#oh to be kissed by this boy
underoossss · 2 years
fall dates and pumpkin pies - s.h
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pairing: steve harrington x gn!reader
warnings: none just fluff and kisses, and we pretend s4 had a happy ending for this.
an: here, have some steve fluff, it’s fall because its the superior season and im so ready for it to get here.  (brief lucas x max mention because they are adorable) I hope you enjoy!
The sun had started to set in the distance while you made your way through town. The last remnants of its beautiful orange light sneaked through the space between the buildings and shone through the car’s window. Fall had arrived to Hawkins a few weeks back, and the streets were covered with leaves –brown, red and different shades of orange coloured the wet pavement. You watched every detail of the new season as the car moved along, both thrilled and enamoured with the cozy look the town had adopted with the changing weather. It had rained earlier, but the cold bite to the air was gone thanks to the humidity that remained. The days for driving with the windows down were long gone, but the colder days gave you a great excuse to wear your coziest sweaters and cuddle closer to your boyfriend for warmth. Your sank further down in your seat, your high-tops perched on the dashboard, their black colour looking more like a faded grey in the sunset’s orange light.
Steve sat in the drivers seat next to you, clad in in a light blue sweatshirt and a black denim jacket, his hair a perfect display of tousled brown waves. He had one of his hands on top of your thigh, setting the skin under your jeans on fire even with just a simple touch. You glanced  away from your thigh  and towards him. Your eyes followed his profile, from the dip where his forehead met his eyes all the way down to his moving lips. He was talking to the couple sitting in the back, always the mother hen. With a glance over your shoulder, you spotted Max rolling her eyes at Steve’s words while Lucas listened carefully. It made a chuckle leave your lips,  it also brought Steve’s attention back to you.
 “I think they got it from here, babe.” You told him softly, a reassuring smile on your face. You went on to address couple next, your eyes meeting theirs through the rear-view mirror. “We’ll be out here when the film’s over, to take you back home.”
 Max nodded. “Alright, thank you.”
 Your redhead friend had approached you while at work on Monday. Her hair in two pigtails and her skateboard under her arm. She’d told you Lucas asked her out on a date and they would be going to watch a movie Friday night. It was something they had agreed to before, but Lucas had asked Max again that morning. She’d said yes.
 “That’s great. What movie are you watching?” You had asked, more interested on Max’s date than the inventory you were running for the store. “You need a ride?”
 “Yeah.” Her cheeks were tinted pink from what you assumed was embarrassment. “Um, we’re watching Ferris Bueller’s Day Off at 8pm”
 You nodded your head and clapped your hands in front of you. “Perfect! Steve and I will pick you up at 7:30.”
 “You really need to get a new license.” Max shook her head at you. “But thank you.”
 “Pfft I don’t need one.” You’d told her, “Steve would insist on driving me everywhere anyways.”
 When you saw Steve later that Monday afternoon, at 5:05 to be exact, you told him that Max and Lucas would need a ride to the movies on Friday. He turned to you on the driver’s seat, car still on park, and told you that Lucas had gone to Family Video after school to ask for a ride as well.
 “Did they think I’d say no?” Steve had asked you, a confused furrow to his eyebrows.
 “I’m sure it’s not that!” You’d laughed and shrugged, “Just better safe than sorry, I guess.”
 “If you want to hit the arcade after the movie just let us know, we can pick you up after that.” You added after a glance towards Steve. “Right, babe?”
 “Yeah, sure. Just don’t get into trouble.” He rolled his eyes, but you knew it was all an act. He cared for these trouble-making teenagers more than he’ll ever admit. That care shone through immediately after his comment, when his voice took a softer tone. “And have fun.”
 Steve’s car pulled into the parking lot, right in front of the entrance. The cinema’s pink and yellow neon banner reflected on your window and bathed the car in its light. You looked out the window, at the many people walking into the establishments: couples, parents with kids, groups of friends, all ready for some entertainment after the town’s trying times. “I can smell the popcorn from here.” You mumbled, unsure if it was just your imagination or if it was the truth.
 Steve shared a look with Lucas in the rear view mirror which prompted him to jump out of the car and run to Max’s side, opening her door for her. “You ready?” Lucas asked Max with a grin on his face and his hand outstretched.
 You could see Max’s cheeks blush, turning a soft shade of pink as she looked at Lucas. She chuckled then and took his hand in hers, sliding out of the car. “Yeah, I’m ready.” She said. Then, after ducking into the car to say thank you, the  two of them walked into the cinema hand in hand.
 “They’re adorable.” You said after a sigh, watching their retreating figures. Max’s stylish overalls and Lucas’ denim on denim look. “They’ll be okay, right?”
 “Of course they will, babe.” Steve reassured you, understanding your anxiety at the thought of them being alone. They have been through too much. His hand took yours as he drove further into the parking lot in search for a free spot. “Besides, we’ll wait for them here.”
 You nodded, and cleared your mind from your anxious thoughts. Focusing instead on the present, you helped Steve find a parking spot while the sky above you changed from orange into pink.
  “I’m going inside to get us  some popcorn,” Steve said after shutting down the engine. His hand came up to your cheek, his thumb rubbed the skin there softly.  “You want anything else, baby?”
 “Popcorn’s good.” You smiled and placed a small kiss to his palm, giggling when he got flustered.
 “I’ll be right back.” Steve smiled back after trying and failing to rid himself of his blush. He handed you the car keys and walked to the cinema’s entrance three rows ahead of you.
 You stepped out of the car a  few minutes later, and leaned against the closed door to watch the sky change colours above you. The lovely pink had turned into a soft lilac, and by the time it was a deep purple with no clouds on sight, you heard Steve walking back towards the car.
 “Gotcha a soda too!” He smiled, holding the white and red paper cup up in triumph. “I figured the popcorn would make us thirsty.”
 You shook your head in wonder at him, a smile growing on your face. Steve was always so thoughtful and kind, anticipating your needs and those of others when he could. He knew when you needed him to hold your hand, when you needed a hug, or just a good cry. Even if he was always reluctant to accept the same kindness I’m return, you tried to provide it to him. If only he knew just how deep your affection for him ran.
 “Thank you,” You smiled, accepting the kiss he placed on your lips and the bucket of popcorn. “Was the line huge?”
 “Yeah.” Steve said before he shoved a fistful of popcorn into his mouth. “The whole place is packed with people.”
 “It’s for that new movie, the one the kids are going to watch.” You brought some popcorn to your mouth, the salty and buttery taste making your tastebuds dance and say to no one in particular: “Cinema popcorn is so good.”
 “I had to hide from them.” Steve chuckled through another mouthful, you couldn’t even complain, he endeared you. “Or else they’d think I was spying on them or something.”
 You laughed softly, picturing Max’s horrified face if she saw Steve or you in there with them. Then again, you didn’t think they would spot Steve –it was a date after all. They were probably thinking about the other right now, and the nerves that inevitably made an appearance no matter what. A smile came to your face at a memory, another couple that had their first date at this very same cinema.
 “Stevie.” You whispered, your voice taking a softer tone. “Remember when you asked me out that first time?” You placed the popcorn on the hood of the car, as you shifted on your feet –legs aching from being in the same position.
 Steve noticed the movement, and wasted no time. He put the soda next to the popcorn and placed his hands on your hips, pulling you up on the hood of the car. Being at the same eye level as him now, you had the urge to look away –Steve’s loving eyes were almost overwhelming in the best way– but you kept your gaze on him. He moved to stand between you legs, grabbing the soda, taking a sip and placing it back on the hood.
 “Why yes I do remember, gorgeous.” A teasing glint appeared in his eye, over the ever-present affection. “You practically melted to the floor when I asked you.”
 You chuckled –amused– and brought a hand to his hair. Your fingers ran through it once then returned to your side. “I think you’re taking about yourself there, Stevie. I’d never seen you so nervous before.”
 Steve rolled his eyes fondly, leaning in to kiss your nose. His the touch left the skin warm against the cold wind. “I was an idiot that night. almost spilled all the popcorn, got your soda all wrong.” He shook his head.
 “Shh babe.” You placed your hands on his cheeks, they were as cold as your fingers. “Don’t call yourself that. You’ve never been an idiot.”
 Steve looked away with a shrug, feeling vulnerable. You brought his face close to you, fingers tracing his cheekbones.
 “I just don’t like it when you talk about yourself like that.” You shook your head, but gave him a soft smile. Heart aching at the thought of him thinking that way of himself when you thought the complete opposite.
 A sigh escaped him, and he nodded, his fingers clutching at the material of your sweater. “I know, it’s just–”
 “A habit. I know.” You rested your forehead against his, moving your face from side to side, and offered him comfort. “That night… I was nervous too. Can you blame me, though? I’d been crushing on you for a while.” You shared, making Steve smile.
 “I think I crushed on you for longer.” Steve laughed softly, his hands drifting over to your back until his arms circled your waist.
  “I’m not starting a competition.” You chuckled with an eye roll, then with a sigh you moved your gaze to the cinema. “Being here and seeing those two walk in tonight… it just reminded me of that night.”
  Steve smiled and tightened his arms around your waist, bringing you close to fend of the cold. “It reminded me too.” He murmured, lips ghosting on your jaw and the warmth of his breath making goosebumps appear along your skin. “I got to kiss you that night. ‘Had been dreaming about it forever.”
  “Cheesy.” You smiled, then sighed when Steve placed a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “I was so glad you did. I thought I’d have to wait until the second date.”
 “How could I wait.” His lips brushed against yours in a teasing touch, a breathy chuckle escaped him. You tilted your head and touched the tip of your nose against the side of his. “Look at you, I’d be a fool not to kiss you.”
 Unable to wait, you moved forward and captured his lips with yours –the pleased sound that left Steve’s throat warming your body up against the cold. His lips parted as he moved closer, you could taste the sweet taste of the soda he’d been drinking and still lingered on his lips. It felt like something out of a book or a movie, the way you were bursting with love for each other in the same place you gave that love a chance. Steve pulled back when he felt you smile, his lips kissing your cheeks and jaw until your face felt on fire and you brought his lips back to yours. You felt all-consumed by your emotions, and each caress of Steve’s lips against yours, his tongue brushing your bottom lip and his teeth biting them ever so gently threatened to make all those emotions burst at the seams.
 “Steve.” You whispered, hands travelling from his hair back to his face.
 He looked rumpled, his lips very much kissed but his expression cleared when he looked into your eyes. “Everything okay?”
 You nodded, swallowing hard. “I’m going to sound pathetic.” You confessed.
 Steve shook his head. “Of course not. Tell me.”
 “I don’t know if it’s this place that’s making me nostalgic.” You looked at the cinema then at Steve. “But…”
 Steve remained patient as he waited for you to find your words –his thumbs rubbed circles on your lower back.
 “My heart felt very lonely before I met you Steve.” You whispered. “And since I met you, well I’ve never been so happy, despite everything that’s happened. Hell, after that first date I couldn’t stop smiling for days.”
  “I couldn’t shut up about you after we met. Then after the date it just got worse.” Steve smiled, his forehead falling towards yours. “You’re not alone anymore, babe. Even in feeling hopelessly in love. I’ve got you.”
 “You’ve got me too.” You nodded, your foreheads moving together. “I love you, so much.”
 “I do more.” He whispered softly and leaned in for another breathless kiss.
 “Wanna go out on a date with me?” Steve asked when he pulled back. He smiled in delight at your surprised face. “We’ve got time.”
 “Where do you want to go?” You smiled, tilting your head in question. When have you been able to say no to him.
 “Our second date. That diner is just along the main street so we can walk.” Steve smiled, lips kissing yours softly and moving to kiss you nose, your Cupid’s bow, your chin. “I know you’ve been craving a pumpkin pie this week.”
 “I have.” You nodded thoughtfully, a smile on your face even when you looked back to where Max and Lucas had gone.
 “The kids will be fine, we’ll be back before they even come to find us.” Steve promised. His hands moved to your hips and helped you slide down from the hood of the car. “Indulge me baby, come on.”
 Steve’s smile grew wider when you nodded again, his arm going around your shoulder after you grabbed the half finished popcorn. The two of you walked close together through the rows of parked cars, eating popcorn, until you reached the main street.
 “I kissed you where we had our first date, I think it’s fair to kiss you where we had our second.” Steve spoke through another mouthful of popcorn.
 You chuckled, “You’re right, it seems fair. But I was promised some pumpkin pie first.”
 “Baby, I’m better than pumpkin pie.” Steve joked. “Right?”
 At your teasing silence, Steve asked you again. “Babe, am I? This will keep me up at night, you’ve got to tell me.”
  You could only laugh, shifting closer to his side. “Of course, you are. Better than anything.”
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hansoeii · 1 month
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triona-tribblescore · 26 days
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Its just a bike man 🙄
(The promised biker angel update uvu I redrew this thing like 3 times and am STILL not totally happy with it, so plz forgive its chaotic look TwT)
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rendevok · 3 months
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“Take my hand” pages 16-18
1 -> 3 - day 4 - swap
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yuwuta · 1 month
you ask yuuta if he wants a bite of your food and when he says yes you offer your plate to him, but he’s just sat there looking at you with his dumb big bambi boy eyes and his mouth slightly open and he will not look away or blink or close his mouth until you lift your fork to his lips to feed him and then he grins like shit’s sweet and hums about how good the food is like nothing happened like he’s not ridiculously attractive. gonna chew on steel
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smooth astarion scares me- bc legit who is that
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that is NOT my astarion i only know him
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kingfuc · 2 months
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Just wanted to draw some kissin action
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sketchingstars03 · 2 months
a struggle us ink fans know all too well
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I’ve said enough
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eggsdrawings · 11 months
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it’s their mission to bother each other
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ohtendril · 20 days
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There was something heartbreaking in the way she was gazing at him, as if she might die if he didn’t kiss her. Not from heartbreak, not from embarrassment—it was almost as if she needed him for nourishment, to feed her soul, to fill her heart.
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blvcksuba · 15 days
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snaillock · 6 months
“cats won’t recognize or understand the feeling of forehead kisses and might even be resistant to it at first but once they know it’s a sign of affection, they may start offering their forehead or light bump their head against you for more.”
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“what are you doing?” you watched him tilt his head down in your direction, revealing his forehead to you, barely even a second after he returned home.
“huh?” he said as if completely unaware of what he was doing. despite that, he only leaned closer and looked up at you with expecting eyes. “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“then why are you doing that?”
“oh.” he quickly straightened himself up only for you to cup his head and pull it back down so you could plant a quick smooch on his forehead.
you chuckled at his flustered reaction, his widened eyes and red tinted cheeks. “yeah, i knew you liked that all along,” you said with some smugness and were about to walk away until you felt a hand grab onto your wrist.
“wait, give me another. i didn’t get to fully enjoy it.”
★-KURONA RANZE, sae itoshi, barou shoei, raichi jingo, nagi seishiro, HIORI YO, gagamaru gin + your faves <3
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please read and respect my byf/dni before reblogging/following
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thatsrightice · 8 months
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Val Kilmer on the set of Top Gun (1986)
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buckttommy · 2 months
this isn't a horny post but. has buck even... seen a hard penis before that was not his own? like yeah yeah porn but. that's not really the same is it. not when you're not even looking. not when you don't even know that you want to look. like for all intents and purposes buck is completely virginal here and that's. ummm. that's a lot.
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