naomi-nana · 27 days
bofurin and romance tropes . wind breaker
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just as the title says, bofurin and romance tropes.
featuring : umemiya, sakura, kaji
cw : fluff, gn!reader, probably ooc
a/n : since there isn't many wind breaker fics right now, i'm gonna make one since im obsessed with the characters! if this goes well, maybe i'll make a second part:D
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UMEMIYA HAJIME . friends to lovers !
the two of you first met in café pothos, when you were helping out kotoha since it was pretty busy that day. he was the one that noticed you first and came up to you with a huge smile on his face. he didn't say anything and only stared at you for a while, which makes you think that the leader of bofurin is a freak. but you talked to him anyway.
and that leads you to being friends with him somehow. and because of that, he won't stop bothering you whenever he got the chance to. "name, look! my plants are looking so beautiful under the moon today, hahaha!" he showed them off proudly at you. you only nod your head with a smile on your face. "that's great. but, why are you taking me to furin at night? surely this isn't because you want to have a bbq party with me."
"do you want to?!"
"just tell me what you want, ume."
he chuckled and looks over at you with sincere eyes that makes you feel weirded out. not because you're disgusted by him, but because he usually looks at you that way whenever he has something serious to say. "say, are you alone right now?" you tilt your head to the side at his question. "what do you mean? i'm with you right now."
"haha, sorry. i should've been more specific. i mean, are you single?"
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SAKURA HARUKA . clueless and flustered !
"stop doing that!" sakura glares at you while his whole face glows bright red. suou and nirei only watches from the side as the interaction between you and him goes on. "doing what? i'm not doing anything!" you put the bandage on his injury. the three of them had just gotten back from a fight in the town. and apparently, sakura jumped way too early into the fight and got injured because of that. which is why you're trying to put bandages on his arms right now. keyword, trying.
"could you please stop moving?" you grab his wrist with your hand to make him stop running away from you, but it only makes it worse. he's now screaming like a crazy guy. "hey! get them away from me!" he stares at suou who only smiles at him.
"i-i think we should help him before he passed out from the amount of affection name is giving him." nirei whispers to suou, which earns a hum from him. "hmm, you're right. but this is way too amusing to watch. i say we wait a few more minutes."
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KAJI REN . talkative and quiet !
kaji is known for being a person who's easily angry. well, he might look calm, but the second someone or something pisses him off, he's really scary. which is why people often run away from him. not the people in furin though, including you, who came from a different high school. of course people think you're weird, acting all smiley besides him while he's 'ignoring' you and listening to his music.
but, in reality, he actually hears whatever you're currently saying. "kaji, did you hear? apparently that new coffee shop is closing because they didn't sell well!" you crossed your arms together as you looked at kaji with a dissappointed face. "how sad, i really liked how their coffee taste!" kaji only nod at what you said, and didn't say anything back.
you noticed that he didn't say anything and decided to just shut your mouth, since you think that you're bothering him a little and you don't want him to get mad at you. but then, he suddenly stops walking. "what's wrong, kaji?" you noticed he stopped at the coffee shop you were talking about. he took off his headphone and opened his mouth to speak,
"do you..want to buy coffee?"
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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anothernaomi · 11 months
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naomi-nana · 27 days
bofurin and romance trope 2 . wind breaker
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just as the title says, bofurin and romance tropes(part 2) read pt 1 here!
featuring : suou, sugishita
cw : fluff, gn!reader, kiss kiss(suou), sugishita's a little ooc i think
a/n : i guess instead of romance trope, its more like a couple dynamics. and i wasn't expecting the previous part to be doing well, but it did. so i made a part 2! :D
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HAYATO SUOU . flirty and shy !
everyone knows from a glance that suou is someone who likes to 'tease' his friends. everyone knows that he finds it amusing to watch their different reactions too. just like that one time where suou purposefully put his hand on your shoulder infront of sakura to make him flustered, or that one time where he put bugs on tsukasa's desk which makes him get scared to death.
he finds all of it amusing, but he finds teasing you even more amusing. suou also likes to have tea together with you, and when you drink from your cup, he noticed an opportunity. "hmm, how does your tea taste like?" he closed his eyes and smiled at you, which makes you feel like he's up to something. "it tastes great! i like it very much."
"mind if i taste yours?" he opened his eyes once again and put his hands on the handle of your cup, and you think that he'll drink from it. "sure, go ahead!" but, to your surprise, he puts his his right hand on the table, and his left on your face. bringing your face closer to his for a quick kiss.
"it does taste pretty sweet." he said, sitting back on his chair while your face goes red.
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SUGISHITA KYOTARO . protective and relaxed !
a lot of people think that your relationship with him is a 'joke', since they just can't see sugishita being all obedient with someone other than umemiya. but, you get it. he looks like someone who'll kill anyone who gets too close to him. which is actually kinda true until your relationship with him. his life motto has changed, from killing anyone with evil intentions towards umemiya, to killing anyone with intentions towards umemiya and you. and, furin, of course.
whenever you go out on a walk with him, you were all smiley and excited while he's standing besides you turning his head around just to see if anyone's trying to hurt you, with those scary eyes of him too. which makes you look like you're walking a dog instead of a date with your boyfriend. but you don't mind. you feel safe around him since he assured you that any danger coming towards you will immediately perish from this earth(you do tell him not to overdo it though).
he'd say, "this place isn't safe..let's go somewhere else.", just because a guy is trying to sell ice cream at the both of you.
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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naomi-nana · 2 months
: in another universe . genshin ver !
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you ask your boyfriend if he thinks you both will still love each other in another universe.
featuring : lyney, wanderer, cyno
cw : fluff
a/n : back to writing after months heheheh
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"why of course we would!" he'd answer confidently. why wouldn't you both be together in another universe? if that's the case, then he feels bad for his other self for not being able to be in a relationship with such a pretty person like you. "we'd definitely still be together in every universe!"
"we'd date together, talk about magic together, and i'll also feature you in my magic show in every universe!" you smiled hearing his words. it made you feel happy at how confident he is with his answer. "our love knows no bounds!" he grins at you.
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"what? that's ridiculous." you gasp at his answer. how could he say that to you?! does he not think that you both will fell in love in every universe that exists?! "it's not like that. how do you even know that there is multiple universes anyway?" now he's asking you the question. you don't know how to respond, being asked such a question like that. you're not a scientist!
"it doesn't have anything to do with your profession, just answer the question." really?! now he's forcing you to answer HIS question?! he should've answered yours first! "i'm not gonna answer your weird question."
(yes, he'd still love you in every other universe.)
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"oh? i didn't expect you to ask that out of nowhere." now, with cyno, you were definitely expecting him not to play along with your question and decided to just ignore it because he's the 'general mahamatra'. but, he actually played along with it. "why, of course i'd still fall in love with you in every other universe."
"well, i'd expect for you to love me first though." why? you thought it was the other way around, since he fell in love with you first back then. "why, you ask? well, probably because i'd be so interesting in your eyes that you'd gravitate towards me easily." you tilt your head to the side. what does he mean? "you don't get the joke? well, i mean, since you were talking about the universe..." you really wished you just ignored the weird joke he made earlier.
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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naomi-nana · 25 days
✎ᝰ. if you would be so kind .
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ask kindly and you shall receive(a date)!
featuring : sakura haruka
cw : fluff, f!reader
a/n : can you tell im obsessed with this anime
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"hey, give me a pen."
sakura pulls out his hand, as if waiting for the pen he's asking from you. but you didn't respond and ignores him instead. "..hey. give me a pen." he furrows his brows and glares at you for ignoring him, but you didn't reply and instead continues playing with your phone. which piss him off even more. "you- why are you ignoring me, woman?!"
"maybe i wouldn't if you ask me kindly." you finally opened your mouth to speak, but it's not the answer that sakura wants. he clenched his fist really hard to the point that it looks like it's hurting him. "does it hurt you to just give me one singular pen?!" earlier, an old lady had come to sakura for help since she noticed the furin uniform he's wearing.
she asked him to help her write a menu for her bakery, since her eyes are starting to blur which makes her unable to see well, therefore not being able to write very well too. sakura accepts the task because "it's not because i wanted to help, but because it's my job, okay?!" which earned a smile from the old lady that made him flustered. and that's why he's been asking for a pen from you. but you didn't give him any.
"you should say 'please' you know."
"why should i?!"
you sighed as you put your phone down on the table between the two of you. "you're asking me a favor, of course you should be polite." you crossed your arms together and furrowed your brows. he only clicked his tongue and turn his face away from you. "give me a pen. please." he mumbles the last part.
"hmm, can't hear that!" you grin widely at him which pisses him off. "just give me the goddamn pen, woman!" he grips the paper in his hand out of anger, which makes you raise your hands up in the air. "come now, just repeat after me! if you would be so kind, please let me borrow your pen."
"what? that's too long. just give me your pen." you noticed that he refused to repeat after what you said. but then you remembered what suou had told you yesterday. about the fact that he has feelings for you, but refused to admit it. "hmm, if you want to say it, then i'll go on a date with you!" he drops the crumpled up paper from his hands to the floor and sat back in his chair with a flustered face.
you both stare at each other for a while, before he finally opens his mouth to speak. "fine. if you would be so kind, please..let me borrow your pen." he averted his gaze from yours to the floor in embarrasment, while you chuckled. "you actually said it! is this your way of saying you wanted to go out with me?"
"t-this isn't because i wanted to go on a date with you, okay?!"
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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naomi-nana · 2 months
: in another universe . honkai star rail ver !
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you ask your boyfriend if he thinks you both will still love each other in another universe.
featuring : dan heng, jing yuan
cw : fluff, probably ooc
a/n : i finally write for hsr :D i was thinking of adding gepard/blade but i have no idea how to write them in this scenario so i only write for these two!
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he is silent. he didn't say anything and so did you. wait, why didn't he say anything? "i'm sorry, i don't know what to answer." his apology seems genuine which actually makes you kinda sad. why would he not know the answer to that? "it's the first time someone asked me a question that complicated."
complicated? "..you were asking me if i'd still love you in another universe." yes, yes you did. what's so complicated about that? "i mean..how am i supposed to know what the other me's would feel.." really? that's why he thinks it's complicated? i mean, sure, that's actually kinda reasonable. but you only want an answer between yes or no! not talk about the feelings of his 'other me' or something like that! "if you put it like that...yes. i'd love you in every single universe that ever exists."
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"what an unexpected question. so your only reason to come to my office is just to ask that question?"
your brows furrows, what does he mean by just a question? it's an important question that will decide the outcome of your relationship! "hmm..i'll think of an answer." you punch him in the head(lovingly). what does he mean by 'think of an answer'?! the only right answer in this situation is yes!
he chuckles and swiftly grab your wrist to pull you closer to his face. the close distance between the both of you always makes you flustered no matter how many times he pulled this move on you. "yes, darling. i'd still fall in love with you in every universe."
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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naomi-nana · 13 days
first kiss?! . wind breaker
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kissing ur man for the first time..
featuring : sakura haruka, hayato suou, umemiya hajime
cw : kiss kiss, fluff, gn!reader, bad grammar sorry, reader talks abt lip gloss(suou) but doesnt mean theyre fem i guess???
a/n : wow i procrastinate alot im so sorry anon ily thx for this request:3
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you sit besides a sick sakura, with food and medicines in your hand. you look down at him with a concerned face. from what suou told you, sakura had gotten sick after the fight with keel though, the fight isn't what made him sick. "you shouldn't push yourself too much, you know?" you pout at him while helping him to sit up to eat the food you brought.
"i know. but, i'm the grade captain so.." you punch him in the head(lovingly). "what do you-!" he looks at you with a glare but then widened his eyes after he realized that you were on the verge of tears. "i'm worried sick waiting for you, you know?" you clenched your fist really hard and you look at sakura with a pout on your face, which makes him froze in his place.
he wiped off your tears and stare at your face for a while. when you were about to open your mouth again to scold him, he brings your face closer to his and give you a quick kiss. "sorry, for..making you worried." silence fills the room as you stare at sakura who's slowly realizing what he had just done, and how red his face is right now.
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"suou, which one looks better on me?" you point your finger at two pink lip gloss while looking at suou, asking him to choose for you. "hm, if you're asking me then i'd have to say both looks good on you." he smiles at you. "well..which color looks best on me?"
"what are these lip products even for?" he asked you a question that made you chuckle. suou reminds you of an old man who won't stop asking about everything. "it's to make my lips look prettier and kissable, of course." hearing the word 'kissable' made him interested, so he chose one of the lip gloss and buys it for you.
after paying for the lip gloss, he told you to try it. "right here? like, infront of the store?" you looked at him with questioning eyes, and he just nods. "yeah, right here." so you did as he said and put the lip gloss on your lips. "hmm, what do you think? does it look pr—" suou grabs you by the waist swiftly and pulled you into a kiss, which makes your eyes widen.
"hm, even without the lip gloss, your lips are already kissable anyway."
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"name, look! this plant is growing already!"
umemiya jumps in his place like a toddler, which makes you chuckle. "that's nice to know." after that, he runs to another plant and say the exact same thing. of course, you're not tired of it. it's your man enjoying the stuff he likes, so you support it.
but right now, you're trying to do your assignments and he won't stop asking you to look at his plants. so you stood up from your place and approached him. "oh? are you finally done with your assignments?" he asked you a question, but you didn't answer. instead, you tiptoed to his height and held his cheeks in your arms, which makes him tilt his head to the side. before he opened his mouth to ask you a question, you kissed him. "sorry, but i'm trying to do my assigments here." after you pulled back, he chuckles.
"if this is your way to tell me to shut up, then i might talk a lot more."
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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naomi-nana · 2 months
: ticklish s/o !
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based on this ask !
featuring : cyno, diluc, kazuha
cw : fluff, kinda ooc, not proofread
a/n : did i. just get a request. 😨😨😨 (im so sorry if it's not what u expected) btw i kinda change it to just the s/o being ticklish because i cannot write the same scenario over and over again, so i'm really sorry 🍩🐈 anon! :<
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whenever cyno came home from work, you always offered to give him massages. you might think that cyno doesn't think much about it, but he actually appreciates it very much. that's why today, cyno decided to give you massages instead to relief your stress.
"i'm home." he opens the door to your home and greets you as usual. when you notice him at the door, you smiled at him and greet him back. you were about to told him to sit down on the chairs in the living room, but he told you to sit instead. "what? why?" you ask, but he didn't answer. so you do as he said.
he brings his hands up to your shoulders and start massaging you. it started very well, but then he hit a spot that is way too close to your neck, and you giggled. "what? are you making fun of my ability to massage people?" he sounds offended, which makes you laugh harder. "no-i'm not making fun of you hehe." you answered, but you're still giggling to yourself. cyno continued to massage you and you still won't stop giggling. "stop making fun of me, you're supposed to appreciate this."
"i am, i am appreciating this." but you still won't stop laughing, and that's when cyno came to a conclusion.
cyno stops his movement for a while, then chuckles. "oh? i didn't know you're ticklish." he smirked at you. you denied all of his teasings and you thought he would just pay no mind to it. but after knowing that fact, he won't stop tickling you no matter how many times you told him to stop. "you should've told me that you were ticklish sooner."
"it's pretty funny to tickle you from behind whenever you're busy doing something."
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you're cooking breakfast for both you and diluc. well, adelinde already told you that you should rest in your bedroom with diluc and let her take care of both of your breakfast. but you insisted on cooking, so she let you do so. "good morning." you heard the voice of diluc approaching you. you greet him back and continued cooking. he walked by you and opened the cabinet.
that's when he accidentally bumped his hand to your sides, and you let out a giggle. "..what?" he asked out of confusion. you shaked your head, "no..it's nothing." diluc ignored your giggle from earlier and took a mug from the cabinet to drink. then, he accidentally bumped his hand again. and you giggled, again. "why are you laughing at me?"
"i'm so sorry, it's just that you keep bumping your hand at me and i feel pretty ticklish. so i can't help it." he paused for a moment after hearing your confession, then poke your side once again. "pfft—stop that. i'm cooking you know!" you pout at him, but it just amuses him even more. "i know that you're cooking. but i just can't help it, my love."
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kazuha probably found out when you both are hanging out in inazuma. the sun is high up in the sky, and it made you sweat a lot. so kazuha told you to sit down on a rock under the tree with him to relax and enjoy the scenery. you couldn't relax though, because kazuha is leaning against your shoulder and his hair is brushing against your neck. and, being a ticklish person, this position is very unfortunate for you.
"what's wrong, sweetheart?" he sat back up and looked at you lovingly. you let out a sigh of relief as you didn't have to hold in your laughter anymore. "uh, it's just that your hair is brushing against my neck.." you look at him, and he looks at you. he didn't answer and only blinked a few times before chuckling.
"i'm sorry. didn't know you're ticklish." he smiled at you. you thought that the conversation had ended there and you both will continue exploring inazuma. but now, kazuha won't stop poking you at your sides. "stop it—pfft" you want to do the same to him but you know he isn't ticklish. "i'm so sad that my partner was hiding such a cute fact about themself from me."
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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naomi-nana · 2 months
✎ᝰ. comforting eyes .
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even the strongest sorcerer can be tired too.
featuring : satoru gojo
cw : fluff, kinda ooc, reader is referred to as 'you'.
a/n : yyeooowwchh it's my first time writing for jjk so i'm kinda nervous, and it's also pretty short too just to see how well this will go;D
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satoru gojo is an individual with very interesting eyes. whenever you look at him, your eyes are always drawn to how shiny and pretty his eyes look. but, to him, your eyes are something that are much more prettier than everything(including him) in this world. he'd always come home from a long mission and opened the door feeling pretty tired. but whenever he saw you at the door waiting for him, all of his tiredness is immediately gone.
your presence is comforting enough for him. you'd always greet him with a gentle smile, and ask him, "the mission is really tiring today, yeah? do you want to eat or change your clothes first?", but he always doesn't know what to respond. because he isn't paying attention to you, all of his attention are drawn into your eyes. the way you look at him makes him feel all warm inside, it made him feel like he just wanted to ignore everything in the world and sleep forever in your arms.
but, being a special grade sorcerer, of course he can't do that. that's why, at times like this, he'd always savor the time he have with you by leaning his head into the crook of your neck. "i'm home.." he whispered at you. you lift your hand up to his head and started stroking it. "welcome home, my love."
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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naomi-nana · 6 months
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: promise me?
doctor!albedo x fem!reader
cw: ooc, two dense people in love, mention of death, angst, grammar mistake.
a/n: ik this ain't realistic but cmon its fictional so hehehehhe
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what are the most wonderful things in this world? if you were to ask any other people in this world that question, i'm certain that their answers would be different. i'm pretty sure that their answer would all be fascinating, but not to a certain doctor. each time he is asked that question, the answer remains the same. "that patient for me is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me." he looked at his colleague with a straight expression on his face. "what's so interesting about her anyways?"
he stayed silent. no one knows. even he doesn't know. why does he care that much about her anyways? she is just a patient. oh, but the way she smiles when he entered the room. the way she greets him with such gentle tone that it would make anyone fall for her. "good morning, my doctor."
"i've told you to stop calling me that." he narrowed his eyes. "just call me by my name." she laughed at him. he only stared at her face in awe, the way she laughs and smiled sincerely at him. her laugh makes him feel all warm inside. he doesn't know why, maybe it's an incurable disease. he's been drinking all sorts of medicine to stop that feeling but it still came, weirdly enough, it only happens when he is with her alone. "well, apologize for my rudeness, sir albedo." he looks at her with a straight face, as if he hasn't been repeating the way she called him.
his name sounds nice when it's said by her.
"what a pity," she mumbles, "it's only a week left before i'm gone from this world." ah. he forgot about that. having spent most of his time trying to cure her disease makes him forgot about the time left. "may i ask something to you?" his ears perk at her question. "ask away."
"will you please stay with me until my death?"
he doesn't know why, but he agreed. it's been 2 days after that promise with her. he is now standing besides her bed, listening to her talk about random stuff. "you know, i'd really like it if you made me one of these.." she spoke, as she plays with the little stuffed animal that he made by hand. "i love the designs." she smiles, slightly pressing the eyes of the stuffed animal. "you're complimenting me too much. it's only a stuffed animal."
"but you made it by hand."
"well, yes. but it's not that much of a deal for me."
she sat up and grabbed his hands with hopeful looks in her eyes, "make it for me, pleasee??" he squints his eyes. he wants to decline but, looking at her hopeful eyes makes him feel all..ah. maybe it's worth a try. "..sure. but, promise me something." she smiled in excitement. "what is it?!"
"don't die before i finish it."
it's been 3 days since that promise. he is walking over to her room just like usual. he brought little gifts for her today though. "eh, really? this is for me??" she looks at him in awe. the fact that he is willing to go out of his way just to give her a necklace is really heartwarming. "yes. do you not like it?" he ask hesitantly, the nervous feeling started to bubble up. he is scared, for some reason. he is scared to see her feel disgusted by the random gift he gave. "i love it! you are the best, albedo!" ah, there it is. the warm feeling again. maybe it really is an incurable disease at this point.
he took the necklace gently from her and put it around her neck. "you look pretty.." he mumbled. ah, he accidentally let out one of his thoughts. before he could cover his mouth in embarrasment, she chuckles lightly. "thank you." his eyes slightly widened at the sight before him. the sun shines through the window and illuminates her, she looks ethereal. the gold necklace with a turquoise pendant hang nicely around her neck.
oh, how pretty.
it's been 4 days since that promise. the stuffed animal she requested is not done yet. he decided to bring it with him to her room today. "you seem to look much more ill than the last few days." he spoke, catching her attention. "ah, maybe i am. who knows," she touched the pendant gently and smiled, "this pendant may be the only thing to keep me alive." she continues. he stopped sewing midway and pursed his lip.
"that's nonsense." he replied, making her chuckle. "oh, you and your hopelessly dense heart." she smiled. he is not dense, he thinks to himself. he just thinks that a pendant can't keep someone alive.
"maybe you'll understand someday, albedo."
it's been 5 days since that promise. her state seems to have worsened throughout the days. it made him worry. "you should eat your pills more." he gave her an advice, but she only smiled as she gaze towards the sunset, "it's only a matter of time before i'm gone."
"what's the point in trying to be healthy again? i've lost hope in my life."
"that's not true." she broke her gaze on the sunset and stared at him instead. "how so?" she asked, he pursed his lips. "you still want to live."
"if you hate life so much, why still go through the trouble of eating everyday?"
it's been 6 days since that promise. the stuffed animal is almost ready, it just needs a little more sewing. "that's so cute!" she stared at the stuffed animal in awe. "you are so incredibly talented! why choose to become a doctor like this?" he narrowed his eyes at that question.
"that's an incredibly rude question, but i'll answer." she laughs awkwardly at his reply. "i just like alchemy and it's stuff." she blinks her eyes at him in doubt, "that's a really bland reason." he grumbled at her reply. "but you are a really bland person too, so it's okay!"
"how is that supposed to make me feel better?"
it's been 7 days since that promise. he finished the stuffed animal already, and his work is all done by afternoon. his routine is always this way, do work till afternoon, and look after his dear patient. he walks over to her room with the stuffed animal in hand. as he opens the door, the bed is empty. the windows are opened, and the wind blew the curtains gently.
ah, he remembers now. she passed away at midnight. he remembers vividly what happen back then. the way she calls for his name and finally let out her last breathe made him feel all empty inside.
there is no one in this room now. all he can see is a room full of memories.
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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naomi-nana · 11 months
jealous boyfriend.
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summary || how would your bf tell you about his jealousy?
pairings || various hsr/genshin men x gn!reader
a/n || hehehehehhe...HEHEHHEH-
warnings || jealousy, kinda possessive behaviour, violence. kinda ooc, lowercase intended. it's not proofread
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he will not tell you about it.
when he sees you talking to another man, he doesn't mind at all. but when the man starts to make you uncomfortable, he will come to your rescue without saying anything. not because he is embarrassed about it, he just doesn't want to make a fuss over such thing. if you asked him about it, he will definitely stay silent.
"that man didn't do anything to you, right?" he asked you. you smiled at him and chuckled a little. "what's so funny?"
"are you perhaps, jealous?" he only gave you a strange look and shook his head. "i don't want someone making you uncomfortable." he said, while squeezing your hand.
his respond is definitely not one that you expect, though you still feel satisfied with it.
ZHONGLI, XIAO, alhaitham, tighnari, kazuha, DILUC, Albedo, DANHENG, GEPARD, WELT + any of ur favs!
he will subtly tell you about it.
when he sees a man making you uncomfortable, he will take your hand into his and glare daggers at the man without saying anything. the man is obviously confused and just thought he was a freak, so the man left both of you alone.
"ah, wait-!" before you reach for the man, he turned you around and kissed you. when he pulled back, your face was as red as a tomato and you don't know what to say.
"what..what was that for?.." you asked, covering your mouth. he only smiled as a respond and whispered, "i'm the only one who can do that to you."
"no one else."
CHILDE, heizou, cyno, xiao, ALHAITHAM, kaeya, WANDERER, Kaveh, BLADE, luocha, IL DANHENG + any of ur favs!
he will absolutely make a fuss about it.
another man talking to you? he will be telling them to not get too close. another man getting close to you? he will stand between you and the man. another man making you uncomfortable? unacceptable. he will, and will absolutely yell at the man and kick his ass. no one will make you uncomfortable and come out without a scratch. no, without atleast him punching their face.
"are you sure we won't get in trouble for that?" you whispered at him, while looking at the man running away from your boyfriend.
"what? he was the one in the wrong." you only sighed as a respond and stood beside him. "well, i get that, but you shouldn't..you know. kick his..that." he laughed at your words and put his hand on your waist.
"what? am i not allowed to protect what's mine now?" he looked down at you and smirked after seeing your flustered face.
"yeah. you're mine."
SCARAMOUCHE, HEIZOU, childe, JINGYUAN, blade, CYNO, LUKA + any of ur favs!
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naomi-nana 2023. all likes, comments & reblogs are appreciated! <3
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naomi-nana · 6 months
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: a magician(mainly lynette)'s internal struggle?!
lyney x fem!reader (ft. lynette)
cw : incredibly rushed cuz i haven't wrote a new fanfic in months, ooc probably, some grammar mistake
a/n : new theme cuz i was bored!!(and i love HoRe soo) also i do not know how to write lyney and lynette properly so im sorry
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a loud yell was heard throughout the house of hearth, making lynette sighs while eating her favourite dessert. "what is it, dear brother?" she answered him with slight annoyance. how dare he to disturb such a peaceful morning, is probably what's in her mind right now. "you know the letter i was about to send to [name], right?!" the panic in his voice is easy enough for lynette to notice that the said letter is gone.
she sighed once again, "i am not spending my entire morning searching for your love letter that looks like it's been made by a kindergartener who doesn't know vocabulary very well yet." honestly, what lynette said is kinda true. because lyney isn't someone who's very good at writing..love letters. he was even decorating the letter with glitters that he bought from a children's toy shop. though, plus points for effort. "please, please, pleasee just this once help me!" she gazed at him and played the word 'just this once' over and over in her head. because, it is infact not the first time he had lost belongings of his. and lynette being the kind sister, of course she has to help search it.
"have you even checked your bedroom?"
"of course i do! it's the first place i check!"
lynette does not believe in lyney's words, so she decided to come to his room herself. but the sight before her made her audibly gasp. "oh!..that's not.." lynette muttered under her breath. clothes thrown everywhere, pillows on the floor, and the opened window. "have you ever looked at the window and think, maybe your letter flew outside because of the wind?" she said jokingly. even if it's just a joke, lyney might have taken it seriously and thanked her. "i knew it! you are a magician!" he runs downstairs to go open the door outside. "but you are the magician. also don't go outside in your pyjamas-" as lynette followed him downstairs, her brother had already ran far.
"..just what are you gonna do without me, lyney?"
"ugh..where is it.." lynette found his brother, crouching down in his pyjamas near bushes around the city while putting his head in each bush. looking for a love letter for his crush. "you know you look like an idiot, right?" but lyney does not hear his sister, as he already set his mind on searching for the love letter. "I FOUND IT! oh."
"it's a newspaper isn't it?" lyney stood up and sighed sadly, while dropping his head down. "what am i gonna do..." lynette actually felt a little bad seeing the state her brother is in JUST because of a love letter. so she steps forward to comfort him, until he shot his head up with widened eyes. "what if [name] finds it instead?!" and he ran away, again. really, maybe lynette struggles more during this whole thing. but lynette doesn't mind. at the very least, she can have fun with her brother even if it's just looking for a love letter.
after running around for quite a while, lyney felt tired and decided to sit on a bench. "ugh..maybe we should've checked the opera epiclese.." lyney grumbles as he threw his head back in frustation. "are you kidding me?" lynette narrowed her eyes. she stood up and walked over to a food stand near the bench before noticing something shiny float around. "huh? is that?" she squints her eyes and unconsciously smiled to herself before making her way back to lyney. "lyney! i might've found your letter!"
"really?!" he stood up before her. lynette nods and points to the direction where she had last seen it, and both of them decided to run after it. "can you stop sniffing like a dog?" lynette sighs in embarrassment seeing her brother sniffing the surrounding areas. even the people around them are looking away and laughing silently, maybe even throwing a few jokes here and there. but lyney did not care, until he finally bumped into someone.
someone that he hadn't expect.
"oh! hey lyney, lynette!" the person greets both of them with a smile, making lyney gulped and lynette nod. "hello, [name]." she greets her back. lyney froze in his place as he look at what [name] is holding in her hand, the white envelope decorated with messy red glitters on it. it's not just because she was holding the exact same envelope that both he and lynette has been searching for this whole time—it's because of how..childish the design is. "oh, you're holding an envelope." lynette quietly muttered the sentence as she pointed at it while nudging her brother on the shoulder.
"yeah! i found it on the road." lynette clicked her tongue at her brother's state, he is frozen and eyes widened looking at the letter. "psst, lyney" she called to him, but he did not respond. "psst, lyney!" he did not respond once again, so she resort to pinching his hand. that's when he let out a scream of pain. "ugh, lynette! why would you—" lynette shot him a glare while subtly pointing at the envelope. "..oh. haha, ahem. yeah! we've actually been..looking for it.." lyney looks down in embarrassment. "oh, really? who's it for?"
there it is. the death question. (or just a question that both lyney and lynette doesn't want to hear mainly because lyney is nervous and lynette is cringing). lyney is fumbling around looking for answers, but because he's taking too long, lynette decided to cover for him. "oh, lyney just-" "nuh-uh, i've got an answer!" lynette narrowed her eyes after he cut her off.
he took his breath and wiped the sweats off his forehead, with a wide grin, a messy hair and a dirty pyjamas, he confessed to the love of his life.
"i've liked you for quite some time."
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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naomi-nana · 10 months
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SUMMARY . you liked your best friend, you've always wanted to tell him that. but maybe you're too late now.
warning : unrequited love, angst, lowercase intended. might be ooc
a/n: i love writing angst for heizou- it's inspired by an indonesia song i liked! Sampai Jadi Debu by Banda Neira. the last line of this fic is one of the lyrics <33
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"hey, what's with that face?" you almost fell off your chair when your friend, heizou, suddenly comes up to your seat with no warning. you send him a glare jokingly.
"it's nothing. i just felt..left out. that's all." you muttered the last part as you don't want him to worry too much. he sat beside you and hummed as a respond, encouraging you to continue. "i mean..you know."
"..no one wants to talk to me." you answered hesitantly. he sighed as a respond and lean back to his chair. "huh. I guess i'm non-existent then.." he said, you stifle a laugh to yourself as you look at his face.
his pretty, handsome face. he is your first friend in middle school and you guys have been together ever since. even going to the same high school. you've taken a liking to him in your first year of high school, and you still do. but you can't bring yourself to say it. you want to wait for the right moment.
"i know. but, what if we go to different college..or..you know, stop talking suddenly?" you looked down and tried to hold back your tears, thinking about how one day he could've just left you alone.
he breathe out a laugh. "heh, are you kidding me? of course not." he sit straight up and pulled you close to him. really close. "we're going to stay together, obviously." he leans down at you and smiled.
"i will be staying over here with you." he whispered. you smiled warmly to yourself and leans on his shoulder. "yeah..and i'll stay here with you." you muttered to yourself quietly. you feel really calm at this moment, sitting together with the man you love.
whispering things to each other as if it's only the two of you there, everyone is just a mere background character to you. you hoped that you're able to stay like this. With him, forever.
though, i guess there is a reason why people always told you to not get your hopes up. "hey, guess what!" heizou surprised you from behind with a wide smile on his face.
"woah..never seen you this excited before." you let him sit beside you and you put down your phone, "what's up?" heizou pulled something from his pocket and showed it to you. it's a letter.
"i got a love letter." He smirked, waving the letter on your face. you breathe out a laugh as you wondered who would have sent him a love letter. Well, maybe you would. but other than you, who will?
"nah, really?" You took the letter from his hand with a smile on your face, ready to laugh at whatever cringe letter someone just send to your best friend. "yeah. it's from someone i like."
you stopped opening the letter halfway and looked at him with a questioning look. "what..you liked someone?" you asked hesitantly. he nodded at your surprised face, his smile widening.
you froze midway and didn't try opening the letter. there's no way. he actually liked someone? but you didn't know anything about it. aren't best friends supposed to tell the others about stuff like this? does he not consider you a friend anymore? does he have a new someone to talk to now?
"hey what's the matter? stop looking at the letter like that and start opening it!" you snapped back to reality and opened the letter slowly. surely he is just joking with you, right? he said it himself. he will stay with you forever, no?
reading the letter and each word carefully, you almost cried on the spot. but you held back. because you don't want him to think that you are a possessive freak. "wow. i didn't..expect that." he smiled at your respond and snatched the letter back. "congratulations.."
"thanks! i will talk to her about this. wish me luck." he exclaimed as he left the bench both of you are sitting on earlier. as for you, you are still sitting there by yourself. a feeling of getting betrayed, sad, angry, regret. all mixed up into one.
betrayed as a friend, sad as someone who liked him, angry at him for not telling you sooner about the girl he liked, and regret. regret for not confessing sooner. "honestly..why should i get mad at him anyway? It's my fault." you said to yourself.
you leaned your head back on the bench and sighed. 'i'm going to stay together with you'. your tears started to drop slowly, closing your eyes as you try to forget about him. about his laugh. his smile. his voice. and think of him only as a friend.
"yeah..and i'll stay here, by myself." you muttered to yourself quietly as you looked over to the distance, seeing him with another girl.
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naomi-nana 2023. all likes, comments & reblogs are appreciated!
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naomi-nana · 11 months
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summary || heizou wanted to propose to you, but it seems like it's too late.
pairing || modern!heizou x fem!reader
a/n || i really enjoy writing this one and i personally like it! so i hope you will also like this fic <3
warnings || angst. death. lowercase intended
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── 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐙𝐎𝐔 ⏳️ REWIND TIME ༉‧₊˚✧ .
"don't you feel bored?"
you looked to your boyfriend on your right, heizou, with a smile on your face. "well, i do feel bored sometimes. but you always visit me everyday so why would i get bored?"
he breathe out a laugh at your answer and leans towards your hospital bed. "when will you come out of the hospital?" he asked with a frown on his face.
you put your hand on your chin, thinking quietly to yourself. "hmm..i don't know. one day, maybe?"
"if you never got out of the hospital, how am i supposed to propose to you properly?"
"why don't you just propose to me right now?"
"no way! you said you want me to take you to a fancy dinner for that, remember?" you snort out a laugh. three months ago, you've been diagnosed with a rare disease. heizou was supposed to propose to you the day you got diagnosed, but it seems like god has other plans.
there was a silence between the two of you. you shift your attention to the cat plushy that's sitting on your lap. the one that heizou bought you a year ago. you smile to yourself as you remembered how he gave it to you. disheveled hair, flowers in hand, and the plushy in another.
oh, how you want to rewind time.
"heizou..." he looks up at you.
"yes, my dear?"
before continuing your sentence, your smile softened hearing him calling you 'my dear'. "will you wait for me?"
a warm smile made it to his face. "of course i will. i will always wait for you."
it's raining. his suit wet because of the rain. disheveled hair, flowers in hand, and a ring in another. he kneeled down and whispered, "hello, my dear. it's raining today. it seems like the world is also sad that you're gone."
he puts the flowers on top of your grave and pull out his hand to show the ring.
"here, the ring that you requested." he puts one on his hand and the other beside the flowers. "you spesifically said that you want this one, right?"
he smiled to himself remembering how excited you are when he brings you to the jewelry store. "i know that you want me to take you to a fancy dinner." his smile faltered.
"i know that.." he puts a hand to his face to wipe of his tears. "i was nervous. i was just making excuses. i'm sorry for proposing so late."
oh, how he wants to rewind time.
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naomi-nana 2023. all likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! <3
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naomi-nana · 11 months
cyno x reader yu bisa yu
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summary || it's raining very badly. you were originally going to take the bus, but it seems like a certain someone has other plans.
pairings || modern!au cyno x gn!reader
warnings || lowercase intended, not proofread
a/n || uda ya dek👍😁👍. to others, i hope you enjoyed this rushed little fic i made :D
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𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 ☂️ ༉‧₊˚✧ .
it's seven o'clock right now, and it's raining very badly. you had finished all of your work and planned on going home, but you forgot to bring your umbrella. so now you are waiting at the bus stop like a lost child.
you heard your phone ringing and opens your bag to search for it. turns out, your boyfriend had called you. you answered the phone almost immediately, hoping he would offer to pick you up.
"hey." he said in a monotous tone. your face scrunched up a little after listening to his tone, but decided to ignore it anyways.
"hey mister boyfriend."
"stop calling me that."
you giggled at his answer. "what's wrong? why did you suddenly call me?"
"you mean i can't?"
"i never said that!"
he sighed to the phone and didn't answer, that was until you heard a scream of your name from afar. when you turn around, you certainly didn't expect to see him standing still and waving his hand under the rain like a child, holding an umbrella on his other hand.
"wh- cyno?! what are you doing here?!" you hung up the call and put your phone inside your bag again.
"i figured you didn't bring your umbrella to work because you kept insisting about the 'weather forecast' saying that it won't be raining." he offered you his umbrella, "so i decided to be a good boyfriend and pick you up."
"what..what happened to your car?"
"what do you mean what happened? my car is perfectly fine."
"then why did you not use it to pick me up?"
"because we are dating and i want us to just take a simple walk like any other couple? it'd be rain-diculous if we never walk together under the rain." there was a small silence between you two. looking at his face, you are sure that he took pride into whatever joke he just said.
"alright, i'll let it slide this time. but if both of us get sick tomorrow because of this, i'm not even surprised.."
both of you did end up get sick tomorrow. cyno definitely didn't regret it though.
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naomi-nana 2023. all likes, reblogs & comments are appreciated! <3
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naomi-nana · 11 months
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summary || looking at the stars in the sky together with him is something you really want to do.
pairing || albedo x gn!reader
a/n || i was in an artblock and i was actually bawling my eyes out but then i remember i can write
warning || he called reader beautiful but that doesn't mean that reader is fem! other than that, none.
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── 𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐄𝐃𝐎 🎨 STARRY SKY ༉‧₊˚✧ .
It's windy today, you are currently on your way to visit albedo in his lab. He told you that he will be waiting for you at his usual place.
Walking another couple of steps, you've finally arrive at his lab. Wearing the coat he bought you a week ago. You silently made your approach to him, wanting to surprise the man. But of course—albedo turned around and caught you in the act. Just like usual.
"Trying to surprise me again, are you?" You froze in your place and smiled sheepishly at him. "It's okay though. I don't mind."
You smiled at him and walks closer to him. "What are you working on?" You asked with a curious face. Albedo has always been experimenting with stuff, so you are curious to know what he is doing today.
"I'm..just trying to paint something." He answered. You hummed at his response and squint your eyes.
"Why is the canvas blank?"
"I don't really know what to draw currently. Is this what humans often say as an artblock?" You snort out a laugh at his question. Albedo really surprised you every single day huh.
"Where— where did you learn that word?" You asked, still trying to hold back a laugh.
"What? Is it a bad word?" You shook your head and laughed at his cluelessness. "No- no..no it's not. I don't know, it just sounds funny when you said it." Albedo only hummed at your response and goes back to his canvas. Both of you talked to each other for quite some time, obviously because he is working so hard that you barely see him at home. And both of you did not realize that it's late already.
"It's already so late. Are you sure you can go back alone?" Albedo asked with a slight frown on his face. You smiled warmly at him, even though he is not human, he still feel worried about you.
"Yes, i'm sure."
"How about you stay here for a while? The skies are gonna be full of stars tonight." Hearing his offer, it's hard to say no. He is frowning too, what kind of a cruel person are you to make him sad?
You ended up staying with him to watch the starry sky together. The sky is so bright you can't help but be amazed by it, the light blue color and purple blend together so beautifully. How many times has it been since the last time you've seen a sky so beautiful like this with him?
While you were focused with the stars, albedo is more focused on you. A part of him wants to study your emotions better, and a part of him just wants to..see you.
He wants to understand you better.
The way you smile, the way your eyes lit up each time a new star falls down, it makes him feel like he is falling all over again.
You look over to him and your face flushed slightly when noticing that he is been staring at you for a while. He must've think you're childish for getting so excited over a star. "Um, the sky is really pretty tonight! I really enjoyed watching the sky together..with—" albedo leans closer to your face and caressed your cheek.
"Hm..the night sky really is beautiful. But you are far more beautiful than it." He said with a slight smile. You don't know how to react and just, stayed there. Face bright red.
"I think i know what to draw now."
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naomi-nana 2023. all likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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