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goryhorroor · 2 months
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horror sub-genres: paranormal
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lemonadeslice · 3 months
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siblings in horror: haunted edition
hereditary | oculus | crimson peak | goodnight mommy
codependent | blood-soaked | ride-or-die
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spookedmango · 1 year
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Some of the creatures I really love in Subnautica! They’re so cute but they give me heart attacks 🥲
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logangarfield · 6 months
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Oculus (2013) dir. Mike Flanagan
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james-beaufort · 6 months
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5K CELEBRATION ♡ for @elena-gilbert ↳ OCULUS (2013) dir. Mike Flanagan
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movie-gifs · 8 months
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dir. Mike Flanagan | 2014
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commercial-ready · 16 days
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usermicky · 25 days
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Tagged by @anyataylorjoys thank you for tagging me beck! sorry I broke the rules 😅
tag rules: select 13 horror films that at one point in time terrified the hell out of you (gifs are optional)
tagging some mutuals! please ignore me if you’ve already done this :)
@moonlight @lucy-mclean @jodifosters @90scully
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mareyshelley · 2 years
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Oculus’ Lasser Glass mirror + The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Midnight Mass, The Midnight Club, The Fall of the House of Usher.
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konczakowski · 2 years
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flanaganfilm · 2 months
howdy!! do you rewatch your own work? if so, how often? im wondering if it has the same "artist just sees faults with what they create" thing, or if youre able to appreciate past projects the way they deserve
I don't, typically... usually, by the time we're finished with post production, I've seen the thing so many times that I'm thrilled to stop watching it. I'm either sick of it, or just feeling like it doesn't belong to me anymore. There are other reasons, too - Hill House was a traumatic production for me, for example, I have a lot of complicated emotions woven into it, so I haven't felt ready to rewatch that one since before it aired. Maybe in a few more years.
Somewhat recently, I've revisited a few of the older movies with my eldest son, who is 13 now. He's basically as old as my career itself. We've watched Oculus, Hush, The Midnight Club (which he LOVED, proving it worked for our target audience) and Ouija: OOE together, and each of those screenings was a really cool experience. His reactions and questions were really fascinating, and I felt like I was able to see those movies anew through his eyes. That's the closest I've come to feeling like I was really seeing them, and that's only because so much time has gone by for those. I watched the Director's Cut of Doctor Sleep a few years back at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park Colorado. It was part of a live NoSleep Podcast event, and that was the first time I'd seen that movie since it was released. It was also the first and only time I'd ever seen the Director's Cut with an audience. That was a really special screening and it meant a lot to me.
I haven't yet had the guts to revisit any of the TV series other than Midnight Club. As my kids get older, I'm sure I'll watch them all with them. The one I'm most excited to see is Midnight Mass, which remains my favorite of the shows. I haven't seen it since before it came out - I remember the last day of post on that show, watching down each episode with final mix and color. That's a series I wish I could actually watch like a viewer at home, and while I'll never truly be able to do that, I look forward to looking at it with some real distance.
There are a few of the older projects I'd be curious to watch now. I wonder how Absentia holds up - I was such a baby when we made that movie, and it's been so long. I imagine I could watch that today and have a really trippy experience. I also haven't revisited Before I Wake in a very long time, and I always really loved that script. The movie was a rough road, and my feelings were mixed by the time it finally found its finish line (Relativity Media really beat that one up), but that could also be a really interesting viewing experience at this stage of my career.
But generally, each of these movies is a journey, and once the journey is over it's tough to ever really go back. There's little point, and moving forward feels like a matter of survival. The "finished product" is only the tip of a large, deep, labyrinthian iceberg for me. It's impossible to only see what's on the surface, no matter how hard I try.
(Interesting side-note: The only exception I've found to this rule is The Life of Chuck. We just finished post production on the movie, and I've watched it dozens and dozens of times now - but I've never grown tired of it, not even a little bit. That movie is something special, and I am eager to watch it again - and again - and again. I don't know that I'll ever want distance from that one; in fact, watching it brings me a sense of joy, comfort, and safety.)
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zodgory · 8 months
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Mirrors are never to be trusted.
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israelcastillophoto · 5 months
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Battery Park, New York City
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james-beaufort · 7 months
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OCULUS (2014) dir. Mike Flanagan
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