#nym's posts
offonaherosjourney · 2 days
"Why is Hypnos the only child of Nyx that escaped the House of Hades in Hades 2?"
Have you seen how many kids Nyx has?? Hypnos sleeps most of the time so she clearly had a favorite
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lesbonym · 3 months
Foreplay but it's just tying you down and gagging you, so you have to listen to all my compliments without denying them. It's so pretty how wet you are.
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rottinnymph · 1 year
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domestic tntduo you say?
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artpepkin · 3 months
Hi Nym. I just saw you and you look so cute and adorable. 😊
I wanted to ask who are you like where are you from? Which AU.
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Tsk tsk, you wouldn't want to rush the secrets! Would you?
Nym belongs to me
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silver-horse · 8 months
this reddit thread pisses me off so much tbh... as a bisexual woman who has used dating apps and done hook-ups, this is so fucking typical of men's mentality.
here in this reddit threat we have a guy complaining that he walked up to prostitutes in a brothel! he clicked on the option to have sex with them!! and then his girlfriend, shadowheart was actually enthusiastic and agreed!!! he is pissed because when that happened, it wasn't just him fucking whoever he wants while his girlfriend watches. instead she was also allowed to fuck others. In fact she fucked other men. oh gasp! the audacity. am I right??
then again 95% of bg3 gives them the option for one-sided arrangements. where their companions never touch anyone ever. but they can start multiple romances. and they can also hook up with the emperor, mizora, haarlep etc. all while the love interest is completely only devoted to them. larian fucked up here quite frankly...
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wildstar25 · 3 months
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MiqoMarch Day 10 - Free Day
AU Jobs pt.2: SCHOLAR Just before setting out to Limsa Lominsa, Arsay's guardian -a lalafel named Emrara Emra- would gift her not only Arsay's now treasured ribbon, but an heirloom of great import. A blue stone that had been passed down in Emrara's family for generations with a strange symbol caved into its face. Supposedly it came from a time where three powerful schools of magic began to clash for reasons unknown. Little did Arsay know how useful that stone would be on her adventures, or that it would lead her to uncover mysteries around the very same same city her guardian always dreamed of finding.
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shieldofmen · 1 year
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Mm yes a casual stroll through the Riverlands anyone?
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unreadpoppy · 3 months
Hi darling. Can I ask for soft Raphael? To help you a little I am giving you few prompts. You can use only one and if you are brave enough all of them :) *pearl necklace *bow - tie *swan
Hi anon, thanks for the request! I ended up only doing one of the prompts kkkk. This fic was very much inspired by @reallyhatethiswebsite fic, ‘Creature Comforts’ (go read it, it’s amazing!) and I took the concept of a Tav who’s a sex worker at Sharess Caress and Raphael’s favorite. Warning for the usage of the word “whore”. Hope you liked it!
Pearls - Raphael x Fem!Tav
That peacefulness was cut short when Tav felt someone shaking her awake. Still with her eyes closed, she turned around, ignoring whoever it was. Then, the sheets which she covered herself with were ripped off of her, prompting Tav to finally open her eyes, being met with Nym’s gray ones. Sitting on the bed, she asked “What do you want?”
The drow crossed her arms. “There’s a client waiting for you.”
Her eyes widened. “But it’s my day off! Can’t you attend to whoever it is?”
Nym shook her head. “He asked specifically for you. Mamzell tried to change his mind but he paid good coin.”
“Ugh.” Tav rolled her eyes, stretching her arms and putting her feet on the floor. Before getting up, she asked “Do you at least know who’s the bastard that ruined my sleep?”
The drow raised a brow. “Who else but that devil.” She smirked. “He seems quite smitten with you.” She teased as Tav quickly put on a simple, beige dress. “Considering how often he comes here, one might even say it’s love.”
Tav stood in front of the mirror, trying to make her hair look presentable. Her eyes met Nym’s in the mirror, and she raised one brow, skeptically. “He’s a devil. I doubt he even knows what love is.” She turned to look at the drow. “And if he was in love, he’d be a fool.”
“And what about you?” Nym asked, walking closer to Tav. “How do you feel about him?”
She contemplated her answer for a moment, gathering her thoughts. In truth, she quite liked him, as he was one of the few clients who treated her with respect. He would converse with her, long after her services were done, asking her about things beyond her work. He’d gift her with books and then discuss with her about it, complimenting Tav on her mind, saying ‘You are far more than just a body or a pretty face, dear. If none else can see to that, they are not worthy of your presence.’
It also helped that the devil was quite easy on the eye. Tav smiled. Maybe, if he wasn’t who he was and she didn’t have the work she had, there could be a chance to pursue those feelings, let them bloom.
Alas, Tav was still a whore and Raphael was still a devil, and so, she told Nym “He pays me well. That’s all I need to care about.” Grabbing a nearby shawl, she wrapped it around her shoulders, and left the room.
She remembered her mother’s words, uttered once when she was a child but that haunted her since.
There is no such a thing as love for people like us.
With that in mind, she made her way to the Devil’s Den, knocking on it twice before the doors were opened. Raphael stood in the middle of the room, hands behind his back, a smirk forming on his face as she walked in.
“My, my, finally you decide to arrive. Any longer and my feet would become rooted to the ground.”
Tav raised a brow, holding her shawl closer. “Well, it’s what you get for bothering me on my day off.”
“Ah yes, that. Mamzell tried to tell me off, but as you well know -“ He took a step towards her “I always get what I want. One way or another.”
Tav took in a deep breath. Raphael was close enough that she could smell his cologne - cherries with a hint of musk, overwhelming the smell of sulphur that fiends were known for. She looked at him, into his deep brown eyes, trying to take a read on him. He didn’t look like he was there for carnal pleasures, but Tav couldn’t tell his true intentions.
“And what do you want, Raphael? What was so important that you demanded I come see you?”
The devil smiled, taking a step back. “Do not worry, my appearance here is only momentary. In an instant, you shall be free to enjoy the rest of your day off.”
Tav huffed, crossing her arms, as Raphael walked around, giving a little speech.
“I have grown fond of you, you know? In my own way. And I kept thinking, how can I express my gratitude for all the time you have so graciously spent in my presence?”
With a flick of his wrist, a small, wooden, rectangular box appeared in his hand. Tav stepped closer, noticing carved inscriptions along the sides and on the lid, recognizing the language as infernal. She traced the words with her fingers, impressed by the fine work.
“Open it.” Raphael demanded in a soft tone. She did and inside, there was a pearl necklace.
“Raphael, I-“ Tav gasped at the sight, almost scared to touch it. The necklace seemed expensive, probably worth more than what Tav had ever earned.
“Do you like it?”
“I-it- it’s lovely.” ‘But I don’t think I should have it’ she finished the sentence in her mind. Tav had only ever seen the ladies of the Upper City wearing this sort of jewelry, doubting that a whore such as herself, who bedded devils, would be worthy of wearing it. However, she knew better than refuse such a gift. “Thank you.”
Raphael smiled. “I want to see it on you.” He grabbed the necklace, leaving the box on a nearby table. He moved behind Tav, his hands appearing in front of her, holding the adornment against her neck and clasping it on the back.
The pearls were snug against her neck and collarbone, not a tight fit but not too loose. She walked towards the pool, looking at her reflection.
“It’s beautiful.” Tav said, admiring the way the necklace looked on her.
Raphael appeared behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “You’re beautiful.” He whispered, and Tav almost didn’t catch it. She felt his lips on her shoulder blade, and she could feel the blood rushing towards her cheeks.
Inhaling, Tav turned to look at him. “Thank you, again. It is a most precious gift.”
Raphael nodded. “I do not know when will we see each other again, as I have business to attend elsewhere and it might take long.” He sighed. “I hope you’ll see this token of my affection and remember me.”
“I will.” Tav moved forward and pressed a small kiss to his cheek, before walking towards the door.
Raphael smirked. “Tav.”
She turned to look at him. “Yes?”
“I want to see you wearing it when I return.” She smiled, nodded and Raphael snapped his fingers, leaving in a circle of smoke and fire.
Tav left the Devil’s Den, trying to contain a smile from forming on her face.
‘Maybe I’m the fool.’
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crimsoncrim · 2 months
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quick lovecore match icon set with a friend <3
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offonaherosjourney · 10 months
Last night I dreamed that someone invented a new version of chess called Rookmeo and Juliet where two rooks are in love and trying to run away together. To achieve this they have to make it to the other side of the board, but these rooks don't have any visible signs to differenciate them from the rest, just a small mark in their base. Neither of the players knows what rook from the other side is in love with their rook, so they have to play a regular game of chess, fully aware that they might unknowingly kill the lover of their rook. If they kill it, the game keeps going, but their rook betrays them, switches sides and turns into a second queen for the other player. People wrote a ton of essays about the symbolism and metaphors of that version of chess and the creator didn't have the heart to tell them that he simply invented it because he thought Rookmeo was a great pun
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elgaladwen · 4 months
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Friends, companions, Tav, NPCs, enemies, lovers, three angry druids, etc.
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stuffthatsrandomish · 8 months
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Quackity being next to Ranboo is just hilarious lol, to be fair Ranboo is taller than Wilbur soooo
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rottinnymph · 1 year
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more trans egg kids bc i heard Leo's genderfluid :0 ????
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lesbonym · 7 days
★ About to shower. I need some company >:3
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poelya · 1 month
i rewatched episode five of moon knight again yesterday, and one thing that finally struck me for the first time is that in the flashback to when marc becomes moon knight, he only begins to genuinely mull over khonshu's offer when he says "do you promise to protect the travelers of the night, and would you bring vengeance to those who would do them harm"
and it's here that you can see something shift on marc's face, and he looks down at his hands covered in blood and sand, and it's like you can see the idea forming. he just failed to protect those who khonshu would consider to be travelers of the night, he was willing to die for them - almost did, and the man who did it got away.
so now either marc can die, or he can accept this offer, and maybe bring vengeance for all the people he just failed to save.
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the-force-awakens · 9 months
"fandom is dying" is it? or is it already dead? like i don't know about you but i don't see anyone making things anymore. or if they do, they quickly tire and burn out and can't have fun with it anymore and use it as an escape, because they're stuck in a place of constant comparison: there is a certain kind of "content" (a word that makes me gag) that the new wave of 'fandom' is interested in, and that's whatever is trendy the second it's trendy for gifsets, or anything explicit for fanfiction writing. and then you also have how fanartists are treated: fic writers being compared to one another, being talked down to for how their stories ended, being run off tumblr and ao3 to the point they don't write for something that was so special for them anymore. gifmakers bust their ass making things just to have their creations stolen, get no appreciation and shares, and often have to deal with a constant stream of negativity on their sets.
the new wave of fandom just cares about what's currently trending and unsexy sex and it's so so tiring.
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