#i stand with palestine
mahmoud0qassas · 2 days
There is a great possibility that a temporary truce agreement will be reached, and the terms of the truce are agreed upon: the army’s temporary withdrawal from all areas, and the return of the Rafah crossing to remove people who want to travel.
I ask every person with a conscience and a pure heart to feel for us, because my family is large, and to donate to us generously, because there is no agreement on a specific period for the truce, and it is possible for them to return to all areas and continue the bombing and killing of innocents and defenseless children.
I have a huge burden on my shoulders, and the war made me go through the most difficult suffering, because my brother has special needs, and my wife’s mother lost her sight as a result of a stroke, and my daughter dreams of living in safety like the children of the world.
I hope you will support us, and I hope you will donate generously, and share it extensively so that it reaches the largest number and get everyone to donate to us, because I am unable to escape with everyone if something bad happens to us.
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amalisam · 1 day
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On the left, my sister Tala, 14 years old, full of joy while enjoying a large pizza at a fancy restaurant before the war on Gaza. On the right, Tala, fleeing with her family to a Palestinian stranger's old farm in Rafah, struggling to bake dry bread unfit for consumption. The war has stolen her childhood, replacing happiness with hardship. This stark contrast is a heartbreaking reminder of all we've lost. What will happen now to Tala's future? And to the futures of all Palestinian children? Support Tala's Future: Donate Today
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troythecatfish · 3 days
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i-am-aprl · 1 day
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good-old-gossip · 2 days
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As the world marks the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression, minors continue to suffer under Israel's bombing campaign and complete siege of the enclave, where a 'man-made famine' is worsening and access to food and water is ever more scarce.
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tabarkraed · 2 days
What is a tent?
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It is to burn while sitting inside, to struggle for breath and suffocate due to the lack of air and cooling. It is like a greenhouse during the daytime. A tent means living on the ground with only fabric separating you from everything around you, coexisting with all the insects of the earth since you are now their guest.
Traditional tasks become extremely complicated, such as taking a nap or bathing, walking comfortably, sitting in peace, feeling safe, settling alone in a place, not getting tired or sore from sleeping on the ground—all of this is non-existent!
A tent means a lack of privacy. Whisper inside your tent, and your words will spread among the other tents. If you listen closely, you will hear their whispers, their suppressed anger, and the crying of children that their mothers don't even try to hush.
Illnesses become entirely commonplace. Your children play with whatever they find on the ground, having lost all their toys. Someone might look into your tent and enter to ask for something because there is no door to knock on. You adapt to primitive bathrooms and forget the luxury of cleanliness you were used to. The smell of smoke from the fire becomes the scent of your skin, even if you manage to bathe. Everyone around you knows the colors and sizes of your clothes since the clothesline is shared.
This is the tent in a nutshell for those who do not know it. So, pray for my friend’s @bilalhammadsblog to have strength, endurance, patience, and solace.
@gazanarchive @halalchampagnesocialist @weloveperioddrama @gazafunds @freewatermelon0 @palestinian-fundraising
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imforeverjustyours · 3 days
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violottie · 1 day
the usa (or the united states of "israel") is the same terrorist, imperialist, colonial tyrrant state it has always been.
from Rosy Pirani, 05/May/2024:
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sujoododeh · 2 days
No fuel, no water, no medicine, no aid entering since weeks, and then Israel chasing us with military operations in the “safe area”.
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horrorhorizon · 1 day
I am Iyad from northern Gaza. I am an elderly man with a family, and we are displaced to the south. We need your help to provide basic necessities for my family, such as food and water, and to secure a safe place for them. I hope you can share my story so it reaches many people and share my campaign. Here is the donation link:
Yes of course! This is a vetted foundraiser please don't hesitate to share and donate
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awetistic-things · 23 hours
“For five seconds, watch this video if you care about us in Gaza and if you can, watch it till the end. I know you want to help us. So please, press every button you see on screen—share our story and support if you can. You are our only hope. We depend on you. Be our voice to the world. Humanity will win. I am waiting for you, thank you.” ❤️
❤️💚 Help Yazan fund his family’s evacuation out of Gaza, and follow him on instagram to stay updated on him and his family’s wellbeing—as well as current situations in Gaza 🇵🇸
Share and Donate to his Gofundme here 👆
Currency Convertor for Donations here 👇
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its-zaina · 3 days
חיזבאללה שורף את קרית שמונה 🔻.
كريات شمونة وجارتها من المستوطنات يحترقِن بصورايخ حزب اللّٰه- جنوبيّ لبنان🚀🔥.
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amalisam · 1 day
How am I supposed to continue living my life like a regular person after witnessing a father carrying his burned d***pitated child?
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troythecatfish · 3 days
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Israeli embassy in Romania firebombed
Romanian officers arrested a 34-year-old man, believed to be of Syrian origin, who is accused of throwing a firebomb towards the Israeli embassy earlier today.
Source: Mintpress
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i-am-aprl · 2 days
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His name was Ahmed Al-Najjar. He was a year and a half old. He never even had a chance to grow old. Keep repeating his name even when Palestine is free so this never happens to another human ever again.
Photo: @malihaihenacho
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good-old-gossip · 2 days
Horrors and Trauma of Gaza!!!!
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