praline1968 · 4 months
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Realizzazione Ghirlanda
parte 3
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Video realizzato con InShot
Musica: white christmas
Musicista: home for Christmas
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betzs-things · 6 months
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abr · 1 month
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si ma no ... il riscaldamento fa nevicare ... se lo ripeti più e più volte alla fine ci credi. Basta vivere in tempi in cui la memoria si misura in giga e non sta nelle teste delle persone.
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diceriadelluntore · 2 months
Castelvetere sul Calore è un piccolo borgo a circa 20 km da Avellino, in quella bellissima zona storico-geografica dell'Italia meridionale che si chiama Irpinia. Deve il suo nome al fatto che il borgo vecchio si sviluppa, come molti paesi di questa zona, attorno al Castello di origine longobarda ("castrum" e "vetus"=Castello-Vecchio). Oggi l'ho visitato perché si tiene ogni 28 Aprile una Festa del Miracolo: la leggenda narra infatti che in questo giorno la Madonna delle Grazie (che cade il 2 Luglio) apparve ad alcuni giovani, e fece nevicare nel luogo dove volle una sua dimora. Nel centro del Paese quindi vi è la piccola e graziosa Chiesa della Madonna delle Grazie
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Da cui esce in processione una meravigliosa statua
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Fin qui niente di unico, per quanto bello. Ma la Festa del Miracolo ha due caratteristiche uniche. Nella cappella di San Lorenzo infatti, l'altare principale è ricoperto di "tortani", una sorta di biscotto salato
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Che le donne del paese preparano nei giorni precedenti la Festa in quantità incredibili: circa 30 mila pezzi. E questi Tortani verranno distribuiti da delle particolari "spensatrici", giovani ragazze del paese che partecipano alla processione così
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Sfilando portando addosso centinaia di catenine, anelli e bracciali d'oro, che gli abitanti del borgo, di quelli limitrofi o nativi del luogo ma residenti fuori consegnano ad un gruppo di sagge che li identificano con un targhettino cucito per ognuna delle donazioni. Ogni oro viene poi riconsegnato ai proprietari dopo il rito.
Le sponsatrici si chiamano così perché distribuiscono oggi il tortano, domani invece lo porteranno nelle campagne limitrofe donandolo ai cittadini
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"Sono le forme rituali che, come la cortesia, rendono possibile non solo un bel rapporto interpersonale, ma anche un bel rapporto delicato con le cose. Nel quadro rituale, le cose non vengono consumate o spese, bensí usate – cosí possono anche invecchiare".
Byung-Chul Han, La scomparsa dei riti, 2021
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skywarpie · 1 year
Snow Day
literally just Copia and his daughters in the snow. That’s it. Just that.
1,101k words
The snow had started earlier the previous night. What were light flurries had soon turned to fat snowflakes that quickly accumulated into several inches (then maybe a foot?). He wasn’t entirely sure how much there was, just that there was a lot. 
Copia had known it was only a matter of time before his two young daughters awoke and came bursting through his office door. They were at that age where everything was something new to learn about. It was honestly refreshing to be around, compared to the common everyday life of the ministry. He smiles as he signs off on a paper, remembering the first time he had introduced his eldest to his many pet rats. She had talked for hours about how they should spruce up their cages to make them feel like they’re royalty. About what foods she planned to steal from the kitchens to give to them as treats. Where she planned to take them on adventures with her. Any other person would no doubt become exhausted after having to listen to this for hours, but not Copia. The whole while she spoke he had worn the goofiest grin, happy to have someone be as enthusiastic about his rats as himself.
As if on cue, two small figures shove the door open and make their way inside. “Papa! Papa!” Athaliah, the elder of the two rushes forward to fling herself at Copia. “Nevicare! Nevicare!” Her small form is practically vibrating as she clasps to his frilled sleeve.
“Si.” Copia laughs as he lays his pen down near his inkwell and scoops her up to sit on his lap. “A lot of snow by the looks of it.” He smooths a piece of hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. 
“Sn-ow.” Accalia, the youngest, toddles in after having been abandoned by her sister in the doorway.
Copia reaches out his free arm as she stumbles forward, snatching her before she can fall. He maneuvers both of them so there’s a child on each knee (Satan forbid one have an inch more than the other. He’d learned that the hard way.). “Si, snow.” Accalia, unlike her sister, had yet to properly grasp a hold on either English or Italian. 
“Outside. Outside. Possiamo uscire?!” The eldest yanks particularly hard on his sleeve. “I want to go outside!”
Accalia, oblivious to her sister’s demands, busies herself trying to stick a stubby finger in the inkwell. Copia twirls his chair ever so slightly so it’s out of reach. He really doesn’t feel like cleaning up ink today. “Go outside? No.” He jests as he tries to hide his smile. “I don’t think you want to go outside.” 
“Si! I do! I do!” She wraps her tiny arms around his neck, pulling herself as close as possible to him. “Please Papa. Please.” Her small hands grasp his face to make him look at her, her expression one of an abused puppy. Accalia settles for gnawing on Copia’s pen.
“Well,” he gently pulls the pen from her grip, placing it further up the desk. It earns him an angry wail. “I’m afraid I have too much work.” He mocks, sticking his bottom lip out. “Sister Imperator is trying to kill your Papa with paperwork!” Copia adds in a dramatic voice, bringing a hand to his forehead in mock exasperation. 
“Papa.” She groans, clearly not finding it funny. Which is a shame because Copia thinks it’s one of his best performances. Everyone’s a critic. 
A sharp tug on his scarf grabs his attention. “Ai!” She shoots him an apologetic look but also somehow one of irritation at the same time. “Alright. Alright. I guess I can take a quick break.” He smiles, keeping up the charade. “I would hate to disappoint Il mio bambine!” An excited squeal is his own response.
After what felt like an eternity, and probably very much was close to an hour if he’s being honest, Copia and his daughters finally make their way outside. It’s not entirely his fault though. Copia just wants to ensure that both are bundled up correctly and won’t get sick. He’d hate himself if he let that happen.
Both of his much larger hands hold onto the smaller ones to ensure that there’s no mishaps and falls. 
Excited squeals fill the air around him as Athaliah breaks free and runs forward into the deep snow. “Fa freddo!” She giggles, wasting no time grabbing a handful of the snow. 
Copia grins as he hoists Accalia up onto his hip. Unlike her sister, the snow seems to not be a hit with her. He can’t really blame her. The cold isn’t really his friend either. They keep this up for several minutes before eventually he places the younger back on the ground so he can properly show them both how to make a snowball. 
The two of them then spend the next while trying to make snowballs of their own and to be frank, they’re all terrible. They wouldn’t last for a single throw, but Copia doesn’t really care. They’re having fun and enjoying each other. That’s all that really matters.
Eventually he rounds the two of them up and herds them inside. He gains some resistance from Accalia who seems to have suddenly grown to love the snow. But none from her sister who’s clearly tired herself out. 
The trio make their way back inside and Copia ensures that each child is out of wet clothes and in nice dry ones. Only once he’s sure they’re taken care of does he peel off his own wet clothes and settle for his favorite track suit. 
Once everyone is taken care of, he brings in two mugs of hot chocolate (ensuring that they aren’t hot enough to burn but warm enough to serve their purpose). Copia settles himself on the couch, Athaliah leaning against his left side, covered in the largest blanket Copia thinks he’s ever seen, as she sips at her own mug. Accalia sits on his lap while he gently tries to offer assistance with their shared mug. It doesn’t go as planned. He still ends up covered in hot chocolate but he doesn’t care.
They sit like this for a while before he notices Athaliah has fallen asleep against his arm. Copia slips the mug from her hand, placing it on the end table along with his own mug that had been placed over there long since the youngest drifted to sleep. He positions himself so he has an arm around each child and sighs contentedly. I should miss work more often. 
Nevicare - snow
Possiamo uscire - can we go outside?
Il mio bambine! - My babies!
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clubgoticoitaliano · 28 days
Questo è per te, tu sai chi sei, amore mio. Per te tornerei indietro milioni di volte, senza sigarette, senza parolacce, solo io. ♥️ Hai un cuore di strega dalla tua parte. Smonterò tutto il pianeta per ritrovare quello vero, quello con i miei stessi ricordi. Distruggerò internet, il cellulare, e farò esplodere il digitale, scatenerò un'inferno dietro l'altro, brucerò la matrix italiana e quella europea e quella mondiale, irriterò gli elementi e glieli tirerò addosso, farò nevicare in estate.. tutto, tutto, tutto il possibile, anche l'inimmaginabile io scaglierò contro le bestie che hanno cercato d'impedirmi di ritrovarti, non mi fermerò, neanche se dovessi morire, mai più li lascerò fare, perchè ora sono io davvero.
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praline1968 · 5 months
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nonsmetteredicercarmi · 7 months
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Che palle dover rientrare in Italia proprio ora che ha iniziato a Nevicare uffa
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animadiicristallo · 7 months
sarebbe meraviglioso se all'improvviso cominciasse a nevicare come per magia
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gelatinatremolante · 1 year
È di nuovo quel periodo in cui le previsioni e il meteo si prendono gioco dei miei sentimenti dicendo che potrebbe nevicare, inizio a crederci, controllo fuori dalla finestra ogni cinque minuti ma invece tutto quello che ricevo sono freddo e acqua. Ci vedo una possibile metafora della mia vita ma adesso non ho voglia di pensarci.
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wealthtv · 2 months
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GOOD  AFTERNOON  PASSENGERS,  this is an annoucement  for  flight  AA118  to  NEW  YORK  CITY.  this  is  a  boarding  call  for  the  following  passenger(s):  SEBASTIAN JAMES CALTHORPE, ISLA ALTHEA FLORES, VITORIA ARLETTE OLIVEIRA, NOELLE ANNE NEVICARE, ALEXANDER LUCA ORTEGA, DAMON JAEHYUN PARK, NARISA FAH NARONG, AURELIA GRACIE DE LA ROSA.  please  proceed  to  gate  42A  immediately.  please  have  your  boarding  pass  and  identification  ready.  the  captains  will  order  for  the  doors  of  the  aircraft  to  close  in  approximately  24  hours  time.  thank  you.
𓏲 * ( theo james, cis man, he/him, brad pitt/patrick dempsey ) ⸺ pictures of sebastian james calthorpe, the thirty6 year old award nominated actor, have been showing up all over my feed, and considering the last time they were #trending, it was due to highly publicized sex scandal featuring his married co - star with raunchy evidence leaked on twitter as he recently went public with his trophy girlfriend — i’m not likely to unfollow anytime soon. with their signature patek philippe watch sparkling on his left wrist with and his collection of prada shades on his brown curls, they’ve managed to garner a reputation for being more enamoring than capricious. their critics say that they’re more destructive than meticulous when they aren’t too busy focusing on their pretty boy possessing the gardens of babylon in your eyes, reveling in attention so freely given by adoring crowd ⸺ blank stare reflected in shattered mirror while iron scent clouds your mind : lost boy behind those acting scripts + kaleidoscopic chameleon, fitting every part like magic - you are born to give award speeches in the spotlight, loneliness befalls you ⸺ no one wants to share the flashing lights + lipstick marks staining tanned flesh - your body a temple of worship and adultery the shrine of protection : who can break your heart if you break theirs first ( or are you fraudulent to yourself ? infatuated by the thrill of it all. reputation.com has taken to calling them mr bond in order to avoid a lawsuit ( again ).
𓏲   *     (  kylie  verzosa,  cis  woman,  she  +  her,  margot  robbie  cc  )     ⸺     pictures  of  isla  althea  flores,   the   thirty1  year  old  actress,  model  and  producer,  have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  reports  of  them  meeting  with  an  award  winning  director  over  lunch   —  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  their  bespoke  pieces,  dior  gowns  and  one  of  a  kind  jewels,  fusions of timeless elegance and luxury in each carefully curated,  hermès  birkins  and  patent  leather  heels,  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  affectionate  than  critical.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  distracted  than  endearing  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  desire  to  be  everything,  for  barbie  had  once  promised  she  could  be  anything  so  why  could  you  not,  too  -  and  why  be  simply  anything  when  you  could  be  everyhing  ;  keeping  up  with  the  trends  when  you're  not  setting  them  -  won't  be  caught  with  something  that  would  have  you  be  called  anything  less  than  an  icon  ;  voluminous  pouting  lips  coated  in  raspberry  lipstick  leaving  fresh  stains  in  lieu  of  signatures  as  you  greet  your  fans.  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  the  island  princess  in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ).
𓏲   *     (  camila  mendes,  cis  woman,  she/her,  )     ⸺     pictures  of  VITORIA  ARLETTE  OLIVEIRA,   the   30   year   old   host  of  mad  batter  bakes  (baking  show),   have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  being  left  at  the  altar  —  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  their  high  rise  pants,  cropped  shirts  and  colorful  shoes  of  any  variety,  with  accents  reminiscent  of  the  80’s  and  90’s,  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  compassionate  than  abrasive.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  cunning  than  altruistic  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  latest  muscle  car  that  she’s  elbow  deep  in  fixing  up  (that  she  may  or  may  not  use  in  the  occasional  street  race),  massive  garden  she  prides  herself  on,  floral  perfume  that  reminds  you  of  afternoons  in  the  dying  summer  light,  and  80’s  music  blasting  as  she  works  on  new  recipes.  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  SUGAR  RUSH  in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ).   
𓏲   *     (  nailea  devora,  cisfemale,  she  /  her,  ariana  grande  singing  +  acting  cc  )     ⸺     pictures  of  NOELLE  ANNE  NEVICARE,   the   twenty  -  five   year   old   singer  /  actress,   have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  pregnancy  rumors  —  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  their  signature  floral     ,     flowy  dresses  and  jean  assembles,  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  sanguine  than  reckless.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  temperamental  than  loyal  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  piano  melodies  flowing  through  empty  rooms,  a  half  drank  glass  of  whiskey  with  floaty  rocks  of  ice,  a  hurricane  taking  everything  in  their  way  behind  sultry,  gentle  eyes.  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  BABYDOLL in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ). 
   𓏲   *     (  alberto  rosende,  cismale,  he/him,  dylan  o’brien  acting  cc  +  HONNE  singing  cc  )     ⸺     pictures  of  ALEXANDER  LUCA  ORTEGA,   the   thirty  -  one   year   old   job,   have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  a  snowboarding  accident—  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  their  signature  casual  large  hoodies  and  cargo  pants,  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  bubbly  than  jealous.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  workaholic  than  soft  -  hearted  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  guitar  playing  by  the  lake  house  facing  the  sunset,  lavish  snowboarding  vacations  with  his  famous  family  or  group  of  friends,  laughing  and  smiling  whenever  they  see  a  camera.  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  NATION'S  SWEETHEART  in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ).  
𓏲   *     (  woo  dohwan,  cis  man,  he  /  him,  max  verstappen  cc  )     ⸺     pictures  of  damon  jaehyun  park,   the   twenty-seven   year   old   formula  one  driver,   have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  rumored  tension  in  the  championship  team  after  a  fight  was  overheard  between  the  two  teammates  post  race  —  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  their  red  bull  team  hat  as  the  only  spark  of  color  in  his  otherwise  all  black  attire,  pulled  together  by  his  signature  leather  jacket,  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  charismatic  than  impulsive.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  mercurial  than  dauntless  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  ichor  that  burns  in  your  veins  ,  a  hunger  barely  contained  ,  a  rage  fighting  for  freedom  ;  the  roar  of  the  engine  as  the  lights  go  out  ,  a  contrast  to  how  still  you  become  as  hard-earned  skills  takes  over  ;  flashing  a  smile  that  is  equal  parts  charming  and  dangerous  ;  they  warn  you  that  like  icarus  you  too  shall  fall  but  you  only  sour  higher  and  higher  -  you  were  not  so  foolish  to  forge  wings  of  wax.  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  achilles  in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ).   
𓏲   *     (  davika  hoorne,  cis  woman,  she  /  her  )     ⸺     pictures  of  narisa  fah  narong,   the   thirty-three   year   old   heiress  &  vogue  editor-in-chief,   have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  a  former  employee  claiming  that  the  editor  is  more  like  a  real  life  miranda  priestly  than  her  image  suggests  —  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  their  custom  designed  chanel  dress  ,  towering  stilettos  ,  and  flawless  make-up  with  her  signature  pink  lip,  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  vivacious  than  obstinate.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  critical  than  ingenious  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  stilettos  clicking  against  the  marble  floor  ,  announcing  your  arrival  and  calling  all  to  attention  before  you  enter  the  room  ;  how  honey  and  wildfire  are  both  the  color  gold  ,  and  a  flower's  thorns  do  not  negate  its  sweetness  ;  eyes  constantly  fixated  on  the  top  of  the  next  mountain  to  be  climbed  as  she  builds  her  empire  ;  smiles  that  blossom  after  leaving  the  office  behind  ,  liquid  sunshine  rushing  to  refill  your  veins  ;  one  day  your  name  will  be  beside  the  goddesses  no  one  could  ever  fully  understand.  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  the  people's  princess  in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ).   
𓏲   *     (  alexa  demie,  cis  woman,  she/her/hers  )     ⸺     pictures  of  aurelia  gracie  de  la  rosa,   the   twenty  four   year   old   socialite/influencer,   have  been  showing  up  all  over  my  feed,  and  considering  the  last  time  they  were  #trending,  it  was  due  to  sleeping  with  her  father's  mistress  —  i’m  not  likely  to  unfollow  anytime  soon.  with  their  signature  glitter  makeup,  they’ve  managed  to  garner  a  reputation  for  being  more  introspective  than  spiteful.  their  critics  say  that  they’re  more  deceitful  than  charming  when  they  aren’t  too  busy  focusing  on  their  a  cool  breeze  everywhere  you  go,  big  houses  that  make  you  feel  small,  and  watching  youtube  on  double  speed.  reputation.com  has  taken  to  calling  them  venom  in  order  to  avoid  a  lawsuit  (  again  ).   
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orotrasparente · 1 year
sto in canotta e pantaloncino: caldo tremendo sudore morte devastazione ambientale incendi attorno a me
decido di mettermi in mutande: si scurisce il cielo, vento, presagio di pioggia, potrebbe anche nevicare a breve
e allora ditelo cazzo
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conundecax · 1 year
Piccolo racconto breve:
Domani devo tornare a casa.
Ho prenotato un mese fa.
Oggi inizia a nevicare e chissà se partirà l’aereo.
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catastrofeanotherme · 2 years
Forse hai accettato l'amore che credevi di meritare. Nella tua vita non ti sei mai accontentata, mai. Non hai mai riempito dei vuoti con chiunque, non hai mai dovuto farlo soprattutto. Non hai mai dovuto ostentare sulla tua esistenza solo per far capire che c'eri anche tu e non reputarti un fantasma come sempre nelle vite delle altre persone. La tua sete di esistere è sempre stata immensa, tanto da essere sentita solo da cuori puri. Adesso quasi preghi che tutto non venga messo in ridicolo da freddezze e circostanze come certa gente è ormai abituata. Cerchi in qualche modo di custodire, di proteggere il tuo purché non venga più intaccato e toccato, perché di spiegare non ti interessa più. Adesso quasi preghi che possa venire a nevicare sul tuo cuore da un momento all'altro, che il vento possa andare nella giusta direzione perché tu non sai più ed intanto vai. E quasi preghi, ragazza, che la luce nei tuoi occhi ritorni più forte di prima. Non hai mai ignorato niente e adesso ti ritrovi a farlo per salvaguardarti da chi ancora non è fatto per te, da chi ancora non ti ascolta e sei stanca di questa lista lunghissima. Perché a questo amore mancano i fiori da seminare e raccogliere, carezze e vicinanza. Ed ancora freddezza e circostanza hanno la meglio. E mi duole dirti che forse hai accettato l'amore che credevi di meritare.
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sayitaliano · 1 year
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e così ha iniziato a nevicare... <3 and so it has started snowing... <3
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