celtic-crossbow · 8 months
Whumptober 2023
No. 2: Thermometer
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!reader
Setting: Alexandria Era
Warnings: Illness
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“Tay wid meh.”
“Stop talkin’.” 
You threw him your best pout. Well, the best one you could manage with the stupid thermometer jammed under your tongue. Regardless, he ignored it. You sniffled, grabbed a tissue, and watched Daryl move about the room. When the twice-damned thing finally beeped, the archer somehow appeared right in front of you to snatch it up before you could even lift a hand. 
“100.6. Doc says ya gotta be below 100 ‘fore ya can get outta bed.” He reminded you while he walked into the bathroom to put the thing away. “Won’t be gone long. Just checkin’ the snares an’ tryin’ for somethin’ bigger than a rabbit. Few hours at the most. Carol’ll be over to check up on ya.”
You sniffled again and blew your nose. “Can’t you just stay here?” Daryl sat on the edge of the bed to tie his boots. Your perfect time to strike. Crawling your aching body toward him, you pressed yourself against his back, arms winding underneath his for your fingers to clasp over his chest. “Please? I’m sick. I need you.”
“You’re gonna be fine. Go to sleep an’ I’ll be back when ya wake up.” His hand patted the back of yours and gave it a squeeze. Large fingers pulled your hands apart, chapped lips pressing a kiss to one palm. You let your arms fall but only until he stood. You latched on around his middle and buried your overwarm face into his stomach. “Y/N.”
“I’m vulnerable, Dixon. Weak and frail.” The muscles in his abdomen moved against you when he scoffed. “I can’t defend myself like this.”
“I’ve seen ya put down a dozen walkers with a bum leg an’ broke arm. I don’t reckon a cold is gonna stop ya.” You coughed into his shirt, an act he found both disgusting and endearing. The archer ran a hand over your hair and stepped back but not before grabbing your shoulders so you wouldn’t topple forward. “Dog can stay here.”
You finally slumped, defeated. “I guess.” You knew you were being a child but you felt horrible and being alone was not something you were looking forward to one bit. The pillow seemed so far away but you managed to drag yourself back to it, patting the bed with a weak call for your resident canine. Dog wasted no time making himself at home on Daryl’s pillow. 
“Ah, c’mon, Dog.”
“Nope!” You held up a hand without moving your face from its fluffy perch. “If you’re leaving, I get to cuddle the dog in your stead.”
“Fine.” The bowman chuckled, grabbing his vest and pack. “Be back ‘fore ya know it.” He waited but was met with silence. “Y/N?” He took a step toward the bed, listening intently. When a soft snore and incoherent murmur reached his ears, one side of his mouth twitched up. Grabbing the doorknob on his way out, he spared one last look at the lump under the blankets and shook his head fondly. “Silly girl.”
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losthavenmine · 8 months
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Whumptober 2023 Day 2 || Delirium
Gladiator (2000)
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limeskye · 8 months
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linkhappyface · 8 months
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ehheheh sky.
he was suppose to be calling out for zelda in the snow and mistaking wars for zelda but i got LAZY
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whumpypepsigal · 8 months
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Whumptober 2023 | No. 2
Alternative prompt: Betrayal
Titans s03e11: “I had no choice.”
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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jasmines-library · 8 months
Spellbound Sickness
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WHUMPTOBER 2023: Day two, prompt ‘thermometer’ Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: A long and cumbersome witch hunt turns much worse when you begin to develop a high fever; a side effect of the curse she managed to spit out at you. Will the Winchesters find the cure in time?
Warnings: sickness, fever, cursing, pills, ice baths.
Word count: 1.7k
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
You had never been more glad to see a shitty motel sign in your life. The hunt had been long and restless and your body was begging for a hot shower and a bed to collapse into. The witch you were hunting had been smart. She had used a set of illusions to keep you and the Winchesters at bay whilst she made her get away, although that didn’t stop the three of you from taking her down, but it took far too much effort for your liking. She had also managed to get the jump on you, blasting you with a puff of purple smoke before you managed to shut her down. There was a knot in your stomach at first, but after the drive home, it had settled once you realised that seemingly the spell hadn’t worked, you felt fine, besides the hint of a cold lingering in the back of your throat, though you suspected that was from spending the night in the rain. You did make a mental note to check for extra limbs as soon as you were out of the watchful eyes of the Winchesters, just in case.
The hard rock came to a stop as Dean pulled the Impala into park. You gathered up your few belongings and slipped out of the car, dashing towards the motel door to call first dibs on the shower before the two boys used up all of the hot water. After patting yourself dry and ensuring you had no unwanted appendages, you returned back into the main room of the motel, sighing contently as you sunk into the covers of the nearest bed.
Sam, who was sipping a beer on the motel table chuckled, a grin spread across his face. “You ok there, Y/N?”
You grinned up at him and nodded, glad to see him relaxed after being so tense for so long. “Man, I am so ready to get more than three hours of sleep.”
Dean raised his bottle in agreement and took a swig offering it to you, raising his brow when you declined, coughing into your elbow.
“You sure you’re okay there Y/N?” Sam queried, leaving forwards in his chair. “You are looking a little pale. Do you think it was the witch?”
Once your coughing subsided, you gave him a thumbs up and shook your head. “Yeah, I’m all good, ‘tis just a cold, that’s all. It’s probably from being out all night. I’m sure it’ll pass by the morning.”
Dean nodded. “You’re probably right. Why don’t you get some rest?”
A hand was resting flush against your forehead. You had begun tossing and turning in your sleep, sweat beading down your forehead. Your body was warm to the touch. The cold had gotten worse. His voice sounded distant, far away. You couldn’t make out who it was; their tone was familiar but no matter how hard you wracked your brain, you couldn’t figure out who it was.
When you didn’t respond to his calls, Dean shook your shoulders firmly. You peeled your eyes open groggily, and they settled on the tall man before you. Blinking slowly, you realised that it was the eldest Winchester who stood over you.
“Hmm?” You sounded, confused as to why he looked so concerned. That was when another round of coughs racked your body and you sat up abruptly. Dean’s hands rubbed circles on your back until the fit stopped.
Your nose was all stuffy and your head throbbed. You shivered beneath the covers, your whole body aching as you moved. Perhaps this was more than just a simple cold.
“Sweetheart?” Dean asked, tilting his head toward you.
“I don’t feel good .” You grumbled, burying yourself impossibly further into the covers and sniffling.
“I know baby, ” Dead coaxed, trying to get you to turn back towards him. “But we gotta check your temperature.”
He pressed his hand against your forehead again and turned to his brother, frowning. Sam disappeared from the dingy motel room for a brief moment, before returning with the small first aid kit they kept in the car.
Dean slipped the thermometer beneath your tongue and waited. It was cool and smooth on your skin, which felt nice, but you struggled to keep your eyes open against the fatigue which began to take over again. When he took it out and read the number on the dial, he furrowed his brows.
“101.” He stated.
You had rolled back over to face the wall, cocooning yourself within the blanket. Dean placed his hands on your shoulders and rolled you back over. You groaned impatiently and glared at him through half open eyes. He held out a glass of water and a round pill which Sam had handed to him.
“Sweetheart, you gotta take this. Your temperature is too high.”
Sitting up slowly, you popped the pill into your mouth and took a sip from the glass. The cold water worked wonders on your sore throat and chapped lips. Dean began to remove the cover from you, you whined at the loss of heat.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He replaced the blanket with a thinner sheet he found stored under the head. “You try to get some more rest, it’ll be easier to break the fever if you’re sleeping.”
You didn’t really register what he said, but your eyes were already slipping closed anyway. When Dean turned away, your arm reached out and caught his sleeve.
“Stay with me?” You asked.
Dean cast a look at Sam who gave an encouraging look. “Of course sweetheart.”
He slid onto the bed behind you, wrapping you up in his arms, waiting for your breaths to dip into a steady rhythm.
Swiping the hair from his eyes, Sam watched the two of you tenderly, Dean pulled you closer to his chest as though you were going to vanish any second. His heart broke at the disheveledness of your appearance; dark and tired eyes, cracked lips. “Dean?”
“This is definitely more than just a cold.”
Your breaths came in short, shallow wheezes as your body wracked itself with shivers. Sweat rolled down your face, collecting on the thin sheet you were trying to pull impossibly closer to your body. You were hot, but you were also freezing at the same time. Awake, but unseeing though sticky, heavy eyes you shook, jolted by a dry, chesty cough.
Both Winchesters would have agreed that you were too pale and that your skin was too hot to the touch. You could practically see the way it radiated from your body, but despite that you were still a writhing mess in Dean’s arms; tossing and turning to try and find some sanctuary in this mess. Your hair was dishevelled from the rustling of your head against the pillow. He could sense you were awake, he knew all too well the way that your breathing pattern changed once you woke up, from spending many restless nights together. It was usually followed by a greeting or some sort or snarky remark about the way that Dean was lying, but you had yet to make a single noise besides the chattering of your teeth. He ran his fingers through your hair, his stomach twisting when it brushed against your forehead which was probably hot enough to boil a kettle. Slamming his hands down on the desk, Sam huffed out an agitated sigh, the dragged his hands down his face.
“Nothing?” Dean already knew the answer. It was pointless asking it. The witch was already dead, shot straight in the heart with a well placed bullet, leaving the Winchesters high and dry in trying to find a curse.
The room returned to a pregnant silence for a while. Sam’s slender fingers tapping against the keypad was the only thing you could hear. That was until you bolted upright and doubled over into the worst coughing fit you had seen. Gasping desperately for air, you tried to greedily suck it into your lungs. Sam was up in an instant, pushing the chair away and sending it squealing across the wooden floor. When it finally stopped and you let out a weak whimper, it was Sam’s turn to pale at the flecks of blood that had splattered on your hand.
Hugging you closer, Dean took a hold of the thermometer that had been discarded on the nightstand next to the bed. He slipped it under your tongue and watched in horror as the numbers skyrocketed. You didn’t resist the gesture, which was yet another indicator that something was wrong, you just started vacantly through heavy eyes, dazed and pained. When Dean pulled the stick back out, his eyes widened at the three digit number.
“Shit.” Sam cursed.
“Alright Sammy. You find that cure and you find it fast. Okay?”
Sam nodded at his brother, forgiving the harshness that slipped out in his worry.
“Y/N? Sweetheart?”
There was no response.
Again, you were silent. Too silent. The shuffling had stopped.
Rolling over so he could face you, Dean scanned your face. Your eyes had finally drooped shut and your body had gone slack, plastering against the bed.
You sat up with a gasp, sloshing the water out of the tub and clinking the ice against the porcelain. You scrambled to get away from the cold, to find some release from the cold which dug into your skin, but your fingers slid against the white tile and a pair of hands plunged you back into the icy water.
“Easy. Easy.”
You whined, pulling your knees to your chest and trying to cling to shreds of warmth.
“Cold…” you chattered.
“I know. I'm sorry.” he cooed “But we gotta get your temperature down.”
Hazily you scanned the room, peering through the open door and into the dingy room. The lights were on, though there was no sign of the other Winchester.
“Sammy?” You asked meekly.
“Sam’ll be back any minute now, I promise. He’s found the cure.”
As if he had been summoned by the mention of his name, the door slammed open, rattling on its hinges and bouncing loudly off of the wall behind it. Sam stumbled in, out of breath and with a bag clutched tightly in his grasp.
“You’re gonna be just peachy Y/N. I promise.”
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
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sen-nen-yami · 1 year
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Past and present intertwining
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ladtheove · 2 years
Dick and Damian get captured and tortured, but Dick manages to make a deal so they will let his little brother go.
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symbolicbluecurtains · 8 months
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I'll call out your name, but you won't call back
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sparkchemy · 8 months
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I'm not doing all the prompts for @whumptober but I'll try to fill as many as I can.. because I love whump. 🥲
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adrift-in-thyme · 8 months
Whumptober Day 2: Delirium
Read it on Ao3
- Time, Twilight, & Wild
- Summary: Time comes down with an illness and takes a turn for the worse
CW for delirium, illness and fever, mentions of holding a character down (no one actually gets held down), and a character getting punched
Twilight sighs as he tugs the blanket a little higher over Time’s shoulder. The older hero shudders, teeth clacking together so hard it’s audible. When the rancher presses a hand to his head, it’s dangerously warm. He pulls away, lips set in a grim line.
“How’s he doing?” Comes Wild’s hushed voice from where he sits by the fire.
Twilight shakes his head. “No better. I think he’s getting worse.”
He sighs again, pressing his fingertips to his temples.
“There’s no need to fuss over me,” Time had assured the two of them only that morning. “I’m alright. It’s likely a cold, nothing more.”
And though his voice had sounded a bit hoarse and he was a little paler than usual, besides that he had seemed like his normal self. So, Twilight had taken him at his word.
…and had had to watch as his condition steadily declined throughout the day. He had tried to make more rest stops and urged the old man to drink during every one. Wild had even offered him a potion, though he had refused it. But their efforts hadn’t been enough. By the time they had found a good stopping place for the night, Time’s gaze had been bleary and unfocused, skin clammy and pale, steps stumbling and heavy.
When Twilight had pulled out his bed mat and ordered him to lie down before he could collapse, his attempts at arguing had fallen pathetically flat. And it hadn’t taken much convincing to get him to let the rancher guide him over to his bed mat. After that, he had swallowed the potion Wild had given him without much complaint.
Since then, he has been sleeping, though restlessly. And with each passing hour, Twilight’s worry has only grown.
Time shifts now, mumbling something about protecting cows and fighting off aliens. Another series of shivers run through him.
Twilight gnaws his lip for a moment, then looks over his shoulder at Wild.
“Hey, do we have any spare rags? I need something cool to put on his head.”
“Yeah, hold on.”
Wild searches in his pouch for a moment, then with a triumphant sound produces a small, worn cloth. Rising, he walks to the nearby stream. When he returns, the cloth is sopping wet with chilled water.
“Thanks,” Twilight says, taking it from him. Gently brushing Time’s hair back, he lays it over his forehead.
The hero shudders at the cool touch and his eye flutters open.
“What…” His gaze flits about the clearing, taking in everything but seeing nothing. “Is-is it time?”
Twilight exchanges an uneasy glance with Wild. Time for what, he isn’t certain. But he shakes his head anyway.
“No, not yet, old man. Go back to sleep.”
Time looks at him, his expression almost pleading. “Why…it-it’s so cold.”
He brings up a hand to pull weakly at the cloth. Twilight grasps his wrist before he can manage to fling it off. Carefully, he guides his hand back down to his side.
“You’ve got a fever. That’s gonna help us break it. So, just leave it there, alright?”
“No, I don’t want to,” Time slurs, stubbornly reaching for it again. “I’s too cold. And it’s wet.”
With an effort, Twilight suppresses a sigh. Little had he thought that caring for his mentor would ever be like caring for the village children.
“Here!” Wild shows up by his side with a bowl of stew in hand. Twilight hadn’t even realized that he had left. “I made dinner. This’ll warm you up!”
With a look of gratitude, Twilight takes the bowl from him. “Yeah, how about you have something to eat? It’ll help you get your strength back too.”
Though Time still looks less than pleased with the whole situation, the promise of warmth seems enough to convince him. He allows them to sit him up and spoon the food into his mouth, swallowing each bite dutifully. But even after he has eaten, he seems little improved. Shivers still rip through his body, his skin is hot to the touch, and he hardly seems aware of what is happening around him.
There is nothing more they can do, however, so Twilight helps him lie back down. Within moments, his eye slides shut and he is asleep once more.
Twilight volunteers to take the first watch. Wild needs his rest after the difficult day they have endured. Besides, he wants to keep a close eye on his mentor. So, he settles down beneath the shade of a tree a short distance away. And he waits for morning.
The moon is still high in the sky when he hears it. Someone is moving about behind him. The telltale clank of armor plates reaches his ears and he whips around, sword in hand. But there is no monster there. The sight that greets him, however, doesn’t calm him one bit.
Time is sitting upright on a nearby log, trembling fingers working to pull on his gauntlets. His abandoned bed mat lies not far away, masked by a heap of tangled blankets.
Twilight sheaths his sword with a sigh. He had worried something like this might happen. The old man’s fever is dangerously high, after all. But he had dared hope it would break before the inevitable occurred.
“Hey, old man,” he says, gently, and Time’s head jerks upward.
Even in the dim light of the dying fire, his cheeks look flushed, his face pallid. His gaze is as glossy as ever, yet when it meets Twilight’s the intensity of it is almost enough to make him pause.
“He’s coming,” he croaks, in a voice so hoarse Twilight cringes. His throat must be on fire right now.
He takes another step toward him, careful to keep his movements slow.
“Who’s coming?”
Time’s expression hardens further. A shiver tears through him with such intensity that his gauntlet slips from his fingertips and hits the ground. He retrieves it with a growl of frustration.
“Have to prepare…”
“For what?”
“Not what–who.”
Twilight swallows. “Okay, then, who?”
A short way away Wild stirs. With a groan he sits up, rubbing at his bleary eyes.
“What’s goin’ on Twi?”
At the sound of his voice, Time leaps to his feet, looking wildly about the clearing. Twilight rushes forward to catch him before he topples. The older hero tries to shove him off, but he holds on.
“Whoa, take it easy,” he says, patting his arm. “That’s just Wild.”
Time drags in a breath that rattles in his lungs. He looks down at Twilight, an almost crazed look in his eye.
“You must run – both of you. He-he’s coming! I’ll only be able to ho-hold him off for s-so long and…”
He trails off as his words dissolve in a hacking cough.
Wild is on his feet now, fear in his eyes.
“Potion,” Twilight mouths and he nods. Immediately, he ducks down and begins rifling through his pouch.
Twilight turns back to Time, who is still wavering in his grasp. “Whoever it is, we’ll get him, okay? Now, how about you just sit down? You can’t defeat him if you’re flat on your face.”
As gently as possible he pushes Time back onto the log, even as the older hero tries to wrench himself out of his grip. Twilight can feel the panic building steadily within him like water boiling in a kettle. If he can just get him to settle down before it grows out of control…
“You can’t–” The old man gasps, breathless and trembling. “Twi..Twilight…I have to…No!” 
Abruptly, he reels back. Before Twilight can react, a fist collides with his face. The rancher stumbles. His grasp slips. With surprising speed, Time lunges for his sword.
“Ganondorf is coming!”
The fear is blatantly visible on his face now, terror audible in his voice. Twilight freezes, hand stopping halfway through its journey to touch his newly bruised cheek.
He’s not the only one with the arm strength of a moblin, apparently.
“Sweet Ordona…”
Time whirls and the rancher is forced to leap out of the way of his sword’s reach.
“Have to get the sages, have to save Zelda…” He takes a stumbling step forward. A particularly violent shudder races through him and the weapon slips from his grip to land with a dull thump on the earthen ground. “Get to the castle….can’t lose this time–all going to die…what a terrible fate…”
Twilight ducks down and snatches Time’s claymore before he can reach for it again. At that moment, Wild scrambles up to his side.
“Here!” He grabs the sword and presses a potion into Twilight’s hands instead. “Lemme get this out of reach and I’ll come help you hold him down.”
Twilight nods. He clenches his hand around the bottle, forcing an inhale through his nose. Time’s words have cut him straight to the core and left him winded and shaky. Never before has he seen the old man this vulnerable, this scared. It just isn’t right, to see his mentor gaze at him like a child seeking refuge from the monsters that stalk the night.
…a child with the world on his small shoulders.
“Time.” His voice trembles the slightest bit and he clears his throat. “I need you to trust me.”
Time freezes before him, teeth chattering, breath coming on haggard half-gasps. He crosses his arms tightly over his chest.
“N-no.” He shakes his head. “Only have three days. The clock resets — e-everything’s over. Have to sta…start again and I can’t…please don’t make me.”
He’s speaking pure nonsense now — at least Twilight desperately hopes that’s what this is — but it’s enough to shatter his heart. What nightmares has the hero endured to inspire a plea like this? What secrets haunt him?
…what regrets? 
“Twi,” Wild says from beside him and Twilight forces himself to inhale the breath he had been holding.
“We won’t make you start again,” he says, quietly. “I promise.” Carefully, he holds out the bottle. “But we need you to drink this. It…it will give you strength for the battle.”
The lie tastes ashen in his mouth. He has no other choice though. It’s either this or pin the old man to the ground and by Hylia, he doesn’t want it to come to that.
Time’s eye flits between the proffered bottle and the two heroes in front of him. He shudders again, stumbling a bit.
Twilight dares to take a slow step forward. “Trust us.”
“We only want to help,” Wild chimes in, though his voice is unusually quiet. “You don’t have to fight anyone alone.”
For a long moment, Time merely gazes at them, resigned exhaustion and terror warring across his face. Twilight holds his breath.
And then, slowly, he reaches out. Grasping the bottle, he tips it back. No sooner has he downed the crimson liquid than the tension bleeds from his shoulders. The bottle slips from his hand at the same time that he slumps bonelessly forward.
Twilight is just in time to catch him.
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sageokami · 2 months
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The adventures of spider dilf and delusional furry
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whumpsday · 9 months
K&J: Kane's Whumptober Bites #2
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: vampire whumpee, angst, captivity
@whumptober Day 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.” / “They don't care about you.”
“Mother…” Kane whispered, like a prayer. It wasn’t like she could hear him anyway, so it didn’t matter if he screamed it at the top of his lungs or remained quiet as a mouse. “Please save me.”
Realistically, Father would be calling his underlings to rescue him. It was a scenario he’d played through his head many times. Vampires would burst in, unlocking his cell door with a key they’d swiped from a safely hypnotized hunter, and take him home. Home, where he would finally be safe.
Sometimes, though, he got less realistic. Mother and Father would come break him out themselves, hugging him and telling him how much they’d missed him, how worried they’d been. It was easier to imagine with Mother. Father had always been distant, even before his flaw became apparent. But Mother… he and Mother used to be close, when he was a little boy. A century ago.
They don’t care about you.
He knew it in his heart to be true. They hadn’t missed him before his capture, and Kane knew they certainly wouldn’t miss him now, no matter how much he wanted to believe otherwise. Still, it was nice to dream.
The telltale footsteps of hunters echoed from down the hall, the delicious, terrifying scent of human drawing nearer and nearer. Another reminder that he was completely, utterly alone.
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mai-hoshii · 1 year
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69hertz · 8 months
Day 2 // inktober: Spiders // whumptober: Delirium
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Statement continues...
Open full view for better quality 💚
(I accidentally made Jon look like David Tennant. Oh well. I do have a terrible GO brainrot, it's nothing new.)
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mj-iza-writer · 8 months
Whumptober Day 20
"People don't change people, time does" / Blanket / Found Family / "You will regret touching them
Honey skipped into Caretaker's office and ran to her father Caretaker. Whumpee tucked in their legs as far as they could, startled by the sudden movement.
"Honey, I've told you to be calm around Whumpee", Caretaker looked at her then at Whumpee.
"I'm sorry", Honey looked over at Whumpee, "I forgot."
"I need you to be able to remember this" Caretaker patted Honey's head, "Whumpee will be with us for a while, I want them to be able to be comfortable here, not stressed."
Honey went to leave, but stopped in front of Whumpee and kneeled down.
Whumpee peaked up from their arms to look at her, they had tear tracks down their face.
"It will be okay", Honey promised, "my daddy makes everything better."
Whumpee looked deeply at Honey. This child was so full of joy and kindness, Whumpee marveled. They mustered all of their strength to make a weak smile and nod.
When Honey left, Caretaker came over to Whumpee and knelt down, "are you doing ok? Are you sure you want to stay on the floor? The couch is very comfortable."
"May I stay with you sir?", Whumpee whispered hoarsely, "I am fine on the floor sir."
"You can absolutely stay in my office with me all you like, I just want to make sure you are comfortable", Caretaker lightly patted Whumpee's arms, "I'm sorry for my daughter startling you though."
"Please don't apologize for them, its refreshing to see someone full of life", Whumpee whispered again.
Caretaker smiled, "I appreciate that." He stood again, "I'm going to start working again right over there, if you need anything at all just let me know. The couch is still up for grabs if you like."
Whumpee nodded, then rested their chin on their arms. They watched Caretaker start working again from the corner of their eye. They then noticed someone peaking in the doorway.
Honey saw that Whumpee had caught her, she gave them a smile and ran off.
Honey came to the office again a bit later, this time quietly walking to Caretaker's side. She noticed Whumpee had dozed off.
"Daddy, will Whumpee be ok?", they whispered.
Caretaker picked Honey up and sat her on their lap, "in time yes, they have been through a lot. They are scared and uncomfortable, and now they have to get used to new people and new surroundings, but I hope that soon they will be able to get comfortable enough here. After that I should be able to start working with them more."
Honey glanced at Whumpee, "but daddy, you're the best, you've helped so many people already, why do you have to wait?"
Caretaker smiled, "well it's not always that easy, taking care of people like how I do is a process. The biggest thing is earning trust. Many that are put in my care have been hurt by others, it's hard for them to trust again. Whumpee was hurt really badly for a long time."
"Is that why they cry a lot?", Honey frowned, "I feel bad when they cry."
"Yes, they had to be really strong and courageous for a long time. Right now though, they are learning they don't have to be strong like that anymore. So they are working through those emotions that had to be buried for so long", Caretaker saw that Whumpee was peaking an eye out at them, "what is something you do when you are feeling sad?", Caretaker asked Honey.
"I cuddle with my teddy and blankie", she smiled and started to hug Caretaker.
He squeezed his daughter with a grin, "that's right. I think mommy was going shopping, how about you see if you can go with her, I think Whumpee will be waking up soon. They might need some help."
Whumpee looked out the door in enough time to see Honey disappear, "do you fear she is to young too know about these horrors?", Whumpee sighed.
Caretaker frowned, "I don't believe in hiding things from my child, unfortunately this world will show her one day how bad it truly is, but I hope by then she will know there is still good in it", Caretaker smiled, "I hope in that instant, her heart will stay golden."
"It will sir", Whumpee sighed, "with the family she has, her heart will stay golden."
"This is your family now as well", Caretaker smiled, "do you need anything?"
"May I go to the bathroom", Whumpee looked up, "please."
"Yes of course you don't have to ask for permission", Caretaker started to stand while talking.
Caretaker reached down a hand to help Whumpee up. Whumpee leaned on Caretaker all the way to the bathroom, and all the way back.
"How about the couch this time? Your butt has to be numb from sitting on the floor", Caretaker led them into his office.
"I'm alright, but if you insist and really want me on your couch, I'll try it. I haven't sat on furniture in a long time", Whumpee limped across the room, Caretaker followed behind happy to see Whumpee take a few steps on their own.
Caretaker braced Whumpee as they sat down. Whumpee was a little wobbly.
"How does it feel,", Caretaker questioned as Whumpee got comfortable.
"It feels good sir, I've only sat on the floor for the last few years", Whumpee grinned slightly, "it feels weird."
Later on, Honey came running to Caretaker's office, "daddy", they whispered. They ushered Caretaker to come with them, and led them to the living room.
Whumpee looked up but buried their head into their sleeves again. They were still on the couch, but fighting everything they had not to jump back down to the floor. This wasn't what they were used to. They could hear Whumper yelling at them.
They were brought back to reality when something was throne over their shoulders. They jumped, but seeing Honey's smiling face kept them from panicking.
Whumpee looked at what was thrown over them, a-a blanket, they looked at Honey in shock. Honey then pulled out a stuffed toy, hugged it, then gave it to Whumpee.
"These are for you", Honey smiled, "my daddy gave me the idea when he asked what I do when I'm sad, mommy helped me pick them out. I thought maybe they would help you."
Whumpee glanced up at the doorway where Caretaker and his wife were watching the exchange with pure joy, then they looked back at Honey.
Tears started to well up in Whumpee's eyes as they took the stuffed toy and hugged it as Honey did. They didn't remember the last time they cuddled a toy, or been wrapped in a blanket.
"Thankyou so much", Whumpee started to cry.
The next hour, Honey showed Whumpee her favorite ways to cuddle a stuffed toy. Caretaker walked back into his office a bit later, having left them to it. He smiled when he saw Whumpee and Honey cuddled up with each other sleeping.
For this moment, Whumpee was at peace.
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