#kaji ren
togament · 21 hours
𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌. sakura, ume, kaji, suo.
"ever thought how it would be like to kiss them? here's how they love to do it."
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : SUGGESTIVE KINDA SPICY, kaji is a mess (i’m in love), ume is a puppy man and he is needy, pls protect sakura, SUO????? SUO.
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- shy, shy SHY. You gotta guide him through it, babe. But once he gets the hang of it (and once he gets over the embarrassment), expect him to be all over you. - Handsy when he hasn't seen you for the longest time, caressing softly and he pulls you into him so tightly you feel like you'd merge into one being. if he’s pissed, his hands are fiery, all over your body, groping and pulling at your clothes. - please don't kiss him in public. not like he doesn't want to. of course he really does. but he can't take the teasing and the attention it brings. (he also can't prevent himself from blushing, ok? you know how red he gets!)
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- BIG SMILE KISSER. Your teeth kiss before you both do sometimes. Likes holding you in his arms when he’s kissing you. God. You know those sort of movie kisses where the love interest cups the lead’s cheek so lovingly, so softly like she’s about to break? Whispers sweet nothings to the main lead before leaning in for a perfect kiss? lmao you’re definitely not having that with ume. Sorry. - He’s a goofy kisser, giggles sometimes when you both are into it. Like, he’s just happy to be there, y’know? He whispers how much he loves you, how good you smell, how pretty you are though. who am i kidding? Any kiss is a good movie kiss with ume around. - Just expect him to ask for more than just a kiss after your lips leave his. firing all cylinders too. puppy eyes, all cutesy and stuff. He’s very needy. And I mean NEEDY.
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- of course, goes without saying that kissing kaji’s sweet. If he can’t kiss you in public, he gives you his lollipop. You tease him often, twirling your tongue along the candy, puckered lips slowly sucking it in. you know he's staring. you know he's blushing. he hates how he loves it. - Once he gets you alone? GOD. he presses you up against the nearest surface and kisses you feverishly, fingers harshly tugging at the base of your head to control you the way he wants. You yelp and he takes that opportunity to ram his tongue into your mouth, only to have you suck on it like how you did his lollipop. - But when he’s not super pissed or it’s just a lazy day for him, he looooooves lazy make out sessions while listening to music with you. His hand’s on your cheek, pulling you close. Your arms around his neck, pulling him closer until you’re straddling him already. (his go to is deftones btw.) - Kaji’s kisses are fiery and needy one moment, slow and sensual the next. No in between.
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- likes teasing before he leans in to kiss you. You could just be talking about mundane stuff and he’s looking at you with a hooded eye, gaze flitting from your eyes to your lips and back again. Tongue darting out his lips to wet them only to pull his lower lip slightly between his teeth. He knows how to work you way too well. - He likes it when you kiss him so desperately after he teases you. With how neat and proper he is, you’d expect him to prefer slow and languid kisses. au contraire, he likes it MESSY. Tongues battling for dominance, hands yanking and threading through hair, him biting your lip when he pulls away, whispered dirty talks. - it's crazy how he pulls away from you and he looks so neat and tidy while your hair's frazzled.
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a/n: ok another one before i head to bed. goodness i really do have to fix my body clock soon lmao goodnight sweetpeas~
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chifuyuangry · 2 days
Suo: I told Sakura that his ears turn red when he lies.
Nirei: Do they?
Suo: No.
Kiryu: Then why did you tell him that?
Suo: So I can do this. Hey Sakura, do you love us?
Sakura, with his hands over his ears: No!
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beanghostprincess · 2 days
Wind Breaker is one of my favorite shonen because it doesn't feel like a shonen at all and it's just a psycho-analysis of traumatized teenagers in gangs. And they're also gay.
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ambigirl · 2 days
I'm so in love
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Y'all don't get it honestly
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naomi-nana · 27 days
bofurin and romance tropes . wind breaker
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just as the title says, bofurin and romance tropes.
featuring : umemiya, sakura, kaji
cw : fluff, gn!reader, probably ooc
a/n : since there isn't many wind breaker fics right now, i'm gonna make one since im obsessed with the characters! if this goes well, maybe i'll make a second part:D
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UMEMIYA HAJIME . friends to lovers !
the two of you first met in café pothos, when you were helping out kotoha since it was pretty busy that day. he was the one that noticed you first and came up to you with a huge smile on his face. he didn't say anything and only stared at you for a while, which makes you think that the leader of bofurin is a freak. but you talked to him anyway.
and that leads you to being friends with him somehow. and because of that, he won't stop bothering you whenever he got the chance to. "name, look! my plants are looking so beautiful under the moon today, hahaha!" he showed them off proudly at you. you only nod your head with a smile on your face. "that's great. but, why are you taking me to furin at night? surely this isn't because you want to have a bbq party with me."
"do you want to?!"
"just tell me what you want, ume."
he chuckled and looks over at you with sincere eyes that makes you feel weirded out. not because you're disgusted by him, but because he usually looks at you that way whenever he has something serious to say. "say, are you alone right now?" you tilt your head to the side at his question. "what do you mean? i'm with you right now."
"haha, sorry. i should've been more specific. i mean, are you single?"
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SAKURA HARUKA . clueless and flustered !
"stop doing that!" sakura glares at you while his whole face glows bright red. suou and nirei only watches from the side as the interaction between you and him goes on. "doing what? i'm not doing anything!" you put the bandage on his injury. the three of them had just gotten back from a fight in the town. and apparently, sakura jumped way too early into the fight and got injured because of that. which is why you're trying to put bandages on his arms right now. keyword, trying.
"could you please stop moving?" you grab his wrist with your hand to make him stop running away from you, but it only makes it worse. he's now screaming like a crazy guy. "hey! get them away from me!" he stares at suou who only smiles at him.
"i-i think we should help him before he passed out from the amount of affection name is giving him." nirei whispers to suou, which earns a hum from him. "hmm, you're right. but this is way too amusing to watch. i say we wait a few more minutes."
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KAJI REN . talkative and quiet !
kaji is known for being a person who's easily angry. well, he might look calm, but the second someone or something pisses him off, he's really scary. which is why people often run away from him. not the people in furin though, including you, who came from a different high school. of course people think you're weird, acting all smiley besides him while he's 'ignoring' you and listening to his music.
but, in reality, he actually hears whatever you're currently saying. "kaji, did you hear? apparently that new coffee shop is closing because they didn't sell well!" you crossed your arms together as you looked at kaji with a dissappointed face. "how sad, i really liked how their coffee taste!" kaji only nod at what you said, and didn't say anything back.
you noticed that he didn't say anything and decided to just shut your mouth, since you think that you're bothering him a little and you don't want him to get mad at you. but then, he suddenly stops walking. "what's wrong, kaji?" you noticed he stopped at the coffee shop you were talking about. he took off his headphone and opened his mouth to speak,
"do you..want to buy coffee?"
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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youghvaudough · 11 days
I will forever appreciate a theme in my fictional stories, & that’s exactly what Wind Breaker (by Nii Satoru) has, so, I present:
Wind Breaker characters have a theme to their names.. a thread:
Bōfūrin / 防風鈴
so, even though our protag group’s name is written and visually represented as “wind chime”, Bōfūrin’s name is where this group’s theme of trees/plants start:
防風鈴 (“prevent/protect” “wind chime”) has the same reading as 防風林, a type of forest planted strategically to prevent wind erosion of soil — much like Fūrin’s mission of protecting and serving their town
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all of Bōfūrin’s named members (and close associations) so far have some element of tree/plant/wood in their last name (if you look at the kanji of their last names, you’d see a lot of wood radicals/木字旁):
桜 遥 • Sakura Haruka: 桜 / cherry tree
(fun fact: his name 遥 / haruka means "far"; also it's commonly a feminine given name)
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蘇枋 隼飛 • Suō Hayato: 枋 / sandalwood (?) or tree used as timber, general term for wooden beams in houses
(fun fact: his last name 苏枋 is the Chinese name of a traditional reddish brown color, named after a pigment made from 苏木!)
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楡井 秋彦 • Nirei Akihiko: 楡 / Siberian elm
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杉下 京太郎 • Sugishita Kyōtarō: 杉 / Japanese cedar (cryptomeria japonica)
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柊 登馬 • Hiiragi Tōma: 柊 / holly osmanthus (osmanthus heterophyllus)
(fun fact: his name 登馬 means "to mount a horse"; no, not that kind of mount, the regular horseback riding kind)
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梅宮 一 • Umemiya Hajime: 梅 / plum tree
(fun fact: his name 一 is just "one")
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This association also extends to Kotoha, who is very closely associated with Bōfūrin:
橘 琴叶 • Tachibana Kotoha: 橘 / orange tree
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now, Bōfūrin members yet to be featured in the show: (spoilers below the break)
(if you want to go to later parts: part 2 - shishitoren & part 3 - noroshi!)
梶 蓮 • Kaji Ren: 梶 / paper mulberry (broussonetia papyrifera)
(fun fact: his name 蓮 / Ren means "lotus")
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椿野 佑 • Tsubakino Tasuku: 椿 / Japanese camellia
(fun fact: their name 佑 means "to help/protect" or "to bless"!)
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桐生 三輝 • Kiryū Mitsuki: 桐 / empress tree (paulownia tomentosa)
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柘浦 大河 • Tsugeura Taiga: 柘 / mandarin melon berry (maclura tricuspidata)
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There's also 桃瀬 匠 (Momose Takumi, "peach tree") & 水木 聡久 (Mizuki Saku, "wood"), the two other Heavenly Kings
I hope I have rly driven the point home here,, /lh
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witch--btch · 4 days
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Wind Breaker Pop Up Store Collections
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raamitsu · 26 days
Posted with permission by: XYL (antichronic on Twitter)
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yanderederee · 8 days
Orange Theory
Bofurin Edition
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concept: The Orange Peel Theory is from a viral trend where you ask your partner to bring you an orange. If they bring it to you peeled and ready to eat, it indicates that they're thoughtful and caring. If they bring it to you with the rind still on, it could indicate a lack of consideration.
a/n:I tried sticking as closely to their character colors as I could٩( ᐛ )و I also tried including as many characters as I could, even lesser written characters like Tsubakino/Taiga/Kiryu/lowkey Kaji too lol… I hope you like and agree!♡
Sakura Haruka
Poor boy would be so lost.
“I’m really craving an orange…” you mumbled to yourself.
“There’s some in the kitchen.” Sakura would reply casually, popping another grape in his mouth.
You’re silent for a while. Eventually he picks up on it and looks at you with a raised brow. “What’s up?” He’d ask.
“Can… you bring it to me please?” You’d ask. Sakura wouldn’t mind. He’d simply nod and hoist himself up, walk into the kitchen, and return with two unpeeled oranges. “I kinda want one too…”
He hands you one, distracted by the group chat on his phone as he began to peel the orange in his hand.
You were beginning to give up on the test, looking down at the unpeeled orange solemnly. “You haven’t touched your orange, you okay?” He’d ask, cluelessly.
“Im fine..” you’d reply, feeling silly for feeling so distant.
Sakura knows something’s up, so instead, he leans over, and takes the orange from your hand, replacing it with orange he had just peeled from his other hand. “If you wanted me to peel it for you, ya couldn’a said somethin’.”
Overall; 4/10. He sees you as a person who can do simple things for themselves, and may only feel the need to act more considerate if he notices you having a hard time.
Suou Hayato
The two of you decided on having a movie night at your place, and Suou thought it’d be courteous to bring a bag of oranges with him as a gift.
“You know what they say, oranges being good luck and prosperity.” (I was the one who wrote this and I still expected to proof-read ‘an orange a day keeps the doctor away.’)
Before you even had the chance to ask for one, he’s asking to use your kitchen to fix one up for you.
You agree, trying to watch him from the kitchen entrance. He smiles sweetly at you and politely asks you to wait for him in the movie viewing area.
It’s curious, but you do as he says.
He returns soon with a plate, neatly peeled and decorated.
Also asks if you would prefer a fork, if you didn’t want to risk getting your fingers sticky. It’s a little over the top, but he’s only trying to be considerate.
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Overall: 11/10, He even saves the peels for Umemiya to use as compost. Encourages you to eat the entire plate, but will indulge in one if you insist.
Nirei Akihiko
Nirei asked if you’d like to binge your favorite show that night. As you both stopped by the store to pick up snacks for the binge, you remembered a couples trend, centered around the oranges in front of you.
You bought a couple, the excuse for them being one of your snacks for the night. Sweet Nirei praises you for making such a healthy snack choice, and even inspires him to put back some of his own snacks to live up to your example.
Just as you were about to begin the binge, you got very comfortable on the couch, and batted your eyelashes at your sweet boyfriend. “Can you bring me an orange please? I forgot them in the kitchen..”
Immediately agrees and hops up from beside you and to the kitchen.
He’s very happily humming to himself as he’s concentrating on the orange, walking back to the couch trying to get a good peel started.
Poor Nirei is so bad at it though, only able to peel off little bits of rind at a time. Half way through the first episode, the orange is crudely peeled, and he’s holding a slice out to you for you to eat.
Overall: 9/10, while its poor, he peels the orange with no indication you need him to, and feeds it to you one by one. ♡
Sugishita Kyotaro
Oh no.
Umemiya led you to Furin’s back yard area, eager to show you and Sugishita the fruits(haha) of his labor; a freshly grown baby orange tree.
Sugishita is immensely proud of his senior, and praises him for his hard work. Umemiya sends you two off with only one orange, since he needs to share the few he did receive from this harvest with the others.
At first, Sugishita doesn’t want to eat it. He wants to preserve it for as long as he can because it was something his previous Umemiya grew.
After a few comments like “It’ll go bad soon, you wouldn’t want Umemiya-san’s efforts to go to waste, would you?”
No way in hell would Sugishita allow that.
Sugishita hands you the orange, perhaps too nervous of accidentally crushing the fruit with his immense strength.
If you’re too slow on the take to peel it, he will accept the task. However, his worries are warranted, you discover, when he shares a slightly soft and dripping orange with you.
Overall: 5/10. He’ll initially wait for you to peel the orange, but he’s too impatient and will offer to do it instead. It’s slightly crushed, but that’s okay.
Hiragi Toma
You asked Hiragi to come over and help you with some yard work. Of course he’s happy to help.
During a break from the work, you lazily asked him to bring you an orange while sitting in front of the box fan.
He chuckles, kisses your sweaty cheek, and walks off to fulfill your request.
It takes him a minute, until he asks from the door way, “Can I go ahead and make some juice outta these?”
You blink wide at him, unexpectedly. “If… if you want to.” You mumble in response.
He nods, hustling back into the kitchen, before he begins peeling multiple oranges, and blending them up and straining them to make a fresh orange juice.
He returns with two full glasses and a half pitcher resting in your fridge. “You’ve worked hard today, hopefully this helps.”
Overall: 11/10, one of Hiragi’s love languages is acts of service, and of service he is to you all the time. Mr. “You want it? I got it.”
Kiryu Mitsuki
Sweeet sweet baby.
The two of you are just hanging out in his room, listening to whatever bedroom-pop song he put on while you both scrolled on your phones.
You come across the orange theory while on a social media app; and grin.
“Mitsuu~ I’d like an orange~.” You singsong to your boyfriend.
Kiryu looks up from his phone, and lazily hums. “Good idea~ can you bring me up one too?” He asks.
Your mouth almost hits the floor at his casual tone, but it ends when you see him hoist himself up from the bed, laughing “Just kidding angel~ I’ll be right back.”
Holding one of his many plushies close to your side, you wait for your boyfriend.
Kiryu returns with an unpeeled orange and a knife. The knife takes you by surprise at first, but once he sits at his little table and begins working on the orange, you realize he’s cutting it into sections with the rind on.
He offers you a slice with a lazy smile. Once you take it, he quickly pops a slice into his own mouth, making a cute wide orange smile.
The unexpected action sends you into a fit of laughter, your adorable boyfriend only grinning wider and blushing at how cute you are.
Overall: 10/10 I guess? He loves seeing you smile and actively does things to make you do so.
Kaji Ren
The two of you will be chilling on the Furin rooftop, enjoying the cool breeze and quiet hours, now that everyone was finally gone.
The only sound coursing through the air was the music escaping from his headphones, which lay carefully by his side, instead of his neck, so you could both enjoy the tune.
A bag of snacks lay between the two of you. You felt a bit peckish, so you glanced over at the bag and spotted an orange. Quickly, you get the idea to test the orange theory.
“Re~n, could you give me the orange?” You ask, feigning your inability to get it yourself as he was closer to the bag than you were.
Kaji looked over and spotted the orange from the bag. He reached over with ease and made a gesture like he was preparing to underhand throw it at you.
You quickly crossed your arms to show you did Not want him to throw it. He considered his options for a second, before huffing, sitting up, and leaning over so the orange was just a few inches from your reach.
‘Damn.’ You frowned. ‘Maybe this wasn’t the right opportunity to ask?’
Kaji noticed the disappointment on your face, but even after staring at you and trying to figure out what was causing your sour mood, he couldn’t imagine why. He gave you the orange just like you asked, and didn’t throw it.
“What?” He asks bluntly, causing you to flinch. “Nothing.” You replied back, closing your eyes to enjoy the evening breeze once again.
However, your answer was unsatisfactory, and your orange was left untouched. He really had no idea what he did wrong.
Kaji walks over to you, and squats to glare at you. “Quit lyin’ ‘n just spit it out.” He’d press. If you kept being stubborn, he’d just tickle you ruthlessly until he got his answer.
“T-the orange..! Aha—it, ehe… it w-was a test!” You yelped. Once you came clean, Kaji would stop just for a second to let you explain further.
Once you explained it clearly for him, his expression only soured further, tickling you even more sternly. You screamed for him to stop but he refused.
“That’s so dumb, of course I care about you. If you want me to peel a damn orange just say so, ‘n I’ll do it.” He huffed, finally releasing you and sitting by your side.
Overall, 1/10. Kaji is extremely caring and indeed will do anything for you, as long as he knows what’s expected of him. He’s doesn’t much appreciate his affections being tested in such a lame way though.
Taiga Tsugeura
Sweet angel child
You agreed to come over to his house and spot him as he did his usual muscle training routine.
Once he’s finally tired himself out, he begins talking about wanting a healthy snack. He’s going through the options he has while raiding through his cabinets.
As he does this, you notice a load of fruit in his fruit bowl. “You should eat a banana Taiga. Would you mind getting me an orange while you’re there, please?” You’d ask him nicely.
He grins as bright as the sun at your suggestion. “Great thinkin’ Y/n!!” He’s quick to grab both the banana and orange from the bowl. Before he can hand you the orange, his grin becomes more mischievous.
“Check this out,” he says with pride, holding the fruit in both hands. Then, with a quick snap, he rips the orange in half.
You’re BAFFLED. mouth agape and simply, STUNNED. Your shocked expression is all he wanted. He laughs hard, and displays the two halves face up, his own face in the middle.
“Cool huh!” He asks, before doing the same thing with the banana. “Want me to break the rest up for ya?”
Honestly, you aren’t sure what to say.
Overall: 7/10. He… does? It? But it’s more because he wants to show off a cool skill of his than he’s doing it for your sake. He also always asks you if you want him to peel your oranges, so… the thought is there.
Tsubakino Tasuku
Aaaaahh! (I am choosing to use she/her pronouns)
You were cuddled up with Tsubaki in her bed after a long day. After a well deserved nap, you woke up when Tsubaki gently slid out from under you, assumingely to use the bathroom or something necessary.
Groggily, you reached out your hand to her, and whined. “Dar~ling~ ‘so snacky… can.. you bring me back… an orange… pleeeeasssse…”
Tsubaki thought you were the absolute cutest. “Of course my dove~” she would kiss your forehead and pat your hair down sweetly. “I’ll be right back.”
You fell back asleep, but when you did wake up, you saw Tsubaki only a few feet away painting her nails. “Ah! You fell asleep before I got back, you know!” She pouted.
You giggled an apology, and looked around for the orange you’d asked her for. “On the nightstand darling.” She helped direct you.
You are not expecting to look over and see a dazzling fruit assortment waiting for you. Halved grapes, thinly sliced strawberries, heart shaped banana slices, and bite sized mandarin oranges, all neatly assorted in a bowl…. With a sprinkle of sugar making the entire display shine.
You’re stunned, gasping at the beautiful display. “It’s so cute!! All for me?” You asked, glazed eyes seeking your partner out. She giggled back. “Of course all for you~ enjoy!” She blew you a kiss.
Overall: ∞/10. Are you kidding me? She ABSOLUTELY would go ABOVE and BEYOND for the ones she loves, ESPECIALLY her partner. PUT SOME RESPECT ON MY GIRL’S NAME RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME!!!
Umemiya Hajime
As much as your boyfriend wishes he could grow a fruit tree of his own, he knows that they take time. So, he settles for easy to grow vine fruits like Strawberries and blueberries.
He loves making you an assortment of berries, and presenting them to you with love. It’s so so very sweet.
ALWAYS encourages you to eat vegetables and fruits, even if you’re not in the mood for them. “They’re super good for your health y/n!”
So you indulge him.
When it’s you who’s asking instead, “Can you bring me an orange please?” He’s elated.
“YES MA’AM!” He all but yells, rushing to get you just that.
Umemiya returns with two imperfectly peeled oranges. He’s a little clumsy with it, but he’s just excited.
Loves sharing food with you and will hand feed you them like a goddess.
Overall, 12/10. The assignment is to gauge one’s thoughtfulness, and Umemiya blows it out of the water. He wants nothing but the best for you and aims to give it to you tenfold.
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qweaenr · 8 days
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togament · 1 day
" 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦. windbreaker boys edition. "
pt. 1. (sakura, ume, suo.) pt. 2. (hiragi, sugishita, kaji.)
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𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : none that i could think of?? fluff so soft you wanna punch a wall to feel hardcore again, kaji and his sleeping position, sugi and his sleeping position. hiragi's the normal one.
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- he looks like he fell asleep upset at you with his arms crossed over his chest but that's just his normal sleeping position, y'know? he also wakes up in the same position. doesn't move a single centimeter at night. scared you a couple of times when you first got together. you told him about it and ume overhears you both and laughs. he's had a couple of sleepovers at hiragi's so he got scared a couple times too. - can only sleep on his side. great for you because you could stare at his sleeping form, maybe caress his cheek when he's falling asleep. loves it when you do that. but he wakes up with a stiff neck most mornings. you always come in clutch with salonpas patches and other treatments. loves it when you nag him while helping him out, strangely enough. - if you're not feeling too hot or on cold nights, he likes hugging you to sleep. he's totally good with you wrapping your arms around him too. loves having you close to him. - has a night light. can't sleep in total darkness. please don't tease him about it though. he's had a fear of darkness ever since he was a kid so it's a necessity. very endearing though. - has fallen asleep with his hair gelled up. multiple times. you nagged him about it once and ever since then, he's never slept with any gel in his hair. (his hair looks somewhat healthier when you're with him). - takes his vitamins before he sleeps. if you're the type to forget to take them, he shares his stash with you. it's his time to nag at you >:3 - snores. bad bad bad snorer. gets worse on days where he has to tail ume or after a rough fight. you sometimes stay up because of how loud he could be. he's a light sleeper too so if he feels you move away to another room, he stirs awake immediately feeling guilty. he coaxes you to go back to sleep. he then researches extensively the next day on how to stop snoring so loudly. - give him little butterfly kisses to wake him up and he'd wake up smiling. please give this stressed man some grace. protect and love him please.
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- SOMEONE CALL 911 OH MY GOD OHMYGO--oh sugi's just sleeping. he sleeps on his belly, head facing the side. he's another stiff neck sufferer because of thaaaat :( when will they ever learn? - you think it's because he can't fall asleep in any other position but in actuality, it's just so he won't mess his hair up. so you do him a favor. you buy him a silk pillow case and as soon as you hand it to him, you swear his eyes light up. first time you've seen him so happy. he immediately puts it on his pillow that night and sends you a photo with a thumbs up emoji. you know he won't be waking up with an aching neck the next morning. (he doesn't!!!!! yay!!!!!) - hates hates HATES being woken up. has a bunch of broken alarm clocks in a box under his bed because he throws them at his wardrobe when he's half asleep. (it's canon btw!) - doesn't fix his bed when he wakes up in the morning. leaves his blankets in the same state he left them in. rarely ever washes his sheets and pillow cases........ - sometimes forgets you're sleeping with him. so if he feels you press up against him or shift, he jolts awake. looks at you with bewildered eyes then immediately remembers. pulls you in his arms, whispering a small "sorry" before you both fall back asleep. - he has an extensive hair routine before he falls asleep. it's kinda amazing. please don't tell the others. please don't tell sakura. - he loves weekends where he could sleep in and not have an alarm to break ringing incessantly. he'd sleep for an entire day if he could, really.
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- google "peter griffin death pose" and kaji sleeping would pop up. try it. - moves way too much before he sleeps -- it's kinda annoying. goes through 85 different sleeping positions before he settles on one. if you're the type to fall asleep in one position (me tbh) you're gonna have a hell of a time with kaji (jk you decide to sleep on the couch for the night. he gets real upset though). but if you move a lot like him? be prepared to argue over the duvet and pillows. - when he eventually falls asleep though, he still moves. a lot. always finds himself in weird positions. blanket's already on the floor, pillow that was behind his head's now by his feet. he groans about his body aching every morning. gee. i wonder why. - he doesn't sleep talk. he sleep WHIMPERS. take my hand. walk with me here, babe. he has his eyebrows furrowed when he sleeps, you still with me? then he's moving a little, shifting in his sleep. then a soft whimper leaves his plump lips. your eyes widen. sitting up, you look over at him. another whimper. then, here's the kicker, he whimpers your name. still asleep, he reaches over to your side and you still. he's pulling you close. (you don't fall asleep that night. too aroused at how he sounds good whimpering. you're already thinking of ways to make him whimper for you.) see the vision? hope you do. - can't sleep without music playing in the background. sorry, quiet sleepers. your man falls asleep to stuff ranging from sunami and zulu to balming tiger and dpr live. uses his liked songs on spotify too so you know he's atrocious with that shit. falls asleep to all genre of music. - has cold feet. COLD. FEET. he presses them onto you when you're trying to fall asleep. he thinks it's funny. until you do the same to him. he hasn't done it since. - sleeps in band shirts. when you're sleeping over, he lets you wear some of them. (kinda gets off on the fact you're wearing his clothes. also kinda gets off on the scent you left on his bed when you leave. creep ((said affectionately.))) - when he's having a rough day, he can't sleep when he's alone. you find him texting you at ungodly hours of the night sometimes, asking you to come over. and you do. always. you fall asleep in his arms on those nights. he never lets you go, doesn't even move or change positions. if you're a couple, you can feel him pressing kisses along your hairline when you're falling asleep. if he can't say he's grateful you're around for him, least he could do it with his actions. (he loves you way too much for him to properly process it).
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a/n: and here you can read the exact moment i fell for kaji HAHHAHASHDHASDHJAS SEND HELP. actually. forget it. did i say i was gonna clown him? what? me? ha ha. clown my new husband in my roster that i love so dearly? noooo. part 3 coming soon!!!! TOGAME SLEEPINGggggGgG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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chifuyuangry · 3 days
Wind Breaker characters as random posts I found
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More of these because I love Wind Breaker a not normal amount [pt1]
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ambigirl · 2 days
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This scene looks funny out of context😭😂
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sakuraharukaaa · 16 days
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this is basically a picture of three generations of a family 😂🫢
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coconutgirl28 · 1 month
Wind Breaker in Japan part 1.
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