#not a typing post
mbti-sorted · 1 month
is it just me or xNFJs have hypnotic ASMR voices
Maybe if you haven't grown up with them??
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qrowpilled · 9 months
hate when you find a character whose so infuriatingly Your Type that its embarrassing like yeahg no one is gonna be surprised when i announce this is my new Guy Of The Month
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lesbianralzarek · 4 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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bardofavon · 2 months
not to be controversial bc I know this is like…not in line with shifting opinions on fanfic comment culture but if there’s a glaring typo in my work I will NOT be offended by pointing it out. if ao3 fucks up the formatting…I will also not be offended by having this pointed out…
‘looking forward to the next update’ and ‘I hope you update soon!’ are different vibes than a demand, and should be read in good faith because a reader is finding their way to tell you how much they love it. I will not be mad at this.
‘I don’t usually like this ship but this fic made me feel something’ is also incredibly high praise. I’m not going to get mad at this.
even ‘I love this fic but I’m curious about why you made [x] choice’ is just another way a reader is engaging in and putting thought into your work.
I just feel like a lot of authors take any comment that’s not perfectly articulated glowing praise in the exact manner they’re hoping to receive it in bad faith.
fic engagement has been dropping across the board over the last several years, and yes it’s frustrating but it isn’t as though I can’t see how it happens. comment anxiety can be a real thing. the last thing anyone wants to do is offend an author they love, and that means sometimes people default to silence.
idk where I’m going with this I guess aside from saying unless a comment is outright attacking me I’m never going to get mad at it, and I think a lot of authors should feel the same way. ESPECIALLY TYPOS PLZ GOD POINT OUT MY TYPOS.
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hoaxghost · 7 months
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People on the internet love to recommend the complete opposite of what you're looking for
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slitherpunk · 4 months
is it even ethical to flavor blast a goldfish
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absolutelybatty · 6 months
Horror movie fans are so funny because you'll bring up the biggest actor who's in 10,000 iconic roles, and they'll go, "Oh, the guy from Blood Burger 4: Keep Flipping." and that's the only thing on their filmography that they've seen.
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marxistgnome · 1 year
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Memes shared by kids who grew up on starships I think they should have sea scout/land scout beef with kids that grew up on Starbases
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inkoutsidethelines · 1 year
Thinking about how I would write an adult Scooby-Doo series, because I think it can be done.
The first thing I’d do is make the characters actually be adults.  Still young, but adults, in the mid to late 20s range.  Mystery Inc. is a private detective type business that they run together.  In this universe, the supernatural/ghosts/etc are real, but not necessarily common, so when they take on a case, the culprit might be a person disguised as a monster, or it might actually be a real ghost.  The stakes can be higher; sometimes a bad guy is legitimately trying to kill them.  Sometimes the mystery they’re trying to solve is a murder.  Sometimes they actually get hurt on their cases.
Fred: the core of Fred’s character should be that he’s incredibly kind.  Like, give a stranger the shirt off his back kind.  The “Fred can’t talk to potential clients because he might take a case for free and we need to eat” kind.  He’s an honest and good person and sometimes gets himself into trouble because he assumes other people are too.  While he’s not very good at reading people or noticing ulterior motives, he’s brilliant when it comes to mechanical or engineering type stuff, so he’s the one who keeps the mystery machine running, builds their gadgets, and of course, designs the traps.
Daphne: she comes from old money, and her parents absolutely despise her life choices, to the point where they haven’t officially disowned her, but they have basically cut her off, so she doesn’t actually have access to any family money.  Growing up wealthy has granted her a variety of skills, including speaking multiple languages, horseback riding, and fencing.  She’s very into fashion and jewelry (even if she can’t afford it anymore) and has extensive knowledge of both that can occasionally provide a vital clue in a case. And even though her parents have cut her off, Daphne still has a wide network of contacts she can ask for favors sometimes, because she’s personable, and people tend to like her.  Daphne is also very emotionally intelligent, and is usually the one who can spot when someone is lying to them.
Side note - I ship Fred and Daphne, so I think I would start them off as an established couple for this universe.  Dating, engaged, married, I don’t care.  They are stupidly in love, ride or die for each other.  There’s no will they, won’t they, no worries about cheating.  They are in a healthy, happy, loving relationship, and no one (not even Daphne’s disapproving parents) are going to mess that up for them.
Velma: she is the forensics nerd who sometimes gets super excited about the wrong thing at the wrong time (”He was mummified in seconds? That’s so cool!” “Velma!  His wife is standing right there!” “Oh.  Sorry.”).  She’s not purposely insensitive, she just gets laser focused on her work and forgets to filter herself sometimes.  She’s also the one who can get so fixated on solving whatever mystery they’re working on, she’s willing to bend or maybe break laws.  Is breaking and entering really so bad?  Not if it gets them answers.
Shaggy: he is still the comic relief, but he’s the comic relief by being the only person in the group that actually has common sense.  He manages the business’s finances, he’s the only one who knows how to cook, and the others tease him for being a coward sometimes, but Shaggy maintains that if a ghost with an axe is coming for you, running is the only sensible option.  He should also have a range of random knowledge that sounds useless, but sometimes saves the day (ex ventriloquism, origami, the history of spoons, etc).
Scooby: as this is a universe where supernatural creatures exist, Scooby is an ancient eldritch type being that took a shine to Shaggy when he was a kid, and took the form of a talking dog to befriend and hang out with him.  Aside from the talking dog bit and not aging, he never uses his powers in a way that anyone notices.  The audience is not told upfront that Scooby is an ancient eldritch being; it should slowly be hinted at throughout the series so the audience put it together, but the characters never realize it.  Scooby genuinely considers Shaggy to be his best friend, and cares about the rest of the gang too.
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trashcattt · 1 month
grilled cheese
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saphushia · 6 months
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continuation/aftermath of danny pulling nightwing out of a dumpster
don't let danny fool you with his innocent geek act. that's a working ectogun that he made to look like a phaser. he's absolutely a geek but he's not innocent
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mbti-sorted · 1 month
Mining the relationship chart
I was editing the interpersonal tag to update relationship info (many thanks to @infj-zen for her work finding most of these), and figured, why not just compile it all in one post? Here are all the current relationships found as of April 2024:
ESTP men end up married to ESFP, ESTJ (ended badly), ESFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, ENTJ and INTP women.
ESTP women end up married to ESFP, ESFJ, ISTP, ISFP, ISFJ, ENTP (ended badly), ENFP, ENTJ and INTP (ended) men.
With a few exceptions, ESFPs date and marry almost every type, including their own.
The exceptions are for ESFP men with ISTP & ENFJ women (ended), INTJ & ENFP women (no examples), and for ESFP women with ENFJ men (no examples) and INTP men (ended).
I have examples of ESTJ men with ESFP, ESFJ, ISFP, ISFJ, ENTP, INFP and INFJ women.
I have examples of ESTJ women with every type except other ESTJs. The only two types with whom they have not had a successful relationship (that I've found) are ESTP and ISTJ men.
I have examples of ESFJs with ESTP, ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ (not often), ISTP, ISFP, ISTJ, ISFJ, ENFP, ENTJ and ENFJ (ended).
ESFJ women also end up with INTP and INFP men.
I have examples of ISTP men in relationships with ESTP, ESFP, ESFJ, ENTP, ENFP, ENTJ and ENFJ women.
I have examples of ISTP women with ESFP, ESFJ, ENTP, ENFP and ENFJ men. All but the ISTP with the ENFP are no longer together. (Needs more examples!) I believe my sister knows an ISTPx INFP couple.
I have examples of ISFP men in relationships with ESTP, ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ISFJ, ENFP, ENTJ (ended), and INFP women.
I have examples of ISFP women in relationships with ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTP, ISFJ, ENTP, ENTJ, ENFJ, INTP (private), and INFP (ended) men.
I have examples of ISTJ men with ESFP, ESTJ (ended), ESFJ, ISFJ, ENTJ, INFP, INFJ women.
I have examples of ISTJ women with ESTP, ESFP, ESFJ, ISTP, ISFP, ISFJ, ENTP, ENTJ, INTJ, INFJ men.
I have examples of ISFJ men in relationships with every S-type but ISTP and ISFJ women.
I have examples of ISFJ women in relationships with every S-type (save ISFJ), plus ENTP, ENFP and INTP men. Also a private example of one with an INFP man (ended).
I have examples of ENTP men married to every type but INTP, INFP and INFJ, although they’ve been known to date both INFP and INFJ. I don’t yet have lasting relationships between ENTP men and STP women, although it certainly does happen.
I have fewer examples for ENTP women, but so far most of them are with ENFP or INTJ men. Also can be found with ESFP, ESTJ, ISTP, or INFJ men.
I have examples of ENFP men with every S-type woman but ISFP and ISTJ. The only N-type women they don't end up with are INFP and ENFP.
I have examples of ENFP women with ISTP, and ISFP men, plus every N-type man except ENFP, INTP and INFP.
This one surprises me a bit, so I'm probably lacking in examples.
I have examples of ENTJ women with ESTP, ESFP (yikes!), ESFJ, ISTP, ISFP (ended), ISTJ, ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INFP and INFJ men.
I have examples of ENTJ men with ESTP, ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ENFP and ENFJ women.
I have examples of ENFJ women with ESFP (ended), ESFJ (ended), ISTP, ENTP, ENFP, ENTJ, INTP, INFP men.
I have examples of ENFJ men with ESTJ, ESFJ (ended), ISTP (ended), ISFP, ENFP women.
I have examples of INTP men with ESTP (ended), ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ISFP (private example), ISFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ and INTJ women.
I have examples of INTP women in a relationship with ESTP, ESFP and ENFP men. Needs more examples!
I have examples of INFP women in relationships with ESFP, ESTJ, ISFP (most of them), ISTJ, and ENTP (ended) men.
I have examples of INFP men with ESFP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ISFP (ended), ENTJ and ENFJ women. Also one INFJ (ended), one ISFJ (private example - ended), and that one couple my sister knows with the ISTP woman.
For men, lasting relationships with ESFP, ESTJ, ISTJ, ENTP, ENFP.
For women, lasting relationships with ENTP, ENFP, INTP.
Most INFJs marry STJs, and EFPs. Sometimes an INFJ will date or marry an ENTP. I have met one instance of an INFJ woman with an INFP man (ended).
INFJ men also end up with ENTJs.
*When I say (ended) I mean that I have zero known instances of that relationship working out. I have not marked relationships with (ended) if even one instance of the relationship has worked out.
**If you're wondering about LGBT relationships, they're harder to get good data on as there aren't so many couples where both people have public profiles. So far they're still choosing to pair off with the same people as their straight counterparts (no surprises).
***The sample size for this data is still pretty small, so take all info with a grain of salt!
****Updated May 23/24
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weaver-z · 10 months
The "Zepotha" trend on tiktok makes me SICK as an indie slasher fan. Why did they choose the name "Zepotha?" Name one fucking indie slasher from the 80's that isn't called something like House of Guts. "Zepotha" would be the name of an arthouse horror from the 70's created by a giallo-obsessed Johnny-come-lately director from New Jersey. Zepotha would be brought up in every other "obscure horror recs" thread on reddit until it became a circlejerk meme to even mention it.
"Oh you sound so mad, you sound like you just want to gatekeep--" I DO! I'M GATEKEEPING! None of these people even like slashers! They can barely make it through Fear Street, and then they still make fun of effects that aren't Marvel-sweatshop-grade CGI! You expect them to be able to create a fictional slasher movie with the conviction that this site had when it created Goncharov? Get! Off! Of! My! Lawn!
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porrigens · 4 months
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pegoryu valentine :3
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footlongdingledong · 1 year
love that fighting is considered a pokemon type. like Yea I got magical elemental skills it’s called kicking your ass
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st4ngray · 3 months
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Flowey collective [part 2] cause I still desperately need him to explode /affectionate
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