#noe archivisite
beanyboobee · 4 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Oh! I love these types of questions of course! Well my favorite character tends to change every once awhile, so I'll just sort of throw out a few. I don't know if I have 10 because it's been awhile since I've watched anything properly! But here we go! In no particular order-
1. Noe Archivisite: Noe is my favorite character in media at the moment. Specifically Noe in the Manga as opposed to his Anime counterpart. There's just something so interesting abiut him. How he is written to sort of be the eyes on the world. Also his excitement for making new friends and his ability to get lost even under the simplest of circumstances [I can relate to way to much]. But mostly I adore him because his character development is subtle but real, he is flawed but that doesn't make him a bad person. And how he veiws those around him is facinating to read. Honestly I could write an entire analysis of his character . But we would be here all day.
2 . Daisy Buccanan from The Great Gatsby.[book] Though we don't see much of her perspective, what we do see is facinating. She's almost caged in this mystery. We learn enough about her but not everything to the point of understanding her. She's an enigma on writing that cannot be tied down by any accurate term but if I were to try and pair a word to who she is. The first word that comes to mind is. Melancholy. She's a very Melancholic character. Complex in a way that can be read as she is on paper or looked into and explored more deeply.
3. Viktor Frankenstein [from the book] it is no secret to my friends that ti hold a very big place in my mind for deep diving into Frankenstein and the character that is Viktor Frankenstein. Having read the novel 5 times. Each time I find myself with a new outlook on the character. I've grown tired of this narrative that Victor's the villian and honestly I never understood it. Similar to Noe I could make an entire analysis of his character but I doubt very many would be interested. But as a quick run down, I veiw his character as a young boy who is grieving and doesn't know what to do with that grief. A boy who didn't give himself time to greive proper and so threw himself into an old forgotten passion and created something horrifying in the making. A regret he cannot take back that leads to tragedy after tragedy. A character that realised the error of his ways too late and even when he is old. Is not too proud to not admit his wrong doings and even saves another from losing themselves to passions. He is a complex character who I deeply admire and am saddened to see often watered down when it comes to films.
4. 4. Wei Wuxian [The grand Master of Demonic Cultivation] another one everyone probualy saw coming, but I adore the complexities of his character, mainly I adore the entire story but specifically how they push Wei Wuxian as a character that has motivation behind every action. A person who I at least veiwed- As the one good person in a way full of those looking for someone to blame. He isn't all good of course not innocent in the slightest. There's blood on his hands but as the book unravels and we see each life event of his you cannot help but admire him. For what a bright and cheerful person he remained to be even after coming back from the dead. After everything he never once wishes ill upon those who wish it on hom. Insted always bringing it back to how he deserves their erie. He is a facinating character with way to much to say about him that kne simple post can take.
5. Deirdre of the Sorrows [A legend from my country] A tale about a girl that was apperantly cursed before she was born. A prophecy made that everyone took incorrectly that resulted in the death of not only Deirdres lover and brothers in law but herself too. Kicking off one of the biggest wars in Irish Mythology. The Character of Deirdre slowly eroded with time as did many women in irish myths but what remains is still enough to say she was a smart woman who's broken heart and beauty was enough to spark a war. There's many differnat variations of this tale. Some where she lives others where she dies.
But the one in which the scream that was heard from her mother's stomach before she was born. Is the same scream she let's out before dying of a broken heart is my favorite characterisation of her a tragic heroine, who loved so deeply she couldn't live without it.
6. Cinderella [from Disney cinderella] I wrote a whole essay on her for a college paper of which I will not go back into. But basically her character inspired little me to become a better person and for that she is always one of my favorites.
There's definetly more I just can't think of them at the moment
My brain has now gone blank and it's 1 am so I'm afraid this is all I got-
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sattosugu · 2 years
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Noe Archiviste - The Case Study of Vanitas: Part 2 / Episode 23 - "Tears like Rain"
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cheekbites-moved · 3 years
the “take” in “you must never allow anyone to take your memories” line stays with me. 
who else would be able to “take” vanitas’ memories except for an archivisite? 
should i be concerned. i’m so concerned. 
i mean i guess noe can be used to take them as he has been, but, like. “take” is so specific, you know?
cause otherwise vanitas has to talk abt his memories to someone? ig if he was forced to talk that’d be having them “taken” technically too.
i dunno i’m just pondering in concern.
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beanyboobee · 5 months
Noe will bring about the end of all vampires not vanitas.
Now this is a little crack pot theory of mine so please bear with me a little bit.
As we know the prophecy of the vampire of the blue moon is that in their revenge agaisnt the vampires that prosecuted them for a lifetime they would pass their power onto their kin who would bring about the end of the vampires.
We all assume this would be Vanitas as he is the one with the book and the vampires mark and his revenge agaisnt luna is saving the vampires.
However I offer a theory. That Noe is actually the true kin of the vampire of the blue moon.
Vanitas is the vampire of the blue moons kin by choice. However the definition of Kin is
"Ones family or relations" and 2 "to be related "
But how would Noe be related to the vampire of the blue moon?
Easy. The vampire of the blue moon was an Archivisite.
We know near to nothing over why the Archivisties were wiped out, there's also a few curious things about them. Noe was found wandering in the human realm which means Archivistes did not reside in Atlus. As we know not all vampires choose to stay in Atlus so the fact they remained in the human realm is not odd, however what is odd is how they are characterised by having dark skin and pale hair. Something that sticks out in a crowd, yet not many people seem to have a reaction to Noe being around. One of Orlocks assistants not even knowing what an Archiviste was despite them being known for their abilities to see memories.
The genocide wouldn't of been that long ago. With Noe [apperantly] being only 19 and the genocide seeming to occur when he was old enough to walk so I'm assuming between 2-5 . It hasn't even been 20 years yet people have already forgotten about what an Archiviste is?
Yet Vanitas knows because we can assume Luna told him about differant vampires. A bit odd that vanitas would know what an archiviste is yet another vampire wouldn't.
Could it be possiable that the Archivistes were eaither the clan that persecuted Luna into leaving. Or that they could of been punished for the prophecy to ensure no 'kin' survived.
We are never given an exact amount of years to how long ago the genocide was. Only that it was- a number of years ago.
Noe doesn't remember anything about what happend thay night, nothing about the time before meeting his grandparents. If Archivistes specialise in memory it's not to far fetched to beleive someone locked away those memories. Luna appears to have at least mercy towards children so it wouldn't be far fetched to beleive they would show mercy to Noe had they met. Seeing as we don't know much of Lunas abilities nor of what Archivistes are fully capable of, I wouldnt be surprised if some of their abilities over lapped
To add to it it wouldn't be too far fetched to think some more powerful archvistes could not only see the past in memories but perhaps the future as well, that this prophecy the vampire of the blue moon gsve over wiping out vampire kind would hold even more weight and instill the fear the red moon vampires have for the blue moon if their ability was to see the future
Also to add to this theory. The kidnappers that took Noe confused him for a human. They beleived him to be a human child to sell in Atlus and it just so happend his teacher appeared and bought him? The last remaining Archvisites? What was his teacher doing there in the first place? As we know the teacher refers to luna as "the most beautiful being in the universe" had Noe been connected to Luna it would explain his interest in Noe had they been apart of the same clan or met in some way.
Noes name reflects Noah of Ark, the tale of a man building an ark and taking 2 of every animal and his family before God flooded the earth and restarted as he was disappointed in humanity.
If his name reflects what is to come it could eaither reflect him being the last Archiviste or being the one to create a world without vampires and go back to the way it was before the formulas were messed with.
The kin of the vampire of the blue moon will cause the downfall of the vampires.
And that kin won't be Vanitas or Mikal but Noe himself
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beanyboobee · 4 months
Also gotta say how much I love that Noe and Lady Archivisite clearly share so many similarities personality wise. I'm dying to see them Interact
The way Noe is a scatterbrain.
How the teacher refers to aldy Archivisite as one
How quick Lady Archivisite is to switch her personality and get mad at the teacher
And how quick Noe is to switch his tone when vanitas is involved.
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beanyboobee · 4 months
I have been thinking that Noe isn't a full vampire for quite sometime, that even if he is he wouldn't be called a vampire but something else but I've never been able to find anything to back myself up.
Until we got introduced to the story he read as a child, a story he and Richie bond over reading in chapter 62.2, The adventures of Kresnik.
As the idea is presented to us is Kresnik was a Dham that solved mysteries between the humans and vampires with golden eyes and the ability to neutralise other Vampire abilities.
We also learn these books would of have to of been printed on the sly, which again adds layers to how Noe had the story as a child. Meaning his teacher was the one to obtain this tale, which is no surprise when we find out who the author is.
As we know Noe has abilities unlike any other Vampire even outside of his ability to read memories, pointed out by Domi who in one of her first appearances with Vanitas, assumed vanitas wanted to use Noes 'abilities' not just ability.
Though he obviously doesn't have gold eyes or the ability to neutralise other vampires [as far as we know] we also have another mystery that may tie into golden eyes. The fact that as a kid he appeared with a bandage over his eye for quite some time.
and If Noe and Marquis Machina are both Archivistes that adds more layers to Teacher pointing out how she doesn't need to act with her former dignity around him [former as though referring to before the genocide of the Archivisites]
Also the appearance of Marquis Machina before Noe was also suspicious. Though the teacher claimed she was around due to the attacks on humans for her to appear in front of Noe was purposeful. As though checking on him.
I have many theories on this so please buckle in.
Theory 1. Noe is or related to Kresnik. 1. Kresnik they point out was a very kind but foolish character something we see with Noe. He helped both humans and vampires. That Marquis Machina can see the future and create this story based on it or knew the original Kresnik
Which would explain why Teacher knew where Noe was and when in order to get him from the auction.
Theory 2: Kresnik is going to be the one giving this drug around. I did some digging and found Kresniks are mentioned in quite a few vampire media's.
But if we look at the actual term kresnik
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A god of the sun, opposed to the moon this may be the first major mention of a character that represents the sun.
Then if we look at vamoire media and its relationship with a similar term
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Both scream- oh no. To me for if these were used as inspiration we could see a new villian enter the scene. Or Noe himself of a Crusnik.
We see him as a kid drink Louis blood. He also drinks Domi. He often thinks if blood though vampires don't need to drink it to live. And as we see. Noe is stronger than ither vampires. Regenerating limbs. Having insane strength without training. And not to mention that fight with vanitas in which his hand takes the almost claw like monster form.
Theory 3. Aka my most backshit insane theory.
The theory that all of this is a time loop. That the teacher and Marquis Machina watch time and time again with one thing changing slightly every time. That everything that is happening. Is a story. The story of a Kresnik.
And if Noe was suppose to be Kresnik in this tale the thing that changed was the teacher taking him in. Completely derailing the course his story was meant to take. And the teachers instance on freewill. Is to see if the story will get itself back in track without any intervention. If everything truely is inevitable.
Not to mention we still don't know Noes true name.
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beanyboobee · 22 days
Noe is Krusnik, Hi and welcome to my crack theory on Noe is Krusnik, But in a different timeline. Take it a step further and claim that Vanitas and Dominique were originally meant to be villains in the tale.
Why did i come to this very odd and strange theory? im glad you asked! behold! chapter 62 of vanitas no carte.
Krusnik is referred to as 4 things. Kind, Brave, cool, and Slightly foolish. Do you know what Noe is? Kind, Brave, and foolish. Krusnik went about solving crimes between humans and vampires, Noe and Vanitas are now moving into doing just that with their newest mission.
Noe's backstory has the makings of every protagonist ever, dead family, dead guardians, sold on the market. But there's one thing that stood out to me, The mention that Krusnik had golden eyes that had the ability to neutralise vamperic abilities and powers.
Now i know, silly me, Noe doesn't have golden eyes, he has red! oh yes, I know, but can we be sure? after all, when we are introduced to little Noe he didn't have a bandage over his eye when he met his 'grandparents' the bandage only came during his time with the trafficers, but there is something important to note here.
Conflicting information, Dominique says that her Grandfather bought Noe because Noe was up for auction as an 'Archiviste survivior' However the people who took him were human traffickers, who were not aware that Noe was a vampire. When they found out, we were never told, However, If he was Krusnik, it would make sense as to why the teacher would be in the audience, (He KNEW Noe would be there) and if Noe was sold to a vampire, and the vampire tried to take a bite, he could of accidentally triggered the neutralisation, which in turn made the teacher buy him, little Noe wouldn't know how to turn it off, and so the teacher bandaged his eye that stayed gold till it eventually faded away.
This would also explain why in recent chapters Noe has started to REMEMBER what happened between him and Ruthvan without Ruthvans consent because Ruthvan used a vampiric ability on him but for someone who can neutralise said ability it would have little to no effect over time. And with Noe being Noe when the teacher told him Archivisites had different abilities to that of regular vampires he most likely never brought it up again thinking that was one of the abilities or didnt even realize he had done that.
In turn the teachers allowing Noe to read the Adventures of Krusnik, Is essencially what he did with letting Louis 'find' his reports to read. Letting Noe read how his life should of ended up and seeing if he would catch on.
Vanitas in the early chapters reads alott like a villian, to the point it is hard to ignore and oyu could see how easily if Noe wasnt friends with him during some of these scenes that he would easily turn agaisnt or persecute him.
Domi too is part of the De Sade family and judging by their torture booth at the masqueade ball, they are very clearly not good people (apart form her) but even see has no problem threatening to tear Vanitas apart if he tries to hurt Noe. Because without Noe, Domique would of eaisly of fallen into the villian role like the rest of her family. The teacher was the one who took in Louis, Had he not her fmaily would of executed him themselves, she would of known he was her twin and left alone in that family with no outside influence, its easy to see she could of easily became a villian, that whole interaction between her and vanitas in chapter 8 is so Villian vs Villian coded that now i cannot read it any other way. But slowly over time these 'villian' like moments become less and less, because Noe is more prominant in both of their lives,
Not to mention Vanitas was from a traveling circus originally, one that suspiciously enough makes me think of charlten, Had to. stuck around and not been rescued he could of easily became one of the pawns of charleten.
Vanitas dies at the end of the tale, because it is his fate to. Noe was always meant to kill him. One way or another. friend or foe.
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