#ok ok technically it might not be in the wild considering i dropped into a friend's lobby and someone else dropped in as well
crescentfool · 1 year
my first squid party out in the wild...!!! 🥺🥺🥺 i will cherish this...
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sodascribbles · 11 months
two weeks of whump: day four
(read on ao3 here!)
Definitely not late! For @.promptsforyourwhumpfic's Two Weeks of Whump Challenge!
Belt | Gas Mask | Cage
characters — murray, the contessa, misc. guards, sly mentioned
contains — cage <3, stress position i think??, again the furry equivalent of dehumanization
notes — some helpful inspo :] ok don’t question the logistics of non-sentient and sentient animals co-existing we KNOW that’s canonically how it works (see muggshot’s bulldogs, rajan’s elephants, various nonsentient rats) but. don’t. don’t think about it too hard okay
In a fucked up way, he's almost proud.
Sly’s learned how to keep his head down. Murray has not. He fights his way through a good half of the guards on-duty before they can pin him down, bruised and battered but smiling, shouting, “Is that all you’ve got?!”
He’s wrestled into a space much too small for him, kicking and screaming all the while. It’s a cage, a literal fucking— Murray doesn’t know a lot about the technicalities of things, but that can’t be legal, right? (Eventually, both him and Sly will figure out that it didn’t matter. In the prison, the Contessa was the law.)
He’s not even really able to stand, hunched in on himself in the tiny space. It’s like he’s a caged animal— well, okay, Murray supposes that technically he is a caged animal, but semantics really aren’t his concern right now. Small as it is, he’s curled in the corner.
It’s almost vulnerable. Murray’s kind of a big guy, and to be forced to feel so small…
Physically it sucks, too. He doesn’t really know how long he’s been sitting in here, but he’s started to ache; his back’s protesting, throbbing outward from where his shoulders are pressed to the wire. He thinks his knees are bruised, too, both from the cage itself and from sitting so long on the cold concrete below.
The blood on his snout has dried, crusted uncomfortably against his upper lip. He reaches up to rub it away— but there’s still not a lot of room to move here, and he elbows the wire and knocks himself in the jaw. He eventually just drops his hands back into his lap, sighing.
At some point, the skitter of too-many-fucking-legs lets Murray know that somebody’s finally come to visit him. (Not that he really wanted her of all people to visit. He would have much preferred Sly.)
The Contessa tilts her head at him, smiling. She did that a lot, he’d noticed, always sickeningly sweet. He can’t wait to whack the look right off of her. “That’s quite the predicament you’re in!” She steps forward, and Murray draws back, face twisting into a snarl. He must really look like a caged animal now, huh?
“Do you want out?” Her tone pitches up, light and mocking, and Murray realizes that’s exactly what she’s getting at. She’s talking to him like one might a particularly stupid (wild) animal. He winces at the thought and tries to straighten up, but the cage makes it impossible.
The Contessa laughs. “Oh, you must,” she says, watching him strain against the wire. She reaches up to reveal a ring of keys in her hand, taking one between her claws, and for a moment, Murray dares to hope.
“You’ve been causing quite a lot of trouble for my guards,” she says, her smile unfaltering but her jaw tight. “I think you should do something to make up for that, first.” His hope pops like a bubble on a blade.
She pretends to muse over this for a few moments, analyzing him. “Perhaps we’ll start with asking nicely.”
Murray narrows his eyes at her, internally weighing his options. The idea of it burns, red-hot and nauseous— he’d taken down a whole squad of wolves, and now he was considering playing nice because, what, she’d asked him to?
…but he aches. If he wants to fight his way out of here (and what else could he do?), he’s going to need to be in top shape. And this? This is not top shape.
Unsatisfied with his hesitation, the Contessa clicks her tongue. “So be it,” she sighs. She reaches forward, reaching a claw through the wire to tip his head up— Murray winces as his head’s pressed to the top of the cage. “I suppose this does take care of some things. You’re quite a bit more… tolerable, like this,” she coos, smiling once more.
Oh, I’ll show her tolerable, Murray thinks, and then he bites her hand.
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and the stars (they all aligned)
Fandom: Sex Education Pairing: Ola Nyman/Lily Iglehart Rating: E Word Count: 3887
Summary: Ola knows there's more to outer space than aliens with penis-fingers, and from their spot on the hill, gazing up at the night sky with Lily, it's never felt closer. They've never felt closer.
“Life can get small, you know?” Ola says sadly. The gravity inside her body still feels a little off, like her heart’s bobbing around, unsure whether to float or land. She’s sad, she’s elated, she’s aching for her mum, she’s grateful to have her girlfriend next to her on the grass.
“Like when I stopped writing my stories,” Lily suggests, frowning thoughtfully under her silvery makeup.
“Yeah. But the stars are so beautiful out here. I feel like, if I laid down and just looked straight up… blocked out the people and the lights from the houses… I could see really far into space.”
“You are seeing far into space, with some of these.” Lily points a pale, precise finger up above them. “The light’s coming from such a long way away that you’re basically traveling in time. And that’s real,” she quickly emphasizes, “not science fiction.”
Ola smiles widely.
The other spectators are beginning to walk back to their cars and homes, but Lily and Ola lie back on the plaid blanket. Lily’s arm pulls her gently closer until Ola’s resting her head on her girlfriend’s chest. Just when it seems that the star shower has ended, another lone light flies past.
“They’re meteors, aren’t they?”
“Yes,” Lily says, but Ola can tell she’s held something back.
“If you want to say what you imagine them to be,” she prompts, “I’m here to listen.”
“Aliens,” Lily blurts, given permission, but then she adds: “Or angels.”
Ola lies very still for a minute, breathing, feeling the plasticky pink stripes on her girlfriend’s outfit pull on her cheek a little when she repositions her head.
“Well, this was your mum’s favourite place,” Lily says, straightforward and unflinching, the way she explains everything that can’t possibly be real. “So maybe angels. Cosmic angels who ice skate on Jupiter’s frozen moon, Europa.”
“Aww, that’s lovely.”
“And hump the rings of Saturn.”
“That’s not really how I’d like to picture my mum’s spirit.”
“Sorry,” Lily says. Ola can hear the wince in her voice and gives her waist a quick squeeze to show she isn’t upset. “The cosmic angels could also be juggling moon rocks.”
“Tanning on planets that orbit three suns.”
“Riding spiral galaxies around like a carousel!”
“And when we see shooting stars,” Ola says with a smile, “they’re surfing.”
“Yes, I think that’s right,” Lily agrees, sighing contentedly beneath her. “You know—” She taps the nape of Ola’s neck like Ola’s seen her tap her desk when she’s writing and pauses to consider the next turn her intergalactic saga will take. “—you’ve got a really good imagination.”
Delighted, Ola lifts her head and smiles at her girlfriend.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
“So do I,” Lily says while Ola nods, “but maybe I use it too much? If I’d been better at living in reality, you wouldn’t have gotten sick of me.”
Ola frowns. She’s big on showing affection through physical contact and instinct tells her to brush Lily’s hair back from her face or something, but it’s too slicked down tonight, the silky length of it twirled into a magnificent pair of space buns, wound through with metallic thread. Her girlfriend is so creative, and so many beautiful things come from her brain. Ola hates that Hope, their classmates, and even her made Lily believe her ideas and the way she expresses them aren’t valuable.
“Lily. I was never sick of you.” She reaches to adjust the gleaming pleather collar of Lily’s outfit, then leans down to nuzzle her nose against Lily’s. “And I never want you to use your imagination less, or try to turn it off, or anything like that. The answer might even be to use it more.”
Ola drops her head onto her girlfriend’s chest again, hugging into her side as a chatting couple wheel a stroller up the hill past them. She thinks of the new baby while Lily mulls over what she’s said. Joy. They’ll have to sedate her dad if they want him out of the hospital tonight while that tiny girl slumbers there. Joy will learn, when she’s older, what a good dad she had from the very beginning—watching over Joy and giving Ola, well, space. She stares up at the sparkling scatter of stars.
“Because there are other ways for us to enjoy having sex,” Lily says a few minutes later, no preamble.
Ola nods, face shushing across her girlfriend’s costume.
“We’ve done so much together already, but I’m sure there’s loads we haven’t explored.” She shrugs. “I might never have tried any sort of alien roleplay if I hadn’t met you, and you come up with new things you want to try all the time. You inspire yourself, through your writing, and I think that’s amazing.”
“You do?”
“Yeah,” Ola says confidently. “I do.”
“Your mom must have loved you really well,” Lily murmurs, “because you love really well too.”
Ola is a box. A clear, plastic box with a hatch where her heart is. She is an incubator, like Joy’s, housing a very fragile thing, and Lily has reached inside to cradle that thing in her careful hands. Ola sniffs and the stars smudge into a big, messy glow up above. She blinks fast as her eyes brim.
“She did.”
“I wouldn’t want to be abducted without you.”
Ola laughs wetly.
“Thanks, Lil.”
Lily speaks some more, but it’s not to her. She mumbles and traces lines up and down the sleeve of Ola’s green jacket. Ola can tell she’s thinking out loud; the words ‘pulsing’ and ‘Glenoxi’ and ‘penis-fingers’ hum in the air over their heads. She’s prepared to flip off anyone who looks at her girlfriend strangely, but the final stragglers march by in their own wild costumes, dragging signs with hopeful and blatantly sexual pleas. Huh. Some of these really are Lily’s people.
Once they’re alone on the hill, Ola sighs and rolls fully onto her back, head on Lily’s oversized round belt buckle as she lies perpendicular to her girlfriend. She kicks her legs out, feet apart, and folds her hands over her stomach. Lily’s fingers creep over and toy with her rainbow pin. Smiling at the warmth of her girlfriend’s hand through her jacket, Ola’s finally ready to do what she said before: block out everything else and look up.
The dark is comforting and lovely. When she relaxes the muscles in her face, lets her gaze go unfocused and fuzzy, all of that celestial light becomes a soft background for her thoughts and feelings. She imagines that she (and Lily, of course) are someplace else, far from this hill and the wonderful, painful complexities of their lives. Would she be able to see Earth? She supposes that she would, diving back through her memories to her childhood treehouse, the telescope her dad hauled up there for her and her sister. Ser du det, Ola? Det är planeten Venus. She’d forgotten about that clunky old telescope.
From a distance, Earth would twinkle too, reflecting the light of the sun. Magic. There are so many incredible things, Ola thinks, that are true. Facts that inspire fiction, and are in some cases more wonderful than anything most people could make up.
She rolls onto her stomach, propped up by her elbows.
“I’ve… had a thought,” Ola says, gaze sweeping up Lily’s torso to her face, where wide eyes swivel to stare back at her.
“About what?”
Ola stretches a hand out to trace her girlfriend’s upturned nose with a fingertip.
“Something we could do,” she says slyly. She brings her finger down to cover Lily’s lips and Lily bites the end with faux-ferocity.
Ola nods, grinning.
Eagerly, Lily sits up.
“Well, tell me,” she says.
“We’re going to go on a journey,” Ola informs her. Lily smiles reservedly, waiting for more. “And you can narrate.”
“Where are we going?”
Lily glances from side to side, at the hilltop that’s darker now everyone’s left with their torches and camera flashes and glow-in-the-dark clothes. Only their candle remains.
“Where are we really going?”
“Nowhere, technically,” Ola says, scrunching her nose. “We’ll do it right here.”
“Ok,” says Lily gamely. “What is it we’re doing?”
Pushing up onto her hands and knees, Ola leans forward to kiss her. It’s quick, but when it’s over and her girlfriend inhales like she’s going to ask another question, Ola kisses her again, smiling against her lips. Sometimes doing is better than explaining.
Lily’s hand raises and cups her cheek. It’s when Ola feels the other hand curl around the back of her neck and flex as Lily presses more enthusiastically into the kiss that she knows she’s got it, she’s understood. They kiss faster and Ola’s hands skitter across Lily’s belt, searching for a piece to undo until she realizes its overlapping ends Velcro together in the back, hidden by the cape. The ripping sound of the strips unfastening makes them both laugh. Ola lays the belt out on the blanket before planting one hand on her girlfriend’s far side, bracketing her as she reclines slightly onto her elbows and they continue to kiss.
Lily’s cape is designed like a vest, with holes for her arms to go through. Ola tugs at one, then accepts that she won’t be able to get it off over the massive, padded shoulder spike on Lily’s bodysuit. Not without help.
“You won’t be too cold, will you?” she checks, sitting back to allow Lily to maneuver out of her cape.
“Not yet.”
“And if I want to take this off as well?” Ola asks coyly, sliding her hands along her girlfriend’s outfit, up from the waist to knead Lily’s breasts through the quilted fabric.
Lily smiles back and tips her chin up, encouraging the deep kiss Ola sinks into, already feeling her arousal climbing with the anticipation of trying out this new idea. Maybe she should have found a way to talk to Lily about introducing some variety sooner, because it’s been a while since she felt this level of excitement for sex. She always enjoys herself, but it has been a little hard, acting out one of Lily’s fantasies after another without ever taking the lead herself. Hopefully, tonight establishes a revised balance in this area of their relationship—a fusion that’s partly Lily, partly Ola.
Locating the zipper at the back of Lily’s costume, Ola pulls back.
“This is ok, right?” she asks, because Lily never said out loud that she wouldn’t be cold.
“I think so,” her girlfriend says. She looks down. “I can snuggle into the blanket as well, don’t forget.”
Ola scans their surroundings.
“And there isn’t anyone around,” she says, grinning. Could she be into the idea of getting caught? She’s never considered it before! Not actually caught, of course, because she very much wants to keep this about the two of them, but there’s a thrill surrounding the possibility that Ola didn’t expect.
“Five, four, three, two, one,” Lily counts down. “Ignition.” She holds Ola’s gaze and lifts her eyebrows, some sort of a cue.
“Oh, got it,” Ola says, beginning to unzip the silvery bodysuit.
Arms wrapped around her girlfriend from the front, her hands slide down as she exposes Lily’s skin to the air. She can tell through the material that there isn’t anything underneath it—no lines, no ridges but her spine, her shoulder blades—so when the zipper hits the end of its track at Lily’s lower back and Lily peels the front of the outfit down, Ola isn’t surprised to be confronted with her girlfriend’s bare breasts.
The shinier segment of the costume winds up being a sort of torso-less shirt—the sleeves connecting to the high collar that encircles Lily’s neck. That part stays on as Lily wiggles and hops, getting the sleeveless bodysuit over her hips and bum, and Ola sees that the shiny leggings are separate as well.
“This is really cool,” she notes.
“Thanks,” Lily says, working the bodysuit off over her nearly-knee-high boots. “The cape…?” she wonders when she’s done.
“You can put that back on.”
“And you want me to talk?”
“Yes please. Just not about aliens,” Ola adds, watching her girlfriend’s expression cautiously for signs of hurt.
But Lily’s face is open, unoffended. She shrugs into her cape.
“I mean, if you find you have anything you want to say,” Ola clarifies. She smirks as she slips her hand between Lily’s thighs, cupping her and rubbing a bit through the leggings.
“I think the ship—the normal, regular Earth spaceship,” Lily clarifies, breathing slightly unevenly, “—is monitoring a disturbance. A buildup of energy.”
Ola smiles wider, then bends over her girlfriend, running her mouth along her skin below where her sleeve-top conceals her collarbones. Gradually, Lily lies back. As Ola hoped she would, Lily narrates, easily spinning a science-fiction story that’s heavy on the science for once. Ola kisses back up her throat as Lily’s high voice speaks clearly of stellar nurseries, dense with dust and gas. In spite of her flowing words and dreamy descriptions, the actual subject matter doesn’t sound that nice to Ola, until Lily announces the mission of this particular spaceship. (“Mmm?” Ola asks wordlessly, kissing below Lily’s jaw; Lily nods to acknowledge that Ola’s mouth will indeed be playing the role of the spaceship in this scenario.) It’s closing in on this cloud of stellar stuff in search of the new star that’s about to be born.
“Passing between huge planets,” Lily says, while Ola hunches hungrily over her body and kisses down between her breasts. “Gas giants. Jupiter, maybe.”
Ola nearly starts laughing when Lily confirms one of the planets to be Jupiter by the fact of ‘the ship’ spying its Great Red Spot—Ola’s focused in on Lily’s nipple, dragging it tenderly between her teeth before sucking to deepen the colour; with the blue of the night, that’s closer to purple than Lily’s normal rosy pink.
She keeps going and so does Lily, infusing every lick and tug with the richness of her imagination, as well as actual knowledge of the solar system, about which she seems to know quite a lot. For a risky, romantic hookup under no roof but the sky, it’s rather educational.
The minute Lily’s bent knees go flat as she straightens to her full length, Ola swings a leg over to hover above her. She redoubles her attention to her girlfriend’s breasts and caresses her hands swiftly up Lily’s sides. Lily shivers and Ola thinks it’s the cold getting to her after all, but when she raises her head to check in, Lily’s eyelids are drooping with pleasure. So Ola continues to touch her. And Lily continues to unravel their tale.
She recounts the rushing of a meteor shower as smoothly as if she was up there when it happened, half an hour ago. Ola matches her pace with her mouth, skimming kisses down her ribcage. Lily’s imagination turns her own bellybutton into the deep crater of a moon which the ship sets down to explore. (Lily is very kinky about her bellybutton being probed by Ola’s tongue, and Ola’s not going to leave that out, even if they are going in a different direction than usual.)
Progressing, Ola hooks her fingers into the waist of Lily’s leggings and, undistracted, Lily makes the story sound like something she’s reading out of a book—the spaceship setting a course that will take it beyond the most distant line humankind has ever drawn in the universe, farther than it’s ever been before. For Ola, touching Lily below her navel is far from uncharted territory. And yet, she’s sort of enjoying the dramatics.
Lily keeps the story fertile with details another storyteller would make dull (spaceship maintenance, the sleep schedule of the crew), but which grow like lush, otherworldly flora coming from her. The human interest side of things accompanies Ola’s descent as she strips the leggings down. Although they only get as far as the top of Lily’s boots, the leggings are stretchy enough to let her girlfriend part her knees so Ola can kiss lower.
A little lower.
“I don’t think this is going to work,” Ola says with a laugh, raising an apologetic hand to interrupt her girlfriend.
“I do think I might be cold if I take everything off completely.”
“Well… hmm…”
While Ola’s still appraising the situation, Lily’s face lights up with epiphany. Legs locked stiffly together, she raises them into the air. Ola climbs off of her to see what she’s up to.
“Are you sure you’re going to be able to stay like that?” Ola questions, watching her girlfriend’s legs waver at a 45-degree angle to the ground.
“I won’t need to if you crawl underneath!”
Thank goodness Lily isn’t shy with her. Instead, it’s funny for them both when Ola moves down to lie on her stomach. Lily parts her legs enough to hook the half-lowered leggings behind Ola’s head, Ola’s face poking between her thighs. Lily lowers her legs back down until they rest on Ola’s shoulders and, basically, they’re in business. Holding happily to the top of her girlfriend’s naked thighs, Ola peruses Lily’s body admiringly before ducking her head.
“The nebula,” her girlfriend breathes, as Ola’s kisses near the soft nest of Lily’s pubic hair. The boundary’s been made unnatural by the squiggly shape Lily’s attempted to shave into it (something Ola might have called silly before her resolution of open-mindedness), and Lily uses that as fuel for the plot, making the spaceship’s journey treacherous, full of objects to navigate around. In reality, Ola pecks a straight line down to Lily’s cunt. Honestly, she’s relieved at the extra evidence—beyond Lily’s expression, her readiness to undress out-of-doors, and the quick pants that’ve become part of her breathing pattern—that Lily’s into this.
Ola wraps her arms farther around the top of Lily’s thighs until she’s able to brush her fingers between them, thumbing her girlfriend’s labia apart. Gosh, they haven’t done this in weeks, which is ages for them. The last vulva Ola saw was iced onto the top of a cupcake.
With Lily held open, Ola licks deftly between her legs with the tip of her tongue. Her girlfriend’s voice trembles. When Ola’s worked her way inward until she’s ringing just inside Lily’s vagina, Lily’s hand comes down and lands on the top of her head. She doesn’t really want it there though, isn’t being forceful. Ola understands this reaction, a common one from her girlfriend when she’s being eaten out, and frees one hand, blindly offering it up. Lily links their fingers together. Their joined hands fall next to her hip.
“Closer,” Lily gasps, arousal seeping slowly over and under Ola’s tongue. Her other hand slips down Ola’s neck and into the back of her top where she’s warm, almost sweaty, with the heat of being turned on. “They’re getting closer to the star.”
The commitment to the story, every time, is something Ola loves about her.
And so she indulges her girlfriend, sliding her tongue higher, easing a finger into Lily’s vagina to perform an unhurried in-and-out while her mouth closes in on her clitoris. Ola’s own clit is desperate for a fingering, blood pumping strongly towards her groin inside her baggy jeans, but she can wait, get Lily off first. Whenever they pleasure each other in that order, Lily always comes alive after, flipping Ola onto her back and smothering her in enthusiastic kisses and caresses.
Picturing this as the likely near-future, Ola hums blissfully against Lily’s clit (Lily squirms and lets out one of her moans that sound like a ghostly wail—yeah, Ola kind of loves those too). She closes her eyes to intensify the sensations and does the rest by familiar feel.
Her girlfriend babbles now, about the spaceship orbiting the new star that’s forming while Ola teasingly orbits her clit with her tongue. It takes a lot of effort to separate Lily from one of her stories when she’s on a roll, but broad, firm licks to her clit are enough to pull even Ola’s one-foot-in-outer-space girlfriend into the present moment.
“Oh god, Ola, I can almost see the cosmic angels,” Lily whines, striving exquisitely towards climax. “I’m going to see cosmic angels.”
Ola believes her. She believed this hill was special, she will believe in aliens, and right now she believes that Lily’s imminent orgasm looks like a flock of cosmic angels behind her eyelids. Sure. Why not? Her hand clasps harder to her girlfriend’s. She doesn’t care that Lily’s rerouted to the fantastical right at the end. They’re real. The elements that got them here are real: Lily’s storytelling, Ola’s desire to feel close to her in a world that wasn’t only Lily’s, loneliness, love.
Without speaking very loudly, Ola knows her voice will carry to her girlfriend’s ears—this evening, silver and pointed.
“Glenoxi,” she groans rapturously against Lily’s clit.
Lily’s hips buck once, then her body buckles, fingers twisting with Ola’s. Her voice rises brokenly into the night and Ola is on fire with how much she wants her.
Ola wipes her mouth on the blanket while Lily catches her breath. She quit moving her finger when her girlfriend clenched around it and came, but now she begins to hook it shallowly inside Lily’s sopping channel, coaxing her.
“You wanna again?” Ola asks, grinning between planting gentle kisses on Lily’s inner thigh.
“Yes,” Lily sighs. She twitches their joined hands. “But come up here beside me so I can take your jeans off. I want—”
There’s a snapping sound and Ola jerks her head up as much as she can in her current position. Under a hundred feet from them, someone’s standing, raising the chunky green glowstick they must’ve just found, dropped in the grass by an Eighth attendee, and cracked. The person turns, looks their way. Freezes. They won’t be able to see everything in the dark. Not everything, but enough. Ola hears a noise of surprise.
“Um,” she says, thinking quickly. Louder, she calls to the accidental intruder: “The aliens just beamed down this human woman! Quick! Go find a scientist!”
The person spins and runs in the opposite direction, back over the crest of the hill.
Ola looks down at Lily, who stares curiously back.
“Do you think they’ve gone to find a scientist?”
“No,” Ola yelps giddily, “I think they’ve gone to call the police because they’ve just seen two people fucking on a public hillside.”
“Are you sure they’ll think that? Your cover was rather good.”
“Thanks,” Ola says, extricating herself from between her girlfriend’s legs, “but yes! We’ve got to go!”
They scramble to their feet, Lily yanking her leggings back up. There isn’t time to fuss with the rest of her costume, so she snatches it up, clutching it to her chest along with the sign she brought. Once Ola’s grabbed their candle and gathered the blanket into a sloppy bundle in her arms, they sprint for the road and onward to Lily’s house.
The glow of the candle and Lily’s cape, reflecting it, are streaks of light in the black.
A blaze of brightness and joy. Their own two-person audience of believers.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 12
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
Lila’s starting to fall, amazing what saving your classmates lives can do for their opinion of you
First < Previous > Next
Marinette furiously scrunches up another failed sketch. Using her non dominant hand to start another design. It's a good thing she doesn't have any upcoming commissions because of the tour. Even so the distraction, no matter how infuriating, beats watching Marion's ragged breaths.
Tikki is resting on his chest, something they had learnt helps them heal faster. This meant that Plagg was forced to sulk in the corner. Pretending to enjoy the cheese, sneaking worried looks at his holder.
“Marinette look!” Tikki squeaks, as she throws another sketch away.
Marion eyelids start to flutter, Marinette leans over him, sketchbook hitting the ground. He opens his eyes and groans before rolling to his side, followed by a hiss of pain.
“Stay still you stupid cat!” Marinette gently but firmly forces him to sit back.
“Not stupid,” Marion sleepily slurs, sinking into the hospital bed.
“Reckless then,” Marinette schools the smile off her face as Plagg zips over to him.
“No I’m not,” He glares with sudden clarity, “Day?”
She rolls her eyes standing to open the curtains.
“Why yes it is,” Marinette smirks as he cringes at the light.
“What day?” His cringe turns back to a glare, completely unintimidating with the small Kwami curled against him.
“Don’t worry, they put you under for the night, for your system to work out all the fear toxin,” Marinette closes the curtains slightly, coming to sit on the chair next to him.
“Akuma?” Marion tries to bring his hands up to pet Plagg,
“Nope, I finally got some rest without you,” Plagg huffs, not moving away from Marion's touch.
“Arm?” Marion turns to Marinette, still smothering Plagg.
“Fine, it’s probably mostly healed, clean break,” That was probably stretching it, but it doesn't make much difference.
“Scarecrow?” Marion's expression turns dark.
“Prison,” Marinette probably mirrors his expression.
“... anything else I need to know?” He asks, shifting a little higher.
“Still and idiot,” Marinette picks her sketchbook back up, smoothing out the pages.
“Well it's great to see you accepting your-”
“Marion! You're awake!” Aunt Selina is standing in the doorway, she covers the distance in the blink of an eye. Almost as fast as their Kwami’s manage to hide.
“-fault,” Marion glares over their Aunts shoulder at Marinette.
“What was that?” Selina leans back, a slight smirk.
“Nothing,” Marion doesn’t stop giving the stink eye.
“Are you ok?” Their Aunt asks, checking Marion over.
“Yeah I feel fine,” Marion pushes her away gently, but it’s enough for her to lean back. Looking over him with a more cool expression.
“Hmm… I suppose bullet proof armour under your clothes would lessen the damage,” She says casually.
“Well yeah obvious-” Marion starts, stopping as they both realise at the same time;
“It’s a fashion statement!”
“This is Gotham?”
Their Aunt raises a brow. Their panic, wide eyes and wild gestures obviously painting the picture of innocence.
“Alright then, I won't press, already told the doctors your parents are just paranoid,” She leans back on her arms propping her up on Marion’s bed.
“Maman! Papa! Are they-”
“It’s fine, I called them,” Selina holds up a hand to calm his outburst, “Convinced them not to ship you back to Paris, told them they had nothing to worry about,”
“Unfortunately that is a lie,” Bruce Wayne walks in, a pensive frown aimed at his fiance's casual shrug.
“Hello Mr Wayne,” Marinette greets formally, standing.
“Bruce, please, how are you two feeling?” He gestures Marinette to sit back down, standing by her chair.
“A-ok” Marion gives the thumbs up, far too quickly for someone with broken ribs, “Ow,”
“Don’t worry I checked with the doctors there's no brain damage this is just unfortunately how he usually is,” Marinette deadpans, hoping to ease his worry.
“I must apologise, I didn’t expect these rumours to get so out of hand,” Bruce's expression is twisted with guilt, as Marion slowly brings his arms back down.
“It’s not your fault, kind of strange they took that risk for a rumour,” Marion shrugs, not unlike how their Aunt did, who is now forcing him to lie back down.
“Not really considering you basically confirmed it,” Marinette rolls her eyes.
“I did no such thing,” Marion gasps dramatically as if she insulted his very honour. Something, in her opinion, he gave up a long time ago to make puns.
“Here,” Marinette brings out her phone, pulling up a clip from the previous morning. Fast forwarding to the part where Marion tells the camera; “Bruce Wayne is our Father,”
“Oh,” Marion blinks at the screen a few times before turning to Bruce, “I’d like the record to state that was taken out of context,”
“Doesn’t matter to the press, their vultures, the attack is all they care to talk about,” Aunt Selina spits venomously, eyes honing in on Marinette's cast.
“I’ve held off on making an official statement without your approval,” Bruce informs, undercurrents of anger almost undetectable, “If you’d like I can organise our lawyers to come visit you here,”
“Thank you, that would be great,” Marinette beams, taking him aback, “Or um, not great, but-uh… appreciated- yeah that,”
“I’ll send them over whenever suits you,” Bruce gives a slight smile back, making hers beam brighter.
“Thanks, wait a minute- how long am I going to be in the hospital!” Marion whips around to Marinette.
“Hopefully long enough to stay out of trouble,” Selina ruffles his hair, not that it makes much difference at this point.
“My whole life!?” Marion shouts, only half joking.
“Not if you don’t keep running into dangerous situations,” Selina retorts, booping his nose.
“Technically this one came running at me,” Marion grouches, entering a staring contest with their Aunt.
“Ah-ha,” She mocks, meeting his challenge, as always, winning.
“Sooo- what's everyone been doing,” Marion turns to Marinette, eyes only slightly watery.
“I basically had to push Kagami out of the hospital this morning to go on todays tour,” Marinette smiles, willing to give Marion this out, “Chloe texted me a bit ago saying they were heading here,”
“They’re going to kill me for almost getting killed, aren't they,” Marion whines, Marinette is sure he catches Bruce’s flinch.
“Make sure my gravestone says ‘living it up’,” Marion says as seriously as, well, death.
“I’d rather throw your body in the river,” Marinette inspects her nails, leaning back in her seat.
“If I go missing tell Batman she's the primes suspect,” Marion turns to their Aunt, not learning his lesson, and pointing at Marinette with a hiss of pain.
“I will,” Selina chuckles, and Marinette swears she sees Bruce's lips quirk.
“Mari!” Chloe runs through the door in a blonde blur, which splits, and oh that's Adrien. Both basically tackle Marion.
“Ow! No! That is the opposite of making me feel better,” Marion curses, both latching on either side.
“Deal with it I saved your ass,” Chloe snaps, Marinette sees her grip loosen slightly.
“I thought that was Kagami?” Marion looks over at her, Kagami was standing inside the room, behind her waiting at the door stood the rest of the class, “Or at least a Yokai that looked like her,”
“Pssh, I helped too, I was Queen Bee after all,” Chloe sits up, flicking her hair out.
“Yeah with the train-” Marinette begins.
“Enough about the train!” Chloe explodes, releasing Marion.
“I think this is our cue to leave,” Their Aunt stands, leaning over Marion and giving his forehead kiss, “I love you two so much, be good my little adorable munchkins! I’ll be back later”
“I wuv you sooooo much too Aunty,” Marion teases her right back in an overly cutesy voice.
“You’re no fun,” She sighs, smirk still firmly in place, “See ya,”
She and Bruce walk out the door, class making way for them.
“You are sure you are quite alright,” Kagami comes to stand by the head of the bed, opposite side to Marinette.
“Yes Kags I’m fine,” Marion smiles brightly, still being smothered by Adrien.
“Good,” She hits him over the head, making him yelp, “That was well deserved,”
“Yeah, probably,” Marion grumbles, hand instinctively raising to his head, followed by a grimace.
“Come on Kagami he’s already been hurt enough,” Adrien frets over Marion, letting him go.
“Thank you Adrien! My one true friend! In my time of need, you're always there for me!” Marion bring his arms around Adrien, smothering the other.
“I fought Scarecrow for you!” Chloe roars, Adrien not trying to get free from Marion.
“Adrien was moral support,” Marion pouts, hugging him closer.
“You’re impossible,” Chloe throws her hands up, falling back on the bed.
“Why thank you,” Marion does a mock bow as much as he is able.
Someone clears their throat, Marinette looking over at the door. The rest of the class were still standing at the door. Alix holding up a bag of chips, awkwardly waving. Everyone else also holding some sort of snack, minus Lila. Marinette glances at Marion, who just shrugs, releasing Adrien.
“You can come in, but it might be a bit squished,” Marinette smiles amicably.
“That's fine, dude,” Nino smiles back, ushering the class inside.
The class all take their seats, most having to perch on armrests or the edge of the bed. Each dropping snacks at the foot of it.
“I meant what I said and won't take it back, we aren’t friends,” Marion fixes those in the class that apply with a stern look.
Marinette could tell he wasn't angry, but a few snacks was not enough to mend the bridges burnt. Marion won’t let them forget that. The class shifts awkwardly, sharing glances. What do you say to that?
“Then why did you protect us?” Kim speaks up, apparently that.
“Because it was the right thing to do,” Marion fixes them with an intense gaze, making it clear he meant every word. Alix clears her throat.
“Well then this is a meeting as a class, and a thanks for saving our butts, both of you,” Alix gives a smile from her perch on the bed railing.
“Alright then,” Marion says seriously, before taking on a joking tone, “Mostly cause I just realised I haven't eaten anything since that horrible cereal yesterday,”
“Hey!” Adrien exclaims, sitting shoulder to shoulder with Marion, Chloe squeezed in on Marion's other side. Both leaning off the edge slightly to not put pressure on his ribs.
“Sorry Adrien, but your taste buds have the intelligence of a two year old mistaking pure sugar as an actually good taste,” Marion sneers, as if he can still taste it.
“You’re a bakery snob, you know that?” Adrien grumbles, crossing his arms and sinking down further.
“Sure do,” Marion teases, the rest of the class shifting uncomfortably.
Marinette had to guess they didn’t realise just how far they had drifted apart, the divide now startlingly clear.
“Well hopefully these please your majesties pallet,” Nathaniel tries to break into the banter.
Marion playfully sneers down at the pile, getting a few giggles. Alix starts throwing snacks to everyone. Giving Marinette a bag of cookies, she can’t help but smile, especially at Marion's downright insulted look as he’s passed a wheel of camembert.
“Such peasant food,” He tries to offload the cheese on Adrien, who practically falls off the bed to avoid it.
“That's ok, Lila said she was bringing a specially prepared dish by the top chef of the most popular restaurant in Gotham,” Rose squeals excitedly, unintentionally running both their moods.
“I did but just outside the hospital was a poor, sick, homeless man, he begged me for any food I had," translated from Lila speak roughly means; I ate it, "I thought Marion would understand that some people actually needed food enough to not turn the nose up at anything,”
The class gives their assurance and praise. Marion's eyes narrow, unwrapping the cheese and just straight up taking a bite. Marinette spots Plagg being held back by Klakki and Tikki, hiding behind their bags. He chews on it bitterly downright glaring at Lila.
“Dude you were totally badass!” Nino breaks into Marion's brooding.
“Was I? Everything's kinda a blur, especially after the fear toxin,” Marion directs Nino's attention elsewhere, dropping the wheel of cheese off the edge of the bed, into Plaggs waiting arms.
“You were so cool, it was all bam! and swoop!” Kim stands up, badly reenacting punching the air.
“Ah yes, that clears it up, thank you,” Marion says sarcastically, letting Adrien pass him a bag of chips to drown out the taste of camembert.
“Where did you learn to fight like that?” Alix leans forward, interest sparking in her eyes.
“Ah- Maman taught us of course,” Marinette answers, it was sort of true.
“She can be scary,” Kim shivers, having a selection of memories to choose from.
“Bring her to Gotham, we wouldn’t have problems like this anymore,” Nino lightly pouches Adrien's shoulder in place of Marion, leaning against the wall next to them.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she was Ladybug,” Chloe muses, well they were both people she truly respected.
“Haha… yeah,” Marinette sweat drops, trying(and failing) to look unfazed.
“I have to say,” No you really don’t Lila, “I was surprised to see you two fight, you usually just up and run away whenever there's an Akuma attack, I guess you had no choice but to act brave this time,”
“They’ve helped out plenty of times during Akuma attacks,” Nino looks puzzled, oblivious to Lila's glowering.
“Yeah didn’t we tell you about how Marinette became class president?” Mylene asks, eating a snack that was probably organic contrast to the sugary monstrosities before them.
“Oh of course, but if they could fight this well all this time then they should be helping Ladybug and Chat Noir, god knows they need it,” Lila’s malice hinting at her own mention of the heroes.
“Nah, the dudes can handle themselves, it’s better not to get in their way,” Nino shrugs, hitting himself in the face with a snack he was trying to catch.
“Well unless they ask,” No one else catches the moment realisation(scheming) crosses Lila’s face “And I know for a fact Ladybug did,”
“Really!” Alya turns to Lila before whirling around to Marinette.
“Um, yeah! Ladybug once asked me to be Multimouse, to help beat Kwami buster,” Marinette answers before Alya can take out her phone.
“That is so cool! Why didn’t you tell me!” Alya’s enthusiasm is not nearly as potent as Lila’s malice.
“Because she asked me not to tell, but if Lila is going to tell everyone anyway there isn’t much point,” Marinette shrugs, her brother hiding a grin, Lila started this war but she could win this battle. “Marion saw me detransform so Ladybug can’t give me a miraculous ever again,”
“Well no wonder she chose you, you were so brave and cool, you were beating Scarecrow with a broken arm, even before Batman showed up!” Nathaniel speaks up, always the fan of superheroes.
“Didn’t he seem rather mad at you?” Lila asks(not so) innocently. ‘Wow she's really giving this her all’ Marinette muses, trying even when they are put in the hospital.
“I think it was likely aimed more at the guy holding us hostage,” Max states like a fact, slightly condescending.
“Of course, but it would have never happened if they didn’t spread the rumour in the first place,” Lila pushes as if they need a reminder.
“Uh, Lila I don’t think they did,” Rose says sweetly, pink frosting somehow ends up on her nose.
“What!” Lila snaps, making poor Rose jump, and others look surprised.
“Well they said they didn't, and Marinette's really smart,” Juleka mumbles, glaring at Lila.
“Hey!” Marion exclaims, getting a giggle from Rose.
“And Marion!” Juleka quickly amends.
“Now you just sound insincere,” Marion slouches down, sniffing theatrically. Juleka relaxes as Chloe teasingly patronises him in her own loving way.
“Something like that is really dangerous,” Mylene tells Lila gently. As if trying to explain to a child what they did wrong.
“No one would wish it on themselves,” Ivan backs up his girlfriend. Lila clearly looking for an opening to try and gain the advantage back.
“Marion almost died,” Kim says bluntly, honestly.
There is a long silence. They were all thinking it but none dared speak it. Even Lila lets the silence loom, nothing she could say would make them look worse and her better.
“So… what did you all do today?” Marinette tries to cut the uneasy silence.
“We went to the city library,” She of course knew that.
“That reminds me, I got out some books I thought you’d like, since your stuck in bed and everything,” Nino passes a book to each twin.
“Thanks,” Marion lets Adrien take the book for him, leaning over to look at the cover Marinette couldn’t see.
“Oh actually I did too!” Rose reaches into her pink bag.
“Me too,” Alix laughs, passing Marinette a history book.
Then everyone else reaches into their bags pulling out more books, giggling sheepishly.
“Oh no, I am going to be here forever aren’t I?” Marion stares in dismay at the accumulated pile, flopping miserably against Adrien.
“We’ll try our best,” Adrien promises, patting his head.
“Selina, do you want to explain to me why your Nephew was able to go toe to toe with Scarecrow, while under fear toxin,” Bruce asks in his, I already know the answer but for some reason I want you to say it, tone. Not even a minute after talking with the doctor.
“Do you want to explain to me how neither you or Robin realised he was under fear of toxin?” She deflects, heels clicking down the halls quickly.
“I believe this circles back to how he can operate under fear toxin,” Bruce growls.
“I don’t know Bruce!” She explodes, more dramatically to get him to drop it, but none the less true, “I taught them a thing or two sure! Some martial arts, parkour, stealing under the guise of magic!”
“What was that last one?” He asks, stopping.
“Not important!” She snaps, continuing on her rant, turning fully towards him, “But I never thought they could do something like that! How and why are they acting like it’s no big deal!”
“Selina, it’s ok,” He pulls her into a hug. She lets her lips curl slightly, that might be the quickest she’s been able to end an argument, short of jumping off a roof. “I’ll find out,”
“... They’re too much like you Bruce,” Selina leans into her fiance's chest, she could swear everyday the children looked more like him.
“Is that a bad thing?” He asks, obliviously.
“In this case? It's dangerous,” She answers honestly, pausing before stepping back, “I need to call their parents,”
He nods, giving a chaste kiss before leaving her alone in the hall. She sits down, staring down at her phone for a long time.
“Aunt Selina?” Her chest twists painfully.
“Whats up Kitten, where are your friends,” She smiles at her so-called Niece, a word she avoided like the plague. That is to say, she tries but there's always a rat around to ruin everything.
“Oh I told them I had to go to the bathroom,” Marinette's bright smile betraying her.
“But,” Selina prompts as Marinette sits next to her.
“I’m actually celebrating,” She practically squeals.
“Why's that?” She asks, amused and warmed by her daughter's excitement.
“The kingdoms crashing down and the queens still inside,” Marinette says in a sing song voice.
“Should I be worried you sound so joyful?” Not that she actually would be.
“It’s a wicked Queen who abuses her power and makes her subjects miserable,” It’s teasing, but there is nothing artificial about the words.
“Party away,” Selina leans back, flipping her wrist.
“Knew you’d understand,” Marinette hugs her, letting her lean into it.
“I’ll always be here for you Kitten,” Selina brushes the hair out of her daughters face, “Now go, you don’t want to miss the show,”
Her smile is nothing compared to the one plastered on Marinette's face as she bounces away with a small wave. With a sigh Selina leans back, staring down at her phone. It could’ve been minutes, it could of been hours, but she hits call eventually.
“Hey there,” She greets, betraying nothing about the conversation to come. “Just wanted to let you know Marion is awake, just as sassy as usual,”
“Sassy, I just beat you at mecha strike three? Or you started the banter and he’s just matching you,” Tom asks, dusting flour off his hands as Sabine holds the phone.
“Brother dearest, how little do you think of me?” She asks in mock hurt, Tom raises an eyebrow, “Great, thanks,”
“Do you think we can call them?” Sabine asks.
“They’re with their friends right now so I wouldn’t, I think this has been a long time coming,” She thinks back to what Marinette said, the rude girl from their reunion at the Wayne tower coming to mind, “And it's not the only thing... look, I lied,”
“The shock of the century,”
“Tom!” Sabine swats at her husband, from past sparring matches with Sabine she knows she can do a lot worse.
“No, no he’s right, as much as it pains me to say it,” She sneers playfully at her brother, getting one in return. She hesitate before sharing, “The twins were actually specifically attacked by Scarecrow,”
“Why!?” They both burst out.
“Because everyone thinks Bruce Wayne is their Father…” Selina cringes at their surprised expressions, which are about to get a lot worse. “And their right,”
“I thought you didn’t know the Father?” Tom asks after a long pause, not accusingly but eerily calm.
“... I lied,” She shrugs, letting the awkwardness she usually keeps leashed leak through. Gina had practically raised them together, he knows how to see right through her better than most.
“This might actually be the shock of the century,” Tom nods, he doesn't seem mad, great thing about him reading her it works both ways.
“... Yeah,” She shrugs, letting the silence hang, long enough for them to process.
“You should tell them,” Sabine declares, so much assurance in such a small woman.
“What!” Selina stands in shock, making jerking gestures, “Sabine that not what I-”
“Hush now, let me speak,” Sabine chides, actually making her pause, “We will always be their parents, but that's only because of you,”
Selina goes to argue, but a stern glare is all the discouragement she needs. Tom is nodding along, of course! They’ve probably discussed this before
“It’s only right that you don’t have to look in pain every time they call you Aunt,” Apparently she was able to read Selina just as well as her husband,  “It’s your choice, but they have enough love in their heart for more than just us,”  
She tries, dammit she tries, but it’s not enough to stop the flood of emotions manifesting in tears.
216 notes · View notes
Emp-ire “The Angel On My Side.”
Hope everyone is having a good day. And I hope you all like seeing Ramirez a little more because he is going to be present a lot in these next stories. I hope you find this fun because I had fun writing it :)
“Relax would you, you look like…. Well you look like you're sitting in the dentist's office waiting for a root canal.”
Adam looked up from his hands as the shuttle rocked from side to side, “Sory, I just generally prefer to drive. This guy keeps dipping too shallow and it's making me nervous.”
Ramirez rolled his eyes and kicked back to take a look at the pamphlet he was reading, “Listen to this. I picked this up back on the station and it's  pretty interesting read.” He cleared his throat, “Within the last eighteen months GA xeno planetary analysts have green lit twenty potential colony planets for human habitation. According to xeno-scientific experts, these planets are all perfectly habitable, and unlikely to ever produce sentient life of its own. Each of these planets has a suitable climate for a large population though xeno experts will be  strictly limiting colonization in an effort to not destabilize the planetary ecosystem. Each colony will be heavily monitored by members of the xeno colonization taskforce. Efforts will be made to keep the natural landscapes of the planet as intact as possible. For these reasons the use of technology, and natural gasses are being strictly limited by the Interplanetary Energy Association. Some experts postulated that these limits on technological use might have a hand in deterring colonists, however this theory has proven to be false as slots for planetary habitation fill up quickly. Furthermore xeno cultural experts have been stunned at the sudden and rapid development of micro cultures within the colonies. The term they are using is called Rapid Microcultural Evolution, often these cultures are very specific and very niche to each planet often based on dead or outdated human cultures from history largely influenced by popular media.”
He set down the pamphlet, “Isn’t that cool, I was reading in here at it seems like there are “themed” Colonies now. Like the one we are going to is like wild west, but there is also a sort of greek/roman style one that popped up in the milky way, and even a victorian one out somewhere in andromeda.” Adam tilted his head, “Guess you and I are going to have to start a colony.”
“Alright, what theme are we gonna pick, can’t be sci fi because we live in that.”
Adam leaned back in his seat, “You ever stop to think that we only consider it sci fi because I watched too many space movies from the 2000s. Technically it's not sci fi its sci fact. I have a house on the moon, and fly a spaceship.”
“Good point.” He walked to sit over next to Adam, “So what time period do you think is cool.”
Adam tapped his foot on the ground, “how about…. Renaissance?”
“I was thinking vikings or WAIT Aztec.”
“Mmmm some of my ancestors were viking.
“And twenty bucks says some of my relatives were Aztec.”
Adam shrugged, “Just mix them together and make Aztec vikings and ‘bam’ you have the craziest space culture ever. Big ass viking men who drag you back to the ziggurat to pull your beating heart out of your chest for a good Maze harvist.”
The two of them laughed for a second until the shuttle dropped into upper atmosphere, and then the two of them went relatively silent as they prayed to make a safe landing as the shuttle rocked and bumped through the upper atmosphere. The sky on the planet was a very vibrant blue, almost more so than earth, and as they descended towards the barren open desert, they thought they might have seen a oup of horses riding north over the barren, rocky  landscape.
When they landed, Ramirez stumbled from the shuttle and out into sunlight throwing a hand up to protect hi face. 
It was hot, and the croaking of strange alien insects rose up around them. The site they were at was arid and mostly deserted with a single wooden building before them and a shiny new set of train tracks.
The two of them stared, “Awesome.”
Looking around, they could see miles and miles of open plane, mostly desert, but some tufts of strange looking scrub brush and more than a few rocky plateaus rising into the sky.
Then they looked around at the people.
They were not disappointed.
Men and women alike in jeans and suspenders, with wide brim hats and gun belts. Some of the women had on long skirts and decorative hats or even bonnets on a few occasions. There were a few horses tethered to the side of what they assumed to be the train station.
“I think we are a bit overdressed.” Ramirez said, leaning over to whisper to Adam.
He nodded, lets go change and then buy some train tickets to the capital. We have to find somewhere to get horses if we want to make this any sort of experience.”
Ramirez frowned as they made their way towards the train station, kicking up dirt in his wake, “Wait, horses, hold on I thought we were just going to kick up around town, go to the saloon, get drunk and maybe hit on a couple of bar maids or something.” 
Adam snorted, “Please we can’t go to the cowboy planet and not put our equipment to use.’
They shoulder their way through the double doors, their feet clattering on the wooden flooring. A few faces looked up at them from the waiting benches, but mostly they ignored the two strangers.
Adam motioned ramirez towards the bathrooms and the two of them made their way over, Glad that this was at least one modern convenience that they got to keep. Ramirez took a little while to get his gear on, and when he stepped out of the bathroom Adam was already waiting for him. 
Waiting for him leaned up against the wall, the brim of his hat low over his eyes. Ramirez was a bit surprised at how well the other man fit into the role. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, and a black vest over that, his hat was black and he had blue jeans tucked into black boots. A brown leather gunbelt hung at a canted angle on his hips.
When he looked up Ramirez grinned And adam shook his head, “You dumbass, do you even know how to put that on.”
Ramirez looked down, “What!”
Adam walked over, “I thought you lived in texas.”
He grabbed Ramirez by the shoulders and began adjusting his clothes, “Come on, If you are making me spend time with you, the best you could do is not look like a dumbass.”
Ramirez held up his hands Grinning as Adam grabbed the pistol from his holster and adjusted the belt.
“Hey Adam, is that your gun belt or are you just happy to see me.” 
Adam looked up at him with a withering gaze, “I hate you you know that.”
Ramirez grinned, “I know.”
Adam flipped the gun around, “Holster Like this if you want to be authentic, now quit being a dumbass or we are going to find out what it feels like to get a bootheel to the balls.”
He didn’t see the short side handed slap that came for the side of his head but still felt it was worth it as he tugged on his hat.
His poison of choice was a white shirt and no vest with brown boots and the light tan hat from earlier. He thought he looked sexy as hell. In fact he would go so far as to say the both of them looked  pretty hot. Two eligible bachelors out on the town…. Well one eligible bachelor and a slightly less eligible bachelor with huge baggage issues still hung up on his one and only love, but that was more of a mouthful.
Adam left Ramirez standing by the door and walked over to buy some tickets, which were also being purchased using credits as anywhere else. When he walked, his boots clomped over the floor and jangled lightly. No one bothered to look up as he went past making it clear just how common that occurrence was around here.
He came back later with two train tickets and sat on the bench next to ramirez leaning his head back against the wall.
Adam crossed his arms over his chest and pretended to be asleep, while some alien insects buzzed around the room rather annoyingly.
It was hot and Ramirez tugged at the collar of his shirt.
They were there for probably thirty or forty minutes before a distant train whistle jolted the two of them back into wakefulness.
Adam stood and so did Ramirez, the two of them jogging noisily outside onto the wooden platform in order to watch the train.
Though the train had wheels and ran on tracks, big, black and impressive, it clearly wasn’t run on coal or natural gas. However, whoever had designed the thing had clearly put great emphasis into making it look as realistic as possible, and the thundering roar as it rolled over the tracks was something to behold, vibrating in their bones in a way that just wasn’t captured by the maglevs of earth.
“Damn, that is cool.”
Adam smirked a little, “hey think the train will get robbed on our way back to town.”
Ramirez grinned, “If we don’t, I want my money back.
The platform around them started to fill up some, and they stepped back as the train pulled to a stop, urged back by a few conductors as a couple of passengers stepped out carrying bags. Some of them were cleary tourists, though there were a fwe who looked like citizens.
Stepping onto the train, the two of them were ushered into a car in the back and sat in an uncomfortable wooden bench as they watched the other passengers slowly filter onto the train. No one even looked at them twice, except, Ramirez noticed, a very pretty cowgirl who stepped o second to last and sat a few rows behind.”
He grinned and elbowed Adam in the ribs, who looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I think this planet is going to really benefit from….. A latin lover.” he whispered seductively.
Adam punched him in the leg.
He yelped, “Ouch, dude, no sense of humor.”
“I don’t know, I thought that was pretty funny.” The two of them shared a laugh as the train began to chug forward over the tracks, slow at first and then faster and faster until the landscape was rushing by below them.
The ride was rather bumpy and sort of loud, but they were ok with that. 
The sun inched towards the horizon as the train moved, and the sky faded from blue to a delicate violent towards the horizon.
At some point Adam drifted off at his side and ended up slumping against the window.
Ramirez let the poor guy sleep and sighed.
It had been a rough time for the crew, and for him, but he hoped he was doing the right thing by coming out here and taking him on some sort of adventure. Sure he had selfish motives, and wanted to see cool things, but he liked to think this was mostly for his friend.
The entire sky was almost purple now, and the light of a distant city sprung up before them.
He nudged Adam awake, and the other man sat up blinking owlishly as he looked around. Little lanterns on the carriage had been lit, illuminating the interior of the train with dim yellow light. The train began to slow, and then pulled to a stop as they got to their feet and stepped off.
Walking off the wooden planks of the train station and down into the muddied dirt road of the Bramble Colony Capital: Two Sun.
The streetlights had already been lit though horse drawn carts and carriages were still being pulled through the streets.
Dogs barked on occasion and voices rose up from houses and establishments on either side of the wooden boardwalk street.
“Where to?” Adam wondered/
“The Saloon!”
“You are such a dumbass.” Adam said, shaking his head, but he followed after Ramirez. Walking down the street their boots clattering voer wooden boards and through mud the leather of gun belts creaking slightly as they walked.
“Dude I feel like such a badass.”
Ramirez turned to look at Adam eyebrow raised, for the first time since their trip started, he seemed genuinely excited.
“Glad I’m not the only one!’
The two of them drew to a halt in the mud turning to the side where they spotted a man sitting on one of the wooden porches. Ramirez’s eyes widened as he saw the shiny golden star on the left side of the man’s chest, “Sheriff!”
The man Raised an eyebrow probably not used to being greeted so enthusiastically.
“You two new around here?”
The two of them grinned at each other as the man’s exaggerated rural drawl fell over them.”
The man narrowed his eyes.
“Yes sir, just visiting.”
“Well you see this building behind me.”
“Yes sir.”
“You two fools get into any trouble and you'll be behind bars faster than a thoroughbred from the starting gate, you hear me.”
Ramirez jumped up and down in his boots turning to look at Adam, “Wild west jail.”
“Not a tourist attraction Ramirez.” He turned to look at the Sheriff who was still eying them and grabbed his friend by the shoulders steering them clear, “We’ll keep our noses out of trouble Sheriff.”
Ramirez was still grinning as they made their way down the street, “Do you have a death wish?”
“He won’t kill me, but wouldn’t going to cowboy jail be a great story.”
“Getting dragged would also be a great story when all my skin pealed off.”
“Old west form of punishment where you get dragged behind a horse till dead.”
Ramirez shook his head, “I will go with a no on that one, also not a big fan of hanging, but I could do a firing squad as long as I was allowed to make a really bad pun before I go.”
Adam snorted with some amusement as they made their way towards the loudest building on the street. From the sound of the out of tune piano on the inside and the drunken singing , they were in the right palace.
Adam Grabbed Ramirez by the back of the shirt and dragged him away from the swinging doors, “Hold on, hold on.”
Ramirez stopped, “What.’
“Ive always wanted to do ths.”
“Do what?”
Adam cracked his neck and his knuckles before stepping towards the door and pushing both open. The clatter of his boots was loud on the floor and Ramirez waited for that expected moment when all of the sound would stop and everyone would turn to look at them.
That…. Did not happen.
In fact, no one noticed the two young men as they made their way inside the hot, cramped room smelling of liquor and sweat.
“My disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined.” Ramirez whispered.
Adam frowned, “yeah my expectations were, well, expecting something better than that.”
Together the two of them made their way over to the bar, both leaning against it in exaggerated nonchalance before bursting into laughter. The bartender, a stern looking redhead walked over, “And what do you boys want.”
Ramirez patted Adam on the back, “me and my friend are looking to get very drunk very quick, think you can help us.”
The woman sighed, but ducked behind the bar.
Adam tilted his head at Ramirez, “I thought you didn’t like it when I drank.”
“When you drink alone, yes, but when you drink with me, we have a party.”
“Sure we do.” Adam snorted 
The woman came back a moment later with two shot glasses and bottle which she set on the bar, “This will get you drunk.”
Adam flipped over the bottle to take a look, “Shit, Ramirez, this is practically paint thinner.”
“Tastes like to too.” The woman said as she poured two shots of the stuff and slid it over to them.”
Adam took it gingerly like it was a snake about to bite him.
Ramirez raised the glass, “Ready when you are, cowboy.”
“Don’t call me that.” Adam said raising the glass, and together they kicked it back bith grimacing and sputtering as they came back up to set the shots back on the bar. 
Adam wiped his eyes, “Damn, Like…. Rubbing alcohol.”
Ramirez waved a hand in front of his face “Makes my eyes burn just thinking about it. Another!”
“Sweet heavens above.”” Adam Implored, but slid his glass back to the bartender, who seemed very amused.
“Are we going to end up in jail by the time this is over.”
They took another shot.
It was about ten or so minutes later when Adam started to feel the warm fuzzy sensation inside his chest. Ramirez had already vanished somewhere tryin to woo the local population. No one was safe.
He took a seat at the bar head down staring at his glass.
Why was he thinking about Sunny all of a sudden.
“Someone break your heart.” The bartender said dryly. When he looked up, he expected her to be wiping at the same greasy spot of counter with an even greasier rag, but she was simply leaned against the bar staring at him.
“That obvious?”
“Nine out of ten times its the best guess, besides, most of the time two shots from that bottle can lighten anyone’s mood.”
“You got something….. Strong but like…. Good tasting?”
“You mean something brightly colored and fruity?”
“Yeah, something brightly colored and fruity.” She Smirked, “You're braver than most men at this bar.”
“I knew we were dressing as cowboys, but I didn’t know the 1800s let us borrow their views on drinks too.”
She laughed, and returned a few second later with a martini glass full of bright green liquid, “There that should do for yah.”
He sipped at it a little, and satisfied it wasn’t going to peel the first layer of his insides began to drink.
“So, this girl of yours… she leave you.”
“No uh…. I sort of left her.”
“You some kind of simpleton…. Idiot maybe/”
He sighed and slumped down in his chair. “That’s what I’m told… I left her…. So I wouldn’t hurt her. I don’t think she understood but….. I’ve been pretty messed up since the war.”
“A soldier huh.”
“Not much of one.”
“ANd your friend over there, the one dancing on the table, is he a soldier too?”
Adam turned around to look towards where Ramirez was standing on a table and dancing around like a moron to the flight of the drunken crowd below, “He sighed, do you know what a synonym for moron is?”
“A marine.” He stood, “Hold on a second while I go get him, “ 
He walked over to the table hands on hips and looked up,”Ramirez, Get down from there.”
“Or, or you could come up here.”
“Or I damn well won’t.”
He turned around in a circle stamping his boot and clapping his hands.
“Come on! Have some fun.” off in the corner the piano was going loudly getting faster and faster.”
“If you don’t come here I pull out the shoe.”
Adam looked back at the bartender who looked more amused than she did annoyed. So he sighed and held up a hand, “help me up.”
Ramirez grinned and grabbed him by the hand, helping to haul him into the table, where the two of them linked arms and began dancing around in a circle in some horrible tandem rendition of square dancing mixed with swing dancing. The table wobbled dangerously back and forth threatening to tip over as their weight distribution swayed around and around. Laughing and Drunken chanting started up as the piano started to go faster and faster.
Those who were able to sing along in time with the words, soon stumbled over them, their lips tripping over the words that spilled from their mouths.
Adam and Ramirez stomped their boots and kicked up their heels in a wild tornado, both of them having surprisingly good rhythm. The piano grew faster and faster and faster until they were simply spinning around in a wild circle.
And then the door slammed open.
The piano cut off, and Ramirez went tumbling into Adam causing the two of them to pitch backward off the table and hit the floor with a loud “thud”. The room was dead silent except for the sound of boots rattling over the ground.
Adam ad Ramirez groaned rolling into sitting positions as they looked up at the intruder.
The man they saw was…. Greasy and unkempt with a snarled black beard and a pockmarked face. He wore a tatty black leather jacket and grimy fingerless gloves. His clothing was travel stained and filthy. When he walked into the room, his smell was just as present as he was.
“Don’t stop on my account.” He said, “it looked like we were just getting to the fun part.”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing back here Louis.” the bartender snarled,”I thought we made it very clear that you weren’t welcome last time.”
The man raised his hands innocently, “Oh please, I am just here to/...collect charitable donations.”
“Get out! Or we call the sherif.”
“Sheriff is busy…. Chasing outlaws outside of town.”
Adam and Ramirez exchanged looks as they slowly got to their feet.
The man reached towards his belt, “You boys stay right where you are.”
Adam raised his hands, “Woah, no harm done.”
Adam glanced towards Ramirez, giving him a look as he began to inch quietly to the side. Adam moved strategically in the opposite direction keeping his hands up.
He tried to look as shifty as possible to keep the man’s attention, “I think you should leave like the lady said.”
“Oh ho so one of the twinkle toes dancing boys thinks I should leave.”
“I do, so i am going to ask politely first.”
“And then what.” his hand inched down hovering over the grip of his gun. Adam did the same, though his fingers had gone numb. He was a good shot, but dueling! He knew he would fumble! He just knew it.
“I’m going to stop you.”
He laughed, “Oh you wil,l will you.”
Adam stared hard at the man’s face watching Ramirez move into position behind the man’s back, “I will…. I have the angel’s on my side.”
The man started to laugh.
Ramirez struck, grabbing a bottle from the nearest table and cracking the man across the back of the head with it. The man went down hard but Ramirez doubled over clutching his hand,”Fuck….. My hand! I thought those were so supposed to break! Shit.”
Adam leaped forward pinning the man to the ground.
A few other men and women rushed forward to help and soon enough they had him hog tied on the floor.
He stood up heart beating with exhilaration.
Ramirez rubbed his hand and groaned in pain.
Adam pressed his knee into the man’s back.
The bar tender came around from behind the bar, “That was a dumb move boys brave but dumb.”
Adam looked over to where ramirez was still nursing his wound, “yeah, I think that describes us pretty well doesn’t it. I got this guy, the rest of you can go back to drinking.” 
The bartender shook her head, “You buys drink free tonight.”
Ramirez grinned, “how can I say no to that! Drinks on me!”
Adam ignored the cheering of the bar for a moment, as he pulled the guns from the mn’s belt, and…. A very large knife. He noticed the decorative handle and, out of curiosity, pulled it out. It felt heavy in his grip, with good heft. He tested the edge against the hairs on the back of his arm, and they fell away smooth.
“Not bad.” he muttered.
Sunny would like…..
He paused
Looked down, looked around and then back down fighting with himself internally before.
Discreetly tucking the knife into his own, empty, knife sheath.”
Looking up he saw one of the serving girls staring at him.
He blushed and held up a finger to his lips.
She smiled, ruby red lips parting slightly, and winked at him, turning away exaggeratedly as if she hadn’t seen anything.
The door crashed open again a few moments later, and the Sheriff came barging into the room huffing and puffing like a bull, covered in dust, fingers stained with cordite. He paused in te doorway frowned at the scene before him and walked over, “Louis Grey.”
He looked down at Adam, and then Over at Ramirez who was taking advantage of his momentary glory.
“Thought I told you not to get into trouble.”
“You never told us not to stop it.”
He grunted and motioned to a few men to help him drag the body back to the jail, “Guess this is a thanks I owe you then. He has outstanding warrants in several counties, can never catch him though greasy little weasel.”
The unconscious man was dragged away only just beginning to stir. The sheriff shook his hand. “You boys be safe, and try not to do something so dumb next time.”
Adam touched the brim of his hat. “Yes sir.” He reached down to touch the knife at his belt, “We will make sure of it.”
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drarry-we-meet · 4 years
Valentine’s Day Sucks
Part 1
Draco grit his teeth as another wave of ooohs and ahhhs sounded across the small collection of cubicles. He tried to ignore the outbreak of distinctly feminine chatter and focus on the report he was currently writing. After reading the same paragraph three times, he was finally able to get back into the flow of things. He was halfway through drafting his next sentence when a loud bang followed by assorted squeals and giggles broke out, and he couldn’t help but sneak a peek.
Longbottom was currently surrounded by a cloud of glittering pink smoke that smelled strongly of roses, and there on his desk was a humongous box of chocolates. Draco sighed, he was more than ready for this Valentine’s Day nonsense to be over with. It was bad enough hearing all the witches in his department cooing like a pack of wild doves each time one of them received a flower delivery, which of course was every few minutes. But to make matters worse, this year the wizards seemed to be getting just as many gifts thanks the Wheezes new ad campaign which insisted that witches must also get soppy romantic trinkets for their gents.
Draco would have admired such a brilliant marketing strategy, that had surely doubled their profits this year, if it didn’t cause him to have double the annoyance at the same time. While the witches gifts were more traditional and quiet; flowers, chocolate, jewelry. The men’s gifts were far sillier; singing heat shaped telegrams that burst into miniature fireworks at the end of their song, stuffed bears that did cartwheels across desks before exploding into a shower of confetti, and large boxes like Longbottom’s that went off like a bomb, leaving behind chocolates once the smoke had cleared.
Of course it didn’t help matters that Draco knew he wouldn’t be receiving anything this year. It wasn’t that he was alone, at least not technically. He had been seeing, or at least sleeping with, Harry-savior-of-the-whole-fucking-wizarding-world Potter, for just over 4 months. Not that it counted though, probably. They had never discussed whether or not what they were doing was exclusive. For Draco it was, and he was fairly certain it was for Harry as well, seeing how he barely had any free-time as Deputy Head Auror and all. But a lack of time to see other people, and actually wanting to date someone were two very different things.
Case in point was the Mountain of gifts that Draco could see steadily growing in the office across the room filled with their cubicles. Witches and wizards from all over the world sent Harry gifts each holiday, but this one always seemed to be the worst. Two curse breakers were currently stationed in the room sorting, screening, and vanishing questionable gifts, while Harry himself was still out meeting with the muggle liaison of Interpol for some reason or another. He wasn’t due to return until Monday, and by then his office would be clear once again.
The safe candy was set aside to be distributed to various departments in the ministry, particularly those inconvenienced the most by this whole fiasco; the mailroom, the janitors union, the curse breakers, and of course the aurors. All of the mail was piled neatly for his secretary to review. The majority of it would be vanished of course, but a few of the most polite ones would be answered eventually.
In fact, now that Draco thought about it, his willingness to always be available to Harry no matter how last minute or weird the hour was, in order to be able to see Harry in between his many meetings and trips abroad might be the only reason Harry even bothered with him at all. It was that thought, paired with the reminder that so far whatever ‘this’ was between them had remained a carefully guarded secret from even their closest friends, that caused a sharp clenching pain inside his gut. Draco determinedly pushed all thoughts of the idiot-who-lived far from his mind and tried once again to focus on work.
By lunchtime, the continuous loud bangs and rose scented smoke that accompanied them, had the beginnings of a migraine forming behind Draco’s eyes. He decided to escape the ministry for a bit and get some fresh air at the cafe across the street. He had just finished, and stood up to don his coat when a shadow appeared across his desk. He looked up into the sneering faces of Zacharias Smith, his well-endowed girlfriend, and a couple of brand new trainees whose names he didn’t care to remember.
"I was just about to head to lunch Smith so whatever it is you need will have to wait till after I return,” Draco kept his most impassive face in place, but his voice was firm. He knew the only thing Smith wanted was to start trouble and he wasn’t in the mood for any of it.
Smith smirked, “I just wanted to ask you where your Valentine’s Day gift was," he asked with a faux sweet voice.
That threw Draco for a loop for a minute, “What are you talking about?"
Smith and his group immediately started laughing, Draco wasn’t sure what the hell they found so funny or why on earth they were asking him about Valentine’s gifts of all things.
Smith’s smile had only gotten wider, “Well Malfoy, he emphasized, maybe it has escaped your notice, but you’re the only person in the entire department, possibly even the entire ministry who hasn’t received even one measly card.”
Draco could feel his heart rate picking up, but he hadn’t lived with old-moldyfarts for nothing, and was able to keep his face blank and posture relaxed. Smith was just getting warmed up though, pointing out how ‘of course’ they shouldn’t be so surprised that he hadn’t received anything, since he was death eater scum and all. By this point they were attracting the attention of the rest of the office.
Draco could see out of the corner of his eye that Granger was heading their direction, but Draco would rather die than have someone he once allowed to be tortured in his house defend him from a spineless git like Smith.
Draco carefully rolled his eyes and shook his head at Smith, “is that really the best you could come up with today Zachary?” Because he knew how much Smith hated people using the shorter form of his name, "you must be having just such a fulfilling Valentine’s Day yourself if you would rather spend all your time talking to me than your girlfriend, what are you 12?” He then swept out of the office before Smith could reply or Granger could reach them.
He was waiting down the hall for the lift when a fierce grip grabbed his arm and spun him around. It was Smith’s girlfriend, and Draco was fairly shocked to be manhandled by her. She, unlike her slimy boyfriend, had always seemed like a genuinely nice person. However her face right now was twisted in fury.
"No one will ever love you," she spat. "You can look down on us all you want, but in the end you will be a bitter old man and die alone. You don’t even have any friends!” She spun on her heel and left then.
Draco was left reeling in the hallway, his vision swimming a bit and his breathing a bit too fast and shallow. As the room came back into focus he locked eyes with Granger. Of course she had followed him out into the hall, of course she’d probably seen the whole thing. Fuck. The lift chimed and Draco stumbled back into in, jamming the door close button to stop her from pursuing him any further. He knew that look, that look of pity, and it made him sick to his stomach.
Draco ended up skipping lunch, he walked aimlessly around the nearest park until his face and fingers were numb with cold despite his gloves and warming charms. The words, “no one will ever love you,” played on endless repeat in his head as he fought to direct his thoughts toward anything else. He didn’t know why he let their words get to him like that, he didn’t give a shit what Smith or his girlfriend thought.
But the words had cut him to the bone, mainly because it was a very real fear he had held onto since the end of the war. His friends had all fled the country after the trials, some even before, and his dating life had been pretty nonexistent for the last 6 years. Nothing they had said was technically wrong. The men Draco had been with were ok with fucking him as long as no one ever found out. He just wasn’t the type of person anyone could ever take home to meet their parents.
And Draco had been ok with that, or so he thought. Relationships were just messy, unnecessary. Until Harry. Harry was the first man Draco had ever been with who took him to dinner, (at muggle restaurants), who always spent the night, who held him after sex, who made breakfast for him the morning after. Harry made him watch muggle films on his couch while giving him neck rubs or foot rubs and always made sure he had Draco’s favorite tea on hand. By the second month Draco had begun to think that maybe, just maybe they were something more than just sex.
But then one day they had been interrupted mid-foreplay by one of Harry’s friends visiting unannounced, and Harry had quickly shoved Draco into the closet and told him to be quiet. Draco had died a little inside that day. It was an unspoken agreement after that. Draco was a secret, a dirty little secret, just like always.
Draco returned to the office a few minutes late, half frozen and despondent, but as always he didn’t let any of it show on his face. He had considered skiving off the rest of the day, but wouldn’t give Smith the satisfaction of knowing he’d gotten under his skin.
He buried himself in his work and carefully ignored any whispers or glances he felt come his way, but he was still attuned enough to the atmosphere of the room to notice as everyone was wrapping up their tasks at the end of the day and loudly discussing their romantic plans for the evening, when a ripple of silence suddenly overtook the room. It was so quiet and still that Draco looked up, wondering if everyone had somehow been stupefied simultaneously.
His jaw dropped as his eyes met green. Harry was standing just in front of his desk looking so very fit in his deputy head uniform. His brass buttons shining, his hair tousled just right, his brilliant eyes unobstructed since he’d finally ditched his horrid specs long ago. He was holding a garment bag in one hand and the biggest bouquet of long stemmed roses in the other. They were wrapped in white silk with a dark red bow, each petal had gold filigree on the edges.
"Are you ready to go darling?” He asked with a warm and inviting face, a fair bit of mischief in his eyes.
Draco, who had no idea what was going on, but was pretty sure he must have passed out from all the fumes and was dreaming just nodded.
Harry smiled brightly and laid the garment bag over Draco’s desk. "Well that’s good," Harry said, handing the roses to Draco, who took them dazedly, "Hermione told me you were too busy to pick up your suit today, so I went ahead and got it for you. We don’t have much time until the Portkey to Paris leaves so we’ll need to hurry home and change. I don’t think Le Cinq will let us in without the formal wear.
Draco who had decided he was definitely dreaming, simply nodded again and stood. Harry wasted no time walking around the desk to meet him. He placed a chaste, but lingering kiss on his lips, grabbed the bag and steered Draco toward the door with a warm hand on the small of his back.
The entire trek to the doors no one moved, Draco wasn’t sure any of them were even breathing. He wasn’t sure he was even breathing. Harry had just publicly outed them. Every face in the room was stricken with shock, except for Hermione who smiled at them both and Ron who gave him a curt nod. Draco realized neither of them were surprised. They know, he thought, oh gods they already know. He looked at Harry again and Harry gave him another dazzling smile and kiss on the cheek.
As soon as they were outside the doors a cacophony of noise sounded behind them and Harry turned to wink at Draco, but instead of heading toward the lifts, he simply wrapped his arm more firmly around Draco’s waist and apparated them on the spot.
-gift for @mothermalfoy
Link to Part 2:  https://drarry-we-meet.tumblr.com/post/190868463275/valentines-day-sucks-warning-this-2nd-half
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helisol · 4 years
Wait so.. link to this quodo fic you mentioned in your tags?? I’m intrigued :DD
its only an idea but i will HAPPILY ramble about it in detail under this read more because i never finish writing fics but i do love sharing my notes.
they get Pretty Extensive considering this clocked in at 2k words. so strap in.
tl;dr: karaoke night gone wild leads to garashir and quodo setting each other up for holodeck shenanigans
so basically quark has acquired a karaoke program. everyone on ds9 is going mad about it and it's keeping the holosuites booked out for weeks
the main squad decides to try it out and they just jam to a mix of human, klingon and bajoran music. but lets be real it's mostly human music because i have a mighty need to see captain benjamin sisko tear up the dancefloor to Earth Wind & Fire’s September. so sue me.
anyway everyone has to sing, even odo, even garak and they all have a blast. the only person who is notably absent is Quark because Quark has a bar to run and Quark can't indulge in mindless fun activities when he has money to make.
Unless… Odo challenges him and he has to prove that Odo is wrong.
so yeah quark checks on the gang to see how they like this “Hooman Kara-oke” and if he can sell them some drinks and everyone is like “hey you should sing. just one song. we won't even laugh about your bad ferengi singing! we promise!"
and quark is about to say "ferengi voices arent that bad. im still not gonna sing tho."
but odo is ahead of the game and insults his grating voice and how it could only be worse in song. and because this is quark he’s like “actually fuck you. now I WILL sing.”
so he snatches the mic from whoever was about to go next and fucking Crushes It. 
while odo starts Looking Respectfully everyone else is just going "woooooo! go quark!" which makes quark just get even more into it
Takes His Jacket Off, Drops It On The Floor, Dances With The Microphone Stand. The Works. and he's also enjoying himself like "haha! suck it odo! i'm a good performer, it's how I make money!"
until he actually looks at Odo and Odo is Looking Back and then he’s like “wait what the fuck why is he looking at me” and Promptly Messes Up A Step And Falls Off The Stage-
so now quark has a twisted ankle and julian has to take him to the infirmary, which bums out quite literally Everyone and the gathering disperses, leaving only Garak and Odo.
garak as we know is but a simple tailor, but he’s Observant and his little lizard eyes did spy odo looking at quark and making the soup-version of heart eyes. we also know he is the gayest bicth on this station so of course he’s going to poke and prod at odo to see how he reacts.
garak waits until everyone is out of the room and asks odo if he can walk the dear constable home to the ol’ bucket. because odo looked a little melty during quark’s performance, y’know. it’d be bad if he turned into soup on the promenade.
odo denies this, of course, so garak is like “oh great then we can have a Chat :)”
and odo goes "wait no i hate talking” but then they’re in garaks shop and drinking kanar and garak is getting drunk off his lizard ass and talking about Julian because, again, he IS THAT BITCH!
meanwhile in the infirmary, Julian is trying to take care of quark’s ankle, but since he’s nosy and kinda Knows that quark wouldn’t just mess up his steps for no reason he asks about that.
which of course turns the nosyness up to 11 and has julian going 👀
"no i mean uh- i was distracted" "distracted? by what?" "nothing" "distracted by nothing?" "FIX. MY. ANKLE."
so julian sits him down on a biobed and gets whatever medical thingie fixes ankles in the 24th century. and while he does that he offers quark some wine to loosen the tongue about what made him slip.
anyway one thing leads to another and before you know it quark and julian are wine-drunk sitting on the infirmary floor and talking about garak. which suits quark just fine because it means he doesn’t have to admit he fell because odo was looking at him like he just revealed all the secrets of the universe along with his bare arms when he took off his jacket.
so we have two sets of gay idiots getting drunk in two locations and the next morning two sets of gay idiots have hangovers. yes odo gets a hangover. being soup does not exempt him from it.
julian and odo do the right, logical thing and take some meds to go to work and be productive and garak shows up in the bar to fight fire with fire and finds quark Already Doing That. 
so they just sit next to each other, beating their hangovers with more alcohol, and they get to talking.
garak goes on about how he took odo home and pretty much only talked about julian all night and quark is like “wow what a coincidence, the doctor and i only talked about you all night.” 
and it's all downhill from there because basically quark and garak just figured out that the garashir pining is Mutual.
"wait, julian was looking at me???" "yes." "AND I WAS LOOKING AT JULIAN-" "Yes."
and then they hash out this elaborate scheme to trap julian and garak in one of the Spy holosuite programs until they make out. this is garak and quark planning. how could they NOT make an elaborate scheme involving holosuites.
anyway i promised quodo so i will keep the ‘garashir makes out in the holosuite’ section a lil more brief
so within the next two days these two gay bitches whip up a new “The Adventures Of Agent Bashir” program, but quark has ‘adjusted’ the program a little so that it only ends when the main characters kiss. fun stuff.
garak and julian go through the program, havin a blast being spies, but at the end garak’s character gets “shot”, and they are so immersed in the story that julian is Actually Concerned and garak Actually Acts like he's in pain.
they kiss, the program ends, and garak- not actually shot- goes “haha gotcha, you wanted to kiss me before i died” 
so they walk out the holosuite one hour after their time is already up with a lot of hickeys and untied bowties. hooray.
But That’s Not What We’re Here For.
after garak and julian come down from the high of getting together julian asks Just How and Why quark would agree to help with this. quark Never helps Unless he’s helping himself.
and they realised Quark Has Played Them Like Cheap Kazoos. he just wanted to take attention away from himself and the unanswered question of why he suddenly fell off the stage.
so they go "wait, if odo and quark were both lying and obscuring facts and being weird about this, doesn't that mean- ohhh"
and it boils down to them deciding to help those poor fuckers because they are apparently off even worse than they were in terms of mutual pining.
they also hash out an elaborate scheme. this time it involves odo’s never ending hard on for finding reasons to throw quark into jail.
since quark technically violated the holosuite rules by locking garak and julian in there garak goes over to odo to report the “Crime”
after some back and forth about Why In The World Garak, Friend And Tailor, would report a crime to odo that doesn’t affect anyone’s safety Odo heads to the bar to investigate the holosuites and if there really was criminal activity.
he doesn’t ask quark for permission, mostly because he’d never ask permission to snoop around in quark’s property but also because quark is actually not there at the moment. for Some Reason he’s being held up in the infirmary. Weird.
so odo is looking through the holosuite recordings of the last few days, and he runs through what garak said was the illegal activity of locking them in there and just goes "Ah, alright, i can throw him in a holding cell for that.” but then he sees a message left by garak.
it was apparently left there today so garak must have prepared this which means something is afoot. and the message just reads "the karaoke session was recorded and you might wanna check what Actually™ made quark trip :)"
to which odo reacts with "hmph. why should i care. maybe hes just messing with me and quark tripped over a cable." but Odo looks at it anyway. respectfully.
and he watches the whole performance up until the point where quark falls. Multiple Times. until he remembers that this is a criminal investigation and he finally looks at the part where he falls from quark’s perspective, which is the important one.
and he just. looks right at himself. looking at quark.
and holy shit. he looked at him like he was going to shove him against a wall, not to beat him up, but to make out with him. he straight up looked like he was going to mess him up but not with his fists.
so he stands right in front of quark and replays that moment to see quark’s reaction and analyse how he fell. and sure enough quark Saw Him and his knees gave out.
after that he really just wants to walk out and spend the next 30 hours as a houseplant to cleanse his mind of any quark-related thoughts but uh oh. when he opens the holosuite door Quark Is Right There.
and odo panics and just pulls him inside, accidentally re-initiating the spy program.
“But how did Quark happen to be there at just the right time?” i hear you ask well it was OUR MAN BASHIR
while garak was at odos place telling him to investigate quark’s wrongdoings, quark himself got called to the infirmary for a check-up on his twisted ankle.
and julian kept him there, examining his ankle over and over, until garak came in to Insinuate that Someone is snooping around in the holosuites.
so quark, yelling "NO COPS IN MY BAR", hurries over to the holosuites on his totally fine ankle and bada bing bada boom, here we are.
with two idiots stuck in a locked holosuite.
odo is like "QUARK WTF" meanwhile quark is like "ODO WTF"
"YOU LOCKED US IN A HOLOSUITE" "NO YOU LOCKED US IN A HOLOSUITE" ”well it was you who pulled me in here" "but it was you who designed it like this"
anyway to get out they have to go through the program somehow. quark and garak programmed this very carefully. unless they follow the general story, there’s no way out.
and at first quark says "listen, its okay, we just have to kiss" to which odo replies with that kinda look you’d get from someone if you told them to swallow a cactus whole, for fun.
"you heard me" "quark if this is a joke-" "its not. i made rom pull an all nighter to put in the new sensors." "you paid him for this???" "no." "right of course."
and after a very quick cheek kiss doesn’t end up doing the trick the two actually go through the program properly. except quark knows the script, cheats a little, takes shortcuts and totally doesnt impress odo by shooting a few hologram guards on the way.
so they get to the end, where they believe odo is supposed to get “shot”, but turns out they mixed up the roles and quark is the one who gets shot.
And Odo Doesn’t Know. The Safeties. Are. On.
so he tearfully goes "WAIT NO- QUARK!" and quark is like "odo...odo come closer..."
"yes, quark?"
"kiss me"
"quark please dont die i'll kiss you and we'll beam you straight to the infirmary and-" "ODO JUST KISS ME"
and then they kiss. the holosuite controls unlock and quark thinks ‘oh great, now we can leave-’ but odo doesnt stop kissing him
and he doesn’t Stop kissing him until quark actually speaks up and has to go "HEY IF THIS WERE REAL I’D BE DYING BY NOW-"
"what?" "the safeties are on. I didn’t get shot. you just had to kiss me to unlock the controls-"
and odo is like "QUARK"
and quark is like "ODO"
and then odo gets up and is very convinced that he Must Turn Into A Houseplant For A Ferengi Lifespan To Atone For His Sins.
but quark says “no, wait. can you do it again?”
"yelling at you?" "kissing me."
anyway odo finally gets to fulfill his fantasy of pushing quark against a wall and quark finally gets kissed by odo like hes dreamed of for like 15 years or however long ago it was that they were first on terok nor together during the cardassian occupation.
the end.
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go--ask--alice · 3 years
The Librarian
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One morning, trying to be cheeky, Alice sent J a series of selfies in various states of undress and told him to come find her. Like a trail of bread crumbs it led him to a small tucked away staircase leading to the third floor of his expansive home. The Joker’s personal library is housed up there. And like Beast with his Belle, J allowed Alice free reign over the stacks of books. It’s one of her favorite places on the entire property.
Alice also has recently gotten a [tattoo] on her wrist in honor of J. Something that let’s the whole world know who she belongs to.
🃏: Joker
👑: Alice
👑 *On the floor is a trail of clothes. My bra, yoga pants, and finally at the bottom of the library stairs laid out perfectly neat are my panties.*
🃏 *I pick up your panties and hold them to my nose. Your scent makes me hard. I run up the stairs and into the library.* Alice… I think you dropped a couple of things. Come out and I’ll only spank you a little.
👑 *You find me, buried in a book, glasses on the end of my nose, totally naked and lounging in one of the plush high back chairs.* Oh, hi Daddy! What took you so long?
🃏 *The sight of you leaves me panting. I drop my phone and walk towards you slowly.* You… Alice, are a delicious sight. Are you my new librarian? I can only hope so. I need help finding a few books. One about punishment and another about a princess.
👑 *I push my glasses up and sigh. Setting my book down slowly.* Well I suppose sir. Hmm punishment.. medieval? Bondage? Or more of a general overview?
🃏 *You in glasses and nothing else makes my cock swell.*
👑 I think we have a great volume on knot tying somewhere?
🃏 *I involuntarily pound my fist when you say knot tying.* Th…that one.
👑 Excuse me sir.. please keep it down.
🃏 *My heartbeat is ripping through my chest.* Sorry Miss.
👑 So.. knot tying. Anything else you may need sir? Or is this it?
🃏 I’m so excited. It’s been a while since I read a nice, big, thick book. *I grab my crotch.*
👑 Oh you could just get lost in a good book..
🃏 I’d like a book about princesses please. Preferably a curious one. *I admire your body as you move about.*
👑 Hmm there are so many to choose from… would you like one from Grimm? They have quite the extensive body of work.
🃏 *You have an extensive body of work, grrrrr.* Choose one for me? I trust your judgement.
👑 *I pull an old leather bound first edition. I’m honestly shocked you own this but makes me so happy.* Lewis Carroll… 1865… not technically about a princess, but very very curious none the less.
🃏 *I give you a wide metal smile.* And this curious girl, will I enjoy reading about her escapades?
👑 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland… Oh most definitely! She falls into a mad upside down world where nothing makes sense yet everything is just right. There’s a crazy man that she meets, he’s my favorite. You’ll probably like him too.
🃏 *I draw closer to you, trapping you against a wall of books.* Really? Your favorite you say? And why would I like this crazy man?
👑 Can I tell you a secret?
🃏 *Leans in close.* My lips are sealed. Tell me.
👑 *I lean in right to your ear.* I think your curious girl? She falls completely in love with that mad man.
🃏 *Throws my head back and moans.* She must be mad herself.
👑 She is.. a bit. But their particular brand a crazy, seems to be a perfect fit. She’s his missing chess piece. He’s her perfect puzzle piece.
🃏 *I reach forward and cup you between the legs.* Perfect fit…. hmmmm…. I think I like that. Yes, I’d like to check that one out.
👑 I think you’ll love it sir. *I’m struggling to keep my composer.*
🃏 *I pull a Joker card out of my pocket.* I brought my library card.
👑 Excellent. *I take the card and kiss it. A dark red lip print now marks the front. I hand it back.*
🃏 *I stick it back in my pocket proudly.* And what if I don’t return this book on time? Will I have to pay a fee? *I run my finger up your slit.*
👑 Mmhmm.. I’m afraid it’s a pretty steep fine too.
🃏 I’m a very rich man, I think I can pay it. *I keep rubbing your slit and bite my bottom lip.*
👑 Why Mr. Joker, in that case you should just buy it so you can keep it forever. *I don’t know how much longer I can keep this game up before I just fall apart.*
🃏 *I start rubbing faster, emboldened by you keeping in character despite your very wet pussy.* I might have to do that. I’d like to support this library. Just think of me as a patron of the arts.
👑 W..would you like to know the price sir..?
🃏 Very much so. *Rubbing faster still, my hand slickening with your arousal.*
👑 The.. price… *Whispers* oh god.. The price is a kiss… and…
🃏 *I smile as you fumble with your words and lean in closer.* A kiss and?
👑 *I lean in til our lips are barely touching* ..and your heart. *I put my hand over your heart, which is pounding like mad, and i kiss you.*
🃏 *I insert my finger inside of you as you kiss me and invade your mouth with my tongue.*
👑 *I collapse against you.*
🃏 *I continue to kiss you and insert another finger, pushing into your hot core.*
👑 *I moan into your mouth, my hands grasping at your shoulders.* Excuse me… sir.. *Fuck it! I can’t keep this game up any longer.* Oh god… *I give you a pleading look.* Please… I need you inside me.
🃏 *I grin and laugh a little. You’re so fucking adorable. I drop down to my knees.* Oh no Miss… I think I need to make a contribution first. Consider it my pledge to always honor the arts. *I pull your legs apart and stick out my tongue.* Have a fucking seat Alice.
👑 *I stumble backwards into the chair I was waiting for you in. I pull you with me, pushing your head down between my legs.*
🃏 *I start to kiss the insides of your thighs. I keep up the game wanting to tease you with your own saucy scenario.* I love a woman who likes to read. Maybe I’ll read you a story? *Licks your clit.*
👑 Oh yeah? I’m all ears Daddy…
🃏 *I bring my fingers to my lips.* Shhhhhhhh… keep your voice down. Once there was a curious girl who couldn’t keep her clothes on. So she took them all off and left a trail like a naughty little goldilocks. Ahem… I mean like Gretle. *I laugh lightly.* Anyway… *I suck on your clit.* She could not keep those clothes on no matter how she tried! Do you know this story?
👑 *I’m barely holding on. I try concentrating on your voice to keep me grounded.* It sounds… vaguely familiar…?
🃏 Only vaguely huh? She belonged to a criminal this curious girl, even without any clothes on she bored his mark. *I tug at your pussy lips with my teeth.*
👑 *I glance down at my wrist my smile.*
🃏 Do you know what that criminals name is?
👑 *I’m panting.* ….J…Joker…
🃏 Mmmm… That’s right Miss librarian. Do me a favor, say that one more time for me.
👑 Joker… *Your name drips off my lips like honey.*
🃏 *I love how you say it. It makes my cock feel heavy.* I’ll spell it out for you so you don’t forget. *I bend down and trace a “J” onto you slowly.*
👑 Oh fuck…
🃏 *I pool saliva and your juices onto my tongue as I trace the “O” It’s my favorite letter to trace.*
👑 Dadddddy…
🃏 *I stare up at you, my eyes wild with lust under a mound of green hair. I trace the “K” taking great pleasure in the upward stroke as I form the letter. The “E” is tricky fun. The upward stroke is easy but I drip excessive amounts of saliva and your juices onto you as I trace the horizontal bars of the letter. It looks obscene as I pull back with strings of moisture connecting me to your hot core.*
👑 *I nearly cum at the sight of your lips as you pull back.*
🃏 *I take extra time on the “R”. The stroke upward takes a sharp turn to the right and a delicious loop inward before leaning out of the letter. I can feel how tense your legs are as I grip them.* Are you OK Miss? You look a little flushed. Was it something I said?
👑 Daddy please…
🃏 Tell me what you need.
👑 I need to cum.
🃏 *I lay on my back fully clothed and unzip my pants releasing my cock.* Come sit on your throne Queen.
👑 *I pitch forward and crawl up your body.* Anything for you, my King.
🃏 *The sight of you crawling to me is beautiful.*
👑 *As I crawl I push your shirt up your torso. I kiss up your body, paying extra attention to the head of your hard cock.*
🃏 *My cock twitches involuntarily when you kiss it.* Unngggg… fuck! *I caress the side of your face.*
👑 You taste so good Daddy. *I trail my lips up your torso, I lick the lips of your smile tattoo.*
🃏 Come up here, I want to see your body.
👑 *I sit up, my pussy rubbing against your cock, you’re one slight move away from being inside me.*
🃏 *I bring my pelvis up and tease my cock along your pussy.*
👑 *I grind my hips against you.*
🃏 When Daddy’s cock goes inside, I want you to show me how much you need it. I want you to put on a little show for me. That’s it rub your pussy on Daddy’s cock. How does that feel?
👑 So good! You.. you want more Daddy…?
🃏 Give me more sugar. *I have both hands clenched and I’m focused on you. I can’t see anything else. My heart is pounding again.* Oh god Alice…. *I’m almost on the verge of begging you. I don’t know how that happened.*
👑 You ready daddy? *I raise my hips and angle myself directly over you. When we lock eyes again I slam down onto your cock, impaling myself on your hard body. I take no time and begin bouncing my hips, pushing you deep with each motion.*
🃏 Ready baby. Do it. Ohhhhhhhh fuck yes bounce on my cock Alice! Goddamn fuck! *I realize how amazing your tits are everytime I see them.*
👑 God Daddy you feel so good inside me!!
🃏 Fuck me hard baby. How much do you want me?
👑 Fuck Daddy! I want you so bad! You’re the one I want! The only one… oh god…
🃏 Mmmm… You. Are. Mine.
👑 Yours. *I have a very devious desire. I’m hesitant to ask but I know you’ll get off on it.* Daddy? Please c..ch..choke me Daddy..
🃏 *My hands are around your throat in an instant.* Ohhhhhhhh fuck!! *I don’t squeeze too tight. It’s your first time. I squeeze so you know I’m there. It feels amazing. Your tender exposed neck. You gave it all to me.* You like that? *I grip your throat with one hand and smack your face with the other.*
👑 Tha…thank you… Daddy!! *Your hands feel so good around my neck. I love feeling the power you have over me. I trust you completely. *
🃏 Mmmm…. so polite…. *Thanking me for fucking her while I choke her beautiful fucking throat.* You are fucking perfect.
👑 No Daddy… you.
🃏 *I feel like cumming. I’m starting to squirm hard underneath you.* Ohhhhhhhh fuck Alice!
👑 Daddy, do I make you feel good? Are you gonna cum for me..? I wanna feel you fill me up!
🃏 Ohhhhhhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck… I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna… cummmmmm.
👑 Thats it Daddy!!! Cum with me!! *Seeing you let go beneath is more than I can take.* Daddy!!! Fuck Daddy can I cum too???
🃏 Ohhhhhhhh goddamn Alice! *In one hard thrust I’m cumming hard into you with my hands around your throat. My orgasm is intense and I’m left shaking.*
👑 That’s it Daddy! Give me everything…
🃏 *I spill every drop inside of you* Alice…Thank you. *Panting* You have my soul.
👑 *I’m a quivering mess above you.* I love you J.
🃏 *I put my hands into your hair and kiss you passionately.*
👑 *I fall into your kiss. I can feel the words that you can’t say. I know the truth in your actions.*
🃏 *I sit up and continue to hold you and stay inside of you.* Alice… we have to stop meeting like this. *Smirk*
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echoeternally · 3 years
Mini Gift
It’s @mrnerdling‘s birthday, and I wrote up a longer story for the day. However, I also wanted to write a small thing based on another suggested pairing! So, I did, and it’s sloppy, but I tried to cram it in within like...I dunno, four hours between research and writing.
Anyway, I know extremely little about Pokémon Unite, so it’s going to be rather choppy and probably have nothing to do with the game. (I didn’t even include evolutions because that hurt my brain to consider evolving back and forth, which I think they do in Digimon, but not Pokémon.) But, hey, it was worth a shot, and I experimented.
Just a cute fic to feature some ship teasing that he should enjoy. And I hope you do too!
Four trainers joined together at the Aeos Island team rooms. While they carried on discussing strategies for their upcoming practice, they sent out their current selected Pokémon, allowing them to gather together while their trainers continued planning.
 Lucario folded his arms and surveyed his team, noting his usual companions in Cinderace and Slowbro. He tilted his head at the appearance of Blissey, a newcomer to the team and the island overall.
 “Huh, first of our team newcomers.” Lucario nodded. “Welcome aboard, Blissey! My trainer is the team captain, so I try my best to reflect her efforts.”
 “Oh, thanks for the welcome!” Blissey bowed her head and smiled. “It’s going to be fun getting to join everyone.” She blinked and blankly stared at the group. “To be honest though, I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.”
 “Me neither,” mumbled Slowbro.
 “But…you’re already on this team.”
 “…I am?”
 “Don’t worry, Slowbro’ll come to life in a little while.” Cinderace rubbed his nose and smirked to Blissey. “Name’s Cinderace, and I’m part of this team too. Our trainers tried to match the variety in roles among Pokémon for this island.” He pointed at the egg in Blissey’s hands. “You’re a healer, right?”
 “Normally, yes.”
 “Right, so there are a few different types of roles for each of us,” went over Lucario. “Since you have a focus on healing, that makes you our team’s new Support member. Slowbro can make strong blocks, so he’s our team Defender.” He pointed at Cinderace. “Since he’s fiery and likes to battle, Cinderace is our Attacker.” Lucario rubbed behind his head. “We’re supposed to have someone that’s quick around the field, who is the team Speedster. I suppose you’ll meet him later.” Lucario shrugged. “As someone that tries to cover multiple roles in one, I do my best to be the All-Around type on our team.”
 “Wow.” Blissey brightly smiled. “This already sounds complicated. I love it!”
 “It takes a bit, but you’ll get into it after a few rounds,” offered Cinderace. “Since we’re just practicing today, though, I don’t imagine it’ll be too rough on you.” He stretched and winked to her. “Basically, we just need to worry about scoring more points than the other team, and that’s the idea of the game.”
 “Each role helps determine how well we perform,” brought up Lucario. “So, with that, we’ll let the rest get resolved on the field.”
 “Ooh, my trainer is calling me over that way,” pointed out Blissey. “What do we do by the benches?”
 “…Wait for your turn to practice, I guess,” determined Cinderace, glancing at Lucario who shrugged.
 “Neat!” Blissey wandered off from the group. “I still don’t get any of this!”
 “Well, waiting won’t help much,” mumbled Cinderace. “…Huh. Hey, Slowbro, they’re calling you over too.”
 “Your trainer, knucklehead.”
 “Oh, ok.” Slowbro blinked and then slowly waddled down the same direction that Blissey had gone in.
 “Guess they want to focus on offensive plays first,” suggested Cinderace. “If those two are sitting on the sidelines, that means it’s you, me, and whoever the newbie is when they get jump in.”
 “That makes sense, since we’ll need to learn covering the field.” Lucario tapped on his chin and nodded. “Ok, so, practices today are mostly relying on us getting Aeos Energy to score points. If we’re doing some offense training to start, that’s the main goal to focus on.”
 “Are we just going on the field as is?”
 “Yep, going right into it.”
 “Huh, should be fun.” Cinderace grinned and lifted a thumb up to Lucario. “Want to see who can score the most points between us two? New guy will probably figure it out and join in.”
 “We do need to work on strategies too.”
 “Where’s the fun if we’re only working and not bringing out the best of each other?” Cinderace slid closer to Lucario, patting his head and nudging him. “Come on, huh? Let’s have some fun with this!”
 “Well…it is technically part of our exercises, tallying high scores—”
 “Aha, knew you’d see it my way!”
 “Just don’t get too carried away,” requested Lucario. He frowned and looked over as Blissey tried talking with Slowbro, who vacantly stared off around the meeting room. “Last time, you knocked Slowbro too hard on the head, and now he seems like he’s back to basics.” Lucario lowered his eyes as he watched Slowbro drool, while Blissey chattered on. “…Or worse, actually.”
 “Coach, you’re thinking way too hard.”
 “Don’t call me that.”
 “Why not? You basically are!” Cinderace jogged in place, getting his feet warmed up. “Going to roll some heads on the field and get the highest scores like you wouldn’t believe!”
 “Do you ever turn over the competitor in you?”
 “Well, that does help us.” Lucario shrugged and smiled. “Come on, let’s get ourselves ready.”
 “You’re so cute when you’ve got a big work ethic going,” teased Cinderace, leaning over Lucario’s head.
 “Get off.”
 “Make me.”
 After chasing his teammate to the practice field, Lucario lined up with Cinderace at the starting gate. Their trainers readied their supply of Aeos Island balls, ready to capture the wild Pokémon that their partners battled against. The two trainers were joined by a third, who hurriedly sent their choice to the field as they set the practice timer.
 However, the purple gates opened, and Lucario raced off alongside Cinderace.
 “Try to keep up, Luca!”
 “Don’t call me that either!”
 Laughing, Cinderace hurried up the northern route, while Lucario traveled down the southern side. Kicking streams of fire and sliding past his opponents, Cinderace swept at the wild Aipom and Audino. His trainer from the sidelines collected Aeos Energy from the capture.
 “Nice and easy,” cheered Cinderace. “They better get that Speedster straight to work to catch up with me!”
 “Might as well, you’re right!”
 Blinking and halting from the new voice, Cinderace turned around as a yellow blur rushed past him. A loud clap rang out, as lightning bolts danced through the air and zapped at the wild Pokémon nearby.
 The striker rabbit watched as the blur raced around, snatching more Aeos Energy before running for a hoop. Jumping up, the thunderclap cat slammed in a ball of energy, scoring points for the corresponding trainer.
 Setting down, Cinderace gawked as the cat beamed to him.
 “Hey there, sorry for the interruption introduction,” called the newcomer. “I’m Zeraora, and I’m your team’s latest Speedster!” He swiped below his nose. “Heard that we’re having a little contest of our own, so I hope you don’t mind me joining in.”
 Slowly nodding, Cinderace looked the yellow cat up and down, impressed at just the sight alone. Watching him run around once again, Cinderace flailed around, trying to attack the wild Pokémon to score more energy.
 However, Zeraora’s speed helped him collect bits of energy from the ground and take down emerging Pokémon faster than Cinderace could keep up with.
 Knocking enough energy into the goal, Zeraora grinned as it faded, and spun around to Cinderace, winking to him.
 “Check it out! We scored a load of points on this one.” He waved. “Come on, cutie, let’s see if you can keep up!”
 “Wow, I think this is how I sound to Lucario,” mumbled the flushed face Cinderace. “…Why doesn’t he like me even more?”
 Both rushed to the next goal, knocking more energy into it. Lucario had chased an evasive Audino over, and was able to help his trainer capture them for Aeos Energy. Once that was done, however, Lucario gawked as Zeraora raced past him, jumping up and slamming more energy into the nearby goal.
 “Wait, what?” Lucario fumbled back and stared up at the cat hanging from the hoop. “Are you the new speedster?”
 “Nice, you’re the team captain!” Zeraora grinned. “They told me you’d be handsome, and they weren’t kidding!” He dropped down and ran for the next wild Pokémon. “Come on, little guy! Let’s see if you can keep up with me!”
 “…He’s like Cinderace, but worse,” muttered Lucario as he blushed.
 As they continued scoring points, practice time ticked away and ran out. Checking over the final scores, Lucario gawked at how high Zeraora’s score was, in spite his late start. Cinderace had scored the lowest, which was quite unusual for him. Turning for the rabbit, Lucario raised an eyebrow, as Cinderace shrugged and gazed back to Zeraora, beaming from his results.
 “Ha, check it out!” Zeraora placed a hand on his hip. “Didn’t think I’d score so high, but you guys made competing pretty fun. I think we’ll make a strong combination!” He winked to his teammates and wandered toward the exit. “I wonder who else is on this team? I think they were both pink…”
 “Well…at least he’s fast,” decided Lucario.
 “He’s amazing, and I have to know more,” rambled off Cinderace.
 “Look in the mirror.”
 “He’s even better than me!”
 “That’s not what I—”
 “Best newbie ever!” Cinderace hurried after him. “Hey, Zera! Tell me more about yourself! Like, everything!”
 Rolling his eyes, Lucario slapped a paw over his head and dragged it down. Sighing, he followed his teammates out from the first practice field, looking to join them for the next session.
 Though Zeraora enjoyed chatting with Cinderace, he would steal glances to Lucario and grin to him, making the captain blush.
 This was certainly going to be a new dynamic for them.
Whoosh, there it is!
Yeah, I did my best while hurrying it along. This wasn’t the original gift idea, but I wanted to include both ideas sent to me.
Since I normally write like medieval Pokémon, or otherwise normal stuff where they battle and such, I decided to try following another game, and went with one that all three leads appear in, which was the latest game.
Even though I’ve never touched it, so maybe that wasn’t the best idea, but oh well! That’s what research is for. (Also, there’s other stuff that I didn’t get to touch on about Unite, but alas.)
If I had more time, I’d probably write more, but this is it for this one. Hope you enjoyed the quick bit!
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inventors-fair · 4 years
Free Sample Group Commentary
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Open doors only for today!
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@scavenger98 I didn’t do runner ups this time but this entitled boy had serious potential, though I don’t understand the when cast part of the card. Anyway, great overall flavor, 0 actual impact like its cost, which is a good thing for this challenge. It can have serious uses in monarch matters environments, in decks that skip their draw phase for one reason or another (mad pair with Solitary Confinement ) and there can be interesting kitchen table politics since you get to decide who’s the next monarch!
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@machine-elf-paladin Pretty smart flavor text and a deceptively innocent 0 drop which could warp the game around it, especially in limited formats, where it would feast on every blocker or removal target until it becomes a threat in its own right. Considering this, maybe haste is a bit too much.
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@walker-of-the-yellow-path making a statement for the peculiar times we live in right now with their design! The cards reads fun, but I’m concerned about the impact it will have on the game it’s played. The back and forth of the Plaguebearer might feel too much in the long run. I would like it more if it had limited uses like in the peculiar case of Leech Bonder.
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@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes one can’t go wrong with egg designs! Unlike other egg cards, this one has to “hatch” and not just break/die to get your birb, which is a neat flavor win!
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@kavinika Not gonna lie, this lil robo put a smile on my face. It has the essential amount of usefulness for a 0 drop and later on, be it equipment or counters, you can make combat difficult for the opponents. I can’t wait to see more of Soscarus’ creations!
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@askkrenko One major concern when designing 0 drops is what if the player gets to have two of them in the first hand? Will it be too much? The all-wise goblin lord of Ravnica tackled this problem with the introduction of the “basic creature” concept and I dig it. Yes, this goblin is stronger than the standard 0 drop, memnite, but at least you can play only one on your first turn. People with experience with affinity decks will know this matters quite a lot.
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@aethernalstars Before the commentary, I’m pretty sure this hydra can enter the battlefield without counters but I don’t remember the method. Everyone please comment below to remind me of the card, it really bothers me that I can’t remember it XD Now on to the commentary, I like you used the trend in the flavor texts where Vivien describes animals from different planes! On the battlefield, a 0/1 will do what 0/1s do, but the “printed power” is the selling point of the card, be it revealing on exiling with Varolz.
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@dimestoretajic This this the first of the three o drop gods we received! The art chosen for this is great, mighty yet hilarious XD The fury of Om rains down on infidels that mess with your creatures, and that damage can really make a difference. The threat of damage also “protects” your creatures so its a tad easier to actually flip Om’s switch!
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@morbidlyqueerious The second god design comes in the form of a land creature. Technically lands aren’t qualified for this challenge since they don’t have costs at all but the problem of the design is that it’s very easy for Anagatha to start counting as a creature, and a 5/5 creature that is. If this was a regular god design for like 2 to 4 mana, it would be great, it has both a good straightforward condition and payoff.
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@naban-dean-of-irritation Atropos has a very subtle impact on the game at any time, and its power level is lower than other graveyard hate cards, so I think it being a God creature evens things out. The creature awakening condition feels fair too. I believe it could see play in decks with some artifacts and/or morph shenanigans!
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@emmypupcake If you frequent to mythic spoiler, you might have come across the ongoing meme of “Looks like dredge got a new toy”. I feel this can be said the wisps but for Arcades decks or defender heavy theme in general. However it being defender isn’t that much of a drawback for it to have more toughness than ornithopter, and I feel it would be really frustrating if your opponents could wall you with a 3 toughness flyer with 0 effort.
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@evscfa1 Zuthfangg is a really interesting design in regards of using a drawback to justify the 0 cost of the card. And in our case the drawback/ the spice of the card is that the opponents have a say on what it can or can’t do. With that in mind, I think being a 1/1 would be okay. Yes, it would surpass memnite for sure, but it’s a legendary creatures so it makes sense!
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@nine-effing-hells First of all, I got to praise your effort for writing two flavor texts, and the second in the broken message form! On to the actual card, I think it would look better if the specimen had counters and it loses them in order to transform. That would save some text and complexity. As for the power level, I think by the time you get this to transform, your opponent will be able to handle a 4/4 menace creature.
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@whackycrack It’s so cute!!! And while innocent it plays pretty well especially with combined blocks and/or more tiny screamers!
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@hypexion I really dig the design idea and the overall flavor but being either a 0/1 or a 4/4 flyer for 0 mana feels overwhelming. The optimal stats are debatable but my call would be either 2/1 or 3/1. I feels its ok to hit harder if you are the monarch, but the high toughness gives it more longevity than other more expensive creatures. What do you guys think?
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@starch255 This design is meant for edh, where life totals and creatures are usually larger but gifting a 5/5 0 drop to an opponent so they kill all the other plays is surely undercosted, plus EDH has a lot of tutors so the threat is very real, even in a 99 card deck. A smaller body with some slight evasion would feel less oppressive?
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@thedirtside Leyline of Anticipation’s best friend!! Buy yours while supplies last XD It also works well with blink effects. So this little kitty is either an innocent creature or an demon straight out of the Hellvault. Are cats allowed to have such power?
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@snugz Fleeting Flame is strictly more fair than the spirit guides cards, and that says a lot. The elemental tag might also come in handy! What’s not to like?
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@Danny Death triggers fit 0 cost designs because even if they do have an impact, it happens later in the game, so in this regard, Exploited Muse gets a passing grade! There’s like a lot of room in the card, so I kinda expected some sort of flavor text to explain the muse’s hardships etc
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@whuh-oh a 0 mana sliver? You sir, like to play with fire! The average sliver deck appreciates all the ramp it can get but at some point the enters tapped clause will be a hindrance. Ι doubt this passes the 0 cost test, but I’m curious to see how different a Sliver deck would be with a playset of this in it.
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@shootingstarhunter Another good strategy for designs with stats higher than the average of the mana cost is the group hug way! The design is also a nice throwback to the recent Generous Gift.
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@misterstingyjack and @antediluvian-microchip​ With the innovation of Lithoform Engine, we can now have copies of creature spells, and two people jumped on the hype train to explore this design space. Ludevic’s Reject provides semi-useful bodies with a steep life cost, and Motes of dust, being true to their name, do.. a lot of etb and death triggers. However, there’s a reason MaRo named the storm scale after this wild mechanic, so for once, maybe we should trust Ludevic XD
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@shakesZX Typical humans, they cry about being oppressed while they can enter the battlefield as a 3/3 for 0 mana and minimum effort. May Avacyn purge them! Also, it can somehow count the opponent creatures that enter the battlefield on your turn with flash or deathtriggers.
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@wolkemesser​ Not gonna lie, didn’t expect to see a germ in a not-token card! The ability is really sweet, it obviously synergizes with living weapon and one scry every couple turns feels ok for a 0 cost card! Glory to Phyrexia!
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@deafeningsandwichpeach​ I like that this card uses a condition to justify its power and cost but getting to ten Scute Swarms is a small miracle in itself, even with the built-in replication ability.
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@milkandraspberry​ Symmetric effects are fair game in any mana cost, but the scale of this goblin is extreme. 5 damage swings can close the game very abruptly and sudden ends usually don’t provide fun or closure.
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@teaxch​ The suicide recipe is never off the menu no matter the mana cost! I think this works well as a 2/1 0 drop. But I can’t help but wonder what evil acts a leech must do to return as a spirit horror XD
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@ignorantturtlegaming​ Closing with a very interesting design that cares about multicolored cards. It would be bold to say this is a “build around me card” but I can see it being prime target for auras and other buffs while being supported by multicolored instants for protection. Also pearlescent dragon is all colors, which elevate it to high draft pick in environments like shadowmoor/eventide with their color matters theme.
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mikkomacko · 5 years
Wonderwall 2
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"You're gonna be the one that saves me."
Dear mother,
I hope everything is going well with whatever it is you are doing at the ministry and I hope your friends are well.
I've spent time with Harry and I know father hates it, but I think it's good that him and I get closer considering our crowds are starting to merge.
He doesn't know of my magic or my history just like most. Zayn is still the only one I've shared this with and he's been an excellent friend ever since. I've yet to have an incident this year but I'm afraid one might happen soon. You see, I've been having these awful nightmares in which I'm trapped in a glass ball, buried under snow and fog. On the other side is someone familiar and I know they're in trouble but I can never get out to help.
I don't know if this a sign of something but the lack of sleep is starting to get to me. I've received multiple detentions for mouthing off and falling asleep in class, specifically Umbridge's class. Please don't worry about my schooling, Harry and Zayn have been helping me a lot. Zayn is trying to help me find a way to sleep better and I hope he does before I have another incident.
However, I'm starting to think that being around Harry and his friends is dangerous. I'd hate to lose control and hurt him or reveal something I'm not supposed to. As much as I enjoy being with him, I don't want to make his life any more complicated than it already is. Please send any advice if you have any and let me know if you and the others are ok.
-Sincerely, Lily S.Jackals
I watch Zayn climb down the ladder of the astronomy room, leaving me alone in the musty air with Professor Trelawny.
"Excuse me professor?" I fiddle with the strap of my bag, hesitantly approaching her. She faces me, hair a wild mane under the piece of cloth holding it down and eyes bugging out from under her thick glasses.
"Yes Ms. Jackals?"
"I was wondering if I could ask you about something?" I cringe, hating that I just asked to ask a question. She nods, encouraging me to go on before walking away from me, robes dragging on the floor. I watch her pull down a teacup from her cupboard.
"I've been having these dreams lately," I watch in confusion as she pours tea into the cup. "I'm stuck inside this glass ball and I can't get out. I know someone on the other side needs my help but I can't see or hear them."
"Sounds awful dear." Professor Trelawny brings over the cup of tea, shoving into my chest and spilling some over the edge. "Now drink up."
I gulp the hot tea down in one go, my throat tightening in protests against the burning liquid but I need answers as soon as possible. I don't have time to sit around and chat over tea with Professor Trelawny. I hand her my cup, waiting anxiously as she examines the tea in the bottom of the porcelain cup.
"I see a tree," She says thoughtfully. "of skeletons and bones." Her huge eyes flicker up to as if looking for a specific reaction. When I don't respond, she continues and I don't need to hear her words to know what the tea means.
"You've got a family of secrets that's holding you back, dear."
I nod stiffly, not even thanking her or bidding her good day and storm for the ladder, already devising a plan in my head. The only way I'm going to get answers is through my family. Speaking to my father is a lost cause, he's as hopeless as I am when it comes to opening up to others. Which leaves my mother. She's always followed everything my father says, even though they've never actually been together. I've pressed and pressed for answers as to why my family is split the way it is but it seems the only thing we all have in common are secrets.
"I always liked pens and pencils better than quills."
Zayn looks up at me through his dark eyelashes, nodding his agreement before looking back down at the paper in front of him. He traded in the black ink pen he was outlining with, grabbing a lead stained pencil instead.
"Would save a lot of time, not having to dip a quill in ink." He uses the pencil to fit some lead on my cheek, using his pinky to smudge it. I grin at the roundness it gives the drawing, always amazed at Zayn's artistic abilities
We're silent for a moment, the only sound around us being the scratch of Zayn shading his drawing and the muffled conversation of the students around us. It's peaceful, but it won't last. It's only a matter of time before Zayn decides to question me. It's about another minute before he softly clears his throat. "Did you find out what your dream meant?"
Careful to not move to much, I gently shrug. "Kind of. She just told me my family is hiding shit from me and I assume that's where the whole 'being in the dark' part of the dream is coming from."
Zayn cracks a toothy smile. "So nothing we didn't know."
"Nope," I laugh, running my fingers through my hair, realizing my mistake too late.
"Oh you bitch!" Zayn scoffs, dropping his sketchpad to the grass next to him. He huffs, pushing himself to his knees and crawling towards me.
"I forgot!"
"You always forget." He grumbles but he's got an amused grin on his lips. I roll my eyes, staying still as he slips his lead stanied fingers into my hair to fix the part. Taking peeks at his drawing, he manages to return my hair to the way it was before I ran my hands through it.
"Maybe if you'd stop distracting me."
"Maybe if you weren't such a dumbass."
"Runs in my family." I grin cheekily. Zayn laughs, returning to his little spot surrounded by pencils and pens, picking up his sketchpad.
"Think you got most of it from your father." He settles the pad in his lap, resuming his work.
"You could say that again."
Zayn flickers his eyes up to me again, the usual bit of sympathy that arises when my father is mentioned, swimming in them. "Are you going to try asking him about the secrets?"
I snort. "Like he'd ever answer me. I'd have to submit a formal letter to even get a chance to speak with him."
"What about your mom?"
"She's busy. I wrote her a letter last week, telling her about my dream and Harry."
"Still no answer."
"Parents are fucking awesome."
I snicker, ignoring the heaviness in my chest to bask in how much I really love Zayn. Coming from disfunctional families, Zayn and I have always been able to make jokes out of each other's wrecked homes. It may not be a healthy coping skill but it sure helps.
Zayn's eyebrows pinch together. "Think your lion will be grumpy if he sees me drawing you?"
Confused, I respond, "No, why?"
A smirk tugs at Zayn's lips. "Because he's walking over."
I whirl around, catching sight of Harry walking towards us. He meets my eyes, grinning and walking faster.
"Are you serious?" Zayn groans but I ignore him, smiling at the way Harry's hair bounces with each step. I notice he's not being followed by his usual gang and while I love the rest of the boys, it's nice being with just Harry.
"Quit whining." I finally respond to Zayn, turning back around. "I'll see you later, ok?"
Zayn just nods, shooing me away with a careless wave of his hand. I clamber to my feet, turning around to face Harry, whose smile grows.
"M'not gonna be able to keep you still with him here." He shrugs and it it weren't for the lightness of his voice I'd be burning with guilt.
Before I can respond, Harry's falling onto the grass next to me with a soft thump. He spreads his legs out in front of him, leaning back on the palms of his hands.
"Hi," I greet, leaning into his side. He's in just a tee-shirt today and the warmth of his body on my arm is gratifying.
Harry grins, dimples sinking in deliciously, and says a simple, "Hey." I don't mind his words being simple because his eyes are looking over my face with the kind of warmth someone can't purposely create.
"Hello," Zayn interrupts, snapping Harry and I from our daze. Zayn is smirking, amusement twinkling in his eyes and I want to ask him what he finds so funny but I'm afraid I might not want to hear the answer. I'm sure it'll have something to do with how infatuated I am with Harry.
"How's it going mate?" Harry questions, briefly leaning forward to give Zayn a good hand shake. His ribs press into my arm as he moves and my ears heat up.
"S'good," Zayn nods, looking around the school yard with a peaceful smile. "enjoying the heat while it lasts. Tha' popsicle over there will be crying about the weather by next week."
I scoff but Harry's chuckle covers it up. "I will not!" I argue even though I sure as hell will be complaining about the fall chill that's supposed to blow in next week.
"Lie all you want Lily," Zayn says, obviously amused with my offense. "but you're not borrowing my sweaters when you're cold."
I roll my eyes at his words, a child-like anger blooming in my chest. I always borrow Zayn's sweaters because they're significantly warmer than my own. He'll never tell me where he gets them so I've never been able to purchase my own, which wasn't a big deal until now.
"Yeah, well...you can't use me for your sketches anymore!"
Zayn chuckles and the heat in my ears prickles stronger. Harry's eyes examining the side of my face make this childish argument even more embarrassing than the fact that Zayn is openly being dick.
"I've known ya long enough to be able to draw ya out of memory." Zayn quips and the cocky glint in his eyes has my gut twitching.
"Then I'm not helping you with potions." I snip proudly. Without me, he'll fail Snape's class. My pride, however, is short lived because Zayn is unfazed by the threat.
"Don't need ya help."
I'm ashamed to admit that the comment hurt. Potions is just a class but I'm the best in the school at it. I know I am. That's the one class I can go into and not worry about messing up because it doesn't technically require magic. And while Zayn is good at every other class, potions was the one thing I had on him, the one thing that's mine. But apparently, it's not even mine because Zayn can do just fine on his own.
"Hey," Harry says softly, the tension of Zayn's words hanging in the air being too much. His palm finds my lower back, pressing down lightly to get me to look at him.
Biting the inside of my cheek, hard glare still stuck on Zayn's smug face, I ignore Harry's request. "Fuck you," I hiss and I don't bother staying to see if he's realized that he's genuinely pissed me off. I climb to my feet, brushing off my clothes.
Harry was quick to scramble up with me, not saying a word as I stomp away from Zayn and back towards the castle. Harry follows, his hand latching onto the sleeve of my sweater.
"You alright?"
My stomach swirls uneasily and I find myself wanting to tug my arm away from Harry's touch, but he's not the source of my indignance and I shouldn't take it out on him. Control your emotions, my brain reminds me.
"Fine," I mumble, my voice now empty of any signs of how much Zayn's words affected me. "he's just an asshole sometimes."
Harry's lips quirk up into a tiny smile. "I could've told you that lovie."
His words bring a small smile to my lips and I let him intertwine our fingers. His hand is warm compared to my icicle-like fingers and I wonder if he's always this warm. I hope he is, I think, loving the idea of being able to go to Harry every time I'm in need of warmth.
Without putting to much thought into it, I peck a kiss to the dimple in his cheek. His grin grows and his cheeks turn a soft pink that would look unflattering on anyone but him.
Head held high and shoulders squared, I strut past Slytherin table and Zayn. I feel Zayn watch me, either amused or confused with my behavior. I ignore him, eyes catching on the boy I was looking for in the first place.
My heart thumps louder and louder the closer I get to his table. Fortunately, there's an open spot next to Harry, the rest of his gang being sat across from him. Taking deep breaths, I approach the table, forcing a smile when Liam looks up at me.
"Good morning Lily!" He cheers, eyes squinting as he beams at me.
"Hi." I mumble shyly, sliding onto the bench next to Harry. At the sound of my name he had dropped his fork and turned to look at me. I meet his gaze, getting close enough that our thighs press against each other.
"Hey." Harry says in surprise, seeming dazed to have me sitting next to him. My stomach twists with guilt but the fluttering of being close to him overpowers it.
"Mind if I sit with you?" I ask, directing my question to the group but not tearing my eyes away from Harry.
"Of course not!" Harry says, wincing at the unexpected volume of his voice. I chuckle at him, heart settling a bit now that I'm actually sat with him and too busy admiring the way he holds his fork instead of fretting over how new I am to this.
"How have you been holding up with Umbridge and all her detentions?" Liam asks me, abandoning his plate of food to rest his chin in his hands.
"Fine," I shrug, lifting my hand to show the boys the pink splotch on it. "found this potion that heals it really quickly but it still scars."
Before I can drop my hand back into my pocket, Harry is snatching it out of the air and bringing it to his lap. His fingers fill the gaps between mine, thumb gently running over the sensitive scar tissue.
Niall, Liam, and Louis all eye Harry curiosity but say nothing. He ignores their looks, keeping his frowning face down to examine my hand.
"Well that's sick," Louis finally says, pulling everyone's gaze from Harry. "you can fix Harry's hand before he's got to go back. Seems like she's really taking it out on you two."
His words make me freeze, something heavy settling in my stomach. I turn to look at Harry to find him glaring at Louis. He meets my eyes, an innocent smile gracing his lips. Any other day and I would have let him be, accepting the mischief in him but not today.
"You got detention again?" I ask, pulling my hand out of his and leaning over him to grab his other one. He doesn't fight me as I tug it towards me, noticing the white bandage wrapped around his palm.
"S'nothing." Harry insists, angling himself towards me. He tenses when I peel the end of the guaze, unwrapping his hand. His hand is split in bloody letters, skin red and bruised.
I must not tell lies
"Harry," I huff, dropping his hand to grab my bag from the floor. I dig through the pocket until my fingers land on the bottle I'm looking for.
"You knew I had detention." Harry says quietly.
"Yeah, once." I gripe, shoving my bag to the floor. Day after day for the past week and a half, Harry's been waiting for me after my detentions with a hug and kiss to make it better but all this time he never told me that he was in detention too.
I pull the stopper out of the bottle, lifting it over Harry's hand. "You don't have to fix it." Harry insists but he makes no move to pull his hand away.
"Shut up." I tell him, squeezing the healing potion over the wound. He winces, knees spasming into mine as his hand bubbles and smokes for a moment. His skin appears to be melting, stretching over the words he had to carve into himself. Once it's healed, all that remains is a pink scar.
"Thanks lovie." Harry murmurs, clenching his hand as if testing the strength of the skin that's healed his hand. I probably would have blushed hearing him call me that in front of his friends. He's only used that petname when it's just him and I, and even though it always makes me flutter, today is not one of those days.
I stiffly nod, returning the potion to my bag. I place my hands back in my pocket before Harry can get the chance to grab them. His eyes burn into the side of my face, willing me to turn and look at him but I keep my eyes up, looking over Liam's head at the tables behind him.
"You made that potion yourself?" Niall asks me.
"Oh," Niall says. "Wicked."
I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat when Harry's fingers land on my forearm. "You're not mad at me, right?" He whispers.
"No." I lie, recalling the uneasiness that had plagued me last year when Harry came out of every single Triwizard challenge with injuries that could have been far worse.
Harry locks his fingers around my arm, giving it a small tug. I still don't look at him, knowing I'll bust if I look into his eyes.
"M'sorry." Harry says-pleads- as he urges me to look at him by pulling at my sleeve. When I don't respond he tugs harder.
"I honestly don't care Harry!" I finally groan, fed up with the noise of the Great Hall and the fact that Harry obviously doesn't trust me enough to tell me when he's hurt. To make it worse, the back of my neck prickles as if someone's watching me.
"Lily," Harry murmurs, scooting closer to me. I'm reaching for my bag, ready to get up and leave when shouting rings out from just outside the doors.
Being sat close to the exit, I just have to look around Harry's shoulder to see Umbridge and McGonagall standing on the staircase. Both of their faces are red with anger.
"Umbridge." I state simply, jumping to my feet. I'm heading towards the doors, knowing Harry is following and maybe even his friends, when fingers lock through mine. By the warmth of them, I know their Harry's. We join the crowd that's gathered.
"Are you questioning my authority?" Umbridge says through tight lips, glaring down from the top step at McGonagall.
"Only your mideivel detention practices!" McGonagall snips, rising to the same step as Umbridge. I see her lips move in a response to McGonagall, looking around at the crowd of students with tangible distaste. Maybe it's the restless dreams or it's the stupid argument with Zayn or Harry not telling me about his detentions. Whatever it is stops me from hearing her words.
I stare at her eyes, the icy blue chilling my veins. Like some kind of dream, I see the blue pour out of them, casting the front of her pink robes in ice. It trails down her front, spilling over the steps in frothy wisps of white that immediately freeze the stone. It continues, consuming the feet of Professor McGonagall and then the first line of students. I watch it, heart thumping loudly and fingers going numb in the now frigid air. The ice is quickly capturing students and as it inches towards mine and Harry's feet, my entire body heats up, my chest burning like it might explode any second.
"Lily!" I stumble back, breath caught in my chest and dizzy. Professor Snape is standing over me, nostrils flaring and black eyes blazing. Like a tidal wave, the noise of the now bustling corridor fills my ears and I can feel Snape squeezing my shoulder and I can feel his wand poking into my chest.
Confused, I pull away from him and accidentally bump into whoever is standing directly behind me. Their hands grab my elbows, softly like I might explode.
"What are you doing Lil?" Zayn asks, stepping in front of me to examine my eyes. He was the person behind me. My heart spikes, panic rising in my chest when I recognize the sympathy and worry in them. The last time I received that look from him was our first year at Hogwarts when I accidentally knocked over a book shelf out of anger without even touching it.
"What are you talking about?" I croak, chest growing tighter and tighter with panic. My heart throbs painfully in my left shoulder. To answer my question, he steps to the side and nods behind him.
The staircase where Umbridge and McGonagall had stood is now empty. The top four steps and the beginning of the handrail are shimmering in the light and to my horror, I realize they're covered in ice.
"You burnt Harry." Zayn says softly. If possible, my chest grows even tighter at his words and I'm positive that can see my heart pounding through my rib cage.
I turn to find Harry, a lump building in my throat at the sight of him. He's watching me with a furrow between his eyebrows and lips in a frown. He's cradling the hand that had been holding mine and I notice that it's an angry red. I look down at mine, tears building in my eyes at the sight of my black fingertips.
"Lily?" Harry calls, so softly I could barely hear it over the ringing in my ears.
"I need you to come with me Lily." Snape interrupts, stepping between Harry and I. I meet his gaze, feeling utterly helpless with my quivering knees and soppy eyes. "Right now."
I nod, already knowing he's taking me to the dungeons. My legs are stiff and numb as he guides me towards his classroom. Both Zayn and Harry call out for me again and I can't speak around the lump in my throat or bring myself to turn around. Thankfully, Snape answers for me.
"Don't you all have essays to be writing?" He snips and as we step onto the lower staircase I catch sight of Harry stepping forward to follow us, making it only two steps before Zayn is stopping him. His eyes are on mine the whole time.
"What did he tell you?"
"The same thing he always tells me." I reply, tonelessly. Snape's words of wisdom echo around in my head. "You're letting yourself become too attached. Too emotional."
"Did he tell you how stop it?" Zayn asks and I nod.
"Same thing he always says?"
I nod again, repeating Snape's words. "'Keep to yourself to keep yourself safe.'"
Shaking his head, Zayn let's out a low growl. "That's absolute shit. Anyone with eyes can see that Harry's good for you. Taking him away from you outta make it worse, not better."
I shrug, staring at the words on the history book in front of me but not reading them. Even if I wanted to read them, the water that's built on the edge of my vision prevents it.
"He might be right." I whisper.
"What makes you think that?" Zayn scoffs.
"I could've lit him on fire Zayn. I could've hurt everyone in that hallway because I was too distracted. I got too into my head and I lost it."
A sarcastic laugh busts from his mouth, palm slapping down on the table in front of me. "You don't actually believe that Harry is the source of this, do you?"
I stay silent, not knowing what to say. This had happened before I was around Harry and I was always told that the cause was me being careless and too social. I wasn't focused on myself and my magic and that's why I let it get out of hand. I don't blame Harry, he didn't know, but a part of me does believe that I was being careless because I've been so focused on him and as much as it hurts, I'm going to have to cut back on my time with him.
Thankfully, Zayn doesn't press me to answer that particular question. "When do you get to return to classes?"
"When Snape deems me healthy again."
"So I've got to keep suffering in classes without ya? Last week was bad enough-"
"Last week was your own damn fault Zayn." I snip, my temper flaring at the memory of the argument I had with Zayn. We don't usually fight and when we do it's easy to just fall back into our routine without discussing it. This time proved to be pretty similar besides the fact that I'm constantly on edge and will snap at Zayn at any given moment. I guess this is one of those moments.
"Ya know I was kidding," Zayn whispers. He looks around the library, searching for prying eyes and ears before muttering, "I was just a bit jealous ok? Not used to sharing ya."
"Jealous?" I scoff. It's absurd to think that strong, egotistical Zayn has ever been jealous.
"I've always had your attention for the past five years. Now all of sudden we've got a whole gang of Gryffindors with us. S'taking me a while to adjust, ok?"
Zayn's words makes my eyes sting and my heart ache in the kind of way you can't really describe because it's so overwhelming. "Well that shouldn't be a problem anymore."
"Why not?"
My heart thuds painfully. "I don't think I'll be seeing Harry for a while."
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wolvesofinnistrad · 5 years
Hey pls can you do a canon for the first time Callum gives Ben a BJ!!!
Ok, technically I think this already happened during the park hookup so I'll kind of split the difference..
That first night at the park Callum is wild.
His hands are everywhere, his mouth stays latched to Ben’s unless the other man pulls away.
He can’t get enough of him, intoxicated, lost in the moment of giving in.
There’s a hunger there, deep and yearning that he didn’t realize was this strong because of how long he’d denied himself but the moment he gave in just a little it came crashing down.
That’s why he was already undoing Ben’s belt buckle, not because he had a plan, but because he just needed every part of Ben right now.
There’s a thunk against his back and he realizes that he’s been pushed up against a tree.
H’s got his hand wrapped around Ben in his pants and Ben’s been storking him over his own, but suddenly Ben pulls away.
Callum whines but then Ben is dropping to his knees with a glint in his eye and Callum almost loses it right then.
Ben sucks the life out of him through his cock and its the closest thing to a religious experience Callum’s ever had.
His fingers are still locked in Ben’s hair when he finally starts to come down from orgasm, panting and sweating.
But now it’s his turn, and he doesn’t know how to do this, not really, but the moment he regains his composure he’s turning them around, pushing Ben into the tree instead.
“You don’t have to.” Ben says, soft, a little unassuredly.
“I want to.”  It’s all Callum can say before he’s leaning in, tasting Ben on his tongue.
Remember Callum was a virgin before Whitney and he’s never been with a dude so he’s got hardly any experience.
But he did just have cocksucker extraordinaire Ben go down on him, so he tries to replicate what he remembered happening to him.
The taste is new, salty, sweaty, but somehow still making his mouth water at just the idea of what he’s doing.
He can’t think too much or he might chicken out so he just goes with it, sucking and bobbing inarticulately in a pale imitation of Ben.
Objectively Ben knows this isn’t a good blowjob but...  There’s something about it, Callum’s eagerness, the tension between them, that’s making him lose his mind over it anyway.
“Cal, fuck,” Ben moans, thrusting his hips up.
That catches him off guard and he gags, having to pull off to catch his breath.
“Sorry...” Ben breathes, forgetting for a moment who he was with, not just some random hook up, but Callum.
“S’okay,” Callum whispers, voice already sore and raw before he goes back down.
This time he takes his hands and presses Ben’s hips to the tree, pinioning him as his mouth works up and down Ben’s cock, taking as much as he can handle.
The little hint of control Callum exerts gets Ben going and he groans, fingers in Callum’s hair.
He wants to grab him, hold him down on his cock or guide him up and down but he can’t, so he just stays like that enjoying what Callum gives.
Callum remember how good it felt when Ben was teasing his head so he pulls back, trying to work the head of Ben’s cock now that his foreskin has retracted some.
He can taste his precum now and its so weird to know what that tastes like now, but he’s focusing on his task.
It’s sloppy and messy, but Ben begins to openly whimper and his fingers clutch harder at Callum’s hair so he knows he must be doing something right.
He can hear Ben’s breathing picking up and he starts going faster, just bobbing on Ben’s cock up and down, back and forth.
“Cal!  Callum I’m gonna....”
Callum hears but he keeps going, he wants to do what Ben did for him, take him all the way there.
Of course Callum doesn’t know how to swallow as Ben cums so he kind of just holds all that cum in his mouth with an awkward face.
FInally Ben looks down, eyes soft and crinkling at the edges and laughs.
“You can spit it out.”
Callum does, thankful, but before he can do anything else Ben is dragging him bakc up for another heated kiss, and he can taste their combined releases on their tongues as they mingle.
Callum doesn’t want it to stop.
Callum’s first time sucking Ben’s cock after admitting he’s gay.
By now they’ve already had sex a few times.
Ben has blown Callum a lot, and they’ve done anal, frotting, handjobs.
But Callum hasn’t blown Ben again, not yet anyway.
It’s not like he’s avoiding it, it just hasn’t come up.
One day though he decides enough is enough.
They’re on the bed, watching a movie on Ben’s laptop as Callum starts kissing at his ear, his neck.
Ben chuckles, fingers caressing Callum’s face, but still watching the movie.
Callum puts a hand on Ben’s chest, rubbing for a moment before sliding down down down to cup his bulge.
“Callum...”  It’s a little whispered moan from Ben and his eye are shutting and Callum knows what he wants today.
He’s working this one spot on Ben’s neck that makes the man mewl as he unzips him and fishes out his cock.
Callum raises his hand to his mouth and spits in his pam before going back, using it as a little lube to ease things as he strokes Ben to full hardness.
“That’s so...  BLoody hot,” Ben moans.  He kicks his laptop shut, movie forgotten now.
Callum is experienced with Ben’s dick now, he knows what Ben likes, for the most part, how it feels in his hand, the heft and weight of it, but he wants to know more.
He straddles Ben’s thighs, ripping open the buttons on Ben’s shirt before kissing over his chest.
Ben’s breath is coming in stutters as Callum finds a nipple and latches onto it, sucking and biting like Ben has done to him, all the while still slowly stroking his cock.
Ben normally considers himself a powerbottom, but he has to admit that when Callum takes control he kind of loses it.  There’s something about that man who’s so soft and docile normally taking charge that riles Ben like nothing else.
“Fuck me...  Fuck,” Ben pleads, fingers in Callum’s hair.
Callum just leans in and kisses Ben, effectively shushing him before working on the opposite nipple.
He loves hearing Ben moan, watching his body react beneath his fingers.
Ben’s poor cock is weeping already, every stroke making more precum gush from his slit.
Slowly Callum crawls backwards down the bed, hooking his fingers in Ben’s pants and pulling them down and off.
Ben thinks hes about to get fucked, which he’s so ready for, but then Callum grips the base of his shaft and starts licking at the head and he groans in pleasure.
Callum is still not sure how this works in practice, even if Ben’s done it a lot to him and he’s done it once to Ben.
He wants to be good though, to make Ben feel good, to learn how to pleasure him the way Ben does him.
Long, slow licks up and down the shaft, from root to tip, kisses, he tries everyhting he can think of.
He hum as he wraps his lips around Ben’s cock, taking him down as much as he can.
Cal tries to speed up, but after a few moments he gags again and has to pull off.
That’s when he sees Ben’s got his fingers curled in the bedsheets so hard it looks like he might rip them and he remembers how Ben had his fingers in his hair the entire time before.
This gives him and idea and he reaches for Ben’s hands, gently unlocking them before guiding them to his head.
“Show me.  Teach me,” Callum says, looking up at Ben with earnest enthusiasm.
Ben’s never been more turned on in his entire fucking life than watching Callum Highway stare up at him and ask to be taught how to suck cock.
Ben nods, one hand in Callum’s hair.  He gently presses cAllum down, not too much pressure, just enough to guide him.
Callum takes Ben’s head in his mouth, licking and sucking..
Ben shivers and moans, fingers gripping tighter as he pulls Callum up, then presses back down again, showing him the rhythm he likes.
“If you can’t, can’t take it all you, fuck, you use your hand to work the rest,” Ben says, biting his lip as he takes Callum’s hand and puts it on his cock.
Once Callum is stroking him while his mouth works the rest Ben isn’t sure how much longer he can last.
“IN time you can t-take more, fuck, but for now this is good toooo~”
It’s hard to focus on instructing when Callum’s getting better by the minute which means Ben can’t think straight.
“You can work the balls too, lick, suck, fondle...”
Callum pulls off to do that, but returns his mouth to sucking on the tip while his hands work the shaft and Ben’s balls.
Ben actually can’t take much more.
He starts guiding Callum to bob up and down again, getting faster and faster, but still mindful of not gagging Callum.
Callum loves it, loves the way Ben is moaning wantonly, loves knowing that Ben is showing him what he likes, giving him the gift of that knowledge so he can use ti to make his boyfriend feel just as good.
And he plans on getting good enough that he can wreck Ben with just a few sucks like Ben can do to him.
He’s massaging Ben’s balls which he can feel getting tight and drawing up, twisting his wrist to jerk Ben off faster.
Ben keeps guiding his head and Callum uses hsi tongue to stimulate the underside of Ben’s cock as much as he can as his lips glide over the glans repeatedly.
“Cal!” is all Ben shouts before he’s cumming down CAllum’s throat.
This time Callum is more prepared, and while he can’t exactly swallow it all, some leaks out the sides of his mouth, eventually he does manage to swallow down the rest.
When he pulls away theres a string of saliva and cum connecting his lips to Ben’s cock and Ben has to take a mental picture of the literal hottest thing he’s ever seen.
Callum leans bakc down, sucking on the head, clenaing it off and giving him a few more strokes until he hears Ben hiss.
Ben’s breathing is ragged, he looks fucked out like they just had mindblowing sex, and he guesses they did.
“God help me once you can do that on your own, Ill be dead,” Ben says, resting against the headboard, out of breath.
Callum smirks, moving up to lay on hos boyfriend and kiss him stupid.
“I can, I can return the favor just, gimme a minute.  Kinda sucked out my soul there like a fucking dementor.”
Callum laughs and kisses his idiot nerd boyfriend again.
“DOn’t have to.  I don’t always return it, sometime it can just be one of us wanting to take care of the other, yeah?”
Ben’s eyes get a bit glossy at that, he’s used to giving and not receiving in return, but not used to getting and not returning.
With Callum though, it feels okay, like someone wants ot make him feel good and that’s all that matter.
“Good, so, was I doing a good job?” Callum asks, nervous still.
“I said you drained me, best blowjob you’ve ever gave, and definitely top 5 all around.  With some practice you’ll take every spot soon enough for fucks sake,” Ben laughs, and Callum does too, both of them trading lazy kisses as the afternoon wears on around them.
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vexedtonightmares · 4 years
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last dance (elu ballet au) chapter seize
Lucas is in his final year at the Paris Opera Ballet School and he’ll be damned if he lets his former friend-turned-rival Eliott steal the lead role in their production of Swan Lake.
aka- lucas and eliott are rivals who are forced to room together for their final year of ballet school before they try to enter the company. we can all see where this is going.  
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi.
**tw: mentions of eating disorder and bipolar disorder**
Dimanche 12:44
They were a week out from the show, which meant everyone was in a frenzy. The studios had been booked all day and people came and went as they pleased to practice, everyone a little bit more sluggish than usual on account of the late night they’d all ended up having. 
After Eliott and Lucas’ show, their whole year stayed in the auditorium all night under the guise of cleaning it up, but they were really just enjoying one another’s company. There weren’t going to be many more nights like this, so they had to take advantage while they still could. The silly string actually smelled quite bad, but Lucas didn’t think any of them had cared much about it, too lost in the moment and each other to think about anything other than their happiness. It was so beautiful to experience, being in a group like this one. Sure, some of them were better friends with each other than others were, but that night they’d all been one unit built through sweat, strength, blood, broken nails, and more than a few tears.  
Lucas was still finding silly string buried in his hair when he ran his hands through it as he practiced, and even though it was kind of gross, he couldn’t help but smile. 
He and Eliott were switching off rehearsing with Manon and Imane, both of whom chided them multiple times for not paying enough attention to their partners and too much attention to each other. Thankfully, Lucas had already gotten a fair amount of practice with Manon, so they looked to be in good shape for the weekend. Imane and Eliott hadn’t had as much time to work through the choreography together, but it didn’t seem likely that the two of them would have to perform together on stage, so they weren’t worried.
They had yet to run through the entire ballet in full costume onstage, and Lucas couldn’t have been more excited to start dress rehearsals. They wouldn’t start until the next morning since the show was beginning on Friday, and Lucas hoped that nothing would go wrong, but he didn’t want to jinx it. There was still a lot to be done, and so much that could go wrong, but they were so close.  
It was quite surreal that it was finally happening. It seemed like just yesterday he’d come back to school with Manon, marvelling at the year ahead. At the same time, it seemed stupid that at that point he’d been so overcome with blind hatred he’d thought he wouldn’t survive the year sharing a room with Eliott. Now he couldn’t imagine surviving without him. 
Eliott flashed him a smile just meant for the two of them, like a secret they shared, and Lucas dropped his head to hide his own grin. One of the best things about falling in love was the secret language that came with it, the one neither person had to learn but already knew by heart. It was a good thing he would never have to live without Eliott.
“I love you,” he mouthed across the room, because he was sappy and he could. If Eliott was the sun, then he was Icarus, flying, falling, but ever in love with its golden rays and the warmth it brought into his life. 
Imane snapped in front of his face and he realized he’d probably been staring too long with a dopey expression on his face. The blush that always adorned his cheeks around Eliott deepened, even as Eliott mouthed the words back to him behind Imane. 
“I swear, if I’d known you were going to be this insufferable in love, I never would have wished for it for my birthday,” Manon teased, ruffling his hair.
“Shut up,” he groaned, leaning out of her reach, then paused. “Wait… you’re joking, right?”
She raised one eyebrow, turning back to face the mirror with a smirk on her face. She was such a shit, but he supposed he couldn’t complain because the two of them were cut from the same cloth. He pretended not to notice Imane rolling her eyes at all three of them. He knew it was in jest anyways, he knew that Imane liked him a whole lot more than she pretended to. 
And, thinking of her, he had to get all the information out of her about her and Sofiane. They could pretend nothing was going on all they wanted, but literally everyone knew it was a lie. He was happy for her, whatever the case, because he could tell she and Sofiane cared about each other deeply and had for practically their whole lives.
Caring was something he’d grown up without, never really considering the impact it might have when he found it. He liked to be cared for, he’d come to realize. Being cared for wasn’t being pitied or belittled, it was a show of pure affection from someone who loved you through thick and thin. Sure, it would still take him some getting used to, but Manon, Imane, and Eliott were just the people to help him with that. He liked to be the one giving care as well, it came more naturally, probably because he’d done it unknowingly with his mother when he was young. There was nothing quite like showing someone how much they meant to you. 
The rehearsals continued, going by more smoothly than initially anticipated, mostly due to the fact that the four of them were pretty professional when they wanted to be. It was strange for the show to be looming so close, it really was. Even stranger still was the fact that Lucas would dance the role of his dreams with one of his best friends opposite him in front of an audience that was sure to be more overwhelming than any he’d ever experienced prior. 
Thinking about it led to wild daydreams of performing on the same stage as the principal dancer in the Paris Opera Ballet Company. If he even wanted to stay there, that was. It seemed blasphemous to even think of leaving, but he wasn’t assured a place in the company and he didn’t know if this environment was the one he was destined to belong in. He and Eliott hadn’t talked much about what they were going to do after this year, and Lucas had been avoiding thinking about it too much. Not so long ago he’d feared there would be no future for him. He’d wait until after the show, he decided, then he would figure out what the hell he was going to do with his life and his career, if his brain could hold out that long. 
Career was a weird word for him to use, even in the confines of his own mind. It meant that his dreams were in reach should he decide to reach out and grab them. Hopefully they wouldn’t slip through his fingers. 
Eliott snaked a hand around his shoulders, knocking their heads together. “Break time?” he asked, probably noticing how Lucas had zoned out over the last few minutes. Lucas nodded sinking into Eliott’s embrace. 
“Perfect,” Manon said, patting her forehead for sweat that wasn’t there. It boggled his mind, honestly, how she simply didn’t sweat, like she’d just decided not to or something. “I have to meet Daphné,” she continued, light flush coating her cheeks. 
“Why haven’t I been giving you a hard time about that?” Lucas wondered aloud, considering all the jokes he could have made about the two of them. Manon surely hadn’t held back on his behalf. 
“Because you love us both too much,” Manon suggested with a wink, and Lucas rolled his eyes at her. 
He raised one eyebrow, gathering his things from the front of the room. “I take offense on behalf of me and Eliott,” he said, nudging Eliott, who nodded even though he’d been talking to Imane.
Manon pouted at him, patting his cheek maternally. “Please, as if you don’t already know how much I love you.”
“That’s so sweet, Manon, but I’m gay,” he lamented.
“Me too,” she mocked, in the same tone of voice, “For the most part at least.”
She kissed him on both cheeks, waving to Eliott and Imane before leaving, eyes glued to whatever Daphné had probably just sent her on her phone. Eliott re attached himself to Lucas immediately after her absence, bodies melding into place, such a comfort in existing side by side. 
Imane left as well, reminding them to meet back there in an hour or so to continue rehearsing, and Eliott and Lucas trailed a bit behind, too lost in their own world to see her meet up with Sofiane and walk off in the opposite direction. 
Eliott covered Lucas’ eyes as they walked back to their room, both of them giggling like giddy schoolchildren, and he uncovered Lucas’ eyes with a flourish after struggling to open the door without his hands. 
“Ta da!” he exclaimed proudly, gesturing to their room.
Lucas looked around for what the surprise was supposed to be. “Ah, Eliott? What am I supposed to be looking at?”
Eliott’s face fell and turned bright red as he bolted behind the kitchen counter, cursing. He rematerialized a moment later, holding a tray of muffins. Despite himself, Lucas softened. 
“My famous blueberry-bacon muffins,” Eliott said proudly, and Lucas tried not to visibly show any disgust. 
“When did you make them?” he asked instead, and Eliott blushed again. 
“Ok, technically I didn’t make these ones specifically, Idriss did, but that’s only because we’ve been rehearsing all day and I still wanted to do something special for you,” Eliott continued with a timid smile. Every time Lucas thought Eliott couldn’t be more endearning, he had to go and do something like make Lucas want to eat blueberry-bacon muffins, didn’t he?
Lucas took the tray from his hands and set it on the counter before wrapping his arms around Eliott’s neck. “I’m sure I’ll love them,” he lied, then pressed their foreheads together, “But not half as much as I love you.”
“I’d give you the world if I could,” Eliott said sincerely, and Lucas believed him. He had no reason not to. “No,” he amended, “The universe. Every single one of them.”
Lucas leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “You already have.”
Eliott shut his eyes, rubbing their noses together and wrapping his arms around Lucas’ waist. Neither one of them moved an inch, sinking into the moment, and Lucas was struck by the peace he felt. It was a silent dance, the two of them swaying there in their kitchen slash living room combo area. It was easy to picture living in their own little apartment, spending most of their nights like this. If that was what their future held, no matter how far ahead, Lucas couldn’t wait. 
Lundi 13:07
Eliott’s blueberry-bacon muffins had been awful, so Lucas declined the offer to go home and cook with Eliott during their dress rehearsal lunch break, instead agreeing to join Yann and Arthur in meeting up with Basile. They hadn’t seen him in a while, and Lucas had to admit he missed him and the illusion of normalcy he brought to their lives. He didn’t know how fucked up they’d all been recently, at least in Lucas and Arthur’s case, so there was a lot of catching up to do.
His friends had made him pick the restaurant, probably to assure that he would actually eat, but his knowledge of restaurants was pretty limited due to a combination of his eating problems and lack of free time outside of school, so they ended up at one of the same places they always went to but no one seemed to mind. Lucas ordered himself a sandwich and a salad, ignoring the looks that Yann and Arthur shared over his head. 
Basile joined them, bringing the energy of a thousand suns with him. After exchanging pleasantries, he barrelled into talking about some drama he’d found himself in when Alexia had convinced him to help her throw a clandestine party in their school, but then the night guard turned up and almost caught them, and Lucas realized that if his life was crazy, normal was a whole other level of crazy.
“But, uh, what’s been up with you all?” Basile asked, noting all of their wide eyed gazes. He hadn’t stopped talking for nearly fifteen minutes, not that any of them minded, but he had been eating the entire time as well, words somewhat garbled for at least half the time he’d been speaking. 
Yann and Lucas exchanged a look, wondering where to even begin. Arthur cut in instead. “You’re coming to the show this weekend, right?”
“Of course! I’ve told everyone at school about it a million times. Alexia too. Not sure how many people you can count on, to be fair, but Alexia, Idriss, and I will for sure be there cheering the loudest. Oh, and Alex,” Basile added, almost as an afterthought. 
“Alex?” Yann inquired.
Basile clarified, “From Alexia’s party earlier this year? He and Emma have been dating since then, I think. And he’s friends with Idriss and Sofiane. Not sure about Eliott— oh, sorry, Lucas.”
Lucas furrowed his brows. “What?”
Basile blinked at him. “You hate Eliott?”
Arthur burst out laughing and Lucas blushed bright red. Surely he’d told Baz about Eliott… but then again he’d only just told everyone at school, and not necessarily because he’d wanted to. He just assumed everyone knew at this point, but that clearly wasn’t the case. 
“Ah, Baz,” Lucas began, unsure of how to say it gently, “I’m, um, Eliott and I, um…” Fuck, he couldn’t do this, he felt so weird. Literally all Baz knew of Eliott was shit he’d heard from Lucas over the years, he didn’t have Arthur’s experience living with him or Yann’s ability to see past Lucas’ blind hatred and respect him as a person even if they hadn’t thought they would ever be friends.
“They’re fucking,” Yann supplied, and Lucas smacked him on the arm. 
Basile’s jaw dropped wide open and his eyes searched Lucas’ face, as if looking for a hint that Yann was lying. It was technically true, but what he and Eliott had was so much more than that. 
“They’re in looooove,” Arthur corrected, and Lucas shifted uncomfortably again, watching as Baz’s jaw dropped so far Lucas was convinced it would end up on the floor. Arthur met Lucas’ eyes across the table reassuring him that there were no hard feelings, which Lucas appreciated, because a small part of him did still wonder if there was a universe where Lucas still hated Eliott, and saw Arthur as something more than a friend.
“I need every detail right this minute,” was all Baz seemed to have the ability to say, still in utter shock. Lucas kind of wanted to circle back to Alex dating Emma, and Yann looked like he wanted to as well, but he supposed he didn’t mind talking about Eliott too much. 
The look on his face must have gotten too soft too fast, because Basile nearly yelled in surprise, squinting at him. “Is this what a Lucas in love looks like? It’s terrifying,” he said to Arthur and Yann, and Lucas glared at him. 
“Do you want me to tell you, or not?” he asked, crossing his arms, and Basile finally gestured for him to continue. He hadn’t told Yann or Arthur anything about how it had all gone down really. He launched into how he and Eliott had sort of become friends by accident, various small instances coming to a climax of pushing and pulling each other into a fountain and realizing that their hate was more or less a facade to cover up other feelings, at least in Lucas’ case. 
He snuck in details about his eating disorder, wondering if he’d have to say it or if Basile would be able to infer from context clues. He hoped for the latter but was prepared for the former. Yann and Arthur seemed a little shocked at how many subtle hints they’d missed, but for the most part Lucas and Eliott had been good at keeping their romantic lives separate from the studio and vice versa. He didn’t tell them about Polaris, because he wanted Eliott to be able to tell people about it, but he did talk about the countless nights they’d spent together in the studio and how they’d accidentally been in the room when Manon and Daphné confessed their feelings to each other.
“Wait a minute,” Basile cut him off, holding his hands up. “Daphné… blonde Daphné? Gorgeous Daphné? Love of my life Daphné?”
Lucas shrugged. “Uh, yeah, I guess? What about her?”
Basile dropped his head into his hands dramatically on the table. “No! Do you think they’re going to break up any time soon? I swear, I’ve only met her a few times, but it was love at first sight. And second, and so on.”
“I wouldn’t hold your breath,” Arthur chimed in, patting Basile on the back. “Daphné is a lesbian.”
“She could be bi,” Basile pouted, lifting his head. 
“Ah, but she’s not,” Arthur said apologetically, sharing a look with Lucas. Basile’s antics, while exasperating in large doses, had been sorely missed by Lucas. 
“So what’s going on with Emma and Alex, then?” Yann asked casually, finding his opportunity. 
Lucas narrowed his eyes, speaking in a low, warning, voice, “Yann…”
Yann ignored him, and Basile looked a little disgruntled by the subject change. “I don’t know much, Alex finds me annoying, I think, but him and Emma are annoyingly cute every time I’ve seen them together.”
“Oh, cool,” Yann said nonchalantly, and Lucas shot him another warning glare. Now was not the time for Yann to rediscover his feelings for Emma or get jealous over Emma’s new relationship. 
“What about you, Tuturo?” Basile asked, moving on to eat a bit of Yann’s lunch. “How’s life been treating you?”
Arthur zoned out for a minute, and Lucas completely understood where his head was at. How was he supposed to succinctly wrap up a lifetime of struggle into one neat story to share with a friend? “Fine,” Arthur decided finally, “Better recently than it has been.”
“Oh, yeah?”
Basile sighed. “I must admit, you guys are a lot more boring than I’d hoped.”
Lucas laughed, taking a small bite of his salad. “I just told you all about my secret relationship with my roommate who I previously hated.”
“Yeah, but now you’re all happy and in love,” Basile said ruefully.
“He almost got kicked out of school a week ago, and now he’s playing the lead on alternating shows,” Arthur supplied, pointing his fork at Lucas. 
Basile slammed his hands on the table. “Now this is what I’m talking about! Spill the tea, Lallemant, spill it now.”
Lucas took time to flip Arthur off before considering where to start. He was sure his final year of ballet school would be a story he’d tell for a long, long time, so it didn’t hurt to start then. He wondered how Eliott would tell it, or how Eliott would tell their story. Lucas’ version was tinged with regret and a bit of his chaotic energy, but wrapped in care. Where he might include stories of them doing stupid things and singing stupid songs in the middle of the night, he suspected Eliott would include the soft moments shared in the hazy morning light. Eyes meeting across the kitchen counter and hands gently tangled together as they talked, the only distance between them created by a current of words and thoughts to intimate to share aloud. 
Was Eliott sitting in the kitchen with Sofiane and Idriss at that moment, each of them trying not to cringe over blueberry-bacon muffins as Eliott’s face lit up in wonder talking about their relationship? Was his version yearning and heartache warmed around the edges with the light of the sun that filled Eliott’s heart so full of love?
It was interesting to think about, that was for sure, the fact that there existed parallel universes even inside their own minds. Of course everyone saw and experience life differently, but Lucas had never really thought about it in terms of how two different people might recount the same series of events. It made him consider how he’d been the subject of so many misunderstandings in his life, and how much of that was probably due to his own perspective varying from the perspectives of others. Hadn’t his hatred of Eliott for years proved that? He was quite the unreliable narrator, especially inside his own mind, but wasn’t everyone? Was there even a person in the world who trusted themselves with unflinching clarity? If so, Lucas didn’t envy them. The questioning and mistakes were what made him human, and what made the epiphanies and happy moments much more worthwhile. 
He’d been talking on autopilot while these thoughts ran through his mind, not really even paying attention to Basile’s reactions to the dramatic series of events that he simply called ‘life’. Basile cracked a few jokes when he was done, and Lucas melted into a laugh, shaking his head. A week ago he’d never thought any of this would be worthy or capable of being laughed at, but there they were. 
Healing often took him by surprise, but it showed itself in subtle ways. This laugh, for example, or the fact that he’d eaten his whole meal without overthinking it. It said more about the safe space his friends had provided for him than anything else, but he was glad for it all regardless. He’d only had Eliott for a little while, he’d had these friends much longer, and he would never let himself forget that no matter how much he loved Eliott. Both loves were different, but that didn’t diminish either one of them, both just as important and essential to his healing and growth and livelihood. 
They not only made him better, mentally, and physically, but they also made him want to be a better person so he could return the favor to them. Arthur was his first target, and he didn’t really know how well he was doing, but he was trying, and that would have to count for something. 
Life was just a series of trying and trying and trying again, wasn’t it? Lucas had come close to not trying as of late, but he was glad he hadn’t stopped completely, because the payoff was so worth it. 
Mardi 18:12
It was Lucas’ first therapy session beyond his diagnosis session, and to say he was nervous was a bit of an understatement. He didn’t know his therapist, she was different from the woman who’d assessed him previously, but she had a kind smile and pulled her hair back in a way that reminded him of his mom. He didn’t know if that made him sad or hopeful. Well, he supposed she was supposed to be the one to help him figure that out, wasn’t she?
She shook his hand as he walked into her office, sitting down on the couch across from her. He fidgeted a bit, not knowing how to sit. Was this formal, or casual? Was he supposed to lay on the couch like they always did in the movies? 
“I’m Dr. Rowe, but you may call me Angelique, if that makes you more comfortable. In my experience, most of the people I treat prefer us to address one another on a first name basis, but I’ll do whatever suits you,” she said, voice kind. She looked younger than he’d expected her to be, but looks could be deceiving and he wasn’t stupid enough to ask. 
“Um, first names are fine, yeah,” he agreed. Dr. Rowe seemed to formal for what they were going to be doing, even if it was his first instinct to refuse the familiarity. “I’m Lucas,” he supplied, even though she probably already knew that. She probably already knew more about him than he did. 
“Lucas,” she confirmed anyways, giving him another warm smile. He couldn’t tell if that was her natural reaction or if she was just trying to be extra welcoming. Whatever the case, he didn’t mind it, and he could already feel himself becoming a bit more at ease.
She shuffled the few papers she was holding, turning more professional. “I have your diagnosis reports with me here, but that’s not what I want to talk with you about today, ok?”
“Ok?” Lucas put his hands under his legs, definitely not to keep them from shaking. 
“Just… tell me about you. I don’t want to know you through what various files and diagnoses tell me, that’s not going to help either of us. I want to know you. Who is Lucas, really?” she prompted.
That was the question of a lifetime, wasn’t it? “Well,” he began, “I’m… struggling. I have been for so long I forgot what it’s like to not live every day in some sort of pain. It’s not that I didn’t want to get better, it’s more that I didn’t think there was any way of getting better. I didn’t know that was an option.”
“But you do now?” she asked.
He smiled involuntarily. “Yeah. I do. Someone in my life recently has helped me realize I’m worth more than I ever thought. I’m not really sure if I believe him all the time, but I think the same of him, so I get where he’s coming from and I try to listen.”
“What is your relationship to this person?” she continued, listening intently as ever. He already liked this session better than the one he’d had previously.
“He’s my boyfriend,” Lucas said, ducking his head. He knew for a fact he had when Yann had dubbed his ‘sappy Eliott face’ on right now and he didn’t want to be too much of a lovesick disaster right off the bat. “Eliott.”
“How did you two meet?”
He almost snorted aloud. She definitely wasn’t going to have been expecting what he was about to tell her. “We were best friends growing up,” he began, because it was as good a place as any to start. “We both go to school at the Paris Opera Ballet School, which you obviously know, at least on my behalf, but yeah. We kind of, um, grew apart for a few years, but we became friends again this year, and then something more.”
Angelique considered this, and she looked like she wanted to ask more about it. He figured she would. There was too much to cover in a single session, though, and the last thing he wanted was for her to come to come sort of conclusion that he and Eliott weren’t good together. Because if anything was true, it was that they truly did belong together. 
“He’s helped me a lot, he’s the only one who really saw what was going on and wouldn’t let me talk my way out of it,” he said.
“Do you do that a lot?” she asked, “Talk your way out of things?”
He nodded. “Well, yes and no. Most times I just don’t talk about it at all, or get super defensive.”
She looked at him curiously. “You seem rather open with me?”
Yeah, he was kind of confused by it too. He shrugged. “I guess so many people know about the deepest darkest parts of me now that I don’t see the point in hiding it.”
She laughed. “That’s a start.”
“I guess,” he agreed, smiling minutely. “Is there, um, anything I should be talking about in particular?”
Angelique shook her head. “These sessions are more or less dictated by you. I’ll give my input, and I’ll lead you in discussions, but I don’t ever want to monopolize the conversation. This is about you and your growth most of all, and we’ll get there however you’re most comfortable.”
“And if I don’t know?” he asked.
She smiled, but it wasn’t a smile borne from joy, nor from sadness. It was a smile of understanding. “That’s ok too.”
He appreciated her flexibility, it did in fact make him feel better about being there, but he also wanted some sort of structure. Should he jump in with the capital T trauma right away, or was that something to be saved for later on when they knew each other a little better? Then again, she already knew quite a bit about him didn’t she? Even the things unwritten in his diagnoses were written in the way he sat or his vocal inflections. She could see the bags under his eyes or the light inside them, and she could see that he wrung his hands together when he didn’t know what to say or that those very same hands were made to hold the hands of another. Someone she could probably see was always on his mind, even in the quietest moments. 
“I have a show starting this weekend,” he said instead, the only thing he could think to say. 
“In the ballet?” she clarified, and he grinned, finding his footing. He could talk about ballet for hours and never tire of it. 
“Yeah, it’s my final year of school, and every group of terminale students puts on a ballet production in the winter for the holidays, so this year we’re doing Swan Lake,” he explained.
She nodded along like she understood so far, which was promising. “And Swan Lake, is that one you’ve heard of? I apologize, I don’t know much about ballet.”
Lucas laughed, mostly to himself. It was crazy how those two words could mean so little to someone who was completely outside of the ballet world. “It’s been my favorite show since I was a kid. Prince Siegfried, the lead male role, has always been my dream role.”
“Is that who you’ll be playing, then?” she asked. 
“That’s kind of a long story,” he admitted, “But yes, in a way. I’ll be alternating the role with Eliott. The show runs for two weekends, so he gets the Saturday matinee and the Sunday matinee, I get Friday evening and Saturday evening, and then next weekend we switch. Otherwise I’m just in the corps, which is sort of like the ensemble.”
She nodded. “And Eliott… is this the same Eliott…?”
She didn’t finish the thought fully, but he understood well enough. Who was Eliott? The man of his dreams, and so much more. “Yeah, this Eliott is my boyfriend.”
She blinked, sitting up a bit straighter. “I see.”
“When I said it was a long story, I really meant it,” he laughed nervously.
“Do you want to talk about it all now?” she asked, giving him the option to take things slowly, and he decided that was what he needed at the moment, especially with the show so close. He could go deep into his psyche once the show was over. 
“Actually can I just talk a bit about ballet, for now?” he asked. 
Angelique nodded graciously. “Of course. We’ll move at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.”
“Ok,” he agreed readily, deciding what he wanted to do with the remaining time of their session. To his surprise, it was almost halfway through already. He was certain that not every session would fly by as quickly, but it was nice that this first one hadn’t been excruciating and uncomfortable.
“So,” he began again, and shared his passion for dance with Angelique, sparing no details of how he felt and what ballet did for him and his emotions. Being a dancer was where all the troubles and pain came about, but the act of dancing itself was ethereal. Nothing else mattered when he was dancing. Sure he might mess up some steps here and there or get tired after a while, but those things never bothered him in the moment. In the moment it was just Lucas in his purest form, and that was the sort of feeling he wanted to be able to find away from the stage or the studio. 
When he spoke, he was worried Angelique wouldn’t understand, but he could see in her eyes that she did. She may not know anything about the finer details of which he spoke, but the overall feelings were universal, and as long as they both knew that Lucas could see their sessions being really good for him. He hoped they would be, at least. 
It was a big, scary step to take to even go there in the first place, but he was proud of himself for doing so. Lucas from months or even weeks ago probably never would have predicted this. But he was Lucas Lallemant 2.0 now, and he’d found some love for himself that he was determined not to lose again for as long as he could. And if he ever did lose it again, he wanted to know how to find his way back, and being there with Angelique seemed like a great place to start.  
Mercredi 9:39
It was the third day of dress rehearsals and Lucas was finally able to practice in his properly fitted costumes. He’d felt a twinge of guilt on Monday when he’d tried on the costumes made for him and realized they were at least a few sizes too big. He hadn’t really thought that was possible, but the measurements had been taken right after casting, and though no one had said anything about how much weight he’d lost in the meantime, the proof was in the outfitting.
It was a wonder to him how he hadn’t seen it, but then again he really hadn’t wanted to, and his brain liked to trick him into believing or disbelieving things more often than not. His ribs protruded too far and his collarbone was too defined and his jawline wasn’t sharp in the right kind of way, but he promised himself he would get back on track and try to fix the damage he’d wrought on his body for real. Sooner than later.  
Lucas could see in Eliott’s eyes that he knew why Lucas had been quieter than normal while getting dressed, lost in his own head. He didn’t really want to talk about it, partially because he was ashamed and partially because he didn’t even know what he would say. Being thinner had never really been his objective, he’d always been fit from rigorous dance training, but there had always been that voice in the back of his mind telling him what a real ballet dancer looked like and how he needed to do everything in his power to be that person so no one would be able to overlook him ever again.
Yet in doing so he’d somehow allowed himself to waste away to someone small and fragile. He didn’t want to be fragile, he wanted to wear his costumes with pride and show the world that Lucas Lallemant wasn’t broken. The people he loved already knew it, and a part of him did realize that it shouldn’t matter if the whole world knew as long as the people he cared about did, but Lucas had always wanted more, flawed as that logic might have been.
Complicated emotions aside, it did fill Lucas with a bit of pride to be practicing the role of the Prince in full costume. Another thing he could see in Eliott’s eyes was how much he wanted to see Lucas outside of that costume, or maybe even have his way with him in it, and that was not very conducive to the fact that he was wearing tights.
Funny how he’d have to revert to all his old ignoring Eliott tactics for an entirely different reason. Thankfully, he was quite busy, as he was rehearsing for the Prince that day. When he’d been informed that he’d be the Prince in the first show instead of Eliott he’d gone from shock, to panic, to unease, to cautious acceptance. Eliott said he didn’t care, that he was happy to have a chance to dance the role at all, but Lucas knew it made Eliott a little upset that Lucas got to open and close their show in the lead role. He would have felt the same, but probably would have been more vocal about it.
Manon looked beautiful, of course. At the moment she was dressed in her Odile costume, the darkness of the tutu standing out starkly against her pale skin. No one could say she didn’t look striking up there on the stage, even during a simple dress rehearsal. Imane would have looked just as striking, and Lucas made sure to let her know that even if she pretended she didn’t want to hear it. 
Lucas risked a glance at Eliott as Manon practiced her fouettes, mind trailing back to the weekend, knowing before their eyes even met that Eliott was thinking of the same thing. 
You did them better, Eliott mouthed across the room, nodding to Manon.
He most absolutely did not, but he appreciated the sentiment. It must have shown on his face, all sappy and soft, because behind Eliott Yann mimed puking and Lucas had to take a momentary glance away from the man of his dreams to glare at this best friend. Eliott’s brows furrowed, turning and laughing in a small inaudible breath when he realized Yann was beside him. Lucas briefly wondered if he could (or should) start inviting Eliott to hang out with him and Arthur sometimes. He thought he might like that, and he thought Eliott might too. 
“Lallemant, to the stage please,” the director called out, voice reeking of displeasure, but for once Lucas didn’t give a shit. After the show his interactions with the director would likely be kept to a minimum, so long as he didn’t fuck up like he had this term, and then he’d be gone and the director would only be a blip on the tapestry of his life. One that, with effort, could someday be stitched over. 
Nevertheless, he did go to the stage, because no matter how shitty the director was it was like he’d explained to Angelique the day before; ballet meant too much to him to give into all the bad things. Maybe that was an unhealthy way to think too, but he could cross that bridge some other time. The same thoughts that had been plaguing him plagued him once more, his career and what it would end up being flitting in and out of the center of his thoughts.he closed his eyes briefly, brushing it all aside. For now, he was choosing to let himself enjoy this experience as it came and not dwell on the things he might have dwelled on a few weeks prior. 
Lucas took Manon’s hand to practice one of their duets, and the soft smile that graced her face as he did so perfectly encapsulated how he felt under the lights of the stage, dressed in his costume, knowing that Eliott was probably watching him with pride. The last time he’d been on the stage with only one other person he and Eliott had been alone, wondering if their futures were about to slip through their fingers and if this was the last stage they’d ever dance on. 
Manon and Lucas danced together seamlessly, a bond forged in what may as well have been blood, as she was one of the closest things he’d ever had to a sister, shared experiences and emotional support bringing them together in a way that impacted their dancing in the subtlest of ways. It was trust in its purest form, and it worked for the stage and the show in ways neither of them probably would have imagined when they’d been partnered up a year beforehand. Neither Lucas nor Manon had ever really been the trusting sort, but once someone earned that trust they’d go to the ends of the earth for them.
Lucas was still getting used to the idea that someone might actually go to the ends of the earth for him, that many people would if given the chance. The funny thing was, Lucas had never considered whether or not the ends of the earth even existed, he’d simply been certain everything in life had a definitive starting and ending point and that nothing in the middle really mattered much at all. 
But on that stage, taking Manon by the hand, locking eyes with Eliott in the wings, he could see that everything in between mattered most of all. What was a beginning without something to follow, to turn a moment into infinity? And what was an end if not for everything leading up to that point, that one final moment? It was more likely that an end didn’t even exist, that the present was all that really mattered. 
Minute by minute, Lucas and Eliott had promised, and minute by minute it would be until those minutes reached their eternity. 
JEUDI 23:57 
Lucas’ head was on Eliott’s chest but he wasn’t tired. He should have been sleeping, the show was less than twenty four hours away, but he couldn’t bring himself to. At first he dismissed it as nerves, but he truthfully wasn’t that nervous. At least not in a bad way. 
He was thinking, that pesky thing that always seemed to get him into trouble. Not about the show in particular, but a little bit about everything. The same thoughts from earlier in the week had hit him like a ton of bricks earlier that day and now he couldn’t get them out of his mind, no matter how much he tried. It seemed ironic, given how he’d only been thinking about how imperative it was to live in the moment a day ago, that he now was considering the future once more.
The thought that had struck him had come at a brief moment, and surprisingly it hadn’t had anything to do with him at all. Eliott was onstage practicing and the director was looking at him with such distaste that some of his friends had even asked Lucas about it. And yes, Lucas knew that the decision to let them stay had likely not been unanimous, the director leading the opposition, but Eliott had been his star for so long that to see him flip completely only bolstered with the information of Eliott’s mental illness was sickening. It was disheartening and downright cruel to see what a change such a thing could bring, something entirely out of Eliott’s control, simply because the director viewed neurodivergence as lesser than. It wasn’t only him, of course, it would and probably had been already, many people, but it made Lucas think. 
He’d always dreamed of entering the company after completing his training at school, the Paris Opera Ballet was one of, if not the most prestigious ballet in the world, but did he want that if he had a pretty good idea of how he’d be treated? Did he want to put himself into a situation that might derail his healing process? If not, what were his other options? The realization that his future was almost entirely his decision had come without warning and pushed the thoughts into a full on spiral.
“Lu?” Eliott’s sleepy voice interrupted the train of questions pushing their way into his mind. 
Lucas hummed in response, listening to Eliott’s heartbeat. Eliott continued, just as groggily, “I can hear you thinking.”
“Can you?” Lucas teased, half of him willing Eliott to go back to sleep the other half wanting to talk and talk and talk until all the thoughts ran free from his head and he felt like he could breathe peacefully again. 
“Lucas,” Eliott said, sounding more awake now than before, and Lucas sighed. 
Eliott shifted so they were lying opposite one another, ignoring Lucas’ small groans at being denied Eliott’s chest as a pillow. “What’s going on?”
Lucas sighed again. “I know we promised minute by minute, and I’m trying, but these thoughts won’t leave my mind and I don’t know what to do about them.”
“What thoughts?” Eliott looked concerned, and Lucas didn’t want him to be.
“I don’t want to be here next year,” he said quietly, realizing how that sounded when Eliott stiffened beside him. He rushed to clarify, “Like, in the Paris Opera Ballet. I don’t want to dance for the Paris Opera Ballet.”
Eliott relaxed slightly, nodding. “Oh. Yeah. Where do you want to be?”
Lucas hadn’t gotten that far yet. “I don’t know. Somewhere I’m not already a pariah.”
“You aren’t a pariah—”
“We both are, Eliott. The director has a say in the company too, and I don’t want to give him the chance to ruin ballet for me more than he’s already tried to,” Lucas pleaded, not really sure why he was pleading. It wasn’t like Eliott wasn’t listening to him, he was. Lucas just felt the need to justify everything to an extreme degree all the time. 
Eliott simply looked at him in one of those ways he always did, one of those ways no one ever had before, and touched his cheek softly. “Hey. Lucas. I understand.”
Eliott smiled minutely, thumb brushing Lucas’ cheekbone. “I haven’t really allowed myself to think about it, since my diagnosis, but… I don’t know if I want to be here either.”
“Really?” Lucas blinked in surprise. The way Eliott loved Paris… Lucas had never seen anything like it, so he’d never even considered Eliott might feel the same way he did. 
“It hurts me a bit to even think about,” Eliott admitted, “Because I love Paris more than I can even express, but Paris will always be here.”
“What do you mean?” Lucas asked.
Eliott moved his hand to Lucas’ hair. “I want to experience a bit of the world outside what I’ve always known. I’ll always have Paris, we’ll always have Paris, but it might be fun to see what else the world has in store for us. I’ve always wanted to go to London, or Berlin, or America, I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m saying.”
“Hey,” Lucas said, placing a hand on Eliott’s cheek. “I want that too, I think. I’ve just been scared to admit it to myself. Paris is just a place, when it really comes down to it. I’ve never really had a home until now. My home is with you.”
Eliott blushed, looking a bit flustered even in the dim light and Lucas couldn’t help but smile. “And mine with you,” Eliott said, voice no more than a murmur. 
Lucas turned onto his back and gazed up at the ceiling. Sometimes he forgot whose room they were in at night, but it was usually Eliott’s. Lucas knew that Eliott liked sleeping there better, in the comfort of the drawings and posters he’d hung up on the walls in the bed with the sheets he carefully made every day. Lucas preferred being in there too, it felt warmer than his room, more personal. They were almost through with the term and Lucas had yet to put up any decorations in his own room or make it look like more than a place he slept every once and awhile. Eliott’s hand slipped from his cheek to his waist. 
“What are you thinking about now?” Eliott asked.
“Us, I guess,” Lucas said, gaze still turned upward. 
“What about us? Good things I hope?” Lucas could hear the hint of a smile in Eliott’s voice and he let it wash over him like a warm blanket. 
Lucas folded his hand over the one Eliott circled his waist with. “Of course. I think only the best things of you.”
“You didn’t for quite a while there,” Eliott joked, and Lucas finally turned his head back to look at him.
“No, I didn’t.” He hummed, settling back into Eliott’s side. “Part of me has always been afraid of change, you know? But this year so many things have changed, and I don’t really mind it.”
Lucas shook his head. “I mean, for example, I moved out of my dad’s house, which is probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, I became closer with Manon than I ever thought I’d be and now I can’t imagine my life without her, I had to face some new realities about myself and my mental and physical health, and I fell in love with you. If you would have told me last year that any of this would be happening, I’m not sure if I would have laughed or fought it with every fiber of my being, but I’m glad I didn’t. I’m glad it all happened.”
“You’re telling me it was never a fantasy of yours to fall in love with your arch nemesis?” Eliott asked, scandalized. 
Lucas laughed louder than he meant to, thinking about Yann talking about enemies to lovers fanfiction and whatnot. “Was it yours?”
“Oh, absolutely,” Eliott agreed right away. “I thrive off of sexual tension concealed by a layer of hate. That’s the only reason I let you hate me, of course, so that one day you could push me into a fountain, I could pull you in after me, and our story would reach its peak.” 
“Psssh, that is so not the peak of our story,” Lucas shot back. 
Eliott raised an eyebrow at him. “No?”
“No! Our peak hasn’t happened yet. If we’re lucky, it never will.” Lucas began to draw a graph with his hands, hoping Eliott was following along. “It’s like one of those graphs for exponential growth, you know? The curve keeps going up with no end.”
“You lost me,” Eliott said apologetically, and Lucas just laughed.
“I forgot math and science aren’t your subjects.”
Eliott scrunched his nose, nudging Lucas a bit. “No need to rub it in smarty pants.”
Lucas nudged him back, taking the time to meet him halfway for a soft, searing kiss. “All I’m saying is that I love you exponentially. My love for you grows each day with no intention of ever stopping, even when we’re old and grey.”
“Bold of you to assume I’ll ever be old and grey.”
Lucas giggled despite himself, despite the fact that he’d been trying to be serious. “What the fuck does that even mean? Are you a vampire or something?”
“They don’t call me Edward Cullen for no reason,” Eliott said with a slight shrug, and Lucas broke down into giggles again.
“Who calls you Edward Cullen?” he asked between bouts of laughter. 
Eliott started to laugh too, trying to hide it. “No one yet. But they will.”
“You’re such an idiot,” Lucas said, adoration coating every layer of his voice. 
“Ah,” Eliott said, pulling him close. He kissed the tip of Lucas’ nose, then his lips. “But I’m your idiot.”
Lucas blushed bright red, kissing Eliott senseless because he could. “That you are,” he agreed. And it was in that dim, love drunk light that Lucas realized no matter what he decided or what he wanted to do with his life and his career, he could do it. Because he had Eliott, and he could do anything with Eliott by his side. With Eliott the dark wasn’t so dark and the light had never been brighter. 
It was crazy to think that he’d never considered the possibility of another person making him feel that way, like his heart was on fire in the best way possible. Daddy issues aside, love was never something he’d taken for granted, and he had never intended on giving his heart away unless he knew the person on the receiving end deserved it. And that Eliott did, he deserved every bit of love Lucas could offer. 
Internal tumult put to the wayside for the time being, Lucas breathed in and out more steadily once more. His eyelids felt heavier than they had a moment earlier and he leaned into the feeling, aiming to be as well rested as possible for one of the biggest days of his life so far. He wondered, at the end of his life, how this day would rank, if it would rank at all. He couldn’t decide if he hoped it did or hoped it didn’t. There were so many good days to come, there had to be.
Lucas was on the precipice of sleep, brain shutting down more and more with each passing second when Eliott decided to speak again. “And by the way?” Eliott whispered, just as Lucas settled back onto his chest, falling closer to sleep with every passing second, “I love you exponentially as well.”
Lucas fell asleep with a smile on his face.
Fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes until everything Lucas had worked so hard for was realized. Rehearsals had been hell, even though they had really only been finalizing blocking and lighting, not wanting to tire anyone too much before their big night.
Manon looked to be a vision of calm in her white tutu, makeup done to perfection, probably by Daphné, who held her hand loosely. They’d all just vacated the stage and waited in the wings, smiles full of eagerness and anxiety. Imane in particular refused to talk to anyone, tying and retying her pointe shoes. Lucas felt like his whole body was buzzing with nerves, but there was nothing more to be done. This was it. They’d made it, and now it was time to show everyone what they could do.
He didn’t know whether he felt better or worse about the fact that there was no one in the audience there to cheer him on. On the one hand, he could probably dance better for a crowd of strangers than he could for people he knew, but on the other it would have meant everything to him to see his mother’s face out in the crowd, or even just to know that she was proud of him. He hoped that in another universe she was proud, and that she would greet him after the show with a bouquet of flowers and a hug to last a lifetime. 
Minor costume snafus aside, everything backstage was running well and everyone was where they were supposed to be. Eliott looked like a dream, even dressed for the corps. Lucas hadn’t mentioned anything, but he could see the longing in Eliott’s eyes when he looked at him, longing that couldn’t be attributed to the love they felt for one another. Sure, come Saturday Eliott would have his chance to be in Lucas’ position, but this was supposed to be him, and he wasn’t supposed to have to share the spotlight. 
Basile had been blowing up his, Arthur’s, and Yann’s phones before they’d gotten into preparation mode, so he could only assume that he’d find Basile, Alexia, Alex, and Idriss somewhere in the crowd being the kind of idiots ballet tried to avoid. He loved them for it. 
Arthur came to stand beside Lucas, looking down at him. It wasn’t like Lucas had never seen him wear contacts before, but he was still struck with how different Arthur looked without his glasses. He looked less like a boy, more like someone regal, deserving to be sculpted in marble. He looked like the type of person Lucas could only hope to be someday, even if it was all just a facade. 
“How are you feeling?” Arthur asked. 
Lucas looked out to the stage from the wings, wanting to pinch himself to make sure this was all real. “Ask me again after the show?”
The corner of Arthur’s mouth quirked up. “You’re going to do amazing,” Arthur promised, sounding so sure. 
“Thanks,” Lucas said genuinely, instead of deflecting with a snarky comment like he wanted to. “You too.”
“Pssh, please, with Eliott in the corps no one will look at me twice,” Arthur joked.
Lucas could have joked back, or rolled his eyes, but being where they were, he was feeling a bit sentimental. “They’d be stupid not to,” he said, and Arthur looked surprised.
“I mean it,” he continued, looking Arthur in the eye, “You’re a really amazing dancer. I know you’ve been through a lot, and if I were you I probably would have quit a long time ago, but I can see how much you love it when you allow yourself to. So do that, allow yourself to love it, because this world is a horribly fucked up place but if you can find happiness somewhere along the way you should hold onto it and never let it go.”
Arthur was still looking at him intently, unspeaking. “It’s what I do,” Lucas admitted, “And you know me, I’m no optimist, I don’t believe that everything happens for a reason and that everything we do is all in god’s plan, or whatever, but I do think that we can create new memories to try to escape the bad ones, and that when we love something, it should never be a bad thing.”
“You’re wise now, too, who the hell are you?” Arthur said, looking him up and down, which was about as sentimental as he expected from Arthur. But then, he admitted, “I’m trying. To enjoy it. I want to, because all of you here mean more to me than anyone else in my life, and if anyone deserves one hundred percent of me, it’s you all.”
“Me especially?” Lucas asked, nudging Arthur lightly and earning him a glare. 
“Yes, you especially,” Arthur caved, pointing a finger at him as he did so, “But not because I’m in love with you. Or was in love with you. Fuck if I know anymore. Even platonically, you’re one of the most important people to me, I really mean that.”
Lucas smiled, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. He was determined not to let them fall, even if only because Daphné had done his makeup so well. “You are to me too. And I really mean that.”
“Are the gays being all sappy, is that what I’m witnessing?” Another voice entered their conversation, a voice unmistakably belonging to the third in their three musketeers. Yann slung an arm around both of their shoulders, grinning cheesily. “Because if so, why didn’t you invite me?”
Arthur rolled his eyes, expression tinged with fondness. “I’m bi, asshole.”
“A gay is a gay,” Yann said solemnly, and Lucas resisted the urge to strangle him. 
The three of them stood there for a minute in complete silence, even as the world bustled around them, looking out onto the stage. 
“I can’t believe we’re actually here,” Yann said, all traces of humor gone from his voice. Lucas couldn’t do anything but nod, as if in a daze.
“It’s surreal,” Arthur agreed. 
And then the moment ended, Emma shoving past them to get in the proper place, and Lucas realized their fifteen minutes had run out. Eliott was on the other side of the stage, but they’d already said their break a legs and kissed each other senseless for the night. 
Manon’s fingers ghosted across his and he saw every emotion he was feeling reflected in her expression. He clasped her fingers, squeezing them tightly, and the small amount of tension that had been present left her shoulders, leaving her looking every bit the regal prima ballerina she was destined to be.   
“Are you ready?” someone asked. Lucas didn’t even know if they were talking to him, but as the curtains opened and the lights flooded the stage, he smiled. Eliott’s eye caught his from the wings on the opposite side of the stage, filling him to the brim with warmth. There was no jealousy, no longing, just pure love and pride. The music filled the room and Lucas rolled back his shoulders, wasting only a single moment to mouth I love you across the stage to the boy on the other side. He stepped to the edge of the curtain, awaiting his cue.   
“I am.”
The curtains closed, but the image of a whole crowd of people standing and cheering as he bowed in front of them didn’t leave Lucas’ mind, and he hoped it never would. He couldn’t feel a thing, adrenaline too high, everyone around him looked like they were moving in slow motion. 
“How are you feeling?” Arthur’s voice invaded his daze, and Lucas blinked, image of the crowd vanishing from his mind. Ask me after the show, he heard himself saying only hours earlier as Arthur had asked the same question. 
He thought about Manon and how they’d danced as one, a bond unbreakable in every sense of the word. Meeting Eliott’s eye backstage and kissing him during intermission, careful not to mess up their makeup. Sofiane pulling off a showstopping performance no one would ever forget. All the girls sharing the stage looking like they’d been born to dance there together. Julian from the year below holding his own on the stage, wholly out of his depth but handling it all better than anyone could have expected. Yann proving that he wasn’t someone to overlook, Arthur letting himself go and dance the way he’d held back from for so many years. The fact that they got to do this all again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. 
How was he feeling? Alive, happy, lost, tired, whole, every emotion in between a million times over. He thought of every universe he existed in, and how none of them could possibly compared to this one, in this moment.
Eliott swept him up spinning him around with the widest smile Lucas had ever seen. 
How was he feeling?
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bearpillowmonster · 4 years
Top 15 Anime!
I’ll be talking about them in order of appearance, that way, if you see a picture you like, you know what anime it is. The order shown does not represent how much I like one over the other. This also does not represent my ratings on MyAnimeList because since my viewing, my opinions have changed on some and I don’t want to reevaluate my score. Three more rules, NO anime movies, and some I may not have finished, only because they have 100+ episodes and nothing I’ve dropped so no One Piece.
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This is going to be controversial...heck, anime is controversial. 
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun: My tagline is “It’s an anime about art...an art about anime.” It follows the life of a manga illustrator and the friends he’s made along the way and a bit of slice of life in there too.
Plastic Memories: Red alert! We have a tear jerker. I was recommended this anime and was told it was sad, no big deal...I then got through it and cried during the ending. I talked to the person who recommended it to me and I said “About that ending...” and they said “I didn’t see it.” “What?!” “Yeah, I thought, this is too sad, I can’t watch the last episode.” Needless to say I made them watch it. I woke up in the middle of the night crying then it affected the other person the same way, this is some powerful stuff. Think of “Ex Machina”, wait no I haven’t saw that. Well maybe “Her”...yeah no haven’t saw that either...Anyway it’s just an android anime.
Sword Art Online: Address the elephant in the room, this one is a divided one. Ok, so just to clarify, I’m specifically talking about the first arc of the first season. We all know the plot at this point, people get trapped inside a full dive video game with real stakes. This resembles my resurgence with anime, I was never serious about it until I saw this. You either like it or you don’t, and even if I do like it, I’ll be the first to say it has a fair share worth of crap but I’m in so deep that it is what it is, when it shines, I really enjoy it, tell me seeing action like this isn’t cool.
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Toradora: This is THE romance anime in my opinion, it’s so well crafted. It just makes sense, even if you can’t relate it to yourself, you know somebody you can. I found it here on tumblr through a gif and that gif was the ending, I didn’t know that until later but even knowing what the ending was going to be, I didn’t care, it’s the journey, I even looked into the manga.
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Attack on Titan: Sie sind das Essen und Wir sind die Jaeger! That means “They are the prey, we are the hunters.” My friend introduced me to this by showing me the titan fight at the end of season 1, in return I showed him the Legend of Korra, so I guess we’re even. That was before Season 2 which took forever to come out so I knew the struggle just as much as everyone else. This whole series kind of took everyone by storm, I mean if you don’t care too much about the hype then it’s good, it’s something to get into, something to wait for, even if it’s dark and gory, it’s nice to know there is a big percentage experiencing the same thing.
Gamers!: I’m scared. The manga has been going on but season 2 just won’t come out “Maybe next year” I keep thinking but we’ll see, I’ve purposely been avoiding the manga because of it. I don’t like to see the word ‘Gamer’ so much because it makes me think of how cliche people try to be in order to fit into the crowd, too many fakers but this, this gets it right, it deserves its title. I started with the dub but I didn’t like the voice of a specific character, it just didn’t fit them and the sub was always at least one episode ahead of the dub so I watched the sub and then whenever the dub came out, I watched that too. I was that pleased with this anime.
Chihayafuru: The characters, the music, the visuals...all over a card game. If you can make that interesting and make me sit on the edge of my seat, not only watching it, but also awaiting the next season then you’ve done something right. This is technically a sports anime? But not, I don’t really consider it as such and is the only one you’ll see on this list because it’s not a genre I’m into so you know they succeeded in that field too.
Rurouni Kenshin: Sometimes it isn’t easy to explain something right out, it’s the feeling it gives off that explains it all. This is my calm anime, it’s just so peaceful yet has action, definitely not your average ‘sword fighter’.
Hunter X Hunter (2011): I didn’t watch the 1999 one (yet) and you know what? I probably tried the first episode 3 times all together because the first two, I just wasn’t feeling it, it was like “They’re just going to be different fighters.” NO! I kept coming back because I wanted to give it another chance and I succeeded and I loved it, I realized just how in depth it was and a lot more than “Tournaments” PUH-LEASE! I knew I’d love it as soon as Gon made it through the boat during the first few episodes.
Yu Yu Hakusho Spirit Detective: Made by the same creator as HxH, who is also married to the lady who made Sailor Moon! This family man...But yeah, I didn’t like Yusuke’s hair and I thought it was going to be a bunch of tournaments which meant a lot of filler. Yeah there is ONE tournament (that I know of) this is one of the ones I didn’t finish yet, but it’s not a whole lot of filler. In fact a lot of the stuff surrounding it has to do with the Spirit Detective part, hence why I put that part in the title. What made me change my mind and get into it you might ask? Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the opening song: 
Dimension W: If you saw my other lists, you know I like to have a few wild cards in there, this is one of them, once again, where is season 2?! It has to do with electric coils, basically what builds their economy, a new type of power source. We know about the X, Y, and Z axis but what about W? It’s not as complicated as it sounds. My favorite character is named Loser...yep, what more do I need to say, just try it out!
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Erased: Same person who recommended Plastic Memories, recommended this so gear up. This is actually a time travel anime, it seems odd at first but you’ll understand pretty quick. It’s a mystery, something I’m a sucker for, you can tell a lot went into it with some pretty talented people. It’s twelve episodes long and I watched the second half in one day, I binged this baby probably more than any other.
Rascal Does Not Dream: The poster I used is actually for the movie which finishes the title with “of a Dreaming Girl”, but I didn’t want you to take it at face value because at face value it’s called “of Bunny Girl Senpai.” and features a girl who dresses as a playboy bunny which sounds like a hentai, but it’s not! Let me explain, this is actually a conspiracy series, a series of strange events if you will. The girl only dresses like that for a little bit because she’s invisible to everyone but this dude (no, literally) and she’s trying to get attention. The dude goes around fixing problems such as that and something his sister deals with. She got bullied so bad that it hurt her (again, literally) and it caused her memory loss. Then there’s the girl who splits into two different personalities (do I need to say literally again? You got it now? Ok.)
Quintessential Quintuplets: Face Value! Looks like another harem...and it is. But listen, Miku Nakano.
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Apparently a lot of other people agree with me. It’s kind of embarrassing to explain but basically it doesn’t beat around the bush. This dude ends up with one of the quints, it even has a scene where he marries them but you don’t know which one it is because...they’re quints. I said how I liked mystery and slice of life...well, this is basically a guessing game, it keeps you interested even if you think you know who it’s going to be. The other sisters are just as good of characters with their definitive personalities.
Mob Psycho 100 II: I wanted to end this off with a bang and I while I watched both seasons, I wanted S2 to represent this one because it does better in every way. Let me put it this way, I thought the first season was alright, I gave it a 7, kind of average. This season I gave a 9, it surprised me and it did really well from its action to its art within the action to its characters, this might be the best second season I’ve watched of an anime. The story expands on these characters and explores morals and stuff that only hit the surface in S1. It shows how you don’t ‘need’ seasons worth of material to make a good final episode, there were time where I thought ‘How is it going to top this’ in the middle of the season and then blew me away by the end of it.
Well time to stay indoors, here are my recommendations for your quarantines.
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selfshipstuff · 4 years
Love Tropes Asks: Michael
ok that’s it
im just gonna go fucking Ape Shit Feral. no asks necessary BINCH
prompts from this post
answers got long af so the rest are under the Read More
Aborted Declaration of Love
We both just kind of suffer for a while, quietly trying to get up the courage to say something, but he’s really shy, and I’m impatient with myself, so I’m the one mostly initiating it-- and it ends up with a bunch of accidental awkward silences where I’m like, obviously trying to tell him something (even he can tell) but I lose my nerve at the last second and just sort of nervously laugh it off. Eventually, I do confess, and I actually wrote a confession fic here. 
It went well enough!! We’re both just a bundle of nerves and anxiety, so it’s sort of clunky, but it goes well. :)
Accidental Hand-Hold
At first we don’t even notice, probably, because technically the first hand-holding to occur is most likely during a team fight-- when one of us is helping the other off the ground or pulling the other out of harm’s way. In the moment, we don’t think anything of it, focused on the situation and all; later, though? Oh my god, the realizations... the blushy tossing and turning in bed, staring at the ceiling and yearning....
My first purposeful hand-hold is actually before we’re together: I tend to do that thing where like, when comforting someone or starting a serious conversation, you take their hands in yours. It’s just sort of... grounding, and intimate, and like... I don’t know, it just feels right. Once we’re together, I love to take his hand and kiss the back of it at random while we’re holding hands. (He always gets so flustered, it’s adorable!)
The first time Michael moves to hold my hand is probably sometime around the time of the confession. Maybe a little before (during the yearning stage) or a little bit after (during the honeymoon stage) but honestly, it becomes so natural for him to just like... reach over and thread our fingers together that I don’t really know when it started. We both have a fair amount of anxiety, so it’s a simple, quick, easy, and sweet fix for when one or both of us feels it creeping up-- and like, who doesn’t like to feel the touch of their lover every once in a while?
After-Action Patch-Up
This trope happens a lot, actually, given the nature of the source material. I mean, we’re essentially a superhero team, so we’re on the front lines of the action 24/7; in the comic, everybody gets beaten up fairly often and usually to a wince-inducing (occasionally tears-inducing) extent. So you’d think we would be used to it, given the world we (he and my self-insert) live in, but... yeah, that’s not the case. 
When Michael sees that I’m hurt, it sort of depends-- I mean, 100%, he hates it and it’s upsetting to him, and he’s gonna be extra gentle and probably trace the injuries with his fingertips (or his gaze, if the injury’s too sensitive) but if he sees me being actively hurt by someone? Ooh. I’m definitely the more feral one generally speaking, but in this particular circumstance, he might give me a run for my money. Just picture this gentle, angelic dude going full “eliminate the threat and get them out of danger” mode. 
Of course, afterward, he’s immediately landing and rushing over to me (dropping to his knees if I’m on the ground) and frantically looking me over, hands hovering nervously over my skin, voice all shaky and quieter than usual when he speaks. hhh Anyway-- he does have some knowledge of first aid, since he grew up all isolated in the mountains and he had to know how to help himself and his family when things took a turn for the worse; mostly, he’ll patch me up however he can, and if it’s bad enough he’ll leave the fight to get me to safety and/or a hospital (depending on how close to done the fight is). If he’s not too badly hurt toward the end of a fight, he likes to help the paramedics patch up his teammates who are worse-off; if I’m among them, I’m the one he goes to. 
When I see him hurt, there’s... a lot less hesitation and a lot more ass-kicking. I’ll be honest, I’m really protective in general and I can’t handle seeing the people I love get hurt in any way, shape, or form. This fact combined with my feral energy is kind of a recipe for disaster at times, considering we’re supposed to be the good guys-- I mean, I’ve got a feeling it’s not great for the team’s image if I just fuckin’ electrocute anyone who hurts my boyfriend. Regardless, though, if anyone seeks him out (in a fight or otherwise) with ill intent, they better be prepared for the death and/or thorough beating they’ve earned. There’s a particular event in canon that haunts me so much I had a dream about it, and I ended up just... losing control of my powers and just completely fucking destroyed this girl who-- hhhh. Anyway.
When it comes to how I treat him afterward, it’s much the same-- the horror of seeing him like that and the cautious gentleness I treat him with are pretty much exactly the same, and we both do that hand-hovering thing like we aren’t sure if we’re allowed to touch (or we’re scared to hurt our love even more). One thing I always end up doing is just. Brushing his hair out of his face and tucking it behind his ears until eventually I just... ever so carefully bring my hands up to cradle his face-- usually just one cheek at first, and if he leans into it, I starting tearing up on the spot. Then I just... gently bonk our foreheads together because like jesus christ I almost lost you. I’m so glad you’re still here. After the fight, for the long run, I’m very doting toward him when he’s recovering; I’m not the nagging “you have to rest” type, but I’m more softly affectionate and I bring him things, do things for him. 
Almost Kiss
I’m not sure when exactly our first kiss is, although it’s probably during the same scene as the confession fic I linked in the first answer-- but as for how it is? Oh my god. 
He’s not experienced at all, like... I’m his first kiss, and it’s obvious because he’s so clearly anxious about it. Luckily, I do have a little experience, and also we’re both just super gentle-- in general, but especially with each other. It’s soft and uncertain, but we tend to melt into each other in pretty much any scenario because we’re just,, so comfortable with each other. So it’s only uncertain for a short bit before we’re pulling away all starstruck, breathless and giddy, only to go back in for another (and probably several more after that, to be honest.)
Beautiful Dreamer
Hmm. Well, it’s kind of hard to say who falls asleep first? Michael struggles with trauma-induced insomnia, and my sleep schedule is terrible-- plus, if he can’t sleep, I like to stay up with him (even if I doze off a few times while he’s reading) so... I mean, I guess on the nights that he sleeps, he’s the first to fall asleep? It probably helps that like, apparently when I play with people’s hair they get sleepy. (I have... the magic touch...) And I mean, it’s cheesy and predictable, but he is beautiful when he’s sleeping. He’s always gorgeous, but when he’s asleep he just,, relaxes in a way he never really seems to when he’s awake. 
On nights where I doze off first, it probably takes him a little while to notice because, like I sort of mentioned, he likes to read when he can’t sleep; he gets completely engrossed in the stories, and like, on occasion he’ll read something he thinks is cute or funny and he’ll grin and look over/down to share it with me, but sometimes he’s like oh because I’ve just... quietly fallen asleep all cosied up to him. And he just immediately softens and slowly blushes, usually just... pausing to study me for a moment before remembering the book, then he just kinda,, haphazardly bookmarks the page before setting it aside and shuffling around a bit so he can cuddle up to me. Sometimes this leads to him dozing off, too, but not always!
Regardless of the situation, though, we always sleep better when we’re together.
Bodyguard Crush
Okay but like... Michael just being himself is what makes me feel safe?? Everything about him just feels like home to me. He’s so gentle, and sweet, and like... hhh. I just feel like, there’s no question as to whether he would be accepting of me for who I am in my entirety, and that just means,, so much to me, you have no idea-- like I,,, I’m not actually super confident in myself a lot of the time, and I project this confidence anyway because I’m working on it, but I do usually have anxieties and doubts about how people perceive me, whereas with Michael there’s just this... exceedingly rare peace of mind. Like, most of the time, I have to try so hard to convince myself (like, “yeah, they’d totally be accepting, and if not, they can be in your canon” which isn’t as comforting as I’d like it to be) but like, with him it’s not even a question?
And like, I just... like I said, he’s so gentle, sweet, and understanding, and he’s just... like, he doesn’t want to hurt anyone, and he’s so careful not to when it’s not necessary. He’s so quietly aware of people, and like... I dunno, I just,, I tend to be that person for people, and often it feels like my own feelings go unnoticed or ignored, but I’m like... actually confident that he would. Notice?? And be good to me???? Which is just,, so wild of a concept but it’s exactly what I need.
And then like. This one’s not great of me, but the fact that we both have trauma to deal with actually kind of makes me feel better. I mean obviously I hate that he’s traumatized and it fucking HURTS that people have treated him like this, but I just-- like, I don’t know, I just. I don’t really talk about it, but sometimes I feel broken, or like I’ll never be good enough, or like I’m actually a horrible person, but then like... with Michael, I just,, it’s so clear to me that like... he’s not broken or terrible or insufficient because of his struggles, not at all, and y’know, I think we’re good for each other and that we make each other happy, and that feeling kind of just... fades? Wanes? It’s not gone completely, and I don’t know if it ever will be, but still, he makes me feel secure. 
Um. I guess one last one!! Michael is shown to be very caring and like... he’s always fighting for people, and he’s got this gentle protective nature-- in canon he’s got this tendency to take on responsibility for others’ safety, and it hurts because he blames himself when they get hurt but it’s also just,, he’s so selfless, okay?? And he just,,, I know he would fight for me and like, put in the effort, and potentially stick his neck out for me, and that’s terrifying because I don’t want him to get hurt but on the other hand like... it means I know he’s got my back. 100%. And I mean... what can feel safer than that?? Because I’ve got his back too, so I’ll be doing my damnedest to make sure he doesn’t get hurt, and I can feel confident that I won’t be taking the brunt of things because he’s doing the same for me. If that makes sense dgjkjkdhgkj
Caught in the Rain
Ah, okay, well... the thing is, I lovvvveeeee the rain, so I would be ecstatic for a second, but then I remember like, fuck, Michael. Because the rain actually makes Michael sort of nervous, and I guess you could say, uh... flighty? See, like, his wings are A Thing and his feathers don’t repel water like duck feathers do-- his just get waterlogged, and then he can’t fly, so he’s grounded until he can dry off and fix them up, which makes him very anxious. Usually, he just freezes for a second and I have to sorta shepherd him into an area where there’s cover from the rain. 
If it takes too long and he gets rained on, he gets fidgety and tense, and I gotta like... gently tug him over to a place we can sit down so I can help him dry off. It’s a really,,, really soft thing, actually, because um. Okay, basically, like, winged creatures like birds usually only let their mates help them preen & stuff. So,,, it’s like,, a trust and intimacy thing. Also, I mean, it’s a cute picture: this lanky winged dude just,, sitting down, totally drenched from the rain, and his doting partner just slowly evaporating the water from his wings with their energy powers (heated hands come in Handy). I mean, come on. 
Grow Old With Me
Uhh... well, I guess we haven’t been together very long, IRL or in-universe. I will say, though, it feels like we’ve been together forever from how comfortable and natural it is. 
Laugh of Love
Okay, well, Michael... isn’t always very good with jokes, because he’s so new to pop culture, but he can be very silly sometimes. Actually, he used to be embarrassed about it, but sometimes he might play up the fact that he doesn’t get it, just to see me try not to laugh. I try not to laugh when it happens because like, it’s not his fault, and I don’t want him to think I’m laughing at him, but he’s just so darn cute omg-- but at some point he figures out that I find it a little bit amusing and he just jumps on that because he wants to see my smile skjdkjk
Alternatively, he can also just like. Compliment me too much and I’ll just start laughing out of embarrassment while protesting because like idk how to take a compliment
Love Epiphany
Ah, well, I mean, I realize pretty quickly that I’m crushing on him, because like, he’s so cute and sweet, FUCK-- love, though? Love with a capital L? That takes a little longer. Basically, the timeline is like, I met him and started crushing, then as I got to know the team (including him) a little better, we became fast friends and I tend to appreciate my friends very deeply, so that was another step-- and then just... as we got to know each other I gradually started to note some thoughts and feelings that weren’t quite platonic, and I kinda swept them under the rug at first because I’m an affectionate person and also I’m not straight so my affection lines are sometimes a little blurred. When they got more and more common though, I just kind of... had to admit it. Like, man, I’m a fairly logical being; if the evidence is all pointing one way, I guess that’s the most likely explanation? Plus, the thought of it made me feel really warm inside, which just confirmed things. 
Michael’s realization?? I’m not sure tbh. @astralshipper is especially fond of teasing me with the “love at first sight” thing, but that doesn’t seem realistic to me skjfkdk
Marry for Love
AHAAAHA. HA. hghfhsdbbjs No, we aren’t ... skdnsfdkjskjfk dg we aren’t married-- uhhhhh hahah.  ha. I mean, we just started dating like a month or two ago, what kind of fool would be thinking of ,,,, being with,,, ,, , such a wonderful..  lovely, sweet, perfect guy for the rest of their life JNFDKJNKJS I MEAN.  .   GHJGHGKGJHGKFHFHHHHGHHGGHHH
... We, uh... we haven’t talked about it. ^^;
Post-Kiss Catatonia
answered here
Sickeningly Sweethearts
Uhh, I mean... we’re not huge on PDA, because we aren’t extroverted and we aren’t extremely confident. However, we do hold hands quite a bit, and then when one of us is hurt, or we’re finally seeing each other after a fight, then we kind of just forget we’re even in public and we’re fairly affectionate. If we’re just at the team headquarters, sometimes I’ll initiate more highkey stuff like kisses, and for the most part, the team is chill about it. Katie just kinda grins and giggles, Scout is like “god i wish that was me” skjndkjnknk Hope and Nikki just sorta fondly roll their eyes, and both Nikki and Jack probably tease us over it. Jay is the one who’s like BLUHGGHHH GROSS gnkjnkngk but he’s a dumbass so I just stick my tongue out at him and/or flip him off. 
You Must Be Cold
answered here
Zip Me Up
Uh, we don’t really help each other get dressed. We’re both a little too easily flustered for that, although sometimes I do offer to help with his shirts because his wings can make things difficult for him. We might help each other with neckties if we’re going to a dressier event, or maybe with buttons on occasion. If I’m in a jewellery mood, he might help me with a necklace or something. None of this is super common, though, and by the end of it we’re always sort of flushed even though we’re very respectful about it.
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jq37 · 5 years
May we have a recap, please? :)
**spoilers for panic at the art show and home for the holidays**
OK people. I actually don’t have a ton of commentary on these two so I’m gonna try and keep it (relatively) short and sweet [Edit from Future Me: Failed Step 1].
Also, iirc, this is the week Dropout starts streaming new Fantasy High eps on Wednesdays which is very dope and I am very excited for. I probably won’t do full on recaps like I do for normal eps because, lbr, I don’t strictly have the time to be recapping these eps at all and it’s pure stubbornness that keeps me from making wiser time management decisions. But, rest assured, if I have an Opinion, you will hear it whether you want to or not. 
Anyway, on with the show. 
Last recap, I mentioned that this ep was giving me Aelwen house party vibes and now it reminds me of that ep in another way: Everyone rolled like TRASH almost the entire ep. It was so frustrating! They barely got any hits in until like halfway through the ep.
(Aw man, I just realized I’m gonna have to remember which spelling of Aelwen is correct again now that FH is coming back.)
I love how Murph is immediately like, “I need to make sure my wife doesn’t die during this fight avenging her fictional husband.”
Isabella also has Aelwen’s trick of poofing around the battlefield which is annoying as hell (ha) for the group.
Siobhan hilariously casts fear on Priya just to be spiteful. I thought she was doing it to help the evac process but no. It was a purely spiteful action. Bless. 
When Kug turns into an ape he, of course, turns into *the* NY ape, King Kong. 
“I roll a nat 20 on an epic shit.”
When Brennan was describing Kingston’s spectral New Yorker Guardians I was already thinking about that one part of Spiderman 2 (the OG Toby Mac version) and then he straight up said, “You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us,” and I lost it.
“Deny the stairs the pleasure of my feet.” Emily is a poet.
I want to know what makes a pigeon spicy more than anything. 
The fact that Brennan killed Ox AGAIN and then immediately looked into the camera and let the audience know the dog was fine because he clearly Oracle stared into the future between eps and saw the entire internet sharpening their pitchforks  was so funny. 
About midway through the ep, Pete tries and fails to send Isabella back to hell and Isabella starts monologing about her plans and connection with Robert Moses (she stole the list from Santa and is/was gonna marry Moses apparently). I wonder if Brennan was like, “These players are for sure gonna murder her without getting any useful info out of her unless she goes full Bond Villain right now.”
And, proving my point, Emily immediately does 56 points of damage, royally f-ing Isabella up. 
This is a really civilian heavy fight which feels weird in a way the FH fights never did. Like, these aren’t even civilians who live in an adventuring town in a fantasy world. These are just normal ass civilians in the wrong place at the wrong time. 
Pete fails a wild magic roll after failing to teleport into the building and then gets a choice of getting really strong (which prob would have let him bust down the door) or to teleport in (which is what he does and exactly what he wanted). Very clutch when the dice rolls play into the story like that.
Kingston lightning bolts Isabella’s hair off which is just malicious but also totally called for.
On her next turn, Sophie gets hurt on purpose to get low enough to activate her ring, lets her hair burn for long enough to shorten it to a cute bob, insults Isabella, then knocks her tf out. 
I love that Emily took one of her teeth (a seemingly crazy move) and when called out by Lou was like, “It’s a link to Robert Moses” (a completely reasonable answer). That’s the Axford one-two punch.  
I didn’t mention it before but, Willie the golem is here, first immobile but then brought back by Misty. Post fight, he says he was somehow brought here by one of the evil factions of the city and says they’ll talk about it later. Also, Misty makes out with him (DON’T KINKSHAME HER).
With a high insight roll, Kingston is able to deduce that the group was ambushed (though not by Priya) and that their victory was a really important one for the fate of the city. 
(Sidenote: The amount that Pete is Over Priya in this ep is so funny.)
Back at Wally’s (which is where Kug is now staying) Wally has gotten Kug a dog bed to sleep in and fancy charcuterie cheese because he and Ricky are the only pure-hearted people in NYC. 
At the same time, Pete and Kingston have a very sweet heart to heart and then settle down at Kingston’s place to chill and listen to jazz. Idk how else we expected this to resolve, considering this is a Brennan Lee Mulligan DM’d show where the sacred pillars are Teamwork, Friendship, Communication, and Making up an NPC on the Fly Because One of Your PC’s Decided to do an Insane Thing. 
Next up is the Christmas ep and Brennan, Emily, and Zac are in sweaters for the occasion. 
Well,actually it’s the 21st and Emily immediately clocks that that’s the solstice. 
Are cookies the good carb?/Absolutely not. But have fun with your life. (I love Ricky’s soft jock energy.)
“I run deliveries,” Pete says to Kingston’s parents, not technically lying but also not being completely truthful. Misty would be proud. 
Going over to Misty, it seems pretty clear at this point (and it’s confirmed in the promo for next ep) that Misty’s fairy business is some kind of de-aging/reincarnation for herself. I wonder how many of these she’s done so far. She said she’s been around for, what? 200, 300 years? Assuming she’s been doing then reincarnations at about 65-70 years old and she reincarnates to around 25? Maybe 6 times? Idk. Just spitballing. 
Saucer of milk to keep the faeries from stealing her (non-existing) children. Faerie lore is wild y'all. 
Did you take another level of warlock?/Yeah bitch.
The fact that since Sophie has joined a monastery, she’s only taken Warlock levels and no Monk levels is very funny from a story perspective. It’s like, she finally comes to this sacred place to be trained to her full potential and she’s just spending what should be her sparring time playing with her cat in exchange for spells. Wild. 
Emily’s cat-like, self-satisfied grin when Brennan is like, “So you just jerry-rigged yourself clairvoyance powers, huh?” is so good. 
And she did it on the fly because Emily Axford is winning D&D. There are no points but she’s winning.
So, uh, Emily does, two things, very in character right after the other:
Thing number one: She send her unseen servant to spy on her family. Her dad seems hardline, “F, Dale. Whatever. Family first. She needs to get over it.” On the other side of the spectrum is her mom who is very upset about the whole affair with her siblings falling in the middle. 
The second thing she does, very casually I might add, is have her unseen servant BURN DOWN HER HOUSE SO SHE CAN COMMIT INSURANCE FRAUD.
Everyone loses their minds and rightfully so. What a wild-ass swing that no one could have seen coming. I love it. 
“I look in my backpack which is now my home[…]" 
I almost forgot that Ricky was a fire fighter who would not abide that nonsense until Brennan decided to cut to him. 
Ricky just dolphin swims across the Hudson in 2.5 mins to go put out the fire that Sophie set. Amazing. 
Ally mocking Emily/Sophie: Truthfully, I don’t know what happened.
"I love John McClane, because he loves his wife.” WALLY
Wally: Oh we’re gonna tell a lie on Christmas.
“This is what winning looks like.”
I would really like to know what trace stuff what on the drugs Pete got from 7 but Ally rolled too low to figure it out.
“I disassociate fully." 
Well it took him a long ass time but glad to have Pete on the selling drugs to kids is bad train. Choo-choo, dude. 
7 saying you can hack in real life in reference to his AK-47 has the same energy as Hardison using the word hack in literally any semi-weird episode of Leverage. 
So Kug goes with Wally to David’s house disguised as a dog and, despite that, blurts out that he’s his dad immediately. Well, he tries to. The Umbral Arcana stops him, unfortunately. 
"I lick my son’s face.” KUUUUG. 
Sophie showing up with a raw goose and hellish rebuking it is so metal and it’s a shame no one got to appreciate it. 
Me when Sophie’s Mom changes into black top in solidarity for Sophie’s mourning: F EVERY OTHER NON-SOPHIE BICICLETA. I RESPECT YOU. 
Kingston is hustling very hard to get his man Pete a job which is a very Kingston move. That’s how guys like that show affection. 
Didn’t mention it before but Kingston’s parents and Mom specifically adopting Pete is very cute. 
Sidenote: Idk what 7 was talking about Pete trying to stay low profile. He wears a cowboy hat (now a ZEBRA STRIPED one, courtesy of Kingston). I think the subtlety train has sailed my guy. 
Esther shows up at the firehouse, carrying presents for her mom and grandma and looking for Ricky. The says that she’s kinda dealing with something and it feels good to be around him (beat) magically speaking. Sure. I’m gonna keep my Hercules soundtrack on hand just in case anyway. 
I think Ricky is the only person who, with no pretense, could give his crush a sexy calendar featuring him.
Anyway, turns out Esther’s mom and grandma are the furies of Tompkins Square and she’s fated to join them or something. 
Esther causally: I defy you, I defy the prophecy.
The fury thing would explain why Esther’s mom would have cursed Kug. They are famously magical punishers.  
Ricky is a magically certified Good Boy but we been knew.
Zac’s restraint to respect Esther’s personal boundaries in lieu of getting a lore drop to stay true to Ricky’s character is amazing. Mad props.
So we slide over to Misty’s Christmas party which Stephen Sondhein is attending and him having a character card kinda killed me. 
There’s a post on tumblr somewhere about playing faerie  incapability for impoliteness against a vampires need to be invited in and that’s what I thought about when Moses and his vamp friends showed up at Misty’s house.
Robert tries to talk Misty into striking a deal with him for protection from Titania. She’s very much not having it.  
“You know Robert, I love a comedy and I love a farce. I’d like to remind you of who it is that started this and it’s not me and it’s not my friends but I can assure you Robert Moses that we will be the ones to end it if you do not. Do you understand me?” Damn. That’s a mic drop from Misty. 
[As I’m editing this, I’m realizing I somehow lost a BIG chunk of text. I’m not gonna write it all up again but the Cliffnotes are as follows:
Between the Solstice and Christmas, the gang goes Grand Central Station to see the clockwork gnomes that live there because trouble is apparently afoot. Some size changing nonsense happens and Pete shoots a dog (with mini bullets, the dog is fine). Lou is enchanted even though Kingston is not (a common theme with him). Ally and Emily are on the same nonsense wavelength (as usual). 
There are dope magical dragon trains under Grand Central Station that go to the shadow realm which is a place I’d like to know about. Kingston has never seen these trains before even though you’d really think he would have.  
Murph says Gnome Rights which is wild if you know what Naddpod is like. 
Anyway, the high priestess of the gnomes passed out the other day and they figure out it was due to pixie magic which is suspicious. They also know they pixies have access to a “time stone” which leads me to believe that it’s Brennan and not Aguefort who thinks that Chronomancy is the most powerful magic of all. 
Sophie and Jackson go to Dale’s grave on Christmas. Jackson explains that the Order of the Concrete Fist is basically a literal school of hard knocks. A counterbalance to all the reach for the stars dreaminess that comes with NYC.
Dale was their chosen one who was supposed to stop the monastery from falling when some unspecified badness crossed over to this side, but when he went to the place where he was supposed to get guidance, there was no one there (clearly tying in to what Dale said to Sophie last time they talked. I wonder what she needs to get to the top of? Empire State maybe?).
Watching Murph watching Emily, his real life spouse, play at grief for her fictional husband and do some truly insane things is so funny because you can clearly see him thinking, “I am married to this woman,” which, in fairness, is probably the main thing he’s thinking when he’s playing D&D with Emily.
I’m probably missing something but that’s all I remember. Back to post-Christmas!]
So it’s opening night at Misty’s show and, somehow, Ricky’s first show ever. 
I love that Don Confetti is there because of Siobhan’s offhanded comment for a handful of eps ago about him being a supporter of the arts.
Anyway, everything is going great until the second act when Titania busts in through the mirror which is *not* is storage as Misty requested but on stage. It’s a theater fight, y'all! And not the West Side Story kind although if that doesn’t come up I will be very surprised. 
“Let’s kill Titania!” –Misty in the promo
Just going straight to 11, huh Misty?
See y'all then!
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