#not for kids
ryuuuakuma · 2 months
Korra and Asami hugging
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frracturedjaw · 1 year
Good day/night, author!
I love the details you put in your writing, those tiny details make me foldd
I wanted to request something cause I love your writing, and I wanted to see how you'd write this prompt <3
Slashers with a fem! s/o who sends them suggestive pictures of themselves (referring to the s/o). Could be sliding polaroids under their door/ leaving polaroids for them to see, sending them virtually, etc etc.
Thank you! Have a wonderful day/night, and Happy Holidays!
warnings(s): 🍋, description of s.x acts, reference to female anatomy, blood (only with asa)
a/n: thank god, finally an excuse to be thirsty,, also tysm for the very kind words!! it means a lot to hear from yall :) some of these go further than others, so just drop an ask if you want any of them expanded on.
🔞i check the notes. minors don’t read & don’t interact.
thomas hewitt
* it’s risky business trying to get him the photos without somebody else getting to them first, so you stick them right in the pocket of his apron.
* almost the whole day goes by without so much as a glance from him. he doesn’t check his pockets until the day’s work is finished. but when he does…
* he almost shouts. it catches him entirely off guard. not that he hasn’t thought of you that way, but… taking stuff out of the bedroom is new to him. he’s checking over his shoulders even though nobody really comes into the basement but him.
* he likes it though. he’s a possessive guy. hoyt is always giving him shit, saying he’ll give you what Tommy’s too frigid to provide. this makes his chest thunder.
* you can tell he’s checked the pocket when he next enters the room. his eyes are dark from how huge his pupils have gotten.
* “like them?” you ask allusively, a grin tugging at your features. if you listen close, you can hear the click of the door locking before he’s upon you.
* despite his size, he works smoothly. you’ve reassured him enough by now that he’s confident around you. especially when you’ve shown him vulnerability like that, he can certainly return the favor.
* his shirt and belt go on the floor, and your fingers slide across his scalp when he lays forward between your legs.
* it’s become sort of a ritual for the both of you. he undresses both of you, but you get to take off the mask.
* even in the dimness of the room, you can imagine his blush easily. his cheeks are radiant with heat.
* although he’s usually all about taking his sweet time, this go around, he takes you like a starving man.
* he can’t even be bothered to take your clothes off all the way. two thick fingers, quickly dipped into his mouth, slip past your panties and right into your pussy. his other hand presses you down at the waist, steadying your body against his.
* his hand is large and calloused and scarred, but it works so deftly on your body. in any other case he’d feel guilty for being so greedy, but he needs you too badly right now.
* one heavy hand on your breast, he sucks dark, tender marks into your inner thigh while the pads of his fingers skim teasingly against that one spot that makes your legs go rigid.
* he does that until you’re half sobbing, chest bouncing with each choked breath. he doesn’t tease you like this often, either — he prefers indulging you — but the way you sound crying his name makes him hard as steel.
* “tommy… Tommy, please…” it’s only him that makes you breathy and rushed like this, and he knows it. he relishes in it.
* but he doesn’t keep you waiting forever, don’t worry.
brahms heelshire
* bold of you to assume he doesn’t already have a collection of pictures of you in his attic hideout.
* he might have shown you a few before, just to tease you. there’s a few of you getting dressed/undressed, one or two of you asleep without a top on, and a particularly blurry one that appears to be you with your hand between your legs…
* but he’s absolutely not complaining that you’re contributing. he’s overjoyed, in fact. he takes a particular interest in perverted stuff like this
* he doesn’t spend a ton of time up in the attic since you got together with him, but when he pops up to get something, he notices the addition almost immediately (living in one room for over a decade will do that to you).
* it’s taken in the master bathroom, one of the only rooms he doesn’t have much surveillance on. the tiled walls make it nearly impossible to poke a hole in without taking chunks out that get noticed and repaired immediately.
* he can see a big claw foot tub and a nice wide sink, and one wall with a floor length mirror nearly the size of a door.
* most importantly, is you. naked as dawn, with one leg stretched up on the mirror, and one hand between your legs, revealing your perfect cunt.
* of course, he pulls his dick out immediately. he doesn’t even bother shutting the door to the attic room. just drops to his knees and starts stroking.
* brahms is breathing hard under the mask, barely blinking as he gazes at your glistening pussy and slides one hand up and down his cock, thrusting into his fist.
* he’s loud, too. by the time he’s finished, no matter where you are in the manor, you definitely know. you can’t help but admit, you’re starting to get the appeal in listening to someone else moan your name.
* you’d better get up to the bedroom, though, since he’s ready for a round two with the real thing now.
billy lenz
* similar deal as above, he’s already got some of his own. his selection is much more lewd, though. he’s a little more dedicated to seeing your private moments than Brahms.
* and he’s definitely whipped them out for you, before, too, so you know where he keeps them.
* you’d set the camera on a timer and gotten to work with your favorite toy. in the end, you couldn’t bring yourself to choose a favorite, so you picked a few.
* the first is from behind, and shows the perfect ‘pretty stretch’ he always talks so much about.
* the next is up closer, two of your fingers stringing a trail of lube away from your pussy; you’re confident he’ll like this one.
* the last is of your face, and probably your favorite. tears are hanging from your eyelashes and glittering in the flash, the toy pressed firmly into your mouth. drool dribbles from the corner of your lips and slides deliciously down your chest. you’ve written ‘piggy’ and a heart on the edge of the photo in pink pen.
* the pictures stand out, piled in a neat stack on top of the messy stash in his drawer.
* (there’s also a suspiciously stained pair of your panties in the drawer. you’d been looking for them for ages. you take them back and drop them in the laundry.)
* and just like brahms, you know the moment he finds them. although, he doesn’t bother to even try taking care of his erection by himself. he goes right to you.
* “i’msofuckin’LOVEYOU, sweet-t-t pigGY! sosweetsogoodfor billy, billy l-lovesyouSOmuch, good-d girl, soOOO fuckin’goodforbilly—” his mouth is going a mile a minute up until you kiss him. he can’t help but giggle into it, hands all over you, grabbing, squeezing, pinching. he doesn’t even seem to notice that he’s grinding his dick against your hip.
* “—mh, please, pl-l-lease,” he breaks away from you, gripping your arms hard and blushing even harder.
* “use your words, billy.” you smirk, pressing against him. you can feel him throbbing.
* “nngh,” he whines, but does so anyways. “s-suckmeOFF! ple-ease, please…” he can hardly get the words out, he’s so excited. he throws his head back, giggling, only to smash his mouth against yours again.
* you have to pull his fly down and grip his dick hard to get him to pull away again. his speech devolves into mindless whining and giggling as you drop to your knees.
* he’s not awfully thick, but he is long. it takes a good minute of him thrusting into your throat and you jerking away from him, gagging, before you can get him all the way down.
* you know exactly which buttons to press — he doesn’t waste time making you guess.
* he likes it when you press your nose against his belly and swallow, feeling your throat constrict around him.
* he likes it when you maintain eye contact and flutter your eyelashes at him when he says something you like.
* he especially likes it when you drop your tits out and squeeze them. so much so, in fact, that he finishes down your throat without warning.
* it sends you coughing, but he holds you down until he’s finished, keening and chattering praise in your name.
* when you finally lean back, you’re a mess. you’re teary-eyed, chin and neck coated in slobber.
* he’s still twitching and pulsing even though he’s already gone soft.
* better clean up before he gets any more ideas…
billy loomis + stu macher
* they’ve both had wet dreams about this kind of thing. they’ve probably floated the idea to you once or twice and received coy-but-promising responses.
* they both have phones, but they’re both also suckers for physical media; see also their extensive vhs and disk collections.
* Billy finds them first, and immediately drags stu into the bedroom to look.
* stu’s giggling like a schoolgirl as if you didn’t take them yourself. he sobers up when billy points out that you’ve written their initials on your inner thighs in what seems to be sharpie.
* depending on if you’re home or not, they might just jerk off then and there. they’re impatient like that.
* if you are home, however, they slide up next to you on the couch with these shit-eating grins on their faces.
* “didn’t know you had a side gig doing mags.” billy teases.
* “now i can tell everyone i’m dating a pornstar.” stu snickers.
* “except tatum.” you remind him, which only makes him laugh more.
* “c’mon, sweet cheeks,” billy leans you over into stu’s lap, skimming his fingers under your shirt. “give us a private dance.”
asa emory
* the camera had been a gift from him. you can’t be sure if he bought it or stole it off a body, but you’re grateful nonetheless. (who knows what would happen if you weren’t)
* usually you only take photos of things around the hotel. his exhibits, interesting bugs you found crawling around, maybe a shot or two of the sky through a window. he always takes the pictures away. you’re confident he keeps them all somewhere. a small part of you hopes the somewhere is his home.
* at one point — after a particularly long night with your fingers inside yourself, wishing they were his — you decide to take photos of something else. the lighting is dismal and you don’t have anything terribly flattering to wear, but you make it work.
* you’re rather pleased with what you end up with. some five or so photos of you on your knees, eyes wide and doe-like, gazing up as if looking to a master.
* you decide to leave them out for him to find.
* when you next hear the door unbolt, your heart leaps into your chest. you hold statue-still as he locks it behind him, glances around the room, sees the photos. you see something in his expression change as he leafs through them. it’s impossible to read his expression with the mask on, but you’d like to imagine it’s admiration. maybe disgust. maybe want. maybe all of it.
* he sets the photos down where he found them and crosses the room towards you. he’s entirely unhurried. doubt writhes in your gut. your eyes dart to his belt, the knife hooked into it.
* you twitch when he grips your jaw and tilts your head back to look at the ceiling, but don’t flinch away.
* he leans close. you don’t know what he’s doing. he doesn’t ever get this close. you’re sure he can hear your blood thumping in your veins. heat and pressure rise in your skull.
* he breathes in deeply. his lips part. his teeth scrape lightly against the skin of your jugular — you didn’t think he would be able to, with the mask on — then press in. his jaw eases down on the soft flesh of your throat slowly, all the way until you feel his teeth grind against something solid. you think you might be suffocating. you think he might break your trachea.
* a strangled cry slips out of you. you tense even tighter, ready for him to do it.
* instead, he releases with a self-satisfied hum. it might be closer to a growl. you aren’t sure, being preoccupied with the blood rising in the little ring of indentations where his teeth split your skin.
* it stings when he sucks the blood from the wound, but the pain startles you less than his body appearing atop yours. he’s gripping your arms hard like you might try to run. instead, you find yourself clinging to him, legs hooking around his hips; which earns you a chuckle that sounds nearly genuine.
* he’s coaxing out weak sobs and tears for so long, you begin to wonder if he intends to do anything else. slowly, though, he’s bunching up your clothes and peeling away layers. he alternates between biting and lavishing attention on your skin, splitting and bruising the skin with his incisors before smoothing his cool hands across each plane and curve of your body to disperse the sharp pain.
* when he reaches for your panties, your fear spikes again. the sensation of his teeth skimming over the tender flesh of your inner thighs makes you tense up. the reaction doesn’t go unnoticed.
* he curls his arms around your thighs, not breaking eye contact. you inhale sharply when he captures your clit between his teeth. he hasn’t even bitten down, and yet your body’s already prickling in expectation.
* then his tongue slithers out. it takes every ounce of your self control not to lock your legs around his head. you can feel the hot, wet muscle pressing against your hole. your insides burn with lust as he pushes it inside you, tasting you. it drags inside you, writhing and contorting deliciously.
* each reaction earns you an approving hum. to you, it’s praise. to him, it’s positive reinforcement. habit building. another exercise to shape you.
* he wouldn’t admit it, but he craves you the same way. his love is grotesque and cruel, but something about him enjoys pleasuring you, too.
jesse cromeans
* cute, that you think he doesn’t already have his own series of homemade pornos featuring you and him.
* he’d never refuse submissions, though. he has a secret fondness for watching the security footage of his penthouse from when you’re alone in the bedroom, anyways.
* you’ll have left them on his pillow, the glove box in his car, maybe even at his work desk. you’re not worried about anyone else seeing them, since if they did, they’d have a day to live, maybe two, tops.
* he’ll tuck them into his wallet for later and go about his business, maybe send you a sly text, something along the lines of what you should be wearing when he gets home.
* you’re checking your hair and kicking your legs when his car pulls in. you’re up against the window, waving and looking down at him as he gets out. when he looks up at you, you receive only a signed ‘naughty’ in greeting.
* he takes his time at the front door, tucking his shoes into the closet and hanging his coat as if you’re not wearing his favorite pair of silvery-gray lingerie, kneeled right in front of him.
* “my knees are going to bruise at this rate, you know.” you admonish, and the look you receive could turn you to stone.
* “good.”
* “guess i’ve learned my lesson: never sending nudes to you again,” you say playfully. that’s all it takes for him to yank you off the ground and press you against the wall.
* you hook your legs around his hips on instinct and can immediately feel his hard cock through his slacks.
* it takes a moment for him to relocate his tie from his neck to your eyes, but it’s worth it when you hear the mask clatter to the floor.
* “is this a punishment, or a treat?” you wonder aloud, grinding yourself against his crotch as he slides off your panties. his teeth sink into your shoulder at the same moment his fingers find your clit. both, you decide.
bo sinclair
* he is definitely 100% a fan. he’s standing in your doorway grinning the moment he finds them.
* “these are something special, sweetpea.” he drawls, smirking at you. even though it was your idea in the first place, you can’t help but blush. there’s something about his complete and utter assuredness in himself right now that makes you feel especially small.
* “i can’t help but want to recreate a few of these.” of course he’s going to rail you then and there. what else could the photos be but an invitation?
* hardly even takes the time to get your clothes off. there’ll be plenty of time for that later. just tugs your pants down off your hips and spits between your legs, sliding his fingers through your folds only once or twice before pulling down his fly and pressing his cock against you.
* you must have a dumb look on your face — you hadn’t even realized your mouth is open — because he feels the need to pause and lave his thumb across your tongue. “hungry for somethin’?” you can muster only a graceless ‘uh-huh,’ the weeping head of his cock still pulsing against you.
* “good.” then there’s that stretch. every single time, you have a moment where it feels like he won’t fit. you can feel exactly how tight you are around him. every thick, winding vein along the length of him. you only come back to yourself upon feeling his body press flush against yours.
* he fucks like an animal. his breath is ragged and hot across your skin, occasionally broken to bite and suck at your breasts. your ass and thighs have already gone numb from his skin clapping against yours. you can only press your forehead against him and scream for him.
* oh, he’s keeping the photos, too. he’ll even ask for more. he’s sticking them up around the garage, his room, the rear view of his truck. teases you if you complain about it.
vincent sinclair
* nearly creams his pants. i mean it.
* it’s not like he hasn’t seen you naked before, but this is really something else. with pictures, he’s less embarrassed about staring. he doesn’t need to worry about accidentally making you uncomfortable.
* with vincent, you know he appreciates every detail. every curve and plane of your body, the way you’ve got one of his sweaters pulled up just far enough to reveal your slit. he’s nearly drooling.
* “hey,” you’re stepping languidly down the basement stairs — still in his sweater — catching him right as he finds them. he yanks down his shirt over his crotch as if it would hide anything
* you can’t help but grin at him and nudge his hands away so you can straddle his lap, stretching your arms past his shoulders and pushing your chest up to his face.
* he’s kind of frozen in shock, but it’s not hard to tell he’s losing his mind for you, either.
* eventually his eyes raise to meet yours and he tips back the mask to kiss you.
* “i like it when you wear that.”
og myers
* he’s perfectly aware of what you’re trying to do. he knows you want to get him worked up so he’ll fuck you to pieces. and being the person he is, he does the exact opposite.
* sticks the photos in the breast pocket of his coveralls and goes on his merry way.
* days pass. you wonder if he’s even found the photos you left.
* (in the meantime, you’re resisting the urge to touch yourself by just thiiis much. it’s torturous. you’re not sure you want to wait for him to make the first move, anymore.)
* you test the waters by finding reasons to get into his personal space. first it’s just your hand against his. then, you’re up against his shoulder. eventually, you’re perched up on his lap and he’s barely acknowledged that you’re even here.
* “michael,” you hum, face hidden against his neck. he only grunts in response.
* you can’t help but suspect he’s doing this on purpose.
* “i missed you today.” grunt.
* “i’ve been thinking about you.” hmm.
* “michael, i want you.” mhm.
* finally, you flatten your hands against his cheeks and force him to meet your eyes.
* “mikey,” you whine. you don’t mind begging, but this is just excessive. “please, fuck me.”
* silence. you’re about to give up and stomp out of the room to go find your hitachi wand or something when his hand shoots up to your throat.
* in one quick motion, he forces you underneath him on the bed.
* it’s his turn to tease, now.
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asexualarkhamknight · 7 months
Binged all of Blue Eye Samurai today. Great show, highly recommend 🗡️🧿🥷. The main character is a total badass. It’s a beautifully brutal revenge story.
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moo-blogging · 1 year
Late night smut thought #98:
The air was thick with heat, sweat and hormones. Yours and Levi's panting mixed with groans and wet slaping noises echoed in the room.
You were riding on Levi who sat against the wall. You were bouncing on him and he was supporting you by the waist, moving you up and down with his strong palms. Levi tilted his head back resting on the wall, panting and grunting with every collide of your bodies. His eyes half closed in euphoria, mouth slight agape and he swallowed from time to time.
Exhausted, you stopped for a while. You reached for his jaw, pulling his face down and kissing his lips fiercely. Hungry tongues fighting, tasting each other passionately. Your lips and chins were sticky and wet when you broke the kiss, with Levi's mouth chasing after yours.
Smirking, you looked into his annoyed eyes and said 'don't you worry, my sweet, I will take good care of you for the rest of your life. You are now my man.'
Levi's opened mouth slowly curved upwards, his eyes lit up as he chuckled. Unbelievable.
Suddenly, Levi hooked one arm around your waist and another shielded the back of your head, he pulled you onto the bed and climbed top of you. It caught you by surprised and you gave out a short laugh. You could see his gleaming eyes and a naughty smirk on his face as he hovered over you.
He leaned in, lips brushing yours but pulling away as you tried to kiss him and he whispered with his deep voice, "don't you worry, my sweet. I will take very good care of you for the rest of your life. You are now my woman. Now and forever."
Pushing your knees to your shoulders, Levi moved his hips with passion and power you did not see coming, going strong and deep inside of you. You screamed before you could stop yourself.
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theirishwolfhound · 2 months
A Heart of Gold In a Sea of Green: The Synopsis
Heyo! I'm making this post just so I can get ready to start posting on Tumblr as well as Ao3. My main reason is that I can add GIFs/images, music, and color code the dialog on here. With that being said, I'm still working on the imagery for my masterlist post and this is just to act in as the informational "chapter".
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"Crow "Wolfhound" O'Neil had been a sergeant in a different troop, known as the WatchDogs, before joining Task Force 141 as an additional sniper, but mostly for his innate understanding of many terrains and the survival skills needed for them. Yet he mostly kept to himself when he joined up as he was still reeling from a recent loss of a loved one; he remained the calm, patient soldier he had always trained to be… despite joining what he could only call as the most chaotic gaggle of men he's ever met. He followed orders, never spoke back or questioned his fellow officers- he was loyal, just as his nickname implied. Though when asked about it he spoke only a simple phrase: "Gentle when stroked, Fierce when provoked" and left it at that."
The fic takes place around six months after Wolfhound transferred into Task Force 141 from the Watchdogs and focuses on him finally putting in the effort to improve his mental state after he lost his fiancé: Malakai Harper. As well as focusing on improving his relationships with his fellow operators: Price, Gaz, Ghost, and Soap— who are already in a polyamorous relationship.
There is a lot of fraternization that goes on, it's not meant to be a serious down to code/law type of fic— I literally only wrote this because I love the characters and wanted to try writing a fanfiction for the first time. I will also put the other warnings in under this indent, as well as a put the proper warnings before the start of every chapter. Also fair warning: Most Chapters are Long Reads (potentially up to 15k+ type deal).
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Below is the first thing on the Ao3 fic, just to give an understanding into Crow's background:
Crow Nevan O'Neil was born in Galway, Ireland and lived there for most of his life. He is currently twenty-seven and has been in the British military for seven years. Previously he was a Forest Ranger at the Wicklow Mountains National Park in Ireland and has visited other places to get the experience of working in different terrains.
He was born into a Catholic family and still holds those beliefs to this day, but does not talk about it with others- just as he keeps his gender identity and sexuality under close wraps. The only person that knows he is transgender would be Captain Price and he was given the accommodation of a private shower to make his time a bit easier on base. He only wears long sleeved shirts and pants to keep a more conservative look, though it was mostly to hide his tattoos so that no one asks him any questions about them- he may be social but not when it comes to speaking, he's a listener not the speaker.
Crow got his nickname "Wolfhound" mainly because he is Irish- but also because his old troop thought it was funny that a 165cm (5'5") man who barely weighs 81kg (180lbs) soaking wet can be called something in relation to a huge dog. He has hazel eyes, many many freckles, and curly reddish brown hair- the pinnacle of Irish stereotypes minus the anger and drinking, but by god does he have the accent of a man who sounds like he is fresh from Dublin. His actual callsign is Foxtrot Four.
He was engaged to a Lieutenant form his previous troop named Malakai Harper, but after his death Crow was looking for any chance to have a fresh start with a new team- and luckily he was given the chance to join Task Force 141 as their third sergeant. He knew very little about the other operators, but that meant they knew nothing of him.
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Now time for lists and links:
Crow's Reference Sheet (Will Be Redone Eventually)
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lolia21 · 1 month
Unpopular opinion:
Wukong did nothing wrong in LMK.
In my heart of hearts, I firmly believe that everyone like his unhinged energy right until it became too much. Like everyone enjoys his wild and free nature until that means he's so free he doesn't constantly hang out with you. Also in the canon of journey to the west Macaque tries to frame Wukong for murder after attacking tripataka. I am of the opinion that Macaque did Wukong super dirty by leaving him under that mountain because he felt abandoned. And if Wukong "killed" him for the same reason he did in the book then Mac kinda had it coming. I understand he probably felt replaced or maybe thought he was saving Wukong but come one! I just think that if Macaque can get a pass for leaving Wukong under that mountain for 500 years then Wukong should get a pass for trying to achieve his dream of being a baddy at the cost of his close friendships.
Just saying, give the man a break. He's doing better now... kind of.
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wolfdog1412 · 11 days
I created the concept arts of characters for Happy Dreams or Unhappy Dreams.
The concept art of Little boy's friends by sketchoco.
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the second concept art of Mari by sketchoco, Bully, Basil by @burattinoo and Little Boy's Babysitter.
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the last one is Little Boy's family.
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Petya is Little Boy's younger brother.
Radka is Little Boy's older sister.
Marie is Little Boy's mother.
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ack-cough · 7 months
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It's my Sona null! Wow look at that fucked up sheep
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okieduckie · 10 months
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src: Magical Ruru ⚠️(not for kids)⚠️
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lawsonigiri · 1 month
I am just here to share my nsfw short fic of my OC April x Law, don't judge me too harshly, ha!
Definately 18+! ⚠️❌
A Tight Squeeze
The Polar Tang Submarine was currently submerged beneath the depths of the deep blue sea, after escaping a close call with some Marines that had caused them to
flee beneath the surface of the water, providing the pirate crew with a quick getaway. The Heart Pirates were quick to synchronize together in order to escape that trouble,
much to the disdain of their Captain Trafalgar Law, who in his usual aloof, stoic self, hated having to retreat in such a way. However at the same time the Surgeon and
Captain knew it was a necessary action, in order to not get caught and suspended by those Marines, therefore he couldn't really complain too much about it.
Currently the Captain was located in his office aboard the ship, adorning his white tank top; his large, blue furred coat strung up on his desk chair along with his beloved
leopard print hat and his Nodachi sword leaning against the wall nearby. He was scribbling down notes in one of his many notebooks, different medical books scattered
amongst his desk. His tattooed fingers worked diligently, holding a feather-inked pen between his thumb and forefinger, golden eyes slightly narrowed in pure
concentration and his brows furrowed. He was so in his zone right now that he failed to hear the door creak open behind him, usually he was so alert and sharp, yet his
focus remained on the task at hand.
The door to the room clicked close followed by the noise of footsteps approaching from behind Law, when they sounded extremely close, that's when he eventually turned
quickly in his seat. His aurous eyes were met with a familiar figure, his girlfriend April stood there in her black shirt and shorts, decorated with the crews Jolly Roger. In her
small hands she held a book, one he recognized as an anatomy book, he recalled seeing that particular one missing from his shelf. When he spoke it came out gruffer than
he wanted, slightly tired sounding, which in itself was not that surprising (the poor Captain never did get enough rest).
''Ah April, you know you don't have to sneak in like that.'' Law had his usual emotionless face as he looked at the petite girl, noticing the way her long honey coloured hair
was messy and her face seemed to have a red tint to it.
April spoke softly, her tone was mostly like that, almost like a whisper. ''I-I was returning this book.'' She then places the said book on his desk carefully, before her blue
eyes flicker to look at his face and they make eye contact for a split second until she snaps her gaze away; her shy, timid nature coming out some more. Law's eyes look to
the book she placed on the desk then back at her, the obvious question came to his mind and so, he spoke again albeit in a more curious tone of voice.
''Why did you have this book?'' The question makes April start to rub that large scar plastered over her nose, a trait she often did when feeling nervous or embarrassed. A
small yet audible whine comes from the girl, face turning to the side partly to avoid his stare. It takes her a while to respond to his question, but when she does her voice is
even more soft and quiet than usual.
''Curious, just...Curious.'' His girlfriend's response makes Law raise a perplexed eyebrow, she had never shown interest in medical or anatomy books before so why the
sudden change now? He puts his feather-inked pen down gently, proceeding to stand up from his seat and look down at her now. Their height difference was obvious to
see, Law was significantly taller than her and he liked that; being able to use that to his advantages most of the time. April steps back a bit as he stands to his full height,
face still turned away from him, her heart begins to beat a little faster.
The Captain traces his forefinger over the cover of the book on his desk, letting out a faint hum from deep within his throat. ''Curious you say? Why's that?'' Deciding on a
bold move, Law reaches his arm out to the girl's face and cups her chin in order to make her look up at him. ''And don't think about lying to me.'' He adds.
April's cheeks burn red as she opens her mouth partly to speak, but quickly shuts it again, opting to stay quiet. Law didn't take too kindly to her silence, he proceeds to
squeeze her chin a tad, not enough to hurt her but enough to show who was the dominant one here. ''Ah ah now come on, be a good girl and tell me.'' Law let's a smirk
form on his lips, he knew all too well what that little nickname did for his girlfriend, it made her weak and most importantly, submissive.
The smaller girl looks up at her Captain and Boyfriend, with an almost pleading look in those cyan eyes. ''I-I was wondering if-'' She stops speaking halfway through her
sentence, to swallow nervously. ''If we could...Try something.'' Finishing her words, April everts her eyes again. Law hummed like before, his heart began to beat a bit
faster now with the prospect of her wanting to try something, assuming to do with their relationship.
''Look at me.'' Law says in a low tone of voice, sounding slightly demanding. April did as her partner says, looking straight up at him as their eyes locked. ''What is it you
wanted to try, April?'' That smirk from earlier comes back to his lips, he brings her face closer to his own, noses brushing together. The closeness makes April need to lean
up in order to meet his height, smaller hands resting on his chest that was partly visible through his tank top. ''Or do I need to choke it out of you?''
''N-No Captain.'' April stammers out in a mumbled voice. She swallows again before speaking, admitting to what it is she wanted to try. ''I-I wanted to try Anal with you.''
Upon hearing that Law's eyes widen a bit in surprise, but that doesn't last long as he suddenly catches her lips in a kiss. It started off sweet and loving, proceeding to
transpire into something more needy and hungry, their tongues tangled together. After a few more seconds of this heated, deep kiss Law breaks away with a touch of
saliva seeping from his lower lip and his eyes half lidded.
He takes a breath. ''I see. Well we shouldn't waste anymore time, right?'' Law's smirk widens, his hand departs from her chin and he lifts her up with ease in his strong,
tattooed arms. Carrying her over to the bed in the corner, he sets her down on her back and shifts to hover above her, casting a shadow over her small frame. He holds
his body weight up with one of his hands, the other one sliding up past her black shirt. His inked fingers trace intricate patterns on her tender skin, feeling the few scars
littered across her body. ''Let's get you prepped properly, my love.''
''O-Okay.'' April stutters in reply, keeping her voice quiet. She places a soft, sweet kiss to his temple which makes him chuckle and smile. He starts stripping off her clothes
slowly, not wanting to come across as overly needy. Once the girl was laying below him completely bare, he took a moment to admire the work of art which was her skin
and figure, he knew that April could be self-conscious of her body; which is why he always loved to show her just how much he adored it. Law's left hand squeezed one of
her breasts, pinching a nipple that had grown to be hard while his right hand toyed with her aching clit. April could only wiggle and whimper in response to his actions,
her cheeks flushing a deeper shade or red.
''You're just too cute, dear.'' Law spoke in a soft voice, his face buried itself in her hair, breathing in her scent. ''So cute, so cute.'' April continued to whimper out, her hands
covering her face out of pure embarrassment, even more so due to his words. After a while longer of this foreplay and teasing, Law stripped his own clothes off and the
couple were now bare to another. ''Bend over the bed for me.'' Law says, still maintaining that soft voice. April nods her head, shifting to get off the bed and indeed bend
over the edge of it as Law digs through the bedside drawer to pull out a small bottle of lubricant.
When the cold, smooth gel gets rubbed on her asshole April whimpers. ''I-It's cold.'' She mumbles into the bedsheet, eyes closed. Law can't help the chuckle that escapes his
mouth, his hand caressing the curve of her ass cheek before slapping it playfully just to hear that adorable yelp of hers. ''Gah! L-Law.''
''Sorry my love, I couldn't resist. Lift your ass up a little more for me.'' He replies. April lifts her body up a bit more for him, hearing as Law rubs some of that lubricant on his
hardened cock. ''Perfect, just like that.'' The Captain praises her, as he usually did in their intimate moments. ''This is going to hurt at first, just relax for me okay?''
Law decides to prepare her some more by inserting two of his inked digits into her hole, gently thrusting them in and out as April grips the bedsheet tightly with faint
moans. His fingers slide back and forth with ease, the 'E' and 'A' on his fingers getting covered in that slick, cool gel. ''Let me know when you feel ready.''
April takes a deep breath, letting it out through her mouth before nodding. ''I-I'm ready, babe.'' Upon hearing that Law positions the tip of his cock against her tight hole,
the lube helped ease it in at a steady pace, yet the sting of it caused April to let out a louder whimper and she curses under her breath. Law places one of his hands on her
hip and the other on the lower of her back, helping to maintain his stance behind her.
''You okay?'' Law asks her, genuine care and love for her evident In his voice. He leans his chest over her back, head nestling in her hair as if to comfort her through this
experience. Law hears her soft cry, noticing the tears on her lashes and so, he places a chaste kiss to her head then ear. ''Relax baby, you're doing so well.'' April opens her
eyes halfway to peer at Law, giving him a small smile for reassurance.
''I'm okay, I'm okay. You can go all the way in.'' April says back. Law gives another kiss to her head and then shifts to properly stand behind her again, pushing himself all
the way into her now slowly. When his cockhead hits the end of her anal canal, that's when Law let's out a low groan that mingles with April's moan. They both take a
moment to breathe, adjusting to this newfound pleasure they were both experiencing together.
'Shit she is so damn tight.' Law thinks to himself, beginning to move his hips against hers in a good rhythm as his hands remain in their places. His black hair falls over
his forehead, golden eyes watching as her body quivers due the pleasure she was receiving because of him. 'I can't cum yet it's too soon'
''L-Law--You feel so deep, s-so tight.'' April says through her moaning, trying to look back at him from her bent over pose.
Law moans along with her, he delivers a gentle spank to her rear and hears her moan louder. ''Mmh I know baby, god, you're really squeezing me.'' His rhythm gets faster,
delving even deeper into her rectum as pre-cum leaks out of his tip, signalling the excitement the Captain was feeling. ''Ngh dammit, April your noises--''
His girlfriend's noises were loud, filled with arousal and pure pleasure. Yet they were also so cute, so submissive and needy, least that's what Law thought. Law could feel
his body heating up, his heartbeat thumping away rapidly and sweat started to bead on his skin in places. He was losing control slowly, this pleasure felt intoxicating to
him, seeing his petite girlfriend take him like this, hearing her cry out in ecstasy for him; the rougher side of him practically itching to come out.
S-Sorry for being so l-loud.'' April tells him, mouth agape as she moans and takes in breaths. ''I-I don't want Bepo or s-someone to hear us.''
Law gives the girl a toothy grin, fingers squeezing her ass cheek. ''Let them hear, let them hear how good I am fucking you.'' In response to those filthy words coming from his mouth, April
whimpers before letting out a loud cry when he purposefully pulls all the way out just to slam back in again. ''Oh was that too much for you, dear?'' He teases, low groan coming out.
The room seems to fill with an air purely emitting lust and sex, the pairs noises echo together and the lewd sound of skin slapping against skin is heard. Law is pounding away into her anal
cavity with little restraint at this point, grunting, moaning and spilling dirty words from his parted lips. One of his hands now had a fistful of her hair, forcing April's head back and giving him
a makeshift handle to continue the onslaught to her tight core while his other one remained on her plush ass. His dominant, rough side was out in full force and that showed in his current
actions and attitude. Meanwhile April was still being her submissive and meek self, constantly letting out these adorable whimpers and moans; white-knuckling the bedsheet below.
''Mmh Law, I-I am gonna cum!'' She cries out, eyes squeezing shut as she feels her whole body tremble, familiar feeling of an orgasm approaching. Law let's out a breath he didn't even know
he had been holding in, his black hair sticking to the sweat on his forehead. He delivers a harsh, echoing slap to her ass cheek as he growls out a response from deep within his throat.
''That's it baby, cum all over my cock. Shit-- I-I'm close too!'' Law adds to the already intense session by reaching the hand down that was on her ass, to play with her clit that was swollen.
This proved to be the breaking point for the small girl, who cries out his name loudly in a high-pitched tone, powerful orgasm washing over her entire being. Juices squirt from her pussy
while her legs shake, soaking the sheet below. ''Oh f-fuck April-- Squirting for me now, eh?''
''C-Captain y-you are--'' April gets cut off by Law yanking her hair harder, earning a subtle yelp from her.
''Ngh gonna cum deep in you.'' He says huskily. ''Fill this tight asshole up, would you like that?'' All April can do is nod and that causes a cocky smirk to spread on his lips, he let's go of her
hair letting her head fall back on the bed and his other hand moves from her clit too. Both his hands grab her hips tightly, making sure he has a solid grip proceeding to relentlessly pound
her ass even more so than before, which neither of them thought possible. Law was chasing his own orgasm now, right on the peak of it, it wouldn't be long before he--
''S-Shit I'm cumming!'' Law roars out, squeezing her hips as he shoots hot, sticky strings of semen into her asshole. April feels it happen, the sensation of it was so incredible and she breaths
in and out heavily from her mouth. Law gives her a few final, slow thrusts before eventually pulling out of her and watching the white fluid seep from her, even using his thumb to part her ass
cheek to get a better look. ''Look at that baby, all filled with my cum. How dirty you are.''
April looks back at him, face burning red. ''T-That was a lot, babe.''
''Mmh it was, but you enjoyed it just as much as me, right?'' Law asks, catching his breath. April gives him a nod, confirming she did indeed enjoy it all. ''Good. I love you.'' He places a kiss
to her scarred back, making sure to press his lips to each scar he sees. ''Come on let's clean up and get a bath.''
After the two of them clean up the mess from their session and have that much needed soak in the bath together, they retreat back to his office and lay together in the bed wearing their
pyjamas. April nuzzles her smaller body up to him, one leg over his and one arm draped over his waist with her head buried in his neck. Law had one of his arms wrapped protectively
around her waist his other beneath his head on the pillow; both of them felt relaxed and comfortable right now. ''Maybe you should steal my anatomy books more often, eh?'' Law speaks in
a whisper-like voice, yet it was also teasing, he leans down to kiss her forehead.
April chuckles a little, moving her hand from his waist to his chin, grazing his goatee with her fingertips. ''Maybe I should.'' The two of them look at one another as they both smirk, leaning in
to share a kiss. After parting from it, they close their eyes and take in the peaceful atmosphere, savouring this moment together. All that Law can think about is just...
'When will she steal one of my books again?'
8 notes · View notes
Hazbin Hotel x Helluva Boss Theory: Adam & Stolas Deserve Better (So Does Blitzo...)
[Note Edit Of May 7, 2024: I know I had put the tag for it yesterday...but just in case I'm editing this in now....one of the tags for this says "do not reblog without permission" so please read the tags so there be no misunderstandings in the future.]
[Note: Reading This Is Optional, BUT this will still be for Mature Audience Readers Only, so NO kids allowed and Parents need to stop scapegoating and actually make sure their kids don't view something that is 16+ to 18+ when they are not the correct age to view it...though half the time it wont be just the parent or parents at fault, it would also be the much older relative like a uncle or aunt or cousin, who lets the child watch something that is not meant for them until they become the proper age to view it........I seen a movie I shouldn't of seen when I was a little kid, and I had misremembered that being my Mom who let me watch it when we had rented at some old video place......but it was one of my much older cousins that let me, which I guess they did cover my eyes at some parts, well maybe not them but maybe my Mom. I still love the movie though and I finally own it on DVD, but I realized what happen when I was little was still irresponsible of them and they should of known better...it isn't the Movie that is at fault, it was the grown-up that had carelessly allowed me to watch it when I was not the proper age to view it....so yeah, since I do have the DVD of that movie now, I think maybe later today or maybe tomorrow I can find the time to watch it again...at least I know now what one of my older cousins did was irresponsible.]
so anyway, even if Stolas may have a right to be upset during what happen at Ozzie's and even after him being drop off by Blitzo.
but he shouldn't play some innocent victim after what happen at Ozzie, as it is no wonder why Blitz didn't want him to touch his hand and the whole not wanting to go inside Stolas's Home...
I might think that Stolas deserves better than Stella, who needs to get a clue and just let the divorce happen...
I don't even think Octavia understands anything about her parents relationship or the fact they were NEVER in love to begin with, and that Octavia's Mom has been always verbally abusive to Stolas.
they were in a LOVELESS Arranged Marriage, but in theory even those who did end up in a Arrange Marriage could end up falling love with each other at some point and or just growing to love each other in a platonic way...
even if Stella is upset the affair happen because of what it does to her image, but maybe the affair wouldn't of happen if she wasn't throwing in Stolas face that the two of them weren't divorced and even making it into a Not-Divorce Party.
even if some think she is some innocent victim, she really isn't.
what did she suspect, for Stolas to come around and treat her like the "Queen" like she deserves to be, to even worship her like the "Goddess" she views herself as....oh please, like that was ever going to happen in the canon.
even though what Stolas did was wrong, but he was with a woman like Stella who should be happy about getting a divorce from a man she hates, but the only reason she stayed with him was probably for the power and the title...and with the title she was given before, could very well be taken away as well as the power she was given.
but Stolas is probably no better than her, when it comes to how he can't see how much he hurt Blitz, well of course Verosika, Fizz and Ozzie did the same thing, but it probably hit him even more when Stolas chose to use that Menu to cover his face.
and I wouldn't be surprised if Verosika may have did something that caused Blitz to run off the way he did, but maybe they can still patch things up and become friends, like how he patch things up with Fizz.
Fizz and Ozzie, I love ya both and if you both were real I would slap you both if you EVER put Blitz through that again...
I would be on Alastor's Shoulder (when he is in Full Demon Mode" to slap Ozzie, and if Fizz is on Ozzie's Shoulder, then I will still slap him one too...
Ozzie & Fizz are so lucky they are so Adorkable and have those VERY cute and sweet sides to themselves, even if they were jerks to Moxxie, Millie, Blitz and Stolas..
well at least Ozzie from Helluva Boss, didn't cause me to accidentally exist like that one story about the whole King Solomon and Asmodeus basically implies...
NEVER gonna let The Embodiment Of Lust that was one of those Keys of Solomon, live that one down I guess.
I know it had to do with the ring and how Grandpa King Solomon was tricked into taking it off, and Asmodeus had threw him to the other side of the world, where he would end up meeting and getting together with one of my Ancestor Grandmothers.
so yeah, I may be a Defective Earth Angel Princess who calls herself "The Eveningstar Princess" because of that weird thing about my Mom having NEVER getting Morning Sickness when she was pregnant with me, and she had ONLY got Evening Sickness...
but what Asmodeus accidentally did, is maybe one of those weird little accidents that can't really be helped and not sure if it is more strange than the whole getting Evening Sickness...
I was a little weirdo even before I was finally born apparently.
and I came out looking like a 2 week old apparently, blame it on the Nephilim gene I guess...I mean if it does play a part in it...
I hope we can finally stop procrastinating in finally checking to see if my blood type will come out O RH D Negative for the third time.
we have been putting it off for way too long it seems, I guess one of the things I don't look forward to it, is the whole pricking and the whole last few tries we did, I ended up not feeling all okay and needed to go sit or lay down.
but it might not be so bad, if I just close my eyes through most of it.
I don't know if I have a certain phobia or not...
but anyway, Fizz should be lucky that his boyfriend didn't accidentally cause a Earth Angel to be born by hooking up her Ancestors together, cause the Earth Angel wouldn't let Big Blue Cotton Candy Ozzie live that one down...
and before I get back to the whole talking about Stolas and everything else, I think if we think about it some percent of Earth Angels are Demi-Angels, having Souls that are Half-Human & Half-Angel, which half the reason could be from the blood they/we carry and the other reason having to do with the souls they/we have.
of course some damages could happen to the Soul, no matter if it is a fully human soul or a hybrid soul.
(if you wish to skip some parts of this, just keep a look out for the bold words...)
like you end up dying way too early more than once in your past lives, and you are lucky not to have full memories of those times in each of them.....plus I really shouldn't be forced to forgive those that had hurt my past life selves, one of them being the reason I may of possibly had Stolas as a Caretaker if certain info is correct.
is it weird to think that he has a small lab type room with those beakers and other stuff that may also have some plants around as well...? like he keeps it a hot mess most of the time probably.
and yeah I'm talking about the Stolas from our Universe this time, that he keeps the room he has a hot mess possibly, which might be his type of lab...?
don't know if I'm right or not though, even with the thoughts that they have some kind of gladiator arena and have some type of fights to possibly show off their strength...
and there is the thoughts of them having a library, which could be a bit smaller than a library in Heaven, like the bookshelves in Heaven being super high that it would take a Angel to fly up to get a book or scroll to get the item your looking for if you aren't able to fly that way...like one of them being that you could still be scared of some heights and can't fly because ya don't have wings.
it might be a good thing that one can't remember fully of their past lives, one of the reasons could have to do with some damage done to their soul even if it did heal, but the problem could still be there.
I know one of my past lives had inspired the idea of some OCs I had made before, of course I had to change the ideas a bit on the OC that I had made, even if the first one was a Creepypasta (which I had posted the drawings about them in another place, like Deviantart.) and I had no idea at first that I was just remembering past life stuff...
and that past life is probably more closer to me, and I know I died in a dress when I was probably about 4 years old...which of course when I died at 4 years old before, I for some reason started to hate wearing dresses at 4 years old in my current life, and for all I know my 4 year old self was likely traumatized and remembered that we had died in a hospital when wearing a dress.
I do have a birthmark that may prove on the ways my past life self had lost her/our life in that time.
and it can suck for anyone to have bad luck dying a bit too early before they are too helpless to prevent it.
and some Toxic-Religious Inhuman people that have crossed a line when doing harm to children and babies do count as children...
they are lucky I don't go "Alessa Gillespie" on them, as tempting as that is...
Toxic-Satanist are not the only ones on that whole list, and if some of them think I will EVER forgive them for the messed up stuff they did, they can think again...
I suppose in theory, if they got me SUPER mad, and if Charlie, Vaggie and Emily were real, they would probably have to hold me back from trying to pull some hair...
like even if you never punched anyone before, but you think about the possibilities of if some who have did some messed up stuff, if they peeve you off to a very high point, you could go into a type of "Feral Earth Angel Mode" as I like to call it.
I know now that I was apparently born in a Catholic Hospital that had Nuns in it, even though my family is Christian, but most of our Ancestors came from different Religions anyway, and one of my Ancestor Grandpas was a Rabbi...
I am thinking of going by "Neo-Christian" again, but still go by "Neo-Spiritual" but I think I want to think about it a little more.
I still can't tell my family that I really don't go by "Christian" anymore.
or the fact that I don't just believe in God only, but also a Goddess now as well...and there is the whole believing the balance of the Divine Feminine needs to be healed and restored a bit more to stop the twisted form of justice and other stuff that involves a possible future that has to do with Jesus & is Army and the Antichrist.
how is it that not many have figured out how messed up that is, I mean you are doomed either way, but I still rather not take that mark and I would rather take a spray bottle, hold some food salt in my hands and pray to both the Heavenly-Father & Earthly-Mother and then place the salt in the spray bottle and then spray the Antichrist in the face than let him try that messed up stuff...
and even though I can't really do the same to Jesus, plus one of the reasons he could take part on that messed up logic is because he his being influenced by the Toxic-Masculine energy, and hopefully he can be saved from himself and to prevent those terrible futures that involve him and the Antichrist...
but yeah, if I were allowed to, I would use the spray bottle on Jesus's Army and maybe even the Antichrist's Army....that would probably need a lot of spray bottles there...
but if some info about what those two sides want to do is correct, it is still messed up, and hopefully such a terrible future can be prevented.
I guess the song "This Little Girl" by Cady Groves would match the feelings.
anyway back to the original topic, I can agree that Stolas deserves better than being married to Stella, even if she is a Party Girl, which I guess wouldn't be so bad....but throwing a party and celebrating Not being divorce was probably bite her in the tail feathers in a karma type way anyway...
Lilith is no better than Stella, even if Charlie might think her Mom is a good person who loved her kingdom, but we know there is always more sides to the story.
Lilith, Charlie's Mom....is just as Bad as my Dad, well my Human-Dad who is still biologically related.
I was told by my Mom that when she was pregnant with me at the time, both she and him got into a type of I guess heated argument.
I can only guess what it was about, and the thing I'm guessing it being about....hopefully I'm wrong.
I know my Dad wasn't there for my birth, he was off some place else...
it doesn't help that he cheated on my Mom, which if I remember right, I think I was told he did so when Mom was still pregnant with me.
at least Adam wasn't pregnant when Lilith cheated on him...
even if Adam did become a Sinner, I hope he can find someone better than Lilith, and well maybe also Eve....unless the whole there was never truly a Eve turns out to be canon in the show.
and well, blame it on some fan fics I couldn't help but love that involves Adam and Eve being one in the same, and it being because of Lilith leaving him.
Adam may have been sweet and innocent, and maybe a bit clingy during his younger days in The Garden of Eden.
he probably didn't understand most things, same with Lilith who is no better than him...
I mean, misunderstandings and miscommunications can happen.
and back then in the Garden, Adam's words of suggestion likely came out as a order and anything he did was probably good enough for Lilith.
if Lilith got off her high horse, she could realize that she just matured faster than Adam during those times, and Adam wouldn't of turned into a full of himself jerk if it weren't for the fact that both she and Lucifer had hurt him, like BADLY hurt him...
Adam and Lute's relationship could of been platonic, even if in the Fanon there is more to it and them being in a type of loving relationship, like a mix of lovers who are like best buddies.
and yeah, I'm still gonna view that both Adam and Charlie are both in the right and wrong, Adam can't just senseless give a game over to every Sinner, and Charlie needs to understand that there are some Sinners that should be taken out by the Extermination Day.
like the type of Sinners that shouldn't be in Pentagram City, and should just go to that dark and blue, and possibly cold place that we see in the Lucifer Tv Series, which if it were in the same world as Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, that place would be The Double-Hell...or as I like to call it "The Original Hell"....because of the whole current one that isn't the "Original" or "Double" Hell...
had possibly been a part of The Goddess's Earthly Queendom, before that whole imbalance happen and it had to be possibly placed under quarantine from the rest of the Earthly Queendom in the Celestial Realm.
for all we know, Double-Hell could be REAL in the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Universe, but it is meant for the very Worse and Toxic-Sinners that are just too far gone, and are even more bad than The Vees and have done far worse than The Radio Demon himself.
those are the types, who are send to Double-Hell, that Charlie can't save or get redeemed, and who deserve to be taken out in Extermination Day.
and as weird as it might be, Adam from Hazbin Hotel, reminds me of Spinel and Pink-Pearl from Steven Universe...
and right now, he also reminds me of Marianne from Strange Magic.
I like that movie, even if some might not.
Adam likely was all sweet and innocent, even if a little naive when his suggestions came off as orders when they weren't, and he could of been different from the Adam from our universe...
if the Adam from our universe knew what those three angels were going to do to Lilith, he would of left her alone and gave her the space she needed...
Adam from Hazbin Hotel, is The Marianne, and Lilith from Hazbin Hotel is The Roland.
yeah the people that Adam and Marianne became at some point are different, but that doesn't mean they weren't still hurt by Lilith and Roland.
it could be possible that Adam hides the fragile parts of himself that was caused by Lilith and Lucifer, that he likely only lets those closes to him see, like Lute.
Humanity already had some form of Free Will, even before the whole Forbidden Fruit Situation, cause Lilith had the free will to leave Adam.
but Adam isn't the only one that Lilith hurt, she also hurt Lucifer and Charlie, and possibly hurting Alastor as well.
even if Charlie might not realize that her Mom is hurting her, she needs to face the truth at some point.
plus it could be possible that Lilith in Hazbin Hotel, couldn't become pregnant like her Fanon Counterparts.
and if Lucifer being the one who was pregnant is true, it could be more than just Lilith not wanting to.....its just she couldn't, because she had become sterile, because that was one of her punishments for the forbidden fruit incident.
she is unable to have children, she can't bring a life into the world like Eve and those lucky enough to have a child.
Lucifer likely found a way to become pregnant with Charlie, and for all we know, Roo could be Charlie's True Mother, who had helped Lucifer have a child that he wanted to have have with Lilith but couldn't because they weren't able to, even if they took some DNA and Magic from Lilith's Soul and Body, it likely came out as a failure which ended up creating nothing.
a true mother would still love their child, even if the child ends up being adopted and not biologically theirs.
for all we know, the Flashbacks during the song "More Than Anything" that had Little Charlie in it...
it might of seem like Lilith in the Flashback, but for all we know, it could of been someone else, and Lilith left a long time after when Charlie was probably still a baby.
Roo is one of the likely people who could of been the "Lilith" in that Flashback, well either her or some other characters who is likely Charlie's real biological mother.
Roo could turn out to be Charlie's Bio-Mom, and she likely took the form of "Lilith" after the original Lilith left both Charlie and Lucifer, and Charlie's Dad was likely very aware of it.
anyway, I think that Adam, Stolas, Blitz and even Charlie's Dad Lucifer, were hurt and deserve better.
and hopefully things do work out with Stolas and Blitz, but Stolas should get slap over the head for making Blitz feel really bad at Ozzie's.
in theory, Adam could come back as a Sinner type Fallen Angel, but we will have to wait and see what the future seasons of Hazbin Hotel will bring.
and maybe like Charlie, Octavia will learn a bit more of how hurt her Dad Stolas has been, even before Octavia was born.
to Stolas, Octavia was the one good thing that came from his marriage to Stella, and he probably wouldn't change a thing if he had to do it all again.
even if Cain's Bio-Dad is like also technically my Grandpa too, but the Adam from our universe is also biologically my Grandpa but through Seth's side.
but Adam can be considered the true father of Cain, because despite the messed up stuff between Cain and Abel (which I'm still gonna view both Cain and Abel both being victims but also both of them still being in the wrong...) but Adam had possibly still loved Cain, and he is Cain's True Father, even if they aren't biologically related.
of course in Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss AU Fanon Timeline, if Adam turns into Eve every once in a while, and well that would mean that both Cain and Adam are biologically related.
even if it ends up not becoming canon and being one of those times when a fan accidentally predicting future canon events, like in Chapter 2 of Deltarune, with Kris eating the whole pie, and Darkners becoming items in the light world and turning to stone statues in different dark worlds...Best Accidental Fan Predictions Ever.
even if it does turn out Adam and Eve in Hazbin Hotel, not being one in the same and Adam not only having to be The Father of Humanity, but also the Mother of Humanity as well...
and it does turn out not to be one of those Accidental Fan Predictions, still gonna love the concept. :)
Stolas might of been hurt after what happen at Ozzie's, but he can't just act like he didn't do anything wrong either...
he hurt Blitz, even if Verosika, Ozzie and Fizz ended up hurting him words, Stolas hiding his face with the Menu had probably cut Blitz deeply in a emotional way.
and it's no wonder Blitz tried to drown his sorrows the way he did in that episode that Bee appeared in.
Bee and Bel are still gonna remind me of my childhood, always being tired and always having to go to the hospital because of seizures.
which by the way, even if my family and doctors might not agree with me, but I still think its possible the energies from both people and places that I was around, had caused my seizures and it is possible that half the time the energies would cause me to become really tired and go to sleep.
still need to post about the whole Empathic Epilepsy thing, I had been meaning to talk and post about it like maybe a month ago...?
so yeah, The Queens of Gluttony and Sloth remind me of all that...
Bee might be a hardcore party girl, but she could see and possibly feel how badly Blitz was doing and him not being okay.
and if she knew what happen at Ozzie's, who knows if she would get on Stolas, Fizz and Ozzie's cases about it, well them and also Verosika's as well.
and if Bee ever went to The Hazbin Hotel, and if Adam was there as a Sinner, she could probably feel the really bad feelings coming from him, that has to do with the hurt from what Lilith did to him.
there could be a reason why Bee couldn't feel the negative vibes coming from Loona, but could possibly feel it from Blitz and Adam.
Loona likely keeps a better barrier up of her really bad negative emotions.
also the stuff that happens in the Pilot of Helluva Boss, even if it isn't canon the other episodes, but we could view it as Semi-Canon.
that the Pilot episode of Helluva Boss, takes place in a Alternate Timeline.
so even if it does turn out the Loona from that Alternate Timeline, lied about Eddie being the target, the Loona from the other timeline who ended up getting a crush on Vortex, probably wouldn't stoop that low.
yeah, the kid was a brat and him being the way he is might have to do with his terrible parents who wouldn't just be Gray-Parents but more like Toxic-Parents.
and even if it did turn out the Pilot takes place in a Alternate Timeline, it could be possible the Eddie from the timeline we follow now, is probably very much alive unlike his counterpart from the Pilot Alternate Timeline.
the pilot from Hazbin Hotel, is likely still canon to the first season of Hazbin Hotel.
it could turn out it is only The Helluva Boss's Pilot, that is not fully canon but only Semi-Canon and takes place in a Alternate Timeline.
even if Adam, Lucifer, Blitz and Stolas became hot messes but maybe things will get more better for them.
I mean if Adam does come back as a Sinner, but the likely hood of that happening is possibly very slim.
Adam possibly needs a hug and being told that the reason why he became a worse version of himself, is because he was badly hurt by Lilith and Lucifer, and they were too high on their horses to see the damage they were causing.
I can't really bring myself to hate him, I mean it could be possible he became so terrible later in his life, because of what Charlie's Parents did to him, and he hides those really bad and depressing feelings by making him seem like he is the greatest gift to women, and give off that macho-man ego.
and yeah, it sucks that my Mom was cheated on...
which I guess misremembering what I was told, it either happen when she was still pregnant with me or sometime after she had me.
but I wouldn't be surprised if he did that cheating when she was still pregnant...
also anyone one could end up having Daddy Issues, like for some it can be for both your Human and Angel Dads...
and some can have Mommy Issues as well.
also if it does turn out that Charlie's Story book, has half-truths and half-lies in it.
maybe we will find out the full story on what it was like in the garden when Lilith, Adam and Lucifer were there in the future episodes of one of the future seasons.
we just have to wait and see.
the book was likely wrote by Lilith, it makes herself seem like a tragic heroine to her daughter, when really she isn't...
at least the Lilith from our universe has a reason why she became a worse version of herself, because she wasn't given the proper space she needed after her and Adam's fight, and Adam wasn't mature enough to understand that both she and him needed space.
he was likely a immature brat who couldn't understand that couples do need space from each other at times, and those Three Angels are just as much as fault and knew better than Adam did, I mean those three angels were old enough to know better, and probably been around for a SUPER long time even more than Adam and Lilith (and later Eve) were, so they should of just let Lilith be alone until she was ready to go back to where Adam was.
trying to force her was wrong and it is not love at all, it is messed up.
but the versions of Adam and Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, play out very different but at the same time the same as the ones from our universe.
Adam from Hazbin Hotel, was possibly just curious and had this innocence about him, and any suggestion on what he wanted to do got taken the wrong way by Lilith, who only saw him being bossy to her and trying to order her around when in theory, he wasn't.
she likely twisted the truth in that book she made for Charlie, in what she believed to be true, that Adam was demanding control...but that could only be what Lilith believed and she ends up twisting the truth in her favor to get Charlie to see Adam as having always been the "bad guy" but really he wasn't, he became that way because "The First B**th" and Lucifer, had hurt him and he became like The Marianne (from Strange Magic Movie) of Hazbin Hotel.
not everyone has to take this theory and thoughts the wrong way, the chance of it turning out to be true and canon is possibly very small chance....
I'm still gonna view Charlie's Mom by the nickname The First B**th.
Stolas and Blitz might still have a chance together, and Stolas may have time to tell Blitz he's sorry and not play the victim when he is partly the reason Blitz became so hurt at Ozzie's, not just Fizz, Ozzie and Mayday.....but Stolas himself also had hurt him.
even some fans could see that, that Stolas had hurt Blitz, and it could of been hinted from how Blitz spoke about Stolas when he and Fizz were captured.
Lucifer possibly holds on to hop that Lilith will come back to him, so they could be a happy family again.
but Lucifer needs to understand, and maybe he will in the future...
that it is possible that Lilith, will NEVER get back together with him.
even if they are still married and separated, he will need to get that divorce if things aren't going to go back to how they were when they were once deeply in love.
even if RadioApple might not become Romantically Canon, but some could view the whole Alastor x Lucifer as the highest favorite ship possibly, even if I still like the whole idea of Lucifer being ship with Angel's Dad...which someone is to blame for that. XD
also in theory, if Lucifer from our universe did have a Twin Flame...
she is possibly "Gone".....like Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz, like she may have pulled a Rose Quartz, even before Steven Universe.
not everyone has to agree on tat theory, but it could be a possibility.
if Adam does come back in the future as a Sinner Fallen Angels, the chances of it are pretty small, but we will have to wait and see.
and if it does happen, maybe someone at the hotel will get through to him and make him open up about the bottle up feelings that has to do with how badly Lilith and Lucifer, and possibly Eve (if Adam and Eve aren't one in the same) had hurt him.
Eve is possibly a even more sensitive topic for Adam, and Lucifer might of not understood how badly he hurt Adam.
even if we are suppose to see Adam as some Macho Jerk, but it could be possibly he didn't start out that way, he only became a worse version of himself because he was deeply emotionally hurt.
and I know that not all fans will agree about that, and it being possible that only half of the fans will agree on that possibly being true.
Adam and Lucifer (and possibly Alastor) were hurt by Lilith.
and Stolas was in a loveless arranged marriage that he tried to make work, to give his daughter a normal life.
but it was never good enough for Stella, who had to rub it in his face that they hadn't divorced.
even if Stella was hurt, but did she truly love Stolas...?
well maybe in a Fanon AU timeline she would of, and been a more nicer version of herself, and in some alternate timelines she is Stolas's Girl-Buddy and Wife, and their wedding was more of a Lavender Wedding, and her being more of a Pife.
Pife being short for Pal-Wife, and Budband being short for Bud or Buddy Husband.
we wont know if what we assume about Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, will turn out to be true...but a part of myself and maybe others, hope we are wrong.
that she isn't as heartless as she seems, and maybe a part of her still loves Lucifer and Charlie...but the likely of her not fully caring about them, and it possibly been Roo who had to shapeshift and take her form because she fell in love with Lucifer and had formed a motherly love for Charlie, like you know Roo being the Maleficent and Charlie being the Aurora from The First and Second Maleficent Movies.
we don't know if Stella did truly love Stolas, or was just in it for the power and title, or like she only acts like it was only for the power and title and she hides the fact she did love him...
but he couldn't truly be in love with her, despite how he did tried to make the family and life they made together work.
how Stella treated him was likely one of the reasons Stolas gave into his feelings for Blitz, I mean possibly...
I do have a theory about Blitz I will talk about after this post of course.
anyway even if some think Adam doesn't deserve to be given another chance, and well maybe he does and maybe he doesn't.
but it doesn't change the fact about him possibly hiding some pretty bad emotional pain and him probably secretly hating himself.
Blitz likely hates himself too, as it was implied in a episode.
and it doesn't help that both family and friends made him feel that way.
Fizz and Blitz rekindling their friendship, is one step in the healing that Blitz needs.
Adam, Lucifer, Blitz and Stolas would need some type of healing, maybe we will see it in the future.
I mean not sure if Adam will come back as a Sinner, but if he did, that man needs a hug and sit down and watch Strange Magic, and maybe some Steven Universe. XD
okay him watching Strange Magic and Steven Universe, would be like Fanon...but hope some can get what I'm trying to imply.
he needs to watch some shows and movies that reflect his deep hurt feelings he bottles up.
and even if not all fans like Steven Universe Future, but I and some do, and well we can relate a bit with Steven, and possibly a few other characters that have been hurt and ended up with some depressing feelings.
lucky I'm not having one of those depressing feeling days now. :D
I'm still gonna view that Greg was a spoiled brat who didn't have the full story, and his parents (Steven's Grandparents) likely wanted him to learn self-defense to stay safe, and likely gave him curfews because their neighborhood use to be really unsafe, and he was possibly given meatloaf for a reason.
and it could be possible that Greg couldn't understand that his parents either one of them or both, may of not been able to handle very loud sounds coming to the music he listens to and had the volume up really high to the point where it became painful for them, and the reason why they didn't let him have any music was because he was irresponsible with the volume that was causing one or both of his parents pain, and they likely couldn't afford certain things that Greg wanted, and he viewed it as them just being unfair.
sometimes there are more sides to the story, and maybe Greg wouldn't of thought so terribly about his parents, if his parents had sit him down and talk to him and explained to him a bit better about why they made him take up wrestling and have a curfews and even chaperons, because it was for his own safety. and the reason why he couldn't have music, because he wouldn't listen to them about turning the volume down because the high volume he puts it on ends up hurting one or both his parents, causing them great pain.
and him getting meatloaf, could have to do with iron or something else...who knows, maybe it was to help with giving him the proper diet...?
by the way I tried the guacamole on the meatloaf, and strangely enough.......I ended up liking it. XD
guess that is another thing that makes me super weird.
if it does turn out that Steven Universe is coming back, maybe like on a Adult Swim, I can't wait to see it.
still gonna view Sans being the future self of Steven Quartz Universe.
it doesn't help the image I saw with Steven wearing a blue jacket, reminds me of that theory that Sans and Steven are possibly one in the same.
Adam, Lucifer and Stolas deserve better than how Stella and Lilith treated them...
and Blitz deserves better as well, and hopefully both he and Stolas do work things out, and we will have to wait and see if they will work things out, and Stolas will stop and realize that he had hurt Blitz, not just Fizz, Ozzie and Mayday...
but we will need to wait and see if that realization will happen in the future or not, but hopefully things will work out for Blitz & Stolas.
is it weird to view Adam as not just as Spinel, but also the Pink-Pearl and as for Lucifer, he is like Pearl of the Crystal Gems.
Lucifer might not see how badly Lilith had hurt Adam, so picture in some Fanon Timeline of Hazbin Hotel AU.
Charlie is the Steven, and those two are The Pearls, and they end up fusing.
it's fine that not everyone views Adam being like Spinel & Pink-Pearl, and Lucifer being like Pearl of The Crystal Gems.
I'm weird okay, and those thoughts and views are likely gonna be a part of my weirdness. XD
it be nice if my Dad didn't sleep with another woman when he was still married to my Mom, and there is that whole possibility he could of well did that, even before my Mom finally gave birth to me...
it does also suck to know that my older brother was cheated on as well, but even if they are no longer together...but maybe I wont go too deep into that right now.
we can only make some guesses and theories about what could happen in both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, and it's fine if some theories end up getting debunked, plus the theories that do get debunked can still work in a Alternate Timeline way in the Fanon.
so hopefully Lilith being a terrible person, wont be true but we know that we have to wait and see if it is true or not.
like a part of you hopes that Lilith isn't a terrible person, who had purposely hurt Adam and Lucifer, and makes herself out to be a tragic heroine to her daughter who doesn't see her for the person she truly is and views her Mom as a wonderful and loving queen when really she possibly isn't.
Octavia is likely the same way, she possibly views her Mom as being the full victim, and she still loves both her parents.
but she can't see that there was always a problem between Stolas and Stella, that has been going on even before the affair.
but maybe Octavia will learn more about it in the future, maybe.
we can only hope that Octavia gets a even more better understanding of her Dad, and how bad it was for him being married to Stella, for all we know, Octavia just thought her parents had always been happy and in love but they hide their true feelings from her until the affair that Stolas and Blitz had, had made both Stolas and Stella a bit more open in front of Octavia on how bad their marriage truly was.
both Octavia and Charlie, were likely protect by both their Fathers: Stolas and Lucifer from a very cold and hurtful truth about their Mothers: Stella and Lilith...
but as much as Stolas and Lucifer love their daughters, they can't hide them from the truth forever.
just as much as Adam can't hide from his own hurt feelings forever.
if Lute, Blitz and Alastor had to sing a song together to Adam, Stolas and Lucifer...
it would be "Treat You Better" by Shawn Mendes.
some might get why that song, but it's okay not everyone agrees.
but Adam, Lucifer, Stolas and Blitz (from Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss) still deserve better and to be loved.
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frracturedjaw · 1 year
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I really don't care if it's smut or fluff I just love him !!!!!
warning(s): 🍋, description of s.x acts - reader is gender neutral, no described anatomy aside from Billy’s.
a/n: no plot because that’s not what you’re here for anyways 🥴 the ending kind of sucks but it’s been sitting in drafts for so long it’s not getting better than this. also thank u for the kind ask
🔞i check the notes. minors don’t read & don’t interact.
your hand raises up, away from his body again. he keeps arching up off the bed, chasing your grip. you can see him watching the string of saliva between your fingertips and his cock. greedy billy.
“f-f-f, please!” he stammers with a huff, dropping back down against the mattress. he buries his face in his arms and grips his hair, cock pulsing against his belly. he looks pitiful. he looks beautiful.
“not until you start following the rules.” you reply flatly, pretending to inspect your fingernails. he writhes incessantly beside you.
“mmhgh…” it’s as close to a growl as he’ll get in this state. you indulge him by stroking his thigh, warm hand gliding over shifting muscle and dark hair.
“i know,” you condescend. he’s peeking up at you past his eyelashes, caught somewhere between petulance and discomfort. “let’s try again.”
he stills almost immediately, arms dropping down beside his head. the noise he makes when you touch him is downright obscene. but, to his credit, his hips don’t move. even when you tighten the circle of your fingers around the base of his cock and lean forward to lave your tongue over the tip, he’s stone-still. if you peek up at him, you can see the strain in his jaw. your hot breath fans across his skin and he swallows visibly.
“p-f… f…” a request tangles in his mouth. you sit back up to meet his pleading eyes with a languid smile.
“what is it, billy?” you feel him throb in your hand as you say his name.
“fas-faster, pleas-se… sss…” he wheezes out. you can see the fluttering beat of his heart in his chest.
“only if you can behave,” you warn, swiping up and down with your thumb. “do you think you can do that?”
his hair falls across his face as he vigorously nods, and he makes no move to correct it. you find yourself enjoying how disheveled he looks.
“if you say so, baby.”
billy moans long and loud when your lips press down over the head of his cock. his hands curl against the bedsheets, searching blindly for something to grip. desperately trying to keep himself from grabbing handfuls of your hair and pushing your throat down around his cock, all warm and wet and tight and perfect. just the thought makes him harder, if it’s even possible. it feels like all the blood in his body has gone to his dick, leaving his brain to short-circuit.
“y-yess, yes-s… fffUck…! you’resof-fucking-g-good, p-pleas-se don’tdon’tdon’t st-top…” he can’t help but kick, curl his leg, point his toes. his hands cover his face on instinct. he’s so restless that his skin may as well be leaping off his body.
billy’s reaction only fuels your confidence. you work with excruciating patience. hands braced on his body, you sink your mouth down the length of his cock, using your tongue to follow along his broad veins. you let saliva drip past your lower lip and slide down his skin. you suck hard as you pull back up, already tasting his precum. feeling him twitch against your tongue makes your insides coil deliciously. you slip the tip of your tongue across the slit of his dick, making him writhe and squeal. you satiate him with a few quick bobs of your head.
“n-n, yes-s… yesyesyes, ple-please, more, i wannaget-t sso…!” he mewls, wiping drool from his own mouth. you release his dick with a lewd pop, grinning up at his flushed face.
“what was that?”
“n-nhh… nothing-ing.” he pants, still keeping an iron grip on the bedsheets. your raised eyebrow is enough incentive for him to continue. “m-w… wannagetinside y-ou… p-please…”
“oh, really?” you smirk. “i’m not convinced you really want it that badly.”
“pr… r…” he’s interrupted as you take his cock in your fist while he speaks. “prettYPLEASE…! pl-lease! prettyprettyplease? b-billy’s been s’good-d for you…”
“hmm,” you tilt your head in thought. “i suppose. alright, then.”
you lean away from him for a moment to grab the lube, and you can feel his shameless stare as you squeeze a liberal amount onto your palm. most of it is for him. he shudders when you smear the cool fluid over his cock, eliciting another lovely moan. you can feel him practically vibrating in excitement. you settle on one knee over him, spreading the remainder of the lube onto your hole. he’s panting, and you can see his tongue swipe across his teeth as you work two fingers into yourself. his cock twitches incessantly against his stomach. an impatient groan slips out of him. “if you’re going to act like that, i can get up and find something in the toy drawer.”
“n-no-! pleaseplease, m’sorry, billy’s s-sorry, so so s—“ you don’t give him the opportunity to finish.
“i don’t care that you’re sorry. open your mouth.” he does so almost instantly, and you push his briefs between his teeth. his eyes narrow with a muffled giggle. you tease yourself with the tip of his dick, making him breathe heavily through his nose. you can tell he’s on the edge of breaking. you’ve been teasing him for almost an hour and he’s been remarkably well-behaved, given how strict you’ve kept the rules. he’s more than earned his reward.
the noise that comes from billy is guttural. you half expect him to cum right then and there as you take the first inch or so. for all the grief you give him for misbehaving, you’ve never had a dick as good as his. you feel him pulsing as you slide down to meet his hips. he’s warm and his skin is soft and you decide that once, just once, you’d like to let him take everything he wants.
you lean down to lay against his chest, yanking the underwear from his mouth and tossing it aside. your face fits perfectly against his neck as you bring your lips close to his ear.
“go on, billy. fuck me.”
he doesn’t hesitate, locking his arms around your waist. you press yourself against him as he grinds into you as deep as he can go. you can feel him searching for that spot, the one that makes you squeal without thinking. you keen when he finds it, your legs twining around his.
billy’s pace is brutal. he’s always insistent that you cum before him, but with how close you’ve gotten him tonight, he won’t wait long.
his cock slides in and out of you deliciously, thick enough to make you gasp when he bottoms out inside you. he fucks fast and hard, a steady stream of filth spilling from his lips as he does. you reach down to touch yourself, and feel his smile against your skin.
“m-my sweetlittlepiggy can’t-t even cont-control-l… n-need billy’s cock sososo fuckin’ ba-ad… n-eedy little slut, y-you are… m… my… billy’s f-fuckk toy…!”
your only response is a breathy ‘mhm’ as he rails into you, hitting that spot again and again. your skin lights up when he bites your neck, sucking a hickey into your skin. he thrusts harder. your hand moves faster. the coil tightens, then bursts.
he spills inside you as your hole squeezes down on him and you cum with a shared sigh. he releases from your neck, still rocking his hips into you. you know he’d stay like this for hours if you let him, his cum slowly oozing out in thick dribbles and sliding down your legs. messy billy.
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unikuukissa · 4 months
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-I may have gotten a bit wild with the opportunities this cosplay gives me-
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insanityofbones · 8 months
The way I want to finger her until she's begging to cum, and I let her, and then I have to clean her myself with my tongue all the way in her. God. The way I want to fuck her brains out on another level. Especially when she sits on my face.
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the-cosmic-cowbo-y · 3 months
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(I hope I don't get banned for this X'D)
The reference is the cover for the video on YouTube “Poison”
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offul-83 · 1 year
Barnaby but he's evil
Tryhard horror redesign by me (all jokes aside I'm really proud of this!)
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Edited with polish
Song referenced is feathers by Man Man
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