#not the other way around
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after you die for the cause that you were born for
how will you be remembered?
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specialagentartemis · 8 months
deeply tired reminder that the proverb “blood is thicker than water” has been used in the English language since the 1600s, and its ultimate origins may be from the 1100s; the longer version that tumblr likes, “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb,” is first attested in a book from the 1990s by a “Messianic Rabbi” with no sources. It’s literally prefaced by “Warning: The truths contained in the following teaching are not for the faint of heart, or the lukewarm! You can be sure that haSatan (the adversary) will do all he can to keep you from understanding and applying the concepts and truths contained herein”. The whole covenant framing is being used here to justify a “Jews for Jesus” interpretation of Judaism. It’s not “original” in any sense. The idea of blood covenants is a very old one, but there's no evidence that that's what that proverb refers to at all, and certainly not in those specific words (and this guy never even claimed that the specific words were original, just the sense of them). And the Brothers Grimm even suggested the "water" being referred to in the phrase was the water of baptism.
You are not obligated to like the sentiment expressed by “blood is thicker than water.” You don’t have to agree with proverbs. You are perfectly allowed to like the sentiment of “ the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb” better. But it is not in any way “authentic” or the “real” version, and it was not corrupted into the common version. Please.
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neoperks · 4 months
Billy update
So yesterday when I was giving the ducks some treats, I noticed something pretty spectacular. Billy is transitioning to male! I knew this could happen in chickens (it happened to one of our hens) but when Billy grew a drake feather a few months ago I didn’t really think much of it until yesterday. When she came up to me to eat I noticed her chest is turning a bright copper color, just like a male mallards. So she’s now got 2 male characteristics! Apparently they will eventually get green heads as well so I’ll have to keep an eye out for that. Here’s some pictures below of what Billy looks like currently vs what she looked like before (light brown) if you have not seen her:
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codecicle · 4 months
there's too many people here I've gotta start getting weirder. survival of the fittest
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chicademartinica · 10 months
Fam how can yall even ask me if Sailom is still nominated for the “Pimp by blood not relations” award this week ??!!! These drunk sickos beating on him for fun (they did bot have orders and just wanted to hurt someone because they are what ? Bullies.)don’t count ! He should be nominated twice !
Look at my boy ?! The Bad buddy elevator callback but PIMPED OUT
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Just calling him dumb
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And the grand finale, yes Kang threw money at him like a stripper but Sailom slapped him SO HARD ?!! And could have beat his ass ! Kang is lucky Sail has bigger fish to fry.
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
My biggest pet peeve with Spamton x Readers is how nice they make Spamton. Kris was literally helping him ascend and that bastard still took time to try to scam them.
You’d invite him over to care for him and he’d break half ur shit with no remorse. He’d down play it and maybe give you a miniton or bow tie as compensation. Like have him be sleazy and rude and confused by your kindness, not cause he’s overwhelmed, cause he thinks ur conning him somehow and he wants to make you regret the attempt.
Please keep him garbage for a little longer.
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xy75 · 12 days
starting to realize more and more my submission is a gift i should be very careful and selective with who i give it to
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certifiablyinsanez · 7 months
The GO fandom has spoken and apparently we’re all in agreement that we need the following:
1. Sensual wing touching.
2. Snek Crowley.
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miaisagirllover · 9 months
it's all about "let people have their headcanons" until bisexual mike wheeler enters the room
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dykish-autist · 1 year
Kind of losing my mind about Patroclus and Achilles again.
Like. For personal reasons and also Autism, I've done a Lot of reading on the Trojan War. And a Lot of ppl mention, as part of the Tragedy of Achilles' story, that he's The Only major player (read: named and significant character in the greek army) that Didn't Have To Be There.
And like, I Know why people highlight this. Firstly it's Technically Accurate; Achilles is the only General mentioned who was not honor bound by the pact/treaty to defend Helen's marriage to be involved in the war, instead convinced to join by Odysseus' argument of a short life coming with a near immortal legacy. Secondly, there's something so irresistibly poetic about Achilles' significant point of Agency being the thing that gets him Doomed By The Narrative. Literature ppl go nuts for that kinda shit. I get it.
But like. You know who Also Definitely had a choice that Wasn't a Choice, who willingly doomed himself, not for his own legacy, but for the legacy of the one whom he loved most? Who gets barely a footnote in the narrative that doomed him? PATROCLUS.
I feel so insane because like. He's the reason anyone Remembers Achilles, right? The reason he rejoined the fight. He's the most important character in a story he's barely mentioned in. And all he asked in return was that they be buried together. That their legacies be forever intertwined. But all Achilles wants is to hold him again. I'm losing my mind here just. No one gets it. Don't talk to me.
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soratsuart · 11 months
Gotta love that Cassie had the same effect as Gregory in which I thought she'd be a sweet and determined girl trying to find her friend in a scary place only to have her be sassy and done with everyone's shit, and also, that's HER mask now, thank you very much
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tomathi · 10 months
the most important characteristic of a good teacher is the ability to vividly remember what it feels like to have no fucking clue what you're doing
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orpheuslookingback · 2 months
lower decks is ending next season nooooooo
i know 5 seasons is like a respectable run but even so!! im gonna miss it a lot. plus i just want to have a trek show around thats set in the more recent trek era and where a good chunk of the main cast arent characters from older shows. i love SNW but i want more new people and i want to see more of whats going on post the canon of the older shows
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notjahrethh · 11 months
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sharkface · 2 months
so what then its ok that paw patrol exists? is this just a way of saying "let people enjoy things" for you orrrrr
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holyghostflo · 11 months
hey so i did another Littlest Pet Shop Thing
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Blythe Baxter because she had some actually nice looking outfits in the show sometimes
and Russell Ferguson because he's my favorite.
Enjoy! <3
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