#no I'll name 100 birds
faceless-ghostt · 28 days
i HATE being a young justice fan with a burning passion sometimes, these silly lil guys, these dumb dumb idiots take up all my free time, just thinking about them. HOWEVER I DARE BRING THEM UP IRL? NO! why? because literally NO ONE around me knows who they are and I have to be like 'ha ha! isn't that just funny, anyways!' as if i'm not dying inside Because i NEED to talk about my beloved lil squishy and i CAN'T
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wings-of-waffles · 6 months
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What if, instead of being humans, scavengers were a species of corvid?
I like to imagine they'd be a crow-like species with the same human level of sapience as dragons, and are the largest of the corvids.
This is intended to be Wren, although it's kinda weird for her to be named after a different bird species, so I'm changing her name to Wyvern. I'm not quite sure if it makes sense, but I prefer it anyways.
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shuruzy · 5 months
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the fact that i still haven't thought of a name for her is SICKENING GRAAGHHHHH
gonna dedicate some time tomorrow researching
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constantvariations · 1 year
gimme your top 5 hot takes about rwby
I'm afraid I don’t have an accurate gauge of what qualifies as a “hot take” (or even what it actually is. Is it merely a controversial opinion?) so if any of these are ice cold I apologize
Adam and the Rose family should be connected in some way. Visual cues are important and there's so much spicy potential, especially if the dynamic originated with Summer
For Roman, the best and longest standing villain of the show, to be one of the few on-screen Grimm deaths is borderline parody. Personally, I think Ruby should’ve had a more active role in his death, even if by accident or setting up circumstances like she did Neo
Ozma’s situation is far more horrifying and sympathetic than Salem’s. The gods proved that they could bring Ozma back to life in his own body, but instead he’s forced to be a body snatcher? That’s fucked up in so many ways. She may be able to die again and again, but I think it’s way worse to die knowing you’re dooming several people at once
May Marigold isn’t that great of trans rep. She’s so unmemorable and inconsequential to the plot that the only reason I remember her at all is because she’s The Trans One. Like, glad they made her trans, and the reveal was respectful and clear and not even plot-relevant!, but maybe make her a good character first?
If we’re going by the show’s queer golden rule of blushing = romantic feelings, then Ruby had a crush on Emerald in V3 and it should have been explored way more for angst purposes
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theflikchic · 2 years
I started watching Fantasy High and I am astounded, for upon my rabbit hole, I realized that somehow- some way- I have actually heard and see Brennan Lee Mulligan in other things before and he is not new to my life.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Savanaclaw students: Wait— Is that Yuurin?
Yuurin: *running laps*
Savanaclaw student A: *shouts* HEY!!! YUURIN!!!
Savanaclaw student A: HOW MANY LAPS ARE YOU DOING?!!
Yuurin: *signals with her hand that she's doing 50 laps*
Savanaclaw student A: Oh. Okay. That's not bad.
Leona: *sips his coffee* She meant last 50 laps.
Savanaclaw students: Eh?
Ruggie: Yuurin woke up at 4AM.
Leona: Yeah. The lady already finished 100 laps.
Savanaclaw students: ...
Savanaclaw student B: HEY, YUURIN!!! TAKE SOME WATER BREAK!!!
Savanaclaw students: YUURIIIIIIN!!!
Leona: You don't feel sleepy at all after running like that?
Yuurin: No. Actually, I feel wide awake.
Leona: ...
Leona: You remind me of an Arctic tern.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I don't think that animal suits me.
Leona: It does. Here. I bought you a hairpin that looks like one.
Yuurin: ...
Leona: This will look good on your hair.
Yuurin: ...
Leona: You didn't need to send a photo to your parents, did you?
Yuurin: No.
Leona: That's good. *clips the hairpin on her*
Yuurin: ...Thank you, housewarden.
Leona: You're too formal. Just call me by my name.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Leona-senpai.
Leona: *ruffles her hair*
Yuurin: *her hair gets messy*
Leona: Shit— Let me fix that.
Other first-years: *staring at MC because of her bird hairpin*
Ace: *teasing smirk* That looks good on you, bro.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Thanks.
Ace: ...That's not what I—
Yuurin: *ignores him and focuses on class*
Professor Trein: Yuu, can you answer this question?
Yuurin: Yes, professor. *then proceeds to answer the question correctly*
Professor Trein: *smiles in satisfaction* You didn't forget any details. Great job, Yuu.
Yuurin: Thank you, Professor.
Ace: *mutters* Nerd.
Deuce: Dude, what?
Ace: What? He reminds me of Housewarden Riddle!
Yuurin: *looking at him*
Ace: ...
Professor Trein: Yuu? Is there something wrong?
Yuurin: Nothing, professor. *sits back down*
Akihiko — You look great with your hairpin, Yuurin.​ (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
Yuurin — Thanks, Aki. How's your health?
Akihiko — It's great. I haven't been sick for a week now. ​(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
Yuurin: *smiles*
Ace: *approaches her* Yo! *smirks* You were textin' your girlfriend?
Yuurin: *her face turned serious* No. It's my brother.
Ace: Eh? *stands next to her* You enjoy talking with your brother?
Yuurin: Yes. Is there a problem?
Ace: Whoa— You don't have to look at me like that.
Yuurin: ...
Ace: Anyway, who gave you that hairpin?
Yuurin: ...My housewarden.
Ace: ...
Ace: You're just new here and you're being bullied? *clicks his tongue*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: No one's bullying me.
Ace: You must be naive then.
Ace: No decent guy would think that receiving a cute hairpin is a good thing.
Ace: What you're experiencing is lowkey bullying— Hey! Where are you going?!
Yuurin: *has already walked away from him*
Ace: Hey! I'm still talking to you! Hey!!!
Jack: What? ACE SAID THAT?
Yuurin: Hm.
Jack: ...
Jack: Well, does it make you want to take off the hairpin Leona-senpai has given you?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I don't want to take it off, but at the same time, I don't want anyone to think that Leona-senpai is bullying me.
Jack: ...
Jack: Well, I can wear hairpins too.
Jack: So we're matching.
Yuurin: ...
Jack: ...
Yuurin: Won't that cause an even bigger misunderstanding?
Jack: ...
Jack: You think?
Yuurin: Yes.
Leona: That's not a problem. I'll start wearing hairpins too.
Yuurin: ...
Leona: Oi, Ruggie! Buy every freaking hairpins from Sam!
Ruggie: Sure. You want the cute ones?
Leona: Yeah. The cuter the better, that little shit. (referring to Ace)
Yuurin: ...
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rusted-sun · 2 years
*cutely spends like 30mins writing a lil blurb about my 2 ocs that noone (except 1 person who doesnt even use tumblr) knows or cares about*
listen i just!!! love my ocs!!! theyre lil skrunklies and i love them <3 <3 <3 even tho... their backstories need a major overhaul bUT I STILL LOVE THEM!!
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roesworks · 3 months
my marauder's sex headcannons
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james, sirius, and remus x female reader
i wanna feed you guys (after literally a year) so enjoy my personal headcannons
james potter -
he is a certified switch. he leans more on the dominant side, but sometimes he just has a need to be told what to do.
when you're on top, without a doubt he is calling you mommy. not to mention, he will whine. he's always whining.
plus he will NEVER SHUT UP.
"you're doing so good f'me, my love."
and he will never hit you or degrade you. he thinks that's just plain mean.
sex should be fun. he does it often so that he can skip out of doing cardio. killing two birds with one stone.
on the aspect of cardio, though, james can last a long time. he could go the entire night if he really wanted to.
"please just one more. one more, i promise."
he's a big guy, so you already KNOW that dick is at LEAST nine inches.
"it won't fit-" "-i'll make it fit."
fucking under the cloak.
while he doesn't like to hit you, he is most definitely leaving accidental bruises from gripping you so hard.
he'd rather grip your arm than the mattress. he loves feeling you.
he's probably the loudest moaner in the entire wizarding world.
he enjoys moaning your name so much that if you didn't cast a silencing charm then everyone in hogwarts would hear him.
he loves your boobs. whether they're big or small, he is most definitely sucking them and leaving them polka dotted by the end of the night.
and literally every night he's with you. sex or not. he's latching his lips onto your nipples and sucking the life out of them like they're lollipops.
he is without a doubt an experimentalist.
like whenever he finds a new position or just a new kinky idea, he's going to bring it up to you.
most of the time, you enjoy it. other times, it's just a one time thing.
he tells you he loves you all the time. it's all part of his 'never-shuts-up' persona.
sirius black -
dom. without a doubt.
"who's pussy is this?" "yours."
he likes making you cry. tears of pleasure are his favorite.
degradation is never out of the question.
and "my little slut."
while that is the case, he will, 'talk you through it' if you will.
"finish for me, baby."
100% getting off to you screaming his name.
he's definitely an ass guy. he likes groping it and hitting it whenever he gets the chance.
he's a little on the smaller side, but he definitely makes up for it in width.
he is very. VERY. loud.
he can last a SOLID three or four rounds.
ngl, he looooves bondage.
lets be real, he keeps a black rope in his nightstand.
he will most DEFINITELY tease you with his wand.
or he'll LITERALLY stick it up there.
honestly, he just likes to tease you in general.
pussy checks in public ALLLL THE TIME.
sometimes if you're wet enough, he will just do it with you on the spot.
"wet already, baby?"
he wants everyone to know that you're his, so he takes measures by leaving hickeys all over you, especially in noticeable places.
LOVES seeing you ride him.
he is 100% stealing james' cloak and doing it with you under it.
remus lupin -
a switch, but much more on the submissive side. so basically a sub.
he will literally get off on getting told what to do. and frankly he prefers being a pillow princess.
he definitely starts off quiet, like a whimper here and there,
and then as he gets more and more comfortable with you, (like around your third time) his whimpers become louder and louder.
he is a SOLID seven inches.
he will do some pretty kinky stuff with you.
like experimenting with candle wax. because he was curious, obviously.
and this guy has a huge thing for period sex. not that you mind it, it helps you forget about your cramps.
the rare times that he's on top, he is the sweetest ever.
"you feel so good."
you've done it in the library a few several times... in the restricted section. nobody has to know that, though.
he loves how you taste and will always tell you that.
your boobs are one of his most favorite things about you.
bite bite bite
and he loves touching you.
anywhere he can get his hands on you he will caress you.
he doesn't really last more than three rounds, but,
there were definitely days where he was so into it that he just couldn't stop.
he loves receiving pleasure and praise soso much.
he's just a sweet boy.
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bisexualreadsbooks · 4 months
Most Attractive Staff
You know what time it is? That's right, it's time for another Twisted Wonderland Poll!
This time around, instead of figuring out what the fandom's favorite ships are for a specific character, I'll be trying to figure out which of the staff members from Night Raven College you all think is the most attractive!
Also, if more than one of these good-looking gentlemen is your type, feel free to comment down below who they are. There is 100% no pressure to choose just one of these fine fictional men.
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loupy-mongoose · 3 months
So, since I've not been in the mood to draw, I've been playing a lot of Scarlet, doing some outbreak hunts and leveling up some old buddies.
Eventually, I thought it would be fun to finally build a Shiny Dream Team.
Darren was already level 100, and has been for years. I started raising Mist the Zoroark, and later Ruri the Gardevoir, and it hit me... I had a good shiny team going! So I went on a scavenger hunt to decide the last three members.
All of them come from various points in my shiny hunting (and not hunting, I'll get to that) timeline, and are all more dear to me than other shinies I have. (Aside from Akoya. Nobody tops her.)
This lovely team consists of:
Darren, male Flygon, Timid, Mischievous; Hatched via Masuda Method in Soul Silver, my first ever hatched shiny.
Mist, female Zoroark, Rash, Somewhat vain; Hatched via Masuda Method in Pokemon Y. I'm sure you can imagine the joy I felt at seeing that it was female. :3
Phillip, male Decidueye, Lax, Takes plenty of siestas; Hatched via Masuda Method in Pokemon Sword.
Sulfur, male Lucario, Hardy, Alert to sounds; Hatched via Masuda Method in Shining Pearl. (Yes I'm throwing him in even though he's part of a separate group. He is a shiny I've acquired of a childhood favorite Pokemon, so he's a Dream Team Shiny~)
Ruri, female Gardevoir, Jolly, Scatters things often; Lucky find in Alpha Sapphire. I was training during a Nuzlocke, and on my way back to heal, the radar thingy went off. When I saw it was a Ralts, I thought "Alright, just in case it's shiny..." It was shiny.
Tira, female Talonflame, Serious, Somewhat of a clown (lol); Extremely lucky first-egg hatch in Y. I can't remember if it was Masuda or not, but I don't think so. (I wasn't hunting for a shiny, I just wanted a Flame Body bird for my bro. XD)
Ironically the two birds are named after characters in book series' I like.
I tried real hard to not have any type overlap, and by my calculations, the only type they have no STAB advantage over is Flying. But there are ways counter that weakness. I'm very happy to see these guys all come together like this. :3
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cuubism · 1 year
r/AmItheAsshole: AITA for not releasing a Being my father had in a cage in our basement?
Throwaway account for obvious reasons.
I know how the title makes me sound but just hear me out. So back in the day my father tried to summon Death to bring back my older brother who died in the War. Yeah I know it's a bad idea but try telling him that. I was ten at the time. His summoning worked but he didnt get Death he got this other... being... I'm kinda afraid I'll get murdered if I write his name down so. Anyway. The Being looks like a human man but he is NOT HUMAN OKAY. this is important to remember.
My father put him in a glass cage so he wouldn't escape. Not sure where he got this idea exactly but I always thought it was kind of sadistic. But my father was an asshole so. Yeah. The Being didn't resurrect my brother but I guess just having him in our house brings luck? Because my father stopped aging as quickly and we got really rich and stuff. Sometimes I kinda wanted to free the Being but my father would have definitely killed me.
So 10 years later and this Being still hasn't spoken A WORD like he just sits there like a statue it's so creepy I swear. Doesn't talk to us idk if he can? But it makes my father super angry. One day the Being's crow was trying to help him escape (yeah idk either) so I shot it (still feel kinda bad tbh) but my father was furious because it could have broken the cage. He started hitting me with his cane but then he fell and hit his head and died. I SWEAR I didn't kill him or anything this was an accident 100%. This put me in charge of the house after his death.
So here's where I think I might be TA. Once I kind of told the Being that I would free him if I could (he didn't respond obvs). Now that my father is dead I could free him if I wanted but what if he wanted revenge like I did shoot his bird? Like this is clearly a dangerous being I don't know what his powers are exactly but he could definitely kill me if he wanted. My boyfriend says we should let him go and like obviously I don't want to have a Being in my basement? It's super fucked up. But I told the Being we'd let him out if he promised not to hurt us and he didn't say anything. So I kind of don't want to let him out.
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Danganronpa Project Eden's Garden: Animal Symbolism
Okay, so I just finished the prologue (adored it, the writing is impeccable), and noticed that each character features an animal on their clothing. I'm sure tons of people have pointed it out already, but I thought it'd be fun to go through the symbolism of each, alongside any other observations I had.
Damon Maitsu:
Damon's signature animal is one of the more obvious ones - it's the big snake on his tie. Biblically, snakes are kind of a big deal... Just one snake, really, which gave all of the others a bad name. In 'Garden of Eden' arc of the Bible (which is relevant for obvious reasons), a snake tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. The snake basically says "Hey queen, the apple won't kill you, it'll show you the truth, God's a liar." Adam and Eve eat the fruit, condemning humanity to eternal suffering.
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Painting Damon as the snake tells us a lot about his role in the narrative and his characterisation. The main theme for Eden's Garden seems to be 'head vs heart', or 'logic vs emotion'. While some characters lean towards emotion, Damon leans towards logic... But based on the Pathos system, he doesn't fully condemn emotion - it can be a good tool when it comes to winning arguments, after all.
At the end of the prologue, Damon disagrees with seeing the good in everyone. He argues that the ultimates are more likely to stab each other in the back than to help each other unconditionally... In other words, he argues that ultimates are ambitious, to the point of throwing away their morals - because he himself is ambitious to a fault.
While a lot of people see snakes as creatures of evil (particularly when it comes to THE snake in the Bible), it could be argued that the snake is an agent of the greater good. Yes, the snake was the catalyst for the fall of humanity, but you could argue it was also the catalyst for the first critical thought. Adam and Eve questioned the word of their creator and chose to go against him. That didn't end very well for them, but you could argue it liberated them.
Would you rather be a sheep, at the mercy of your shepherd, or a snake that sees the world for what it truly is?
Wolfgang Akire:
Speaking of sheep... Wolfgang has a pretty neat (very symbolic) sheep pin. The idea of him picking out a sheep pin in like... a Claire's Accessories is very funny to me.
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Much like snakes, sheep are also very Biblically relevant. In the Bible, God's people are usually cloaked in sheep imagery. God is the shepherd (fun fact: 'shepherd' derives from 'sheep' 'herd'), and the sheep are at his mercy. In that light, a sheep is a truly powerless thing.
Perhaps Wolfgang's sheep pin denotes him as a follower rather than a leader. Not to a specific person, but rather to an ideology - to his own morals, which he seems very attached to. Sheep are often seen as weak, existing only to be devoured by stronger, more predatory animals.
But this symbolism might exist here to be subverted. One of the most popular sheep-based phrases is (drum roll please): "Wolf in sheep's clothing".
Lawyer man is, quite literally, a wolf in sheep's clothing. His name has the word 'wolf' in it. He has a sheep on his clothing.
Does Wolfgang obsess over justice due to a guilty conscious? Is it a cover to mask his deepest, most despicable thoughts? Only time will tell, but I'm onto you, lawyer man... If that's even your real name.
Eva Tsunaka:
Okay, so I'm not 100% sure if Eva's animal is a raven or a crow, but I don't think it matters too much, people tend to perceive 'ominous medium-sized black bird' in a similar way, regardless of the specifics. Eva has a black feather in her hair and a badge with a bird's head on it. The badge looks a little bit emu-ish (which would be really funny), but the general vibe is more in line with a crow/raven.
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For simplicity's sake, I'll mostly talk about ravens, because I think (don't quote me on this, I have not read the actual Bible) crows are never actually mentioned... but ravens are, so we'll go with that.
SO, ravens, black birds. Apparently, the first bird to be mentioned by name in the Bible is the raven, which... lines up with Eva being the first named bird character we meet (there are a lot of bird people, we'll get to it). During the whole Noah's Arc debacle, Noah sent out a raven to scout for dry land - it didn't come back (I think? It gets mentioned, 'tos and fros' and then doesn't get mentioned again, so I think it dipped which honestly, girlboss move).
Other than that, a raven was used as a divine messenger at one point, but I think the much more interesting (and relevant) aspects of the raven is the general symbolism.
Ravens are usually seen as bad news - much like the snake, they get a bad rep. While they are often seen as bad omens, they can also be seen as beings of spiritual wisdom. They see more than others can, much like Eva. When the others start to do the whole 'We'll never kill each other!' it's Eva who disagrees, seeing the reality of the situation.
Based on the word 'Danganronpa' being associated with the game, we can assume she's correct, and that the bodies will start hitting the floor very soon.
Eva is wise and holds a lot of knowledge, but she is distrusted for reasons outwith her control. She didn't ask to be the ultimate liar - some random organisation sent her a letter one day putting that label on her.
Interestingly, ravens are the natural enemies of farmers... and Wolfgang has a distinct agricultural reference on his lapel.
To summarise: people don't like ravens, but they're very smart birds who can (in certain mythologies/cultures, at least), see beyond the surface level).
Toshiko Kayura:
Toshiko's assigned animal is a little harder to spot. Two flamingos are on her skirt as a decal, making them less obvious (especially during waist-up shots).
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Okay, so I'm no expert on this, but I'm pretty sure there aren't any flamingos in the Bible. Flamingos played a part in Egyptian beliefs, being associated with Ra, and they might actually be the original inspiration for phoenixes which... is kind of hilarious? The Aztecs saw them as sacred, and in Hindu culture they symbolise hamsa, a divine vehicle, which symbolises the realise from samsara, aka the cycle of suffering.
So... that could be a thing relating to Toshiko. She could be destined to act as a turning point in the narrative (either through death or through character development, same difference).
Or, we could go with the really obvious interpretation of 'flamingo = romance'. Which is very on-brand. Additionally, flamingos represent balance and elegance - mainly because of their 'standing on one leg' trick. Toshiko most likely strives to embody the qualities of a flamingo in these regards.
The use of flamingos in Toshiko's design might point to her being 'the heart' of the group. She's shown to be quite emotional (becoming flustered when challenged, avoiding the investigation, getting into an argument over gremlin-hood with Grace), despite trying to emulate a mature aura. She speaks in frivolous, convoluted imagery, which is peak fourteen-year-old behaviour, and if anything bad happens to her I will cry :D
Ulysses Wilhelm:
Rather than having a picture of an animal, Ulysses wears an owl pendant. Owls represent wisdom, and are particularly fitting for Ulysses due to him being more of a night owl.
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Biblically, owls are seen as unclean birds, alongside ravens. They aren't overly relevant, but are (allegedly, according to some random Bible forum) used to symbolise loneliness, desolation, guilt and mourning. In a broader sense, owls are seen as wise, critical-thinking creatures, and independent.
Because of this, I think Ulysses will fall into the Damon/Eva camp of thinking, due to his historical knowledge. Because if history's taught us anything, it's that people can't be trusted, they will self-sabotage, and murder is inevitable.
I don't have much else to say - Ulysses feels like an early victim/blackened candidate, unfortunately, so I don't think he'll be playing a major role narratively.
Desmond Hall:
This one's a little hard to spot immediately (and when I did spot it, I wasn't sure which animal it belonged to), but according to the concept art Desmond has a shark tooth earring.
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There are no sharks in the Bible. Sharks, apparently, symbolise protection and guidance, so I think Desmond will probably pair up with another character... which will lead to an untimely death, with a very sad flashback scene at the end of a trial. Or he'll survive, who says Biblical relevancy matters? Sharks are pretty cool and so is Desmond.
I think he'll be an optimist in the situation, but I... don't have much to say regarding his animal motif.
Grace Madison:
This one is pretty up there for the 'easiest to spot award'. Grace's animal is a rabbit, which can be seen by her (adorable) rabbit-eared visor.
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Biblically rabbits are pretty irrelevant, but symbolically they're very prominent. Rabbits are probably most famous for their easter connotations (you'd think they'd be Biblical, but no, it just says not to eat them). Rabbits are also known as lucky animals - 'rabbit feet' are seen as lucky talismans...
If Grace ends up with a severed foot, I'm going to lose my mind.
Anyway, since Grace is the resident 'reckless and crude' character, I would theorise her link to rabbits would be 'rebirth'. Rabbits are associated with spring, which is associated with rebirth. I think Grace (who is described as someone who burns every bridge she makes) will undergo the Fuyuhiko treatment and see a lot of character development.
Not much else for me to say here, but rabbits are generally seen as active animals (energiser bunny, the Scorbunny line), so... yay sports..?
Diana Venicia:
I do not trust this girl as far as I can throw her. I saw her across the room and thought, "No, you're evil", and the chameleon bracelet did not help her case.
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Like... not only does it suggest she's hiding something, or that she's a social chameleon, but it looks like a handcuff, that cannot be comfortable. And oddly enough, chameleons do feature in the Bible... and it's very odd, and very interesting.
Basically, chameleons conform to their surroundings through their unique abilities. God likes that for them, but not for humans - apparently, they should challenge things rather than just conforming to them. Which like, okay, someone changed their tune from "Don't do this one thing, no I will not elaborate". In actuality, what this means is "you should not be different on Monday to how you were on Sunday", aka, be #authentic.
Also, chameleons are seen as 'not standing up for what's right', so I guess that's where Diana falls on the morality spectrum, maybe possibly?
Diana is hiding something, she's on my mastermind radar but it feels a little too obvious? If she's not a mastermind, she hiding something and is a killer, nothing can redeem her from being shady in my eyes. I'm onto you, make-up girl...
(My guess is the beauty industry/Hollywood requires a degree of fakery, and she hates it, but she wanted to be successful so she gave into the fakery, and lost her true self in the process. And hey, maybe at some point she decided that she had to see the true twistedness of humanity via a killing game, who knows? Plus, make-up, that's very Junko-ish of her, just saying-)
Jean DeLamer:
Okay, so some people got 'owl' or 'flamingo', but this man got a whole dragon. And he cannot be more deserving of it, fly high king.
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I really didn't think there were dragons in the Bible, but apparently they get a mention (in all fairness, it's a real big book). Fun fact: Biblically, they are usually mentioned to reference sea monsters. On brand for our sea captain. Bad news though, dragons are pretty exclusively evil (sometimes straight-up Satan), and are vanquished by God. So... Not great for Jean, honestly, that's concerning.
Could he have a connection to the killing game? He could be a traitor of some sort, or he could try to rise up against the KG and get struck down.
Basically: Jean has no power here, he will lose every time, if the Bible-dragons are anything to go by.
Anyways, dragons are pretty relevant in... most cultures, so this is probably the most interesting thing I can dig up.
Jett Dawson:
In my original post, I mislabelled Jett's animal as a wolf. Somebody in the comments corrected me, pointing out that it's a coyote. Coyotes are closely related to wolves, so there's some symbolic overlap, but I'll rewrite the section anyways, because the original didn't shed much light on anything.
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Biblically, coyotes are in a bit of an odd spot. They're seen as cunning and dangerous for the most part, but in Isaiah's passage (disclaimer: I haven't read it, I'm doing the deeply unacademic thing of trusting 'straightforwardguidance'.com) he complains that coyotes and lizards are more grateful to him than humans. This is used to demean the coyote; a wild animal is better than people in Isaiah's eyes, placing them at the low end of societal importance (not literally, ofc).
Apparently, the bible also describes these animals as being wise, due to their hunting tactics. Coyotes will hunt rabbits as a team, with one tiring a rabbit out and another finishing it off. This little tidbit does not bode well for Grace, our rabbit. But, to be fair, the presence of a coyote wouldn't go well for most small animals.
I don't have too much to say about coyotes, beyond their obvious similarity to wolves. Wolves tend to hunt sheep (which gave them a bit of a negative biblical rep), but let's be real, a sheep isn't winning many battles out in the wild.
Jett strikes me as a 'tragic killer', like our usual chapter 2/4 killers. There's wildcard energy to him, though - I could see him killing, surviving or dying, but whatever happens, there'll be a plot point surrounding his face, it seems too interesting to not be a thing.
Kai Monteago:
Butterfly, on chest, let's go.
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Most obvious interpretation: social butterfly, he's an influencer.
Biblically, they're pretty irrelevant, but symbolically they're all about transformation. This could indicate character development, a change in tune, etc. Not much to say here, it could represent vulnerability (butterflies are fragile), but it's most likely a reference to the phrase social butterfly.
Mark 'Mayhem' Berskii:
His hat is, indeed, an alligator. At first I thought it was a dragon, then a crocodile, but the concept art confirms it to be an alligator.
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Google couldn't tell me much about Bible alligators, which was expected. What it can tell me is the symbolism behind them, though.
Alligators are cunning and wise. Which adds up here, Mark seems way smarter than he lets on. He makes a comment at the end of a non-stop debate (something about setting the trash fire) which suggests he's a critical thinker, seeing the misguided logic in the room.
They are also apex predators with a lot of strength which... is concerning, in terms of potential murderers. Since they've been around since the prehistoric age, alligators are seen as having an ancient, primal aura about them.
I feel there's more than meets the eye with Mark - he'll carry a key discovery or two, just you wait.
Wenona is the girlboss we need, as well as the girlboss we deserve, no further questions. Her animal decal is a little less obvious than others', being bear pawprints at the bottom of her coat.
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My favourite Bible story ever (because it's hilarious out of context) is the one about Elisha and the bears, where two bears maul forty-two children because they made fun of a guy. So, maybe don't get on her bad side via mockery.
Interestingly, bears are used to symbolise cruelty and self-servedness which... adds up here, I guess.
Symbolically, bears are a little more cuddly than the Bible makes them out to be. They're known for hibernation, making them quite patient and cautious animals. Bears are grounded animals and represent strength, being fearsome predators.
Wenona is very set in her views, and appears to be unwavering, much like a bear.
Eloise Taulner:
Eloise wears a swan pin in her hair, making that her signature animal. Swans are graceful and vicious; a fascinating combination for a character like Eloise.
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In the Bible, swans are everything you'd assume a white bird to be. It's all very 'this bird is the serene love of god, do not eat it, but for different reasons'.
Symbolically, swans are loyal birds, being of the 'mates for life' variety. Something interesting to mention is the concept of a swan song - a song that laments death, said to be the most beautiful song ever sung by a swan, despite the birds being far from natural singers. In Greek mythology, swans were sacred to both Aphrodite and Apollo, with Apollo being the god of music.
Which presents the possibility of a friendship between Mark and Elodie, with him being 'music' and her being a swan.
Swans are very powerful birds, so Eloise's character arc will probably involve her becoming stronger in terms of willpower and confidence.
Ingrid Grimwall:
This one's a little harder to spot, but Ingrid's animal symbol is on her bag, in the form of a lion.
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Lions are generally seen as brave, proud animals. The main Biblical story that comes to mind is the story of Daniel, who was thrown into a den of lions. A lion's roar is intended to paralyse its foes with fear, but can its bite match its bark? I suspect Ingrid will be a big talker, but less keen to take actual initiative. Male lions are known for being less active than their pride members, with the female lions doing the hunting.
Although, you could argue that a lion is a natural leader. These qualities don't need to be exclusive though - why not be a leader and a layabout?
Besides that, there's pride and family and strength, but the less prominent placement of Ingrid's emblem tells me she'll be less fearsome than her classmates.
Cassidy Amber:
Cassidy's a little bit different from the others. Her animal motif doesn't have a specific portrayal of the animal (much like Wenona's and Ulysses'), and hers is repeated as a pattern - Cassidy wears tights with a spiderweb pattern.
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Now, spiders are pretty well known for trapping things. It's kind of their whole deal. This gives Cassidy some serious mastermind vibes to me, especially when coupled with the fact that she's married to the content grind, loves games, and has a lot of money to throw around.
But anyway, the Bible just kind of complains about their webs being fragile, which could be interpreted as 'her fanbase isn't a true connection to others, they'll abandon her the second someone new catches their attention'. In reality, the Bible doesn't hold up for most of these, but like... it's interesting, right?
Spiders could be described as patient killers. They weave intricate webs for their victims and wait for the opportune moment to strike. Spiders are often feared, with arachnophobia being one of the most popular phobias. Cassidy herself is capable of projecting an unsettling aura and might be described as unnerving.
Fun fact: Red spiders specifically symbolise wealth, passion and excitement, which lines up pretty well with our pro-gamer.
In Conclusion:
I spent way too long making this.
Also, the Bible was pretty useless for most of these BUT the Bible reflects a lot of general perceptions (because it set quite a few of them), so it was sometimes interesting, I think, I'm tired, send help, goodnight!
(If you've made it this far, say hi or something, this took three hours and for what?)
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cocomintcat · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel x Seraph! Reader (platonic)
Info and get to know her
My first small oc idea that I'm making an x reader type deal! Info:
Reader: angel name Eliora, fallen name (y/n) || 150 years old? (aka 15 in human years ?? I'm guessing cuz Charlie presents like a 20 year old while being 200+ ) aka child seraph that is smaller than emily and around a few inches shorter than lucifer || blended Blush on the cheeks and nose, little heart nose
Angel form looks: gold halos around her neck, wrists and ankles along with above her head, eye on her collarbone area and one on the back of her hands, pastel/soft colors for this form, dress is a flowy yet comfortable gown with ballet flats || 6 wings from her head, can transfer them to be bigger wings on her back
Fallen: horns sprout from her forhead like Charlie and lucifer (because she's not acclimated properly to hell she can't hide them) || her gold halos are now black and slightly broken/bent) || she now has a heart tipped demon tail || more red colors but still light, colors darken with anger/negative emotions || main outfit is an sweetheart topped a-line dress with a black headpiece with an attached veil (your imagination to what you want the headpiece to be), for shoes she has simple black heels over some black tights || has both set of her wings (head and back) showing most of the time, her head wings act like ears now moving to her emotions
More notes: sweet, innocent but not necessarily naive (she knows things but is more innocent as inexperienced), shy, kind, sometimes there's not a thought behind those eyes (innocent puppy look), affectionate, can fight only to protect others, She is aroace (because I am and I said so)
Likes: chocolate, Saf, animals, Lucifer and Charlie, red and purple, lemon rasberry soda, hugs, seeing those she cares for happy
Dislikes: cruelty, unfair punishment, pure evil, the dark, being alone, the cold, others crying, herself crying in front of others, burdening others
Readers angel pet: a small seraph (just an eye with wings, basically acts like a bird + a puppy) named Saf (short name for a small seraph, get it, I'm not sorry)
Eliora is known as God's little princess, she's favored among the elders as she is very innocent, Adam likes her too (takes on older brother role). Though everyone thinks she's too sympathetic towards sinners and hellborns (alongside lucifer).
The fall, it wasn't really a fall as much as it was banishment. She got wrongly accused by a jealous winner who wanted to rise in ranks, she befriended Eliora only to betray her and frame her. Unfortunately no one believed Eliora's innocence even with proof that she was (fearing she had become too much like lucifer). She was banished to hell, she can't become too demonic since her sin wasn't true nor actually done that's why it lightly affects her appearance but the longer in hell she is her body will change to adjust.
When she was sent, Lucifer witnessed it, immediately taking her under his wing. He gave her the name (y/n) to help her try to move on. After a while of taking care of her he let's Charlie know of her existence. Of course this becomes found family and well you get it... It's a new adventure of reader joining the Magnes family to bring sinners to redemption!!
I'll do a more indepth Prologue but for know this is your summary and info to know!!
Spoiler-ish but the dynamics I plan:
Adam- older brother
God- "bio" dad type feel (daddy issues anyone)
Lute- kinda mean cousin but cares deeply about you
Sarah- motherly friend
Emily- 100% big sister vibes
Bia (bee-uh) treh (tre-ey)- BFF (not for long)
Lucifer- adoptive dad that made everything better (actually her brother but acts more like a dad to her)
Charlie- she adopted (y/n) no choices allowed you are her sister now anyone who hurts you gets a first or second death (she's also technically ur niece but is that really a big deal?)
Vaggie- sister in law to the rescue (she knew you in heaven and is pissed for you)
Angel dust- big brother (he treats you like Molly ain't gonna let anyone forcefully take your innocents)
Husker- same as angel but more of a 2nd father figure (he got claws that he will use)
Alastor- weird uncle that becomes like a distant father figure (he trying to avoid soft spots but it seem you happen to remind him a bit of his mother [in the loving kindness sense])
Sir pentious- Weird cousin that is also weirdly a younger siblings that's actually older than you (immature older person with mature and caring younger)
Nifty- she is like a young aunt that acts like your older sister in a weird way and we love it
Rosie- Mom (need I say more lol)
Cherrybomb- your her Lil sister and she is going to bring you into all the chaos
(That's all I can remember atm I'll add more later)
Hopefully I feel motivated to do the prologue and parts soon (struggling rn)
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neptuniadoesstuff · 9 days
My Reference Sheet of Phen 228.
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A "censored" Ref of my ver of Phen 228 (Canon) for my Modern AU aka "Branches of a Paranormal Federation".
(What is censored are the faces & the severed limb as those are where the gøřə is.)
Bio (Major):
|| Code Name: Phen 228 | Aliases: "Watanabe Bird", "The Boiled One", Hakunata (Based on strange written letters that look similar to English) | Year & Place of Discovery: 2003, Pennsylvania (By the Ephrata Branch) | Current Wearibouts: Unknown | Other: Was discovered to have other variants of it whom have somewhat similar abilities although with different out comes | Main abilities: Cognito-Hazardous properties (When looked at, can cause quesdocoma & the manifestation of its being, can't be seen by others, only ones who are effected) | Ways to combat the effects: Wear blue-light glasses & earplugs, must be about 5 feet away from the screen at all cause ||
(Btw this is just info the Ephrata Branch has put down, as I'll be putting my own info here based on my head canons & the design/lore I gave Phen myself for this au. Although the Hakunata part is only for this AU & not the canon lore. This includes the design.)
(Also... Slight disturbing imagery for the reference photo)
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The actual uncensored ref sheet & the full body ref. Yeh uh.. they look pretty messed up lookin but it's clear that Phen rlly isn't supposed to look.. Clean.. (Although I am waiting till the simps arrive.. Which I hope they don't-)
Bio (Written by... an outsider aka me lol)
|| Name: [REDACTED] | Aliases: Hakunata (A nickname given to by his sister) | Gender: Interseggs/Genderless (But is represented as male), He/They/It (Or any Pronouns but those are preferred) | Age: 100? (Not sure, I doubt Phen has a canon age-) | Height: Whatever rlly (But is normally like... REALLY TALL-) | Pride: No Idea. I doubt this spirit demon thing cares about being attracted to anything- | Species: A strange hybrid of a human & fallen angel | Family: A child named "Rei" & some other Phens (Example: Kasinoshi or "Priest) | Personality: Somewhat malicious, is a bit obsessive with a certain family, but seems to... weirdly care about his victims? (Idk its a whole bag of worms) | Occupation: Some false prophet frikker idk. Might've been a war criminal from Japan in a past life (WWII) | Powers: Able to give anyone who looks at it w/o protection pseudocoma & sleep paralysis, also able to communicate with anyone who is affected with their "curse". Can fly apparently (But is pretty lazy & doesn't rlly use their phantom arms to fly at all) | Other (aka unimportant stuff): Prob likes torturing a certain family he effected back in 2003, despises kids (except its own), gets very uncomfortable with anything sus (like me), loves stealing & consuming ppl's spines, prob not understanding how modern tech work, might commit a few war crimes here & there (which is a big nono), & is usually seen indulging himself in some Japanese things bcs it reminds him of the old times (Yes even the modern stuff) ||
& here is the Original/Reference Image!
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(Update: fix some stuff in the Extra info thing bcs I don't grammar well.)
Credits lol-
Character: Phen 228 (Belongs to Doctor Nowhere aka Silas) (Although the design of Phen 228 not from the original image belongs to me.)
Art: Mine.
Reference Image Creator: Silas Orion aka Doctor Nowhere.
Program: IbisPaint x.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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0lympian-c0uncil · 8 months
Artemis: Let's say Apollo names five famous people and I'll name five birds!
Artemis: I'LL NAME 100 BIRDS!!!
Hermes,*laughing*: Nobody wants to hear your bird facts, Artemis!
Artemis,*About cry*: PLEASSSSSSSE!!!!!!!!
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ravixen · 1 year
svt + sending a video message on a show
➔ reaction || not requested || 96-liners
➔ warnings: none || 669 words ➔ notes: fluff ; it's monday, and you know what that means!! new post time hehe i've been re-watching some second gen clips after kara's comeback and really started missing the shows they used to have </3 bring 'em back. anyway, reblog if you liked! requests are open if you're interested. btw for anyone who doesn't know, video message example.
JUNHUI: i hope the producers have all the exits blocked because this boy is a runner. as soon as the hosts ask him to send you a video message, he jolts out of his seat from instinct, eyes wide, and his members have to push him down by the shoulders. giggles and hides his face in his hands the entire time and can't get a word out, even as he tries to take calming breaths. "so..." he says your name for the sixth time in a row, hoping that they'd move on, but they don't. he ends up saying something really sweet to you about dressing warm for the winter and staying healthy until he can see you again. his face is somehow both pale AND flushed, he has to sit on his hands the entire time, knuckles white as he clamps onto the chair. everyone applauds after he sends you a shy finger heart. spends the next five minutes curled up on the floor behind seungcheol's chair, laugh-yelling into the ground.
SOONYOUNG: the first thing he does is chuckle. pause. and chuckle again. that's how you know he's shy, and it doesn't help that his members are dying around him. he turns his back to the camera and shakes out his body like he's about to fight someone. then he tucks non-existent hair behind his ear, swivels around, and levels the camera with a serious look. he says your name quietly, 100% certain that the editors will add in a sparkly flower background and the typical shalala music and a pink filter...and something about that thought breaks his facade and he's covering his face with his hands. he reverts back to Baby energy, and the hosts are fake-mad, saying how the tiger side is a lie. tries to argue back and they say that the only way he can redeem himself is to send a video for real, so he sucks it up and sends you a generic message about eating well and ends it with the softest horanghae.
WONWOO: his expression doesn't change, and the hosts mistake that for him not hearing the request. no, he's heard it. he's just mentally debating whether to entertain it right now. he glances around for his members' opinions, and when seungcheol makes a barely perceptible nod of approval, he agrees. one of the other hosts covers his eyes with the cue card while the other one grabs a camera, insisting on seeing the expression wonwoo makes for his significant other. that's cheating because as soon as he says your name, his face does soften, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. and then he says, "crouching heavy punch xx light kick Hyakuretsukyaku, crouching light punch xx light kick Spinning Bird Kick." it makes no sense until one of the PDs laughs and tell everyone that it's a chun-li street fighter combo. apparently it's an inside joke, but he does send the camera a finger heart when people aren't looking.
JIHOON: sometimes he hesitates to act cute for the camera, but sometimes he just shocks everyone by giving in easily. the hosts prepared a stack of cue cards with reasons for him to send you a video message, but he says ok so fast that the words die on their tongue. "oh...okay, why don't you look into the camera and say something to them?" he turns to his camera with a smile and wait for them to zoom in before sending you a classic wooahae ς(>‿<.). there's probably the slow down edit and anticipation sound effect as everyone waits for him to say something, but nope, that's it LMAO they bully him into doing more and he's like fine, i'll do it for real, except it's just a left wooahae and a right wooahae and a big wooahae and everyone's sick of his shenanigans. the hosts just move on, and he shrugs like it's not his fault. and who can argue with that face?
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