthinking it way too much Kento.” You flash a tiny smile his way. “My happy ending isn’t as complicated as you think it is; all I want is to just have you here by my side. As long as we’re together and happy, I don’t care about anything else.”
There’s that sparkle in your eye that missed so much. He promptly stands up and hugs you as you lie in the bed, careful to not cause any pain. “I’m so sorry, for everything. I’m sorry I wasn’t the man you needed me to be. I’m sorry I said all of those hurtful things. I’m --
“Shhh, it’s okay. I forgive you Kento.” You stroke his head that’s laid on top of your chest. It’s been so long since you’ve felt this warm feeling. Nanami makes you feel things that no one else can. “I’ve missed you so much,” you whisper above his head.
“I missed you too.” He lifts his head and turns to you, cupping your face while admiring your beautiful features. Even though you’ve been through hell, you still look like an angel. He slowly leans in, but before your lips could connect Gojo busts through the door.
“Alright, alright lovebirds. You’ve made up, you’re in love again, we get it. This isn’t the place to be making out ya’ freaks.” The two of you laugh in response to his silly intrusion. Gojo continues his rant about you too, meanwhile, you zone out and think about how much you love the blonde man before you. You gently squeeze Nanami’s hand with the little strength you can muster and mouth the words ‘I love you’. He mouths them back then places a gentle kiss on your cheek when Gojo wasn’t looking.
The darkness you felt within you was no longer there, and your shattered heart was born anew, burning bright with your love for Nanami Kento. This surely wouldn’t be the last obstacle in your relationship, but this only proved that the two of you will weather any storm that crosses your path.
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maginxlia · 2 years
Starring Nanami, Gojo, Toji, Geto, Choso, Megumi, Yuuji and Ryomen Sukuna in The Horrid Dinner ✰ The Headcanons
Rated R
Contains Foul language, Suggestive Themes and Hints of Violence
Trigger Warning ⚠️ None Really
Dictionary❤️‍🔥Y/N for Your name
No Pronouns up in this bih
Woah Baby, This One Got Big Cast line up❤️‍🔥 This Came to me when I was driving and I just have to write these headcanons❤️‍🔥 Thank you for all Love and Support ❤️‍🔥 I appreciate y’all so much ❤️‍🔥 Much Love Boos!
A coworker invited your mans and you over to their place for Dinner, It’s only polite to accept the invitation, right??? The Worst that could happen is a wasted night, Right?? WRONG They tried to sell you products and the Food They cooked looked like Mush and smelled like Tush. It's Revolting. How does your man react to such a disgusting sight?? Let’s Find out
Nanami Kento
✰ Nanami loves any moment to meet people in your circle so when your coworker promised a black tie event, he was happy to attend
✰ You both walked in looking like tens, Hell Nanami even made a soufflé for everyone but disdain soon hit y’all faces, this wasn’t a black tie dinner but a marketing scheme recruitment
✰ Frustrating it is but since your other coworkers is also here and They have bottomless top shelf Bourbon; Nanami and you decided to stay for a little while
✰ As you mingled and talked with your other coworkers about the pure audacity of y’all coworker fooling y’all, Your man was right beside you looking handsome as ever
✰ The presentation started and they was trying to recruit y’all into joining their weight loss herb family, For only 2,000 dollars you can buy in and be on your way to selling a miracle product
✰ Nanami watched the poorly made videos while drinking enough bourbon to drunken the average man
✰ You can only tell Nanami had a surplus amount of liquor by how flush his cheeks are but he’s still able to drill your coworker on this “Miracle Herb” so hard that they finish up the presentation earlier than they expected to
✰ They brought out the dinner and boy it’s a mad experience, The food smelled the room up plus it wasn’t recognizable at all
✰ Your other coworkers was all looking like at each other with what the hell expression
✰ Nanami was puzzled at what was before him, it looked nothing like your coworker tried to said it was
✰ He already knew y’all couldn’t eat this, hell he can’t be off of work with a severe stomach bug
✰ Simultaneously everyone excused themselves from the table while thanking the hosting coworker for alright night
✰ As you drove home Nanami started laughing about he couldn’t believe the nerve of your coworker trying to get y’all to invest in their unproven weight loss herb after they lied to get you all there in the first place
✰ Nanami do feel bad for you, your kindness was taken for a ride and that truly hurts him
✰ Needless to say that coworker didn’t have shit to say to you any more
Gojo Satoru
✰ The News about the Invitation to dinner Shocked Gojo, The same coworker who always been a issue invited y’all to dinner?? It’s suspicious
✰ You were excited thinking this was their way of apologizing and being kind
✰ In truth Gojo thought going to your problem coworker home for dinner was a awful idea but He kept that shit to himself
✰ See Gojo remembers All the pranks, Rumors and Skullduggery your coworker pulled on you before and he really don’t like them himself
✰ The night of the dinner your coworker was incredibly Kind to you both, Holding pleasant conversation until they started talking about how they wanted you to buy in and be a part of their huge makeup selling family
✰ They started to show off the makeup you would be selling if you join up while bragging about profits but little did they know this surprise recruitment about to go sideways
✰ Gojo: Is this makeup sweat proof???
✰ Your Coworker: I mean yes but sir You’re not supposed to work out in makeup, it bad for your skin
✰ Gojo: I didn’t say anything about working out! I meant is it intimate activities proof?? You know what, Babe can you please put some of this sweat proof makeup on so we can test it out?? We’re going to the car and putting this makeup to the test! Should take a hour or two depends all on the mood and if Y/N wants a encor-
✰ Your coworker agitated: That won’t be necessary, the makeup not even waterproof. I lied so can you please be quiet
✰ Gojo: Aww :(
✰ After this ordeal Your coworker rudely brought out the food which didn’t look or smelled like food
✰ Gojo Geniunuely : You sell compost too??? I’ll take several bins of your compost
✰ Your coworker: Get Y’all asses out my house NOW
✰ Needless to say the moment y’all asses made it outside You was laughing your ass off
✰ Gojo made you being fooled worth it in your book
Geto Suguru
✰ Geto time is precious but he’ll do anything for you including going to your coworker place for dinner
✰ Walked in with his “I’m only here for Y/N” face; old rude ass
✰ He was ready to leave the moment they said something about a small seminar?? ✰ Before the food?? They are really trying to sell y’all shit by inviting y’all asses to a fake dinner?? He’s heated
✰ Holding back words like unsupiorour sacks of filth he watched the seminar but the shade was present
✰ Shit nearly hit the fan when your coworker tried to put some of their hair taming product in Geto hair, you never seen his eyes look so wild tbh it was kind of hot
✰ After they saw how pissed he was they backed off and decided it was dinner time
✰ The food looks and smell absolutely nauseating
✰ Geto wasn’t even going to eat their cooking anyway but he mad they fooled y’all and took advantage of your kindness Plus they look dirty too; this is just too much
Geto going through all his emotions at once and it showing, He’s trembling
✰ Geto: Did you just serve us fucking pig slop to Eat??? You dirty parasite, I will des-
You grabbing his hand stopped his murderous wrath, This is about you not him and it calms him
✰ You was the one who spoke up about leaving, breaking the awkward hostility
Grabbing your things and your man arm you bid your coworker farewell and thank them for the experience
✰ Once in the car Geto apologized to you for being so rude and out of pocket but you reassured him everything was alright
✰ Pizza and movie binge will be the way y’all top of the night bringing a wonderful end to a fucked up situations
Fushiguro Toji
✰ When you get told Toji about your Coworker inviting you two to dinner, he wasn’t pleased but of course he still agreed to go with you
✰ He already dislikes this coworker from the fact they pulled some shady shit on you before
✰ Walking in to their home, Your Coworker pushed pass Toji to embrace you in hug; stepping on Toji foot in the process. Strike one
✰ After the foot crushing and hugging your coworker started up about some inexpensive perfume they was selling pulling y’all into a horrible presentation
✰ Toji is intimidating, His demeanor and his aura literally says don’t fuck with me or mine but this didn’t stop your coworker from spraying him with their stinky cheap perfume for two hours straight. Strike Two
✰ To the untrained eye Toji facial expression Is chill but you can tell he’s pissed beyond belief
✰ When they finally brought out the food Toji couldn’t believe his eyes, nose and ears
✰ You watched Toji lift the plate and look under it Then he looked over his shoulder for Kutcher because this has to be a prank
✰ What. The. Fuck. Toji is pissed, All manners he came in with let the building the second that plate touched the table
✰ He doesn’t even want to ask them what its supposed to be, It smells like shit and he's not eating it
✰ While he's dealing with the overwhelming thoughts that is hitting him all at once over this stinking and ugly food; all he can remember is that he could be at home right now with good food in his belly and you between his thighs and boy is he mad now
✰ He pushing both of your plates away before you try any of this ugly food and get sick from it
✰ Toji doesn’t give a fuck about your coworker feelings, His night is ruined and he wants out NOW
✰ Toji: Y/N let’s go, This nasty shit making my stomach flip and flop.
✰ If you say you’re not ready to go Toji getting up and slamming doors as he walks to the car to sit in it Steaming
✰ But if you leave with him?? He’s going to complain about the experience all the way to nearest fast food joint Because mans still Hungry
Ryomen Sukuna/ Yuuji Itadori
✰ Sukuna was adamant about not going and wasting time even though our sweet Yuuji is willing to waste a night if it meant making you happy
✰ When y’all pulled up in front of your coworker’s place Sukuna warned y’all the food cooking smells horrid but Yuuji ignored him After all Yuuji didn’t smell anything and Sukuna was loud about how he wanted to be anywhere but here; His word can’t be trusted
✰ Walking in your coworker home they automatically started their spiel about a time share and how you can buy in to their not really beachfront one bedroom condo
✰ They tried to sell it hard too and Yuuji was asking questions like he actually was interested (With his broke ass)
✰ Yuuji was so sweet to them while you was getting mad because your ass got fooled
✰ After Yuuji told them about his poor credit score (Thanks Sukuna!) and the fact he’s monetarily challenged, They decided to bring out dinner
✰ The food before you smelt absolutely unappetising and the appearance was nauseating
✰ Yuuji was alarmed but his hunger unwavering and since he’s built different he took a spoonful of what he thought was yams; mans started into a deep coughing fit
✰ Right before your eyes you watched Yuuji turn into Sukuna
✰ Sukuna flipped The table sending food, Plates and silverware all into your coworkers carpet
✰ His eyes darted right to your coworker’s with bloodlust
✰ Sukuna: First you bored me and now you tried to poison my vessel with garbage sludge you called food?? Time to die
✰ Your coworker pissed themselves as Sukuna walked towards them, Only stopping when you wrapped your loving arms him and softly placed your head on his back; You calmed the raging storm that you loved
✰ Sukuna looked at your coworker and only huffed as he walked passed them and exited their home
✰ Your Coworker breaking the silence between you two: What The Fuck was that??!??
✰ You: You know Venom??? My boyfriend living The Movie Btw don’t call the cops cause I really don’t want him dirtying our place up with their Blood. Sorry about the mess, See ya at work.
✰ From what you heard Your coworker quit their job and moved far away right after this incident , oops
✰When you first told him about y’all Invitation to dinner he was excited, He knows you want to make a good impression and he’s always willing to go the extra mile for you
✰ Even when your coworker said dinner would be after they show you all videos about the face tightening cream they was selling, Choso was still sweet and kind
✰ Y’all sat there for three hours waiting for the food while your coworker kept yammering about their snake oil cream
✰ By the time they decided to bring the food out both of your asses was numb for sitting too long
✰ The food they placed before you wasn’t worth your suffering, Corn was unrecognizable and slimy; Food looking antique
✰ Y’all politeness is about to be the death of y’all smh
✰ Choso really debating about the rudeness of not trying this food while you’re streaming about getting conned out of your night
✰ Out the corner of your eye you see Choso eating what your coworker called the “Scrumptious” chicken roast (Which didn’t resemble chicken at all btw) all you can do is watch your poor man face slowly turn green and him get sweaty
✰ Choso has contacted salmonella
✰ His stomach is weak and he’s terribly sick sitting at the table while your coworker has left the scene
✰150+ years and he’s about To be taken out by something called scrumptious chicken roast wtf
✰ The ride home was rough as hell baby for the both of y’all
✰ You had to nurse Choso back to health but he’s the most loving patient ever so it’s not so tedious
✰ Choso was out for a entire month and his poor tummy still gets upset at the thought of what he had to endure
✰ This experience bought y’all closer
Fushiguro Megumi
✰ Our King Megumi inherited his fathers hard to read expression, He look pissed even when his head empty
✰ Is happy for you when you first told him about your new coworker because he see them as a potential new friend for you, He’s always busy and his friends is busy too
✰ So he’s trying his best not to walk right back out of the door with you when he saw your coworker living room turnt into MLM presentation
✰ videos with generic music and quality giving 2009 YouTube video filmed on iPhone 2
✰ Your coworker was ready to sell y’all home warranty plan for the cheap one time price for 3,995 dollars, All appliances covered!
✰ Megumi eyes said clearly he doesn’t believe this bullshit and he hate they lied to you to pull into this shit
✰ He’s looking over the contract and reading the fine print while they continue flapping their gums about how much the warranty covers
✰ Megumi annoyed: Your contract says the warranty doesn’t cover the appliances, only the copper wires??
✰ Your coworker: You read the fine print???
✰ Your coworker was visibly shaken and decided to end the sale effort then and there, time for dinner they said
✰ The food they presented to y’all reeked like hazardous waste and the appearance was hideous enough to make a hungry man run away
✰ Megumi fighting back the urge to be rude so hard and he’s losing
✰ He whipped out his phone and started ordering food for pickup because it would be a cold day in hell a scammer costs y’all to catch E.coli, Manners be damned
✰ After he was done ordering he asked you was you ready to go or not and he waited for you to get up from the table before he got up because he wasn’t going to leave you alone with this fooled
✰ When you got into his car Megumi asked you was you okay and could you please not associate with that coworker anymore??
✰ The rest of y’all night is spent with Good food, Horror movies and Megumi head in your lap looking up at you
Hotties On The Taglist ❤️‍🔥 @bimbopedia @aaphroditeeeee
Likes, Comments, Reblogs and Asks is Appreciated & Loved💖
Please Don’t Steal My Shit
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sukunasfourtheye · 3 years
What the AOT Guy You Simp For Says About You/Your Type
My opinions are totally biased and make no sense and no I’m not taking notes
Warnings: contains 18+ suggestive themes/kink themes, minors DNI, mild anime spoilers (if you’ve seen all of s3 you’re good) Sort of gender neutral but more feminine-leaning identifiers used.
You’re almost certainly into impact play, low key a fucking rope bunny, and you’re generally a subby ass baby 💜. You like pain (and that’s ok bby that’s ok:) ) you probably also have either a breeding kink or just like getting creampied. HUGE overstimulation kink. You like being called a slut (in an endearing way :))—-but, HIS slut. You like being claimed.
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You low key into pet play/ you’re a lil dom in training lol. You get off on feeling power. You prob have a corruption kink too….you are the perfect picture of a badass. You are 100% sexy there’s no going around tbh you’re a 10/10. You may have a bubbling mommy kink you don’t admit to yourself (or maybe you do and that’s awesome)
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You a romantic lil bby 💜 you prob love a good yandere too- you like a hot head who ends up cooling to your touch and your touch alone. You also like when your boo gets a little jealous now and then, maybe a little bit possessive….when other people look at you a little too long and they hold you a little bit tighter….<3
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You like disarming goofballs because you’re kinda shy but silly yourself :) are are precious and tbh honestly you’re prob very very hot 💜 you like amusement park dates or walks on the boardwalk by the beach. You secretly have always wanted someone to win you a big prize at the fair and walk around holding your hand afterwards :)
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You have good taste???? (that’s my baby hit me up we’re friends now) I mean babe there’s no need to deny it. Why lie? You have daddy issues. It’s ok . Embrace it. Accept it. Me too bb me too. You like being used, owned. The idea of being someone’s toy turns you on. You also reaaaaaaaaally like being fingered. Maybe even in public? And you like being made to beg for it. You also are really vocal during sex. don’t ask me how I know all these things about you. I just know. 💜 hint: it’s bc it’s me it’s me it’s me
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You low key a traitor to Paradis but imma let it go because goddamn he’s so fucking sexy. You’re probably a size queen because this dude has a massive dingaling and you love it- the bigger the better. Also you may or may not have a soft spot for fatherly figures. You have an incredibly soft heart that squeezes when you feel taken care of. But at the same time you also prob a breeding / degradation kink. These things co-exist, and you don’t know think it’s too much to ask for in a partner. Again, don’t ask me how I know this.
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You low key a traitor to Paradis but it’s ok bc he’s so cute :3 you like #soft bois, willowy poet types who are super sensitive and sweet. You like fluffy stuff, missionary so you can look in each other’s eyes you’re a huge fan of mutual pining fics. You are a maaaaaaaasssive simp, like you’ve had so many crushes in your lifetime because you fall in love super easily. 💜
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You a size queen/have a size kink. You like feeling small compared to your boo. You like a MANS man, a BIG man, cause baby, erwin is a MAN. You like feeling taken care of, you like being called princess, darling, baby, my love👸🏾 You like someone in a relationship who is UP FRONT- someone who says exactly how they feel bout you, no shyness no confusion. Heart on their sleeve :)
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You got a thing with dilfs. If you watch JJK you would let Nanami fold you in half. It’s beyond daddy issues at this point- you legit like older men, the end. Either one of two things: you like being daddy’s little princess or daddy’s little slut. Or both. Both is good.
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You low key a traitor to Paradis but it’s ok bc he’s hawt. You almost certainly watch AOT dubbed because the English dub voice of porco is fucking sexy as hell but the Japanese voice is aight. I didn’t get the porco hype until I watched the dub. That being said, you have a thing for voices (maybe you listen to audio porn? If not you should :))
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