injoontz · 26 days
park jisung is the type of boyfriend to give you back hugs and rest his head on top of yours. he is the type to gently draw circles into your hand, give shy kisses, surprise you with food when you're sad, lean on you with his head over your shoulder when he's tired, only buy your favorite snacks when you go grocery shopping. he is the type to try and teach you how to dance (even if you aren't very good, he thinks your amazing), hide behind you when he's frightened (sometimes you both laugh when you're both startled by something and catch each other trying to behind one another), play video games with you, make you both ramen late at night, constantly offer his clothes to you because he likes seeing how oversized they are on you. he is the type pout when you're busy and don't give him attention. he is the type to like going on long walks with you and likes it when you hold his hand because of how large his are in comparison to yours. he is the type of boyfriend to look down at your intertwined hands and like it when you play with fingers habitually. but he's also the type to rub circles into your leg when you're watching a movie with friends (knowing fully well the butterflies it give you). he is the type to kiss you long and passionately, and firmly take your chin to face him. he is the type of boyfriend to make you know that you are his first and last love.
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ljnsdump · 11 months
What a Plot Twist You Were (Jisung x F!reader)
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Jisung x F!reader
You can't force chemistry to exist where it doesn't, the same way you can't deny it when it does.
Genre: M/F, slight enemies to lovers, fluff, classmates, school setting no mature scenes because im not ready to imagine jisung in those scenes
Warnings: just a lot of bickering and probably cursing here and there, y/n is a spoiled brat
Word Count: 3,999
Hello! A Jisung oneshot because the man finally has an IG acc haha. As always, dont hesitate to give me feedbacks! Enjoy reading!
Read at your own risk.
"Y/N, don't make me let you pull out from that modelling." Her mom warns her sternly. "This is your final semester in high school. You'll be graduating soon and you will not be able to do that if you keep this up."
She rolls her eyes, knowing that her teacher is snitching on her again. As they should though. "Ma, it's fine. My grades are enough for me to be accepted in any university."
"No it's not!" She argues and puts the utensils down on the table that caused a loud sound. Y/N's dad holds her as if to calm her down. "Universities would prioritize those with higher grades and has better knowledge on the courses they want to take than you do."
"Whatever, you'll still get them to accept me anyway."
And that's the time both parents realized that they raised a spoiled brat.
It's monday and everybody is in their first class of the day.
"Okay class, as you may know this is your final semester. We will make sure that no one gets left behind so we came up with a way. We will do the buddy system. You guys will be paired up to your buddy and you will be responsible for each other for the rest of the semester. If one doesn't pass, the other will be questioned, so help each other out. If you have topics that are hard for you both, try to come up with ways so you both will be able to understand it. You can always come to me, other teachers and even students."
They all agreed and chose their buddy. Then Y/N and Jisung come into the room at the same time but from different doors. Y/N enters the front door with her ipad and coffee while Jisung comes in from the back with just his pen and a notebook.
Their teacher notices them both. "Oh good. You're both here." She says and looks at them back and forth. "You will be each other's buddy. You will be paired up for all school work for the entire semester. You will be responsible for each other's grades."
"What?" Y/N's eyebrows furrow. She heard what her teacher said perfectly but she just couldn't accept it. "He's not that smart! You're pairing me with someone who can't help me."
"You’re late, Miss Y/L/N. Both of you are. Everyone already chose who they wanted to be their pair. It's just the two of you remaining." She answers with stern voice. "And we tried pairing you up with Yunjin before." Pertaining to their top student in class. "But you ended up just letting her do everything."
Y/N looks at Jisung. "You're not saying anything about this?"
He just shrugs and goes to his seat. Y/N groans and does the same.
"Alright. Listen up. First task."
Jisung was the one who stood up first when class ended. He was about to exit the room when Y/N called him. "Park Jisung!"
He turns with an annoyed look on his face. "What?"
She walks to him. "Why did you not say anything earlier when she paired us? You know well both fail."
"I'm not that bad." He replies that she scoffs.
"Fine! Then what should we do about that stupid reporting?"
"I have to go. Just chat with me about your ideas and whatever." He starts to walk away.
And she follows his strides. "I don't have your number!"
"WhatsApp, Messenger, IG, Twitter." He lists down. "It's 2023."
Y/N scoffs in disbelief.
After class, she meets with her best friend who was with her boyfriend at a cafe nearby. They're both in 12th grade, Ningning is in a different class though.
"Hey, who's your pair?" Ningning, as soon as she sees Y/N.
Y/N groans and rolls her eyes. "Park Jisung."
"That sloppy, rugged soccer player?"
She nods. "Yup." Popping end of the word. "Hey, Jun." Y/N casually greets Ningning’s boyfriend who's playing on his phone.
"Oh, sup Y/N." And offers to bump fists.
She accepts with her fist as well. "Nothing much."
"Okay, let's order first." They all sit. "Love, what do you want?"
"A reuben would do, love." He replies.
They spent the remainder of the day talking about their lives and spilling teas.
When she got home, she decided to try out reading about the topic of their report but just minutes later, she plopped down on her bed because she got bored.
Y/N takes out her phone and decides to look for Jisung's account on messenger.
To: Park Jisung
Hey, what are we gonna do about this?
And she finished having dinner and even went to prepare for bed, he still hasn't replied yet.
To: Park Jisung
Park Jisung!
Still no reply. She runs her fingers over her hair in frustration. Jisung has two close friends, she remembered. Y/N looks up the name Zhong Chenle and the Chinese guy's photo pops up.
To: Zhong Chenle
Hey, just wondering if you're with Jisung. Please tell him to check his phone, we have to work on our project.
Just minutes later, a notification pops up saying she has a new message from Jisung.
From: Park Jisung
Oh my god, he's unbearable, she thought.
To: Park Jisung
The project.
From: Park Jisung
Send me your thoughts and ideas about it.
To: Park Jisung
I have no thoughts nor any idea about it.
From: Park Jisung
Then what are we supposed to do?
To: Park Jisung
Idk, let's just meet up tomorrow after class to figure this out.
"Bro, what the hell." Jisung grunts as he puts his phone down and picks up the xbox controller. "She wants me to meet up with her after class. Why did we get paired up, we have no idea about these."
Jisung is currently in Sungchan's place with Chenle. They're playing video games like how they do every single day and not getting tired of it. "Finally you can get some." Chenle teases him.
"I heard she's double-jointed." Jisung's eyebrows furrow at Sungchan's joke, and looks at him with disgust on his face. While Sungchan and Chenle high five.
Jisung walked to Y/N's seat when their class ended. He watched her gather her things in a hurry and was surprised to see him.
"What?" She asks, forgetting that they planned to meet for their project today.
His eyebrows furrow, confused as well. "I thought we'll meet after class?"
"Oh yeah. About that, meet's cancelled. I have to go. Let's just pay someone to do that report." Then she takes off before he can say anything. Better for him though, he'll have the whole time to play his beloved games.
Y/N meets with her handler in a cafe after driving almost half an hour from the university.
"I'm here." She announces and gives a quick friendly hug from behind to her handler Joy. "Let's go?"
Joy turns to her as she stands up. "Okay, good. Let's go. Our client is very chic and very boss lady vibes, Y/N. She's picky and she definitely knows what she wants."
"That's cool. You know I'm here to impress."
"I do." Joy smiles as they walk fast towards the building across the cafe. "I've sent your file to them already. You've looked over the products that you'll be modelling for?"
"Yes, the jewelleries. I actually even own a couple of pieces from their brand. They're nice."
When they arrive, a tall lady in formal attire welcomes them.
"Hi, I'm Seulgi, Mrs. Laviste's assistant. She's waiting for you in her office."
The local company rents both the 3rd and 4th floors of the building for their offices and manufacturing facilities.
They arrive at the office, the woman stands up upon seeing them with a big smile to greet. "Welcome to Ligaya! I'm Flora Laviste, you can call me Mrs. Laviste." Offering her hand which Joy gladly took.
"This is my talent." Joy gestures to Y/N. "Y/N."
Y/N smiles and shakes hands with her as well. "Y/N Y/L/N."
"From what I heard, you're the youngest of Mr. And Mrs. Timothy Y/L/N, is that right?"
"Yes." She smiles. "Yes, I am."
They discuss for a few minutes in Flora's office then go to their in-house studio to shoot a few shots as a demo just for them to see how their products would look on her.
"We reviewed everything and we've decided to take you guys on your offer. She's very good." Nodding her head, applauding Y/N's skills. "We'll do the shoot on Saturday morning."
Friday came and it's time for them to present their report. Y/N came early to school to get the report she paid a college student for.
Holding the flashdrive in her hand, she thanks Yeri. "Thanks a lot Yeri! I really just can't do this on my own."
Yeri smiles. "No worries, Y/N. It was easier for me since we've been over the topic a couple of times already. I sent the file to you too through email."
Y/N sat beside Jisung when she arrived in their classroom. She specifically instructed him to come in early. "We just read what's on the presentation." She tells him.
His eyes shift, obviously in doubt. "Sure?"
"Park and Y/N, you're up." Their teacher announces after the pair prior to them were done with theirs.
They set up on the computer and in no time, the first page of the slide flashes on the white board through the projector. 
"Our topic, the three main classes of carbohydrates." Y/N starts. She then continues to casually read the passages on the PowerPoint presentation which raises a brow of their teacher.
She stands up from her desk and walks towards the center walkway. "Pause, Ms. Y/L/N." The teacher raises her index finger. "You can't just click continuously on those pages without discussing them."
Y/N immediately protests. "But Mrs. Lim, these are self-explanatory."
"Good, then please explain them." She crosses her arms. "And Mr. Park, don't just stand there. Help out your buddy."
The two groans silently upon hearing their teacher's statement. Then Y/N looks at Jisung. "Help me explain it."
"You said it's self-explanatory." He whispers.
"I didn't think she'd let us explain it still after I said that."
After a few minutes of waiting and just looking at the two infront murmuring at each other, Mrs. Lim figures out they got nothing. "Alright, you two. Something's making me think that you both did not make this. I'm gonna let you re-do it this weekend and when we come back on Monday, I want you both to be able to explain and discuss it properly or else this reflects on my record book. Understand?"
Y/N grunts and removes her things from the desk to go back to her seat.
"Let's meet tomorrow morning." Jisung tells her.
"Can't, I have something very important. Afternoon."
"I have something important to do in the afternoon."
Y/N throws her pen to the floor, stomping her feet like a little kid throwing tantrums. "Why did we ever agree to this?!"
Jisung stands tall in front of her with a serious look on his face. "Don't throw tantrums on me, Y/N." He warns with his deep ass voice. "I'm not one of your maids."
"I-I didn't think you were." She nervously replies, blinking and shying away from his eyes. "I was just upset."
"Let's meet tonight."
"Mine or yours?"
At 7pm, Y/N arrives at the convenience store near Jisung's apartment. She immediately texts him.
To: Park Jisung
I'm here.
Park Jisung!
It's very cold here.
I'm gonna kill you.
8 minutes later
From: Park Jisung
Just hang on.
To: Park Jisung
I've been hanging on you idiot.
3 minutes later
From: Park Jisung
I'm coming down.
He, in his black hoodie and sweatpants approaches her and she almost had a heart attack. He looks like a kidnapper on his fit, the only thing that made her realize it is him is his nose. Weird.
"You look scary." She tells him.
He shrugs. "Yeah? Well... let's go."
They start to walk, her, following him from behind.
"Walk slowly."
"This is my normal pace. Your legs are just short."
Y/N stops and crosses her arms while watching him walk away. He did not notice until he finally crossed the road. He looks back and Y/N is still on the other side, glaring at him. Jisung can't help but laugh and put his hands in the pockets of his hoodie as he waits for the lights to go red again.
From: Park Jisung
Stay there.
Although she's far, he can see clearly that she rolled her eyes after reading his text.
As soon as the red light appears, he runs to her and grabs her wrist lightly, and they cross the street.
"Dickhead." She mumbles.
The apartment is definitely Jisung's, Y/N thought upon getting in. Empty red bull cans, chips packets, everything is everywhere. Chenle and Sungchan are there too, yelling at each other as they play.
Y/N looks at Jisung, suggestively while crossing her arms again.
He sighs. "Come on, guys. You need to go." Telling his two friends.
"What?! I thought we were---" Sungchan stops when he sees Y/N and the look on her face. "Time to go."
Chenle removes the headphones from his head. "So what if she's here, it's not like she's staying long anyway. And besides, bros over hoes."
Jisung immediately smacks his head. "That's the red bull talking."
"Oh yeah, she's the first. I'll consider." Chenle adds and this time Y/N is the one glaring at him.
Once they're out, Jisung kicks things out of the way. "My room is clean." Then walk towards there. And indeed it is. Shoes all over, but not in a messy way but it's on the walls like he's collecting them. And they're not just any shoes, they're all or at least that's how Y/N sees it, Jordan 1s.
Her mouth hangs open when she sees the display. "You collect?"
Just minutes later, they're set up on the floor with their gadgets on the center table.
Y/N scratches the back of her head, getting frustrated over what they're doing. "This is so stupid. Carbohydrates are carbohydrates, what the fuck are those main classes for?!" She whines.
"Come on, Y/L/N. All we gotta do is read and understand then make a report."
"I wish it's as easy as saying it."
Jisung gets his hand off his keyboard. "It seems like you hate these subjects that we're taking. Why enroll under them?"
"Because they want me to be a doctor. Like any fucking Asian parent wants their kids to be."
"I'm sorry."
"No need to be, it's not you."
They spent the night just talking about random things. She learned that Jisung prefers nights over days. He's got poop hands as what Chenle calls, meaning everything he touches just fails. He and his friends always play PUBG with Chenle's cousins from China. Random things.
But Jisung felt that Y/N is a good listener. She doesn't give her own opinions on his preferences, she finds everything he says cool, and she asks you about how you feel when you make that choice. It's like she's learning new things as they talk.
But they did not make any progress with their report.
It's almost 12 midnight. "I need to go home now." Y/N states after looking at her watch.
"Are you Cinderella or something?" He jokes.
"I have a shoot tomorrow morning. I can't look puffy." She replies. "You can come with me tomorrow morning. We'll work on this slowly."
Tomorrow came. They met at the cafè again. Y/N picked Jisung up from his place.
"Do you always bring other people aside from your own team to your gigs?"
"No. But it's fine. I can just introduce you as one of us."
They arrive and in no time, Y/N is all set. They also discusse sample shots for the campaign. Jisung just observes as he tries to work on their report.
"Your boyfriend's handsome." Mrs. Laviste says, giving her a teasing smile as they look over at him.
Y/N immediately shakes her head. "He's just my classmate. We got paired up for school work."
"He's been glancing and staring at you for the past few minutes."
"That's probably because he's doing everything and I'm here literally looking pretty."
They suit her up in a silk skin tone slip dress pointing focus on the jewelleries on her. A gold butterfly rests in between her clavicles, they take a shot of that. Her hands, her ears, they alternately put pieces of jewelries and take a few shots of it in all angles possible. Jisung couldn't help but stare. She's good. Great, actually. She gives what's needed from her.
"I just got off the phone with our male model. He won't be able to attend, he's suddenly having the flu." Says Mrs. Laviste's secretary.
Y/N lowkey raises her hand just enough to point at Jisung.
Joy tells Y/N, "You should talk to him."
Y/N nods. "Jisung-ah!" Jisung looks up at her. He sees her walking towards him. "We need a male model."
"You'd be a great one. You're very tall, and your face is decent, you just need a little makeover."
He shakes his head. "I don't think I can. I just came here to work on our report."
"I'll help you. We have until tomorrow. Plus, the pay is good."
At the end, she was able to convince him to join the shoot. They set him in front of the mirror, Y/N helped out in picking up his fits. She laughs when she sees his eyes moving, afraid to move his body.
"You can move, idiot."
He looks at the makeup artist doing his face. "Really? I don't wanna mess up what they're doing."
"As long as you don't go crazy."
They do the shoot together first just so Jisung loosens up and then his solo shoot after. Y/N helps him a lot aside from the director.
"Jisung-ah, just a stoic face. This is a close up shot emphasizing the earring."
After several flashes, he's all done. Y/N claps her hands then everyone else follows. "Congrats on your first modeling gig!"
He grabs her hand and puts it on his chest. "Feel that? I'm so nervous."
Of course, she was taken aback, she didn't feel shit, just her own heart pounding when her hand landed on his hard chest. "T-That's normal." Then she walks away, face flushing, cleaning up her things.
"What's the plan?" He asks when they're finally out of the building.
"We're gonna get lunch and then go to your soccer practice?"
Jisung shakes his head. "I can just pass on that one. Let's just do the report in my apartment again." She looks him straight in the eye and before she can say anything, he says, "I cleaned up."
Y/N smiles a little. "Okay."
"What do you wanna eat? My treat today." He says, looking at her.
"I'm craving biryani."
"Let's go to Jamieson's then."
And somehow they're eating lunch together, Jisung is skipping practice to do their project together, talking casually unlike before where they just roll their eyes at each other.
Y/N asks while they eat. "So what do you think about the modelling thing?"
He shrugs. "It's cool for my first time. You and your team made it too easy for me."
"And you were pretty good too. You have potential." She puts her hand on her face, posing elegantly, mimicking his poses earlier.
Jisung laughs and immediately removes her hand from her face. "Stop it."
"Why? Wait until Chenle and Sungchan see those photos."
"Oh God." He cringes and ducks head under his hands while Y/N laughs.
They spend the whole afternoon discussing their topic, even arguing if one finds something different in their researches but at the end, they were able to finish up their presentation and are confident that they'll be able to discuss it in front of the class on Monday.
"Thanks, Ji."
And for some reason they found themselves arguing about what comes first, the egg or the chicken. They even did their research on their stands far more efficiently than how they did it first with their report about carbohydrates.
"If I'm right, you'll give me $50?" He taunts.
She pulls out her phone from her purse and counters with, "And if I'm right, I send this pic to your friends." Showing him photos of his shoot that she took without his knowing.
Jisung was about to snatch his phone when she immediately stands up and runs away from him. "Y/N, delete that!"
"No!" She yells back but falls onto the floor by the kitchen. "I can't feel my legs!"
He rushes to her with panic on his face. "What happened?!"
"I think we squatted on the floor for too long." Jisung sighs in relief. "But I still can't feel my legs, it's weird and ticklish."
"What do you want me to do?"
"I dunno, it's really weird. I hate it."
"I'll try to massage it." He looks at her waiting for her approval and she eventually nods, just desperate for the weird feeling on her legs to go away. His hands are huge, she notices. That's why it looked so good in the photos earlier.
"It's going away." Before they stand up, he attempts to steal her phone but she immediately holds it protectively with both her hands. "No, these are mine."
"That's literally me in those photos."
"Yes, I'm aware."
He traps her between both his arms and the kitchen counter. Jisung lowers himself to level with her. "Give me your phone." His voice drops an octave that gives her goosebumps. His voice has always been deep but it's different when it's this deep.
Their faces are almost touching and she blinks a couple of times as her nervousness gets the better of her. "Y-You're too close."
"I know."
"You look good." Out of the blue she says then covers her mouth with one hand.
Jisung chuckles. "You look good too. Really good." She tries to avoid his lingering eyes but she can't. "You like us like this, don't you? That's why you don't wanna give me your phone?"
"I thought I'm the first woman who ever got this close to you?"
"You are."
"It doesn't seem like it."
He gives a small smile. "That's because you make me do things I never knew I'm capable of doing." And her heart skipped a beat, she couldn't say anything. It's like her throat is blocked with something. "And I thought you're one of them strong girls? The type who nobody wants to mess with. You've always had that image but why are you refusing now?"
Y/N grabs him by the neck and crashes her lips with his. Jisung got surprised but started kissing her back until he snaps back to reality.
But she suddenly pushes him away, running to his bedroom to get her things and in no time, she's in her car driving home with her heart pounding in her ribcage. Meanwhile, Jisung remained speechless in the kitchen, no idea as to what exactly happened.
From: Park Jisung
People usually say something and don't just run after they do that, yk?
From: Park Jisung
Don't be a coward now.
To: Park Jisung
Forget that ever happened.
From: Park Jisung
Uh... no
From: Park Jisung
You kissed me first and now you just want me to forget abt it?
To: Park Jisung
From: Park Jisung
No, in fact, maybe I'll kiss you again tomorrow.
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rixkisunghalo · 24 days
all abt me ☁️💫
helloooo my name is cloudy (not my real name but yk... privacy) i'm not new to kpop tumblr and have actually had blogs in the past that i just lost interest in... hopefully this one doesn't suffer the same fate!!! i'll be writing only for enhypen and boynextdoor, but i'm a hugeeee multi stan (kpop stan since 2018) so pls feel free to talk abt any group with me! my reqs will usually be open, but before requesting please read my rules, i have boundaries as well yk!!! uhmmm, how abt some stuff abt me now?
💫 i'm a 2008 liner 💫 i'm learning mandarin chinese 💫 i'm ethiopian!!! 💫 my biggest passion is fashion 💫 i have three sisters (i'm 3/4 kids)
and yeah!!! can't wait to interact with all of u luvys
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i hadn’t seen this before what…… three days ago i could have seen this but i didn’t……….. THREE DAYS LESS OF KNOWING THIS EXISTS
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sweetieangiexoxo · 2 years
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sanns-motavator · 2 years
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#beatboxcollab #nctdreamfanart #nctjisung #nctjisungfanart #fanart #kpopfanart #kpopartcollab #kpopart Check out all the artist! Dream squad studio 1: Renjun, Mark, Jaemin- @lady_totora_001 Haechan, Jisung- @yanjinsq Jeno, Chenle- @rikim.art Sugar Pop Star: Mark- @leo.wi Renjun- @wyomminng Jeno- @immmym_ Haechan- @bbbbeni_ Jaemin- @dxrkpetals Chenle- @lviiiviiil Jisung- @bbbbeni_ We get high: Mark- @lviiiviiil Renjun- @aizsdrawings Jeno- @iam.sung.sammy Haechan- @immmym_ Jaemin- @rikim.art Chenle- @bibi.bibidr Jisung- @sandrathachartist Crown: Mark- @a.kna_m Renjun- @myungjuuu_ Jeno- @f4iryochaco.art Haechan- @aleighed Jaemin- @lucky.ia.96 Chenle- @kahel_yi Jisung- @cotton__p Teaser 1: Mark- @immmym_ Renjun- @rikim.art Jeno- @lucky.ia.96 Haechan-@cknd_06 Jaemin- @its.nanamine Chenle- @glass.gear Jisung- @its.jwii Teaser 2: Mark- @wyomminng Renjun- @minimik.mik Jeno- @tubena_ro Haechan- @do0_jeuni Jaemin- @colour_your_dreams7 Chenle- @tubena_ro Jisung- @soon__so_ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-ri--LIm-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tiannarosetarot · 3 years
can you do a reading for nct jisung’s ideal type ????
Here you go!
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First, the two Virgo cards both came up, so his ideal type could be a Virgo! They could also have Pisces or Scorpio in their astrological chart. There will be a lot of beauty and simplicity in this relationship, yet if it gets too complicated there could be some difficulties. They may both feel some insecurities and need to just remember that they are good enough, and they'll have to work through their fears. Along with this, his ideal type may be open, and anyone could be good enough, at least when it comes to appearance. He seems to care more about personality.
It's important that his person is very caring, and they are potentially older than him. They take on a more caring role and are incredibly generous. This will bring a good balance, and the relationship will go more smoothly. It is important for him to try to avoid conflicts or issues whenever he can.
With both New Moon in Pisces and Scorpio, both water signs, his ideal type is someone who can bring a lot of flowing beautiful watery energy; someone who makes him think and feel, not just surface-level things. His ideal type is someone with natural or inner beauty, that shines through smiles and laughter, and even through tears. He knows he's in love when he feels a deep connection and understanding of each other.
For physical traits, his ideal type is of medium height (could also mean the same height as him), has blue or rare colored eyes, and medium length dyed hair. This is someone who isn't afraid to experiment and take risks, and who is also very expressive through their style. They have dark or light skin and are from Africa or North America, or of descent. Of course, this can change, and it seems like he is pretty flexible with appearance.
Hope you enjoyed this reading and have a great day!
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jaehyunslilsister · 3 years
"cause i'll be, switching up positions for you" the tiktok sound kept repeating. best friend!jisung watches you from across the room, blushing from how cute you looked.
"hey ji, does this look okay?" your fingers signal him to come closer to you. he tries his best not making eye contact knowing that if he does, his face will turn redder than before.
"you look fine, you should post it," he nods. you're not satisfied with his answer, but he turns away before you could reply. mumbling under his breath he whispers, "you're too damn cute sometimes,"
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Cute Jisung 🐹 with cute Mark 🐯 🥰 🥰
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ellisedavid · 3 years
NCT DREAM Jisung's hand
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bobagalaxyaddict · 4 years
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❱ Baby Jie😭🥺🥺💚
꒰ 🌸 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
      ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥(𝐛𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭) 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫⋆* 🍭 ⁺⑅
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injoontz · 4 months
𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 ━ 𝐩.𝐣𝐬
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pairing. park jisung x fem!oc starring. park jisung, im naerin (oc) featuring.  huang renjun genre. soulmate // idol au warnings. none?? word count. 2.0k
synopsis. where a kpop idol bumps into his soulmate while she's running from the cops ☆ :: from karaoke machine — park jisung (on wp)
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It was a nice day. A really really nice day. The spring wind swept through Seoul and it made Jisung even more upset that he had a packed schedule that day. It came as no surprise to him seeing as the promotional period for their first album was just getting started. Even still, Jisung felt his energy dwindle whenever the cameras turned on.
“Everyone!” Haechan started off filming for their promotional vlog with an upbeat smile, “How are we feeling today?” 
The members cheered loudly as Haechan did their introductions. That day they were filming a short vlog at an arcade for their Reload EP. It gave the members some time to play games and relax, though Jisung admitted that he wished he could have been back at the dorm relaxing over an arcade. 
Jisung nodded along gently with what his members were saying, not really paying much attention until one of the staff members passed him a tripod stick and camera. Renjun stepped up next to Jisung and linked arms with him.
“Let’s go to the claw machines,” Renjun said, pulling the younger boy along.
Without much will to argue with his hyung, Jisung let Renjun lead him around the arcade to the claw machines. Watching his friend attempt to get a stuffed animal from inside the claw machine proved to be more entertaining than Jisung had expected.
“No!” Renjun exclaimed as the small plushy dropped out of the claw. He dropped to the ground in defeat. Jisung laughed and turned the camera to face Renjun.
“Hyung, I’m going to go explore,” Jisung said before turning away from Renjun, who just nodded and gave a brief wave to Jisung before turning back to his claw machine game.
Jisung turned away and walked through the arcade, his eyes drifting to the other members as he did. Off in one corner, Chenle was playing air hockey with Haechan while Jaemin, Mark, and Jeno were gathered around a shooting game. Jisung smiled gently and kept walking. He glanced up at the camera in his hand and gave a gentle wave before continuing to walk.
Over on one side of the arcade, a bunch of doors were lined up with a large light-up sign that said: KARAOKE. Jisung started making his way over, his hand hovering over one of the door knobs when heavy footsteps caught his attention.
As he turned to see who was running toward him, Jisung let out a grunt as the person slammed into him. There was a loud gasp from the person as they both tumbled to the ground. Jisung dropped his camera as his head bumped into the ground. A heavyweight now held down Jisung’s lower half of his body.
With a groan, Jisung reached up to rub his head as he tried to sit up.
“Ah,” Jisung said as he felt a bump starting to form on his head. 
He turned to the person who ran into him and his eyes connected with hers. She held herself up with her arms but her body leaned over Jisung’s. Her dark hair fell into her face as she stared at his face. Her dark eyes danced with gold swirls and Jisung couldn’t bring himself to look away.
A warm feeling erupted from Jisung’s chest and spread across his entire body. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest and he could sense that hers was as well. There was almost an overwhelming sense of calmness that came with her presence. Jisung felt as though he had never experienced true happiness until he met her.
From under her cropped jacket, Jisung could see something glowing gold. The girl followed his gaze to her left collarbone and she gently pulled aside her jacket. Just under the strap of her tank top, sitting there on her collarbone glowing a brilliant gold was her soulmate tattoo.
Jisung opened his mouth to say something when voices caught his attention. He turned toward the urgent voices but didn’t get a chance to even question them before the girl jumped to her feet.
“I saw her run in here,” the voice said.
The girl looked backward in panic, her eyes suddenly wide.
“Fuck,” Jisung heard her swear under her breath. The girl jumped to her feet and grabbed Jisung’s arm, pulling him into one of the karaoke booths. Jisung barely managed to grab the camera on the ground before he was whisked away.
“What’s going on?” Jisung looked out the little window on the door to see two police officers entering the arcade. They walked over to Jisung’s manager and the production crew. One of the police officers glanced over at the karaoke booths and Jisung turned to look at the girl who seemed to be trying her best to melt into the wall. 
“Are you running from the police?” Jisung asked her.
“I wouldn’t necessarily call it running,” the girl replied, “More like I’m avoiding them,”
Jisung stared at her for a while, the way she spoke was hypnotic. He liked how she spoke a bit slower and how her words seemed drawn out. He liked being in her presence because, for the first time since he became an idol, he felt genuinely at peace.
Jisung sat down across from the girl. Despite her cool laid-back appearance, he could tell she was anxious. No, he could feel that she was anxious. He could feel her emotions clearly, the way her heart raced, and how she was trying so hard to calm herself down.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Naerin,” the girl replied. “Im Naerin,” her eyes flashed over to Jisung, recognition dawning on her face. “You wouldn’t happen to be Park Jisung from NCT would you?” she asked as she sat back down. Her eyes looked up and down Jisung’s body, studying him as though he was some kind of art piece in a museum, before landing on his hair. “You’re pretty famous you know,”
Again that hypnotic tonation of her voice. Jisung couldn’t put his finger on it, she spoke differently than everyone else. He just wanted to keep listening to her voice all day.
Just as he was about to say something, his eyes caught movement from outside the karaoke booth. He jumped to his feet and looked out the window to see the two police officers making their way over. His eyes widened in panic and he grabbed the microphone from where it sat on the table. Playing a random song, Jisung blasted the music and started to dance around energetically to the song.
Naerin gave him a wide-eyed stare as he danced, his broad back blocking the window. She almost started laughing at his theatrics to prevent anyone from looking in. He sang passionately, and even if he was just singing for fun, his voice was silky and deep.
As the song came to an end, Jisung glanced out the window to see the police officers heading away, deeming that the karaoke booths didn’t harbor the girl they were looking for. Jisung sighed and placed the microphone back down and glanced at Naerin. She gave him an amused look and he felt his face start to heat up.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Jisung blushed.
“Like what?” Naerin smiled.
Jisung’s stomach curled and did a flip. He wanted to blame it on his recent soulmate bond with her but Jisung couldn’t deny that Naerin was an exceptionally attractive person. Her entire presence dripped with confidence and she had the perfect smile that mixed between a smirk and a grin. 
“You have an accent,” Jisung said, “Where are you from?”
Naerin blinked as if surprised by his words, “Is that seriously what you’re asking me right now?”
Jisung blinked, “Well- I mean-”
“Aren’t you curious about other things?” Naerin leaned forward a bit making Jisung lean back. He was suddenly very aware of how close they were sitting to each other in the karaoke booth.
“I mean, your soulmate is currently being chased by the cops,” Naerin said with a serious expression, “And you’re curious about where I’m from? Shouldn’t you be more worried about why I am being chased?”
Jisung swallowed hard. He felt so comfortable in her presence that he completely forgot how he got to this spot, to begin with. In any normal circumstance, Jisung would have been freaking out about being dragged into a small space with a random girl.
Suddenly Naerin’s face broke into a smile and she leaned away from Jisung, “I’m just playing,”  She stood up and looked out the window to see if the police had left yet. Naerin watched as the two police officers apologized to Jisung’s manager for intruding.
“Why are you being chased?” Jisung asked.
“Nothing crazy, don’t worry,” Naerin said vaguely.
“Then why are they after you?” Jisung replied. Despite his brain telling him that he should be wary of the girl across from him, the bond he now had with Naerin made him feel calm. He felt like he could trust her despite not knowing a single thing about her. Despite the fact that she was being pursued by the police.
“I stole something from them,” Naerin replied. She reached into her pocket and showed Jisung a pair of keys. 
His eyes widened in surprise. “Those are-”
“They’re the keys to the police car,” Naerin smiled as if this was some crazy game to her. 
“You could get arrested for that!” Jisung exclaimed.
“Hence why I’m running away from them,” Naerin shook her head at Jisung’s slow uptake on the reality of her situation. She glanced out the window once more, “One of the officers is my brother, so I’m not too worried,”
She let out a gentle sigh and sat back down. After a moment she realized Jisung was staring at her and turned her attention back to him. He flinched a bit when the two made eye contact and quickly pulled his eyes away.
A bubbly laugh filled the air and Jisung quickly turned to look at Naerin. She laughed lightly, trying to hide it behind her hand but it didn’t do much seeing as Jisung could clearly hear her. Despite her obviously laughing at him, Jisung’s stomach did little flips at her light laugh. It made a hot blush creep up his neck.
“Jeez, by the way you act, I would think that you’ve already fallen in love with me,” Naerin joked.
“Can you be serious for one moment?” Jisung frowned.
“Well that doesn’t sound fun at all,” Naerin smirked and Jisung could tell she had fun getting on people’s nerves.
Jisung gave her a blank stare and Naerin gently took her phone out of her pocket. She passed it to Jisung and he glanced down at it before gently tapping his phone number in. Naerin tapped a few buttons on her phone and Jisung’s suddenly buzzed from inside his pocket. He pulled it out to see a new notification.
Naerin stood up and pulled the hood of her jacket over her head. “Let’s meet up sometime. You know,” she shrugged, “Sometime before the two of us start to get violently sick from being apart,”
“Wait-” Jisung started to say but Naerin already ducked out of the karaoke booth and made a beeline for the exit. His eyes widened as she sprinted past the two police officers. They watched as she sprinted past them before realizing who she was and running after her.
“Im Naerin! Get back here!” one of the police officers yelled.
Jisung stepped out of the karaoke booth, his eyes still wide in shock at what had just happened. Renjun, who had seen Naerin run out of the karaoke booth, made his way over to Jisung. He took in the younger boy’s dazed stare before gently patting him on the shoulder.
“Are you alright?” Renjun asked snapping Jisung out of his daze, “She was running from the police, why were you in the booth with her?”
Jisung blinked before rubbing the back of his neck, “Hyung,” Jisung said, his eyes still watching where Naerin had run off, “I just met my soulmate,” he looked at the older boy with wide eyes, “What the hell do I do now?”
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©𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐳, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
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ljnsdump · 11 months
This post is a masterlist for all of my published stories so you won't have to scroll down to hell to find it. Enjoy!
(This is in a sequence from oldest to latest)
ATTRACTION (Lee Jeno x F!reader)
Her insecurities drowning her and breaking her apart, oh if only she saw herself in his eyes.
Genre: M/F, brother’s best friend, fluff with a tinge of angst, senior high school setting
TIMELESS (Suh Johnny x F!reader)
We’re a mess, you and I. But the truth is, you captivate me in ways no soul ever will.
Genre: M/F, established relationship, angst, fluff, college setting
IF IT'S MEANT TO BE, IT WILL BE (Jeong Jaehyun x F!reader)
When a heart knows, it knows. There's no explaining it. You can only trust it.
Genre: M/F, exes to lovers, angst, fluff, slight smut, suggestive, oneshot
WHAT A PLOT TWIST YOU WERE (Park Jisung x F!reader)
You can't force chemistry to exist where it doesn't, the same way you can't deny it when it does.
Genre: M/F, slight enemies to lovers, fluff, classmates, school setting no mature scenes
Everything in Time (Lee Jeno x F!reader)
Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.
Genre: M/F, best friends to lovers, fluff, smut, tiny angst, late 20s established career setting
Broken? No, Just Rearranging (SERIES) (Mingyu x Reader)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Just let go of the illusion that it could have been any different.
Genre: M/F, old friends to lovers, fluff(in the next chapters), smut (not in this chap tho), angst, late 20s established career setting
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kimchikimcheenct · 4 years
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~𝙹𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚔𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚙𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚛~
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nctascolors · 4 years
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Nct Dream Jisung~
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irlakashi · 4 years
Jisung: don't mind me, just casually eating these chicken wings
Everyone else at the chicken farm:
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