#ogre poppenang
atomeja 3 months
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deranged individual draws grimal (and elise) like 200 times
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notbepi 3 months
the fathers are feuding馃挃馃挃
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lmk if the image quality is pixely ive never posted on this website before馃
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mandable-draws 3 months
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Bloody loved the new episode. Sat in class drawing this in a fever since I watched it. Love Occam, even if he looks more like a vampire than the vampires do. I shall be purchasing a Kevin as well. I will throw him at someone.
Image description under the cut
A shoulders up digital illustration of Occam. It's drawn to look like the end scene of episode 4 of Hunter the parenting. Dual light sources, a standard white light from above and red light from below. Bold shadows and highlights.
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multiversemittens 3 months
The fact all of this happened while Door and Boy are just out getting burgers is hilarious.
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mig-murgthenurg 3 months
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The animation, the character interactions, everything just keeps getting better.
And that fucking Kevin Plushie bit. I'd already ordered one but I would be lying if I said that bit wasn't funny enough to make me consider buying another.
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sir-gale 3 months
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Quick lil guys
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h9rd-t6-miss 3 months
God hunter the parenting is just... Something deeply special.
It starts out loud, like all of Alfabusa and Ogre Poppenang's work does. Chapter one involves COCK-thorpe jokes and a jacket covered in wooden stakes. It involves jokes about DMT being a formidable defense against vampires and fortifying a picnic table. When Ogre Poppenang get loud, they get so, so incredibly loud.
And if that were all there was in these shows, they would be fourty minute entertainments that leave your mind as soon as you're done laughing at it.
But... There's more.
You catch glimpses of it here and there if you're not looking for it. Did the red and blue one just talk about genuine self-reflection in between cock jokes? Maybe. Maybe you misheard it. Does the short-shorts wearing loud one actually have honest warnings in between the mad yelling? Surely you imagined any depth to these characters, they're yelling about blenders!
But then. The story does something that it feels, strange, in today's modern media.
In between the jokes and the noise and the wonky animation... The stakes stay the same. They're always in dire danger, no matter the tone of the setting.
Even when he's on stilts clambering over a yard and looking absurd, Kitten is absolutely in danger of dying at every moment. Even when Kevin is yelling about magic vampire wizard powers, he is absolutely not kidding and will utilize them to kill. Even when Big D is making a god-awful concotion in a blender filled with nonsesne ingredients, it serves a legitamite purpose towards the family.
And the stories give everything SPACE. Space to breathe, to laugh, to cry, to be horrified. The lives of these people are horrifying and dangerous and absurd but they are still absolutely alive, not just cartoons.
You find yourself invested in the old relationship of Grimal, the overblown hyper weeabo and Kitten, the level headed hunter who still never takes off a blue hoodie and sky mask. You find yourself deeply touched by how much the literal and exact Door cares for his son, even if exposing him to the Hunter's lifestyle and indeed, Door's lifestyle, probably isnt the greatest thing.
You can really feel that the Hunters are true, three dimensional people that are written with so much care and expertise, and that their voice actors understand the characters at such a fundamental level.
You also begin to love the overall writing, where the authors show their true and incredible skill at balancing the zany humor of the WoD with the name of the setting, a world full of real darkness, where the shadows in the alley really do hold unspeakable terrors.
Not every joke will land, and the boldness of the caricatures will drive some people off. But there is so much more to this studio than anything I've seen in a long time, and for those who will stick around, prepare to fall in love with everything as much as the creators have.
Also, if you just want MORE of the absurd and delightful humor, Half-life:Zero Viscosity deserves all of the praise of HL:VRAI and MORE
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THIS Just in? Maybe successful Bechdel test in next episode??? plot relevance of yaoi paddle?
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ruthell-aaaaaaaaa 3 months
In a way it feels kinda surreal to be watching the new HtP chapter. Don't get me wrong, the new episode is amazing and makes me want to scream and throw things in anticipation for the next one, but it's also so unlike yet so similar to the older content. Comparing chapter 1 to chapter 4 it's almost like they're two entirely different shows and, in a way, they kind of are.
The amount of growth the ogre poppenang gang have went through in the past over two years (holy shit it's been over two years I've barely even noticed) is awe inspiring. Both audio and video have gone up in quality so much that I don't even know where to start. I'm going through chapter 4 while writing this and many of the shots look like they'd fit in high-budget big-name animationings.
What once was a set of moving pdfs on a background has evolved into an amazingly expressive marionette show with even cooler backgrounds.
Basically, I love this show and the people making it so much thank you for making this (I'm running out of praise-words)
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rohmulijasu 11 months
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Me and my partner cosplaying as our favorite vampire hunters at Desucon 2023. We had lots of fun and I'm defenitelly convincing @radoren to do this again.
Also! Go watch Hunter: The Parenting and other Bruva Alfabusa content. It's so good!
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ovary-harvester 3 months
I like how Git thought that D calling himself Kevin was more suspicious than him summoning a blender
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notbepi 2 months
forcing myself to learn how to draw door
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ft boy
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^^ og drawing i did a while ago of boys totally canon origin story
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machinepixie 3 months
heads up my knowledge of WTA is not oh-so-deep, ive mostly just been on the sidelines of one particular campaign at one point. i know a good bit but my knowledge is largely as a mage player.
i think simon "spit" spires is a werewolf or other kind of rage-plagued werefolk, and just underwent his first change.
not sure if its a late change. possibly? i forget the specifics of when things happen.
triggered by the stress of his adhd medication withdrawal amongst other things, overstimulation, a spiral of anxiety and such.
fatigue is a scholar of lycanthrope lore also if you catch it early on. could have possibly noticed when listening to spit venting to him that he is at the very least a kinfolk or associate with werewolf kind, pointing it out, being the full on catalyst for that change.
first changes are often blind, violent rages, far from the more methodical killing of a vampire or their minions, hence the heavy gore and viscera, ending with spit in a state of horror, and confusion, a possible state after a first change.
smaller little thing. i think the blood test could be one aggravating factor in spit's anxiety spiral, as he may be worried it would out him as a kinfolk or as the potential mole. so, spit could very much be another mole, asked to befriend the son of a hunter. i forget if anything was stated about if git and spit knew brok for a while. being afraid of discovery would not help this situation
additional thing: i also think possibly some of the nightmarish things spit is thinking is from a bubbling of rage, boiling to the surface, he's horrified, he's rejecting those thoughts.
ANOTHER THING THATS IMPORTANT TO NOTE BY THE WAY: i do not want to simply say "oh these adhd symptoms mean he's a werewolf!!1!!!!!1!!" though, i myself am adhd and i dont want to seem like im just accusing this poor guy of being a werewolf for just having a breakdown, bless him, this could be a red herring or me overthinking about this.
(i dont think this is insensitive as a theory but if this comes off as such, my apologies.)
im spitballing and trying to sort this now after the rush of the new episode.
thanks for reading. cant wait for more HTP this series is awesome.
edit: forgot to mention literal claw markings.
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multiversemittens 2 months
Some future HtP headcanons:
Big D lived in the Portland Polycule house and was the one who locked up the broom.
Door was part of the January 6th capitol attack. Not to overthrow the government, but to fix the structural integrity of the capitol building.
Grimal peed in the Dashcon ballpit.
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shumercury 3 months
Given what we know of how poorly the Tremere Regent treats most of her ghouls, its very possible showing up with Kevin and knicking him with a knife would have had the ghoul out themselves immediately.
That said showing up with a Vampire, one that the rest of the family seems unaware that D is just chill with, seems like it would quickly get complicated
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mig-murgthenurg 2 months
I actually have to thank Hunter: The Parenting for getting me (back) into WoD.
I'd only known of Vampire through the announcement of Bloodlines 2 prior to Hunter which led me to learn a bit about the clans. But I lost interest after the game went quiet due to development issues.
Then along comes Hunter, slapping me in the face with Shitbeard outing himself as a Brujah, a Clan I remembered that was supposed to be in Bloodlines 2.
A few episodes and a lore dive or two later sent me to my local gamestore and now I'm currently plotting my own game of Vampire.
Thank you, Ogre Poppenang, for getting me hooked on Sludge Lads and Biker Bros.
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