cleoluvrr · 7 months
strawberry shortcake (rafe cameron x reader)
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got sent home to change 'cause my skirt is too short.
WARNINGS: mature content; dark!rafe, non!con, dub!con, spanking, use of belt, victim-blaming, manipulation, degradation, explicit language, depiction of explicit sexual acts
word count: 9.1k
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you and rafe were…complicated. you’d known him just as long as you’ve known his sister, and yet, you’d never had a particularly great relationship.
your father worked closely with the cameron family. he and ward met each other in college, but went their separate ways after graduation. ward returned to the outer banks after a few years of living on the mainland, slowly making a name for himself as a real estate developer. your own parents moved back to charlotte after graduating, meeting at school and getting married in their hometown. raised in the city, all of your family was there, and all your friends were there. 
one fated day, your parents decided that your entire family was going to pack up and move to the outer banks. you were eight years old at the time, so of course it felt like your entire life was falling apart. everything you ever knew was going to be miles and miles away just because your parents said so. 
it felt so sudden, so unexpected. as far as you were aware, there was no one you knew in the outer banks. your family had a beach house there that you would visit every other summer, but that was all. to you, they might as well have said that you were moving to a deserted island with zero human interaction.
the moment you arrived the summer before you started third grade, it was a complete culture shock. you were used to living in the city; busy streets, skyscrapers that kissed the clouds and lit up with the colors of the rainbow, and so many people that you’d never see them more than twice. kildare was the complete opposite. you could drive across the entire town and back in under two hours and the tallest building in town was a church. everybody knew everybody, and every person had their place.
you only found that after your parents were pulled over by a police officer while driving around figure-eight. it wasn’t too often people that looked like you drove around the “nice” side of town in a shiny, new car. not that they’d never seen it, but they knew all the people that did, and nobody in your family was one of them. you couldn’t count the number of times someone had asked if you were lost or ‘supposed to be here’ when playing around your front yard, taking a walk, or existing in any public place on figure-eight.
your parents allowed you a week to adjust before they threw you into the merciless waters of small town social politics. 
the first time you were properly introduced to the cameron family was during sunday service. you didn’t grow up going to church despite being from the bible belt, mostly because big city life didn’t revolve around it as much as it did in kildare. your parents forced you out of bed early in the morning to get ready, your mother all but stuffing you into the best sunday dress you owned. like any eight-year-old, you complained about it. you hated blue, but your parents insisted on all of your outfits being color-coordinated. the mary janes and frilly socks made you feel like a little kid, but your mom wouldn’t budge on it.
begrudgingly, you sat through an hour long sermon in a church filled with flamboyantly dressed rich people. and then you sat through another hour of brunch with the camerons and their friends, even more annoyed than you were sitting through service in the hot, old chapel.
ward and your father had kept in contact over the years, and it was a couple years before the move that the two of them became business partners. your dad became the cameron family’s lawyer, and it was easier to actually be in the same place as them rather than hundreds of miles away. your mother didn’t mind the move; in fact, she was excited. she worked as an oncologist back home, and the lack of them on the island meant there was great demand for her work.
it was there where you met sarah cameron, the girl that became your friend at first sight. she was younger than you, but at that age it really made no difference. the little blonde girl was excited to meet someone new and declared that you two would be ‘best friends forever just like your dads. though it took some warming up on your part, ever since that day, the pair of you have been attached by the hip.
rafe, however, not so much. 
“hey, sarah?” you called out to the girl standing across from you, her surprised eyes wide as they snapped towards yours after being pulled out of the conversation with her boyfriend. 
“could you tell your brother to fuck off?” a smile lit up your face as the question slipped from your gloss-covered lips. “please?”
you had come over to sarah’s house a few hours ago, the girl inviting you to attend a large party that her parents planned every summer for the fourth of july. at first, you weren’t too keen on coming, but the two of you hadn’t spent much time together this summer and you felt too guilty to turn her down. this was the summer before you left her for nine months to attend college, and  even though you didn’t want to come, you did it to make her happy.
the moment you stepped foot onto the property, rafe buzzed around your ear like a common house fly with comment after comment on your appearance. 
“what’s the matter, princess?” rafe speaks up from his spot just a few feet away. his head quirks to the side, a look of faux-concern covering his face. “stick up your ass a little too big today?”
topper and kelce chuckle at the comment, attempting to hide the sound by clearing their throats when they catch the dangerous cut of your eyes. your gaze meet rafe’s again and you watch as he raises the whiteclaw to his lips, the white can covering the smirk on his face as he takes a sip.
when you first met rafe, he was nice enough–very cordial. the boy was only older than you by a a year, but he acted as if the difference was so significant that he couldn’t be seen around you. he wasn’t necessarily shy, but every boy that age was concerned with catching cooties. it was impossible to keep his distance, though, especially since your dads worked together and you were constantly over their house. you and rafe maintained a somewhat friendly relationship with each other for years–never getting as close as you and sarah, but it was amiable. 
that all changed when you got to the eighth grade.
the older boy had started his first year of high school, while you and sarah were still in middle school together. 
the difference in maturity was beginning to have an affect on your relationship with both of them. you were turning fourteen and sarah was turning twelve; it felt like you were in totally different worlds. she was starting to become more of a little sister to you than a friend, but you loved her no less than before.
rafe was only fifteen, but he was in high school now. he hung out with guys older than him, and that meant doing whatever to impress them. he had completely brushed you off as a ‘little girl,’ and acted like you were a burden to have around if you were at tannyhill while his friends were there. 
it hurt you at first. you knew the two of you weren’t close, but to be completely disregarded for people he barely knew didn’t make you feel great about yourself. 
you were naive to believe it’d be any other way.
when it was your turn to enter high school, you felt alone. sarah was still in middle school, and rafe treated you like dirt on the bottom of his shoe. it was like you had to start all over now that you didn’t have either of them to cling onto. it wasn’t hard for you to make friends, but you still felt alone without your best friend–and betrayed by her brother.
“rafe, stop! you’re being an ass.” sarah shoves her brother, eyebrows furrowed as she scolds her older silbing.
“what? it’s a joke, chill out.” rafe barely stumbles from the shove. his eyes remain on you, not even sparing his sister more than a second of a glance. “she can take a joke. right, y/n?”
“of course i can take a joke, rafe!” you tilted your head in the same manner as he did just a few moments ago. “remember that time you asked me out senior year? that was really funny.” 
a smile grazed your lips softly as you watched him freeze in place for the briefest second before regaining composure. both his friends and sarah snorted at the quip, catching onto the implication. nobody noticed the look shared between you and the oldest cameron, nor the rise in tension.
it was the summer before your junior year and rafe’s senior–two weeks before midsummers, to be exact. rafe hadn’t let up on what was the borderline bullying he’d been subjecting you to since you started high school; in fact, it had only increased that summer. you were at the cameron’s house almost everyday with sarah, and her brother didn’t spare you a moment of peace when you happened to come across each other on the property–or off of it.
rafe spotted you alone by the dock, tossing rocks into the water as you stared into the dimming light of the july sky. you knew it was him approaching because his feet were heavy against the twigs lining the ground, not light and nimble like sarah’s. 
“y/n,” he called out from behind you, towering presence warm at your back. he sounded nervous, which struck you as odd. when he spoke to you, his voice carried the weight of condescension or irritation–never the champagne bubbles of anxiety. it was obvious he was trying to disguise it, but you knew him too well for it to work. “can we talk?” 
you responded with a disinterested hum, throwing the last rock into the water before turning to face him. you expected him to say something stupid, the sole purpose of him catching you there alone to bother you until you went back to your own house.
what you were not expecting, however, was for him to confess his feelings–feelings for you. you could hear your ears ringing when he asked if you would go with him to midsummers, brain sparking up with disbelief and agitation at the sound of the words leaving his mouth.
there were no second thoughts when he was met with firm rejection. 
you weren’t sure why it caught him by surprise considering he’d been treating you like shit for three years, but he acted as if you shot him at point blank. though you never told anyone, you had a crush on him at one point as well. it began to feel more like hopeless pining after he began to treat you like an incessant fruit fly, which is why you got over it–for the most part, at least.
that’s when the mistreatment from him became a feud on both ends. you felt justified in your feelings towards him, and rafe having the audacity to be mad at you for turning him down only fueled the fire. 
the oldest cameron sibling had his own issues, ones that made him quick to anger towards everything and everyone for no reason, especially you.
“you think you’re funny, huh?” the blonde looks displeased by his friends’ reactions, jaw clenching in annoyance. he could dish it, but he couldn’t take it.
“as if you know what that is.” you raised your brows at him, a smile still covering your face. you reached out a hand towards him, palm landing gently on his broad chest in a false gesture of comfort. “its okay, rafey, not everyone is made for being funny. stick to being useless, okay? you’re amazing at that!”
shoving past the blonde, you walked in the direction of the house after telling sarah you were going to sit inside for a moment to hide from the heat. the coastal carolina humidity was taking a toll on you, and rafe’s presence was only adding to the irritation. 
you took your time walking around the house, the massive interior surrounding you on all sides. the sound of your shoes softly tapping against the ground was the only sound filling the air, the commotion of the party outside left behind the further you ventured. your feet carried you up the grand staircase gracefully, hips swaying with each step until you reached the top.
the mansion was not unfamiliar. you and sarah had run these halls together countless times over the years, no room left unexplored by the two of you–including rafe’s. 
out of curiosity, your eyes drifted in the direction of the boy’s bedroom. the door had been left wide open for anyone to walk in, and there was an invisible force pushing you to enter. it’s been years since you’ve explored it, the last time resulting in being caught by its inhabitant. memories of you and sarah snooping around his drawers flashed through your mind, rafe coming in and cursing the two of you with colorful words you’d never heard in-person before.
this time, rafe wasn’t here to stop you. he was far too occupied outside with his friends to interrupt your impulsive decision to explore his room once more.
you shuffled towards the open door of his room, head peeking into the empty space before stepping inside. the room hadn’t changed much from the last time you saw it; it was still reminiscent of a teenage boy, just much cleaner. your feet softly padded across the floor to the window on the opposite side, staring out of the window at the crowd below. 
the music was just barely audible through the thick glass, the little ants of people wandering around with cups in hand as they interacted with each other. eyes scanning the crowd, your brows furrowed together in confusion. kelce, sarah, and topper were right where you left them, but rafe was nowhere to be found the longer you searched over the attendees.
“maybe he left…” you said to yourself, shoulders raising in a weak shrugging motion.
you nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of the voice appearing in the background so suddenly, a scream bubbling in your throat before you turned around to meet it’s owner. the sight of rafe cameron standing in the doorway barely did anything to calm your nerves, his stern face and crossed arms only making you anxious.
“y’know–i could’ve sworn i told you to stay out of my room?” his blue eyes bored into yours, gaze unrelenting and intense as they awaited an answer for your presence. 
“what are you doing in here?” you were tempted to pinch yourself as the question slipped from between your lips. 
“this is my room,” he said pointedly. “what are you doing in here?”
you shrugged again, the nervousness that filled you moments ago dissipating the longer you faced him. the worst thing he could do is tell you to get out, there was no reason to feel anxious about his appearance. you pushed yourself off the window frame you were resting against to walk towards the door, ready to make your exit now that you’ve been caught.
“not going through your shit, if that’s what you’re worried about. i was bored–now i’m leaving.” you were at the halfway point of his room, eyes rolling nonchalantly as you brushed him off. “what are you doing?”
rafe entered the room fully, a look of mischief shining brightly from behind his eyes as your own flickered to the door that shut behind him with a soft ‘thud’. you could feel your brows pinch together ever so slightly at the sight before you met his face again.
you didn’t flinch when he began to approach you with slow, rhythmic steps. his legs were long and he could have easily made it to you in just a few but he deliberately took his time walking in your direction, each soft noise of his shoe hitting the ground spaced a second apart. 
“what for? not like you have anywhere to be,” his hands were stuffed into the pockets of his shorts and his head tilted to the side in a feigned curiosity that was clearly heard through his voice. “actually–i think we need to talk…”
the blonde stopped barely a foot in front of you. he wasn’t quite invading your personal space, just pushing against the boundary lines of it. your eye twitches involuntarily, but you say nothing.
pushing the boundaries was something rafe had been doing for a while. mentally and physically. it was part of what further pulled the string of tension between you two.
maybe it’s because he’s a guy, but there wasn’t a day you could go seeing rafe without him making comments on your body or touching you without permission. your chest, your backside, your lips, your eyes–there was nothing spared from his overtly sexual thoughts. you weren’t sure if he was doing it solely to piss you off or make you uncomfortable, but being either one did nothing to discourage him. 
in fact, it only served as motivation for him to continue.
it had been more times than you could count that rafe had groped you and claimed that his hand slipped–that you were overreacting. sometimes he wouldn’t even deny it; he’d blame you for wearing a too-short skirt or a top so small that ‘you had to have been wanting the attention or you wouldn’t have left the house like that.’ he had a habit of standing uncomfortably close to you, so close that you could feel the rise and fall of his chest against your back or the hair on his arms tickling your own.
you just brushed it off as him being obnoxious, slapping away wandering hands and giving quick-witted responses to the suggestive remarks. guys his age were assholes and because of how long you’d known him, you never let it bother you too much. or at least, you refused to let him know that it bothered you.
“i don’t think so, rafe.“ you eyed him suspiciously. “what could we possibly have to talk about?” your arms raised to fold across your chest, fingertips cold from the air-conditioning as they rested against your bare skin. 
if it weren’t so hot and sticky outside you would have worn pants, but the frilly, pink skirt adorning your bottom half was far too tempting to pass up in this weather. you could feel the goosebumps rising over your entire body from the coolness of the house.
rafe just stared for a moment. you could see the synapses firing behind the blue of his irises, and the sight unsettled you. the feeling of his eyes raking over your frame did nothing to shake the discomfort either.
“your attention-seeking behavior. your disrespectful attitude.” his gaze flittered back up to meet yours and you could make out the ghost of a smirk wash over his features. “it's becoming a problem, don’t ya’ think?”
“what?” that was not on the list of things you were expecting him to say. you couldn’t help the amused laugh that escaped your lips in a breath. “what the fuck are you talking about right now?” 
“what am i talking about?” his dark blonde brows come together in an expression of concern–one you were sure he was faking.
rafe’s tanned arm reached out towards you, long fingers grabbing a braid from your head and twirling the end around the digits. not abnormal behavior, but you still squinted at him anyway.
“you must be the stupid one if you don’t know what i’m talking about.”
a scoff left your mouth and your hand lifted to smack his away from your hair. your eyes nearly strained out of their sockets from the amount of restraint it took not to roll them, lids blinking away the urge that fought against them.
“bye, rafe.” your path was blocked when you tried to move around him, the tall man following your step before you could even finish making it. “move!”
he caught the hand raised to push him out of the way with ease, the strength in his grip restrained but still felt as it surrounded your wrist. every attempt to take it back into your possession failed, your opponent unrelenting.
startled, a gasp left your mouth when you were pulled forward roughly, rafe’s body pressed tightly against yours as he brought his free hand to rest on your lower back. the ghost on his face was now living, a grin widespread over his lips that showed off the whites of his teeth as he stared down at you. 
“stop touching me, you’re being a creep.” you didn’t raise your voice at him, but you were firm in your demand.
“oh, please,” he rolled his eyes at you, as if you were the one acting out of line. “i think you want me to touch you.”
the hand that rested on your back fell even lower, the entirety of his hand capturing your ass in its grasp. you inhale sharply, the roughness of his fingers squeezing down causing you to jerk forward in an attempt to escape. you were met with rafe’s warm chest trapping you between him and the hand gripping your backside through the fabric of the skirt keeping it covered.
“rafe!” you said loudly. “what the fuck is your problem?”
it’s not like he hadn’t touched you there before; he’d done it plenty. but those were only light brushes in passing or pinching you when you weren’t paying attention. things that he could pretend never happened, things that you could brush off as him being annoying.
this was not that.
“you walk around town in these itty, bitty skirts,” rafe’s smile was gone now, the mischief behind his eyes remained but it was mixed with something else–something you didn’t feel too keen about. “like you own the place–walking around my house like it’s yours. always acting like you’re better than everyone. like–like you’re above all of us. do you think you’re better than everyone, y/n?”
you shook your head at him, doing the best job you could muster at remaining calm despite the alarm bells ringing in your head. the free hand you were using to push his hand away from your ass was useless; he wasn’t budging. however, even with the little voice in the back of your mind telling you not to, you couldn’t help but to give a smart-assed reply.
“i don’t think i’m above everyone, rafe,” the corner of your lips twitched as you fought back the smile that wanted to appear. “just you.”
he chuckled at that, but not because he found it funny. it was obvious by the way his face darkened, which is what queued you into thinking that you should’ve just kept your mouth shut.
relief filled you when he released the clothed flesh of your behind from his vices, but only momentarily. your feet stumbled over each other clumsily as rafe walked forward with purpose, forcing you backwards until your the crease of your knees hit the bed. you remained standing, but if he were to push you again you’d certainly lose your balance.
the oldest cameron sibling was much…larger than you remembered. you saw him practically every day, but you couldn’t recall his biceps ever being this big as your hands held onto them to stabilize yourself. you’ve never felt intimidated when standing near him, but as you craned your neck upward, all you could feel was the fear bubbling in your stomach. faced with his towering height, he could easily overpower you if that’s what he wanted to do–and you had a feeling he did.
a chill ran down your spine.
“you come over here every day wearing practically nothing, swinging that pretty ass in my face like a fucking tease, and then treat me like you don’t know who you’re talking to.” he shakes his head in faux-disappointment, the sound of his tongue tutting against his teeth filling your ears. “i told you to stop doing it, but you refuse. if you weren’t begging for attention, you wouldn’t act like that.”
“are you being serious right now?” you were in complete disbelief. the fear in your stomach remained, but a pang of vexation was thrown into the mix. “the last thing i want is your attention, rafe. i already turned you down once–stop being weird about it. just ‘cause you can’t keep your dick in your pants doesn’t make me the problem.”
the tall blond’s eye twitched, lips raising like hackles as he all but snarled at you. 
both of his hands dropped suddenly, giving you zero time to react as he gripped the bottom of your skirt in his hands and yanked it upwards. a sound of surprise rolled out of your mouth and rafe took advantage of your shock to spin you around and push you face down onto the bed. your body barely bounced once before rafe was seated on the mattress next to you, strong arms reaching over to grab your legs and throw them over his lap haphazardly as he pinned your arms behind your back.
you felt him lean his upper body against you and apply force, preventing you from lifting yourself up off the bed and leaving you completely at his mercy. 
“rafe!” you scolded as he hiked up your skirt even higher and exposed you further. his position under you left you unable to lie flat, back arched uncomfortably with your pelvis resting on his muscled thighs. panic was beginning to fill you. “rafe, stop! what are you doing?”
he doesn’t respond, a bump silence filling the tense air. you could feel the heat of his scrutinizing gaze, unable to control your squirming as the warmth of his hand palmed at your barely covered skin. he massaged at the soft flesh, squeezing it between his fingers like he was being entertained by putty.
“you look so pretty in pink.”
a yelp escaped your lips when he brought his hand down against your ass with a resounding smack. he repeated the action on the other side with the same amount of force before half-assing an attempt at massaging away the sting. you hissed from the pain, his rough groping doing nothing to ease the feeling.
he hums to himself, hand pulling away to deliver another blow. you cursed at him, leg kicking up out of anger but able to do any real damage.
“y’know,” rafe says and you couldn’t help but huff in anger. “you brought this on yourself. we wouldn’t have to do this if you were just a nice girl.” you could hear the disappointment dripping from his voice and it enraged you.
“maybe i’m not nice to you because you’re a fucking dick.” he smacked you again. “fuck! stop, rafe!”
“and you’re a loud-mouthed bitch who needs to learn that actions have consequences.” 
if you thought he wasn’t holding back before, you were proven wrong. 
he spared you no second to recover from the barrage of smacks that he bestowed upon you. each time his hand raised, it reconnected just as mercilessly as it did before. all you could hear was the sound of skin on skin echoing throughout the bedroom, mind completely encompassed by the fiery heat produced by his palm against your ass. 
you wanted to scream out, cry for help from anyone that happened to be wandering the halls of the old manor. you didn’t though. not because you couldn’t, but because you were scared. scared that if someone did come to help, they would see you bent over rafe’s lap like a misbehaving child. scared that the someone who came to your rescue would be sarah–or ward.
the humiliation would kill you.
instead, you settled on continuing with your demands to stop. you swore at him, threatened him, kicked at him as hard as you could. you tried everything to get him to let up, but he refused. the sound of your voice was nearly drowned out by the deafening sound of your backside being brutalized.
you were sure if someone were to walk past, it could be heard on the other side.
“i’m going to fucking kill you, rafe!” you gritted out through teeth clenched so tight that you could pop a blood vessel. “you’re disgusting!”
the blue-eyed man tutted from above you, abruptly pausing his assault. unexpectedly he pushed your legs off his lap and rose to his feet, leaving you in a heap on the bed. you almost sung out a praise to whatever angel had been keeping an eye on you, finally taking pity on your bruised behind. it felt like you were on fire; face hot, skin sticky with the sweat from putting up a fight, and the site of rafe’s abuse burning from the phantom of his hand.
your eyes snapped in rafe’s direction, pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of metal. he’d taken off his expensive leather belt when he stood up, the accessory folded in half between his hands as his hardened, amused eyes stared down at you. your eyes flitted between his face and the belt in his hand nervously, throat bobbing as you swallowed dryly.
he predicted your movement before you could even make it, moving so fast that you thought he was transported to you. rafe caught your legs as you attempted to crawl away and pulled you back over the edge. your feet landed on the floor but your top half remained pinned to the mattress, a strong hand keeping you in place as you struggled against it.
“change of plans,” he whispered against your ear. you were sure he felt you shiver against his hold from the breath on your skin. “i tried being gentle–well, as gentle as i can be with you. clearly, that’s not teaching you anything. “
“haven’t you heard? corporal punishment is outdated and ineffective.” it was in your nature to argue with him, even when he had you pinned beneath him like a wolf would a rabbit. “i’m not learning anything except for how much of a pervert you really are–not that i didn't already know.”
rafe chuckled at this, very darkly. he pulled away from your ear and positioned himself behind you, the heat of his presence radiating in a way that was almost suffocating. the silence was so loud that you could barely hear the sound of the party outside, blood rushing past your ears thunderously.
you braced yourself, unsure of what his next move would be. however, he made no moves. the blond just stood there behind you ominously, keeping your hands pinned to your back as he watched you noiselessly. the temptation to look behind you was overwhelming, and it was then when he decided to act.
the belt made fierce contact with your sensitive skin the moment your head twitched, the stillness between you no longer. 
it took all of your strength to contain the scream that itched to leave your throat, a pained groan coming out from your gritted teeth. this was worse than his bare hand by miles, the fury of the leather leaving you thrashing with a single lick.
“i think,” he landed another strike to your ass after he spoke. “corporal punishment is very effective. it just takes a little…more to break through girls like you. it’s okay, though, you’ll learn.”
the belt comes down again and you couldn’t hold back the scream this time. 
he gave no time for you to recover, the viciousness of each swat intensifying each time it landed. it was loud, much louder than his hands and in your foggy mind you worried endlessly about what would happen if someone else were to hear.
you don’t move when he lets go of your wrists, body paralyzed from pain and fear. rafe takes hold of your barely there underwear and yanks them down, the fabric pooling around your ankles leaving you fully exposed and hot with embarrassment. he takes no time to look between your legs and quickly returns to delivering your punishment.
the comforter beneath you fell victim to the deathly grip of your now free hands, talon-like fingers digging into the fabric as you used it to brace yourself. tears ran down your face uncontrollably and every muscle in your body was tense from the torment.
“rafe, please!” you cried out, hardly able to form a complete sentence. “ow! stop, stop! i’m sorry!”
you weren’t even sure what you were apologizing for, but you couldn’t take the torture for much longer. you’d fix your mouth to say whatever it takes to get him off of you.
“how many times have i told you to stop dressing like a slut? huh?” you responded with a pained screech. he paired the question with another lashing, your cries for mercy doing nothing to garner any of his sympathy. “and yet, you still do what you please. so i’m going to do what ever the fuck pleases me.”
it felt like you’d been here for an eternity, but it’d probably been maybe twenty minutes. twenty minutes since you walked into his room like a dumbass instead of going to sarah’s like you planned on doing in the first place. twenty minutes wasn’t a long time, and nobody would come looking for you any time soon.
a sob racked through your body at that. your hands reached back to grab at his weapon of choice in a desperate effort to stop the battery, and in response rafe put them right back where they were against your spine.
“you want everyone to see your ass so badly,” the leather slashed through the air and landed on you with a crack. “so i’m gonna give you something to show ‘em.” 
you had been reduced to a pile of tears and tender flesh. rafe’s hands holding you down against the bed were hardly necessary; the both of you knew that you didn’t have the energy to fight back anymore. all you could do was scream, cry, and beg for him to end the attack against your poor ass. the welts on your flesh were beginning to form, you could feel it.
“stop crying.” he says from above you. you could practically hear the sound of his eyes rolling, but he paused the lashings anyways. “begging me to stop but–” he cuts himself off, his silence falling loudly on your ears.
the sound of the belt falling to the floor as he threw it into a random corner didn’t even register to you, the metal buckle thumping against the wall. all you could focus on was the hand between your quivering legs, and the throbbing sensation that you hadn’t noticed before. rafe’s fingers gliding against the wetness of your core made you flinch from being unprepared for his touch.
“you're leaking all over yourself…” shame washed over you in a tsunami-like wave, the feeling amplified by the wet sounds coming from where rafe’s hand meets the junction of your thighs. “i don’t think you want me to stop.”
“no!” you shouted. rafe let out a breathy chuckle as he watched you shake your head desperately against the mattress. “no more! please, i don’t want it...”
he hummed in response, fingers still toying with your dripping heat. they were just barely brushing over your clit, the bud swollen with need and twitching with every ghost-like touch. if you could scream, you would, but all you had the energy to do was whimper pathetically as he held you in place.
“hm, alright.” rafe’s agreeance made you release a shaky breath you hadn’t even realized you were holding. “i know what you do want, though.”
you felt his thick fingers grazing your entrance; just the pads of them. he was being a tease, letting you soak in the humiliation of being so adamant on him leaving you alone but having your body betray you. 
he leaned down once again, the softness of his lips tickling the shell of your ear. you swallowed dryly as you struggled to focus on anything other than his torturous fingers sitting idly between your puffy lips. 
“you want me to fuck this little hole open with my fingers,” he hummed again, the vibration of it sending a shockwave through your body. “wanna drool all over my hand with that messy cunt.”
you shook your head, squirming against his hold once again in an attempt to escape his curious fingers. 
“no?” he asked and you shook your head again. “i don’t believe that.”
he only removed his hand from your long enough to flip you onto your back, barely exerting any strength to do so. instead of holding you down by your wrists, you were planted against the mattress by your neck with a firm hand. your own fingers moved to wrap around his arm while his returned to the heat building between your legs. 
you gasped at the feeling of a long, thick digit pushing against the tight resistance as it coaxed you open enough to slip inside. with him between your legs you couldn’t close them–all you could do was lie there pathetically as he did what he wanted. 
“aw, you feel that?” he cooed at you, eyes flickering up at your face briefly before dropping back to his hand. “it slipped right in…i think you can take two, don’t you?”
a whine slipped out at the feeling of a second finger slipping past the barrier of your hole to join the first one. his fingers were way bigger than yours, fitting inside of you more snugly than you were used to. he pulled them out at a snail’s pace, purposefully dragging against your spasming walls before pushing them right back in.
“yeah, you take it real good.” he grinned smugly, clearly enjoying the juxtaposition of the pained look on your face and the way you desperately latched onto his two fingers. “don’t want it, but your pussy’s sucking me in…why’s that?”
you couldn’t answer–not when you were panting like a bitch in heat, trying and failing at catching your breath as rafe stole it away from you. your arousal leaked out over his fingers and there was nothing you could do to stop it. his fingers felt too good, even if you didn’t want to admit it.
he continued with the bare minimum for what felt like forever, probably waiting on you to give in and beg him to fuck you. unfortunately for him, you would never do that. your will was much too strong to do something as desperate as that, and you were basking in enough humiliation as is; you’d never give up the single sliver of pride you had left.
it was rafe who broke first. he said nothing as the speed of his fingers increased, eyes focused on every scrunch of your nose and the whines that forced their way past your bitten lips. the heel of his hand kept making contact with your clit and it made you want to start crying again.
“such a pretty girl,” his eyes raked over your clothed body in satisfaction. something about you having to walk around in the same clothes that he turned you out in got him off, while it made you think about throwing them into a bonfire or burying them in the deepest part of your closet. “getting so wet and needy from me welting up her ass. i think you’re the pervert here, not me.”
“uh-uhn.” you protested the accusation immediately, reaching down the push rafe’s hand away weakly. he looked amused. 
“you’re not?” the blonde moved back to stare at your cunt grooling all over his hand, fingers fucking the mess back inside over and over. “why are you so wet then?”
you didn’t have an answer to that. his fingers pulled out of you completely, using the wetness as more lubrication to spread over your swollen clit. the bucket of sparks in your stomach had long turned into a bubbling cauldron, and the attention to the needy button did nothing but make it burn hotter.
his fingers dipped back inside with much ease this time and you nearly died from the embarrassment. your brain was foggy yet defiant, but your body worked against you by welcoming everything rafe had to offer. 
“no normal girl would get wet from shit like that. screaming and crying, beggin’ me to stop–but look,” rafe shook his head at you, eyes hot as he watched your frame twitch beneath his hands. “you’re squeezing down on my fingers like you want ‘em in there forever.“
he was right. you were screaming, you were crying, you were begging him to stop. now you’re letting him spread you open and getting wet when you should be screaming for him to get off of you. 
what was wrong with you?
you had no time to think about that, not when he added a third finger without warning. a cry filled the air–yours–from the stretch. you were so full. he sped up again, too, treating you with little compassion as he watched ruined your sopping pussy with the thick appendages.
“so pathetic to be this wet for me,” he shook his head at you, lips pulled together in a pout. “you know it too. you should be ashamed.”
you were.
“you’re not even gonna stop me, look at your legs shaking.” he pointed out the way you couldn’t keep still.
he was right; you weren’t gonna stop him. you couldn’t.
the veins in his arms strained with each pump of his fingers, biceps bulging against the tight sleeves of his shirt. you could feel your juices dripping down your ass, your other hole fluttering in sync with the one being stuffed with three fingers. every part of your body was tingling and desperate to be touched, and you were rapidly losing control of yourself the closer rafe brought you to the edge.
he noticed it, too. the way you couldn’t stop clamping down around him, how you unconsciously ground into his palm, the dazed look in your eyes and the desperation in your voice as you lost the ability to hold back.
“look at you,” he said. his eyes were filled with lust, dark and glossed over as he observed your behavior. “ready to cum after putting up all that fight. dressed up in this tiny, little skirt; you were practically asking for this. so disgusting.”
your breath was uneven and you felt like you were going to pass out, mind dizzy and drunk with the forced pleasure. he showed no signs of letting up, digging you out with a fervor that you’d never experienced. the sound of your whining became higher pitched, tears pouring from your eyes as you tip-toed the cliff ahead of you. 
“you’re about to cum, huh?” you nodded your head at him, eyes wide and wet with the lubrication. “yeah? you wanna cum?”
you screamed, but not for the reason you wanted to. 
“no.” rafe pulled his fingers away right before you fell off the edge, leaving your hips bucking against the air as you were denied the release he was forcing upon you in the first place. “you’re not gonna cum unless i tell you to.”
you would have rolled your eyes and protested, but the feeling of his hand coming down against your bare pussy made you yelp. your clit jumped and your nipples were begging to be released from the constraints of your shirt, the pain giving you a kind of pleasure that you weren’t equipped to handle. he did it again, and again. he did it until you were fighting to push him away and close your legs.
“aw, does that hurt?” he pouted at you when you whimpered out some semblance of a ‘yes,’ which was rewarded with another slap. “good.”
it was agonizing; how deliciously painful it was. it was so much–too much. you were becoming dumb, all brain function replaced with the pulsing of your abused cunt. he continued to slap your clit, entranced by the way it twitched and your hole clenched around nothing.
“you want me to stop?” you couldn’t answer; you were too stunned to form a coherent sentence and it made you feel like an idiot. rafe took pleasure in that. “stupid girl, you can’t even say anything. so fucked out and easy for me.” 
you were tempted to push him away and get yourself off, but even through your foggy brain you knew he’d never let you get the chance.
“need to taste this pussy…” he mumbled to himself, not caring if you heard or not.
he dropped to his knees with eyes still focused on you as he blew against your exposed clit, both thumbs spreading your lips open. he wasn’t worried about you trying to escape anymore; not really. it was clear you were too dazed to do much of anything but pant like a dog and take his abuse. 
he finally gave you his tongue after waiting for you to whine for it, the wet muscle flattening against the whole of your sensitive core. the texture of the appendage on your clit had you writhing, legs trapped in his hold and prevented from clamping down around his head.
you trembled as he lapped up your wetness, grinding against his face as he buried himself deep into your wetness. he was like a man starved, licking up your arousal as it spilled out of you in an endless fountain. the plush pillows of his lips encapsulated your clit, sucking on it roughly as he brought his fingers back down to fuck you open. 
your head fell back from the intensity, cries tumbling out of your mouth clumsily as he laved against your rosy bud.
everything was so wet.
“don’t you dare fucking cum.” rafe growled, pulling away from your pussy. his fingers kept going, but he kept his eyes on you now. it was impossible to ignore the way you pulsed around him. “i’m not gonna stop, so you better hold it.”
a broken wail left you and you wanted to curl into a ball. this was just as much of a punishment as being beaten with the belt in the corner, you were now discovering.
“please…” the rope in your stomach was being sawed in half by the second and you weren’t going to last much longer. “i can’t…”
he rose to his full height, staring down at your messy for; thighs covered in sticky precum with your skirt crumpled up at your waist. your skin was hot to the touch and covered in a thin layer of sweat, face wet with tears stains and eyes filled with lust fueled desperation. his fingers worked purposefully in the deepest parts of your pussy that you’d never been able to explore yourself. 
“taking me so fuckin’ deep, princess.” he teased you with his words, his voice only adding difficulty to holding back from cumming all over his merciless fingers.
“rafe…” you couldn’t tell him off; not when you were getting so close, so fast.
“‘rafe…’” he mocked the pleading tone in your voice. ocean blue eyes flickered up towards your own, dark with arousal as he watched you squirm. “you sound so pathetic.”
you could feel your thighs tensing as you tried your best to hold back. you didn’t know what he would do if you came without permission, but it was getting hard to care. his fingers were hitting repeatedly against a spot that had you seeing white and holding your breath. 
rafe let you stay like that for a while, desperately hanging on by a thread as he watched. 
“okay,“ he said, head tilted to the side. “you can cum–but i’m not gonna give it to you.”
“rafe!” you yelped. he pulled his fingers out and delivered a final smack to your already abused clit, smirking at your reaction. 
reaching up towards your face, rafe squished your cheeks together until your mouth was forced open. you audibly protested when he brought his wet fingers to your lips, the smell of your arousal invading all of your senses. your noises of defiance were ignored as he shoved the digits into your mouth. he coated your tongue with the wetness covering his fingers, fucking your mouth in the same way he used your other hole.
you couldn’t stop the saliva that fell from your mouth; it leaked down the sides of your face uncomfortably and you wanted to wipe it away. 
“you can go home later, and rub that dirty little cunt to the memory of this.” you stared up at him wide-eyed, mouth stuffed and clit pulsating at the wanton actions being performed on you. “every time you pick out a skirt to wear, you’re gonna sit on that welted up ass and you’re gonna think about how wet you got from my belt tearing you up.”
he watched you shift uncomfortably on your bare, bruised behind, but showed you no pity. 
the sting of it brought you back to reality, the weight of what just occurred finally coming to your clearer mind. rafe’s hand gripped your jaw and tilted it upwards to bring your attention back to him. the fear that you felt earlier bubbled back up. 
your mouth was relieved from the violating digits grazing the back of your throat. wet fingers slapped against your cheek twice, not hard enough to leave a mark but enough to make you wince from the sting.
“still think you’re above me?” rafe asked, face lowering to just mere inches away from yours. you shook your head the best you could, jaw still under the steel grip of his hand. “you–you should be thanking me, really…i’m older than you, remember? your job is to respect your elders, and my job is to correct you.”
you say nothing; not that you could anyway. he lowered his hand, pulling it away from your jaw and resting it on the circumference of your exposed neck. the tall man hummed at you, head tilting to the side like a puppy as he observed your disheveled form beneath him.
“i did it so that nobody else has to, y/n. jus’ looking out for you like i’m supposed to–even though you don’t deserve it.“ you blinked at him, prompting the fingers lying limply at your neck to squeeze as a warning. “say ‘thank you, rafe.’ you can do that right? ‘thank you for looking out for stupid little girls like me.’” 
you gulped away the part of you that wanted to spit out a curse at rafe, resistance vibrating deep in your bones. this had to be more humiliating than being spread out over his fingers, you thought.
“thank you, rafe.” the voice that came out sounded pained, and rafe could tell. he tutted at you, clearly dissatisfied.
“i don’t think you mean that…do you want the belt on your pussy this time?” his eyebrow quirked up at you, amused clear in his eyes as he watched your own widen in panic.
“no! no, i really mean it!”
his free hand landed between your legs again as it delivered the stinging punishment of his palm once more. 
“then fucking act like it.” rafe snarled at you, the heat of your center against his taunting hand. “‘thank you for looking out for me, rafe. you’re so good to me.’ and you better fucking mean it.” 
“thank you for looking out for me, rafe. you’re s’good to me!” you cried out weakly. rafe continued to slap at your achy clit with his flattened fingers, wordlessly telling you he wasn’t satisfied with your response. “i’m stupid ‘nd i don’t deserve–ah! i don’t deserve it. i’ll be nice, i promise!”
happy enough with your gratitude, he relented. he pulled his hand away from your quivering lower lips and stepped back, allowing your legs to fall shut and guard your crying, battered cunt from the cool air blowing against it from the ac.
“you’re welcome.”
you watch from your spot on the bed as rafe picks up your discarded underwear from the floor. he shoves the item in his pocket, leaving you bare with nothing to protect yourself. standing from your position on the mattress, your legs wobbled like a young doe before straightening themselves to their full length. 
you’d never felt so violated, so defeated. what made it even worse was the way your body still tingled with need. the feeling was deep inside you, walls clamping down on the phantom of rafe’s manly fingers. he was right, and it brought a cloud of shame that rained down on you. the first thing you’d do when you got home is stuff yourself with your own and pretend they were his. every time you sat down and felt the sting of his punishment, you knew you’d leak just like you were right now.
how could you call him a creep, a pervert? how could you call him disgusting when you were the one making a mess all over him after being held down and beaten?
feelings of guilt weighed heavy on your chest. you could pretend that none of this ever happened, but rafe would never let you forget; there’s no way he’d ever let it go.
shaking away the thoughts plaguing your mind, you pulled yourself together the best you could. a hiss sounded out through the room as you pulled the skirt down from around your waist.
the last thing you wanted to know was how bad your ass and thighs looked, the raised skin evidence enough as it painfully rubbed against the fabric of your skirt. rafe opened the door of his bedroom in a swift motion to reveal an empty hallway, eyes staring pointedly at you. the sound of your swift feet echoed off the floor, legs carrying you the fastest that they possibly could without tripping over each other.
before you made it past the threshold, rafe snatched your arm up into his grip. he leaned down to meet you at eye level, closely examining the way your breathing hitched.
“and stay the fuck out of my room."
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Dada's Sleeping
pairing: rafe cameron x female reader
warnings: just fluff :)
summary: a movie night with you, your husband, and your son theo
a/n: y'all i'm begging you to request stuff bc idk what to write lmao, also this is my first time writing a dad character and mom reader, i love it
song: honeypie - jawny
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You, Rafe, and Theo were sat on the couch. Theo in between you two and a blanket over your bodies.
You were watching a movie that Theo had picked. He's four, so it isn't the most interesting thing for you and your husband. However, he enjoys it so you don't mind.
While you were still watching, you feel a poke on your stomach. You look down at Theo and he uses his hand to single for you to get close.
You bring your face by his and he goes to whisper in your ear.
"Mama, I think Dada's sleeping," he giggles quietly and points a thumb backwards.
You look over and see Rafe's eyes closed as his head rests against the couch. You smile at how pretty he looks, even as he sleeps.
"I think you're right, darling," you smile.
Theo squirms in his seat and finds a new position. He gets comfy with his head now on your lap and his arms holding onto your leg.
You run your fingers through his soft hair as you continue watching the movie, occasionally looking at your husband and son.
A little bit later you look down at your Theo again, only to see him peacefully sleeping.
You reach over to get the remote, trying to not move Theo too much so he doesn't wake up.
You shut the tv and slide the blanket off of you and him.
You carefully pick up Theo and put him in a type of cradle position, which was kind of hard since he wasn't a baby anymore. You go to bring him to bed when you hear a long yawn behind you.
"Sweetheart?" Rafe's sleepy voice fills the room.
"Yes, love?"
He slowly opens his eyes and sees you holding your son.
"Why didn't you wake me? I can carry him to bed," he says, standing up and walking towards you.
"No need, my love," you kiss his cheek.
He nods and follows you as you walk to your sons room. You gently place Theo on the bed and tuck him in. You two kiss his forehead and close the door as you leave.
You get to your room and you stand in front of the bathroom mirror, brushing your hair.
You feel Rafe wrap his arms around you and you put the brush down.
"You seemed pretty cozy on the couch," you grin.
"Sorry, I'm just so tired," he mumbles runs a hand through his hair.
You two brush your teeth and wash your faces.
You notice how he is having trouble keeping his eyes open. You smile at him through the mirror before turning to face him.
"Why don't we lay in bed," you suggest. He nods his head and kisses your head before he goes back into the room.
You two get into bed and he puts on the tv, knowing you who can't sleep without some background noise and light.
He brings you against him and you rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes.
He yawns and snuggles into you, holding you as close to him as he can.
"Goodnight, angel, I love you," he whispers, closing his eyes.
"Night, I love you too," you whisper back.
You two drift into a cozy sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, two hearts together as one.
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dailypankow · 9 months
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rudy pankow | at chase's bday celebration
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rafesthroatbaby · 1 year
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drewstarkeynation · 1 year
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Rafe Cameron in every episode of Outer Banks — 1.10 'The Phantom'
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m2m2m2 · 2 months
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S1 Rafe
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sunxss · 9 months
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:✿⸝⸝✦🍩》ꪶ𝕚𝐤ᦕ ᦢ𝕣 ᥰꫀხᥣᦅ𝕘 ⨾ ❖ ﹏ 他妈的◴➯*³* ઇઉ 🪶🥬༃ ꪀ͟ⅇ͟ꪃ 🄿𖦹𝕤𝚝´ ³`) ❀᎒よ果我う🥥🥝᪥⃜ ࿆ ❧₊ ꒱⭒𝕔ꧏᦸᩚⅆ𝗂͟𝐭𝚜 ᧗ᥱ⃟.≡🥑🪵❜✾°˖ ♡̸꠹ᭂ⌇
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mssturniolo · 1 year
I'm new at this so if this sucks I'm sorry
TW - smut, weed, rum, kie walks in after
First time
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Laugher filled the room they were laughing at y/n, y/n was a Pogue she was a good girl in a way she listened to what was right and she only broke rules when it was Necessary she would drink tho with the Pogues her mom didn't really mind her drinking but y/n mother had two rules no weed and NO drugs the jj and them didn't do drugs but they did smoke weed and y/n listened to that she never smoked weed well till today that is
Y/n come on its one puff if you say no I will stop asking Jj said knowing what she was gonna say, jonh b laughed "bro she's gonna say no that's the one rule she listenes to" John b said look at jj, y/n looked down she wondered what it would taste like she was considering trying it but if her mom found out she would be in so much trouble so she can't try it but she wouldn't be in trouble if her mom doesn't know and her friends wouldn't tell her mom No! Y/n was so confused she grabbed a shot of rum and took it, Jj look at her to see if she would say yes to try weed she didn't nod or shake her head so he took that as a no it went around the room that was their 1th one y/n felt left out jj rolled two more he put one on the side for after this one he took a puff and then passed it to Pope he took a puff and went to go pass it to kie who was sitting on y/n other side but y/n grabbed it at first pope and all the others thought she was gonna pass it to kie but then y/n took a puff "y/n you took a puff" Jj cheered "what about what you're mom said she said no weed" pope said "jj I stealing this whole thing pass a new one around" y/n said smoking the whole thing "y/n you should really listen to you're mother" cleo said " I know but it's a one time thing" I said not really caring
Y/n was high and drunk she couldn't stop laughing she got up to eat something but decided that she wasn't hungry "Shit what time is it" pope asked looking to see if any one knew "1am" Jj said not caring "shit" kie and pope said " I have to go curfew" kie said running out of the houes " me too" pope said running off with cole" yeah and me and Sarah should go sorry man" John b said " it's fine I got y/n" jj said looking over at y/n John b nodded and walked out of the houes with Sarah
"Yo y/n you want more rum" jj asked holding up a bottle of rum "uh yeah" jj nodded and poured some rum in to two glasses he passed y/n her glass she thanked him and Started to drink it if it was the last thing. Jj jump on the couch next to y/n "you smoke how you feel" jj asked smiling "good I feel gooooood" y/n said clearly drunk and high "jj can I spend the night" y/n asked sliding her finger down his abs jj nodded "thank you" she said walking to his bed and laying down she took of her pants and shirt "Jj I want to cuddle" y/n shouted, Jj walked in and took off his Panter and shirt layed next to her she smiled and put her arm around him she looked up at him and had the urge to kiss him and that what she did at first he didn't kiss back but then he did, y/n climbed on his lap and started to rock her hips back and forth, jj grabbed her hips "fuck baby girl you can't do that you're high and this is you're fist time" jj said " no jj I liked you please I'm wet and horny" y/n begged jj groaned he was rock hard and really wanted to have sex but not with drunk high y/n he wanted to have sex with y/n on no weed or rum " jj please" y/n begged again "y/n tomorrow" jj said "can I at least give you blow job" she asked jj with puppy dog eyes " he gave in and said yes after a little of begging
She was happy she clawed off of his lap and took of his boxersy/n looked at jj dick and licked her lips and grabbed it jj moan and looked at her she winked and right after that she put jj hole dick down her throat "FUCK Y/N" Jj yelled and throw his head back she started to move her head up and down she was so happy she didn't have a gag reflex jj grabbed her hair "I'm cuming!" Jj yelled and he did she Swallowed his cum, he filp her around and went down her he pulled down her underwear and started to rub her cilt "jj I need you're mouth not you're hand" y/n moan he started to suck on her cilt she threw her head back he added 2 fingers in her she was a moaning mess "jj I'm close" she moan jj heard that and went faster "JJ!" She yelled moaned he went up to her and kissed her "y/n will you be my girlfriend" jj asked "mhm but you need to fuck me soon" y/n whispered the last part and fell asleep.
In the morning y/n woke up and saw jj with no boxers and her with no underwear and remembered what happened she smile "good morning sleepy head" jj said opening his eyes "good morning" "fuck I forgot I had no boxers on I should put some on" jj said "Jj can you finish what we started" y/n asked "Yeah of course " jj said getting on top of her "condom" y/n said, Jj nodded and grabbed one he sliped it on he put the tip in "it might hurt" jj said "mhm" y/n moan, it hurt felt good but after a while it felt amazing "jj moved" y/n moaned, he nodded and started to move slow but then hard and fast the bed was hitting the wall hard and y/n was yelling Jj name over and over "jj I'm almost there" y/n moan, jj slip his hand down to y/n cilt and rubed it hard, y/n threw her head back and Squeezed his dick, "fuck y/n" jj came in the condom " I love you jj" y/n said "love you too" jj kissed her
"Were here" jonh b yelled "oh shit" Jj and y/n said at the same time
Kie walked in "oh my god" she ran out, me and jj got dressed and walked out of the room
"Kie told us" pope laughed "when? Did it happen" Sarah asked, "last night but this morning we had sex" jj said "last night I gave him a bj and he eat me out" I laughed "to much information" kie gaged "yeah" John b said "so wait you guys are together" Cleo asked "yes we are" jj said kissing me
-THE END I don't know how I feel about this
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chocotacoshawtybae · 2 months
i can fix him guys 😍😍
edit of the day 🤗🤗
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zvdvdlvr · 1 year
- 𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐳𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐲
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navi. | outer banks masterlist
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : 𝒚/𝒏 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍, 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒇 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆. 𝒋.𝒋. 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒘 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒖𝒑 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄!𝒋.𝒋. 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅, 𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒂𝒃𝒖𝒔𝒆, 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒍 𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕, 𝒄𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕, 𝒃-𝒃-𝒃-𝒃-𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌?!!?!??!?!? (𝒊𝒅𝒌 𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒎 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒃𝒉)
𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 : 𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒊𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒆𝒅
𝐊.𝐉.'𝐒 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐒𝐀𝐘𝐒... 𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒎 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒃𝒙 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒖𝒕... 𝒊'𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅.
J.J. didn't have a destination in mind- he never did. It was just a way to clear his mind, smoke, and, yeah, to snoop on the other Pogues outside. The nice breeze, beachy smell, and beutiful colors were a bonus though.
So here he was, strolling along the beach, joint placed between his lips as he toyed with his lighter. The sun's murderous reds, royal golds, and soothing yellows tainted the clouds, sea, and everything visible as J.J. walked. The sound of the water, creak of the decks, caw of the birds... they were and would always be the most comforting thing to him.
J.J. was just turning around the idea of going to John B's to get high when he saw her.
The mysterious, smart, apparently wealthy Pogue girl. Her hair whipped around behind her as she opened something (J.J. couldn't see what). y/n, J.J. suddenly remembered. Her name is y/n. With a sigh, J.J. tucked his joint and lighter into his shirt pocket and turned to walk to y/n.
As he grew nearer, J.J. saw the nasty bruises and cuts littering her face. A black eye was already tinting her skin, and blood dripped from her hands, down to her arm, ending up being soaked up by the sand. Jesus, J.J. thought, the hell happened to her?
"Hey," J.J. greeted. When y/n didn't look up, he sat down. "What happened to you?"
y/n sighed. "Nothing involving you, Marchkink."
J.J. snickered. "It's Maybank," he corrected, swatting at a bug.
When y/n replied "I know", J.J. thought she sounded like she would start laughing too. "What do you want?"
Finally y/n looked up to make eye contact with him, and J.J. felt his eyebrows raise at the sight of her. Her lip was previously gushing, her eyebrow was split open, purple and blue bruises formed on y/n's left eye. Her jaw was absolutely covered in bruises, going from her neck up to her ears. Blood dried in rivuletes down her face from all the cuts, mixing with tears.
Without thinking, J.J. earnestly replied "To help you", to which y/n scoffed at and took out another cotton pad.
She doused it in peroxide and handed it to the blond teen who seeing this quiet girl in a different light.
J.J. took the small pad and held it in one hand while his other held the back of y/n's head, to tilt her face up and keep her from moving away when she inevitably recoiled from the sting of the peroxide. "Stay still," he murmured, bringing her face closer to his so he could examine her wounds better.
When J.J. dabbed at the open cut on y/n's forhead, y/n's jaw clenched and her eyes welled with tears. J.J. shushed her quiet groans, disinfecting everything that could cause future harm. "I'm almost done," he said looking down to y/n's watery e/c eyes. She nodded, caught in his baby blues. The two stared at each other for a minute, illumanted by the setting sun.
J.J. didn't realize he was holding his breath till he removed his hand from the back of y/n's head and leaned back. He looked over his handiwork to see if he had missed something, but only ended up making eye contact with y/n again. "Do you want help with your hands?" He found himself asking.
Another dry cotton pad was handed to him along with a bottle of peroxide and bandages. Carefully, J.J. took hold of y/n's hand and tilted it so he could see all of the gashes he would be tending to. He exhaled through his teeth, wondering how bad the other person was.
Time ticked by as J.J. dabbed at the open wounds on y/n's hand, unconciously rubbing a thumb on the clean palm of her hand. "God damn, girl," he muttered when he took hold of her other hand. Gravel was lodged in the flesh of her palm, side of her wrist, and small piece up her arm. "Where the hell did this happen?"
"Home," a broken whisper from a split lip. A quiet reply from a quiet person.
J.J. didn't need to look up to know y/n was withholding tears. Not tears from the small pieces of rock that were being plucked from her hand (though that did hurt), her tears were from a situation J.J. was quite familiar with.
Barely withholding a low hiss, y/n grabbed his arm. "You can't- Don't tell anyone," she said. A lone tear escaped her eyes as she frantically searched J.J.'s eyes. "Please."
"I won't," J.J. assured, setting down the dirty cotton pad. He reached for a band aid from the pile, unwrapped it, and gingerly placed it on y/n's hand.
That process was repeated numerous times, 'til J.J.'s lap was covered with band-aid wrappings. When the last cut was bandaged, y/n watched J.J. admire his handiwork before looking up at her with a crooked smile. y/n couldn't help but smile back. "Thanks," she murmured, suddenly retreating into her shell.
J.J. breathed a quiet "you're welcome." Only when he smelled the sharp tang of iron from the blood crusted over on y/n's lips. "I kinda... I know we don't, like, you know... know each other, but- fuck," J.J. sighed. He ran a hand down his face, wondering how long it'd take for y/n to laugh in his face.
"What?" y/n asked softly, drawing the boy's attention to where she looked at him with her pretty eyes.
Fuck, J.J. thought; there's literally no way she doesn't know what she's doing. He gnawed at his lip before leaning forward, centimeter by centimeter. He watched y/n watch him move toward her, but didn't make any move to back away. Just before he placed his lips on hers, J.J. paused. "I think I really want to kiss you right now," he whispered.
The corner of y/n's lips raised into a coy smirk. "You really know how to seduce the ladies, eh, Marskilt?" y/n teased.
"It's Maybank," J.J. muttered before capturing y/n's lips in his.
All at once, y/n felt like she was floating. The hot blond weed surfer smoker guy was sitting on the beach, eating face with her! A groan fell from J.J.'s mouth at the taste of iron coating his tongue as he practically begged for entrance into y/n's mouth. When she obliged, J.J.'s hands moved from his lap, to the back of y/n's neck, to gingerly holding onto her head.
"Shit," J.J. groaned when he felt y/n's band-aid covered fingers slide up to his neck to pull him closer. It felt so fucking right to make out with y/n. The little mewls escaping her throat made J.J. feel things, but the way she held onto him made him feel woozy in a good way.
Even if their kissing was clumsy, it was lighthearted and expressionate. J.J. inwardly yelled at himself. He knew that y/n was different than him- better, even- but holy hell did J.J. need more of a taste than a beach make-out.
Panting, y/n split away. Her lungs burned for air but J.J.'s lips on hers felt too damn good for boring ass air. "Oh my- that was-" y/n said, arms still latched around J.J.'s neck.
"Amazing," the blond finished, looking at y/n with a dopry smile. Their lips gleamed with spit, but the buzz of the feeling kept them from doing anything but stare at each other with a dazed look.
"Thank you," y/n said. "Really. Thank you."
J.J. only shrugged. "I had a perfectly fine time," he said. "We should do it again," he blurted.
His jaw dropped slightly at the bold comment that just slipped. But to his utter relief, y/n keot on smiling at him. "Maybe if there was less blood and stuff involved," she said. "I should get going, though."
"Where are you going?" J.J. asked, playing with a neckace around y/n's neck.
Shrugging, y/n sighed. "A friend's house. Why're you askin' Mackbear?"
"Oh my god," J.J. laughed. "I was just asking, you know. It's the polite thing to do," he explained halfheartedly. "I'll- I'll see you soon?"
y/n nodded. She collected up her stuff and all the little band-aid wrappings and shoved everything into her drawstring bag. "See you soon, Maybank," she said, pressing a kiss to J.J.'s glistening lips and walking off.
Immediately J.J. replayed their interaction while watching the water. "'I had a perfectly fine time.' What am I, a Kook?" J.J. asked himself. Oh well, he thought, at least there's someone other than JB, Pope, and Kie to look forward to hanging out with.
obx taglist: @paxdawg
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raemoodboards · 6 months
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kook princess 𓆉⋆。˚⋆𓇼 ˖°
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cleoluvrr · 3 months
notice me (rafe cameron x reader)
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scribble x's and o's in my notebook, checking how my hair and my nails look.
warnings: obsessive reader(she's delusional </3), explicit sexual content, unhealthy behavior, slight age gap
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your panties were soaking, the arousal leaking from your clothed slit creating a mess of the fabric. it clung to your skin uncomfortably, folds visible through the ruined undergarments. you wanted to rip them off, but rafe held them flush to your pussy as he licked a wet stripe over the drenched cotton.
he stared up at you from his position, blue eyes glowing with mischief as took in your impatient whines. his actions did nothing to solve your frustration. the barrier between his wet mouth and your throbbing cunt was only making you more desperate as the minutes ticked by. his fingers drawing circles over your swollen clit made your hips grind into his touch, the friction of the panties against the bud doing little to satisfy you.
“r-rafe, please…” a broken plea for him to end his incessant teasing left your throat involuntarily. your pussy had taken over your brain function, whatever clear thoughts you had now replaced with a primal need you’d never felt before.
"calm down," he murmurs, his tone tender and soothing. your knees were forced far apart, kept completely at his mercy each time he leaned in to attach himself to your pussy. “just enjoy it…”
you were tempted to push him away, but the hand you placed on the top of his head only pulled him in closer as you bucked your hips into his face. the texture of his tongue and the rough fabric in combination against your swollen lips was far too intense for you to handle, and yet, you still wanted more–needed more.
“y/n…” his voice was muffled below you, barely audible over your heavy breathing and the blood rushing through your ears. “y/n…” your mind was still in a distant place, thighs squeezing tightly around the sides of the blond’s head as he lapped up the arousal leaking through your panties.
rafe’s voice was clear as day, the fogginess of your brain dissipated as your friend’s older brother stared at you in annoyance. your eyes widened in realization before blinking away the lusty haze that coated them. heat traveled up your chest rapidly to reach the soft flesh of your cheeks. swallowing dryly, you hummed in response, not trusting yourself to use your real voice.
“jesus, kid, what’s your problem? you can’t hear?” 
“sorry, i was…” you blinked at the man on the other side of the kitchen island, his cold eyes leaving a trail of goosebumps over your arms. “sorry..w-what’d you say?”
the years-long crush you had on your best friend’s older brother only increased tenfold the longer you two were in proximity to each other. you thought that it would go away after freshman year of high school, but you were far from correct. your first year at college had just ended, months filled with new parties, new faces, and new boys to become attached to. 
you were certain that you’d get over rafe this time, and yet, here you were. home for the summer and daydreaming about…things you’d never say aloud.
it was hard not to. no matter how many times you told yourself it was wrong, you just couldn't help but let your mind drift when he was around. the smell of his cologne was intoxicating, and the way he carried himself made your thighs squeeze together instinctively.
he was just so...rafe.
rubbing his eyes frustratedly, he sighs. rafe was never one to have patience for anyone and it was clear to you that he was running low from interacting with a barely-there you. while the oldest cameron always had a bit of a soft spot for you, it still didn’t take much to push his buttons. 
“i said get out, my friends are coming. i don’t want you around them.” rafe says firmly. he leans against the kitchen counter, eyes no longer boring into you as they were a few seconds ago. his fingers tap rhythmically against his phone screen, presumably texting the friends that were supposed to appear sooner or later. when you don’t move from your spot by the kitchen’s island, his head pulls up to meet your puzzled gaze once again. “you didn’t hear me? leave.”
your brows knit together lightly in confusion. rafe had never taken issue with you being around his friends before. granted, you’d never been around them alone. sarah had always been there, and it was never on purpose. any time you were around when his friends came over, rafe would never really give time for them to speak to you before pulling them away. kelce and topper were nice enough from what you’d experienced with the two of them, so you couldn’t understand what the issue would be.
sarah stepped out with ward for something a while ago, leaving you all by yourself in the house with rafe until the two of them returned. you stood from your seat on the barstool to make your exit but stopped before you could get too far. facing him again, you opened your mouth to speak.
“why?” you asked the older blonde curiously. his eyebrow twitched in annoyance, but that didn’t deter you from questioning the order. “do they not like me?” ‘do you not like me?’ is what you really wanted to say, but you bit your tongue to refrain from it. you were too scared of what the answer might be.
rafe chuckled dryly as he shook his head at you, hand reaching up to comb through his golden locks. pushing off the counter, he walked around to meet you where you stood. the way he stared down at you left you feeling a bit startled, the pair of heavy blue eyes drinking in every inch of your frame indiscriminately. it was difficult for you to remain calm with him looming over you like that. 
you nearly jump out of your skin when he places a hand on your shoulder and spins you around roughly. it caught you off guard but you didn’t stumble, instead you made a sound of protest at the sudden contact. you could feel the heat of his gaze against your back and if your face could get any hotter, it would. the puff of his warm breath against your ear is what made you jump, but rafe’s chest against your back made you freeze in place.
the feeling of his hand traveling down your shoulder blades, the dip of your back, and the curve where your waist meets your ass left your skin covered in goosebumps and the palms of your hands uncomfortably clammy.
you’d been hanging out with sarah for the three weeks that you’d been home, and each day you meticulously planned your outfits just in case rafe happened to be around. the oversized sweatshirts had been packed up in the back of your family’s garage and the breasts you’d been hiding since you got them were finally free of the skin tight sports bras you used to strapped them down all those years. the shortest skirts you owned were being put to work the entire summer until something came to fruition. 
“do they not like me?” he repeats in a mocking tone. “kid–y/n…that’s not the problem.”
“rafe!” you exclaimed. the feel of his strong hand reaching under the hem of your skirt left you shocked, jaw slack with disbelief. you were worried about what he would find under there if he reached too far, the dampness of your panties enough to leave them sticking to your skin and able to expose you if he were to accidentally brush against them. “what are you doing?” your imagination had left you feeling indecent and hot, and you wished you would have left the room when you had the chance to spare yourself the embarrassment.
relief washed over you at the feeling of him tugging the fabric of your skirt down to cover as much of the exposed skin as the material would allow. you could hear him kiss his teeth as it barely covered the tops of your thighs, the fold of your ass almost visible anytime you weren’t standing completely still.
the sound of the front door opening filled your ears, topper and kelce’s loud voices traveling through the empty house as they called out for their friend.
“go upstairs. now.” rafe pushes you away roughly and you waste no time shuffling out of the room.
his eyes were glued to you until the moment you left, the feeling of his ocean blue orbs burned into your skin as your nike-clad feet padded against the old floorboards. your heart was beating firmly against the bones in your chest and you could still feel the way his warm hands were so close to somewhere they shouldn’t ever be, but where you wish they could stay forever. 
when you reached sarah’s room on the upper floor of the mansion, you finally released the silent scream that you’d been holding in since rafe first walked into the kitchen.
you’d felt him watching you the entire time, his eyes raking over your frame as you stared down at your phone pretending that you couldn’t tell. you knew sarah had plans with her dad today but you insisted on coming over anyway, claiming that you didn’t want to miss a single day with her this summer. you knew rafe would be here too, because that was the first thing sarah warned you of before she left you alone with her brother. 
you spent months–years–doing whatever it took to get his attention without completely throwing yourself at him like you so badly wanted to. the last thing you wanted was to come off as the desperate, embarrassing best friend, but you had to do something to stand out amongst all the other rich, pretty, older girls that flocked to him everywhere he went.
he was the kook prince, and you were just his little sister’s friend. it was hard for you to get him to see you any other way.
when you came home for summer break, you had a plan. your days were meticulously planned around him, which definitely sounded insane, but after years of pining you couldn’t find it in you to care.
the local goodwill took in all your old clothes during the winter to make room for your new wardrobe. you learned how to do your makeup, lost the contacts, and opted for consistent manicures rather than the brittle nubs for nails you had your entire childhood. months worth of confidence lessons on youtube, manifesting, and subtle flirting practice with the boys at your university were going to pay off this summer.
it had to. 
the kid he was used to was gone. the nail biter with chunky black glasses, a stutter, and old band shirts had been banished and in her place was the improved version of you. the one that planned her outfits a day in advance, always had french tips, and could hold eye contact without stumbling over every word like it was her first. you walked with a sway in your hips and showed off parts of your body that nobody except sarah and yourself knew you had. 
you refused to be the awkward, nerdy kid anymore. things had to be different this time–and they were. 
when presented with the opportunity to be alone with rafe cameron, you took every measure possible to get his attention without begging on your hands and knees. for nearly a month you tried to be as lowkey as possible; pretending to not care if he was there or not, ignoring him completely when you two were in the same room, flirting with other guys when rafe was in hearing distance–whatever it took. it was tiring, but you couldn’t give up–not after all these years.
staring at yourself in the full body mirror propped against the sarah’s wall, you smiled and took a step closer to examine yourself. rafe finally saw you. he called you ‘kid,’ but he finally saw you as something more than that. you were finally one step closer to your silly little daydreams becoming reality.
“he noticed me…” you whispered to yourself. 
he finally fucking noticed.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
My Poor Eyes
pairing: rafe cameron x female reader
warnings: fluff, kissing, nudity
summary: your son theo walking in on you and rafe in the shower - requested by anon
a/n: this is pretty short because i didn't really know what else to write lmao
song: i'm still standing - elton john
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You and Rafe were in the shower with the warm water pouring over the two of you. You prefer hot water, but your husband doesn't so you have to compromise.
There was some music playing in the back, not loud but loud enough to hear over the water.
You go to grab the shampoo but Rafe grabs it first, "I got it."
You smile at him as he turns you around, pours shampoo on his hand, and starts to rub it in your hair.
After that he helps you rinse it out. You turn and go to rub in his shampoo now. "Gotta return the favor," you shrug. He bends down and pecks your lips a few times while your hands go through his hair.
After it's rinsed out, he rubs some conditioner in your hair and while that sits he starts to wash you with your loofah. "I can wash myself, darling," you laugh as he rubs it on your back.
"Mm, yeah. But I love doing it," he grins while he rubs the loofah on your breasts. You roll your eyes at his childish behavior.
He brings the loofah up to your neck and gently rubs it. The soap washes off and he starts to kiss your collarbone. He trails kisses up your neck and then kisses your lips.
He drops the loofah and grabs your waist, turning you so your back is against the wall. He bites your bottom lip and you wrap your arms around his neck.
Meanwhile, your son just gets with his headphones on as he blasts music. He sees the house empty so he goes upstairs where the biggest bathroom is.
He grabs a towel from the closet outside the room and grabs the handle to the bathroom as he whistles to the song.
He steps inside and sees you and Rafe blurred behind the foggy glass. He drops the towel and his hands fly to his eyes.
"Ah! My eyes! My poor eyes!"
You and Rafe jump apart and you see your son walking out of the bathroom muttering things about bleaching his eyes.
You hear Rafe starting to laugh next to you. You turn towards him and smack his arm, "I thought you locked the door!"
"Oops," he holds his hands up in defense.
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dailypankow · 1 year
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rudy pankow | interview
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rafesthroatbaby · 11 months
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drewstarkeynation · 1 year
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Rafe Cameron in every episode of Outer Banks — 1.06 'Parcel 9'
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