being-of-rain · 22 hours
My girlfriend wants to watch through all of Classic Who (and yes I did make sure they knew how ambitious that was,) so when I stayed with her last month we watched the first three stories! Not even the extremely '60s gender politics has put her off, that's dedication. Next time we watch we'll be up to some missing episodes, so we'll see how we go with those.
I enjoyed revisiting the first few episodes that set up so many things for the rest of the show. The first human companions, the Tardis becoming a police box for the first time, the Doctor learning not to be a massive bitch. I always love that the Doctor gets his name from Ian... but I'm always amused that Ian seemingly makes it up by accident. The first utterance of the word in the show is Ian saying to Barbara "He's a doctor, isn't he?" and I really want to know where he got that from. Did that come from one of the Time Lords or is this the most momentous case of misremembering in science fiction?
I still think the first two episodes in particular of The Daleks are really fantastic. On my way home I listened to what I think are the only two pieces of Dr Who EU that act as a sequel to The Daleks more than any other Dalek story: the David Bradley audio Return to Skaro, and (weirdly maybe) The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 1. Well, maybe you could say that the Benny set (specifically The Lights of Skaro) is about all Dalek stories as much as the first one, but I like it a whole lot more than Return to Skaro and was looking for an excuse to relisten anyway.
It felt appropriate watching The Edge of Destruction soon after 73 Yards came out, as a reminder that Doctor Who has always got to have weird bizarre little episodes as part of its ecosystem. As always, Edge of Destruction made me think about how its a great concept that really feels let down by some of the the acting, directing, and writing. It kind of made me think... would it be cool if it was remade today? Not as a proper Doctor Who episode, just take the script (or most of it) and start from scratch. Commit to the weird and sinister '60s sci-fi aesthetic, make a new Tardis set, make sure the cast and crew are on the same page about the tone and vibes. It's just an idea that I'm convinced could be really cool, though it'll never exist outside my head.
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loonbread · 1 day
i stopped doing art
ill get back into it soon. have these old stuff
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spockvarietyhour · 8 months
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Doctor Who "Twice Upon a Time"
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kingkatsuki · 5 months
Can’t stop thinking about trying for a baby with Bakugou.
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You[7.05PM]: I’m ovulating.
Bakugou raises a brow from across the room after reading the text you’d just sent him. A bottle of beer perched in his other hand as Sero and Kirishima continue their conversation either side of him.
Since having the discussion about trying for a baby, neither of you had managed to find any spare time together to try. Your conflicting work schedules paired with social engagements had meant that time together was few and far between, seeing more of him on the news than in real life as of late.
“What?” Bakugou mouthed to you as you tilted your head towards the bathroom, narrowing his eyes in confusion.
You tried to take a sip of your drink, motioning towards Mina’s bathroom as your friends continued to chatter around the living room.
Deciding to send another text to your perplexed boyfriend as you made a scene emptying your glass, downing the liquid as you motioned that you were going to grab another drink before leaving the room.
You[7.10PM]: Bathroom now.
There was a slight rap against the door as you opened it, tugging your boyfriend into the pink room in haste. Your hands poised on his arms as he kept you pinned between his body and the counter inside the small downstairs toilet.
“What the fuck are you doin’, woman?” Bakugou couldn’t hide the amused smirk on his face as he motioned towards the door, “You actin’ like a randy teenager or something?”
“We can’t waste time,” You practically whined, moving to paw at his jeans as you noticed in amusement that he was already half hard, “Now’s the best time to try—”
“How’d you know?” Bakugou didn’t stop you from unbuckling his belt, letting the leather hang in the loops as you moved to attack the zipper.
“I downloaded this app to help track my cycle.” You replied as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“There’s an app for that?” He snorted.
“Yeah,” You grinned, “It tells me the best time to try and conceive.”
“You don’t need that shit,” Bakugou scoffed, moving his large palms against your hips to turn you to face the mirror. Crimson eyes staring back at you in your reflection as he gave you a smug grin, “You really think I need help fuckin’ a baby into ya?”
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youngzombieexpert · 11 days
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aaashr · 5 months
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yesokayiknow · 5 months
yknow i kinda thought it was a bit of an exaggeration but no the first doctor really does just stand in empty rooms and go hee hee hoo hoo
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wicked-gharial · 2 months
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put some plants on that lamp yaaa
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nitw · 2 years
happy 2-day anniversary to reigen choking a guy for trying to cut mob in line to the toilet
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mochiiniko · 1 year
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i am so normal about this movie
edit: this has been getting more attention for some reason and im REALLY confused but im not complaining because this movie means so much to me and im so glad people do too! im looking forward to making more castle in the sky art, as well as ghibli art in general, so in the meantime heres some silly doodles i made of sheeta and pazu :>
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roadimusprime · 23 days
"But, Grandfather! All of the music is GONE!"
"Come child, this is hardly a concern to us. Now off to school you go."
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evviejo · 6 months
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doctor who 1963-2023
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l-amplights · 2 months
oufhghg silly obj mouse cursors i made
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in order: Busy - Clock from ITS TIME FOR THE Working in background - Fan/Clock normal cursor - Fan from Inanimate Insanity Location select - GPS from The Nightly Manor Help select - Book from bfdi unavailable - No Way from ITS TIME FOR THE text select - Texty from ONE/HFJONE alt select - Daddy Long Legs from BURNER link select - Winner from TPOT move - shifty from Object Fool/Animatic Battle precision select - Animatic from Animatic Battle
blahh blah download here (google drive)
also these were made moreso for fun rather than like. being super easy to see while using so keep that in mind
how switch your mouse to them vvv
i only know how to do this on windows so
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go to your mouse settings
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click on pointers
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double click on a cursor and choose the respective custom cursor (they should all be named after what theyre intended for but nothing is stopping you from having them all be the same or whatever)
click apply
w :thumbsup:
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tosakamametchi · 2 months
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Take some sodapack inspired by Tamatown
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vildo · 4 months
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Fuck adjectives tell me which Captain Kirk are you today
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exorcistgold · 3 months
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