#obx story
d0llfaac3 · 1 month
If totally psycho why sexy??
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drewsephrry · 2 months
kook besties with the big 3
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inspo creds to the lovely @erwinsvow
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winterrrnight · 4 months
idk if this counts as a moodboard but bf!rafe on gf’s camera roll?
hii <3 thank you for your request! :) I made a little Instagram story version of this <3
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lmao i hope this is good! send me any of your moodboard requests for rafe/drew/zach !
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seriesxwriting · 1 year
Give us a chance
W Rafe Cameron
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Series- outer banks!
Summary- He’s been ignoring you lately? But now you and Rafe get stranded in the middle of the sea. Just you two. Alone. You can’t both hide your feelings foreverrr.
Warnings- swearing, kissing, Rafe saving your character from boys taking advantage.
(No season three spoilers in this)
Request are open for all and anything🫶
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“Are you serious right now” Rafe stormed over to me pulling me away from some guys lap. I don’t even know who he was but- alcohol makes you do stupid things. “Rafe- get off me” I giggled pushing him away from me. “Are you serious y/n” “what are you moaning about now” my eyes rolled as my arms folded. I tried to look at him but my eyes began falling shut.
“Your fucking hammered- you can barely stand up” he stepped over catching me with one arm around my waist. “That’s because you dragged me up from my seat too fast” I raised my eyebrows at him. “I’m taking you home” “Rafe no! I’m havi- having fun” I shook my head trying to pull back.
“Y/n!” “Why! Why are you taking me home why are you looking out for me- you do it all the time I see you watching me at parties, you’ve been watching me all night here” I frowned raising my voice slightly. “Because we’re friends” he frowned stepping close to me again.
“We were friends!” I scoffed, turning away from him as my eyes filled up with tears. “Before you so randomly started blowing me off and ignoring me- I’m not leaving with you unless you tell me why”. Rafe stared at me blankly before bringing his hand up to rub the side of his head. “Fine we will talk but on the way home” he bargained with me throwing me a stern look.
I gazed around at the rest of the party on the little near by island we had found. “Fine- how did you get here” “my boat” Rafe nodded his head towards it. “Come on- on then” I stirred spinning around a bit too fast, as I took my first step my legs began to wobble. Rafe lifted me in one Swift move, holding me in his arms walking to the boat.
“Unnecessary” I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck, kind of liking being up here. He stoped at the steps of his grand yacht to look down at me with his baby blue eyes. Holding the eye contact. Hot. How easy it would be to lift my head up right now.
“C-can you climb up?” Rafe shook his head tearing away from me. “Yes- yeah” I nodded gripping the ladder as rafe put me down on land. We both climbed up and went to sit in the wheelhouse. “I’m going to make you a coffee first- sober you up” “are you just delaying your answer?” I curled up in a ball on the sofa removing my shoes. Rafe looked at me with a knowing look and smiled before disappearing.
The music was fading when Rafe closed the door, the sounds of the party drowned out while I waited for him to return. He took about ten minutes before coming back with a blanket, slippers and a coffee in his arms for me. I smiled when I saw him, that was cute. “Five sugars?” Rafe smirked putting the cup down on the side table. “You remembered?”.
“How could I forget that, I’ve never met anyone else that takes five sugars” he chuckled, laying the slippers on the floor and opening the blanket for me. “Thank you Rafe” I nodded my head once. The boy kinda brushed past it, he wasn’t much of a sappy person and he couldn’t take a compliment or a thank you from anyone. Ever.
He started up the engine on the boat and slowly we started sailing away while I sipped my coffee and watched the island fade away. “So tell me” I looked over at him after a few minutes of silence. “What did I do wrong” “nothing” he replied bluntly staring into the pitch black ocean. “So what happened then? Why did you start pretending like I didn’t exist”
“We’re not doing this, I just said that so i could get you home” “I know” I answered softly. “it was worth a try” my shoulders shrugged sadly. “I also know I haven’t done anything wrong, because I’d never do anything to upset you rafe” I told him truthfully. “What ever it is you can talk to me we can sort it out- I don’t want you to stay away from me”
“That’s easier said than done, even if I wanted to I clearly couldn’t stay away from you” he told me in the exact same tone and facial expression. “Did- you want to?” I asked lowly hoping for a no. “No” Rafe turned to look at me now for the first time in this conversation. “I had to- I have to”.
“Why?” I questioned feeling full of confusion. “Why” Rafe laughed looking back into the night. “Why did you get so drunk tonight, there’s many why’s” he replied.
“I- had another argument with my parents” I told him after a few seconds looking at the floor. “That still happening?” “They want me to follow in the family business- I don’t want to, it’s never going to be solved” “well, I want to be in the family business- I feel like my dad doesn’t want me there sometimes” Rafe laughed to himself.
I looked over at him smiling at our similarities, just as I did the boat engine began to stop. Rafe frowned and hit the petrol sign on the panel like that was going to solve something. “What the fuck” he whispered to himself turning the key again and again. “Out of petrol?” “No I’ve still got half a tank- something must be caught it’s too dark to go out and see” he sighed putting his head in his hands.
“Fuck!” The boy slammed his hand into the steering wheel making me jump and spill the coffee down the blanket. “Shit- im sorry” Rafe jumped up when he noticed to grab a pack of tissues. “It’s- its okay, we just have to wait right? until the morning” “yeah” he nodded wiping the coffee off me whilst knelt down. He looked up at me and chuckled raising a hand with his thumb out.
He dragged it across my cheek wiping the splashes of coffee off me. I caught his hand when he tried taking it back. In this moment it was just me and Rafe in the world. The sounds of the sea were the only thing that could be heard. He was staring into my eyes and I did it back. I didn’t want this moment to end.
But something had to ruin it. A boat noise appeared and it sounded like someone was parking next to us. “Who’s- that?” I whispered feeling a sense of fear take over me. “Stay here” Rafe rubbed my hand with his thumb before standing up to go and see who it was. He opened the door peering down the side of the boat.
“Rafe? That you?” A voice yelled up “yeah” he called back down. “It’s just Tommy” Rafe told me when I stood up. I walked over to the side of him to see a very drunk Tommy, Daniel and Carl in the little speed boat beside us. “Y/n? What you doing here” Tommy asked loudly. “going- home” I answered.
“So Why are you guys parked in the middle of nowhere- you Two been up to something?” Carl giggled swigging the bottle again. “Nah engine is fucked we’re just waiting it out” Rafe told them taking precautions it looked like. Seeing Rafe looking at them like that made me feel kind of scared. What was he thinking, what were they up to?
The three boys started giggling and whispering to each other about something. “Tell you what, we will take y/n home, take real good care of her for you so she’s not stuck out here huh” Tommy offered up with a grin. I didn’t want to go with them something was off, but I didn’t know how to say no. I moved forward to go down the stairs but Rafe cut off my exist with his arm. Thank heaven. No thank Rafe Cameron.
“Yeah i Don’t think so” he shook his head with a smiled on the corner of his mouth. “What’s the problem Rafe? Don’t you want her safe at home” Carl laughed wiggling his eyebrows “she’s safe here, you can go now” “all kinda threats out here” “I said you can go, or are we going to have a problem? Because I promise you will lose” Rafe leant over the rail of the boat.
“It really should be the ladies decision- we could have some real fun together” Tommy smirked undressing me with his eyes. “Of course that part probably wouldn’t have been the ladies decision” carl shrugged and the three boys laughed. Rafe slammed his hand down on the pole before racing down the stairs. Tommys face dropped and he tried starting the boat up again.
Rafe reached over the side grabbing Carl by the neck. “You talk about her like that again I’ll fucking drown you” Rafe spat, as he drew his arm back to punch Tommy started the speed boat and Daniel held onto Carl. Rafe dropped him watching closely as they sped off panicking. My heart pounded against my chest and when Rafe turned around he saw it in my face.
“Your okay there gone” he told me walking back up to me. I ran down the stairs meeting him half way. I’d hugged rafe a thousand times but this time, he instigated it. His arms were open. And I hugged him tight as a tear fell onto his top. “I won’t let anyone lay a fucking finger on you y/n, ever” he whispered into my hair running his hand though it.
“How can you say that to me when your never with me anymore” “I’m always watching out for you, I’d never let anything happen” Rafe told me pushing my head up by my chin. “But yet you still can’t tell me why you can’t even be seen with me” I pulled away drying my eyes. “Y/n it’s in your best interest if you don’t know” he told me sadly and tried to walk up the stairs.
“No it’s not Rafe! I need to know what’s going on it plays on my mind constantly!” “You don’t, you think you do but you don’t want to know” he shook his head gently moving my arm so he could ascend to the top. “How can you possibly know that!” “Because if I tell you y/n! Everything is ruined everything changes!” Rafe shook his head, I noticed his eyes were a little watery too.
“I’m a big girl rafe, i might take you by surprise” I called out desperately still waiting on the steps. “You really… you really want to know?” Rafe chuckled shaking his head. But I just folded my arms and raised one eyebrow up. Rafe looked at me for a second before bolting it down the stairs. He stopped inches away from me, inches away from my lips. “Do you get it yet?” He whispered looking at my lips and then back up to my eyes.
My heart pounded against my chest as I leant in hitting his lips. Rafe pulled back instantly and looked at me with wide eyes. I held my breath waiting for him to say something but instead he came back to me pulling me towards him by my hip. I held onto his neck as we kissed for the first time ever. Rafe was right, this had ruined something. But this could be way better than what we had, change can be good.
He moved a hand to my faces as we pulled away breathless. I didn’t know what to say, neither did he apparently. So we kissed again until one of us knew how to react. “I’m still going to need an explanation here” I told him smiling not letting go of him. “Only if I get one too” Rafe shrugged holding onto me tight. “Can we sit down?”. He nodded taking my hand and we made it to the sofa. Rafe pulled me down by my waist on top of him as I squealed.
“We just kissed” he giggled like a boy with his first crush. “I think I’ve liked you for a long time rafe, I just didn’t realise until you stopped talking to me” I ran my thumb up and down his arm. “That’s why I stopped talking to you” “that doesn’t make sense? Why didn’t you just tell me?” His eyes dropped as if he didn’t want to talk about it. “Didn’t think I stood even a one percent chance really”
“What?” I frowned pushing his face to look at me. “I’m fucked up y/n, you can do better” “your not fucked up rafe! I won’t have you talking about yourself like that- I don’t want anything else I- I only want you rafe” I whispered playing with the bottom of his hair. “Your sweet you just don’t let people see it, but I see it and I always have” “so I haven’t ruined anything?” He questioned holding my face too.
“You made it better- presuming you make me your girlfriend of course” I giggled excitedly. “That was a given the moment I kissed you- I don’t kiss anyone like that” Rafe told me seriously. “I want you, your all I want all I’ve ever wanted” “I want you too rafe” I leant our foreheads together.
“You’ve got me”.
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luvstarss · 2 months
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Family Dinner
Warnings:None!Fluff :)
This one is a long one so buckle up!
"I'm really not sure about this" JJ says turning to me with a worried look on his face "Jay there gonna love you" I reassure him as I quickly take my eyes off the road and look over to see him biting his lips which is something he did when he was nervous. "I promise," I say as I use one hand to hold his."I don't know," he says nervously
"If u need to leave we can but we have to go in at least okay?" I say with a reassuring smile "Mhm" he mumbles in response.My parents were having a family dinner, so they invited JJ as they wanted to meet him, and he was nervous. really nervous.We pull up at my house in the Twinkie that John B had lent us for the night. "home sweet home" I say as we both jump out of the van and walk up to the front porch
"JJ relax it’s gonna be fine I promise baby"I say softly as I give him a soft kiss. he nods as I open the front door "Mom I'm here!" I shout as my little sister comes running up to me "Lia!" I shout as I pick her up and hug her tightly "Hi!" she squeals wrapping her arms around my shoulders and burying her face in my neck.
"Lia I want you to meet JJ"I say with a smile as she lifts her face up and looks at the boy next to me "Oooo" she says and starts making kissy noises. Me and JJ both let out a laugh as I put her down and she goes running off. "Dad!" I shout him into the living room as we go and sit down on my couch. I slowly grab JJ's hand as my dad walks into the living room. I feel him tense up "You must be JJ!" my dad says with a smile as JJ stands up and shakes my dad's hand "You hungry?" my dad asks as he sits on the couch opposite us.
"Yeah starving" jj says with an awkward laugh as he sits back down next to me. "Well good to meet u JJ I'm gonna go help in the kitchen," he says with a smile as he goes back into the kitchen "See it's fine," I say reassuringly as I rub circles on jj back "Yeah your dad seems nice" JJ replies with a smile. Before I can reply Lia comes running in with her crayons and paper "What you drawing Lee?" I ask "Me and JJ," She says bluntly "Oh you are now are you?" I say as I look at JJ with a smile and then back at her.
"Yep," she says as she starts scribbling on the paper with different colours. "I think she might like you," I say to JJ with a laugh "Just a bit," he says returning a toothy smile " I really appreciate you coming," I say softly "Of course," he says in the same soft tone as I give him a small kiss on the lips "Ew!" my sister shouts as she stands up with the paper in her hand and hands it to JJ
"Why thank you," he says as he looks on the paper to see a scribble of her and JJ with hearts around the page. Lia lets out a giggle and runs into the other room "Wow cam I think you have some competition" JJ jokes "Yeah yeah" I laugh My mom walks into the living room "Sorry about not coming in sooner!”Hi I’m her mom Melanie" she says as JJ stands up to greet her but my mom just pulls him into a hug. After a few seconds, they both pull away with a smile.
"Thank you for the invite by the way it means the world"JJ says as my mom sits down in the same spot my dad sat previously and JJ sat back down next to me. "It's my pleasure I've never seen Canm so happy," she says with a serious look "Mom stop ur embarrassing me" I reply as my face goes red.
"Well I think Lia likes me even more than your daughter does," jj says to my mom with a laugh as he passes her the drawing. My mom looks down at It and laughs "God she isn't half a hand full" my mom says shaking her head. "Dinners almost ready if u guys don't mind would u guys set the table?" my mom asks her eyes flickering between me and JJ "Yeah of course" he replies. I let out a groan as he pulls me off the couch and into the kitchen. We both start making the table as my sister sprints into the kitchen
"JJ JJ!" she shouts whilst pulling on JJ's arm "What's up Lee?" he asks softly as he neals down to talk to her. my heart immediately melts. "Can u come and help me draw please please pleaseeee" she begs whilst still pulling on his arm "Go on its fine ill finish setting the table"I say with a smile as he gets dragged back into the living room by Lia "Sooo" my mom begins "Sooo" I repeat with a grin "he's a cute one" my mom says returning the grin "yeahhhhh" I reply.
I finish setting the table and look into the living room. I see j sitting cross-legged on the floor helping my sister draw a picture.
At that moment I knew.
My mom comes up behind me and rests her chin on my shoulder "You love him don't you" she says "I think I do" I say softly "Hes a good one keep him close" my mom replies with a smile " Thats if Lia doesn't steal him from you" she adds with a giggle "mhm" I laugh "Alright well go get him and your sister dinners ready" she says giving me a kiss on the cheek as she goes back to putting food on the table. "I see you guys are having fun," I say walking over to them.
"Can close ur eyes!" my sister says "Quick cover them!" she adds as ij puts his hands over my eyes. "Hello to you guys too," I say confused. "Wait here!" my sister shouts as I hear her run off and come back. She gives JJ the okay to let me open my eyes "Well I don't know what u guys are plotting but dinners ready" I say as I help jj up and we walk into the kitchen "Smells amazing Melanie!" JJ says as we all sit down at the table
"Thankyou JJ but please call me mel" She laughs We all begin eating "So how did u and JJ meet?" my dad asks as he puts another mouthful of food in his mouth.
"Well you know how I work at the surf shop? well, jj is really good at surfing so he would buy supplies at the shop then you know we started hanging out" I say with an obvious smile painted on my face as I turn to him as I see the same grin on his face.
"Aww JJ do u work?" my mom asks "Not fully at the moment but I help Cam at the surf shop a lot and I fix cars here and there" he replies as he has a mouthful of his food. JJ places his hand on my thigh as my sister begins "JJ can we show Cam our drawing after dinner?" she says across the table "Yeah of course" he replies with a smile "You guys made me a drawing?" I ask
"Yep we did," jj says with a nod as he turns me witha grin "Your sister is quite the little artist" he adds "Mhm" Lia agrees with a proud nod. We finish off our food and we all go and sit in the living room. Obviously, JJ sits next to me and My mom and dad sit on the couch opposite us whilst my sister runs off and comes back with a piece of paper.
She looks at JJ for a second "Go on give it to her Lee" and with that Lia comes up to us and hands me the paper “why Thankyou”I say as I look down at it to see a picture of her me and jj all holding hands "awww I love it lee" I say in awe as I pick her up and hug her tightly.
After a moment she pulls away and just sits on my lap facing me "I wanna see the drawing!" my mom says as JJ hands her and my dad the paper. They both let out a laugh and give the paper back to JJ "Me and Lee make quite the team don't we" JJ smiles as he gives Lia a high five.
"Im starting to think you like Lia more than me," I say jokingly with a smile as I put her down "Well I meannnn" JJ jokes as I slap him on the shoulder lightly "You're a good man JJ your old man raised you right," my dad says. my heart drops. jj stiffens in his seat. I grab his hand and rub my thumb against it.JJ just smiles awkwardly and shuffles in his seat.
"Well me and JJ better get going we're meeting our friends later," I say with a smile at my parents as we both stand up. "Of course, it's been lovely meeting you JJ," My mom says hugging him once again "Good meeting you too," he says with a smile "You're a good lad JJ," my dad says shaking his hand "Bye JJ!" Lia shouts running up to him as he bends down and hugs her “Bye Lee!”JJ says to the little girl as he stands back up.
"Youll have to babysit her one day with JJ" my mother says to me with a grin "I think she might like that" I say with a laugh "Alright love you guys ill see you guys later," I say as I open the door and go to leave "Love u guys thank you for dinner!" JJ shouts with a smirk. We both laugh as I jump in the passenger seat and jj drives "Well they really like you," I say with a giggle. “
Im glad I was so nervous" he responds with an awkward laugh "I knew they'd love you," I say with a smile "Your sister certainly does," he says turning to me with a smile on his face. "You know I'd love to babysit ur sister sometime you know? like your mom said" JJ says climbing into bed as I join him putting my head on his bare chest as he plays with my hair "Id like that.My heart literally melted when I saw you helping her draw" I say looking up at him
"Really?" he says showing that mesmerising toothy smile "I love ur smile you know" I say out of the blue as I look at him in awe "you do?" he questions his face scrunching up"I really do" I say with a serious look on my face "well I happen to like your smile as well" he says pulling me up and kissing me.
I let out a giggle as I prop my chin on his chest and continue to look up at him "You know me and my mom were talking about you "I say "You were? Oh no what did I do wrong?" he says a worried look painted on his face "No, it's good I promise. I was watching you and Lia play and i realised" i pause for a minute
"i love you JJ" i say my breath heavy it's not like we weren't serious of anything but this is the first time i'd ever said i love you. "I love you too baby" JJ replies as he kisses my forehead.
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redroses07 · 2 months
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love is a spectrum…
(last post for a bit, sorry for the spam)
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growingexjocks · 11 months
The Secret Bulk - Chase Stokes: Ch 3
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3
Chase Stokes begins to take Austin North's friendship for granted, and Austin hatches a plan to take advantage of Chase's growing appetite to get his secret revenge on him.
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Austin and Chase's dorm room had become a testament to Chase's growing disregard for cleanliness. Chip bags and beer cans began to multiply, colonizing the coffee table and the floor. Empty ice cream cartons were shoved into corners, their contents devoured in late-night binge sessions. Chase, high on his success and newfound college lifestyle, seemed oblivious to the mess.
Austin tried to ignore the mounting chaos, but it was like trying to ignore a ticking bomb. The situation came to a head during their fraternity's surf competition fundraiser. A grand event, it drew a large crowd, eager to watch the fraternity brothers ride the waves. Austin, who had picked up surfing after moving to California, was no match for Chase, whose upbringing in Hawaii had made him a master of the waves.
Chase was in his element, his muscular frame slicing through the ocean waves as easily as a hot knife through butter. He pulled off tricks with effortless grace, his biceps flexing with each maneuver. The crowd cheered, girls swooned, and Austin, recognizing his own limitations, chose to help manage the fundraiser instead.
As the day wore on, Chase's impressive performance culminated in a victory. The celebration banquet that followed was a raucous affair, with Chase becoming the center of attention. He downed beer after beer, his laughter growing louder and his words more slurred as he downed an impressive 15 cans of beer.
Seeing his state, Austin asked his girlfriend, Mia, to help Chase back to their apartment while he cleaned up. Mia, who had been grading the surfers during the competition, agreed and left with Chase, leaving Austin to deal with the aftermath of the celebration.
Back at the apartment, Chase sobered up. His words became clearer, his movements steadier. He began flirting with Mia, his shirt coming off to reveal his sculpted abs. Mia, caught up in the moment, began rubbing his abs, her soft moans filling the apartment. The tension between them escalated, culminating in a passionate make-out session that led them to the bed.
Meanwhile, Austin finished cleaning up at the banquet and returned to their apartment, a sense of unease gnawing at him. He walked in to find Chase sleeping on the couch, Mia's jacket draped over him, and an empty ice cream carton by his side. A sinking feeling gripped him as he pieced together the events of the evening.
The unkempt room, Chase's smug demeanor, the empty ice cream carton, and Mia's missing presence - they all pointed to a harsh reality that he was not ready to accept. His mind raced, his heart pounded, and he was left to grapple with the aftermath of a night that had started with a celebration and ended with a bitter twist of betrayal.
The day after the surf competition, Mia returned to the dorm, her face flushed and eyes avoiding Austin's. She spun a tale about getting caught in traffic, but Austin could see through her lies. He wrestled with his emotions, torn between confronting her and maintaining silence. He opted for the latter, choosing to believe that she was a victim of Chase's charm rather than a willing participant.
In the days that followed, Austin struggled with his feelings of betrayal. He wanted to confront Mia, to lay bare the truth he had uncovered, but he held back. He believed in her love for him and blamed Chase for his seduction.
Austin found himself at a crossroads. He had no desire to end his friendship with Chase, but he also couldn't let the betrayal go unanswered. But he couldn't ignore what had happened, so Austin decided on a secret revenge, one that would help him level the playing field without causing the rift to grow further between him and Chase.
His plan was to make Chase gain weight by subtly and slowly altering his appearance, banking on the idea that if Chase were less attractive physically and lost some muscularity, Mia would stop being drawn to him and refocus her attention back on Austin.
Austin knew Chase's biggest weakness - his insatiable appetite. He often marveled at how much his friend could eat without gaining weight, thanks to his constant workouts and active lifestyle. But Austin saw an opportunity in this. He decided to subtly increase Chase's calorie intake and reduce his workout sessions. The plan was simple - make Chase gain weight, reduce his physical appeal, and win back Mia.
It was obvious that Chase was a fitness enthusiast, his days divided between workout sessions at the gym and surfing. His high-energy lifestyle allowed him to maintain his muscular physique despite his voracious appetite. Austin had often watched in disbelief as Chase consumed large quantities of food, particularly sweets, without gaining a single pound.
Chase's love for sweets was well-known. He had a particular fondness for ice cream, relishing the rich, creamy taste of dairy. His meals were often rounded off with a scoop or two of ice cream, sometimes even a slice of cake from the dining hall. On the nights before a date or when he was trying to impress a girl, he would limit himself to a scoop or two, not wanting to feel bloated when he inevitably took off his shirt.
Seeing Chase's weakness for sweets, Austin saw an opportunity. He decided to subtly increase Chase's intake of calorie-rich foods. He began to stock up on more snacks and sugary treats, pushing Chase to consume more under the guise of enjoying their college life.
Male Celebrity WG Short Stories Collection -
The Secret Bulk (Chase Stokes) - Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3
More WG Stories by me - Tumblr, Wattpad
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coleaep · 1 year
In his honour here is some adorable photos of him.
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kierreras · 11 months
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JIARA WEEK [3/7] -> day three, underrated
expressing love
«i know your whole life, you freak when people get close. and i get it, i don't blame you»
«you're right, i flipped. you know how i'd be»
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etheral-moon · 2 months
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marchsfreakshow · 11 months
Duckie's Masterlist 🦆
‼️Some of these works are 18+ or atleast suggestive! Be careful of what you read on the internet. However, I'm not your big sister I can't force you to do anything‼️
Fic Rules
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18. Autistic. I use any pronouns.
Non-binary and Bisexual
I have a wonderful boyfriend, if you flirt with me you're blocked.
@babygorewhore 's little sister 💜
GTA player. Music obessed. Lover/collector of ceramic cottages. Insane about ICP.
OC Page/random bull : @repomyheart
Poems - Ophelia [James Patrick March]
Recent works:
Role Reversal [JJ Maybank]
American Horror Story Masterlist
Summer Imagine [Kit Walker]
Grand Theft Auto V Masterlist
Outer Banks Masterlist
X-Men Masterlist
Halloween Treats 18+ [BIMBO Graphic Novel]
Just There [Colin Zabel - Mare Of Easttown]
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drewsephrry · 2 months
kook reader dating jj maybank
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cline-maddie · 7 months
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Madelyn Cline with Dove Cameron at CFDA Fashion Awards (06), in New York City.
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seriesxwriting · 3 months
Enemies to lovers with rafe Cameron and y/n
Thank you so much for this request, I love this trope and I have never written it for Rafe so it really excited me!! I hope you enjoy the read.
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Maybe I liked you this whole time.
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paring: Rafe Cameron X y/n
Series: outer banks
Warnings: use of guns, swearing, fighting, kissing, sexual talk.
Summary: you and Rafe despise each other. But one little night at a beach party could change all that. That doesn’t come without, flirting, crying and having a gun put to your head, you know- all the normal stuff. Protective Rafe <3.
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“And that’s how my mum crashed her car” Rebecca cackled shaking her head full of mousey blonde hair. She was in stitches over her own story. Me and Chloe looked at each other as if to say what is going on. “Rebecca your mum is going to have to pay out a lot of money for that car, let alone the medical bill for her broken finger” I raised my eyebrow stopping at my locker to put my books away. “And her broken collarbone don’t forget that” she warned me with a bright smile on her face. I pulled a face of horror at her.
“Y/n my mum is fine, she’d laugh about it too, plus who cares- we’re kooks the moneys there isn’t it” she rolled her eyes at my reaction before ignoring me and unlocking her phone to take pictures of herself. I focused my attention back on my locker twisting the right password in to open the door. As I did, unbelievably, golden coloured sand started poring out all over the floor. It buried my feet beneath as I widely stared at the rest tumbling out. There was nothing more I could do.
Once it has stopped falling I blinked at it to double check I wasn’t dreaming. But laughing pulled me out of my fake delusion. I threw my glare around until it landed on the person laughing. Rafe Cameron. And his gang of ass-lickers. “Did you do this?!” I gritted my teeth together, the hallway was silent seems everyone was watching the scene. “Did you steal my test paper out of mr Larry’s office and replace it with one full of nonsense?” Rafe questioned me with his thick eyebrow raised.
I felt my blood boil inside of me, under my skin. The sand was everywhere. And I’d never get it all out of my locker and shoes. “Because you syphoned all the petrol out my car!” I yelled back unable to control my anger. Which was not the right move seems rafes eyes were still full of glee and his dumb smirk was still stuck to his face. He was enjoying this, he thrived off this. “Yeah I only did that because you filled my school bag with jam when sat behind me in maths” he giggled walking slightly closer to me.
“You know why I did that!” I put my finger up at him warning him to stay back. “Well you know why I don’t like you, so you know why there’s sand in your locker” Rafe bounced his shoulders as another annoying laugh tumbled out of his mouth. “You’re such a dick Rafe!” I bent down and picked up the sand in both my hands and launched it at him but he was long gone. Running away down the hall way pissing himself with laughter.
“I hate him! I hate! Him!” I scrunched my fists together “I think he hates you more” Rebecca shrugged her shoulders looking down the hall for him. “No! He doesn’t, I hate him more- more than England hates their government” I put my index finger up making it very clear how serious I was. “Forget him y/n, look- let’s go grab our lunch and talk about what we’re going to wear to the beach party later” Chloe wrapped her arm around my shoulders.
“Ugh- I don’t know Chloe- I’d rather grab lunch and think about how to get Rafe back” I shook my head as she started dragging me towards the doors to get out. “Why do you hate him so much- I mean everyone knows that you’ve played pranks on each other since before we can remember, but what actually started it?” Rebecca questioned following us out the building. I blinked staring at my feet. “I- don’t remember” I admitted in a shaky voice, I’d never sat back and thought about it before. “But it’s irrelevant why it started, I hate him now”.
And that’s what I did, while Chloe and Rebecca spoke the whole of lunch, I sat and planned. There were two options I’d narrowed it down to. Either I could remove all the tires off his car or I could cover his car in slime and dirt, then throw feathers on the top of it. I voiced the ideas to the girls, Chloe didn’t even seem half interested but they made Rebecca laugh. “Why don’t you just pretend to be into him, get him to think it’s going somewhere and then drop him- leave him flabbergasted my love” she shrugged going back to her phone.
My mind raced with the idea “no one would believe y/n was into Rafe” Chloe shook her head negatively. “Negative Nancy much, look at her she could pull it off, he’d be drooling” she flirtatiously winked at me. “Yeah- his ego would be so bruised- that’s a great idea, why’d you hide it from me for so long” I scoffed throwing my note pad on one of the seats. “Really y/n? Or rise above it?” She raised a threaded eyebrow at me. But I just shook my head. “Nope, I’m not a loser, I will win this stupid game” I answered rubbing my hands together.
“Now we can talk about what we’re wearing to the beach party, I need to look sexy, Rafe will be there” I winked at them.
Later that night-
Chloe picked me up, Rebecca was already in the front so I got into the back again. But before I did Rebecca made me do a spin. I’d chosen a white dress because I’d once seen Rafe post something about ‘tanned brunettes dressed in white’. I’d also done my nails and toes in white too, to match. I’d left my hair down but washed it to get the shine back. Incase I did get in the water, I didn’t want my hair to be ruined. I was actually quite confident about the plan, Rafe was easy so I thought it would be easier than it sounded. “My girl looks hot, come on jump in, I’m so excited”
Chloe got us safely to the beach, there was quite a lot of people there already. The music was blearing and the beer appeared to be flowing. “Can anyone see him?” I whispered as we all got out the car. “I’m staying out of this one, don’t ask for my help” Chloe put her hands up shaking her long brunette hair. “There y/n, by the keg” Rebecca whispered to me. “Here- pose next to the car- look hot” she hissed pushing me backwards while whipping out her phone.
I did as she said, as I positioned myself she put her fingers in her mouth and wolf whistled at me. “Hotter, hotter my girl” she shouted as I moved around. “Fuck me it’s working- rafes looking right at you” Chloe whispered gobsmacked that the plan was somewhat working. “What facial expression is he making?” I asked in a low tone, while bending down for a photo. “It’s sorta- neutral- oh he’s biting his lip” Chloe freaked. I stopped posing and went straight to see the photos with Rebecca. “Play it cool guys, keep it normal” she whispered scrolling through them.
“That was quick thinking babe” I nudged her “all because I watched a YouTube video on how to wolf whistle” she winked at me. Eventually we all walked down the stairs to the beach. “I’ll get the drinks” I wiggled my eyebrows at my girls before walking off backwards. I thought if I completely ignored him, he’d start something with some sarcastic, snarky comment. “Do you think you’re hot posing like that in front of all the guys on the beach?”. I was right. He came up behind me making me turn around. Our bodies only inches apart.
“You tell me, were you turned on?” I whispered tilting my head. He looked my body up at down before laughing. “You couldn’t turn me on even if you tried y/n” “not even a little bit?” I whispered smirking. “You uh, ever heard of hate fucking Rafe?” I leant in to his ear, I had to stand on my tippy toes because of his hight. I caught his eye, he looked shell shocked. “Because you turn me on- just a little bit” I showed him with my fingers. “You’re playing games y/n” rafe’s face shifted, his eyebrows knitted together as if he was confused. “Okay- if you’re not interested that’s fine” I shrugged pulling away and attempting to walk off.
He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back towards him. “I didn’t say that” he whispered back, staring into my eyes. In that moment I really took Rafe in, he was gorgeous. His blue eyes pierced mine and mesmerised me. “Rafe! Rafe look who’s showed up!” Topper came over slapping him on the back. He didn’t let go of me though, he clung to my waist as he turned round to see. The pogues.
Not just any pogues. The pogues. Kelce was already starting on them, they were at the water now causing hassle. I heard him say “this is a kook party only”. Which wasn’t true because there were a bunch of tourons here and a few other pogues dotted around. “You should probably get out of here- I’ll come find you later” “don’t start shit Rafe” I rolled my eyes pulling away from him. He caught me yet again spinning me around to look at him.
“Will you get out of here, before you see something you don’t like?” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s all gonna be over after this huh?”. He nodded at me rubbing an hand on my waist. “I’m leaving” I sighed putting my hands up and walking away from him for good this time. I heard him go over to the pogues but I didn’t watch. In the next moment I heard gun fire. My body froze. What if it was rafe. I turned round to see what was happening but a large group of people came running my way, knocking me to the ground.
I saw topper fighting John B in the water and I now could see JJ was the one holding the gun. “What the fuck are you doing! Why the fuck would you bring that here!” Rafe yelled storming towards him. The crowd had just gotten past me and I sat up looking for Rebecca and Chloe to make sure they were safe. In the next second I was dragged up by my neck and I felt the gun touching my temple. I was face to face with Rafe now. “How’d you like it if it’s your girl huh?” JJ snarled at him. My chest panted up and down heavily as I saw rafes face drop and go red with anger within a few seconds of each other.
“Huh!” JJ yelled out. “Get the fuck off of her, or I swear to god you won’t recognise yourself when you look in the mirror tomorrow” Rafe spat out in a low tone. “JJ stop it! Y/ns done nothing wrong” kiara called out desperately, in tears. JJ looked down at me, I was trembling and my eyes were watering. “Fuck sake” he put the gun back in his trouser band and let go of me. I turned around and slapped him right across the face. “Coward” I hissed but that clearly wasn’t good enough for Rafe.
He came up behind me and punched JJ across the face. “STOP IT! It’s over!” Pope yelled out. But Rafe punched him again in the face. And again. Before grabbing his face and pulling it up to his. “Put your hands on her again, I fucking dare you- you won’t be able to see the sun ever again” he snarled very close to him, but JJ looked like he was about to pass out. “Rafe” I called out putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me seeing my tear stained face, my messed up frizzy hair. He rose and embraced me, my face falling flat on his chest.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you” he whispered stroking my hair. “He had a fucking- strap to my head Rafe” I winced trying to keep it all in. “Let me take you home” he whispered making me look up at him holding my chin. I nodded in agreement, that’s all I wanted right now. We made our way towards the stairs, he didn’t even say a word to his friends. As if by magic Chloe and Rebecca appear from behind the wall. “Y/n! I’m so glad you’re okay- I- we looked for you but hoped you had gone back to the car” Chloe ran over embracing me.
“I’m okay- I’m glad you two are as well” I said in a very timid voice. “Um- im going home can I catch up with you two later” “with- rafe?” Rebecca wondered looking him up and down. “Yeah it’s fine guys, I’ll speak to you later get home safe” I rubbed Chloe’s back and waved to Rebecca before Rafe put his arm around my waist guiding me to his car. Though he’d been drinking I’m sure he’d sobered up after that. He was careful driving me home, even though one hand was always on my thigh. We didn’t talk nothing needed to be said.
When he pulled into my driveway we stopped and looked at each other. “I’m sorry y/n- I’m so fucking sorry” he whispered dragging a thumb down my cheek. “I’m okay” I shook my head taking his hand in my hand. “I have- something I feel guilty about..” I stuttered feeling embarrassed to bring it up. “What are you talking about?” “Me flirting with you- I was just trying to get you back for the sand thing…” I trailed off feeling stupid. Rafe cracked a small smile and adjusted himself in the seat. “Well that’s a shame” he told me before rolling his head towards me. “Because I think I like you y/n”.
I blinked. I blinked a few times not knowing what words to use back. “Don’t look at me like that- I can hardly believe it myself” he chuckled rubbing a thumb over my thigh. “It’s okay- maybe that’s why I enjoyed pranking you so much” “rafe- you didn’t let me finish” I shook my head grasping his hand again. “I know I like you- me pretending to flirt with you made me want it to be true- they way you protected me- I know I like you- I don’t understand it but… that’s how it is”.
He tilted his head to the side. “You’re not just trying to get me back?” “No rafe- I finally realised why I pretend to hate you so much- it was easier believing that then going through the pain of not having a chance”. Rafe moved his hand to my cheek rubbing it gently. He looked me in the eyes as he lent in before we both closed them. Our lips met in a kiss I had never imagined myself wanting until tonight. Our pace matched, my hand slid into his hair holding him closer to me.
“That’s what I call passion, I dunno about you” he whispered after he pulled away, hardly moving his face though. “I can’t believe it- us- who would have thought?” I whispered laughing slightly. He pressed another kiss on my lips. “I love your laugh- you’re so gorgeous” he whispered taking me in.
“Do you want to come in?” I questioned, not letting go of him. Rafe smiled, giving me a little nod.
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pensbridge · 8 months
No matter what, fandom & the internet has a way of integrating toxicity into anything fun
If it's not:
— Thinking they have a right to the sexual orientation of actors as if the act of performing a story is "taking" jobs from the people not even present in the prospects of people in the room, it's
— Shipping actors and thinking that it is their job description to go beyond remaining cordial with their co-worker and doing the pre-assigned press by management/pr (if a joint interview is not required, it's not something that will be set up); also talking about your unabashed shipping w/o shame
— Harassing people's real life significant others or becoming obsessed with insignificant hate posts about them in their asks and analyzing an actor's actions, including the status of their friendships with co-workers// Parasocial relationships? They're weird
— Constant discourse for a fictional character or a ship as if it isn't possible to put your energy into something you actually like and remain quiet about something that brings you dissatisfaction (I don't participate with talk about parts I don't like; you can too)
— Writer hate (thousands upon thousands of shares in support for a strike have occurred, but people continuously take minor flaws as a means to be negative about the entire show (this is not about shows with terrible quality and endings; this is about shows that have a good run and ppl taking minor flaws to downvote the overall product)
— Furthermore, the minute a show drops the floods of negativity that await us (this is not representative of every piece of media out there; if it's bad, it's bad-you can tell the difference); but near-perfect shows, people just start looking for issues and drowning out any praise that lasted less than a day
— Any talk of appearance// Reducing people to their appearance. "Hot people," "hot guys depicting a gay relationship," men and your ideal within the female gaze/ your type of leading man, women and your over-critique of them. It's all such a shallow, reductive way to view humans beings
— Pitting actors/actresses against each other/ talking about who is better; and further spreading gross messages of hate in attempt of celebration/praise for the other person; idc anymore about doing this to characters, please these are real people!
— Any participation in the speculation of or jokes about an actor's life and perceived drama incl. edits and/or hateful commentary further spreading a message and perception to anyone that sees it, or
— Conspiracy theories, and seeking them out with every action, word, and gesture a person makes/says.
Please. Be more interesting.
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strangelysamantha · 1 year
did you miss me??
hehehehe 🤍
can i request a topper story with a female reader… the plot being topper trying to get you with kelce, but right when you were about to go on a date with kelce, (which you didnt really want to do, you only did it to help/ make topper happy) topper realizes he is madly in love with you?
realizations hit hard ❀
topper thornton x fem!reader.
warnings: swearing, cute fluff!
words: 450.
summary: topper tries to set you up with kelce, but he soon realizes he doesn’t want you to be with kelce. he wants you to be with him.
request? yea!!
a/n: love this idea, thanks for the request!! like comment and reblog if you enjoyed, i love feedback. follow me for more stories, and check out my masterlist! love you all <3
my masterlist
“kelce? are you kidding me? why him?” you question topper. he only smirks at you in response. “yeah, why not? kelce! you guys would be cute together!” he grins, causing you to frown. “does kelce even know that you are trying to set him up with me?” topper scratches the back of his neck, “what he doesn’t know won’t kill him…” you roll your eyes at his response.
topper sways back and fourth on his feet, awaiting a clever response from you, the smirk still hanging on his lips. you shake your head, but ultimately give in. “fine, i’ll go on a date with him, only because you are so pushy with it.” topper laughed, but his throat went dry. he didn’t realize what he had just done. his mind went blank, before rushed images of you and kelce flooded his mind. he didn’t even think about the fact this could actually lead to somewhere, and could become a permanent thing.
the room went silent, and your scratch the back of your neck. “let me know what he says.” you begin to walk out, but topper reaches for you. “actually…” he hesitates, as if trying to find an excuse. “i forgot but kelce is actually already talking to someone.” you nod, not feeling too sad. you figured it would have been weird since you see kelce as a brother. you shrug, “oh alright.” you laugh lightly and start to feel awkward. topper is unreadable, and the energy in the room has shifted. you swiftly leave the room, reaching for your phone.
you unlock it, then you hear footsteps behind you. “look,” you turned to face topper, his face flushed. “maybe i regret asking you to go out with kelce?” you shrug, “don’t worry. it’s not a big deal. i promise.” he looked the other way, taking a noticeable breath, before locking eyes with you again. “it made me realize something.” you tilt your head, not following. “what did you realize?” you question. he grabs your hands, your shocked because you’ve never seen topper so soft. he usually has a cold demeanor, and is always making comments or cracking jokes.
“since going on a date with kelce is out of the picture,” he smiles softly. “would you want to go on a date with me?” your heart speeds up, caught off guard. you stumble on your words, slightly stuttering, “yea, i would love too.” he pulls you in a hug, already bombarding you with the date idea. “we can go golfing, or even hang out the lake. or-.” you quickly intervene, “any of those sounds great! i’m sure anything you plan will be fun and romantic.” he grins, “just you wait.”
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