#oh thank you!
canisalbus · 4 months
apologies if this is a strange thing to say but i love the way you draw hands and feet!!??? they're always so dainty and like. realistic but also stylized in a visually pleasing way. wonderful art all of it
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saw this post and thought you could write a super cool drabble from it.... you do this kinda dynamic so so so so so well
The hero had never considered it.
They had never thought about it in its own way, nor had they ever wanted to think about it. Obviously this was anything but heroic. It was selfish. It wasn’t what they were supposed to do but now that the villain was sleeping on the hero’s couch peacefully, they understood their foolishness.
They had never considered how exhausted the villain must’ve been.
Fighting for years was something both of them had done. But the hero had only recently learnt about the villain’s painful past. An unloving family, a series of deaths in their childhood, the burden of getting superpowers as a teenager and being used and antagonised ever since. It had never occurred to the hero that this wasn’t the villain’s decision.
It made the decision only worse. It was like their heart was being stabbed over and over again.
“Hey,” the hero said softly, rubbing the villain’s shoulder to get them to wake up. “You should take your medicine.”
However, it still forced a blush on the hero’s face as the villain continued to sleep with their hands intertwined.
“Hey,” the hero tried again. They wished they could let the villain sleep for longer. They wished they could save the villain from whatever was lying ahead. A week ago, the hero would have never considered that either. But it was true. They had changed. “Sleepy head, you have to wake up.”
For a moment, the villain shuffled a bit, sighing as they stretched.
“…wha…?” They yawned and buried their face in the hero’s couch.
“You’ve been here for an entire week,” the hero whispered. There was a lump in their throat and they truly didn’t want to speak anymore. “One week, that was the deal.”
The villain turned onto their back, eyes still closed.
“I never thought you’d care,” the villain said. “I always thought a hero’s priority is killing a villain, not saving them.”
They opened their eyes and looked at the hero. It was an unwritten tragedy, both of them knew it. One week. That was it. Nothing more. Heroes were made to kill villains. And the hero simply couldn’t hide the villain forever. With weekly rummages of the hero’s house to ensure their safety, and controlling the hero’s every move and observing every little imprecision, there was nothing more they could do.
“It is,” the hero replied. “But I don’t want to do it anymore. I’ve changed my mind.”
The villain smiled at them sadly. “You were the one who suggested it.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to do this anymore. When you told me about yourself I just…I saw a scared little kid like the one I was. It’s not fair.”
“My love.” The villain took the hero’s hand and drew incoherent shapes into their skin with their thumb. “We promised that you’ll turn me in after a week. And we will have to do it. You’ve done everything you could. If you continue to keep me here, you’ll suffer.”
The hero looked at them for a little too long.
“Yeah, I know. Fuck, I know…”
“You’re doing the right thing,” the villain said. Eventually, the hero leaned down to hug them.
It was their first and last hug.
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croziers-compass · 5 months
pink purple
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Oah! I am so terribly flattered. You're sweet and kind to me and I am chuffed you have given me these colours. I am charmed! I would love to hear the rumors. I hope they are truly enticing! I shall avoid their eyes just in case they catch onto me.
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
I had a fanfic I wanted to reccomend that I thought you might like!
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
✨🌈☀send this to the people you´re happy to see every time they pop up on your dash🌟🌈💥
Aaaaw x3
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heizerux · 2 years
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Thank you!!
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AITA for lying to my dog about food being 'spicy?'
A while back I taught my dog what spicy foods are (by letting her sniff them and saying "Uh oh! Spicy!") and she figured out that it means it'll smell/taste bad and she immediately loses interest. It was initially an accident but it became really handy in getting her to leave food alone if it might hurt her.
Recently though I've started saying "Uh oh! Spicy!" about any food I don't want her to eat. If she's sitting and staring at me eating a regular non-spicy snack and I don't want to share, I'll tell her it's spicy so she'll stop begging for it. She believes me 100% of the time. She does have a 'leave it' command that she obeys as well, but she always acts so sad whenever I tell her to 'leave it' and it's something she wants.
I feel a little bad because she's an older dog (10y/o) and maybe I SHOULD be sharing my snacks with her, but sometimes a man's gotta enjoy his food in peace without a little creature gazing longingly at him the entire time and crying like the world's soggiest beast.
Included is a picture of her making her very best begging face so that everyone can accurately judge how evil I am for lying to her.
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What are these acronyms?
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hansoeii · 10 months
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stuck in the rain.
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klaunee · 5 months
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I drew this over a year ago but I guess now is the time to post it.
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erabu-san · 28 days
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I enjoyed every second of this quest
[This art has platonic intention. Thank you for not tag ship!]
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canisalbus · 10 months
Your art has countless things to pick and obsess about it obviously but my favorite part personally is how you draw floppy dog ears
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salamispots · 10 months
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dream wip
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min-play · 17 days
cooldown drawback
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ynomii · 5 months
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angel's tower
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squidwujun · 2 months
"Hey how is it going?"
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egophiliac · 3 months
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(almost) four years in, and I finally had time to draw something for the anniversary! woo! 🎉🎉🎉
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