#one day all the people of palestine will be free. muslims and jews and christians and all and none.
bleakbluejay · 4 months
you motherfuckers have no concept of what "land back" or "decolonize" even mean. you're too busy demonizing entire groups of people, terrified, shitting yourselves, that they'll do even half of the horrors to you that you've done to them for decades or centuries. this shit comes off as hella racist for real. you hate arabs so much. you hate first nations people so much. you hate black people so much. even if you sympathize with them, you can't fucking bear the idea of them gaining freedom, independence, autonomy, safety, because you're so, so scared they'll hurt you back and cause chaos in the streets. these same people who just want to rebuild. who just want to go home. who just want to see their families again. who just want food. who just want medical care. who just want dry, warm shelter. you're so focused on the ideas of colonization, of "us vs. them", of one people displacing the other for a state to exist, that you cannot comprehend coexistence, and your only idea of peace is if an entire group of people were just gone and dead.
grow the fuck up. for the love of GOD, grow the fuck up.
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
Hello, very confused and overwhelmed outsider here. Looking at posts here and on news sites I see such pradoxical views, one saying to not support Palestine is to support genocide and the other saying to not support Israel is to be antisemitic. I wonder, and I am going around asking people on different sides of the war, do you believe it is possible to support both the lives of Palestinian people and the lives of Jewish people?
Feel free to ignore this ask or to point out any ignorance on my part. I hope you have some peace in your day/night, I can only imagine how stressful it is to have so many people asking so many serious questions.
hi anon. I’m gonna try to make this is as concise as possible, since I’m technically writing this on my lunch break. Yes, it is possible and in fact very easy to support the lives of Palestinian and Jewish people because - and this is the important part - Israel and Zionism is not Judaism. Depending on who you may ask, Zionism began as a pure-hearted desire for Jewish people post-WW2 to create a place that would always unequivocally be safe for Jews, but as I am not Jewish myself I feel like any description I might give comes off as insincere and not fully grasping the scope of that mission. But no matter what Zionism once was, it is now the belief that Jewish people have the right to commit genocide against indigenous population so that they can establish their ethno-state. And you can split hairs all you like, but after the past four months, my belief in that has only solidified.
Perhaps the strongest opposition to Israel comes from Jewish people themselves, who’ve popularized “not in my name” as a protest chant. Holocaust survivors have come out in droves to protest the actions of Israel, and they’re often the strongest front of any protest action since - yes, you’re right - mainstream news is very committed to selling the idea that this “war” is Jews vs Muslims which is just inflammatory racist garbage. There’s more to it than I can easily get into right now, but just for a start, it completely erases the existence of Palestinian Jews or Palestinian Christians, and also ignores Israel’s historically abusive and degrading treatment of their own Holocaust survivors in their population.
This “war” is not a war. It’s a genocide, where the total amount of bombs dropped on Gaza is officially over twice the impact of a nuclear bomb. One side is asking for a stop the fighting, for aid to be allowed through, they are asking for clean water and food as their women have been forced to rip off scraps off tents to use as menstrual products. One side has had all 35 their hospitals bombed (a war-crime the first time, and it continues to be a war crime every time it still happens), over 100 of their journalists have been targeted and murdered (more journalists than were killed in all of WW2, and btw this is also a war crime). And the other side films TikTok’s levelling apartment buildings, looting houses, kicking Palestinian hostages, stripping them naked and urinating on them. Israel has rained white phosphorus down on Palestine, they have bombed Palestine indiscriminately, they have destroyed archives, historical locations, they have done their best to rob Palestinians of their dignity and empathy and still, they’re not done.
Oh and the excuse that they’re just doing all of this to save the hostages? Hamas offered them all back in exchange for a ceasefire. And the Israeli prime minister, Netanyahu, said no.
In the future, try to get your news from trusted news sources like Al Jazeera, and following journalists on the ground like Bisan and Motaz.
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virgjl · 8 months
Jews for a Free Palestine ✡️️✊🇵🇸
There are videos of Hamas soldiers taking care of Israeli children, rocking them in their stroller, putting socks on their feet, holding them, giving them water.
There are videos of Hamas soldiers telling an Israeli woman "No one will touch you! No one will harm you! Let them (Israel) know this is the humanity of Palestine!" and they let and her children go.
Israeli civilians report that they've been treated with "surprising kindness" by Hamas
... There are videos of Israelis PISSING on the corpses of Palestinian civilians. While cheering.
There are videos of Israelis driving their car over mutilated corpses of Palestinian civilians. While cheering.
There are pictures of Palestinian toddlers in cage. Israel tried to claim they were Israeli children, but it was debunked, the truth came out.
Israel and Western media: Palestinians want to kill all Jews! They are beheading babies! We have no proof of it but it's happening!
I am a Jew from northern Africa with Mizrahi ancestors. Mizrahi were Palestinian Jews living in Palestine along Muslims and Christians, before Israel was created. My grandmother was welcomed in Israel, but then escaped a few years later because her husband was a Christian man, and his whole family was threatened by Israel, their homes and belongings stolen to "make space" for other European settlers.
This is the story of Palestine. This is not Muslims vs Jews, as Israel says. Israel has killed Muslims and Christians for a century, to create a fascist, theocratic ethnostate. No other people in the world was ever given the right to create such a state. Israeli's feeling of entitlement to the land and lives of Palestinians is abhorrent.
And you know what, even if Hamas had done such horrible things, I would still support a Free Palestine. Someone could come and kill me tomorrow, and I would still support a Free Palestine.
The day before the Hamas attack, 4 Palestinian civilians were gunned down by Israeli forces in the West Bank.
Since the year 2.000, over 3.000 Palestinian children were killed by Israel.
Back in 2014, in Sderot, Israeli people would gather with binoculars and popcorn to watch the bombings on Gaza.
And Sderot was built on the ashes of a Palestinian village destroyed by Israel.
Western media refuses to talk about any of it.
Jews for a Free Palestine ✡️️✊🇵🇸
✊🏽❤️🇵🇸 THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! I saw that video you are taking about and I just know western media are going to find a way to twist it😭
I appreciate your kind words and your solidarity 💕
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
Aaron Sibarium
It was October 10, three days after Hamas had murdered 1,200 Israelis and abducted hundreds more, and Jewish students at Middlebury College were trying to organize a vigil for the victims. They reached out to Middlebury’s dean of students, Derek Doucet, with a draft poster promoting the event, which they invited administrators at the elite liberal arts school to attend.
"Stand in Solidarity With the Jewish People," the poster read. "This will be an opportunity to honor the innocent lives lost in the tragic events that have struck Israel in the past days."
It didn’t go over well.
In an email to students reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, Doucet, who has oversight of student activities, pushed to rename the vigil and strip it of references to Judaism so as to make it "as inclusive as possible."
"Some suggestions that might help are stating that this gathering is to honor ‘all the innocent lives lost,’" Doucet wrote, and including a reference to the "tragedies that have struck Israel and Gaza." He added that calls for solidarity with Jews could trigger "unhelpful reactions."
"I recognize and deeply respect that there has to be a place for purely Jewish grief and sorrow," Doucet said, "and yet I wonder if … such a public gathering in such a charged moment might be more inclusive with edits such as these."
The need to include all groups—in a vigil mourning the losses of one—was selective and short-lived. Less than a month later, Doucet’s office approved a "Vigil for Palestine," hosted by the Muslim Students Association, that began with an Islamic prayer and featured remarks from the school’s vice president of equity and inclusion, Khuram Hussain, who did not attend the Jewish vigil.
"Standing in solidarity," the Muslim student group wrote in an Instagram post promoting the event. "Together, we honor Palestine."
The divergent reaction to the two events is one of the most shocking examples of discrimination outlined in a federal civil rights complaint against Middlebury, one of the top liberal arts colleges in the country. Filed last month by the StandWithUs Center for Legal Justice, a pro-Israel nonprofit that has sued other elite schools over anti-Semitism, the complaint alleges that Middlebury created a hostile environment for its Jewish students by ignoring and at times impeding their efforts to combat campus anti-Semitism.
Middlebury funds and recognizes six Christian clubs on campus, for example, along with both the Muslim Students Association and Students for Justice in Palestine. But it has refused to recognize Chabad, an orthodox campus organization with chapters across the country, on the grounds that Jewish students already have access to Hillel, the only space at Middlebury with a Kosher kitchen.
"The funding request for food replicates programming already funded and offered by Hillel for Shabbat dinners," Middlebury’s student activities office wrote in a February email rejecting Chabad’s bid for recognition. It was at least the second time since 2018 that the school has denied an application from Chabad.
"Middlebury believes it has legitimate grounds to deny a Jewish club’s recognition simply on the grounds that one Jewish group is more than enough for the campus," the complaint reads. "It appears that Chabad’s rejection was at least in part based on a disturbing reluctance by Middlebury to provide kosher food options to its Jewish students."
The school also resisted calls for a police presence at the Jewish vigil in October, citing concerns that the officers could upset students, and asked the organizers of the event not to display Israeli flags, according to meetings described in the complaint.
The Palestinian vigil appears to have faced fewer hurdles. Not only did Middlebury station a police car outside the event, according to a report in the school’s student newspaper, it offered up Middlebury Chapel, one of the largest event spaces on campus, to the Muslim group after interest in the vigil surged. The chapel was not made available for the Jewish vigil, which was held outside, even though it drew a larger crowd than the pro-Palestinian event.
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girlactionfigure · 8 months
3 questions for the global far left:
Here’s the 1st question: How many Jews need to die before you stop blaming us for everything that happens? Because on that dark Saturday 2 weeks ago, 1,400 were murdered. How many more do you need? Ten thousand? 6 million? 
2/14 Yes, I went there. I referenced the Holocaust. Tactless, I know. The Jews always do that, don’t they – bring up the Holocaust so they can claim to be the victims. It doesn’t work. Six million is just a number to you. Like 1,400. 
3/14 Maybe the number shields you. That way you don’t need to think about the people behind the number. About the grandmother who was murdered with her autistic granddaughter who loved Harry Potter. 
4/14 You won’t need to think about Abigail. She’s three. Hamas abducted her into Gaza. Who abducts a 3-year-old girl? What will they do with her? How can it be that there are people demonstrating against Abigail and in support of the people who abducted her? 
5/14 The second question is this: Do your feelings exempt you from knowing the facts? I understand that you feel the Palestinians are suffering, you really feel it, it’s a strong feeling, but do you really have no interest whatsoever in actual facts? 
6/14 Do you know, for example, that Hamas doesn’t support a two-state solution? They don’t even want to free Palestine. That’s not the kind of movement they are. Hamas isn’t a Palestinian national movement, you’re confusing them with the Palestinian Authority. 
7/14 The two organizations are bitter rivals. Hamas is a radical Islamist organization, like ISIS. Their goal is an Islamic caliphate across the Middle East without Jews, without LGBT people, without Christians, even without moderate Muslims 
8/14 And what about LGBT people? Do you really not care that the people you’re supporting hang gay people? Don’t “Queers for Palestine” care about Ahmed Abu Marakhia, a young gay Palestinian who managed to escape to Israel but was abducted by Hamas, murdered, his body mutilated? 
9/14 By my calculations, this is the point where you stop reading, because it won’t help. You feel differently, and so there must be something wrong with what you’re reading rather than what you’re feeling. 
10/14 As far as you’re concerned, my words are an annoying manipulation that’s best ignored.
I promise you’ll be able to find other facts that will better suit your feelings. There will only be one problem with them – they’ll be wrong 
11/14 The reason they’re so available on your social media feed is that Hamas and the Iranians fund a huge network of disinformation, which directs itself to the algorithms of the ultra-liberal left 
12/14 If you’re the kind of person who Googles “trans rights” or “climate protest,” you’ll soon find their propaganda appearing in your scroll. It will make you feel good, but I’d still recommend that you check why there aren’t trans people in Gaza, not even one. 
13/14 And the third question is this: Do you know that there is a simple answer to the first two questions? There is a reason that you’re protesting against us these days and, like everything else, it comes from feelings. 
14/14 Because as opposed to everything you think about yourselves, 
everything you say about being color blind, humane, champions of human rights and all the rest, you have one other personality trait – you are antisemites.
I know you think you’re not, but you are. 
• • •
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thedreadvampy · 3 months
Jewish person here. No matter if we do or do not support Israel, Israel does in fact largely tie to us as over 40% of us live there. If we do not live there we usually know someone. A friend, a loved one.
Most of us know someone who has died, been kidnapped and / or raped on October 7th. So to a degree we all do represent Israel, diaspora or not. If things go bad it is the ONLY state we can flee to.
There are several places for Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc to go. There is ONE for Jews, be they religious or ethnically Jewish. Even if we do not support the government and wish for it to change ( which BTW the Israeli government is indeed not standing for most Jews, not the country itself. Israelis have been protesting before the massacre and now during the war too. ( Standing together is an Israeli-Palestinian peace group!)
Also btw Hamas are monsters. Palestine will never be free under their regime - even in a scenario where Israel disappears. Hamas will then simply kill anyone speaking out against them, kill their queer community.
So please, your group is right. You can actually offend Jews by being antisemitic, shocker!
Ok so is "genocide is bad" a statement you agree with or not? Because the thing is, I personally think it is bad to kill tens of thousands of refugees. I think it's fairly reasonable to say that it's good when babies are alive and ungood when they are bombed, shot and starved to death for 5 months. I think it is Bad when people perform colonial apartheid and I think it is Good if they do Not That. I also don't think it's fair to say that Killing Tens Of Thousands Of Civilians and Surveilling and Bombing An Entire Population are intrinsic parts of Jewishness.
As you say, many Jews and many Israelis don't agree with the actions of the Israeli government either - are they also being antisemitic? Is there something intrinsically Jewish about colonial violence? If not, why is it antisemitic to say that colonial violence is bad?
So to close again I guess my question is Is Killing Thousands Of Civilians Good? Or is it in fact a reasonable thing to say 'we would like it if thousands of civilians were not being killed day in day out for months'?
Is there fundamentally an issue with saying that the violence did not start on October 7, when over 200 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in the 9 months before that alone? Or is that what makes it antisemitic? Pointing out that Israeli forces have consistently killed 100+ Palestinians every year this decade? Is that the antisemitic bit?
(btw weird thing here but either Israel is the Only Safe Place To Be Jewish or there's an amount of violence constantly coming from Palestinians that somehow justifies kidnap, arrest without trial, and mass murder including of infants. you can't have both, because of the definition of the word 'safe')
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decolonize-the-left · 5 months
Antisemitism and ethnic cleansing of jews within Yemen far predate 1948, just as clarification. There's lots of good info abt this online from yemenite jews themselves, who are the injured party here- also abt their treatment in modern day Yemen which goes uh, beyond a group "saying" antisemitic things, but rather systematically destroying one of the oldest jewish communities in the world. Liberation for one means liberation for all yk? theres no picking and choosing
Which is exactly why I support a sovereign and free Palestine. A Palestine with borders not chosen by the monarchy but by the people who actually inhabit and live on the land being discussed.
A sovereign state that will treat it's Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and other populations equally because they all had equal say in it's creation. A state where brown and white lives are cared for equally. A liberated Palestine which is created by the voice of each Palestinian, not just some of them.
From what I read about Yemen it says Jews and Arabs mostly lived in peace until the partition was announced. So once again things were fine until the crown started enforcing their rule over the region without any say from the people who lived there.
Like you said supporting liberation for one means liberation for all and that means giving the people the power to decide for themselves. They aren't liberated if they're taking orders from the UK or USA.
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former-leftist-jew · 5 months
I really loved your post about religious extremism and I wanted to add that a lot of the people using the "peaceful, noble Palestinian" trope (like you said, the noble savage trope) would have no problem understanding that a Christian population is bigoted against gays because they were raised in that faith and ministered to by bigots -- for instance, Russian leadership using the language of Christianity to make "same sex propaganda" illegal (I literally know someone who went to jail for kissing another woman in front of Russian police) and then holding them to account when said government is removed from power, or even refusing to forgive them even when they've changed. These are totally understandable reactions to bigotry, even societal bigotry (my grandfather remains deeply homophobic due to his Christianity and even if he one day changes, I don't know that I'll be able to forgive him for supporting conversion therapy).
But when it's a non-Western population? Suddenly those people CAN'T be bigoted and CAN'T have been fed antisemitism and hatred for their entire lives because. I don't know, it's different with them! I know so many wonderful, affirming, progressive Muslims who have done the work to reinterpret and decolonize their faith, the same as I do Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc.. But I also know that in the Middle East, many don't DO that sort of reflection -- largely because they don't have the ability to due to decades of corrupt leadership and authoritarian rule. You can be a victim of religious extremism by virtue of being raised in it, but we NEED to hold these people to the same standards as we do Westerners coming out of religious extremism.
I'm not shocked Palestinians support Hamas -- it fucking sucks in Gaza, and has for a while. That's how terrorism gets its roots, same as the Taliban, the KKK, Al-Qaeda, etc; it preaches to a suffering population and promises it everything it wants, if only you'll hate XYZ group, if only you'll give us your children, etc. If we truly want to free Palestine -- which I do, I am a supporter of Palestinian self determination and ending anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia -- then we need to understand all this and help them decolonize and de-terrorize.
(I hope any of that made sense, I just sort of rambled)
Daww, thank you! I'm glad my pot struck a chord with you. ^_^
Yeah, believe it or not, I do have a lot of sympathy for the average Palestinian Muslim/Christian. It's just... like Atticus said of Mayella Ewell in To Kill a Mockingbird, my sympathy doesn't extend so far as to condone anihilating Israel and massacring all Jews.
I do believe that everyone has a right to self-determination and self-government. Gay people have a right to marry who they love, trans people have a right to dress and live as the gender they identify as, Arab Muslims have a right to worship Allah with Muhammad as his last and final Prophet, Jews have a right to self-determine and self-govern, etc.
TBH, I think there's a cruel irony that an estimated 30-60% of Palestinian Arabs share ancient Canaanite/Hebrew ancestry with modern Jews (meaning, they're also descended from ancient Jews), but since the region was forcibly conquered and converted by Islamic Caliphs in the 600's, it's fair to assume their Jewish ancestors were colonized and/or forcibly converted. (Or at least passively pressured to convert over time, since non-Muslims in Sharia Law are made to pay a poll tax and live as second-class citizens to Muslim citizens--so who wouldn't want to switch to Islam under that literal two-tiered legal system?)
Part of me thinks, "Why would you WANT to stay with Islam when your ancestors were conquered and forcibly converted (or at least passive-aggressively pressured to convert) as sure as Vietnam is largely Catholic because of their French Catholic former colonisers? BUT AGAIN, I respect their right to self-determination and their desire for self-government. If the Palestinian Muslims with ancient Hebrew blood want to stay with Islam, live in an Islamic society, and be ruled by an Islamic government, that's their right.
With that said, part of me feels like the average Palestinian Muslims (and Christians) have been duped by their Islamofascist government to see Israeli Jews not as long-lost brothers and sisters who finally returned home after centuries in exile, but as "foreign invaders" trying to take what little scraps they have. Both in the early 20th century and early 21's century.
You know that leftist meme that goes like:
"A CEO, white kid, and black kid sit at a table. The CEO's plate is piled high with 10 cookies, white the kids' are empty. He then tosses a cookie to the white kid and says, 'That black kid wants to steal your cookie.'"?
That is LITERALLY Hamas is doing to the Palestinian Arabs and Jews!
Hamas notoriously hoards as much of Gaza's food, fuel, water, resources, and wealth as they can, throw their people just enough scraps to get by, and then tells them, "Those Jews wants to steal your land, your religion, and your liberty. Help us kill the Jew, and you'll be living in Paradise." When the state of the rest of the Middle East (which have little to no Jews left in them) shows otherwise.
And I'm so disgusted by how the Left West recognizes that manipulation tactic when it comes to rich white CEO's duping poor whites into blaming black "welfare queens" and brown "illegal immigrants" for their lack of the good life, but somehow CAN'T connect the dots when Islamofascist dictators who openly hoard all their country's resources for themselves and spread oppressive violence and misogyny to the rest of the population do the exact same thing to the average impoverished Muslim regarding "Jews" and "Western invaders."
The average Muslim? Believe it or not, I DO have some sympathy. Based on what I've seen and read from various ex-Muslims, it sounds like Arab Islamic culture doesn't really encourage critical thinking, self-examination, or widespread education as the norm. MANY ex-Muslims I've met and talked to IRL, and that I follow on social media, talk about how, when they were growing up
A lot of Palestinians are also pretty upfront about how "we don't question" what they've been taught about Islam and Jews.
But, you know what? As far as I'm concerned, it's time to START questioning. It's time to START thinking about it. It's time to START making room for non-Muslims to live beside and share equal rights and resources with Muslims.
And I'm so grossed out that the Western Left encourages the religious bigotry, intolerance, and "no dogs or Jews allowed here!" segregation because "It's their culture/religion." Well then, they need to change with the times like everyone else.
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sethshead · 7 months
"Simon Schama in the Financial Times, Oct. 13, 2023:
"Confronted with enormity: murdered infants, abducted grandmothers, slaughtered villagers, lusty chants of 'gas the Jews' at the Free Palestine demonstration in Sydney, mere words feel like weak carriers of so much horror and sorrow. Journalistic bloviation on the cause of this and the effect of that seems an indecency, at least until the bodies are gathered and returned to families. So context me no contexts, analyse me no analyses, suspend your partially informed diagnoses; leave off your strenuous efforts at even-handedness. Let us be, to grieve, rage, weep; say the mourners’ kaddish.
"Perhaps images, then, not words? Of terrified young people who in a trice went from dancing to frantic running in a futile attempt to escape the spray of bullets; of a kibbutz dog shot as it emerged from a house (that must have helped Free Palestine); a young woman with bloody marks staining her sweatpants as she is bundled away by captors; a knife lying on a sofa in the kibbutz Be’eri, where 10 per cent of the population were killed; or visual evidence of 'resistance' like the video of Mor Bayder’s murdered grandmother uploaded by her killers to Mor’s Facebook page.
"Sympathy, for the moment, abounds, for as the writer Dara Horn pointed out in the title of her unsparing book of essays, People Love Dead Jews; living ones, especially should we have the temerity to defend ourselves, not so much. There is, rightly, sympathy too for the Palestinians of Gaza who are also victims and prisoners of Hamas and do not deserve to be punished for the wickedness perpetrated by their fanatical tyrants, nor for the delusion that the deaths of Jewish families will make Israel disappear.
"We do not disappear. But we do suffer. The great Columbia University historian Salo Wittmayer Baron spent his career inveighing against the fatalism of what he called 'the lachrymose conception' of Jewish history. I myself have made an effort to go with the positive: to celebrate the poetry, music, religious and secular literature of the diaspora; to think about Jewish history with the human smoke of Auschwitz blown away by time and education.
"But this now seems an idle hope. From reports all over the world in the days following the massacres last weekend, it is obvious that the spectacle of dead Jews can still excite, rather than restrain, antisemitism.
"Apparently it still needs saying that Zionism is not the cause, but the consequence, of perennial, dehumanising, antisemitism. The massacre of Jews not only long predates Zionism but is a constant fact of diaspora existence. Jews were attacked and exterminated in both the Muslim and Christian medieval worlds: six thousand butchered in Fez in 1033; thousands more in Almoravid Granada in 1066; the entire community of York in 1190. A friend of mine, currently in Spain, tells me almost all of the rarefied intellectuals she has encountered have been adamant that the victims were to blame, which, given the murder of thousands of Jews in 1391, is a bit rich.
"Nor was this persecution really about religion. Survivors who converted were, for all their professions of Christian faith, still tortured and burnt alive by an Inquisition suspicious that their blood was too impure for salvation. So Jews have been murdered for being too separate and murdered for being not separate enough. They were killed in vast numbers by Cossacks in 1648; by Russian pogroms in the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1899 an anti-Dreyfusard journal asked its readers what they would like to do with Jews. The responses were enthusiastic and ingenious: use them as targets for new artillery, turn them into dog food and, needless to say, gas them.
"In the face of lethal peril, help has been conditional. Children were rescued by the Kindertransport on condition of being separated from their parents, many of whom they would never see again. A conference on 'refugees' was held in Bermuda in 1943, when the Final Solution was known, basically on condition the word 'Jew' was never mentioned. It was this lose/lose situation that moved Theodor Herzl, the father of modern Zionism, prophetic about a coming annihilation, to insist that in the end Jews must count only on themselves for their protection.
"That core Zionist article of faith collapsed last Saturday, not least because of the Netanyahu government’s obstinate refusal to listen to Israel’s security chiefs, who warned him that the safety of the country was being imperilled by policies that were dangerously divisive. Whatever the immediate unity of the country, his days as prime minister are numbered and his legacy will forever be this catastrophe. But that inevitable departure will not staunch the tears, bring back the dead or heal the trauma. And should there be a ground invasion, innocent Palestinian and Jewish lives will pay a terrible price, not that Hamas cares about either.
"But Israel will survive, revive. If only because, even in this dreadful extremity, one text from Deuteronomy, 30. 19 lies at the indefatigably beating heart of Jewish history:
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, a blessing and a curse: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."
h/t Shoshana Hantman
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nightwingsnightblog · 7 months
It’s okay to change your identity over time! I am queer, I know what it’s like to try and find a label that fits you. Current day Palestinians used to consider themselves as Syrian or Jordanian, or just as Palestinian Arabs. And there were Palestinian Jews, and Palestinian Christians, and Palestinian Druze, and so on! If you lived in that region known at that time as Palestine, you were Palestinian.  All people have the right to self-determination and a safe and comfortable life. It’s okay that the Palestinians call themselves Palestinians, even though it is the colonized name of Israel. Even Jews used that name. But now the Jewish Palestinians and diaspora have reclaimed their land and chosen to identify it and themselves as Israel. It was after this point, in around 1964-1968 that the current day Palestinians chose to become the Palestinian People as a nation. Unfortunately, this was done in some part to undermine the Jewish right to Israel and self-determination, fanning the flames on an impossible conflict. Some Jews even forfeit their right to self determination out of love and respect for the Palestinian people. It does not mean that Jews do not have the right to self-determination, and it does not mean that Jews are not indigenous to Israel. It is a testament to the depth of humanity that we can all possess.
Did you know that I am sick of having to speak like this? That you afford me no humanity, but I have to get onto my damn knees to placate you? Of course I believe in the humanity of every single person on this planet, of course I believe we all deserve, by merit of existing, to have our basic human rights met, and to go well beyond them as well. The fact that the majority of the left cannot hold two truths in their mind at once is sorely disappointing. Imagine what the world could be if you stopped yelling and started caring. I have been doing a lot of learning recently, about Israel, and Palestine, and the history, and the claims. I keep coming back to the same conclusion that I have come to for years. We both have a right to Israel, to live there and be free there. But how can we live there and be free there when organizations like Hamas and the general antisemitism of the Arab and Muslim world governments leaves Jews vulnerable to violence and dispossession time and time again. We have been facing war, genocide, and expulsion from before ‘Palestine’ was even a name. Show some compassion, show some grace.
Find me a solution that isn’t a globalized intifada or driving the Jews into the sea. Show me a Palestine where there is safety and equality and human rights. Show me true indigenous solidarity. Israel is not perfect. But it is a hell of a lot closer than many Arab countries. Maybe if you shared support instead of hatred, we could move forward to a better version of a mixed country like Israel already is, even thought the majority are Jews. This doesn’t seem to bother you when it is majority Muslim or Arab countries that Jews were ethnically cleansed from by colonizing Muslim/Arabs. For some reason, it is the one place in the whole world that having a majority anything demographic is a problem, even though Jews are a worldwide minority everywhere but in the indigenous Jewish land. Or, we could have a two-state solution, like all the ones that never happened because of the hatred, and violence, and wars of the Arab world. Stop clutching your western pearls and open your eyes. It’s okay to change your identity, or your mind, over time.
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zucchinimalfoy · 8 months
I don’t know if this will reach anyone, and quite frankly, I don’t give a fuck. I have shit I need to say and shit that people need to hear.
First and foremost, Free Palestine. It has always been Free Palestine, and will always be Free Palestine.
My earliest memory of the occupation of Palestine was when I was seven. At the age of seven, I had the emotional maturity, the human decency to look at what was happening and come to the conclusion that the Palestinians were innocent. They were being forced out of their homes by the settle colony isr*el, and that they needed to be freed.
If I, at the mere age of seven, can come to that conclusion, then what the fuck are the world leaders in GOVERNMENT doing? I’m a Muslim, Alhamdulillah, and as a Muslim, I have utter belief in the fact that Palestine will indeed be free one day, by the will of Allah S.W.T. I have no doubt about it, but as a human, I am begging for a ceasefire on the attacks in Gaza, on innocent civilians. isr*el has cut off water, food, electricity and fuel. They had previously prevented aid from entering from Egypt, only just allowing twenty trucks of aid in to Gaza, which we all know does nothing to help the 2.2 million people there.
For 75 years, Palestine has been illegally occupied, Palestinians have been slaughtered and forced out of their homes. Everyday, they live in constant fear. Not just in Gaza, but also in the West Bank (which Hamas has no presence there, if you were wondering). Everyday of their lives, they’ve been beaten, hit, killed. And on October 7th, they decided to fight back.
And before you come for me, I do not condone the murder of innocents, like children. But, I cannot also say that all those isr*elis are innocent. Just them calling themselves isr*elis makes them somewhat accountable as they are saying they accept the apartheid, the genocide and ethnic cleansing. isr*el is not a state. It is a settler colony, and in my eyes, I will never ever recognise them as anything else.
Also, not to mention that in 2019 69% of men and 56% of women were serving in the army (I couldn’t find more recent statistics than that, I’m afraid.) But, at the same time, a life lost is a life lost. It’s heartbreaking, and my prayers are with all those who have lost family.
But, let’s move onto Gaza.
2.2 million people. 25 miles long and 5 miles wide. Over 1.1 million are children. The death toll is now over 5000. Over 1700 of them are CHILDREN. Over 51% of people in Gaza are now homeless, due to their homes being bombed and having no safe place to go. If you look up the amount of people who are homeless in the UK and the US, add those two figures together, and you’ll see that it still doesn’t come close to the amount of displaced people in Gaza. Two of the most powerful countries in the world, the US being one of the largest, and Gaza being literally 25 miles long.
Put that into perspective.
I’m fucking sick to death. Sick to death of bitch-ass celebrities like the Kardashians and the Jenners and Jamie Lee-Curtis and so many more who post their support for isr*el, without having a single fucking clue about the historical context of this genocide.
Palestine was always, and has forever been Palestine. The brits ‘gave’ Palestine to the jews after the atrocities of WWII, and Palestinians welcomed them.
Then the Nakba happened in 1948.
This is a crime against humanity, a massacre of Palestinians, a slaughter of children. This is another Holocaust.
And, if you support Palestine, that does not make you antisemitic. It makes you human. Orthodox Jews from all over the world have showcased their support for the Palestinians- they do not claim Israel, do not believe it to be their land, and have and always will recognise it as Palestine.
This is not a war. This is not a conflict. This is ethnic cleansing. It isn‘t limited to religion, as there are Muslims, Christians and Jews in Palestine.
You don’t have to be Muslim to support Palestine, you just have to be human.
I’m sorry if this is all over the place. There’s so much I want to say, and it’s difficult to articulate when I’m this angry. I’m just going to say one last thing.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. 🇵🇸
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feral-ballad · 8 months
as a pro-palestine jew trying to justify myself to my family, I really appreciate the sources your blog is providing!! that being said, and this is a genuine question, hamas’s charter directly called for the annihilation of all jews. “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them.” how can you support hamas when they’ve said something like that? just as israel is not synonymous with jews, hamas is not synonymous with palestinians and it’s possible to support palestinian liberation without supporting an actively antisemitic organization. if you’re jewish and have somehow made peace with that statement then I can’t understand but I can respect it, but it doesn’t seem that you are, and there’s no way in my mind that I can as a jewish person get behind something so plainly calling for the genocide of jewish people. again this isn’t me trying to have a gotcha moment or whatever, I really want to understand
the lack of condemnation ≠ support of hamas. “hamas is not synonymous with palestinians,” you are correct. however, if hamas does not exist, palestine will be wiped out. condemnation of hamas serve to justify support for israel wiping them out. which means ethnic cleansing and a continuation of genocide. hamas is a resistance group operating in opposition of the oppressive israeli government. “it’s possible to support palestinian liberation without supporting an actively antisemitic organization,” no it’s not possible. do you hear yourself? who is going to liberate these people? the sky? our prayers? demanding the liberator (hamas) to be “perfect” while there’s a fascist oppressor is celebrated is fucking insane. this is not about islam vs. judaism. this is not about religion. before 1948, there was no such thing as “israel,” it was palestine, with muslim, christian and jewish arabs (and other religions). you claim to be pro-palestine, but you don’t like it when palestinians are defending themselves against their oppressor? the palestinians have EVERY right to defend themselves (despite whatever hamas stands for) in any way possible! you’re just simply falling for israeli propaganda. no one fucking mentions the countless crimes of the IDF that they have been committing for years because they can just be waved away with “but hamas!” lmao okay. you can’t say “free palestine” then condemn a liberation movement in the same sentence. not to mention, equating the resistance of hamas to israeli violence as if their magnitudes are even remotely similar.
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjqnFKcK/ (her videos are very informative btw)
so why don’t we stop talking about hamas and talk about israel instead? do you condemn israel for the 75 years of occupation and genocide? why don’t we talk about that instead, huh?
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helladirections · 2 months
What do u think of the phrase “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free”? Apparently it’s antisemitic and I wanted ur opinion
Short answer: Yes, mostly.
Long answer: below the cut. I need to preface with a few things:
My statement on the war is the same as it has always been. Dying is bad, I am concerned about people living in imminent danger (including people I know and people I don't). Also, I have always been for a two state solution, human rights, self determination, etc. for everybody.
There's a narrative about how it's not necessarily the responsibility of a person to explain what is / isn't offensive to their culture / identity, which is valid. But most of my Jewish community is very into educating others, and I'd rather you come to me than not at all.
There's an old saying, "2 Jews, 3 opinions." So don't take what I have to say as the end all be all. Also, while I've spent a lot of time intentionally educating myself on this issue (especially beyond what they just teach us growing up), I have never claimed to be an expert.
Resources you might be interested in at the bottom.
Like most things in Judaism and surrounding modern day Israel, this answer can be a bit complicated when going into the full context. So please bear with me. And remember that one of our main texts (Talmud) is a tiny section of Torah surrounded by a giant page of two ancient rabbis literally arguing with each other. Please don't be mad that the answer isn't super easy.
First, a bit of history.
Claims to the land: Both Jews and Palestinians have ancestral claims to the piece of land that we call modern Israel. There's really not a way to argue around that, nor should anyone. In ancient times, Jews / Israelites / Hebrews were not the only people to be living there. Sometimes they lived in peace with others, sometimes they were at war. (As was typical for the time period). Up until about the time of the 1948 UN resolution, there wasn't really a concept of "Palestinians" as a specifically Arab people. Palestine was just one of the names used for the land, in addition to Israel, Zion, and others.
Theology: Jews have religious texts claiming that Israel is our homeland given by Gd. Much (but not all) of the religious context actually comes directly from the story of Passover, a holiday which is starting on Monday night. Jews were slaves in Egypt, Pharoah was bad, 10 plagues, parting of the Red Sea, 40 years in the desert, Israel. Etc. Do I think that this should actually matter in a modern day political / civil conflict? No. But I think it's worth mentioning for context because some people think it is relevant.
Religious Spaces: Jews, Christians, and Muslims all have highly important landmarks around what is now Israel.
Jews in the land: Although the Jews were as a whole kicked out of Israel in the post Temple period (after the second Temple was destroyed, leaving only the Western Wall that we have now), a portion of Jews remained in the area. Additionally, there has been a pretty through line of belief that Jews would some day be back in that land. (Also Passover: at the end of the service we say "next year in Jerusalem!") Zionism - the belief that there should be a modern state of Israel, has always existed in some form, although sometimes not using that name.
Modern Political Agreements: There were some phases of individual Jewish communities going into the land and building what is now Tel Aviv, parts of Jerusalem, etc. Then there was the British Mandate. I forget the timeline, but there were multiple international offers to give Jews a piece of land was smaller than what Israel is now, or didn't even include Jewish holy sites, and from my knowledge, most of the Jewish leaders at those times were ready to accept anything they were offered.
Then after the Holocaust, there were millions of displaced Jews with nowhere to go. One of the primary reasons why the UN established the modern state of Israel was to address that problem - No one wanted to let them in, they didn't want to go anywhere random, and a general sense that there had to be a place that Jews could go to a be safe if something like the Holocaust were to happen again. That UN resolution was in 1948. There has been on and off war in the region since well before 1948, but the day after that resolution, all hell broke loose.
Gaza & Hamas: A lot of progress has been made since 1948. Israel has peace treaties with many Arab countries, Egypt being a prime example. Most relevant to this question and this moment in time is that in 2005, Israel left Gaza. The Israeli government displaced tons of Jewish & non Jewish Israelis to give that land to Palestinians. After leaving, Gaza was left to govern itself. The government that was chosen was Hamas. Hamas is not really a government and does not look after its people, its goal is not to govern, but to destroy Israel. And not only to destroy Israel because it is the political entity, but because it is the Jewish state specifically.
Now, the actual phrase
Meaning of From The River to The Sea: This phrase directly references from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. It calls to completely eliminate the existence of the modern, democratic, Jewish state of Israel, and replace it with a modern, most likely undemocratic and led by Hamas, state of Palestine.
Also: This catchy chant was created and continues to be pushed by people who are antisemitic and want to destroy not only modern Israel, but see all Jews as inherently evil.
However: It's a catchy chant. People want peace, human rights, and self determination, just as I said above. If all the people around you are claiming to want those same things, and this is the catchy chant that has become part of the brand, it makes sense to join in on it.
Plus: From the the river to the sea, no one should be oppressed, deprived of human rights, or living in imminent danger. Dying is bad.
So what does that all mean?
One of the major reasons why modern Israel exists is for the protection of the Jewish people. One of the (many) major reasons why Palestinians do not have a modern state is because Hamas and other Palestinian leadership have refused to negotiate with Israel and have only ever called for its complete and total destruction. Hamas has always called for destruction through violent means not just because Israel is currently there, but because Israel is Jewish.
So my "final answer": The chant was created by, is in line with, and supports movements which not only seek to eliminate the modern state of Israel, but do so through violent and destructive means specifically because it is Jewish. Therefore, in my opinion and that of most of the Jewish community, From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free is an antisemitic slogan.
Furthermore, regardless of if the slogan is defined formally as antisemitic or not, it often accompanies people and actions which make Jews, including myself, feel unsafe.
That being said, there have always been Jewish voices calling for the elimination of Israel. After all, 2 Jews, 3 Opinions. And, many, if not most, people who repeat that phrase don't know the full history and don't intend to be antisemitic - the Pro Palestinian movement has done a wonderful job at branding around human rights.
Some more of my opinions, just for the record if I still managed to have your attention.
Just because you disagree with a government or the way a country was formed, does not mean the country does not have a right to exist. I disagree with the American government almost all the time, and the founding of this country relied on abusing BIPOC. But America is here, and so we deal with it and try to make the best of it.
I hate Netanyahu. I always have. My grandpa, who used to like him, now hates him as much as I do. We talked last night about how he is making it so difficult to be Jewish around the world right now.
My definition of the word Zionism: The belief that modern Israel has a right to exist as a democratic Jewish state.
My perfect version of that land: People stop killing each other, everyone has the right to self governance, universal human rights, everyone has safe access to their own holy sites. I think the most likely way to get there is through some sort of two state solution. I do not know what the lines look like.
Israel policy and politics used to be a hobby for me, something I cared about and found interesting. It was also an entry point into my political career. Then it was my job. Now it's not fun and I do try to avoid it because I get too emotional and I can't really do anything about it anyway. I said Netanyahu is making it hard to be Jewish anywhere in the world, because diaspora Jews are constantly being blamed for the actions of an independent country. It gets hard.
I have generally avoided talking about October 7th, and the ongoing war. That is because there are images from that day that I cannot unsee. My intrusive thoughts are those images. It's not healthy for me to be plagued by that constantly.
You may have read me write about this before, but I know a lot of people in Israel right now. My best friend and her son - my nephew, live just west of Jerusalem in a small Orthodox community, which means it sometimes takes days for me to get responses from her after a big event, especially if it overlaps with Shabbat or another holiday. I check in with her just a couple of days ago though, and she said she's doing well and she feels safe.
Resources you might be interested in:
ADL on From The River to The Sea AJC on From The River to The Sea AP on From The River to The Sea
History.com overview of Israel history MyJewishLearning overview of Israel history US State Department on the creation of Israel in 1948 Brittanica on history & conflict in Israel
Anyway, I hope this answers your question, I'm sorry it was so long, and I'm aware that I'm about to get some hateful comments. If you are going to send me a hateful anon, just know that I'm going to block you, then check my blocked list, and know who you are. I'm not going to sacrifice my mental health and stability over people who don't understand the full context of what they are talking about and choose to just attack with hate.
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regulusrules · 30 days
Hey 😅 idk if ur an expert but since you mentioned studying orientalism & stereotypical depictions of foreign places in western media, do you have any specific resources or advice for creatives who want to break the cycle of harm? Obvs "do research" but I guess asking you is part of that, ahaha
Heya love. This is INDEED breaking the cycle and doing research, so thank you for popping up here to ask!
For resources on what to read/watch in order to break free from the eurocentric grip, I wrote a long ass post here dividing references to videos, documentaries, books, and literary works. If you're done with these and looking for more, definitely DM at any time! I would be more than happy to provide additional references, since it's been my field of study for so long :D
As for advice, well, I'll tell you this:
Literally the common problem that I always find between western and eastern discourse is being misunderstood. The language barrier causes shit, believe me, especially in the historical context of how this whole east/west thing had happened. Orientalism stems from the fact that the west propagated an image of the east without actually seeing where they come from or what they're trying to say. The east is misunderstood because the interpretations of the west of them is what stuck instead of their actual thoughts and beliefs.
So, if you have a Muslim-Arab friend, don't be afraid to ask them why they pray five times or why women choose to wear hijab. If you have a Christian-Arab friend, don't be too quick to dismiss the fact that they exist (typical western stereotype that Christianity is ours only) ((even though Jesus was from Bethlehem, Palestine lool)). If you have a Jew-Arab friend, ask them what they think about the situation in Palestine, and you will be shocked by how genuinely supportive they are of Palestinians. And if you have any Arab friend who identifies with any other religion/doesn't at all, p l e a s e be willing to ask and listen.
Every person in this world is so unique. And trust me, you won't find two middle eastern countries similar, let alone the typical propagated western message that "all Arabs are the same." I kid you not, cities from cities there also differ, just like in states if one day you go to texas and the other day drop at hawaii. The beautiful uniqueness of eastern cultures has to be experienced first-hand to be conveyed.
So whenever you're looking for an answer, ask. Ask and never be afraid of not being answered, because people actually want to be heard. I've learnt sooo much more from engaging with people than from my theoretical studies, so if you have the opportunity, go book a plane to the pyramids you've always wanted to see and actually experience the wonder of communicating with the people there and learning their cultures. These countries are safe, safer than I have personally ever felt in Europe, because they are so people-oriented and warm. Videos won't tell you that. You gotta see it for yourself, love, and you gotta talk about your experience and convey their actual beliefs to those around you in a similar position.
Ask, and you will always be answered. And in the process, you will have the time of your life. Believe me.
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Y’all know when I say Jewish people should go back to Europe I’m not talking about Jewish Arabs, seriously knock it off. I’m not even fully serous about the European Jewish people, I’m not sure it’s feasible to relocate them all to Europe. But if you come at me with something as ridiculous as a “both sides are committing violence” argument, when one side is trying to free its self from apartheid and genocide that the other side is committing, then I’m allowed to respond with statements like just send everyone back to Europe.
I AM Jewish. Both sides of my family had people that died in and survived the Holocaust. None of it is a valid excuse for stealing the homes of Palestinians. I have family and friends who live in Israel. I have cousins actively colonizing the West Bank as we speak, and no, the violence they are committing against the Palestinians they’re colonizing is not the equivalent to the violence Palestinians engage in trying to free themselves.
I am not saying all people in Israel deserve to die. I am aware a large portion of the Israeli population was born there. There are Israelis actively protesting what Israel is doing right now. I, ofc, don’t generally support targeting civilians with violence. But I refuse to condemn people experiencing apartheid and genocide for rising up violently and I do not respect you if you try to pretend the violence on both sides is equal.
With that said, I don’t support blaming Jewish people for what is happening. I see a lot of posts along the lines of “they need to stop this””what is wrong with them” etc referring to Jewish people and this is not okay. There’s around 2 billion Christians in the world, 1 billion Muslims, and only 16 million Jewish people. There are more Zionist Christians in the US than there are Jews in the world. The idea that the Jewish people are singularly responsible for what is happening in Palestine is just incorrect. This was never a Jewish vs Muslim or Jewish vs Arab fight. This is a white colonizer vs brown indigenous people fight. White Europeans and Americans colonizing her again.
Also, I know it’s hard to understand how people can look at these horrific images and still be Zionist. But keep in mind most of this horrific imagery aren’t making national news. Instead, people watching main stream news are getting bullshit stores like Palestinians are beheading Israeli babies. Not everyone spends lots of time on the computer and knows where to look for valid sources. Israel/US/UK propaganda also preys directly on Jewish intergenerational trauma. Don’t give up on people. I believe many people can be converted to the Palestinian cause if they are deprogrammed from western propaganda. If you are not Palestinian, your duty right now is to be trying to convert people to the cause, no matter how frustrating/angering/upsetting it is to deal with people not getting it. And to be protesting, boycotting, posting, etc as loudly as possible. There’s a big day of action in Washington DC this weekend, orgs traveling from all over to protest at the capital, go If you can!
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papirouge · 8 months
I can’t stop crying, I’ve lost more friends in Gaza… yet so many Christian evangelicals have yet to even mention that Christians in Gaza exist. Or if they do, it’s criticism and blaming Gaza for the genocide that’s happening. It’s as if they fully believe it’s a Jew/Muslim conflict when it’s not. It’s an idf-Hamas conflict.
I lost contact with one of my friends and haven’t been able to get any info. The terror keeps coming. And there was no where to go, it hurts. And I’m so angry at that Christians in the west just ignoring it all
.......... I'm really sorry anon...
I've never felt that powerless in my life, and my heart aches for all those people being murdered before our eyes, and the Christian community either condoning such heinous act or turning the head around... They will have to take accountability for their cowardice....
The body of Christ is ONE. If someone cuts your leg or hand, you will definitely feel it and your whole body is going to react to it. But Western Christians? They look away like the cowards that they are. Mind you, they are the same ones that are so suuuuure to resist the antichrist when he will come. Meanwhile, they are unable to voice the slightest support to our Christian brothers in Palestine out of fear... What kind of clownery is that? At least, I don't mind people refusing to cover any sort of world news bc they are consistent in their lane, but I'm thinking about all those Christians who have aaaaaalways so many things to say abt the latest stupid stunt in the news, the wokes, feminists, liberals... Suddenly they are VERY quiet. That's a choice. They are disgusting.
Even the anti Muslim/let's protect Christianism from Islam uwu Christian YouTuber squad are pulling out video exPoSinG Hamas while not saying a single word abt the Christian casualties (David Wood, Apostate Prophet, etc.) They are full of it, and I will never ever again take them seriously in their defense of Christianity in middle east when those ghouls don't even have a word to say about our Palestinian Christian brothers dying under Israeli strikes and PLEADING for our attention and prayers... They only care about Christians dying because of ISLAM, when they die for any other reason, they will defiect. Like, yeah, Hamas sucks - we been knew. What's the point of making 1 video a day about them? In what way does it remotely dismiss the atrocity of whatever's happening in Gaza???
It's so sick to see pro Israel constantly move the goalpost to paint themselves as the only victims, and worse, downplaying what's happening in Gaza.
They will deflect on antisemitism in pro Palestine protests (while acting like the very same didn't happen in pro Israel protests with the most rabid islamophobic genocidal crap), semantics about what Zionism is and whether it's antisemitism (meanwhile palestinians are literally DYING), that they don't care about Gaza as long as the hostage aren't fred (when if they actually really cared abt the hostages they wouldn't encourage Israel to bomb Gaza bc the actual hostages risk dying out there along the Hamas...🤦🏾‍♀️), or shouting "free Gaza from Hamas !!" as if any of that justified bombing civilians... oh and let's not forget the feminist/liberal edge of Israel defense with the "Palestianian are sexist/homophobic so there's no point defending them" stupid narrative....
I think the reason pro Israel are so bad in their rhetoric is that for years they've been used to leverage their Jewishness to get empathy and immunity against accountability.
But it's over now. We have social medias and we can witnessing in real time the horror of Tsahal actions. How they aren't any morally better than Hamas. We've seen the Israeli mocking Palestianians nit having water or food...
"you were quiet when the Hamas assassinated Israelis" we were quiet because this operation went so fast and that Israel quickly retaliated. There was no way to stop the Hamas bc NO ONE knew it was coming, so what did they expect us to do?? Just bc we don't say anything doesn't mean we approve. Do you see people condemn suicide/terrorist attacks whenever they happen?? IMO there wouldn't be such an outrage is Israel left it at that and didn't go overboard with launching a whole war against Gaza. The reason the world is siding with Palestinian is because we are witnessing the ongoing massacre of population with the actual (political and/or economical) backup of our respective countries for DAYS now. Unlike the Hamas attack, there are ways to stop it. The Hamas didn't cut the water & food supply of Israelis. Palestinians aren't clowning on social medias the Jewish civilians who were killed by the Hamas. That's why the world is shocked and is siding with Palestine and is slowly but surely getting fed up with the cognitive dissonance of Israelis crying oppression while acting like soulless ghouls. Crying antisemitism isn't fooling anyone anymore.
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